I’m glad the hunger strike for the women at the Tacoma detention facility is over (for now). Their demands are eminently reasonable and it’s a damn shame they ever had to go on a hunger strike in the first place.
It’s not a hunger strike until you miss a meal. Unless you’re Cindy Sheehan.
Camp Casey was the site of the most uncommitted demonstration of ‘fasting’ in the history of the world. Even the media failed to mention how much weight was lost by the participants. And the reason is because this ‘fasting’ was not real by any stretch of the imagination. No one lost any weight. Very unusual for a any kind of hunger strike. This event was touted far and wide by the media for a few days. It really ended up as being nothing more than not eating between meals. THAT IS NOT FASTING!!!
Hope they got those tasty desserts instead of just apples and oranges every day. Fruit sucks.
Espy dudes, you chose to go full SJW.
Never do that.
ESPN will cut more than 100 employees today, Yahoo Finance has learned.
That number is much bigger than the 40-50 that was initially reported. ESPN aims to notify all of the people today, if it can do so.
It has been widely reported for weeks that big cuts are coming to ESPN—so widely reported, and dissected, and gossiped about, in fact, that ESPN moved up its schedule and is notifying people earlier than it originally planned.
The 100 people getting cut are all “on-air talent,” a label ESPN uses for TV personalities, radio hosts, and writers who regularly appear on TV and radio. (ESPN says it has 1,000 such people, prior to these cuts.)
“Most Americans think North Korea is a threat that can be contained without military action for now and a majority remains uneasy about President Donald Trump’s ability to handle the situation with their nuclear program.
“Sixty-one percent, including majorities of Democrats, Republicans, and independents, say North Korea’s development of weapons … can be contained. Slightly over a quarter say it is a threat that does require military action now, and that rises to 37 percent among Republicans.
“Most continue to be uneasy about President Trump’s ability to handle the North Korea nuclear situation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course no one trusts Der Drumpfer to handle a crisis! Why would any thinking person have confidence in an unqualified, inexperienced, untested, and demonstrably incompetent leader? According to this poll even many of the unthinking morons who voted for him don’t feel good about his ability to handle a situation that’s actually serious and could get people hurt.
Because poll data derived from citizens who are not given daily national security briefings is informed poll data.
Uther Ragnarsonspews:
China, Korea, and Japan hate each other’s guts. Chinese and Koreans both hate the Japanese a little more than they hate each other, so the North Koreans may just as likely nuke Tokyo as take a shot at the US.
Shorter Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 3, 4:
Donald Trump is insane. Kim Jong Un isn’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 So you admit you’re an uninformed cluck who has no valid basis for the opinions you squawk here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Quit beating around the bush. Do you agree, or disagree, with that premise?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Proof that Republicans learn absolutely nothing from history or experience:
“But Mnuchin said most of the revenue lost in the short run from cutting tax rates will be made up over time as the economy grows …. ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Einstein’s definition of insanity was “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” It didn’t work for Reagan or Bush, but Drumpf is trying it again, which means …
“National security should always be poll-driven.”
Says Doctor Dumbfuck, whose party when last in the White House led a campaign based on lies intended to affect polling in order to invade the wrong fucking country resulting in tens of thousands of American casualties and then blamed everything that went wrong with that invasion, including fallout such as the creation of ISIS, on the next occupant of the White House. What fucktards.
“Ivanka Trump told me yesterday from Berlin that she has begun building a massive fund that will benefit female entrepreneurs around the globe.”
Look, we shouldn’t be surprised that sister-fucking hillbilly shitstains leveraged every single scrap of innuendo and bullshit to smear the Democratic Presidential candidate last year. That, for better or for worse, is how the game is played.
But should the media have played along? Should they still be playing along? Other than this puff piece from Axios, and perhaps some follow on from Bloomberg, you won’t find anybody anywhere in the media mentioning this little arrangement. The President’s daughter/wife surrogate/adviser is setting up a global venture cap fund to be run from within the White House.
Not only did every major publication/network/outlet spend months last year lashing the Clinton family over running a charity, but now they see nothing wrong with this set up? Which make no mistake, at this point has absolutely nothing to do with charity.
IOKIYAR is coded into the media DNA. And Democrats seem to be okay with that.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
12 follow on,
spokesmodels at the Treason WH have begun sputtering that Ivanka’s new Pay to Play private equity fund will be managed out of the World Bank.
World Bank so far knows absolutely nothing about this.
Other than admitting that Cheeto Jesus has already begun the international arm twisting, demanding that World Bank Pres pitch in.
“LOCK HER UP!” Indeed.
I know you think there’s SJW backlash involved but ESPN just learned that not every large market print guy is worth having on payroll.
A Typical weekday
First Take – A simulcast of ESPN Radio because nothing is more entertaining that watching a guy sitting at a microphone.
NFL Live – Three syndicated columnists discuss for an hour with guest appearances from correspondents who are columnists in NFL cities.
ESPN The Jump – 8 EIGHT! Print journalists talk about the NBA
Sports Nation – 4 hosts and 8 daily correspondents talk about what the previous three programs have covered.
Highly Questionable – the same dude you could have watched on the radio a couple hours ago AND HIS DAD and another dude talk to no fewer than 10 ESPN correspondents around the country about what the previous four hours have already covered.
Around the horn – Baseball show featuring 13 THIRTEEN! Panelists who at some point in the previous five hours already said on another show what they are about to say.
PTI – I still like this show even though I rarely get to see it anymore. At one point I worked for this show, full disclosure.
The live sports ratings are still great at ESPN (double digits for NBA playoffs over last season) and FoxSports ratings are falling faster than ESPNs. ESPN, and Fox Sports and Prime Sports, and NBCSports are in the unenviable position of figuring out how to get people to watch when it isn’t a live event. I can get all the info on sports on my phone in a couple minutes and never have to see a second of NASCAR, MMA, Lacrosse or anything else I don’t give half a crap let alone two shits about.
Personally, I think ESPNs strategy of going for “celebrity”, bands and actors on Sportscenter, 100s of sports “personalities” on air was doomed. Looks like I was right since they are dropping a ton of those on air people.
I for one am shocked, shocked, that almost all of the Trump tax plan goes to making taxes lower for multi-hundred-millionaires and they are making the same “recoup through growth” argument that has never actually worked when tried.
Oh, and it will explode the deficit without dropping every spending plan Trump wants like border wall, infrastructure, pentagon and cutting a shit ton more from existing programs.
the same “recoup through growth” argument that has never actually worked when tried.
Oh 2008 would have been so much worse without those Bushie cuts.
But it never was supposed to happen, right? Remember that last check Shrub passed out? What a joke! I remember the babbling jackass troll was so happy it asked what yours truly was going do with the check.
I paid down my credit card. Big whoop.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Ol’ Remus had a pretty good bit on political correctness in this week’s Woodpile Report:
“Western Rifle Shooters Association’s “quote of the century” is from Anthony Daniels, an English retired prison doctor and psychiatrist writing as Theodore Dalrymple:
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.
When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed.
A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
Pretty much sums up this crazy shit that is political correctness. It’s pure silliness.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 Clucks lay eggs. Perhaps I should have said “clucker” to make myself clear.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 If you call everything you disagree with “communist” then you shouldn’t object to our labeling everything we disagree with “Nazi.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
After Drumpf unveiled the broad outline of his tax breaks for the wealthy, without revealing details of how he plans to stick it to the working and middle classes, the stock market gave up its gains and closed flat for the day.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Once again we see today how Congressional and Senate DUMMOCRETINS are 100% for Palestinian Authority to pay the families of terrorists that kill Americans like Taylor Force. This was offered in February and again today DUMMOCRETINS are 100% are against it.
Taylor Force was a former U.S. Army officer who was part of a Vanderbilt University tour group visiting Israel when he was brutally stabbed and killed by a Palestinian terrorist. Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah faction praised the terrorist as a “heroic martyr” and the Palestinian Authority has yet to condemn the terrorist attack.
It’s a quote from the Woodpile Report, dickhead. That’s all.
Politically Incorrectspews:
“Taylor Force was a former U.S. Army officer who was part of a Vanderbilt University tour group visiting Israel when he was brutally stabbed and killed by a Palestinian terrorist.”
A good reason to stay the hell out of Israel.
Cord cutting is really the source of ESPNs problem and also the solution. The cable only model they’re locked into will expire. The loss of ESPN/PAC-12 network/FSN keeps me, and millions of others on Comcast. If you have a cable package you can log into those online anywhere in the world.
In the same way millions of people are willing to pay Public Radio voluntarily people would pay $7/mo for ESPN.
When they can let cord cutters access their full line of live sports for $mi without requiring $120-150/mo to Comcast et al they’ll be fine. They just need to ride out the last days of a dying “packaged” lineup model.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 My comment obviously was directed at the author of the screed, dopey.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The latest iteration of Trumpcare does away with the prohibition against denying insurance to people with pre-existing conditions. In other words, Republicans now plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it with … what existed before.
Of course, this won’t apply to their own insurance plans. They also intend to revive the traditional custom of using your tax dollars to give themselves gold-plated insurance that’s not available to you.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
The proper term is “cuck”..
And the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset personally knows about this!
@32 Damn! That insane klown preznit Drumpf is just so…
Eddie Haskellspews:
@33 Feckless
Eddie Haskellspews:
@32 hillbillies have no fucking brains, just crap coming out of their heads.
Eddie Haskellspews:
Staying in Virginia. Yesterday, at morning chow in the dump of a Quality Inn that I’m staying in with the rest of the hillbillies, I hear one hillbilly in southern drawl try tell another hillbilly that Drumpf is going to tell all the Senators what his plan is with North Korea, like it was some impressive and important thing and not just the bullshit show that it is.
Wait for the shitstain… Coming stoooooooooooopidly soon to a thread near you!
Eddie Haskellspews:
I generally like to recycle. It’s supposed to be good for the environment. I even feel guilty if I don’t. But today I woke up and said FUCK It! No Climate Change the No Recycle. Especially in a State that has a bunch of hillbillies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Analyzing Trump’s So-Called Tax Reform “Plan”
“On Wednesday, top White House officials outlined President Donald Trump’s plan, a proposal they said would be the ‘biggest tax cut’ in U.S. history. It largely echoes the proposal Trump outlined as a candidate and did not include some key details. …
“The White House was also vague about how it would pay for the plan without busting the federal deficit, though Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin insisted economic growth and the closing of loopholes would make up for the lost revenue.”
Roger Rabbit Analysis: This will be short, because there isn’t much to analyze. This is better described as a broad outline because no plan, as such, was revealed yesterday. In fact, it looks like a bare-bones term paper cobbled together to meet a deadline, the sort of thing that would get a barely passing grade (if that) in a freshman class at a third-rate college.
The key is “economic growth and closing loopholes would make up the lost revenue.” There are two pieces to this.
The first is that Trump is revisiting the old Reagan-Bush supply-side scheme, which history proved twice doesn’t work. This is the GOP-tax-politics version of a perpetual motion machine — cutting taxes generates free revenue! This is roughly like trying to make a go-cart run without fuel by having an electric motor drive a generator that powers the motor. The departed HA troll Mark the Redneck, who claimed to have an engineering background, was a proponent of the tax version of this.
You should get some economic stimulus from tax cuts, but the new revenues from increased economic activity offset far less than the revenue losses.
The second piece — “closing loopholes” — is the kicker. For rich people to pay much less, either everyone else has to pay much more, or deficits must increase. The math doesn’t work any other way. The game that Trump and Republicans are playing here is: The middle class, too, will get lower tax rates, but they also will lose exemptions, deductions, and tax credits, the net result of which is a massive tax increase on working people with average incomes.
There’s likely to be a third piece, not mentioned by Mnuchin, on the spending side of the budget. This consists of shifting Medicaid costs and other expenses currently paid for with federal dollars to the states, where one of two things will happen: Either these services (e.g., Meals on Wheels) will disappear, or state and local taxes must be raised to keep them going.
This is perhaps the sneakiest facet of all GOP tax schemes. Here on HA, we know that federal taxes, which are two-thirds of the total U.S. tax burden, are more progressive than state and local taxes, which are the other third. (When you add up all taxes, the top three income quintiles are paying roughly equal percentages of their incomes to government, give or take a couple percent.) But the general public doesn’t know this, and doesn’t realize that shifting spending from federal to state governments skews the distribution of the overall tax burden against the middle and working classes, because now more of overall government spending is being financed by regressive taxes.
In sum, the Trump-Ryan-McConnell “tax reform” likely to emerge from the congressional sausage grinder is certain to be the standard GOP fare that pampers the 1% at the expense of the 99 percent and a massive step closer to the holy grail of GOP tax philosophy: Eventually and ultimately, only wages will be taxed, and our capitalist economy’s rent-seekers (think Donald Trump and Roger Rabbit) will pay nothing at all.
“The man who shot five Black Lives Matter protesters in 2015 has been sentenced to 15 years in prison …. Defense attorney Laura Heinrich argued Scarsella was ‘naïve’ at the time of the shooting, didn’t know what life was like for black people on the north side of Minneapolis, and that his brain may not have fully developed, because he was around 22 years old at the time he put on a mask, went to the Fourth Precinct to live stream, and … shot five people.”
Taxing sugar drinks to reduce consumption and thus diabetes is logical.
But they look stupid and shortsighted by now also taking products that don’t reduce diabetes. That is, they discovered blacks drank more sugar to taking them more than whites would be bad.
But if you want to reduce diabetes, taxing diet drinks is as worthless as taxing the wind.
And to make this whole diet soda tax even more ridiculous….if the premise of a tax raises the cost to the user and dissuades him/her….well that person should not face diet drink choices with similar taxes on them. If both types of drink prices rise in unison, you are not reducing diabetes. And their “we feel guilty taxing black people” logic is extra crazy stupid because if both soda and diet drinks rise in unison, and if black people get more diabeters from too much sugar….you are not helping the same people you wanted to help
@49 Wrong! Study after study in humans and animals show strong correllation between artificial sweetner consumption and weight gain. Higher weight gains means higher chances of heart disease and diabetes.
Seems you’re butt sore about the tax making white people pay. Why am I not surprised?
Drink water, carry a water bottle when you walk and you’ll be just fine. Better off than a Dori Monson. Is that jerk still addicted to Diet Coke?
You quoted an article that says the science is not clear, though author posits there is a link.
The mayor never said its for weight; only as a matter of equity.
@51 Tonight I’m enjoying a beer. No not an everyday thing for me. All kinds of taxes on beer. I’m NOT butt sore about that.
Tomorrow there may be a soda tax. Too much is not good for you. Once in a while I’ll enjoy a soda and I will NOT be butt sore about the tax I might pay on the soda.
Sux to be the miserable fools who are and get their underwear in a twist over taxes on things that are not good for you if consumed in excess.
It’s not a hunger strike until you miss a meal. Unless you’re Cindy Sheehan.
Camp Casey was the site of the most uncommitted demonstration of ‘fasting’ in the history of the world. Even the media failed to mention how much weight was lost by the participants. And the reason is because this ‘fasting’ was not real by any stretch of the imagination. No one lost any weight. Very unusual for a any kind of hunger strike. This event was touted far and wide by the media for a few days. It really ended up as being nothing more than not eating between meals. THAT IS NOT FASTING!!!
And even if you do miss a meal, it’s not a successful hunger strike unless you can gin up an A-list celeb or two to hang out with you while you do it.
’cause that’ll get People Magazine to cover it.
Hope they got those tasty desserts instead of just apples and oranges every day. Fruit sucks.
Espy dudes, you chose to go full SJW.
Never do that.
ESPN will cut more than 100 employees today, Yahoo Finance has learned.
That number is much bigger than the 40-50 that was initially reported. ESPN aims to notify all of the people today, if it can do so.
It has been widely reported for weeks that big cuts are coming to ESPN—so widely reported, and dissected, and gossiped about, in fact, that ESPN moved up its schedule and is notifying people earlier than it originally planned.
The 100 people getting cut are all “on-air talent,” a label ESPN uses for TV personalities, radio hosts, and writers who regularly appear on TV and radio. (ESPN says it has 1,000 such people, prior to these cuts.)
“Most Americans think North Korea is a threat that can be contained without military action for now and a majority remains uneasy about President Donald Trump’s ability to handle the situation with their nuclear program.
“Sixty-one percent, including majorities of Democrats, Republicans, and independents, say North Korea’s development of weapons … can be contained. Slightly over a quarter say it is a threat that does require military action now, and that rises to 37 percent among Republicans.
“Most continue to be uneasy about President Trump’s ability to handle the North Korea nuclear situation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course no one trusts Der Drumpfer to handle a crisis! Why would any thinking person have confidence in an unqualified, inexperienced, untested, and demonstrably incompetent leader? According to this poll even many of the unthinking morons who voted for him don’t feel good about his ability to handle a situation that’s actually serious and could get people hurt.
Hey Doctor Dumbfuck, are you a 37 percenter?
National security should always be poll-driven.
Because poll data derived from citizens who are not given daily national security briefings is informed poll data.
China, Korea, and Japan hate each other’s guts. Chinese and Koreans both hate the Japanese a little more than they hate each other, so the North Koreans may just as likely nuke Tokyo as take a shot at the US.
Shorter Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 3, 4:
Donald Trump is insane. Kim Jong Un isn’t.
@5 So you admit you’re an uninformed cluck who has no valid basis for the opinions you squawk here.
@7 Quit beating around the bush. Do you agree, or disagree, with that premise?
Proof that Republicans learn absolutely nothing from history or experience:
“But Mnuchin said most of the revenue lost in the short run from cutting tax rates will be made up over time as the economy grows …. ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Einstein’s definition of insanity was “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” It didn’t work for Reagan or Bush, but Drumpf is trying it again, which means …
“National security should always be poll-driven.”
Says Doctor Dumbfuck, whose party when last in the White House led a campaign based on lies intended to affect polling in order to invade the wrong fucking country resulting in tens of thousands of American casualties and then blamed everything that went wrong with that invasion, including fallout such as the creation of ISIS, on the next occupant of the White House. What fucktards.
Pay to Play – run from inside the Treason WH.
“Ivanka Trump told me yesterday from Berlin that she has begun building a massive fund that will benefit female entrepreneurs around the globe.”
Look, we shouldn’t be surprised that sister-fucking hillbilly shitstains leveraged every single scrap of innuendo and bullshit to smear the Democratic Presidential candidate last year. That, for better or for worse, is how the game is played.
But should the media have played along? Should they still be playing along? Other than this puff piece from Axios, and perhaps some follow on from Bloomberg, you won’t find anybody anywhere in the media mentioning this little arrangement. The President’s daughter/wife surrogate/adviser is setting up a global venture cap fund to be run from within the White House.
Not only did every major publication/network/outlet spend months last year lashing the Clinton family over running a charity, but now they see nothing wrong with this set up? Which make no mistake, at this point has absolutely nothing to do with charity.
IOKIYAR is coded into the media DNA. And Democrats seem to be okay with that.
12 follow on,
spokesmodels at the Treason WH have begun sputtering that Ivanka’s new Pay to Play private equity fund will be managed out of the World Bank.
World Bank so far knows absolutely nothing about this.
Other than admitting that Cheeto Jesus has already begun the international arm twisting, demanding that World Bank Pres pitch in.
“LOCK HER UP!” Indeed.
I know you think there’s SJW backlash involved but ESPN just learned that not every large market print guy is worth having on payroll.
A Typical weekday
First Take – A simulcast of ESPN Radio because nothing is more entertaining that watching a guy sitting at a microphone.
NFL Live – Three syndicated columnists discuss for an hour with guest appearances from correspondents who are columnists in NFL cities.
ESPN The Jump – 8 EIGHT! Print journalists talk about the NBA
Sports Nation – 4 hosts and 8 daily correspondents talk about what the previous three programs have covered.
Highly Questionable – the same dude you could have watched on the radio a couple hours ago AND HIS DAD and another dude talk to no fewer than 10 ESPN correspondents around the country about what the previous four hours have already covered.
Around the horn – Baseball show featuring 13 THIRTEEN! Panelists who at some point in the previous five hours already said on another show what they are about to say.
PTI – I still like this show even though I rarely get to see it anymore. At one point I worked for this show, full disclosure.
The live sports ratings are still great at ESPN (double digits for NBA playoffs over last season) and FoxSports ratings are falling faster than ESPNs. ESPN, and Fox Sports and Prime Sports, and NBCSports are in the unenviable position of figuring out how to get people to watch when it isn’t a live event. I can get all the info on sports on my phone in a couple minutes and never have to see a second of NASCAR, MMA, Lacrosse or anything else I don’t give half a crap let alone two shits about.
Personally, I think ESPNs strategy of going for “celebrity”, bands and actors on Sportscenter, 100s of sports “personalities” on air was doomed. Looks like I was right since they are dropping a ton of those on air people.
I for one am shocked, shocked, that almost all of the Trump tax plan goes to making taxes lower for multi-hundred-millionaires and they are making the same “recoup through growth” argument that has never actually worked when tried.
Oh, and it will explode the deficit without dropping every spending plan Trump wants like border wall, infrastructure, pentagon and cutting a shit ton more from existing programs.
The proper term is “cuck”.. All the kewl alt-always-wrong kids who “hail Drumpf” are doing it.
Or was that so 2016? I admit, I can’t follow it.
Oh 2008 would have been so much worse without those Bushie cuts.
But it never was supposed to happen, right? Remember that last check Shrub passed out? What a joke! I remember the babbling jackass troll was so happy it asked what yours truly was going do with the check.
I paid down my credit card. Big whoop.
Ol’ Remus had a pretty good bit on political correctness in this week’s Woodpile Report:
“Western Rifle Shooters Association’s “quote of the century” is from Anthony Daniels, an English retired prison doctor and psychiatrist writing as Theodore Dalrymple:
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.
When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed.
A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
Pretty much sums up this crazy shit that is political correctness. It’s pure silliness.
@16 Clucks lay eggs. Perhaps I should have said “clucker” to make myself clear.
@18 If you call everything you disagree with “communist” then you shouldn’t object to our labeling everything we disagree with “Nazi.”
After Drumpf unveiled the broad outline of his tax breaks for the wealthy, without revealing details of how he plans to stick it to the working and middle classes, the stock market gave up its gains and closed flat for the day.
Once again we see today how Congressional and Senate DUMMOCRETINS are 100% for Palestinian Authority to pay the families of terrorists that kill Americans like Taylor Force. This was offered in February and again today DUMMOCRETINS are 100% are against it.
Your party is pond SCUM!
Your party is pond SCUM!
It’s a quote from the Woodpile Report, dickhead. That’s all.
“Taylor Force was a former U.S. Army officer who was part of a Vanderbilt University tour group visiting Israel when he was brutally stabbed and killed by a Palestinian terrorist.”
A good reason to stay the hell out of Israel.
Cord cutting is really the source of ESPNs problem and also the solution. The cable only model they’re locked into will expire. The loss of ESPN/PAC-12 network/FSN keeps me, and millions of others on Comcast. If you have a cable package you can log into those online anywhere in the world.
In the same way millions of people are willing to pay Public Radio voluntarily people would pay $7/mo for ESPN.
When they can let cord cutters access their full line of live sports for $mi without requiring $120-150/mo to Comcast et al they’ll be fine. They just need to ride out the last days of a dying “packaged” lineup model.
@24 My comment obviously was directed at the author of the screed, dopey.
The latest iteration of Trumpcare does away with the prohibition against denying insurance to people with pre-existing conditions. In other words, Republicans now plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it with … what existed before.
Of course, this won’t apply to their own insurance plans. They also intend to revive the traditional custom of using your tax dollars to give themselves gold-plated insurance that’s not available to you.
The proper term is “cuck”..
And the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset personally knows about this!
Is the most stupid, credulous, pathologically lying, bullshitting asshole of a troll putting the hand first again?
Didn’t doofus mcpepe call that fool a “cuck”?
Oh and it’s what Republicans are and what they do…
Here at HA see boob and the cuck @29 that puts the hand first.
Promises to keep, uh-huh …
” … President Donald Trump agreed not to terminate the NAFTA treaty ‘at this time’ in afternoon phone calls with the leaders of Mexico and Canada … ”
Have the Trumpsters figured out yet they’re being backstabbed? Apparently not:
“Most Americans say he is trying to keep campaign promises.”
But then, we can’t expect people duped into voting for him to figure that out, can we?
@32 Damn! That insane klown preznit Drumpf is just so…
@33 Feckless
@32 hillbillies have no fucking brains, just crap coming out of their heads.
Staying in Virginia. Yesterday, at morning chow in the dump of a Quality Inn that I’m staying in with the rest of the hillbillies, I hear one hillbilly in southern drawl try tell another hillbilly that Drumpf is going to tell all the Senators what his plan is with North Korea, like it was some impressive and important thing and not just the bullshit show that it is.
Senators Leave White House Briefing On North Korea Unsure About Why It Took Place http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....6db1ddde86
Good try at deflection monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset @31.
There is only one cuck here and everyone knows it’s you when you are at your “salt mine”
Wait for the shitstain… Coming stoooooooooooopidly soon to a thread near you!
I generally like to recycle. It’s supposed to be good for the environment. I even feel guilty if I don’t. But today I woke up and said FUCK It! No Climate Change the No Recycle. Especially in a State that has a bunch of hillbillies.
Analyzing Trump’s So-Called Tax Reform “Plan”
“On Wednesday, top White House officials outlined President Donald Trump’s plan, a proposal they said would be the ‘biggest tax cut’ in U.S. history. It largely echoes the proposal Trump outlined as a candidate and did not include some key details. …
“The White House was also vague about how it would pay for the plan without busting the federal deficit, though Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin insisted economic growth and the closing of loopholes would make up for the lost revenue.”
Roger Rabbit Analysis: This will be short, because there isn’t much to analyze. This is better described as a broad outline because no plan, as such, was revealed yesterday. In fact, it looks like a bare-bones term paper cobbled together to meet a deadline, the sort of thing that would get a barely passing grade (if that) in a freshman class at a third-rate college.
The key is “economic growth and closing loopholes would make up the lost revenue.” There are two pieces to this.
The first is that Trump is revisiting the old Reagan-Bush supply-side scheme, which history proved twice doesn’t work. This is the GOP-tax-politics version of a perpetual motion machine — cutting taxes generates free revenue! This is roughly like trying to make a go-cart run without fuel by having an electric motor drive a generator that powers the motor. The departed HA troll Mark the Redneck, who claimed to have an engineering background, was a proponent of the tax version of this.
You should get some economic stimulus from tax cuts, but the new revenues from increased economic activity offset far less than the revenue losses.
The second piece — “closing loopholes” — is the kicker. For rich people to pay much less, either everyone else has to pay much more, or deficits must increase. The math doesn’t work any other way. The game that Trump and Republicans are playing here is: The middle class, too, will get lower tax rates, but they also will lose exemptions, deductions, and tax credits, the net result of which is a massive tax increase on working people with average incomes.
There’s likely to be a third piece, not mentioned by Mnuchin, on the spending side of the budget. This consists of shifting Medicaid costs and other expenses currently paid for with federal dollars to the states, where one of two things will happen: Either these services (e.g., Meals on Wheels) will disappear, or state and local taxes must be raised to keep them going.
This is perhaps the sneakiest facet of all GOP tax schemes. Here on HA, we know that federal taxes, which are two-thirds of the total U.S. tax burden, are more progressive than state and local taxes, which are the other third. (When you add up all taxes, the top three income quintiles are paying roughly equal percentages of their incomes to government, give or take a couple percent.) But the general public doesn’t know this, and doesn’t realize that shifting spending from federal to state governments skews the distribution of the overall tax burden against the middle and working classes, because now more of overall government spending is being financed by regressive taxes.
In sum, the Trump-Ryan-McConnell “tax reform” likely to emerge from the congressional sausage grinder is certain to be the standard GOP fare that pampers the 1% at the expense of the 99 percent and a massive step closer to the holy grail of GOP tax philosophy: Eventually and ultimately, only wages will be taxed, and our capitalist economy’s rent-seekers (think Donald Trump and Roger Rabbit) will pay nothing at all.
This one is for Boob the Medicare Man.
You know because he is the first to post the Tawana Brawley stories in stereotype fashion.
This guy is from your tribe, Doctor Dumbfuck.
“The man who shot five Black Lives Matter protesters in 2015 has been sentenced to 15 years in prison …. Defense attorney Laura Heinrich argued Scarsella was ‘naïve’ at the time of the shooting, didn’t know what life was like for black people on the north side of Minneapolis, and that his brain may not have fully developed, because he was around 22 years old at the time he put on a mask, went to the Fourth Precinct to live stream, and … shot five people.”
So now the Seattle city libtard wants to tax sugary sodas and other stuff.
Taxes, the boon of libtard DUMMOCRETINS. Glad not to drink the stuff!
Teamsters are against it. Fewer people drinking soda so people will be laid off. Way to go libtards!
LMAO @ 37…
Why do we see you less and less on Sat nights?..
‘cuz we caught you “needing” to put HA FIRST before performing the weekly duty..
And Friday nights after sunset?
BTW, the sun has set
Gotcha! Busted putting HA FIRST! Oh what if Pacman, the salt mining buddy and the bookoo bucks legal beagle sees this???
Moron @ 42..
Water is better for you..
Welcome to the new world – a-hole!
Taxing sugar drinks to reduce consumption and thus diabetes is logical.
But they look stupid and shortsighted by now also taking products that don’t reduce diabetes. That is, they discovered blacks drank more sugar to taking them more than whites would be bad.
But if you want to reduce diabetes, taxing diet drinks is as worthless as taxing the wind.
And to make this whole diet soda tax even more ridiculous….if the premise of a tax raises the cost to the user and dissuades him/her….well that person should not face diet drink choices with similar taxes on them. If both types of drink prices rise in unison, you are not reducing diabetes. And their “we feel guilty taxing black people” logic is extra crazy stupid because if both soda and diet drinks rise in unison, and if black people get more diabeters from too much sugar….you are not helping the same people you wanted to help
Is the fucking 100 days over with yet?
How’s that repeal and replace going?
Why don’t they just repeal? Heh. How many times did they vote for repeal alone? 60???
What a bunch of cucks those Republicans.
@45 Diet drinks contribute to obesity.
Forget the fizzy drinks. Drink water.
Suck on it always wrong wing ding Seattle hater!
Those gay perverts. Always stealing the picture ainbow and getting so crazy.
YLB; good article (a quora one then run by Forbes); author noted the proof of diet soda and obesity is pretty controversial and mostly unstudied.
I guess more to the point; mayor in his TV statement only said he’s added diet to the tax because minorities drink fewer diet product.
He said it, its not my spin
@49 Wrong! Study after study in humans and animals show strong correllation between artificial sweetner consumption and weight gain. Higher weight gains means higher chances of heart disease and diabetes.
Seems you’re butt sore about the tax making white people pay. Why am I not surprised?
Drink water, carry a water bottle when you walk and you’ll be just fine. Better off than a Dori Monson. Is that jerk still addicted to Diet Coke?
You quoted an article that says the science is not clear, though author posits there is a link.
The mayor never said its for weight; only as a matter of equity.
I drink neither beverage
@51 Tonight I’m enjoying a beer. No not an everyday thing for me. All kinds of taxes on beer. I’m NOT butt sore about that.
Tomorrow there may be a soda tax. Too much is not good for you. Once in a while I’ll enjoy a soda and I will NOT be butt sore about the tax I might pay on the soda.
Sux to be the miserable fools who are and get their underwear in a twist over taxes on things that are not good for you if consumed in excess.