– If we increase maternity leave, then employers will treat women poorly. Oh you need proof? How about the fact that France exists?
– Love your neighbor as yourself.
– This Is Not a Post About Trayvon Martin
– I’m going to be doing a roundup of the various endorsements from groups. If you have ones you’d like included, let me know.
If you have African ancestry, do NOT have a stroke in public, in Florida.
ANY interaction with law enforcement in that state may result in one’s premature death. Especially if one has black skin.
Are we annoyed yet?
Nope, there are no racists in Florida.
Michelle Bachmann has been referred by the Office of Congressional Ethics to the House Ethics Committee for spending election funds and staff to sell her book. The bipartison board found that there was “substantial reason” to determine that a violation existed.
Funny how conservatives always point to WaPo as a liberal paper…
And when was that? 1992? A quick check here on the kind of apartment finder sites that typically advertise units that aren’t available and, “Wouldn’t you like to see this one that’s only $100 more…” indicates studios might be around $450 and the low-end for a 2 bedroom is $700. So yeah, I guess ’cause you once paid less than a laughable rate, rents haven’t changed a bit.
@1 Here’s the crucial quote from the news story:
“The failure to provide potentially life-saving treatment for Hicks as he suffered the early stages of a stroke raises questions about the quality of medical care in Hillsborough County jails, where for years a South Florida company has held a lucrative contract to treat prisoners.”
That innocent man is dead because the jail contracted out medical treatment of inmates. Also, this guy was not an inmate; he was arrested for being sick while black. Specifically, he failed to obey a deputy’s command to exit his vehicle because he was having a stroke. That’s what he was arrested and jailed for.
The on-scene deputies should be fired. This $1 million settlement resolves the family’s lawsuit against the jail; the sheriff’s department should be sued, too. The private contractor should be sued, too. I hope the family (i.e., kids) get $10 million. This case is tantamount to murder.
@1 Here’s the crucial quote from the news story:
“The failure to provide potentially life-saving treatment for Hicks as he suffered the early stages of a stroke raises questions about the quality of medical care in Hillsborough County jails, where for years a South Florida company has held a lucrative contract to treat prisoners.”
Some more updates on the Lac Megantic disaster. The Montreal, Maine, and Atlantic has had to lay off employees, as it was struggling to begin with, and it has lost temporarily, it’s primary route for manufactyred goods heading out of Maine and Quebrc, west through Lac Megantic, which is now a crime scene. Pan Am Railway is picking up the slack, but not gouging customers, yet.
Meanwhile, the Federal Railway Administration is stepping up inspections of both the Montreal, Maine, and Atlantic, and Pan Am Railways. It looks like the latter needs it too.
“I want to live in a world where George Zimmerman offered Trayvon Martin a ride home to get him out of the rain that night” – Episcopal bishop of Central Florida, Greg Brewer
FYI. – This Is Not a Post About Trayvon Martin is a messed up URL.
@9 Yeah, I can’t open it either, it just takes me to HA’s homepage.
@4 I posted about that McDonalds financial guide yesterday. As ludicrous as the $600 rent allowance is, this “budget” contains ZERO money for FOOD. Apparently the outfit that prepared this low-income budget for McDonalds assumed that McD’s minimum-wage employees either (a) shoplift food at work, (b) live on food stamps, or (c) don’t need to eat. My guess is “b,” like all large corporations who pay their workers the grossly inadequate federal minimum wage (read: WalMart and Target), McDonalds assumes taxpayers will provide about half of their employees’ subsistence — so they don’t have to.
The low minimum wage is a gigantic taxpayer subsidy for companies large and small. By supporting these workers, government keeps these companies’ labor costs low, boosting their bottom lines.
It’s amazing how many people don’t comprehend this.
Would the Florist have any sympathy if she had said she didn’t want to do business, for religious reasons, with someone who was Black or someone who was Baptist?
If being gay is something you are born to be, like one is born black, white or latino, why should it be legal to discriminate?
If being gay is something you choose to be, like one chooses to be a baptist, a muslim, a mormon or a scientologist, why should it be legal to discriminate?
The Republican “solution” to low wages is getting rid of food stamps, Medicaid, and all other subsidies to the working poor.
Apparently they want to live in a society where millions of people have to steal food to survive.
Looks like a state appeals court is calling b.s. on city hall’s fast-tracking a basketball palace for The Team That Doesn’t Exist.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Mayor McGinn seems to have been hellbent on spending a couple hundred million of taxpayer funds on a basketball palace (that 90% of Seattle’s voters had said they didn’t want to pay for) come hell, high water, or public opinion. I have a feeling that, for that and other reasons, he’s going to be a one-term mayor.
On the lawsuit against the florist, some of those comments on it seemed over the top. Reminds me of why the late Cheryl Chow was afraid to come out, and when she did, she called everything she had done a waste, because she could not be honest. Called it one final crusade, her would-be mother in law did a commercial in support of R-74,describing one of the reasons the law was needed.
As for this lawsuit, it’s being filed as a violation of the consumer protection act, not R-74, but it could be reducing the power of the CPA. So the stakes are still high. One of the comments said it was KingCo vs the other 38, when it was also Snohomish, Kitsap, Jefferson, Whatcom, and didn’t Whitman also vote for it? One of the reasons R-74 passed, in my opinion, is it is not Washington’s style to prohibit marriage. We did ban intracial marriage, but repealed by the territorial legislature before statehood. Also, this florist had been gladly accepting the couple’s business for years, and providing flowers for the wedding was a bridge too far. Something odd about that.
United States vs. Windsor was the perfect case to challenge DOMA, you had a widow, who got a tax bill that she would not have had to pay if the marriage was recognized by the Federal government. The couple had been together in sickness and in health for 40 years, and had not even came out, until they got married. The opponents got a break, the case was only challenging the Federal Recognition denial. Remember Justice Guinsberg’s recent remarks on Roe vs. Wade, this case was an out for her, striking down the denial of Full Faith and Credit, could have been going too far, too fast.
12) Well said.
# 11: I don’t know about current practices, but a few decades ago when we were undergraduates, my wife worked at Burger King. She got a free Whopper, fries and drink during her meal breaks. Being starving students, she would make hers a double-beef Whopper with as much lettuce, onions, and tomatoes as she could include in it, cut it in half, and we would split the meal. Of course, her manager was a pretty decent guy.
Maybe they are counting on that as their “no cost” food budget. But it doesn’t take into account the cost of other meals or those of her family. But regardless, trying to live off fast food is a recipie for health problems sometime in life.
# 14: I still think that a sports stadium is a regional asset, and therefore the region should have a say in it and pay it’s fair share of the cost. Just because one lives outside the city limits doesn’t mean one doesn’t go to a ball game in Seattle.
But as far as the NBA is concerned, they have been so obnoxious in giving Seattle the finger I think the appropriate response is to give them the finger right back.
When our media market makes it from the top twelve in the nation to the top eight or so, the NBA ownership will be crying to be receive that revenue-sharing which comes from such a market. Then we can make them come crawling back and kiss our behinds before we would consider dealing with them – and they are going to be made to pay dearly for the priviledge. If they decide not to deal with us, then it’s no skin off our back.
@9 & 10,
Should be working now. Thanks.
It’s time for a little nostalgia:
That was written three weeks ago.. Aaaah, the bad old days gone by…
The abominable NO-man reaps what he sows:
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
Short Seattle Times.
“We didn’t bother to look if there is another parcel of land owned by a private citizen that he is willing to give up for a civic asset arena but the fact that we can identify NO OTHER property means the city needs to do an environmental review of such a property.”
Shorter. “Chris Hansen had plans drawn up for what he would like to build on his property so the city rushed through the approval of the plan we endorsed in our pages.”
Shortest. “We hate McGinn so the plan h/we endorsed smells fishy.”
It looks like there might be a compromise on the student loan interest rates. At best, it’s kicking the the can down the road a couple of years, but that gets it past the next presidential election.
It doesn’t suprise me. Democrats aren’t the only ones with students in college. Even upper middle-class Republicans were having a stroke over the prospect that their kid’s student loan rates were going to double. Although the 1% try to control policy, there are still the “Mukiltean Republicans (think Tim Eyman) who figure that if the “great unwashed” get a federal benefit, they should too – regardless of need.
But the variance between the undergraduate and graduate student loan rates in the compromise is just strange.
Looks like the Labor Secretary and EPA Administrator have been confirmed.
In response to the Windsor decision, the House is abandoning the defense of the law in another case. This one involved Federal Recognition of same sex partners of servicemembers, in regards to benefits.
Well Puddy checked into OWS Racist Fraggy’s commentary and the link. Tampa, Florida… Hillsborough County…
Sheriff is Republican.
Armor Correctional Health Services – the company president gave to DUMMOCRAPTS and Republicans!
So who voted for whom for president?
Won by Obummer in 2008
Won by Obummer in 2012
Voted for DUMMOCRAPTIC senator 2012.
Nice try on that one OWS Racist Fraggy!
Another libtard governing experience has failed… Detroit files for bankruptcy.
@23 I’m sure GOPers will accept a compromise that requires students to pay 9% interest. That seems to be the current “compromise” proposal.
In Oakland last night, an 8-year-old black girl was riddled with bullets when she opened her apartment door. Her grandmother and two young siblings were wounded.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably some drug thug who went to the wrong apartment and then took off after seeing what he’d done.
IRS Hearings got interesting today. Obummer’s water carrier on the Issa committee Elijah Cummings had to eat some crow today.
DUMMOCRAPTIC San Diego mayor is a sexual predator. Well Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit like his crooks better! Yeah… this one is a real winner.
Sux to be him!
Also, the Detroit bankruptcy foling would not have happened if the Governor had not asked for a 5 minute delay in a hearing over a restraining order being sought by the Pension Funds. The judge was prepared to grant the order.
Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit…, where is the blame on Republican gun policies? Oh… that’s right… California is a BIG TIME DUMMOCRAPTIC state and Oakland, land of OWS freakazoids, is led by DUMMOCRAPTS! So why blame it on drugs DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit? All other standard Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit excuses fail here?
Strange Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit… Obummer told DUMMOCRAPTS to knock it off per the Politico, a leftist rag. Apparently Obummer realized it was DUMMOCRAPTS who were throwing dirt into the gears of progress!
Well you only read PMSNBC per your links.
Detroit Goes Bankrupt, Wingnuts Celebrate!
How would Seattle do if it lost Boeing and Microsoft and over half of it’s population? Puddy, you are a dick to revel in other people’s disasters. But hey, you are christian republican, so I should expect it.
35)I expected our troll to post what he did. Especially when it is from a state like Michigan. Gov. Snyder took the loss of a Constitutional Amendment to protect Collective Bargaining as a sign to push for Right to Work. (On the opposite, Governor Dayton(DFL-MN) took the Minnesota GOP’s failed marriage amendment and went the other way. My problem with Snyder, was he made his bill referendum proof. If he thought that the voters were for it, let it go to the voters. Plus, the union the GOP was after, the UAW, the contract with the Big 3 expires in 2015, existing contracts are exempted.
So sad a hateful leftist retard you are… Detroit, was just there on Sunday as Puddy drove around as Puddy is working hard nearby… is run down and decrepit. Well here is what Hugo Chavez loving leftist Sean Penn had to say about Detroit. Somehow IDIOTS like Fascist Pigsty missed this article… Puddy reads a lot of the HuffPo. It provides the easy way to refute Ha hateful morons like Fascist Pigsty! Did you forget corrupt ex-mayor Kwame Kilpatrick? Puddy didn’t!
Sux to be you!
Resident troll…? What are you…, resident off the rails? You screamed and cried when Puddy renamed you. Name is Puddybud… got it?
Now what is happening there in Detroit?
Detroit owes $18.5 billion to creditors and unions. What party was running Detroit during this time? DUMMOCRAPTS! The last Republican mayor left in 1962! When Detroit started to decline who was the guvnor? A DUMMOCRAPT!
Sux to be you leftist morons!
One thing about the Australian voting system, is it still has some drawbacks. One of them, too many parties, because group voting tickets allow microparties to send preferences to other parties. It has led to a ballot for Senate that an Australian Broadcasting Corporation election analyst said one would need the dexterity of a contortionist to read it. Still better than what we got. In Canberra, Labor, the Liberals, and Nationals don’t have all the seats.
Some of the other parties, like the Democratic Labor Party, actually have won seats, and have in the past been able to protect organized labor when spending their votes to the Australian equivalent of the GOP. Other parties include Liberals for Forests, center-right but pro environment. Two interesting new parties, the Katter Australian Party, and the Palmer United Party. The former is a new movement by one of the Independent MPs that propped up Labor this term, the latter is a pro business party founded by a mining magnate.
Although the election scheduled for September will be rescheduled(date set by PM Gillard months before Rudd unseated her), the How to vote carsds will be interesting.
LOL! Where did Evergreen Railfan use the word “resident” in his comment?
Folks, notice the lunatic is suffering from hallucinatory psychosis!
Obviously not keeping up his visits to his shrink. Klownservatism is a brain wasting disease!
White House security guards arrested a man with a gun who said he was “only going to fire a couple of shots.”
Once again the HA unemployed ASSHole has nothing to add! Yes Puddy added resident. Got a problem with that? Go to Hellen Wait and cry a river to her!
Remember… Puddy didn’t create the crazed databaze! HA’s unemployed ASSHole did while others were working hard!
Ugh. The idiot is back from vacation bibul camp.
@38 Detroit did fine for 100 years, then Republicans ran the economy into the ground …
38, What I said was mild compared to what you call me. I am a middle of the roader that leans left more than right. In the labor dispute at the Bay Area Rapid Transit, the unions were asking for Governor Brown to impose a 60day cooling off oeriod, he said no. It’s summer, ridership is down due to universities being out. I also think that they were asking for too much, but conditions on the increases offered by management were unbeatable, and the GM was a former SDOT chief that was in charge during the Blizzard of 2008, not exactly tough under pressure. SF MUNI saw a 10% increase, because of the strike, 10% on daily ridership of 700,000.
40)I only said our troll.
How Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit? Detroit’s problems are self inflicted! Detroit used to be the mecca of millionaires. So what happened Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit? Blame it on Boooosch?
Typical response!
Wrong again Libtard SCHMUCKO! Puddy was at some special computer sites Libtard SCHMUCKO. At those sites Puddy doesn’t view HA. Puddy finishing up at this site so Puddy now posts.
See ya Libtard SCHMUCKO!
Here is a take on the BART dispute.
More union intransigence. Hold BART over a barrel. No wonder a DUMMOCRAPTIC guvnur said NO!
Astronomical researchers say they think they’ve found evidence that all the gold in the universe, including that on earth, was created by colliding neutron stars.
Hard to tell where Puddy was created. I suspect he came out of a wormhole.
It’s not a Democratic Governor, but Governor Edmond G. Brown Jr, who has a long history with it. He was elected shortly after it opened, and an Oakland resident. When he was Governor the first time, he sold the manaion, and the jet. One Labor dispute they don’t have, is with the Capitol Corridor(San Jose-Oakland-Sacramento), which despite being a standard gauge mainline system, is managed by BART on behalf of the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority. That one is covered under the Railway Labor Act.
By the way the city of Detroit declared bankruptcy today. The bastion of liberalalism and unionism just couldn’t keep up its lavish pension and payroll status any more. Joining some of the cities in California, in bankrupt ideologies.
Governor Brown is not a DUMMOCRAPT? What is he then?
I meant not any Democratic Governor, wasn’t saying he was not a Democratic Governor, just saying he had been through this before. 1976, and 1979 to be exact. The latter lasted 90 days. I think he wants it settled before Berkeley, UCSF, USF, and San Francisco State are back in session, and boosts ridership. BART is up to 400,000 riders a day.
Wow… Another Micro$oft bust.
So he knows all about unions… No wonder he said no to the 60 day period. He knows the union will not operate in good faith!
Thanks RailFan! You made Puddy’s day!
Orange County is a Conservative bastion, last time they voted for a Democratic President was FDR, and for Governor, 1978, Jerry Brown, probably because of his response to Prop13.That angered the progressive side, but won him the endorsement of Howard Jarvis.
Hey useless HA unemployed ASSHole… You can spend Mrs money to buy some SSD drives so your useless searches can run faster.
Wow, why doesn’t HA leadership post stories like this? Not rocket science, just common sense!
In Europe, a new trend among freight locomotive manufacturers, is the last mile option. Not all sidings on electrified main lines are wired, as well as industrial spurs. A small diesel engine is added, but before this, some freight operators had to put a diesel locomotive in for shunting cars along the line.http://www.railcolor.net/index.....eiau3bn8a8
The Pennsylvania Railroad’s GG-1 was a great design, but for at last one assignment, Army-Navy game trains, a last mile option could have beevn great. The game special had to coast in, as the wire did not totally extend into the yard near the stadium.
SNCF, through it’s Keolis subsidiary, was bidding to operate commuter trains in the Boston area. Of course the Boston media is running stories about the connection to the wreck outside Paris. The competition is not any better. MBCR includes a company that was involved in the Chatsworth disaster. That accident led to the FRA Reg prohibiting cell phones in the cab, and the railroads do enforce it.
As I said earlier, in Australia, they are ordering magnifying glasses for polling stations. New South Wales had this problem with elections to their Legislative Council(state Senate), but they did some reforms. One was a minimum of nominees to qualify for above the line, and another was no group voting.
As for the election itself, Prime Minister Rudd, is being pushed to call an election earlier than proposed by his predecessor. It looked like the Liberals would win in a walk, and swing seat labor MPs were packing up their offices in Canberra. Now Labor is inching back in both the primary and two-party preferred votes.
LOL! Notice the klownservative jerk barking orders to spend..
Heh.. Must be on commission.. A klownservative is driven to a psychotic degree by greed!
Puddy sounding especially Nuddy today!
Tanks for Nutting!
Damn that Obamacare- cutting individual health insurance premiums!
Hey loser, ready to tell us how much shit you sucked out of Rmoney’s ass last year?
Isn’t that socialistic of Obama? Helping ordinary folks make ends meet instead of just attending to the whims of rich right wingers which is the sole priority of the republican assklowns in the krackpot kongress.
And I see that all racism is from white people on this site. Well I will tell you without a doubt there is racism in all nationalities. ERIC holder is on a frickin witch hunt, which will further escalate this tragedy. The jury has spoken, and despite all else, many people, black and white, Jimmie Carter included believe that is the case.
66. Yeh, while millions are losing their jobs as a result of this billion page toad.
@ 69, 70
Your mullet is showing.
@ 70
If you’re going to lie, at least try to sound credible. As it is, everyone is just rolling their eyes at you.
Lie, Do you people even read what companies are doing to avoid what Obamacare has delivered. They are cutting back hiring, cutting back hours, Doctors are selling their practices to hospitals and laying off all of their employees to avoid this toad. Get a clue.
Bankrupting America 101
List of Bankruptcy Filings Since January 2010
All Municipal Bankruptcy Filings: 36
City and Locality Bankruptcy Filings (8):
— City of Detroit
— City of San Bernardino, Calif.
— Town of Mammoth Lakes, Calf. (Dismissed)
— City of Stockton, Calif.
— Jefferson County, Ala.
— City of Harrisburg, Pa. (Dismissed)
— City of Central Falls, R.I.
Not to mention that the disabled Americans on Social Insecurity fund is near insolvency by 2016 because it has been exhausted by people who cannot find work.
Get a clue Liberals, 7 trillion in new debt in 4 years ain’t gonna cut it
The whole damn country is up to its eyeballs in debt.
Wood Chip export is up out of Southern ports. Last year, I saw an article last year on short-distance shuttle freight trains, including grain trains on the Eaatern Washington Gateway RR, that also mentioned an operation in Georgia that was a joint operation of a short line and CSX(which took it to Savannah). The cargo continues by ship to Europe, where whereot is blended with coal to generate power. The business is booming so much, that more companies are setting up shop, and other ports are looking into landing the business.
A little background on the process I mentioned@74.
Lawsuits are already being filed and amended in the Lac Megantic rail disaster. One thing that is being claimed, is the type of tank car being used, the DOT-111, was not intended to haul Bakken Crude. The description in the article, seems like it has one thing in common with the Exxon Valdez, it’s single-hull. The Association of American Railroads has enacted tougher rules, including double hulls, but those came into being in 2011.
Poor meme1… What a broken record. Can’t attack PuddyFacts so it attacks Puddy! Remember meme1 AKA HA’s moron#1 Romney was right… So how does that Obummer shit sandwich taste now?
Seems the Black American Leadership Alliance doesn’t like the shit sandwich Obummer is offering America! Butt then you’d wouldn’t know that reading all the left wrong sites you cruise each day!
So OWS Racist Fraggy@71 and HA’s useless unemployed ASSHole@68… If ObummerCare is so great why did Obummer himself delay the employer mandate until after the 2014 midterm elections…?
Why did the unions get special handling until 2017? And now the unions are realizing ObummerCare is gonna destroy them! You didn’t read this from a few days ago in your left wrong web sites being at home all day doing nuthin?
Keep cheering this disaster moronic HA libtards, especially these two identified turds OWS Racist Fraggy and HA’s useless unemployed ASSHole!
What is hilarious is this
Puddy wonders when the unions will wake up and realize DUMMOCRAPTS are not their friends anymore! And Puddy once lived in NYS… land of high income taxes; land of high gas taxes; land of high property taxes; land of high health care costs. So any reduction in NYS health care costs will bring it back to the average!
Puddy didn’t include special “K” in the above commentary. Why? Everyone “K”nows he’s special!
If herzog is alone in a thread and no one reads his moronic comments; is herzog still wrong?
Sux to be herzog!
Will this make the Friday Night Comix… Doubt it… From Page 777 of the Gang of 8 Amnesty bill…
Amazing… Puddy guesses that paragraph was slipped in by DUMMOCRAPT allies on K Street. It has to be. That’s the way DUMMOCRAPTS think. Just allow these 11 to 40 million illegal aliens to enter through amnesty and then make two illegal passports each to bring in others and they be kool. Now why would DUMMOCRAPTS insert that language in there? Maybe to allow their Al Qaeda buds in Latin America a chance to come in and create havoc in North America?
Everyone knows Roger DUMBASS SENILE and LUNATIC Wabbit loves DUMMOCRAPT crookedness!
This is Awesome!
O my how stupid is this klownservative krackpot.. It’s because (explaining patiently to a child) the bagger kooks in the krackpot kaukus in the House and the right wing idiots led by the abominable no-man in the senate are creating jobs left and right by voting nearly 40 times to repeal PPACA. The more they do this we should get to full employment sometime after a degenerate like Willard R-Money manages to steal a election.
If your beloved bagger krackpot kook klownservative politicians make the law of the land that is PPACA a political issue then 2 term president Obama has no choice but drilling it into their heads yet again through an election that PPACA is something the people want and need.
The little children bagger kooks are still processing that 2 term president Obama won his second term by running on higher taxes on the rich which they are now paying by the way – contributing to a shrinking deficit.
Good story about yet another Randroid jerk who has made a career in destroying American jobs:
His next stop for sure will be the krackpot kongress where he will try to outdo Ryan and the other kooks in jawb kweashun.
Carl thanks for posting that LBGT stuff….the world needs to wake up.
Boeing announced that it is laying off security workers not covered by a contract protecting them through 2015. Those workers being laid off are security workers located at the Auburn, Frederickson, and Renton facilities. Their positions will be outsourced.
Great. Nothing like having a flight line of airplanes loaded with JP1, guarded by low-wage security workers hired by a company that is the lowest bidder.
Interesting commentary from Railway Age on Detroit. The Detroit Department of Street Railways was a pretty impressive system, that was converted to buses in the Fifties. Se of the PCCs went to Newark, joining aome that New Jersey Public Service had purchased used from TwinCities Rapid Transit, the rest ended up in Mexico City. A couple now run in San Francisco. A private group is about to build a streetcar line on Woodward Avenue. The People Mover in Downtown is a smaller version of the SkyTrain, but it is only a loop in Downtown.
A little follow up to my post @87, the Detroit Department of Street Railways track map from 1941.
“Start Praying, M——— …”
Florida GOP Gov. Rick Scott met with protesters for about an hour, then told them he wouldn’t support repealing “Stand Your Ground,” and suggested they pray instead.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure people are figuring out that the way to repeal Florida’s license-to-kill-innocent-teenagers law is by voting out Republicans and voting in Democrats. The Right-to-Lifers want us all dead as soon as we’re born.
With their usual sensitivity, gun nuts plan to protest a remembrance for the Aurora shooting victims.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This event will be complete if Westboro Church shows up and Adolf Hitler flies in from Argentina.
With their usual sensitivity, gun nuts plan to protest a remembrance for the Aurora shooting victims.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This event will be complete if Westboro Church shows up and Adolf Hitler flies in from Argentina.
BULLSHIT… The DUMMOCRAPTS were afraid of getting their ASSes kicked in the 2014 erections useless unemployed ASSHole. Butt, how can Obummer arbitrarily delay a law from it’s implementation date? Unless he’s da fuehrer!
89)I don’t know if the Democrats have anybody they can run, but didn’t Former Governor Charlie Crist just join the Democratic Party?
@92 Afraid of who? You asswipes? We’re going to klean your klocks in ’14.
The Bulger Trial, since it is a Federal Case, it is closed to cameras, is not getting much press. It turns out it’s turning into a classic mob trial, with witnesses disappearing. James Bulger shouldn’t be underestimated, he once had a good portion of the Boston FBI office working for him. So when he first went on the run, the FBI was a little slow on the chase. He had other protection, for years his brother was the President of the Massachusetts Senate. Outside of South Boston, it would have been embarrassing for William Bulger if his brother had been arrested. The guy on trial, one of the first prisons he served time in, Alcatraz.
When the FBI cleaned up the Boston office, they renewed the effort to catch this guy, putting him at Number 2 on the Most Wanted list, and in 2011, became #1, and then the takedown. There is at least one former FBI agent serving time for being an associate of Bulger’s.
“We Don’t Pay Taxes, Only Little People Pay Taxes …”
Republicans love to moan and groan about corporate taxes. They’re too high, way too high, they whine. They’re stifling investment, hindering job creation, blah blah blah …
To which anyone who knows what’s really going on replies, “What taxes? Corporations don’t pay taxes.” Truth is, corporate taxes have fallen to the lowest percentage of federal revenues in 60 years.
The public isn’t dumb. People know big corporations are gaming the system. A few weeks ago, Apple CEO Tim Cook regaled the world with tales of how Apple’s intricate tax-avoidance schemes turned the company into a resident of Ireland for tax purposes. Or, rather, non-tax purposes, because (if I recall correctly) Apple pays an effective corporate income tax rate of slightly over 1%.
This article from The Economist, a business-friendly U.K.-based weekly news magazine, uses terms like “abuse” and “exploit” to describe corporate tax avoidance:
“As public ire has grown over the aggressive tax planning that allows many multinationals, from Starbucks to Google, to pay rates of income tax far below the statutory level, pressure has grown on policymakers to move beyond rhetoric.
“The Group of 20 countries … asked the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a rich-country think-tank, to draw up a roadmap for reforming the current patchwork of rules and tax treaties, which is so easily gamed by big business.
“The OECD unveiled its ‘Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting’ on July 19th. G20 ministers are expected to endorse it this weekend at a meeting in Moscow.
“If implemented, the 15 proposals in the document would change the face of cross-border taxation by making it much harder for companies to exploit loopholes. Some of the proposals are highly technical, but the overall goal is to curb practices that artificially separate taxable income from the economic activities that generate it.
“The plan seeks to tackle abuse of treaties that were originally designed to avoid double taxation but which can be used in combination to ensure double non-taxation. One target of the OECD is hybrid instruments that can be classified differently in different jurisdictions, thus enjoying multiple tax benefits. Another is the mispricing of intra-company transactions (transfer pricing), often involving intangible assets like intellectual property and royalties, in order to shift profits to tax havens.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We know what the conservative tax agenda is: Tax wages, and nothing else, so only workers will pay taxes so the rich can live tax-free lives. The question is, why would any wage earner vote for that? Workers who vote Republican are cutting their own economic throats.
Update from Lansing:
It was the same judge that was going to hear the request for an injunction yesterday. I thought that case was over.
90)I think that the Westboro guys are busy with a funeral to protest. Although the actor from Glee was Canadian, I doubt that they will be allowed in but they got their publicity.
Oops, Pennsylvania.
Tsk Tsk.
LINK Light Rail just celebrated it’s 4th anniversary. I have seen it come in handy on days when events happen at the stadium complex.
Any amazing job creating breathroughs discovered yesterday in krackpot klownservative Issa’s bullshit IRS “scandal” hearings?
Didn’t think so.
Opinion polling in the upcoming election in Australia.
When I said that it appeared that Labor under PM Gillard was a lost cause, to the point some MP’s were packing up their offices in Canberra, Labor’s Primary Vote was as low as 29%. The Two Party Preferred vote for the Liberal/National coalition was 57%, for Australia, that is a landslide. Since Gillard was ousted, Labor is back up to 50/50 on that important metric. The Liberals control the government in the populous state of New South Wales, but Federal Elections are overseen by the Australian Election Commission, and voting is compulsory, so no vote suppression.
The House passed a bill repealing George W. Bush’s “No Child Left Behind”. They said that the federal government shouldn’t interfere with local school boards.
Because, of course, it has worked so well in Texas and Mississipi.
A Wisconsin jury decided a white vigilante was sane, and knew what he was doing, when he killed a 13-year-old black neighbor boy in revenge for a burglary the kid apparently didn’t commit. Police didn’t find the killer’s missing guns when they searched the victim’s home.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A couple years ago, GOP legislators in Wisconsin tried to pass a law that would allow anyone to buy guns without a background check and carry concealed guns anywhere, including schools and daycares, without a permit. They want a “stand your ground” law, which is little more than a get-out-of-jail-free card for crazy yahoos who take the law into their own hands, in their state too. Why does anyone vote for these asswipes?
Wisconsin: Sane killers, insane voters.
Interesting concept for reforming state legislative races by adopting a more proportional system. Districts Plus is a hybrid of the German Mixed Member Proportional system, but instead of awarding the top-up seats via closed party lists, it would award them from accountability districts, comprised of 4 house districts each. I would prefer using open lists, so both the parties and the voters each think they have control. Before the Germans went to a separate ballot for the top-up seats, they used this method. Although the seats were awarded based on the best-near winner, this proposal would use the primary to pick accountability seat nominees.(They would not show up on the ballot)
104)I am sure that the right will say that the missing guns not being found in the search a technicality. They were expecting another acquittal.
Uh-oh, a scandal brewing in Wisconsin?
“One of Wisconsin’s largest real estate developers wrote to Gov. Scott Walker to express his interest in buying several prominent state office buildings at the same time the Legislature was considering doing away with competitive bidding for such sales, according to newly released records.
“Terrence Wall offered his cellphone number in the letter, urging that the ‘appropriate person’ call him to discuss possible deals for properties … Wall also offered his support for the change in the bidding process, an idea that originated with Walker.
“Wall sent the letter on June 10. The Republican-controlled Legislature agreed 11 days later to allow no-bid sales of state properties over the objection of Democrats, who argued that it opened the door for political cronies to be cut special deals.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know how these “deals” work: Republican pols sell public property to their cronies for dirt cheap in a closed-bidding process in which no one else can submit offers, then the new owner of the formerly public property rents it back to the government at above-market rental rates. It’s nothing but a transparent scheme to steal from taxpayers. You’ve got to wonder about the sanity of the Wisconsin voters who elected these people. Oh well, it’s their problem; I’m glad I don’t live there.
Anyone have any trouble understanding why we don’t elect Republicans here in Washington?
Fairvote also has a good reform for Top Two that they call Top Four, which they combine with Ranked Choice Voting. It was suggested for California, but worth a try here.
108)I thought it was that they have gone to the right of Dan Evans.
yes, but Silly Puddy make me laugh! Keep nutting!
111)Just about every post of his lately has juat about every sentence riddled with insults.
In Arkansas, a Federal Judge has recused himself from a case involving a challenge to Arkansas’s ban on same-sex marriages. He had once made comments about wives being submissive. His recusal looks voluntary. My main problem is that the next judge available, was an Obama appointee. The recused judge, a Bush Appointee.
One of my favorite railroad journalists has weighed in on Lac Megantic again. Sort of defending the CEO, but also said he could do better. Referenced an Amtrak wreck, on BNSF rails, in 1997, where the CEO left Fort Worth and headed to the wreck site. The Amtrak CEO did not. If the Amtrak CEO was Tom Downs, I believe that he might have been on his way to being fired at the time. Labor troubles.
@ 112. EvergreenRailfan spews:
111)Just about every post of his lately has just about every sentence riddled with
116)Thanks, I also misspelled just.
Last week there was another derailment on the same day as the major passenger accident in France. Sabotage is being suspected in that one, in which a locomotive derailed. No connection between the two has been found, yet.