No rightwing initiatives on Washington’s November ballot. Could it be this disease has run its course?
Better 2spews:
Dallas continued.
Black Lives Matter, which in recent years has advocated for peaceful interactions between police and citizens, condemned the Dallas attacks
Being against cops killing is not equal to being for killing cops. We need peace in our streets.
— @johnlegend
As someone with law enforcement in my family, I am just shaking. That does not equal this. Senseless. Horrific. Heartbreaking.
— @shondarhimes
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
So one group of #BlackLivesMatter peeps posts on Facebook that it’s only beginning and others most this is wrong. Sounds like this DUMMOCRETIN group needs to speak with one voice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 No, you need to pull your head out of your ass before you go blind.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans hoping for a weak economy going into the fall election were stunned by June’s blowout job numbers released this morning. More than 287,000 people were hired last month, beating estimates by six figures. Recession? What recession?
Oh, and the Dow is up another 176 points this morning. What’s the name of that market timer keeping his money in a nice safe bank account at 1/10th of 1 percent interest while waiting for Brexit to tank the market? I can’t remember his name any more. He had a funny-looking face.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Proudly wearing your imported “Make America Great Again” hat?
Trump claims his campaign hats are “Made In USA,” but the Associated Press found discrepancies in their materials, and “two of the manufacturer’s employees, including a top sales agent, said the hats’ fabric, bills and stiffeners were imported from overseas.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump is threatening to sue the manufacturer, but more likely he’ll just use this as an excuse to refuse to pay for the hats.
Distant Replayspews:
who has time to invest wisely when you have to spend all your time trying to find things to blame on “DUMMOCRETIN SCUM”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember Joe Walsh? The race-baiting tea party ex-congressman deadbeat dad and general piece of shit from Illinois? Who now hosts a conservative talk show?
His response to the Dallas cop shootings was to make threats against President Obama. I guess you can do that in this country without legal repercussions by misusing a thing called “free speech.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s what the GOP tribe looks like nowadays. Why does anyone still vote for these scum?
Distant Replayspews:
Hasn’t that lying racist Fuckwad troll identified himself as being affiliated with Walsh’s “Real America™”?
It should probably disarm itself and surrender all its guns before the FBI agents knock on its door. Hate to see yet another black man shot for exercising his 2nd Amendment rights.
Distant Replayspews:
Overnight there was considerable speculation about rumors from Dallas that the sniper assault was coordinated with the march organizers. At one point police were commenting off the record to journalists that the brother of the march organizer was a suspected sniper.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The citizen probably was being drunk and stupid, but still …
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Fucking moron @ 3
As long as you’re going to cherry-pick a couple of celebrity tweets and claim it’s representative of #BLM, perhaps allow me to cherry-pick, say, a whole march, 50,000 strong, in which people are chanting
“What do we want? Dead cops? When do we want it? Now!”
Has Trump condemned anything yet?
Other than Mexicans?
Distant Replayspews:
You know, if there was such a thing as a CWC, it would be a pretty bad millennium.
Better 2spews:
It’s boringly consistent to have have conservative haters attempt to find a couple of of angry quotes to extrapolate that to a whole group is evil, but when say… a white guy kills nine black church members.. that’s just a crazy individual and not part of a movement.
by your logic then storm front represents all angry white males like yourself.
Why am I stupid for believing a group who’s mission is to bring attention to police killing people of color, is not peaceful? Why do you find something inherently violent about people questioning police killing people of color?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
James Fallows ✔ @JamesFallows
Reminder: no cops shot this guy (C. Bundy posse)
But did find Sterling / Castile so threatening had to be killed
No cops shot this guy, either:
Blazer said the black man, whose image was being flashed on local television stations, is an Open Carry protester, not a shooter. His gun has not been fired and he has a permit.
Why am I stupid for believing a group who’s mission is to bring attention to police killing people of color, is not peaceful?
Gee, I dunno. Maybe it has to do with the implication of chants like I cited @ 14, or others such as
“No justice, no peace!”
Whose tweet are you going to quote next? Leo’s? Scarlett’s? Maybe’s?
Fucking moron.
“Fucking moron.”
Senseless violence has begat senseless violence. Surprised?
What is not a surprise is that you blame solely blacks, a people whose ancestors were brought here as slaves and who have been fucked with ever since because for too many white Americans such as yourself, black lives don’t matter.
Distant Replayspews:
That guy, Marc Hughes, hemmed in by police barricades and unable to leave the area on foot, flagged down passing police to surrender his unloaded and legal firearm and turn himself in as soon as he learned that police informants working in the march had photographed him and erroneously posted his image as a sniper suspect.
Kinda different from “Go ahead and shoot me. Go ahead and shoot me. Go ahead and shoot me Shoot me”.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Hey, how come no one has pointed out that citizens in Dallas were permitted open carry and none of them shot back?
Whatever happened to Best Defense Is A Good Offense, HA libbies?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
I wonder how long it will be until Fucking Moron realizes that the Dallas PD used a bomb detonated by remote-controlled robot to neutralize the shooter, and bemoans the replacement of manpower by machines in our society?
Robots will replace people when they do a better job for less money. Also when the people who are supposed to do the job have already been killed.
Distant Replayspews:
hard to prove a premise by simply restating it.
You seem to have trouble with this kind of stuff.
Math. Symbolic reasoning. Etc.
@20 attempts to point out the fallacy of generalizing to the whole.
You respond by generalizing to the whole.
Oh, and calling him a fucking moron.
Well done.
Teabagged Againspews:
Per Puffy’s way of statistics and numbers…this was not as jaw droping as Orlando. Only 5 or 6 Dead.
Now Puffy – don’t twist what I am saying – What I said there I don’t believe myself. I am merely point out your stupidity, hypocrisy, so that you realize you are a fucking moron.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
I’m not sure how to characterize this. But I can’t wait to see the video:
In a video shot from the perspective of a demonstrator seconds before the shooting, a crowd of protesters walks forward chanting, “Hands up, don’t shoot!” a phrase popularized after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., in 2014.
Ten seconds later, the camera suddenly lowers as bodies scatter and the shooting begins. “Go, go, go … run, run, run!” a woman shrieks. “Someone’s shot! There was a gun.… Someone got shot! Someone got shot!”
I’d say the US led Iraq War was a “No Justice, No Peace” chant if I ever heard of one.
Teabagged Againspews:
I wonder…hmmmm… this good time to say “You reap what you Sow”. Or that. “It is unfortunate that more Blue lives didn’t die.”
Eat shit Boob!
Arm yourself – they are coming for you!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 32
Doesn’t matter whether you say it or not, ‘bagger. We know you’re thinking it. You aren’t alone.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Where would we be without the trial lawyers and their massive donations to Democrats?
Jane E. Bishkin, a Dallas lawyer who represents five of the officers who were shot, said the wounded officers were expected to recover. She said one of the injured officers, a woman, suffered a serious injury to her left arm and may be disabled as a result.
The truth is that you want to believe I am thinking that regardless it be false. You deranged mother fucker. And your response is nothing more to avoid having to address the comments that were made by your folk when Orlando happened. Very crafty you fuck face. Avoid, Avoid, Avoid.
Teabagged Againspews:
One other thing….the people that died….they weren’t police officers…they were just people attending a party uninvited.
Teabagged Againspews:
The shooter was a military veteran….this wasn’t about hating anyone, the shooter was mentally ill.
Distant Replayspews:
it justifies the hate, the marginalization, and the systematic dehumanization. Without it guys like Boob would just have to meet their fears face to face.
Much easier for him to manufacture an inhuman caricature of the Atheist-Naked-Hippie-PotSmokers-WhoControlEverything. Boob needs a binary system. Us vs. Them. With us or agin’ us. Etc.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 The proper response to this comment is to call you a fucking liar, because that’s what you are.
Maybe someone in a position of authority should take a second look at your MD license. You’re too damned stupid and dishonest to be entrusted with other people’s health care.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Give her a fair trial, and if she’s found guilty, throw her ass in jail. A thief is a thief, no matter what party label s/he wears.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Because he and people like him enjoy being shitheads. It’s an end in itself, like holding the world record for eating hotdogs.
Distant Replayspews:
I think docs specialize in hasty generalization.
Look at the stats for improper diagnosis and most of them follow that pattern. Grabbing on to one or two dramatic objective symptoms to the exclusion of others and rushing headlong toward a mis-diagnosis.
And that’s why he hates trial lawyers too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “Maybe it has to do with the implication of chants like I cited @ 14,” or the implication of the “thousands of Muslims” Trump saw “cheering” the fall of the Twin Towers …
Yeah, it does, Bickle. It has EVERYTHING to do with the false narratives perpetrated by hatewing liars like you and Trump.
As for “no justice, no peace,” the people who chant this phrase mean they’re going to take to the streets and keep chanting until people with your mentality stop killing them.
They have a different idea of “peace” than you do. They’re not the ones blocking gun reform, flashing guns in public, threatening civil war, or shooting people. That’s your ilk.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Marc Hughes is lucky to be alive. He owes his life to Dallas cops showing more restraint under actual life-threatening fire than some other cops in no danger whatsoever do when they’re sitting on top of a handcuffed subject or an innocent motorist is reaching for his driver’s license.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 Because they didn’t want to be taken for snipers, stupid.
Now let’s revisit the Republican proposal to have armed citizen vigilantes roaming elementary schools and movie theaters. The idea here, of course, is that if a shooter opens fire in such a venue, the good citizens will shoot back.
Dallas can serve as a first-rate test bed of how this might work in practice. First of all, the cops won’t be able to tell the bad guys from the good guys, so what to do? Shoot everybody with a gun? That’s probably what I’d do in their shoes. Second, let’s now discuss “collateral damage.” Let’s say out of this crowd of 800 protesters and 100 cops, 900 people are armed, and everyone starts shooting. You won’t be counting collateral victims on your 10 fingers, you’ll be counting survivors on your 10 fingers. Third, and for the life of me I can’t figure this one out, why would ANYONE vote for people who are so stupid they would seriously propose something like this?
Which brings me full circle back to where I began this comment: Leading the pack, tooting his trumpet for this kind of stupidity, is our good friend Doctor Boob. For sheer stupidity, he’s in a class all by himself. How does such an idiot manage to become an MD?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 I’m waiting breathlessly for this to turn into an argument against raising the wages of fast food and daycare workers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 Literally interpreted, yes. Of course, we know the hatewing crowd is deeply into literal interpretations. The earth is 6,000 years old, man coexisted with dinosaurs, original intent, county sheriffs are the highest governmental authority, the gold fringe on flags limits courts’ jurisdiction to admiralty matters, etc. etc
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 Got it. If the BLM protesters didn’t chant “What do we want? Dead cops? When do we want it? Now!” then they were thinking it. Because you say so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 “Where would we be without the trial lawyers and their massive donations to Democrats?”
Living under a Republican fascist regime. Thanks for asking.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 No, just him. I’ve never met another doctor as off-the-charts idiotic as Boob.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dow now +227 points for the day, and I’m making $5,000 today. Where’s Boob? I want to hear about “fleeing felons” again. No sign of Puffy. Maybe this is the day he goes to the bank to collect his $1.00 of annual interest on his $1,000 savings account.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 51
Dow now +227 points for the day, and I’m making $5,000 today.
So if you’re up $5k when the Dow is up 1.0126%, then your portfolio is worth a little north of $394,000.
After a career spent as an attorney that figure is truly pathetic. Although it’s comforting to realize that the government apparently paid you only a little more than you were worth.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Could be a long weekend.
Christine Byers @ChristineDByers 16m16 minutes ago
Sources tell us Ballwin officer was shot at about three times from behind, in critical condition. Story to be updated @stltoday
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
News you might have missed:
BRISTOL, Tenn. (AP) — A man accused of shooting indiscriminately at passing cars and police on a Tennessee highway told investigators he was angry about police violence against African-Americans, authorities said Friday.
One woman died and three others, including one police officer, were injured in the rampage.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said in a news release that initial conversations with the suspect, 37-year-old Lakeem Keon Scott, revealed he was troubled by several incidents across the U.S.
Scott, who is black, was wounded in the shootout with police, remains hospitalized and has not yet been charged. All those shot were white, police confirmed.
And let’s not forget the real tragedy. Goldy worried that it’s taking y’all off message.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Dante Atkins @DanteAtkins
Beyond being outright heinous murderers, the Dallas snipers have done indelible damage to the movement for police reform and social justice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dallas wasn’t the only possibly “black rage” ambush shooting yesterday. Tennessee experienced one, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Rational people stopped listening to these shrill Republicans a long time ago. That’s why the loons, goons, and baboons are the only followers they have left.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Of course, Republicans behaving badly and talking trash is to be expected after any event like this. It’s what they do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 You’re assuming all my money is in a market-index ETF, which is in keeping with your simpleton modes of thinking, and therefore not surprising at all.
In fact, none of it is. All my money is in individual stocks. My portfolio outperforms the market some days, and underperforms the market other days. It underperformed the market today, and the obvious explanation is that I’m overweighted in energy sector and oil is up only 0.16% today.
Your $394k estimate of my portfolio worth is about as accurate as Trump’s $10B asserted net worth. In other words, go ahead and believe that if it makes you happy.
Finally, because I performed honest public service for a living, and was never a Medicare-teat-sucking doctor like you, it’s a sure thing I’m not worth as much as you. Which proves what? Besides the fact your greed exceeds mine?
Teabagged Againspews:
@54 only a bunch more before this gets any worse than Orlando – per Puffy’s counting system…or did you forget about Orlando already, or maybe you never recognized it from the beginning
Teabagged Againspews:
Republicans – blame, blame, blame, it is all they know how to do. No accountability on their part – ever. Nor any solutions on their part – just deflect and blame. It’s only a sports game to them.
Distant Replayspews:
@26, “Hey, how come no one has pointed out that citizens in Dallas were permitted open carry…”
Is that what that was? So “open carry” means you can be stopped, have your firearm confiscated, and be arrested and taken into custody for interrogation w/o attorney for no other reason.
Good to know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Where’s that idiot troll who laughed at me when I posted that it’s easy to make 8% a year in the stock market? Was that “Lost in a Sea of Blue?” Haven’t seen him for a while. Maybe he’s dead. Got kicked in the head by a goat or something. I wanted to tell him my year-to-date return, annualized, is over 15%. I’m making more than 150 times as much on my money as that other troll — can’t remember his name, he has the funny-looking avatar — who parked his cash in a bank savings account while waiting for Brexit to cause a market crash. The problem with his market-timing strategy is the market crashed another 250 points upward today. I can’t time the market, nobody can, so I don’t try to play the market’s swings and just stay invested all the time. Investing this way is a lot less work, too, because all you have to do is buy some good quality stocks, add to them now and then, and then you can sleep through whatever the market does. As long as the market keeps trending upward, which it will do as long as population keeps growing, which means business sales and profits will grow too, all you have to do is ride the long-term upward trend. Takes no brains, no knowledge, no market acumen. Even children can do it. Oh, and by the way, all the expensive investing advice out there is worthless, because highly paid financial advisers can’t do this any better than you or I can.
Distant Replayspews:
“If you are a normal, white American, the truth is you don’t understand being black in America and you instinctively under-estimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk.”
Flash quiz! Who said it today?
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Got proof Oregon moron @10, or are you lying like always?
Saw this gem go by on Facebook:
“Reminder, the NRA has spend decades telling Americans that they can, and should, have assault weapons so they can take up arms against a tyrannical government. Well a man in Dallas just did that, killing 5 police men.
That proves how dangerous the NRA’s logic is.”
The quote the author included with the image
“”Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.”
Another Facebook insite, this time by a Adam Campbell:
“My personal interpretation of Black Lives Matter vs. All Lives Matter. Bob is sitting at the dinner table. Everyone else gets a plate of food except Bob. Bob says “Bob Deserves Food”. Everyone at the table responds with “Everyone Deserves Food” and continues eating. All though Everyone Deserves Food is a true statement, it does nothing to actually rectify the fact that BOB HAS NO FOOD!!”
Another one for sloppy:
“Let’s be clear, we said:
We never said
That was the media, not us.
In truth, we know that
We’ve supported your lives through history.
Now we need your help with
for blacks lives are in danger.
–Gene Testimony Hall”
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
worser @20,
How about a DUMMOCRETIN mooslim (crazed cretin terminology) who kills 49 and injures 53? Does that count?
Puddy sees your copy and paste. Butt so did some HA DUMMOCRETINS here. Well worser your memory definitely fails you… Google this “#blacklivesmatter” and review the commentary!
Another instance of 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady residing in worser!
Red Menacespews:
At least the bible beaters will have their pockets picked by our resident grifter, and not use that money to pester poor third world people with fucking missionaries.
Bernie Sanders has been invited to continue his underdog bid for the White House by the Green party’s probable presidential candidate, who has offered to step aside to let him run.
Jill Stein, who is expected to be endorsed at the party’s August convention in Houston, told Guardian US that “overwhelming” numbers of Sanders supporters are flocking to the Greens rather than Hillary Clinton.
Some more facts and figgers for R senile… From the BLS
The number of employed people increased by 67,000 to 151,097,000 in June, but the number of unemployed people increased even more, by 347,000 to 7,783,000. And… 94,517,000 Americans were not in the labor force in June, and the labor force participation rate increased a tenth of a point to 62.7 percent in June.
Yessiree… You’ll NEVER get the full picture from R senile!
It’s not her fault those emails were on her server!
Well R senile?
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Didn’t Puddy say this recently?
“I’m sort of stunned at how badly Donald Trump botching, what is to me, a gift…I don’t get the strategy of attacking Comey here either. Comey is not the person you should be attacking here politically. Comey you should be embracing if you’re the Republicans. Comey’s the one who you should be quoting. Comey’s the one you should be–by the way, do you know what every other presidential candidate were running against Hillary Clinton right now would already have on the air—excerpts of Comey…he indicted her politically. He indicted her judgment. He indicted her in some ways her qualifications to hold national security secrets. He said there’s no legal standard–and that’s fine, but he gave her a political indictment that under any other circumstances we would say this candidacy would be in big trouble. But because of Donald Trump –it’s like yeah maybe she can weather the storm. – PMSNBC’s Chuck Todd
See HA DUMMOCRETINS? Even real died in the wool DUMMOCRETINS see this as Puddy saw this earlier this week.
DAYUM y’all are soooooooooooooooo DUMB!
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
“Mr. Chairman, I’m offended. I’m offended by my friends on the other side of the political aisle saying this is political theater. This is not political theater. For me, this is serious. I spent nine and a half years as an undercover officer in the CIA. I was the guy in the back alleys collecting intelligence, passing it to lawmakers. I’ve seen my friends killed, I’ve seen assets put themselves in harm’s way, and this is about protecting information. The most sensitive information the American government has, and I wish my colleagues would take this a little bit more seriously.” – Congressman and former CIA agent Will Hurd from Texas
Yep, Congressional DUMMOCRETINS don’t get why sensitive information is sensitive… It’s all political theater!
For this to work, though, we now have to accept that the woman Barack Obama christened the most qualified presidential nominee in history can’t understand the most basic workings of an email account. Although she served as both a U.S. senator and as secretary of State of the most powerful nation ever, she’s incapable of following basic directions. And, despite extensive training in the proper handling of classified information, she probably couldn’t get clearance as a White House intern.
“One of the things I’ve learned in this case,” an unconvincing Comey ruminated during the hearing, “is that the secretary might not have been as sophisticated as people assume.” Then he took to the awkward task of convincing America that Clinton was Mrs. Magoo rather than a rock-ribbed veteran of decades of federal investigations.
PuddyCommentariat: Finally we have a clear and concise explanation why Careless Crooked Heilary has her cadre of sycophants and helpers because she is INCOMPETENT! The FBI director has told us so!
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Yesterday checkmate place questions and answers from the DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters who were only in for the political theater… Here is a real information exchange:
GOWDY: Good morning, Director Comey. Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received classified information over her private e-mail. Was that true?
COMEY: Our investigation found that there was classified information sent —
GOWDY: So it was not true?
COMEY: That’s what I said.
GOWDY: OK. Well, I’m looking for a little shorter answer so you and I are not here quite as long. Secretary Clinton said there was not marked classified on her e-mails either sent or received, was that true?
COMEY: That’s not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.
GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said ‘I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.’ Was that true?
COMEY: There was classified material e-mail.
GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?
COMEY: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of State.
GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?
COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.
GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said neither she nor anyone else deleted work-related e-mails from her personal account. Was that true?
COMEY: That’s a harder one to answer. We found traces of work related e-mails in — on devices or slack space, whether they were deleted or whether when a server was changed out something happened to them. There’s no doubt that the work-related e-mails that were removed electronically from the — the e-mail system.
GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the e-mails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the e-mail content individually?
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Yesterday checkmate place questions and answers from the DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters who were only in for the political theater… Trey Gowdy destroyed Careless Crooked Heilary’s credibility and proved she’s a liar in less than 5 minutes!
R senile could never do that!
Dick Hertzspews:
Uhh, dummy, she’s not running for CIO of the U.S. She’s running for President. And the clusterfuck that is the State Department’s IT is well documented.
Question: Could you set up an Internet-facing email server?
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
So why does who’s dick hertz @94 care? Seems another HA DUMMOCRETIN who wants its political foe shut up!
“The whole thing is bankable. It’s a commercial proposition. This is not charity. The whole concept of this is that the market itself over some period of time is going to deploy all these energy-saving things. The problem is it will happen slowly and gradually.”
The Clinton Crime Family Foundation (CCFF) is not a charity by one hired to help create it! Soooooooooooo to review for the HA DUMMOCRETIN cretins; we see Magaziner explicitly claiming that the Clinton Crime Family Foundation’s activities are not a charitable entity butt really a commercial entity. WOW!
What an admission back in 2007. Maybe this is what Comey is finding out and Wee Cigar Man meeting Loretta Lynch on the airplane?
@98. If you are new, you have to understand that puddy will never ever answer a hard question or respond to when we catch him in a lie. He will just ignore the question, or not answer or double down on the stupid, or some other cowardly crap. We call the pattern as “squirting squid ink”.
If you are bored, you can try to have a discussion with him , but it will always end in frustration, like trying to talk to fox news on the TV and expect the TV to listen.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Hide her emails.
Hide her abortions.
Hide her disdain for kids.
Hide her wall street speeches.
Hide behind Bill Clinton’s coat tails.
Hide the truth from LIV fools like y’all.
Hide behind the vast right wing conspiracy.
Hide the truth she’s not for the little guy at all.
Hide the truth on how much wall street paid her.
Hide those emails from prying eyes to Sid Blumenthal.
Hide those emails from heads of state for her promises.
Hide those emails from prying eyes to Sandy Pants Burgler.
Hide from the DUMMOCRETIN public she didn’t meet the IG.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Moron @100, that was response to your insipid question of Dr Travis Bickle!
Why do you care who’s dick hertz?
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Question: Could you set up an Internet-facing email server?
Wrong question moron. The question was why did she break the law and not use official government systems?
Butt because you are a whining HA DUMMOCRETIN ASShole…
YES! Much more complicated wireless encrypted based systems! Ask the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch to replay that wireless encrypted conversation where Puddy handed the clueless cretin its ASS!
What platform? Do you want it in Unix, Linux or WinBlows?
How many expected users?
How big will be their mailbox?
Will there be super users with larger mailboxes?
How many emails will be retained?
Email lifetime?
Backup system?
Email Cluster?
How many processors?
How much RAM?
What RAM refresh are you wanting?
Motherboard Speed?
How many Busses?
Real Buss Speed?
Remote or local administration?
On a Network or standalone?
How will the DMZ be configured?
Virus Protection?
SPAM Protection?
Those are some of the questions Puddy would first ask! Didn’t have to look any of that up! There are many more whiny jackASS!
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
@98. If you are new, you have to understand that puddy will never ever … blah blah blah
Wrong again worser! There are worthwhile questions butt there is BULLSHIT you deposit here every day worser. You cry like a little bitch when you don’t get your way worser! You throw a tantrum!
Damn, checked in late and all I see is Puddle spew. Moving on without wasting my time
Red Menacespews:
I love smelling the hopes and dreams of the teabagger Rethuglicans crushed under the feet of demographics and history. It smells like……..VICTORY.
Teabagged Againspews:
@103 now that is some creative cut and paste there….attta boy, you Ape.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now that it’s clear the Dallas attacks were carried out by a lone deranged gunman, Boob’s attempt to smear Black Lives Matters looks exactly like the tawdry racist slimesucking it is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@90 Whooo makes it easy to get guns in this country? That’s the question we should be asking. We all know the answer. The GOP and enablers like you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@91 Our liars are more honest than your liars.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@94 By living on the Medicare dole.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@99 He doesn’t want you to shut up. He wants you to answer his question, dumbass. He’s new here, so he hasn’t had to put up with your repetitive, brain-dead, devoid-of-content horseshit long enough yet to want you to shut up. He’ll learn.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@106 See what I mean? Ask the Puddy-bot a question and all you get is squid ink.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@109 Best decision you’ve made today.
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
Moron @103,
This was Puddy generated ya moron! No cutting and pasting. Check the Internet HHTL!
Pud-D-Bud Finds LIVs, DUMB as Evahspews:
R senile farts @116-118, not comprehending #105
Mark Adamsspews:
@27 It’s a moral and practical question that has been out there. Seems some guy mentioned this thing called the military industrial complex, and push button war. Could be he was right and he was a Republican and a President.
The technology exists. Drones, robots used in war zones. Of course at some point some other folks will use similar technology against US Forces. It’s the way of war. It never changes,
The fact cops used a robot should be troubling. It shows what is possible, and well the good guys may not have the robot.
So will we end up having some discussion about armed robots. Sure now they are controlled remotely, but it’s a short step to giving them some autonomy. Worse a good hacker could hijack the robot or military drones. Iran apparently did that with the first drone they captured and the second.
So we have gone from passive use of robotics to actice. No three laws so guess Issaac Asimov got that one wrong. Or are robots just as capable of being immoral assholes as some human beings are, or can be programmed hat way.
How long until we have cops looking for replicate human beings escaped from some government or coporate program. And it all started in Dallas. Where were you when we needed Judge Leroy Bean.
Mark Adamsspews:
@37 Are you saying because he was a military veteran he was mentally unstable.
Or are you just falling for the concept that all these mass murderers are deranged. Could it be that they are actual capable human beings. Maybe they got and decided this was a good day to die, to fight. Perhaps you feel better if you try to ignore this part of others humanity or look into your own dark corners.
Denying things that make us human, and that kept the species going for 2 million years as human beings is to deny the truth of what we are, and makes it even more difficult to implement effective solutions.
Maybe some of these shooters really need a nubile 16 year old lover.
Maybe some emphasis on the incomplete sexual revolution.
Making law enforcement less reliant on firearms.
More wandering Shalin Priests.
Relization that when you take firearms away someone committed to doing violence to someone will do what economists say consumers do and that is substitute another weapon.
Might mean practicing what you preach to those you don’t care for. Christ spoke to whores, tax collectors, Roman soldiers, ect people not loved by society of his time and culture.
Mark Adamsspews:
@65 Well that is something along the logic behind Winston Churchill’s victory sign which it wasn’t. It was a sign to take two with you. Using basic math the Germans did not have enough people to defeat Britain.You are saying the NRA’s logic could be correct assuming the patriots have five times the tyrannical government. Is that the argument you wanted to make?
Mark Adamsspews:
@74 I think it would be great to have 4 parties at the debates, there is a slim chance this could happen, if the Republican party isn’t able to work in it’s own best interest and cooperate to keep the two party system. The Republican party could be actually weak enough that a new party or parties could be on stage for a long time and this becomes an even stranger election with a third party or a fourth getting electoral votes. Most likely by the time of the election voters will flock to the safety of the two party system. Or will there be three or four parties and a new paradigm.
Mark Adamsspews:
@80 We still have the first amendment. That is the kind of speech that is protected, unless there was a threat of immediate violence. I support the protesters right to say what they said.
How about some black power at the Olympics…fists held proudly high. Black Power!!!
Mark Adamsspews:
@82 Was a coffee seller, newspaper seller, book seller cash register bell sounded during your wait?
Did you feel safer?
Did you think of the days when the airport was built as an open public forum? Did you appreciate the grand rotunda and the great window where the public could see the great innovations of aviation and could see planes landing and taking off. Enjoy a coffee, a shoe shine, the art work. Well soon you will have to go though security at the parking garage, and then at the entrance to the airport, wear good walking shoes. Will you feel safer? Or should the real question be: Are you safer? Is it all just theatre and you aren’t any safer.
Mark Adamsspews:
@105 Is the governments penchant for super consolidated systems with a single large system handling multiple sites or are local sites for say a single building he better way to go? What are the pros and cons of each architecture? Is centralized better or decentralized. A single location with all the expert administration with maybe a lackey at each site, or each local area with it’s own administrator?
If your a hacker or a spy is it better to sit quietly in a network covering your tracks as best as possible, or do something more spectacular. Would we know if the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo hacked the Clinton server. Would we ever know? If you get the chance to ask her please please do no call her Pippi Longstocking. She might shoot you.
Mark Adamsspews:
@127 Of course could someone with the right Sniffer sit at the local switch, monitor all the traffic going into the Clinton complex and read every e-mail going in and out in the clear? Would the FBI or anyone every know. Would the FBI use such technology to tap a line under a classified court order.
I do wish there was a bit more discussion of local and state politics on this board.
I know I’m in Bellingham and since many of you are in Seattle and may suffer a bit of pharocialism and not be interested in local politics beyond where you can ride a horse in a day. Though it’s been possible to ride a steam wheeler from Seattle to Bellingham in a day for a century.
Today I looked at the Cascadia Weekly for Whatcom, Skagit, and Island Counties for 7-6-16 and there are some stories of interest:
Something fishy on the Waterfront: Some corruption at the port of Bellingham
Local Elections matter: Support some guy named Doug Karlberg
Return to Sender: The Clinton and Lynch meeting.
Support Pallative Care
Goldilocks and the Sour Porridge: Article on the county 20 year plan.
Trial by Fire: Oil trains and the poor condition of railroads, particularly a bridge in Skagit County. And what happens if there is a fire and spill in Anacortes, La Conner, Mt Vernon.
Ferndale man run over by his tractor during parade.
Fireworks causing a garage fire.
Bellingham Police called out on naked people.
A man having sex with horses.
Boats being stolen, and other events at the Blaine port and marina
A Bellingham police response at the Villa Inn on Samish Way where the police pepperballed a room.
And of course some Free Will Astrology and Advice from the Advice Goddess.
The Democrats, Greens, Libertarians, cats and the Republicans I can actually have a beer and discussion with are more likely to impact me than the gun violence, and national politics so often discussed and yes I’m guilty of this as I enjoy the discussion and like to be sarcastic. Meaning I’m a horses ass at times.
Now let’s see who gave them money.
No rightwing initiatives on Washington’s November ballot. Could it be this disease has run its course?
Dallas continued.
Black Lives Matter, which in recent years has advocated for peaceful interactions between police and citizens, condemned the Dallas attacks
Being against cops killing is not equal to being for killing cops. We need peace in our streets.
— @johnlegend
As someone with law enforcement in my family, I am just shaking. That does not equal this. Senseless. Horrific. Heartbreaking.
— @shondarhimes
So one group of #BlackLivesMatter peeps posts on Facebook that it’s only beginning and others most this is wrong. Sounds like this DUMMOCRETIN group needs to speak with one voice.
@4 No, you need to pull your head out of your ass before you go blind.
Republicans hoping for a weak economy going into the fall election were stunned by June’s blowout job numbers released this morning. More than 287,000 people were hired last month, beating estimates by six figures. Recession? What recession?
Oh, and the Dow is up another 176 points this morning. What’s the name of that market timer keeping his money in a nice safe bank account at 1/10th of 1 percent interest while waiting for Brexit to tank the market? I can’t remember his name any more. He had a funny-looking face.
Proudly wearing your imported “Make America Great Again” hat?
Trump claims his campaign hats are “Made In USA,” but the Associated Press found discrepancies in their materials, and “two of the manufacturer’s employees, including a top sales agent, said the hats’ fabric, bills and stiffeners were imported from overseas.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump is threatening to sue the manufacturer, but more likely he’ll just use this as an excuse to refuse to pay for the hats.
who has time to invest wisely when you have to spend all your time trying to find things to blame on “DUMMOCRETIN SCUM”.
Remember Joe Walsh? The race-baiting tea party ex-congressman deadbeat dad and general piece of shit from Illinois? Who now hosts a conservative talk show?
His response to the Dallas cop shootings was to make threats against President Obama. I guess you can do that in this country without legal repercussions by misusing a thing called “free speech.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s what the GOP tribe looks like nowadays. Why does anyone still vote for these scum?
Hasn’t that lying racist Fuckwad troll identified himself as being affiliated with Walsh’s “Real America™”?
It should probably disarm itself and surrender all its guns before the FBI agents knock on its door. Hate to see yet another black man shot for exercising his 2nd Amendment rights.
Overnight there was considerable speculation about rumors from Dallas that the sniper assault was coordinated with the march organizers. At one point police were commenting off the record to journalists that the brother of the march organizer was a suspected sniper.
Turns out Mark Hughes was just another law abiding American citizen exercising his 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.
Racist GOP governor behaves badly in wake of Dallas tragedy.
Meanwhile, there’s no letup in police violence against citizens.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The citizen probably was being drunk and stupid, but still …
Fucking moron @ 3
As long as you’re going to cherry-pick a couple of celebrity tweets and claim it’s representative of #BLM, perhaps allow me to cherry-pick, say, a whole march, 50,000 strong, in which people are chanting
“What do we want? Dead cops? When do we want it? Now!”
That’s as much a form of #BLM as your celebrities.
Y’all were happy to co-opt it as an expression of Black Lives Matter
Mass marches affirm that ‘Black Lives Matter’
only days
before the cop-killing began.
Now you want to rebrand #BLM into an expression of peace.
Fucking moron.
@ 8
who has time to invest wisely when you have to spend all your time trying to find things to blame on “DUMMOCRETIN SCUM”.
My tried-and-true investment plan, The Notadumbfuck Method, takes very little time.
That cop sounds exactly like Biff Tannen.
Democrat congresswoman indicted for fraud.
Feds: Rep. Corrine Brown, chief of staff, used charity as “personal slush fund”
Not a good year, so far, for the CBC.
Has Trump condemned anything yet?
Other than Mexicans?
You know, if there was such a thing as a CWC, it would be a pretty bad millennium.
It’s boringly consistent to have have conservative haters attempt to find a couple of of angry quotes to extrapolate that to a whole group is evil, but when say… a white guy kills nine black church members.. that’s just a crazy individual and not part of a movement.
by your logic then storm front represents all angry white males like yourself.
Why am I stupid for believing a group who’s mission is to bring attention to police killing people of color, is not peaceful? Why do you find something inherently violent about people questioning police killing people of color?
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
James Fallows ✔ @JamesFallows
Reminder: no cops shot this guy (C. Bundy posse)
But did find Sterling / Castile so threatening had to be killed
No cops shot this guy, either:
Blazer said the black man, whose image was being flashed on local television stations, is an Open Carry protester, not a shooter. His gun has not been fired and he has a permit.
Trump really should consider having Don King speak at the convention. King has deep roots in the local community. Heh.
@ 20
Why am I stupid for believing a group who’s mission is to bring attention to police killing people of color, is not peaceful?
Gee, I dunno. Maybe it has to do with the implication of chants like I cited @ 14, or others such as
“No justice, no peace!”
Whose tweet are you going to quote next? Leo’s? Scarlett’s? Maybe’s?
Fucking moron.
“Fucking moron.”
Senseless violence has begat senseless violence. Surprised?
What is not a surprise is that you blame solely blacks, a people whose ancestors were brought here as slaves and who have been fucked with ever since because for too many white Americans such as yourself, black lives don’t matter.
That guy, Marc Hughes, hemmed in by police barricades and unable to leave the area on foot, flagged down passing police to surrender his unloaded and legal firearm and turn himself in as soon as he learned that police informants working in the march had photographed him and erroneously posted his image as a sniper suspect.
Kinda different from “Go ahead and shoot me. Go ahead and shoot me. Go ahead and shoot me Shoot me”.
Hey, how come no one has pointed out that citizens in Dallas were permitted open carry and none of them shot back?
Whatever happened to Best Defense Is A Good Offense, HA libbies?
I wonder how long it will be until Fucking Moron realizes that the Dallas PD used a bomb detonated by remote-controlled robot to neutralize the shooter, and bemoans the replacement of manpower by machines in our society?
Robots will replace people when they do a better job for less money. Also when the people who are supposed to do the job have already been killed.
hard to prove a premise by simply restating it.
You seem to have trouble with this kind of stuff.
Math. Symbolic reasoning. Etc.
@20 attempts to point out the fallacy of generalizing to the whole.
You respond by generalizing to the whole.
Oh, and calling him a fucking moron.
Well done.
Per Puffy’s way of statistics and numbers…this was not as jaw droping as Orlando. Only 5 or 6 Dead.
Now Puffy – don’t twist what I am saying – What I said there I don’t believe myself. I am merely point out your stupidity, hypocrisy, so that you realize you are a fucking moron.
I’m not sure how to characterize this. But I can’t wait to see the video:
In a video shot from the perspective of a demonstrator seconds before the shooting, a crowd of protesters walks forward chanting, “Hands up, don’t shoot!” a phrase popularized after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., in 2014.
Ten seconds later, the camera suddenly lowers as bodies scatter and the shooting begins. “Go, go, go … run, run, run!” a woman shrieks. “Someone’s shot! There was a gun.… Someone got shot! Someone got shot!”
Who says Sally Kohn’s not a valuable property?
I’d say the US led Iraq War was a “No Justice, No Peace” chant if I ever heard of one.
I wonder…hmmmm… this good time to say “You reap what you Sow”. Or that. “It is unfortunate that more Blue lives didn’t die.”
Eat shit Boob!
Arm yourself – they are coming for you!
@ 32
Doesn’t matter whether you say it or not, ‘bagger. We know you’re thinking it. You aren’t alone.
Where would we be without the trial lawyers and their massive donations to Democrats?
Jane E. Bishkin, a Dallas lawyer who represents five of the officers who were shot, said the wounded officers were expected to recover. She said one of the injured officers, a woman, suffered a serious injury to her left arm and may be disabled as a result.
@33 and once again, you couldn’t be more wrong.
The truth is that you want to believe I am thinking that regardless it be false. You deranged mother fucker. And your response is nothing more to avoid having to address the comments that were made by your folk when Orlando happened. Very crafty you fuck face. Avoid, Avoid, Avoid.
One other thing….the people that died….they weren’t police officers…they were just people attending a party uninvited.
The shooter was a military veteran….this wasn’t about hating anyone, the shooter was mentally ill.
it justifies the hate, the marginalization, and the systematic dehumanization. Without it guys like Boob would just have to meet their fears face to face.
Much easier for him to manufacture an inhuman caricature of the Atheist-Naked-Hippie-PotSmokers-WhoControlEverything. Boob needs a binary system. Us vs. Them. With us or agin’ us. Etc.
@14 The proper response to this comment is to call you a fucking liar, because that’s what you are.
Maybe someone in a position of authority should take a second look at your MD license. You’re too damned stupid and dishonest to be entrusted with other people’s health care.
@17 Give her a fair trial, and if she’s found guilty, throw her ass in jail. A thief is a thief, no matter what party label s/he wears.
@20 Because he and people like him enjoy being shitheads. It’s an end in itself, like holding the world record for eating hotdogs.
I think docs specialize in hasty generalization.
Look at the stats for improper diagnosis and most of them follow that pattern. Grabbing on to one or two dramatic objective symptoms to the exclusion of others and rushing headlong toward a mis-diagnosis.
And that’s why he hates trial lawyers too.
@23 “Maybe it has to do with the implication of chants like I cited @ 14,” or the implication of the “thousands of Muslims” Trump saw “cheering” the fall of the Twin Towers …
Yeah, it does, Bickle. It has EVERYTHING to do with the false narratives perpetrated by hatewing liars like you and Trump.
As for “no justice, no peace,” the people who chant this phrase mean they’re going to take to the streets and keep chanting until people with your mentality stop killing them.
They have a different idea of “peace” than you do. They’re not the ones blocking gun reform, flashing guns in public, threatening civil war, or shooting people. That’s your ilk.
@25 Marc Hughes is lucky to be alive. He owes his life to Dallas cops showing more restraint under actual life-threatening fire than some other cops in no danger whatsoever do when they’re sitting on top of a handcuffed subject or an innocent motorist is reaching for his driver’s license.
@26 Because they didn’t want to be taken for snipers, stupid.
Now let’s revisit the Republican proposal to have armed citizen vigilantes roaming elementary schools and movie theaters. The idea here, of course, is that if a shooter opens fire in such a venue, the good citizens will shoot back.
Dallas can serve as a first-rate test bed of how this might work in practice. First of all, the cops won’t be able to tell the bad guys from the good guys, so what to do? Shoot everybody with a gun? That’s probably what I’d do in their shoes. Second, let’s now discuss “collateral damage.” Let’s say out of this crowd of 800 protesters and 100 cops, 900 people are armed, and everyone starts shooting. You won’t be counting collateral victims on your 10 fingers, you’ll be counting survivors on your 10 fingers. Third, and for the life of me I can’t figure this one out, why would ANYONE vote for people who are so stupid they would seriously propose something like this?
Which brings me full circle back to where I began this comment: Leading the pack, tooting his trumpet for this kind of stupidity, is our good friend Doctor Boob. For sheer stupidity, he’s in a class all by himself. How does such an idiot manage to become an MD?
@27 I’m waiting breathlessly for this to turn into an argument against raising the wages of fast food and daycare workers.
@31 Literally interpreted, yes. Of course, we know the hatewing crowd is deeply into literal interpretations. The earth is 6,000 years old, man coexisted with dinosaurs, original intent, county sheriffs are the highest governmental authority, the gold fringe on flags limits courts’ jurisdiction to admiralty matters, etc. etc
@33 Got it. If the BLM protesters didn’t chant “What do we want? Dead cops? When do we want it? Now!” then they were thinking it. Because you say so.
@34 “Where would we be without the trial lawyers and their massive donations to Democrats?”
Living under a Republican fascist regime. Thanks for asking.
@42 No, just him. I’ve never met another doctor as off-the-charts idiotic as Boob.
Dow now +227 points for the day, and I’m making $5,000 today. Where’s Boob? I want to hear about “fleeing felons” again. No sign of Puffy. Maybe this is the day he goes to the bank to collect his $1.00 of annual interest on his $1,000 savings account.
@ 51
Dow now +227 points for the day, and I’m making $5,000 today.
So if you’re up $5k when the Dow is up 1.0126%, then your portfolio is worth a little north of $394,000.
After a career spent as an attorney that figure is truly pathetic. Although it’s comforting to realize that the government apparently paid you only a little more than you were worth.
Could be a long weekend.
Christine Byers @ChristineDByers 16m16 minutes ago
Sources tell us Ballwin officer was shot at about three times from behind, in critical condition. Story to be updated @stltoday
News you might have missed:
BRISTOL, Tenn. (AP) — A man accused of shooting indiscriminately at passing cars and police on a Tennessee highway told investigators he was angry about police violence against African-Americans, authorities said Friday.
One woman died and three others, including one police officer, were injured in the rampage.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said in a news release that initial conversations with the suspect, 37-year-old Lakeem Keon Scott, revealed he was troubled by several incidents across the U.S.
Scott, who is black, was wounded in the shootout with police, remains hospitalized and has not yet been charged. All those shot were white, police confirmed.
And let’s not forget the real tragedy. Goldy worried that it’s taking y’all off message.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Dante Atkins @DanteAtkins
Beyond being outright heinous murderers, the Dallas snipers have done indelible damage to the movement for police reform and social justice.
Dallas wasn’t the only possibly “black rage” ambush shooting yesterday. Tennessee experienced one, too.
Meanwhile, a Drumpf state chairman blamed Hillary Clinton for “murdering” the Dallas police officers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Rational people stopped listening to these shrill Republicans a long time ago. That’s why the loons, goons, and baboons are the only followers they have left.
Of course, Republicans behaving badly and talking trash is to be expected after any event like this. It’s what they do.
@52 You’re assuming all my money is in a market-index ETF, which is in keeping with your simpleton modes of thinking, and therefore not surprising at all.
In fact, none of it is. All my money is in individual stocks. My portfolio outperforms the market some days, and underperforms the market other days. It underperformed the market today, and the obvious explanation is that I’m overweighted in energy sector and oil is up only 0.16% today.
Your $394k estimate of my portfolio worth is about as accurate as Trump’s $10B asserted net worth. In other words, go ahead and believe that if it makes you happy.
Finally, because I performed honest public service for a living, and was never a Medicare-teat-sucking doctor like you, it’s a sure thing I’m not worth as much as you. Which proves what? Besides the fact your greed exceeds mine?
@54 only a bunch more before this gets any worse than Orlando – per Puffy’s counting system…or did you forget about Orlando already, or maybe you never recognized it from the beginning
Republicans – blame, blame, blame, it is all they know how to do. No accountability on their part – ever. Nor any solutions on their part – just deflect and blame. It’s only a sports game to them.
“Hey, how come no one has pointed out that citizens in Dallas were permitted open carry…”
Is that what that was? So “open carry” means you can be stopped, have your firearm confiscated, and be arrested and taken into custody for interrogation w/o attorney for no other reason.
Good to know.
Where’s that idiot troll who laughed at me when I posted that it’s easy to make 8% a year in the stock market? Was that “Lost in a Sea of Blue?” Haven’t seen him for a while. Maybe he’s dead. Got kicked in the head by a goat or something. I wanted to tell him my year-to-date return, annualized, is over 15%. I’m making more than 150 times as much on my money as that other troll — can’t remember his name, he has the funny-looking avatar — who parked his cash in a bank savings account while waiting for Brexit to cause a market crash. The problem with his market-timing strategy is the market crashed another 250 points upward today. I can’t time the market, nobody can, so I don’t try to play the market’s swings and just stay invested all the time. Investing this way is a lot less work, too, because all you have to do is buy some good quality stocks, add to them now and then, and then you can sleep through whatever the market does. As long as the market keeps trending upward, which it will do as long as population keeps growing, which means business sales and profits will grow too, all you have to do is ride the long-term upward trend. Takes no brains, no knowledge, no market acumen. Even children can do it. Oh, and by the way, all the expensive investing advice out there is worthless, because highly paid financial advisers can’t do this any better than you or I can.
“If you are a normal, white American, the truth is you don’t understand being black in America and you instinctively under-estimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk.”
Flash quiz! Who said it today?
Got proof Oregon moron @10, or are you lying like always?
Saw this gem go by on Facebook:
“Reminder, the NRA has spend decades telling Americans that they can, and should, have assault weapons so they can take up arms against a tyrannical government. Well a man in Dallas just did that, killing 5 police men.
That proves how dangerous the NRA’s logic is.”
A comic I wouldn’t expect sloppy to understand.
The quote the author included with the image
“”Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.”
Another Facebook insite, this time by a Adam Campbell:
“My personal interpretation of Black Lives Matter vs. All Lives Matter. Bob is sitting at the dinner table. Everyone else gets a plate of food except Bob. Bob says “Bob Deserves Food”. Everyone at the table responds with “Everyone Deserves Food” and continues eating. All though Everyone Deserves Food is a true statement, it does nothing to actually rectify the fact that BOB HAS NO FOOD!!”
Another one for sloppy:
“Let’s be clear, we said:
We never said
That was the media, not us.
In truth, we know that
We’ve supported your lives through history.
Now we need your help with
for blacks lives are in danger.
–Gene Testimony Hall”
worser @20,
How about a DUMMOCRETIN mooslim (crazed cretin terminology) who kills 49 and injures 53? Does that count?
Meanwhile HA DUMMOCRETIN friends shoot more cops…
We never said
Puddy sees your copy and paste. Butt so did some HA DUMMOCRETINS here. Well worser your memory definitely fails you… Google this “#blacklivesmatter” and review the commentary!
Another instance of 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady residing in worser!
At least the bible beaters will have their pockets picked by our resident grifter, and not use that money to pester poor third world people with fucking missionaries.
Meanwhile another Careless Crooked Heilary stoooooooooooooooooooopid delegate in action…
Bernie Sanders has been invited to continue his underdog bid for the White House by the Green party’s probable presidential candidate, who has offered to step aside to let him run.
Jill Stein, who is expected to be endorsed at the party’s August convention in Houston, told Guardian US that “overwhelming” numbers of Sanders supporters are flocking to the Greens rather than Hillary Clinton.
I’m OK with four people in the debates.
Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, this can’t beeeeeeeeeeeeeee…
Some more facts and figgers for R senile… From the BLS
The number of employed people increased by 67,000 to 151,097,000 in June, but the number of unemployed people increased even more, by 347,000 to 7,783,000. And… 94,517,000 Americans were not in the labor force in June, and the labor force participation rate increased a tenth of a point to 62.7 percent in June.
Yessiree… You’ll NEVER get the full picture from R senile!
Whackjob hack!
@72 Good point.
We shall see. Two siblings are dead due to this moron. A parent of parents lost their two children!
Guess no HA DUMMOCRETIN cared about your “flash quiz” Oregon moron!
Wait for it…
Thursday night in Minnesota, some protesters had chanted, “Kill the police.”
worser, QPPS, R senile and the Oregon moron were unavailable for comments!
Meanwhile another HA DUMMOCRETIN friend posted this
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Told to arrive at airport 2 hours early. Breezed through security in 5 minutes. Somebody needs to invent Waze app for TSA.
This from a guy who saw a busy light-rail station on a single weekend and pronounced that more trains were needed.
utt ooooh
newt gingrich calling out white privilege
@63 see one above.
pretty interesting……
@76 “And… 94,517,000 Americans were not in the labor force in June,”
I’ll bet this number includes every single American born within the last 30 days and most of those over 100 years old, too.
@78 So why do you Republicans keep letting these shitheads have guns?
@80 For every black protester chanting “kill the police,” there’s dozens of white racists who’d like to kill you.
I’ll bet this number includes every single American born within the last 30 days and most of those over 100 years old, too.
Obummer’s sadministration R senile!
@80 For every black protester chanting “kill the police,” there’s dozens of white racists who’d like to kill you.
Wow R senile, glad you know this so well. You must be one of them with your rhetoric over the years here!
@78 So why do you Republicans keep letting these shitheads have guns?
Was Micah Xavier Johnson a NRA member?
Was Micah Xavier Johnson a Republican?
Well R senile?
This DUMMOCRETIN can’t stop lying…
It’s not her fault those emails were on her server!
Well R senile?
Didn’t Puddy say this recently?
See HA DUMMOCRETINS? Even real died in the wool DUMMOCRETINS see this as Puddy saw this earlier this week.
DAYUM y’all are soooooooooooooooo DUMB!
“Mr. Chairman, I’m offended. I’m offended by my friends on the other side of the political aisle saying this is political theater. This is not political theater. For me, this is serious. I spent nine and a half years as an undercover officer in the CIA. I was the guy in the back alleys collecting intelligence, passing it to lawmakers. I’ve seen my friends killed, I’ve seen assets put themselves in harm’s way, and this is about protecting information. The most sensitive information the American government has, and I wish my colleagues would take this a little bit more seriously.” – Congressman and former CIA agent Will Hurd from Texas
Yep, Congressional DUMMOCRETINS don’t get why sensitive information is sensitive… It’s all political theater! next line)
@45 I call bullshit on @26 being an MD. If he’s an MD, why/how does he he have time to be posting here All. The. Fucking. Time?
PuddyCommentariat: Finally we have a clear and concise explanation why Careless Crooked Heilary has her cadre of sycophants and helpers because she is INCOMPETENT! The FBI director has told us so!
Yesterday checkmate place questions and answers from the DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters who were only in for the political theater… Here is a real information exchange:
GOWDY: Good morning, Director Comey. Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received classified information over her private e-mail. Was that true?
COMEY: Our investigation found that there was classified information sent —
GOWDY: So it was not true?
COMEY: That’s what I said.
GOWDY: OK. Well, I’m looking for a little shorter answer so you and I are not here quite as long. Secretary Clinton said there was not marked classified on her e-mails either sent or received, was that true?
COMEY: That’s not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.
GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said ‘I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.’ Was that true?
COMEY: There was classified material e-mail.
GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?
COMEY: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of State.
GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?
COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.
GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said neither she nor anyone else deleted work-related e-mails from her personal account. Was that true?
COMEY: That’s a harder one to answer. We found traces of work related e-mails in — on devices or slack space, whether they were deleted or whether when a server was changed out something happened to them. There’s no doubt that the work-related e-mails that were removed electronically from the — the e-mail system.
GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the e-mails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the e-mail content individually?
Yesterday checkmate place questions and answers from the DUMMOCRETIN congresscritters who were only in for the political theater… Trey Gowdy destroyed Careless Crooked Heilary’s credibility and proved she’s a liar in less than 5 minutes!
R senile could never do that!
Uhh, dummy, she’s not running for CIO of the U.S. She’s running for President. And the clusterfuck that is the State Department’s IT is well documented.
Question: Could you set up an Internet-facing email server?
So why does who’s dick hertz @94 care? Seems another HA DUMMOCRETIN who wants its political foe shut up!
@99 Just answer the question.
Now onto something forgotten by HA DUMMOCRETINS… which refers one back to this…
The Clinton Crime Family Foundation (CCFF) is not a charity by one hired to help create it! Soooooooooooo to review for the HA DUMMOCRETIN cretins; we see Magaziner explicitly claiming that the Clinton Crime Family Foundation’s activities are not a charitable entity butt really a commercial entity. WOW!
What an admission back in 2007. Maybe this is what Comey is finding out and Wee Cigar Man meeting Loretta Lynch on the airplane?
@98. If you are new, you have to understand that puddy will never ever answer a hard question or respond to when we catch him in a lie. He will just ignore the question, or not answer or double down on the stupid, or some other cowardly crap. We call the pattern as “squirting squid ink”.
If you are bored, you can try to have a discussion with him , but it will always end in frustration, like trying to talk to fox news on the TV and expect the TV to listen.
Hide her emails.
Hide her abortions.
Hide her disdain for kids.
Hide her wall street speeches.
Hide behind Bill Clinton’s coat tails.
Hide the truth from LIV fools like y’all.
Hide behind the vast right wing conspiracy.
Hide the truth she’s not for the little guy at all.
Hide the truth on how much wall street paid her.
Hide those emails from prying eyes to Sid Blumenthal.
Hide those emails from heads of state for her promises.
Hide those emails from prying eyes to Sandy Pants Burgler.
Hide from the DUMMOCRETIN public she didn’t meet the IG.
Moron @100, that was response to your insipid question of Dr Travis Bickle!
Why do you care who’s dick hertz?
Question: Could you set up an Internet-facing email server?
Wrong question moron. The question was why did she break the law and not use official government systems?
Butt because you are a whining HA DUMMOCRETIN ASShole…
YES! Much more complicated wireless encrypted based systems! Ask the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch to replay that wireless encrypted conversation where Puddy handed the clueless cretin its ASS!
What platform? Do you want it in Unix, Linux or WinBlows?
How many expected users?
How big will be their mailbox?
Will there be super users with larger mailboxes?
How many emails will be retained?
Email lifetime?
Backup system?
Email Cluster?
How many processors?
How much RAM?
What RAM refresh are you wanting?
Motherboard Speed?
How many Busses?
Real Buss Speed?
Remote or local administration?
On a Network or standalone?
How will the DMZ be configured?
Virus Protection?
SPAM Protection?
Those are some of the questions Puddy would first ask! Didn’t have to look any of that up! There are many more whiny jackASS!
@98. If you are new, you have to understand that puddy will never ever … blah blah blah
Wrong again worser! There are worthwhile questions butt there is BULLSHIT you deposit here every day worser. You cry like a little bitch when you don’t get your way worser! You throw a tantrum!
BTW worser could you create an email server?
Yes worser you really are BORING every day!
Now this is hilarious… Will it make tonight’s comix line up?
Damn, checked in late and all I see is Puddle spew. Moving on without wasting my time
I love smelling the hopes and dreams of the teabagger Rethuglicans crushed under the feet of demographics and history. It smells like……..VICTORY.
@103 now that is some creative cut and paste there….attta boy, you Ape.
Now that it’s clear the Dallas attacks were carried out by a lone deranged gunman, Boob’s attempt to smear Black Lives Matters looks exactly like the tawdry racist slimesucking it is.
@90 Whooo makes it easy to get guns in this country? That’s the question we should be asking. We all know the answer. The GOP and enablers like you.
@91 Our liars are more honest than your liars.
@94 By living on the Medicare dole.
@99 He doesn’t want you to shut up. He wants you to answer his question, dumbass. He’s new here, so he hasn’t had to put up with your repetitive, brain-dead, devoid-of-content horseshit long enough yet to want you to shut up. He’ll learn.
@106 See what I mean? Ask the Puddy-bot a question and all you get is squid ink.
@109 Best decision you’ve made today.
Moron @103,
This was Puddy generated ya moron! No cutting and pasting. Check the Internet HHTL!
R senile farts @116-118, not comprehending #105
@27 It’s a moral and practical question that has been out there. Seems some guy mentioned this thing called the military industrial complex, and push button war. Could be he was right and he was a Republican and a President.
The technology exists. Drones, robots used in war zones. Of course at some point some other folks will use similar technology against US Forces. It’s the way of war. It never changes,
The fact cops used a robot should be troubling. It shows what is possible, and well the good guys may not have the robot.
So will we end up having some discussion about armed robots. Sure now they are controlled remotely, but it’s a short step to giving them some autonomy. Worse a good hacker could hijack the robot or military drones. Iran apparently did that with the first drone they captured and the second.
So we have gone from passive use of robotics to actice. No three laws so guess Issaac Asimov got that one wrong. Or are robots just as capable of being immoral assholes as some human beings are, or can be programmed hat way.
How long until we have cops looking for replicate human beings escaped from some government or coporate program. And it all started in Dallas. Where were you when we needed Judge Leroy Bean.
@37 Are you saying because he was a military veteran he was mentally unstable.
Or are you just falling for the concept that all these mass murderers are deranged. Could it be that they are actual capable human beings. Maybe they got and decided this was a good day to die, to fight. Perhaps you feel better if you try to ignore this part of others humanity or look into your own dark corners.
Denying things that make us human, and that kept the species going for 2 million years as human beings is to deny the truth of what we are, and makes it even more difficult to implement effective solutions.
Maybe some of these shooters really need a nubile 16 year old lover.
Maybe some emphasis on the incomplete sexual revolution.
Making law enforcement less reliant on firearms.
More wandering Shalin Priests.
Relization that when you take firearms away someone committed to doing violence to someone will do what economists say consumers do and that is substitute another weapon.
Might mean practicing what you preach to those you don’t care for. Christ spoke to whores, tax collectors, Roman soldiers, ect people not loved by society of his time and culture.
@65 Well that is something along the logic behind Winston Churchill’s victory sign which it wasn’t. It was a sign to take two with you. Using basic math the Germans did not have enough people to defeat Britain.You are saying the NRA’s logic could be correct assuming the patriots have five times the tyrannical government. Is that the argument you wanted to make?
@74 I think it would be great to have 4 parties at the debates, there is a slim chance this could happen, if the Republican party isn’t able to work in it’s own best interest and cooperate to keep the two party system. The Republican party could be actually weak enough that a new party or parties could be on stage for a long time and this becomes an even stranger election with a third party or a fourth getting electoral votes. Most likely by the time of the election voters will flock to the safety of the two party system. Or will there be three or four parties and a new paradigm.
@80 We still have the first amendment. That is the kind of speech that is protected, unless there was a threat of immediate violence. I support the protesters right to say what they said.
How about some black power at the Olympics…fists held proudly high. Black Power!!!
@82 Was a coffee seller, newspaper seller, book seller cash register bell sounded during your wait?
Did you feel safer?
Did you think of the days when the airport was built as an open public forum? Did you appreciate the grand rotunda and the great window where the public could see the great innovations of aviation and could see planes landing and taking off. Enjoy a coffee, a shoe shine, the art work. Well soon you will have to go though security at the parking garage, and then at the entrance to the airport, wear good walking shoes. Will you feel safer? Or should the real question be: Are you safer? Is it all just theatre and you aren’t any safer.
@105 Is the governments penchant for super consolidated systems with a single large system handling multiple sites or are local sites for say a single building he better way to go? What are the pros and cons of each architecture? Is centralized better or decentralized. A single location with all the expert administration with maybe a lackey at each site, or each local area with it’s own administrator?
If your a hacker or a spy is it better to sit quietly in a network covering your tracks as best as possible, or do something more spectacular. Would we know if the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo hacked the Clinton server. Would we ever know? If you get the chance to ask her please please do no call her Pippi Longstocking. She might shoot you.
@127 Of course could someone with the right Sniffer sit at the local switch, monitor all the traffic going into the Clinton complex and read every e-mail going in and out in the clear? Would the FBI or anyone every know. Would the FBI use such technology to tap a line under a classified court order.
You don’t say? Sounds like an HA DUMMOCRETIN to Puddy!
I do wish there was a bit more discussion of local and state politics on this board.
I know I’m in Bellingham and since many of you are in Seattle and may suffer a bit of pharocialism and not be interested in local politics beyond where you can ride a horse in a day. Though it’s been possible to ride a steam wheeler from Seattle to Bellingham in a day for a century.
Today I looked at the Cascadia Weekly for Whatcom, Skagit, and Island Counties for 7-6-16 and there are some stories of interest:
Something fishy on the Waterfront: Some corruption at the port of Bellingham
Local Elections matter: Support some guy named Doug Karlberg
Return to Sender: The Clinton and Lynch meeting.
Support Pallative Care
Goldilocks and the Sour Porridge: Article on the county 20 year plan.
Trial by Fire: Oil trains and the poor condition of railroads, particularly a bridge in Skagit County. And what happens if there is a fire and spill in Anacortes, La Conner, Mt Vernon.
Ferndale man run over by his tractor during parade.
Fireworks causing a garage fire.
Bellingham Police called out on naked people.
A man having sex with horses.
Boats being stolen, and other events at the Blaine port and marina
A Bellingham police response at the Villa Inn on Samish Way where the police pepperballed a room.
And of course some Free Will Astrology and Advice from the Advice Goddess.
The Democrats, Greens, Libertarians, cats and the Republicans I can actually have a beer and discussion with are more likely to impact me than the gun violence, and national politics so often discussed and yes I’m guilty of this as I enjoy the discussion and like to be sarcastic. Meaning I’m a horses ass at times.