Looks like Matt Drudge is reporting the same thing on his website. Should be interesting …
Might be good for Bush to have to do a little bit of house cleaning. It can only help to improve his standing.
Ok I’ll try not to get too excited before anything is confirmed…
Janet Sspews:
There was nothing illegal in revealing Valerie Plame’s identity. Read the law. She was actively lobbying to get her husband on the Nigerian connection, and someone caught her at it. She hadn’t been an undercover agent in five years preceding the incident, and she was engaged in political activity. She was hiding behind her CIA connection.
@ 6
Hahahahahaha! That’s hilarious — got any other good jokes I can tell the boys in the office?
Janet-Got any more clever wing nutia to amuse the elitist snobs over here?
Christine G @ 3
Oh. . . please let it be so. . . let it be so! Oh. . . PLEASE!!!!
I would go for Attempted Murder charges against Karl Rove, maybe even treason. I have heard on the radio that she had a network of undercover operatives working on the WMD hunt, if that is true, her outing put them in danger, and made any of their info useless.
Roger Rabbitspews:
3, 4
If Karl Rove did it, I wouldn’t mind a bit seeing him executed for treason, although I would settle for life in prison without parole provided he has to eat prison loaf.
Storm the Par apets! Capture the leaders, On to the HAGUE!
Roger Rabbitspews:
If the gas tax goes down and King County taxpayers have to pay for the AWV and 520 bridge themselves, then it’s only fair that (a) the Legislature redirects the $125 million a year of gas tax revenue exported from King County to those projects and makes corresponding cuts in road funding to the other 38 counties, and (b) non-King County residents be charged a hefty toll (say $25 a trip) for using those facilities.
I suggest a toll for all non King County WA residents to transport:
-their fat asses
-the fat asses of their family members
into King County
All comodities transported out of King County to other counties in WA be levied a hefty luxury tax
Make it so!
headless lucyspews:
re 3 ; …on Gannon-Guckert?
Norm Rice gets $400,000 payoff …
Times has story on Democratic mayor/corporate greed. Cool to see Norm Rice as just another guy making money off us.
Any of you libbies outraged? (he was said to have tanked the bank, cost them millions if not more)
Cat In Seattlespews:
I am interested in the Rove story. I was stunned. If this is admitted, then perhaps Rove is on the outs with the administration or they never would have allowed it to be said in the lapdog corporate press. If it doesn’t reek of sex, some white young girl or runaway brides to these people, then it would not fly.
Wait a minute, Gannon Gate did reek of sex, and Rove was implicated…..Hmmmmm
Cat In Seattle
headless lucyspews:
Bush’s Brain is more like McCarthy’s Brain than anyone realized. These self-hating gays can be very destructive if they are smart and want revenge on society. Rove might have been happier in the long run if he had only bought a Harley, pierced his nipples, and done some body building. Secretly, in his heart-of- hearts, he’s lusting after Ward Churchill. Morton Kondracke said as much….”WRONG!”
Christine G… thanks for pointing me towards the Rove/Plame story.
I’ve posted on it, and perhaps you all might like to move that discussion to the new thread.
Sorry…changing the subject ain’t gonna work this time. Can you say unindicted co-conspirator?
Oh.. Pshaasww… It can’t possibly be that virtuous Republicans like Mssrs. Rove, Cheney and Libby would do anything so dastardly as break the law…
Oh my no…..
Turns out that Bader/Carlson/Wilbur/Fisher-KVI gas tax initiative charade is having trouble understanding the law too. When will Fisher Broadcasting be held to account for firing up a half-baked initiative campaign, using its federal license to mislead initiative supporters and fool an elite group of state powers that this initiative stunt actually has any chance of making it to the ballot. On the very slim chance that it qualifies – the powers behind the Keep Washington Rolling campaign will have only themselves to blame for stoking a Fisher-KVI inspired controversy. Carlson and Wilbur on KVI make the Monorail staff look like saints when it comes to credible commentary. When will people wake up to Fisher’s support for this blather and question whether it can trust anything that’s being broadcast by Fisher’s other properties?
Janet Sspews:
I’m amazed at how easily the first amendment right to free speech is tossed aside in the quest for ridding the world of conservatives. Do you want to silence all voices that don’t agree with you? If you think they are wrong, you have every right to say so, and prove it.
Sure didn’t hear any complaining when Dave Ross got several months of free air time to run his campaign on KIRO. Difference: he was a direct beneficiary of the air time. Carlson/Wilbur have no ties to the campaign other than as contributors. Should we silence all political talk on the radio?
Thank you for sharing. Now please go to a right wing site where somebody cares.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment on 16
Norm Rice got a $427,333 separation package upon retiring from the Federal Home Loan Bank, a private company. This payment included $367,333 of severance pay and $60,000 of retirement benefits. So what? It’s standard procedure for high-ranking corporate officers and executives to get such compensation when they leave their companies. It’s written into their employment contracts. The same story mentions another executive retiring from the same bank got over $1 million. This is a non-story. The Democrats have absolutely NOTHING to do with this. Norm Rice has been out of politics for years. This a personal employment matter that occurred in the private business sector. There was nothing remotely illegal, unethical, or scandalous about it. And the size of Rice’s retirement compensation is hardly newsworthy. CEOs controlling their own boards and getting salary and bonus of over $100 million a year for leading companies that are losing money for their shareholders — now that’s newsworthy.
So to be morally consistent you must have been defending Dick Cheney when he retired from Halliburton.
Roger Rabbit; surely you don’t think a bank hired a doofus like Norm Rice because of his banking knowledge do you? Sure looks like revolving door, payoff for his service to the party. But oops, he messed up.
Greeed is good for both sides I guess
Your comments are most of the time neither here nor there, idiotic and nonsensical – basically you’re just here to troll.
Why don’t you just dittohead the latest drivel over at (u)SP? Won’t you be happier?
John, or shall i call you Ivan?
This is open topic; I raised a timely (story in paper today or yesterday) and relevant (top Dem leader in Seattle for quite a while).
Just cuz its not Rove, doesn’t mean its not topical.
Are you saying he was hired as CEO when he’d never been a banker, because he’s just a super smart guy, or perhaps (as i maintain) he was hired as a way to financially reward his service to the Dems.
In fairness you could equate him to Cheney and Halliburton, except Cheney wasn’t fired for incompetance.
Some of your friends in East Saint Louis are going to jail.
If we had the same federal agents investigate King Co.,
there would be more than five going to the pen.
@ 30
Pretty tired Mark. People who break the law should pay the price including the people who outed Valerie Plame.
Same federal agents? I wonder who they were? Karl Rove had some pretty nasty ones doing dirty work for him in Texas.
@ 30 again
Oh and more than 5 going to the pen? On what charge? On what evidence? Please show me that you’re doing more than talking out your backside…
You know what wrong all time? You’re partially right! I apologize.. This is the open soapbox place…
I was just a little incensed at the “doofus” characterization and the baseless “payoff” charge.
No John.. please forgive me. I was out of line and I take it back. I do not condone republicans to stoop to the democrats level in 2006,2008 or any other election. We are better than that. Agian John I apologize.
PacMan - The Best Game Everspews:
Rujax206: If you are the typical lefty, I would not want to meet you. Nothing can be said to persuade you to view an argument from another reference point. You are so entrenched in your thinking that you remind me of Cruz Bustamante here in California. For those ignorant in CA politics, he ran against Arnold! Janet is making a legitimate radio talk show comparison and you have no legitimate response. Looks to me you entered a knife fight with a toenail clipper. Based on Posts 22-23 Janet S wins.
Roger Rabbit, you are a witty dude, what is your response for Cheney leaving Halliburton? I don’t expect one. Just like the questions to HA lefties regarding Clarence Thomas, no one will say Clarence was right. Therefore I can’t fathom anyone saying that Cheney left Halliburton a better company before his arrival or he resigned in good stead!
Good apology John. Were your fingers crossed on one hand behind your back as your used the other hand to type that response? John, what was the link for those federal agents working for Karl in Texas again?
Headless Loocy, another worthless diatribe, yet shorter this time. What university did you attend to be teaching those Seattle students? Every time you post I will be asking the intelligence question!!!
Hello Don, how are you? This is an interesting thread. I am here for the reading.
@ 35
From Bush’s Brain by Wayne Slater:
Jim Hightower, the Democratic incumbent, was served with subpoenas the day he had planned for his re-election announcement. The subpoenas were based on files arguably delivered to an FBI agent by Larry Beauchamp, an investigator with the Travis County district attorney’s office who had previously worked for Rick Perry’s brother-in-law. Rove knew the FBI agent, Greg Rampton, from the earlier bugging investigation… The day Rampton showed up at the Agriculture Department with the subpoenas, the Democrats of Texas turned their angry eyes to Rove… Unfortunately, the political bullet meant for Democrat Hightower went wide of its mark, instead striking key administrators.
Just one of the countless dirty tricks Rove pulled.
And where is the Karl Rove implication? He knew an agent? Sounds like Dan Rather was involved to me. That’s like the people saying because Clinton knew Mrs. Rich, Marc Rich received a pardon. But wait that did happen! Please provide the link for the whole article. If credible I will digest it.
Regarding Gitmo torture: powerlineblog . com / archives / 010796 . php – Excerpt: “Are we torturing and starving these people? No. Chaining someone to a wall or a floor isn’t comfortable, but it isn’t torture. And it’s important to remember what is. Nearly two years ago, I spoke to three men who were held in a Saudi jail and given the full Lubyanka treatment. In a 2003 interview, James Lee, Peter Brandon, and Glenn Ballard each told me of how they were treated. What Brandon described to me was credible and consistent with what the other two said.
Brandon told me he was “systematically beaten” and subjected to what he called the “rotisserie” treatment. “I was shackled at the feet, you see, and handcuffed,” Brandon told me. “And they sort of thread a broom handle through your arms and your legs. Then you’re hung upside down, and so you’ve got all the weight on the creases of your arms, so it’s very painful.” On the third day, they beat his bare feet with an ax handle so badly that his feet were bloody. He was screaming so much that they forced a gag down his throat, and for a moment stopped his breathing. After about five days of beatings and sleep deprivation, the Saudis threatened to arrest Brandon’s wife and toddler son. He broke down, and confessed to terrorist bombings he says he didn’t commit. I believe Brandon and the others of the crimes they were convicted of because the Saudis released them instead of executing them or imprisoning them for life under what passes for law there. What went on in that Saudi jail was torture. What’s going on at Gitmo isn’t.”
Pac Man-
Back at’cha, man. It’s not that I’m not open to different ideas, it’s just that I thought the ideas, policies, programs of the previous administration were working great and the Democratic party ran three of the most piss-poor presidential and congressional campaigns in modern political history; putting in power what will be judged as one of the the most currupt administrations ever. Sometimes I wonder if they weren’t paid off to throw the thing they did such a good job.
Yup, I am a true-blue died in the wool patriot Democrat. AND YES, i REALLY DISLIKE bUSH THAT MUCH. Worst. President. Ever.
New topic.
Great new documentary film by a Mormon film maker set in arguably the reddest county of the reddest state in the union in a place known as Family City, USA.
The gas tax is going to go DOWN…a prediction.
Agreed, you don’t screw with people and their cars.
Karl Rove could be going down…..
Christine G @ 3
Looks like Matt Drudge is reporting the same thing on his website. Should be interesting …
Might be good for Bush to have to do a little bit of house cleaning. It can only help to improve his standing.
Ok I’ll try not to get too excited before anything is confirmed…
There was nothing illegal in revealing Valerie Plame’s identity. Read the law. She was actively lobbying to get her husband on the Nigerian connection, and someone caught her at it. She hadn’t been an undercover agent in five years preceding the incident, and she was engaged in political activity. She was hiding behind her CIA connection.
@ 6
Hahahahahaha! That’s hilarious — got any other good jokes I can tell the boys in the office?
Janet-Got any more clever wing nutia to amuse the elitist snobs over here?
Christine G @ 3
Oh. . . please let it be so. . . let it be so! Oh. . . PLEASE!!!!
I would go for Attempted Murder charges against Karl Rove, maybe even treason. I have heard on the radio that she had a network of undercover operatives working on the WMD hunt, if that is true, her outing put them in danger, and made any of their info useless.
3, 4
If Karl Rove did it, I wouldn’t mind a bit seeing him executed for treason, although I would settle for life in prison without parole provided he has to eat prison loaf.
Storm the Par apets! Capture the leaders, On to the HAGUE!
If the gas tax goes down and King County taxpayers have to pay for the AWV and 520 bridge themselves, then it’s only fair that (a) the Legislature redirects the $125 million a year of gas tax revenue exported from King County to those projects and makes corresponding cuts in road funding to the other 38 counties, and (b) non-King County residents be charged a hefty toll (say $25 a trip) for using those facilities.
I suggest a toll for all non King County WA residents to transport:
-their fat asses
-the fat asses of their family members
into King County
All comodities transported out of King County to other counties in WA be levied a hefty luxury tax
Make it so!
re 3 ; …on Gannon-Guckert?
Norm Rice gets $400,000 payoff …
Times has story on Democratic mayor/corporate greed. Cool to see Norm Rice as just another guy making money off us.
Any of you libbies outraged? (he was said to have tanked the bank, cost them millions if not more)
I am interested in the Rove story. I was stunned. If this is admitted, then perhaps Rove is on the outs with the administration or they never would have allowed it to be said in the lapdog corporate press. If it doesn’t reek of sex, some white young girl or runaway brides to these people, then it would not fly.
Wait a minute, Gannon Gate did reek of sex, and Rove was implicated…..Hmmmmm
Cat In Seattle
Bush’s Brain is more like McCarthy’s Brain than anyone realized. These self-hating gays can be very destructive if they are smart and want revenge on society. Rove might have been happier in the long run if he had only bought a Harley, pierced his nipples, and done some body building. Secretly, in his heart-of- hearts, he’s lusting after Ward Churchill. Morton Kondracke said as much….”WRONG!”
Christine G… thanks for pointing me towards the Rove/Plame story.
I’ve posted on it, and perhaps you all might like to move that discussion to the new thread.
Sorry…changing the subject ain’t gonna work this time. Can you say unindicted co-conspirator?
Oh.. Pshaasww… It can’t possibly be that virtuous Republicans like Mssrs. Rove, Cheney and Libby would do anything so dastardly as break the law…
Oh my no…..
Turns out that Bader/Carlson/Wilbur/Fisher-KVI gas tax initiative charade is having trouble understanding the law too. When will Fisher Broadcasting be held to account for firing up a half-baked initiative campaign, using its federal license to mislead initiative supporters and fool an elite group of state powers that this initiative stunt actually has any chance of making it to the ballot. On the very slim chance that it qualifies – the powers behind the Keep Washington Rolling campaign will have only themselves to blame for stoking a Fisher-KVI inspired controversy. Carlson and Wilbur on KVI make the Monorail staff look like saints when it comes to credible commentary. When will people wake up to Fisher’s support for this blather and question whether it can trust anything that’s being broadcast by Fisher’s other properties?
I’m amazed at how easily the first amendment right to free speech is tossed aside in the quest for ridding the world of conservatives. Do you want to silence all voices that don’t agree with you? If you think they are wrong, you have every right to say so, and prove it.
Sure didn’t hear any complaining when Dave Ross got several months of free air time to run his campaign on KIRO. Difference: he was a direct beneficiary of the air time. Carlson/Wilbur have no ties to the campaign other than as contributors. Should we silence all political talk on the radio?
Thank you for sharing. Now please go to a right wing site where somebody cares.
Comment on 16
Norm Rice got a $427,333 separation package upon retiring from the Federal Home Loan Bank, a private company. This payment included $367,333 of severance pay and $60,000 of retirement benefits. So what? It’s standard procedure for high-ranking corporate officers and executives to get such compensation when they leave their companies. It’s written into their employment contracts. The same story mentions another executive retiring from the same bank got over $1 million. This is a non-story. The Democrats have absolutely NOTHING to do with this. Norm Rice has been out of politics for years. This a personal employment matter that occurred in the private business sector. There was nothing remotely illegal, unethical, or scandalous about it. And the size of Rice’s retirement compensation is hardly newsworthy. CEOs controlling their own boards and getting salary and bonus of over $100 million a year for leading companies that are losing money for their shareholders — now that’s newsworthy.
RR @ 25
So to be morally consistent you must have been defending Dick Cheney when he retired from Halliburton.
Roger Rabbit; surely you don’t think a bank hired a doofus like Norm Rice because of his banking knowledge do you? Sure looks like revolving door, payoff for his service to the party. But oops, he messed up.
Greeed is good for both sides I guess
Your comments are most of the time neither here nor there, idiotic and nonsensical – basically you’re just here to troll.
Why don’t you just dittohead the latest drivel over at (u)SP? Won’t you be happier?
John, or shall i call you Ivan?
This is open topic; I raised a timely (story in paper today or yesterday) and relevant (top Dem leader in Seattle for quite a while).
Just cuz its not Rove, doesn’t mean its not topical.
Are you saying he was hired as CEO when he’d never been a banker, because he’s just a super smart guy, or perhaps (as i maintain) he was hired as a way to financially reward his service to the Dems.
In fairness you could equate him to Cheney and Halliburton, except Cheney wasn’t fired for incompetance.
Some of your friends in East Saint Louis are going to jail.
If we had the same federal agents investigate King Co.,
there would be more than five going to the pen.
@ 30
Pretty tired Mark. People who break the law should pay the price including the people who outed Valerie Plame.
Same federal agents? I wonder who they were? Karl Rove had some pretty nasty ones doing dirty work for him in Texas.
@ 30 again
Oh and more than 5 going to the pen? On what charge? On what evidence? Please show me that you’re doing more than talking out your backside…
You know what wrong all time? You’re partially right! I apologize.. This is the open soapbox place…
I was just a little incensed at the “doofus” characterization and the baseless “payoff” charge.
Forgive me..
No John.. please forgive me. I was out of line and I take it back. I do not condone republicans to stoop to the democrats level in 2006,2008 or any other election. We are better than that. Agian John I apologize.
Rujax206: If you are the typical lefty, I would not want to meet you. Nothing can be said to persuade you to view an argument from another reference point. You are so entrenched in your thinking that you remind me of Cruz Bustamante here in California. For those ignorant in CA politics, he ran against Arnold! Janet is making a legitimate radio talk show comparison and you have no legitimate response. Looks to me you entered a knife fight with a toenail clipper. Based on Posts 22-23 Janet S wins.
Roger Rabbit, you are a witty dude, what is your response for Cheney leaving Halliburton? I don’t expect one. Just like the questions to HA lefties regarding Clarence Thomas, no one will say Clarence was right. Therefore I can’t fathom anyone saying that Cheney left Halliburton a better company before his arrival or he resigned in good stead!
Good apology John. Were your fingers crossed on one hand behind your back as your used the other hand to type that response? John, what was the link for those federal agents working for Karl in Texas again?
Headless Loocy, another worthless diatribe, yet shorter this time. What university did you attend to be teaching those Seattle students? Every time you post I will be asking the intelligence question!!!
Hello Don, how are you? This is an interesting thread. I am here for the reading.
@ 35
From Bush’s Brain by Wayne Slater:
Jim Hightower, the Democratic incumbent, was served with subpoenas the day he had planned for his re-election announcement. The subpoenas were based on files arguably delivered to an FBI agent by Larry Beauchamp, an investigator with the Travis County district attorney’s office who had previously worked for Rick Perry’s brother-in-law. Rove knew the FBI agent, Greg Rampton, from the earlier bugging investigation… The day Rampton showed up at the Agriculture Department with the subpoenas, the Democrats of Texas turned their angry eyes to Rove… Unfortunately, the political bullet meant for Democrat Hightower went wide of its mark, instead striking key administrators.
Just one of the countless dirty tricks Rove pulled.
And where is the Karl Rove implication? He knew an agent? Sounds like Dan Rather was involved to me. That’s like the people saying because Clinton knew Mrs. Rich, Marc Rich received a pardon. But wait that did happen! Please provide the link for the whole article. If credible I will digest it.
Regarding Gitmo torture: powerlineblog . com / archives / 010796 . php – Excerpt: “Are we torturing and starving these people? No. Chaining someone to a wall or a floor isn’t comfortable, but it isn’t torture. And it’s important to remember what is. Nearly two years ago, I spoke to three men who were held in a Saudi jail and given the full Lubyanka treatment. In a 2003 interview, James Lee, Peter Brandon, and Glenn Ballard each told me of how they were treated. What Brandon described to me was credible and consistent with what the other two said.
Brandon told me he was “systematically beaten” and subjected to what he called the “rotisserie” treatment. “I was shackled at the feet, you see, and handcuffed,” Brandon told me. “And they sort of thread a broom handle through your arms and your legs. Then you’re hung upside down, and so you’ve got all the weight on the creases of your arms, so it’s very painful.” On the third day, they beat his bare feet with an ax handle so badly that his feet were bloody. He was screaming so much that they forced a gag down his throat, and for a moment stopped his breathing. After about five days of beatings and sleep deprivation, the Saudis threatened to arrest Brandon’s wife and toddler son. He broke down, and confessed to terrorist bombings he says he didn’t commit. I believe Brandon and the others of the crimes they were convicted of because the Saudis released them instead of executing them or imprisoning them for life under what passes for law there. What went on in that Saudi jail was torture. What’s going on at Gitmo isn’t.”
Pac Man-
Back at’cha, man. It’s not that I’m not open to different ideas, it’s just that I thought the ideas, policies, programs of the previous administration were working great and the Democratic party ran three of the most piss-poor presidential and congressional campaigns in modern political history; putting in power what will be judged as one of the the most currupt administrations ever. Sometimes I wonder if they weren’t paid off to throw the thing they did such a good job.
Yup, I am a true-blue died in the wool patriot Democrat. AND YES, i REALLY DISLIKE bUSH THAT MUCH. Worst. President. Ever.
New topic.
Great new documentary film by a Mormon film maker set in arguably the reddest county of the reddest state in the union in a place known as Family City, USA.
Check it out.
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