When I unpacked after my vacation, I realized that I have 4 half-used travel size toothpaste tubes. I always buy a new one for my vacation. It feels wasteful, but I don’t want to run out on my trip. And I can’t really judge how much is left. So I think I ‘m going to just use them not on vacation.
Anyway, most Republicans hate you and want you to die for want of healthcare.
Ya know who hasn’t had to worry about oral hygiene since, oh, about 2008?
This guy:
Yes, Carl. It’s Republicans who hate you.
Carl, here is a little trick that even a conservative can’t appreciate. Try using half as much tooth paste than you typically apply to your tooth brush. Chances are that you are applying too much, or more than you need. This will help cut down on the cost as well as the waste of the packaging and cost to get that toothpaste to the store for you to buy it.
I do the same with several of my hygiene products in addition to cutting my own hair. I noticed that I would use way too much shampoo and soap.
Also I noticed I didn’t need under arm deodorant every day, so I apply that every other day during the week and skip the weekends unless I have a special date.
This same approach can be taken with other household goods. I no longer buy garbage bags. I use the plentiful of plastic grocery store bags for my garbage bags. And I use a smaller plastic bag, distributed by my gym so that one can put their sweaty stuff in, for my small bathroom garbage can.
And if all that doesn’t help solve your problems, then just stop taking vacations.
Because Obama commuted or pardoned people, it is THE EXACT SAME THING as pardoning a racist who was given a court order and said, “Fuck it! I’m above the law. I AM THE LAW!”
@3 it’s every Conservatives prerogative to be a hypocrite and a dumbfuck or a dumbfuck Doctor as well.
Did y’all see the photo of the old folks in the old folks home wading around in water that was hip high? It’s not any different than what I pictured to be a TexASS style Jacuzzi – everything is bigger in TexASS, even the Jacuzzi.
BTW, I’ve been thinking this for a while but now some in the regular media are catching on. Trump is the inevitable product of right wing media.
Trump had no intention of governing. From Bannon and Gorka in the White House to overturning Trans Servicemen to selling advanced weaponry to suburban police to pardoning a racist Sheriff to selling water bottles in national parks… The actual motive for any Trump appointment and pronouncement is, “What will please Rush Limbaugh and anger liberals the most?”
None of it has anything to do with anything than a tiny-dick method of trying to make your “enemies” angry at you.
The problem for the GOP is that the segment of the party that agrees with this method of thinking is the 2-3% of Americans who consume Right Wing media on a daily basis. So the backlash is inevitable and you can see it already. There are Republicans who like nature and recycle and use Nalgene bottles. There are republicans who know Sheriff Joe is a waste of skin. There are lots of republicans who know that NAZIS and NOT NAZIS are sides and there isn’t a single doubt which one should be on. These are the GOP voters who will now openly tell you, “Of shit! We really didn’t think he was going to be as bad as you said but you are absolutely right. This guy is a know nothing asshole!”
Under 34% approval from Gallup. (but Newt says that’s a lie).
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Jamil Smith ✔ @JamilSmith
Houston welcomed about 250,000 Katrina evacuees from New Orleans. About 100,000 stayed for good. Imagine how those folks feel right now.
Right now they feel that maybe it’s time to put a Republican in the mayor’s office.
‘Cause there’s somebody in the GOP/Nazi Party who has a really keen plan for relocating 6 million people:
Just like the wall, it’ll pay for itself too:
@ 6
At the time of the 2016 presidential election, Obama was riding 57% approval according to Gallup.
Yet during Obama’s tenure the Democrats suffered devastating losses at all levels below that of the presidency. Oh, and Dems lost the White House.
Here’s the thing: It matters not much at all if Californians and New Yorkers can’t stand Trump. What matters is what the blue-collar white voters in swing states who either call or used to call themselves Democrats think about their lives and what they want for themselves and their families.
Josh Kraushaar ✔ @HotlineJosh
Stunning # from the D poll: In swing blue-collar districts, Rs w 35 (!) pt edge over Ds on economy w non-col whites https://www.nationaljournal.com/s/656041?unlock=4ZTEB1F699EPTRA0 …
5:39 AM – Jul 30, 2017
Turns out what they want isn’t gender-neutral pronouns and shrouded Confederate statues. That’s unlikely to change no matter how many CNN and MSNBC pieces that suggest otherwise are run. It’s also unlikely to change no matter how many guys take a knee at the same time viewers are taking a whiz before kickoff.
If Trump’s numbers come January 2019 are in the twenties and yet there are 55 GOP senators and the House is still led by Paul Ryan that month, is that a good thing or a bad thing for Democrats? (Hint: How old will RBG be that month?)
Good luck with all of that. Oh, but make sure to keep an eagle-eye on Trump’s approval numbers.
Meanwhile, a different set of approval numbers is showing increasing importance:
Well then this can’t be helpful
Trump over 50% approval in just 17 states.
Those states account for 87 EVs that are sticking with him.
You are aware that multiple states had down ballot swings due to now invalidated electoral maps, right? How long will those GOP gains hold? The GOP will lose the WA Senate majority in a few more weeks. Others to follow.
History of Presidential party losing ground in mid-terms is well documented. How does the Asshole-In-Chief keep from that trend without those old maps. (A: doesn’t)
@ 10
You are aware that multiple states had down ballot swings due to now invalidated electoral maps, right?
Under Obama Dems lost 1,000 down-ballot seats.
Try again.
Oh, and before EVs matter again, Dems will have to get through 2018.
“Oh, and before EVs matter again…
… some very fine people.
And thanks to Fuckface, you own every damn one of ’em.
@ 12
You really should give some credit to #CrookedHillary, Anthony Weiner, DWS, and Pelosi.
Didja hear #CrookedHillary is gonna visit Wisconsin? Apparently there’s money to be made from it.
Asshole followed by false victim didn’t play well for #CrookedHillary, either.
Off With Her Head Kathy Griffin lost jobs, money, and friends after releasing a provocative image of President Trump. But the comedian refuses to bend the knee.
Go figure.
Hard to concentrate on Nov. 8th, 2016 while dodging bloody shoes, Tiki torches, and grand jury subpoenas.
Some “throne sniffing” Врач немой ебать somehow managed to overlook.
@ 16
If you wish to make the point that Trump’s nose is slightly further up Putin’s ass than Goldy’s is up Sawant’s, I shall certainly grant you that point.
Bring it up any time you please.
With that, I believe my work here for the day is complete. Steve, enjoy my @ 9 trolling, which took a bit of effort.
Oh. Someone should really go check
on Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. There’s a reason he transformed into a lagomorph:
Reduce your risk of constipation, so stool comes out more smoothly with little straining.
You can do that by upping your fiber in your diet: A 2013 meta-analysis from China concluded people who increased their fiber were 19 percent more likely to pass more frequent stools.
@1 “Yes, Carl. It’s Republicans who hate you.”
Thanks. We never would have known if you hadn’t told us.
Shorter 10,
You will not replace us!
Yeah, we will. We already are.
Not like it’s a big deal. World’s full of trailer parks and the like. It isn’t hard to replace pudgy white guys with community college certificates.
@7 I’m surprised you aren’t gloating about the Hiroshima victims who fled to Nagasaki, too. How did you miss that one?
@9 “What matters is what the blue-collar white voters in swing states who either call or used to call themselves Democrats think about their lives and what they want for themselves and their families.”
So how are Trump, McConnell, and Ryan working out for them so far?
@ 19
It isn’t hard to replace pudgy white guys with community college certificates.
See, ‘froggy? It’s not just me who finds you useless.
@ 21
How are Trump, McConnell, and Ryan working out for them so far?
After Obama, Reid, and Pelosi you think you gain from asking that question, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
We’re counting on your ilk maintaining that mindset through November of next year.
@11 “Under Obama Dems lost 1,000 down-ballot seats.”
Well yes, we’ve learned there still are far more racists among us than we realized, who voted against the guy who gave them health care because he’s black.
@13 Sure, why not blame Nazis and Klansmen on Hillary? Might as well. Nobody would believe you’re intelligent even if you posted something reasonable. That ship already sailed.
@ 24
They didn’t vote against Obama. He won two races, by comfortable margins.
Blacks didn’t turn out for #CrookedHillary. Possibly because she’s not.
A substantial portion of voters in union households voted for Trump. Significantly more than voted for Romney.
A substantial portion of WWC voters who voted for Obama in 2012 voted for Trump in 2016.
It wasn’t about racism, unless you were referring to black voters, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Keeping narrowing the perception gap separating you from the Fucking Moron.
Fuckface is the preeminent leader of the GOP, overwhelming choice of the primaries, and bellwether of the future of American conservatism.
And Goldy writes for a blog about local politics.
Fuckface may not get much else done. But he has already transformed the GOP and conservatism. And he continues to do so. He has openly aligned the party with white racial nationalism, defending people like Richard Spencer, David Duke, and Joe Arpaio. He has abandoned globalism and trade promotion. He is poised to openly abandon fiscal conservatism and New Federalism.
Goldy helped get a $15 min wage.
@9 Geez, all that and yet no mention whatsoever of voter suppression, gerrymandering, fake news, Vladimir Putin, nor even his trolls who each worked so hard posting thousands upon thousands of pro-Putin hashtags in a concerted effort intended to see our nation bow to Russia’s will.
@14 You’re probably the last person on the planet besides Kathy Griffin who still gives a hoot about Kathy Griffin.
The rest of us are more concerned about things that actually matter, such as the Nazi and KKK takeover of the Republican Party.
@17 Yeah, we know how much effort you put into #9. Trust me, it didn’t go unnoticed. Fair warning: If you keep stalking my butt hole, I’m going to report you to the police.
@26 “They didn’t vote against Obama. He won two races, by comfortable margins.”
Oh, you’ve noticed the racists now comprising the heart and soul of the Republican Party aren’t a majority of the citizenry? When did this revelation come to you? Probably relatively late, given your clouded judgment.
@28 Of course not. Dr. Dumbfuck is stupid and banal, but he knows better than to brag about what he stands for, which makes him slightly smarter than his messiah for whatever that’s worth.
Oh. The messiah’s Phoenix rally. You’ll enjoy this.
And then, the people who gravitate to Dr. Dumbfuck’s messiah.
You know, the company he keeps.
As the Dumbfuck has typed thousands of times many pulled the lever for NOT Hillary and not necessarily for Donald Trump. Then they saw Trump in action.
So as support slips even among registered GOP members only a dumbfuck thinks 2018 is going to go well for the few remaining Trump supporters and the Trump enablers running for office. Remember not a single one of the GOP hopefuls can run against Hillary. They’re stuck with, “We want to go to Washington DC to fight for White Supremacy, Corporate Welfare, David Duke, police brutality, disposable water bottles and tax cuts. We need your help to support President Trump. “
Glad you agree. So you’ll naturally understand that being Not Nazi looks much better on the resume than the GOP alternative.
This guy gets it.
“Well yes, we’ve learned there still are far more racists among us than we realized…”
Key to this is understanding what kind of racists many of them are.
Specifically a ton of them are the:
I’m not a racist, but… type of racist, who simply cannot abide being perceived as racist. That’s rather important. Because as Fuckface continues to bear hug Nazis and The Klan, and put openly racist assholes like Arpaio and this guy up on his “fine people” pedestal they must recoil and disavow. Remember that belief flows from behavior as much as the other way around. And with Fuckface in office there will be plenty of opportunity in the years ahead to intervene in that cycle.
@37 Actually I don’t see many grassroots Republicans disavowing them. The recoil is coming mostly from their electeds, and one senses they recoil ONLY because they have to run for reelection. I think the Nazi-Klan-racist faction IS the Republican Party. What Nixon put in motion is finally blossoming after years of waiting for its opportunity to spring forth from the fertile soil that modern conservatism has composted itself into.
Ready for more Republican hypocrisy?
there aren’t 63 million “grassroots” Republicans any more than there are that many “grassroots” Democrats.
Both parties are stuck vying for the votes of a rather vast number of detached disinterested voters. Fuckface reached them (in key states) and Clinton did not. That’s undeniable.
Sure, Fuckface is successfully redefining the GOP as the White Nationalist Party in America for decades to come. But exactly what that means was far from clear last summer and fall. It is becoming very clear this summer. And that will continue as long as Fuckface controls the White House podium and his Twitter account. Base supporters aren’t ever going to disavow the GOP or Fuckface. But recall how many Bush voters quietly pulled the F150 into the garage at night and began carefully scraping off the “W” stickers in 2005 and 2006.
It won’t happen overnight. But as I said, belief flows from behavior. As moderate, disinterested Fuckface voters continue their efforts explaining, rationalizing, and justifying their decision, even if only to themselves, and as Fuckface continues to betray those efforts, slowly their beliefs will change. The Southern Strategy absolutely depended on keeping the racism below the surface and largely out of sight of the voters whose support it was targeting.
Sure, tons of Republican voters are quite happy being seen and perceived as assholes. And they are almost entirely men (and you can’t convince me Coulter is not a man). Give their wives an alternative to “racist asshole” they can live with, and enough of them will jump. For now the key is reminding them over and over again who the “racist assholes” are. And compelling them to confront that and rationalize it. They will. And it will have it’s intended effect.
One would think happenings in Texas and the gulf would bare some mention. So here is Johnny Cash to remind you of the other half.
@7 Guess they should have gone to Austin, San Antonio, or other places further away from the Gulf. This event that is still ongoing is already historic and continues. Government at all levels will be severely challenged. If the Zonbies get out of some secret government facility,,,,,oh those are alligators….western civilization may fall.
Jeeeeezus! Bing?
Holy fuck, and here I was calling him Shortbus. I never imagined.
I’m just so sorry. Honestly.
But at least you’ll get to enjoy all the sand penises.
@10 Well you are talking apples and oranges here. In those 17 states the winner gets all the votes to the electoral college no matter the borders of districts. Same is true of the states two Senators. While the fight over the districts matter and how they are drawn it’s not going ot make much difference, and there will be a census and borders will have to be redrawn nation wide after 2020. Maybe Democrats would do better in trying to get the overall size of the house increased rather than have the same number of house members as there were in 1920. Or do the Democrats and Republican party hacks like the current system? I think they like it and this whole argument over districting is the same perennial issue it’s always been, with both parties fighting at the fringes and making sure they both have safe seats. Some circus for the masses though.
@6 While it may be a reasonable argument that Trump did not expect to win the Republican nomination, and at the time of the nomination did not do enough to prepare, and even after the election still did not fully prepare, it’s a fact though the man is governing.
He is having problem with his own party (well what do you expect when you were a registered Democrat for decades) who controls both chambers of Congress and can’t get the Republican agenda through. Sorry they should have put something on the President’s desk over health care. This demonstrates the power of the President is somewhat illusory, if the congress doesn’t put something on your desk you are down to picking on the Koreans, Presidential orders, ect. The President hands are tied even on the amount of aid he puts into the hurricane effort in Texas. There are plenty of military and national guard ready to go, but it will come down to Congress to appropriate the money, and the current efforts are coming out of various slush funds, and well the US debt goes up and the ceiling comes closer, quicker. Not the President fault if Paul Ryan can’t herd the cats in the House. And now with North Korea sending missiles over Japan the President has some actual power.OH that is right some of you are Anti Texas and think we should separate from it or return it to Mexico. Well Mexico can’t cope with the current disaster in Texas either.
Yes crazy Texans firing at people in boats not picking folks up. How Texan!!! Hurray for the Lone Star state!!! Give them good old boys some LOne Star beer,,,,hmmm it takes even worse when not chilled.
@6 And the President with high ratings did little for Hilliary Clinton’s election. Just like he did little for Democrats running in congressional races all over the country. Didn’t go walk with the workers in Wisconsin…that would have been enough for the state to stay Democrat in the Presidential race, and may have gotten a Republican out of the governors mansion. Still he was very Presidential staying above the fray. Which is why I don’t buy all the bs about the Obama and Clinton shadow government. Not like it’s doing much in or for Texas.
@12 Well the driver of the vehicle has some defenses and the Prosecutor has to prove 2nd degree murder. Some sort of manslaughter charge seems more reasonable, and will probably come into play when and if this thing ever goes to trial.
I’ve seen plenty of these kind of scenes in any of the Bourne movies. Very popular movies, and this shows why they are fiction.
Still you cannot get votes by your tactics. If you are gonna call people horrible then they, are going to vote for someone anyone not calling them that, even their politics don’t agree. There are plenty of black and Hispanic voters whose economic status, religion, ect makes them Republican’s yet they vote Democrat for some reason….oh they think Republican’s don’t like them because of the color of their skin. The Republicans have tried to adjust their message to attract these voters unsuccessfully thus far. Still if it came down to voters voting in their best interests a lot of those black and Hispanic voter would go Republican.
Democrats need to keep themselves on Main Street America or get back onto Main Street which means you must be more interested in getting these peoples votes than in degenerating them.
@21 Probably about the same there has been a disconnect between Main Street and the Washington bubble probably since government moved to Washington, but the gap in spite of the internet, media, mail, ect is pretty wide. Just as the gap between Wsll Street and Main Street is very wide, and sometimes hiccups on one has no effect on the other or brings down the house. Though Main Street is much more important than Wall Street and folks on Main Street are far more important than Wall Street (corporations can’t vote), but it appears our politicians will dance and call and prostitute themselves for that green stuff.
@34 I think it would be interesting if some Republican office holder would run the way you are suggesting, but none of them are.
If Trump is willing to do what Obama was unwilling to do and go out and help (campaign for) Republican candidates. (Hmmm some of those politicians are showing up at his rallies and are on stage at them.) The Republicans may be able to keep their losses in the house to a small number, and the incumbent party in a congressional election they are going to lose some seats, no matter what Trump does. As some of you are saying they own the government, but Trump’s popularity or unpopularity does not automatically turn into a small loss of seats in the hours or the House going Democratic. And it’s very possible for the Republican’s to gain seats in the 2018 election, no matter the popularity of the President, and there are primaries, and in some districts and states those are more important than the election because the winner of the REpublican race is (barring a major fuck up) the once and future congressman or woman front he district or state.
As far as Washington state is concerned it’s possible for the Democrats to pick up a house seat, but the odds are high, it’s even possible the Republicans can pick up a house seat, or a Senate seat, because you all think you got in the bank already, and you don’t
@38 Yes, lest we forget, Texas Republicans in Congress voted AGAINST federal aid for Hurricane Sandy victims, which they called wasteful spending.
@39 “Bush voters quietly pulled the F150 into the garage at night and began carefully scraping off the “W” stickers in 2005 and 2006.”
Acetone takes that adhesive right off! You can buy it by the gallon at Fred Meyer.
@43 Nice try, GOP stooge. You should look up sometime how states with a majority of Democratic voters fill almost all their House seats with Republicans through creative mapmaking. Republicans clearly don’t believe in democracy.
@44 “it’s a fact though the man is governing.”
You have a very loose definition of “governing.”
“This demonstrates the power of the President is somewhat illusory.”
Scholars and historians prefer the term “persuasive.” In the hands of an incompetent amateur like Trump, yes, that power to persuade is illusory. OTOH, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, and numerous other presidents accomplished quite a lot with that bully pulpit.
“Not the President fault if Paul Ryan can’t herd the cats in the House. ”
Yeah, the House Speaker must be crazy to think a president of his own party has his back. Well, this president, anyway. He’ll have to do all the heavy lifting himself. Only problem is, he doesn’t have the ear of the populace like the president does. Oh well.
@46 “Well the driver of the vehicle has some defenses”
Like what? Insanity?
“and the Prosecutor has to prove 2nd degree murder.”
This is true of all criminal cases, and hasn’t prevented prosecutors from securing convictions even when they don’t have video evidence of the accused driving a car at high speed into a crowd just like terrorists do in Europe and then fleeing the scene.
@46 “I’ve seen plenty of these kind of scenes in any of the Bourne movies.”
So, you got your legal education from action flicks. Trust me, it shows in your comments.
@46 “you must be more interested in getting these peoples votes than in degenerating them”
If Democrats have learned nothing else from recent experience, I hope they’ve learned that no useful purpose is served by pandering to morons who aren’t going to vote for you anyway.
@47 “Though Main Street is much more important than Wall Street and folks on Main Street are far more important than Wall Street (corporations can’t vote)”
Didn’t the morons vote for Trump precisely because Wall Street runs everything and Main Street doesn’t count for beans?*
* Do they really think a billionaire who filled his cabinet with Goldman Sachs types when he wasn’t busy cutting real estate deals with Moscow is going to change that in their favor?
You beat me to that comment.
If Texas is a true Red State, they should denounce all Federal disaster aid. How often do we hear about Red States bitch and moan about people from Blue States standing there with their hands out? Blue state people just have an overwhelming sense of “entitlement”, just a bunch of welfare queens (hmm, sounds a lot like Eastern WA).
As most Texans would claim, “Everything is bigger in Texas!” Yep that is right, bigger egos, bigger storms, and bigger hypocrites. Always proud to remind everyone they were an independent republic before they joined the Union. Now when the shit hits the fan, they stand there with their hands out asking to suckle from the teat of the Federal government.
Two things: 1) I wonder how they feel about climate change now and 2) you know if you cut Alaska in half, Texas would be the third largest state in the Union.
Cut him some slack. He uses Bing.
He’s the Buster Bluth of GOP Hate and Violence. And Fuckface is his Mommy.
But at least he’s come up with the only plausible excuse for the #TrumpCar terror attack.
“Very popular movies, and this shows why they are fiction.”
It never even happened.
Dumbfuck should run with that. Just “crisis actors” working in concert with “fake media”.
@57 Fiction, yeah, just like all those Sandy Hook children who didn’t die at the hands of a deranged psycho with easy access to guns.
“If you are gonna call people horrible”
I prefer “deplorable”.
“oh they think Republican’s don’t like them because of the color of their skin”
Not all Republicans. Just the deplorables. You know. As in “Charlottesville”. The white supremacists, KKK and Nazis. The GOP base. Deplorable.
Try to keep up with shit.