– The campaign for Oregon to join the rest of the West Coast for marriage equality.
– I’ve never had Miss Marjorie’s, but now Steel Drum Plantains are all I want. (h/t)
– I remember thinking this when the column was written. And to think Douthat is considered one of the heavyweights of the conservative movement.
– Oops
I never thought I’d say this about a Pope, but, Go Francis!
RE: both links regarding abortion rights.
ANY discussion of the misnamed ‘pro-life’ movement that takes the right-wingers at face value is doomed to fail.
For example – the admitting privilege demand is bogus, as the link points out – should someone at any sort of outpatient surgery center – including a clinic that provides abortions – need immediate medical help for a complication, the safest most effective option is to have a competent and well-run EMT/Medic-1 service, and to transport the patient to a well-run ER.
See? Well-run, well supported public health infrastructure is what promotes health and safety.
As for Douthat, and the discussion of Salatan, again – taking these pricks at face value is a fool’s errand. Any critical reading of the abortion debate has to account for the deeply-seated misogyny and all-around woman-hating and sex-hating that is a fetish among the right-wingers, particularly those leading the assault on women’s health care.
Similar plantain chips – hot and homemade, served with pico and guaca mole – can be had at El Camino in Fremont.
If conservatives wanted to cut down on abortions, why don’t they fund sex ed, contraction and empower women? These are steps that have been PROVEN to reduce abortions.
A Louisiana police department is targeting gays by planting undercover cops in public parks to solicit sex from men suspected of being gay, and then arresting them under anti-sodomy law struck down as unconstitutional by SCOTUS years ago, even though the district attorney has refused to charge or prosecute any of the arrested men.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The police chief’s excuse for enforcing a law already held unconstitutional is, “This is a law that is currently on the Louisiana books, and the sheriff is charged with enforcing the laws passed by our Louisiana Legislature. Whether the law is valid is something for the courts to determine, but the sheriff will enforce the laws that are enacted.”
This moron apparently believes if the Louisiana legislature enacts an invalid law, the only way to remove it is if the Louisiana legislature repeals it. This fails the most basic logic test. And he seems to have never heard of Marbury v. Madison.
A federal court injunction looks like the next step here. Then, if the police chief still insists on ignoring the rulings of the Supreme Court of the United States and continues enforcing an invalid state law, he can be held in contempt of court and thrown into his own jail.
If that doesn’t work, the next step after that is to send in the 101st Airborne Division to enforce the orders of American courts.
Nothing matters but hate and money to these guys
Pope: ‘Who am I to judge’ gay people?
“he’s new. he must not have read the job description yet.”
“Yep. The Pope had to be stronger. AND decisive. he was not. He can NOT allow the Enemy to define the terms of the culture war and war upon the human soul and spirit; He does those fighting hard and on the spiritual fence no favors.
Unfortunately, words matter when souls are at stake. It appears the Pope is caving to political correctness and giving un-scriptural, sinful behavior a huge pass.”
“Back during the Inquisitions they would have had their nuts cut off and then burned at the stake.”
Pope scolds rich, demands social justice in visit to Brazil slum
“great, just what the world needs, a commie pope.”
“This is why I was not thrilled when this pope was announced. Just another commie in a white dress”
“Pope ought to listen to his boss Jesus: For ye have the poor always with you;”
6)They just want the Church to condemn, not be accepting. I do not think that the Pro-Life positions will change.
With the possibility that Limbaugh may be dumped by Cumulus, and their 40 stations that carry him, I was reminded of one of the first advertisers to drop him, Carbonite. It’s CEO said that they get a lot of complaints from everybody over who they advertise with, but Rush crossed the line.
Carbonite’s founder got the idea for an online storage service after his daughter told him about the hard drive crashing and losing a term paper that she had spent six weeks on. He probably remembered that when he made his decision last year.
@3 I work on the Eastside, where there are lots of south Asian groceries. Most of ’em sell big bags of plantain chips for quite modest prices.
We seem to be coming back around to “It’s the economy, Stupid!”
@10. If it comes to the economy, it seems the republicans would lose because they are the ones obstructing every progressive proposal and trying implement things like getting rid of the minimum wage, food stamps and unemployment insurance. Under the President, despite the republicans, the economy is improving. Do you see it differently?
Oklahoma is going to study linling OKC and Tulsa by rail. They already have the Fort Worth-OKC Heartland Flyer, and rhere have been suggestions to have it head North into Kansas to link up with the Southwest Chief. So this could be a new service. If so, there are two trainsets in Wisconsin they can use. They got our Basketball team, that’s enough.
@12, Is train service a hard sell?
@9 I don’t need plantain chips. I’ve already had Puddy for breakfast (ewwwww!!!) on the July 29 thread. Trouble is, he’s all gas, no calories.
@6 The Pope stated that the Vatican considers homosexual acts (as opposed to simply being attracted to one’s one gender) to be sinful…but keep in mind that it considers a shit ton of other things, large and small, to be sinful. In fact, one of the main difficulties most of us have with Christianity (meaning the teachings of Jesus himself) is getting past the admission that we’re all sinners on this bus…but that the driver loves us all anyway.
If today’s Republican “guardians of morality” had been around in Jesus’ time, when he said “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”, they’d be climbing over each other hollering “Me first!!!!!”
13)In some areas, yes. Mainly due to the political climate. Other issues include the railroads. One of the reasons California needs the HSR, is the Tehachapi Mountains. When the Reagan Administration(I mean when he was Governor), restored the service in the Central Valley, it was only as far as Bakersdield. Also, both the current route via the Tehachapi Pass, and the Coast Route, are owned by Union Pacific, and they have been hostile to expanding Amtrak California services, although according to the current Draft California State Rail Plan, it looks like they might be relenting on the Coast Route, as most through freights are ones diverted from the valley due to congestion. Two Surfliner trips run as far North as San Luis Obispo.
My previous attempt at a post didn’t work. So I’ll just note that the N. Carolina GOP “super-majority” in the legislature has pretty much re-written N. Carolina law on voter ID, tort reform, etc, The governer is expected to sign.
@18 Arguably, that sort of legislative bullshit isn’t very meaningful in states already as Republican as they can possibly get. People who don’t want to live in wingnut paradises like N. Carolina can move to another state and let the wingnuts have the place. After outlawing abortions in North Wingnuttia, the wingnuts will now send their daughters to New York to get abortions.
The Right’s Minimum Wage Bullshit
The standard rightwing response to proposals to raise the minimum wage is that workers aren’t “worth” more than employers feel like paying them (ideally nothing) and if they want to do better they should get more education.
This is complete bullshit. Studies show the average American worker is becoming more educated while employers continue to replace middle-class jobs with low-wage jobs.
They also tell us fast food and other low-wage jobs are “teenage” jobs. That, too, is a load of lying crap.
“Paul Osterman of MIT … notes that the U.S. is a ‘low wage country compared to … other developed economies.’ … [T]he U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that seven of the 10 fastest growing positions in the coming decade will be low-wage jobs such as store clerks and home health aides. ‘They will pay less and have fewer benefits,’ says NELP’s Owens, ‘but more people who have education and skills will be filling those jobs.’ A 2013 study by the Center for College Affordability and Productivity found that a rising percentage of college-credentialed workers are in occupations that do not require a higher degree. For example, in 1970 only 2% of taxi or limo drivers had college educations. That increased to more than 15% in 2010. The percentage of firefighters with college backgrounds rose from 2% to 18% in the same period, and salesmen from 5% to 24%, according to the study. ‘This was a stunning set of data,’ says Owens, ‘to show the difference between the skills and the quality of jobs this country is offering.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The problem is employers, not workers. Workers are holding up their end. They’re working hard despite shitty pay and working conditions, and going to school and getting more education and job skills despite lack of opportunities in the economy. There’s no excuse for any employer to be paying these people the current federal minimum wage, none whatsoever, and people who oppose raising the minimum wage to a still-modest $10 an hour are nothing but shameless exploiters lining their own pockets from the hard work of others. Shame on them.
# 19: One of the things which stands out is that N. Carolina isn’t as conservative/right wing as one may think. There’s quite a bit of diversity of opinion – the current super-majority is a bit of an anolomy.
It will be interesting to see how the more moderate voters react to these measures.
This is interesting.
Once again, in this case national marriage equality, old southern conservative religious types are the typical obstructionists. Same old, same old.
@21: It will be interesting to see how the more moderate voters react to these measures.
What makes you think that the moderate NC voters will be allowed to vote?
Another train accident in Europe, two commuter trains near Lausanne, Switzerland 44 injured, 4 seriously, so far no fatalities. The Swiss have a good rail network, although the debate in Bern lately was over compensation for delays.
The trains appear to be electric. Swiss-made light Diesel Multiple Units are used by 3 Light Commuter Rail operations in the US. Two in Texas, one in New Jersey. So far, those are working well.
@5 – Roger – I don’t have time to read the article, but what I find funny about this is that you would think that the actual act of sodomy has to take place, not just the thought of performing sodomy or willingness to performe, so are these cops actually get thier dicks sucked? And if not, how is that breaking the law? I ask again, are they actually getting their dicks sucked? Are they enjoying it?
# 20:
Dori Monson has been going into spasms over the prospect that voters would get to decide if some SeaTac workers would get the minimum wage raised to $15 per hour.
He says that workers with college degrees don’t make that much, so why shoud they? But pulling out an example, he has a Quiznos restaurant worker (fast food) complaining about how his business would suffer.
Somehow, I don’t think those with college degrees make up his workforce.
Notice the class warfare on display here. Monson presumably makes a good living from his radio show, sports announcing, auction gigs, etc. But he’s trying to get people who make less than $15 per hour to fight against those who might get ahead under the proposal.
Cheapest rents in SeaTac start at ~800.
$15 an hour is $30,000 per year. Assuming a 1/3 for taxes that leaves 640 for food, gas, medical, per month.
$10 an hour is only $20,000, and with that rent leaves $160 for everything else, or about $5 a day.
You better be single and healthy.
I cannot imagine what this must be like for single parents. Maybe Dori would like them to abandon their kids into the state system and make their bills the tax payer’s responsibility?
There are some 1 bedrooms between $700 and $800. Next to the airport. with Utilities: $35 for the first person $10 each additional person
The system seems to be skewed to be single with no kids.
23)WOR will just pick him up, since they have been acquired by Clear Channel, he won’t lose the NYC market. CC will probably turn more stations into robo stations, and lay off staff. Premier, which syndicates Limbaugh, is part of Clear Channel.
Post deleted by user.
# 21: Cumulous is calling this a “contract dispute” (i.e., Limbaugh’s popularity is falling as well as his audience share, but he wants to get the same money he used to get). There isn’t any evidence, so far, of a boycot. Just fewer people listen to him than they did before. Of course, Limbaugh is used to the GOP going hat-in-hand to pay homage to them, but he’s ticked off quite a few of the party leadership, and it’s beginning to show.
The number of injured in the Swiss Train Crash has been revised down to 36, with 5 considered serious. Still no reports of fatalities.
Moral of the story: Florida is definitely hazardous to your health if you are an unarmed Black man.
@6 & 15
“Love the sinner, hate that he exists. Wait, hate the sin, hate the sinner even more…er…make sure the sinner knows the true meaning of Christ, that the sinner must be stoned…uhm, Christ died for us to call sinners to answer his wrath here on earth…no? Judge all cause they’re secretly judging you anyway. This is so hard. Kill all that are not made in my image…too Islamist….Hate everybody that’s different………”
@30 Truly, truly sad…that the one-time “Radio Free Broadway”, which unleashed Jean Shepherd on an unsuspecting world, would be reduced to this.
Talking about LA to SF, Elon Musk (from Tesla) is proposing a Hyperloop train that can run between SF and LA in 30 minutes at a cost of 1/10 that of high-speed rail. He will announce his proposal on August 12.
Conservative CMOH Winner Colonel George Everett “Bud” Day has died. He loved Fox News because he know the other networks didn’t tell the truth!
A real American hero!
Strange… Daily Kooks and Stinky Progressives have nothing on Colonel Bud Day’s death. Why? He was conservative and that is an anathema to these vile left wrong types.
Right on.
More Bad News For Teabagging Knuckle Draggers:
In addition to presiding over record corporate profits and new all time stock market highs, the Kenyan Mooslem Soshuleest President now can brag about bending the cost curve of health care.
Or as Steve Benen puts it Obamacare works where state officials want it to work
Bill O’ Reilly handed Al NotSoSharpton his ASS again. Black commentator Don Lemon from CNN agreed with Bill O’Reilly and the poverty pimps attacked Don Lemon!
P R I C E L E S S!
Apparently the Clintons’ don’t like the various news orgs (CNN, CBS, NBC for example comparing Huma and her Weiner Pictures problem to Hillary and her Paula Jones/Kathleen Willey/Juanita Broaddrick/Gennifer Flowers/Elizabeth Ward Gracen/Monica Lewinsky problems.
Shades of Enron, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has accused J. P. Morgan Chase Bank of “gaming” electricity prices.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Is there any pie banksters don’t stick their fingers in?
A little more info on the Swiss Train collision. One was bound for Lausanne, the other inbound. It occurred 30 miles sw of Bern. One of the drivers is missing, with 35 injured. The Swiss Railways are some of the safest, and their presidents use it all the time. For awhile, the head of the company that builds trains in Switzerland, Stadler Rail, was a member of the parliament.
When I said that the Swiss have Presidents, I said plural. The executive branch is a collective presidency, with 7 seats, and no, they are not all conservatives. 2 Liberals, 2 Social Democrats, 1 Christian Democrat, 1 Conservative Democrat, 1 from the Swiss People’s Party is the current composition. They don’t have an official residence, mostly rent a hotel or apartment during their time in Bern, and take Public Transportation to the Federal Palace. For travel within the country, they get a First Class railpass.
How bout dam phony scandals, eh?
Fast & Furious – Border Agent Brian Terry died. No apology from Holder to the Terry family. It’s a phony scandal… Terry didn’t really die.
Benghazi – Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glenn Doherty, & Tyrone Woods died. It’s a phony scandal… They really didn’t die. They are on a mission to Mars.
IRS – No one was withheld their 501 C4 status… Only around 300 Tea Party types… Personal Tax Returns of conservatives were leaked… It’s a phony scandal… The IRS never did that!
NSA Spying – They aren’t looking at your email or phone records… It’s a phony scandal…. They aren’t looking at your personal information!
It’s an endless parade of phoniness per Obummer!
“If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?” Francis asked.
No fudge packers in my family!
I don’t support the donk platform of hershey highway is the only way.
Bad news for WA State Democrats, Kirby Wilbur resigns abruptly as state GOP chair to take national job in DC
Hey it’s the white ni@@er (lazy and shiftless), useless HA unemployed libtard moonbat ASSHole performing another “goto” from the crazed databaze! 158 EPIC FAYLES and counting!
Doesn’t useless HA unemployed libtard moonbat ASSHole hate the Catholic church? Didn’t the useless HA unemployed libtard moonbat ASSHole claim it went to Catholic school for a while?
Puddy lives in useless HA unemployed libtard moonbat ASSHole’s mind 24×7!
@41 The only ass O’Reilly’s ever held in his hands is his own.
@42 Any woman who can stand being married to Bill Clinton is tough enough to be POTUS. I’ll vote for her.
@47 Republicans have a habit of not finishing their elective terms — first Nixon, then Palin, now Wilbur. They’re all a bunch of quitters.
They were no-shows during the war, too. I don’t remember seeing any of them in Vietnam.
@38 Bud Day was a genuine hero. He also was a conservative and a Bush supporter. One out of three ain’t all that bad. Better than some baseball players.
duplicate post deleted by author
Pfc. Bradley Manning will hear the military judge’s verdict on the “aiding the enemy” charge tomorrow. He has already pleaded guilty to several lesser charges. I think the chances of a military judge not finding him guilty are practically non-existent. The military culture about safeguarding classified information is extremely strong and no military officer will do anything that undermines the inviolability of military secrets. The military establishment can’t tolerate that. Manning will get an initial sentence of life, and after a while, it will be quietly reduced to 25 years and then, after a while longer, to time served. Unless he commits suicide. Servicemen who have been branded “traitors” by military courts don’t have a comfortable time in military prisons.
@ 20
a rising percentage of college-credentialed workers are in occupations that do not require a higher degree.
Someone with a bachelor’s degree in English may very well be asking “Would you like fries with that?”.
That doesn’t increase the worth of the counter job.
People aren’t being replaced with lower-paying jobs so much as they’re being replaced by computers or greater efficiency. Now, 40 hour jobs ARE becoming 30 hour jobs and for that we have Obamacare to thank. Hey, but that means more jobs, right?
@56 Serial RENEGER,
ObamaCare is to blame because you say it is?
Facts are a wingnut Republican’s worst enemy.
@ 40
Uh, Mikey? Costs are still increasing faster than inflation, Obamacare’s costs haven’t kicked in yet (I notice you mentioned nothing about the upward revisions in how much it will cost in the future), and GWB43 also bent the curve downward, the graph in your link shows.
Polly wanna White House publicity cracker?
@58 Oh my, health care costs are increasing faster than inflation, I’ll bet they’ve done that under every Republican president after Hoover. So what’s your point? Do you have one?
See @58.
Again, you are talking about what has happened in the past, which is BEFORE the Obamacare regs take effect. Once they do, the shifts will occur to avoid the penalties.
And crowing about minimum wage jobs stacked with college grads who cannot find anything better really is not what you meant to do, is it, Mikey? How does a person with a bachelors in German Studies say “Would you like fries with that?”, anyway?
@58 Serial RENEGER,
1) Costs are still increasing faster than inflation Really, per what? The canaries in your head?
2) Obamacare’s costs haven’t kicked in yet Notice you don’t identify which costs nor how they would make 40hr/wk jobs 30hr/wk jobs.
But, hey, I’m glad that it only took you 15 minutes to figure out your original claim that ObamaCare is to blame for something was total made up bullshit.
Keep yapping dip shit.
How’d your prediction of US Recession in 2013 turn out?
And let’s not forget the prediction of a Romney win for which you wagered and never paid you two bit reneging cheapshot piece of shit.
William Scranton Sr has passed away at age 96. Former Governor of Pennsylvania and UN Ambassador. I believe his son was Lt Governor when Three Mile Island happened, and later lost a bid for Governor himself.
Figures in your link are inflation-adjusted, Mikey.
@62 EvergreenRailfan,
While Bill Scranton SR was a much better grade of Republican than today’s Republicans, …
I’m proud to have been an active participant in the campaign that defeated his never accomplished anything entitled SOB son, Bill JR.
@63 Serial RENEGER,
Hey! You can read! As Roger pointed out 15 minutes, what’s your point? *he says knowing none exists based upon the source*
And when are you going to pay up on your 8 month overdue debt, you RENEGING PIECE of SHIT?
Nigger is a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, or ignorant. Seems to Puddy y’all been playing that game for years. Smiling in blacks faces and calling them dumb niggers behind their backs. Yep, it’s been caught on tape and linked here on HA. Ask
the arschloch, he’s one of the most contemptible, inferior, and ignorant with Steve Steve Steve passing rujax for the number two spot.
He threw away a career…….
for THIS?????
Ugh. If this isn’t disqualifying, then nothing is.
The Swiss Train Crash I mentioned earlier, the injured probably got bills to pay, since Switzerland does not have socialized medicine, or single-payer. It’s private insurance companies selling basic health insurance, on a non-profit basis, with an individual mandate, and they still compete for customers. Lime promising faster cpproval of claims(which cannot be denied). They still have costs co the up, but outcomes are better. Also, after the Referendum passed, there were no further attempts at repeal.
A more recent article.
159 & counting…
Such an idiot the unemployed arschloch ASSHole is…
Who was held in high esteem in the senate.. Robert Carlyle Byrd and what did DUMMOCRAPT Byrd say?
So let’s go to the source…
Now who fits that bill?
Y L B!
How does HA unemployed ASSHole fit the bill?
1) He’s unemployed
2) He’s unemployed
3) He’s unemployed
4) He’s unemployed
Any more questions?
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa!
BTW Steve Steve Steve redeemed himself… You have not unemployed libtard moonbat moron ASSHole!
Please continue to goto that crazed databaze! Puddy stands behind all posts. Keep bringing up the best becuz that is exactly how DUMMOCRAPTS think of blacks.
Sadly John Effin Kerry proved it!
Now this is truly different…
Wow this will get really interesting… Why? Who was the head of the NY Fed? Maybe something is smelly here. Some of the comments were P R I C E L E S S!
Puddy remembers without any goto crazed databaze! Others need a crutch! So sad!
Wait? Could it be another phony scandal?
Indeed let’s go the source:
Nigger is a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, or ignorant…
Ask the arschloch, he’s one of the most contemptible, inferior, and ignorant with Steve Steve Steve passing rujax for the number two spot.
rujax loves the reservation!
How does it feel to be owned on the plantation rujax?
So rujax; are you a house or field one?
When puddy starts yammering about how the democrats were in the 1960s, remind him how conservatives were in the 1960s.
The black woman got kicked out of her home, just for trying to register to vote.
Senator James O. Eastland (D) compiled a conservative record in support of the conservative coalition.
John Stennis (D) Originally, Stennis was an ardent supporter of racial segregation, like most Mississippi politicians. In the 1950s and 1960s he vigorously opposed the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and he signed the Southern Manifesto of 1956, supporting filibuster tactics to block or delay passage in all cases.
Yes, they were part of the democratic party, but they were conservatives first.
Wow now 164 and counting…
Everyone can see Puddy owns you unemployed lazy and shiftless ASSHole! Robert Carlyle Byrd never me ya but he knew ya alright!
The Prosecution is going to sleep your honor after the next post. This FOOL is beyond hope.
Please goto the crazed databaze and replay some mo comments. Puddy will read them tomorrow before Puddy works on this almost solved network problem. DNS not correctly laid out! Wireshark to the rescue of course!
Wow Fascist Pigsty has a real hard on! Too bad it’s wasted on Puddy!
Excuse Puddy for laughing really hard here… They WERE DUMMOCRAPTS first! And they never changed their stripes. Buried as DUMMOCRAPTS.
Gotta do better than that Fascist Pigsty!
@67 While not disagreeing with your general evaluation of Mr. Weiner and his suitability for public office, I would like to ask you what you can tell me, from looking at that photo, about the lady in question in these respects:
1. Is she a person of good character?
2. Does she have a pleasant personality?
3. Is she fun to be with?
4. Does she have good social and relationship skills?
5. Is she a team player and have a cooperative attitude?
6. Does she have a reasonable attitude about money?
7. Is she fun to be with?
My guess is you know absolutely nothing about her except she has a fat ass and big boobs.
@69 I’m unemployed, too. Given how this country treats its workers, I’m surprised anyone works. We should all be investment bankers. We don’t make anything in this country anymore, anyway.
Sadly, there was a death in the Swiss Train Crash. The driver of one of the trains, originally listed as missing. They sure did a good job on the EMS response, and rescue. I still wonder how they ended up on the same track.
@72 Yes, people like her suffered — some died — so people like Puddy can vote Republican if they want to.
I have four words for Puddy: “You didn’t build that.”
@78 MSNBC reports 6 critical injuries and 10 people missing in a Florida propane facility that’s in the process of blowing up.
Propane is nasty stuff. It’s heavier than air, so it collects in boat bilges and low spots of ground, instead of dispersing. When boats blow up and burn to the waterline, it’s almost always because of propane. There’s no way for propane to get out of a boat. When a boat bilge fills up with propane because someone left a stove or heater turned on, it’s time for people to abandon ship.
Sea Rise ‘Lock In’
Here’s a phrase I hadn’t seen until tonight. It refers to sea level rise that hasn’t happened yet but is going to happen and can’t be stopped, i.e. is “locked in.”
We really haven’t seen much sea rise yet, so it’s relatively easy for climate deniers to try to pooh-pooh away the problem. The real problem — what we and they can’t see — is the sea rise that’s already locked in.
This article explains how big that problem is.
1) He’s unemployed
2) He’s unemployed
3) He’s unemployed
4) He’s unemployed
Due to unfortunate circumstances Puddy and whole bunch of other great people in a division were left unemployed.
#166 and counting… Golly HA’s unemployed useless ASSHole white ni@@er plagiarized the PuddyPost above. Yeah Puddy then found a better job, learned Spring, REST and JSON and then found an even better job. It’s called active searching and pounding pavement.
What about you HA’s unemployed useless ASSHole white ni@@er. Seems you like living off the dole 24×7. Put both son’s through university with no college loans to pay off. A man has to be a man. We don’t see that being exhibited in HA’s unemployed useless ASSHole white ni@@er with the crazed goto databaze for a crutch!
You continue to EPICALLY FAYLE with your goto crazed databaze HA’s unemployed moronic useless libtard twit ASSHole white ni@@er!
Time again to ask those pertinent questions… Won’t answer the simple questions posed earlier. So let’s ask them again… Time to step up continually unemployed fool!
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Why are you not working and providing like most men for their families?
3) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”!
4) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
5) Does the skirt fit so well you love it?
Will the continually unemployed idiot “man up” and explain his unemployed position. Why does he hide behind left wrong links all day on HA? Why does he lounge at home on HA all day while Mrs SEIU slaves hard each day bring home da bread to keep electricity running for his fetid commentaries?
So sad so sad a sack of horse manure. Sux to be you.
Thanks for posting those links. Right on time to. Puddy askes and you produce. As Puddy wrote
You are Pavlov’s Prime Pinhead! You bark when told. You goto when told. You jump when told. Puddy owns you! Puddy in yo head 24×7.
In other news not central the the crazed goto databaze unemployed ASSHole… Howard Dean wrote what?
Now didn’t Christin O’Donnell and Michelle Bachmann claim the same thing?
Hey HorsesASSHoles… did you notice something about Detroit and their bankruptcy plans not discussed by the second and third tier libtards continually used by Da Perfessa in the Friday Night Comix? One of Detroit’s bankrupt recovery plans is to dump all its city guvmint employees into ObummerScare’s exchanges, which is sure to solve everything. Yep put htem on the Fed dole! The individual mandate is staying! Looks like y’all “own it big time” DUMMOCRAPTS; lock crock and barrel!
Vindication and being correct again from the fingers of a real HorsesASS. Yeahwh!
One of Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit’s heroes pulling a DUMMOCRAPT move.
Looks like y’all “own it big time” DUMMOCRAPTS!
@84 I don’t need a job. I live off the land. My days of being an underpaid, overworked, and mistreated worker are over. Glad you’re still on the job, though, pud. Somebody’s gotta suffer so I can prosper.
@87 I beat you to bashing this guy by several days, pudnutz. You’re sleeping on the job again.
Pud can’t comprehend we’re not Republicans, i.e., these guys: http://tinyurl.com/m7n69en
A new poll shows Sarah Palin remains popular with GOP primary voters in Alaska, but would lose badly to Democratic senator Mark Begich, and half of Alaska’s general-election voters don’t even consider her an Alaskan anymore.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This roman candle has burned out. I predict that if she tries to re-enter politics she’ll fizzle like a wet sparkler.
“Ask the arschloch, he’s one of the most contemptible, inferior, and ignorant with Steve Steve Steve passing rujax for the number two spot.”
What the hell did I do now?
Steve, You didn’t do anything… it’s the arbitrary and capricous attack by the idiot HA useless moonbat libtard unemployed ASSHole white nigger with the crazed goto databaze trying to attack Puddy!
Ummm not so Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit. Puddy brought SD Mayor the same day it broke. Then Puddy brought the running away of Nancy Pelosi and her tight friendship with Filner in the Progressive Caucus.
Just ask the idiot HA useless moonbat libtard unemployed ASSHole white nigger with the crazed goto databaze!
See ya!
Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit, Puddy doesn’t do tiny URLs.
Best way to keep Puddy and others from seeing your insipid links!
Sometimes Troll you act like the standard HA leftist. Could you please stop acting like headless lucy and not use the N-word? Let headless and his 63 other names use it okay? Remember rujax called Juan William the N-word and later on reentered the charge! The crazed databaze deala ylb has the search results. Let them call my people that okay troll. Don’t sink to their level ever!
I hate hearing the word nigger.
so rujax are you a broad nosed dark skinned black man?
64) I remember seeing the clincher ad for Casey replayed by Chris Mathews when he was showing some classic campaign ads.
Wow you polluting these threads all over with your worthless attacks eh useless unemployed sperm donor? Puddy missed these wonderful comments.
Keep it up. That’s all you got all day everyday while Puddy brings home da bucks all over the world!
Sux to be you! Listen to that Ross Perot sucking sound!