So girlyboy bloggers, how exactly does it feel to be irrelevant boobs?
This guy has you predictable kiddies pegged:
“THIS SEEMS LIKE A MAJOR MISCALCULATION, because the politics of the left-wing blogs are far out of the American mainstream. Where most of the 120 million Americans who voted in the last election bear a benign indifference to political matters, the left half of the blogosphere seethes with hatred for George W. Bush and his supporters. What’s more, the blogs take numerous positions that would strike all but the most passionate Democratic partisans as patently preposterous. For example, several of the left-wing blogs recently ran an advertisement that referred to West Virginia Senator and former Ku Klux Klan Kleagle Robert Byrd as an “American Hero.”
Also, the level of discourse on the Daily Kos and other prominent liberal blogs is not something that would be attractive to the majority of the American public. The writings are often obscene and usually relentlessly hostile and negative. Crude personal attacks, whether aimed at right-wing bloggers or politicians, are the order of the day.”
Read it and weep girlyboys! Ain’t you proud little lefty bloggers?!? Sucks to be you, eh?
Left Behind by the New Democratic Partyspews:
I actually have a question I have not really heard too much about. Now I know they are bringing in all the parties to investigate ‘Strippergate’ but what I don’t know is are they going to bring charges against the three politicians that accepted all the bribes? And if so, will there be a special election for Compton’s replacement? I am not asking this to be snarky or anything like that, it’s just that if they are going to go whole hog after the Colacurcios, shouldn’t they also be going after the ones who recieved the payments and did their bidding?
ProudAss, your crap is from the weekly standard. I don’t trust your fellow ilk to criticize our kind.
“the level of discourse on the Daily Kos and other prominent liberal blogs is not something that would be attractive to the majority of the American public. The writings are often obscene and usually relentlessly hostile and negative. Crude personal attacks, whether aimed at right-wing bloggers or politicians, are the order of the day.”
Actually, the level of discourse on DailyKos tends to be very thoughtful and intelligent. Yes, people sometimes (but not often) use words – such as FUCK – because they can. Free speech is protected by the first amendment.
DailyKos is not for everyone. It’s a partisan hangout for progressive Democrats and anyone who wants to engage or talk with us. Any member of the site could tell you that. There’s political discussion. As for “personal attacks”, it depends on your definition of “personal attack”. For example, criticizing karl rove for playing a role in Plamegate is NOT a personal attack, in my view. You may see it different, proudass.
You guys have your own sites – like freerepublic. Shall I serve you up a dose of criticism of conservative blogs and forums?
ProudAss @ 1
“Read it and weep”
Uh… I read it. But somehow I do not feel like weeping.
Where you trying to make any cogent point with that post? Or were you just releiving your bowels on this page?
The democrats havent won an election outright since 1976… and even that was close. They have been on the decline since the late 1970s and for good reason… there losers. What better place then on a blog to feel like they are winners.
RUFUS @ 5 “The democrats havent won an election outright since 1976”
Are the Trolls getting dumber and dumber?
I imagine all the recent ill news about the Neo-Con Hunta is effecting their brains.
I meant presidential election outright with 50% or more of the vote.
MOH @ 3: “It’s a partisan hangout for progressive Democrats”
You Far Lefties are NOT “progressive” in any sense of the word. Blind hatred of anyone to the right of Kucinich is NOT “progressive.” Howard Dean is NOT “progressive.” Kool-Aid sipping and zombie-eyed obedience to party ideology is not the way to achieve progress.
The only true progressives in either party are the ones who are willing to eschew the partisan name-calling and are will stick their necks out by proposing actual solutions instead of spewing a constant drone of criticism.
@ 1
Wow. I’m quakin’ in my boots over another stirring piece of “analysis” from a Rupert Murdoch publication.
@ 5
Losers like oh? Dino Rossi and his Republican “dream team”?
@ 8
Guess that leaves you out.
nighty night…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Amen Brother.
“Progressive my Ass!” That would mean these a$$holes would actually be “progressing” TOWARD something of value. There is the problem all right…they are progressing toward extinction. And if they keep having sex with horses….the extinction is just around the corner.
These LEFTIST PINHEADS get about 6 of their ilk in a phone booth and start screaming and yelling BS as loud as they can….then try to convince themselves there were thousands of like-minded people in that phone booth.
Commies in the 50’s called themselves “Progressives”. You assholes may try to come up with a different handle. You LEFTIST PINHEADS love to memorialize your ilk. Why not call yourselves the “HUGE ASSHOLE PARTY OF FUTILITY” after your pal who got fucked to death by the horse??
Waiting for that update on Rove going to jail from Roger Rabbit…
Frank Luntz says “Hi!” to GeoCrackr.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 1
How’s THIS for blatantly preposterous?
1. Attacking the wrong country.
2. Turning record surpluses into record deficits.
3. Arresting and torturing the wrong people.
4. Lying through your teeth about the reasons for going to war.
5. Lying through your teeth about who will get the tax cuts that caused the record deficits.
6. Trying to wreck Social Security.
7. Turning a blind eye to massive corporate corruption.
8. Forcing people to stay in the military after their enlistments expire.
9. Revealing the identity of an undercover CIA agent as retaliation against her husband for exposing your lies about a nuclear program that didn’t exist.
10. Giving away tens of billions of dollars to the richest corporations on earth and calling it an “energy bill.”
11. Changing bankruptcy laws so innocent people ruined by high medical bills remain saddled with debts they can never pay while allowing manipulative corporations to use the bankruptcy courts to screw millions of innocent workers out of their earned pensions.
12. Blaming high medical costs on lawyers while giving a $540 billion a year windfall to drug companies and insurers.
13. Lying through your teeth to Congress about how much the windfall to drug companies and insurers will really cost the taxpayers, and bullying anyone who threatens to tell the truth about it.
14. Calling the $540 billion a year giveaway to drug companies and insurers a “prescription drug benefit for seniors” while making it illegal for anyone to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices or to buy cheaper drugs in Canada.
15. Making campaign promises to be a “uniter” and then running the most divisive and polarizing administration since pre-Civil War days.
16. Stonewalling virtually every issue on Congress’s agenda and then blaming the Democrats for obstructionism.
17. Allowing the power industry to pollute the air and calling it the “clean skies” initiative.
18. Ordering the EPA to cover up toxic hazards as the WTC site.
19. Paying mercenaries in Iraq $100,000 a year with taxpayer money while paying soldiers $15,000 a year and cutting benefits to veterans.
20. Not knowing where $9 billion of Iraqi money in your custody went after handing out duffel bags of cash to “contractors” (a.k.a. mercenaries) from pickup trucks.
There’s more — lots more — but that should get you started.
My point here is that if you’re a Republican it’s unwise to accuse Democrats of absurd positions or being out of touch with mainstream Americans because that’s an argument you’re certain to lose!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 7
If you want to put it that way, Rufus-Doofus, your sweetheart Dubya LOST the 2000 popular vote by over half a million, and NOBODY on our side believes he won either the 2000 or 2004 elections without vote rigging and/or dirty tricks (such as purging the Florida rolls of 57,000 Democratic voters). Republicans can’t win an honest election and they know it. That’s why they want to control the election machinery.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 8
We proposed an actual solution to the impending collapse of the Alaska Way Viaduct and your side spewed nothing but obstructionist criticism — so what does that make people like Chuck and Mr. Cynical? Cynical is a freeloader who wants to take King County gas taxes for himself instead of letting those taxes be spent on King County’s transportation needs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment on 10
Haw! Haw! Haw! Look at Mr. Cynical trying to play the “commie” card!!! You need a new line, Out-of-Cync. Your head is stuck in the 1950s. It’s also stuck up your ass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And look at Rufus playing apologist for treason!
At Ms. Valerie Plame’s suggestion, the CIA sent her husband, former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, to Niger in February, 2002, to investigate a report by a foreign intelligence service that Saddam Hussein was trying to buy uranium. In his report to the CIA, Mr. Wilson said Iraqis had approached Nigerien officials, but no deal had been made.
In September, 2002, the British government published a white paper in which it made public British intelligence’s belief that Saddam had tried to buy uranium in Africa. A month later, the CIA received from an Italian source documents purporting to show that Niger and Iraq had done a deal. These turned out to be forgeries.
President Bush mentioned the British findings in his State of the Union address in January, 2003.
In his leaks to Mr. Pincus, and earlier to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, Mr. Wilson claimed Mr. Bush knew this was false. The key sentence in Mr. Pincus’ story is this:
“Among the envoy’s conclusions was that the documents may have been forged because ‘the dates were wrong and the names were wrong,’ the former U.S. government official said.”
Mr. Wilson’s official role ended when he returned from Niger in March. The CIA didn’t get the Italian forgeries until October.
Mr. Wilson had no access to them. He either was making up what he told Mr. Kristof and Mr. Pincus, or he had received an unauthorized leak of classified information. -or he had received an unauthorized leak of classified information. -…or he had received an unauthorized leak of classified information.
Now who, I wonder, might have had some inside CIA infomation to share with Valerie Plame’s husband? Could it have been a democrat party supporter who sleeps with him…HHmmmm?
It’s starting to look a bit like the liberals have stubbed their toe trying to out step that ‘dumb’ guy in the White House, again.
Dan Bspews:
I’ll bet #1 above writes stuff like that because it’s the only way he can get a hardon, and his favorite goat is waiting…
headless lucyspews:
Ronald Reagan was another ignorant doofus whose only contribution to American politics was to memorize about ten jingoistic speeches and phrases. I say we take ’em all and entomb them in their lifeless, albeit, shining city on the hill. We’ll call it :”The Shining”, as a tribute to their collective sanity and intelligence.
headless lucyspews:
Reps do not deny the truth of what Wilson says, they just deflect attention by criticising the people, including the Wilson’s, who report on the depravity, dishonesty , and the fascist/totalitarian nature of this coterie of geo-political criminals that is the Bush administration.
How about a nice little nuclear threat against our country to start the day off right? Now, would this be a good time to remind you where China got the missile technology they would need to deliver a nuclear weapon to the United States? Why, it was Bill Clinton, wasn’t it? Probably best not to bring that up.
@ 17
More irrelevant bull shit and moronic conspiracy theories.
In case you forgot, twit, the criminal investigation is focusing on leaks of classified information by senior White House officials—like Karl Rove.
Headless Lucy, You sound bitter. I think you need a real job in the private sector. You know, you would be a “tax payer” rather than a “tax receiver”. [hehe]
tricks (such as purging the Florida rolls of 57,000 Democratic voters
There were that many felons and dead people on the rolls in Florida. Rabbit… you have got to understand when it comes to presidential elections the democrats out fraud the republicans by at least a half million nationwide or more every election. The 2000 and 2004 elections were no different. Bush won 2004 by 3.5 million officially but if you take out the fraudulant democratic votes he actually won by more than 4 million. But we republicans have known this for a long time. I remember back in 84 when Reagan beat Mondale ass. I honestly believe Mondale only carried his home state becasue of voter fraud. Every presidential election the democrats cheat… it is a fact of life.
Now that Rove (snicker, even your guilded idol the NYT is distancing itself!) has imploaded on you pretty-in-pink girlyboys, what are you going to attempt to shoot your junior high wet dreams on next?
lucy @ 19: “Ronald Reagan was another ignorant doofus whose only contribution to American politics was…”
And Lucy’s contribution to makind in general has been… [cricket, cricket]
Clearly you’re the ignorant one. Not only that, but your feelings of self-loathing and/or inadequacy manifest themselves as rabid hatred and blind partisanship. I feel sorry for the students you “teach.” They would be better served by taking a nap during your class time. You would be better served by seeking professional counseling.
Gotta say I just love your Tourette’s-like comment about Reagan — who was not mentioned in this thread until your post. Perhaps we should address you as “Brick” (Tamland), the name of a character from the movie Anchorman. Loud noises!!
Rufus @ 22
Everyone knows that the Far Left has fond memories of and a deep longing for the days of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall. They have a Frankenstein-like obsession with resurrecting it whenever and however possible.
headless lucy@19
That posting is proof that you were either sleeping or stoned during the entire Reagan presidency! See, pot does affect your memory! Just say no to drugs! Remember, this posting is your brain, post #19 is your brain on drugs!
@ 21 -dj
Boy you guys bounce around more than a party full of kids in one of those jumping dinosaur tents.
But, since it’s becoming obvious that the leaking was done TO Rove and not by Rove it seems that the only thing to do now is start throwing another scandal to the media jackals before someone starts asking, “Just how did Joe Wilson know about the forgeries before they were revealed?”
My suspicion is that his wife told him and this whole charade was to deflect finding that out. After all she told him she was a covert operative long before she knew him well enough to trust him.
Not her, you say? OK then. Maybe he was the forger himself. Wouldn’t that be RATHER
Baynative@27 But, since it’s becoming obvious that the leaking was done TO Rove
What a fucking idiot! It is called ‘telling’ not ‘leaking’ when the reciepient has security clearance. Rove had no justification to blab classified information to others, regardlessof the source.
You wingnuts have been working over time on excues for treason!
“Just how did Joe Wilson know about the forgeries before they were revealed?”
It makes no difference, whatsoever.
Oops….Again, you seem to forget that the criminal investigation is focusing on leaks of classified information by senior White House officials.
I wonder who the other White House leaker is?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Rufus honestly believes in UFOs and black helicopters, too.
dj, dj, dj-
“Rove had no justification to blab classified information to others, regardless of the source.”
What “information” is classified, now? We already know that Plame was not in a confidential assignment and hadn’t been since 1996. Are you switching the debate to something new?
Roger Rabbitspews:
OK, everybody, let’s be fair to Karl Rove — he hasn’t been convicted of treason (or any other crime) yet. The only things we’ve got on him right now are violations of (a) Executive Order 12958 and (b) the nondisclosure agreement he signed as a condition of White House employment.
Executive Order 12958 governs the granting of security clearances to federal employees giving them access to classified information. It has existed since Truman days and was last updated by George W. Bush in 2003. It applies to White House staff, among others, and requires employees to undergo a criminal background check, to receive training on protection of classified information, and sign a “Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement,” also known as a SF-312, in which they agree not to reveal classified information. The nondisclosure agreement signed by Rove states, “I will never divulge classified information to anyone” not authorized to receive it.
A fact sheet released on Friday by Rep. Henry Waxman explains that Rove’s nondisclosure agreement prohibited him from confirming the identity of covert CIA agent Valerie Wilson to reporters. Under both the nondisclosure agreement and Executive Order 12958, even “negligent” disclosures are grounds for revocation of a security clearance or dismissal from employment.
Rove’s attorney claims there’s a difference between divulging classified information to someone not authorized to get it and confirming classified information already in the possession of someone not authorized to have it. This may or may not be true for purposes of criminal laws under which Rove might ultimately face charges, but no such distinction exists in either Executive Order 12958 or the nondisclosure agreement Rove signed.
A basic rule of classified information procedures is that an official privay to such information can’t confirm it when asked about it by a reporter, for the obvious reason this has the same effect as disclosing the information. This very point is emphasized in a “briefing booklet” new security clearance holders receive when they sign nondisclosure agreements:
“Before … confirming the accuracy of what appears in the public source, the signer of the SF 312 must confirm through an authorized official that the information has, in fact, been declassified. If it has not, … confirmation of its accuracy is also an unauthorized disclosure.”
Rove’s attorney asserted that if Rove learned Plame was a CIA agent from a reporter, this affected what he could say about it. Again, this may or may not be true under the criminal statutes, but Executive Order 12958 states: “Classified information shall not be declassified automatically as a result of any unauthorized disclosure of identical or similar information.” Thus, Rove was NOT at liberty to discuss this information just because the media already had gotten it from another source or because he heard about it from a reporter. He had a duty to look into whether the information was unclassified or declassified before saying anything about it. Once again, the briefing booklet is explicit: “Before disseminating the information elsewhere … the signer of the SF 312 must confirm through an authorized official that the information has, in fact, been declassified.”
Rove’s attorney claims Rove has no culpability unless he intentionally or knowingly disclosed Ms. Wilson’s covert status. Here again, what may or may not be true under the criminal statutes, has no application in the context of whether Rove violated Executive Order 12958 and/or his nondisclosure agreement, both of which provide sanctions for “negligent” security breaches that may include “reprimand, suspension without pay, removal, termination of classification authority, loss or denial of access to classified information, or other sanctions.”
Executive Order 12958 imposes an affirmative duty on the White House to investigate and take remedial action for violations of the executive order independently of any criminal investigation or proceedings. The executive order specifically provides that when a security breach occurs, the employing agency must “take appropriate and prompt corrective action,” which includes determining whether the employee improperly disseminated or gained access to classified information.
headless lucyspews:
Reagan was a disaster for this country, as was Nixon, Old Bush, and GWB, is. I’m not going to bother about chapter and verse documentation, because you wouldn’t read it anyway. How many of you righties who are pretending to be so astute have even read the DSM? Not many. As for things like the Pentagon Papers—- forget it. You’re lucky I even deign to speak to you through this blog.
Baynative @ 31
“What “information” is classified, now? We already know that Plame was not in a confidential assignment and hadn’t been since 1996.”
Ummmm. . . well unfortunately for you and your wingnut friends, YOU do not decide whether Plame CIA affiliation was classified information or not. That decision is up to the CIA.
The CIA has been clear enough. They demanded and got a criminal investigation. Here is what the CIA said in a Knight Ridder News release:
The CIA declined to discuss Plame’s intelligence work, but an agency official disputed suggestions that she was a mere analyst whose public exposure would have little consequence.
“If she was not undercover, we would have no reason to file a criminal referral,” the CIA official said, insisting on anonymity because of the sensitivity of the investigation.
Any other bright questions, Baynative?
“Are you switching the debate to something new?”
You fucking idiot! I asked for BRIGHT questions. The criminal release of classified information by the White House largely IS the debate.
headless lucy@33
Proof that people on drugs should not drive…look at the facts, Clinton devistated the economy and walked off and left Bush looking bad.
Chuck @ 35 “Clinton devistated the economy and walked off and left Bush looking bad.”
Yes, the trolls just get dumber and dumber.
When you choose to open yore eyes to true reality you will see what I am talking about…
Rufus honestly believes in UFOs and black helicopters, too.
No Roger just dead people voting.
headless lucyspews:
re 35: Chuck is one of the cheaper cuts, right? Your comment is grounds for committing you to an asylum, and I’d try to, except Reagan closed them down and set all the crazies loose on the streets. Might have something to do with the homeless problem, ya’ think? You Reps are about nothing but chaos and trouble while the fat cats rob us blind.
It is good to see Charmin, IT and Loocy on the knob tonight.
Charmin: On another thread you said let’s wait until the SP performs his fact finding before convicting Rove. Now you change tune again with your HA friends backing you. No wonder PacMan call you Charmin. You leave so many messes. No one understands which point of view is current mess in your mind. So much wiping so little time.
Loocy: Didn’t PacMan ask you a simple question for the last three weeks. No answer yet? – Learn what a Moby Troll is.
mmmm Which is worse Sandy Bergher accidentally leaving a classified vault with documents stuck in his pant, not to mention the ones that can’t be found he took home (no hue and cry on this one ) or current howling over Karl Rove.
Makes one wonder abou the motives of some people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cheesy Chuckie @ 35 must be …
… loaded on ‘shine or whatever they brew in the woods around Roy. Clinton created 22 million jobs and the best economy in 40 years, you stupid jerk. Or are you a shameless rightwing liar? Or maybe just plain nuts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You mean the dead people who voted for Rossi, don’t you?
They used to call Reagan the “teflon president” I remember the left crying that nothing would stick to the guy. He was proof that lies dont stick when you tell the truth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Puddybutt @ 42
So Puddy links us to an opinion piece on a right wing web site written by a guy who wouldn’t give Clinton credit for Chelsea even if you paid him … and that proves what?? That wingers are in denial? We already know that … it’s not news.
By the way, the WORST economy of my lifetime was the Reagan Depression of 1981-82. Not as bad as the Hoover Depression my parents lived through, but the worst since before World War 2.
I’ve lived through 11 administrations and the economy ALWAYS sucks whenever a Republican is squatting in the White House. Why is that? Maybe jobs and the working man just aren’t the GOP’s priority. Ya think?
Roger Rabbit@48
I gave you significant truthfull references…but you still choose to fantasize…
Roger Rabbitspews:
From Harding in 1921 to Dubya in 2003:
–Democrats held White House for 40 years, Republicans for 42.5 years.
–Democrats created 75,820,000 net jobs, Republicans 36,440,000.
–Per Year Averages: Democrats 1,825,200, Republicans 856,400.
–Of 9 Republicans during that period, 6 presided over a depression or recession.
–The DOW average grew 52% more under Democrats.
–The GDP grew by 43% more under Democrats.
Comparing Clinton to Reagan:
–Jobs grew 43% more under Clinton.
–The GDP grew 57% more under Clinton.
–The DOW average grew 700% more under Clinton..
–The NASDAQ grew 18 times as much under Clinton.
–Spending grew 28% under Clinton, 80% under Reagan.
–Debt grew 43% under Clinton, 187% under Reagan.
–Clinton produced surpluses, while debt grew 112% under Reagan.
–National income grew 100% more under Clinton.
–Personal income grew 110% more under Clinton.
SOURCES-Bureau of Labor Statistics (
Economic Policy Institute ( & World Almanacs from 1980 to 2003 (annual issues)
Roger Rabbit@51
No it was the peanut ban Jimmy Carter, double digit inlation, 24% inflation rates as well as double digit unemployment…you dems are out front again!
Carter? Who said anything about Carter? You said “Clinton devastated the economy.” It doesn’t surprise me that you’re trying to change the subject after getting called on your bullshit … standard winger trick. Except most wingers are brighter and have more finesse than you, Cheesy Chuckie.
Yeah, Carter inherited a sucky economy from Nixon and Ford. Remember Nixon’s price controls? Remember Ford’s “WIN” (Whip Inflation Now) program? Both of these idiotic Republicans tried to repeal gravity. But guess what, gravity still worked, and so did the market. You can’t run the printing press and pump paper money into the economy without getting inflation. That’s exactly what Dubya’s policies will do to us, too … record deficits = high inflation. Wait and see.
I wouldn’t go around bragging that you voted for these guys if I were you. You already look pretty damn silly. Don’t make it worse for yourself. Do yourself a favor and either get a used Kerry t-shirt at a flea market or wear a paper sack over your air. Don’t forget to cut an air hole.
Roger Rabbit@53
You forget one very important fact, clinton didnt need to finance the cold war against the USSR because Reagan singlehandedly brought them down…like the Berlin Wall!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Say, Chuckie, isn’t it past your bedtime? Better not let your mother catch you.
Roger Rabbit@57
Id rather eat worms than believe the lies that the democrats spew!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment on 58
“Reagan singlehandedly brought them down”
Funniest goddamned thing you’ve ever posted. You have a real sense of humor, Chuckie!
Roger Rabbit@59
Bedtime is when I get tired of listening to your bullshit…
Roger Rabbit
@67 Wake up and smell the coffee.
Roger Rabbitspews:
No, actually, Chuckie … although Reagan did throw a lot of money at Star Wars and the military in general, the real reason for Reagan’s deficits were his tax cuts. He cut taxes too much, eventually realized it, and that’s why he and Bush 41 had to raise taxes 5 times to keep the country from going under.
One thing I’ll say for Reagan, though, is that at least he shared SOME of his tax cuts with the middle class.
Dubya CLAIMS the middle class got the “majority” of his even more irresponsible tax cuts, but like everything else from out Dubya’s mouth, it’s a damned lie. The truth is over 60% of his 2001 tax cut went to the richest 1%. Here is what Newsweek said about Bush’s tax policies:
“If Bush gets what he wants, the income tax will become a misnomer—it will really be a salary tax. Almost all income taxes would come from paychecks—80 percent of income for most families, less than half for the top 1 percent. Meanwhile taxpayers receiving dividends, interest and capital gains, known collectively as investment income, would have a much lighter burden than salary earners—or maybe none at all. And here’s the topper. In the name of preserving family farms and keeping small businesses in the family, Bush would eliminate the estate tax and create a new class of landed aristocrats who could inherit billions tax-free, invest the money, watch it compound tax-free and hand it down tax-free to their heirs.
“By drastically favoring investment income over salary, fees and other ‘earned income,’ Bush would make it harder for people who start out with nothing to earn their way up the economic ladder, because they’d pay full taxes on almost everything they make, but he’d shower rewards on people who have already made it to the top rungs.”
Oh — and don’t forget the AMT (alternative minimum tax), which within a few years will repeal most of the Bush tax cuts that went to the middle class, while hardly touching the ultra-rich. The AMT isn’t something Congress is mulling over — it’s already the law. For details, see
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cheesy Chuckie @ 63
I post facts and C.C. responds, “smell the coffee” … WTF??? Looks like Little Chuckie is out of ammo.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, g’night Chuckie, you horse’s ass. My bunny eyes are getting as droopy as a lop rabbit’s ears. See ya tomorrow. Don’t forget to take your Ritalin.
Regarding the Reagan Recession, it was an outcome Carter’s incompetent policies.
JohnRep @ 47
“Which is worse Sandy Bergher accidentally leaving a classified vault with documents stuck in his pant, not to mention the ones that can’t be found he took home (no hue and cry on this one ) or current howling over Karl Rove.”
Good question, John Rep. Berger removed (duplicates of) classified documents from the archives. There is no evidence that he has damaged national security in doing so, but what he did was wrong. He was investigated, charged, and found guilty. His security clearance has been revoked.
Rove (and one other senior White House official) on the other hand, have potentially gotten CIA field assets kill, or at the least, decreased their value in the CIA counter terrorism efforts. They are being investigated, may be charged. Remarkably, no revocation of security clearance as of yet.
dj @ 68
We should demand Karl Rove has his clearance revoked as soon as he is convicted, just like Berger. Any sooner would be premature.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There goes Putty for Brains, blaming Carter … sorry Putty but Carter inherited that mess from two Republican presidents who preceded him. Yeah, the economy was a mess during Carter’s term, but he didn’t create the mess. And the really interesting thing about Carter is that he was one of the best job-creating presidents of modern times, and beat Reagan all to hell in that department. Of the 14 presidents since Hoover, Carter ranks 3rd in jobs (behind FDR and LBJ), Reagan 8th.
RR: Have you read any of Gorbachev’s memoirs? Probably not. But since Hilary Clinton’s legal mentors had communist leanings (see previous thread) I thought you would take some time while convalescing to perform a thorough reading of “all” issues. Gorby said Reagan did bring down his government by bankrupting them. But again people who hate righty thought would upchuck upon reading those comments from Gorby.
In foreign policy, Reagan practiced a “mix of saber rattling and pacifism.” He forged a close working relationship with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, but the president’s commitment to the Strategic Defense Initiative, popularly known as “Star Wars,” helped bankrupt the Soviets. – Find it!
Today is an interesting morning on the news talk shows. Now Matt Cooper has told the Grand Jury that he had other independent sources besides Karl Rove? So what does this mean HAs? Maybe we’ll find out who told Judith Miller? Maybe Judith Miller was a source to Matt Cooper? Looks like the SP wants to add contempt to her jail time.
Excerpt: Again, however, journalists only have themselves to blame. They publicized Joe Wilson’s charges and made a scandal out of Novak’s naming of Plame. In the end, however, it turned out that Bush’s state-of-the-union statement was true, regarding what the British government had learned. According to Lord Butler’s official report, which had investigated the intelligence on WMD leading up to the invasion of Iraq, and was released in July of 2004, “It is accepted by all parties that Iraqis visited Niger in 1999. The British government had intelligence from several different sources indicating that this visit was for the purpose of acquiring uranium.”
In another twist, a Senate Intelligence committee report later confirmed that Plame had in fact recommended her husband for the job, a possible violation of the law prohibiting government officials from recommending family members for federal jobs. But the special prosecutor is not investigating that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 69
You must be a Republican, because no Democrat would be so shallow or omit as many material facts. Berger was out of office and no longer had access to classified material. Rove, on the other hand, is in a position to compromise national security every day he continues to have a security clearance. Pulling a security clearance is not a punishment or sentence meted out after conviction of a crime or violation, dolt! A security clearance is a privilege granted for the convenience and benefit of the government, which may be revoked at will without reason, proof, or due process of law, and Rove has already admitted actions constitution clear violations of Executive Order 12958 and the nondisclosure agreement required of all federal employees holding security clearances (which Rove signed), which is reason enough to yank his privileges to prevent further damage to U.S. government interests.
Carter did the same thing as Clinton and handed his predicesor an economy that was in the crapper. (911 didnt help either)
Carter @70
What fucking job did Carter create? We had double digit unemployment during his reign!
Chuck@76: You are so correct. Anything less is not the truth. Carter thought high interest rates would get us into prosperity.
“Jimmy Carter spoke of his “Misery Index” back in the late 1970s, has everyone forgotten how bad things had gotten for us investors back then? Today is a cake walk in comparison. Everything is different today and the future is very encouraging. But, by 1980, there was much talk about our government declaring bankruptcy! That is how bad things were.” -Find it!
Name me one country that has ever existed without a government or taxes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
By the way, Chuckie, it’s one thing to reduce drag on the economy by cutting government spending; it’s quite another thing to shackle a ball and chain to the economy by borrowing and spending like a drunken sailer, as both Reagan and Dubya did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment to 77
How does one reply to an ignorant jackass who makes such blatant misstatements of fact?
Unemployment never reached double digits under Carter, dumbass. In fact, for most of Carter’s administration, employment grew and reached rather high levels before leveling off. If you want to know what the job numbers are, go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics web site, or do a Google search. I’m not going to do your research for you just because you’re too stupid or lazy to do it, Chuckie.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment on 78
Puttybrains is typical of the wingnut liars who attempt to credit Republicans for what Democrats did and blame Democrats for what Republicans did.
Unemployment never reached double digits under Carter, dumbass. In fact, for most of Carter’s administration, employment grew and reached rather high levels before leveling off.
No inflation did though. Which is great for homeowners or any other person who borrowed long term back then. I dont think that business was to fond of it. Bring back inflation!! Vote donk!
Unemployment never reached double digits under Carter, dumbass. In fact, for most of Carter’s administration, employment grew and reached rather high levels before leveling off.
No inflation did though. Which is great for homeowners or any other person who borrowed long term back then. I dont think that business was to fond of it. Bring back inflation!! Vote donk!
Comment by RUFUS— 7/17/05 @ 1:18 pm
Are you totally stupid or were you still pre-womb during dumbass Carter? Mortgage rates were hovering around 21% as opposed to 5-6% now.
God, someone take the keyboard away from the idiots!
I actually have a question I have not really heard too much about. Now I know they are bringing in all the parties to investigate ‘Strippergate’ but what I don’t know is are they going to bring charges against the three politicians that accepted all the bribes? And if so, will there be a special election for Compton’s replacement? I am not asking this to be snarky or anything like that, it’s just that if they are going to go whole hog after the Colacurcios, shouldn’t they also be going after the ones who recieved the payments and did their bidding?
They are all Democrats – therefore there will be no charges no discussion. Move on. Nothing to see here.
If you want to put it that way, Rufus-Doofus, your sweetheart Dubya LOST the 2000 popular vote by over half a million, and NOBODY on our side believes he won either the 2000 or 2004 elections without vote rigging and/or dirty tricks (such as purging the Florida rolls of 57,000 Democratic voters). Republicans can’t win an honest election and they know it. That’s why they want to control the election machinery.
Well unlike your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories alleging Republican misdeeds int he 2004 election, why don’t we looks at ACTUAL vote fraud committed by Democrats? We can start with the members of the St Louis Democrat party that were CONVICTED of vote fraud:
“All five defendants in the vote fraud trial in East St. Louis were convicted by a jury today after five and a half hours of deliberations.
The defendants showed little response when the verdicts were displayed on an overhead projector in federal court. Defendant Sheila Thomas dabbed her eyes, but the other four stared straight ahead.
Charles Powell Jr., the head of the city’s Democratic Party, three precinct committeemen and an election worker had been accused of buying votes to get prominent Democrats elected in the Nov. 2 election. “
I imagine charges should be drawn up to arrest Democrat Minority leader Harry Reid for outing Otto Riech in the senate floor during hareings on a Bush nonimee.
Lucy @ 37: “How many of you righties who are pretending to be so astute have even read the DSM?”
You’re just showing off because half the diagnoses in the DSM-IV apply to you.
RR: You must be convalescing quite nicely, as the vitriol is returning to your posts. I am glad you are feeling better. Please clue me into your sources of witty knowledge. I continually present informational sources and your produce hyperbole! I know that Clinton started on his “great economic ascent” when Newt Gingrich took over Congress and forced Clinton to implement:
L00cy: Notice the 0’s in the name. Because the crap coming forth from thy mouth is worthless diatribe, woth $0.00 (nuthin). Why can’t you answer my question? ‘Fraid your cover will be blown?
Having bought a house with those double digit interest rates of Jimmy Cahhhhrter, I know from personal experience.
RR: If you claim to know civics; why bring up the popular vote of 2000 again? Since you did, I’ll remind everyone that Al Gore lost his home state of Tennessee. He lost is own home state. What did they know about Al? Better yet, what does Tennessee know about Valerie Plame? Hey Charmin, that’s a rhetorical question.
All of us righties: DJ’s new name is Charmin, because he likes to wipe asses. Now we have three well known people, L00cy, IT, and Charmin.
Are you totally stupid or were you still pre-womb during dumbass Carter? Mortgage rates were hovering around 21% as opposed to 5-6% now.
God, someone take the keyboard away from the idiots!
I should have preface by argument a little better. People who bought homes before the Carter Adminstation did make out like bandits. They were paying off a loan of usually 100-250 a month with average wages toping $9 – $10 an hour. Your right it did suck for people buying homes. It also sucked for seniors on a fixed pension too.
Here is something to think about:
DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM
PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters:BEST IN PRAYER
ASTRONOMER: When you rearrange the letters: MOON STARER
DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT
THE EYES: When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE
GEORGE BUSH: When you rearrange the letters: HE BUGS GORE
THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS
SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME
ANIMOSITY: When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY
ELECTION RESULTS: When you rearrange the letters: LIES – LET’S RECOUNT
MOTHER-IN-LAW: When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER
SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z ‘S
A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: IM A DOT IN PLACE
THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER SHAKE
ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE
PRESIDENT CLINTON OF THE USA: When you rearrange the letters
(With no letters left over and using each letter only once):
Funny, I read all these comments and most of the flaming, obscene, stereotypical bs rhetoric comes from the right. Although I do see folks like rabbit get irate from time to time….well…all the time…but it is funny!!! What a load of crap you RW’s are. It is strange…REALLY STRANGE… like other world…. like…like crossing the Ohio River into Kentucky…suddenly you are somewhere completely different than where you were.
Fact is, (from #1) most people don’t act like this. Most people are thoughtful of oneanother. The neocon spin is a powerful drug but in the end, that is all it is.
Suggested reading…. “What’s the Matter with Kansas”.
And bring back the Goldwater Republicans so we don’t have to hear this garb anymore.
headless lucyspews:
If you write puddybud backwards it says, dubyddupp.
So girlyboy bloggers, how exactly does it feel to be irrelevant boobs?
This guy has you predictable kiddies pegged:
“THIS SEEMS LIKE A MAJOR MISCALCULATION, because the politics of the left-wing blogs are far out of the American mainstream. Where most of the 120 million Americans who voted in the last election bear a benign indifference to political matters, the left half of the blogosphere seethes with hatred for George W. Bush and his supporters. What’s more, the blogs take numerous positions that would strike all but the most passionate Democratic partisans as patently preposterous. For example, several of the left-wing blogs recently ran an advertisement that referred to West Virginia Senator and former Ku Klux Klan Kleagle Robert Byrd as an “American Hero.”
Also, the level of discourse on the Daily Kos and other prominent liberal blogs is not something that would be attractive to the majority of the American public. The writings are often obscene and usually relentlessly hostile and negative. Crude personal attacks, whether aimed at right-wing bloggers or politicians, are the order of the day.”
Read it and weep girlyboys! Ain’t you proud little lefty bloggers?!? Sucks to be you, eh?
I actually have a question I have not really heard too much about. Now I know they are bringing in all the parties to investigate ‘Strippergate’ but what I don’t know is are they going to bring charges against the three politicians that accepted all the bribes? And if so, will there be a special election for Compton’s replacement? I am not asking this to be snarky or anything like that, it’s just that if they are going to go whole hog after the Colacurcios, shouldn’t they also be going after the ones who recieved the payments and did their bidding?
ProudAss, your crap is from the weekly standard. I don’t trust your fellow ilk to criticize our kind.
“the level of discourse on the Daily Kos and other prominent liberal blogs is not something that would be attractive to the majority of the American public. The writings are often obscene and usually relentlessly hostile and negative. Crude personal attacks, whether aimed at right-wing bloggers or politicians, are the order of the day.”
Actually, the level of discourse on DailyKos tends to be very thoughtful and intelligent. Yes, people sometimes (but not often) use words – such as FUCK – because they can. Free speech is protected by the first amendment.
DailyKos is not for everyone. It’s a partisan hangout for progressive Democrats and anyone who wants to engage or talk with us. Any member of the site could tell you that. There’s political discussion. As for “personal attacks”, it depends on your definition of “personal attack”. For example, criticizing karl rove for playing a role in Plamegate is NOT a personal attack, in my view. You may see it different, proudass.
You guys have your own sites – like freerepublic. Shall I serve you up a dose of criticism of conservative blogs and forums?
ProudAss @ 1
“Read it and weep”
Uh… I read it. But somehow I do not feel like weeping.
Where you trying to make any cogent point with that post? Or were you just releiving your bowels on this page?
ProudAss @ 1
The democrats havent won an election outright since 1976… and even that was close. They have been on the decline since the late 1970s and for good reason… there losers. What better place then on a blog to feel like they are winners.
RUFUS @ 5 “The democrats havent won an election outright since 1976”
Are the Trolls getting dumber and dumber?
I imagine all the recent ill news about the Neo-Con Hunta is effecting their brains.
I meant presidential election outright with 50% or more of the vote.
MOH @ 3: “It’s a partisan hangout for progressive Democrats”
You Far Lefties are NOT “progressive” in any sense of the word. Blind hatred of anyone to the right of Kucinich is NOT “progressive.” Howard Dean is NOT “progressive.” Kool-Aid sipping and zombie-eyed obedience to party ideology is not the way to achieve progress.
The only true progressives in either party are the ones who are willing to eschew the partisan name-calling and are will stick their necks out by proposing actual solutions instead of spewing a constant drone of criticism.
@ 1
Wow. I’m quakin’ in my boots over another stirring piece of “analysis” from a Rupert Murdoch publication.
@ 5
Losers like oh? Dino Rossi and his Republican “dream team”?
@ 8
Guess that leaves you out.
nighty night…
Amen Brother.
“Progressive my Ass!” That would mean these a$$holes would actually be “progressing” TOWARD something of value. There is the problem all right…they are progressing toward extinction. And if they keep having sex with horses….the extinction is just around the corner.
These LEFTIST PINHEADS get about 6 of their ilk in a phone booth and start screaming and yelling BS as loud as they can….then try to convince themselves there were thousands of like-minded people in that phone booth.
Commies in the 50’s called themselves “Progressives”. You assholes may try to come up with a different handle. You LEFTIST PINHEADS love to memorialize your ilk. Why not call yourselves the “HUGE ASSHOLE PARTY OF FUTILITY” after your pal who got fucked to death by the horse??
Waiting for that update on Rove going to jail from Roger Rabbit…
Frank Luntz says “Hi!” to GeoCrackr.
Reply to 1
How’s THIS for blatantly preposterous?
1. Attacking the wrong country.
2. Turning record surpluses into record deficits.
3. Arresting and torturing the wrong people.
4. Lying through your teeth about the reasons for going to war.
5. Lying through your teeth about who will get the tax cuts that caused the record deficits.
6. Trying to wreck Social Security.
7. Turning a blind eye to massive corporate corruption.
8. Forcing people to stay in the military after their enlistments expire.
9. Revealing the identity of an undercover CIA agent as retaliation against her husband for exposing your lies about a nuclear program that didn’t exist.
10. Giving away tens of billions of dollars to the richest corporations on earth and calling it an “energy bill.”
11. Changing bankruptcy laws so innocent people ruined by high medical bills remain saddled with debts they can never pay while allowing manipulative corporations to use the bankruptcy courts to screw millions of innocent workers out of their earned pensions.
12. Blaming high medical costs on lawyers while giving a $540 billion a year windfall to drug companies and insurers.
13. Lying through your teeth to Congress about how much the windfall to drug companies and insurers will really cost the taxpayers, and bullying anyone who threatens to tell the truth about it.
14. Calling the $540 billion a year giveaway to drug companies and insurers a “prescription drug benefit for seniors” while making it illegal for anyone to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices or to buy cheaper drugs in Canada.
15. Making campaign promises to be a “uniter” and then running the most divisive and polarizing administration since pre-Civil War days.
16. Stonewalling virtually every issue on Congress’s agenda and then blaming the Democrats for obstructionism.
17. Allowing the power industry to pollute the air and calling it the “clean skies” initiative.
18. Ordering the EPA to cover up toxic hazards as the WTC site.
19. Paying mercenaries in Iraq $100,000 a year with taxpayer money while paying soldiers $15,000 a year and cutting benefits to veterans.
20. Not knowing where $9 billion of Iraqi money in your custody went after handing out duffel bags of cash to “contractors” (a.k.a. mercenaries) from pickup trucks.
There’s more — lots more — but that should get you started.
My point here is that if you’re a Republican it’s unwise to accuse Democrats of absurd positions or being out of touch with mainstream Americans because that’s an argument you’re certain to lose!
Reply to 7
If you want to put it that way, Rufus-Doofus, your sweetheart Dubya LOST the 2000 popular vote by over half a million, and NOBODY on our side believes he won either the 2000 or 2004 elections without vote rigging and/or dirty tricks (such as purging the Florida rolls of 57,000 Democratic voters). Republicans can’t win an honest election and they know it. That’s why they want to control the election machinery.
Reply to 8
We proposed an actual solution to the impending collapse of the Alaska Way Viaduct and your side spewed nothing but obstructionist criticism — so what does that make people like Chuck and Mr. Cynical? Cynical is a freeloader who wants to take King County gas taxes for himself instead of letting those taxes be spent on King County’s transportation needs.
Comment on 10
Haw! Haw! Haw! Look at Mr. Cynical trying to play the “commie” card!!! You need a new line, Out-of-Cync. Your head is stuck in the 1950s. It’s also stuck up your ass.
And look at Rufus playing apologist for treason!
At Ms. Valerie Plame’s suggestion, the CIA sent her husband, former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, to Niger in February, 2002, to investigate a report by a foreign intelligence service that Saddam Hussein was trying to buy uranium. In his report to the CIA, Mr. Wilson said Iraqis had approached Nigerien officials, but no deal had been made.
In September, 2002, the British government published a white paper in which it made public British intelligence’s belief that Saddam had tried to buy uranium in Africa. A month later, the CIA received from an Italian source documents purporting to show that Niger and Iraq had done a deal. These turned out to be forgeries.
President Bush mentioned the British findings in his State of the Union address in January, 2003.
In his leaks to Mr. Pincus, and earlier to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, Mr. Wilson claimed Mr. Bush knew this was false. The key sentence in Mr. Pincus’ story is this:
“Among the envoy’s conclusions was that the documents may have been forged because ‘the dates were wrong and the names were wrong,’ the former U.S. government official said.”
Mr. Wilson’s official role ended when he returned from Niger in March. The CIA didn’t get the Italian forgeries until October.
Mr. Wilson had no access to them. He either was making up what he told Mr. Kristof and Mr. Pincus, or he had received an unauthorized leak of classified information. -or he had received an unauthorized leak of classified information. -…or he had received an unauthorized leak of classified information.
Now who, I wonder, might have had some inside CIA infomation to share with Valerie Plame’s husband? Could it have been a democrat party supporter who sleeps with him…HHmmmm?
It’s starting to look a bit like the liberals have stubbed their toe trying to out step that ‘dumb’ guy in the White House, again.
I’ll bet #1 above writes stuff like that because it’s the only way he can get a hardon, and his favorite goat is waiting…
Ronald Reagan was another ignorant doofus whose only contribution to American politics was to memorize about ten jingoistic speeches and phrases. I say we take ’em all and entomb them in their lifeless, albeit, shining city on the hill. We’ll call it :”The Shining”, as a tribute to their collective sanity and intelligence.
Reps do not deny the truth of what Wilson says, they just deflect attention by criticising the people, including the Wilson’s, who report on the depravity, dishonesty , and the fascist/totalitarian nature of this coterie of geo-political criminals that is the Bush administration.
How about a nice little nuclear threat against our country to start the day off right? Now, would this be a good time to remind you where China got the missile technology they would need to deliver a nuclear weapon to the United States? Why, it was Bill Clinton, wasn’t it? Probably best not to bring that up.
@ 17
More irrelevant bull shit and moronic conspiracy theories.
In case you forgot, twit, the criminal investigation is focusing on leaks of classified information by senior White House officials—like Karl Rove.
Headless Lucy, You sound bitter. I think you need a real job in the private sector. You know, you would be a “tax payer” rather than a “tax receiver”. [hehe]
tricks (such as purging the Florida rolls of 57,000 Democratic voters
There were that many felons and dead people on the rolls in Florida. Rabbit… you have got to understand when it comes to presidential elections the democrats out fraud the republicans by at least a half million nationwide or more every election. The 2000 and 2004 elections were no different. Bush won 2004 by 3.5 million officially but if you take out the fraudulant democratic votes he actually won by more than 4 million. But we republicans have known this for a long time. I remember back in 84 when Reagan beat Mondale ass. I honestly believe Mondale only carried his home state becasue of voter fraud. Every presidential election the democrats cheat… it is a fact of life.
JFK won because of democrats cheating.
Now that Rove (snicker, even your guilded idol the NYT is distancing itself!) has imploaded on you pretty-in-pink girlyboys, what are you going to attempt to shoot your junior high wet dreams on next?
lucy @ 19: “Ronald Reagan was another ignorant doofus whose only contribution to American politics was…”
And Lucy’s contribution to makind in general has been… [cricket, cricket]
Clearly you’re the ignorant one. Not only that, but your feelings of self-loathing and/or inadequacy manifest themselves as rabid hatred and blind partisanship. I feel sorry for the students you “teach.” They would be better served by taking a nap during your class time. You would be better served by seeking professional counseling.
Gotta say I just love your Tourette’s-like comment about Reagan — who was not mentioned in this thread until your post. Perhaps we should address you as “Brick” (Tamland), the name of a character from the movie Anchorman. Loud noises!!
Rufus @ 22
Everyone knows that the Far Left has fond memories of and a deep longing for the days of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall. They have a Frankenstein-like obsession with resurrecting it whenever and however possible.
headless lucy@19
That posting is proof that you were either sleeping or stoned during the entire Reagan presidency! See, pot does affect your memory! Just say no to drugs! Remember, this posting is your brain, post #19 is your brain on drugs!
@ 21 -dj
Boy you guys bounce around more than a party full of kids in one of those jumping dinosaur tents.
But, since it’s becoming obvious that the leaking was done TO Rove and not by Rove it seems that the only thing to do now is start throwing another scandal to the media jackals before someone starts asking, “Just how did Joe Wilson know about the forgeries before they were revealed?”
My suspicion is that his wife told him and this whole charade was to deflect finding that out. After all she told him she was a covert operative long before she knew him well enough to trust him.
Not her, you say? OK then. Maybe he was the forger himself. Wouldn’t that be RATHER
But, since it’s becoming obvious that the leaking was done TO Rove
What a fucking idiot! It is called ‘telling’ not ‘leaking’ when the reciepient has security clearance. Rove had no justification to blab classified information to others, regardlessof the source.
You wingnuts have been working over time on excues for treason!
“Just how did Joe Wilson know about the forgeries before they were revealed?”
It makes no difference, whatsoever.
Oops….Again, you seem to forget that the criminal investigation is focusing on leaks of classified information by senior White House officials.
I wonder who the other White House leaker is?
Rufus honestly believes in UFOs and black helicopters, too.
dj, dj, dj-
“Rove had no justification to blab classified information to others, regardless of the source.”
What “information” is classified, now? We already know that Plame was not in a confidential assignment and hadn’t been since 1996. Are you switching the debate to something new?
OK, everybody, let’s be fair to Karl Rove — he hasn’t been convicted of treason (or any other crime) yet. The only things we’ve got on him right now are violations of (a) Executive Order 12958 and (b) the nondisclosure agreement he signed as a condition of White House employment.
Executive Order 12958 governs the granting of security clearances to federal employees giving them access to classified information. It has existed since Truman days and was last updated by George W. Bush in 2003. It applies to White House staff, among others, and requires employees to undergo a criminal background check, to receive training on protection of classified information, and sign a “Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement,” also known as a SF-312, in which they agree not to reveal classified information. The nondisclosure agreement signed by Rove states, “I will never divulge classified information to anyone” not authorized to receive it.
A fact sheet released on Friday by Rep. Henry Waxman explains that Rove’s nondisclosure agreement prohibited him from confirming the identity of covert CIA agent Valerie Wilson to reporters. Under both the nondisclosure agreement and Executive Order 12958, even “negligent” disclosures are grounds for revocation of a security clearance or dismissal from employment.
Rove’s attorney claims there’s a difference between divulging classified information to someone not authorized to get it and confirming classified information already in the possession of someone not authorized to have it. This may or may not be true for purposes of criminal laws under which Rove might ultimately face charges, but no such distinction exists in either Executive Order 12958 or the nondisclosure agreement Rove signed.
A basic rule of classified information procedures is that an official privay to such information can’t confirm it when asked about it by a reporter, for the obvious reason this has the same effect as disclosing the information. This very point is emphasized in a “briefing booklet” new security clearance holders receive when they sign nondisclosure agreements:
“Before … confirming the accuracy of what appears in the public source, the signer of the SF 312 must confirm through an authorized official that the information has, in fact, been declassified. If it has not, … confirmation of its accuracy is also an unauthorized disclosure.”
Rove’s attorney asserted that if Rove learned Plame was a CIA agent from a reporter, this affected what he could say about it. Again, this may or may not be true under the criminal statutes, but Executive Order 12958 states: “Classified information shall not be declassified automatically as a result of any unauthorized disclosure of identical or similar information.” Thus, Rove was NOT at liberty to discuss this information just because the media already had gotten it from another source or because he heard about it from a reporter. He had a duty to look into whether the information was unclassified or declassified before saying anything about it. Once again, the briefing booklet is explicit: “Before disseminating the information elsewhere … the signer of the SF 312 must confirm through an authorized official that the information has, in fact, been declassified.”
Rove’s attorney claims Rove has no culpability unless he intentionally or knowingly disclosed Ms. Wilson’s covert status. Here again, what may or may not be true under the criminal statutes, has no application in the context of whether Rove violated Executive Order 12958 and/or his nondisclosure agreement, both of which provide sanctions for “negligent” security breaches that may include “reprimand, suspension without pay, removal, termination of classification authority, loss or denial of access to classified information, or other sanctions.”
Executive Order 12958 imposes an affirmative duty on the White House to investigate and take remedial action for violations of the executive order independently of any criminal investigation or proceedings. The executive order specifically provides that when a security breach occurs, the employing agency must “take appropriate and prompt corrective action,” which includes determining whether the employee improperly disseminated or gained access to classified information.
Reagan was a disaster for this country, as was Nixon, Old Bush, and GWB, is. I’m not going to bother about chapter and verse documentation, because you wouldn’t read it anyway. How many of you righties who are pretending to be so astute have even read the DSM? Not many. As for things like the Pentagon Papers—- forget it. You’re lucky I even deign to speak to you through this blog.
Baynative @ 31
“What “information” is classified, now? We already know that Plame was not in a confidential assignment and hadn’t been since 1996.”
Ummmm. . . well unfortunately for you and your wingnut friends, YOU do not decide whether Plame CIA affiliation was classified information or not. That decision is up to the CIA.
The CIA has been clear enough. They demanded and got a criminal investigation. Here is what the CIA said in a Knight Ridder News release:
Any other bright questions, Baynative?
“Are you switching the debate to something new?”
You fucking idiot! I asked for BRIGHT questions. The criminal release of classified information by the White House largely IS the debate.
headless lucy@33
Proof that people on drugs should not drive…look at the facts, Clinton devistated the economy and walked off and left Bush looking bad.
Chuck @ 35 “Clinton devistated the economy and walked off and left Bush looking bad.”
Yes, the trolls just get dumber and dumber.
When you choose to open yore eyes to true reality you will see what I am talking about…
Donnageddon@36 lucy@33
Read and weep
Rufus honestly believes in UFOs and black helicopters, too.
No Roger just dead people voting.
re 35: Chuck is one of the cheaper cuts, right? Your comment is grounds for committing you to an asylum, and I’d try to, except Reagan closed them down and set all the crazies loose on the streets. Might have something to do with the homeless problem, ya’ think? You Reps are about nothing but chaos and trouble while the fat cats rob us blind.
It is good to see Charmin, IT and Loocy on the knob tonight.
Charmin: On another thread you said let’s wait until the SP performs his fact finding before convicting Rove. Now you change tune again with your HA friends backing you. No wonder PacMan call you Charmin. You leave so many messes. No one understands which point of view is current mess in your mind. So much wiping so little time.
Loocy: Didn’t PacMan ask you a simple question for the last three weeks. No answer yet?
Clinton Economy is documented here: – Economic News – Learn what a Moby Troll is.
mmmm Which is worse Sandy Bergher accidentally leaving a classified vault with documents stuck in his pant, not to mention the ones that can’t be found he took home (no hue and cry on this one ) or current howling over Karl Rove.
Makes one wonder abou the motives of some people.
Cheesy Chuckie @ 35 must be …
… loaded on ‘shine or whatever they brew in the woods around Roy. Clinton created 22 million jobs and the best economy in 40 years, you stupid jerk. Or are you a shameless rightwing liar? Or maybe just plain nuts.
You mean the dead people who voted for Rossi, don’t you?
They used to call Reagan the “teflon president” I remember the left crying that nothing would stick to the guy. He was proof that lies dont stick when you tell the truth.
Puddybutt @ 42
So Puddy links us to an opinion piece on a right wing web site written by a guy who wouldn’t give Clinton credit for Chelsea even if you paid him … and that proves what?? That wingers are in denial? We already know that … it’s not news.
By the way, the WORST economy of my lifetime was the Reagan Depression of 1981-82. Not as bad as the Hoover Depression my parents lived through, but the worst since before World War 2.
I’ve lived through 11 administrations and the economy ALWAYS sucks whenever a Republican is squatting in the White House. Why is that? Maybe jobs and the working man just aren’t the GOP’s priority. Ya think?
Roger Rabbit@48
I gave you significant truthfull references…but you still choose to fantasize…
From Harding in 1921 to Dubya in 2003:
–Democrats held White House for 40 years, Republicans for 42.5 years.
–Democrats created 75,820,000 net jobs, Republicans 36,440,000.
–Per Year Averages: Democrats 1,825,200, Republicans 856,400.
–Of 9 Republicans during that period, 6 presided over a depression or recession.
–The DOW average grew 52% more under Democrats.
–The GDP grew by 43% more under Democrats.
Comparing Clinton to Reagan:
–Jobs grew 43% more under Clinton.
–The GDP grew 57% more under Clinton.
–The DOW average grew 700% more under Clinton..
–The NASDAQ grew 18 times as much under Clinton.
–Spending grew 28% under Clinton, 80% under Reagan.
–Debt grew 43% under Clinton, 187% under Reagan.
–Clinton produced surpluses, while debt grew 112% under Reagan.
–National income grew 100% more under Clinton.
–Personal income grew 110% more under Clinton.
SOURCES-Bureau of Labor Statistics (
Economic Policy Institute ( & World Almanacs from 1980 to 2003 (annual issues)
Roger Rabbit@51
No it was the peanut ban Jimmy Carter, double digit inlation, 24% inflation rates as well as double digit unemployment…you dems are out front again!
Now shove that up your ass, Chuckie.
Roger Rabbit@53
Have trouble reading do you? I can offer remidial classes in understanding the truth if you want….
Carter? Who said anything about Carter? You said “Clinton devastated the economy.” It doesn’t surprise me that you’re trying to change the subject after getting called on your bullshit … standard winger trick. Except most wingers are brighter and have more finesse than you, Cheesy Chuckie.
Yeah, Carter inherited a sucky economy from Nixon and Ford. Remember Nixon’s price controls? Remember Ford’s “WIN” (Whip Inflation Now) program? Both of these idiotic Republicans tried to repeal gravity. But guess what, gravity still worked, and so did the market. You can’t run the printing press and pump paper money into the economy without getting inflation. That’s exactly what Dubya’s policies will do to us, too … record deficits = high inflation. Wait and see.
I wouldn’t go around bragging that you voted for these guys if I were you. You already look pretty damn silly. Don’t make it worse for yourself. Do yourself a favor and either get a used Kerry t-shirt at a flea market or wear a paper sack over your air. Don’t forget to cut an air hole.
Roger Rabbit@53
You forget one very important fact, clinton didnt need to finance the cold war against the USSR because Reagan singlehandedly brought them down…like the Berlin Wall!
Say, Chuckie, isn’t it past your bedtime? Better not let your mother catch you.
Roger Rabbit@57
Id rather eat worms than believe the lies that the democrats spew!
Comment on 58
“Reagan singlehandedly brought them down”
Funniest goddamned thing you’ve ever posted. You have a real sense of humor, Chuckie!
Roger Rabbit@59
Bedtime is when I get tired of listening to your bullshit…
Roger Rabbit
@67 Wake up and smell the coffee.
No, actually, Chuckie … although Reagan did throw a lot of money at Star Wars and the military in general, the real reason for Reagan’s deficits were his tax cuts. He cut taxes too much, eventually realized it, and that’s why he and Bush 41 had to raise taxes 5 times to keep the country from going under.
One thing I’ll say for Reagan, though, is that at least he shared SOME of his tax cuts with the middle class.
Dubya CLAIMS the middle class got the “majority” of his even more irresponsible tax cuts, but like everything else from out Dubya’s mouth, it’s a damned lie. The truth is over 60% of his 2001 tax cut went to the richest 1%. Here is what Newsweek said about Bush’s tax policies:
“If Bush gets what he wants, the income tax will become a misnomer—it will really be a salary tax. Almost all income taxes would come from paychecks—80 percent of income for most families, less than half for the top 1 percent. Meanwhile taxpayers receiving dividends, interest and capital gains, known collectively as investment income, would have a much lighter burden than salary earners—or maybe none at all. And here’s the topper. In the name of preserving family farms and keeping small businesses in the family, Bush would eliminate the estate tax and create a new class of landed aristocrats who could inherit billions tax-free, invest the money, watch it compound tax-free and hand it down tax-free to their heirs.
“By drastically favoring investment income over salary, fees and other ‘earned income,’ Bush would make it harder for people who start out with nothing to earn their way up the economic ladder, because they’d pay full taxes on almost everything they make, but he’d shower rewards on people who have already made it to the top rungs.”
Oh — and don’t forget the AMT (alternative minimum tax), which within a few years will repeal most of the Bush tax cuts that went to the middle class, while hardly touching the ultra-rich. The AMT isn’t something Congress is mulling over — it’s already the law. For details, see
Cheesy Chuckie @ 63
I post facts and C.C. responds, “smell the coffee” … WTF??? Looks like Little Chuckie is out of ammo.
Well, g’night Chuckie, you horse’s ass. My bunny eyes are getting as droopy as a lop rabbit’s ears. See ya tomorrow. Don’t forget to take your Ritalin.
Here is the latest on the “Rove” investigation:;emc=th
Regarding the Reagan Recession, it was an outcome Carter’s incompetent policies.
JohnRep @ 47
“Which is worse Sandy Bergher accidentally leaving a classified vault with documents stuck in his pant, not to mention the ones that can’t be found he took home (no hue and cry on this one ) or current howling over Karl Rove.”
Good question, John Rep. Berger removed (duplicates of) classified documents from the archives. There is no evidence that he has damaged national security in doing so, but what he did was wrong. He was investigated, charged, and found guilty. His security clearance has been revoked.
Rove (and one other senior White House official) on the other hand, have potentially gotten CIA field assets kill, or at the least, decreased their value in the CIA counter terrorism efforts. They are being investigated, may be charged. Remarkably, no revocation of security clearance as of yet.
dj @ 68
We should demand Karl Rove has his clearance revoked as soon as he is convicted, just like Berger. Any sooner would be premature.
There goes Putty for Brains, blaming Carter … sorry Putty but Carter inherited that mess from two Republican presidents who preceded him. Yeah, the economy was a mess during Carter’s term, but he didn’t create the mess. And the really interesting thing about Carter is that he was one of the best job-creating presidents of modern times, and beat Reagan all to hell in that department. Of the 14 presidents since Hoover, Carter ranks 3rd in jobs (behind FDR and LBJ), Reagan 8th.
RR: Have you read any of Gorbachev’s memoirs? Probably not. But since Hilary Clinton’s legal mentors had communist leanings (see previous thread) I thought you would take some time while convalescing to perform a thorough reading of “all” issues. Gorby said Reagan did bring down his government by bankrupting them. But again people who hate righty thought would upchuck upon reading those comments from Gorby.
In foreign policy, Reagan practiced a “mix of saber rattling and pacifism.” He forged a close working relationship with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, but the president’s commitment to the Strategic Defense Initiative, popularly known as “Star Wars,” helped bankrupt the Soviets. – Find it! – Another good read on Reagan.
Today is an interesting morning on the news talk shows. Now Matt Cooper has told the Grand Jury that he had other independent sources besides Karl Rove? So what does this mean HAs? Maybe we’ll find out who told Judith Miller? Maybe Judith Miller was a source to Matt Cooper? Looks like the SP wants to add contempt to her jail time.
For you liberal lefties, there are other places to read besides the NY Slimes. Here is a good read:
Here is another interesting read:
Excerpt: Again, however, journalists only have themselves to blame. They publicized Joe Wilson’s charges and made a scandal out of Novak’s naming of Plame. In the end, however, it turned out that Bush’s state-of-the-union statement was true, regarding what the British government had learned. According to Lord Butler’s official report, which had investigated the intelligence on WMD leading up to the invasion of Iraq, and was released in July of 2004, “It is accepted by all parties that Iraqis visited Niger in 1999. The British government had intelligence from several different sources indicating that this visit was for the purpose of acquiring uranium.”
In another twist, a Senate Intelligence committee report later confirmed that Plame had in fact recommended her husband for the job, a possible violation of the law prohibiting government officials from recommending family members for federal jobs. But the special prosecutor is not investigating that.
Reply to 69
You must be a Republican, because no Democrat would be so shallow or omit as many material facts. Berger was out of office and no longer had access to classified material. Rove, on the other hand, is in a position to compromise national security every day he continues to have a security clearance. Pulling a security clearance is not a punishment or sentence meted out after conviction of a crime or violation, dolt! A security clearance is a privilege granted for the convenience and benefit of the government, which may be revoked at will without reason, proof, or due process of law, and Rove has already admitted actions constitution clear violations of Executive Order 12958 and the nondisclosure agreement required of all federal employees holding security clearances (which Rove signed), which is reason enough to yank his privileges to prevent further damage to U.S. government interests.
Charmin@68: Let’s start with Sandy Berger here:
Then Charmin, navigate here:
IT – Do you read any sources out of the country? Here is one just for you minted tomorrow, July 18, 2005.,00.html
Roger Rabbit#64
Name me one country that has EVER taxed themselves into a strong economy.
As it is, the weathiyest 60% pay 103% of the federal tax, how fucking much is fair?
Carter did the same thing as Clinton and handed his predicesor an economy that was in the crapper. (911 didnt help either)
Carter @70
What fucking job did Carter create? We had double digit unemployment during his reign!
Chuck@76: You are so correct. Anything less is not the truth. Carter thought high interest rates would get us into prosperity.
“Jimmy Carter spoke of his “Misery Index” back in the late 1970s, has everyone forgotten how bad things had gotten for us investors back then? Today is a cake walk in comparison. Everything is different today and the future is very encouraging. But, by 1980, there was much talk about our government declaring bankruptcy! That is how bad things were.” -Find it!
Here is another Carter Stagflation article:
Reply to 74
Name me one country that has ever existed without a government or taxes.
By the way, Chuckie, it’s one thing to reduce drag on the economy by cutting government spending; it’s quite another thing to shackle a ball and chain to the economy by borrowing and spending like a drunken sailer, as both Reagan and Dubya did.
Comment to 77
How does one reply to an ignorant jackass who makes such blatant misstatements of fact?
Unemployment never reached double digits under Carter, dumbass. In fact, for most of Carter’s administration, employment grew and reached rather high levels before leveling off. If you want to know what the job numbers are, go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics web site, or do a Google search. I’m not going to do your research for you just because you’re too stupid or lazy to do it, Chuckie.
Comment on 78
Puttybrains is typical of the wingnut liars who attempt to credit Republicans for what Democrats did and blame Democrats for what Republicans did.
Roger Rabbit@81
Fair enough it wasnt double didgit…but 7.5% unemployed is bad enough.
Dear Idjits: another embarASSing smoking gun for you twerplets and girly guys>
Really, you girlies need better conspiracies and more interesting plots… you know the kind that stand up to the truth and the test of time! (snicker)
The 2006 (and beyond!) Rove revenge will be sweet!
Unemployment never reached double digits under Carter, dumbass. In fact, for most of Carter’s administration, employment grew and reached rather high levels before leveling off.
No inflation did though. Which is great for homeowners or any other person who borrowed long term back then. I dont think that business was to fond of it. Bring back inflation!! Vote donk!
Unemployment never reached double digits under Carter, dumbass. In fact, for most of Carter’s administration, employment grew and reached rather high levels before leveling off.
No inflation did though. Which is great for homeowners or any other person who borrowed long term back then. I dont think that business was to fond of it. Bring back inflation!! Vote donk!
Comment by RUFUS— 7/17/05 @ 1:18 pm
Are you totally stupid or were you still pre-womb during dumbass Carter? Mortgage rates were hovering around 21% as opposed to 5-6% now.
God, someone take the keyboard away from the idiots!
I actually have a question I have not really heard too much about. Now I know they are bringing in all the parties to investigate ‘Strippergate’ but what I don’t know is are they going to bring charges against the three politicians that accepted all the bribes? And if so, will there be a special election for Compton’s replacement? I am not asking this to be snarky or anything like that, it’s just that if they are going to go whole hog after the Colacurcios, shouldn’t they also be going after the ones who recieved the payments and did their bidding?
They are all Democrats – therefore there will be no charges no discussion. Move on. Nothing to see here.
If you want to put it that way, Rufus-Doofus, your sweetheart Dubya LOST the 2000 popular vote by over half a million, and NOBODY on our side believes he won either the 2000 or 2004 elections without vote rigging and/or dirty tricks (such as purging the Florida rolls of 57,000 Democratic voters). Republicans can’t win an honest election and they know it. That’s why they want to control the election machinery.
Well unlike your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories alleging Republican misdeeds int he 2004 election, why don’t we looks at ACTUAL vote fraud committed by Democrats? We can start with the members of the St Louis Democrat party that were CONVICTED of vote fraud:
“All five defendants in the vote fraud trial in East St. Louis were convicted by a jury today after five and a half hours of deliberations.
The defendants showed little response when the verdicts were displayed on an overhead projector in federal court. Defendant Sheila Thomas dabbed her eyes, but the other four stared straight ahead.
Charles Powell Jr., the head of the city’s Democratic Party, three precinct committeemen and an election worker had been accused of buying votes to get prominent Democrats elected in the Nov. 2 election. “
I imagine charges should be drawn up to arrest Democrat Minority leader Harry Reid for outing Otto Riech in the senate floor during hareings on a Bush nonimee.
Lucy @ 37: “How many of you righties who are pretending to be so astute have even read the DSM?”
You’re just showing off because half the diagnoses in the DSM-IV apply to you.
RR: You must be convalescing quite nicely, as the vitriol is returning to your posts. I am glad you are feeling better. Please clue me into your sources of witty knowledge. I continually present informational sources and your produce hyperbole! I know that Clinton started on his “great economic ascent” when Newt Gingrich took over Congress and forced Clinton to implement:
1.) Welfare Reforms
2.) Budget & Spending Reforms (not fund programs above inflation rate)
L00cy: Notice the 0’s in the name. Because the crap coming forth from thy mouth is worthless diatribe, woth $0.00 (nuthin). Why can’t you answer my question? ‘Fraid your cover will be blown?
Having bought a house with those double digit interest rates of Jimmy Cahhhhrter, I know from personal experience.
RR: If you claim to know civics; why bring up the popular vote of 2000 again? Since you did, I’ll remind everyone that Al Gore lost his home state of Tennessee. He lost is own home state. What did they know about Al? Better yet, what does Tennessee know about Valerie Plame? Hey Charmin, that’s a rhetorical question.
All of us righties: DJ’s new name is Charmin, because he likes to wipe asses. Now we have three well known people, L00cy, IT, and Charmin.
Are you totally stupid or were you still pre-womb during dumbass Carter? Mortgage rates were hovering around 21% as opposed to 5-6% now.
God, someone take the keyboard away from the idiots!
I should have preface by argument a little better. People who bought homes before the Carter Adminstation did make out like bandits. They were paying off a loan of usually 100-250 a month with average wages toping $9 – $10 an hour. Your right it did suck for people buying homes. It also sucked for seniors on a fixed pension too.
Here is something to think about:
DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM
PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters:BEST IN PRAYER
ASTRONOMER: When you rearrange the letters: MOON STARER
DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT
THE EYES: When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE
GEORGE BUSH: When you rearrange the letters: HE BUGS GORE
THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS
SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME
ANIMOSITY: When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY
ELECTION RESULTS: When you rearrange the letters: LIES – LET’S RECOUNT
MOTHER-IN-LAW: When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER
SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z ‘S
A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: IM A DOT IN PLACE
THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER SHAKE
ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE
PRESIDENT CLINTON OF THE USA: When you rearrange the letters
(With no letters left over and using each letter only once):
Funny, I read all these comments and most of the flaming, obscene, stereotypical bs rhetoric comes from the right. Although I do see folks like rabbit get irate from time to time….well…all the time…but it is funny!!! What a load of crap you RW’s are. It is strange…REALLY STRANGE… like other world…. like…like crossing the Ohio River into Kentucky…suddenly you are somewhere completely different than where you were.
Fact is, (from #1) most people don’t act like this. Most people are thoughtful of oneanother. The neocon spin is a powerful drug but in the end, that is all it is.
Suggested reading…. “What’s the Matter with Kansas”.
And bring back the Goldwater Republicans so we don’t have to hear this garb anymore.
If you write puddybud backwards it says, dubyddupp.