Seattle has a lot of neat little parks. I was in one just North of Northgate Mall over the weekend. It had a bunch of exercise equipment. What a hoot. I used them all in my street clothes.
@1 Well, stupidity isn’t a crime in this country, so he’s probably not in jail. Maybe he’s out in the barn fooling around with his horses?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of stupidity, U.S. Energy Secretary* Rick Perry** denies carbon dioxide is the primary driver of climate change and claims that challenging the science that says otherwise is a mark of “intellectual engagement.”
* Titles don’t mean anything. Anybody can get a title. For example, I could be “HRH Roger Rabbit” simply by tacking “HRH” onto my name, but I’d still be the same rabbit, cottontail and all.
** Proves the validity of my argument at *.
Steve accuses me of falling down on the trolling job, and yet the first two comments are about me.
Get lives, people.
Atrios @Atrios
one day someone other than me will point out the contradiction between politicians promising jobs and the fed promising to take them away
No contradiction at all. Merely a difference: The Fed (it’s capitalized – like the first word in a sentence) is led by people who aren’t subject to the popular vote.
Oh, lookie:
An editorial that Goldy will profess not to like. Because it’s unsigned.
Single-payer health care would have an astonishingly high price tag
When Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed a “Medicare for all” health plan in his presidential campaign, the nonpartisan Urban Institute figured that it would raise government spending by $32 trillion over 10 years, requiring a tax increase so huge that even the democratic socialist Mr. Sanders did not propose anything close to it.
That’s so much money, even YLB might have to chip in a bit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 You should be glad we miss your stupid ass and worry about your welfare when you disappear. Besides, trolls — even bad ones — are hard to come by on this blog. Right now, you’re half of HA’s troll team, and the other one isn’t even worth counting. When you’re gone, it’s like trying to play basketball when nobody else shows up.
…Clinton paid tribute to Elizabeth Banks, actress, director and Clinton activist who was receiving an award for Crystal Award for Excellence in Film.
She then moved on to Wonder Woman: “Now I haven’t seen Wonder Woman yet, but I’m going to, in part because it’s directed by the fabulous Patty Jenkins.
“But something tells me that a movie about a strong, powerful woman fighting to save the world from a massive international disaster is right up my alley.”
Yeah, that was an impressive leap into that van you made after leaving the 9/11 memorial ceremony last year. Really superheroic.
@ 7
When you’re gone, it’s like trying to play basketball when nobody else shows up.
Bet #CrookedHillary would lose a game playing unopposed, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Let’s assume that figure, which obviously is based on projected total U.S. health care spending, is correct. The $32 trillion dollar figure ($3.2 trillion a year) isn’t offset by the reduction of private spending by employers and individuals on health insurance premiums, deductables and copays, out-of-pockets, etc.
Yes, your taxes might be more, but the real question is whether your overall health expense would be less. Any honest comparison of the current system vs. government-run single payer would take this offset into account and state a NET difference in the cost of health care to businesses and individuals.
Single-payer Medicare-for-all wouldn’t “raise” health care spending by $3.2 trillion a year. At present, about 50% of U.S. health care spending goes through a government-payer system (Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Tricare, etc.); single payer would shift the other 50% into that system.
The real question is whether this shift would increase or lower costs. The private insurance industry skims over 25% off the top for the “service” of processing your payments to providers. The government’s costs in the Medicare program for essentially the same service are under 2%.
Under this scenario, it’s hard to see how single-payer run by the government could possibly cost consumers more than the present system.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “Bet #CrookedHillary would lose a game playing unopposed, too.”
Well, that’s an easy statement to make, because she did lose playing unopposed. In all meaningful senses of the term “opponent,” she didn’t have one. It’s hard to run against a charade.
I wouldn’t dispute that Trump voters had genuine and legitimate grievances. But they chose a very flawed vessel for their aspirations. So flawed, in fact, that they probably would have been better off with Hillary. We all would have.
@ 11
GOP would have been better off with a #CrookedHillary-appointed SCOTUS justice to the left of Garland……
How, exactly?
BTW SCOTUS took a gerrymanderingredistricting case (Wisconsin’s) for argument in the next term.
Althouse says wasted votes could come up in that case. She also provides a nice rundown of opinions of SCOTUS justices who were on the Court the last time it addressed redistricting.
“In all meaningful senses of the term “opponent,” she didn’t have one.”
In all fairness, she had to take on the Russians and the FBI, as well as the Republicans. I don’t recall any presidential candidate having to do that before, and yet she still won the popular vote.
@ 13
In all fairness, she had to take on the Russians and the FBI, as well as the Republicans.
Don’t forget the woman raped by her husband.
You’d better put some ice on that.
Isn’t it smart to be as strong as the bear, if there is a bear?
And isn’t it smarter to run like hell rather than stopping to text your mom, when you’re sure there is and it’s chasing you?
UPDATE: Mauled teen texted mom before attack
“I’ve been running in the mountains for 30 years,” said Brad Precosky, a director of the race. “People come down off the trail and say they’ve run into a bear. Sometimes that means nothing; other times, it’s really serious. Like this.”
The teenager, who police said is from Alaska, reportedly sent a text message to his mother during his descent of the trail after the all-uphill race sometime around 12:30. He said he was being chased by a bear.
Next late spring I’ll be able to say that, for fifty years Democrats have done little more than disappoint, and for the last twenty years, Republicans increasingly disgust me.
Not much into enthusiasm here. But I’ll say this. Hillary in her college days reminds me of a girl I knew years ago who turned out to be a great fuck.
Not much into enthusiasm here. But I’ll say this. Hillary in her college days reminds me of a girl I knew years ago who turned out to be a great fuck.
Pretty sure that is what the pink pussy hatWomen’s March was all about, Steve.
Oh. And Steve, you sound more like Donald Trump with each passing day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “GOP would have been better off with a #CrookedHillary-appointed SCOTUS justice to the left of Garland…… How, exactly?”
Let me count the ways:
(1) A Court that wouldn’t turn our political system over to giant corporations;
(2) A Court more partial to consumers and ordinary citizens than to giant corporations;
(3) A Court that wouldn’t look the other way at undemocratic practices like gerrymandering and vote suppression;
(4) A Court that wouldn’t uphold the taking of private property for private development purposes through eminent domain;
(5) A Court that would protect the civil liberties of our citizens;
(6) A Court that wouldn’t allow the police or giant corporations to invade our privacy at will;
(7) A Court that would look at gun ownership as a responsibility instead of an unassailable right;
… and lots more.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “Don’t forget the woman raped by her husband.”
This laughable screed is brought to you by a troll who has no problem with President Pussygrabber’s personal behavior …
President Donald Trump’s longtime attorney and adviser Michael Cohen has hired a lawyer to represent him in the investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, Cohen told CNN on Friday.
Good thing we didn’t hire anyone crooked, eh, Dumbfuck?
Yeah, that Spicier little worm really knows the Constitution alright.
Madam Guillotine is gettin’ close.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Senile FOOL @19,
Was Clinton disbarred?
Of course, my link above is a clickbait site and in all likelihood false. But now that the White House has banned audio and video recording of press conferences, people can say anything they want and there is no way for Fat Donny to deny it. He’s too stupid to know when he’s being played by a real expert.
I find the idea to be perfectly in line with everything else he’s said, so it would be no surprise at all to hear that this is in fact exactly what Jackass Spice actually did say.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@4 if you had a life you wouldn’t be here daily posting senseless shit.
You are way beyond the kettle calling the pot black.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@6. What do you pay in premiums with your private coverage Doctor dumbfuck? What do employers pay for their employees health coverage Doctor Dumbfuck. No time to read the linked article but does it say whether that figure that you toss around so elegantly (faked orgasm) is beyond what it cost indivuals and employers presently for themselves and those on Medicare and Medicaid.
You being smarter than me should mean that you should at least try to act and show how much smarter you are andt spell it out more for a lazy dumbfuck like me.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Unopposed? Hahahahaha.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@10. Roger you and I think too much a like. We have brains and the Doctor has a plug up his ass and his head is full of shit and he has to fake orgasms to make a point. His wife must be a dog.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 No.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 It doesn’t say much for Doctor Dumbfuck that even a rabbit can see through his bullshit.
Hillary Clintonspews:
27 – Why not? I’ve been faking for decades and decades.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Steve – I was reading ENR the other day (a recent publication). They did a piece on technology. One of the photos related to the article was a Sellen employee (woman). She had a nifty pair of virtual realty headgear on….no blueprints in her hands or on the Dodge Ram.
She and the headgear make Max obsolete. Hi Max.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, says the stimulus, zero interest rates, and quantitative easing achieved a shallower recession.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans opposed all these measures. They predicted runaway inflation when the real danger was deflation. If they’d gotten their way, we’d have had a Second Great Depression.
I don’t vote for Republicans because they’re wrong. They’re wrong about economic policy, they’re wrong about climate change, they’re wrong about health care policy, they’re wrong about everything.
Why would you entrust your and your family’s future to dumbfucks who put stupidity on a pedestal and worship it?
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
What’s the best way to avoid having a discussion that you are going to lose? Post a bunch of senseless shit. Ehhhh Doctor Dumbfuck.
@ RR @ 32
“Why would you entrust your and your family’s future to dumbfucks who put stupidity on a pedestal and worship it?”
Because Jesus.
Because ineducable morons don’t vote based on knowledge of things, or for educated people. All they want to hear is that Jesus wants a certain person to be elected, and the only validation they need for that is for the candidate to tell them so.
The GOP has discovered a nifty trick to winning elections. They know that they can be and do anything they want. They can molest children, rape women, embezzle billions of dollars, openly call for extermination of entire populations, smuggle drugs, kiddie porn or weapons and they will still win by claiming to be Christian$. That’s all that block of voters needs to sell them on the candidacy.
W.C. Fields was right.
Well, that and purging voting rolls with techniques like blocking out Hispanic names or those that sound a little too “Negro”.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
I don’t vote for Repukes just because they are wrong about everything, but because they are a bunch of freedomless bigot mother fuckers that fake orgasms too. No bravery in them fucks.
There’s no better place than NYC to die – come get me ISIS.
Mark Adamsspews:
When ISIS hits Central Park or the Bronz Zoo you will know they got your message. Way to go hero.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Pussy. Donald Trump has sent them much greaeter messages than I. Your vagina lips are quivering. The straights are a bunch of pussies. Don’t let Milo hear you talk that way.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@36. See 33. Is that the best sideways bullshit you can spew?
@ 32
Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, says the stimulus, zero interest rates, and quantitative easing achieved a shallower recession.
Well, surely. Although at what ultimate cost?
You can either believe Harry Reid and his ilk, and never unwind the QE programs, because Social Security will always be there and because we’ll never have to pay the sins of our fathers.
Or you can wait 20 years, and ask the children of Goldy and YLB how they feel about having to bear the consequences of the sins of theirs.
@ The Bald Faced Liar @ 39
The fact that the GOP regularly rapes the Social Security trust fund to balance the Federal budget doesn’t bother you at all does it.
I suppose that’s okay with you. Your stocks in coal mines and buggy whips will see you through anything. The reality is, that the GOP cannot win elections without openly cheating and stealing them. If everyone voted who was qualified to vote, the GOP/Corporate/Fascists would never win an election.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
“Or you can wait 20 years, and ask the children of Goldy and YLB how they feel about having to bear the consequences of the sins…”
Will be the least of their worries after swimming in the rising tides and trying to learn Russian.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 We know you wanted the Great Recession to turn into another Great Depression so you could pick up cheap stocks, real estate, and other assets formerly owned by the working and middle classes. You’re upset because those plans were thwarted. Tough shit.
Where is Doctor Dumbfuck?
@1 Well, stupidity isn’t a crime in this country, so he’s probably not in jail. Maybe he’s out in the barn fooling around with his horses?
Speaking of stupidity, U.S. Energy Secretary* Rick Perry** denies carbon dioxide is the primary driver of climate change and claims that challenging the science that says otherwise is a mark of “intellectual engagement.”
* Titles don’t mean anything. Anybody can get a title. For example, I could be “HRH Roger Rabbit” simply by tacking “HRH” onto my name, but I’d still be the same rabbit, cottontail and all.
** Proves the validity of my argument at *.
Steve accuses me of falling down on the trolling job, and yet the first two comments are about me.
Get lives, people.
Atrios @Atrios
one day someone other than me will point out the contradiction between politicians promising jobs and the fed promising to take them away
No contradiction at all. Merely a difference: The Fed (it’s capitalized – like the first word in a sentence) is led by people who aren’t subject to the popular vote.
Oh, lookie:
An editorial that Goldy will profess not to like. Because it’s unsigned.
Single-payer health care would have an astonishingly high price tag
When Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed a “Medicare for all” health plan in his presidential campaign, the nonpartisan Urban Institute figured that it would raise government spending by $32 trillion over 10 years, requiring a tax increase so huge that even the democratic socialist Mr. Sanders did not propose anything close to it.
That’s so much money, even YLB might have to chip in a bit.
@4 You should be glad we miss your stupid ass and worry about your welfare when you disappear. Besides, trolls — even bad ones — are hard to come by on this blog. Right now, you’re half of HA’s troll team, and the other one isn’t even worth counting. When you’re gone, it’s like trying to play basketball when nobody else shows up.
…Clinton paid tribute to Elizabeth Banks, actress, director and Clinton activist who was receiving an award for Crystal Award for Excellence in Film.
She then moved on to Wonder Woman: “Now I haven’t seen Wonder Woman yet, but I’m going to, in part because it’s directed by the fabulous Patty Jenkins.
“But something tells me that a movie about a strong, powerful woman fighting to save the world from a massive international disaster is right up my alley.”
Yeah, that was an impressive leap into that van you made after leaving the 9/11 memorial ceremony last year. Really superheroic.
@ 7
When you’re gone, it’s like trying to play basketball when nobody else shows up.
Bet #CrookedHillary would lose a game playing unopposed, too.
@6 Let’s assume that figure, which obviously is based on projected total U.S. health care spending, is correct. The $32 trillion dollar figure ($3.2 trillion a year) isn’t offset by the reduction of private spending by employers and individuals on health insurance premiums, deductables and copays, out-of-pockets, etc.
Yes, your taxes might be more, but the real question is whether your overall health expense would be less. Any honest comparison of the current system vs. government-run single payer would take this offset into account and state a NET difference in the cost of health care to businesses and individuals.
Single-payer Medicare-for-all wouldn’t “raise” health care spending by $3.2 trillion a year. At present, about 50% of U.S. health care spending goes through a government-payer system (Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Tricare, etc.); single payer would shift the other 50% into that system.
The real question is whether this shift would increase or lower costs. The private insurance industry skims over 25% off the top for the “service” of processing your payments to providers. The government’s costs in the Medicare program for essentially the same service are under 2%.
Under this scenario, it’s hard to see how single-payer run by the government could possibly cost consumers more than the present system.
@9 “Bet #CrookedHillary would lose a game playing unopposed, too.”
Well, that’s an easy statement to make, because she did lose playing unopposed. In all meaningful senses of the term “opponent,” she didn’t have one. It’s hard to run against a charade.
I wouldn’t dispute that Trump voters had genuine and legitimate grievances. But they chose a very flawed vessel for their aspirations. So flawed, in fact, that they probably would have been better off with Hillary. We all would have.
@ 11
GOP would have been better off with a #CrookedHillary-appointed SCOTUS justice to the left of Garland……
How, exactly?
gerrymanderingredistricting case (Wisconsin’s) for argument in the next term.Althouse says wasted votes could come up in that case. She also provides a nice rundown of opinions of SCOTUS justices who were on the Court the last time it addressed redistricting.
“In all meaningful senses of the term “opponent,” she didn’t have one.”
In all fairness, she had to take on the Russians and the FBI, as well as the Republicans. I don’t recall any presidential candidate having to do that before, and yet she still won the popular vote.
@ 13
In all fairness, she had to take on the Russians and the FBI, as well as the Republicans.
Don’t forget the woman raped by her husband.
You’d better put some ice on that.
Isn’t it smart to be as strong as the bear, if there is a bear?
And isn’t it smarter to run like hell rather than stopping to text your mom, when you’re sure there is and it’s chasing you?
UPDATE: Mauled teen texted mom before attack
“I’ve been running in the mountains for 30 years,” said Brad Precosky, a director of the race. “People come down off the trail and say they’ve run into a bear. Sometimes that means nothing; other times, it’s really serious. Like this.”
The teenager, who police said is from Alaska, reportedly sent a text message to his mother during his descent of the trail after the all-uphill race sometime around 12:30. He said he was being chased by a bear.
“You’d better put some ice on that.”
Next late spring I’ll be able to say that, for fifty years Democrats have done little more than disappoint, and for the last twenty years, Republicans increasingly disgust me.
Not much into enthusiasm here. But I’ll say this. Hillary in her college days reminds me of a girl I knew years ago who turned out to be a great fuck.
Not much into enthusiasm here. But I’ll say this. Hillary in her college days reminds me of a girl I knew years ago who turned out to be a great fuck.
Pretty sure that is what the
pink pussy hatWomen’s March was all about, Steve.Oh. And Steve, you sound more like Donald Trump with each passing day.
@12 “GOP would have been better off with a #CrookedHillary-appointed SCOTUS justice to the left of Garland…… How, exactly?”
Let me count the ways:
(1) A Court that wouldn’t turn our political system over to giant corporations;
(2) A Court more partial to consumers and ordinary citizens than to giant corporations;
(3) A Court that wouldn’t look the other way at undemocratic practices like gerrymandering and vote suppression;
(4) A Court that wouldn’t uphold the taking of private property for private development purposes through eminent domain;
(5) A Court that would protect the civil liberties of our citizens;
(6) A Court that wouldn’t allow the police or giant corporations to invade our privacy at will;
(7) A Court that would look at gun ownership as a responsibility instead of an unassailable right;
… and lots more.
@14 “Don’t forget the woman raped by her husband.”
This laughable screed is brought to you by a troll who has no problem with President Pussygrabber’s personal behavior …
Oh look, it’s like a matruska of lawyers:
President Donald Trump’s longtime attorney and adviser Michael Cohen has hired a lawyer to represent him in the investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, Cohen told CNN on Friday.
Good thing we didn’t hire anyone crooked, eh, Dumbfuck?
Live on your knees.
@ the gibbering bullshitter @ 12:
“For example, President Trump not only has the power to fire Robert Mueller; he also has the legal ability and right to cancel and disband the Supreme Court of the United States as well, should he feel the need for it. And no one could argue with such a decision.”
Yeah, that Spicier little worm really knows the Constitution alright.
Madam Guillotine is gettin’ close.
Senile FOOL @19,
Was Clinton disbarred?
Of course, my link above is a clickbait site and in all likelihood false. But now that the White House has banned audio and video recording of press conferences, people can say anything they want and there is no way for Fat Donny to deny it. He’s too stupid to know when he’s being played by a real expert.
I find the idea to be perfectly in line with everything else he’s said, so it would be no surprise at all to hear that this is in fact exactly what Jackass Spice actually did say.
@4 if you had a life you wouldn’t be here daily posting senseless shit.
You are way beyond the kettle calling the pot black.
@6. What do you pay in premiums with your private coverage Doctor dumbfuck? What do employers pay for their employees health coverage Doctor Dumbfuck. No time to read the linked article but does it say whether that figure that you toss around so elegantly (faked orgasm) is beyond what it cost indivuals and employers presently for themselves and those on Medicare and Medicaid.
You being smarter than me should mean that you should at least try to act and show how much smarter you are andt spell it out more for a lazy dumbfuck like me.
Unopposed? Hahahahaha.
@10. Roger you and I think too much a like. We have brains and the Doctor has a plug up his ass and his head is full of shit and he has to fake orgasms to make a point. His wife must be a dog.
@22 No.
@27 It doesn’t say much for Doctor Dumbfuck that even a rabbit can see through his bullshit.
27 – Why not? I’ve been faking for decades and decades.
Steve – I was reading ENR the other day (a recent publication). They did a piece on technology. One of the photos related to the article was a Sellen employee (woman). She had a nifty pair of virtual realty headgear on….no blueprints in her hands or on the Dodge Ram.
She and the headgear make Max obsolete. Hi Max.
Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, says the stimulus, zero interest rates, and quantitative easing achieved a shallower recession.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans opposed all these measures. They predicted runaway inflation when the real danger was deflation. If they’d gotten their way, we’d have had a Second Great Depression.
I don’t vote for Republicans because they’re wrong. They’re wrong about economic policy, they’re wrong about climate change, they’re wrong about health care policy, they’re wrong about everything.
Why would you entrust your and your family’s future to dumbfucks who put stupidity on a pedestal and worship it?
What’s the best way to avoid having a discussion that you are going to lose? Post a bunch of senseless shit. Ehhhh Doctor Dumbfuck.
@ RR @ 32
“Why would you entrust your and your family’s future to dumbfucks who put stupidity on a pedestal and worship it?”
Because Jesus.
Because ineducable morons don’t vote based on knowledge of things, or for educated people. All they want to hear is that Jesus wants a certain person to be elected, and the only validation they need for that is for the candidate to tell them so.
The GOP has discovered a nifty trick to winning elections. They know that they can be and do anything they want. They can molest children, rape women, embezzle billions of dollars, openly call for extermination of entire populations, smuggle drugs, kiddie porn or weapons and they will still win by claiming to be Christian$. That’s all that block of voters needs to sell them on the candidacy.
W.C. Fields was right.
Well, that and purging voting rolls with techniques like blocking out Hispanic names or those that sound a little too “Negro”.
I don’t vote for Repukes just because they are wrong about everything, but because they are a bunch of freedomless bigot mother fuckers that fake orgasms too. No bravery in them fucks.
There’s no better place than NYC to die – come get me ISIS.
When ISIS hits Central Park or the Bronz Zoo you will know they got your message. Way to go hero.
Pussy. Donald Trump has sent them much greaeter messages than I. Your vagina lips are quivering. The straights are a bunch of pussies. Don’t let Milo hear you talk that way.
@36. See 33. Is that the best sideways bullshit you can spew?
@ 32
Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, says the stimulus, zero interest rates, and quantitative easing achieved a shallower recession.
Well, surely. Although at what ultimate cost?
You can either believe Harry Reid and his ilk, and never unwind the QE programs, because Social Security will always be there and because we’ll never have to pay the sins of our fathers.
Or you can wait 20 years, and ask the children of Goldy and YLB how they feel about having to bear the consequences of the sins of theirs.
@ The Bald Faced Liar @ 39
The fact that the GOP regularly rapes the Social Security trust fund to balance the Federal budget doesn’t bother you at all does it.
I suppose that’s okay with you. Your stocks in coal mines and buggy whips will see you through anything. The reality is, that the GOP cannot win elections without openly cheating and stealing them. If everyone voted who was qualified to vote, the GOP/Corporate/Fascists would never win an election.
“Or you can wait 20 years, and ask the children of Goldy and YLB how they feel about having to bear the consequences of the sins…”
Will be the least of their worries after swimming in the rising tides and trying to learn Russian.
@39 We know you wanted the Great Recession to turn into another Great Depression so you could pick up cheap stocks, real estate, and other assets formerly owned by the working and middle classes. You’re upset because those plans were thwarted. Tough shit.