I know that Twitter can’t kick Trump off its platform permanently as long as he is the President. But! Surely a 12 hour ban after he threatens war with Iran. I mean some consequences are surely in order.
* Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns oil stocks and will make out like a burglar if Trump attacks Iran.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
It’s going to be hot for the next week or so. Make sure you pull down the blinds on windows that face East in the morning. It will help out in preventing the home from becoming heat-soaked.
In the afternoon, do the same, if you can, with the West-facing windows. It may not make a big difference, but it will help a bit and doesn’t cost anything.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Monday Morning Idiot Roundup
Republican idiot gets laughed off stage by debate audience.
@2 Simple solution: Just put out the solar panels and turn up the AC.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 I especially like the part where the Fox idiot says, “That didn’t go as planned.” As in, off script, meaning “Fox & Friends” is scripted entertainment, not an unscripted news show.
For context, the quote that got a senile old gasbag all all-capsy and rageful…
“America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 In Trumpworld, Trump threatening Iran isn’t aggression, but Iran threatening to defend itself is.
As noted @1 above, Roger Rabbit is very, very comfortable with the notion of $200 oil and Iowa farmboys having to ride horses into town and use mules to plow their fields because they can’t afford to gas up their pickups and tractors.
Elections have consequences, and you get what you vote for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck still thinks Hillary is more “awful” than the shmuck he voted for; but what can you expect from a dumbfuck?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like the Trump Stimulus is petering out even sooner than expected.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, I guess that’s what happens when you hire a TV personality as your chief economist and base your economic policies on discredited and debunked brainfarts.
@10 Depends on whether you were on the taking end or getting end. For capitalists like me, the taking’s been pretty good. For slaves, workers, minorities, and Native Americans, not as much.
Btw, “veteran” is not synonymous with “Republican,” “conservative,” or “Trump supporter.” Veterans come in all shades of opinion, and many of us are troubled by what this administration stands for and does. So, please don’t use the term “veteran” to label your ideology. Many of us will find that offensive.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Democrat is someone who thinks America is a great country that can be made even better.
A Republican is someone who likes the way things were in 1840.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Welcome to Whites Only, Minnesota, a place like many others where “there seems to be more permission to be racist in our society today.”
Trump and his supporters built this. Shame on them.
Hey Carl, how much did you sell your balls for?
“Shame on them.”
Trouble is, they don’t feel shame.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
Unfortunately, I don’t have the option of installing solar panels.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Goddamn, son!
I can’t fucking believe you would still want to call attention to the time you and your buddies drove your coal rollers to a Dem Congresswoman’s office to troll her, but instead got jacked by a random mob of Ethiopian street drunks who stole your Stars-n-Bars and Gadsden flags and sent you away to cry like pussies into your bubble-teas.
Why aren’t you embarrassed by this? What in the fuck happened to you? When did “y’all” become such a bunch of giant pussies?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Oath Keepers is not a veterans group.
Oath Keepers is a white nationalist, ultra-radical, violent para-military extremist group opposed to the United States government. One of their specialties is to provide armed snipers to target federal and local law enforcement officers during white nationalist riots. At other times they’ve threatened “civil war” if elections didn’t turn out to their liking. In other words, more of President PornSweat’s “very fine people”.
18 – Yes, unfortunately it’s coming to that.
Mark Adamsspews:
Carl write your congressperson.
If Twitter in any way wants to pass information or enable its users to pass information and news then Twitter is not going to cut off the President of the United States. They could do so but it would be a poor business decision.
What you are calling for is also corruption of a noble intent. Whether or not twitter thinks free speech is important either they support free speech for all or for nobody.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 That article is also speculation. As it is entirely possible that the government could nationalize our American oil, or simply not permit the speculation and set the price of oil and gas. What country does that oh Iran. Shut down the Strait of Hormuz could impact the trade war with China. China is not yet possess the ability to patrol and keep open a trade route from Europe to China on the land or sea. It is short on a few carrier groups and carrier groups also need something…oh oil. Maybe Trump is a mercantilist or he is nuts, but oil does not have to go up due to war between the worlds largest producer of oil and gas and a much smaller producer. Enjoy your profits though it will be sometime before they show up in your pocket if at all.
Jeff Immeltspews:
It’s ashamed what happened to General Electric. It was a Dow 30 stock for years and years, and now it’s just another company without much cache at all.
Of course, it was all probably my fault.
Mark Adamsspews:
@8 With Hilliary we would already be at war with Iran…or Russia.
I think Trump should be strapped into a chair and forced to watch while Barack Obama gives Iran the rim job of a lifetime.
I mean, how else do you teach a man what the left expects of him?
@ 9
Looks like the Trump Stimulus is petering out even sooner than expected.
Did you even read the piece, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Growth is predicted to slow to 10% in 2019.
That’s higher than the historical average.
Look at it this way, if you get lucky your Democratic president may see a 2021 recession just after taking office.
If you are unlucky your freshly re-elected Trump will be overseeing 5% growth in 2021.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I suppose it depends on perspective. But to one certain kind of person, the sudden threats of extreme violence, the angry words, and the constant posturing seems “powerful”. But to another kind of person it all just seems like still more pussy noise.
Obviously any other nation on earth understands that in any one-on-one conventional military engagement the U.S. prevails. Excessive bragging about it is only going to sew doubt. But it obviously has some value propping up the egos of rapidly aging, balding, dick pill addicts with sore feet and a growing wardrobe of “relaxed fit” cargo pants and slip-on shoes. PornSweat knows how to feed his base.
Now here is a great leader!
Better than The Hump or The Bare Chested Fuckface.
Just in case the Dumbfuck Doctor didn’t see this the first time posted – that traitor. Treason is beyond thinking of your sins. I’m sure there is a verse in the Bible, and probably already posted by Goldy, that the traitor should be stoned to death.
“They went to the court. They got the judges to approve it,” Rubio said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “And there was a lot of reasons unrelated to the dossier for why they wanted to look at Carter Page.”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–House Demorat Traitors To Iran, Don’t Worry, Keep Backing Terrorists, We Will Protect You And Blame Trump
Btw, RR@11, “So, please don’t use the term “veteran” to label your ideology. Many of us will find that offensive.”
Great ALJ work, now drop the crack pipe and show me where I used “veteran” to label my ideology.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Trump’s approval rating went up during summit with Putin … Trump’s support among Republicans is now at a record high for his presidency, sitting at 88%, according to The Hill.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More proof that Republicans are idiots.
P.S., If they love Russia so much, they should go live there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Oh, I see, you’re one of those “nonpartisan” freaks. My mistake.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Not by us. We peacefully tolerate this odious administration, because we still believe in ballot box remedies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “Maybe Trump is … nuts, …”
Speculative, but not exactly a comforting thought, is it?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
You may be onto something there RR.
Instead of “medical tourism” perhaps we need to consider “entitlement tourism”. We send all the pre-diabetc, Oxy-crushing, trailer-bound, Trump voting SSI dependents and their mobility scooters to Putin in bulk for a flat fee. The savings would fix Social Security for generations and cut the Roypublican debt in half.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 The real Jeff Immelt knows how to spell “cachet.” A “cache” is where you put stuff you can’t/don’t want to carry with you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 When somebody mentions “rim job,” I visualize a horseshoe-shaped red mark on your forehead.
@ 32
@19 Not by us. We peacefully tolerate this odious administration, because we still believe in ballot box remedies.
“Liberals must arm.”
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit – Incompetent, unpersuasive, and dishonest at least since
Just for clarity’s sake, you’re referring to earnings growth, not economic growth, which isn’t particularly relevant to the big picture in an era when damned little of earnings trickles below the CEO and shareholder classes.
In any case, the operative verb is “slow.” If earnings growth this quarter is 21.6%, and slows to 10% next year, that’s not exactly great results for Trump’s economic policies, is it? But focusing on the investor class, as you seem to want to do, the following excerpts (in case you missed them) go to the heart of the matter:
“A strong start to second-quarter earnings season isn’t doing very much for future expectations … the strong second quarter is not inspiring hopes for a more powerful third quarter … [many investors think] U.S. companies … may not have much left in the tank.”
Like I said, petering out.
When I went into the wayback machine, I came across Goldy espousing the advantages of concealed carry:
I’m not saying that all liberals should arm themselves, just that it is a useful deterence for the militia types to understand that some liberals have.
I wonder if Goldy would still think that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit owning a weapon is a good idea after publication of Dumbfuck Rabbit’s moronic screed about the Fleeing Felon Doctrine.
I’m guessing he would not.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “Obviously any other nation on earth understands that in any one-on-one conventional military engagement the U.S. prevails.”
Somebody forgot to tell the Vietnamese. Korea was a draw. We’re still bogged down in Afghanistan after 17 years of military effort there.
And looking back on the past wars we’ve won, there seems to have been a lot of luck involved.
I’m not sure I’d be so sanguine.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 Why would he want them? They’re of more service to him here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 “Liberals must arm.”
For self-defense, and that’s always been clear.
Next you’ll tell me you support disarming the rightwing militias and you’ve gotten rid of your own guns. I’ll disarm when you do, but the people talking about “civil war” and “concentration camps” and “executing liberals” have to go first,* for obvious reasons.
* There are no liberal militias running around in the woods playing at war, so this should be easy for them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 “I wonder if Goldy would still think that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit owning a weapon is a good idea ….”
I’ve never pointed a gun at federal law enforcement officers or seized a federal wildlife refuge by force of arms, but that doesn’t seem to be one of your criteria for who can be trusted with guns and who can’t be, proving you’re too dumbfuck to figure it out, so I’m with Goldy on this.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The fleeing felon doctrine is alive and well in Florida, at least on the civilian level. This one made two steps.
Friend of yours, doc? At the very least, a fellow Trump voter for sure. You’re on the wrong side. Just sayin’.
@ 47
You left out mention of the thief“victim”:
Defoe, WFLA reported, has 12 prior felony charges including robbery, firing a missile into a dwelling, battery, grand theft, and grand larceny. He’s been to prison four times and was most recently released last month.
Firing a missile into a dwelling. And what matters to you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, is the skin color of the guy who was robbed.
Guess it takes an attorney to glean the high points out of a story.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 What are you prattling about? I’m not the dumbfuck who called the guy with 12 prior felonies a “victim.” I called him a “felon.”
This should be a pretty easy case to defend. The felon was inside his car. The victim thought he saw the felon reach for a gun. He also thought the felon was trying to run him over with his car.
But, you’re right, the victim’s dark skin, beard, and Muslim-y name might be a problem in Florida. That’s Trump country.
Jeff Immeltspews:
35 –
It’s a typo.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 Shit happens. But you already know that.
Interesting paper on the origins and reasons for the Magnitsky act and the direct intervention in our election processes by the Putin Mafia.
Meanwhile, Fat Donny sweats and stuffs his face with cardboard cheeseburgers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump now wants to use your hard-earned tax dollars to bribe farmers hurt by his trade policies. To minimize deficits, Ryan probably will want to take it out of minimum-wage workers’ food stamps.
I’m not sure exactly how this works, but wouldn’t this spending require congressional approval? I don’t think he can transfer money from other budgets by executive fiat.
Or maybe he plans to take it out of Puerto Rico disaster relief. What the hell, they’ve already waited this long to get their electricity back, so they must have learned by now to do without!*
* Puerto Rico used to manufacture a lot of our medicines. Now, shortages and rationing are appearing at pharmacies nationwide, including here in Seattle. What the hell, old folks don’t need their medications, their Social Security and Medicare are just drags on the economy anyway. They need to die to make room for more billionaire and corporate tax cuts!**
** The tax stimulus isn’t working as planned, so the obvious solution is cutting billionaire and corporate taxes even more!!
Jeff Immeltspews:
53 –
And judging by how you spend your life, making senseless posts on this blog, you DEFINITELY know shit happens!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
* There are no liberal militias running around in the woods playing at war, so this should be easy for them.
Define woods senile idiot wabbit FART. There are many gangs “playing at war”, so this should be easy for them.
DUMMOCRETINS of course. Your continual attempt at making silly commentary is easily rebuffed with FACT after FACT after FACT!!!!!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
In another thread the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset claimed there was other information along with the FAKE dossier paid by #CrookedHillary for going after Carter Page. Yes there was monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset some MINOR information included! Unfortunately for libtards the “dossier” was front and center for each of the three additional FISA warrant reapplications. No one knows which version of the three was used.
Hey farmboys! Ready for $8 gas and $10 diesel? Lol! hahaha*
* Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns oil stocks and will make out like a burglar if Trump attacks Iran.
It’s going to be hot for the next week or so. Make sure you pull down the blinds on windows that face East in the morning. It will help out in preventing the home from becoming heat-soaked.
In the afternoon, do the same, if you can, with the West-facing windows. It may not make a big difference, but it will help a bit and doesn’t cost anything.
Monday Morning Idiot Roundup
Republican idiot gets laughed off stage by debate audience.
Republican gets trolled into looking like idiot.
“Fox & Friends” ARE idiots.
@2 Simple solution: Just put out the solar panels and turn up the AC.
@3 I especially like the part where the Fox idiot says, “That didn’t go as planned.” As in, off script, meaning “Fox & Friends” is scripted entertainment, not an unscripted news show.
For context, the quote that got a senile old gasbag all all-capsy and rageful…
@6 In Trumpworld, Trump threatening Iran isn’t aggression, but Iran threatening to defend itself is.
As noted @1 above, Roger Rabbit is very, very comfortable with the notion of $200 oil and Iowa farmboys having to ride horses into town and use mules to plow their fields because they can’t afford to gas up their pickups and tractors.
Elections have consequences, and you get what you vote for.
Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck still thinks Hillary is more “awful” than the shmuck he voted for; but what can you expect from a dumbfuck?
Looks like the Trump Stimulus is petering out even sooner than expected.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, I guess that’s what happens when you hire a TV personality as your chief economist and base your economic policies on discredited and debunked brainfarts.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News– Demorats Chant “America Was Never Great.”
@10 Depends on whether you were on the taking end or getting end. For capitalists like me, the taking’s been pretty good. For slaves, workers, minorities, and Native Americans, not as much.
Btw, “veteran” is not synonymous with “Republican,” “conservative,” or “Trump supporter.” Veterans come in all shades of opinion, and many of us are troubled by what this administration stands for and does. So, please don’t use the term “veteran” to label your ideology. Many of us will find that offensive.
A Democrat is someone who thinks America is a great country that can be made even better.
A Republican is someone who likes the way things were in 1840.
Welcome to Whites Only, Minnesota, a place like many others where “there seems to be more permission to be racist in our society today.”
Trump and his supporters built this. Shame on them.
Hey Carl, how much did you sell your balls for?
“Shame on them.”
Trouble is, they don’t feel shame.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the option of installing solar panels.
Goddamn, son!
I can’t fucking believe you would still want to call attention to the time you and your buddies drove your coal rollers to a Dem Congresswoman’s office to troll her, but instead got jacked by a random mob of Ethiopian street drunks who stole your Stars-n-Bars and Gadsden flags and sent you away to cry like pussies into your bubble-teas.
Why aren’t you embarrassed by this? What in the fuck happened to you? When did “y’all” become such a bunch of giant pussies?
Oath Keepers is not a veterans group.
Oath Keepers is a white nationalist, ultra-radical, violent para-military extremist group opposed to the United States government. One of their specialties is to provide armed snipers to target federal and local law enforcement officers during white nationalist riots. At other times they’ve threatened “civil war” if elections didn’t turn out to their liking. In other words, more of President PornSweat’s “very fine people”.
18 – Yes, unfortunately it’s coming to that.
Carl write your congressperson.
If Twitter in any way wants to pass information or enable its users to pass information and news then Twitter is not going to cut off the President of the United States. They could do so but it would be a poor business decision.
What you are calling for is also corruption of a noble intent. Whether or not twitter thinks free speech is important either they support free speech for all or for nobody.
@1 That article is also speculation. As it is entirely possible that the government could nationalize our American oil, or simply not permit the speculation and set the price of oil and gas. What country does that oh Iran. Shut down the Strait of Hormuz could impact the trade war with China. China is not yet possess the ability to patrol and keep open a trade route from Europe to China on the land or sea. It is short on a few carrier groups and carrier groups also need something…oh oil. Maybe Trump is a mercantilist or he is nuts, but oil does not have to go up due to war between the worlds largest producer of oil and gas and a much smaller producer. Enjoy your profits though it will be sometime before they show up in your pocket if at all.
It’s ashamed what happened to General Electric. It was a Dow 30 stock for years and years, and now it’s just another company without much cache at all.
Of course, it was all probably my fault.
@8 With Hilliary we would already be at war with Iran…or Russia.
I think Trump should be strapped into a chair and forced to watch while Barack Obama gives Iran the rim job of a lifetime.
I mean, how else do you teach a man what the left expects of him?
@ 9
Looks like the Trump Stimulus is petering out even sooner than expected.
Did you even read the piece, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Growth is predicted to slow to 10% in 2019.
That’s higher than the historical average.
Look at it this way, if you get lucky your Democratic president may see a 2021 recession just after taking office.
If you are unlucky your freshly re-elected Trump will be overseeing 5% growth in 2021.
I suppose it depends on perspective. But to one certain kind of person, the sudden threats of extreme violence, the angry words, and the constant posturing seems “powerful”. But to another kind of person it all just seems like still more pussy noise.
Obviously any other nation on earth understands that in any one-on-one conventional military engagement the U.S. prevails. Excessive bragging about it is only going to sew doubt. But it obviously has some value propping up the egos of rapidly aging, balding, dick pill addicts with sore feet and a growing wardrobe of “relaxed fit” cargo pants and slip-on shoes. PornSweat knows how to feed his base.
Now here is a great leader!
Better than The Hump or The Bare Chested Fuckface.
Just in case the Dumbfuck Doctor didn’t see this the first time posted – that traitor. Treason is beyond thinking of your sins. I’m sure there is a verse in the Bible, and probably already posted by Goldy, that the traitor should be stoned to death.
“They went to the court. They got the judges to approve it,” Rubio said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “And there was a lot of reasons unrelated to the dossier for why they wanted to look at Carter Page.”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–House Demorat Traitors To Iran, Don’t Worry, Keep Backing Terrorists, We Will Protect You And Blame Trump
Btw, RR@11, “So, please don’t use the term “veteran” to label your ideology. Many of us will find that offensive.”
Great ALJ work, now drop the crack pipe and show me where I used “veteran” to label my ideology.
“Trump’s approval rating went up during summit with Putin … Trump’s support among Republicans is now at a record high for his presidency, sitting at 88%, according to The Hill.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More proof that Republicans are idiots.
P.S., If they love Russia so much, they should go live there.
@29 Oh, I see, you’re one of those “nonpartisan” freaks. My mistake.
@19 Not by us. We peacefully tolerate this odious administration, because we still believe in ballot box remedies.
@21 “Maybe Trump is … nuts, …”
Speculative, but not exactly a comforting thought, is it?
You may be onto something there RR.
Instead of “medical tourism” perhaps we need to consider “entitlement tourism”. We send all the pre-diabetc, Oxy-crushing, trailer-bound, Trump voting SSI dependents and their mobility scooters to Putin in bulk for a flat fee. The savings would fix Social Security for generations and cut the Roypublican debt in half.
@22 The real Jeff Immelt knows how to spell “cachet.” A “cache” is where you put stuff you can’t/don’t want to carry with you.
@24 When somebody mentions “rim job,” I visualize a horseshoe-shaped red mark on your forehead.
@ 32
@19 Not by us. We peacefully tolerate this odious administration, because we still believe in ballot box remedies.
“Liberals must arm.”
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit – Incompetent, unpersuasive, and dishonest at least since
@25 “Growth is predicted to slow to 10% in 2019.”
Just for clarity’s sake, you’re referring to earnings growth, not economic growth, which isn’t particularly relevant to the big picture in an era when damned little of earnings trickles below the CEO and shareholder classes.
In any case, the operative verb is “slow.” If earnings growth this quarter is 21.6%, and slows to 10% next year, that’s not exactly great results for Trump’s economic policies, is it? But focusing on the investor class, as you seem to want to do, the following excerpts (in case you missed them) go to the heart of the matter:
“A strong start to second-quarter earnings season isn’t doing very much for future expectations … the strong second quarter is not inspiring hopes for a more powerful third quarter … [many investors think] U.S. companies … may not have much left in the tank.”
Like I said, petering out.
When I went into the wayback machine, I came across Goldy espousing the advantages of concealed carry:
I’m not saying that all liberals should arm themselves, just that it is a useful deterence for the militia types to understand that some liberals have.
I wonder if Goldy would still think that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit owning a weapon is a good idea after publication of Dumbfuck Rabbit’s moronic screed about the Fleeing Felon Doctrine.
I’m guessing he would not.
@26 “Obviously any other nation on earth understands that in any one-on-one conventional military engagement the U.S. prevails.”
Somebody forgot to tell the Vietnamese. Korea was a draw. We’re still bogged down in Afghanistan after 17 years of military effort there.
And looking back on the past wars we’ve won, there seems to have been a lot of luck involved.
I’m not sure I’d be so sanguine.
@34 Why would he want them? They’re of more service to him here.
@37 “Liberals must arm.”
For self-defense, and that’s always been clear.
Next you’ll tell me you support disarming the rightwing militias and you’ve gotten rid of your own guns. I’ll disarm when you do, but the people talking about “civil war” and “concentration camps” and “executing liberals” have to go first,* for obvious reasons.
* There are no liberal militias running around in the woods playing at war, so this should be easy for them.
@39 “I wonder if Goldy would still think that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit owning a weapon is a good idea ….”
I’ve never pointed a gun at federal law enforcement officers or seized a federal wildlife refuge by force of arms, but that doesn’t seem to be one of your criteria for who can be trusted with guns and who can’t be, proving you’re too dumbfuck to figure it out, so I’m with Goldy on this.
The fleeing felon doctrine is alive and well in Florida, at least on the civilian level. This one made two steps.
but not in Seattle.
@ 38
Like I said, petering out.
Uh huh. Different president and you’d be lauding it, you fucking hypocrite.
@45 I’m a liberal propagandist and Democratic party hack. What are you?
@44 But even in Florida, I guess it depends on how white the shooter is.
@45 “you fucking hypocrite”
I thought I had a catheter? How does one fuck with a catheter? Are you admitting I don’t have a catheter?
I may or may not be a hypocrite, but I’m at least consistent. Can’t expect much from a dumbfuck like you, though.
“Authorities say a 64-year-old Florida man tried to burn down a convenience store … because he thought it was owned by Muslims. It wasn’t.”
Friend of yours, doc? At the very least, a fellow Trump voter for sure. You’re on the wrong side. Just sayin’.
@ 47
You left out mention of the
thief“victim”:Defoe, WFLA reported, has 12 prior felony charges including robbery, firing a missile into a dwelling, battery, grand theft, and grand larceny. He’s been to prison four times and was most recently released last month.
Firing a missile into a dwelling. And what matters to you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, is the skin color of the guy who was robbed.
Guess it takes an attorney to glean the high points out of a story.
@50 What are you prattling about? I’m not the dumbfuck who called the guy with 12 prior felonies a “victim.” I called him a “felon.”
This should be a pretty easy case to defend. The felon was inside his car. The victim thought he saw the felon reach for a gun. He also thought the felon was trying to run him over with his car.
But, you’re right, the victim’s dark skin, beard, and Muslim-y name might be a problem in Florida. That’s Trump country.
35 –
It’s a typo.
@52 Shit happens. But you already know that.
Interesting paper on the origins and reasons for the Magnitsky act and the direct intervention in our election processes by the Putin Mafia.
Meanwhile, Fat Donny sweats and stuffs his face with cardboard cheeseburgers.
Trump now wants to use your hard-earned tax dollars to bribe farmers hurt by his trade policies. To minimize deficits, Ryan probably will want to take it out of minimum-wage workers’ food stamps.
I’m not sure exactly how this works, but wouldn’t this spending require congressional approval? I don’t think he can transfer money from other budgets by executive fiat.
Or maybe he plans to take it out of Puerto Rico disaster relief. What the hell, they’ve already waited this long to get their electricity back, so they must have learned by now to do without!*
* Puerto Rico used to manufacture a lot of our medicines. Now, shortages and rationing are appearing at pharmacies nationwide, including here in Seattle. What the hell, old folks don’t need their medications, their Social Security and Medicare are just drags on the economy anyway. They need to die to make room for more billionaire and corporate tax cuts!**
** The tax stimulus isn’t working as planned, so the obvious solution is cutting billionaire and corporate taxes even more!!
53 –
And judging by how you spend your life, making senseless posts on this blog, you DEFINITELY know shit happens!
* There are no liberal militias running around in the woods playing at war, so this should be easy for them.
Define woods senile idiot wabbit FART. There are many gangs “playing at war”, so this should be easy for them.
So senile idiot wabbit FART, who runs the big US cities? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jungle_(Seattle)
DUMMOCRETINS of course. Your continual attempt at making silly commentary is easily rebuffed with FACT after FACT after FACT!!!!!
Till Next Time!
In another thread the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset claimed there was other information along with the FAKE dossier paid by #CrookedHillary for going after Carter Page. Yes there was monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset some MINOR information included! Unfortunately for libtards the “dossier” was front and center for each of the three additional FISA warrant reapplications. No one knows which version of the three was used.
FACTS… never a friend of a DUMMOCRETIN!
Till Next Time!
Oooh, the babbling butthole was triggered by
awwww.. can’t take it..
“No one knows which version of the three was used.”
LMAO! Not even your mancrush devin dumbshit???
The babbling butthole is too funny…
Oh and no mention of the Republican appointed judges on the warrants???
Awwwwww. There goes those facts again…