It’s always a bit tough to figure out when companies make decisions that activists have been pushing, how much is because of those activists, and how much is the stated reasons. So Shell won’t be sending oil trains to Anacortes.
I don’t know how much oil prices had to do with it as the company says, and how much activists and environmentalists won the day. It’s great for Anacortes, and good for everywhere between there and the Bakken.
Follow a couple of links and you get to the project EIS:
A summary of the issues begins on page 27 and continues through page 35.
There isn’t anything that can’t be mitigated. A bit more noise, a bit more congestion.
A fair reading of the EIS should lead one to conclude that the protesters had very limited impact. Unless the comment period results in very substantial changes, if Shell wants to foot the bill, it can go forward.
Right now prices don’t support moving forward.
So Shell won’t be sending oil trains to Anacortes at this time.
The 80s called. They want their bases back.
Russia Might Restore Its Military Bases In Vietnam And Cuba
It’s like Russia is our biggest geopolitical foe or something.
Biggest winner: John Kerry.
2016 Nobel Peace Prize Awarded To Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos
Trump followed up saying, “Fucking bitches need a sense of humor.”
Well, one of these days we won’t be using fossil fuels at all. How that happens will either be someone finding out a real substitute for the energy that fossil fuels supply, or we will simply run out of fossil fuels entirely and will will be forced to,find something new.
It may take centuries.
Not sure if y’all have noticed but the color radar images of the hurricane currently off the east coast of Florida resembles the Gay Pride flag.
I tell you those gays they will not stop trying to indoctrinate everyone to their lifestyle choice.
@2 Foe? Putin is good leader. If Clinton wins, Drumpf will keep him posted on things.
@5 I think the best thing to do is to just sit tight till right before we run out of fossil fuels. Soon we will be on mars and everyone will get to go there.
@5 @8
But maybe not. If Drumpf wins America will be Great again and we can all stay here now.
I’d like to grope Mike Pence in the crotch.
The problem is there is so much tape of Trump the Asshole floating out there a new one can leak daily.
It’s almost like someone was waiting for him to say ho much he respects women before ‘leaking’ a tape about how hot the Production Assistant is and how even though the woman and Trump are married he tries to hit it and how you can carry them around by the pussy with your tiny, tiny hands.
The kids are all right:
Such a disappointment for the HA trolls. The trolls have shown NO FEAR when it comes to swallowing the most idiotic of always wrong wing bullshit and being laughed at for it.
No worries trolls, you’ll all be taking a long dirt nap when this new “fearful” generation of Republicans takes your place to uphold the banner of the party of Ronzo Raygun.
Heh… Yes the “locker room banter” has gone viral.. It’s all over the cable news channels.
And as CZ has said, it’s only the beginning…
Boob, c’mon this is YOUR guy. Stop worrying and admit it. The Drumpfhole says a “celebrity” can do whatever it wants.
“Grab” anything it wants. It’s your fantasy dude!
Putin is truly a great leader. I’ve never heard him say he grabs Pussy and gropes the womenz.
But you know he does.
Who doesn’t. Who doesn’t rape the womenz? Great leaders like Putin know how to keep it to themselves, I guess like you know how to keep it to yourself. Or do you want to tell us all that you grope and grab at Pussy? Does Pence grab Pussy after church prayers?
I thought Pussy was there only for reproduction. Can Ouffy tell us about Pussy grabbing?
Huntsmen calling for Drumpf to drop out any let Pence run with it. I’d rather vote for Drumpf. What a fucked up party. Bunch of fucking maniac hypocritical mother fuckers
The Donald is having a bad week.
And his week just got worse.
Paul Ryan cancels Saturday appearance with Trump
The House speaker’s staff said the event in Wisconsin was a Ryan event at Fall Fest at the Walworth County Fairgrounds, and that Trump was disinvited after the Washington Post published video of Trump talking on a hot microphone in 2005 about kissing and having sex with a woman, in which the GOP nominee can be heard saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it.”
It’s about protecting the down-ballot now.
@19 C’mon boob! If Michelle Bachmann (tonight’s guest on Tweety’s Hardball) can look past Drumpf’s “bad boy” behavior, surely you can..
Stop worrying and love the Drumpf..
Grab it..
The “Nancy” in the “locker room” tape:
found this comment amusing “He could chain the front doors of an orphanage and set it on fire, and Trumpeters would applaud him for lowering the numbers on welfare.”
I almost feel sorry for Pence. Almost, but not.
I really don’t understand what all of the fuss is about. What else are you gonna grab them by?
Really?, you’re a pig, sloppy
What isn’t really shocking about The Don’s whole groper scandal is that it isn’t surprising, at all. It just fits in with the personality structure that everyone could already see and the Conservatives have repeatedly presented to the world as being the acceptable way to do things. Aggressiveness, “damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!” etc.
They’ve already spent the last couple of decades promoting the notion that rape isn’t really any sort of crime at all and going back into the 1960s during the Goldwater and Nixon campaigns there are echoes of this same idea. Hell, it wasn’t even illegal to violently rape one’s own wife until the mid 1990’s in most States, especially in the most “Conservative” ones.
They have vehemently defended sports coaches, various Conservative politicians, religious leaders (as long as they call themselves “christian”) who have done shit like this, and The Don being the same sort of serial rapist type that he was in High School and College isn’t seen at all as a character flaw, rather it has always been an indicator of what he would be as a political leader in the world and thus is a net positive aspect of his personality. People already knew what sort of Alpha Male he has always claimed to be, his reputation amongst the female portion of his employees has been known for decades. He literally is The Boss You Have To Fuck To Keep Your Job.
This is not in any way a new thing.
But, now that there is some real physical evidence of the behavior and that has become public knowledge, the Conservatives are closing ranks and starting to figure out a way to shut his ass up and shut his ass down. It isn’t that they see him being a rapist is wrong so much, it’s that now everyone who wants to look can see it for themselves and it makes the rest of them them look bad, especially when taken in the context of the other things the Republicans have publicly said about rape in the recent past. I’m curious why some outraged father hadn’t had him whacked by now. I guess money talks, and money can make people shut up too, one way or the other.
He was a frequent visitor to Jeffrey Epstein’s little private island in the Bahamas where young girls were apparently kept for the purpose.
I wonder where Epstein found those girls. I wonder how he was able to take them out of the country without any apparent parental supervision. I wonder how he has been able to keep them quiet. I wonder how many of them there were. From what I’ve read recently the number is well into the hundreds. They were apparently mostly Americans. Perhaps they were foster kids or maybe orphans or even kids who’d been grabbed off the street for all anyone knows. I’ve noticed that none of that was really addressed at his trial except for the fact that a lot of them were lured into Epstein’s clutches by that supposed modeling agency called “The Limited Inc”.
It was women who procured the girls for him, mostly from poor families who saw their daughters physical beauty as being something they could get rich off of. Families who were perfectly willing to look the other way as long as they made a little scratch out of the deal.
No wonder the British have repeatedly shut down any deeper journalistic investigations of Jimmy Savile and the people he was associated with. There are too may connections to the Royal Family and their Courtiers. They know damn well what a can of worms that would turn out to be. Now, America has a comparable scandal, and the press is pretty much sitting on it’s hands that are also kept tied by same the people who own those media companies who are also in all likelihood the same folks who would be roped into the scandal by their own connections to Epstein, Savile, Trump and other weirdos like Gary Glitter no matter how tenuous.
Nobody can tell me that these people, all being filthy rich and living in intersecting social circles didn’t know each other, at least in passing. They would have often been at the same parties and doing business with each other in other ways. One thing that is obvious is that their really aren’t that many super-rich people in the world, and they have always been willing to skirt the rules to get what they want, even if it’s little kids to fuck.
Hell, it’s what makes Capitalism so great.
Speculation on source?
I’m going with cousin Jeb!
wondering if YLB’s pussy ever gets grabbed…..
Well of course not, YLB is male…we think.
I picture him as a very, very, effeminate Herve’ Villechaize…
Probably someone Teabaggers Again would be attracted to.
Have a great weekend!
@ 26
How did Epstein find those girls, ‘froggy wonders.
He probably promised them they would get to meet Bill Clinton.
Promise kept.
Sloppy’s new motto from trump: “Make america great again, grab women by their p***y.”
You really should put it on a hat.
@ 30
I’d wear that.
Heh. No.. You don’t.. Give it up little maxwipe.. You and boob are the “grabby” types.
Keep entertaining us. Thanks for playing.
Bernie Sanders…….behahahahhaahahahahahahha…hero of the moocher crowd…..hahahhahahahahha
Dap plane! Da plane!!!
That all you got little maxwipe @ 33?
Where’s the call for an execution?
Get with it dude. You’re boring us.