If Seattle can just agree not to talk to strangers on the light rail, that would be great. I get it if you need help or are a religious extremist who has to tell everyone you meet about Jesus. But if I’m reading, I want to read. If I’m on my phone, I want to be on my phone. If I’m starting unto space, I want to stare into space.
I sometimes wonder if the Hillbilly Senate leadership don’t simply make use of moderates like this tool. After all, like all the rest of the Hillbilly moderates, he’ll cave and give the extremists his vote for this despicable legislation.
But in the mean time, his crocodile tear objections and the objections of other moderate tools can be used to help soften the resistance of the most far-right, suicidal extremists and get them to come to the table. That’s why the label “moderate conservative” has become such an absolute joke. “Moderate conservatives” are the ridiculed, cuckolded, abused spouses of Hillbilly-Traitor politics. But they do come in handy when the toilet needs cleaning. And they certainly help the corporate media maintain the laughable fiction that a spectrum of ideology still exists in the party of Fuckface Von Putin-Puppet.
“If I’m starting unto space, …”
Sounds like you’re expecting to be Raptured any moment now.
I saw a news item this morning, no big deal really, merely instructive, that Jakarta eliminated its HOV lanes and commute times immediately doubled. For everybody, not just (former) HOV lane users. But I guess you can’t really compare Jakarta traffic with Seattle traffic, although we’re getting there.
@1 Along the same lines …
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What you have here is an island in Chesapeake Bay just a couple feet above sea level, with 500 residents, 87% of whom voted for Trump, and they now want $30 million of federal aid for a seawall to keep out the rising sea level.
Climate change? What climate change? Trump says climate change is a Chinese hoax. So why would he spend money that could be used to finance tax cuts for the rich to help them combat the impacts of climate change?
Maybe they can get Mexico to pay for it. Trump will show them how that’s done.
@4 Maybe Reagan actually had some clairvoyance about the future in his musings about a “city on a hill”.
@5 You don’t need to be clairvoyant to see the advantages of heading for higher ground when water is rising. Works for tsunamis, too.
let’s offer them $3 million in relocation assistance.
Alabama would do nicely. They have Blue Crab (marinated in petrochemicals – yum) and lots and lots of cheap beachfront land (tar balls included).
Plus 500 fewer Hillbilly-Traitors in Virginia.
@7 Imagine what these people would say if someone suggested that U.S. taxpayers contribute to helping the people of the Maldives.
They should get the same per-capita relocation assistance the people of the Maldives get, and from the same sources.
@ 4
A competent reading of the article, and a competent listening to the video report, would inform you that the problem there is not human activity-associated sea level rise, as the problem existed hundreds of years before the industrial revolution.
Which explains your inability to understand, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
What life is now like for some folks in the new Trump-enabled American culture.
@9 “A competent reading of the article … would inform you that the problem there is not human activity-associated sea level rise … ”
A competent reading of the article would inform you that “Researchers say one cause is rising sea levels due to climate change — but Tangier’s more immediate problem is something called wave-induced erosion.”
And if you actually watched the video, one of the first things it says is, “Climate change … is one of the reasons the island is washing away.” Which makes me wonder whether you even bothered to watch the video before shooting from the lip.
The fact erosion is part of the problem doesn’t mean climate change is none of the problem, dumbfuck. Rising sea level doesn’t help if you’ve already got an erosion problem, because if the water level rises, the island will erode away that much faster.
This is who’s now running our country:
“White House officials apparently waited too long to book accommodations for President Trump, leaving him without a hotel in Hamburg, Germany, as world leaders converge for the G20 summit.”
According to Daily Kos, his staff are sleeping on couches.
But that’s what they do all day back in Washington.
Remarkably, the last seven threads have been 100% loon-free. But the Chrome-challenged, double-posting batshit crazy loon will be back and his exploding head will be full of hate!
Laissez faire capitalism is when the same telemarketer calls you six times a day, seven days a week, without end, to coerce you into buying his cheaply made, overpriced, and completely useless product.
Republicans are against government and in favor of laissez faire capitalism, everybody owning guns, and the freedom to do whatever you like.
When there’s no government and everybody has guns, there’s nothing to stop you from hunting down the telemarketer and putting a bullet in him.
Republican ideology isn’t all bad, all the time.
In NYC the general rule on the subway (while on the train more so than waiting for the train on the platform) is to not even make eye contact with strangers. Other interaction occurs at times but general rule – don’t even look at one another.
One time I was sitting right next to a co worker and didn’t realize she was there until about ten minutes into the ride, when she realized I was there and she said hello and we talked.
Seattle used to be a friendly city. Sadly that friendliness has gone. Now folks avoid looking at you.
However, I agree with you about being left alone if you are reading or contemplating or just letting life go by. I will say, I haven’t used nor ever intend to use Seattle public transportation (blech) but it’s the same with flying. I will smile when I sit then I want to be left alone with my book. If someone chats I will for a moment but return to my book as soon as I can.
So if I ever happen to be light rail – you are safe from me.
But only there:
Headline of the day
Not talk to strangers on light rail.? Hell, I’ll never live long enough to see the damn system completed, and I have absolutely no reason to ever use it because I avoid going to King County and Seattle if at all possible. It has been years since I’ve been to Seattle, and I plan to stay away from the liberal progressive concentration camp at all times. Yet I’m having to pay for a light rail system for the benefit of strangers I absolutely detest.
In short, Carl, just shut the fuck up and be grateful for others who are paying into a light rail system from whence they will see no benefit in their lifetimes.
“Headline of the day”
Republicans preferring goats over people? Old news.
@18 “I’m having to pay for a light rail system for the benefit of strangers I absolutely detest.”
I knew if I waited long enough someone would come up with something good to say about it. Someone finally has.
Great. I’ll it’s much easier to get a table at Olive Garden than most places in Queen Anne. Thanks for keeping Seattle safe from yourself. I’ll bet all the touring bands play the Roadhouse in Puyallup.
Stick to attempting to read medical imaging, earth sciences and reasoning are not your strong suit.
While the issue of a rising sea level has been noted for “hundreds of years”, the rate of change in the rise of the sea level seems to be core to the issue. The mayor seems to think they will only have 20 years left at the current rate of change. Chances are, they actually have less time.
As the article pointed out, erosion is the issue they are most concerned with. Well what do you know, higher atmospheric temperatures translates to higher water temperatures, which translates into water expanding (hence one component of a higher sea level), but is also increases the amount of energy available in the system. Storms today appear to carry more powerful punches, we are getting more and more “100-year-storms”. Go back and look at the hurricane data, you will see larger and larger storms with higher amounts of energy in their systems. More heat means more energy means faster erosion.
So climate change is making a difference, they just refuse to admit it and want a government handout to fix their problem and ignorance. Just like a real ‘mer-i-can, bitch about the government and then ask for a handout (sounds like Eastern Washington state). Better yet, instead of building them a breakwater, offer them a buyout to move, that would be cheaper than building a rock wall in the long run. Pretty soon their property value will be zero. Be a real conservative, take somebody else’s money and run.
@22 you know that being so intelligent makes them hillbillies just think of you as an elitist. There is nothing wrong with being dumb, stupid, ignorant, and traitors to AMERICA (14 Words wink wink) – don’t hold it against them, let them be as they wish, dumb, stupid and a bunch of fucks.
Nukes coming soon too!
I’ve got a weird feeling that this might be an APE shit night this evening. Anyone missing any bananas?
They can think of me what the want, it still doesn’t change the simple physics involved.
Gravity and the conservation of mass and energy don’t care if you are smart, elitist, or as dumb and the rock we are standing on. It is probably easier for the dumb and ignorant, they have no clue what is going on and sometimes ignorance is bliss. I figure that is how Puddy and Dr. Dumbfuck get out of bed each day and continue to plod through life.