– Jean Godden wants to hear from you if you’ve been affected by the gender pay gap.
– Congrats to the couples in Pennsylvania
– Patty Murray is (with other senators) asking people to thank Wendy Davis. I assume this is just an attempt to get your name, email, and address, but she’s going to need a lot of names, emails, and addresses if she’s going to run for statewide office in Texas.
– I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had seen some people taking cars on bike paths. None of them were this person, fortunately. Stay safe everybody.
– Predicting a train wreck.
– Anyone going to enjoy Seafair? I’m already annoyed with the pirates, so well done so far.
Shouldn’t that character in the train wreck cartoon be Max Baucus, noted Democrat member of the US Senate?
Baucus warns of ‘huge train wreck’ enacting ObamaCare provisions
Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/healt.....z2a50XYHca
Yeah. I’m back.
Someone seems to be a legend in their own mind. Who are you? Why should anyone care?
Or should I say, which lame-ass troll that previously faded away are you?
I’ve been a little busy.
Lifetime generation 57.21 kWh
Current Power 2519 W
Generation Of Current Day 5.53 kWh
@3 Sounds like you stuck a screwdriver into a socket to get a tingle. To each his own.
Interesting that Republicans have turned abortion and Obamacare into their two biggest issues. They want to force people (including rape and incest victims) to bring kids into the world, and don’t want these kids to have health care after they get here. Next on the GOP agenda: Repealing food stamps and WIC so they don’t have food, either. The GOP intends to fill the U.S.A. with millions of skinny little skeletons.
I suspect Republicans have hearts like Taliban and are itching to horsewhip women who commit the crime of allowing themselves to be raped, like they do in Pakistan and Dubai, but Karl Rove advised them to get there one step at a time, because they have to gradually acclimatize the public to this new set of social mores.
In other words, GOPers are secret admirers of Islam, which is only the latest in a long string of ironies.
Good way to put it.. Mr. “busy” has spent at least 90 minutes here this morning..
Catching up I gather.. Sure was nicer around here without that self-stroker..
@7. “Choose your enemies well, for you will become like them. “
As loathe as I am in posting Daily Fail links, they do occasionally have some pretty decent articles on disasters, such as the Spanish Talgo wreck. Includes some videos, including one of the wreck itself.
The operator apparently was going 120 mph on curve with a 50 mph speed limit, and was a big fan of pushing the envelope.
Sheer, human stupidity.
10)One of the reasons for the tough FRA regs here, even if it hampers the ability to get a better deal. On the BNSF lines between Portland and the Peace Arch, I have seen posted speed limit signs with three categories, T, P, and F. T is for TALGO, P is for Passenger, and F is for freight. T is always the highest, especially in curves, but the highest for now, is in the 70Mph range. Since they mingle with freight trains, I believe that the maximum Amtrak Cascades is shooting for is 79-90MPH.
I think the commuter train wreck in Japan a couple years ago was caused by an operator going too fast. He died in the collission, which may have been his intent.
Juror Says Zimmerman ‘Got Away With Murder’
Juror B29, the only minority on the jury, went public today on “Good Morning America” and said she wanted to convict the vigilante of second-degree murder, and considered holding out for a hung jury, but in the end the instructions left the jury with no choice. “George Zimmerman got away with murder,” she said, but “there was nothing we could do about it.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What if Trayvon Martin had killed George Zimmerman instead of the other way around? Did Martin have a right to stand his ground? Or does that law only exonerate people who kill blacks?
@ 11
The original thinking behind the creation of Amtrak was that it was supposed to be supported and modernized over a period of about 30 years, with dedicated passenger raillines and improvements to speed and ride and access, but Nixon cut that off at the fuckin knees back in 1971, when he agreed in secret to let Amtrak just die off in a couple of years as part of signing the bill forming Amtrak into law.
This country can build a comprehensive and fully electric system in ten years. Most of the old rights-of-way still exist and are abandoned. As aircraft fuels become more expensive, the incentive to maintain the massive subsidies to the Airlines will hopefully diminish. Frankly, I’d rather be able to hop on a train in Bellingham, and get off in San Francisco or Palo Alto or San Diego a couple of days later.
Make them nice. Make them pretty and functional and sorta fun.
@14 They’re already pretty (at least from the standpoint of being a passenger looking out the window at the scenery going by instead of the arse ends of the automobiles in front of you), functional and more than a little fun–and damn comfortable. They’re just not as fast as they could be. For some of us that last part doesn’t matter quite so much anymore. Life’s supposed to be a marathon, not a sprint.
Think of the kind of comprehensive transit system we could have put together (and how many people would be gainfully employed in the process) with the money that instead was squandered over the last 13 years killing people and breaking things in the Middle East.
In Japan, several different train lines compete with airlines. The ticket price is pretty much the same no matter which way you choose to travel. Although government subsidies paid the initial cost of creating the right-of way and establishing the infrastructure, the train companies pretty much pay their own way now.
Shinkensen (Bullet Trains) are popular, very fast, and depart on schedule to the minute. It was started in 1964, and travels at speeds up to 200 MPH on dedicated tracks. In many ways they are the pride of Japanese technology.
14)One joke about the first Amtrak CEO was that he failed at being a failure. The 2nd, Paul Reistrup, and 4th Graham Claytor, had experience running passenger trains in the private sector.
18) They definitely are. One thing that they don’t have to worry about, is freight trains. Those still are limited to the older, narrow gauge network. Although they are working on dual gauge locomotives, and a train on train concept to handle the issue of the Seikan Tunnel, as Shinkansens are getting closer to serving Hokkaido. First the southern end of the island, then in a decade or two, Sapporo.
The Paul Ryan Solution To Poverty
“The War on Poverty, which President Lyndon Johnson declared nearly 50 years ago, has ‘failed miserably,’ House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan said Thursday — and he wants to figure out what approaches would work to get Americans out of poverty. … Ryan said he and his party must ‘launch an effort with open minds and open hearts on how best to … restore upward mobility in America.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Marry money, like he did.
My pseudonym is causing pain to others:
“For Anthony Weiner to hide under a Spanish name to do his bad behavior is very insulting to the Spanish community,” Rev. Erick Salgado said yesterday in a video recorded by Shimon Gifter.
Mr. Salgado, a long-shot candidate of Puerto Rican descent, explained that Latino names are too often the butt of jokes or used to symbolize negative behavior, which needs to stop.
“I believe he have to apologize to the Latino community. Every time, many people do wrong behavior, it’s always a Carlito, a Pedrito, a Miguelito. But behind that name, it was really not a Carlito. It was a ‘Anthony Weiner.’ You have to apologize to the Latino community. It’s an insult,” he added with a smile.
I did not mean to cause pain. I only wanted to get off. Huma has been so unbelievably unwilling to……well……you know. To help me in that endeavor.
I didn’t want to hurt anyone. Going forward, I, Anthony Weiner, will cease using the pseudonym Carlos Danger and instead will heretofore call myself Carl Dong. That shouldn’t cause pain to any minority group.
Oh, wait…….
LOL!!! What is it with “mediaite” and klownservatives? The website doesn’t look like all that right wing but…
Here it kept a dope alive..
And now it’s fuel for a racist racism baiter.
Cheap-shot Bob..
So I’ll just avoid that website..
Streetcar construction in Tuscon has come to an end, with the final weld on the rails. Next step, testing with the streetcars. Those are being built in Portland.
@22 Do whatever you want with Wiener. Literally! You can have him, he’s yours. We don’t want him.
From the where there’s smoke there’s fire file….
FAA looking into Boeing land purchase in Charleston
So? Boeing got the land at less than 50% of its appraised value. Yey Boeing!
Wait. What?
Airports director to step down, cites verbal abuse and disrespect
Oh, ok.
Nothing fishy going on with the good ‘ole boys in South Carolina.
Move along.
@ 25
It’s possible you may be stuck with him, at least until the primary. What’s his fallback option? He might have had one in political consulting or the like after his first fall from grace, but now?
He’s pretty much unemployable. He’s gotta hope for a miracle in the race. Where else does he earn a paycheck?
@ 26
Boeing got the land at less than 50% of its appraised value.
That would be the development-ready appraised value. It’s currently not development-ready land.
Boeing agreed to pay the mid-point between two subsequently obtained appraisals, which likely were ‘as-is’ appraisals and discount the valuation to accurately reflect the substantial costs involved in getting the land to development-ready state.
There’s no there, there.
@ 27 Douche Bag,
Why is anyone in WA “stuck” with Wiener?
And why would you think Democrats are stuck with him? He’s a candidate for a Democratic nomination. There’s at least 8 other candidates for the Democratic nomination.
Wiener may win the nomination, but I suspect that even Democrats who are inclined to think he’s the best Democratic candidate are not going to subject themselves to the potential Wiener pulls his stoopid sexting again.
@ 28 Douche Bag,
What was Boeing’s bid to achieve a mid point of $12.5M against an appraised value of $27.6M?
Did you not catch that the “development ready” bullshit came from a board member (Authority Chairman Andy Savage – “We’re going to work like hell for Boeing”) who approved the low-ball purchase in question?
If it were as cut & dry as he and you think it is, the FAA (who provided Federal Grant monies to develop the airport) would not be questioning the board’s decision.
Oh, goodness, Dr. Bob is baaaaaaack.
So, did you decide that now was long enough for us to have forgotten that TOTALLY AWESOME academic discussion we had regarding – remind me – charitable donation behavior and political orientation??
Your analysis was so beautifully dissected, shown to be total stupidity and/or bullshit, and you were shown to be such a hacktastic fraud, it was truly delicious.
So now you’re back, doctor. Why? I suppose you imagine that you’re going to have oodles of fun with Anthony Weiner’s weiner – really, though, you might as well just head off to a dark corner and play with your own and leave the political discussion to the competent and the honest.
@31 A Patriotic Hippie,
Wait! What?
Is our Douche Bag troll the Cap’n Kornflake?
@ 30
The FAA is looking into not just purchase price but whether the sale of the land would hinder the airport’s function in the future. The land price may not be relevant once the subsequent appraisals are reviewed. FAA might still not approve if airport growth or utilization could be affected by it.
And there were, apparently, three appraisals, including two others obtained subsequent to the $27.6M one. Boeing’s number was one of those other two, and I assume the other was the airports’ number. I didn’t see those figures mentioned in either article.
The FAA might have a point, but it might not be a monetary one.
RE: my comment @26, there is no evidence of wrong doing on the part of Boeing nor the Charleston International Airport Authority Board, but as ???? points out @28, the “midpoint”, “split the difference” between the assessed value approach indicates Boeing’s offer to have been negative.
This is the same Boeing crew whose CFO, Michael Sears, went to prison and agreed to pay a record $615 million in fines as a result of illegally attempting to obtain a short term financial advantage on tax payers.
@ 33 Douche Bag,
Really? You got a citation?
Or maybe it is only apparent to you and the canaries that feed your fevered imagination?
Update on Lac Megantic. The Securite du Quebec has executed a search warrant at the Quebec offices of the Montreal, Maine, and Atlantic railway.
@ 31
Missed you, too. Howz the family?
Puddy posts that there’s a correlation between political orientation and charitable contributions.
Another source is mentioned, by you, that says that there is a correlation between GOP prez supporters and higher contributions to charities than those made by Dem prez supporters, but it’s not statistically significant. Of course, that’s not how you spun it, but that’s what it says.
In other words, there are two sources that say those who probably are conservative donate more than those who are liberal. Whether or not statistically significant.
Then there’s a dustup about paper status, working vs. accepted, and looking at data in different ways, etc.
What remains? Still both of the sources – book by A and working paper by B – support Puddy’s original contention, which is that those who lean conservative donate at a higher percent of income than those who lean liberal.
Seemed a good time to take a breather.
’cause I had some shit to work on. Got audited by DOR. Got through it owing what I knew I would owe, same as I owed last time I was audited – actual audit was 20 minutes long, but the prep time was a bitch. Got the solar on the building. Found out the installer is an idiot and did it wrong, had to have the whole thing taken down and reinstalled after the manufacturer refused to honor the warranty the way it was installed. Now it’s up and running, and I’m at a shade (pun intended) under 20 kWh generated today.
Got all of the 2012 taxes done. Got a refi done – thanks for the sucky economy that keeps rates low, Mr. President. Bank made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.
Selected a contractor for a construction project. Fired him after he attempted contractual rape. Hired a second who just started the construction project last week. It’s going well, so far. I like those guys.
So now, first time in two months, I have some free time.
Good thing I disappeared for awhile, too. With all the shit happening to the Dems in the past couple of months, had I tried to keep up the pace around here I wouldn’t have had time to sleep.
I hear Obama is pivoting to jobs and the economy. Now, there’s a brand new concept. You guys must be raring to support him this time around.
You wanna claim victory about the working paper thing? Feel free.
I can’t wait for MBS to accuse me of reneging on a lost wager obligation. I’ve really missed that.
A little more info on the MMA railway office raid, from CBC Montreal.
Some senators want their tax reform proposals hidden from the public for 50 years. I can guess which ones.
@ 35
Here’s the cite:
The Aviation Authority voted in March to sell the Chicago-based aerospace giant land along International Boulevard for $12.5 million, splitting the difference between a set of second appraisals conducted by both parties. The Aviation Authority’s initial appraisal came in at $27.6 million, a number the FAA is looking at, Savage said.
Airport officials said the first appraisal valued the land as if it were ready for development. The costs of filling numerous wetlands and removing a radar site were not considered.
It’s from the Post and Courier article. From your link, click through to it. You have to let them stick cookies on your computer to be able to read it.
You’re welcome, MBS. I know you weren’t serious claiming Boeing appraised it negatively and yet agreed to pay eight figures for it.
Seems it might be expensive to fill ‘numerous wetlands’. Who knew?
@ 40 Douche Bag,
You may be correct, but you have not cited an appraisal below $26.7.
You again did cite an article with Authority Chairman Andy Savage’s – “We’re going to work like hell for Boeing” – claim that one exists.
@ 41
You may be correct, but you have not cited an appraisal below $26.7.
No, but I cited two appraisals, mentioned in the article, which when averaged came out to $12.5M, the price Boeing agreed to pay.
While I was away did you suffer a head injury or cerebral anoxia for an extended period, MBS?
@ 42 Douch Bag,
Read again
While you were away I did not suffer.
While you were away you still have not honored your lost wager.
While you are here, please show us the algebra which supports your analysis of an “average” based upon Savage’s – “We’re going to work like hell for Boeing” – assertion.
Let me help.
($27.6M + $???? + $???? + …..)/N = $12.5M
“Got a refi done – thanks for the sucky economy that keeps rates low, Mr. President. Bank made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”
I’m so sorry you have a mortgage and have to make payments to a bank.
I have no debts. I use the money that would go to interest to buy stocks that pay me dividends.
@ 43
You win, MBS. I don’t care enough any more to point out the obvious.
Take your victory lap, Sir.
‘nite, all.
@ 45 Serial Reneger,
There is no reason to do a “victory lap” when pointing out your inability to support your BS analysis. You’re a known quantity here; even when you attempt to obscure your identity your stupidity gives you away.
And since you are back…. PAY YOUR OVERDUE DEBT, you SOB Reneger!
@ 44
I use the money that would go to interest to buy stocks.
Or, you could finance your home for five years at 2.25% plus a 0.5% fee plus a few closing costs, and take that money and buy even more stocks. And if you were still working you could use your future earning potential to guard against the potential loss of asset value of those equities.
Carrying manageable debt is a smart thing, RR. Even in retirement.
I’m not sorry I have a mortgage. I’m pretty fucking thrilled about it, actually. It’s leverage. How so? An awful lot of primo companies issue stock that pay dividends far higher than that 2.25% interest rate I pay. So I borrow from the bank (or on margin currently at 2.75% from the brokerage), use that freed-up capital to invest, and use the (part of the) cash those investments throw off to pay the interest on the loan.
Not sorry about having a mortgage at all.
@44 Roger,
To give the Serial Reneger his due, he’s not the only dumb ass in this country who counts paying a little less interest on a loan as a victory.
There’s a whole economy of vampires who depend upon his dumb assery.
@ 47 Serial Reneger,
You are so predictable.
@ 45 07/25/2013 at 6:55 pm
and then oh-la! you’re back with your stoopidity 10 minutes later.
@44 Roger re @47,
Cuz nobody with the Serial Reneger’s “smarts” ever made a mistake playing the market on margin. LOL.
I looked over my comments when the Anthony Weiner eruption first happened and..
Damn I got it pretty much right.. I said:
We liberals want to talk about health care, jobs, education, a fair shake for everybody in this country, a foreign policy that makes sense..
Klownservatives want to talk about weiners.
Heh.. Whatever…
Bob can’t miss his favorite show at nine:
% b thursatnine -t bob -y 2012
|datetime | thread |
|2012-08-16T21:06:00+00:00 | 45427 |
% b thursatnine -t bob -y 2013
No records found.
@52 YLB,
Oh dear, you don’t mean Bill O’Reilly!
@50 I’ll be happy to take his stock off his broker’s hands for 50 cents on the dollar when the margin call comes.
I love investors who buy on margin! Margin is a gorgeous thing. It has the power to turn a 5% correction into a 15% correction, and anytime anyone wants to give me 15% of anything for free, I’ll take it!
2.25% doesn’t sound like a 30-year fixed mortgage to me. It sounds more like an interest-only ARM, even at today’s rates. Or, knowing Bob as we do, maybe that’s the rate he got on a reverse mortgage.
Carlos Dimbulb is right about one thing: “A lot of companies pay dividends higher than 2.25%.” For example, Starbucks’ 84-cent dividend is 37.66% of the $2.23 I paid for my shares. The only problem is you can’t buy SBUX for $2.23 anymore.
Heh. No. He said he doesn’t watch Faux..
I meant Glee..
You know. That psych 101 projection thing he has going..
Nothing wrong with Mediaite useless unemployed moonbat ASSHole. It’s one of the few libtard sites willing to be honest with the news.
That’s why conservatives gravitate to it. You and others gravitate to PMSNBC. Just watch tonight when the Friday Night Comix come out!
You know Bill O’Reilly hit the nail on the head when Media Morons attacks FlubScout!
This moron oozes BULLSHIT from every pore… That’s why Puddy said he’s all arschloch… Funny how the leftists were defending His Weiner before they rejected it.
See ya useless moonbat libtard HA unemployed ASSHole…
BTW where’s your “link”. The useless moonbat libtard HA unemployed ASSHole doesn’t display his vile bile from his “goto” based crazed databaze.
TROTFLRHMBBAO! The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
It, The useless moonbat libtard HA unemployed ASSHole, is not sentient!
Did y’all see that thing of beauty @37??
I dearly loved Dr. Bob’s self-serving rendition of that EPIC thread – the one in which Darryl, with a bit of assist from yours truly, disemboweled Dr. Bob as he dug himself deeper and deeper into a pit of utterly hacktastic bullshit – I (almost) felt bad for him, that’s how embarrassing his performance was back then – truly one of my all-time favorite HA threads.
Links to some great nuggets are here, and here, and here.
A good summation here.
My favorite part of that favorite thread? This…
Ah, cheapshotBob, thanks for the memories.
Cheapshot wants us to believe that he disappeared immediately after that epic take-down, not out of embarrassment, but because he had to refi the house on Whidbey? Because he was too stooopid to hire a competent solar install dude?
What, he can’t chew gum and walk at the same time?
And that now that he ‘has some free time’ just as the minor diversion of Anthony Weiner erupts, he’s back peddling the latest right-wing meme?
You do what you need to do, cheapshot, and we’ll just keep on pointing and laughing at you.
14) Ohio would be a perfect hub state, already is for freight. They were working on a plan for just that, then came Governor Kasich, cancelled the 3-C Corridor, and the Ohio Hub planning, and almost sidetracked the Cincinnati Streetcar.
One of the few things of former Amtrak President George Warrington’s Network Growth Strategy to see action, was extending a Chicago-Detroit train to Toledo, renaming it the Lake Cities. There were suggestions as part of the Ohio Hub Plan to bring it back, and extend it to Columbus.
In other news… Puddy remembers the hue and cry by HA libtard moonbats when Booooosh people did this…
Nary a peep now.
Wow… Nancy Pelosi is a friend of NSA spying… Who knew?
And we’ll never know the truth cuz Obummer calls these things phony scandals.
They are only phony when DUMMOCRAPTS occupy the whitey house.
Your Obummer Sadministration in action! Yeah baby… this is what you get when you put that MOONBAT back into the whitey house.
Of course Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit loves this! He supports this. He likes his crooks, especially when they violate the US Constitution. Moonbat Libtards hate the constitution.
DEAL with it.
Boner: King, please stop saying that stuff out loud. We don’t disagree, but for some reason, it bothers the public outside of our districts.
It’s what I hear on conservative talk radio. This non stop sense of fear and rage that the country is changing around them. What isn’t mentioned in the article is the economic factor. So many people are afraid for their jobs and their finances and it seems that Racial Panic is being flogged as the reason for it. “You wouldn’t be going broke if it were not for those OTHER people.”
And continuing on the economic assault on the 99%
Maybe this fuels the need to fight marriage equality and the dream act, so people don’t pay attention to their jobs being gutted.
OMG! What is to be done about ObamaCare?
Rick Rubio, what say you?
Thank Dog! We’ve got the idea to replace ObamaCare with …. ????….. crickets.
What a maroon.
The President of the United States:
Did rubio define his “market-based reforms” or was it just smoke?
A liberal economist, who did not predict the devastating inflation which never came and accurately predicted the folly of the Austrian Austerity economics practiced in the recession hit European nations that did, hits Rubio and his cronies squarely between the eyes.
Republican Health Care Panic
I’m really not sure why Republicans are so panicked. We are already a decade past Saint Ronald Reagan’s sunset years and in 1961 he foretold that if the Socialist Medicine law of Medicare came to pass we were doomed.
It’s too late Rick Rubio. Far far too late. We already live in the Soviet States of Amerika that just happens to have achieved record stock market highs under the Kenyan Mooslum Soshuuleest.
@73 No Time for Fascists,
I assume you’re kidding, but if you are not it is well known it goes like this:
1. Collect Underpants
2. ?
3. Profit
First you go after the Gays, and then the next thing you know it is the Blacks. Puffy should be proud of this Great American hero.
@59 “Nothing wrong with Mediaite useless unemployed moonbat ASSHole. It’s one of the few libtard sites willing to be honest with the news. That’s why conservatives gravitate to it.”
Really? I’m under the impression that conservatives gravitate to it because “Mediaite is the rightwing version of Huffpo.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s fascinating how many conservatives call themselves “liberals” and call their propaganda organs “liberal.” They don’twant to admit being conservatives because, you know, conservative isn’t respectable.
@65 Now you’re complaining about Democrats because they’re behaving like Republicans? You’re sure hard to satisfy.
@66 See #79 again.
@68 Didn’t know you’re a friend and supporter of drug smugglers. I learned something new today.
69, 70 – Should it surprise us the faction that lacks the balls to serve in the military or fight in their own wars is scared of Hispanic 12-year-olds?
@71 “Top of the list of burdensome regulations needing repeal? ‘The minimum wage,’ opines Koch.”
You get what you pay for.
@72 Apparently they’ve forgotten that Obamacare was preceded by 30 years of market-based health care. I guess they want to take us back to the good ol’ days when health insurance CEOs made $50 million salaries and people who thought they had coverage found out they didn’t when they got an expensive illness and their insurers refused to pay. Yep, dying kids made private sector health insurance real popular with the masses.
My advice to Rubio is, If you don’t want the public demanding government-run health insurance then tell your private sector buddies to stop behaving like Nazis.
@74 ” … that just happens to have achieved record stock market highs under the Kenyan Mooslum Soshuuleest.”
I saw this coming 30 years ago. That’s why I put all my marbles in stocks. The more socialism we get, the better my portfolio does. That’s because nobody on the planet gets more government handouts than American corporations.
Refuting Uncle Puddles isn’t hard, just tedious.
Detroit may be bankrupt, but that doesn’t mean it can’t spend half a billion bucks on a sports palace.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Funny how these things keep getting built even though nobody but team owners and fans want them.
Very interesting. Somebody wrote a judgemental letter to former City Councilmember and School Board member Cheryl Chow, shortly after she announced her cancer was terminal, and came out as a Lesbian. The letter only made news because the author, is running for School Board(Capitol Hill and Central Seattle).
The author of this letter only confirms that the reasons Ms. Chow had for keeping her secret so long. Not just how her own community would react, but some of the others who would judge.
Question Du Jour:
Where will WA state’s leading Republican, the highest ranking Republican woman in Congress, serving as the Chair of the House Republican Conference and famous deliverer of confidence that her caucus can deliver a Farm Bill or “Eastern Washington’s largest industry” any day now, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, fall in the GOP’s internecine battle to defund ObamaCare or shut down the government?
Shall McMorris Rodgers buckle to the impending Soshuleest doom and eternal demise of the United States of America that is ObamaCare?
Or shall McMorris Rodgers throw her “taker” constituents to the wolves and deprive them and the nation of a funded Federal Government?
No matter which way McMorris Rodgers ultimately goes, it shall be yet another fine example of Washingtonian Republican leadership.
A rightwing cop who was fired for pepper-spraying protesters at UC-Davis is seeking workmen’s compensation for “psychiatric injuries” he claims he suffered from the incident.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These hypocrites don’t believe in gummint benefits for injured and disabled workers — except when they want them.
The UC-Davis incident is a rare case of unjustified police brutality against peaceful citizens exercising their constitutional rights of assembly and free speech where there has been some justice. The campus police chief resigned, several cops were fired, and the university paid $1 million to the protesters.
I’m surprised, though, by this guy’s disability claim. It should be easy for him to find work. As a psycho cop, he should be in high demand by police departments all over the country.
I wonder if Carlos Dimbulb and our goto pet klownservative fool for laughs around here will tag team on the bullshit IRS “scandal..
Bullshit what???? you may say?
Oh that’s old news…
!!!B E N G H A A A A A Z Z I I !!
is the new “IRS”… Wow that’ll create a lot of needed jobs!
What could be more batshit insane than the agenda of Karl Rove and Grover Norquist?
The “Groundswellers”…
Norquist’s infamous weekly meetings are too moderate for these klownservatives so they created one of their own at the same time..
Whole lotta crazy goin’ on…
And our goto klownservative groundsweller fool for laughs in these threads will be happy to know that discredited, defeated klownservatives Allen West and Ken Blackwell are founding members.
@ 93
Yeah, I have heard some mutterings along this line. Grover Norquist is just too damn liberal for these folks. I’m sure ‘ol spittlepuddles will be chiming in with how he’s found his new calling in life.
I had a conversation with a dude at school a few weeks ago, about how a really sharp Fascist Messiah could possibly convince people simply by having black skin and making all the right wordstuff at the right angle at people. Allen West presumes himself to be such an individual. It’ll be interesting to see what sort of psychotic blather he comes up with in 10 years. He’s not really scary now, but he could be if he learned how to act.
They were calling Hitler a pipsqueak and a nutball back in the mid 1920s too.
I’ve got my fingers crossed for the demographics rolling over the proto-fascists by then.. They sure are pulling out all the stops to put that off as long as they can.
In 10 years, the odds are West will still be serving up psycho-talk on the radio or the interwebs. Somewhere…
So it turns out that teachers in North Carolina are among the shiftless and lazy louts that use medicaid.
In my grave
I’ve gone to Carolina
Going to Carolina
As my grave
While N. Carolina has recently gone to full BatSheet crazy, S. Carolina has been there since Fort Sumter more than a hundred years ago.
And former local company, Boeing, thinks this is a better place to do business than the Pacific Northwest.
What could possibly go wrong?
I was watching the video in the article about the late Cheryl Chow. The judgemental letter was released by her widow. The candidate is an old adversary of Cheryl Chow, and said it was meant to be an apology. It was said that Ms. Morningstar, the widow, said that if the letter was intended to be kind, their is nothing kind about being homophobic.
Some of the comments on Kiro’s Facebook page wondered how does she expect to be elected now? I was thinking, since the school board is district only for the primary, and Capitol Hill’s state senator is running for mayor, that might boost turnout. Although these elections tend to be low turnout.