– I love the Donald Verrilli meme.
– And I love the over the top reactions to health care being upheld from conservatives.
– #Noshame
– It must be tough to switch what you believe when you were thrust into the spotlight at a young age.
– How people see conservatives.
– There are going to be a lot of sappy Olympic profiles. So far, this is my favorite.
According to a Newsweek/Daily Beast poll of likely voters, Barack Obama now rates behind Jimmy Carter in the pantheon of great presidents.
@1 you got nothing else to do with your time at your GOP paid staffer position?
How about listing those five positive things you think that romney will do for all americans?
@ 2
You just want to catch me in one of these moments:
@1 Jimmy Carter was a decent man (and also the only sitting president I’ve met in person). Deride him all you want, he had none of the dishonesty and guile that have tainted all recent Republican presidents. He wasn’t corrupt, dishonest, a liar, a warmonger, or a torturer. One more thing: If he deserves personal blame for the hostage rescue failure (including the aircraft accident in the desert), then Obama equally deserves personal credit for killing OBL.
Debt factoids:
Amount of U.S. consumer debt: $11.4 trillion
Amount of delinquent consumer debt: $1 trillion
Average household debt: $47,000
Average household income: $41,674
And yet, he’s still more popular than Mitt Romney.
Carter’s reputation was hammered at the end of his Presidency. In part this was because he was hammered by outside forces which were mostly beyond his control (Fed. Reserve increasing discout rates to unheard levels, OPEC flexing it’s near-monopoly power over oil prices, and the Iranian revolution). Heck, Carter even got blamed for the record snow/ice storms in the winter of 1979-1980.
Then came the Republican noise machine, which tried to pin all the blame for those mostly external events on Carter, and after the economy eventually improved coronated St. Ronnie as the nation’s savior. After all, what post-war President presided over an effective zero growth in the economy, or the Dow, except Carter? And which President, except Reagan, oversaw an economic resurgence at historic levels of growth?
But history has been a more accurate judge. Insiders like David Stockman, Reagan’s budget director, admitted that his budget numbers were all “smoke and mirrors” based on a “rosey scenario” of growth. Despite blaming Carter for federal spending growth , Republicans engaged in an orgy of spending, all on borrowed money (since their first act in 1981, after changing the way inflation was measured, was to cut taxes). And as Stockman indicated, it wasn’t the Democrats in Congress who were insisting on spending more money, it was Reagan’s own cabinet, as they protected and enlarged their own turfs. Heck, Carter had even reduced office cleaning to once a week to save money, but the Reagan administration reinstated it before they even sat down in their new chairs – they wanted their desks dusted and floors vacumed and mopped every night.
It took twenty years, and at least three tax hikes later, before the budget was balanced again. But Stockman knew in early 1981 that if they had just kept Carter’s budget plan in place, the budget would have been balanced by – 1988.
Of course, the Republican noise machine tried to drown this out. And when the economy REALLY took off during Clinton’s presidency (after a rescession under George H.W. Bush’s presidency), they tried to impeach Clinton – anything to divert attention from Republican failures vs. Democratic success.
And, as others have noted, Carter’s personal morals have aided his resurgence in popularity. His work for Habitat for Humanity built homes for tens of thousands of those who otherwise couldn’t afford it. He devoted time and effort and money into assuring free elections worldwide. Of course, both weren’t really popular with those who really control the G.O.P. – they wanted the poor to be renters or at least under userous mortgages instead of equity homeowners, and free elections were never a GOP interest.
With President’s afterwards trying to cash in on the speaking fees, board memberships, influence peddling etc., Carter’s simple working morality is a great example of what influence a President can have after he leaves office.
In another blow to culture war righties I-1192, has failed to make it on the November ballot.
Posted in honor of the complete failure of I-1192
By the way, by way of comparison:
Performance of the DJIA under recent Presidents:
Carter: – 000.87%
Reagan: + 135.13%
Bush I: + 045.47%
Clinton: + 225.37%
Bush II: – 021.78%
Obama: + 056.30% (to date)
Clearly, if you are an investor in stocks you will do better under a Democratic president than under a Republican one. George W. Bush’s performance after eight years in office makes the stock market under Jimmy Carter’s presidency look like a great investment, in comparison.
Props to Bill O’Loofah for finally admitting what we knew about him for many years:
He’s an idiot!
Ok let me get this straight..
They think they have an issue calling it a “tax”. The right wing idiots who come here anyway..
But, but the Mitt (R-Money) campaign disagrees. Mitt didn’t “tax” anyone in MA. He called it a “penalty”..
And Roberts didn’t call it a tax either:
No one’s been forced to pay this “tax” yet. Court can’t rule on it.
Oh, oh but it polls well with the Obama derangement syndrome crowd so the RNC will stick with “tax”:
Help me here. Don’t know what to think about this one..
Republicans hand the extremist Gov a brand spanking new way to suppress votes and he VETOES it???
I guess he’s holding out for an outright ban on poor, elderly, minority and students voting PERIOD! RINO doesn’t fit this guy.
Today in Tea bagger idiocy.. This has got to be the Wyoming harlequin’s favorite crazy teabagger from his former digs in Montana:
LMAO!!! That’s just step one.. It gets better:
Nothing for right wing idiots to see here:
You’d think this shit would be hitting some of them hard where it counts: the pocket book.. But they’re so far gone insane not even that seems to work on them.
They’ll just blame the awful weather on what else? The “socialists”, “liberals”, “Obama”, “Bill Clinton” whatever..
Ho hum..
In Europe, they’re freaking out over the bankster manipulation of the LIBOR.. Here? Where’s the outrage?
It’s only a figure on which 10 trillion dollars worth of debt is priced with.
Why not game it? Big money in it.
Good analyses:
Heads will roll across the water. Here? We can only dream.
In depressing news, actor Andy Griffith passed away in N. Carolina, his home state. He will be known for his humerous recordings “What it was, was football”, for playing homespun sheriff Andy Taylor on the “Andy Griffith Show”, and for playing a southern lawyer in Matlock.
Lots of people on the internet are complaining how they miss the nostalgia and humor he found in an old small-town N. Carolina town called “Mayberry”. Some G.O.P. and Tea Party types are claiming that rosy scenario was destroyed by Democrats, and President Obama, in particular. Of course, that’s so ridiculous it hardly merits comment.
But apparantly a lot of these Andy Griffith worshipers don’t know that Andy Griffith was a long-time supporter of Democratic causes. He even starred in a commercial in 2010 supporting the Affordable Care Act, but it had to be pulled because America’s favorite sheriff was receiving scores of death threats from his erstwhile admirers.
The Democratic Politics of the Late Andy Griffith
And this my friends is why I like Claire McCaskill.
Although, at the present time, it looks like she’s going to lose in the fall.
@ 18
So, up until now we’ve been paying higher premiums to provide care for others. Going forward, we’ll pay higher taxes.
I suppose that wouldn’t be such a bad trade-off, but that’s not the main thrust of the bill. The other items in the bill are what make it so awful.
So awful.
Like eliminating the exclusion for ‘preexisting conditions’?
Or do you hate the elimination of the lifetime cap?
@ 20
Like enabling someone with a health history (or even without) and financial wherewithal to avoid paying premiums with only a $750 annual tax/penalty, and waiting until they really need the coverage, yeah. Like that.
That’s not personal responsibility. But it will push us closer to single-payer because it’s something the insurance companies either cannot afford or they will afford only by charging those of us who DO pay premiums more.
That’s a problem.
Colorado wildfire evacuees who refused to pay taxes for firefighters and police are returning to find their homes burned and looted.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s tempting to say, “Serves ’em right,” but that’s wrong. It’s sad and tragic these people are now suffering because someone sold them a quack ideology that cost them all they had. It’s the snake-oil salesmen, not the victimized customers, who deserve our scorn.
@19 What “higher taxes” will you pay? PPACA won’t affect my taxes at all.
@20 They can’t stand the thought of anyone except the rich enjoying the special privilege of having health care.
I remember reading about that.
LIBOR manipulation criminals for Mitt:
Banksters love the guy! Who’d a thunk it?
Tasers Don’t Kill People Dep’t
A mentally ill Tukwila man was killed by a police taser Saturday.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Check one of the boxex to indicate how much you think the wrongful death lawsuit against the Tukwila Police Department will settle for: [ ] $500,000 [ ] $1,000,000 [ ] $1,500,000
@25 Where was the NRA when these people needed their property protected?
Good news for Obama,
less hair for ODS sufferers.
Is that hypocrisy to not want to pay local taxes but ask for a portion of other poeple’s taxes when things go wrong?
Isn’t that like not paying for health insurance and then asking for help covering the emergency services when they get sick?
25 – From that article:
Heh. Just get the Wyoming harlequin on the case. He’ll set those religious baggers straight on the proper priorities of government. No tax increase needed.. Just tell those administrative assistants and whatnot to work for free. Free is the sweetest word in the world to right wingers.
Hell the public safety unions can even keep their bargaining rights.
Woulnd’t you know, Serial “Joke about an African American girl’s looks to make political points” Conservative just wrote:
“Like enabling someone with a health history (or even without) and financial wherewithal to avoid paying premiums with only a $750 annual tax/penalty, and waiting until they really need the coverage, yeah. Like that.”
would be…
“Like enabling a community with a history of fire danger and financial wherewithal to avoid paying taxes with little penalty, and waiting until the fire where they really need the help, yeah. Like that.
It’s about 2:40 p.m. on July 3rd. E-mails not acknowledged, phone calls going to voice mails which are not returned. This happens every year when a holiday falls on a week day, so it doesn’t surprise me. Everyone’s bailing on work as soon as possible, under the excuse of “beating the traffic”, but mostly to extend their day off by a few extra hours.
Americans want to be able to take a vacation. Republicans want us to take second jobs. If you argue with them, they say all you have to do is get rich like them, and you can take a vacation anytime you like.
@ 19
Well, for one thing, a tax will be applied to investment interest. We keep hearing about your investment prowess, RR. Dividends will be taxed at a higher rate.
For those of us still working (I am an employee of my own corporation), the Medicare payroll tax goes up.
Maybe you should look at what’s in the bill now that we’ve passed it.
Feature, not a bug!!!
“… you got nothing else to do with your time at your GOP paid staffer position?”
It would be pretty nice to have a job as a staffer anywhere about now. I’d like to have an job being a staffer somehwere. Does the Mafia or those anarchist kids who cause all that mischief have any opening?
“In Europe, they’re freaking out over the bankster manipulation of the LIBOR.. Here? Where’s the outrage?”
Unfortunately, most people in the entire world don’t even know what LIBOR is. It plays a role in many lines of credit and other credit facilities and is used as a basis for determining interest rtaes therein. A lot of interest rate swaps use LIBOR plus some interest spread for the floating rate part of the swap.
{Interest rate swaps – one party agrees to pay an interest rate based on some published banking interest rate (LIBOR, for example) on some notional amount, and the counterparty agrees to pay either a fixed rate or a floating rate on the same notional amount based on some other interest rate quoted by some banking authority somewhere. After studying it a long time, I concluded that it’s more of a parlor game than true investing but might have some benefit as a hedge against interest rate movement in fixed income portfolios.}
Republicans Start to Panic as ObamaCare Reaches 50% Approval
Heh. Indeed..
David Frum predicted as much on the day PPACA passed Congress..
Once people get to know it they will want to keep it. Just like Social Security/Medicare. It’s all the right wingers fault for not being more proactive on this.
Hear that sucking sound??? 204 million plus on anti-ACA propaganda being flushed down the crapper where it belongs.
I think what the PPACA is going to do is to take money from wealthy people to pay for health care for those that don’t have money. Heck, everyone likes free stuff!
The real problem is that we need 20 or 30 times more docs and health care providers than we have now. There really isn’t any incentive to keep costs low because there’s no competition in providing health care. Ever heard of a surgeon running a sale on bypass surgery?
A wingnut hating our troops. Sigh! There’s nothing new about that, I suppose, but this guy keeps getting in the news for all of the wrong reasons. Vote Vets, a non-partisan PAC that supports veterans issues, takes issue with a truly vile wingnut politician and deadbeat father, Rep. Joe Walsh.
“Joe Walsh’s disgust for our veterans’ sacrifices knows no bounds. First, he falsely and maliciously claims that Tammy Duckworth, a veteran who lost her legs in Iraq didn’t have much of a record of service. Now, he denigrates that same American hero for talking about how her experience shaped her worldview and strengthened her resolve to serve even more – a conversation that isn’t just legitimate to have, but crucial as America charts its course domestically and internationally. This is a new low for this deadbeat dad. Telling a veteran to shut up on the 4th of July is beyond the pale. We are past the point of calling on Joe Walsh to apologize. He should step aside and and stop embarrassing his district and America.”
Vets don’t take too kindly to Gov. Scott Walker’s top aids ripping them off for tens of thousands of dollars.
But they’re Republicans. That’s what they do. How do freaks like Bob relate to our troops? They wave Made-in-China flags as they send them off to die in misbegotten wars and then, if any manage to come home alive, they steal them blind.
John Cole over at BJ calls it like he sees it.
What War on Women, You Say?
And you know which Republican female member of Congress says there is no “War on Women”? McMorris Rodgers [R]
Michael, the power of the slobbering libtard press.
Got proof rhpee6033?
Honest question:
Is this ad against Tammy Baldwin:
Rick Ungar… leftist pinhead
Of course HA crazed databaze moron ylb would post his horse manure and think it’s “kool”.
Yves Smith… another leftist pinhead… been on MSNBC. Nuff said there sucka!
Golly ylb don’t you think we’d research your “posts”?
Because they are Obummer jockstaps you moron ylb! Why would the slobbering libtard press strip off their kimonos when it would expose Obummer?
Yeah Roger DUMB Wabbit, you are retired!
50 – Tell that to the slobbering Barclays CEO who had to cancel his slobbering appearance at a Mitt (R-Money) slobber fest
Such a pathetic MORON!
Nuff said from a vacuous “full size” idiot with a half pint brain..
full size half-pint… I like the sound of that!
the moral of the story is: act like a dumbass, and you get treated like a dumbass.
More boredom from ylb. More leftists Ryan Grim & Paul Blumenthal.
But I have to give it to ylb… I forgot to save this link. Blumenthal did open all our eyes on the big pharma sellout Obummer did for ObummerCare…
Half pint ylb? From the gutter dweller?
HAHAHAHA Yves Smith leftist pinhead.
One outlier ya idiot.
Always check the horseshit posted by the crazed databaze deala ylb.
In general, do you think the current Supreme Court is too liberal, too conservative, or just about right?
June 28-July 1 2012
Too liberal 30%
Too conservative 22%
About right 46%
No opinion 2%
Thinking about your personal reaction, do you feel enthusiastic, pleased, displeased or angry about the Supreme Court’s decision in this case?
June 28-July 1 2012
Enthusiastic 15%
Pleased 33%
Displeased 31%
Angry 20%
Other (vol.) 1%
No opinion *
Regardless of how you feel about that provision, do you consider it a tax on Americans, or don’t you feel that way?
June 28-July 1 2012
Yes, is a tax 60%
No, not a tax 39%
No opinion 1%
The Supreme Court’s decision also affected Medicaid, the federal health program for the poor. The decision gives state governments the option not to expand their Medicaid programs without losing funding for their existing Medicaid system. Based on what you have read or heard about this, do you agree or disagree with this decision?
June 28-July 1 2012
Agree 49%
Disagree 44%
No opinion 6%
See how a leftist web site hides the real facts to slant the story.
Just dig into ylb horseshit from the gutter dwelling horsesASS. You’ll find the truth!
Is puddynutz talking to himself? Why does he talk in ghetto?
@54 – that’s puddy’s problem too.
58 – The bullshit from the degenerate right wing is wearing off!
204 million in right wing bullshit vs barely 60 million supporting ACA..
And they can only fool the american people for so long!
From the same article:
You lose fullsize/half pint…
Hey fullsize/half pint:
This says you’re full of shit:
Can’t believe you’ll be voting for a guy who showed his mug at this:
Anyone who can get behind that lying sack O S hasn’t read about the 12 direct taxes that Owebammacare is going to ram down their throats, even with Owebamma’s promise that no one under 200k would pay ONE MORE DIME IN TAXES..
Of course headcase ylb forgets Al Gore was anti-abortion before he was for it.
Nuff said sucka! Your best is always lacking!
Remind me what office is Al Gore is running for? Is Rmoney going to pick him for veep or something?
Algore is busy inventing internet 2.0 and promoting globull worming
To be fair this is probably accurate:
These folks go to all sorts of events and one $150 donation isn’t a big deal. But, Romney’s already having problems with his base*, this is far-far from the first time this has happened, and some of the right goes freaking nuts at the mention of PP.
*Which makes sense, when you look at what Romney’s actually done his politics are closer to mine then they are to the right half of the political right in America.
And thus far to busy to run for office of be relevant anywhere other than in his and Puddy’s minds.
I, fucking, can’t stand Al Gore.
LMAO! And the idiot you’re going to vote for said he was a “severe conservative” as guv of MA..
He’ll say anything to get elected and you’re so sick with ODS you’ll go along with his bullshit..
Sure sucks to be you fullsize/half pint.
obama was against gay marriage, before he was for it.
and they spin it as “his evolution”…LMFAO, what a bunch of lemmings.
Infamous Owebamma Quote
“If you make under $200,000 you will not pay one dime extra in taxes”
$695 buckaroos if you don’t buy his Owebammacare
12 other taxes aimed at those under $200,000
Lies Lies and Damn Lies Can’t wait for the Campaign commercials.
Boykin laid out a step-by-step plan he says is the model of how Fidel Castro instituted Marxism in Cuba, Mao Zedong in China, Stalin in Russia and Hugo Chavez in Venzeula:
1. Nationalize major sectors of the economy
2. Redistribute wealth
3. Discredit opposition
4. Censors opposing viewpoints
5. Control gun ownership
6. Develop a constabulary force to control
civilian population
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck!
Hey Roger – what department does this fall under?
A violent ex-con turned his Brooklyn apartment into a bloodbath, fatally shooting his wife and her 7-year-old grandson before committing suicide, cops said Tuesday.
David Sherrod, 44, shot spouse Alma Cox and her beloved grandson, Jaquan Cox, in the head. Then he took the .357 caliber revolver and blew himself away inside the Bedford-Stuyvesant home, police said….
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....z1zexzdX1s
@73 – Romney has it much better, he calls it a penalty.
More from “that” department.
Why are conservatives so nasty, mean and poor spirited?
@74 – the problem is that many Republicans, if not more so, can check off those same traits as their own. But keep up the charade it will take this Country down a great path.
I wonder if he voted for Obummer in 2008?
From Roger’ story about the dead kid in Tukwila:
From right-wing pinhead:
Also from the story:
So…I thought you Teahaddists were all about ‘FREEEEEEDOMZ!!111!!’, but apparently, one is not ‘free’ to act like a ‘dumbass’, or be mentally ill, in your world without being tasered to death.
Funny notion of freedom you maintain. Are you on the neighborhood uterus watch patrol, too?
@80 – who did this guy vote for?
yeah, run the other way you tool
Running gman? Oh my here’s your hero again. Remove the spaces and you can read it again gman!
Just got word that Rmoney’s tens and tens and tens of millions of OFFSHORE tax-sheltered dollars wish we Americans in America a very happy Independence Day.
Seems to Puddy Mikecubscout is jealous he doesn’t have nuff money for overseas investment accounts.
Happy 4th everyone!
I will show it again…Lies Lies and Damn Lies
@85 Stashing huge a amounts of money in overseas investment accounts apparently is something puddles aspires to.
Meanwhile, a rich guy who avoids U.S. taxes by stashing huge amounts of money in overseas accounts aspires to become president and “solve” our revenue-starved government’s budget problems by slashing government services and benefits for the people who do our country’s work while boosting military spending even more.
Republicans leaders and their loyal boot polishers never cease to surprise and amaze the rest of us.
@83 – yeah go tell it to your religious leaders that molested little kids.