– RIP Kip Tokuda
– “I’m appalled that Alaska Airlines is trying to stop SeaTac citizens from being able to vote on the good jobs initiative. What are they afraid of? Why don’t they want to share the success of the company with me and my community?” asked Chris Smith, a SeaTac resident and worker at Sea-Tac Airport. See also, Goldy.
– It is strange that the city cut down the cycle tracks that activists put up and then put up its own. But whatever, it looks nice, and I’m glad they responded to activist’s concerns.
I thought SeaTac was run by the Port of Seattle… why would the city it is in have the right to set wages there? Can Seattle citizens vote to raise wages at, say, the King County Courthouse? Or Metro’s bus barns? Or the FBI office ;)? This will be an interesting, precedent setting case.
That said, the State needs to raise the minimum wage across the board.
So much for the Scotty Brown revolution…
Double post, see below.
2)Now, a special election in the House to replace Markey, and if somebody on Beacon Hill(site of the Massachusetts State House), runs and wins, will probably see another special election after that. The reason that the GOP wanted Kerry as Secretary of State, was to use the special election to get Brown back in, and he declined to run. They did not have enough of a bench as a backup.
Nice to see that when Wal-Mart shows up in town these days the welcoming committees arrive with picket signs and lawsuits.
This is inherited money malfunctioning.
“A media company heir raised in what his lawyer called a wealthy but dysfunctional family must serve nine years in prison for allegedly stealing $3.6 million from his mother and disabled uncle.
Federal prosecutors in Philadelphia said Michael Scripps spent the money on cars, jewelry and women, including strippers and porn stars.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Is it possible the rich pay too little taxes for their own good? Especially when they spend it on stuff like this. … And this —
@5 You could cut food stamp spending in half by making Wal-Mart pay $10 an hour.
Thankfully this was not in Florida, or the young men who rescued a kidnap victim might have been killed by a would-be vigilante. The teens saved the girls life.
6) A different media heir family feud sounded like it would be fit for the front page of the National Enquirer. Except that it was the family that started said paper, although they sold it years ago.
@9 Amazing what a big pile of money does to people’s perspectives. You humans are fucked up. If a rabbit has wet grass to munch on and a comfy burrow where there aren’t too many dogs, snakes, or hawks that’s all he needs. I play the stock market strictly for fun. I’ve never spent a penny of my stock market winnings, and I never will. Except I may buy Goldy a sandwich and beer next time I see him at DL. As a hardworking and underpaid journalist, he deserves it, especially after the abuse he took from that Republican guy, I forget his name, who thought he could run for governor by locking the press out of his campaign appearances. (That was downright weird!) Goldy, Joel Connelly, and their fellow scribes are helping keep America free of such scum.
In Ohio, Governor Kasich is no fan of passenger rail, cancelling the 3-C Corridor, and even tried to force Cincinnati to abandon their streetcar efforts. The latter, the construction contract is being awarded. He supposedly says Ohioans don’t ride them All Aboard Ohio shared this photo of people waiting to board the Lake Shore Limited at Cleveland Lakefront Station. It is one of two daily trains that serve the city, the Lake Shore is from NYC/Boston, and the Capitol Limited out of Washington DC. The 3-C would have connected North and South in Ohio, and the state capitol in Columbus.
Looks like Mexico could be jumping ahead of the US on High Speed Rail. They got a lot to overcome, including a bad reputation that Nacionales de Mexico built up in it’s final decade of operating passenger trains.
With regard to the first news item cited–as we get closer to retirement (and I’m fortunate enough to have survived in the same gig long enough to be accruing more annual vacation), the missus and I will be doing an increasing amount of our travel by train anyway, but methinks this will serve to motivate us further in that direction.
Anyone else noticed that while our attention’s been focused on the Zimmerman trial, immigration reform, the antics of the House Republicans (and of course, the media’s continuous barrage of celebrity gossip) a gallon of regular dead dinosaur juice is at four bux and rising?