First ballot drop and the future isn’t great for WA GOP. Look for tons of outside money to pour in to try to hold the Senate. The shifting demographics of the 45th LD are coming to pass which is why Reichert got Gerrymandered into a safe district.
State Senate 45
Jinyoung Lee Englund (Prefers Republican Party) – 42.57%
Manka Dhingra(Prefers Democratic Party)50.51%
This one very expensive race to replace the deceased Andy Hill and the four time electoral loser appointed Dino Rossi determines the majority for the next session. GOP goes into the general 8 points down. Can’t imagine an Indian American Prosecutor has some appeal in Sammamish and Redmond.
So no more “Make protests Illegal” “Defund Evergreen College” “Screw Seattle” bills. Hope they enjoyed it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Screw Seattle” doesn’t play well in King County.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For some, it is a day of wailing and teeth gnashing. Our sales taxes won’t go up again (this time), Richard Pope won’t become a Port Commissioner again (this time), and no comeback for Mike McGinn.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I don’t have a dog in the hunt for Seattle mayor (I don’t live in the city), but it warms my heart to see former mayor McSchwinn fail so miserably in his come-back bid.
The Port is the one that I’m interested in. The Port of Seattle (aptly named POS) has been mismanaged for so long it is shameful. Run by a bunch of grifters at the trough of tax money they don’t need if they could just be more efficient and keep their hands out of the till.
“Screw Seattle” plays very well in the rest of WA. The ST3 ripoff will insure the animosity goes on forever.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In non-local news, Drumpf berated the Russian sanctions bill as “unconstitutional” — and then signed it,
” … an assistant chief at the Estherwood Police Department, shared a post Sunday depicting a woman holding a young girl’s head under water in a bathtub, with the caption, ‘When your daughters [sic] first crush is a little negro boy.'”
At least he’s now a FORMER assistant police chief.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Seattle is the ONLY major West Coast port city where homeowners pay port taxes. All the other ports are self-sufficient. Yes, we’re being grifted by port businesses. They dump their business expenses on taxpayers and pocket the profits! This is socialism, folks! Why aren’t our Republican friends complaining about these leeches? Oh, that’s right, they ARE the leeches.
The “Screw Seattle” does play well in the counties that would die East of the mountains without Seattle’s generosity.
But that’s not the 45th and it’s certainly been well covered that this race takes the power away from those Eastside “Screw Seattle” folks for whom Seattle really means Microsoft, Redmond, Kirkland, Mercer Island and wherever those homo-lovin’ skool fundin’ social justice libtards live.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I always enjoy the welfare queens of Eastern WA bitch about the Washington State Ferry system and how the resent subsidising ferries, “they will never ride.” Never mind the WSF are part of the State highway system. However, the welfare Queens like to bleat on and on, but the need to be reminded of history:
“When ferry boats in the Pacific Northwest are mentioned, the typical image is that of the giant super ferries that ply the waters of Puget Sound. Most Washington State residents are surprised to find out that the State also operates a ferry system in Eastern Washington.
In fact, the State’s involvement with ferry boats began on the “dry side” long before it ventured into the cross-sound routes in Western Washington that are familiar to so many. On September 1, 1930, the State of Washington Department of Highways took over control of the Keller Ferry run on the Columbia River, operated by Mr. William Latta, completing a link on what was then known as State Road #4. The State’s tenure as a Puget Sound ferry transportation provider did not begin until over 20 years later, with its purchase of the Black Ball Line on June 1, 1951. ”
What does it cost to ride the Keller Ferry? It is free. Enough said about the hypocrisy of the welfare queens of Eastern WA!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Ah yes, the Eastern Washington Socialists living on public power and water from publicly owned dams, whose own taxes couldn’t pay for more than 100 feet of county road paving, who eternally bitch about “paying taxes to support Seattle,” yet they never lack the funds for another $1,500 sniper rifle to shoot Democrats with. Actually, there’s a certain amount of rationality to the latter because, in case you haven’t noticed, Democrats and Socialists are enemies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is simply stunning:
“Increasingly, federal officials are deciding to simply ignore President Donald Trump.
“As stunning as that sounds, fresh evidence arrives every day of the government treating the man elected to lead it as someone talking mostly to himself. …
“‘What is most remarkable is the extent to which his senior officials act as if Trump were not the chief executive,’ Jack Goldsmith, a top Justice Department official under President George W. Bush, wrote last weekend …. ‘Never has a president been so regularly ignored or contradicted by his own officials,’ Goldsmith added …. ‘The president is a figurehead ….’
“The disconnect between Trump’s words and the government’s actions has been apparent for months. …. But the phenomenon has grown more pronounced as Trump keeps struggling to govern …. Part of the disconnect flows from Trump’s inattention to, and weak grasp of, complex policy issues. … The president displayed greater familiarity with Jordan Spieth’s winning final round at golf’s British Open than the health-care plan he blasted Congress for not passing ….
“Acknowledgment of official steps to block Trump and not follow his lead has come from the highest levels of his own staff. ‘There are people inside the administration who think it is their job to save America from this president,’ Anthony Scaramucci said during his brief tenure as White House communications director. Those people may even include his new chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly. ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You know, this might actually work better than impeachment or the 25th Amendment. That is just ignore the guy. As long as an impotent Trump sits behind that desk, Pence is blocked. And we don’t actually have to fret very much about Trump if nobody is listening to him. He’s like a rotten stump in a forest. The life of the forest goes on around him. This actually is working out quite well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s sad that he had to wait 48 years. We should be glad he finally got it. It’s unfortunate that when the day finally came he had to receive it from a cowardly blowhard.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Mr. McCloughan’s valor is the stuff of legend. The battlefield award of the Bronze Star with “V” awarded to him at the time was SOP. Higher awards go through a process. In his case, the ball was dropped. This his buddies could not abide, so in 2005 or thereabouts, they went to work, and he finally got the recognition he deserves. Better late than never. The cowardly blowhard called him a “titan.” That, he truly is. In the end, it doesn’t really matter who presented the medal; what matters is that he got it while still alive and is able to know that his extraordinary service is remembered and recognized.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump claims Mexico’s president praised his border wall. Mexico’s president says that’s bullshit. Who do YOU believe?
@21 That hasn’t stopped Republicans from bringing them in to exploit their cheap labor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit Law Quiz
Question 1. Which of the following states a legal cause of action? (Note: For quiz purposes, assume all facts alleged by Plaintiffs are true.)
a. “Defendants attempted ‘to advance their biases against the coal industry and their disdain for the coal-related policies of the Trump Administration.”
b. “Defendants employed techniques designed solely to . . . embarrass Plaintiffs[.]”
c. “Defendants childishly demeaned and disparaged Bob Murray and his companies, made jokes about Bob Murray’s age, health, and appearance, [and] made light of a tragic mining accident[.]”
d. “Defendants are persons and organizations fundamentally opposed to any revitalization of the coal industry, having described coal as ‘environmentally catastrophic.'”
e. “Defendant Time Warner is widely reported as a top ten donor of Hillary Clinton[.]”
f. “As a presidential candidate, Mrs. Clinton’s agenda was to put a lotta [sic] coal miners and coal companies outta [sic] business.”
g. “Defendants’ broadcasts have vigorously supported and advanced Mrs. Clinton’s agenda.”
h. “Instead of focusing on what Plaintiffs wanted him to talk about, Defendants ignored them and ‘doubled-down’ . . . , ending their recorded broadcast with the phrases ‘Eat Shit, Bob’ and ‘Kiss my ass, Bob.’”
i. “Defendants deliberately omitted the facts Plaintiffs provided regarding the Crandall Canyon Mine incident.”
j. “Defendant Oliver quoted from the sweeping executive summary of [an] MSHA report, which obviously and grossly overstated the actual conclusions contained in the MSHA report, which Defendants easily would have seen upon a cursory review of the actual MSHA report.”
k. “Defendants . . . aired a clip of congressional testimony of a relative of a former employee of Murray Energy that appeared to be dissatisfied with Bob Murray’s handling of the Crandall Canyon Mine collapse[.]”
l. “[I]n reference to Bob Murray’s denial of an absurd story that Bob Murray claimed a squirrel told him he should operate his own mines, Defendant Oliver stated ‘You know what, I actually believe Murray on that one’ and ‘Even by your standard, that would be a pretty ridiculous thing to say.'”
m. “Defendant Oliver . . . failed to mention, despite having the information, that Bob Murray has pioneered Emergency Response and Fire Suppression Training in the coal industry.”
n. “Defendants [described] Bob Murray as someone who ‘looks like a geriatric Dr. Evil’ and arranging for a staff member to dress up in a squirrel costume and deliver the message ‘Eat Shit, Bob!’ to Bob Murray.”
o. “[A]fter the live taping, Defendant Oliver exclaimed to the audience that having someone in a squirrel costume tell Bob Murray to ‘Eat Shit’ was a ‘dream come true.'”
p. “Defendant Oliver stated ‘Bob Murray, I didn’t really plan for so much of this piece to be about you, but you kind of forced my hand on that one.'”
Question 2. If your answer to Question 1 is “none,” is there a basis to grant Defendants’ motion for Rule 11 sanctions?
Question 3: Should the court issue an injunction based on the following motion?
” … [P]laintiffs’ counsel has also filed a motion asking the court to make John Oliver not say mean things about him anymore.”
Man, oh, man, things won’t look good for thin-skinned public figures if Plaintiffs lose this one!
“Those 33 solar panels generate about 12,000 kWh of electricity a year – way more than enough energy to power a typical American household. Gore is such an enormous energy hog, however, that his gigantic rooftop solar array produces just 5.7 percent of the electricity he uses in his home, or enough to power his home for a measly 21 days a year.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that Al Gore is a hypocrite. The question then becomes, what implications does that have for what U.S. energy policy should be? To make this easier for you, I’ll frame it as a multiple choice quiz:
(a) It means there’s nothing wrong with burning coal.
(b) It means climate change is a Chinese hoax.
(c) It means the world’s leading climate scientists faked their data.
(d) All of the above; Gore’s hypocrisy proves “climate change” is nothing more than a conspiracy to destroy America.
(e) None of the above; Gore’s hypocrisy is irrelevant to what’s best for the future of the planet and human species.
Vince Foster killed Seth Rich. Rich had to go because he was the one who held the pillow on Scalia and he was going to talk. Everyone knows that.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
… a dope alive.
Hillbilly Traitor Mad Libs?
33% approval? The loon’s head will explode.
“That’s Gonna Leave A Mark: Trump Approval Lowest Ever”
The NAACP has issued a travel advisory for Missouri, saying American citizens are not safe there, listing arbitrary arrests and detentions among the concerns.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This puts Missouri on a par with North Korea and Somalia.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 The really depressing thing about this poll is that fully a third of all Americans still believe in Trump. That’s a bad knock on our education system.
The second drop of ballots from the 45th is showing the standard King County pattern. An increase in the percentage of the Democratic (or Socialist, Hey Kashama!) candidate.
Jinyoung Lee Englund
(Prefers Republican Party)
42.09% (42.57 on first drop)
Manka Dhingra
(Prefers Democratic Party)
51.01% (50.51 on first drop)
And Trump’s beloved Rasmussen.
Well the index is now at -25%. that matches where Obama was 18 months into his presidency
At 38% total approve that is lower than Obama was at any time in his presidency. Obama’s rock bottom was 41% also about 18 months into his presidency.
Damn, that’s truly awful. And you know he’s checking the polls daily ’cause he tweeted that one time he hit 50%
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 “one time he hit 50%”
Only in Rasmussen, which doesn’t count.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another example of the consequences of Republican budgets.
Conservatives: “It is better to see a thousand innocent people go to prison lest one criminal go free.”
Liberals: “It is better that a thousand criminals go free lest an innocent person be imprisoned.”
Which one is the better system of Justice?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
So it would appear that a key element of the obstruction defense that uncouth Team Fuckface lawyers are preparing amounts to “he said/she said”. Assuming his bottomless impulses for self-destruction can be kept in check for the next three years, most of the case would center on the Comey firing. Obviously they’ve already begun the process of smearing the former director. But what will remain will be the project to smear and assassinate the professional reputations of the dozens of top level FBI senior managers who were at least peripherally involved in Comey’s discussions with Fuckface about the investigation, and who shared communications with Comey about the White House’s effort to become directly involved in the investigation.
I don’t doubt they’ll go there. But the cost may be devastating for Hillbilly Traitors now welded to this dumpster fire administration. The FBI enjoys considerable respect throughout American law enforcement and the general public. Millions of “law and order” American voters will be treated to the spectacle of the Hillbilly Traitor Party and the alt-reality clickservative media hate-space shitting all over American law enforcement to save the hide of an emotionally unstable man-baby.
So much winning.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The former CIA Chief of Station Moscow and the former CIA Chief of Russian Operations both consider WikiLeaks to be a Russian cutout.
But who would trust them with over 50 years of intelligence gathering and counter intel experience between them when we can rely on the unerring judgment of unhinged, vulgar, delusional, Hillbilly dupes?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Actually, I think they’ll all turn on the man-baby and sing like canaries when he fucks over them, too. Remember, the main target of this investigation has no loyalties to anyone but himself.
The deep state will assist in getting rid of Trump. Their power and privilege is threatened by Trump. If it’s one thing a government bureaucracy can’t abide, it’s a lessening of their status and position in government.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Hillbilly Traitors have created the Derp State.
Can you honestly identify even a single one of the Team Fuckface troubles that they didn’t specifically bring on themselves?
Why meet with agents of the Russian state for help with the election?
Why go around the campaign lawyers to set it up?
Why fail to report it to the legal team?
Why conceal it?
Why lie about it after it is discovered?
Why lie about it again?
And again?
Why reach out to the Russian foreign minister in the wake of such a meeting to explore setting up a Russian controlled secure communication channel between the campaign and the Russian FSB?
Why inject yourself into the middle of an independent investigation of these kinds of entanglements with a foreign espionage service?
Why demand that the Atty Gen. back off?
Why demand that the FBI director back off?
Why follow up by firing the FBI director?
Why lie about that?
Why lie on every single one of your security clearance disclosure forms?
Why meet with representatives of a private billionaire to coordinate the creation and spread of false news stories originating from Russian FSB sources intended to distract from the investigation?
Why lie about that?
Why all the idiotic, emotionally stunted, late night weekend lonely guy rage-tweets?
Maybe there really is a “Deep State” intent on self preservation. How would that have anything to do with Fuckface Von Russian-Puppet openly consorting with foreign espionage agencies and then lying about it over and over and over and over again? They never could have made him do these things. If anything, assuming such people even exist, they are shitting themselves with laughter over the breathtaking incompetence and self injury that seems to be the only real talent demonstrated by the modern Hillbilly Traitor Party.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 If you think that’s what the opposition to Trump is all about, you’re even dumber than you look.
Roger Rabbitspews:
We don’t need another Confederate flag loving, Confederate hero-worshipping, governor in this country, but that’s what Republican voters vote for; and democracy, despite its flaws (one of which is stupid voters), is better than the alternatives. All I’m sayin’ is, just like the black folks in South Carolina vote, too. But that’s asking too much of people who are still trying to reverse the outcome of the Civil War.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t think restoring the civil rights of the Confederate traitors was a mistake. It was done too quickly, that’s all. A longer transition period — say, another 200 years — was needed.
With the news of Mueller impaneling a grand jury, I’m anticipating a modern-presidential tweetstorm as well as a series of spectacular loon head explosions.
The only thing missing are the peeing Russian hookers.
A grand jury. Of course. I know juries and mine will be the grandest jury. The most luxurious. If there’s one thing I know it’s the best the highest quality Jury that’s why I actually requested a GRAND Jury.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 Maybe Mueller can nail him for impersonating a president.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
As you were impersonating a lawyer?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 Or as you were impersonating a voter?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey all you stupid climate deniers out there — how d’ya like this ICE AGE we’re having? And this is just the start! It’s cool underground, though, so rabbits and other burrowing wildlife will be comfy!
Mark Adamsspews:
Thank you Carl, but for me up here in Bellingham the whole primary was a snooze. Got to vote in two elections. A county district and a port position. Not much excitement. I can saw though some people did vote in the election as the county drop box is near where I park for work, and I got to do the dance of I’m trying to park while people are leaving the drop box and coming down the alley. These voters are such bullies in the alley.
If you don’t care for the Seafair pirates you may not want to listen to the following. Hey we have our own group of pirates up here doing stuff with the Mariner pier. For real fun though you can visit the PIcket House where the lions used to sun themselves on the roof when the Colonel built it himself, and the windows are crooked and the roof is a bit slanted. So we have pirates and rebels up here.
@1 Washington State should just go unicameral. No need for a state Senate, it’s just an impasse to the peoples will whether it’s Republican or Democrat, and if it’s nearly split down the middle it all becomes muddled as to what members are of what party and on what issues.
Mark Adamsspews:
@2 Plays well in the rest of the state especially on the east side, and party affiliation has little to do with it. It’s about getting resources to your district or part of the state, and Seattle is politically a really big black hole that sucks in money, and this is somewhat true of Olympia, Politicians in the rest of the state must be cognizant of the power of Seattle and how it morphs the political geography. There will be some in the east who will be a bit giddy when the big Earthquake happens. as long as Mt. St Helens or another Cascadia volcano does not erupt gifting the east with tons of ash. Spokane, Moses Lake, Martha are all prepared for the relocation of state government to one of those locations. (Heck it maybe in some disaster preparedness plan some eastern site is already picked out should government evacuate Olympia.) Once government is there will they give it up, well Olympia has been unwilling to give up being the state Capital, though why Olympia is a reasonable question that has been asked many times over the years.
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 Trump is right on this the bill is unconstitutional and will have unintended consequences. One maybe the Iranians saying we have reneged on the nuclear deal and restarting their nuclear effort.
Like Cuba now the Senate will have to act to end the sanctions and the Senate is big on starting these things, but is lacking in the political will to end such sanctions even when they are clearly ineffective and counter productive. The Cuba embargo, and other US activities against Cuba can only be ended by Senate action. The President cannot fully implement change so we have at best a partial response that does not reflect the changes in the world sine the embargo was enacted. An embargo that should have ended sometime between 1966 and 1969 unless we were willing to do a full naval blockade of the island. Even if the Cuban people were to arise and take all the old communists out into the street and shoot them, our US Senate would not repeal the embargo, no matter which party is in power.
The Cuba embargo is a piss poor policy, but it’s what we got and now we got some more piss poor foreign policy. Thank you US Senate.
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 It’s unlikely that the action by the UN Security council is going to bring North Korea to the table or give up its nuclear program. A program they don’t need considering their stockpile of chemical weapons. A ton of sarin over Seattle from a Korean missile would be devastating, but that puts things in perspective. when North Korea threatens Seoul other than our boys and gals who are there is no direct threat to the US. North Korea has changed the balance. The President should take military action against North Korea, though they may very well take military action. In spite of all this activity or because of it, North Korea maybe close to collapse, which the Chinese don’t want, so China may have gone along with the sanctions so if they believe they need to invade to avoid the complete collapse of the regime rather than there being one Korea.
Mark Adamsspews:
@43 Elements of the deep state have existed since the Wilson administration entered WW I if not before. It was greatly strengthened by WWII and then the cold war. The creation of the military industrial complex. We have all had our hands in it. Trump did not create it. He may or may not be the deep states enemy. The deep state is not beneficial to American democracy. So if Trump can take the deep state down a peg or two that would be a good thing. Deep cuts in the military, the black side of government, and no longer being the worlds number one arms dealer would all be highly American virtues that the deep state opposes in it’s own self interest.
Mark Adamsspews:
Seattle is a city it would not do well without those hicks in the east part of the state. They grow wheat, and raise cattle eaten in the city. There are great dams that provide Seattleites cheap electricity. Wood, paper, coal, gasoline, cable networks, ect are supplied by folks on the other side of the state. Seattle does not exist with out those east siders. You can argue that one side or the other gets the better deal tax wise, but the residents of Seattle would not far well with out power, wheat, meat, ect. Cut off from these things Seattle ceases to exist.
Mark Adamsspews:
@8 Actually the port has Seattle by the balls. With no port there would be no Seattle. There would be no Sea-Tac. With no port able to take advantage of the gold rush there is no great Seattle just another sleepy fishing town on the sound.
Mark Adamsspews:
@12 This just shows that the real power of the President is limited. The fact the administration has been slow making appointments, and the Senate rather slow as well emphasizes. Which shows all the sky is falling because Trump (or any President) drama the bullshit it is.
So what is Vice President Pence up to these days?
Mark Adamsspews:
@26 Don’t know that is up to a federal judge in West Virginia who may uphold in part in full or in part the temporary order of protection. Then there will be a hearing and even a trial. The plaintiff’s attorney does not have that heavy of a burden at this point to show cause. The case is in coal country so one or more of those things could fly, to be determined at the hearing or trial.
Mark Adamsspews:
@28 The man is using a lot of power maybe he is into some hydroponic farming there. Another kind of green would explain the high power usage.
Mark Adamsspews:
@32 I could see the NAACP having a warning on North Korea, but they probably do not, and they definitely do not have a ban on Somalia. They are thumbs up on Somalia.
Mark Adamsspews:
@38 Your framing is totally wrong. Starting with your two statements which are untrue. Unless you state classic liberal which generally includes all American conservatives and liberals.
Mark Adamsspews:
@40 You stated they are CIA and the CIA like any government agency needs money to operate so they have a reason to call WikiLeaks a cutout when it’s not. It’s a journalist organization that has exposed the CIA. Something the Washington Post used to do. Mr. Bezeos also has great respect for these two great CIA guys, only Jeff is making how much from the CIA this year?
Note the economic system that WIKLEAKS is not a part of.
Mark Adamsspews:
@45 Come on RR your supposedly an attorney and know we don’t go by that sins of the father bullshit. Also denying any individual the vote for any reason is unconstitutional and wrong, even the sons and daughters of Confederate rebels, some who held human chattel.
There is also the seldom mentioned occupation of the southern states, which would have to be maintained for the 200 years that would have been required. It was not politically feasible, nor economically feasible.
Mark Adamsspews:
@43 You are claiming things in your questions that may or may not be facts. I disagree with your framing.
The bottom line as I suspect Jack realizes is that Trump is President. It requires the House of Representatives to impeach him and then the Senate has to remove him. None of which is dependent on any of your questions. These two tings are unlikely to happen in the next year and a half. If the Republicans maintain control of one or both houses then all your questions is the stuff of so what.
I think Trump should fire Mueller in that it would force the Republicans in Congress to tell their Democratic colleagues that they are full of shit. No impeachment and removal of the President is happening now go sit in the corner and color. Of course a party like that would have passed a health bill. So we are due for a year and a half of bumbling government. Enjoy the show folks, enjoy it is going to get worse.
And when the Supreme court final rules on some things and come down on the Trump administration side, maybe some of the silliness will dissipate. When the court finally says the Trump could have done it’s first travel ban as it was, or when the court says the administration can cut funds to sanctuary cities. Congress has passed laws saying any President can do these things. Don’t like it then go fight it out in Congress which is what the court will flat out state, rather than bring it to the courts because the Democratic party can put butts in the seats of Congress.
First ballot drop and the future isn’t great for WA GOP. Look for tons of outside money to pour in to try to hold the Senate. The shifting demographics of the 45th LD are coming to pass which is why Reichert got Gerrymandered into a safe district.
State Senate 45
Jinyoung Lee Englund (Prefers Republican Party) – 42.57%
Manka Dhingra(Prefers Democratic Party)50.51%
This one very expensive race to replace the deceased Andy Hill and the four time electoral loser appointed Dino Rossi determines the majority for the next session. GOP goes into the general 8 points down. Can’t imagine an Indian American Prosecutor has some appeal in Sammamish and Redmond.
So no more “Make protests Illegal” “Defund Evergreen College” “Screw Seattle” bills. Hope they enjoyed it.
“Screw Seattle” doesn’t play well in King County.
For some, it is a day of wailing and teeth gnashing. Our sales taxes won’t go up again (this time), Richard Pope won’t become a Port Commissioner again (this time), and no comeback for Mike McGinn.
I don’t have a dog in the hunt for Seattle mayor (I don’t live in the city), but it warms my heart to see former mayor McSchwinn fail so miserably in his come-back bid.
The Port is the one that I’m interested in. The Port of Seattle (aptly named POS) has been mismanaged for so long it is shameful. Run by a bunch of grifters at the trough of tax money they don’t need if they could just be more efficient and keep their hands out of the till.
“Screw Seattle” plays very well in the rest of WA. The ST3 ripoff will insure the animosity goes on forever.
In non-local news, Drumpf berated the Russian sanctions bill as “unconstitutional” — and then signed it,
appointed a foreclosure fraudster to oversee bank regulation,
and is fixing to attack North Korea.
This is how stupid Islamophobes are:
” … mistook a photograph of empty bus seats for a group of six burqa-wearing Muslim women”
This is how racist some cops are:
” … an assistant chief at the Estherwood Police Department, shared a post Sunday depicting a woman holding a young girl’s head under water in a bathtub, with the caption, ‘When your daughters [sic] first crush is a little negro boy.'”
At least he’s now a FORMER assistant police chief.
@4 Seattle is the ONLY major West Coast port city where homeowners pay port taxes. All the other ports are self-sufficient. Yes, we’re being grifted by port businesses. They dump their business expenses on taxpayers and pocket the profits! This is socialism, folks! Why aren’t our Republican friends complaining about these leeches? Oh, that’s right, they ARE the leeches.
The “Screw Seattle” does play well in the counties that would die East of the mountains without Seattle’s generosity.
But that’s not the 45th and it’s certainly been well covered that this race takes the power away from those Eastside “Screw Seattle” folks for whom Seattle really means Microsoft, Redmond, Kirkland, Mercer Island and wherever those homo-lovin’ skool fundin’ social justice libtards live.
I always enjoy the welfare queens of Eastern WA bitch about the Washington State Ferry system and how the resent subsidising ferries, “they will never ride.” Never mind the WSF are part of the State highway system. However, the welfare Queens like to bleat on and on, but the need to be reminded of history:
“When ferry boats in the Pacific Northwest are mentioned, the typical image is that of the giant super ferries that ply the waters of Puget Sound. Most Washington State residents are surprised to find out that the State also operates a ferry system in Eastern Washington.
In fact, the State’s involvement with ferry boats began on the “dry side” long before it ventured into the cross-sound routes in Western Washington that are familiar to so many. On September 1, 1930, the State of Washington Department of Highways took over control of the Keller Ferry run on the Columbia River, operated by Mr. William Latta, completing a link on what was then known as State Road #4. The State’s tenure as a Puget Sound ferry transportation provider did not begin until over 20 years later, with its purchase of the Black Ball Line on June 1, 1951. ”
What does it cost to ride the Keller Ferry? It is free. Enough said about the hypocrisy of the welfare queens of Eastern WA!
@9 Ah yes, the Eastern Washington Socialists living on public power and water from publicly owned dams, whose own taxes couldn’t pay for more than 100 feet of county road paving, who eternally bitch about “paying taxes to support Seattle,” yet they never lack the funds for another $1,500 sniper rifle to shoot Democrats with. Actually, there’s a certain amount of rationality to the latter because, in case you haven’t noticed, Democrats and Socialists are enemies.
This is simply stunning:
“Increasingly, federal officials are deciding to simply ignore President Donald Trump.
“As stunning as that sounds, fresh evidence arrives every day of the government treating the man elected to lead it as someone talking mostly to himself. …
“‘What is most remarkable is the extent to which his senior officials act as if Trump were not the chief executive,’ Jack Goldsmith, a top Justice Department official under President George W. Bush, wrote last weekend …. ‘Never has a president been so regularly ignored or contradicted by his own officials,’ Goldsmith added …. ‘The president is a figurehead ….’
“The disconnect between Trump’s words and the government’s actions has been apparent for months. …. But the phenomenon has grown more pronounced as Trump keeps struggling to govern …. Part of the disconnect flows from Trump’s inattention to, and weak grasp of, complex policy issues. … The president displayed greater familiarity with Jordan Spieth’s winning final round at golf’s British Open than the health-care plan he blasted Congress for not passing ….
“Acknowledgment of official steps to block Trump and not follow his lead has come from the highest levels of his own staff. ‘There are people inside the administration who think it is their job to save America from this president,’ Anthony Scaramucci said during his brief tenure as White House communications director. Those people may even include his new chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly. ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You know, this might actually work better than impeachment or the 25th Amendment. That is just ignore the guy. As long as an impotent Trump sits behind that desk, Pence is blocked. And we don’t actually have to fret very much about Trump if nobody is listening to him. He’s like a rotten stump in a forest. The life of the forest goes on around him. This actually is working out quite well.
It’s sad that he had to wait 48 years. We should be glad he finally got it. It’s unfortunate that when the day finally came he had to receive it from a cowardly blowhard.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Mr. McCloughan’s valor is the stuff of legend. The battlefield award of the Bronze Star with “V” awarded to him at the time was SOP. Higher awards go through a process. In his case, the ball was dropped. This his buddies could not abide, so in 2005 or thereabouts, they went to work, and he finally got the recognition he deserves. Better late than never. The cowardly blowhard called him a “titan.” That, he truly is. In the end, it doesn’t really matter who presented the medal; what matters is that he got it while still alive and is able to know that his extraordinary service is remembered and recognized.
Trump claims Mexico’s president praised his border wall. Mexico’s president says that’s bullshit. Who do YOU believe?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you believe Trump, you’ve failed the literacy test, and will no longer be allowed to vote.*
* Hey, don’t blame me for this; literacy tests are a Republican idea!
@3, @4 Too bad about Richard. Many of us hereabouts know he’s got a hell of a lot more on the ball than most of the other doofuses running the Port.
@15 Yeah, I think he’d do a decent job. I think he’s honest.
I don’t live in Eastern WA. I live in one of the vassal counties in Western WA.
Translated, “Thanks President Obama. Maybe someday I’ll pass a budget and kill off your rally. I’m trying so hard.”
Meanwhile the shits keep coming from Evergreen State College…
Everything seems to be going swell in Repukeland.
Donald Trump Signs Russia Sanctions Bill He Calls ‘Significantly Flawed’
Libtards can’t run away from their own comments!
“‘no sane country’ rewards illegals with citizenship… unless they can be used to win elections for liberal democrats!”
This is how you kick FAKE NEWSY’S ASSES!
So libtards, if this wasn’t true about Seth Rich being killed why would WikiLeaks trump it up?
Remember WikiLeaks went on record about the Clinton emails…
butt Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom has to keep being a dope alive! It’s what he does!
@18 This statistic is way more interesting.
@21 That hasn’t stopped Republicans from bringing them in to exploit their cheap labor.
Roger Rabbit Law Quiz
Question 1. Which of the following states a legal cause of action? (Note: For quiz purposes, assume all facts alleged by Plaintiffs are true.)
a. “Defendants attempted ‘to advance their biases against the coal industry and their disdain for the coal-related policies of the Trump Administration.”
b. “Defendants employed techniques designed solely to . . . embarrass Plaintiffs[.]”
c. “Defendants childishly demeaned and disparaged Bob Murray and his companies, made jokes about Bob Murray’s age, health, and appearance, [and] made light of a tragic mining accident[.]”
d. “Defendants are persons and organizations fundamentally opposed to any revitalization of the coal industry, having described coal as ‘environmentally catastrophic.'”
e. “Defendant Time Warner is widely reported as a top ten donor of Hillary Clinton[.]”
f. “As a presidential candidate, Mrs. Clinton’s agenda was to put a lotta [sic] coal miners and coal companies outta [sic] business.”
g. “Defendants’ broadcasts have vigorously supported and advanced Mrs. Clinton’s agenda.”
h. “Instead of focusing on what Plaintiffs wanted him to talk about, Defendants ignored them and ‘doubled-down’ . . . , ending their recorded broadcast with the phrases ‘Eat Shit, Bob’ and ‘Kiss my ass, Bob.’”
i. “Defendants deliberately omitted the facts Plaintiffs provided regarding the Crandall Canyon Mine incident.”
j. “Defendant Oliver quoted from the sweeping executive summary of [an] MSHA report, which obviously and grossly overstated the actual conclusions contained in the MSHA report, which Defendants easily would have seen upon a cursory review of the actual MSHA report.”
k. “Defendants . . . aired a clip of congressional testimony of a relative of a former employee of Murray Energy that appeared to be dissatisfied with Bob Murray’s handling of the Crandall Canyon Mine collapse[.]”
l. “[I]n reference to Bob Murray’s denial of an absurd story that Bob Murray claimed a squirrel told him he should operate his own mines, Defendant Oliver stated ‘You know what, I actually believe Murray on that one’ and ‘Even by your standard, that would be a pretty ridiculous thing to say.'”
m. “Defendant Oliver . . . failed to mention, despite having the information, that Bob Murray has pioneered Emergency Response and Fire Suppression Training in the coal industry.”
n. “Defendants [described] Bob Murray as someone who ‘looks like a geriatric Dr. Evil’ and arranging for a staff member to dress up in a squirrel costume and deliver the message ‘Eat Shit, Bob!’ to Bob Murray.”
o. “[A]fter the live taping, Defendant Oliver exclaimed to the audience that having someone in a squirrel costume tell Bob Murray to ‘Eat Shit’ was a ‘dream come true.'”
p. “Defendant Oliver stated ‘Bob Murray, I didn’t really plan for so much of this piece to be about you, but you kind of forced my hand on that one.'”
Question 2. If your answer to Question 1 is “none,” is there a basis to grant Defendants’ motion for Rule 11 sanctions?
Question 3: Should the court issue an injunction based on the following motion?
” … [P]laintiffs’ counsel has also filed a motion asking the court to make John Oliver not say mean things about him anymore.”
Man, oh, man, things won’t look good for thin-skinned public figures if Plaintiffs lose this one!
Meanwhile HA DUMMMOCRETIN hero Al Gorebasm is still at it!
“Those 33 solar panels generate about 12,000 kWh of electricity a year – way more than enough energy to power a typical American household. Gore is such an enormous energy hog, however, that his gigantic rooftop solar array produces just 5.7 percent of the electricity he uses in his home, or enough to power his home for a measly 21 days a year.”
@27 Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that Al Gore is a hypocrite. The question then becomes, what implications does that have for what U.S. energy policy should be? To make this easier for you, I’ll frame it as a multiple choice quiz:
(a) It means there’s nothing wrong with burning coal.
(b) It means climate change is a Chinese hoax.
(c) It means the world’s leading climate scientists faked their data.
(d) All of the above; Gore’s hypocrisy proves “climate change” is nothing more than a conspiracy to destroy America.
(e) None of the above; Gore’s hypocrisy is irrelevant to what’s best for the future of the planet and human species.
Vince Foster killed Seth Rich. Rich had to go because he was the one who held the pillow on Scalia and he was going to talk. Everyone knows that.
Hillbilly Traitor Mad Libs?
33% approval? The loon’s head will explode.
“That’s Gonna Leave A Mark: Trump Approval Lowest Ever”
The NAACP has issued a travel advisory for Missouri, saying American citizens are not safe there, listing arbitrary arrests and detentions among the concerns.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This puts Missouri on a par with North Korea and Somalia.
@31 The really depressing thing about this poll is that fully a third of all Americans still believe in Trump. That’s a bad knock on our education system.
The second drop of ballots from the 45th is showing the standard King County pattern. An increase in the percentage of the Democratic (or Socialist, Hey Kashama!) candidate.
Jinyoung Lee Englund
(Prefers Republican Party)
42.09% (42.57 on first drop)
Manka Dhingra
(Prefers Democratic Party)
51.01% (50.51 on first drop)
And Trump’s beloved Rasmussen.
Well the index is now at -25%. that matches where Obama was 18 months into his presidency
At 38% total approve that is lower than Obama was at any time in his presidency. Obama’s rock bottom was 41% also about 18 months into his presidency.
Damn, that’s truly awful. And you know he’s checking the polls daily ’cause he tweeted that one time he hit 50%
@35 “one time he hit 50%”
Only in Rasmussen, which doesn’t count.
Another example of the consequences of Republican budgets.
Conservatives: “It is better to see a thousand innocent people go to prison lest one criminal go free.”
Liberals: “It is better that a thousand criminals go free lest an innocent person be imprisoned.”
Which one is the better system of Justice?
So it would appear that a key element of the obstruction defense that uncouth Team Fuckface lawyers are preparing amounts to “he said/she said”. Assuming his bottomless impulses for self-destruction can be kept in check for the next three years, most of the case would center on the Comey firing. Obviously they’ve already begun the process of smearing the former director. But what will remain will be the project to smear and assassinate the professional reputations of the dozens of top level FBI senior managers who were at least peripherally involved in Comey’s discussions with Fuckface about the investigation, and who shared communications with Comey about the White House’s effort to become directly involved in the investigation.
I don’t doubt they’ll go there. But the cost may be devastating for Hillbilly Traitors now welded to this dumpster fire administration. The FBI enjoys considerable respect throughout American law enforcement and the general public. Millions of “law and order” American voters will be treated to the spectacle of the Hillbilly Traitor Party and the alt-reality clickservative media hate-space shitting all over American law enforcement to save the hide of an emotionally unstable man-baby.
So much winning.
The former CIA Chief of Station Moscow and the former CIA Chief of Russian Operations both consider WikiLeaks to be a Russian cutout.
But who would trust them with over 50 years of intelligence gathering and counter intel experience between them when we can rely on the unerring judgment of unhinged, vulgar, delusional, Hillbilly dupes?
@39 Actually, I think they’ll all turn on the man-baby and sing like canaries when he fucks over them, too. Remember, the main target of this investigation has no loyalties to anyone but himself.
The deep state will assist in getting rid of Trump. Their power and privilege is threatened by Trump. If it’s one thing a government bureaucracy can’t abide, it’s a lessening of their status and position in government.
Hillbilly Traitors have created the Derp State.
Can you honestly identify even a single one of the Team Fuckface troubles that they didn’t specifically bring on themselves?
Why meet with agents of the Russian state for help with the election?
Why go around the campaign lawyers to set it up?
Why fail to report it to the legal team?
Why conceal it?
Why lie about it after it is discovered?
Why lie about it again?
And again?
Why reach out to the Russian foreign minister in the wake of such a meeting to explore setting up a Russian controlled secure communication channel between the campaign and the Russian FSB?
Why inject yourself into the middle of an independent investigation of these kinds of entanglements with a foreign espionage service?
Why demand that the Atty Gen. back off?
Why demand that the FBI director back off?
Why follow up by firing the FBI director?
Why lie about that?
Why lie on every single one of your security clearance disclosure forms?
Why meet with representatives of a private billionaire to coordinate the creation and spread of false news stories originating from Russian FSB sources intended to distract from the investigation?
Why lie about that?
Why all the idiotic, emotionally stunted, late night weekend lonely guy rage-tweets?
Maybe there really is a “Deep State” intent on self preservation. How would that have anything to do with Fuckface Von Russian-Puppet openly consorting with foreign espionage agencies and then lying about it over and over and over and over again? They never could have made him do these things. If anything, assuming such people even exist, they are shitting themselves with laughter over the breathtaking incompetence and self injury that seems to be the only real talent demonstrated by the modern Hillbilly Traitor Party.
@42 If you think that’s what the opposition to Trump is all about, you’re even dumber than you look.
We don’t need another Confederate flag loving, Confederate hero-worshipping, governor in this country, but that’s what Republican voters vote for; and democracy, despite its flaws (one of which is stupid voters), is better than the alternatives. All I’m sayin’ is, just like the black folks in South Carolina vote, too. But that’s asking too much of people who are still trying to reverse the outcome of the Civil War.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t think restoring the civil rights of the Confederate traitors was a mistake. It was done too quickly, that’s all. A longer transition period — say, another 200 years — was needed.
With the news of Mueller impaneling a grand jury, I’m anticipating a modern-presidential tweetstorm as well as a series of spectacular loon head explosions.;ocid=iehp
The only thing missing are the peeing Russian hookers.
A grand jury. Of course. I know juries and mine will be the grandest jury. The most luxurious. If there’s one thing I know it’s the best the highest quality Jury that’s why I actually requested a GRAND Jury.
@48 Maybe Mueller can nail him for impersonating a president.
As you were impersonating a lawyer?
@50 Or as you were impersonating a voter?
Hey all you stupid climate deniers out there — how d’ya like this ICE AGE we’re having? And this is just the start! It’s cool underground, though, so rabbits and other burrowing wildlife will be comfy!
Thank you Carl, but for me up here in Bellingham the whole primary was a snooze. Got to vote in two elections. A county district and a port position. Not much excitement. I can saw though some people did vote in the election as the county drop box is near where I park for work, and I got to do the dance of I’m trying to park while people are leaving the drop box and coming down the alley. These voters are such bullies in the alley.
If you don’t care for the Seafair pirates you may not want to listen to the following. Hey we have our own group of pirates up here doing stuff with the Mariner pier. For real fun though you can visit the PIcket House where the lions used to sun themselves on the roof when the Colonel built it himself, and the windows are crooked and the roof is a bit slanted. So we have pirates and rebels up here.
@1 Washington State should just go unicameral. No need for a state Senate, it’s just an impasse to the peoples will whether it’s Republican or Democrat, and if it’s nearly split down the middle it all becomes muddled as to what members are of what party and on what issues.
@2 Plays well in the rest of the state especially on the east side, and party affiliation has little to do with it. It’s about getting resources to your district or part of the state, and Seattle is politically a really big black hole that sucks in money, and this is somewhat true of Olympia, Politicians in the rest of the state must be cognizant of the power of Seattle and how it morphs the political geography. There will be some in the east who will be a bit giddy when the big Earthquake happens. as long as Mt. St Helens or another Cascadia volcano does not erupt gifting the east with tons of ash. Spokane, Moses Lake, Martha are all prepared for the relocation of state government to one of those locations. (Heck it maybe in some disaster preparedness plan some eastern site is already picked out should government evacuate Olympia.) Once government is there will they give it up, well Olympia has been unwilling to give up being the state Capital, though why Olympia is a reasonable question that has been asked many times over the years.
@6 Trump is right on this the bill is unconstitutional and will have unintended consequences. One maybe the Iranians saying we have reneged on the nuclear deal and restarting their nuclear effort.
Like Cuba now the Senate will have to act to end the sanctions and the Senate is big on starting these things, but is lacking in the political will to end such sanctions even when they are clearly ineffective and counter productive. The Cuba embargo, and other US activities against Cuba can only be ended by Senate action. The President cannot fully implement change so we have at best a partial response that does not reflect the changes in the world sine the embargo was enacted. An embargo that should have ended sometime between 1966 and 1969 unless we were willing to do a full naval blockade of the island. Even if the Cuban people were to arise and take all the old communists out into the street and shoot them, our US Senate would not repeal the embargo, no matter which party is in power.
The Cuba embargo is a piss poor policy, but it’s what we got and now we got some more piss poor foreign policy. Thank you US Senate.
@6 It’s unlikely that the action by the UN Security council is going to bring North Korea to the table or give up its nuclear program. A program they don’t need considering their stockpile of chemical weapons. A ton of sarin over Seattle from a Korean missile would be devastating, but that puts things in perspective. when North Korea threatens Seoul other than our boys and gals who are there is no direct threat to the US. North Korea has changed the balance. The President should take military action against North Korea, though they may very well take military action. In spite of all this activity or because of it, North Korea maybe close to collapse, which the Chinese don’t want, so China may have gone along with the sanctions so if they believe they need to invade to avoid the complete collapse of the regime rather than there being one Korea.
@43 Elements of the deep state have existed since the Wilson administration entered WW I if not before. It was greatly strengthened by WWII and then the cold war. The creation of the military industrial complex. We have all had our hands in it. Trump did not create it. He may or may not be the deep states enemy. The deep state is not beneficial to American democracy. So if Trump can take the deep state down a peg or two that would be a good thing. Deep cuts in the military, the black side of government, and no longer being the worlds number one arms dealer would all be highly American virtues that the deep state opposes in it’s own self interest.
Seattle is a city it would not do well without those hicks in the east part of the state. They grow wheat, and raise cattle eaten in the city. There are great dams that provide Seattleites cheap electricity. Wood, paper, coal, gasoline, cable networks, ect are supplied by folks on the other side of the state. Seattle does not exist with out those east siders. You can argue that one side or the other gets the better deal tax wise, but the residents of Seattle would not far well with out power, wheat, meat, ect. Cut off from these things Seattle ceases to exist.
@8 Actually the port has Seattle by the balls. With no port there would be no Seattle. There would be no Sea-Tac. With no port able to take advantage of the gold rush there is no great Seattle just another sleepy fishing town on the sound.
@12 This just shows that the real power of the President is limited. The fact the administration has been slow making appointments, and the Senate rather slow as well emphasizes. Which shows all the sky is falling because Trump (or any President) drama the bullshit it is.
So what is Vice President Pence up to these days?
@26 Don’t know that is up to a federal judge in West Virginia who may uphold in part in full or in part the temporary order of protection. Then there will be a hearing and even a trial. The plaintiff’s attorney does not have that heavy of a burden at this point to show cause. The case is in coal country so one or more of those things could fly, to be determined at the hearing or trial.
@28 The man is using a lot of power maybe he is into some hydroponic farming there. Another kind of green would explain the high power usage.
@32 I could see the NAACP having a warning on North Korea, but they probably do not, and they definitely do not have a ban on Somalia. They are thumbs up on Somalia.
@38 Your framing is totally wrong. Starting with your two statements which are untrue. Unless you state classic liberal which generally includes all American conservatives and liberals.
@40 You stated they are CIA and the CIA like any government agency needs money to operate so they have a reason to call WikiLeaks a cutout when it’s not. It’s a journalist organization that has exposed the CIA. Something the Washington Post used to do. Mr. Bezeos also has great respect for these two great CIA guys, only Jeff is making how much from the CIA this year?
Note the economic system that WIKLEAKS is not a part of.
@45 Come on RR your supposedly an attorney and know we don’t go by that sins of the father bullshit. Also denying any individual the vote for any reason is unconstitutional and wrong, even the sons and daughters of Confederate rebels, some who held human chattel.
There is also the seldom mentioned occupation of the southern states, which would have to be maintained for the 200 years that would have been required. It was not politically feasible, nor economically feasible.
@43 You are claiming things in your questions that may or may not be facts. I disagree with your framing.
The bottom line as I suspect Jack realizes is that Trump is President. It requires the House of Representatives to impeach him and then the Senate has to remove him. None of which is dependent on any of your questions. These two tings are unlikely to happen in the next year and a half. If the Republicans maintain control of one or both houses then all your questions is the stuff of so what.
I think Trump should fire Mueller in that it would force the Republicans in Congress to tell their Democratic colleagues that they are full of shit. No impeachment and removal of the President is happening now go sit in the corner and color. Of course a party like that would have passed a health bill. So we are due for a year and a half of bumbling government. Enjoy the show folks, enjoy it is going to get worse.
And when the Supreme court final rules on some things and come down on the Trump administration side, maybe some of the silliness will dissipate. When the court finally says the Trump could have done it’s first travel ban as it was, or when the court says the administration can cut funds to sanctuary cities. Congress has passed laws saying any President can do these things. Don’t like it then go fight it out in Congress which is what the court will flat out state, rather than bring it to the courts because the Democratic party can put butts in the seats of Congress.