So, I guess we’re at war now? Cool. Right? It’s super cool. I assume that our pro-Trump trolls will be too busy joining the military to defend those people who we’re killing and also wouldn’t let into the country.
I realize that you don’t have to take the same stance as the person you voted for on everything military related (I was protesting the Afghanistan war in 2001 and have been pretty consistently against drones, but somehow voted for people who were considerably more hawkish than me for pretty much every position ever). Still and all, if you voted for president “bomb the shit out of them” you maybe have more of an obligation to put your money where your mouth is.
So, the Republicans changed the rules to win the game on Gorsuch.
It’s the only way they ever really win.
Someday, when a Democratic President appoints an ACLU lawyer to the Supreme Court, confirmed by a bare majority of Democrats who control the Senate, Republicans will have magically forgotten all of their current celebrations.
Well-done, Senators Murray and Cantwell. Make the little boys Take Their Ball And Go Home.
In this case, Assad and his Syrian thugs deserved to have the shit bombed out of them, and it was necessary to do so, because he was testing our new president, and showing weakness would have encouraged more hellish behavior. But it also should be noted the U.S. strike targeted military hardware and infrastructure, and was designed to avoid killing people, especially civilians. I can’t find anything to criticize in what was done by our government. We did the right thing in the circumstances. What’s really bad about this is it makes Trump a war president, which will give him a heavy coating of Teflon with respect to all the crap in his domestic and foreign agendas, although it’s not a bad thing that Assad’s antics forced him to pivot away from Bannon’s isolationism and kick Bannon down the hall to the paper clip counting department.
@1 ” when a Democratic President appoints an ACLU lawyer to the Supreme Court”
That’s now a given. Gorsuch is an extremist on issues involving environmental protection and corporations, so we’re entitled to a justice with strongly liberal views on civil rights, voting rights, gerrymandering, gay and gender equality, abortion rights, Citizens United, the death penalty, etc.
Last month, Trump claimed the credit for February’s strong jobs report, even though none of his policies are in place. Well, the March numbers came out this morning, and March produced barely half the expected number of jobs, so Trump will sing a different tune this time. Instead of taking credit for the economy’s job creation performance, he’ll blame it on Obama, as sure as it rains in Seattle in April.
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
Assuming this woman is voters, this is a sober reminder that we need to have limited expectations with respect to some of our fellow citizens.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now, I didn’t say she’s a Trump voter; all I said was voters come in all stripes, and you can’t expect much from some of them, and need to adjust your hopes and dreams accordingly.
“Mr. Putin. Yeah, we’re going to launch cruise missiles. The target is Shayrat. How many days do you need to make sure you’re personnel aren’t there? 2 days? That seems like an awful long time but sure if you promise not to tell Assad. Oh sure, we’ll go at 0330 local. Yeah, making sure the place is as empty as possible makes sense. Sure. Thanks Vladimir.”
Just so were clear, the AUMF doesn’t mention Syria.
The mandated by Congress annual audit of HUD found $500B worth of accounting errors. Note that the report is very clear that $500B isn’t missing but are
Right Wing Media, “Ben Carson audited HUD and found massive fraud!” Any of our trolls post the Ben Carson lie yet?
Syrian refugee old enough to have to shave twice each day and who can disassemble and reassemble an AK-47 in 30 seconds:
Drug-afflicted, emotionally unstable, sexually uncertain 15 year old boy taken in by a guy working in a non-profit somewhere in the PacNW:
Not a child.
Still and all, if you voted for president “bomb the shit out of them” you maybe have more of an obligation to put your money where your mouth is.
And instead, if you voted for #CrookedHillary, you should at least be honest enough to acknowledge that as far as last night’s action was concerned, there isn’t a whole lot of daylight between the two former candidates.
(CNN)Hillary Clinton called on the United States to take out Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad’s Air Force on Thursday, days after a chemical attack killed more than 70 people in the war-torn country.
“Assad has an air force, and that air force is the cause of most of these civilian deaths as we have seen over the years and as we saw again in the last few days,” Clinton said in a speech at the “Women in the World” summit in New York City. “And I really believe that we should have and still should take out his air fields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop sarin gas on them.”
The funny is that liberals finally got to see an Aaron Sorkin episode played out in real life, and didn’t like what they saw when they realized that most people did like what they saw.
@ 10
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Bruce Bartlett @BruceBartlett
They told me if I voted for Hillary we’d be at war in Syria in 6 months. I voted for Hillary and we were at war in Syria within 6 months.
Well, closer than Carl, anyway. Keep trying, libbies. One day you’ll @ 10 get there.
We’ve also learned a Supreme Court seat can sit empty, with no hearing on a nominee, for at least a year.
Then the next president’s nominee needs merely a tie vote in the Senate, followed by the Vice-President’s tie-breaking vote.
So much the Republicans were intent on showing us with this one.
Again, just so were clear.
Under the narrow legal reasoning supporting this missile strike, a future President could order an attack on Toronto and Congress would lack the legal grounds for impeachment.
At this rate I give it twenty years until The President has the legal “authority” to bomb Spokane. Lets hope they get a courtesy call first like the Russians.
@ 14
Under the narrow legal reasoning supporting this missile strike, a future President could order an attack on Toronto and Congress would lack the legal grounds for impeachment.
A point you no doubt would also have made had a President Clinton authorized the Syria strike.
Senate Confirms Gorsuch as Supreme Court Justice
I would like to offer my thanks to former Senators Reid and Clinton.
Without your short-sighted incompetence this moment would not have been possible.
@10 & 12
Like President Obama wanted to do but Mitch McConnel said Nyet.
The blood of 80 Syrians is on the Teapublucan Senate’s hands.
Good on ya, Mitch
Drumpf made this bitch’s vagina itch.
Some of President Trump’s Biggest Fans Aren’t Happy About the Syria Strike – TIME
Probably would, had she done so w/o Congressional auth.
Obama’s OLC may have authored the legal framework for this expansion of Imperial Presidential power, but I take enormous comfort from Doctor Dumbfuck’s approval of it.
Thank you Senators Murray and Cantwell, standing firm and making the little boys take their toys and go home.
Elimination of the filibuster was great, too. That will make future liberal Justices possible.
And jobs report also adjusted Jan and February figures downward. Car sales are down and home sales. We headed for a recession already? I figured it would be at least a tear or two before that happened.
Disconnect between two surveys by BLS.
Employer survey: New jobs slightly less than 180k/mo Q1 2017
Survey of homes: 300k more jobs each month Q1 2017
Choose one.
Syrian refugee old enough to have to shave twice each day and who can disassemble and reassemble an AK-47 in 30 seconds:
Child.Imagined BoogiemanDrug-afflicted, emotionally unstable, sexually uncertain 15 year old boy taken in by a guy working in a non-profit somewhere in the PacNW:
Not a child.ChildFixed it for you. If it turns out to have validity then Murray should spend a very long time in prison. On the other hand the plaintiff is saying that he was a drug addict at the time who was convicted of prostitution independent of interaction with Ed Murray who now 30 years later is sure that his client “Was doing some kind of political work” is definitely Ed Murray because he had an apartment “with a bathroom to the right and a bedroom across from it.”
The complaint is filled with salacious details like, “sex – anal of course” which you could google what percentage of gay men have ever bottomed or topped and wonder, why “of course?”
Color me skeptical. BTW, did anyone ever find out for sure if Michael Jackson’s tattoo incorporated his penis as Tigger’s tail?
Fifty Democratic Senators and a Democratic President & Vice-President means the ACLU will have seat(s) on our Supreme Court!
Thanks again, Senators Murray and Cantwell, for helping the little boys break their filibuster toy. Your service is much appreciated.
Since when did the serial Pedo-Pimping hillbilly trolls give a shit about children being sexually exploited?
If it turns out to have validity then Murray should spend a very long time in prison.
The statute of limitations expired a long time ago, so “should” would be your operative word there.
It’s hard to see a suit based upon such flimsy evidence going anywhere, but I guess we’ll see it in court. As Paula Corbin Jones demonstrated, even a suit which was ultimately dismissed for lack of merit can be used to hurt the defendant in other ways, and obtain money too.
@ 26
It’s hard to see a suit based upon such flimsy evidence going anywhere, but I guess we’ll see it in court.
“‘Scuse me while I whip this out.”
Nice timeline of the Syrian conflict,
A Timeline of the Syrian Civil War and U.S. Response – TIME
The HA archives have Open Thread posts by Carl on 8/28/13 and on 8/31/13, which are about Syria.
Points for remarkable consistency, Carl.
I suppose the next logical question re Syria would be:
What’s next? If for instance Assad regroups for a few days and then with Russian assistance launches a massive offensive against the rebel held areas inflicting thousands of civilian casualties and displacing hundreds of thousands of brand new refugees?
Plans? Proposals? Hand wringing? Troop deployments? Proxy air war vs Russia? Haley pleads w UN? Blow up another strip of pavement?
I could be wrong here and I don’t have the time to look it up but I think WA amended the limitations to a certain number of years from first remembrance due to repressed memory issues.
We could get into the can of worms of false repressed memories and leading by therapists but whatever.
@ 30
Maybe Syria steps back just a bit.
Useful tool Susan Rice in January:
We were able to find a solution that didn’t necessitate the use of force that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known from Syria, in a way that the use of force would never have accomplished. Our aim in contemplating the use of force following the use of chemical weapons in August of 2013 was not to intervene in the civil war, not to become involved in the combat between Assad and the opposition, but to deal with the threat of chemical weapons by virtue of the diplomacy that we did with Russia and with the Security Council. We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile.
See? Sticking daisy stems into rifle barrels actually works.
“‘Scuse me while I whip this out.”
Exactly: even worthless allegations will live forever in the minds of the gullible, no matter what the outcome of the trial.
Fun fact: most of the women called by the Jones side testified to Bill Clinton’s good character.. If she hadn’t had the financial backing of some of his most bitter enemies, she might not have gotten a dime.
Explain why, with Russia backing them, they are likely to do that?
I think its more likely, given what the world knows about US domestic politics and the state of this administration’s international relationships, that Asad would be prepared to test The President’s resolve and those relationships.
@ 34
Explain why, with Russia backing them, they are likely to do that?
No reason Assad can’t be collateral damage in a proxy war between the US and Russia.
So you’re willing to be obtuse for the sake of being “cute”?
I cant see any obvious reason for Putin to abandon Asad at this point. Hes gone to a lot of trouble and killed a whole lot of civilian Syrians to keep the Alawites in control. It wouldn’t serve his domestic interests. It wouldnt serve his regional interests. And it isnt clear that blowing up an airstrip changes that.
Moreover, as things presently stand the conflict in Syria has become an existential crisis for the Alawites. With or without Russian backing, I wouldnt expect to see Syria’s military march voluntarily before Sunni firing squads.
In New York City before the firing of the middles, Clinton called for a broader strategy and to take out Syrian airfields.
Hmmmmm, I wonder if that puts a little limo on Drumpf supporter’s hard-on for Drumpf’s action. Except for some of his ardent supporters like Ann the Cunt.
Pretty interesting how things can swing and sway..
@32 just like Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.
@ 36
Putin doesn’t need to abandon Assad, and I doubt that was anyone’s expectation. Assad just needs to understand that red lines mean more now than they did on January 19th.
If he does, and steps back to conventional weapons use, maybe those 70+ innocents still die in some other way, I don’t know.
However, if the goal was to keep Assad from using chemical weapons and he stops using them, then do you have a point?
Isn’t doing nothing now kind of like a cut and run?
I mean other than trying to raise your unpopularity rating or showing your teeth, what good was this if now Asad said he will hit his opposition harder in retaliation and innocent woman and children die, just not from a chemical attack, in more numbers.
What was really accomplished that falls in line with Drumpf concern for the woman and children.
He should just be honest and say publicly in front of a microphone, that he did it to raise his unpopularity rating, distract from his relationship with Russia, in collusion with Putin, and show his teeth. Not that it was about woman and children.
If it was about woman and children then 3 years ago he wouldn’t have played politics and tweet that Obama shouldn’t get involved.
…if the goal was to keep Assad from using chemical weapons and he stops using them…
So that’s agreed upon then? The goal of this missile strike was to stop the indiscriminate use of chemical weapons against civilian populations?
What’s changed since 2013 (other than skin color)?
Assad just needs to understand that red lines mean more now than they did on January 19th.
We certainly didn’t remove Asad’s capability. We gave Syria hours and hours in which to relocate any stockpiles. Not that they would need to. It is hardly beyond Syria’s technical abilities (with lots of Russian advice and assistance) to build hardened silos largely invulnerable to Tomahawk strikes. So Asad retains the capability. And people like you are assuming that he somehow loses the willingness. Why? Was this a “devastating” attack? Doesn’t look like it. Is there a credible threat of further missile strikes? Not according to Senate Republicans. Not even according to Cheeto Jeebus himself. Would these further missile strikes come without the courtesy phone calls including target coordinates? Not if you hope to avoid large scale Russian casualties.
I hope you and your orange catastrophe are right about this. I really do. But I worry Asad is just going to ignore it and go for the ice cream. And that’l ruin more than just your dinner.
It was hilarious when the always wrong wing trolls bleated about “safe spaces” and being “triggered”..
Funny coming from a bunch of “special preppers” waiting for the end times, when “triggered” they erupt in their echo chambers and occassionally spill over to lowly HA..
So it seems the Hillary haters are going nuts over the claims of misogyny..
Oh yeah it was the racism, stupid…
and misogyny goes hand in hand with that shit.
@ 41
What’s changed since 2013 (other than skin color)?
Well, one guy had war ships in place, ready to go, and then decided to stand down.
The other guy used them.
Oh, and this:
Fox News ✔ @FoxNews
“The United States will no longer wait for Assad to use chemical weapons without any consequences. Those days are over.” – @NikkiHaley
10:37 AM – 7 Apr 2017
In which those of us at HA get our first look at gman:
Passengers Walk by Woman With Head Wedged Between Subway Doors
Donald J. TrumpVerified account
Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate.
Very, very funny..
Hypocrisy is the natural state of politics.
…will no longer wait…
So. A tweet of a quote. From a tweet. And it isn’t even clear what that means.
No longer wait? Does the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations mean that “next time” we won’t “wait” for a sovereign state actor to “use” a forbidden weapon before we attack them with cruise missiles? I hope not. #MinorityReport
I have grave doubts that a bunch of inexperienced amateur fucknuts whose greatest qualification is their “loyalty” to a thin-skinned television pitchman, tweeting out confusing and easily misinterpreted bullshit is making us safer.
But so long as it makes beer-drunk hillbillies “feel” better, that’s all that matters. Right up to the moment they open the stop-loss order.
@ 47
…watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran.
Sure, just as soon as either one of them employs chemical weapons against their own population.
@ 50
…tweeting out confusing and easily misinterpreted bullshit is making us safer.
You’re right. Clearly you are.
They should talk more grandly, like about changing their calculus. Because then their meaning would be clear to all.
@8 “Any of our trolls post the Ben Carson lie yet?”
No, they’ve been sleeping on the job.
You mean “next time” they do.
Dont really care if its clear to all. So long as its clear to the people with ICBMs.
@9 You judge people by headlines; I wait for the court verdict. That’s the crucial difference between how a retired judge thinks and how a dumbfuck doctor thinks.
Puddy did the same thing with Bowe Bergdahl, who has yet to be found guilty of anything. You and Puddy are a lot alike. And while we’re on this subject, you think a lot like Trump, too. That’s not intended as a compliment, in case you’re wondering.
And then, of course, there’s your “Crooked Hillary” shtick. She’s been investigated for at least three decades, at a cost to taxpayers that must be approaching $100 million, and so far she hasn’t been convicted of so much as a parking ticket.
Maybe someday you’ll entertain us by specifying exactly what she’s guilt of in your mind. Treason? corruption? theft? revealing classified secrets? Do tell us. We want to know, so we can laugh at your stupidity.
I’m pretty sexy, aren’t I.
Where is Max and Steve today? On the course giving and getting blowjob(s)?
@10 Why not solve the problem for once and for all by taking out Assad? Putin won’t like it, but the hell with him. However, if your name is Donald Trump, I can see why you might be reluctant to offend your future landlord if you’re planning to build hotels in Moscow and St. Petersburg and want him to keep sending the world’s best prostitutes to the owner’s suite whenever you’re in town checking up on your properties.
@13 Well, that works two ways. If Democrats can pick up 3 Senate seats in 2018 after Trump’s had 20 another months to offend nearly everybody, there may never be another conservative judge appointed to the Supreme Court, and eventually the existing ones will die off.
For decades, Republicans liked the filibuster just fine, when they were the minority party. My guess is once it’s gone, it’s gone; it will never come back. Democrats won’t agree to reinstate it because that would leave a payback debt unpaid.
@15 The thing is, a President Clinton didn’t authorize a Syria strike, so you’re now moving from fact to speculation, which is in many ways a Republican thing.
@16 “Without your short-sighted incompetence this moment would not have been possible.”
You seriously believe McConnell needed a Democratic precedent for this? He doesn’t have one; the Democrats did NOT “go nuclear” for SCOTUS nominees. Nor does he have any precedent for refusing a SCOTUS nominee a vote for over a year in order to give his own party a crack at winning the next presidential election. Given these unprecedented actions by McConnell, what makes you think he wouldn’t have taken the Gorsuch nomination “nuclear” even if Democrats had retained the filibuster for lower court nominees, which, by the way, would have resulted in a complete breakdown of the federal court system as a result of the GOP’s total blockade of Obama’s judicial appointments at all levels? There, too, McConnell was the true author of the “nuclear option” on lower court appointees, of which the Democrats merely carried it out from dire necessity.
Reports are now in that Assad launched an jet attack from the very airbase we dropped a couple hundred million worth of munitions on.
Trump really showed’em. “Why if you mess with me I’ll move some of the rocks on your airfield around.”
What are the odds the Trump clan has holdings in Raytheon?
@21 Late model used cars are rapidly becoming the buy of a lifetime. Lots of them coming off lease, and dealers can’t move them, so they’re resorting to deep discounting, but even that isn’t working because few creditworthy consumers are left and huge numbers of car loans are going bad even with low interest rates and extended payment plans. With desperation in the air, there’s no reason to buy a new car now, even with manufacturers ramping up incentives. That’s why new car sales are plunging.
And Doctor Dumbfuck wants us to believe he got a $7500 discount on a high-end pickup because of his superior intelligence, business acumen, and negotiating skills. If $7500 is all he got, I’d like to be the dealer who took advantage of him.
Hush. I was enjoying the story. It’s a script better than “Phantom Menace” boob was pitching.
@22 Measuring job gains is an inexact science, but that doesn’t stop the Rational Market that knows everything and never makes mistakes from moving on preliminary jobs data anyway. As for me, I feel very good about sentiment-drive markets (aka impulsive investors), program trading untouched by human intelligence or judgment, and headline-driven momentum trading, because like Warren Buffett, I want stocks to go down.
From my point of view, the only thing a rising stock market is good for is pointing out how unfair the present system is to the people who create ALL of society’s material wealth, namely, workers. They’re getting screwed by the present system, and particularly by Republican management of that system. I’m not saying I know of a better system, but I certainly can recommend better management.
At best, the Market is only semi-rational.
Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck thinks I’m “bragging” when I shine a light on the fact a useless capitalist leech like me can make thousands in the stock market without even getting out of bed, while at the same time he’s posting strident complaints about the $15 minimum wage. Two dots, no ability to draw a line between them; he must be blind, deaf, and dumb, although he certainly isn’t mute. Doesn’t do any good to spell it out to him. Everyone else here gets it, except the other moron trolls, e.g. Puddy.
@67 On its best days, if ever. The Rational Market Theory is a crock, and everyone knows it.
@ 59
If Democrats can pick up 3 Senate seats in 2018 after Trump’s had 20 another months to offend nearly everybody, there may never be another conservative judge appointed to the Supreme Court, and eventually the existing ones will die off.
They weren’t able to pick up three in 2016, when all of the stars were aligned for them. In 2018 they’ll be lucky not to lose three seats.
You know who is dying off? Moderate Democrats.
@ 59
If Democrats can pick up 3 Senate seats in 2018 after Trump’s had 20 another months to offend nearly everybody, there may never be another conservative judge appointed to the Supreme Court, and eventually the existing ones will die off.
They weren’t able to pick up three in 2016, when all of the stars were aligned for them. In 2018 they’ll be lucky not to lose three seats.
You know who is dying off? Moderate Democrats.
@ 59
If Democrats can pick up 3 Senate seats in 2018 after Trump’s had 20 another months to offend nearly everybody, there may never be another conservative judge appointed to the Supreme Court, and eventually the existing ones will die off.
They weren’t able to pick up three in 2016, when all of the stars were aligned for them. In 2018 they’ll be lucky not to lose three seats.
You know who is dying off? Moderate Democrats.
AOL News cites inside sources that Trump is fixing to ditch Bannon and Reince Priebus. Not reassign them, but expunge them from his administration. You pay a price for failure, that’s how the world works.
@72 You know who’s already dead and gone? Moderate Republicans.
@72 To believe Republicans will win Senate seats in 2018, you have to believe that Trump won’t continue to fuck up and Republicans won’t continue to fight among themselves. Would you bet your shiny new pickup truck and horse trailer on that?
In 2018 they’ll be lucky not to lose three seats.
Dino Rossi will retire Maria Cantwell for sure!
I think the national GOP should spend a lot of money on the race here.
I like to make stock buys when the market has a significant down day. Buy low, sell high.
What’s funny about the stock market is how people can’t wait to buy more when the market has gone up significantly, but run for the exits when there’s a bad day. Hell, that’s the time to back up the truck and load up! When the market goes way, way up, then take the day off and go to a tavern and enjoy a cold beverage or two.
So, I guess the latest hillbilly sell job has it that the Syrian attack is all part of a very elaborate, and carefully laid out plan by Trump, Putin, Asad, Mike Flynn, The Joint Chiefs, Kislyak, and Racer X to save
KapetapekSyria from Asad. The hillbillies really and truly believe that this was all planned out in advance, the gas attack was a false flag carried out by ISIL, the Tomahawk counter strike was agreed to in advance by Asad, The Joint Chiefs, Israel, and Cheeto Jeebus, and that once the remaining stockpiles of chem agents are “destroyed in place” and Syria is “stabilized” Asad agrees to hold free elections, open negotiations with Israel over the Golan, cut-off support for Hezbollah, and slip quietly into retirement. President Big Mac McGoldenshowers is a ginyooowine Seven Dimensional Chess Master with ray-gun eyes and Kreskin-like clairvoyant powers. Don’t fuck with him!They believe this.
This perfectly illustrates why I give up on them. These dirt-ignorant, beer-drunk, sister-fucking, television addicted idiot hillbillies are quite obviously entirely beyond redemption. Calls to “moderate” and “remodel” the Democratic party to better accommodate people like this are just laughably stupid.
“In which those of us at HA get our first look at gman. Passengers Walk by Woman With Head Wedged Between Subway Doors”
Considering Pisscan’s lame-ass attempts to attack Max and myself, head up ass is more like it. At least you and Puddy know how to bring it. Far more fun and challenging debating or being attacked by either of you two guys.
The only offices Republicans can win are outside of the I-5 corridor, in places like Republic and Twisp, if even then. No, the Democrats will always have the two senators, most of the House offices, and definitely the governor’s office. Republicans in Washington are bit players on the national scene and in most Western Washington areas.
The Democrats have a solid lock on government here in WA.
A rare triple post @70, 71 and 72. And not by the loon. Rather, it was our esteemed doctor. With the Doc and others, shit happens. But Chrome kicks the loon’s ass every fucking time.
Buy low
sell high.ftfy
It’s just a touch of the palsy. Perfectly normal in a guy his age.
The only offices Republicans can win are outside of the I-5 corridor,
Norm Maleng, King County Prosecutor, 1978-2007
Dan Satterberg, King County Prosecutor, 2007 – Present
Bill Bryant, Port of Seattle Commissioner, 2008-2015
Would all disagree.
Roger Rabbit bought shares of Rio Tinto for 40 bucks and change today, i.e. on a day when the market was up for most of the day despite March hiring that came in at half of what was expected. Now tear that apart, Doctor Dumbfuck. Yes, I realize the big investors liked the lousy jobs report because they think it will force the Fed to slow down its tightening. What I mean is regale us with your superior wisdom about why I fucked up by buying a foreign mining stock that never lost money during the Great Recession or commodities bust for a little over 10 times projected forward earnings in a market trading at nearly twice that multiple.
It’s been a heckuva busy week for President Big Mac McGoldenshowers. So we shouldn’t be surprised that, other than permanently wrecking the Senate (and the SCOTUS) in order to jam a big fat God/Ego-Dildo down America’s collective throat, there’s been… absolutely zero progress on cabinet and administrative appointments.
Indescribably popular, overwhelmingly elected, African American two-term President Barack Hussein Obama still 88% running the nation of “aggrieved” “working class” white “moderates”.
Cheers to that!
“Someday, when a Democratic President appoints an ACLU lawyer to the Supreme Court” – tensed ASS above
Once again that vibrating dildo up tensed ASS proves there are no active memory cells operating in that FOOL!
Sooooooooooooooo, Puddy will use left wrong web sources…
Notorious RBG: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s journey from ACLU lawyer to pop culture icon Stooooooooooooopid as evah! Since this happened already what will tensed ASS offer now?
Nuthin your honor!
Puddy can’t wait until Kennedy, Ginsberg, and Breyer retire or are replaced. Then the real crying from the libtard scientist @86 begins!
Terror attack in Sweden?
Wait… Trump called it and now we see it was true!
Again, the folly of throwing away the filibuster exceeds any gain to be had from ramming Gorsuch’s confirmation through the Senate; it’s an even bigger mistake than McConnell’s refusal to do his job with Obama’s nominee.
Between the two, Republicans have ensured ultra-liberal Democratic appointees, and no Republican appointees with a Democratic Senate.
That’s tensed ASS’ answer @90?
What a joke! you are tensed ASS! Puddy already delivered the Biden rule with his own words from 1992 multiple times. Just ax for the crazed databaze view from the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset.
That’s tensed ASS’ answer @90? ACLU Ginsberg – useless leftist tool!
What a joke you are tensed ASS! Puddy already delivered the Biden rule with his own words from 1992 multiple times. Just ax for the crazed databaze view from the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset.
Wait for shitstain steve to comment on the double post! Blog entry police!
A truck rammed into a department store in Stockholm, killing at least 2 and injuring “a large number”
How does a truck do this? We need to ban trucks NOW!
OMG! A triple post!
What happens when a team gives up on finding pitching.
You can now eat fried bugs at this pro baseball stadium
Seattle food writer Frank Guanco predicted fans will go wild for the insect-topped tacos.
“My favorite, just because it was so different, was the roasted grasshoppers from Poquitos. Bugs are different, but it’s kind of cool because it’s textural, it’s a different flavor and when you add it on top of a taco you have this really cool crunch to it too,” said Guanco of Seattle Refined.
Damn you minimum wage.
Any progress on the “Huge Beautiful” wall?
Too damn funny that babbling butthole *needs* to put HA and THE HAND..
before crawling to its cage at sunset on Friday…
That’s entertainment folks!
“Any of our trolls post the Ben Carson lie yet?”
If Carson farts, the babbling butthole farts twice as hard.
Thank god our Republican-controlled legislature went into special session to over-ride the will of King County’s voters. If they hadn’t built it with our taxes and without our consent, there would be no professional baseball in Seattle now.
Wait, what?!?
@100 And didn’t Slade Gorton have something do with that?
Oh but that’s ancient history…
@ 85
Worst I could make of your purchase is you bought a foreign company so the dividends are taxed at your marginal rate.
For me that would be a deal-breaker – who wants to pay 43% (39.6 + NIIT) tax on a dividend?
For you, with your pathetic level of income, it likely makes little difference.
If you want to rethink, consider Freeport-McMoRan. Pays out very little due to its debt load. If you’re buying for LT cap gains potential, your tax bite upon sale is 15% of your gain unless your income (joint) exceeds $466k or so (this year), in which case the 20% rate would kick in. That income level is lower when your prostate rears up and croaks you, and the Ms. Rabbit is considered by the IRS to be single when she cashes out to buy that gold-plated Sybian she’s been craving.
@ 102
In which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit learns for the first time that there is such a thing as a qualified dividend.
@9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22, 27, 32, 34, 35, 39, 45, 46, 51, 52, 70. 71, 72, 96, and 102,
You sure seem to have a lot of time to comment since you should be starting basic training to go fight in the war you support. Or did you already wash out?
… And 103. There were so many damn posts, by the time I got done counting them, you’d added another.
@ 104
Care to address the #CrookedHillary point I made @ 10?
Or, you could address Bernie’s perspective instead.
Bernie SandersVerified account @SenSanders 11h11 hours ago
As the Constitution requires, the president must come to Congress to authorize any further use of force against the Assad regime.
Looks like Bernie’s mostly giving The Donald a pass on last night. Just don’t do it again without Congress.
@ 105
Some professional journals have page charges: Wanna publish? Pay to do it, in addition to passing peer and editorial review.
How about the first three each day are free? Additionals require Bitcoin at the time of the spew.
I’m game if Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is game.
Best of all, if it doesn’t tank the blog, it could make an honest man out of Goldy.
I’ve seen the clip that’s going around, but haven’t seen or read a transcript the whole talk. She talks mostly about a no fly zone, and at least in the clip doesn’t mention bombing. I’m opposed to a no fly zone, but presumably this would be a coalition, so there would be a lot more diplomacy and a lot less bombing the shit out of people. Also, she’s one of the most straight-arrow politicians in my lifetime. Also, also,
@ 108
I understand the challenges if you don’t have a transcript, and then there’s the whole not being there and not appreciating the context part of it.
She did say, if CNN @ 10 be believed, that she thought we should ‘take out his air fields… ‘.
Maybe by that she meant we should bring in a whole lot of big Cats and carefully remove the runway concrete so it could be reused as retaining wall blocks, whaddya think?
Feel the National Security as Gannon gets purged! Wow, that must just be a win for the terrorists, eh?
We can address your “CrookedHillary” garbage all day long, moral failure, and there’s nothing you can do about it except repeat more lies.
The idea that the US could unilaterally impose a no fly zone without extensive ground troop involvement is more silliness. And I would hope that Sec Clinton means a negotiated no fly zone. Otherwise thats a call for a whole new ground war.
What do you think a fuckin’ Tomahawk can do? They aren’t impact boosted penetrators. They scorch pavement and leave shallow cratering on modern hardened military strips.
A few dozen guys with wheel barrows, shovels and rakes gets you back in operation in a week.
The attack left dozens of SU 22s unharmed in open dispersal areas. Even the advanced Russian surface air defense units survived.
There are weapons systems capable of rendering a military air facility inoperational. They cannot be delivered on sea launched cruise missiles from 500 miles away.
New York Magazine explains why Republicans with any brains will soon wish Hillary had won.
Our trolls, of course, are not of that group.
@107 Well, you can always buy RELX or RENX if you want to get in on Elsevier’s racket, but I think that ship sailed a long time ago, and the easy money to be had from ripping off scholars and university libraries has already been made.
DerTrumpter trumpets, “What happened in Sweden” when if fact nothing at all happened in Sweden.
Months later something happened in Sweden NOT perpetrated by a Syrian refugee, which Der Trumper assured was the root cause of all Sweden’t issues, but apparently by an Uzabek who has been living in Sweden since well before the country began taking in Syrian refugees.
“Trump CALLED it!” an idiot’s response. “Trump’s vindicated!” Yes because claiming something specific already happened and something not really at all similar happening later is EXACTLY THE SAME!
Carl at the moment we aren’t at war any more than we were before Trump bombed that Syrian Air Base. Something your hero Bill Clinton did many times. I don’t know if Trump should have or not. Or why. It’s certainly changed the narrative.
Speaking of changing the narrative why aren’t you writing on a much more local story involving the Mayor of Seattle? That is local politics. The Mayor’s political future hangs in the balance. It’s a local story and that is what Horseass is supposed to cover. It’s of interest. Are you perhaps trying to use the Syrian story to change everyone’s focus? Or pretend there isn’t a narrative out there somewhere on this important local story.
Please note I’m not demanding the mayor resign, but I’m sure someone somewhere has said that, and I’d like to know who, could you tell us? No instead you are catching the Syrian bombing wagon. A story that I’m already finding overly covered.
Though if your in North Korea perhaps the whole Syrian thing should have you very concerned. Is that where you are going with your story. An activist Republican President could do something to a nation we have been at war with since 1950? What are our Senators saying on it. Do they support drafting women into the military, as a war in Korea would probably be one the all Volunteer force may need more bodies for. And how are we going to keep the supply of ammunition up?
There are no good solutions in Korea, and war is a definite possibility, as it’s been for decades, but it’s the forgotten war and often forgotten by America. Got any peaceful solutions in mind? Maybe we can buy the North Korean’s off? Pay off the current leader to quit and go to China or Florida. Offer a mini Marshall plan, reunite the country and we bring the boys home from Korea. We can do that, not sure the North Korean’s are disposed to agreeing, and they really are a threat to our National Security unlike Syria.
@1 Actually the Republican’s didn’t change the rules at all, the Constitution says the President gets to appoint and the Senate gets to do advice and consent. Seems a simple majority is adequate for the Senate to do that.
Gorsuch was already on the Federal bench and would be for life.
Yes the Senate should have acted on President Obama’s nominee. They won one. There were things the President could have done, but choose not too. The President could have kept Senate in session until they acted on his candidate. Used the bully pulpit, called a retired judge back to the bench,. or installed his man on the court when the Senate was out of session.
Time to move on. The die is cast. Guess there will be less gnashing of teeth should President Trump get to appoint a replacement for a more liberal judge. So hope Ruth keeps kicking and ticking, and hangs in there. So hopefully the whole bench shows up at the next Senators ball game and Ruth throws out the ball!!!