The no on I-1552 people are having a rally to oppose the administration’s repeal of the protections for transgender students. The link is to a page where they’ll get your name and email address. And if it gets on the ballot, presumably ask you for money. But the rally in Tacoma at noon on Saturday is a worthwhile thing to go to on its own.
Pope Francis isn’t impressed by our loon’s hypocrisy.
“Pope Francis Slams Hypocrite Christians, Suggests Atheists Are Better”
Papers, please.
“Customs Officers Demand ID From Passengers Leaving Domestic Flight At JFK”
Might make for interesting legal challenge. I dont know if there is a federal crim statute requiring airline passengers to produce id on demand. Of course, as a matter of civil contract the airlines may deny boarding. But that is altogether different from mass detention and possible kidnapping. And while suing feds is tricky, nothing here would indemnify the airline assisting them.
This is relevant to Seattle kind of. The Giants’ deal with SF is very similar to the Hansen Group MOU for buiding the Sodo Arena. San Francisco showed the way. The ownership group of the Giants now own 100% of the building in which they play. Not a dime of revenue from concessions or rentals to non MLB entities goes to the city. It is theirs to keep outside of sales taxes like any other business in the city. The city is paid in full with interest.
Interesting approach.
I think the City of Seattles play on this issue is that they want partial or full ownership of whatever arena is built. Thats why they have given the finger to chris hansen and are embracing another group who want to rebuild key arena.
Its all a power play.
@5 The governing principle should be that if you pay for it, you own it, and if you own it, you pay for it. As for me, as a taxpayer, I don’t want to own any more sports palaces. I’m already paying for several.
Can’t post, HA is freezing up.
Then you should go talk to Mayor McSwallow about that.
I hope these get challenged and brought to Court, as rigged as it might be.
Long live Ireland!
So….when ya movin?
Oh, and DU as a info source? Hahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahhahahhhahhhahahhahahhahhahhhahhajaa…..tool.
Hey faggy I understand why you have no thoughts of movyn. You like it here in Russian States of Fascism.
I thought only faggy flag is the Stars and Stripes.
@11 what do you source From. The Russian Chronicle?
I bet I can get Faggy to ask when I am moving.
$300, $400, $500, $600 car tabs are due! Pay up bitches! Tensor needs to ride that choo choo!
Oh wait? You didnt realize your tabs were going up that much? Suckers……
After the public gets a years worth of car tab increases and property tax increases, good luck getting voters to pass another tax hike..
Livin outside the RTA tax zone sure is nice…. :)
Vladimir Putin and his HA stooge, Doctor pro-Trump Twitter-bot, are both pleased, no doubt.
“CPAC scrambles to control damage after attendees wave Russian flags during Trump speech”
“at least one attendee was spotted wearing a “Make Russia Great Again” t-shirt”
Oh wait? You didnt realize your tabs were going up that much?
Maybe because it’s not true?
Tensor needs to ride that choo choo!
That’s because I’ve been on the winning side of Sound Transit votes since the ’90s.
If you’re kind to me, I just might tell you what it feels like to be a winner.
@15 I’ve heard the biggest advantage of riding a mule to work is it provides extra services after hours in places where there aren’t enough girls to go around.
The first terrorist attack on Trump’s watch, at least the first one I’ve heard about. This terrorist didn’t come from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, and Libya. He’s from Olathe, Kansas. And he’s not Muslim. He’s another hillbilly idiot who can’t tell the difference between a Middle Easterner and an Eastern Indian. But what the hell, when you’re nativist racist moron, one dead foreigner is as good as another dead foreigner.
“Witnesses say Purinton told the men, ‘Get out of my country,’ before shooting them, the paper reported. During a news conference Thursday, authorities declined to comment on whether the shooting might be considered a hate crime.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What do you want to bet that Trump doesn’t give a shit about rightwing domestic terrorism? To him, the dead guy represents a job opening for a (white) American citizen.
The White House has amped up its war on the press.
I have emailed my Senators and Representative expressing my outrage.
Yes, Donald and Puffy, there are dishonest cops who send innocent (usually black) people to prison.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The vast majority of law enforcement officers are honorable people who do their jobs professionally, sometimes at great sacrifice. But there also are rotten apples in the barrel; and not facing this fact, and dogmatically supporting police regardless of what they do, does great disservice to our communities and citizens, and makes you part of the problem.
P.S.: Trump complains about disrespect of police, but dishonest cops, bullying cops, and killer cops don’t deserve respect. They deserve to be fired, prosecuted, and sent to prison.
@20 There’s a simple solution to Trump’s war on the press: When push comes to shove, believe the reporters, and don’t believe him or his flacks. Of course, we can’t expect that of Republicans, because you can’t fix stupid.
The phrase “stupid Republicans” is a redundancy.
@17 Car tabs are, in fact, tripling under ST3. The additional RTA tax (on top of what car owners are already paying for ST 1 &2) is nominally 0.8% of the car’s value, but in fact is significantly higher than that because WSDOT taxes the car according to MSRP value, not market value. This means you may have paid $25,000 for your car, but will pay taxes on a $30,000 car; and if you have $10,000 of unrepaired accident damage to your car, you get no tax discount for its reduced market value. The tax on a $10,000 car (which is a used car, because no new car sells for $10,000) will go from $30 to $110 under ST3. For a typical family car, a few years old, the tax increase more likely will be $200 or more — that’s just for the car tabs for one car, and most families own more than one car, and this doesn’t count the increase in property taxes that most families will pay. So for most two-car families, owning one newer car and one older car, the ST3 car tab tax probably will amount to an additional $300 or more per year, which for some families will strain already stressed budgets. With everything else in the cost of living rising too, we probably can expect stiffer resistance to future tax requests for things like schools, libraries, and parks.
That’s a consequence of the legislature permitting Sound Transit to use exactly those sources of revenue.
There will always be opposition to new taxes; as Negan himself boasts, persons who hate taxes will simply move out of the RTA taxing district. (It’s highly unlikely he sees value in public libraries anyhow.)
Even assuming your back-of-the-envelope, unsourced calculations are correct, Sound Transit has won elections for twenty years. Taxpaying voters want transportation options beyond sitting in their cars.
@25 Yes, taxpayers voted for this, and it having passed, all the griping in the world about triple-digit car tab fees will get them exactly nothing. The time to have a problem with that was when they voted.
But taxpayers have finite pocketbooks, and it’s hard to believe that just one of many public entities vying for tax dollars can spend $54 billion over a 25-year period without impinging on the tax revenues available to other public entities for other purposes.
For example, to the extent that Sound Transit and public schools compete for the same tax dollars, it may well turn out that ST won at the schools’ expense.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
First they came for CNN, and I did not speak out, because I’m just a vain cog in the propaganda machine… amirite remaining WH press corps?
At least you’re consistent. I sure as hell don’t recall you objecting when Obama marginalized Fox News.
Whidbey Island’s little town of Langley
won’t be a sanctuary city. Seems there are concerns about actually having to pay to support those who might have to seek sanctuary.
I sure as hell don’t recall you objecting when Obama marginalized Fox.
That’s because Goldy was talking about news organizations.
(Drum coda.)
Florida US Rep. Crist seeks divorce after less than 9 years
He’s been a fake Republican, a fake independent, a fake Democrat, and a fake heterosexual.
When all you’ve got is a hammer….
Sometime’s that’s enough.
For example, to the extent that Sound Transit and public schools compete for the same tax dollars, it may well turn out that ST won at the schools’ expense.
That was exactly the argument my own State Senator, Reuven Carlyle, made when he asked us in his constituency to reject ST3. (Given how heavily we voted to pass ST3, he’s lucky he stood unopposed for re-election.)
That argument recognizes — without the virtue of being honest enough to do so explicitly, of course — that the entire state depends upon just three counties (King, Pierce, and Snohomish) for over 60% of all tax revenues. If we locals in those counties start spending our tax monies for our own local benefit, the state might have to spread the tax burdens more equitably across all counties. Republicans should have to bring such hard choices to their constituents, not live off liberals’ largesse whilst whining about us.
Shorter reply to your stated concern: feature, not bug.
Trump tweets ‘Chicago needs help’ after 7 homicides in one day
I agree, a tweet seems like so little. Until one considers that it’s more than Obama did in eight years.
Liberals aren’t like O’Keefe. When we mess with someone, we don’t lie about people to discredit them. (With Republicans, it isn’t necessary, because they’re very adept at discrediting themselves.) Our operatives merely get conservatives attending a conservative conference to wave Russian flags when Trump comes onstage.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
@33 How again was Chicago crime Obama’s responsibility? Seems to me that’s a city matter.
@ 34
Our operatives merely get conservatives attending a conservative conference to wave Russian flags when Trump comes onstage.
Well, that does seem easier than getting Democrats to vote for #CrookedHillary in PA, MI, and WI.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
It used to be HAR HAR HAR.*
Now it’s ha ha ha ha.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is going the way of T. S. Garp.
If Trump moves against recreational cannabis, it’s an attack on individual liberty.
He should take into account the millions of willingly-paid taxes recreational cannabis has produced.
It’s simply a matter of individual liberty versus the draconian view of a bunch of religious zealots.
@37 You obviously have more time than ever on your hands now.
A fifth of Seattleites are foreign-born, according to KING 5 News.
I was speaking with a Wiccan earlier today, and she says Wiccans are using their psychic energies to work against the Trump Administration. Maybe they’ll have an impact for the good.
Kamala HarrisVerified account@KamalaHarris
It’s outrageous the administration is saying anyone who might have committed a crime qualifies for deportations.
Commit enough of them, and in Seattle you qualify for sanctuary status.
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha”
Not to be confused with the loon’s psycho-laugh.
@ 41
… Wiccans are using their psychic energies to work against the Trump Administration. Maybe they’ll have an impact for the good.
Who were they working against last November?
“might have committed a crime” does not mean “committed a crime”
Please make a note of this.
@42 Given the millions of laws on the books, you probably committed dozens of crimes today.
@ 47
…you probably committed dozens of crimes today without even knowing it.
And you’d probably misinterpret each of them.
45 – They were probably working against me, dipshit.
No babbling buttwipe today? Heh. We can only conclude the freak doesn’t appreciate us HA HEROES waving buh bye as it slinks to its cage at sunset on Friday..
Too f’ing funny!
…it’s hard to believe that just one of many public entities vying for tax dollars can spend $54 billion over a 25-year period without impinging on the tax revenues available to other public entities for other purposes.
In FY2013 alone, just King County’s taxpayers sent $2.4B more to Olympia than we received in state government services. That’s more than the annual projected cost of ST3.
Again, to the extent ST3 forces painful conversations upon citizens in other areas of our state concerning tax revenues and expenditures, I consider that to be an additional benefit of having voted for it.
Feature, not bug.
Damn! This is really tough. Every Friday we HA HEROES have to wait longer and longer to be rid of that babbling troll noise here in the threads.
Oh well, it gets better and better after the summer solstice. Never thought yours truly would look forward to shorter days.
Countdown commences!
10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6..5…
Woooo hoooo!
The sun has set!!
Damn! It’s just tooo nice with that babbling jerk gone!
Enjoy the peace and quiet fellow HA comment thread HEROES!
@48 If you screw up, a patient dies. If I screw up, you go to jail. I’d rather be me than you.
Heh. klownservatics waved russian drumpf flags at cpac…
Those cucks! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
@51 I’m good with adjusting our contributions to the ingrate counties, but I trust you realize that even as we write here, red county Republicans in Olympia are plotting to dump even more of their school expenses on King County taxpayers.
Of course they are; that is in their nature. That their “levy swap” scam was duly rejected by us actual voters at every turn means nothing to them.
Our ST3 vote actually limits their ability to extract more money from us via such shenanigans concerning property taxes.
Once again: feature, not bug.
@ 43
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha”
Not to be confused with the loon’s psycho-laugh.
Yeah, his is more like “hurrdeedurduhhdurrdahhurdahurhurduhurrr..”
The drool on his chin is what makes it funny.
I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Bless her heart!
@ 61
You read the last sentence, didn’t you?
@62 Shrug… Bless her heart! She rejected her Dad’s krappy politiks.
Progressive pathology from TNR: “… they had no such evidence, and that a recount would be unlikely to change the result … ‘Podesta is seriously considering the possibility of a recount. That would be enormous.’ … wanted to know if there was any evidence to suggest that such an undertaking was necessary. … a chaotic and highpprofile partisan battle — an effort that may have wound up undermining the cause of election security. … ‘does not appear to be evidence … tends to undermine people’s confidence in the election.’ … had no idea how to actually go about conducting an audit. …
FBI notified election officials in Arizona and Illinois that Russian hackers had infiltrated … attackers could have used such voter records to cast absentee ballots in swing states. There was precedent for their concern: In 1994, a state Senate race in Pennsylvania was invalidated after DEMOCRATS WERE CAUGHT USING THE NAMES OF PUERTO RICAN RESIDENTS TO CAST ABSENTEE VOTES. … ‘someone registered a whole mess of people, and then requested absentee ballots for them …’ absentee ballots are a weak link … ”
Etc., etc. Via Steve Friess, TNR, current issue. Progressive Rodham’s progressive surrogate, Jill Stein, pushed the recount through.
Yes, Issa, there should be a special prosecutor.
Day 35 and Amendment 25. Parochial New Yorkers who read the New Yorker and the New York Times are writhing in righteous agony about the madman in his nightie who lurches like Lurch in the dark night of the soul, thrashing through the darkest-before-dawn “White” House to channel #althate Breitbart.
Time to expose and depose the madness. Time to go nuclear with the 25th, and Time Mag can’t be far behind. Two weeks ago it Willie’d Bannon on its cover, gave him the full frontal Horton before getting back to the metastatic menopause of King Don.
We got the 25th about 50 years ago. Since then, it should have been used to depose Mad King LBJ (Dick Goodwin, Moyers, and several other deserving Democrats have said or implied that LBJ was fucking nuts). Then there was Blue Dress Bill with his obsessive-compulsive zipper disorder. Peccadilloes? It was pathology.
Just like JFK’s. Camelot was Dr. Feelgood’s amphetamines and Jack’s steroid abuse for the Addison’s he said he didn’t have. And there was probably Mary Meyer’s LSD via Timothy Leary. And there was the antipsychotic that Respected Liberal Historian Robert Dallek attests was given to JFK, as president, in the White House. Too bad we didn’t have the 25th in 1962.
Or 1944-1945 when Democrat FDR was zombied out. Or 1919-1921 when Democrat Woodrow Wilson should have been smothered by his fat wife who was running everything anyway.
@64-65 The HNMT doing its take on Pynchon or Joyce?
Yawn and notice it conveniently leaves out Nixon.. And Nancy’s astrologer..
“Now, on this side of the butterfly ballot…”
Colin JonesVerified account@colinjones 4h4 hours ago
The WiFi is bad at the #DNCChair vote so they are using paper ballots and having to explain how to do it
March 31, 1968, “Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President”
Back in the day, that was so cool. The months that followed were the ride of a lifetime, although for me the thrill of that ride pretty much ended in the Ambassador Hotel kitchen.