Did y’all have a nice 4th? I hope so. There was a pretty good spot to watch the fireworks near Drinking Liberally. It was just on the other side of the freeway, and a couple times, I saw ambulances going by. I know that rationally, it could be for anything, but I assumed it was fireworks accidents.
Some kid down in Auburn blew off a couple fingers. And a guy in Tennessee killed himself with a rocket, but I doubt that was the ambulance you saw.
More Conservative psychopathy.
Does anyone really believe any of this bullshit? I have my doubts, but it seems as though that a certain rule can be applied here. I met a guy at a business convention back in ’98, a convention related to developing internet based businesses and such. He told me that “All you need to do is hit 1%.” That meaning, his spam-email business model would send out 200,000 spam advertisements in a block using a random email address generator based on current trends, @Yahoo, @Comcast etc. Maybe 20% of those would actually connect to a real email address and the rest would be kicked back as undeliverable. This in and of itself was valuable information, and the results would be tied into the algorithm that their random-address generator would use. The theory was, if 1% of the actual email addresses that received the spam responded to it with a purchase, that could make an individual millions of dollars a year once the algorithm was tuned right.
I suspect the same is happening with these lunatics, all they care about is convincing maybe 1% of the people that hear their blather. All it takes is 1% of anything to generate a result. In this case, with the PizzaGate thing and the Grey suit thing and the Dijon mustard thing, not to mention Bengazi or whatever, all they need to do is convince one person out of 100 that there might be “something to it”, and if 1% of those folks can muster up the courage to walk into a restaurant or a school or something with a machine gun, that is a net positive result for the people making these sorts of claims.
Helluva way to run a country.
A 12-Step Program for Democrats to win back ‘Normal America’
Democrats, if you really care about Americans, be quiet and listen to what they want rather than forcing your prescriptions on them before they even speak.
asshole @3. I prefer for Democrats to lose so you can live in misery, just the way you want and like it.
The list lists things of people making excuses….you should look in a mirror.
Much like forcing that same bullshit-laden economic theory the conservatives call, “Trickle Down Economics”? Republicans have been spouting that crap for 50 years and it just doesn’t work. It has never worked, yet they still trot it out like clockwork. They are hoping people are ignorant and will vote for them. Why support education? Keep the electorate “dumb”. It just goes on and on.
Both parties need to stop their shrill BS and stop being myopic. More importantly for the US, it is time to ditch the 50 legacy of both parties and start electing real leaders, not actors or reality TV people.
Just think, we have two petulant “man-child” leaders in the world that are happy to take us to the brink of nuclear destruction due to their sociopath egos.
Keep on doing what we are doing and we will accelerate to the 6th mass extinction in no time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction
Keynesian economics works well, though. It works well at getting progressives elected and staying elected.
Keynes did politicians a favor that we can never repay.
Yes he did!
Much better than this guy: https://thinkprogress.org/david-stockman-bombshell-how-my-republican-party-destroyed-the-american-economy-4745d7ebca5d
At least Bill balanced the federal budget and erased the deficit under his watch. When was the last time a Republican President did both of those during their watch?
@3 Good advice for any political party. People seem to have trouble getting Republicans to listen, though. They refuse to hold town halls. Public support for their health care “reform” is less than 20% (last I heard, about 12%). Yet the House passed it anyway.
99.999999999% of the time the “result” desired is making money.
Oh yeah, confirmed. The nutball in that tape says “I’ve published”..
It’s depressing to realize how many people will shell out something like $8.95 or $10.95 or whatever to buy crap like this and make a living for grifters like Liz Crokin.
We used to have a hard-core birther in these thread who babbled about Owe-bama all the time. That idiot for sure bought nutjob birther and other klownspiracy ebooks by the bushel.
You gotta laugh…
Remember Hobby Lobby? The company run by devout Christian Republicans? Turns out they’re a criminal organization.
“Hobby Lobby has agreed pay a $3 million fine and forfeit thousands of smuggled ancient Iraqi artifacts to settle a lawsuit brought by the Department of Justice. The settlement, which the DOJ announced Wednesday, is the culmination of a years-long federal investigation into the arts and crafts chain’s efforts to grow its private collection of historically significant cultural items.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Nazis looted art, too. Hey, I’m not saying the Hobby Lobby folks are Nazis. Just sayin’ they steal art, too …
@9 Why should Nigeria get all the good telemarketing jobs? Trumpbillies want to work, too.
I wonder if Boob or any of the trolls here was in Ct lately.
West Hartford Man Told Police Anti-Trump Graffiti At School Was Out Of ‘Anger Toward Liberals’
Too funny – they want respect now. Do unto others as has. Even done unto you. Bunch of snowflakes looking for little safe places.
@11 naaah, those fools are holding out for the phony coal mining jobs.
The nigerians will continue to sell klownservatic marks the junk klownspiracy books.
The delusional racist claptrap @3 is just nothing more than a new flavor of grift to cripple the Hillbilly-Traitors.
A few of the less brain damaged, having come down from the eight year Birfer-Madrassa-Jade-Helm-“Whiteygate”-Chemtrails high are in need of a new hate-narcotic. A decent living can be made peddling this “Bizarro-world” version of “normal” to angry, frustrated, wife-beaters.
You get what you voted for – nothing! hahahahah
Wow 7 hours and 15 whole comments – you asses are sure on your game!
As is the DCCC: The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is field-testing a new bumper sticker slogan that says, “Democrats 2018: I mean, have you seen the other guys?”
How Christian of them.
@12 “it was his hope that the vandalism would appear to have been done by the ‘Left.'”
@16 I would merely point out that you’re wallowing in this cesspool with the rest of us.
@ 15: That’s a dead URL.
@ 16:
You post a link to a white supremacist “Alt-Right” blog, to a made-up phony bullshit story they pulled out of their ass about what they think the Democrats are going to have to do to win the next election?
Whats next? MAD Magazine? Weekly World News?
Try harder, fuckhead.
Meanwhile, the GOP doesn’t attack the content, just the reveal:
Bank accounts?
“We have no defense for the subject matter of the investigations, we’re more concerned with how they are finding out about those things.”
There is no executive privilege in criminal investigations. This is not about someone being coy about a blowjob, this is about treason, espionage, money laundering, bank fraud, real-estate fraud, malfeasance, misprision of Felony, subornation of perjury and probably a whole law book full of other shit that a non-lawyer such as myself doesn’t know the terms for.
Fat Donny two-scoops is going down, along with his entire administration including the Vice-President. The whole damn thing is a hopelessly intertwined series of criminal organizations. They’ve been feeding off each other for so long that they cannot untangle themselves from any of it. They’ve been covering each others asses for decades and now they can’t disassociate themselves from each other without putting their own necks in the noose.
One thing that Conservatives have never been about to figure out is how to conduct business without breaking every law on the books to get to where they want to be. They figure that they can run any criminal enterprise they want to once they hold control of the legislative process. Hell, Mitch McConnell is directly connected through his wife to a major heroin and cocaine smuggling ring. Her families business is international shipping, and that shipping company has been repeatedly caught red-handed shipping illegal drugs to Australia, the UK and the United States.
The GOP is just a formalized corporate Mafiosi type organization.
Meanwhile, Rex Tillerson seals the deal.
Looks like Fat Donny is going to finally pay his debts. $500 Billion is a fair amount of scratch. Rex and Donny’s take is 20% of that. Meanwhile, Fat Donny goes to Poland and throws shit all over the United States Government.
One advantage to having a career felon with dementia sitting in the President’s Chair is being able to run whatever criminal enterprise one wants to on the side without being subject to much scrutiny.
Just keep him happy, play along with his fantasies, keep him entertained, compliment him, kiss his ass, tell him about how “bigly great” he is all the time. Meanwhile the entire Department of State can become just another branch of one’s business at that point.
Please note, how casually white supremacist Republicans have become. Like collusion with foreign espionage agents, the nihilistic race hatred has become “no big deal” for them. The God Emperor Fuckface has transported them all through a magic hate-portal to a time and place where tribal identity justifies all.
To be clear, no criminal court can jail the President while he’s in office.
But they can certainly indict and convict anyone around him. There are lots of ways to get financial records. Fuckface uses banks, accounting firms, and most of his finances are spread across multiple interlocking corporations whose officers are all bound by law and subject to prosecution and imprisonment. And exec priv is no shield to them. So long as he is President, Fuckface remains immune. But he purchases that immunity with the destruction of all those around him.
I hear Jared and Ivanka are in the market for a dacha on lake Ladoga.
@24 The fact Fuckface finances his money-losing business ventures through Russian banks should make it easier to trace the cash flows. All it takes to get access to the records is for Putin to cut a deal with U.S. prosecutors after he concludes his bought president adds no value to his portfolio and risks blowing everything up.
Why did they stop calling it “global warming” and start calling it “climate change?”
When dulllards insisted the existence of snow was sufficient proof of cooling.
It’s happening without you America. We can cling to coal and internal combustion engines (why change, right conservatives) and die or beat the rest of the world to the punch.
Volvo will not sell pure combustion engines as of 2019
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
My guess is both these guys are Trump voters. I base that conclusion on behavioral profiling.
Unfriendly Skies Redux
United Airlines fucked up again. A woman paid $1,000 for an extra seat for her toddler. The airline gave that seat to a standby passenger and made her hold her child in her lap for the entire flight, which is against FAA regulations. Her compensation? A refund and voucher. Of course, the voucher is worthless if she decides to never fly on United again. She should sue, because treating paying passengers like farm animals is becoming an industry habit, and it won’t stop until the airlines get hurt on the bottom line.
@19 I only wallow occasionally: when the ridiculousness of the left becomes too great and explodes into hilarity.
@20″Try harder, fuckhead.”: I win. Name calling is the result of an empty, dull mind. Vulgarity admits it. Thanks for your inadvertent honesty!
And the No. 1 slogan is:
1: We Promise Not To Run Hillary Clinton. Ever. Ever. Again.
@30 I fully understand why she didn’t argue with the flight attendants. They would have dragged her off the plane, placed her under arrest and her child would have been put under the auspice and in the nightmare of CPS.
She did the right thing by cooperating then shaming United. They deserve shame.
27 you didn’t answer the question.
Oh they came up with birtherism, right? And the idiot you voted for last November used birtherism to begin its long hustle into the highest office in the land.
Hilarious indeed. And too sad.
@31 Wherein a troll references “dull minds” then links to Daily Wire …
[raucous rabbit laughter in background]
@33 Yes he did.
In any case, your question is a red herring, because the issue is still fundamentally about the planet getting warmer. Only a dolt thinks the massive release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by human activity has nothing to do with that.
It should be noted, though, that the rock in space we all live on doesn’t give a damn what humans do to it.
37 – then call it global warming, not climate change.
What vulgarity? All any of us see is a simple, honest statement of manifest fact. You are a fuckhead, which is a real thing, it turns out. Nobody knew for sure, and many people supposed that “fuckhead” was just a made up, vulgar name.
But then you went and elected one President. And now his tiny doll hands, late night hate-tweets, and thorough inability to perform as a man (much less as President), combined with your slavish fascination with the taste of his fetid ball cheese prove daily that fuckheads are real, and they consistently vote Republican.
“At least Bill balanced the federal budget and erased the deficit under his watch. When was the last time a Republican President did both of those during their watch?”
False. The national debt increased EVERY SINGLE YEAR since 1957 (source: US Treasury: https://www.treasurydirect.gov/NP/debt/current). If you have a balanced budget and no deficit – how do you accumulate debt? It’s called lying and cooking the books (the same thing that ignores the fact that President Obama added $1.4 trillion in debt in his last year).
The last President to have a real balanced budget was Eisenhower, in 1957. That’s the fact.
Tweet du jour:
Harriet Baldwin 🇺🇸
Harriet Baldwin 🇺🇸 Retweeted Chris Cillizza
@CNN even fakes orgasms. #FakeNewsHarriet Baldwin 🇺🇸 added,
Chris CillizzaVerified account @CillizzaCNN
12:03 PM – 6 Jul 2017
Calling it “climate change” versus “global warming” is a way to always be correct. It’s” a heads-I-win-tails-you-lose” type of scenario. No matter what happens, you get to claim to be right.
The European idiots are making a mess of Hamburg, rioting against capitalism. Capitalism is the best thing that ever happened to the planet, yet those little shits haven’t figured it out yet. Perhaps they should give North Korea, Cuba or Venezuela a try and see how they like tyranny instead of freedom. That might give them a different perspective on things.
Agreed, Eisenhower was the last POTUS to have a balanced budget. How ironic he was the very person that warned of the “military industrial complex”.
Actually it is Congress that controls the money, so they were the ones that “lied and cooked the books.” As I recall, that was a Republican controlled congress during Bill’s tenure.
Call it what you want, it doesn’t matter what it is called by rubes like you.
What does matter is at no time have there been 7+ billion people on this planet. You are dumber than rocks if you don’t think 7+ billion people that consume resources and produce waste(s) don’t have an impact on this rock in space.
Go back to the shoe store and read you latest copy of “Big’ Uns”, there are not any words in those magazines, it will be more your speed and easier to comprehend.
@41 Regardless of how you label it, reputable scientists are nearly unanimous that greenhouse gases are accumulating in the atmosphere because of human use of fossil fuels, and that’s causing average mean temperatures to rise, which is going to cause problems for human civilization.
Scientific conclusions, of course, are tentative and subject to change based on new evidence, or new interpretations of old evidence. And scientists will be the first to admit they don’t know everything. But that doesn’t make them wrong.
Wingnuttery, on the other hand, is frozen in place, impervious to factual evidence, and insists it knows everything and is always right. Meanwhile, conservatives’ reference point is that the easiest way to deal with a problem they don’t want to face is by denying it exists.
One of the dumbest arguments I’ve seen by a climate denier is that there is no CO2 in the upper atmosphere because CO2 is heavier than air and sinks to the earth. Tree lines exist, he said, because there isn’t enough CO2 in the air at higher elevations to keep plants alive.
@42 “Capitalism is the best thing that ever happened to the planet, yet those little shits haven’t figured it out yet.”
People working in sweatshops for pennies a day while the 1% accumulate three-fourths of the world’s wealth might not think so.
Liberals aren’t against capitalism. We’re in favor of regulated capitalism, and against laissez-faire capitalism, because the former seems to work fairly well most of the time, while the latter consistently produces market failures, market excesses, panics, depressions, and massive social inequality and injustice.
And, of course, slavery and labor exploitation aren’t limited to monarchies, communism, and other totalitarian regimes. Capitalist societies like ours have their own sordid history of colonialism, slavery, and labor exploitation.
Thoughtful people and rabbits realize that capitalism, like any other system, can be misused in evil ways. That’s why it has to be regulated.
@39 @43 A certain amount of U.S. government debt is useful. Try to imagine the global financial system without Treasury bonds.
This debt never has to be “paid off,” because it can be rolled over ad infinitum.
The real question is how much debt is too much debt. People can argue about markers like the debt-to-GDP ratio, or worry about the cost of debt service in the operating budget. You will never get everyone to agree about such things.
Few people would argue that the debt incurred to finance World War 2 was “bad” or “reckless” or “irresponsible” debt. Only Republicans argue that the debt President Obama incurred to keep the Great Recession from turning into another Great Depression was reckless or irresponsible debt.
And, of course, the conservatives who claimed the $3.8 trillion that the Federal Reserve added to its balance sheet under QE would cause hyperinflation were completely wrong. The real threat was, and still is, deflation; and if they had gotten their way the economy would now be in a deflationary death spiral like the one that occurred in the early 1930s when conservatives were running things and did get their way.
When did they start to call it AIDS instead of GRID?
When did they start to call it Evolution instead of Darwinism?
Science marches on while conservatives cling to the old familiar.
@44 Does it really matter? Humans, like every other species, will be extinct someday. The planet will still be here. It doesn’t care whether anything can live on it or not.
I’m not sure what you believe you comprehend that the poster @37 doesn’t. Your comment @44 doesn’t make a clear point. You adopt a fatalistic tone; i.e., even if climate change is occurring, and we’re causing it, our growing population’s need for ever more resources will prevent us from doing anything about it.
That was more or less the conclusion reached by this author:
His closing words: “We’re fucked.”
I’ve sometimes wondered whether the conservative worldview represents their conception of how things should be, or a cynical and amoral perception that “this is how things are” coupled with a belief that humans can’t change their behavior.
In the end, no it doesn’t really matter. The sun will collapse and then explode, wiping out our planet. Given the mechanics of how the stars work, it is really a moot point in the geologic time scale.
I don’t think we are causing it, I believe humans are contributing to it more than any other species that inhabit the planet. Control the population, eliminate religions that tell humans to breed like flies, develop solar, wind, tidal, reduce use of fossil fuels. Lots as humans we can do, however it would require changes that most are unwilling to do.
The species of humans have been on this planet just a blink of an eye in the geologic time scale, but their impact on the planet is immense. The argument should be to what rate of change this species has had on the planet. If you look at the impact this single species has had on the planet, you can change the time frame of reference from the geologic time scale to a generational scale (time scales: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geologic_time_scale)
In science, it is the frame of reference that really matters. So if people just want to cop out of the discussion they use the argument,”does it really matter in the end?” On the other hand, if you keep the frame of reference to the period of when human have been on the planet, then there is a much better discussion to be had.
If we want to make our environment last longer for future generations, then there are things we can do. If we want to be selfish, party like there is no tomorrow and use it up now. I think you can see the two political parties viewpoints in that previous statement.
Stop mixing the time frames and the frames of reference if you what to make a coherent argument. Both sides do it, enough, it is poor scientific methodology and even worse from a rhetoric standpoint.
If you really don’t thing there is anything we can and should do, well then heck, bring back lawn darts, don’t ban fireworks, encourage Trump to tell North Korea to go screw themselves and one more missile test and we will turn their country into glass, that will speed up the human mass extinction (and bunnies too).
Of course some debt is a critical component of an overall successful financial strategy. Debt is a useful financial tool/instrument when not abused.
It is the abuse of debt, say unfunded wars, that causes all sorts of problems.
Congratulations racist idiot inbred opiate addicted hillbilly traitors!
Your incompetent God-Emperor Fuckface has almost made it to 25%!
Still, 76% of your government remains firmly in the control of Two Term Popularly Elected President Barack Hussein Obama – even while he’s kite-boarding on a private island!
@52 “If we want to be selfish, party like there is no tomorrow and use it up now. I think you can see the two political parties viewpoints in that previous statement. … Both sides do it …”
Ah. I see now where you’re going with this …
No, both sides don’t do it, and no, the two political parties are not the same. One is plainly worse than the other on this and many other issues.
@53 Depends on the war. I agree that borrowing to fight a recreational war against a regime that didn’t attack us and isn’t a threat to us imposes an unproductive burden on taxpayers, not to mention the useless spilling of their children’s blood. That’s one of the numerous reasons why I don’t vote for Republicans.
Agreed on the recreational war aspect.
So where am I going with this? I feel that both political parties do a poor job presenting their arguments. However, the Republican party is orders of magnitude worse than the Democrats. Say what you will about Al Gore, but at least he wanted to try and do something, unlike the “me first” Republicans and conservatives.
I’m sure some conservative will bring up cold fusion. Cold fusion was bad science, all the way around.
For those that need a smaller visual aid, go by an aquarium and put some fish, plants, and coral into it. Start to jack with the temperature of the water, the oxygen level, the nitrogen level, and the population of fish, it doesn’t take rocket scientist to see what the effects are on the water and biologic content contained within. Heck, put some amphibians in there for good measure. The earth is a much larger scale system, but the principles are the same. Treat it as a closed system and see what happens.
If you/we want to make real change, the take the religion and politics out of of it and approach the issue with sound scientific principles. Science knows no evil, only man does.
How do you get people to distrust the media? You put out fake news and then cry fake news.
How do you get people to believe the Russia Drumpf connection is fake. Shop fake news to the media, then after they run with it prove it to be false and then say see the whole story has been fabricated by the fake media.
And the lemming cuckservatives will be grabbing their penis launchers.
Hey look, it’s the Ape. Ape got creepy hands.
The Straights are pigs and perverts.
Thats part of the beauty of what Putin has built here.
It doesn’t have to be true in order for it to help Putin obtain his objectives. It just has to be plausible enough. And Vladdy has Fuckface alone to thank for that.
Now the docs Maddow is talking about have undoubtedly been poorly prepared by alt-Right tech-goblin grifters like Chuck Johnson and Pax Dickinson. But Putin has the means to do it convincingly. At least convincingly enough to move him closer to his goals. With Tillerson helming the effort he’s already scored a few of the oil deals he had in mind, in spite of invading Ukraine, with nary a peep from the U.S. media or Congress otherwise preoccupied with the important business of Mika, CNNwrestling, and baby Charlie.