– Are you surviving I-90mageddon, and should I care if you aren’t?
– I can’t imagine a Bible Museum in DC would do well. Who in their right mind would skip the Smithsonian for the ridiculous interpretations of Jesus building?
– I still don’t know enough about him, but good luck to Larry Nyland.
– Everyone is biking across the Freemont Bridge.
– Nice new cart!
I-90: Carmegeddon!
As Puddy wrote in another thread… HA DUMMOCRETINS heads using PMSNBC for an attack on Christians and that low-life Maddow.
Has anyone on the Hillary Clinton speaking circuit asked her how has the Russian Reset working out for the world?
Where is OWS Racist Fraggy on this… mute as ever.. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/.....rvice.html
Well to a voting DUMMOCRETIN for 2016… she’s still poor! Goldman Sucks? Isn’t that a big time DUMMOCRETIN financial whore house?
RE: Bible Museum
I imagine on any given day there are as many people for whom the Bible Museum is as good a side trip from the Secular claptrap of the Smithsonian is as good a side draw as the Folger library is for literary geeks like me.
Now if they could put a Guttenberg on display I would even consider it.
Hammering away at a non-story. Now were I a republican strategist, I would be all over the media making sure that the reason you’re attacking her now is that you’re afraid because you know she can win.
4 post by the Apeman – not even one being close to meaningfull.
About as well as looking into Putin’s eyes, getting a sense of his soul and standing aside while he attacks and annexes a part of Georgia. Sanctions…none. Wag of the finger, yeah, that’ll show them we mean business. I’m a tough guy!
(This is were a wing-nut would usually make some comparison to Chamberlain.)
I know it isn’t going to happen but could we take the failure to materialize traffic mess as a chance to look at transportation options?
If you normally take I-90 and didn’t, how did you commute and is that a viable option going forward?
If you were able to telecommute this week, would your company allow you to do so at least a percentage of the time in the future?
If you took transit, was it better or worse than you expected?
A little note for our trolls:
“They don’t speak English, but they understand HATE.”
@6 Reminds you of this, doesn’t it?
(Safe for work)
In next month’s primary, the 32nd LD Senate race is worth keeping an eye on, although incumbent Sen. Maralyn Chase, a scrappy progressive, likely will cruise to victory.
Chris Eggen, a “nonpartisan” City of Shoreline politico, is running as a “Democrat” on a platform that (1) accuses Chase of getting nothing done in Olympia and (2) promises to cooperate with Republicans.
That really can mean only one thing, becoming another “Democrat” member of the so-called “Majority Coalition,” i.e. joining the GOP caucus and voting with Republicans on key issues after getting elected as a “Democrat,” because the only way you can “cooperate” with Republicans is by voting their way, because the GOPers aren’t about to compromise on anything. It’s their way or the highway.
At least this wannabe is lame enough to signal his intentions while voters still have a chance to send him packing back to the cesspool known as Shoreline City Hall.
Eggen probably wasn’t prompted or encouraged by GOP poobahs to challenge Chase. He’s not attracting Republican money. For that matter, he’s not attracting any money, except his own. According to a Shoreline community paper, Eggen has raised only $2,000 in addition to $5,000 from his own pocket. Chase has raised $35,000. He hasn’t attracted any community support, either, except for an absurd endorsement from the Seattle Times.
There’s also a Republican in the race, but he’s only a token candidate. He’s an insurance salesman who told me he wants to reform the state tax system by repealing the B&O tax and replacing those revenues with increased sales tax revenues from a growing economy. Apparently he believes that if only we stop taxing business, the economy will take off like a rocket.
The 32nd is a reliably Democratic district; all three of its legislators are Democrats. Still, a GOP candidate there can muster one-third of the vote just by breathing, so Reedy is more likely to advance to the November election than Eggen. After all, Eggen will be dividing up the Democratic vote for Chase, which is likely to leave Eggen with considerably less than a third of the overall vote.
Nevertheless, despite Chase’s strength with voters in this district, and the fact Eggen’s campaign is gasping for air, he’s worth keeping an eye on, for the reason that he has positioned himself as a Rodney Tom or Tim Sheldon style turncoat in the making. The danger is that well-meaning Democratic voters in Shoreline and Lake Forest Park might not recognize this Trojan Horse for what it is.
The Seattle Times editorial board, of course, knew exactly what Eggen is when they endorsed him. There’s nothing Frank Blethen would like better than to see a Democratic district send another Rodney Tom or Tim Sheldon to Olympia.
Ahhh another useless post from puffy butt. How puffy today? Hammered hard?
Hammering away at a non-story. http://www.reddit.com/r/news/c.....king_fees/
think progress clueless crazed cretin…? NOPE!
Meanwhile at the NAACP convention if you not in the reservation you are mistreated. http://www.progressivestoday.c.....onvention/
Today we learned more people who discussed things with Loiw G Lerner also had hard drive crashes
IRS Deputy Associate Chief Counsel Thomas Kane said in transcribed congressional testimony that more IRS officials experienced computer crashes, bringing the total number of crash victims to “less than 20,” and also said that the agency does not know if the lost emails are still backed up somewhere.
The new round of computer crash victims includes David Fish, who routinely corresponded with Lois Lerner, as well as Lerner subordinate Andy Megosh, Lerner’s technical adviser Justin Lowe, and Cincinnati-based agent Kimberly Kitchens.
This comment says it all… A mathematician put the odds of 6 drives crashing around the same time to that of winning the power ball 3 times. What does 20 hard drives make it now?
Piddles, do you REALLY work with computers?
I’ve had a hard drive die in my lifetime- twice. I have never won the lottery.
The IRS has 89,000+ employees so conservatively, 100,000+ desktop/laptop computers. Now if the “Mathematician” is computing the odds of these specific, and only those specific computers have failures within the organization the odds are probably quite high. But the odds of say SIX computers having hard drive failure out of 100,000 total is quite low. In fact, you’re talking about .006% of their machines failing.
Again, do you really work with computers? What is the failure rate of hard drives? Google it, master of the internet. Info suggests some manufacturers’ drives fail within the first two years 15% of the time. 1% of drives from the best manufacturers fail within the first two years. Assume the IRS is buying neither the best nor the worst hard drives and you would assume neighborhood of 1,000 computers would have failed hard drives within the organization in any two year period.
But…But…But.. an Matmatician guy said 6 hard drives failing was like winning powerball TWICE. SCANDAL. SINGLE BULLET, BUILDING 7, FEMA!
Three members of the Fruitland, Florida, police department have been fired or resigned after it was disclosed they secretly were members of the Ku Klux Klan.
The puddypussypissypants is the ‘Bobby Ayala’ of internet commenters.
The moronic asshole christianist bigot puddypussypissypants apparently has no idea that a Saint Ronnie Ray-gun rule is putting the KI-BOSH on the Darrel Issa (R-Car Thief) witch hunt of Lois Lerner.
“The IRS has 89,000+ employees so conservatively”
They’re still using XP. Republicans cut the money the IRS needs to upgrade, but that doesn’t stop them from whining about IRS hard drives. Obviously.
“The migration to Windows 7 was just one of nearly $300 million dollars worth of information technology projects that has not been completed due to funding shortfalls, he said.”
But there’s an upside – more rich Republicans can get away with cheating on their taxes even as they whine about failing IRS computer hard drives.
Republicans are sneaky bastards, aren’t they?
@17 Can you prove that only 6 IRS hard drives failed? If so, I want to know where they get their hard drives, because I’ve had almost that many crash since I bought my first computer 16 years ago.
Man that checkmate is really a moron. Yeth, Puddy works with computers, networks, and storage systems all the time. The issue is not how many drives failed you moron, it’s the cluster of people who lost their drives are all related to the IRS scandal and Lois G. Lerner.
Did you even read the article?
Do you live on left wrong sites?
Man you really are an IDIOT checkmate.
But there’s an upside – more rich Republicans can get away with cheating on their taxes even as they whine about failing IRS computer hard drives.
Yes, they learned it from Turbo Tax Cheat Tim Geithner! Hey if you can be a tax cheat and head Treasury why not?
@17 Can you prove that only 6 IRS hard drives failed?
Don’t need to IDIOT Wabbit… this is what IRS Commissioner John Kostinen’s peeps said!
Too bad you can’t read and as always a Roadblock IDIOT!
Wow rujaxoffallthetime actually used a link! Mark this date! Unfortunately for rujaxoffallthetime this link was already used earlier last weekend. So once again it proves that rujaxoffallthetime is always late to the game!
Putin and MH17
Hamas no cease fires
Syria war
Desecration of Christian artifacts in Iraq
and Obummer is leaving on a three day fundraising junket.
Not to forget the Obummer Border crisis!
Why doesn’t Obummer reverse his Poland missile defense shield decision?
Feckless and timid! His seminal moment to prove to the world Putin is a thug and Obummer is wishy-washy! Waytogo libtardos!
At least the Texas Governor is being decisive. National Guard to the border. Will Obummer sue him?
Wow, it seems Obummer’s peeps knew! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html “There were warning signs, operational folks raising red flags to high levels in terms of this being a potential issue,” said one former senior federal law enforcement official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk candidly about internal operations. Butt, we now know Obummer was warned and chose to make it a political issue! http://apps.washingtonpost.com.....rity/1157/
Oh, I see, it’s the cluster that makes you SURE. Six people, all hired or promoted at about the same time, all receiving already outdated equipment at the same time, all have similar equipment failures. Do you really work with computers? Do you really work with computers?
If you work with computers, have you ever recommended to an organization they replace all their older machines ASAP before they start failing one after the other? No? Do you really work with computers?
Decisive and stupid. Millions of dollars of taxpayer money spent so that immigrants can turn themselves in to National Guard troops and be sent to a processing center instead of turning themselves in to the Boarder Patrol and being sent to processing centers.
Little Rickey has this fantasy that his National Guard is going to march folks a few miles back over the boarder and they’ll just go home, or better yet, all the way to their country of origin. Or shoot them, I guess. Or… He will spend millions of dollars having a DIFFERENT set of Government officers take them to detention/processing centers. Because fiscal responsibility. Because Deficit. Because Rickey has too many brown people in Texas who are voting Democrat and a few more…
Tell me Piddles, “At least The Texas Governor is doing something.” Do you think it’s a good idea to do the single most useless thing as far as solving this current issue and doing it at great cost to the taxpayers of Texas is bold leadership? “Why if you try to cross our border and surrender to authorities, I’ll have these OTHER authorities take you to temporary shelter. But they might sneer at you and THAT will tell your friends that you don’t mess with TEXAS!”
“There are three things I would do to keep illegals out. I would spend money putting more troops on the border. I would take all those who try to cross the boarder into custody and process them. And the third thing that would save us money is…and the third thing..the third…oops.” (Step one…”Find the Illegals. Step Two…Take them somewhere. Step three ????? Step Four…PROFIT!”)
Holy Cow… There is ONE honest DUMMOCRETIN in the world! http://townhall.com/tipsheet/k.....OnTownhall
So now the tune changes… Golly checkmate seems Puddy knows more about computer systems than YOU!
And you know their hiring date from what source checkmate?
Butt, butt, butt is was rogue agents in Cincinnati…
Got link?
Meanwhile Britian’s press is more demanding than the Obummer slobbering loving libtard msm… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....-MH17.html
[Stuff Deleted]
Piddles is trying to change the tune. Have you ever experienced, in your professional experience which you claim is in computers, a machine with critical hard drive failure? Have you ever recommended to a client that their hard drive or drives are at risk of failure and either sold them a back-up or sold them new machines?
I notice you don’t answer because if you really work in IT the answer to those questions is yes. What would really be in the realm of winning powerball twice would be you have never seen critical hard drive failure. And yes would mean that your little conspiracy theory, like so many of yours, doesn’t work at all. As you are fond of saying…KaBLaaaaaammmmo!
Yep, that damned liberal media is totally covering up Russia’s involvement for reasons only understandable to the mentally challenged and Piddles.
New York Times
[Excessively copied material deleted]
O.K. Fine. Here’s the link to the article that includes Kerry flat out saying Russia did it, Russia trained the rebels, the missile wasn’t captured and uh… Russia did it.
And he said it all on the Sunday shows. What was it Piddles was saying a few bleats back about living only on left-wing sites. Funny he missed Kerry saying…Russia did it. Not covered by Dailycaller or Newsmax?
Dayum checkmate, it’s not the hard drive failure that you seem to focus on; it’s that the ones they claimed failed are all involved with Lois G. Lerner and the IRS scandal. Of course hard drives fail you moron. The Google Carnegie Mellon 2007 Hard drive study laid out the average time of a “enterprise” drive. How come this “cluster” of failures are around this “group”?
Man you are dense as spent uranium!
Where did Puddy claim the libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm is covering up Russia and MH17?
Why do you always claim something NEVER written by Puddy?
It’s a tough act remembering your lines for about an hour isn’t it person playing Puddy character? Stick to hopscotch or three flies out. Chess seems beyond you.
@35 It seems to me what would matter is when the computers were purchased, not when the people using them were hired.
What Issa, Puddy, et al. are criticizing the IRS for is determining whether organizations claiming tax-exempt status are entitled to it, which is what these IRS employees were hired to do. In other words, Issa, Puddy, et al. are complaining because they did their job.
More demanding = covering up?
Man who taught you English you idiot?
Sux and stinx to be you!
Well IDIOT Wabbit you are partially correct. It’s not the people using them per the moron checkmate, but the computer purchases are guvmint contract.
It’s about libtards who have been proven as libtards selectively attacking conservative groups and giving a pass to libtard groups.
Of course to an IDIOT who claims he’s a wabbit, that’s A-OK!
It’s a tough act to be as stooooooooopid as checkmate, butt checkmate makes stooooooooopid look smart!
Spittles, dude… Lay off the crack.
It’s bad for you m’kayyy?
Hey clueless crazed cretin..
Did the SEIU unionize Media Morons?
Why yes they did! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....47540.html
So a libtard org tried to stop unionization… PRECIOUS!
When too many FACTS appear Puddy accused of drug use! Can OWS Racist Fraggy refute the presented facts?
Psych 101 moments!
Oh no gun saves person! http://www.cafemom.com/article.....non_us=US#
Jesus…the deluded fuckwad is off his Medes again.
Where are the guys in the white coats when you need them.
So, now the Border Patrol is apparently actively recruiting psychopaths into their ranks.
Thats what a closed border looks like, people. All the Fascist freaktards calling for closing the border should have a good reason to celebrate now. This is what they want.
Up in Vancouver, the SkyTrain is supposed to not have too many disruptions, especially the labor kind, because it’s driverless. Turns out, it is prone to glitches, yesterday it was a communication failure that shut down the Expo and Millennium Lines.
off his Medes again.
No you stooooooooooopid idiot, and I have never been on Persians either!
And two days later in the same city a business owner kills his three employees before killing himself. Yep, a few people’s gun fantasies come true.