After the John T. Williams shooting, I argued that we need to make the default for Seattle cops that they don’t carry weapons. It could be done similarly to how the UK does it. And if they need guns for specific things, they could have a procedure to get them. But the default should be no guns. I still think that’s correct, and I want to highlight this piece that makes the case nationally. Like Fred, I have no idea how we get from here to there.
Here’s something else for the cop hating R senile to ponder…
The Dow is up another 128 points today, and post-Brexit is turning into an impressive stock market rally while HA’s resident market timing expert sits on 1/10th of 1 percent bank interest waiting for a buying opportunity. Sure glad I bought the day after the vote.
Anyone remember that long-disappeared idiot troll who scoffed at me for saying it’s easy to make 8% a year in the stock market?
(The significance of this figure is pension funds use it to calculate the returns they need to maintain their benefit payments.)
What was his name? “Lost in a Sea of Blue”? Well, he was right in one sense, I’m not making 8% a year. Despite 2016’s rocky start, my stocks are returning 17% (annualized) this year as of this morning.
Meanwhile, Piffles is making 1/10th of 1 percent on his bank savings. Do we have an obligation to feel sorry for stupid loons? Oh, and Boob — “it ain’t braggin’ if you done it.” (I forget who said that, some famous baseball player.) Bring on the fleeing felons.
@1 Here’s the crazy loon shrieking I “hate” cops because I argue that bad cops shouldn’t be cops. The same dummy who’s collecting 1/10th of 1 percent bank interest while waiting for stocks to go down.
When you are a libtard, you can only hide your libtardness for a little while. Then it comes out dull and smelly…
@1 Here’s the crazy loon shrieking I “hate” cops because I argue that bad cops shouldn’t be cops.
Where R senile? Put forth a post! You will need help because you “think” you have! You paint every policeman/woman with your standard broad brush. Remember you thought Caesar Goodman was a white Baltimore police officer! You don’t pay attention to FACTS. You spew direct from your ASS!
Can’t stand the blow back moron?
Puddy would give the senile wabbit a break except it doubles down every time its caught!
On second thought… the senile moron has gotten worse over the years!
“(The significance of this figure is pension funds use it to calculate the returns they need to maintain their benefit payments.)”
Well, that statement’s going to be lost in trolliterritory, where pension funds are by definition the root of all evil.
Meanwhile, back here in the real world, pension funds really don’t care about what the return is in a given year. Their goal is to realize that kind of growth over decades. That goes a long way toward explaining why they’re so detested in a business world where nothing counts except short-term profit.
Wharton School is one of America’s top business schools. Drumpf brags about his B.A. in economics from there (’68). (Note: He does NOT have Wharton’s prestigious MBA, only an undergraduate degree in real estate studies.) Today, Wharton released a letter signed by 2,000 of its professors, students, and alumni saying he’s not fit to be president.
My goodness, it sure didn’t take long for the loon’s head to blow up! Must be the steady state of peak hate he’s attained.
Another gun loophole that needs closing. A military weapon over 50 years old still kills as effectively ever. We shouldn’t be arming crazed cop killers with SKSes.
@6 “You paint every policeman/woman with your standard broad brush.”
Given how many times I’ve posted that “the vast majority of America’s cops are fine professionals who do their jobs well” (or words to similar effect) and have repeatedly made clear that my criticisms are directed solely against bad cops, rogue cops, racist cops, and killer cops, this rant definitely qualifies as a loon head explosion.
@5 Yeah, it’s a stupid comment. I’ll make you an offer: If she resigns, will every police union official who’s made equally stupid comments about Black Lives Matter also resign? I consider this a fair trade. Let’s get the stupid people on both sides of the debate out of public life.
Been re-reading The Kerner Commission Report.
Plenty of good summaries available in pdf online. One absolutely terrible digitized version of the original microfiche available free. Or check it out from the library. Worth the read.
Maybe we’ll actually do something this time. ‘Cause quite honestly, Nixon’s approach, aside from being completely immoral, has proven financially unsustainable. We just can’t afford to keep this up. And we really shouldn’t want to.
Ron Sims, arguably Washington’s most prominent black politician ever, has been stopped by Seattle police 8 times. The last time, the cop asked him where he was going. (As in, “why aren’t you in the neighborhood where your kind belong?”)
Piddles, HA’s resident Uncle Tom and racist cop quisling, doesn’t get pulled over by SPD. That’s because he has a bumper sticker on his car that says, “Despite outward appearances, I’m white inside.” It works like a “Get Out of Jail Free” card when he’s outside his neighborhood.
First republicans do their best to nullify democratic voters who don’t vote the way they want, now they seem to working on nullifying the republican primary voters who didn’t vote they way they wanted.
If trump doesn’t get the nomination, is there a consensus on how trump voters will react? Do you see them falling in line with the final non trump candidate?
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Congratulations to @cyrushabib for losing the @SeaTimesOpinion endorsement! That pretty much makes you a lock for Lt. Governor!
Maybe the Times thought he meant to run for guv, and merely checked the wrong box.
The first and most irresponsible and unconstitutional statement that you have made is that you will not sign a budget bill that does not fulfill what you believe is the direction given by the Supreme Court to the legislature in the McCleary decision. That is a great statement to make in order to get the endorsement of the Washington Education Association and it worked for you. However, the Lieutenant Governor does not have nor was ever expected to have veto power over the legislature. If you wish to veto legislation, perhaps you should run for Governor.
How Newt Gingrich could become president. It’s easier and more likely than you think.
@17 If the GOP delegates dump Drumpf, the logical choice for nominee would be the primary runner-up, Ted Cruz. Although I don’t expect the GOP to win in November, I prefer that Drumpf be their nominee in case it does. Because given a choice between an opportunistic fascist and an inflexible theocrat, I’d rather take my chances with the fascist profiteer. Notwithstanding his rhetoric, he can be bought.
Meanwhile, Trey Gowdy just might have his own email issues.
CBS says three people have been shot, two fatally, at a Michigan courthouse. Both of the dead are bailiffs. CNN says the other victim is a cop. Police killed the gunman.
Meanwhile, a young DNC staffer working on voting outreach was murdered in DC yesterday.
“the vast majority of America’s cops are fine professionals who do their jobs well” (or words to similar effect)
Where? Not last week! Not the week before!
Sux to be so senile!
My PC just got polluted with a Daily Kooks link from the senile wabbit. Trey Gowdy email server? Wow the DUMMOCRETINS are really stretching it, since this was known last November!
No wonder tiny urls are used. DISGUSTING. Now Puddy has to rerun Norton and And other malware and cookie busting software.
Figgers R senile lives on Daily Kooks!
Puddy watched the Dallas Police Chief call out the #blacklivesmatter peeps and told them to join the Dallas Police Department. He’ll place them in those black areas where crime is rampant so white cops can be elsewhere!
Betcha none apply! They are like all other DUMMOCRETINS. They want to demagogue the issue not ever fix it!
DC, one of those high crime DUMMOCRETIN cities! Sad about that young man! If you don’t own a car take a taxi, Uber or Lyft. Walking at night in the DUMMOCRETIN cities is a possible death sentence!
i hadn’t/haven’t seen this (got a link?,) but it’s a good suggestion. the dallas police were already doing things better than most police forces, and this idea of neighborhood policing by like minded citizens from a similar background might take us back to the beat cop era before the patrol car ruined all local contact.
how soon will you sign up?
Defined benefit plans will eventually be replaced by defined contribution plans. We’ve seen it in the airline and other industries for some time now, and there aren’t many defended benefit plans left in the private sector. Government pension plans will be replaced (for new hires) with defined contribution plans. The last institutions that will see the end of defined benefit plans will be the military, which, by the way, are probably the Cadillac of all pension plans out there. At some point, those entering the military with the intent of staying for a career won’t have nearly the same retirement benefit of those who came before them.
I make no value judgements. It’s just the trend is indicating an end to the old defined benefit system and movement to a defined contribution system. Young folks need to take the in mind for the future.
@23 Sucks even more to be a fucking liar like you. Go re-read #62 in the Friday Night thread, where I posted at 9:38 am on Sunday morning:
“We’ve gotta get rid of the racist cops, it’s as simple as that. The vast majority of our police are doing a fine job. All we have to do is replace the bad cops with more like them. Just get rid of the racist cops, the rogue cops, the bad cops, the trigger-happy cops, the cops with mental issues, and it’s fixed.”
There are a lot more posts like this one, which I’ve been posting for months and years, but I don’t feel like searching the last 10 years of HA to find them just to refute your lying ass. It’s your responsibility to have read them in the first place, and if you didn’t, that’s your problem.
And you call ME “senile”? You can’t remember yesterday.
The cops need to take a hard look at themselves. They’ve been pretty fast and loose when it comes to shooting black men. These attacks on the cops didn’t simply come out of nowhere.
Puddy doesn’t need to sign up. It’s you cop hating DUMMOCRETINS whom need to apply!
Oh senile one @30,
Most time you babble on. Stocks, how rich you are, not working, being stoooooooooooooopid, train wrecking threads with useless innuendo! So Puddy skips over some of your babbling lately.
Senility has removed clear and concise with runon and babbling.
Sux to be you!
thanks for the link.
i think that David Brown is sincere in reaching out to those people that feel disenfranchised. and it would great if protest-minded people found a way to join, reform and participate in policing. you agree i’m sure.
i also agree that those of us that are anti (the current state of) police in the US need to engage and be involved. i have always felt that police forces should hire people that don’t agree with the current agenda of policing and build a different-minded force that serves citizens better.
so, why don’t you want to sign up? you see no need to change the status quo in our police forces? can’t be bothered to help your fellow man?
@31 The Dallas attack came from the deranged mind of a nutjob who would’ve been dangerous with or without last week’s police shootings of black men. He planned these attacks for months. The people around him knew he was crazy and armed, but did nothing to stop him.
There’s no excuse for shooting police. Police racism and brutality doesn’t justify it. What we need is more police accountability. We don’t want any more dead cops. Or dead civilians. We want violence to end. We need a functioning system that keeps racists and thugs from becoming cops, and weeds out bad cops. We don’t have that. But the answer isn’t vigilantism or retaliation, it’s working peacefully to change the system to make it work the way it’s supposed to.
rather famously, one of his kids was stopped once at night and ordered out of the car at gunpoint and made to lie face down on the pavement in the rain.
“Broad nose” fit the description, etc. etc.
@33 There goes the squid running for cover in a cloud of ink.
I’m sure you won’t be the last, and you’re certainly not the first, but you need to know that what you’re doing there is a complete waste of time. It cannot be reasoned with and it will not engage in an honest dialog.
Think of it the way you might the un-medicated violent, shit stained psychotic masturbating and crying on the subway. Sadly, there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it right now. Best to just avert your eyes and move along at the next stop.
Still useless after all these years.
Municipal League boosts Darcy Burner’s opponents
Hey, but we on the right wish to thank her for all of the laughs she’s given us.
almost couldn’t be a clearer example of it.
piddles harasses you at every opportunity, on almost every post you make. yet, “he skips your posts” and “can’t be bothered to read them,” all-the-while keeping his ever so strange and obsessive database of everything ever said here.
“The people around him knew he was crazy and armed, but did nothing to stop him.”
That’s a rather unremarkable part of the culture now, thanks to the NRA and AM radio.
Angry assholes who equip themselves with spectacularly dangerous arsenals that they flaunt at every opportunity while loudly threatening to “do something” about whatever grieves them is a perfectly normal part of American life in the 21st century. Almost every neighborhood has one or two. Many are loners who have trouble with neighbors and/or co-workers.
DR – sometimes it feels good to try. and i almost have him talking. let’s see how far i get. :) and that subway guy, i would leave alone, but this is just text.
so, on those occasions when i click through DR. O’s script and see something typed in complete sentences or with a coherent thought i think, maybe the door can be opened a little.
also, it’s raining, i can’t go out and do my farming today and i’m a bit bored. . .
everybody needs a hobby.
But I’m pretty sure those complete sentences are copy/paste.
@40 “piddles harasses you at every opportunity”
There’s no higher accolade if you judge a rabbit by who his enemies are.
also, DR – thanks to you for the Kerner Commission report link.
I’ve long since noticed that the so-called “Christian” right-wing puts a huge amount of stock in their contemporary heroes. People like David Barton and Theodore Shoebat and his daddy. They’re becoming increasingly unhinged as their lifespans waft away without them ever actually meeting Jesus.
I’ve often wondered what would happen, if someone they could discern as actually being ol’ JC actually did come back, walked up to one of them, pushed them into a closed doorway and told him to suck him off, good, slow and long and not to forget ’round the outside, punk.
I’d bet three bucks they’d do it in a heartbeat.
Their version however, seems to be the same Jesus that Christopher Columbus relied upon while he was butchering native Caribbean populations, man, woman and child with total impunity and the full authority of the Church behind him. The same rationales were used to justify and protect the institution of Negro slavery for almost 150 years in North America, and the mass institutionalization and murder of the First Nations peoples for 500 years.
The problem with that sort of thinking is that once someone in authority finds a reason to legitimize mass killing of a certain demographic, (and certainly Religion is the simplest method to achieve this) then any others that might speak up and question the motives of the Killers invariably also become a target for culling.
Sure, it may start with the Queerfolk or the Blackfolk, but then when someone notices that an awful lot of really brilliant or well-loved people are being disappeared and buried in the mud somewhere and that person speaks out about it, that gives the Killers a reason to go after them for not being patriotic enough. By then of course it’s too late.
Like SchizoPoodle up there. He really seems to believe that when someone like Trump or Cruz gets into a position where they can create that reality he himself has so vehemently advocated for in this Forum that he’ll somehow be sheltered from that, by the mere virtue of him having Faith.
Oh well. Sucks to be him.
Aww, David Brooks is lamenting the fact that the Liberal folks aren’t playing nice anymore.
Boo. Fucking. Hoo.
You did your fair share to start this fire, Mr. Brooks.
If local communities or individual states have the political will or are willing to do some experimenting then having officers go about our communities going about their jobs without guns is possible. Many police officers do go out with a Billy club or have one available to them in their vehicle (or tardises) and will reach for the Billy club before a gun.
The first steps to making it possible is talking about the possibility.
@2 Yet the British Constitutional crises continues to simmer. While the stock market is currently celebrating perhaps from a much better jobs report than expected. Meanwhile due to the weirdness of this years political process it’s very questionable if Wall Street is remotely resembling Main Street. Which is where most of us really are at. And occassionally need to slum at. I know Capitalist Rabbits love to slum a lot with use little people. As the golems are still not able to replace us all and there is some need for human beings to go out and do work. You know do that thin called labor that we have a labor day for. And it should be said up with unions as they are the only way workers can get a good deal from the likes of Capitalist Rabbits, or Capitalist’s in general.
ahhhhh yes – the freedom fighters always trying to nip the menace of freedom in the bud.
The only freedom they like is when it is by their rules.
Wake up people – the Nazis are here and they are coming for your freedoms!
@8 Yet pension funds make up a significant part of many markets. Including the stock market. One unfortunate thing about pension funds is that the folks in charge of the funds often don’t participate in the governance opportunities that would further the funds interests. Whether to maximize profits or other issues.
And yes while I didn’t and don’t fully buy into boycotting and question it’s effectiveness it’s perfectly ok for public funds to do that, hopefully the owners or the folks in charge discuss it, and it’s not done by an individual manager. I do question whether disinvestment in South Africa brought about the end of Apartheid, but it doesn’t make sense for public funds to invest in energy companies that ignor or pretend that their is nothing to global warning. At some point your investors in Florida maybe upset when they are knee deep in salt water.
@20 Trey Gowdy probably has more than just an email problem….every time I see his picture I think he I see a child molester.
@6 You don’t hang out with a lot of criminal defense attorneys do you? Do you think all defense attorneys just love the police? HA HA HA HA HA
@24 if you had any investment sense you could probably, and probably should, buy a new computer. Or maybe it’s not the fault of the computer for the double and triple postings… must be the user…….Only one thing to do, and that’s to dunk your head in a water filled trash can and never come up for air.
“We’ve gotta get rid of the racist cops, it’s as simple as that. The vast majority of our police are doing a fine job. All we have to do is replace the bad cops with more like them. Just get rid of the racist cops, the rogue cops, the bad cops, the trigger-happy cops, the cops with mental issues, and it’s fixed.”
AKA the Trump supporting Cops.
@ 53
Ah, but Prosecutors do love the Police. Prosecutors will do anything the Police tell them to, including manipulating evidence. Every prosecuting Attorney I’ve seen has intense political ambitions. One doesn’t get into Public Office without licking the right boots and greasing the right palms, not to mention being well-greased themselves. In this, a Prosecuting Attorney has all the advantages.
Rudolph Guliani is proof of that.
@9 Out of 5000 undergraduates and 94,000 alumni 2000 signing for or against Trump isn’t impressive. How many are signing for or against Clinton? How many are thinking while the University should be open that putting ut official statements of support or non support isn’t something the University should do.
Children being shot.
Movie goers being shot.
High School students being shot.
Church goers being shot.
Inner City people being shot.
Military people being shot on base.
Gay Latinos being shot.
Shoppers being shot.
Cops being shot.
Blacks being shot.
Whites being shot.
Why discriminate? – let’s just keep on shooting! Next!
@11 The Russian arms industry wishes to let all foreign governments to take notice of the effectiveness in the hands of a skilled shooter of this fine weapon. We still got em, come and get em!
We will give you a Putin calendar with each 10 purchased.
Also we think our President’s photo manly shirtless on horseback photos are ever so much more appreciated in the gay community than similar photos of former American Reagan shirtless ax welding. We know our President’s photos are very very popular in the gay community! Maybe we can interest you in some of the weapons Mr. Putin has posed with.
“Broad nose fit the description”
That would be like me saying “Huge cock fit the description”, if I were a police officer.
Speaking of Police.
Oh poooor R senile @37. Apparently R senile forgot when it claimed to skip over Puddy comments.
You see senile moron. Puddy remembers and DOES NOT need the crazed databaze!
@16 Guess the local politicians are looking for ways to roll up the streets before nine at night during the Republican convention. Big smiles and statements that everything will be just fine soon to come. We will not be a sign of things to come in Rio or Caracus.
(Still we would appreciate it if residents would pray for snow if things get weird during the convention, maybe the lake can save us as it has in the past.)
@17 Well he could get the opportunity to veto if he is acting governor. Also as President of the Senate he could be a pin in the ass to the Senators. Senators may run out of the chambers and cry when he hurts their feelings with insistence they follow the courts instructions.
@18 He’s the Vice Presidential Candidate for both parties? Or ummm all four parties which makes the Vice Presidential debates easy and he can relive being a history teacher, and put a nation to sleep.
Puffballs says Democrats are hypocrites for not calling out the violence in Chicago but yet we call out the cop killings.
Puffballs – I never heard you voice your disgust for African kids (girls) being married off at ages under 18. And probably by disgusting older heterosexual pigs.
Puffballs and his ilk must approve of this Opposite sex marriage.
@27 Dc is the District of Columbia. While it has a city government the entity that actually has political control over the District is Congress which is controlled by the Republicans these days. So it’s your folks who are responsible. And the folks in DC would like a little representation, think the Republicans on the Hill will help them with that?
Hopefully Apes fall under the classification of an Orangutan.
@40 “R senile harasses conservative at every opportunity”
Wanna see some R senile commentary? You never wrote these R senile?
Where’s Voter Nazi Stefan’s outrage?
Klake is a turd and a Nazi?
FACTS sux!
I wonder if his arms were flailing in the air when the accident occurred, as he sat in his mobile chair unit.
@29 Military retirement is very safe for the folks going in, unless Congress has the political will to do a draft. Yes the all volunteer force comes with a price tag..the retirement promises are part of the bargain. Drafting people does have a benefit on decreasing labor expenses.
@44 Hey you hurt Bugs Bunnies feelings. No date with Lola Bunny for you!
@56 And defense attorneys and Public Defenders just love those Prosecutors. Just for some reason the media seem to fawn over Prosecutors these days more than defenders. Could saw something about the state of our 4th estate PS I can probably arrange to have some land in Florida for special investors.
@58 You talking about Iraq? Afghanistan? Brazil? Venezuela? Mexico? Nigeria? United States of America? Other?
@74 yeah, you are right – why make America Great Again? Or was it ever great?
She had to channeling her inner HHTL…
Kalyn Chapman James: 1st Black Miss Alabama Calls Dallas Shooting Gunman Micah X. Johnson a ‘Martyr’
There you go!
Sometimes channeling my thoughts will get you to learn something.
I know how to perceive the possible reaction to actions.
Others are too stupid and just wait to battle fire drills because they have no fucking brains or the brains of an Ape.
You can argue all your stupid fucking points and opinions here, but how about make a difference in life and try to do some good for the future.
Keep crying about Benghazi and Emails and stupid shit while you spawn Martyrs.
Enjoy the fucking Zika virus! You reap what you sow!
Another example of the stereotypical Republican Voter.
You must be so proud of yourselves.
Really vomit producer?
it was not an “official statements of support or non support” as you claim in your commentary. The University and The Wharton School take no such position. This is an open letter voluntarily signed by thousands of students, faculty, and alumni. As individuals they are entitled to express themselves however they feel. Doing so is a cornerstone of academic freedom in our university system. It’s easy to see you are in a hurry. Slow down a bit to take in some of the important granular detail. Details are important.
Kind of beautiful. The Athens Building.
not sure why anyone would want to build something dirty as a Coal Plant or something as potentially dangerous and dirty (spent fuel) as a Nuclear Plant.
And thanks to the NRA’s Republicans in Congress this crazy person can amass a huge arsenal of weapons without oversight or safety checks. FREEEDUMB!
Who’s the most fiscally responsible? Let’s take a look:
“The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFP) estimates that Trump’s various economic proposals would add $11.3 trillion to the federal debt by 2026, while Clinton’s would increase the debt by $250 billion.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: According to rabbit math the Democrat is 45.2 times as fiscally responsible as the Republican. How you vote is up to you, but you get what you vote for.
Cops and police union being jerks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The vast majority of police officers are fine professionals who do an outstanding job. But, like every profession, police have their rotten apples. If cops walk off the job to protest citizens protesting cops who kill citizens, we should Reaganize them, because they’re the ones we want to get rid of.
An international arbitration court has unanimously rejected China’s claim that most of the South China Sea is its sovereign territory. China, which boycotted the proceedings, had previously said it wouldn’t abide by the court’s decision, which has no enforcement mechanism. But the court’s ruling has persuasive force. It’s based on the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), to which China is a signatory, and deprives China of any legal support for its aggression in the South China Sea.
China likely will retaliate in some way, perhaps by declaring an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) over the areas it claims. This might be followed by a shoot-down of an American recon plane. Chinese fighters are already aggressively harassing our planes and ships in the area. If this happens, I think the U.S. should bomb China’s artificial islands and impose various economic sanctions.
Meanwhile, American consumers have got to stop buying “Made in China” goods. The stuff is toxic junk, and they use the money we send them to beef up their military — against us. That doesn’t make any sense. If we want to remain a superpower, we have to keep manufacturing in America. What if we get into a war with China, and much of our military equipment comes from their factories? Where will we be then?
Sorry if I sound like Trump, I’m not trying to, but I’ve been trying to raise the alarm in these HA comment threads about China’s military buildup and aggressive foreign policy goals. Americans need to wake up to the fact Beijing is preparing for war against the U.S. Their immediate goal is to kick the U.S. Navy out of the South China Sea. Their longer range goal is to push the U.S. military completely out of Asia. They want to run things there. They don’t like being surrounded by democracies.
The Dow is up triple digits again. I didn’t expect a powerful post-Brexit rally. The stock market is always unpredictable. That’s why it’s foolish to try timing it. Nobody can do that. But there are always a few idiots who stash their money in no-interest bank accounts and money market funds and watch it keep going up while they’re waiting for it to go down. Sure glad I bought more stock when I did. I’m a happy rabbit!
@ 86
Today you fell further behind the wealthy, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Celebrate that.
@ 84
If cops walk off the job to protest citizens protesting cops who kill citizens, we should Reaganize them, because they’re the ones we want to get rid of.
It was officers moonlighting as security personnel for a private employer. They chose not to work their second job in that situation.
The Twin Cities venue management can always hire other security. That’s how the private market works, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
And you can always work on your reading comprehension skills, so people don’t begin confusing you with the Fucking Moron.
Bernie Sanders has officially kissed the
fat assring of Crooked Hillary Clinton.It was all for show – his whole campaign.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA 49s49 seconds ago
(((Goldy))) Retweeted Oliver Darcy
Of course @BernieSanders endorsed @HillaryClinton. He’s a mensch. Wouldn’t run as Dem if not willing to endorse nom.
Yup. That’s what I said.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
John Nichols @NicholsUprising
Seattle @cmkshama @VoteSawant is organizing with #REI workers for fair scheduling, strong wages and a union!
The right to full-time hours? Really?
How about the right to a BMW as well?
I think the reason why Boob posts half the shit that he does, and of most lately, is because he doesn’t want to be reminded of what is going on on the Republican side of things…..I kind of picture him with his finger in his ears (or asshole) singing La, La, La, La, La…La, La, La, La, La…..La, La, La, La, La.
Boob those aren’t voices you are hearing it is you conscience. Stick with it retirement will be awesome, you can look forward to reading more tweets.
I can’t recall where I first heard it. I don’t know maybe the National Enquirer. But I heard it again. I heard that Boob is a Nazi. Now when I first heard it I said to myself, “self did you hear that Boob might be a Nazi”, so I said to myself, “Nah, Boob can’t be a Nazi, Could he?” Why would anyone call Boob a Nazi. I guess he could be a Nazi. Geez, I wonder if Boob is a Nazi. Maybe, you never know, maybe what they say about him is right and maybe he is a Nazi. Who would have thought – Boob a Nazi.
“Mother Jones” asserts Trump University taught its students to take advantage of disabled homeowners.
Meanwhile, the Republican platform solves climate change by declaring coal is a “clean” fuel. Apparently how you label it can make soot and CO2 go away.
@92 Maybe you’re confusing Boob with Klake. Remember Klake? One of our long-departed trolls? Klake is a nazi.
@88 Yeah, you bring up a good point, I’ve never understood why these private security firms hire moonlighting cops when they can hire George Zimmerman for $7.25 an hour.
@ 95
I’d start by looking at the police union contract with the relevant municipality.
The part that gives officers the right to wear their police uniforms and guns when not working for the force.
Even the Fucking Moron should be able to comprehend this:
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs.
One man’s mensch @ 89 is another man’s sellout.
Ali A. Akbar @ali
Politics as usual. A change candidate endorses Wall Street’s candidate because of partisan label. …
@87 Yeah, I noticed that. Although I’m making thousands of dollars every day this week, the rich are making millions a day, which means I’ll never catch up with them. Not sure why I’d want to, because I have everything I need; at some point, it’s like running up the score in a football game that’s 84-0 in the third quarter. Btw, you forgot to fling “fleeing felons” at me; are you getting “senile” like me?
@87 Mrs. Rabbit wants to know if you glow in the dark whenever you get a bright idea. I told her you’re a radiologist. Well?
Wonder if Gary Johnson just made the debate stage.
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Bernie sanders has abandoned his supporters by endorsing pro-war pro-TPP pro-Wall Street Crooked Hillary Clinton.
10:03 AM – 12 Jul 2016
He’s working on it.
Gov. Gary Johnson @GovGaryJohnson 1h1 hour ago
If joining Sen. Sanders in the Clinton Establishment isn’t a good fit, there IS another option… #afterthebern
Maybe he’ll get enough donations to be able to afford someone other than SuperCuts.
@90 And here’s the rich doctor picking on low-wage workers again. Obviously you’re not a landlord because you don’t worry about how they will pay rent when they’re getting 28 hours of work one week and 15 hours of work the next week. Oh, and don’t plan any activities for the weekend, because you might get called to come in.
That meets my definition of a shitty job. One meriting a union. Of course, the best way to solve all the problems incidental to employment is by being unemployed like me. We live under a capitalist system, so it’s possible to get paid in this country while doing no work and being utterly useless. Last time I looked, about 10 minutes ago, I’m getting paid over $3,000 today to sit on my fat rabbit ass and posting on HA. I get no special privileges from the system; anyone can do this.
It wouldn’t surprise me if some people post on HA at work. I’ve long suspected Boob posts here when he’s supposed to be working. There’s no other way he can be a doctor and one of HA’s most prolific trolls at the same time. If so he’s doing it on Medicare’s dime. Even I don’t stoop to that level of chutzpah. I’m content with stealing from Wall Street. After all, they’re stealing from everyone else, so they can afford to give some of the loot to me.
@ 100
Mrs. Rabbit wants to know if you glow in the dark…
Here’s what Ms. Rabbit really wants:
It’s Amazon Prime Day. Give her what even your drugs won’t let you give her.
@91 You are mistaken. How could Boob hear his conscience when he doesn’t have one?
Gary Johnson at 12%
without the BernieBros.
@96 That still doesn’t explain why private security firms hire real cops and pay police union wages when they can get citizen vigilantes for minimum wage.
@97 It’s obvious. The Republican nominee and platform are so fucking bad he has nowhere else to go.
@98 See above.
@ 99
Not sure why I’d want to, because I have everything I need; at some point, it’s like running up the score in a football game that’s 84-0 in the third quarter.
And you’re the Water Boy.
@103 I’ve long suspected you have a dirty mind and now I know for sure. Do you daydream about young boys, too?
as an “expert” in “the private market” you shouldn’t be so sure.
The Target Center retains a private security company under contract for all events. These uniformed city police officers are in addition to that presence. They are under separate contract. In most large municipalities these various “extra duty” or “off duty” private assignments are voluntary, officers are acting in their official capacity as uniformed LE, they are usually managed by the CBU, and they are under binding contract (meaning the union may be in breach with the facility).
The existence of these contracts and the provision for their oversight by the CBU is with the permission of the department, its civilian leadership, and the voters who hire them. The terms are generally spelled out in the city’s CBA with the police union. They may be in breach of that as well. Usually the union is obligated by its contract to find replacements.
These lists are typically seniority based. Top of the list you’ll find the oldest, fattest, and often whitest uniformed officers. Somewhere down the list you’ll find some women of color who’ll be very happy for the easy work for extra duty pay. In many jurisdictions, even though these are paid entirely by the outside contract, the overtime earnings count toward retirement, etc. These are very favorable assignments. It wont be hard to find replacements.
@110 In other words, they’re cutting off their own balls to spite the players who wore t-shirts saying:
“Change starts with us”
“Justice & accountability”
Now what’s so damn offensive about that? Apparently what really set off these cops was the names “Philando Castile” and “Alton Sterling” stenciled on the back.
The message the cops are sending seems to be this: You’re supposed to hate the people we kill, because we say so.
My message back is: If you don’t want to provide security for people who exercise their First Amendment rights, find some other line of work.
Hey all you HA libbie BernieBros:
As you prepare to swallow that crap sandwich you were fed today by the DNC, keep in mind that Goldy’s job is to season it for you. Enjoy today’s HA Twitter sidebar.
@108 If I needed a job, I’d take a water boy gig in a flash. The water boy gets a free ticket, gets to watch the game from the 50-yard line, gets to hobnob with the players and cheerleaders, and the work (what there is) couldn’t be easier. Beats the shit out of the $7.25/hr. restaurant or chicken processing plant jobs that Republicans love to foist off on proletarians.
@112 Tastes better than Trump’s turds. Everything is relative in this world.
What happens when you refuse to get vaccinated.
usually it is required in order to obtain the event permit from the city. Many different kinds of larger public events impose certain duties for public safety on the local jurisdiction. The presence of fire marshalls, EMTs, and licensed law enforcement officers is required for public safety. In many jurisdictions the event promoter or venue is required to pay for these services in order to obtain permission form the local jurisdiction for the event. That’s why you see cops, firefighters, and EMTs at most sports events. For your safety. There is no option to hire George Zimmerman. Thankfully.
Once again, police get caught by video lying about a police killing.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, it was stupid for the victim to road rage, to get out of his car, to approach the other driver, all of that. But you don’t have to kill road ragers, all you have to do is roll up your windows and lock your doors. If they bust out your windows to get at you, that’s a different story, but that didn’t happen here. This cop killed because he thought he’d get away with it (and he probably will), and then lied about what happened. At a minimum, he should be fired, because there should be no place for lying cops — let alone killer cops — in our police forces.
Crazy Bernie endorsing a woman who made @21,000,000 from the evil banksters and Crazy Bernie is ranting and raving about income inequality.
DUMMOCRETINS sell their souls to the devil every day!
This guy gets it exactly right.
@118 Yeah, the fact America is going to elect Hillary president really drives home how terrible the GOP has become, doesn’t it?
“Part of the problem for law enforcement these days is the caliber of person they are attracting and employing. It’s time to not only expect much better results from our police, but also raise the standards of who gets a chance to be a police officer.”
That’s what I’ve been saying all along. When the wrong people do get hired by police departments, what does it take to get them fired? In Overland Park, Kansas, a cop who posted death threats against a 5-year-old black girl on Facebook lost his job as a result.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Clearly, while the vast majority of cops are magnificent professionals who do a great job, there are bad apples who shouldn’t be cops.
120. Let’s get the democrats elected first. We have win overwhelmingly to compensate for the ability of some desperate republicans to cheat.
July to Date
Shot & Killed: 15
Shot & Wounded: 143
Total Shot: 158
Total Homicides: 17
@75 Depends on ones definition of great. Seems we may have been great again after the American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln made America a union again and arguable great. New and improved constitutional amendments came along.
Maybe a moment in 1969 with one small step we were great. Forget that Vietnam thing, and civil rights. But that moment was pretty great.
How about the space probe in Jupiter.
Now that China has rejected the ruling in the South China Sea it would appear the next President will get some opportunity to be great if your definition is military action in support of the openness of the sea, and putting pirates in their places. That line about Tripoli in the Marine Hymn does that represent a version of American greatness over Barbary pirates that the lily livered Europeans paid off. We certainly made a splash on the international stage and ever since Jefferson’s actions our nation has had a struggle with whether or not what he did and many Presidents after was even constitutional. It was still a fine fine moment and one that really shows the greatness of America.
@83 And with either as President the President proposes and Congress disposes. If Congress agrees then a President can spend trillions and if congress says spend the money Pres then the trillions get spent over the Presidents objections, unless he or she vetos a whole spending bill.
Wow a Clinton trying to out Republican the Republicans, How like Bill. Is Hilliary a closet blue dog?
@85 The current administration might do well to inform the Chinese and Russians if they continue the tatics they are using our carriers defenses will go active and their fighters could be splashed.
What shall the Chinese di in Hong Kong. Will they really do actions that will tame the province and break the golden egg?
Will they get alomg with Russia or give into the itch of getting some lost provinces back.
Your proposals harken back to an American Air Force General in charge of SAC who recommended bombing the Parcells during and after the Korean war. When it’s Cuba you disagree, but with the South China sea you agree. Well the US Air Force is ready to open a mushroom farm on the orders of the President…maybe the Congress has a roll here. Or is it 2077 in the Fallout Universe? If so Remember Anchorage!
@86 The market is up because companies are buying back their own stock. It is a manipulation of the market and should be illegal. The last time buy backs were this high was late 2007, and some of those Ceos in 2008 got burned.
@93 Probably not, but coal can deliver on making an old sales pitch come true. Welcome to Leif’s Greenland you Vikings!!!
@115 It’s also the other way of gaining immunity. I don’t recommend rubella (had it, don’t remember) the measles very very miserable. The mumps and chicken pox are also unpleasant. RR probably had these as a kid. I agree with him totally that parents should be inoculating their kids and themselves if they haven’t already. Even at the mildest these conditions are not enjoyable last for a week or more.