I quite enjoyed DC. Thanks for the suggestions and such. I took the train up to New Hampshire yesterday. It’s pretty convenient if you have family to pick you up.
Same day DerTrumper tweeted a distraction he has yet to follow up on re: Trangenders in the Military and later in the day tweeted:
Why didn’t A.G. Sessions replace Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, a Comey friend who was in charge of Clinton investigation but got….
…big dollars ($700,000) for his wife’s political run from Hillary Clinton and her representatives. Drain the Swamp!
Why didn’t Session protect me from this ever tightening noose?
As usual, he was likely lying. Putting aside that negotiations on the deal started years ago…
Those FOXCON jobs he was bragging about are a net negative It’s all corporate welfare. IF the plant gets built and IF the predicted number of jobs is correct and IF the technology industry sees no innovation or disruptions making the plant’s operations obsolete and IF the touted ancillary businesses hire in the U.S. the dollar value of the tax giveaway by Wisconsin will be recouped in 2043. And surely nothing can change between 2017 and 2043.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The company behind the Keystone XL pipeline has not yet determined whether there is enough demand for the project to justify actually building it …. The company … has been struggling to find enough customers … ”
… by giving companies massive tax concessions at taxpayers’ expense. Of course, they won’t raise taxes. They’ll do it by shifting revenues from things they consider a waste of money, e.g., education, Medicaid, helping the poor, etc.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wherein a rightwing jerk suggests the Minnesota mosque bombing was perpetrated by leftists to smear rightwing jerks.
This is why I love reddit.. They have the best comments.
For someone who isn’t guilty of colluding with Russia, he sure acts like someone who is guilty of colluding with Russia.
But if he is guilty, do you even care? – Fox News
Would it even be a crime? – Fox News
It kept Crooked Hillary out of office! – Fox News
Hello? Is there anybody in there? – Fox News
Just nod if you can hear me. – Fox News
If you like Putin collusion,
And getting caught and arraigned,
If you’re not into ethics,
If you’re half down the drain.
If you like writing tweets at midnight,
From a john on the cape,
I’m the scum that you’ve looked for,
Pee on me and escape.
That last one is the troll I aspire to be someday
Roger Rabbitspews:
The voters of Kansas City voted to raise the minimum wage to $10, but the Republicans who control Missouri’s legislature think $7.70 an hour is enough.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: An apartment costing $1,333 a month would consume 100% of the before-tax wages of a full-time worker earning $7.70 an hour. Republicans want to take away their Medicaid and food stamps, too. But not to worry, you can obtain housing for a family of four at Wal-Mart for a one-time payment of less than $50.
Ouch! The babbling butthole @12 seems angry and frustrated!
It can’t comprehend the suckage of the idiot it voted for last November.
How hate warps small minds.
I’m just glad to get through another day without a nuclear war being started by some dumbfuck tweet.
The loon has definitely lost his mojo. Sad!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “I’llHaveAPilsner spews nothing worthwhile.”
Think you do? I’ll take him over you any day. You’re HA’s village idiot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I was just perusing my stock spreadsheets. While the indexes are up this year, and most people think a rally is going on, the gains are uneven. It’s well known that FAANG stocks have pulled up the averages, so the market indexes are somewhat misleading as to what’s happening in the broader market. Nearly half of my stocks are in the red this year (14 of 32), including all of my oil stocks, which are tightly correlated to crude, which started out strong but then weakened some. Despite this, my portfolio is making a 15% anuualized return because of huge gains in several stocks. For example, Boeing is up 50% since Jan. 1, and several more are up over 20%, and these tend to be my larger positions, whereas the losses are minor and concentrated in my smaller holdings. For example, Starbucks is slightly down for the year, but that doesn’t mean it’s a lousy stock. I paid $1.10 a share for Starbucks and the dividend is now $1.00 a year, so I have no complaints about Starbucks. That sure beats the interest that banks and money market funds pay on savings! Hey dumbfuck loon, did you ever fish your money out of your mattress, or are you still waiting for this rally to peter out before it sees daylight again?
@17 the latest jobs report had strong temp and part time jobs but lost full time jobs and wage growth is flat. Why is stock market going up? People need disposable income to buy things.
Triggered, Snowflake?
Careful there, Pal. You just made an argument that Capitalism is exploitative of Labor and is largely an artificial system that requires infusions of tax revenue to survive. Keep thinking along those lines and it’s a short trip before you’re out in the streets singing, “The Internationale.”
“Hey dumbfuck loon, did you ever fish your money out of your mattress, or…..?”
I doubt the money is really in his mattress…bed bugs wouldn’t even want to live in the loony Ape’s mattress.
“Blessed are those who respond with fire and fury for they will be called the children of heaven. Blessed are the Meek but if you’ve got a carrier group, kill them all. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, launch a twitter stream of epic vulgarity.” Pastor Robert Jeffress
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s been 9 months since the election, and you know what that means! A population explosion among Drump’s former campaign staff!
The last time I had only 32 stock positions I think I was still in my 20s.
Calls to mind the Janus Twenty Fund and the Janus Forty Fund.
Your holdings are woefully narrowly concentrated, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You are overweighted in Seattle-based companies. Your residence equity is in Seattle. Your net worth is probably 80-90% based in Seattle.
If something bad were to happen in Seattle, and the companies’ stock values dive and your RE equity dives, your overall net worth will be disproportionately affected. You’re already worth a pitifully small amount, and you’ve put your family at a disproportionate risk of financial catastrophe if something bad happens in this region. It’s not like you’ve got time to recover from a bad bet. You’ll be dead in fewer than ten years.
Dumbfuck. Dumbfuck. Dumbfuck.
If I had nearly 50% of my stock holdings performing in the red during this year’s market, I wouldn’t be crowing about the two winners I held. Instead, I’d be doing some serious soul-searching about my stock-picking prowess if I held 50% losers YTD when the S&P 500 is up 9.42% during the same period.
The Fucking Moron would probably know enough to keep his mouth shut, were he in your shoes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You’re a fool. On a near-daily basis you broadcast that fact to the world.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
classic Hillbilly-Traitor – fuckin all round the treller park and leavin ’em to apply for the welfare. Those people are a disgrace. So glad we no longer have to refer to them as Americans.
Party of personal responsibility and Oklahoma arm fishin!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder how many Trump voters could get into the U.S. under his immigration criteria?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably not a lot of Nobel laureates or Olympic medalists among them, for starters.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s where Trump voters went wrong: They ignored character traits like honesty and dependability, and relevant factors like knowledge and competence, and voted strictly based on policy promises that in themselves were unrealistic and unlikely to be kept even by a sincere politician.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 The good news is that Republicans plan to do away with welfare, and taxes too, so we’ll no longer have to pay taxes to feed the spawn of hillbilly traitors, most of whom will grow up to be the next generation of hillbilly traitors if they don’t starve to death in childhood.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 If something bad happens to Seattle, I probably won’t be in any shape to worry about my home equity, stocks, or net worth.
P.S., Anyone who thinks 32 stocks dispersed across the S&P sectors (I don’t own any utilities or REITs, nor any IT stocks at the present time) isn’t diversified enough is either insecure in a psychological disorder sense or a dumbfuck. But don’t take my word for it. Ask Warren Buffet how many stocks he owns.*
@23 “If I had nearly 50% of my stock holdings performing in the red during this year’s market, I wouldn’t be crowing about the two winners I held. Instead, I’d be doing some serious soul-searching about my stock-picking prowess if I held 50% losers YTD when the S&P 500 is up 9.42% during the same period.”
I assume, then, you’ve dumped Exxon, Chevron, GE, AT&T, Verizon, Walgreen, and Starbucks, among others? Spoken like a true day trader.
Should I explain to this moron why you keep or discard stocks based on their long-term performance, not their short term fluctuations? Why, when stocks of the above caliber are down, you buy more shares, not sell them? Nah, it’s fruitless, he wouldn’t comprehend it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So, Dr. Dumbfuck, are you going to brag that all your current holdings are up this year, and regale us with thrilling tales of your day trading adventures? Are you exploring book and movie deals? You probably can afford to churn your “investments,” but I’m barely a mere lousy millionaire,* so I can’t afford to burn money for sport.
* A million bucks doesn’t buy what it used to (hardly gets you a Seattle house anymore), and we return to Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics, in 20 years it won’t buy much more than a cup of Starbucks coffee.**
** Of course, as a Starbucks shareholder, I’m perfectly okay with the concept of a $995,000 cup of coffee, given that I don’t buy the stuff, I just collect the dividends from the profits.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Dow dropped over 200 points today. Looks like the market is starting to notice Trump.
My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before….
There is literally nothing about this statement that is true. Not ansingle warhead had been upgraded or produced anew. The missiles and readiness are exactly the same. You can LITERALLY read the text of every executive order at whitehouse.gov and there is nothing regarding our nuclear aresenal.
If our conservatives are the sample, they saw world was changing and they voted to burn it down rather share any wealth, status or power with those they deem undeserving.
@33 thats gonna need surgery. Hope he’s got ACA care.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“There’s nothing more to be learned about Trump’s mixture of ignorance, insecurity and narcissism. Every second spent on his bluster is more degrading than informative.” — David Brooks, conservative columnist
@35 The good news is he won’t be making more of him anytime soon.
“Trump thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday for ordering the U.S. to cut its diplomatic staff by 755 people, his first public comments on the extraordinary move by Moscow in response to new sanctions legislation that Trump signed into law.”
In the words of the pledges in Animal House- Thank you sir, may I have another?
Roger Rabbitspews:
CNN sacked Jeffrey Lord today for exercising his First Amendment rights. I can’t really fault CNN, though. Lord has a constitutional right to say “Seig Heil!” but doesn’t have a constitutional right to be on CNN’s payroll.
Roger Rabbitspews:
CNN could have saved a lot of money by teaching Lord’s script to a macaw.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
As with most commentary roger senile idiot wabbit writes, FACTS are not on its side. The Google engineer speaks out… https://youtu.be/SEDuVF7kiPU
Now compare this to the BULLSHITTIUM written by the senile idiot wabbit in the Drunken Libtards thread.
Ranks right up there with its “Magic Negro” screed!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
So roger senile idiot wabbit,
If Google is purposefully engaging in racial discrimination, then why won’t Google be punished like the grandma and the cake or the lady and the flowers?
The initiatives won the district numerous awards, drew praise from then-First Lady Michelle Obama as she led a national push to combat childhood obesity, and earned Binkle appearances on Tedx Talks.
But as he was revolutionizing meals for the district’s students, prosecutors allege, Binkle illegally funneled roughly $65,000 of the district’s money into a private consulting firm he ran, then placed some of that money into his own pocket.
@41 No, I’m not going to watch a 51-minute long video. Why don’t you summarize it for us? That is, if you watched it, which I suspect you didn’t.
It’s pretty hard to see what needs explanation, though. The diatribe he circulated via Google’s company email system was published verbatim, and it speaks for itself.
You DON’T have a right to work at Google. If you want to work there, you have to follow the employer’s rules. This is true of all workplaces. It’s that simple, but don’t expect a moron like Puddy to figure it out.
Of course, the best thing is to become financially independent like me. No job, no boss. Then you don’t have to follow anybody else’s rules.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 If Google is purposefully engaging in racial discrimination, a good lawyer can put you in a position of never having to work again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “Amnesty International claims Cuba is more repressive since Obummer opened up to Cuba … ”
Which, of course, is Obama’s fault, not Cuba’s fault …
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Meanwhile spell his name correctly if you want to protest…
@57 You’ve got a point. He ignored human rights abuses in the USA, too, in a misguided effort to get along with Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey spud, you should do something about your keyboard’s lisp. New keyboards aren’t expensive.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
@45 If you want to keep your job, use the company email for company business, and nothing else.
It was placed on a Google HR forum asking for feedback to their “diversity” program. Others put it on the email system IDIOT wabbit! This would have been learned if the senile idiot wabbit listened to the 51 minute video. And once again this proves how gullible the senile idiot wabbit is!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
You’ve got a point.
Did you just wake up senile idiot wabbit?
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
HA’s DUMMOCRETIN monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset FASCIST appeared @44.
Puddy PWNS this leftist FOOL in each thread!
Better 2spews:
@41 It seems so caveman to have conservatives argue that women are genetically unequal to them in science and leadership as they use Junk Science at best to backstop their feelings. They must be terrified as women are proving they are their equal or even better. Seems to be the zero sum game mindset that infects conservatives. If a woman gets a science job, she displaces a deserving man.
If there is a fire in the Puddy home Puddy hopes a male fireMAN is there if Puddy needs to be dragged out!
Why are the heavy lifting construction jobs in all those new unfinished SLU buildings being done by men?
Women handle multiple tasks at the same time while men clear tasks out FIFO!
Better 2spews:
So puddy, you want to go on record as someone who cares about human rights in other countries and you will criticize republican as well as democratic policies.?
Good on you.
Cause if you only criticize democratic policies that would make you a hypocrite.
Better 2spews:
@65 I didn’t ask if men can lift heavy things and women can give birth, I asked about Leadership and Science. That was focus of the google engineer.
Worser, you are just like other DUMMOCRETINS… Did he claim ALL women or some women?
The YouTube head lady made the claim that women can do ALL jobs men can do!
BTW his commentary wasn’t anti-diversity… if you actually read it… he is for diversity!
Good try FOOL!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Pay attention because absent your “protected” status this might affect you.
Douche was an “at-will” employee, with no contract, no CBA and no legally protected status.
Can be fired at any time for no reason. Burden falls to him to establish to the legal standard if a “reason” existed for his termination an if that “reason” was unlawful.
Bad news for you is that termination for being an ignorant as dirt sister-fucking Hillbilly-Traitor is not unlawful. My advice to you is to get very Dark Side With Nat X on the job. Bullet proof.
Black Power!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Worser some comments about Damore’s HR response to Google diversity program… Remember approximately 95% of these social science professors voted for Obummer and Clinton!
Lee Jussim, professor of social psychology at Rutgers University —
“I cannot speak to the atmosphere at Google, but … Give(n) that the author gets everything else right, I am pretty confident he is right about that too.”
David P. Schmitt, founder and director of the International Sexuality Description Project (ISDP) —
“… should Google use various practices (affirmative action is not just one thing) to especially encourage capable women of joining (and enjoying) the Google workplace? I vote yes. At the same time, should we be able to openly discuss and be informed by some of the real psychological sex differences that might account for variation in men’s and women’s workplace performance? In the right context, I vote yes to that, too.” Damore was attempting to “openly discuss … real psychological sex differences,” in a civil tone, and got fired for it.
Geoffrey Miller, an evolutionary psychology professor at University of New Mexico —
“For what it’s worth, I think that almost all of the Google memo’s empirical claims are scientifically accurate. Moreover, they are stated quite carefully and dispassionately. Its key claims about sex differences are especially well-supported by large volumes of research across species, cultures, and history.”
Deborah W. Soh, a Toronto based science writer who has a PhD in sexual neuroscience from the University of York — [she didn’t vote for Obummer or Clinton]
“As a woman who’s worked in academia and within STEM, I didn’t find the memo offensive or sexist in the least. I found it to be a well thought out document, asking for greater tolerance for differences in opinion, and treating people as individuals instead of based on group membership. Within the field of neuroscience, sex differences between women and men—when it comes to brain structure and function and associated differences in personality and occupational preferences—are understood to be true, because the evidence for them (thousands of studies) is strong. This is not information that’s considered controversial or up for debate; if you tried to argue otherwise, or for purely social influences, you’d be laughed at.”
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Can someone decode that load of smelly BULLSHITTIUM left @70?
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave
PuddyBud likes his women subservientspews:
Someone’s been researching all day to prove that men are superior to women. I’ll tell you you what. Post that to a public company message board (but but but it wasn’t emailed. What about the emails) and see how long before HR is in contact.
Hope that fireman is my Neice. She’s a captain in SFFD. Can probably do 20-30 reps bench pressing you. But then you’d be touched by a woman not your wife and well…icky. I know she can outrun, speed and distance, every man in the family. But women are weak. It only took several posts for you to get to it after posting don much “research” on your misogyny.
“I’ll tell you Hitler made the trains run on time. Isis at least keeps the women in their place.” – Puddy
Puddy is a fat shit turd!
Your Enlarged Colonspews:
It says you’re full of shit.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
To the ludacris moron(s) @74-76
Where did Puddy make those claims? Give the link where Puddy claimed the trains or women, etc.!
Typical DUMMOCRETIN trainwrecks. Twist what someone says. Did you read what those four libtards wrote in #71? Of course not. It explodes your “leetle world view”!
FASCISM at its best!
“It only took several posts for you to get to it after posting don much “research” on your misogyny.” – Do you write much?
Whatanidiot! When you can’t refute the FACTS then smear the messenger!
One of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s top lawyers at the Justice Department helped edit Obama administration press statements about the infamous meeting between Lynch and Bill Clinton on a tarmac last summer.
The same attorney, Paige Herwig, is now the deputy general counsel for Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee. That panel is now investigating whether Lynch played any role in trying to influence the scope or intensity of the FBI’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton email scandal.
They use these retread DUMMOCRETINS over and over…
One of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s top lawyers at the Justice Department helped edit Obama administration press statements about the infamous meeting between Lynch and Bill Clinton on a tarmac last summer.
The same attorney, Paige Herwig, is now the deputy general counsel for Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee. That panel is now investigating whether Lynch played any role in trying to influence the scope or intensity of the FBI’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton email scandal.
They use these retread DUMMOCRETINS over and over…
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
So roger senile idiot wabbit,
Was it on Google’s email or their HR site? Your BULLSHITTIUM sources claim email. The author claimed it was on their HR site and it was there for a whole month and no one reacted until someone (prolly a libtard) posted it!
Just like your Tuesday on “Magic Negro” rant, you continue to demonstrate senile traits every day on HA!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
The HA Filters still can’t stop Puddy from double posting! Gotta do it at least once a day!
“Show me where, show me where. Bluster, defamation, I never! I spent hours and tens of thousands of characters defending the indefensible position that women either shouldn’t be in the workforce or should be treated as inferiors in the workplace as a matter of fairness. I provided links. I provided a video screed of nearly an hour. I have FACTS!!”
Defending the indefensible. Like looking for the good parts of the Third Reich or grasping for some societal good performed by Isis.
Bless your heart.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Another explosion @83.
I spent hours and tens of thousands of characters defending the indefensible position that women either shouldn’t be in the workforce or should be treated as inferiors in the workplace as a matter of fairness. – Yes you did! Puddy never said dat!
This is what Puddy asked Roger senile idiot Tuesday! How can white peeps like roger senile idiot wabbit discuss black issues? The FOOL had no clue why Spike Lee coined the phrase!
Well… libtards will be libtards! DUMMOCRETIN are scum!
There was someone who knew …
Someone who knew you were lying about it originating in a column about Obama
Or just ignorant and calling a google of “right wing talking points on negro* culture” research.
Someone, who was that?
*Editors note. The author of this posting has first hand knowledge of older conservative white people and younger straight up racists continuing to use the word negro as long as they are fairly certain one who might kick their asses is not in earshot. These views do not necessarily reflect those of the author.
But as long as you’re widening the question to a larger artistic debate…
Should New York based 65 year-old Jewish Author Phillip Roth write about a black character passing as white for a lifetime and having an affair with a younger white Christian woman. He is none of those things yet “The Human Stain” is arguably a masterpiece.
Should Michelangelo chisel a statue of Jesus though he is not Jesus.
Should Western musicians incorporate elements of African rhythm and instrumentation into their works?
If an artist such as Girl Talk uses existing songs by other artists to mash-up new unheard combinations is he merely stealing or is he creating?
When Shonda Rhimes writes the “white neighbor” character into her many shows is it somehow wrong because she’s not white?
When a White Chef like Rick Bayliss spends decades traveling to Mexico and studying the cuisine among local chefs and families is he incapable of producing Mexican food because he’s white?
Should a white kid who grows up in a predominantly black neighborhood and listened to WuTang and Cube and Mix be barred from rapping? If he gains more commercial success than his black peers many of whom appear on his recordings and he theirs is he at fault for racism and quit?
I’d say yes and no. Are they doing it to exploit or are they creating art? You seem to live in a world of binary color choice while many of us exist in a world where the two can be blended to produce various shades. Black or White or both, so to speak.
@ 89
Should Michelangelo chisel a statue of Jesus though he is not Jesus.
Should 12s wear blue jerseys with the number 3 on them on Sundays in the Fall even though they…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 This didn’t start yesterday. It’s been many years in the making. Why didn’t your organ grinder monkey do something about it instead of dumping the problem on Obama? At least Obama’s policy didn’t get anybody killed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 “Remember approximately 95% of these social science professors voted for Obummer and Clinton!”
Yeah, turns out people who know how to think don’t approve of the Serial Liar Pussygrabber or dumb-as-bricks Repooblicons. Amazing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 I can’t top the translation in #76. It’s spot on.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@73 Some parts of the USA are worth more than others. Guam is one thing. We have military assets and service personnel there. Fighting a nuclear war over Hitchcock, Oklahoma? Well …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@77 “When you can’t refute the FACTS then smear the messenger!”
You and your ilk are expert practitioners of that black art.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@81 “Was it on Google’s email or their HR site? Your BULLSHITTIUM sources claim email. The author claimed it was on their HR site”
Who cares? It doesn’t matter. If you write it, you’re responsible for it. If you don’t want people reading it, don’t write it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 “Puddy never said dat!”
You probably were thinking it, though.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@87 “How can white peeps like roger senile idiot wabbit discuss black issues?”
Look, Puddy, I don’t know what it’s like to be born stupid, but I can feel for you anyway. Is that a sin?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@90 That’s some pretty serious economics you’re pissing on, doc. Do you have any idea how many people in India and Vietnam are employed making those jerseys?
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Other than dropping a nuclear bomb on North Korea (or Oklahoma) what could be done?
Why can’t he have a nuclear bomb? Every Country should be free to have one. We didn’t stop every nation from having bullets and other weaponry. We should have Ben smart enough to realize that you are not going to stop other Nations from wanting the bomb too.
People want to argue that diplomacy didn’t or doesn’t work. The next sentence out of their fats mouths should be exactly and specifically what would work other than dropping a nuclear bomb or WWIII.
Everyone fell down and scraped an arm when Learning how to ride a bike. Oh well deal with what happens when you invent a nuclear bomb. I’m sure some idiot argued against creating one.
Bunch of dumbfucks that just like to bicker back and forth because they have no life. People grow up.
Better 2spews:
@87. Can White Creators tell black stories?
My science fiction and fantasy writing group has some version of this discussion often.
Should gay people write stories about straight characters?
Should straight people write stories about gay characters?
Should men write stories about female characters?
Should women write stories about male characters?
Should white people write stories about black characters?
Should black people write stories about white characters?
And it always ends with some variation of:
of course, yes, but they better research the characters, avoid stereotypes, be respectful or the story will be offensive crap.
If you actually READ the article, instead of the headline, it’s not that white people are writing stories about black people, it’s that black people, (women, gays, minorities), are systematically excluded from the story making process.
Better 2spews:
@87 For puddy to argue that white people can’t discuss black issues is equivalent to men thinking women can’t do science.
Who could blame them? By now they probably have reason to suspect how far this goes, how much their former client is concealing, and how wide the blast radius will ultimately extend.
So much winning.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Now that the Clintons are functionally irrelevant, the 35 million dollar political smear apparatus of Judicial Watch is left searching for a new straw man to drag into court. Looks like they found one potential replacement
While I can well imagine some opportunity in filing locust clouds of FOIA requests in every non-Hillbilly-Traitor state followed up by lots and lots of state level law suits, I’m not so sure this angle is sexy enough to keep the money pouring in from the 63 million angry, racist, Crazy Uncle Traitors and childless single men who masturbate to anime.
#CrookedHillary, “Huma Abedin killed Seth Rich who killed Vince Foster”, and “CGI sells sex slaves” had a gritty, reality television feel to them. I’m sure they can count on Alex Jones to pass this latest bullshit along faithfully. But I don’t think zombie lies about bureaucracy will move the meter in the same way as adolescent fantasies of lesbian trysts, cult sacrifices in pizza parlors, or global conspiracies.
@ 31
The Dow dropped over 200 points today. Looks like the market is starting to notice Trump.
There’s a joke that Paul Krugman has correctly predicted nine of the last two recessions.
I guess that’s in addition to the joke that is Paul Krugman.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has probably called six market tops following the 2016 election. Of course, it may truly look that way to him, as he owns so many loser @ 17 stocks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump’s AG supports using fake evidence to convict innocent (and presumably black) people.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What they’re really guilty of is voting while black.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@100 “We should have Ben smart enough to realize that you are not going to stop other Nations from wanting the bomb too.”
Especially when you have it and threaten them with it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@105 One thing’s for sure, Trump won’t be paying his loyal minion’s legal bills, so it’s time to move on. Manafort eventually will be knocking at legal aid’s door.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@107 “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has probably called six market tops following the 2016 election.”
That’s really interesting. Can you find those calls for us? Reason I’m asking is searching for them might keep you out of the goat shed for a while. I’m doing this for the benefit of the goats.
You probably could find some posts where I said nobody can time the market. Well, what do you think calling market tops is? Market timing. You are one uncomprehending jackass.
Hey doc, I have a suggestion for you: Get a second opinion before injecting yourself with a life-ending drug. Who knows, your diagnosis might be wrong.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Orange Puffer is now threatening to wag the dog in Venezuela. Sure glad I own defense stocks. Business should be good in coming days. Hell, I already have almost a quadruple with Lockheed, which I bought in 2010 for 85 bucks.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@100 “Why can’t he have a nuclear bomb? Every Country should be free to have one. We didn’t stop every nation from having bullets and other weaponry.”
There is a huge magnitude of difference between letting any country have guns and bullets versus letting them have a nuclear weapon. You see if your tin-pot despot has a million man army and a billion bullets, they can’t do the same damage to the earth as if they had enriched uranium or plutonium. Bullets and gun powder don’t emit ionizing radiation when detonated. Guns and bullets don’t produce radioactive cesium or iodine that get into the grass, eaten by livestock that produces milk, that gets ingested by people, and kills them from the inside out.
No, North Korea should have never been allowed to have nuclear power, period. Even if those whack jobs can’t put a functioning warhead on the top of one of their ICBMs, they can certainly pack enough “dirty nuclear material” with conventional explosives and launch a missile to a populated area and radiate and pollute the region. Sure, it isn’t as spectacular as a mushroom cloud, but think of it, what if they dropped a dirty bomb in the middle of Puget Sound? Think of the economic chaos that would create, nobody would come to this region, nobody would ship anything through the region, it would be toxic for years. The psychological effect would probably outweigh the mushroom cloud effect.
I can see the whack-job Kim saying, “Fuck me over with sanctions will you, I’ll repay you 10 fold with a dirty bomb.”
Want a reminder of how effective dirty radiation is? just look at Fukushima and Chernobyl. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to build a breeder reactor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@113 Kim probably slaps his knee every time he gets another rise out of Cheeto Jesus.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Of course he does. Why the increase in missile tests? Because Kim knows it tweaks Trump and Trump can’t keep is fucking mouth shut or fingers off Twitter. Kim didn’t get much response publicly from Obama, but he sure gets one, each and every time, from that petulant child with his finger on the button.
The people that elected that idiot are the same one that love WWF (think it is real ‘rassling’), monster truck rallies. and noodling for catfish.
You know, I bet even Dr. Dumbfuck can speak the effects of ionizing radiation on human tissue and organs, that is if he really is a radiologist. Lacking that, we have Puddy to show the effects of it on speech and reasoning.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@115 What’s wrong with noodling for catfish?
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I suppose nothing is wrong with noodling for catfish. It seems only logical to shove your hand down the throat of a fish to catch it. These are the same folks that vote for a presidential candidate that thinks grabbing a women by the pussy is appropriate to catch a female.
Ladies beware, no telling where that hand has been if your suitor is from the South….
The FBI raided Manafort’s house couple weeks back.
Same day DerTrumper tweeted a distraction he has yet to follow up on re: Trangenders in the Military and later in the day tweeted:
Why didn’t Session protect me from this ever tightening noose?
As usual, he was likely lying. Putting aside that negotiations on the deal started years ago…
Those FOXCON jobs he was bragging about are a net negative It’s all corporate welfare. IF the plant gets built and IF the predicted number of jobs is correct and IF the technology industry sees no innovation or disruptions making the plant’s operations obsolete and IF the touted ancillary businesses hire in the U.S. the dollar value of the tax giveaway by Wisconsin will be recouped in 2043. And surely nothing can change between 2017 and 2043.
“The company behind the Keystone XL pipeline has not yet determined whether there is enough demand for the project to justify actually building it …. The company … has been struggling to find enough customers … ”
Here’s how Republicans “create” jobs …
… by giving companies massive tax concessions at taxpayers’ expense. Of course, they won’t raise taxes. They’ll do it by shifting revenues from things they consider a waste of money, e.g., education, Medicaid, helping the poor, etc.
Wherein a rightwing jerk suggests the Minnesota mosque bombing was perpetrated by leftists to smear rightwing jerks.
Wherein a rightwing jerk suggests the Minnesota mosque bombing was perpetrated by leftists to smear rightwing jerks.
This is why I love reddit.. They have the best comments.
For someone who isn’t guilty of colluding with Russia, he sure acts like someone who is guilty of colluding with Russia.
But if he is guilty, do you even care? – Fox News
Would it even be a crime? – Fox News
It kept Crooked Hillary out of office! – Fox News
Hello? Is there anybody in there? – Fox News
Just nod if you can hear me. – Fox News
If you like Putin collusion,
And getting caught and arraigned,
If you’re not into ethics,
If you’re half down the drain.
If you like writing tweets at midnight,
From a john on the cape,
I’m the scum that you’ve looked for,
Pee on me and escape.
That last one is the troll I aspire to be someday
The voters of Kansas City voted to raise the minimum wage to $10, but the Republicans who control Missouri’s legislature think $7.70 an hour is enough.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: An apartment costing $1,333 a month would consume 100% of the before-tax wages of a full-time worker earning $7.70 an hour. Republicans want to take away their Medicaid and food stamps, too. But not to worry, you can obtain housing for a family of four at Wal-Mart for a one-time payment of less than $50.
@8 I wish you the best.
Lord knows, this blog needs better trolls.
I’llHaveAPilsner spews nothing worthwhile.
Do you own an iPhone, iPod, or iPad I’llHaveAPilsner? If you do think Foxconn! Think of their overseas working conditions!
Nuff said sucka!
Lord knows, this blog needs better left wrong FOOLS!
Ouch! The babbling butthole @12 seems angry and frustrated!
It can’t comprehend the suckage of the idiot it voted for last November.
How hate warps small minds.
I’m just glad to get through another day without a nuclear war being started by some dumbfuck tweet.
The loon has definitely lost his mojo. Sad!
@11 “I’llHaveAPilsner spews nothing worthwhile.”
Think you do? I’ll take him over you any day. You’re HA’s village idiot.
I was just perusing my stock spreadsheets. While the indexes are up this year, and most people think a rally is going on, the gains are uneven. It’s well known that FAANG stocks have pulled up the averages, so the market indexes are somewhat misleading as to what’s happening in the broader market. Nearly half of my stocks are in the red this year (14 of 32), including all of my oil stocks, which are tightly correlated to crude, which started out strong but then weakened some. Despite this, my portfolio is making a 15% anuualized return because of huge gains in several stocks. For example, Boeing is up 50% since Jan. 1, and several more are up over 20%, and these tend to be my larger positions, whereas the losses are minor and concentrated in my smaller holdings. For example, Starbucks is slightly down for the year, but that doesn’t mean it’s a lousy stock. I paid $1.10 a share for Starbucks and the dividend is now $1.00 a year, so I have no complaints about Starbucks. That sure beats the interest that banks and money market funds pay on savings! Hey dumbfuck loon, did you ever fish your money out of your mattress, or are you still waiting for this rally to peter out before it sees daylight again?
@17 the latest jobs report had strong temp and part time jobs but lost full time jobs and wage growth is flat. Why is stock market going up? People need disposable income to buy things.
Triggered, Snowflake?
Careful there, Pal. You just made an argument that Capitalism is exploitative of Labor and is largely an artificial system that requires infusions of tax revenue to survive. Keep thinking along those lines and it’s a short trip before you’re out in the streets singing, “The Internationale.”
“Hey dumbfuck loon, did you ever fish your money out of your mattress, or…..?”
I doubt the money is really in his mattress…bed bugs wouldn’t even want to live in the loony Ape’s mattress.
“Blessed are those who respond with fire and fury for they will be called the children of heaven. Blessed are the Meek but if you’ve got a carrier group, kill them all. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, launch a twitter stream of epic vulgarity.” Pastor Robert Jeffress
It’s been 9 months since the election, and you know what that means! A population explosion among Drump’s former campaign staff!
@ 17
The last time I had only 32 stock positions I think I was still in my 20s.
Calls to mind the Janus Twenty Fund and the Janus Forty Fund.
Your holdings are woefully narrowly concentrated, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You are overweighted in Seattle-based companies. Your residence equity is in Seattle. Your net worth is probably 80-90% based in Seattle.
If something bad were to happen in Seattle, and the companies’ stock values dive and your RE equity dives, your overall net worth will be disproportionately affected. You’re already worth a pitifully small amount, and you’ve put your family at a disproportionate risk of financial catastrophe if something bad happens in this region. It’s not like you’ve got time to recover from a bad bet. You’ll be dead in fewer than ten years.
Dumbfuck. Dumbfuck. Dumbfuck.
If I had nearly 50% of my stock holdings performing in the red during this year’s market, I wouldn’t be crowing about the two winners I held. Instead, I’d be doing some serious soul-searching about my stock-picking prowess if I held 50% losers YTD when the S&P 500 is up 9.42% during the same period.
The Fucking Moron would probably know enough to keep his mouth shut, were he in your shoes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You’re a fool. On a near-daily basis you broadcast that fact to the world.
classic Hillbilly-Traitor – fuckin all round the treller park and leavin ’em to apply for the welfare. Those people are a disgrace. So glad we no longer have to refer to them as Americans.
Party of personal responsibility and Oklahoma arm fishin!
I wonder how many Trump voters could get into the U.S. under his immigration criteria?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably not a lot of Nobel laureates or Olympic medalists among them, for starters.
Here’s where Trump voters went wrong: They ignored character traits like honesty and dependability, and relevant factors like knowledge and competence, and voted strictly based on policy promises that in themselves were unrealistic and unlikely to be kept even by a sincere politician.
@24 The good news is that Republicans plan to do away with welfare, and taxes too, so we’ll no longer have to pay taxes to feed the spawn of hillbilly traitors, most of whom will grow up to be the next generation of hillbilly traitors if they don’t starve to death in childhood.
@23 If something bad happens to Seattle, I probably won’t be in any shape to worry about my home equity, stocks, or net worth.
P.S., Anyone who thinks 32 stocks dispersed across the S&P sectors (I don’t own any utilities or REITs, nor any IT stocks at the present time) isn’t diversified enough is either insecure in a psychological disorder sense or a dumbfuck. But don’t take my word for it. Ask Warren Buffet how many stocks he owns.*
* Answer: 46, as of March 2017, but the bulk of the dollar value is concentrated in just 5. (Source: https://www.cnbc.com/berkshire-hathaway-portfolio/)
@23 “If I had nearly 50% of my stock holdings performing in the red during this year’s market, I wouldn’t be crowing about the two winners I held. Instead, I’d be doing some serious soul-searching about my stock-picking prowess if I held 50% losers YTD when the S&P 500 is up 9.42% during the same period.”
I assume, then, you’ve dumped Exxon, Chevron, GE, AT&T, Verizon, Walgreen, and Starbucks, among others? Spoken like a true day trader.
Should I explain to this moron why you keep or discard stocks based on their long-term performance, not their short term fluctuations? Why, when stocks of the above caliber are down, you buy more shares, not sell them? Nah, it’s fruitless, he wouldn’t comprehend it.
So, Dr. Dumbfuck, are you going to brag that all your current holdings are up this year, and regale us with thrilling tales of your day trading adventures? Are you exploring book and movie deals? You probably can afford to churn your “investments,” but I’m barely a mere lousy millionaire,* so I can’t afford to burn money for sport.
* A million bucks doesn’t buy what it used to (hardly gets you a Seattle house anymore), and we return to Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics, in 20 years it won’t buy much more than a cup of Starbucks coffee.**
** Of course, as a Starbucks shareholder, I’m perfectly okay with the concept of a $995,000 cup of coffee, given that I don’t buy the stuff, I just collect the dividends from the profits.
The Dow dropped over 200 points today. Looks like the market is starting to notice Trump.
My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before….
There is literally nothing about this statement that is true. Not ansingle warhead had been upgraded or produced anew. The missiles and readiness are exactly the same. You can LITERALLY read the text of every executive order at whitehouse.gov and there is nothing regarding our nuclear aresenal.
Hillbillies should be so lucky.
If our conservatives are the sample, they saw world was changing and they voted to burn it down rather share any wealth, status or power with those they deem undeserving.
@33 thats gonna need surgery. Hope he’s got ACA care.
“There’s nothing more to be learned about Trump’s mixture of ignorance, insecurity and narcissism. Every second spent on his bluster is more degrading than informative.” — David Brooks, conservative columnist
@35 The good news is he won’t be making more of him anytime soon.
“Trump thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday for ordering the U.S. to cut its diplomatic staff by 755 people, his first public comments on the extraordinary move by Moscow in response to new sanctions legislation that Trump signed into law.”
In the words of the pledges in Animal House- Thank you sir, may I have another?
CNN sacked Jeffrey Lord today for exercising his First Amendment rights. I can’t really fault CNN, though. Lord has a constitutional right to say “Seig Heil!” but doesn’t have a constitutional right to be on CNN’s payroll.
CNN could have saved a lot of money by teaching Lord’s script to a macaw.
As with most commentary roger senile idiot wabbit writes, FACTS are not on its side. The Google engineer speaks out… https://youtu.be/SEDuVF7kiPU
Now compare this to the BULLSHITTIUM written by the senile idiot wabbit in the Drunken Libtards thread.
Ranks right up there with its “Magic Negro” screed!
So roger senile idiot wabbit,
If Google is purposefully engaging in racial discrimination, then why won’t Google be punished like the grandma and the cake or the lady and the flowers?
Because they are libtards!
Amnesty International claims Cuba is more repressive since Obummer opened up to Cuba… https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/americas/cuba/report-cuba/
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-expels-2-cuban-diplomats-after-incidents-in-cuba/2017/08/09/5f6e0d84-7d62-11e7-b2b1-aeba62854dfa_story.html – So our diplomats were attacked too under Obummer’s sadministration?
Yet these FACTS are ignored by HA DUMMOCRETINS! Puddy finds them!
Can barely find its dick on Saturday evenings after sunset.
“CUMS” to HA for HELP!
Seems the libtards at Google and other places are reacting to the engineer’s video FACTS… https://www.wsj.com/articles/google-engineers-firing-fuels-debate-among-employees-1502395326
Here too. http://www.dailywire.com/news/.....n-shapiro#
Group think of the FASCISTS is strong at Google and YouTube!
Remember… DUMMOCRETINS will be DUMMOCRETINS… http://www.latimes.com/local/l.....story.html
While the LA Times downplayed his role in Michelle Obummer’s skuul lunch program but we see the facts prove otherwise… http://ijr.com/the-declaration.....h-program/
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETIN thugs in Baltimore will be DUMMOCRETIN thugs… http://ijr.com/the-declaration.....eath-home/
@41 No, I’m not going to watch a 51-minute long video. Why don’t you summarize it for us? That is, if you watched it, which I suspect you didn’t.
It’s pretty hard to see what needs explanation, though. The diatribe he circulated via Google’s company email system was published verbatim, and it speaks for itself.
You DON’T have a right to work at Google. If you want to work there, you have to follow the employer’s rules. This is true of all workplaces. It’s that simple, but don’t expect a moron like Puddy to figure it out.
Of course, the best thing is to become financially independent like me. No job, no boss. Then you don’t have to follow anybody else’s rules.
@42 If Google is purposefully engaging in racial discrimination, a good lawyer can put you in a position of never having to work again.
@43 “Amnesty International claims Cuba is more repressive since Obummer opened up to Cuba … ”
Which, of course, is Obama’s fault, not Cuba’s fault …
Meanwhile spell his name correctly if you want to protest…
“likened the Raven’s owner, Stephen Bisciotti, to a plantation owner and its legendary (and troubled) star, retired player Ray Lewis, to an Uncle Tom”
@45 If you want to keep your job, use the company email for company business, and nothing else.
@46 Wherein Puddy has stumbled upon a rationale for doing away with school lunch programs, a longstanding GOP dream …
@47 How do you know he wasn’t done in by white nationalists?
@ 49
… a good lawyer can put you in a position of never having to work again.
Of course, the position of an incompetent lawyer who can never work again is here, all day, on HA.
@55 An incompetent lawyer who doesn’t work can’t hurt anybody. Unfortunately, the same isn’t true of medical quacks who suck on the Medicare teat.
senile idiot wabbit @50,
Obummer looked the other way with Cuba’s human rights abuses and basically cheered them idiot wabbit! http://www.miamiherald.com/opi.....94959.html
Puddy realizes you live in that northwest DUMMOCRETIN echo chamber senile idiot wabbit! https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/01/09/barack-obamas-shaky-legacy-human-rights
Sux to be you senile idiot wabbit!
@57 You’ve got a point. He ignored human rights abuses in the USA, too, in a misguided effort to get along with Republicans.
Hey spud, you should do something about your keyboard’s lisp. New keyboards aren’t expensive.
@45 If you want to keep your job, use the company email for company business, and nothing else.
It was placed on a Google HR forum asking for feedback to their “diversity” program. Others put it on the email system IDIOT wabbit! This would have been learned if the senile idiot wabbit listened to the 51 minute video. And once again this proves how gullible the senile idiot wabbit is!
You’ve got a point.
Did you just wake up senile idiot wabbit?
HA’s DUMMOCRETIN monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset FASCIST appeared @44.
Puddy PWNS this leftist FOOL in each thread!
@41 It seems so caveman to have conservatives argue that women are genetically unequal to them in science and leadership as they use Junk Science at best to backstop their feelings. They must be terrified as women are proving they are their equal or even better. Seems to be the zero sum game mindset that infects conservatives. If a woman gets a science job, she displaces a deserving man.
Do you agree with the premise, are women inferior?
@47 How do you know he wasn’t done in by white nationalists?
In the Baltimore inner city senile idiot wabbit?
women are not genetically unequal?
So you can give birth as a man? Film at 11?
If there is a fire in the Puddy home Puddy hopes a male fireMAN is there if Puddy needs to be dragged out!
Why are the heavy lifting construction jobs in all those new unfinished SLU buildings being done by men?
Women handle multiple tasks at the same time while men clear tasks out FIFO!
So puddy, you want to go on record as someone who cares about human rights in other countries and you will criticize republican as well as democratic policies.?
Good on you.
Cause if you only criticize democratic policies that would make you a hypocrite.
@65 I didn’t ask if men can lift heavy things and women can give birth, I asked about Leadership and Science. That was focus of the google engineer.
Regarding North Korea and its nukes? Thanks Obummer… http://www.foxnews.com/opinion.....nukes.html
Worser, you are just like other DUMMOCRETINS… Did he claim ALL women or some women?
The YouTube head lady made the claim that women can do ALL jobs men can do!
BTW his commentary wasn’t anti-diversity… if you actually read it… he is for diversity!
Good try FOOL!
Pay attention because absent your “protected” status this might affect you.
Douche was an “at-will” employee, with no contract, no CBA and no legally protected status.
Can be fired at any time for no reason. Burden falls to him to establish to the legal standard if a “reason” existed for his termination an if that “reason” was unlawful.
Bad news for you is that termination for being an ignorant as dirt sister-fucking Hillbilly-Traitor is not unlawful. My advice to you is to get very Dark Side With Nat X on the job. Bullet proof.
Black Power!
Worser some comments about Damore’s HR response to Google diversity program… Remember approximately 95% of these social science professors voted for Obummer and Clinton!
Lee Jussim, professor of social psychology at Rutgers University —
“I cannot speak to the atmosphere at Google, but … Give(n) that the author gets everything else right, I am pretty confident he is right about that too.”
David P. Schmitt, founder and director of the International Sexuality Description Project (ISDP) —
“… should Google use various practices (affirmative action is not just one thing) to especially encourage capable women of joining (and enjoying) the Google workplace? I vote yes. At the same time, should we be able to openly discuss and be informed by some of the real psychological sex differences that might account for variation in men’s and women’s workplace performance? In the right context, I vote yes to that, too.” Damore was attempting to “openly discuss … real psychological sex differences,” in a civil tone, and got fired for it.
Geoffrey Miller, an evolutionary psychology professor at University of New Mexico —
“For what it’s worth, I think that almost all of the Google memo’s empirical claims are scientifically accurate. Moreover, they are stated quite carefully and dispassionately. Its key claims about sex differences are especially well-supported by large volumes of research across species, cultures, and history.”
Deborah W. Soh, a Toronto based science writer who has a PhD in sexual neuroscience from the University of York — [she didn’t vote for Obummer or Clinton]
“As a woman who’s worked in academia and within STEM, I didn’t find the memo offensive or sexist in the least. I found it to be a well thought out document, asking for greater tolerance for differences in opinion, and treating people as individuals instead of based on group membership. Within the field of neuroscience, sex differences between women and men—when it comes to brain structure and function and associated differences in personality and occupational preferences—are understood to be true, because the evidence for them (thousands of studies) is strong. This is not information that’s considered controversial or up for debate; if you tried to argue otherwise, or for purely social influences, you’d be laughed at.”
Can someone decode that load of smelly BULLSHITTIUM left @70?
Oklahoma is where a nuke bomb should be dropped.
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave
Someone’s been researching all day to prove that men are superior to women. I’ll tell you you what. Post that to a public company message board (but but but it wasn’t emailed. What about the emails) and see how long before HR is in contact.
Hope that fireman is my Neice. She’s a captain in SFFD. Can probably do 20-30 reps bench pressing you. But then you’d be touched by a woman not your wife and well…icky. I know she can outrun, speed and distance, every man in the family. But women are weak. It only took several posts for you to get to it after posting don much “research” on your misogyny.
“I’ll tell you Hitler made the trains run on time. Isis at least keeps the women in their place.” – Puddy
Puddy is a fat shit turd!
It says you’re full of shit.
To the ludacris moron(s) @74-76
Where did Puddy make those claims? Give the link where Puddy claimed the trains or women, etc.!
Typical DUMMOCRETIN trainwrecks. Twist what someone says. Did you read what those four libtards wrote in #71? Of course not. It explodes your “leetle world view”!
FASCISM at its best!
“It only took several posts for you to get to it after posting don much “research” on your misogyny.” – Do you write much?
Whatanidiot! When you can’t refute the FACTS then smear the messenger!
Good to see you can wade through BULLSHITTIUM!
No DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM can refute this… http://freebeacon.com/issues/j.....l-clinton/
They use these retread DUMMOCRETINS over and over…
No DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM can refute this… http://freebeacon.com/issues/j.....l-clinton/
They use these retread DUMMOCRETINS over and over…
So roger senile idiot wabbit,
Was it on Google’s email or their HR site? Your BULLSHITTIUM sources claim email. The author claimed it was on their HR site and it was there for a whole month and no one reacted until someone (prolly a libtard) posted it!
Just like your Tuesday on “Magic Negro” rant, you continue to demonstrate senile traits every day on HA!
The HA Filters still can’t stop Puddy from double posting! Gotta do it at least once a day!
“Show me where, show me where. Bluster, defamation, I never! I spent hours and tens of thousands of characters defending the indefensible position that women either shouldn’t be in the workforce or should be treated as inferiors in the workplace as a matter of fairness. I provided links. I provided a video screed of nearly an hour. I have FACTS!!”
Defending the indefensible. Like looking for the good parts of the Third Reich or grasping for some societal good performed by Isis.
Bless your heart.
Another explosion @83.
I spent hours and tens of thousands of characters defending the indefensible position that women either shouldn’t be in the workforce or should be treated as inferiors in the workplace as a matter of fairness. – Yes you did! Puddy never said dat!
Sux to be you!
shitstain steve will be around soon!
Speaking of the libtard Google, HA DUMMOCRETIN FOOLS keep screaming while the pay inequity gets noticed!
It’s like a third grader is here
“You can’t paraphrase me. I never said that. I said something almost identical all afternoon but not the same exact words in the same order. I know you are but what am I, poop-head.” Puddybud, definitely one and only because no one else would spend hundreds of hours annually being an observable moron.
Should white creators tell black stories?
This is what Puddy asked Roger senile idiot Tuesday! How can white peeps like roger senile idiot wabbit discuss black issues? The FOOL had no clue why Spike Lee coined the phrase!
Well… libtards will be libtards! DUMMOCRETIN are scum!
There was someone who knew …
Someone who knew you were lying about it originating in a column about Obama
Or just ignorant and calling a google of “right wing talking points on negro* culture” research.
Someone, who was that?
*Editors note. The author of this posting has first hand knowledge of older conservative white people and younger straight up racists continuing to use the word negro as long as they are fairly certain one who might kick their asses is not in earshot. These views do not necessarily reflect those of the author.
But as long as you’re widening the question to a larger artistic debate…
Should New York based 65 year-old Jewish Author Phillip Roth write about a black character passing as white for a lifetime and having an affair with a younger white Christian woman. He is none of those things yet “The Human Stain” is arguably a masterpiece.
Should Michelangelo chisel a statue of Jesus though he is not Jesus.
Should Western musicians incorporate elements of African rhythm and instrumentation into their works?
If an artist such as Girl Talk uses existing songs by other artists to mash-up new unheard combinations is he merely stealing or is he creating?
When Shonda Rhimes writes the “white neighbor” character into her many shows is it somehow wrong because she’s not white?
When a White Chef like Rick Bayliss spends decades traveling to Mexico and studying the cuisine among local chefs and families is he incapable of producing Mexican food because he’s white?
Should a white kid who grows up in a predominantly black neighborhood and listened to WuTang and Cube and Mix be barred from rapping? If he gains more commercial success than his black peers many of whom appear on his recordings and he theirs is he at fault for racism and quit?
I’d say yes and no. Are they doing it to exploit or are they creating art? You seem to live in a world of binary color choice while many of us exist in a world where the two can be blended to produce various shades. Black or White or both, so to speak.
@ 89
Should Michelangelo chisel a statue of Jesus though he is not Jesus.
Should 12s wear blue jerseys with the number 3 on them on Sundays in the Fall even though they…
@68 This didn’t start yesterday. It’s been many years in the making. Why didn’t your organ grinder monkey do something about it instead of dumping the problem on Obama? At least Obama’s policy didn’t get anybody killed.
@71 “Remember approximately 95% of these social science professors voted for Obummer and Clinton!”
Yeah, turns out people who know how to think don’t approve of the Serial Liar Pussygrabber or dumb-as-bricks Repooblicons. Amazing.
@72 I can’t top the translation in #76. It’s spot on.
@73 Some parts of the USA are worth more than others. Guam is one thing. We have military assets and service personnel there. Fighting a nuclear war over Hitchcock, Oklahoma? Well …
@77 “When you can’t refute the FACTS then smear the messenger!”
You and your ilk are expert practitioners of that black art.
@81 “Was it on Google’s email or their HR site? Your BULLSHITTIUM sources claim email. The author claimed it was on their HR site”
Who cares? It doesn’t matter. If you write it, you’re responsible for it. If you don’t want people reading it, don’t write it.
@84 “Puddy never said dat!”
You probably were thinking it, though.
@87 “How can white peeps like roger senile idiot wabbit discuss black issues?”
Look, Puddy, I don’t know what it’s like to be born stupid, but I can feel for you anyway. Is that a sin?
@90 That’s some pretty serious economics you’re pissing on, doc. Do you have any idea how many people in India and Vietnam are employed making those jerseys?
Other than dropping a nuclear bomb on North Korea (or Oklahoma) what could be done?
Why can’t he have a nuclear bomb? Every Country should be free to have one. We didn’t stop every nation from having bullets and other weaponry. We should have Ben smart enough to realize that you are not going to stop other Nations from wanting the bomb too.
People want to argue that diplomacy didn’t or doesn’t work. The next sentence out of their fats mouths should be exactly and specifically what would work other than dropping a nuclear bomb or WWIII.
Everyone fell down and scraped an arm when Learning how to ride a bike. Oh well deal with what happens when you invent a nuclear bomb. I’m sure some idiot argued against creating one.
Bunch of dumbfucks that just like to bicker back and forth because they have no life. People grow up.
@87. Can White Creators tell black stories?
My science fiction and fantasy writing group has some version of this discussion often.
Should gay people write stories about straight characters?
Should straight people write stories about gay characters?
Should men write stories about female characters?
Should women write stories about male characters?
Should white people write stories about black characters?
Should black people write stories about white characters?
And it always ends with some variation of:
of course, yes, but they better research the characters, avoid stereotypes, be respectful or the story will be offensive crap.
If you actually READ the article, instead of the headline, it’s not that white people are writing stories about black people, it’s that black people, (women, gays, minorities), are systematically excluded from the story making process.
@87 For puddy to argue that white people can’t discuss black issues is equivalent to men thinking women can’t do science.
Spot on summary of most puddy posts.
Well done sir!
Imagine what he’d say about the Chrome-challenged, double-posting loon with the exploding head.
“Former GOP Sen. Gordon Humphrey: ‘Seriously Sick’ Trump Must Be Replaced ASAP”
Under the blinding glare of the OSC Russia corruption investigation Manafort’s lawyers fire their client.
Who could blame them? By now they probably have reason to suspect how far this goes, how much their former client is concealing, and how wide the blast radius will ultimately extend.
So much winning.
Now that the Clintons are functionally irrelevant, the 35 million dollar political smear apparatus of Judicial Watch is left searching for a new straw man to drag into court.
Looks like they found one potential replacement
While I can well imagine some opportunity in filing locust clouds of FOIA requests in every non-Hillbilly-Traitor state followed up by lots and lots of state level law suits, I’m not so sure this angle is sexy enough to keep the money pouring in from the 63 million angry, racist, Crazy Uncle Traitors and childless single men who masturbate to anime.
#CrookedHillary, “Huma Abedin killed Seth Rich who killed Vince Foster”, and “CGI sells sex slaves” had a gritty, reality television feel to them. I’m sure they can count on Alex Jones to pass this latest bullshit along faithfully. But I don’t think zombie lies about bureaucracy will move the meter in the same way as adolescent fantasies of lesbian trysts, cult sacrifices in pizza parlors, or global conspiracies.
@ 31
The Dow dropped over 200 points today. Looks like the market is starting to notice Trump.
There’s a joke that Paul Krugman has correctly predicted nine of the last two recessions.
I guess that’s in addition to the joke that is Paul Krugman.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has probably called six market tops following the 2016 election. Of course, it may truly look that way to him, as he owns so many loser @ 17 stocks.
Trump’s AG supports using fake evidence to convict innocent (and presumably black) people.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What they’re really guilty of is voting while black.
@100 “We should have Ben smart enough to realize that you are not going to stop other Nations from wanting the bomb too.”
Especially when you have it and threaten them with it.
@105 One thing’s for sure, Trump won’t be paying his loyal minion’s legal bills, so it’s time to move on. Manafort eventually will be knocking at legal aid’s door.
@107 “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has probably called six market tops following the 2016 election.”
That’s really interesting. Can you find those calls for us? Reason I’m asking is searching for them might keep you out of the goat shed for a while. I’m doing this for the benefit of the goats.
You probably could find some posts where I said nobody can time the market. Well, what do you think calling market tops is? Market timing. You are one uncomprehending jackass.
Hey doc, I have a suggestion for you: Get a second opinion before injecting yourself with a life-ending drug. Who knows, your diagnosis might be wrong.
The Orange Puffer is now threatening to wag the dog in Venezuela. Sure glad I own defense stocks. Business should be good in coming days. Hell, I already have almost a quadruple with Lockheed, which I bought in 2010 for 85 bucks.
@100 “Why can’t he have a nuclear bomb? Every Country should be free to have one. We didn’t stop every nation from having bullets and other weaponry.”
There is a huge magnitude of difference between letting any country have guns and bullets versus letting them have a nuclear weapon. You see if your tin-pot despot has a million man army and a billion bullets, they can’t do the same damage to the earth as if they had enriched uranium or plutonium. Bullets and gun powder don’t emit ionizing radiation when detonated. Guns and bullets don’t produce radioactive cesium or iodine that get into the grass, eaten by livestock that produces milk, that gets ingested by people, and kills them from the inside out.
No, North Korea should have never been allowed to have nuclear power, period. Even if those whack jobs can’t put a functioning warhead on the top of one of their ICBMs, they can certainly pack enough “dirty nuclear material” with conventional explosives and launch a missile to a populated area and radiate and pollute the region. Sure, it isn’t as spectacular as a mushroom cloud, but think of it, what if they dropped a dirty bomb in the middle of Puget Sound? Think of the economic chaos that would create, nobody would come to this region, nobody would ship anything through the region, it would be toxic for years. The psychological effect would probably outweigh the mushroom cloud effect.
I can see the whack-job Kim saying, “Fuck me over with sanctions will you, I’ll repay you 10 fold with a dirty bomb.”
Want a reminder of how effective dirty radiation is? just look at Fukushima and Chernobyl. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to build a breeder reactor.
@113 Kim probably slaps his knee every time he gets another rise out of Cheeto Jesus.
Of course he does. Why the increase in missile tests? Because Kim knows it tweaks Trump and Trump can’t keep is fucking mouth shut or fingers off Twitter. Kim didn’t get much response publicly from Obama, but he sure gets one, each and every time, from that petulant child with his finger on the button.
The people that elected that idiot are the same one that love WWF (think it is real ‘rassling’), monster truck rallies. and noodling for catfish.
You know, I bet even Dr. Dumbfuck can speak the effects of ionizing radiation on human tissue and organs, that is if he really is a radiologist. Lacking that, we have Puddy to show the effects of it on speech and reasoning.
@115 What’s wrong with noodling for catfish?
I suppose nothing is wrong with noodling for catfish. It seems only logical to shove your hand down the throat of a fish to catch it. These are the same folks that vote for a presidential candidate that thinks grabbing a women by the pussy is appropriate to catch a female.
Ladies beware, no telling where that hand has been if your suitor is from the South….