The site was down, sorta, for I don’t know how long, or exactly why. Apparently, most people could still access the site via Internet Explorer, but not via Safari or Firefox, and nobody could leave comments. Odd.
Anyway, dealing with this has killed my morning. Talk amongst yourselves.
My hosting company claims it made no changes one way or the other, so apparently, HA magically fixed itself… you know… just the way free markets do.
Let me be the first to say that America is under attack from the right and we need to recognize that the Publicans and their ilk mean to do us harm. The so-called terrorists can’t do NEARLY as much harm to our democracy as the right.
Ain’t system administration fun?
Take these hacker attacks as a compliment, Goldy! I do. We’re hurting them.
The nutty right no longer owns the airwaves and internet. Every time they spew their bullshit, someone is there to say, “Bullshit!” And that’s not all. The GOP noise machine is going to seize up one of these days.
@1 Liberals must arm!
I know all you troop hating conservatives out there don’t like the Iraq & Afghanistan Vetrean of America (IAVA) because they take positions that benefit our troops and monitor and grade the politicans who don’t support legislation that will benefit our troops. Rep. Dave Reichert gets a D+. Senators Murry and Cantwell both get A’s.
Here’s some information on a new bill that’s going through congress, I know my fellow America loving, Democracy protecting, troop supporting Liberals will support it, but I seriously doubt any conservative will show any supoport for this bill.
“When I returned to law school after serving a tour in Iraq, I started getting harassing phone calls from my student loan lender saying that I was defaulting on my loan payments. Due to my deployment, I had used up all of my permissible grace period. Unlike my non-veteran classmates, I would be required to start repaying my loans the day after graduation. Finally, after writing dozens of letters and spending hours on the phone, I was told that the only way to restore my pre-deployment status would be to change the laws. So I did just that. I spent my final year in law school drafting a bill to help returning student-soldiers.
Based on my recommendations, Senator Sherrod Brown and Representative Susan Davis introduced the Veterans Education Tuition Support (VETS) Act in Congress yesterday.
Call your lawmakers now and tell them to support student-soldiers by voting for this bill. Tell your Senators to support S. 1718, and tell your Representative to support HR. 2910.
Todd Bowers, IAVA’s Director of Government Affairs, experienced these problems first hand. When Sgt. Bowers was activated on his second deployment to Iraq, he was forced to withdraw from his studies only two weeks before finals. Sgt. Bower’s school made no accommodations for him. He was not given the option to take his finals early or repeat the courses. When he returned from Iraq, he was given only a limited period of time to take his finals and his grades suffered accordingly (he even had to repeat one of the classes). Veterans like Sgt. Bowers should not be punished because of their service to our country.
The VETS bill will fix these bureaucratic potholes. Call your representatives now and tell them to support student-soldiers by signing on to S. 1718 in the Senate or H.R. 2910 in the House.
Todd and I faced unnecessary obstacles when we tried to continue our educations. The VETS bill will ensure this doesn’t happen to other veterans.
The bill will:
Require colleges to refund tuition for service members who deploy (or provide future credits).
Restore veterans to their academic status when they return.
Cap student loan interest payments at 6% while the student is deployed.
Extend the period of time a student-soldier has to re-enroll after returning from abroad.
This historic bill will help reassure men and women in uniform that serving their country opens doors to higher education, instead of closing them. Join us now in making sure it gets passed.
No one should have to choose between being a student and being a soldier. Call your representatives now. Tell them to support this bill.
Thank you for your continued support.
Patrick Campbell
Iraq Veteran
Legislative Director
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America”
I could read the site, but not the comments using Firefox and a Mac.
It probably went down due to fatigue from all the spurious, gratuitous abuse from ALL sides the past 2 days. Phase of the moon? Such a collection of meaningless drivel (including mine)would tire anything.
@ 6:
We’re not at that point yet. What we need to do now is get more people to vote. Like President Clinton once said “When Americans vote in big numbers, Democrats get elected.”
Voter suppression is a mainstay of Republican strategy for usurping power.
In the meantime, however, exercise your 2nd amendment right while you still can, just in case ol’ Bushwhacker decides to declare martial law next year. In which case we’ll make the civil war in Iraq look like a dispute between two neighbors over who mows the grass strip between their collective driveways.
obviously related to the Mike Webb murder.
I personally found out how hostile Republicans are to veterans when I wrote to Sen. Slade Gorton’s office about student loan relief for Vietnam Veterans.
Here’s what happened. The Vietnam War was fought with draftees (and volunteers like me) who were paid $200 a month and received peanuts in Educational Benefits. I had to go deeply into debt to attend law school despite my GI Bill benefits.
But as soon as the war ended, Congress went to an all-volunteer military and tripled the pay of soldiers. In addition, they were offered thousands of dollars of educational benefits as an enlistment inducement.
So, I wrote to Senator Slade and suggested equivalent benefits be given to Vietnam Veterans in the form of student loan relief. Slade told me the same thing I’ll now say to Redneck:
“Shut up and pay up!!”
Probably not many people remember any more how badly the Republicans fucked over Vietnam Veterans. So, it’s necessary to again remind the American people how much they hate veterans by fucking over Iraq-Afghanistan veterans.
“Weeks worth of unopened mail, missing computers and evidence that someone had entered a Queen Anne rental house where a decomposing body was found Thursday afternoon are adding to the mystery of what happened to Mike Webb, a former radio host who was last seen by family members in mid-April. David Neth, a longtime Seattle real-estate agent who rented the beige house on Third Avenue West to Webb, discovered the body inside a basement crawl space … covered with a blue tarp and placed behind some boxes.”
This doesn’t look very much like a suicide, does it? Now you know why I rarely attend DL and keep moving to new holes here in Green Lake Park!
Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.
U.S. military shows serious doubt in Iraq troops
In blow to Bush, commanders say security forces are unable to hold ground
BAGHDAD – American military commanders now seriously doubt that Iraqi security forces will be able to hold the ground that U.S. troops are fighting to clear — gloomy predictions that strike at the heart of Washington’s key strategy to turn the tide in Iraq.
Several senior American officers have warned in recent days that Iraqi soldiers and police are still incapable of maintaining security on their own in the most crucial areas, including Baghdad and the recently reclaimed districts around Baqouba to the north.”
So what are our soldiers really dying for?
Bush’s arrogance and his inability to accept that he is a failed Commander-in-Chief and to ALL the Republican politicans and voters who supported him since 2000.
The blood of Americas soldiers and ALL terrorist attacks that will happen in the next decade are all the direct result of failing to be Good and Patriotic Americans. Instead of being patriotic, they yeild to Ronald Reagans 11th commandment; “Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican.”
Ronald Reagan and the conservatives who are loyal to their ideals over the principles of our Founding Fathers, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law are responsible for all the problems facing America today.
Apparently the propaganda effort against the message of Micheal Moore’s new movie is well underway. Last night I saw a TV spot depicting lawyers as greedy charlatans and pushing more “tort reform” as the solution to America’s health care problems. The stated sponsor was something like “citizens against loss of insurance benefits”.
Yeah, right. “Citizens” who just happen to be insurance executives.
Roger Rabbit:
Republicans are all “behind” the troops when they go off to fight “their” battles, but when they come home and need some of the things that were “promised” to them by the Republicans they welsh on their promise as fast as MTR welshes on his gambling debt.
The fucking anti-American losers.
Seems Skeletor Chertoff has issued a “statement” (Warning? Threat???) about how we all should be “extra vigilant” whilst celebrating this Fourth of July.
FAA Harassing Air Traffic Controllers
Here’s what Bush’s union-hating FAA has been doing to air traffic controllers since contract negotiations broke down last summer:
“• A New York controller was ordered to wear dress shoes, despite a doctor’s note saying she needed to wear tennis shoes because of a knee problem. She fell, broke her elbow and injured her knee.
“• A controller in Oakland, Calif., was sent home to change because his pants were ‘too wrinkled.’
“• In Miami, controllers were told they could no longer wear ‘tropical shirts,’ even though they have collars. …
“• In Maryland, a supervisor shined a flashlight up and down a controller’s pants. The supervisor said the pants had ‘jeans-like seams’ and the controller could not wear them anymore.
“Another Oberlin controller was disciplined because he wore an orange shirt that a supervisor said ‘looked like a highway traffic cone.’
“The FAA wouldn’t discuss specific dress-code violations. The [dress] code was part of the new rules imposed in September after contract negotiations broke down last summer. Since that breakdown, the FAA is enforcing things such as dress codes and a ban on all radios — including weather radios that warn of tornadoes — in towers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What is it with Republicans and air traffic controllers? Republicans have had a hate on for controllers ever since they went on strike for better working conditions and Saint Ronnie fired them all. Hellooooo … these aren’t the strikers, these are the people you guys hired to replace the strikers … not the same people, ya know?!! Kind of interesting to note that after Saint Ronnie fired all the controllers to get rid of the union, the replacements created a new union. That tells you something about working for Republicans, doesn’t it? Fucking assholes.
I’ll tell you what. As a shareholder in various companies, I think it’s time we shareholders banded together and enforced a dress code on the CEOs who are stealing from us! If they’re going to pocket millions of our money every year, then we should at least shine a flashlight on their pants to check for “jeans-like” seams and wrinkles.
Copyright © 2007 The Seattle Times Company
One thing about Michael Moore’s movies, time always proves the main point of his films are correct. Just like Fahrenheit 9/11.
You all know what happens to air travel if the controllers get fed up with this chickenshit and walk out, right?
RR @ 19:
What’s the dress code in prison these days?? I bet Duke Cunningham, Abramoff, Ney, Skilling et al, and soon, Libby will be able to tell us!!
The reason why Republicans hate the Air Traffic Controllers Union is because they hate paying meaningful wages.
If they could, they’d go down to Home Depot and get a bunch of day laborers to run the control towers at $5 an hour.
According to news reports, former Alaska Airlines chairman CEO Bruce R. Kennedy has been killed in a small plane crash.
Liberal vs. Conservative Civil War coming?
According to the fishwrapper, Tim Eyman supporter Jane Balogh has changed her mind and decided to plead guilty to misdemeanor election fraud because election officials are using her stunt “as proof the system worked.”
Balogh’s lawyer describes her as “‘kind of annoyed because [her dog is] still on the voting rolls … [s]omebody is clearly not getting the message.’
“It’s not that no one is paying attention, said Laura Lockard, acting election program manager for voter services. But there is ‘an arduous process’ to have someone — even if that someone is a dog — taken off the voter rolls. To successfully remove Duncan, Balogh will be presented with a letter challenging her dog’s registration and calling her to a public hearing.
“‘They need to fix their system,’ Balogh argues. ‘And if they don’t, I’ve wasted my time.'”
Election officials pointed out that Balogh committed multiple fraudulent acts in the course of registering her dog as a voter, in order to disguise the fact she was registering an ineligible voter.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This wingnut’s motives are now become more apparent. She wants to make it easier to remove voters from the voting rolls. In other words, she wants to turn Washington into a Florida or Ohio, where Republicans game elections by challenging and purging voter rolls of tens of thousands of legitimate (Democratic) voters.
Balogh is a crook, liar, perjurer, and criminal. Throw her sorry ass on the litter crew post-haste! Let her pick up gum wrappers, newspapers, and fast food wrappers here in Green Lake Park for 10 hours! I’ll volunteer to supervise her — you can be sure I’ll shine a flashlight on her pants looking for “jeans-like” seams and wrinkles! Extra hours of community service if I find any! Meanwhile, our voter registration laws are fine just the way they are. I don’t want ChoicePoint or any other Republican contractor deciding whether I have a right to vote. A voter registration should be cancelled only after careful scrutiny by objective professionals and with full due process for the voter. In fact, I’d go farther than existing law and require that cancelling a voter registration can be done only with a court order. If similar laws had been in place in Florida and Ohio, we wouldn’t have an unelected usurper squatting in the White House behaving like a fucking dictator.
Ron Paul will be the first GOP candidate I ever vote for. I hope many other liberal (classic and modern) vote for him in the primary as well.
Mr. Rabbit, first of all, if you are a Vietnam vet, then thank you for your service. That holds true for all veterans, but most especially those of you who were in SE Asia. Y’all did not get a very fair shake and I, for one, am ashamed of how badly so many of you were treated by this country. I hope that one day that can be acknowledged and maybe made right by our so-called leaders in DC. In the meantime, just know that there are a lot of us that do appreciate your service.
As for your contention that Republicans screwed over the Vietnam vets? Please explain how that is possible when the Dems ran the Congress and Senate in those days? Shouldn’t you be railing at them, since they called the legislative shots, not the Republicans? I understand that hyperbole is a lawyers best friend, but presumably so is truth?
@28 “Mr. Rabbit, first of all, if you are a Vietnam vet, then thank you for your service.”
You’re welcome.
@28 “As for your contention that Republicans screwed over the Vietnam vets? Please explain how that is possible when the Dems ran the Congress and Senate in those days?”
Nixon and Gorton were Democrats? That’s news to me. Not that LBJ was all that great …
… buuuut, LBJ was dead by the time I was in law school, and Senator Slade WAS my senator and therefore the person I had to turn to, and Senator Slade IS the Republican who told me to go to hell …
Not that Democrats treated us all that great, either. But I’ll tell you what. Idiot wingnuts though some them were (and are), I’ll accept the privilege of serving with my fellow Vietnam vets as reward enough.
My student loans were paid off long ago, and our nation’s attitude toward Vietnam vets has changed. Most people now acknowledge that mistakes were made, and nearly everyone honors our service now. I’m glad I’ve lived long enough to see this happen, and wish those who didn’t had seen it in their lifetimes. But I like to think they know, up there wherever they are, looking down on us.
@22 I doubt the guards shine flashlights on their jail uniforms looking for “jeans-like” seams and wrinkles. When Republicans run our country, prison inmates get treated better than the workers who help planes fly. That’s why we need strong unions, and more of them. And that’s why we need to tell Republicans to take a flying leap to Hell — and help them over the brink. The sooner they fall into the center of the Earth, the better of the air controllers and everyone else will be.
@30 “Nixon and Gorton were Democrats? That’s news to me. Not that LBJ was all that great … ”
Since none of the gentlemen that you mentioned would be responsible, directly anyway, for that kind of legislation, blaming them for its lack would seem to be disingenuous. From what I can remember from school, and granting that was a long time ago, legislation is the responsibility of the legislative, not the executive, branch. So again, since the Dems controlled the legislature, they should be the actual targets of your ire. As for Gorton? While indeed a legislator, how likely is it that anything he proposed would have been favorably received by the Majority leaders? Given the unpopularity of the military at the time, and his membership in the opposition, my guess is it’s pretty unlikely that anything would have happened, even if Gorton, and every Republican, had pushed hard for such a bill.
Yeah, the average nighttime temps go down by around 5 degrees, global warming slows down, video conferencing increases and people find it harder to buy crap they don’t need anyway, they pay off a few bills and the personal savings rate becomes a positive number.
The Fake Thomas Jefferson @ 35:
Your words demonstrate that not only has time eroded any sense of understanding of how our government works, you probably spent too much time picking your boogers and wiping them under your desk, or eating them.
You wrote:
“legislation is the responsibility of the legislative, not the executive, branch.”
Legislation is just that, legislation. It doesn’t become law until the president signs the bill into law, or the president vetoes the bill and the veto is overridden by congress. That’s Nixon’s role.
Your words:
“As for Gorton? While indeed a legislator, how likely is it that anything he proposed would have been favorably received by the Majority leaders?”
As a senator, he can help kill a bill in committee, or filibuster a bill to death. You do not have the be in the majority to have a say in legislation. That’s the protection of the minority from the tyranny of the majority and why the previous Republicans threat to use the “nuclear option” and destroy the 230+ years of tradition in the Senate was so typically Republican and un-American.
Do you even know who wrote the parliamentary rules and procedures used in the US Senate?
RightEqualsStupid says:
Let me be the first to say that America is under attack from the right and we need to recognize that the Publicans and their ilk mean to do us harm. The so-called terrorists can’t do NEARLY as much harm to our democracy as the right
So suicide bombings and the beheading of “infidels” are preferable to Republican policies? If you really believe this, please seek professional help ASAP!
Attention advertisers, you too can reach this prime demographic.
24 Ah, man….that’s really sad. Bruce was one of the good guys, a true exemplar of what being a “good Christian” should be all about.
He was also responsible for preventing Ray Vecchi and the bean counters from ruining Alaska Airlines back in the 90’s. After Kennedy stepped down as CEO to do missionary work, his successors did everything they could to exploit the company’s reputation while trying to break the unions, screw the customers and basically squeeze out every penny of short-term profit. Before things completely fell apart, Kennedy, who was still chairman, made a “return visit” and all of a sudden Vecchi was out of a job and things more or less got back to normal.
Now Alaska’s been going downhill again, admittedly like most of the rest of the air travel industry. I guess now they’ll just continue to suck worse and worse.
The wife and I flew to Los Angeles and back in the last week, and it was a less than pleasant experience. Among other things, we checked in at LAX on the return trip, went through security and then found that our flight would be delayed for three hours because the designated first officer was on a flight from Chicago that had been held up by thunderstorms. Apparently United didn’t have anyone else on the west coast qualified for the right seat in an A320.
The morning Pea-Eye had as its lead story that air travel is going to become worse and worse all through the summer and we’re all just supposed to suck it up and accept it like good loyal little “consumers”. I admit I didn’t read the entire article, but it certainly isn’t going to make it any better for the FAA to be screwing with those people whose job it is to help all those planes from running into each other.
I’m thinkin’ maybe we’re going to take the train next time, or just forget it and stay home. I don’t know about you folks, but there’s a lot of stuff that’s getting more and more like the falling-appart, paranoid dystopia portrayed in Terry Gilliam’s movie, Brazil.
Where the fuck is Archibald Tuttle, now that we need him?
ArtFart @ 40,
I hear you, man. I don’t care to be treated like a criminal every time I show up to take a plane somewhere. If I can’t drive or take a train, I ain’t going.
Mark the dumb ass wrote:
“So suicide bombings and the beheading of “infidels” are preferable to Republican policies?”
Neither of these anti-American principles is preferable to continue following in the footsteps of our Founding Fathers, respecting the Rule of Law and giving more liberties to Americans and not taking them away.
IF you knew anything about the history of our country then you’d surely know that when the most powerful military on the planet was burning down the White House, our leaders still insisted on sustaining to the American PEOPLE the Bill of Rights.
Grow up, learn some history, and get your facts straight and stop being so fucking conservative and anti-American.
Jack off.
re 37: If we could get some of Thomas Jefferson’s boogers, maybe we could find enough genetic material to clone him!
re 38: Anthrax in the mail, small plane “mishaps”, assassinations, and 9/11.
Anyone see all the rain and flooding in Texas?
The funny thing is they were having severe droughts not too long ago, now they have more water than they know what to do with.
What’s up with the weather?
Didn’t someone really smart recently warn us that, uh, what was it? Oh, yeah, that something about the climate changing would cause dramatic changes in weather patterns causing natural disasters to occur.
Then, I think some ass hole said you could do an analysis with chai tea, tai chi, chi squared. . . I dunno, but this DICK said it could prove that the climate isn’t changing even in the face of irrefutable evidence that people are drowning in Texas from massive and unusual torrential rain storms.
Well, you know what I said about the weather over 100 years ago, you can talk about it, but you can’t do much about it.
GBS says:
Mark the dumb ass wrote:
“So suicide bombings and the beheading of “infidels” are preferable to Republican policies?”
Neither of these anti-American principles is preferable to continue following in the footsteps of our Founding Fathers, respecting the Rule of Law and giving more liberties to Americans and not taking them away.
IF you knew anything about the history of our country then you’d surely know that when the most powerful military on the planet was burning down the White House, our leaders still insisted on sustaining to the American PEOPLE the Bill of Rights.
Grow up, learn some history, and get your facts straight and stop being so fucking conservative and anti-American.
Jack off.
Dear Mr. GBS – Huh? I think you must have replied to the wrong post. Which again was:
Let me be the first to say that America is under attack from the right and we need to recognize that the Publicans and their ilk mean to do us harm. The so-called terrorists can’t do NEARLY as much harm to our democracy as the right.
The author of this incoherant post is comparing the actions of terrorists to “Publicans” whatever the hell that is, but I’ll take it to mean the GOP. I merely pointed out the absurdity of it.
And one more thing, why is it that because someone does not share your politics and has a different world view, they are by definition a “dumb ass”, “ignorant”, “uneducated”, etc? Is it too much to ask to not be so arrogant and condescending?
Here is where you reply back with how “stupid” and “uneducated” I am. Despite the fact that I went to college, have a graduate degree, and make a decent living.
Go ahead – give it your best shot, so I can point out the errors of your pseudo intellectualism.
headless lucy says:
re 38: Anthrax in the mail, small plane “mishaps”, assassinations, and 9/11.
“Dog and cats, living together…!!”
Dr. Peter Vinkman
Still the same of old ragtag bunch of foul mouthed ignorant misfits and miscreants trying to pass off four letter words as intelligent thought.
Mr. Mark:
Well, I’ll take your post as a gentlemen’s challenge to an intellectual duel. Your challenge is duly noted and accepted, Sir.
It’s well known on this blog that I am not a college educated man. Therefore, you automatically have the upper hand and should have no problem with disposing of my arguments quickly.
Any factual errors on your part will now be greatly magnified since you attended institutions of higher learning and you make a decent living. As if any monetary measure is an accurate measure of your IQ. You’re expected to know more than me since you put it out there. You better be right or I’ll jump all over it.
Having a differing world view is one thing, and quite healthy to democracy. What isn’t so healthy is ignoring the FACTS surrounding an issue and making decisions based on predetermined ideology. Which is what conservatives have been doing to American politics for decades. Those are the people who are dumb asses, jack off’s and just plain dumb.
So, to answer your point directly, any time OUR rights are curtailed by Republican policies, or any others policies, including that of al Qeada’s, it is far worse than a suicide booming or someone getting their throat slit.
Such thinking is a direct slap in the face to all the men and women who have served, been wounded, or died in protecting freedom, liberty and democracy for all Americans.
OK, Big Boy, let’s see whatcha got.
Mr. Mark:
You might want to confer with Puddybud before you get all huffy with me.
He went to an Ivy League college, was slated for nuke power school in the US Navy and he’s taken more than one ass whoopin’ from this “pseudo intellectual.”
Good luck and good night.
PenisButter&Jelly @ 49:
You must be back on your meds. That’s the most eloquent prose you’ve ever written on this blog. Well, as close to poetry as you’ll ever come, but . . .
Good for you, yeaaaaaa!
Good boy, good boy, good boy.
GBS @37
At least you live up to the lib stereotype, I’ll give you that. Your arrogant, condescending, holier-than-thou, mental masturbation, does nothing but display your own overwhelming ignorance. My advice to you is to stand up once in a while. You know, spare yourself further oxygen deprivation caused brain damage.
Oh, and just to stay on the original topic – The legislation has to actually be introduced for the President to sign it into law, or veto it. Dumbass!
Fake Thomas Jefferson @ 53:
“It doesn’t become law until the president signs the bill into law,”
Doesn’t this statement presuppose that the bill has been introduced for the president to sign? Otherwise, it wouldn’t be at his desk now would it?
Dumb ass?
BTW, I see you took the time to read my post but avoiding answering the question that would test knowledge.
“Do you even know who wrote the parliamentary rules and procedures used in the US Senate?”
See, it ain’t braggin’ mother fucker when you can back it up!
Good night and good luck.
Fake Thomas Jefferson @ 53:
“It doesn’t become law until the president signs the bill into law,”
Doesn’t this statement presuppose that the bill has been introduced for the president to sign? Otherwise, it wouldn’t be at his desk now would it?
Dumb ass?
BTW, I see you took the time to read my post but avoided answering the question that would test your knowledge.
“Do you even know who wrote the parliamentary rules and procedures used in the US Senate?”
See, it ain’t braggin’ mother fucker when you can back it up!
Good night and good luck.
GBS says:
Fake Thomas Jefferson @ 53:
“It doesn’t become law until the president signs the bill into law,”
Doesn’t this statement presuppose that the bill has been introduced for the president to sign? Otherwise, it wouldn’t be at his desk now would it?
Dumb ass?
BTW, I see you took the time to read my post but avoided answering the question that would test your knowledge.
“Do you even know who wrote the parliamentary rules and procedures used in the US Senate?”
See, it ain’t braggin’ mother fucker when you can back it up!
Good night and good luck.
Can I ask YOU a question Einstein? Why are you such an arrogant asshole? I ask this in all sincerity? Seriously! You are NOT a nice person. Quite the opposite. Never in my life have I come across such a puffed up self professed arrogant schmuck. And I have known some BIG TIME assholes.
I use IE 6 — I came here this morning – got a 404.
GBS: Ass Whuppin? Naaah…
You brought up points that were good points. Not everything can be argued back and forth.
So let me ask back: If the Moonbat! Progressive NEW Democrat Party is such a big tent, why do the libtards go anal when their more moderate bros and sis’ try and make legitimate points?
Oh wiat don’t tell me. They ARE Horses ASSes!
That’s what you get for using a Microsoft product.
Look, I’ll try and keep this simple so that you can follow along. If you’d rather, I can go ahead and create a flowchart – maybe then you could actually keep up.
The *original* point was that *the Dems* would have had to introduce the necessary legislation for the President to either: sign, or veto. That didn’t happen. Therefore *your* statement was irrelevant. Got it?
And as for your question about the Senate rules? Frankly who gives a rip? I certainly don’t, and I’m morally certain that 99% of the folks on this board don’t either. However, since you seem to think it’s such a great test, I’ll say this much – Thomas Jefferson created a set of Parliamentary rules for the Senate, portions of which were incorporated into the Senate rules. And that’s all you get. Go play ‘trivial pursuit’ with someone else.
Back it up? Riiiiiiiight.
Civil war between the left and the right? No, that that wont happen. The right however has been on the attack against the left for years.
And from my point of view, the opposite has occured…
There is such a fundamental lack of communication when it comes to ideology that I’m not sure that meaningful dialog is possible any longer. Most assuredly, conservative thought makes just as much sense to right-wingers, as liberal thought does to left-wingers. They’re almost mirror images, in fact. No matter how cogent your argument, how seemingly unimpeachable your source and conclusion, believe it, the other side has just as compelling an argument to prove you wrong. And that is what most folks on both sides miss. We’re talking past each other. It isn’t that I can’t see, or understand, your positions… It’s that to me, they’re non-sensical. Just like my positions would be, and are, to yourself.
In regards to the site linked @25, I do agree with one of the posters there that both the left and the right here are being exploited for the benefit of some other group. Not so sure it’s Cheney, Bush, etc. though…
I’m not talking about the ideological arguments. I’m talking about the people who threaten to beat me up when I march in an anti-war march. I’m talking about people like Ann Coulter who call for killing members of the left, I’m talking about Eric Rudolph. I’m talking about The Minute Men who get paraded in the media as main stream, but have ties to violent Neo-Nazis. It’s the right that’s blowing up womens health clinics, not the left.
Sorry, but we are under attack and the responsible members of the right need to call off the dogs.
I doubt it was members of the left that caused Barack Obama have to have Secret Service protection.
Senators Cantwell and Murray are willing to “sell-out” their constituents for a few pieces of silver. We need to ask them if they were now supporters of big business given their support of the bill and the two YouTube videos below.
“Within minutes of yesterday’s defeat in the Senate, Democrats were discussing how to salvage pieces of the immigration bill, including farm-labor provisions that could be attached to this summer’s farm bill. High-tech firms have allies in Congress who could press for legislation to increase the number of high-skilled workers allowed visas each year. The portion of the bill that expands college-education and military-service opportunities for the children of illegal immigrants has broad appeal. But overhaul supporters admit being torn between rushing in to save provisions or letting problems worsen until public support builds for a comprehensive approach.” (Wall Street Journal)