– Good luck to all the STP riders this weekend. It might be a scorcher.
– Yay for more bus lanes, and yes more needs to be done.
– Some details on Governor Inslee’s clean water plan
– Women in the Workplace: Mobile Electrical Distributors
– Apple is a private corporation and, I guess they can chose to let you inscribe whatever they want on your phone. But this is stoopid.
Perhaps those who’ve been expounding on the notion that our Creator hasn’t had anything of significance to tell us since the ink dried on the Book of Revelation ought to be talking less and listening more.
A Texas family of 7 was all but wiped out last night because the wife refused to tell her angry ex-brother-in-law where her sister was. The sole survivor, a 15 year old girl, is clinging to life in “extremely critical condition” after being shot in the head execution-style by her ex-uncle-by-marriage.
IMO, this guy should not have had a gun. IMO, guns are too easy to get. IMO, the gun lobby and its supporters are a bunch of jerks who don’t care about innocent human lives, and will never get reasonable about gun control no matter how bad the carnage gets.
Too bad we can’t sue them for political malfeasance. Maybe what we really need is a way to hold people legally liable for how they vote. Voting Republican should be a tort. Heh, just kidding, that’s an Ann Coulter joke — like locking up liberals in concentration camps.
Oh, and btw, I think the death penalty is appropriate and fair for this shooter.
What massive, unchecked overdevelopment and unregulated Capitalism has done for Texas.
Hows that working out for you, Mr. Perry? Oh, thats right, you aren’t running again, and you’ll get your payoff the day after you leave office. 20 shekles is peanuts compared to what you cost. No wonder you’re moving to La Jolla.
@3 a friend and coworker of mine is moving to Texas, I wished him best of luck, but what I really wanted to tell him is good fucking luck.
Angry people shouldn’t have guns.
I’m sure the American Taliban would use these tactics.
The Asshole Effect.
But we knew this already.
@7 What the assholes responsible for the Asshole Effect overlook is this: “Leaning comes to all of us.” As in: “The whole idea of ‘leaners’ and ‘lifters’ is the central teaching of the right wing ideologue, Ayn Rand, who penned books like The Virtue of Selfishness. It’s a self-serving crock. Rand found out the hard way. After a lifetime proselytising on behalf of the ‘producers’ and denouncing anyone needing government assistance as ‘parasites,’ when Rand became old and sick, she discovered that even a bestselling author could not afford health care in the neoliberal US. She availed herself of Medicare and ended her life on what she had despised – social security. Maybe Joe Hockey will learn in old age that leaning comes to all of us.”
For many people wealth is transitory. There’s an awful lot of turnover in the 1%. Luck can change. For example, the Great Recession threw hundreds of thousands of former high flyers in the financial industry out of work. Permanently. The economy is constantly evolving and economic change hits the wealthy along with the working class and poor. So, if you’re an Asshole, you’d better enjoy it while it lasts, because the odds are you won’t have it forever.
More and more, American corporations are moving overseas to avoid paying U.S. taxes. See, e.g.,
Which raises interesting questions: Do foreign companies have First Amendment free speech rights? Do we really want to let foreign companies, some of whom care about American interests about as much as Kim Il Jung does, buy U.S. elections and influence U.S. politicians?
In other words, if you don’t want to be an American citizen and don’t want to pay U.S. taxes, why should you be permitted to participate in our political process?
“We’re going to have to start shooting people, if we aren’t going to continue to be allowed to shoot people.”
Kim Jong-Il doesn’t care about much of anything these days. He’s been dead awhile now.
Man slaughters triceratops, then kills BIG shark. Are aliens next?
@11 That was my point, idiot.
Well looky here! Uncle Sam ran a SURPLUS last month!
“The Treasury Department said Friday that its June surplus totaled $71 billion …. The government also ran a surplus in June 2013, bolstered by dividends from Fannie Mae …. For the first nine months of this budget year, the deficit totals $366 billion, down 28 percent from the same period in 2013. Tax receipts are up 8 percent compared to the prior year-to-date, while spending has increased 1 percent.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What’s clear from this is (1) President Obama is not the big spender Republicans claim he is, (2) nor is he bringing down deficits by taxing people to death, and (3) the government is making oodles of money from an agency Republicans want to kill.
Most of the increase in tax receipts is due to an improving economy, of course. But you’ll never get Republicans to admit that the economy is getting better under Obama’s policies, much less that Obama’s policies saved us from another Great Depression brought on by moronic Republican economic policies.
Nope, all you’ll get from them is denial, denial, denial — and demands for policies that will make the rich even richer and make things worse for average Americans. And, of course, they positively loathe the poor.
Aren’t the richest in Congress DUMMOCRETINS? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....62088.html
OOOOOOOOOooooooooh yeah they are ASSholes!
288,000 jobs created last month. Per BLS claimed 275,000 of them were partial employment jobs! Puddy already delivered worser the ink last week.
YESSSSSSSSSSSS, that Obummer economy. Lowest labor participation rate since WWII. Oh year Obummer worst preznit since WWII!
Big time Obummer jockstraps: Google, Facebook, Apple, GE, etc. etc. etc. with $Billions overseas.
Never seen OWS Racist Fraggy EVER condemn them for their Obummer jockstrapping. Now why is that? Forked-tongue maybe?
@ 14
Hard to know what you’re crowing about. The surplus typically occurs in January, April, June, September, when the ES-1040 payments roll in. Will you be telling us about the July deficit we ran when it’s early August?
Yes, there’s been some economic improvement. There also was a pretty big tax increase beginning 2013, and the country is benefitting from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae premiums, which are a nice payoff from the takeover of those entities that occurred before Obama assumed office.
IOW……… Yawn.
So that’s what happened to you! No wonder you implement Psych 101 Projections!
Well, Obummer has to blame someone… http://lubbockonline.com/inter.....al-cooling
And the co-founder of Greenpeace… http://www.climatedepot.com/20.....te-claims/
Many of Obummer’s “pronouncements are hollow statements with no content.
Butt wait… HA DUMMOCRETINS scream globull warming, globull warming while their two time erected loser of a preznit is claiming globull cooling. HA DUMMOCRETINS, wrong on their preznit and wrong again on climate change you can believe in!
i.e. Mr. ASSHOLE..
Here’s a more rational view:
Yes, this from a scientist who took 150 large from the Koch bros, a scientist whose findings that other raging ASSHOLE Anthony Watts said would accept even if it contradicted his beliefs..
Heh. Like that will ever happen.
A little good news for everyone:
Imagine a world that leaves the filthy fossil fuels in the ground.
Unfortunately technology like this can only make our trolls very, very, sad. It means no more smokestacks billowing waste in the air, warming the climate and spreading asthma, cancers and mercury poisoning.. That’s good for whatever freaking ASSHOLE sort of business the trolls are in.
More good news from Australia:
Again our trolls are sad. They love breathing in filth and the world that filth creates.
@ 23
The article is bullshit. Without massive taxpayer-funded subsidies it will be a very long time and it will require substantially more technological gains before solar results in more than a small decrease in fossil fuel consumption. Plenty of opportunity for graft along the way, however. That’s one reason it’s popular with the upper-crust liberals – check out some of the disastrous government investments in projects that didn’t pay off, except to those who owned the companies.
This not-so-sad troll has solar. Two vehicles with batteries to go with it.
Solar is nice to have – it gives me something to marvel at when I look at the production screen. I’ve produced 3400 kWh in the past 12 months so I’ve saved around $300 over that period in electric bill costs, and the state’s special pool of funds (which you paid into, YLB) will give me around $1800. This handout will repeat itself six more times until 2020. My investment will be completely paid off in less than four more years, so it’s been great for me. Problem is, it’s something that most people can’t afford to have, and yet everyone is still required to pay in to the fund that provides the subsidy to me. It’s an incredibly regressive manner of subsidizing renewable energy resources – it pays the wrong people. It’s too early to be asking Inslee about whether he’ll extend it when the program expires in 2020, or where the money will come from.
So go ahead and cheer-lead, YLB. That article is as credible as the ones claiming ice-free summers in the Arctic by 2015, or NYC under water by the end of the century.
Oh. Don’t forget to pay your energy bill this month. I’m counting on that money to pay me back for my solar investment, after all.
Just like the clueless crazed cretin! Well the clueless crazed cretin is full of bullshit! Read and weep ya moronic twit clueless crazed cretin… http://www.ijreview.com/2014/04/128985-33-stories/
Strange… The clueless crazed cretin goes back to some useless 2013 article. Puddy offers 2014. That’s why Puddy claimed long ago the clueless crazed cretin is chronologically challenged. the clueless crazed cretin had absolutely nuthin to say about Greenpeace Founder. Why not clueless crazed cretin? Selective attacks always from the clueless crazed cretin!
Butt wait… there is more… Fudged data from NOAA and it looks like they keep two books. Must have learned it from Enron or WorldCom… hmmm…? http://wattsupwiththat.com/201.....nth-again/
“Without massive taxpayer-funded subsidies it will be a very long time and it will require substantially more technological gains before solar results in more than a small decrease in fossil fuel consumption. ”
For the sake of your heirs, you might consider supporting those massive taxpayer-funded subsidies so we can achieve the necessary technological gains.
BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2014, Page 7
“Total world proved oil reserves reached 1687.9 billion barrels at the end of 2013, sufficient to meet 53.3 years of global production.”
@ 26
For the sake of your heirs, you might consider supporting those massive taxpayer-funded subsidies so we can achieve the necessary technological gains.
They worked out so well for Germany and Spain.
Of course, they DID work out for Seattle solar purveyors, nearly all of which point out that Germany has bazillions of solar installs despite being very northern in latitude, as if it’s some sort of verification that solar makes great sense here, when really all they’re pointing out is that bazillions of Germans took advantage of all the free stuff, until the funding ran out.
Wrong people??? Meaning you??? HAHAHAHAHA! Happy to do it Boberino.. Money well spent. That 3400 kwh is not going into the atmosphere and not being dug out of the ground.
I could give any funds involved to NRDC or another environmental group and that would have only the most indirect of payoffs.
Thank you Bob for your tree hugging gloating whatever it is the F you’re doing.. You could do a Ronnie Raygun and “tear those panels down” – either way it doesn’t change who you are and how you represent yourself.
Which fully addresses the issue of any cooling.. The silly addled ex-Greenpeacer is not a scientist who’s examined the data like the Berkeley physicist.
The troll just plays the ASSHOLE as usual.
Greenpeace is highly respected by DUMMOCRETINS all over the world clueless crazed cretin! Greenpeace is discussed on this blog. Puddy very sure you’ve added up the numba of comments from the crazed databaze!
Sux to be you when your toilet position is flushed in every thread by FACTS! FACTS, which smacked down the NY Times article you so proudly went back into 2013 for.
Faked data, two sets of data, made up data! Yes that’s what your side does!
Soooooooooooooooo, when will the clueless crazed cretin invite some of those illegal alien chillun who came to America illegally into his hovel and get them some documentation? Come on clueless crazed cretin, make Obummer proud! Grow some cojones!
Oh wait, you are all talk and no action. Standard DUMMOCRETION M.O.!
This is how much of an ASSHOLE this troll is:
Yeah same guy who wrote the 2014 article.
Has the ex Greenpeacer produced anything near to this? Nope. Notice that Moore is no longer affiliated with Greenpeace. Hasn’t been since 1986!
2013 article, excuse me.
So? This is what your ASSHOLE hero Moore did in 1986:
and there’s this,
This guy is a paid tool, pure and simple. Nice try greenwashing him ASSHOLE!
Meanwhile U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan told John Kostinen to explain under oath how the IRS lost all those emails. Also another judge will see if those emails can be recovered by other means! Phony scandal gonna get interesting.
Well we know this is a phony scandal because Obummer told us so. And there isn’t a smidgen of wrong doing done by anyone in the IRS. Obummer told us this too.
Lois G. Lerner told us she did nuthin wrong. Butt wait… she told her IRS buds “I was cautioning folks about email and how we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails — so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails.” Butt wait, this was just a bunch of rogue agents in Cincinnati… — RIGHT!
Oh no second federal judge smackdown! http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....er-emails/
Poor clueless crazed cretin… can’t even get PuddyQuotes correct without making himself “A HERO IN IT’S OWN MIND!”
clueless crazed cretin is a hero in NO ONE’S MIND!
Who cares about 2007? It’s the clueless crazed cretin who loves to go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. This is 2014… Globull cooling. Faked data, changed data, two sets of data. NOAA admissions!
So Greenpeace peeps are paid tools? Wow clueless crazed cretin, you are in the know! Apparently the Obummer smackdown by Dr Moore stung!
Sux to be you! Still cracking up over that Google wireless metadata commentary the clueless crazed cretin wrote! Can you replay that very wrong wireless silliness from the clueless crazed cretin again for all?
BerkeleyEarth clueless crazed cretin ? Using NOAA’s admitted inflated temp data?
Sux to be you!
Puddy still believes climate change is a hoax? What a dolt! Know what, putz? We rabbits don’t care if you stupid humans kill yourselves off. More space for us. We’ll be happy to take over your niche.
Another shining example of the rightwing anti-government movement.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The funny thing is these criminals and terrorists actually believe they’re patriots.
Would someone please ask Sarah Palin what difference there is between Bill Ayers, and Cliven Bundy and his spawn? I see none.
No, not just NOAA asshole troll. The ASSHOLE troll loses again. Notice he’s dropped touting the tool Patrick Moore..
Oh here’s this gem:
Who cares about a paid tool who left Greenpeace in 1986?
The ASSHOLE Troll does…
So NOAA wrong and BerkeleyEarth is right clueless crazed cretin? Do tell! http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/.....al2011.pdf Hmmm…?
You don’t say…
Wait for it… a rujaxoff sighting in the not too distant future!
Again we must be very very patient with the ASSHOLE troll. He is very uh.. challenged..
Patrick Moore LEFT Greenpeace in 1986. It was too “far left” for him.
An asia forestry outfit hired him to GREENWASH their rain forest logging.
He’s a tool and you like him. Like attracts like.. Sucks to be you tool!
Nope. Patrick Moore and Anthony Watts are tools and you are an ASSHOLE.
And a tool to boot.
Hey Roger Roadblock IDIOT Wabbit… Fudged data like packed fudge!!!! Things skipped over by the clueless crazed cretin http://www.ijreview.com/2014/04/128985-33-stories/ cuz it can’t touch that!
Butt, the clueless crazed cretin will count all the PuddyEntries because Puddy PWNS the clueless crazed cretin!
Nuff said sucka!
Notice how the ASSHOLE changes the subject when the ASSHOLE is losing the argument.
What was that about paid tool Patrick Moore again?
Puddy asked a simple question… Are Greenpeace peeps paid tools… HA’s clueless crazed cretin could not answer but blathered on with something totally unintelligent! FACTS explode cretinous minds. http://typingisnotactivism.wor.....our-money/
Just as James Carville said…
Who knew Dr Moore and James Carville saw the same thing in DUMMOCRETINS?
YAWN.. Already addressed that ASSHOLE troll.. There is a pause in the warming consistent with previous documented pauses…
The science supports it.
I don’t see what trolls are so upset about because burning fossil fuels are getting more and more unpopular. Try setting up a new coal plant these days!
Fossil fuels are being steadily displaced in many ways by advancing technology.. Technology that makes money for their manufacturers and provides jobs.
If I was the trolls (thank goodness I’m not!) I’d support a cleaner green future because it’s good for bidness..
They must love living in filth.
What happened to Cass Sunstein ASSHOLE? You got tired of being ignored about that bullshit?
Don’t care about Carville. Use him all you like ASSHOLE..
You will be ignored just like with Sunstein. Your life.
Puddy losing the argument… Wait for it…Puddy ain’t losing nuthin!
Puddy associating the clueless crazed cretin screaming here with the clueless crazed cretin previous screaming over Google and wireless data. The association fits perfectly clueless crazed cretin.
Sux to be you. How about that BerkeleyEarth data set…? What you say Puddy…? It’s from NOAA? Really?
Cass Sunstein? Now you changing your tune clueless crazed cretin? Smackdown hurts?
Still wrong today as he was back then. He changed his tune for the public but still spouts that crap in private.
Fartbubble clueless crazed cretin posited
Not what you globull warming alarmists been writing on this blog for years! A quick Google search on Jones was very illuminating by those who continued to jock strap him!
“They worked out so well for Germany and Spain.”
I’m sure the coming generations will deeply appreciate how you saw the problem coming and decided to do absolutely nothing about it except bequeath them a few snide remarks.
“Would someone please ask Sarah Palin what difference there is between Bill Ayers, and Cliven Bundy and his spawn? I see none.”
The latter is a hypocritical wingnut mooch and the former isn’t.
@ 53
I tried again last night. I still can’t get Merkel to pick up when I call her, Steve.
“I still can’t get Merkel to pick up when I call her, Steve.”
Like when your grandchildren try to call you someday, wanting to ask why, when you had a chance to do something, all you could muster was snide comments on a political blog about how you saw in Germany’s program an excuse for America doing nothing at all.
“Boehner sues Obama”
Wonders never cease, Bob. You wingnuts have finally embraced frivolous lawsuits.
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
I’m sure you wingnuts can square that with Sean “Great American” Hannity and Texas Governor Rick Perry cruising the border in a gunboat, looking for refugee children to shoot. Just honoring your God, huh?
“Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”
@ 57
??, Steve.
Pretty sure I have never commented about an impeachment of Obama or the House suit.
It was a lawsuit, recall, that led to a 9-0 SCOTUS decision against Obama’s ‘recess’ appointments. Reigning in a president who oversteps his authority, without an attempt to remove him from office, might require court action. It’s not like Boehner can go to Holder for help, after all.
It’s not like this is the first time a House member has sued Obama. Recall the suit filed by Kucinich about two years ago, Steve? Here, let me help you out:
Ten House members led by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) are filing a complaint in federal court against President Obama for taking military action in Libya without first seeking congressional approval.
Kucinich and Reps. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Howard Coble (R-N.C.), John Duncan (R-Tenn.), Roscoe Bartlett (R-Md.), John Conyers (D-Mich.) Ron Paul (R-Texas), Michael Capuano (D-Mass.), Tim Johnson (R-Ill.) and Dan Burton (R-Ind.) filed the complaint Wednesday at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
“With regard to the war in Libya, we believe that the law was violated,” Kucinich said in a statement. “We have asked the courts to move to protect the American people from the results of these illegal policies.”
The House members argue that the Obama administration overstepped its constitutional authority by authorizing the use of U.S. military force abroad without first receiving approval from Congress.
That’s three House Dems filing a lawsuit against Obama for overstepping his presidential authority.
What’s the difference, really?
@ 57, 59
I’m really sorry, Steve. I didn’t look far enough back. Here’s Koochie, yet again:
Dennis KUCINICH, Representative to Congress from Ohio, et al., Plaintiffs,
George W. BUSH, President of the United States, Colin Powell, Secretary of State, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, Defendants.
No. CIV.A. 02-1137(JDB)ECF.
United States District Court, District of Columbia.
December 30, 2002.
You were saying what, again, about wingnuts and frivolity, Steve? Were you among those trying to get Koochie to carpet-bag in Seattle a couple of years ago?
@ 57, 59,60
Koochie, yet again, against another Democrat prez. And he’s got friends on both sides of the aisle:
WASHINGTON (April 30) — Seventeen U.S. congressmen filed suit against President Bill Clinton Friday seeking an end to military strikes against Yugoslavia.
The representatives, 15 Republicans and 2 Democrats, say the hostilities violate the 1973 War Powers Act which requires Congress to declare war or otherwise vote in favor of the military action.
The suit charges that “Defendant William Jefferson Clinton is unconstitutionally conducting an offensive military attack against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia without obtaining a declaration of war or other explicit authorization from Congress and despite Congress’ decision not to authorize such action.”
Kucinich on impeachment, 2007 interview:
[Excessively copied material deleted]
That last part, eavesdropping, gathering info on honest citizens, loss of liberties. He was talking in 2007 but, man, pretty prescient when applied to Team Obama, no?
Bob, conveniently leaves off Team Shrubya…
That’s a government document Bob..
“What’s the difference, really?”
“Previous suits, blah, blah, blah”
“You were saying what, again, about wingnuts and frivolity, Steve?”
The difference? Really? The difference, Bob, is that Republicans are the ones who constantly whined about frivolous lawsuits. Which begs a question. Democrat Kucinich is relevant to the House Republican leaderships new found love of frivolous law suits how?
Other than being the current wingnut wetdream, WTF does that have to do with anything? Boehner desperately trying to throw House teabaggers a bone to save his own skin doesn’t exactly add up to ““treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors” on Obama’s part, Bob.
“eavesdropping, gathering info on honest citizens, loss of liberties”
“pretty prescient when applied to Team Obama, no?”
And that has what to do at all with Republicans and their frivolous lawsuit concerning the implementation of the ACA?
Boehner’s frivolous lawsuit charging Obama with “unprecedented abuse of power” for his ACA procedural adjustments and deadline delay.
Yeah, so unlike President Bush, Medicare Part D, his procedural fixes and a half dozen deadlines moved. I reckon the Republican excuse now is that Dennis Kucinich made him do it.