– Oh hey, your primary ballots are here. If you care about safe streets, here’s some info on the City Council candidates.
– Or here if you don’t want to vote for the people the Chamber of Commerce is pumping tons of money into their campaigns.
– If you’re a Republican who is upset that Donald Trump is attacking John McCain’s military service, where were you for the last decade or so?
– I don’t like Carly Fiorina at all, but good on her for opposing sexism in the workplace, even in a mild sort of way. I’m sure even though she got to the head of HP, she experienced quite a bit on the way and at the top. But holy geez, some of her conservative critics.
Second link is the same as the first link…
Here’s what the batshit crazy loon who hates “fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum” believes,
“Here’s hoping we are in a shooting war to save this country by the next Fourth of July!!!!!”
“We need to declare war on this illegal treasonous administration. All czars and cabinet members should be arrested tried and hung for their crimes against the citizenry of this nation.”
“People you should be making lists of all commie/marxists/islamists in your neighborhoods. All the teachers, school board members, politicians, etc who are anti US Constitution need to be identified and addresses known so that when it comes time to round them up we know exactly where to start looking. They will be arrested and tried for treason!!!”
It’s why I have been taking FOs IPB/C classes. Gotta know who the asshOles are and where they are. If your neighborhood has a FB page its also great to see where your neighbors stand while staying anonymous.”
On Pope Francis, “Fuck this asshole!! Jeez commies everywhere!! EVERY ASPECT OF AMERICA NEEDS A FUCKING PURGE!!!!”
On the Occupy Denver protesters, “Time to machine gun these scumbags.”
On blacks, “Failed race!!!”
On Geraldo Rivera, “Why can’t Geraldo Rivera, aka twatwaffle, be in a church when it gets shot up???”
On the 14 victims of shootings in Chicago on the July 4th weekend who died, “YAYYYY! And it’s only Saturday afternoon. More dead equals more dead dems.”
Bridges? We don’t need no steenkin’ bridges…
@3. Assuming we fix the bridges at all, where will the legislators get the money from?
Who should be taxed or tolled more?
What programs should lose their funding to pay for the bridge repairs?
@4 Need you ask? They’ll tax the poor, of course!
@2 The weak link in their thought process is the NRA believes even liberals should be allowed to have guns and to stand their ground. In fact, I’m surprised they haven’t tried to limit the 2nd Amendment to registered Republicans. If you want to kill people, it’s easier if you disarm them first.
A very detailed, technical, absolute smackdown of O’Reilly.
Yes, that’s exactly why cops do not like the Second Amendment.
“Indiana Bible study leader accused of raping mentally disabled women in his care”
No longer surprised.
‘It’s not a racist thing’: Florida rally fights to keep mural of hooded Klansmen in county courthouse”
No surprise here. Both the fact that there’s a actually mural of hooded Klansmen in the courthouse and that they’re fighting to keep it.
“Little man” seeks further humiliation.
“Breitbart editor Ben Shapiro files assault charges against trans woman who called him ‘little man’”
@10 Meanwhile, Maine’s rabidly anti-worker GOP governor ordered a mural depicting labor history removed from the state’s labor department building …
@11 Did she bruise anything besides his little-man ego?
Jeb! unveiled his platform today. It’s the usual GOP horseshit: A balanced budget amendment, line-item veto, federal hiring freeze, and spending cuts (but not, you can be sure, in military spending). In other words, an all-out assault on the poor and middle class safety net. Some of his proposals are obvious throwaways, for example, prohibiting former members of Congress from lobbying for 6 years after leaving office, a clearly unconstitutional restraint of free speech. But overall, by and large, it looks like Paul Ryan fiscal austerity with a vengeance — or maybe vendetta is a better word.
Surely, Trump has gone too far, attacking John McCain and hating on POWs! The attacks on Trump by the RNC and the other GOP candidates will bring him down!
“Poll: Trump surges to big lead in GOP presidential race”
Sheds new light on why our batshit crazy loon hated Bergdahl so much. Turns out he hates all American POWs.
@15 Republicans hate any veteran who happens to be a Democrat.
About the Klansman mural, it’s not like it’s some old mural in an old courthouse in Florida.
“The mural, which greets visitors as they enter the courthouse, features a small vignette with three hooded Klansmen riding horses. Although Eugene Barber, who painted the mural in 2001…”
I’d ask, what were they thinking, but it doesn’t need asking. This “it’s not a racist thing” mural is right there in the entry for all blacks to see as they enter the courthouse where they will receive justice, Florida-style.
Just think. Over the last year we’ve witnessed a black man, our own batshit crazy loon, support the Stars and Bars, the Klansman, and the senseless murder of unarmed blacks by our nation’s police.
@ 15
Conservatives have very specific notions about what constitutes success or failure. A strong undercurrent of Conservatism regards defeated individuals to have been too weak to survive, and thus are failures. Notice, this is also how reflected in how they seem to perceive things like rape or giant banking frauds.
Being captured in battle is definitely a defeat for the soldier, thus a failure on his part; an indication if his weakness and lack of personal motivation. The Japanese, Chinese and Russians have always considered POWs to be borderline traitors.
Conservatives are the same all over the world.
Sheds new light on why our batshit crazy loon hated Bergdahl so much. Turns out he hates all American POWs.
Wrong again Stupid Solution Steve. Puddy gave specific evidence about Bowe Bergdahl. Butt being the stoooooooooopid IDIOT you are, you ignored the evidence just like Obummer. Now that everyone has seen the evidence you continue to be as stoooooooooopid as evah.
This is why it sux to be you Stupid Solution Steve. A real moonbat!
Such BULLSHITTIUM from #18, StormFront reader!
The Japanese, Chinese and Russians have always considered POWs to be borderline traitors.
Where is the link?
Such incorrect generalizations from Stupid Solution Steve…
Produce the “evidence”!
Sux to be you!
Frank Luntz asks questions of Republican candidates and they answered. Hillary has answered what?
It occurs to me the one important way Republican “leaders” underestimate Trump. He’s “really rich”. If there is one thing the right wing worships, it’s money. They respect and love nothing more than money. Money is not the means to an end, it is the end. It’s one reason they make such a big noise about how pious they are. They’re just a greedy bunch of money lovers and Trump has a lot. I have a feeling he can say whatever he wants and still get the approval he craves.
What’s Donald Trump concealing in his colon?
Why hasn’t he released the films yet?
Frankly, I don’t trust a candidate who wont disclose.
it isn’t so much the money. It’s the overwhelming empirical evidence (in the form of money) that he’s the smartest guy in the race.
To wit: All republicans worship money and will do whatever their skill and native intelligence permit to get more of it. Trump is the richest candidate with the most money. Ergo Trump possesses the most skill and native intelligence of all the candidates.
Very sound reasoning.
I see the batshit crazy loon is still batshit insane.
Jeb Bush says preventing unpaid overtime abuses will hurt workers.
Typical Republican. Paying for work hurts workers.
Puddy sees the stoooooooooooopid is very strong with Stupid Solution Steve!
“@11 Did she bruise anything besides his little-man ego?”
Apparently, wingnuts believe that humiliating a Republican twerp is a crime. Hell, we do that to the batshit crazy loon every day.
Bernie Sanders had a backbone at NutRootz!
Martin O’Malley apologizes because #alllivesdon’tmatter at NutRootz!
Hillary Clinton was a no show at NutRootz!
“Puddy sees the…”
Same old, same old. Bitch-slap the batshit crazy loon and all he can do is whine about it.
Thanks. Fixed.
Yup! That’s how it works.
The American History Channel is showing a series on the Nazi’s ‘Final Solution’ tonight. As the batshit crazy loon and his friends are intent on killing millions of liberal Americans, they might want to watch and get some pointers before they start their own genocide program.
@2 these people are scarier than ISIS. And I say this, even though the information presented doesn’t even show that they hate the gays, but I’m pretty sure they do.
ISIS is not a present threat as much as these people are.
Where is the outrage Stupid Solution Steve? http://www.nola.com/crime/inde....._nopd.html
Chromosomes have no meaning to DUMMOCRETINS!
Psych 101 Projection!
Where is the outrage Stupid Solution Steve?
Christian fascists get together to discuss ways to turn America’s women into handmaidens who are forced to give birth to their rapist’s baby, even if it kills the woman.
Terror attack kills 5 US Servicemen. US Flag over the whitey house not lowered at half mast!
So now we know how Obummer thinks about this act of terror! Let’s go play golf instead!
Marines should stop wearing their uniforms and close their blinds at recruitment offices.
Maybe Obummer should stop traveling around and stay in the White House with the blinds closed while the secret service stands guard outside recruitment offices. Then someone could defend all of them if the President and his family stays off Air Force One for the rest of his term.
Yeah that’s gonna work!
We know the Confederate flag will be on full display at the GOP convention but it now looks like, by the time the convention gets started, they’ll have banned the American flag from the convention hall altogether. Our black batshit crazy loon will probably be there to entertain. His act will be to stagger around the stage half-naked with a bale of cotton on his back as thousands of Republican racists waving the Stars and Bars and signs with Jefferson Davis’s mug pasted over Abe Lincoln’s scream their approval.
Doesn’t Obummer’s gang appoint federal prosecutors? So why do they disagree with Obummer so much! http://www.usnews.com/news/art.....re-prisons
Got link Stupid Solution Steve? Or more of your normal BULLSHITTIUM?
Puddy posted links on how the American flag is being attacked by DUMMOCRETINS!
We’ve heard for years how the batshit crazy loon and Republicans love the Constitution more than us and we vociferously disagreed. But since discovering that it was the Constitution of the Confederate States of America they were talking about all these years, I have to agree with them. They love the Constitution of the Confederate States of America much more than we do! Gotta give them that much.
@34…Reality says otherwise.
Michelle Malkin nails it again. http://michellemalkin.com/2015.....cumstance/
@19 “Puddy gave specific evidence about Bowe Bergdahl.”
I wouldn’t dignify it with the word “evidence.” Bergdahl may or may not be guilty of something. That remains to be determined. But you’re the last person I’d trust with the task of making that determination.
Still no commentary on Kate Steinle’s death by HA DUMMOCRETINS or the whitey house. Seems HA DUMMOCRETINS get their messaging from the whitey house!
@37 Typical. The loon is outraged when a black cop is killed in a traffic accident, but has nothing to say about a healthy young black woman’s mysterious death in a white racist sheriff’s jail.
@38 Fortunately for you …
@42 & 43 Ah yes, the “scandal” of the week. When did the White House begin lowering its flag for every service member who dies in the line of duty? Did Eisenhower do that? What about Nixon? Or Raygun? Or the Bushes … ? There’s a protocol for these things, but that apparently flies over your head …
@44 “Marines should stop wearing their uniforms and close their blinds at recruitment offices.”
No, they shouldn’t. They should open the blinds as wide as they’ll go, wear their uniforms proudly, and say to the world, “This is who we are!” Now more than ever.
By the way, have you ever seen a Marine in dress uniform with a Confederate flag?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the next Republican candidate for Vice-President.
“The loon is outraged when a black cop is killed in a traffic accident, but has nothing to say about a healthy young black woman’s abrupt death in a white racist sheriff’s jail.”
I reckon it makes sense to a batshit crazy loon that we should spend our days condemning the insignificant as his batshit crazy loon friends wave Confederate flags while posting on Facebook about killing liberal fucks by the thousands.
I wouldn’t dignify it with the word “evidence.”
Well early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit here it is…
On Wednesday March 25, 2015, the Army announced that it was charging Sergeant Bergdahl with misbehavior before the enemy and desertion
Bergdahl’s own emails to his father about being disillusioned with Amerikkka
His platoon mates going national and telling the world he deserted. Then they were attacked by Ben Rhodes in da whitey house
Seems the evidence is self-evident early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@46 “Doesn’t Obummer’s gang appoint federal prosecutors?”
To answer your question, no. The president appoints U.S. attorneys, and those appointees hire the federal prosecutors to whom you’re referring (officially known as “assistant U.S. attorneys”), although as a practical matter these people tend to be career employees, many of whom were hired by predecessors of whoever the current U.S. attorney is.
The group objecting to Obama’s call for sentencing reform, the National Association of Assistant United States Attorneys, is a private organization representing less than a quarter of all assistant U.S. attorneys, so they hardly speak for a majority of “federal prosecutors.” And they don’t speak at all for the presidentially appointed U.S. attorneys.
So, to answer your question, no, none of these people disagreeing with Obama’s sentencing reform ideas were appointed or hired by Obama. Like all other federal employees, they’re entitled to their opinions.
@47 We can resolve this easily enough. Steve is predicting a future event. All we have to do is wait and see whether it happens.
@48 “Puddy posted links on how the American flag is being attacked by DUMMOCRETINS!”
They’re not the only ones doing it. You can count on conservative hypocrites to get in on this act, too.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you,”
Let’s see… she laid off 30,000 workers while tripling her salary and tanking the stock price 50%. What’s there for batshit crazy loon not to love? “Let’s put Carly in charge!!”
“Puddy is outraged when a black cop is killed in a traffic accident, but has nothing to say about a healthy young black woman’s abrupt death in a white racist sheriff’s jail.”
Well Stupid Solution Steve… The Texas Rangers and the FBI are reviewing the hallway tapes in front of her cell. So far they haven’t found anyone going into her cell. So far they haven’t determined if the videotape has been tampered with.
You see Stupid Solution Steve, you blamed the massacre of five US military servicemen on a right-wing nut job! You were DEAD WRONG! In fact your are DEAD WRONG most times here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
If you had a clue you’d know this Stupid Solution Steve. So Puddy will wait because #alllivesmatter
Wow Stupid Solution Steve, this was covered last April. You just catching up? Slow as ever!
“Puddy posted links on how the American flag is being attacked by DUMMOCRETINS!”
The guy waving the Stars and Bars while planning to kill thousands of Americans and establishing a theocratic form of government here feigns concern about the American flag. That’s just too fucking funny for words.
@48 This is actually quite an interesting topic. Republicans have tried to pass laws making it a crime to burn, stomp on, or otherwise desecrate the American flag. But the Supreme Court has ruled, more than once, that’s free speech.
In 1862, William Mumford, a resident of New Orleans and supporter of the Confederacy, was hanged by a Union military tribunal for taking down an American flag raised by Union troops. I wonder how many of today’s Republicans think he had it coming? Do you, Piddles?
So, to answer your question, no, none of these people disagreeing with Obama’s sentencing reform ideas were appointed or hired by Obama.
So the minions hired by Obummer’s as you wrote earlier… “and those appointees hire the federal prosecutors to whom you’re referring (officially known as “assistant U.S. attorneys”), ”
So when Puddy ran his worldwide team, when those hired by Puddy hired people below themselves, Puddy was responsible for them per upper level management. Butt not to the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Sooooooooooooo, only in the mind of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is Obummer not responsible and they aren’t disagreeing with Obummer!
The guy waving the Stars and Bars
and you witnessed this when Stupid Solution Steve?
@49 What is reality? Does biology actually dictate that gender is always black-and-white, must be one or the other, and is never ambiguous? Science disagrees: “Research in the late 20th century indicates a growing medical consensus that diverse intersex bodies are normal—if relatively rare—forms of human biology.”
Also, note what the article says about “human rights abuses.” I’m not suggesting that people are any gender they wish to call themselves. Most of us are clearly male or female. But not all of us are, and an intellectually honest and tolerant person will leave some wiggle room in his/her thinking for those who are not. The world is not black-and-white; it is full of challenging ambiguities; and how we deal with ambiguity is an important facet of our character.
The batshit crazy loon doesn’t even know who he’s responding to anymore. I swear, every time I think he couldn’t possibly lose it anymore than he already has, the batshit crazy loon proves me wrong.
Soooooooooooo early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, you don’t honor our American flag?
Yes, @62 should be the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
“Soooooooooooo early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, you don’t honor our American flag?”
Possibly not quite as much as batshit crazy traitors like you honor the Stars and Bars. You guys have become quite fanatical about that of late. Makes all your rabid talk about killing thousands of Americans a bit concerning.
Hey Stupid Solution Steve… What do you have to say about this? http://abc7chicago.com/news/ex.....gs/867430/
PuddyCommentary: Nuthin else needs to be said here!
@50 “nails it”
Looks to me like she starting getting it wrong in her very first sentence.
Malkin: “Four U.S. Marines, barred from carrying weapons at naval training facilities despite explicit ISIS threats against our military, are dead in Tennessee.”
CNN: “Chattanooga shooter Mohammad Abdulazeez told a friend that ISIS was ‘doing wrong’ and ‘it was a stupid group and it was completely against Islam,’ the friend told CNN on Monday.”
There’s a reason why Malkin is dismissed as a crank by reputable scholars and journalists: Because she’s sloppy with facts, doesn’t know what she’s talking about, and is just spewing partisan propaganda. Which, of course, makes her eminently quotable by pea-brains like Piddles.
@52 It seems the Steinle family hasn’t heard from the GOP frontrunner, either.
Meanwhile the SCUMBAGS at Media Morons attack Ann Romney for her bk on MS! http://dailycaller.com/2015/07.....-it-great/
Media Morons SCUMBAGS like Stupid Solution Steve and other HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Is Donald Trump president?
Has Donald Trump ignored sanctuary cities as president?
Did Donald Trump tell ICE to IGNORE illegal aliens?
Just checking early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Nancy Pelosi had something to say about Steinle’s murder:
“Last week, in San Francisco, our city suffered our own senseless act of gun violence with the killing of Kathryn Steinle, and our thoughts and prayers are very much with her family. Today, we must do more as a nation to prevent dangerous people from getting easy access to guns. And Congress has a moral responsibility to act. What is so unclear? What do they not understand about that?”
Who’s blocking immigration reform? Who opposes even the most modest efforts to slow down the proliferation of guns in our society? And, one should also ask, which party opened the floodgates to illegal immigration because their business supporters preferred hiring cheap foreign labor to paying living wages to American workers? When have you heard any of these carping critics on the right acknowledge the fact that Obama has deported record numbers of illegals? or the fact that our border with Mexico is much less porous now than it was under our last Republican president?
Should we ever be surprised anymore by the hypocritical faux outrage of the right? It’s their specialty.
Once again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, FACTS don’t support your BULLSHITTIUM pellet against Michelle Malkin!
Doesn’t matter what the killer said doesn’t matter except in the senile mind of early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Once again FACTS slap the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit silly!
@59 Well then, with all that evidence, the military prosecutors should have no trouble convicting him, amiright? So why are you in such a damn hurry? Why are you so unwilling to let the prosecutors do their job?
Note, I’ve never said the guy is innocent. All I’ve ever argued for is giving him a fair trial, which is the constitutional right of every American charged with a crime, but rightwing fucktards like you would rather be a lynch mob, due process be damned.
@64 Steve didn’t post that, idiot, I did. Why should anyone take you seriously when you can’t even keep straight who posted what a few posts back in this thread?
Ahhh yes blame Kate Steinle’s death on the federal issued gun lost vs. the illegal alien deported five times! At least she called the illegal alien a “dangerous people”!
Of course DUMMOCRETINS have to deflect the discussion from the real problem, illegal aliens given sanctuary in San Franfreako, Pelosi’s base! Remember he illegal alien said he went to San Franfreako because he knew it was a sanctuary city!
@68 “So when Puddy ran his worldwide team, …”
They let you supervise a couple of guys in Bangladesh?
Puddy covered that in #77.
Missed that eh, early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Blind and senile!
@85, and other countries too. That’s why the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, called Puddy his Seoul Brother and lived vicariously through Puddy’s various travels!
@68 ” … when those hired by Puddy hired people below themselves, Puddy was responsible for them per upper level management.”
Well yeah, that’s how hierarchies work. If the federal prosecutors hired by U.S. attorneys don’t do their jobs, and the U.S. attorney doesn’t replace them, then the president can (and should) replace the U.S. attorney. But the president doesn’t directly supervise the federal prosecutors. Do you need “chain of command” explained?
In any case, we’re not even talking about federal prosecutors doing their jobs. We’re talking about a private organization whose membership consists of 23% of all federal prosecutors, and which probably doesn’t represent the views of 100% of its members (what organization does?), expressing an opinion on a public policy issue. That’s great, opinions are welcome, that’s what makes a democracy work.
So are you saying the president should fire U.S. attorneys who don’t fire federal prosecutors who belong to an organization whose leader says something that doesn’t conform exactly to the president’s position on one public policy issue?
@71 “The batshit crazy loon doesn’t even know who he’s responding to anymore.”
Yeah, I noticed that. See #83.
@72 Of course I do. I salute it every time the national anthem is played. I don’t, however, honor the Confederate battle flag because rebellion, sedition, secession, slavery, racism, and terrorism are unworthy of honors. By the way, do you beat your wife?
So are you saying the president should fire U.S. attorneys who don’t fire federal prosecutors who belong to an organization whose leader says something that doesn’t conform exactly to the president’s position on one public policy issue?
One policy issue early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Another of your trick questions? They serve at the President’s whim early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Yeah, Puddy knows what you are trying to do!
Puddy wrote they are in disagreement with Obummer. You try to change the argument like you always try and EPICALLY FAYLE in each attempt!
By the way, do you beat your wife?
No butt we heard you beat yours when she hits you with that iron skillet!
@75 So you’re on board with holding cops accountable for excessive use of force? Good, we finally agree on something.
@70…You didn’t even read that wikipedia article did you? There is miles of difference between intersex and “transgender”.
You left-wingnuts are just so hell bent on being seen as “tolerant” and “accepting” that you are willing to play into peoples serious mental illnesses and delusions (the consequences to the individuals and society be damned), and believe that anyone who doesn’t obey the Pronoun Police must be vanquished.
@72 Of course I do. I salute it every time the national anthem is played.
So why do you jock strap those who want to denigrate the American flag?
@75 So you’re on board with holding cops accountable for excessive use of force?
Yes, butt you are against holding libtard led police forces accountable for excessive use of force!
@78 “Meanwhile the SCUMBAGS at Media Morons attack Ann Romney… ”
Actually, no. It doesn’t appear that Media Matters has anything to do with this. Apparently some individual who allegedly works for them allegedly expressed a personal opinion in a personal tweet about Ann Romney writing a book. If so, I don’t understand what his issue is, because this is a free country and anyone can write as many books as they like. Over 400,000 new books are published in America every year, and that’s great! If Ann Romney wants to write books, she has every right to, and if people want to read them, more power to them and her. As far as I can tell, Media Matters’ position on book authors and book publishing is no different than what I just wrote here.
@79 Squid ink is wonderful stuff for beclouding obvious hypocrisy.
@81 Uh-huh. Evidence doesn’t matter when it doesn’t go your way. So typical of lynch-mob mentality.
“Ahhh yes blame Kate Steinle’s death on the federal issued gun lost vs. the illegal alien deported five times!”
Nobody is doing that, you batshit crazy freak. But it’s clear that you are intent on using logical fallacies to make us out as the killers. It makes it easier for you freaks to get it in your heads that you’re justified to kill not just thousands, but millions of Americans.
“I can’t wait to kill thousands of these f*cks”
The advice your friend gave you was to make a list of those you intend to kill. I hope you put me at the top.
@84 ” federal issued gun lost”
I don’t think “lost” is quite the right word. I would choose stronger language to describe anyone who leaves a handgun in a parked car, regardless of who they work for.
@86 You didn’t cover anything in #77, because you didn’t post #77. This is your second comment misidentification tonight. Are you drinking?
@87 Okay, plus 1 guy in Korea. I’ll accept that amendment to my comment @85.
Back to your “fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum” bullshit.
Let’s try running that through my decoder ring set on ‘Projection Mode’.
You could never quite understand that you project far too much for your own good. It’s a Psych 101 thang.
Please do put me at the top of your death list.
@91 Yeah, it’s a trick question. I’m trying to see if I can lure you into saying something as stupid as the U.S. attorneys should fire federal prosecutors who don’t goose step to the president’s policy positions. It’s an IQ test.
@92 Considering the quality of your sources, I’m not surprised you heard that.
@94 Sounds to me like you’re the one who has the pronoun issues.
@95 “So why do you jock strap those who want to denigrate the American flag?”
I see. We’re going to spend this evening trading “have you stopped beating your wife yet” questions.
For the record — because I realize YOU will never comprehend anything as simple and clear as this, so this is only for the record — I support free speech for those who want to denigrate the flag, which is not the same thing as supporting flag denigration or wanting to denigrate the flag.
To make this even clearer — for the record, mind you — I support free speech for all manner of people I don’t agree with, including you. The fact I support your right to spew nonsense isn’t an endorsement of your nonsense.
@96 “you are against holding libtard led police forces accountable for excessive use of force!”
This assertion has been duly filed in the drawer labeled “lying.”
@107…Nope, I have no problem calling a man a man and calling a woman a woman, however I will not call a man a woman and a woman a man. In short, I live in reality.
“@75 So you’re on board with holding cops accountable for excessive use of force?”
This, after ten thousand words of you happy dancing on the graves of dead unarmed, often captive and restrained men, women and children, you dare give us a one word “yes”. What a batshit crazy lying fucking loon.
@111 I hope everyone else notices how much effort it took to squeeze it out of him. Meanwhile, it appears the squid is done for tonight, and has scuttled off to his rocky crevice.
@110 That’s your problem.
Can you believe what those on the Left and lazy media lapdogs are trying to do to Donald Trump?
Trump has been taken completely out of context in criticizing the loser windbag RINO McCain.
And now the lamestream media is echoing Hillary’s & Kerry’s demands for Trump to do an Obama like apology tour! As the kids say LOL!!
Donald may not win, but Murika and the GOP field could stand to learn that we need a decider of strong conviction and demonstrated financial experience!
The advice your friend gave you
Got proof Stupid Solution Steve?
I see. We’re going to spend this evening trading “have you stopped beating your wife yet” questions.
You started it early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit and now you are upset? Awww…
Puddy supports you leaving large BULLSHITTIUM pellets all over… Even when you throw up those Sidney Blumenthal BULLSHITTIUM…
Now watch the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit can’t resist…
Right on cue…
Puddy dancing on graves? NOPE!
You are part of the failed lie hands up don’t shoot crowd, dancing on Mike Brown’s grave!
It’s an IQ test.
Easily passed by Puddy. Yet you have issues with federal people disagreeing with Obummer!
@116 “You started it”
No, you did, and I dished it back. As I’ve always said, we Democrats should behave like you Republicans. I practice what I preach.
@118 “Easily passed by Puddy. Yet you have issues with federal people disagreeing with Obummer!”
I can see how someone who just attributed to me the exact opposite of what I actually said would delude yourself into believing he passed it.
Puddy didn’t ask if you beat your wife! You did early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Carly Fiorina is a two-bit phony. She even lies about her life story, claiming she rose from a lowly secretary position to become CEO of Hewlett Packard. Hardly. Fiorina is a Silver Spooner, the daughter of a big-shot Republican appointee at DOJ who became a GOP-appointed federal appeals court judge, who was sent to a private girls school in London to mingle with other children of the rich and powerful. The “secretary” gig was a summer college job. She was never a secretary at HP; she was recruited by HP — probably the worst hire they ever made — after rising through the management ranks at AT&T (which hired her as a management trainee fresh out of business school with an MBA) and its Lucent spinoff. Former Washington governor Christine Gregoire was literally a secretary who worked her way up; Fiorina was an executive-track manager from day one. And, it turned out, a stinking lousy one who cost HP shareholders billions. Now she wants to do for the federal government what she did to them. Only people born to wealth, power, and privilege — which is her real life story — are capable of such hubris.
@121 You asked, “why do you jock strap those who want to denigrate the American flag?” Asking if you beat your wife seemed like a fair response. It’s of the same tenor. You wanna fuck with a rabbit like that, you better bend over, cuz you’re gonna get it back.
Trump surges to a huge lead in the polls and the lame liberal Des Moines Register responds by demanding Trump drop out of the race.
@121 You asked, “why do you jock strap those who want to denigrate the American flag?”
Has no comparison on beating your spouse moronic twit early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Another of your train wreck BULLSHITTIUM pellets!
@125 “Has no comparison on beating your spouse”
Au contraire, it’s exactly the response you deserved. Would you like me to explain again how the Baseball Rules work? If you throw a wild pitch at me, I’m gonna bean you right back. If you don’t believe me, just try it again and see what happens.
Got proof of that lying loon?
Let’s see the link..
You’ll never produce it because you’re a coward. Go ahead lying loon don’t produce the link.. Cowardice is in your nature.
THANK YOU! For once again showing “the world” that YOU ARE “OF” – the true nature of klownservaticism..
Link clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch?
Puddy has called you hero to anything? Got link?
This is the thread of the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch stalking Puddy with Seoul Brother in it. http://horsesass.org/open-thread-125-2/
You lived vicariously through Puddy in this thread and others clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
See ya!
So much for that fart eh clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch? You’ve been stalking Puddy since 2005. Can’t travel from South Seattle so you need to live in another person’s world instead!
See ya!
Oh my another Planned Parenthood video has surfaced.. https://youtu.be/MjCs_gvImyw
Planned Parenthood – The Josef Mengele of America!
“What would you expect for intact tissue? – Questioner
“Why don’t you start by telling me what you’re used to paying?” – Dr. Mary Gatter, President of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director’s Council
“Well, you know in negotiations the person who throws out the figure first is at a loss, right? So…” – Dr. Mary Gatter again
Now remember HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards, the sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). a Previously Provided PuddyLink. Butt because libtards do it there is no fine or penalty or jail time. Libtards always ignore the law, just like creating sanctuary cities to ignore federal illegal alien laws!
And… since the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit doesn’t like Carly Fiorina…
remove the carriage return between videos/ and vb.261624820205/ – This makes Da Perfessa happy with conservative posters since libtards can post long links and 8 paragraphs at a time from threads!
“Let me just figure out what others are getting, and if this is in the ballpark, then it’s fine, if it’s still low, then we can bump it up. I want a Lamborghini.” – Dr. Mary Gatter, President of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director’s Council
So how many aborted libtards equate to a Lamborghini?
Everyone knows Iran will break this “nuke deal” and now Kerry is disturbed about their normal day to day actions? https://ca.news.yahoo.com/u-disturbed-iranian-leaders-criticism-deal-121454843–finance.html
Why does Obummer’s people hate valorious military men? http://www.washingtontimes.com.....cia-job-i/
Hillary went back for the annual Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, once the big party event of the year. Now it’s all but against the law among Democrats to honor Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson — racists, bigots, slave owners — and some of the Democrats over the years figured they were honoring Stonewall anyway, not Andrew. Hillary must hope that no one hears about how she went down to Little Rock to speak at a dinner honoring evil.
CBS – known for being libtard… exposes Obummer’s free fone fraud program… http://denver.cbslocal.com/201.....e-program/
Yet DUMMOCRETINS voted to expand the fraud as expected last year. Now we see the fraud continues!
LMAO!! The lying loon can’t QUOTE the specific comment… or even produce the URL TO the specific comment.
What no skillz jackass???
Perform COWARD!
Yours truly NEVER called you, the JACKASS, MY Seoul Brother.
Prove me wrong asshole. O THOU “OF THE WORLD”!
Type away jackass!
Remember how a certain clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch screamed about the I-35W bridge collapse a few years back in 2011? Just Google it for the vile bile of that moron!
Just like that CA DUMMOCRETINS steal from the transportation fund to make other fund look more viable. Funny how that is!
Didn’t the same moron claim CA is solvent? So apparently their bridge inspectors are A-OK too!
Notice that the babbling jackass, coward as it is, has no guts to quote any comment to back up its vile and stupid lie.
Poor babbling jackass, in the world and of it. A coward. Cult won’t let it or its spawn torture and kill the terraists..
This is what the country that can do no wrong would call the babbling jackass:
The fiend is a babbling jackass and a “leech”. Yes at the time that article was written. The country that can do no wrong is right now stomping all over the ultra-orthodox beliefs, impressing some of the ultra-orthodox into military service.
Just think if that happened here with fiend’s cult!
These jews oppose Israel..
Does the babbling jackass dare call these orthodox Jews “anti-semitic”?
Notice that the Great Puddy, Superior as he is, had the guts to quote the full thread link to back up the PuddyComment.
Too bad the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is lost in the libtard sauce!
The only leech is you clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! Did you finally get a yob yet after living off the WA State teat all these years?
Strike two babbling jackass and “leech”..
Where’s the specific words backing up the vile lie jackass?
Your truly NEVER called the fiend a “Seoul brother” of yours truly.
Prove yours truly wrong jackass.. You won’t because you are a vile coward who NEEDS this website so ever more desperately to “perform” on Sat Nights..
Been fun! Stay an always wrong coward jackass!
Meanwhile we see Obummer was in spin cycle mode last week… http://townhall.com/tipsheet/g.....s-n2025555
Erin Burnett ✔@ErinBurnett
“We never sought anytime/anywhere inspections” – Pres Obama Dpty National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes tells me.
4:11 PM – 14 Jul 2015
Stephen Hayes ✔@stephenfhayes
Top admin official, Ben Rhodes, in April: “We will have anytime, anywhere access to the nuclear facilities.” https://twitter.com/mawilner/status/620908888389517312 …
4:01 AM – 14 Jul 2015
and now Obummer is in spin cycle mode this week… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....o-do-that/
PuddyCommentary… the more you learn about this deal the more feckless te continual Obummer’s foreign policy lies become! When has Iran kept it’s “word”. It’s so wonderful for Hillary to have to support Obummer’s legacy building!
When you vicariously follow Puddy around in the threads while Puddy visits, you are living you life through Puddy.
Sux to be you clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, the real leech of WA State. You posted all about Puddy’s travels!
Haven’t the Iranians been seeking yellow cake in Niger?
Where or where is Scooter Libby when we need him?
Yellow cake. Yummmmm.
147 – No comment specific url or quotation of the relevant material..
The troll is A LIAR, A COWARD, A FIEND..
Thank you troll for showing “the world” that YOU ARE “OF” – what klownservaticism IS ALL ABOUT!!!’
STRIKE 3 – The troll is an OUT AND OUT FOOL!