– The distinction between the nuns on a bus and the bishops making demands is quite telling.
– The wingnuts sure know their history.
– Men aren’t going extinct.
– The City of Seattle is supporting a court challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
58% of Americans believe the rich deserve their wealth:
This may be because so many of us still believe we have a chance to share in some of that.
It might also limit any gain Obama might hope to achieve by demonizing Romney for his wealth.
At least Obama’s got his record to run on.
Oh, wait…….
While Obama spends the summer highlighting Romney’s wealth, it’s instructive to look at his receptive audience.
And a majority of those probably have Obama/Biden 2008 bumper stickers still on their sedans.
It might get news, but we’ve heard from several sources how Obama’s spent lotsa millions since May and he hasn’t moved the needle.
People want results. They don’t really care if the guy achieving it for them drives one or six Cadillacs.
@1 I don’t know if anyone is deamonizing Robney for his wealth. I think him not releasing his tax returns and now information that he was the head of Bain Capital beyond the time he said he was is more of an issue with honesty. What is he hiding? Who cares how much money he has. More of a question about his honesty and integrity. The guy lies through his teeth, ass and is a bullshit artist.
Romney the fake and phoney. That’s what America needs, a fake for a leader.
@ 3
I don’t know if anyone is deamonizing Robney for his wealth.
I think anyone who spells his name Rmoney or R-money is doing just that. Think about it. Since you chose to spell his name with a ‘b’, likely intentionally, you probably have played the money game with his name yourself.
As far as who cares about how much money he has, see @2.
You’re in your own, warped little world, aren’t you, Gman?
“I think anyone who spells his name Rmoney or R-money is doing just that.”
Horseshit. Again. The focus is on how Romney achieved his wealth, as in outsourcing American jobs to China while investing in Chinese companies which made money off of that outsourcing.
It’s not about “wealth”. That’s just your spin.
@5 – you lower yourself when you attack me. 20% care, 80% do not – why is this an issue for you? You are a little warped. His lies are what I care about, and I feel he’s lying to me every time he opens his mouth. And as far as Obama spelling his name Rmoney, I wasn’t aware of that ever happening. Nobody cares about the extremely wealthy for what they have, the majority of people just feel that they should share more of the burden of taxes because they can do it so, so effortlessly. I know the poor job creators. Well they haven’t produce any jobs over the last 4 years, only the Stimulus did.
And if you are bothered by me spelling his name incorrectly, then you have a thin skin. Think of all the disrespect the President has been given, nowhere near as close to calling someone Rmoney.
For a guy that just last night was taking much delight in watching Jesse Jackson Jr’s life fall apart, you sure have thin skin.
Think of all the disrespect the President has been given
Yeah, that never happened when GWB43 was in the White House.
And if you are bothered by me spelling his name incorrectly, then you have a thin skin
Not bothered at all. I wonder why Obama deserves respect that you seem to think Romney does not, since at this point they are both candidates for the position of president NEXT term, but whatever. And as far as thin skin, I think you demonstrated to one and all just yesterday how thin yours is, Gboy.
re 9: I’ll drink to that.
@ 9
There seems to be a misperception here that I take digs at Romney personally. Not at all.
I simply replied to @3 that he was contradicting himself by saying he didn’t know Romney was deamonized (sic) for his wealth in the same sentence in which he distorted Romney’s name. The distortions occur all the time. Of COURSE it’s about wealth, and about how you like to think he acquired it.
Call him whatever you want. You can even call him racist for telling it straight to the NAACP (that’s one of today’s
Dem talking points). I don’t care. Those on my side have heard the racism charge for four years now. Difference is, this time it won’t affect the campaign’s approach to defeating Obama.
@10 – I’m sure GWB was disrespected by some, but not as much and as widely as Obama is being disrespected. I think the left was able to disagree with GWB without stooping to the level the Republican party seems to be at this time. Facts are facts.
re 10: Give me five verifiable reasons that Baby Bush deserves the same respect as Barack Obama.
You can’t. The disrespect we showed W was deserved.
However, I do remember one instance where I definitely admired Bush; and that was the incredible dexterity he displayed when dodging the shoe thrown at him by the Iraqi journalist.
@12 if you are a racist year after year continually you then get the repuation of being a racist for all that time, so its been four years. Congratulations, you’ve been a racist for four years. And I love how Republicans like to exagerate the duration, they’ve been saying 4 years since the beginning of the the third term…..no, it’s not until after the end of the third term that it’s been four years.
@10 – I’m sure GWB was disrespected by some, but not as much and as widely as Obama is being disrespected. I think the left was able to disagree with GWB without stooping to the level the Republican party seems to be at this time. Facts are facts.
No, partisan perceptions are partisan perceptions. Jesus H., were you comatose between 2003 and 2008?
General news: Aviation Week is reporting on comments from the CEO of Airbus, saying that one of the reasons for Airbus building a new A320 plan in Mobile, Alabama is to be closer to it’s suppliers. Airbus claims that 40% of it’s suppliers are in the U.S.
I’m not sure if he’s referring to the G.E./CFM engines. The current A320 engines aren’t produced at the G.E./CFM facilities near Cincinnati, they are produced at a sub-factory in Europe (in order to be closer to the final assembly point). Shipping engines overseas is very expensive: they are oversize, heavy, and special care needs to be taken in ocean shipping to protect them from exposure to salt spray. This may be a sign that future G.E./CFM engines will be built in the U.S., as are the majority of G.E. engines used on Boeing airplanes and the larger Airbus aircraft. Engines, by themselves constitute 33% to 40% of the total cost of an aircraft, and the customer usually selects from two or three engine options (G.E., Rolls-Royce, or Pratt & Whitney) and pays for them seperately.
Other considerations also come into play for the Mobile site. Airbus is pretty much admitting that the commercial site is the “camel’s nose in the door” so it can vie for defense work using U.S. workers and a U.S. assembly plant. The method of paying for airplanes also comes into play – payments for new commercial airplanes are always in terms of U.S. dollars, but Airbus’ assembly costs are in terms of Euros. Sometimes this currency discrepency can take a large chunck out of Airbus profits by the time of delivery. If more of it’s costs are in terms of U.S. dollars, this risk becomes smaller.
In general, both Airbus and Boeing are seeking to push their supplier base to increase their capacities to meet a ramp-up in demand. Remember that quite a few of these suppliers work for both manufacturers, so the pressure is multiplied. The suppliers are pushing back – they know if the economic situation deteriorates, or if Boeign and Airbus estimates are unduly optimistic, then it will be the supplier base that will first feel the crunch. But in the meantime that means that there will be lots of jobs available for trained machinists and aerospace technitions.
In other news, the battle among the manufacturers of regional aircraft (100 seats or less) is still much in flux. China’s C919 appears to be dead in the water for now after some three years after initial roll-out from the factory. Canada’s Bombardier C-series is fighting for orders to justify that major new program. Embraer is chugging along. The Sukui SuperJet seems to be on hold for some reason. But Japan’s Mitsubishi MRJ has new life. ANA – the launch customer of the Boeing 787 – had the only order at 25, but now a smaller U.S. carrier, Skywest, has ordered another 50. The Mitsubishi MRJ has lots of partners – Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is the main assembler, but it has Pratt & Whitney engines and Boeing has agreed to provide logistics and warranty and maintenance service worldwide for the airplanes.
@10 – name one thing that you think the right was disrespectful of Obama. You will not. All you care about is your whinny little ass and Romney or Monkey Bush. Yes Monkey.
@ 15
2008 campaign – 2012 campaign = 4 years. Believe me, the allegations of racism for any criticism of Obama, regardless of the merits, began well before the election and his inauguration. Hell, Bill Clinton caught it before Obama had the nomination sewn up.
@ 18
Best example I can come up with is Joe Wilson’s outburst.
This is the last test from you I’ll be taking, wimp.
@16 show me the article that is comparible to the Montana State GOP Convention, where they had and out house for Obama Presidential Library. Show me something simiiar to where they had a fourth of July Parade in Georgia, I think, where they mocked the President. Sure you have the loose cannon that may do something like that, but to have it at the GOP state convention and not one official to appologize for it. That is shameful. Show me the equivalency.
@19, there is a difference between 1/1/2012 and 12/29/12, but you seem to overlook reality, call it 4 years when in fact it hasn’t been 4 years yet. Republicans were saying 4 years from the start of the new year or before.
How much debt did GWB leave this Country? Is that a disrespectful question? How much of his policies carry over to beyond 2008 that continue to contribute to the deficit and debt. Go back to Bed, you loser.
Gleeman, you really are an odd duck, aren’t you.
Damn…how the hell do some people function in the world?
“…nuns on a bus and the bishops making demands…”
The Catholic Church is an anachronism that desperately needs to leave the Middle Ages and join the wrold in the 21st Century. Anyone who believes in Catholicism as presented by the all-male Catholic clergy is deluding him/herself. Here’s a hint, Cathoics: You ain’t gettin’ to Heaven by following those jive-ass pedophile drunks! Think for yourself and establish you own relationship to spirituality.
@1 Ask an inane question, and expect an irrelevant answer. If you ask me whether the rich deserve their wealth, I’ll probably say yes, but behind that I’m thinking I really don’t give a rat’s ass. Ask me instead if I think the rich deserve my wealth, and I’ll respond with a very clear and heartfelt “FUCK, NO!!!!!”
The bishops need to come to grips with the fact that they just don’t make thumbscrews like they used to.
Speaking of history:
As a lifelong student of history, I get greatly annoyed at the resurgence in the use of “history” to justify current political beliefs. In the first place, what does that have to do with anything? Shouldn’t we start from “now”, and go forward, instead of constantly trying to re-trace our steps?
But secondly, “history” has been greatly abused and distorted. In short, the process starts with a decision on what the speaker/writer wants society to look like now, and then searching backwards for any quotes from previous leaders which might support that view.
This “cherry picking” of snippets from history is invariably bad history – it takes quotes from another society with different problems and aspirations, and frequently quotes them out of context. It ignores the disparity of viewpoints among leaders within the same era. Hence those who proclaim that the U.S. was founded as a “Christian Nation”, by excerpting quotes from the Mayflower Puritans leadership, ignore the rather agnostic calvinists who settled Virginia, or the disenchanted “founding fathers” like Franklin who didn’t think much of organized religion, generally.
A real historian studies the entire historical data, preferably from as close to the original sources as possible, and taking into account all of the context in which it was recorded, and then forms conclusions – not the other way around.
re 16: I don’t think that Hitler moustaches are appropriate on GWB or Obama.
Are we in agreement on that?
The bone through the nose on Obama appeared racist to me — although there were pictures circulated of Bush with a bone through his nose.
The Bush with a bone through his nose pictures were a little mystifying to me because they didn’t make much sense.
A picture of a black man with a bone through his nose is just as racist as those old Looney Tunes cartoons with the bone through their nose cannibals roasting a white man in a big pot.
You can hurt someone with a racist image or comment even if you did not mean it in a serious way.
That’s all folks.
As for whether the rich desearve wealth:
On facebook, there is a post being circulated that says “I don’t care how Romney spends his money. I do care how Obama spends MY money”.
Of course, that’s just plain silly, as it ignores the real issues. But what else would we expect of Republican spinmasters these days?
Generally, I don’t care how Romney spends his money. He can go blow it all in Vegas. The real issues are (a) is it really his money, or is he spending part of a windfall due to avoiding taxes and favorable tax treatment of the rich; and (b) did he get the money by business tactics which hurt the American workers and the American economy.
If Romney made his money by hurting the common wealth of America generally (i.e., out-sourcing tactics), then how can we trust him to suddenly have our interests in his hear once he is elected? Has the leapard changed it’s spots? Shouldn’t we look for leaders who, when approached with such a scheme, would say “no, I won’t participate in such an evil scheme. If you must proceed, do so without my assistance or approval”. Instead, we get leaders, particularly Republican candidates of recent memory, who argue that it wasn’t “techincally” illegal, so we shouldn’t even bring it up (Mike McGavick, Newt Gingrich, and now Romney).
You worry too much about being politically correct. Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE!) is racist in one way or another. It’s part of our tribal, hunter-gatherer cultures.
Sounds like yet another good reason for a simle, flat-rate income tax.
@23 – it’s only natural for the strongest to be attacked. Instead of making your case all you can do is attack me, because you have no other point.
re 30: “It’s part of our tribal, hunter-gatherer cultures.”
So, you are an anthropologist as well as being incorrect about politics?
I never worried much about racism until I was 50 and began to understand in a visceral way the damage, hurt, and separation it creates between people. Of course people can joke, but you have to be careful.
You don’t want to give a person of any particular color (who has a propensity to violence) an excuse to act out on that anger with some inadvertant racial comment — or, on the obverse, hurt the feelings of a friend (Native American, Jewish, Mexican, Black, White — you name it, I’ve offended them all) with something you considered humorous.
I’m not really that old, but I have reached a more reflective stage of life and I now regret some of the things I’ve said that would have been better left unsaid.
# 31: “Sounds like yet another good reason for a simle, flat-rate income tax.
My post said nothing about tax rates or the morality of high vs. low incomes. I just pointed out that my first concern is how that money was made, and whether the wealthy were being subsidized by other taxpayers through favorable treatment (loopholes, exemptions, and lowest tax rates) in the tax code. After that, we can talk about the appropriate rate which is to be applied to taxable income.
So what difference does it make that Jimmie Walker is no fan of Obama? Is it because he is a black man that makes the story more important?
re 35: “What you talkin’ ’bout, Jimmie?”, the tiny man asked with furrowed brow.
Hey, at least this one didn’t end up as a divorce decree.
I wonder if this guy feels like a real man now.
attack you? LOL, look girlyman, if I was going to attack you, you would damn for sure know it.
a little bug like you isnt worth attacking….but mocking certainly is called for.
LMFAO @ “strongest”
you are far from the “strongest”, girlyman
but you could very well be the “thwongethst”
Drudge says Condi Rice is the frontrunner for VP:
Wasn’t someone around here just yesterday mentioning Dr. Rice?
Why, yes, someone was:
If Romney picked Rice, what would happen to:
The AA vote?
The PUMA vote?
The female electorate vote?
Could she deliver a state? Which one?
I really thought it would be Portman.
For anyone worried about anything, consider worrying about running out of water. Maybe Mittens and the rest of the millioinaires can do something worth while and use their financial resources to make sure we have water.
But hey let’s all complain about Obamacare instead.
@ 43
Fortunately, the largest planting in 75 years was reported only two weeks ago:
Washington, June 29, 2012 – U.S. farmers planted 96.4 million acres of corn, up 5 percent from last year, making it the highest corn acreage in the last 75 years, according to the Acreage report released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). This marks the fourth year in a row of increases in corn acreage in the United States.
I suppose that means that if some crops are lost due to limited water supply, we’ll still be OK since so much was planted to begin with.
You know, there are desalination plants that can be used to remove the salt from our rising oceans, so that we can still have water inland. Maybe we could take down some of the solar panel farms and replace them with desalination plants, whaddya think, Gboy?
Glib, and typically misguided.
Gman posted about the nation-wide drought, and you comment on corn production. Slick, but not germane. Is that the canned response on drought concerns that the wingnut mothership instructed you to post?
Do you always have USDA links at your fingertips? Is that part of your daily morning reading, along with the SacBee and the Indianapolis Star?
Looking at the ‘corn belt‘, and the drought map – you will see that they do not intersect much at all. Therefore you post about corn production is irrelevant, but serves only to give you a platform to dismiss legitimate concerns about drought, and the larger issues of global warming – and that’s the point, isn’t it? Not conversation and education and debate, but relentless attempts at message control?
Add to that the blithe, smarmy dig at solar power. Idiotic on its face – the proposal to eliminate power generation and replace with something that sucks vast amounts of power. Idiotic, but typically ‘conservative’.
Darryl seems to think you have potential to be an honest conservative voice around here – I have my doubts – you seem nothing but a hack.
At what cost to the consumer or the taxpayer? Desalination doesn’t come without drawbacks. You think you can do better than Mother Nature?
@ 45
Actually, Gman put in a dig against Romney and other wealthy people, and then suggested that we’re being distracted by Obamacare fallout.
Were he serious he would address his concerns to the guy actually IN office, as if Obama has the power to put up an umbrella over the lower half of the country or something. We all can use less water if we try. I’m not sure how else one deals with a drought. Winter’s not far off. I don’t fault Obama for the drought – why does Gman have to implicitly criticize Romney in a drought-related post?
Were he serious he would be assailing the Bain thing as a distraction when he wants us to focus on water scarcity.
Gman puts up a link and two comments composed of snark, and it’s ME you’re calling out because I don’t take him seriously?
And, to answer your question, yes, I do look at corn futures and stuff like that. I own Conagra, McDonald’s,, and have owned Tyson (among other companies sensitive to crop price changes), and knowing where the raw materials and feed prices are tells me what might happen to profits down the line. I don’t day-trade but I am close enough to retirement that I can’t afford to relive the investment mistakes I made in 2006-2008.
You’ll notice I referred to MY mistakes. I chose to overweight where I did. I accept responsibility for what happened to me because of it.
@ 46
You think you can do better than Mother Nature?
Since you brought it up, why did you suggest that Romney and other wealthy people could deal with the drought if Mother Nature wants a drought to occur?
You understand the idiocy of your perspective, yet, Gboy?
@45 – call me a simpleton, my comment stands, the point being made, although not spelled out, is exactly what Lib Scientist picked up on, but you seem to read into to much. The point being made was with respect to global warming. I don’t think waiting till winter is going to solve anything like you think. I refered to Mittens and millionaires because they seem to be doing everything in their powers to deal with politics of OBamacare, but yet don’t care about dwindling water sources.
You like to be long winded, I like to be short and concise as possible. Call it snark.
I hope Lib Scientist takes you more serious in the future, you seem to have an inferiority complex and need his attention.
@ 49
Gee. I thought the point being made was that it’s been hot in some areas recently and that water might be in short supply for awhile.
I think you were a little too short and concise, Gman.
@50 – I don’t know what to say. Lib Scientist go it. I assumed you would be bright enough to correlate between a drought and climate change, and even though I didn’t state it, but being opposed to the idea of wasting water for things such as fracking. Call me an enviornmentalist – but I just want water to drink, clean and cheap water. That concerns me more than being worried about a shortage of doctors due to Obamacare, as the right is concerned with. But let’s all deny that Global Wamring exits with the help of mankind attributing to it, bury our head in sand, because thats all we have left is sand (no water).
@ 51
I’m bright enough to think globally, Gman.
Antarctic sea ice is increasing over the same period in which Arctic sea ice is decreasing. All we’ve got is the satellite data if we want apples-to-apples and satellite data only goes back to 1979.
But over those 30+ years, average Antarctic sea ice has grown a little (1% per decade):
Yes, it’s hot. Here. It’s cool enough elsewhere. The world survived the Medieval Warming Period. We’ll survive the summer.
If it makes you feel better, I’m caretaker of 2800 baby trees my wife and I had planted in 2008. They’re finally growing above the weeds. It’s a joy to behold. In another 10 years, no weeds because there won’t be enough understory sunlight to sustain them.
@52 – I applaud you for your effort with planting the trees. Not to bore you more, but I think this Country has many more pressing issues that we aren’t dealing with because we are wasting our time with all the rhetoric and that the rhetoric gets in the way of solving anything. Sometimes solving our problems takes a combined effort from both sides, and when we have Republicans that don’t want to negotiate or comprimise, or only agree to disgree, or not have the courage to fix a problem because sometimes it costs money that they don’t want to spend or regulate, that seems to be a problem.
Nothing political here, just a fun little clip.
@ 54
Funny. Which reminds me:
Back when we had the assault weapons ban on the books, it didn’t cover these and people just put their guns together out of parts kits.
I can’t believe our righties aren’t all up in arms about the UN taking our guns away. They must not have gotten the memo, but it’s all over the rest of the righty stuff like here:
And here:
To their credit, the first guys do make the point that the UN treaty is really aimed at 3rd world despots, so why should we be part. But, they leave out that we’re one of the major exporters to those 3rd world despots*.
I could probably hangout and have a good time with the screwballs in the first vid.
*Often time’s it’s stuff we’ve sold to “approved” non-despotic countries that turn around and sell their stuff to non-approved despots. In a better system, we’d lease out the gear and get it back when other countries didn’t want/need it any more.