Whenever you are in DC always, always check the programming at The Kennedy Center. Artists and performers give some of their best live performances there.
Also, located across the basin from the mall is the FDR memorial which many folks have never seen. Its a really nice departure from the overbearing neoclassical monstrosities that dominate the capital and one of the nicest spots for a picnic lunch.
Jack Rose Dining Saloon is about a ten minute walk from Dupont Circle featuring over 2000 of the world’s greatest whiskeys. Order the Pappy 23yr Family Reserve and tell Doctor Dumbfuck it tastes just like sweet sweet Russian Hooker pee according to his President. And if you are in that neighborhood visit The Phillips Collection.
Look on the bright sidespews:
Go to the Smithsonian.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Way to be specific.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I would add, at the risk of the obvious, if you havent yet, visit the Holocaust Museum. But prepare yourself. Its not easy. Nor should it be.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And the Vietnam Wall. Honor our fallen heroes. Leave flowers, and don’t remove the boots or dog tags.
Look on the bright sidespews:
Carl can decide for himself what he’d like to see at the Smithsonian. Lots of choices!
Roger Rabbitspews:
How bad a boss is Trump? The worst!
“For Trump, … loyalty is a one-way street. He … will stab a friend in the back … to serve Trump is to risk permanently damaging your reputation ….”
The result? Only bottom-of-barrel scum will run the risk of serving this president — until they, too, are thrown under the bus.
First he’ll have to choose which of 17 Smithsonians, wont he.
And that assumes we can ignore the zoo and the museums in NY.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
7, Rick Wilson warned them all a year ago.
Few listened.
Of those who did, more than a few have volunteered for the humiliation of public orange bukkake in order to be positioned to sell access and policy. Often at Fuckface’s expense. To say nothing of our nation’s expense.
In DC, go to a softshell crab joint. And the American Indian Museum at the Smithsonian is incredible. There are endless museums, so take your pick. And DC is a great city for walking. Visit the Lincoln Memorial and have a good cry with Honest Abe. If you run out of things to do, you can always go to the International Spy Museum. https://www.spymuseum.org/
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
and apparently pathetic to boot.
Rather than come here an plead for it, he should be responsible, and self sufficient and pay a therapist for sympathy.
In answer to your question: This.
These are complicated and dangerous times. Supine clickservatives, authoritarian worshiping Fuckface fellators, hate-for-profit media-programmed meathead NASCAR dads, and childless single men who masturbate to anime have seized control of the Republican Party and handed the launch codes to a mentally unstable narcissistic sociopath who is being controlled by a Russian dictator.
America needs dicks more than ever.
Look on the bright sidespews:
Well, at least you know who you are.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
And I think we all know exactly who you are.
Breaking news- the Mooch is out. I’m a bit disappointed, he could have been entertaining.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
So with help from Kelly, Fuckface finally figured out that The Mooch was using him like a $10 whore.
And so the Chinese get to join the Russians, the RNC, Врач немой ебать, and 60 million unorganized grabasstic racist meathead voters as the latest victims of Don the Con.
And tomorrow the rest of us will still be asked to pretend that none of this ever happened, and that “the problem” lies in a lack of “bi-partisanship”.
The Moochspews:
Whoever the fuck leaked that is so fucking fired!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Mooch lasted on the job for exactly 10 days. Oh, and he had a terrible weekend, losing his wife on Friday and his job on Monday, although the latter should help keep down his payments to the former. The lesson here for free agent sycophants is that a gig with Trump can’t be expected to last more than a few days, so keep your resume fresh! And if you’re a dairy cow you should be very nervous, because just because you gave milk on Sunday doesn’t mean you won’t be turned into hamburger on Monday.
Oh shit. Had no idea that the single, childless man-child always wrongist war-blogger Steven Den Beste died in 2016. Four years after having a stroke.
Also re-learned that it left war-blogging due to enduring an inherited degenerative disease, the side-effects of palliative stimulants and too much critical e-mail.
It comforted itself with curvy female images from anime in its declining years.
America has been recovering since at least 2008. Thanks SBD.. err.. SDB..
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Make way for “The Great We”.
With Yertle’s FuckGrannyCare dispatched to the dustbin of history, GooglyEyedGrannyStarver’s tax cuts hovering over the swirling toilet bowl of a 2018 debacle, the RNC staff furiously filling out their unemployment affidavits before the system crashes, every last degenerate monster of the hate-for-profit mediasphere suddenly discovering “EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE”, and Team Fuckface cowering behind a wall of donor financed uncouth lawyers and unhinged lonely-guy weekend rage-tweets, it’s time for all us dirty hippies to get ready for the predictable arrival of “The Great We”.
Wherein monumentally dishonest so-called great media intellects suddenly act as if “nobody could have possibly foreseen any of this, and “it’s all a product of too much dreaded partisanship” even as they nakedly undertake humiliating acts of partisan prostitution all aimed at convincing the clownservative racist meathead Hillbilly Traitor voters that this really isn’t their fault.
The fuck it isn’t.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Ms. Noonan basically ignored the unprecedented battering the president has taken in the media as a reason that he might respond to criticism inappropriately at times.
Makes you wonder what he’d do if somebody suggested he faked his birth certificate, helped assassinate JFK, or murdered Vince Foster.
Politcally Incorrectspews:
Be alert for some bogus calls from an area code near Minneapolis. They claim to be computer tech trying to resolve issues with your computer. It’s just another scam, so don’t answer the phone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Harvard Law School has apologized for erroneously listing ousted White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci as dead in a new alumni directory.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They jumped the gun by 24 hours. The now-unemployed, penniless, soon-to-be-divorced former hedge fund manager who doesn’t even have a girlfriend (he assured us he was “married to the White House,” look how that turned out for him) will commit suicide tomorrow because he has nothing left to live for. He needs today to think about his mistakes, one of which was trusting Trump to reciprocate his loyalty.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 You get what you vote for, and maybe it’s time we start holding our fellow citizens accountable for what they vote for.
Politcally Incorrectspews:
Just did the numbers as of close of business today. Up about 13.97%, annualized. Still beating the Dow and S&P 500, but not the NASDAQ.
Still, it’s looking to be a good year on the investment front. Discipline, diversity and delayed gratification is the key to building wealth overtime.
Politcally Incorrectspews:
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Are you including dividends?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“… who by a sizable nationwide majority of votes chose the Presidential candidate who is not a serial rapist, admitted con artist, and emotionally disturbed hand-puppet for a criminal mob of Russian oligarchs.”
… you fucking traitor.
Now crawl back into your anime porn safe space like the rest of your fellow clickservative EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE.
Mark Adamsspews:
DC in August stay out of the sun. Usually this is the sane time of the year in the nations capital, but not this August. There is the nations attic and it’s air conditioned. AC is your newest friend in DC.
New Hampshire is easy go fishing. Doesn’t matter if you catch anything. Just go fishing. Take your laptop and you can even update in the fields and forests of New Hampshire. Look for big foot apparently there have been sighting in New Hampshire. I suspect moonshine and bored proud New Hampshire men and woman who enjoy their time on the liars bench. Try one out while you are there. One on every village green.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 Shhh we need the neoclassical surroundings of Washington DC to impress Mr Ballard. It’s good for his edification. However entertaining a Carl and Ivanka affair would be to some he should go to the nations capital and prepare to be our future Mr. Smith. Ivanka will still be there for him as a grieving widow. He will then have to decide whether to tell her to fly off to Paris or join him in Seattle. And if Carl is married well that just adds sizzle to the story.
Look on the bright sidespews:
Is that the best you can do?
Mark Adamsspews:
@7 Come one RR you know many Americans would serve the President of the United States. All he has to do is call. I know you were drafted so maybe you aren’t one of those American’s Still there are plenty of men and women in this nation who will work for whoever the President is. All he need to do is call. Now there maybe some hard language after they hang up the phone, and if time a good stiff drink. but they will catch the plane, train or automobile and go serve the President and the United States of America even when inconvenient.
Remember when DerTrumper was bragging about “The most accurate poll (Rasmussen) at 50%, highet than Obama” (though Obama was in the mid 60s as he left office and high 60s on a similar date in his early presidency)?
More Americans love Brussels Sprouts. That’s Highet than the % who love ‘The Emoji Movie’ but less than loved ‘Hot Tib time Machine 2’.
Mark Adamsspews:
@8 Of course the National Zoo is part of the Smithsonian.
Mark Adamsspews:
@13 Could be worse you could be in Caracus.
And I doubt folks in Yeman give a shit. Still whatever if falling on them has a made in America tag.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Is that the best you can do?
Of course not. And yet in your case it is more than adequate.
D.C. I could recomend sone pretty stellar breweries.
I nerd out at the Folger library when I can. They’ve added the Space Shuttle since the last time I was at Air and Space so I’d totally do that. I’ve got some relatives buried in Arlington and if you’ve never walked around in there it’s worth doing.
Sadly, the bar that I met the Ambassador of Pakistan randomly sitting next to me talking Man. U Futball and once sat with Sen. Leahy at the next table and also saw Bill Kristol in has been torn down. It was a great one. Progress.
Mark Adamsspews:
@21 Hey could this be like a “Trading Places” deal all based on a dollar bet between Donald and Ivanka or maybe Kelly.
Well, Scaramucci has time to work on sucking his own dick.
Can you image me a private sector communications manager saying that in an interview and still being employed at the end of the day? How did he last the week ‘cept the West Wing is now being run like a Frat.
Recall that Schmidt is the degenerate who tried to put Sarah Palin next in line for the White House. For all that he has repudiated that since, he continues to wrap himself in The Stars and Stripes while laboring tirelessly to shit directly into the mouths of every single American he considers to be “less than”.
That the horror of Fuckface drives him to suddenly notice the sheer folly of institutionalized lying, a thing Schmidt did and promoted successfully as a comms director for Republicans in Congress, The RNC, The Bush Crime Family, and Senator Maverick McPoopypants, says more about Team Fuckface’s commitment to the tactic than anything at all about Schmidt’s character. When it comes to lying, Team Fuckface has no pretense to piety or respect. Like the boss, they are all about winning and dominance at whatever cost. Schmidt is just bitter that he could never summon the stones to go full retard like Conway or Spicer.
These people were always going to wreck themselves, and a good chunk of the country along the way. Team Fuckface just goes about it more efficiently.
Mark Adamsspews:
@28 You do know there are reasons that voting booths have curtains. What you are saying is one. I know you would prefer to give everyone a ballot marked with only Democratic candidates with squares for checkmarks.
You follow as blindly as many of the folks who voted for Trump. Now if they voted for him to hear to tag line: “You are fired.” They cannot be at all disappointed. At the end will be have the idea set of apprentices in the Cabinet?
Mark Adamsspews:
@41 Arlington is not in DC it used to be, but Maryland got that part of DC back. Also remember Arlington is part of the Lee plantation. The US government finally got around to paying for property long after it was a cemetery. .
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…as many of the folks who voted for Trump.
As if they are some rare singularity hidden among the unicorns and Jabberwocks.
63 million regular plain old run-of-the-mill angry racist woman-hating Republicans and EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE voted for the unhinged emotionally disturbed Russian Puppet. People just like you, who secretly longed to see this mob of ignoramuses debase the institutions that protect our freedoms because they had been used, even a little, to protect the freedoms of people you don’t like.
Mark Adamsspews:
@45 Considering the newest Old Spice advertisement I just saw on tv I doubt American’s are noticing. Most would not notice the absence of Washington DC. Hopefully it will not go missing while Carl is there. Some of you may miss Carl. Heck I might miss Carl, but I’d probably not notice if Washington DC was missing.
Mark Adamsspews:
Hey the Mariners are in 2nd place in the Western Division. The bd news is they are 16 games back. Go Mariners! At least make it interesting. Just visiting GM’s should be aware they should not jay walk from their cab across the street to the entrance across the street.
Mark Adamsspews:
Everyone demand photos of Carl at the National Zoo with the pandas and American animals like moose, and banana slugs. Yep Carl we demand you go thousand of miles and report on banana slugs. If the National Zoo does not have any we will Fed Ex one. If you add Ivanka into the story it will spice things up.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Which as much as Russian influence peddling, selling H1-B visas to investors, or trading national interests for oil-leases is treason enough.
Plenty of Fuckface voters “noticed” that their gubmit might just go “missing” when Hillbilly Traitors threatened to blow up health insurance one week ago. Plenty of Hillbilly Traitor Senators and Congress members noticed when they sold their votes for giant state-specific aerial taxpayer cash drops.
And I’m pretty confident they’ll notice when the same mob of Supply Side Flying Monkeys led by the Great Orange Shit Gibbon fails to raise the debt ceiling in October.
Yes but much like Manhattan/Queens (Man there’s good ethnic
Food in Queens) and Portland I consider anything quickly and easily reached by rail as close enough to visit. Like if you’re in Brussels but want to go see the Cathedral in Antwerp >1 hour.
Btw. The Antwerp Cathedral is a metro stop away from “If you call it the best beer bar in the world, I have one I like better but you know your shit so I’ll give it to you”
And Abigail was so sure that he knew his ass from his elbow. Conservative they don’t know how not to be wrong, and always so sure of and so full of themselves.
He didn’t think Kim Jung Un had it in him so early.
@36 “I know you were drafted so maybe you aren’t one of those American’s”
How do you “know” that? Did you steal a copy of my DD-214? If you did, ask one of the other veterans here to explain what the “RA” in front of my service number means.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 “And I doubt folks in Yeman give a shit.”
But they probably know how to spell “Yemen.” Why can’t we get any literate trolls around here? Are our schools that bad now?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 Could be. Your logic is probably at least as good as theirs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 Considering that Republicans think Democrats shouldn’t be allowed to vote, I honestly don’t feel I’m being too hard on the gang of arsonists who elected Trump. Responsible adults don’t let children play with matches.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 (continued)
This is what I’m talking about, dipstick:
“Roughly half of the D.O.E.’s annual budget is spent on maintaining and guarding our nuclear arsenal, for instance. Two billion of that goes to hunting down weapons-grade plutonium and uranium at loose in the world so that it doesn’t fall into the hands of terrorists. In just the past eight years the D.O.E.’s National Nuclear Security Administration has collected enough material to make 160 nuclear bombs. The department trains every international atomic-energy inspector; if nuclear power plants around the world are not producing weapons-grade material on the sly by reprocessing spent fuel rods and recovering plutonium, it’s because of these people. The D.O.E. also supplies radiation-detection equipment to enable other countries to detect bomb material making its way across national borders.”
(From link @54) The shitheads who voted for Trump elected someone who doesn’t know or care what D.O.E. does. Who put Rick Perry in charge of this. Who wants to slash the budget for this (and for the Hanford cleanup). The stupidity of Trumpers would be forgivable if it affected only them, but unfortunately, it puts all of us in jeopardy. It’s like having neighbors who vote down a fire department levy and then your house burns down because no one came when you called 911. Are you going to forgive those neighbors? I think not. Are we going to forgive the dumbasses who put Trump in office? I’ll give you two guesses, and if your first guess is wrong, you’ll forfeit the second guess, because you won’t deserve a second chance. Trump is an incompetent dumbshit. He was elected by incompetent dumbshit voters. This kind of dumbshittery shouldn’t be consequence-free, that’s all I’m saying. If you voted for Trump, you have earned the contempt and revulsion of your fellow Americans. That’s all I’m saying. And if you decide to hide behind a curtain so no one finds out that you did, well, that’s exactly the kind of cowardice I expect from Trump voters.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s another quote from that Vanity Fair article that’s worth posting just to shove it up Puddy’s ignorant ass:
“The D.O.E. has a program, for example, to provide low-interest loans to companies to encourage risky corporate innovation in alternative energy and energy efficiency. The loan program became infamous when one of its borrowers, the solar-energy company Solyndra, was unable to repay its loan, but, as a whole, since its inception in 2009, the program has turned a profit.”
And this:
“And it has been demonstrably effective: it lent money to Tesla to build its factory in Fremont, California, when the private sector would not, for instance. Every Tesla you see on the road came from a facility financed by the D.O.E. Its loans to early-stage solar-energy companies launched the industry. There are now 35 viable utility-scale, privately funded solar companies—up from zero a decade ago.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying the ignorant, incurious, know-nothing, always-wrong, lameasses who make up the Republican voter base shouldn’t be allowed to vote in secret, or vote at all. I’m absolutely NOT in favor of revoking their voting privileges. They should be allowed to choose their own tribal chiefs after we load them on a ship and dump them on a deserted island where they can’t hurt anyone but themselves. As long as their voting behavior doesn’t screw up things for the rest of us, I’m good with letting ’em do whatever they want. I would even let them take their guns with them to facilitate the process of the island becoming deserted again to make room for future shiploads of idiot Republicans in case they ever regenerate in my country again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let’s try a lifeboat analogy. You’re in a lifeboat with a bunch of stupid Republicans who insist on rowing in the wrong direction, away from land, what do you do? Do you let them have the lifeboat and swim for shore, or do you throw them overboard and let them swim to China? What is the proper and ethical thing to do in this situation? What if there are innocent women and children in the lifeboat? Does that change your answer?
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you think Trump fired Scaramucci because of his New Yorker tirade, guess again. Trump doesn’t fire people for being uncouth assholes. In his circles, that’s normal behavior.
This was about money — and dodging another scandal involving a foreign adversary. Trump may be tone-deaf, but even he can figure out what it looks like to have a guy working for him down the hall who’s trying to sell his company to China for $200 million.
We shouldn’t go too hard on Donald Trump Jr. It wasn’t he who lied about what occurred in his meeting with the Russian lawyer. He was merely a reader.
“President Trump allegedly dictated his son Donald Trump Jr.’s initial statement about his 2016 meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Washington Post reported Monday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans in Congress have a hard choice to make. They can be loyal to their country, or loyal to Trump, who is loyal to no one. They can’t do both. Trump is a traitor. If they cover for him, instead of doing their duty, they’re traitors too.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
That choice has already been made. They are on board with all of it. And so are their voters.
It’s treason.
Whenever you are in DC always, always check the programming at The Kennedy Center. Artists and performers give some of their best live performances there.
Also, located across the basin from the mall is the FDR memorial which many folks have never seen. Its a really nice departure from the overbearing neoclassical monstrosities that dominate the capital and one of the nicest spots for a picnic lunch.
Jack Rose Dining Saloon is about a ten minute walk from Dupont Circle featuring over 2000 of the world’s greatest whiskeys. Order the Pappy 23yr Family Reserve and tell Doctor Dumbfuck it tastes just like sweet sweet Russian Hooker pee according to his President. And if you are in that neighborhood visit The Phillips Collection.
Go to the Smithsonian.
Way to be specific.
I would add, at the risk of the obvious, if you havent yet, visit the Holocaust Museum. But prepare yourself. Its not easy. Nor should it be.
And the Vietnam Wall. Honor our fallen heroes. Leave flowers, and don’t remove the boots or dog tags.
Carl can decide for himself what he’d like to see at the Smithsonian. Lots of choices!
How bad a boss is Trump? The worst!
“For Trump, … loyalty is a one-way street. He … will stab a friend in the back … to serve Trump is to risk permanently damaging your reputation ….”
The result? Only bottom-of-barrel scum will run the risk of serving this president — until they, too, are thrown under the bus.
First he’ll have to choose which of 17 Smithsonians, wont he.
And that assumes we can ignore the zoo and the museums in NY.
Rick Wilson warned them all a year ago.
Few listened.
Of those who did, more than a few have volunteered for the humiliation of public orange bukkake in order to be positioned to sell access and policy. Often at Fuckface’s expense. To say nothing of our nation’s expense.
Why are you being such a dick?
@10 I assume because he feels you’re unhelpful.
In New Hampshire, if you like white water, visit Franconia Notch park. http://www.naturallyamazing.co.....s/4502.jpg
In DC, go to a softshell crab joint. And the American Indian Museum at the Smithsonian is incredible. There are endless museums, so take your pick. And DC is a great city for walking. Visit the Lincoln Memorial and have a good cry with Honest Abe. If you run out of things to do, you can always go to the International Spy Museum. https://www.spymuseum.org/
and apparently pathetic to boot.
Rather than come here an plead for it, he should be responsible, and self sufficient and pay a therapist for sympathy.
In answer to your question:
These are complicated and dangerous times. Supine clickservatives, authoritarian worshiping Fuckface fellators, hate-for-profit media-programmed meathead NASCAR dads, and childless single men who masturbate to anime have seized control of the Republican Party and handed the launch codes to a mentally unstable narcissistic sociopath who is being controlled by a Russian dictator.
America needs dicks more than ever.
Well, at least you know who you are.
And I think we all know exactly who you are.
Breaking news- the Mooch is out. I’m a bit disappointed, he could have been entertaining.
So with help from Kelly, Fuckface finally figured out that The Mooch was using him like a $10 whore.
And so the Chinese get to join the Russians, the RNC, Врач немой ебать, and 60 million unorganized grabasstic racist meathead voters as the latest victims of Don the Con.
And tomorrow the rest of us will still be asked to pretend that none of this ever happened, and that “the problem” lies in a lack of “bi-partisanship”.
Whoever the fuck leaked that is so fucking fired!
Heh. Steven Den Beste…
The HA trolls masturbated to kb kommandos like that back in the day.
And here’s a list (as of 2007) of the most masturbatory of fantasies from the most batshit of war-loving always wrongists:
Those were the days.
So da mooch has split the WH to let Drumpf and Bannon suck their own _____…
@20 Sounds like he was fired:
“Scaramucci was escorted out of the White House, a source told CBS News.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Mooch lasted on the job for exactly 10 days. Oh, and he had a terrible weekend, losing his wife on Friday and his job on Monday, although the latter should help keep down his payments to the former. The lesson here for free agent sycophants is that a gig with Trump can’t be expected to last more than a few days, so keep your resume fresh! And if you’re a dairy cow you should be very nervous, because just because you gave milk on Sunday doesn’t mean you won’t be turned into hamburger on Monday.
Why does Rasmussen hate Trump?
“Trump’s approval plunged below 40 percent: Rasmussen”
Oh shit. Had no idea that the single, childless man-child always wrongist war-blogger Steven Den Beste died in 2016. Four years after having a stroke.
Also re-learned that it left war-blogging due to enduring an inherited degenerative disease, the side-effects of palliative stimulants and too much critical e-mail.
It comforted itself with curvy female images from anime in its declining years.
America has been recovering since at least 2008. Thanks SBD.. err.. SDB..
Make way for “The Great We”.
With Yertle’s FuckGrannyCare dispatched to the dustbin of history, GooglyEyedGrannyStarver’s tax cuts hovering over the swirling toilet bowl of a 2018 debacle, the RNC staff furiously filling out their unemployment affidavits before the system crashes, every last degenerate monster of the hate-for-profit mediasphere suddenly discovering “EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE”, and Team Fuckface cowering behind a wall of donor financed uncouth lawyers and unhinged lonely-guy weekend rage-tweets, it’s time for all us dirty hippies to get ready for the predictable arrival of “The Great We”.
Wherein monumentally dishonest so-called great media intellects suddenly act as if “nobody could have possibly foreseen any of this, and “it’s all a product of too much dreaded partisanship” even as they nakedly undertake humiliating acts of partisan prostitution all aimed at convincing the clownservative racist meathead Hillbilly Traitor voters that this really isn’t their fault.
The fuck it isn’t.
Makes you wonder what he’d do if somebody suggested he faked his birth certificate, helped assassinate JFK, or murdered Vince Foster.
Be alert for some bogus calls from an area code near Minneapolis. They claim to be computer tech trying to resolve issues with your computer. It’s just another scam, so don’t answer the phone.
“Harvard Law School has apologized for erroneously listing ousted White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci as dead in a new alumni directory.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They jumped the gun by 24 hours. The now-unemployed, penniless, soon-to-be-divorced former hedge fund manager who doesn’t even have a girlfriend (he assured us he was “married to the White House,” look how that turned out for him) will commit suicide tomorrow because he has nothing left to live for. He needs today to think about his mistakes, one of which was trusting Trump to reciprocate his loyalty.
@24 You get what you vote for, and maybe it’s time we start holding our fellow citizens accountable for what they vote for.
Just did the numbers as of close of business today. Up about 13.97%, annualized. Still beating the Dow and S&P 500, but not the NASDAQ.
Still, it’s looking to be a good year on the investment front. Discipline, diversity and delayed gratification is the key to building wealth overtime.
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
@29 Are you including dividends?
“… who by a sizable nationwide majority of votes chose the Presidential candidate who is not a serial rapist, admitted con artist, and emotionally disturbed hand-puppet for a criminal mob of Russian oligarchs.”
… you fucking traitor.
Now crawl back into your anime porn safe space like the rest of your fellow clickservative EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE.
DC in August stay out of the sun. Usually this is the sane time of the year in the nations capital, but not this August. There is the nations attic and it’s air conditioned. AC is your newest friend in DC.
New Hampshire is easy go fishing. Doesn’t matter if you catch anything. Just go fishing. Take your laptop and you can even update in the fields and forests of New Hampshire. Look for big foot apparently there have been sighting in New Hampshire. I suspect moonshine and bored proud New Hampshire men and woman who enjoy their time on the liars bench. Try one out while you are there. One on every village green.
@1 Shhh we need the neoclassical surroundings of Washington DC to impress Mr Ballard. It’s good for his edification. However entertaining a Carl and Ivanka affair would be to some he should go to the nations capital and prepare to be our future Mr. Smith. Ivanka will still be there for him as a grieving widow. He will then have to decide whether to tell her to fly off to Paris or join him in Seattle. And if Carl is married well that just adds sizzle to the story.
Is that the best you can do?
@7 Come one RR you know many Americans would serve the President of the United States. All he has to do is call. I know you were drafted so maybe you aren’t one of those American’s Still there are plenty of men and women in this nation who will work for whoever the President is. All he need to do is call. Now there maybe some hard language after they hang up the phone, and if time a good stiff drink. but they will catch the plane, train or automobile and go serve the President and the United States of America even when inconvenient.
Remember when DerTrumper was bragging about “The most accurate poll (Rasmussen) at 50%, highet than Obama” (though Obama was in the mid 60s as he left office and high 60s on a similar date in his early presidency)?
More Americans love Brussels Sprouts. That’s Highet than the % who love ‘The Emoji Movie’ but less than loved ‘Hot Tib time Machine 2’.
@8 Of course the National Zoo is part of the Smithsonian.
@13 Could be worse you could be in Caracus.
And I doubt folks in Yeman give a shit. Still whatever if falling on them has a made in America tag.
Of course not. And yet in your case it is more than adequate.
D.C. I could recomend sone pretty stellar breweries.
I nerd out at the Folger library when I can. They’ve added the Space Shuttle since the last time I was at Air and Space so I’d totally do that. I’ve got some relatives buried in Arlington and if you’ve never walked around in there it’s worth doing.
Sadly, the bar that I met the Ambassador of Pakistan randomly sitting next to me talking Man. U Futball and once sat with Sen. Leahy at the next table and also saw Bill Kristol in has been torn down. It was a great one. Progress.
@21 Hey could this be like a “Trading Places” deal all based on a dollar bet between Donald and Ivanka or maybe Kelly.
Well, Scaramucci has time to work on sucking his own dick.
Can you image me a private sector communications manager saying that in an interview and still being employed at the end of the day? How did he last the week ‘cept the West Wing is now being run like a Frat.
Well, at least you admit you’re mediocre.
Too little. Too late.
Recall that Schmidt is the degenerate who tried to put Sarah Palin next in line for the White House. For all that he has repudiated that since, he continues to wrap himself in The Stars and Stripes while laboring tirelessly to shit directly into the mouths of every single American he considers to be “less than”.
That the horror of Fuckface drives him to suddenly notice the sheer folly of institutionalized lying, a thing Schmidt did and promoted successfully as a comms director for Republicans in Congress, The RNC, The Bush Crime Family, and Senator Maverick McPoopypants, says more about Team Fuckface’s commitment to the tactic than anything at all about Schmidt’s character. When it comes to lying, Team Fuckface has no pretense to piety or respect. Like the boss, they are all about winning and dominance at whatever cost. Schmidt is just bitter that he could never summon the stones to go full retard like Conway or Spicer.
These people were always going to wreck themselves, and a good chunk of the country along the way. Team Fuckface just goes about it more efficiently.
@28 You do know there are reasons that voting booths have curtains. What you are saying is one. I know you would prefer to give everyone a ballot marked with only Democratic candidates with squares for checkmarks.
You follow as blindly as many of the folks who voted for Trump. Now if they voted for him to hear to tag line: “You are fired.” They cannot be at all disappointed. At the end will be have the idea set of apprentices in the Cabinet?
@41 Arlington is not in DC it used to be, but Maryland got that part of DC back. Also remember Arlington is part of the Lee plantation. The US government finally got around to paying for property long after it was a cemetery. .
As if they are some rare singularity hidden among the unicorns and Jabberwocks.
63 million regular plain old run-of-the-mill angry racist woman-hating Republicans and EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE voted for the unhinged emotionally disturbed Russian Puppet. People just like you, who secretly longed to see this mob of ignoramuses debase the institutions that protect our freedoms because they had been used, even a little, to protect the freedoms of people you don’t like.
@45 Considering the newest Old Spice advertisement I just saw on tv I doubt American’s are noticing. Most would not notice the absence of Washington DC. Hopefully it will not go missing while Carl is there. Some of you may miss Carl. Heck I might miss Carl, but I’d probably not notice if Washington DC was missing.
Hey the Mariners are in 2nd place in the Western Division. The bd news is they are 16 games back. Go Mariners! At least make it interesting. Just visiting GM’s should be aware they should not jay walk from their cab across the street to the entrance across the street.
Everyone demand photos of Carl at the National Zoo with the pandas and American animals like moose, and banana slugs. Yep Carl we demand you go thousand of miles and report on banana slugs. If the National Zoo does not have any we will Fed Ex one. If you add Ivanka into the story it will spice things up.
Which as much as Russian influence peddling, selling H1-B visas to investors, or trading national interests for oil-leases is treason enough.
Plenty of Fuckface voters “noticed” that their gubmit might just go “missing” when Hillbilly Traitors threatened to blow up health insurance one week ago. Plenty of Hillbilly Traitor Senators and Congress members noticed when they sold their votes for giant state-specific aerial taxpayer cash drops.
And I’m pretty confident they’ll notice when the same mob of Supply Side Flying Monkeys led by the Great Orange Shit Gibbon fails to raise the debt ceiling in October.
Yes but much like Manhattan/Queens (Man there’s good ethnic
Food in Queens) and Portland I consider anything quickly and easily reached by rail as close enough to visit. Like if you’re in Brussels but want to go see the Cathedral in Antwerp >1 hour.
Btw. The Antwerp Cathedral is a metro stop away from “If you call it the best beer bar in the world, I have one I like better but you know your shit so I’ll give it to you”
Pretty convincing proof that Orange Julius is selling out this country to fascist thief Vlad Putin:
Un-fucking-believable. Yes, fear for your lives.
And Abigail was so sure that he knew his ass from his elbow. Conservative they don’t know how not to be wrong, and always so sure of and so full of themselves.
He didn’t think Kim Jung Un had it in him so early.
@36 “I know you were drafted so maybe you aren’t one of those American’s”
How do you “know” that? Did you steal a copy of my DD-214? If you did, ask one of the other veterans here to explain what the “RA” in front of my service number means.
@39 “And I doubt folks in Yeman give a shit.”
But they probably know how to spell “Yemen.” Why can’t we get any literate trolls around here? Are our schools that bad now?
@42 Could be. Your logic is probably at least as good as theirs.
@46 Considering that Republicans think Democrats shouldn’t be allowed to vote, I honestly don’t feel I’m being too hard on the gang of arsonists who elected Trump. Responsible adults don’t let children play with matches.
@46 (continued)
This is what I’m talking about, dipstick:
“Roughly half of the D.O.E.’s annual budget is spent on maintaining and guarding our nuclear arsenal, for instance. Two billion of that goes to hunting down weapons-grade plutonium and uranium at loose in the world so that it doesn’t fall into the hands of terrorists. In just the past eight years the D.O.E.’s National Nuclear Security Administration has collected enough material to make 160 nuclear bombs. The department trains every international atomic-energy inspector; if nuclear power plants around the world are not producing weapons-grade material on the sly by reprocessing spent fuel rods and recovering plutonium, it’s because of these people. The D.O.E. also supplies radiation-detection equipment to enable other countries to detect bomb material making its way across national borders.”
(From link @54) The shitheads who voted for Trump elected someone who doesn’t know or care what D.O.E. does. Who put Rick Perry in charge of this. Who wants to slash the budget for this (and for the Hanford cleanup). The stupidity of Trumpers would be forgivable if it affected only them, but unfortunately, it puts all of us in jeopardy. It’s like having neighbors who vote down a fire department levy and then your house burns down because no one came when you called 911. Are you going to forgive those neighbors? I think not. Are we going to forgive the dumbasses who put Trump in office? I’ll give you two guesses, and if your first guess is wrong, you’ll forfeit the second guess, because you won’t deserve a second chance. Trump is an incompetent dumbshit. He was elected by incompetent dumbshit voters. This kind of dumbshittery shouldn’t be consequence-free, that’s all I’m saying. If you voted for Trump, you have earned the contempt and revulsion of your fellow Americans. That’s all I’m saying. And if you decide to hide behind a curtain so no one finds out that you did, well, that’s exactly the kind of cowardice I expect from Trump voters.
Here’s another quote from that Vanity Fair article that’s worth posting just to shove it up Puddy’s ignorant ass:
“The D.O.E. has a program, for example, to provide low-interest loans to companies to encourage risky corporate innovation in alternative energy and energy efficiency. The loan program became infamous when one of its borrowers, the solar-energy company Solyndra, was unable to repay its loan, but, as a whole, since its inception in 2009, the program has turned a profit.”
And this:
“And it has been demonstrably effective: it lent money to Tesla to build its factory in Fremont, California, when the private sector would not, for instance. Every Tesla you see on the road came from a facility financed by the D.O.E. Its loans to early-stage solar-energy companies launched the industry. There are now 35 viable utility-scale, privately funded solar companies—up from zero a decade ago.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying the ignorant, incurious, know-nothing, always-wrong, lameasses who make up the Republican voter base shouldn’t be allowed to vote in secret, or vote at all. I’m absolutely NOT in favor of revoking their voting privileges. They should be allowed to choose their own tribal chiefs after we load them on a ship and dump them on a deserted island where they can’t hurt anyone but themselves. As long as their voting behavior doesn’t screw up things for the rest of us, I’m good with letting ’em do whatever they want. I would even let them take their guns with them to facilitate the process of the island becoming deserted again to make room for future shiploads of idiot Republicans in case they ever regenerate in my country again.
Let’s try a lifeboat analogy. You’re in a lifeboat with a bunch of stupid Republicans who insist on rowing in the wrong direction, away from land, what do you do? Do you let them have the lifeboat and swim for shore, or do you throw them overboard and let them swim to China? What is the proper and ethical thing to do in this situation? What if there are innocent women and children in the lifeboat? Does that change your answer?
If you think Trump fired Scaramucci because of his New Yorker tirade, guess again. Trump doesn’t fire people for being uncouth assholes. In his circles, that’s normal behavior.
This was about money — and dodging another scandal involving a foreign adversary. Trump may be tone-deaf, but even he can figure out what it looks like to have a guy working for him down the hall who’s trying to sell his company to China for $200 million.
We shouldn’t go too hard on Donald Trump Jr. It wasn’t he who lied about what occurred in his meeting with the Russian lawyer. He was merely a reader.
“President Trump allegedly dictated his son Donald Trump Jr.’s initial statement about his 2016 meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Washington Post reported Monday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans in Congress have a hard choice to make. They can be loyal to their country, or loyal to Trump, who is loyal to no one. They can’t do both. Trump is a traitor. If they cover for him, instead of doing their duty, they’re traitors too.
That choice has already been made. They are on board with all of it. And so are their voters.
It’s treason.