Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, can we get a rousing “Liberals Must Arm.” from you today?
How do you know it was a liberal?
Chuck Todd ✔ @chucktodd
Hope most folks realize we have a toxic political culture and that attempting to exploit today for political gain will only poison us more
8:51 AM – 14 Jun 2017
Exploitation of any and every possible news item for liberal gain is so yesterday.
The shooter apparently was a fairly writer of letters to the editor.
HA libbies, if you know anyone like this, better take a second look at concealed carry. Or open, even.
“I knew he was a Democrat, a pretty hardcore one. I know he wasn’t happy when Trump got elected but he seemed like a nice enough guy,” recalled Meurer, who said the couple lived across the street for about six years.
Although maybe if some of you could come up with a sentence that doesn’t include the word “traitor” it could save some lives.
“I didn’t really talk to him too much. He was a Democrat and I was a Republican so we didn’t have too much to talk about.”
Doctor Dumbfuck @ all: Another angry white man with a gun. What’s new about that?
If you have any understanding whatsoever of statistics and probability, why are you surprised that 1 out of 100 of these guys turns out to be a Bernie supporter?
As for the other 99, the ones who go around talking about “civil war” and killing “liberals,” if someone had such intentions toward you, would you arm yourself?
You’re not just a snide jerk, you’re a stupid jerk to boot.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
igorvolsky ✔ @igorvolsky
Urge your member of Congress to begin a serious conversation *tomorrow* about what they can do reduce gun violence in America.
But try not to be angry. ’cause sometimes your member of Congress might not think what you think.
Hodgkinson contacted his Congressman, Rep. Mike Bost, a Republican, 14 times through phone calls and emails, the Washington Post reports.
“Every issue that we were working on, he was not in support of,” Bost said. The Congressman told the newspaper that his communications took a left-wing slant, but did not include threats, “only anger.”
Bost said he, “never crossed the line, but he was always angry.”
9 of the 11 posts in this thread are by Doctor Dumbfuck, who is obsessing over the shooting of the day.
I say “shooting of the day” because these incidents are a daily occurrence. In fact, there was just another one at a California UPS facility.
For Doctor Dumbfuck, it’s newsworthy and comment-worthy only when a Bernie Sanders supporter does it, although it must be noted there isn’t all that much difference between Trump’s angry white men supporters and Bernie’s angry white men supporters.
How many years did Doctor Dumbfuck wait for someone other than a deranged rightwinger to shoot someone? And now that a Sanders supporter has done it, he’s giddy with his sense of vindication.
Just add an overused urethral catheter to this, and what have you got?
“He never worked out. He never talked to anybody. He never did anything,” Brennwald told the newspaper. “He’d just sit there and stare at his laptop.
Link @ 12
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 An angry white man full of piss. Sounds an awful lot like you. He pissed from the barrel of a gun. You piss from a keyboard. You’re harmless, he’s not. Thank God for small favors.
Memory check:
Sen. Sanders Sends Out Fundraising Email Citing Arizona Tragedy
In terms of this savage shooting rampage, several points need to be made. First, this horrendous act of violence is not some kind of strange aberration for this area where, it appears, threats and acts of violence are part of the political climate. Nobody can honestly express surprise that such a tragedy finally occurred.
Remember your idiot confusion about reconciliation?
And, YLB goes @ 17 kitchen sink.
Unsurprising. A woman’s place…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Of course, Boob would never say the latest nutjob with a gun was “watering the tree of liberty,” because he shot a Republican.
Heck, Boob probably wouldn’t even brandish a gun while carrying a sign saying, “It’s time to water the tree of liberty,” because he’s afraid some liberal might take it personally.
Too bad about your brother.. Opiate diversion is too common in that job.
Self prescribing opiates may not be your problem boob.. Psychotics is more likely.
This shitbag communists actions will no doubt spur the left to their usual gun control bullshit, because we all know that the thing criminals do best is obey the law. Best thing for you antifa cheering retards to do right now is shut the fuck up.
@ 25
Opiate diversion…
What’s your definition of that?
We thought his was recreational and Oops.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The guy that did the shooting is dead. He was 66 years old, so that means no more Social Security for him, assuming he was already collecting SS. I’m not sure if his family will qualify for the $255 SS death benefit, but that will eventually come out in the wash. $255 is small potatoes to Social Security.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The Republicans are always talking about shrinking government, but they don’t really mean it. Wha they want to do is grow government in their favored realms and attack any of the Democrats’ sacred cows.
In short, Republicans are self-serving.
@28,29… what the fuck are you snorting?
Politically Incorrectspews:
30 – It’s an open thread.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Same stuff Boob snorts — Stupid Dust. You’re not exactly a beacon of enlightenment yourself.
Of course, easy access to guns by people who shouldn’t have them has nothing to do with this …
“Although maybe if some of you could come up with a sentence that doesn’t include the word “traitor” it could save some lives.”
It’s appropriate to call someone who has posted over 3,000 pro-Putin hashtags a traitor. Just like it’s appropriate to call someone who celebrates the deaths of blacks a racist. So if you feel endangered by any of this, you racist traitor, understand that you have no one to blame but yourself.
“antifa cheering retards”
Antifa. Anti-fascist. I’m sure that’s seen as a bad thing to be. If one is a fascist.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
Anti-fascist tyranny is just as bad as fascist tyranny. Conservative tyranny is just as bad as liberal tyranny.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
The silly wabbit farted…
“Another angry white man with a gun. What’s new about that?”
Maybe Evergreen State College student request for a day without [liberal] white people is a worthwhile cause after all!
Sux to be you monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset!!!!!
You’re just DYING to put HA first on Friday after sunset! I must wait for the appropriate time to produce the full report.
“Antifa IS a fascist movement…but they (and you) are too stupid to realize it.”
I reckon there are many anti-fascists who I wouldn’t cotton to much, but for you to state that anti-fascists are fascists is about as stupid as stupid gets. But that said, the measure for stupidity around these parts is the babbling batshit crazy loon, and I’m pretty sure that even you aren’t that stupid.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Ghettoside? Really FOOL?
You continue to forget Jamiel Shaw, black student killed by illegal alien Pedro Espinoza, 23!
FACTS! Sux to be you! Are you dripping yet?
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Trump Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry spews:
Thursday, 12/8/16 at 9:00 pm
Remember the always wrongist who called you cuck?
Is a libtard!
The one who called you monomaniacal IS a libtard.
FACTS! Sux to be you! Are you dripping yet?
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
causes of homicide
Libtards running major cities!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
“easy access to guns by people who shouldn’t have them”
That’s why libtards having guns are problematic these days!
“Did you NOT expect this? When you take away ordinary peoples very lives in order to pay off the wealthiest among us, your own lives are forfeit. Certainly, your souls and morality were lost long before. Good Riddance,” – email sent to Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-New York
Those words could have come from Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom or the vomit producing dead toad based on recent previous posts!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Gotta love all that “Democratic rhetoric” James T Hodgkinson saw on Democratic Underground (DUmmies), Daily Kooks, Vox, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS
and what is seen here on HA DUMMOCRETINS each day!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Thanks NY Times
But when the billionaire Wilbur L. Ross Jr., the commerce secretary, goes to dinner at a fancy Georgetown restaurant, bodyguards sit nearby. When members of Congress practice in the early mornings in an Alexandria, Va., public park for their Congressional Baseball Game, plainclothes United States Capitol Police are sitting there in a black S.U.V.
This is the HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards of today. A most violent political faction of SCUM celebrating and loudly cheering duly elected congressmen and police people getting shot.
Awww the senile dumb wabbit @78 has nuthin as always!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Remember when Rep Gabrielle Giffords was shot how the libtards here and on national media immediately claimed it was a Republican shooter?
Remember when those 12 people were killed in Aurora, Colorado how the libtards here and on national media immediately claimed it was a Republican shooter?
[] This man was your typical DUMMOCRETIN
[] This man possessed Trump Derangement Syndrome
[] This man took to heart “Democratic rhetoric”
[] This man hated Republicans
[] This man was demented
[] All of the above
Look out! The loon is bringing his double-post head explosions of hate tonight!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Funny how the SPLC, a hate group all itself, is running away from Facebook likes of James T Hodgkinson!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Funny how the SPLC, a hate group all itself, is running away from Facebook likes of James T Hodgkinson!
You continue to forget Jamiel Shaw, black student killed by illegal alien Pedro Espinoza, 23!
LOL! And if Jamiel Shaw was killed by another African American?
The babbling BUTTHOLE closes tight as a drum!
You are an ass, puddles, and once is plenty, double posts, ridiculous.
Kathy Griffin- a comedian (second rate at best) who went too far and was widely condemned.
SPLC- a long history of fighting bigotry and hate. Go ahead and cherry pick a criticism
Rachael Maddow- where is the incitation to violence? She is on top of Trump’s incompetence, as she was on Christie’s corruption
Loretta Lynch- go for it, see where you get.
Tim Kaine- What?
Maxine Waters- let her go with impeachment
Now, what about your “second amendment solution” folks? The murdered doctors? The targets on democratic candidates?
It was too easy, but all the same, I’m taking credit for the loon’s spectacular double-post head explosions of hate @87 and 88.
@ 96
The basic issue with that is reflected in the fact that the Trumpanzees just cannot fathom why anyone would stand up in open court to enforce Constitutional Law, or any Federal Law for that matter. Ask any of these imbeciles, and they’ll argue almost to the point of violence that civil rights and Federal Law is communism.
But, now the felony indictments are coming in. The State of New York is preparing to file multiple State Felony charges against the Trumpppp Brothers for their careless little flim-flam with the Donald J. Trump Foundation, running the donated money around through a series of shell charities that all seemed to be taking turns donating the donated money to each other while chiseling off little tidbits here and there for themselves at every step.
Kinda hard to do that while sitting in a State Penitentiary awaiting trial and knowing Daddy can’t do shit to bail their asses out again. He’s going to have his own trouble.
Most of Trump’s tweets make him out to be some kind of imbecile.
But it’s possible he is improving.
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
A politically motivated shooting incident carried out by a crazed loner on US soil triggers a massive explosion of the highest troll comment activity since their Orange Shitgibbon was elected.
“They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story.”
A stupid tweet shared by a dumbfuck doctor. The investigation into collusion is far from concluded. To say that they found nothing is delusional. Obstruction of justice is related to what appears to be an attempt to cover up collusion. Troubles piling upon troubles resulting in a heaping pile of shit.
Way to make yourself look like a dumbfuck again, Doctor Dumbfuck.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Mueller is overseeing a host of investigations involving people who are or were in Trump’s orbit, people familiar with the probe said. The investigation is examining possible contacts with Russian operatives as well as any suspicious financial activity related to those individuals.
Pandora’s box. We get it all, baby. The tax filings, the wire transfers, the shell companies, the intermediary banks, the Russian middlemen, the Russian drug money sources, all of it. And not just Fuckface, but his kids, and all his close and not-so-close business associates. Every single shady transaction laid bare for all to see.
Let’s see how they pass this loyalty test.
@ 101
Be sure and let me know when the security review is completed.
What were they doing having baseball practice on a weekday and not fucking working…..what is Congress just a Welfare Program!?
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@91 SCUM I TELL YOU, SCUM (in Yosemite Sam voice)
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Who let the Ape Out?
Wish this site had some type of audio in the background what would play as you scroll over certain areas of the page…like a parody of the song Who Let the Dogs Out (but Ape in it’s place), any time you scrolled over a Ape comment.
@ 106
Wish this site had some type of audio in the background…
What would be the point, really. You wouldn’t be able to hear the music over the voices in your head, you psychotic fuck.
WaPo’s Kessler lays down the law regarding references to political motives behind the Gabby Giffords shooting.
We’re glad to see this fixed in the editorial, but it’s not a good sign that the debunked talking point was included as fact in the editorial of a major media outlet. Any future references to this talking point by politicians or political groups will receive Four Pinocchios.
Way to go, NYT. You figured out a way to make Sarah Palin look good by comparison. Maybe rethink that ombudsman dismissal.
An ha troll favorite, the silly Doughy Pantload, finally catches on to something yours truly stated almost immediately after the disaster last November.
Sigh.. Why do Iowans send that piece of waste to the Ryan kook-haus every two years?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If you think more than one or two of these shitbags can survive initial contact with real criminal financial investigations you just haven’t been paying attention. Mueller can easily gain access to Sater’s sealed records of testimony and cooperation. Which gives him access to dozens of third parties connected with Bayrock and Trump. And Sater is but one of dozens of such conspirators associates and lines of inquiry. By the time Mueller is done (probably years from now) this thing may have evolved into something as seemingly unrelated as a consensual blowjob from a coworker. But I’m guessing in the case of your beloved Orange Shitgibbon, it’ll be something with real criminal potential. Nothing in the Constitution to prevent jailing an ex-President.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
K2 a real silly fool! Doesn’t pay attention to the details like most HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Kathy Griffin – Not the first time this year K2 – https://youtu.be/A_basyQgWkE
SPLC – Caused the attack on the Family Research Council back in 2011 by another crazed DUMMOCRETIN
Rachel Maddow – One of the most vile people around identified by the shooter as a favrit program!
Loretta Lynch & Tim Kaine – Bunched together and we all know K2 didn’t watch their call for real violence in videos in #59!
Maxine Waters – K2’s congressional hero!
MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS – Notice how K2 skipped over them! FAKE NEWS purveyors!
FACTS… Sux to be K2!
Maybe Evergreen State College student request for a day without [liberal] white people is a worthwhile cause after all!
I think it would be a worthwhile cause if all RETHUGS protested all elections by not voting for the next 10 years.
Wasted my time reading the LOON’s posts. Psychotic as usual…
DR. DUMBFUCK was at least entertaining.
Eddie Haskellspews:
@107. Sounds like you need another bottle of wine. That comment was more physcotic than anything I’ve ever said. Seek help. Preferably not from a dumbfuck doctor.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Why thanks for playing ekim.
Proves to all FACTS are not your friend!
Christie now has the lowest approval rating of any New Jersey governor — ever, a Quinnipiac University poll out Wednesday showed.
Just 15% of New Jersey residents said they approved of the job Christie was doing as governor, the poll showed.
Ima gonna voting for Chris Christie in 2020. Yup yup I yam.
He be HUGE presnut. Thatsa fact.
KING: Trump is scary, but his few remaining fans are even scarier
In the most recent Quinnipiac Poll, Donald Trump’s approval rating has dropped to an abysmal 34% — the lowest of his presidency.
From every single angle of the poll, Trump’s in trouble. A staggering 73% of the country approves of a special prosecutor to look into links between Russia and the Trump campaign, 68% of Americans say he’s not level headed and 64% of Americans say he doesn’t share their values.
Jared Kushner’s father sends cease-and-desist to his brother over use of Trump adviser for investment pitch
Millionaire brothers’ bad blood is spilling over onto their new White House connections.
Charles Kushner, the father of President Trump adviser Jared, has sent a cease-and-desist letter to his brother and real estate rival Murray for mentioning his well-connected son in an investment pitch, according to a report.
The brothers have a long-standing feud and have filed multiple lawsuits against each other while building up their dueling development empires.
@119 I see Doctor Dumbfuck and his 3,000+ hashtags as having become a Pudge or even Marvin-scale bore. So I’d say the psychotic loon is easily more entertaining.
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
The Fringe Left Is Perpetrating Violence, While the “Respectable” Left Justifies Violence, Excuses It, and Promotes It – Ace of Spades
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@26. There goes the adage that “responsible gun owner”. They are all responsible until they decide to pull a trigger.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@25 you use the word physcotic and then dumbfuck can’t come up with something original so he then uses it. Too much wine.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Boob says he didn’t vote for Dumppy – am I wrong? I thing his biggest regret today he s that he didn’t vote for this fine specimen of dog shit.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
There are millions of responsible gun owners in America. I’m one of them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why Republican tax policies cause depressions:
“Lance Brofman, Contributor
“In free-market capitalism, capital generates income for the owners of the capital which in turn is used to create additional capital. This is very good. Sometimes, it can be actually too good. As capital continues to accumulate, its owners find it more and more difficult to deploy it efficiently. The business sector generally must interact with the household sector by selling goods and services or lending to them. When capital accumulates too rapidly, the productive capacity of the business sector can outpace the ability of the household sector to absorb the increasing production.
“The capitalists, or if you prefer, job creators use their increasing wealth and income to reinvest, thus increasing the productive capacity of the business they own. They also lend their accumulated wealth to other business as well as other entities after they have exhausted opportunities within business they own. As they seek to deploy ever more capital, excess factories, housing and shopping centers are built and more and more dubious loans are made. This is overinvestment. As one banker described the events leading up to 2008 – First the banks lent all they could to those who could pay them back and then they started to lend to those could not pay them back. As cash poured into banks in ever increasing amounts, caution was thrown to the wind. For a while consumers can use credit to buy more goods and services than their incomes can sustain. Ultimately, the overinvestment results in a financial crisis that causes unemployment, reductions in factory utilization and bankruptcies all of which reduce the value of investments.
“If the economy was suffering from accumulated chronic underinvestment, shifting income from the non-rich to the rich would make sense. Underinvestment would mean there was a shortage of shopping centers, hotels, housing and factories were operating at 100% of capacity but still not able to produce as many cars and other goods as people needed. It might not seem fair, but the quickest way to build up capital is to take income away from the middle class who have a high propensity to consume and give to the rich who have a propensity to save (and invest). Except for periods in the 1950s and 1960s and possibly the 1990’s when tax rates on the rich just happened to be high enough to prevent overinvestment, the economy has generally suffered from periodic overinvestment cycles.
It is not just a coincidence that tax cuts for the rich have preceded both the 1929 and 2007 depressions. The Revenue acts of 1926 and 1928 worked exactly as the Republican Congresses that pushed them through promised. The dramatic reductions in taxes on the upper income brackets and estates of the wealthy did indeed result in increases in savings and investment. However, overinvestment (by 1929 there were over 600 automobile manufacturing companies in the USA) caused the depression that made the rich, and most everyone else, ultimately much poorer.
“Since 1969 there has been a tremendous shift in the tax burdens away from the rich on onto the middle class. Corporate income tax receipts, whose incidence falls entirely on the owners of corporations, were 4% of GDP then and are now less than 1%. During that same period, payroll tax rates as percent of GDP have increased dramatically. The overinvestment problem caused by the reduction in taxes on the wealthy is exacerbated by the increased tax burden on the middle class. While overinvestment creates more factories, housing and shopping centers; higher payroll taxes reduces the purchasing power of middle-class consumers. …”
Although by all means, shoot back.
Unless the government is paying you to do it.
From the Department of Too Good To Be True:
Bernie Sanders has put out a statement disowning the conduct of the shooter. The shooter apparently was a Sanders campaign volunteer.
Small wonder Bernie was so quick with a statement. He’s probably been aware that he would need to issue one like it for some time now.
Sanders: Don’t blame my supporters for violence at Trump rally
“Get your people in line, Bernie.”
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, can we get a rousing “Liberals Must Arm.” from you today?
How do you know it was a liberal?
Chuck Todd ✔ @chucktodd
Hope most folks realize we have a toxic political culture and that attempting to exploit today for political gain will only poison us more
8:51 AM – 14 Jun 2017
Exploitation of any and every possible news item for liberal gain is so yesterday.
The shooter apparently was a fairly writer of letters to the editor.
makesmade arguments not unlike those for higher taxation that a more-intelligent YLB might make.McAuliffe isn’t having a very good day.
First he claimed, twice, that gun violence kills 93 million people per day until he was corrected by a reporter.
Then this:
McAuliffe said “there are too many guns on the street” but then said the issue shouldn’t be raised today.
A reported then remarked, “If it’s not the day for it, why are you bringing it up?”
Because @ 7, of course.
HA libbies, if you know anyone like this, better take a second look at concealed carry. Or open, even.
“I knew he was a Democrat, a pretty hardcore one. I know he wasn’t happy when Trump got elected but he seemed like a nice enough guy,” recalled Meurer, who said the couple lived across the street for about six years.
Although maybe if some of you could come up with a sentence that doesn’t include the word “traitor” it could save some lives.
“I didn’t really talk to him too much. He was a Democrat and I was a Republican so we didn’t have too much to talk about.”
Doctor Dumbfuck @ all: Another angry white man with a gun. What’s new about that?
If you have any understanding whatsoever of statistics and probability, why are you surprised that 1 out of 100 of these guys turns out to be a Bernie supporter?
As for the other 99, the ones who go around talking about “civil war” and killing “liberals,” if someone had such intentions toward you, would you arm yourself?
You’re not just a snide jerk, you’re a stupid jerk to boot.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
igorvolsky ✔ @igorvolsky
Urge your member of Congress to begin a serious conversation *tomorrow* about what they can do reduce gun violence in America.
But try not to be angry. ’cause sometimes your member of Congress might not think what you think.
Hodgkinson contacted his Congressman, Rep. Mike Bost, a Republican, 14 times through phone calls and emails, the Washington Post reports.
“Every issue that we were working on, he was not in support of,” Bost said. The Congressman told the newspaper that his communications took a left-wing slant, but did not include threats, “only anger.”
Bost said he, “never crossed the line, but he was always angry.”
9 of the 11 posts in this thread are by Doctor Dumbfuck, who is obsessing over the shooting of the day.
I say “shooting of the day” because these incidents are a daily occurrence. In fact, there was just another one at a California UPS facility.
For Doctor Dumbfuck, it’s newsworthy and comment-worthy only when a Bernie Sanders supporter does it, although it must be noted there isn’t all that much difference between Trump’s angry white men supporters and Bernie’s angry white men supporters.
How many years did Doctor Dumbfuck wait for someone other than a deranged rightwinger to shoot someone? And now that a Sanders supporter has done it, he’s giddy with his sense of vindication.
Just add an overused urethral catheter to this, and what have you got?
“He never worked out. He never talked to anybody. He never did anything,” Brennwald told the newspaper. “He’d just sit there and stare at his laptop.
Link @ 12
@14 An angry white man full of piss. Sounds an awful lot like you. He pissed from the barrel of a gun. You piss from a keyboard. You’re harmless, he’s not. Thank God for small favors.
Memory check:
Sen. Sanders Sends Out Fundraising Email Citing Arizona Tragedy
In terms of this savage shooting rampage, several points need to be made. First, this horrendous act of violence is not some kind of strange aberration for this area where, it appears, threats and acts of violence are part of the political climate. Nobody can honestly express surprise that such a tragedy finally occurred.
“Liberals must arm.”
And then duck, cover, and @ 11 deflect.
Poor silly boob..
Remember Adkisson?
Remember the nutjob who was going to shoot up the Tides Foundation?
Concealed carry? GUNFAIL!
Remember your idiot confusion about reconciliation?
And, YLB goes @ 17 kitchen sink.
Unsurprising. A woman’s place…
@17 Of course, Boob would never say the latest nutjob with a gun was “watering the tree of liberty,” because he shot a Republican.
Heck, Boob probably wouldn’t even brandish a gun while carrying a sign saying, “It’s time to water the tree of liberty,” because he’s afraid some liberal might take it personally.
Heh. A place your brother, the nurse (and union member?), knew well, huh?
@ 19
Actually, I’d never say it because I’d never think it.
You’ve thought it jerk:
We tote guns to exert our Second Amendment rights.
@ 20
A place your brother, the nurse (and union member?), knew well, huh?
Well, I don’t know. Maybe. He was bisexual. No idea if he was union. County hospital, Sacramento, and he OD’d 20 years ago this Fall. No idea.
@ 22
Not in that link I didn’t. Have to admit I had never heard the term until today.
Exactly. Thanks for playing.
Too bad about your brother.. Opiate diversion is too common in that job.
Self prescribing opiates may not be your problem boob.. Psychotics is more likely.
This shitbag communists actions will no doubt spur the left to their usual gun control bullshit, because we all know that the thing criminals do best is obey the law. Best thing for you antifa cheering retards to do right now is shut the fuck up.
@ 25
Opiate diversion…
What’s your definition of that?
We thought his was recreational and Oops.
The guy that did the shooting is dead. He was 66 years old, so that means no more Social Security for him, assuming he was already collecting SS. I’m not sure if his family will qualify for the $255 SS death benefit, but that will eventually come out in the wash. $255 is small potatoes to Social Security.
The Republicans are always talking about shrinking government, but they don’t really mean it. Wha they want to do is grow government in their favored realms and attack any of the Democrats’ sacred cows.
In short, Republicans are self-serving.
@28,29… what the fuck are you snorting?
30 – It’s an open thread.
@30 Same stuff Boob snorts — Stupid Dust. You’re not exactly a beacon of enlightenment yourself.
See? That’s what the always wrong wing is all about..
Shutting up their political enemies.
Thanks for playing.
Are you really that dumb?
You just said you had “no idea”.. Ooops indeed.
Of course, easy access to guns by people who shouldn’t have them has nothing to do with this …
“Although maybe if some of you could come up with a sentence that doesn’t include the word “traitor” it could save some lives.”
It’s appropriate to call someone who has posted over 3,000 pro-Putin hashtags a traitor. Just like it’s appropriate to call someone who celebrates the deaths of blacks a racist. So if you feel endangered by any of this, you racist traitor, understand that you have no one to blame but yourself.
“antifa cheering retards”
Antifa. Anti-fascist. I’m sure that’s seen as a bad thing to be. If one is a fascist.
Anti-fascist tyranny is just as bad as fascist tyranny. Conservative tyranny is just as bad as liberal tyranny.
The silly wabbit farted…
“Another angry white man with a gun. What’s new about that?”
Maybe Evergreen State College student request for a day without [liberal] white people is a worthwhile cause after all!
@35 – Yeah, Bernie’s supporters shouldn’t be allowed access to guns.
Poor silly monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset…
Didya forget about all those dead minorities in DUMMOCRETIN led cities?
How about all those who whom died from illegal alien killers?
Of course you did!
white DUMMOCRETIN goes nutzo and that is what is offered?
That post is as worthless as you are!
@37: Antifa IS a fascist movement…but they (and you) are too stupid to realize it.
Oh the sting. And that SEIU union member wife wears da pants while you wear da moist pink lace panties!
You’re bleating the always wrong wing bullshit line about black on black crime.. Which btw is strangely never uttered about white on white crime..
Read Ghettoside, come back and say something intelligent about the causes of homicide for a change..
Another asshole and tool. Dismissed.
Oh really babbling asshole????
How many people are we talking about compared to black on black homicide?
Very few asshole. But you believe your stupid politics will make you feel sooo goood when you put HA first!
Shutting up their political enemies.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh puhleeeease monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset!
Evergreen State College
MiddleBury College
University of Chicago
Yale University
University of California Berkeley
etc. etc. etc.
Silly monomaniacal fool!
Illegal Alien FACTS!
Sux to be you monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset!!!!!
Are you dripping yet?
We have an example right in this thread!!!
Remember the always wrongist who called you cuck?
You’re just DYING to put HA first on Friday after sunset! I must wait for the appropriate time to produce the full report.
“Antifa IS a fascist movement…but they (and you) are too stupid to realize it.”
I reckon there are many anti-fascists who I wouldn’t cotton to much, but for you to state that anti-fascists are fascists is about as stupid as stupid gets. But that said, the measure for stupidity around these parts is the babbling batshit crazy loon, and I’m pretty sure that even you aren’t that stupid.
Ghettoside? Really FOOL?
You continue to forget Jamiel Shaw, black student killed by illegal alien Pedro Espinoza, 23!
FACTS! Sux to be you! Are you dripping yet?
Trump Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry spews:
Thursday, 12/8/16 at 9:00 pm
Remember the always wrongist who called you cuck?
Is a libtard!
The one who called you monomaniacal IS a libtard.
FACTS! Sux to be you! Are you dripping yet?
causes of homicide
Libtards running major cities!
“easy access to guns by people who shouldn’t have them”
That’s why libtards having guns are problematic these days!
2014 Aggregate Stats..
Read it and weep silly always wrong tool!
The babbling BUTTHOLE can’t handle FACTS!
It’s squirting squid ink right now because???
Terry McAuliffe what a moron… “We Lose 93 MILLION Americans a Day to Gun Violence”
Is a libtard!
Wrong! It was your old buddy DOOFUS..
Remember these two DUMMOCRETIN morons calling for violence and death earlier this year?
Silly monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset…
One death by an illegal alien is one death too many you FOOL!
FACTS! Sux to be you! Are you dripping yet?
Read it and weep always wrong babbling butthole tool!
So you’re happy with blacks killing other blacks! You’d rather put HA first and bleat stupid shit!
2491 Black or African Americans killed by 2245 Black or African Americans.. Number of Latino offenders?
2451 Black or African Americans killed by 2205 Black or African Americans. Number of Latino offenders?
2664 African Americans killed by 2380 Blacks or African Americans. Number of Latino offenders?
IN EVERY YEAR more WHITES than latinos were responsible for the homicides of black or african americans..
FACTS SUCK for the babbling BUTTHOLE! Your stupid commentary is WORTHLESS indeed!
So you’re happy with blacks killing other blacks!
Got proof FOOL @62? Since you have the crazed HA DUMMOCRETIN databaze, display one PuddyPost where Puddy approves blacks killing blacks!
No proof no FACTS! Remember, one death by an illegal alien is one death too many! Puddy has placed FACTS of many deaths due to illegal aliens!
Yes salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS , YOU ARE DISGUSTING!
Sux to be you!
Hey moron @63, such BULLSHITTIUM deflection above!
How many illegal aliens killing American citizens again?
Greater than ONE is too many! FACTS! Sux to be you! Are you dripping yet?
Hey moron @62, remember your bud Edwin Umaña Ramos?
Look up this illegal alien FOOL!
DUMMOCRETIN Senators are SCUM! http://www.christianpost.com/n.....ws-187687/
One of my favorite TV shows is “The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC. – James T Hodgkinson – Bernie Sanders jock strapper!
This FOOL would be a perfect poster on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
One should check if James T Hodgkinson is related to Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom or the vomit producing dead toad!
More proof DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM… http://hotair.com/archives/2017/06/13/3959743/
Hey, YLB, ya wanna try @ 63 again?
“Did you NOT expect this? When you take away ordinary peoples very lives in order to pay off the wealthiest among us, your own lives are forfeit. Certainly, your souls and morality were lost long before. Good Riddance,” – email sent to Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-New York
Those words could have come from Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom or the vomit producing dead toad based on recent previous posts!
Gotta love all that “Democratic rhetoric” James T Hodgkinson saw on Democratic Underground (DUmmies), Daily Kooks, Vox, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS
and what is seen here on HA DUMMOCRETINS each day!
Thanks NY Times
But when the billionaire Wilbur L. Ross Jr., the commerce secretary, goes to dinner at a fancy Georgetown restaurant, bodyguards sit nearby. When members of Congress practice in the early mornings in an Alexandria, Va., public park for their Congressional Baseball Game, plainclothes United States Capitol Police are sitting there in a black S.U.V.
“Glad it happened. Trump needs to be next.”
Was this person a poster on HA DUMMOCRETINS?
@40 Any reason why you’re excluding rightwing crazies?
Another DUMMOCRETIN SCUM… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....dicalleft/
Another DUMMOCRETIN SCUM… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....dicalleft/
Puffybutt being idiotic as always.
“Republicans are getting what they want.” – HA DUMMOCRETIN hero Markos Moulitsas
This is the HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards of today. A most violent political faction of SCUM celebrating and loudly cheering duly elected congressmen and police people getting shot.
You all are DISGUSTING!
DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM! https://pjmedia.com/parenting/2017/06/13/northeastern-prof-i-threw-up-in-my-mouth-at-barron-trump-in-the-expert-t-shirt/
Awww the senile dumb wabbit @78 has nuthin as always!
Remember when Rep Gabrielle Giffords was shot how the libtards here and on national media immediately claimed it was a Republican shooter?
Remember when those 12 people were killed in Aurora, Colorado how the libtards here and on national media immediately claimed it was a Republican shooter?
Well… https://twitter.com/Kittybud/status/874974773603946497
Puddybud Quiz
What do you think about the shooter?
[] This man was your typical DUMMOCRETIN
[] This man possessed Trump Derangement Syndrome
[] This man took to heart “Democratic rhetoric”
[] This man hated Republicans
[] This man was demented
[] All of the above
Look out! The loon is bringing his double-post head explosions of hate tonight!
Funny how the SPLC, a hate group all itself, is running away from Facebook likes of James T Hodgkinson!
Funny how the SPLC, a hate group all itself, is running away from Facebook likes of James T Hodgkinson!
What’s wrong shitstain steve @84?
FACTS biting you in the ASS again!
What’s wrong shitstain steve @84?
FACTS biting you in the ASS again!
black on black on homicide?
nothing but crickets… from the all time HA BABBLING JERK!
What you can’t read? Doesn’t surprise me.
If there’s something there that’s not true – write it up, dumbass.
And what kind of “illegal” does the BABBLING BUTTHOLE babble about?
An Irish overstaying their tourist visa?
A Chinese gangster doing the same?
Naaaaah… Guess what kind..
Kathy Griffin
Rachel Maddow
Loretta Lynch
Tim Kaine
Maxine Waters
Double Posts make shitstain steve’s head explode!
Momma, don’t let your babies grow up to play baseball.
LOL! And if Jamiel Shaw was killed by another African American?
The babbling BUTTHOLE closes tight as a drum!
You are an ass, puddles, and once is plenty, double posts, ridiculous.
Kathy Griffin- a comedian (second rate at best) who went too far and was widely condemned.
SPLC- a long history of fighting bigotry and hate. Go ahead and cherry pick a criticism
Rachael Maddow- where is the incitation to violence? She is on top of Trump’s incompetence, as she was on Christie’s corruption
Loretta Lynch- go for it, see where you get.
Tim Kaine- What?
Maxine Waters- let her go with impeachment
Now, what about your “second amendment solution” folks? The murdered doctors? The targets on democratic candidates?
It was too easy, but all the same, I’m taking credit for the loon’s spectacular double-post head explosions of hate @87 and 88.
@ 96
The basic issue with that is reflected in the fact that the Trumpanzees just cannot fathom why anyone would stand up in open court to enforce Constitutional Law, or any Federal Law for that matter. Ask any of these imbeciles, and they’ll argue almost to the point of violence that civil rights and Federal Law is communism.
But, now the felony indictments are coming in. The State of New York is preparing to file multiple State Felony charges against the Trumpppp Brothers for their careless little flim-flam with the Donald J. Trump Foundation, running the donated money around through a series of shell charities that all seemed to be taking turns donating the donated money to each other while chiseling off little tidbits here and there for themselves at every step.
Couple that with the now open investigation of Fat Donny Two Scoops himself, I doubt any of these people will still be in any position to influence policy by next Christmas.
Kinda hard to do that while sitting in a State Penitentiary awaiting trial and knowing Daddy can’t do shit to bail their asses out again. He’s going to have his own trouble.
Most of Trump’s tweets make him out to be some kind of imbecile.
But it’s possible he is improving.
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice
A politically motivated shooting incident carried out by a crazed loner on US soil triggers a massive explosion of the highest troll comment activity since their Orange Shitgibbon was elected.
“They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story.”
A stupid tweet shared by a dumbfuck doctor. The investigation into collusion is far from concluded. To say that they found nothing is delusional. Obstruction of justice is related to what appears to be an attempt to cover up collusion. Troubles piling upon troubles resulting in a heaping pile of shit.
Way to make yourself look like a dumbfuck again, Doctor Dumbfuck.
Pandora’s box. We get it all, baby. The tax filings, the wire transfers, the shell companies, the intermediary banks, the Russian middlemen, the Russian drug money sources, all of it. And not just Fuckface, but his kids, and all his close and not-so-close business associates. Every single shady transaction laid bare for all to see.
Let’s see how they pass this loyalty test.
@ 101
Be sure and let me know when the security review is completed.
Drumpf Making a Martyr out of a Terrorist.
What were they doing having baseball practice on a weekday and not fucking working…..what is Congress just a Welfare Program!?
@91 SCUM I TELL YOU, SCUM (in Yosemite Sam voice)
Who let the Ape Out?
Wish this site had some type of audio in the background what would play as you scroll over certain areas of the page…like a parody of the song Who Let the Dogs Out (but Ape in it’s place), any time you scrolled over a Ape comment.
@ 106
Wish this site had some type of audio in the background…
What would be the point, really. You wouldn’t be able to hear the music over the voices in your head, you psychotic fuck.
WaPo’s Kessler lays down the law regarding references to political motives behind the Gabby Giffords shooting.
We’re glad to see this fixed in the editorial, but it’s not a good sign that the debunked talking point was included as fact in the editorial of a major media outlet. Any future references to this talking point by politicians or political groups will receive Four Pinocchios.
Way to go, NYT. You figured out a way to make Sarah Palin look good by comparison. Maybe rethink that ombudsman dismissal.
I always thought the babbling butthole more as foghorn leghorn.
Can this projection be more obvious?
An ha troll favorite, the silly Doughy Pantload, finally catches on to something yours truly stated almost immediately after the disaster last November.
If Republicans lose the House, Trump will be impeached
And this stopped clock gets paid for this?
@108 “You figured out a way to make Sarah Palin look good by comparison.”
OMG! That’s serious!
@109 Why are you guys slandering cartoon characters? What did they ever do to you, besides make you laugh?
@113… You have to laugh at the trolls and their psychotic views.. Cartoons help.
In other news, classic Republican kook Steve King reaches yet another new low.
It blames TWO TERM President Obama for yesterday’s shooting.
Sigh.. Why do Iowans send that piece of waste to the Ryan kook-haus every two years?
If you think more than one or two of these shitbags can survive initial contact with real criminal financial investigations you just haven’t been paying attention. Mueller can easily gain access to Sater’s sealed records of testimony and cooperation. Which gives him access to dozens of third parties connected with Bayrock and Trump. And Sater is but one of dozens of such
conspiratorsassociates and lines of inquiry. By the time Mueller is done (probably years from now) this thing may have evolved into something as seemingly unrelated as a consensual blowjob from a coworker. But I’m guessing in the case of your beloved Orange Shitgibbon, it’ll be something with real criminal potential. Nothing in the Constitution to prevent jailing an ex-President.K2 a real silly fool! Doesn’t pay attention to the details like most HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Kathy Griffin – Not the first time this year K2 –
SPLC – Caused the attack on the Family Research Council back in 2011 by another crazed DUMMOCRETIN
Rachel Maddow – One of the most vile people around identified by the shooter as a favrit program!
Loretta Lynch & Tim Kaine – Bunched together and we all know K2 didn’t watch their call for real violence in videos in #59!
Maxine Waters – K2’s congressional hero!
MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS – Notice how K2 skipped over them! FAKE NEWS purveyors!
FACTS… Sux to be K2!
I think it would be a worthwhile cause if all RETHUGS protested all elections by not voting for the next 10 years.
Wasted my time reading the LOON’s posts. Psychotic as usual…
DR. DUMBFUCK was at least entertaining.
@107. Sounds like you need another bottle of wine. That comment was more physcotic than anything I’ve ever said. Seek help. Preferably not from a dumbfuck doctor.
Why thanks for playing ekim.
Proves to all FACTS are not your friend!
Ima gonna voting for Chris Christie in 2020. Yup yup I yam.
He be HUGE presnut. Thatsa fact.
Res ipsa loquitur
DUMPSTER family values
@119 I see Doctor Dumbfuck and his 3,000+ hashtags as having become a Pudge or even Marvin-scale bore. So I’d say the psychotic loon is easily more entertaining.
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so!
The Fringe Left Is Perpetrating Violence, While the “Respectable” Left Justifies Violence, Excuses It, and Promotes It – Ace of Spades
@26. There goes the adage that “responsible gun owner”. They are all responsible until they decide to pull a trigger.
@25 you use the word physcotic and then dumbfuck can’t come up with something original so he then uses it. Too much wine.
Boob says he didn’t vote for Dumppy – am I wrong? I thing his biggest regret today he s that he didn’t vote for this fine specimen of dog shit.
There are millions of responsible gun owners in America. I’m one of them.
Why Republican tax policies cause depressions:
“Lance Brofman, Contributor
“In free-market capitalism, capital generates income for the owners of the capital which in turn is used to create additional capital. This is very good. Sometimes, it can be actually too good. As capital continues to accumulate, its owners find it more and more difficult to deploy it efficiently. The business sector generally must interact with the household sector by selling goods and services or lending to them. When capital accumulates too rapidly, the productive capacity of the business sector can outpace the ability of the household sector to absorb the increasing production.
“The capitalists, or if you prefer, job creators use their increasing wealth and income to reinvest, thus increasing the productive capacity of the business they own. They also lend their accumulated wealth to other business as well as other entities after they have exhausted opportunities within business they own. As they seek to deploy ever more capital, excess factories, housing and shopping centers are built and more and more dubious loans are made. This is overinvestment. As one banker described the events leading up to 2008 – First the banks lent all they could to those who could pay them back and then they started to lend to those could not pay them back. As cash poured into banks in ever increasing amounts, caution was thrown to the wind. For a while consumers can use credit to buy more goods and services than their incomes can sustain. Ultimately, the overinvestment results in a financial crisis that causes unemployment, reductions in factory utilization and bankruptcies all of which reduce the value of investments.
“If the economy was suffering from accumulated chronic underinvestment, shifting income from the non-rich to the rich would make sense. Underinvestment would mean there was a shortage of shopping centers, hotels, housing and factories were operating at 100% of capacity but still not able to produce as many cars and other goods as people needed. It might not seem fair, but the quickest way to build up capital is to take income away from the middle class who have a high propensity to consume and give to the rich who have a propensity to save (and invest). Except for periods in the 1950s and 1960s and possibly the 1990’s when tax rates on the rich just happened to be high enough to prevent overinvestment, the economy has generally suffered from periodic overinvestment cycles.
It is not just a coincidence that tax cuts for the rich have preceded both the 1929 and 2007 depressions. The Revenue acts of 1926 and 1928 worked exactly as the Republican Congresses that pushed them through promised. The dramatic reductions in taxes on the upper income brackets and estates of the wealthy did indeed result in increases in savings and investment. However, overinvestment (by 1929 there were over 600 automobile manufacturing companies in the USA) caused the depression that made the rich, and most everyone else, ultimately much poorer.
“Since 1969 there has been a tremendous shift in the tax burdens away from the rich on onto the middle class. Corporate income tax receipts, whose incidence falls entirely on the owners of corporations, were 4% of GDP then and are now less than 1%. During that same period, payroll tax rates as percent of GDP have increased dramatically. The overinvestment problem caused by the reduction in taxes on the wealthy is exacerbated by the increased tax burden on the middle class. While overinvestment creates more factories, housing and shopping centers; higher payroll taxes reduces the purchasing power of middle-class consumers. …”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now watch Doctor Dumbfuck knock the source without explaining why this analysis is wrong.
Stupid always wrongists (including a jerk in this thread) fooled by trolls:
Vlad’s trolls?
The most stupid.. the most credulous…
This “stickman” dope is a belly laugh:
The tool is obviously in it for the money!
Vlad’s trolls started an eruption in TexASS:
Morons fell for it.. “Stickman” put in its two cents. Got a few sales out of it.