– Well, we have a budget, but Rodney Tom managed to fuck transit.
– Meanwhile in the Oregon legislature, they recognize that Citizens United is bullshit.
– On DOMA, the VRA and The Perfect Opportunity
– There was an interesting article in the New York Times Magazine over the weekend about one of the marijuana venture capital firms.
I heard the story on the radio this morning. Nineteen firefighters dead. Words just aren’t enough to describe that tragedy.
Speaking of nothing to hide, a red-faced President Obama and SoS Kerry are scrambling this morning to explain to our loyal European allies why we’ve been spying on them, too. Germany, in particular, is outraged. Well, heck, you know, they started two world wars …
Meanwhile, Putin has offered Snowden asylum in Russia on condition he shuts the fuck up. He must be afraid Snowden will do it to him, too.
In Texass, Gov. Rick Perry says his state won’t tolerate any more “anarchy” and “mob rule” from the public when his legislature reconvenes to ram through his unconstitutional anti-abortion legislation. He must be watching the protests in Turkey and Egypt, where governments run by Islamic zealots are trying to ram religious laws down the throats of non-Islamic constituents, on teevee.
I hope they do. Really. They deserve a party of their own.
Let’s not get involved in the Syrian mess. We’ve had enough of trying to run the Islamic world. It isn’t our fight anyway.
2)Nothing worse than a reformed war monger. I was watching a video podcast of a discussion show on DWTV, and the topic was the start of a trial of Neo-Nazi terrorists. One question is how this group had been on the run for 10+ years. One response for the failure of the various intel agencies, was a joke about them being so week they need written permission to leave the office.
So it would seem that the adult lung transplant into a 12 year old was a failure. Small comfort to Simone who didn’t get a procedure that they found pneumonic lungs “of someone older than 12” as a bridge while they search for a third set.
Yes. If I have a choice of a good job in a marriage equality state or a great job in a bigot state where my family has no benefits and no rights, I will take the good job. Its a no brainier.
It reminds me of corporations trying to recruit people of color to work in Idaho.
It will be interesting to see how American society further drifts apart with this wedge issue. What do you see happening?
@8 don’t you hate it when politicians play god?
Metro should change its plans to concentrate on drastic cuts to all the routes going across Lake Washington, and Rodney Tom’s constituents should be reminded forcefully and often that they can thank the guy they elected for the traffic overflow into their neighborhoods despite the “new-and-improved” SR520.
9)I remember hearing that in North Carolina, businesses opposed the anti-marriage equality amendment, but it passed anyway. I guess that the tax breaka coming out of Raleigh are enough to stay. Although all the foreign corporations setting up in the South could be a mixed bag. The Confederate Flag used to fly over the statehouse in Montgomery, and the Alabama NAACP tried to get it removed, but it took a German automaker threatening to move to get it removed. In Germany, the marriage equality issue may be on the back burner, the German Constitutional Court gave Chancellor Merkel a way out, when they ruled that gays and lesbians in civil unions were entitled to the same tax benefits as married couples. If Germany went for full marriage equality, I wonder if there companies would use the issue overseas? They have done so fighting racism and papers please laws in Alabama.
Isn’t it great when you learn your DUMMOCRAPTIC hero Obummer is way worse than Bush SENILE and DUMB Wabbit? Now let’s say Bush started this spying… Obummer learns of it in December 2008 during the transition period. Obummer takes it to new levels. Sounds like a Nixon-like Plumbers job to Puddy only with the courts approval because the courts didn’t get all the facts first!Think James Rosen as a flight risk and it took judge shopping to finally find one dumb enough to go along. Yep, look at the “wonderful” publicity that judge now has! Think of the FISA court publicity now!
Maybe the reverse will happen… The ones who are pro hetero marriage will flock to states with those jobs left by gay peeps!
Libtards like Fascist Pigsty always looking at the half empty glass!
The ceaseless ingenuity of greedheads who get rich by stealing from the poor is astounding.
@14 Pretty soon there will be no one left in Texass but Republicans and murderers.
Hmmm, #16 may contain a redundancy.
11)Good point,but it does not work that way. It’s the rest of the state vs the biggest city in the state, and it will go for the counry level. Although Metro should use the excuse that they have to mittigate viaduct traffic during construction. As for people thinling they can get along without transit, try the Bay Area. I think BART’s unions might have gone to far, and may have angered other transit unions(Muni already carries 700,000 a day), trying to pick up the slack.
That is only the half of it, AC TRANSIT in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, contracts expired as well, but they are still talking.
@13 “worse than Bush”
That’s an exaggeration and impossibility. Oh and btw, despite everything, I still like our crooks better than your crooks.
@18 et al.: A MVET is a lousy way to fund transit. Although people can argue it’s a somewhat progressive tax, it has a very ugly regressive feature: It clobbers senior citizens who need a car for occasional shopping and frequent medical appointments, but aren’t commuters and do very little driving in terms of mileage. I could support it if there was an exemption for people over age 65, but not otherwise. A 70-year-old struggling to make ends meet on social security shouldn’t have to pay a $200 – $400 annual tax to keep his car licensed. (A 1.5% tax on a car worth $15,000 is $225 a year.) That’s not something I would be able to vote for, even if the money goes for a good cause.
BART made a last minute offer that doubled their original proposal, but the unions said most of that increase was tied to benchmarks that they said could not be met. Turns out that the GM made $300,000 last year for not working. Cashed in vacation pay after being forced out. I don’t think that position is covered under a union contract.
As I said last night, the unions had asked for a cooling off period, Oakland resident and Governor of California Jerry Brown sided with management, and said no.
Perfect… Just wanted that restated for the latest July 2013 record.
Thanks for playing SENILE and DUMB Wabbit!
20)It has the effect of being counterproductive the higher you raise it. Just like in San Francisco, MUNI is partially funded by parking fees, taxes, and traffic fines. Raise some of those too much, might be a revenue reducer, although it could be a win-win, parking too high, take the bus or train.
One way MUNI is impacted ompacby the strike, BART complemented them within the city.
One thing Metro can do is sell more ad space, but that comes with a price. Somebody complains, and ads are removed, such as Metro, the Congressmember, and the FBI ad. I like what San Francisco MUNI did when another group ran a more inflammatory ad. They bought ad space of their own to say that they don’t believe the ads.
Up in Canada, they have had several city’s with corrupt mayors, including accusations that make the conservative mayor of Toronto look like Marion Berry, a few cities that have had multiple corrupt mayors in one year, but the Mayor of Calgary is rising above it. He has been cool under pressure, during the recent flooding disaster, and by the way, he is a Muslim.
Here’s an excellent story illustrating the lying dirtbags on the right who pretend to be apolitical in order to game the tax-free system, how they lie to the IRS – which means they’re lying to all of us, and trying to steal our money.
Just one more in a long line of lying, tax-cheating, smarmy sociopathic Republicans.
How ’bout it, puddybigot, is your hero Issa going to look into this??!!
Pushback on marriage equality from the GOP in Congress. A Kansas Rep has filed a Constitutional Amendment to pushback against the supremecourt and 13 states. I wonder is it just something to campaign on to say that they tried? Do they even have the votes to get it out of the houae or Senate, let alone to the states? 53 Senators and over a hundred representatives are on record supporting marriage equality.
Meanwhile, a Nebraska lawmaker wants to begin the process of undoing his state’s inequality amendment. He says he is an independent, but everybody in the Nebraska unicameral legislature is supposed to be, since it is officially nonpartisan.
OMG!!!! Public schools are turning our children into Hindu’s!
Stay stupid, buddy.
@27 Michael
Also too, HALLOWEEN!
Thank goodness Dean Broyles is not enlisted in the War Against Christmas!
Oh wait….
The National Center for Law & Policy (NCLP) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) legal defense organization which focuses on the protection and promotion of religious freedom, the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, parental rights, and other civil liberties.
I guess if you are a homosexual Pashupata Shaivist raped by an untouchable homophobe your religious belief that the resulting pregnancy is neither life nor scared is not one of the religious nor other civil liberties to be protected.
So who is going to run against Rodney Tom?
Money is burning a hole in my pocket.
25 – Dark Money Group Spent On House Race, Then Told IRS It Didn’t
Klownservative Dark Money group.. Why would they lie?
Oh that’s what klownservatives do!
Remember when “we” were all up in arms about the Democratically led US Senate not passing a budget…and then Washington’s own Patty Murray got a budget passed …. and then the Senate Republicans misused the Senate rules to deny the appointment of conference members to get a budget resolution … and the Sequester is the best thing because …..
I wonder if Arizona’s Republican US Senators are pulling at their hands like Lady Macbeth.
U.S. fights growing wildfire threat with shrinking budget
You know HA incessantly unemployed moron ylb doesn’t read before posting… Only three hours late to the table! And he’s home all day doing nuthin!
Sux to be him.
Obummer asked for it. Do we really need to revisit the facts again FlubScout? Or as it’s becoming more and more apparent… You are just a simpleton moron!
What’s the first two characters of my post @ 30?
What does that mean?
Look our favorite klownservative jerk scored an own-goal!
Plenty of klownservative politicians want to throw Snowden in jail..
How many want to scale back what our local klownservative ODS-addled fool says is Obama’s overreach?
The US Senate’s Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R-KY) informs us of the “culture of intimidation”
McConnell, Cornyn Urge NFL, Sports Leagues Not to Promote Obamacare
OMG! What’s next? Will the NFL talk up the United Way? Support knowledge of Breast Cancer?
Literacy campaigns?
Did you ever wonder how it was that the Seattle Seahawks did not win a Super Bowl under Coach Holmgren’s tenure?
Because his wife was rounded up by FEMA in 2005 and forced to support divisive and polarizing Medical Teams International in Africa (and we know whose father is from Africa… am I right?) the day of the Super Bowl!
Go read Mitch’s compelling, yet not at all intimidating, letter.
Obummer and his commie pals are caught using examples of “Red” enrollment for ObamaCare! (well, Boston Red Sox, but it is still RED!)
Uncle Puddles!
Did Obama ask for Sequestration as a means or an end?
If you don’t understand the difference, don’t be afraid to admit it.
Like you, Uncle Puddles, I mourn that a President can simply ask a Republican led House of Representatives for something and they have to give it to him. What else can possibly explain the mountain of Obama asked for legislation he has already signed this year???
Now that Rachel Jeantel has officially coined the term “creepy-ass cracker” as not being a racial slur against whitey… and most libtard rags rushed to defend her… What does that mean HA libtards? What does that mean?
Y’all “creepy-ass crackers”?
Well you need to ask Obummer FlubScout. WHy did he conceive of that and run to Harry Reid?
Whenever I see “Rodney Tom” and “fuck” in a sentence, I want Tom to be the object of the verb.
Still waiting.
Uncle Puddles,
I don’t need to ask anybody anything. Have you forgotten FREEEEEEDOMZ? Of course, you needn’t answer either you half wit.
No worries.
No doubt those 19 firefighters last thoughts as they suffocated and burned horribly in their aluminum shelters as a result of their voluntarily taken job to do what you cannot was Thank God that our Arizonan congress critters and their Republican allies are not inconvenienced by reduced airport support for their frequently flying patriotism!
yAWWWWWWWN… Now the tool is going all “official” on us..
The fantasies of a fool are so…. interesting..
Although I think that they should not have stricken, BART employees have showed a flaw in the other opinions, they are at capacity. On the Golden Gate ferries, ridership had been increasing for 2 years, even with the two ex-WSF Chinook class ferries, no extra capacity. South Bay, CalTrain reporting full trains, no spare rolling stock, crews, for extra trains. One of the other bus operators in Contra Costa county is barred by Federal rules from running cross bay services.
As for fighting wildfires, they need to get this plane into the fight.
44) I meant the other options.
The jury “got it”.. Who these days are going let big banks go all Pinochet on a street artist?
Oh.. I forget.. A jury of degenerate klownservatives of course.. Must be hard to find these days in San Diego.
Owebammascare sure doesn’t feel like there is any sequestration. He’s on a 100 million dollar boondoggles trip handing out 7 billion of taxpayers hard earned money to turn the lights on in Africa. Who has a budget crisis when you got printing machines…..eye haw
Ha HA incessantly and continually unemployed moron ylb ever said anything useful?
LOL! I don’t recall ever saying anything “useful” like this?
Don’t talk black history to me lily white boy!
In honor of the “useful” “creepy ass cracker” topic.
48 – Your birther bullshit lost last Nov..
Deal with it.. Oh you’re mentally ill – you lack the capacity to deal with anything having to do with reality..
Gone to Canada yet to use their socialist health care?
@25 Oh c’mon now, cut our righty friends some slack; they may actually have a genuine, sincere, and heartfelt philosophical — even psuedo-religious — aversion to paying taxes for the wars they start or fighting in them. Perhaps they aspire to something noble in their avoidance of that dirty business.
@47 After lying to courts millions of times, Bank of America shouldn’t be allowed into any courtroom in the land.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit does NOT own Bank of America stock! I’ll stoop pretty low to rip off Wall Street, but not THAT low.)
@45 I wanna see that 747 make a low pass over a creek to scoop up 50 tons of water. From a safe distance, of course.
@41 Whenever I see “Rodney Tom” and “fuck” in a sentence,
I assume he is the object of the verb. Why would anyone discuss him in any other syntax?
Just a note for longtime readers — apparently Lou Guzzo passed away on Saturday?
You sure its not “creepy ass-crackers”?
57 – Wow. That old?
The guy’s writing was so… weird.. I couldn’t put up with more than a paragraph or two at a time..
Very eccentric in his dotage..
How Carl and Lee read so much of it – I still can’t fathom it.
O well some of the nutiest of the local right for those who need a laugh is at the sadly defunct louguzzo.com and whackynation.com
Use archive.org to look them up.
What will the Taliban Right do next after forcing women get mandatory medially unnecessary ultrasounds and they STILL want the abortion?
More EPIC FAYLES from the crazed databaze of the incessantly unemployed moron ylb!
Sux to be you! Incessantly unemployed, very stoooopid and a moronic idiot. A trifecta!
61 LOL!!!
You were doing your “angry black man” act in that old comment..
Whatever effect you wanted to have..
Did it work??? LOL!!! Keep the “dope” alive fool.
We are three years at best from falling off the Greece debt cliff. Ask them how it is all going for them.
LMAO!!! Well over three years ago some ODS-addled ldiot said this:
Talk about one seriously broken record.. Cracked I tell ya..
Do the math on a 22 trillion dollar interest payment, and then tell me what will be left in your guvment retirement plan…
Still scraping eh incessantly unemployed moron ylb! More EPIC FAYLE!
Sux to be you! Incessantly unemployed, very stoooopid and a moronic idiot. A trifecta!
Yeah why not… Still using some of the same code I wrote back in 2009.. Write once run often.
I can review a troll’s shit and laugh at them spewing the same old cracked garbage..
Speaking of which..
Heh. U.S. GDP is 14.99 trillion.. Like a right wing idiot like you making 50k has never taken out a 100k mortgage.. Moron..
I predict – 3 years from now…
!! G R E E E E E E C E !!!
Owebammascare in California
Google “hospital closures in California”
Or just look at the massive ER closures in California….the Mecca of bright liberal leadership.
68 – Yawwwwnnn… Moronic ldiot living as always in fear and hate…
Why are hospitals closing?
Sure sucks to be a non-thinking fool living in fear, ldiot!
With our heat wave, it is not as bad as Death Valley and the Valley of the Sun. In Phoenix, Valley Metro Rail has some features to help mitigate the heat, including a very powerful air conditioner on the Light Rail Vehicles, and chilled water fountains at the stations.
And there’s where we know not to pay any attention to you. You’re ware that Greece’s trade deficit for the last 30 years is several orders of magnitude larger than the U.S.? Nope?
Just’cause you heard it on Beckdoesn’t meanit’strueparanoid and 100% devoid of facts.@68
Oh dear. You didn’t look at that link? It compares communities that had an ER in 1997 that then didn’t have one in 2007
So Obama was president in 1998? Obama was sworn in for his first term in January 2009 and the ACA was signed into law in 2010.
But those ER closures between 1998 and 2007 are TOTALLY on Obama’s watch. In fact, you’re right. They closed as the result of a rumored law that was going to take effect some five years after they closed, 15 in some cases.
Speaking of hospitals…here’s some interesting reporting on the disconnect between patient outcomes and COE compensation at ‘nonprofit’ hospitals, including some around here:
This article about CEO pay driving expanding volume.
Here is a graph with all sorts of large numbers in the ‘compensation’ column. Pretty obscene.
I have never seen such stupid ignorance on debt and the results of it as on this site. Good luck when massive inflation, interest rate hikes, and a total default in this country happen.
PS it will be on your watch