– All the people who don’t like Elizabeth Warren make me like her more.
– Seattle Children’s Hospital will be a major sponsor of the Puget Sound Bike Share.
– I am very glad to see the advice that General Martin Dempsey gave President Obama on Syria. Even if it took John McCain being John McCain to get it.
It’s awfully quiet today, over six hours and no comments. So allow me to claim “first!” on this thread.
Transport Canada has weighed in on the crude oil train disaster, and one of the emergency rules that they have handed down. No more one man trains with hazardous cargo.
Taking poor-bashing to unheard-of lows, Ohio’s GOP governor, after throwing thousands of families off public assistance, blames a serial killer’s murders on people who are poor because they’re unemployed.
Well, let’s see now, Republicans have alienated blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women, students, union members, minimum-wage workers, the unemployed, the poor, public sector workers and retirees, the elderly, just about everyone in fact. So what’s their electoral strategy for winning elections? Why, not letting any of these people vote, of course.
Comment one.
Comment two.
Comment Three.
I wonder, if spittlepuddles knows that his Worshipful Messiah, Robert W. Welch, was an ardent white supremacist, antisemite and radical conspiracy theorist? The man would just make shit up out of his ass, make a fiery and impassioned speech about it, and somehow, a huge number of people believed it.
Fred Koch, one of the original financiers of the Silver Brigades, was able to use his influence and his money to reanimate the Silver Shirts under an entirely new name, that of the John Birch Society. The principles were the same, much of the literature was exactly, to the letter, the same, and many of the original Silver Shirt “old gangsters” were the same in the “new” JBS.
Last year, the City of Los Angeles just got around to tearing down the Silver Brigades compound that had been built in the hills just north in whats now Pacific Palisades, land that had been donated for the purpose by William R. Hearst, with funding by Prescott Bush and Henry Ford.
As much as I see people buying into the rabidly schizophrenic nature of the “Libertarian” movement, I wonder what could be so terrible, so oppressive and threatening by having a functional National Society and identity? Isn’t that the most basic definition of patriotism? Loving one’s a Nation for the simple reason that it allows one to live in peace and prosperity and within the contexts of those rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
The Republicans have openly stated in very clear terms that “society” does not exist. Margaret Thatcher said it outright, and three years later, Ronald Reagan made an identical claim in his State of the Union speech in 1982 or 83. By that one can easily infer that, if “society” doesn’t exist then the Nation does not as well. Because there is no Nation without a social construct to maintain it as such.
So who is it that is standing up for citizens rights again? Who is it that is standing up for the Love of one’s Nation, not out of fear, but out of respect for what good things the Nation does? Because I have to say, that those “Good things” are becoming fewer and harder to pinpoint, whereas the bad things that we constantly accuse other nations of doing are now part and parcel of our own nation’s policies towards people, both domestic and foreign.
The greatest threat the “conservative” movement sees is the very principles this Nation was founded upon.
Union Pacific has taken back possession of 4-8-8-4 Big Boy Steam locomotive #4014, from the Southern California Chapter of the Railway and Locomotive Historical Society. It will be hauled from Pomona, where it has been for 50 years, to Cheyenne, where UP bases their two operating steam locomotives. It won’t be for display purposes, the goal is to restore it to operational status.
@5 I met Robert Welch once, when I was a teenager — with a picket sign in my hands. It was at the grand opening of a John Birch Society bookstore, and I was the sole picketer who showed up protesting Welch’s extremist political views. I got on TV; he didn’t. It was my very first foray into political activism, to be followed by many more.
Big Boy is an interesting artifact of the steam era, but highly unrepresentative of steam railroading. Only 25 were built, at the very end of the steam age, for one railroad for use on one route. Their role in history was hauling war materiel over Utah’s mountains on its way to West Coast ports during World War 2.
For railroad history buffs, the more common locomotive types, such as Moguls and Hudsons, have more meaning. These were the engines that several generations of Americans watched as they pulled America’s passenger and freight trains through their communities as part of everyday life. They were the mainstays of American railroading for decades. I’m just barely old enough to remember the last few years of working steam.
Most people would be surprised to know that Union Pacific still has an active steam division based in Cheyenne, Wyoming. After I came home from Vietnam in 1970, I hopped through there, and was startled to see several big steamers lined up in the steam yard.
UP never retired their steam division. While it’s a public relations operation now — a UP steamer hasn’t hauled paying freight since 1959 — UP’s Cheyenne Division still has a steam operation with a staff of employees assigned to the steam locomotives and steam shops, and runs periodic steam excursion trains.
Keep wondering OWS Racist Fraggy… Never heard of this person! Glad you follow his “theology”! Keep it up!
@9 He was the founder of the John Birch Society. He accused Dwight Eisenhower of being a communist. He didn’t seem quite right in the head.
Got link?
That’s nice. Puddy not a Bircher whatever that “really” is!
Right now useless HA unemployed ASSHole is employing his goto spaghetti code utilizing tctmgr to look for Puddy John Birch commentary in the crazed databaze.
Wait for it…
@6 Fascinating…Too bad “Smitty” isn’t still around to take the helm of that thing.
@ 12
The John Birch Society is the direct political descendant of the SilverShirts, AKA The German-American Bund. It was founded and financed by the same people. Fred Koch, Prescott Bush, Henry Ford, George Walker 3rd, William R. Hearst etc. The JBS had some big names behind them back in the late 1950s and early 60s, among them were Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, John D Rockefeller, Henry Ford Jr., Charles Limburgh, Frank Sinatra and Burl Ives.
The Silver Brigades are a direct political descendant of the Ku Klux Klan. They do in fact continue to exist as a Political Action Committee under the umbrella of the American Legion, which just so happens to be a major political financing and organizational hub for the Tea Party, ALEC, and The National Chamber of Commerce, and in no small way, the Builders industry Association of Washington.
In the more recent past, they called themselves the Moral Majority. Same people, same big industrialist family names, same purpose. That purpose is the elimination the Federal government to the point where it has merely been reduced to a political enforcement arm of the Banks and other Corporations. They have been extremely successful in this. I read somewhere a couple years ago, that for a clean Billion Dollars, spread out over the last 40 years or so, they’ve been able to purchase near total control of 37 State Legislatures, and nearly every Congressional District in those States, plus about 20 current US Senators, and three currently seated Supreme Court Justices.
Thats chump change. It came so cheap they didn’t even have to cut into their savings.
The Tea Party is the direct descendant of the John Birch Society. It’s the same family names, the same corporate organizations, and and uses the same literature as the foundation of their “faith”, so to speak.
There, I’ve put several little dots on the paper for you. Now, do you think you can draw a pretty picture?
Puddy asks Fraggy for links. All Puddy sees are words in paragraphs… no links. Puddy don’t trust OWS Racist Fraggy… provide links “dude”!
What a crock!
Strange about OWS Racist Fraggy and his comments above… Fraggy purposely leaves out the US Progressive movement which supported the German-American Bund. It was thoroughly documented in Jonah Goldberg’s book and that’s why it was denounced and hated by libtards even though Goldberg had many footnotes and references for each of his chapters. Just look up JFK’s daddy and you’ll be educated. Remember JFK’s daddy once said don’t support England in WWII. He also said “Democracy is finished in England. It may be here.” Pretty damn interesting for a 1940 comment. Was Joe gonna replace it with some European style of guvmint? This is one of the sore points hated by libtards proven correct through historical documents! Now why did Fraggy not include this piece of truth?
Fraggy is like Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit. He likes his crooks better than other crooks!
Ah, ok. So you’re response is to stick your fingers in your ears, and run around the house screaming LALALALALALALALA instead of taking the time, as I have for the last 28 years, to read books.
Why should I bother posting any links? You wouldn’t read them anyway.
Names to Google:
Silver Shirt
Silver Legion
German-American Bund
Henry Ford: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Fred Koch: John Birch Society
Prescott Bush: American Legion
Prescott Bush: Brown Brothers Harriman
Consolidated Silesian Steel Company
Smedley Butler
Thyssen (by itself)
Fritz Thyssen
Thyssen: British Petroleum
Joe McCarthy
Bank voor Handel
Bank of Credit and Commerce International (in conjunction with names like Bush, Thyssen, CIA)
There is more, but without putting down 4000-5000 words a day down here, theres no point. The Thyssen family were Barons and Dukes in the old Austro-Hungarian Empire. That family name goes back several hundreds of years there.
The point of all this is, the names of the big financiers and corporate descendants of other Corporations and the Banks that handle the money for them, are the same. Direct descendants or close family branches. Sure, there are later additions, sympathizers, hangers-on etc. But that doesn’t change the fact that the big, old old money family names that are currently bankrolling the Tea Party, ALEC and the National Chamber of Commerce, are the same families as those that did the same for the Resurgent Ku Klux Klan in the late 1910s and 1920s, then later the Silver Brigades, then later the John Birch Society, hence to the goddamn Tea Party. Thats just in the United States.
These are families that have so much wealth, they can walk into the swankiest, most expensive restaurant in Monaco or Paris, and walk out without having to pay a bill.
LOL!! Notice that our goto (for laughs) pet klownservative jerk troll is trying to spin from his moronic reading comprehension brainfart that he conceded here.
Oh, puddybigot, you just crack me up, and you have no idea what a parody of yourself you are.
I suppose this is merely a demonstration of the notion that Jonah Goldberg is what a stupid person thinks a smart person sounds like.
From the news UP will reactivate a Big Boy Steam locomotive(the goal is in time for the 150th anniversary of the Golden Spike), to higher speed rail upgrades, in Illinois. Looks like they are progressing.
Also in Virginia, the new Richmond-Norfolk service is doing pretty well. Some of the riders come from the existing trains to Newport News. That would be expected. Passengers no longer have to take the bridge-tunnel to the other side of Hampton Roads to catch the train. On a railfan board, it was suggested that Newport News could go from two round trips to one, but this route serves Williamsburg. All trains from the Hampton Roads continue on to NYC,(and Boston?). One supporter of the Norfolk service? Governor McDonnell.
@16 Any idiot can write footnotes. The trick is writing footnotes that contain actual facts. My Freshman English professor was ruthless about that. I don’t think you could have passed that class, putz. Only about 30% of us did, and the 70% who didn’t were way smarter than you.
Pavlov called it… So easily yanked… So malleable… So controlled by Puddy!
Thanks for playing useless HA unemployed ASSHole. Stepped right up ans struck out again with the crazed databaze.
Goto goto goto!
Strange… Puddy gave OWS Racist Fraggy another chance to clear the air on DUMMOCRAPT support and he FAYLED again.
Well we know why. He’s another BULLSHIT artist like Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit!
Correction. Oh, Libtard SCHMUCKO, you are a sad sad typical libtard, who cannot handle the truth. Google early US 20th Century progressivism you’ll see all those libtard names and families supporting the crap OWS Racist Fraggy writes about above. All documented and footnoted. We know the parody you are Libtard SCHMUCKO. Jonah Goldberg proved that some time ago!
You just don’t know when to stop. There’s a reason he’s called doughy pantload.
Too, too much puddybigot.
Shorter puddybigot….
Go back to vacation Bibul school, puddybigot, it was nicer around here without you.
Yeah, when I saw Goldberg’s name pop up, my head hit my desk, repeatedly.
Tell you what SpittlePuddles, Google THAT name, and see what pops up. Of course, you’ll agree with what he says, but try to read some of the other shit written about him. He’s even crazier than Louie Gohmert or Bryan Fischer.
Why do I always let myself be engaged in repeated attempts to rationally converse with people of willful and entirely intentional ignorance? It’s like the people that used to lock women up in madhouses for witchcraft because they were having seizures because their corsets were stretched so tight it was shutting down their kidneys and squeezing their livers into mush, instead of just getting rid of the fucking Corsets.
THAT shit took 150 goddamn years.
I used to do that, particularly with puddybigot. It comes from having a rational and generous nature, and thinking that logic and clear thinking, combined with a respect for your fellow humans, will lead to good things.
Now I just point and laugh. There really are persons who are hopelessly lost in their ignorance+fear+hatred.
On footnotes.
Doubt Jonah Fucking Goldberg would get the joke, or puddybigot for that matter.
The John Birch Society was very strong where I grew up in Oregon. They had a radio show and a booth at the fair and every festival. I remember them being rabidly anti communist, anti union, anti woman, against government programs that helped people, pro guns, pro law enforcement, pro nuclear power. It was from a bircher I heard the story as to why my part of Oregon had no minorities, the Klan chased them all out at the turn of the previous century. (Back then, puddy would have been “asked” to leave.) They were proud of it. They never used the n word because the area had no black people to talk about, but the term wetback was used freely.
Not everyone thought like that, but the bircher faction were quite open about their views.
I have never understand why women, minorities, and gays would would at be part of an organization that fundamentally didn’t want them.