I was going to write about how you should contact Council Member Sawant if you were harassed by SPD at the airport demonstration, and obviously, please do that.
But instead: Snow. It’s snowing, y’all. Snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooowwwwwww.
by Carl Ballard — ,
The media lies! It was the biggest rally in history. It was YUGE! Way bigger than the women’s march! Made the immigration marches look minuscule!
“World’s Saddest Trump Rally Draws Just 8 Supporters”
Best comment yet from that thread:
14,000 supporters, on their way to the rally, were massacred at Bowling Green.
I like the cut of his jib.
So how’s the wall going? Anybody got an update?
By now of course, The Mr. Preznit and his team must have some proposed funding authorization legislation working its way through Congress, right? Sponsors? Committee agendas? Anybody? Hello? Is this thing on?
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Amy Levin @amyrlevin
It’s like corporate America thinks Dems won by 3 million votes, in regions with economic engines, and among growing demographics
It’s like ad concepts – see Audi’s – were set prior to the election, when everyone assumed #CrookedHillary would win in an electoral landslide (see sidebar, right).
Speaking of assumptions:
Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr 3h3 hours ago
Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted Wall Street Journal
Where have I seen stats like this before??? 😂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Donald Trump Jr. added,
Wall Street Journal @WSJ
The Falcons now have a 91.6% chance of winning Super Bowl LI. Live analysis: http://on.wsj.com/2kgSJNI
What about the NAFTA? Where’s the repeal of NAFTA at?
White House staff must be deeply involved with Congressional staff in consultation with the principal cab Secs to craft a replacement for the “worst deal ever”. Right? What’s the schedule? Have they lined up sponsors? The pressure on Congressional Republicans must be overwhelming, right?
@ 5
Pretty sure he’s busy working on replacement nominees for RBG and Breyer.
You keep yukkin’ it up, tho. Sometimes you’re even funny.
Traitor @4, the Patriots beat the Falcons without Putin’s help, nor did they ask for it.
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Why aren’t the lawyers looking at and using the Federal Court decision in Boston, which is at conflict with ridiculous lift ban decision?
3:37 PM – 4 Feb 2017
Now NYT is doing just that.
Judge Robart’s brisk ruling contained almost no reasoning. By contrast, Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton, of the Federal District Court in Boston, issued a 21-page decision on Friday refusing to block the program and discussing the legal arguments in detail.
Noah G. Purcell, the solicitor general of Washington State, appeared to concede in court that there were areas in which Mr. Trump was entitled to act. But he asked the court to protect people whose lives had been changed by Mr. Trump’s order in a flash.
That’s OK. Libbies don’t need the win, which they won’t get. Libbies need the issue.
Where does The Hillbilly Jesus find the time?
Between the Pay-To-Play galas, mole hunts for all “the Obama people”, all night Twitter rants celebrating the hyuuuuge rallies, and scrambling to plug all the leaks, it’s a wonder he can squeeze in stress reducing Golden Shower.
Oh well. Priorities. If things like campaign promises have to be shelved and WWCMs forgotten yet again to make room for scat porn, golf tournaments, and Tweet wars I’m sure Trailer Trump America will understand and remain supportive. At least eight of them, anyway.
The resistance is working. Keep at it.
“That is not snow! What you see is not snow! All the snowflakes have fallen from the sky! The snowflakes are lying prostrate on the ground, defeated and crushed! They are deflated like a Tom Brady football! There are no snowflakes left! Trump now has a 100% approval rating!”
@9 On Saturday Night from 11:30pm Eastern time to 1bout 12:07am – the time slot he use to reserve for SNL.
Libbies need the issue.
It’s really amazing how you manage to get this formulation so precisely backward.
Your Russian Puppet ran on this issue. It’s the first fucking thing the weakling said after riding the down escalator of derp. This is by all reasonable accounts the single most important issue animating the WWCMs who make the difference for Trailer Trump America. He converted your primary into a Dreamer punching contest among wealthy white men to the delight of his ignorant racist voters.
The GOP needs this issue. As dog whistle. Not as policy. And your Hillbilly Hero may be fucking it all up for them, deliberately creating a series of meaningless battles that accomplish nothing more than stirring up the opposition, alienating donors, and making them appear to be doing nothing about it. Which is, of course, very true and has been for years.
Please keep it up.
Lookkeee here, another great photo.
Donald Trump will not be allowed to address Parliament on UK state visit, Speaker says
Must be because he’s a Pussy Grabber.
@ 13
While your ilk takes a microscope to @realdonaltrump, Betsy DeVos is about to be made Secretary of Education.
Ask a few of the more vocal NEA members you know how meaningless that battle is.
People like Gorsuch and DeVos might be alienating donors, but it’s Schumer’s donors who are alienated. GOP donors tend to be relieved by nominees like those two.
And as far as Trump’s donors are concerned, he was outspent 2-to-1 and still won. Money might not speak as loudly to a guy who already has plenty of it.
@4 Don’t you think there’s a good reason why everyone — and I mean everyone, including you — assumed Hillary would win?
That’s a natural assumption when the other party runs a candidate who is a lying racist pussygrabber who cheats everyone doing business with him, pals around with our enemies, and hangs out with KGB prostitutes.
Due to a quirk in our Constitution’s slavery provisions, the Golden Shower Boy won a majority of electoral votes (but nowhere near a plurality of popular votes).
You’ve been celebrating ever since. That’s why we call you “Boob.”
Looks like a war is brewing. Ohhh those poor little trees!
“China protests U.S. sanction list on Iran that hits Chinese firms”
“Israel’s Netanyahu calls on ‘responsible’ nations to join Iran sanctions”
“GOP heavyweight James Baker slams Trump’s foreign policy: ‘We have allies that are just scared…”
Wasn’t Baker at the Suppey Bowl yesterday with Mike Prude
Sometimes a negative is a positive.
Maybe the hillbillies will start drinking less soda and the cost of Medicare and Medicaid will drop. But something tells me a sugar addiction is hard to do when you eat French fries.
“Coca-Cola ran a Super Bowl commercial about diversity and inclusion and people are mad”
Ohh those angry little hillbillies – they have to take it out on their dog.
Why apologize?! Bring it on.
“GOP leader apologizes for tweeting: ‘Time for another Kent State'”
“Conway: Democrats Have to Time to ‘Cry and Weep’ at Airports, But Not to Go Vote?”
And Repukes will have plenty of time to regret.
@20 Instead of demanding an apology, we should thank him for revealing his true colors. Now we know exactly what he is.
@ 17
You forgot a couple of other assumptions:
• An assumption that #CrookedHillary’s team would run a competent campaign. As in, visiting Wisconsin rather than Arizona during crunch time.
• An assumption that it was just a silly error on #CrookedHillary’s part to outsource her entire communications system to herself.
• An assumption that a very key member of the Clinton inner circle was not married to a pedophile.
Your side ran a candidate so horrible that she could not overcome Trump’s very obvious flaws. She hand-picked him as her opponent and she lost to him.
Speaking of assumptions, you should not consider it a safe one that your ilk won’t make the same mistake twice.
@ 20
He also tweeted under his handle @DanAdamini, “Violent protesters who shut down free speech?Time for another Kent State perhaps. One bullet stops a lot of thuggery.”
Well, one bullet certainly put a stop to things at UW’s Red Square a couple of weekends ago.
Still no arrests in that UW incident, correct?
The guy should be more worried about shutting down the Media or that kind of Free Speech.
But that is the whole ploy of this fuckwad, to normalize or get people to bury their heads in the sand for all of Drumpfs Nazism.
Betsy DeVos is about to be made Secretary of Education.
If it happens it will come as a result of an historic loss for your Hillbilly Jesus. No previous cab nom has ever required a tie breaker until this. Proving to the world (and WWCMs) that there are at least 50 Senators the Vlady-Puppet can’t control.
Will that number grow in time? Perhaps. That becomes more likely as The Hillbilly Jesus proceeds to mock, discredit, diminish, embarrass, and humiliate more members of his own party and their voters.
You and the rest of the banjo chorus are gambling your last tooth that won’t happen. All I can say is y’all better learn to love Cream of Wheat.
@ 26
Ya hear that, HA libbies?
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos means the GOP lost.
I guess future Associate Justices Hardiman and Pryor will mean that the GOP really got its collective ass kicked, then, amirite?
“Well, one bullet certainly put a stop to things”
You might want to give that one more thought.
@ 28
That’s pretty much what happened, Steve. A socialist anarchist protester got in a guy’s face, made him fear for his life, and he fired off a round.
Problem solved. Guy with a couple of shredded intestines now feels empathy toward the not-charged shooter and wants a dialogue.
Why was the shooter not charged, I keep asking. Might it be because the dude actually deserved what he got?
I am beginning to believe it might, Steve.
I think I’m starting to miss George W. Bush.
@ 30
Welcome home. We’ve missed you.
“Might it be because the dude actually deserved what he got?”
You mean like someone shooting a traitor? Like I said, you might try giving that one a little more thought.
Who will be the first HA libbie to post admiringly about John Yoo’s Op-Ed in today’s NYT?
So now a radiologist thinks he knows something about advertising.
Ever hear of crisis communication? Funny, AB-InBev is up with a new “We delivered water” to a disaster area ad within 24 hours every time but the boob can’t imagine a Super Bowl ad being tweeked, rescripted and reshot in 3 months. Or even going from concept to production to air in 3 months. Nope, can’t happen.
I guess the bubbling of women’s issues over the last 2-3 years and the emergence of a MysoginistKing happened in a bubble and it was all #hillary’sfault
What is so wrong with Mexico and the rest of those countries down there that they can’t keep their citizens from risking life and limb to get to the US? Also, wouldn’t Canada be an alternative for Hispanics looking for a better life? Why does it have to be the US they’re striving for? We could offer free flights from the border states to the Canadian provinces for any and all Hispanics using our fleet of military transports to cities like Quebec, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver BC. Would that not be cheaper in the long run for the US and would also benefit Canadians who are very proud of their multi-cultural society?
We don’t have to take in everyone who has a notion to move here, either legally or illegally.
Gee, the neighborhood has changed a lot in such a short time. We hardly recognize it. Looks like a lot of folks have moved out (or died perhaps?). Kinda empty, huh? Thinking about downsizing?
That might be for the best. Maybe one of those “Active Lifestyle” communities with a wall and a guard house.
@ 34
There probably were three separate casting calls just to select the fat kid in the football helmet.
I can’t wait for the new Mark Wahlberg film about the Boston working class heroes who stayed sober through the despondency of 28-3 to witness the final play of the game.
They can call it “Patriot’s Day.”
We don’t have to take in everyone who has a notion to move here, either legally or illegally.
Hillbilly. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you mewling your complaints here?
Take this shit up with your Hillbilly Jesus. He’s your problem, not ours. If he and his Congressional minions can’t fix this to your liking, then why on earth did you encourage Vlady Putin to install them?
Get on a plane. Go to Palm Springs. Make a sign. And just for a change, yell at the rich white guys who are actually fucking you over.
The original order was such a mess, the career employees charged with implementing it were left with no clear idea of how to do so. Little wonder different judges in different parts of the country struggle with interpreting it.
This is the entirely predictable result of taking a list which a competent administration created for a very different purpose, re-tasking it without serious (if any) review, failing to conduct an interdepartmental check for possible implementation, and sneaking the entire mess out at the start of a weekend.
In other words, exactly what we can expect as we go forward– minus having a coherent leftover policy and administrators from the previous, competent folks.
All because a well-distributed minority actually believed AM radio garbage and reality TV.
Live on your knees.
The Hillbillies of Appalachia (jot that down…reality show pitch) got played.
The coal jobs aint coming back
China poised to become @1 producer of solar energy.
Hey, what’s an entire industry ceded to our #1 trade rival? Well obviously that’s solid Republican future investment.
That was a great Oil Super Bowl ad too.
Keep it up, assholes.
NEW HAVEN — A man was arrested after police said protesters blocked an ambulance that was carrying a critically ill patient Saturday in New Haven.
State police said the protesters were in the process of being cleared from the highway, but not before they blocked an ambulance carrying a critically ill patient. Due to this delay, EMTs had to perform an emergency medical procedure in the ambulance, instead of at the hospital, state police said.
Of course, the pussy leader turned tail and ran.
Clement ran away from police through the crowd, knocking over several of his supporters, before being apprehended, according to state police, and then actively resisted arrest and was sprayed with pepper spray.
This is how you get more Trump. Keep it up.
it never seems wise to make predictions about the Supremes or any federal court on 5th/14th questions. But it’s probably safe to predict that they are not impressed by the Hillbilly Jesus administration’s performance so far. Moreover, it wouldn’t be unique or surprising if most of the Justices were leery of giving the Executive pen too much power.
So even if a plurality of any appellate court is predisposed to reversing a lower court (if and when that comes), they’ll probably want to take it slowly before issuing a final ruling that becomes declarative about EOs, and thus permanently defines the contours of the balance of powers. There aren’t too many issues they take more seriously or more cautiously.
Given the stakes, it’s very possible the 9th would grant the stay while continuing to consider the issues. But that’s by no means a swish. It may come down to a fairly classical weighing of rights v. protections, and the well established legal tests surrounding them. Irreparable harm, public interest, least restrictive means, etc. That is certainly suggested by the request for more argument. To perform the analysis the Courts will need lots of information and argument from both sides. And this same process can repeat itself at least one more time. Regardless, I’m pretty doubtful that any court wants to make a declarative ruling surrounding Executive power in a great big fucking hurry just because some bloated egomaniac with a tiny dick is at risk of getting butt hurt.
Even if Robart’s stay is lifted, this isn’t going away very quickly in my estimation.
And that’s good. The longer this hangs around, the weaker and more impotent the Hillbilly Jesus will appear in the eyes of the dirt bike voters.
you missed the real story.
The whole thing was staged to cover-up a New Haven child prostitution ring being operated out of a nearby pizzeria.
@ 43
The longer this hangs around, the weaker and more impotent the Hillbilly Jesus will appear in the eyes of the dirt bike voters.
The longer this hangs around, the more likely some sort of terrorist event occurs that can be tied directly to the stay of his EO.
Remind me where Syed Rizwan Farook’s wife hailed from, please?
Be careful what you wish for. Just as with San Berdoo, there might not be a Planned Parenthood location close enough to deflect blame for your own failings. Although we’ve already seen you try.
@21 “And yet they don’t have time to give a fair hearing, an up-or-down vote on these nominees?” Conway asked. “You want to vote against, vote against. But at least give people a hearing and the decency of a vote.”
Starting with Merrick Garland …
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
So, I just read that the bike service company Pronto isn’t working today.
Which reminds me:
The city opted in March to spend $1.4 million to purchase the rest of the stations, putting the whole system under city ownership, with the hopes of keeping the program going and even expanding it, despite troublingly low membership numbers.
The latest two-year city budget, approved last Monday, cuts the Pronto budget in half — to $300,000 — and ends the program in March.
Does not running Pronto today mean Seattle will lose less?
@23 “Your side ran a candidate so horrible that she could not overcome Trump’s very obvious flaws.”
(1) None of which makes Trump’s very obvious flaws any better.
(2) Personally, I think the word “horrible” is overused and should be reserved for people who are actually horrible, e.g. Trump.
@24 Wherein Boob appears to endorse shooting protesters.
“Well, one bullet certainly put a stop to things at UW’s Red Square a couple of weekends ago.”
No, it didn’t stop the protest.
“Still no arrests in that UW incident, correct?”
No, not correct, the suspect was arrested.
True, he’s been released “pending further investigation,” but that doesn’t mean he’s off the hook.
In fact, I’ll be surprised if there aren’t charges in this case. You’re not allowed to bring a gun to a fistfight, unless you’re a cop, which he isn’t.
@26 Betsy DeVos will be the best recruiting tool the ACLU has ever had, and all by herself, she’ll create jobs for dozens of lawyers. What’s not to like?
@29 So if you get in my face, and I feel subjectively threatened, I can shoot you and you’re okay with that, amirite?
This guy felt threatened, too, and collected 21 felony indictments for his trouble. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH7aTp8DsVI
Then there’s THIS guy. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.c.....ng-police/
@30 Yes, it’s all a conspiracy to make you miss George W. Bush.
“A socialist anarchist protester”
You sound like the loon. Your socialist anarchists are neither of the above. And they’re not fascist anarchists. They’re not even anarchists. They’re just shitheads. Really. They shit on the floor. Those fuckers don’t have no sense at all.
@33 You know for sure Trump’s presidency is in trouble when even Bush’s torture apologist says he’s running amok.
@34 “So now a radiologist thinks he knows something about advertising.”
Don’t all doctors think they’re God? Or just radiologists?
Be careful what you wish for.
Any reasonably patriotic non-hillbilly with a full set of their very own teeth might ask you and the rest of the collaborators the same question.
Fortunately, with only a few historical exceptions draped in national shame, our Constitutional Courts have been fairly cautious about wiping out civil liberties whenever drunken authoritarians wave the bloody rag.
@35 “What is so wrong with Mexico and the rest of those countries down there that they can’t keep their citizens from risking life and limb to get to the US?”
These things can change quickly. Let’s wait and see if Americans are climbing over the wall to get to those countries after a few years of Trump.
“Also, wouldn’t Canada be an alternative for Hispanics looking for a better life?”
Lettuce doesn’t grow up there. Too cold.
“Why does it have to be the US they’re striving for?”
Because most of them can’t swim, and the Pacific currents won’t take their log rafts to Tahiti.
“We could offer free flights from the border states to the Canadian provinces for any and all Hispanics using our fleet of military transports to cities like Quebec, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver BC.”
No need for the planes to fly back empty, either. The Canadians can put their Syrian refugees on the return flights.
“Would that not be cheaper in the long run for the US and would also benefit Canadians who are very proud of their multi-cultural society?”
See second answer above. The Yukon and Northwest Territories don’t need more farmworkers right now.
“We don’t have to take in everyone who has a notion to move here, either legally or illegally.”
Native Americans couldn’t agree with you more.
@42 “This is how you get more Trump. Keep it up.”
Depends on who’s in the ambulance. If it’s a black guy, your crowd has no problem with it.
@45 That’s why he did this. So he could blame everyone else. But it won’t wash. It’s more likely they will try to strike one of his holdings somewhere else. Besides, that’s a pretty narrow bunch of countries. What if we’re hit by somebody from a not banned country? Who will he have to blame? No, he’s just incompetent. Every day that passes just makes it that much clearer.
@45 “The longer this hangs around, the more likely some sort of terrorist event occurs that can be tied directly to the stay of his EO.”
I suppose there’s a first time for everything.
“Remind me where Syed Rizwan Farook’s wife hailed from, please?”
Countries not on the list, to wit, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
Where are you going with this, Boob? Were you unaware that no attacks on U.S. soil have been committed by terrorists from the 7 listed countries, and that the San Bernadino shooters were not from those countries?
@59 It’s interesting that they’re now calling it “Obama’s list.” Next thing you know, they’ll claim they invented Social Security and Medicare.
Remind me where Syed Rizwan Farook
’s wifehailed from, please?Chicago.
Question (1): Re Chicago – Wall or ban?
Question (2): What if The Bulls make the playoffs?
It’s interesting that they’re now calling it “Obama’s list.”
Makes sense. After all, it’s his government. Hillbilly Jesus is just there to stink up the bathrooms.
Making America less safe:
“President Donald Trump’s executive directive to restrict or postpone new government regulations for 60 days has hampered the ability of the Federal Aviation Administration to issue safety orders about aircraft.”
Why “I want a lawyer” is the only thing you should ever say to police who want to question you.
Miller and Bannon are in charge of those now.
Train sounds good.
Turns out Kellyanne Conjob’s reference to a “Bowling Green massacre” that never happened wasn’t a one-time slip of the tongue.
“Monday’s disclosure by Cosmo is likely to cause even more scrutiny of Conway’s credibility.”
Or, to put it less politely, the woman is a liar. But then, so were her role models, Baghdad Bob and Joseph Goebbels.
Drip, drip, drip….
Trump isn’t remotely interested in running the country and the Executive Orders are being written by staff.
But he’s a really smart guy who doesn’t need briefings. I mean when someone puts a piece of paper in front of him to sign that orders an attack on Mexico if that bit is buried in the second paragraph he’ll probably just sign it.
Trump won’t get to address Parliament when he visits the U.K.
@ 4 “Speaking of assumptions:”
How soon you forget the dynamic duo of Bush/Cheney and their messenger Powell, “Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Talk about a whopper of an assumption there. But hey, just start a little unfunded war to cover up lies and make your friends rich at the same time, after all, that is the Republican thing to do.
Don’t forget the other good one (so many to chose from that era), Saddam Hussein helped Osama bin Laden and 9/11.
More from the alternate-reality administration,
“Sean Spicer Accuses Immigration Order Protesters Of Being Paid”
Asked if he believed travel ban protesters were being pad, “Oh, absolutely,” Spicer said.
The SEAL raid into Yemen missed its target.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Oh well, practice makes perfect and we have an inexperienced leader right now. Maybe Trump will do better next time.
@72 I wonder at what point things will spiral completely out of control?
“Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters are likely to be hit the hardest if he makes good on his promise to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and embark on trade wars with China and Mexico. ‘I think you’re going to get a disproportionate impact on people who supported Donald Trump but maybe don’t realize that his policies may end up hurting them instead of helping them,’ said Michael O. Moore, a professor of economics and international affairs at George Washington University.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump’s team of con artists is ready for this. When Dumbfuck Nation voters notice things going even more badly for them, they’ll be cued to blame Hillary.
as things get worse The Hillbilly Jesus will blame disloyalty.
And the witch hunts will intensify.
Wherein President Unhinged asserts the media are covering up terrorist attacks by not reporting them.
@75 Oh yes, absolutely. Meanwhile, Glenn Beck “travels with two bodyguards by his side, fearing the death threats he’s received from Trump supporters.”
In case you’re wondering where Washington’s standing to block Drump’s immigration order came from, it was invented by Republicans to use against Obama:
“State standing was pioneered by Texas in its challenge to Obama; that chicken may not be all the way home to roost yet, but it is flapping homeward.”
Hypocrite is every Republican’s middle name.
How to beat Trump: A manual for protesters.
Carl are you one of those liberal skiers? Or snowboarder? Those are such elitist activities. Just how many of the poor people in Seattle go skiing. Well there are those being made poor by their going skiing. They are usually knows as ski bums.
Some of us workers have to go work in this snow. It actually isn’t bad to work in except for all of the people here who have no fucking clue how to drive in this stuff. Expecting more snow tonight and not likely any of it will melt much tomorrow.
So Carl while it’s a winter wonderland as a poor SOB who will be working in it tomorrow it fucking sucks. A little less job please. Unless you own stock in a ski manufacture or ski resort, and if you do you should be letting us know about this potential bias.
Well at least the homeland security guys stayed behind the gates. If they come out now you will see a lot more than just harassment as you are on Federal property, though generally lethal force is not allowed except in a few areas, is there a national guard section…so any protestors going to the national guard gates to protest our bombing of these nations?
Some might think that photo had something to do with the Hillbilly Jesus Superbowl party.
In fact, this is now standard operational procedure at Mar a Lago whenever any of the protectees arrive. Those are the new protective service uniforms. Including the pom-poms.
The Speaker of Parliament is saying he wont let Trump speak there. Now is totally ironic. Not only is Brexit all about not allowing refuges and others immigrate to England those are the reasons he’s giving for not letting President Trump speak there. Maybe the English need to look at their own policies first and allow ohhh a million refugees in. Not going to happen as they are supporting the non immigrant Brexit. Gotta keep them foreigners out. Of course President Trump should tell the Speaker over there exactly where to stick it. As he’s an American and we don’t have to have a single US troop or base or squat in that country. America First baby!!
@7 Shouldn’t the question be if Putin had money on the game and if so who did he bet on and what were the bets he made with bookies since there are many options. Not here in Washington State as we don’t allow legal sports gambling. So that $1.1 million bet could not have been in this state. So should Washington state allow sports gambling? Though the tribes could go for it as betting on sporting activities would be a traditional form of betting for the majority of tribes.
@8 Do you think that lobbies think it’s ok to bomb 6 of those countries and or just that it’s cool because Obama did it? Do they think that folks in those 6 countries are thankful for the great American bombs, and drone attacks in their countries?
@10 I don’t see Hllliary Clinton in the Oval office yet. Nor do I see where the votes in the Senate or House. So far the resistance looks like it’s ineffective, and does not have a reasonable view about what it can accomplish, but it’s entertaining.
@11 You mean that I just bought all the Hunger Games movies for no reason. I only bought to research statements that we are in the Hunger Day times and thought it best to view and consider that possibility for myself. Obviously that is not necessary now, though if my boss tells me not to work tomorrow (like that will happen?!) due to road conditions I have something to do.
And before you say it RR I will remind you the proletariat outnumbers you, and we are upset.
@15 No it’s because Britain doesn’t want to allow refugees and immigrants from those countries. It’s about the racist Nazi policies of the UK. They need to US to accept those Libyan refugees so they can pretend they didn’t bomb or put that nation in the current situation it’s in. With refugees and immigrants drowning in the Med and trying to find their way to Britain. Britain needs to take in a million or two refugees before they have any room to talk about being upset that the American President is wrong about not allowing anyone from these 7 nations into the US for 90 days. Any brave and true Irishman would know what I’m is true. God save the fucking Queen. And the brave Irish would hoist a beer with me. Better to have the American version of “Battle of New Orlean’s” played for the British parliament than any American President speak there.
@17 And that whole “You’re Fired.” was clearly something the Democratic candidate couldn’t counter. Can you see Hilliary Clinton telling that temporary hold over in the Justice department the appropriate statement? Does it bring giggles up your spine thinking about it, just cannot see her doing something like that. Well that has a lot more with why she lost than everything you mentioned. She could never overcome a guy able to say: “YOUR”E FIRED!” Hell people would believe Bernie Sanders had the ability to use those words appropriately. Too bad the Democrats didn’t run him as their candidate or even on the ticket.
So maybe Eric Cartman for 2020? Using the Bill Clinton theory of winning is everything you gotta love Eric Carman. OUt Republican the Republicans. So you getting on the Cartman bandwagon? Maybe the Dems can get Christie to come over and run.
@20 That is a great ad. Too bad Americans don’t realize you can buy a coke just about anywhere in the world. You ain’t lived until you see Coke in Egypt and it’s all in Arabic, but you know it by the bottle. Not like the Superbowl showed in a lot of countries, oh yeah it did, and Fox is well acquired for free in lots of places in Russia for example. Russians in Siberia probably sang along. Great ad.
@26 A lot of Corporate Democrats seem to like her. Maybe will even vote for her. Could that indicate a problem in the Democratic party? How many Dems will vote for her? Plenty I bet after all the noise. Heck she is one candidate that might be beat if the Senate Democrats would like actually vote against her. She may actually need some of them Corporate Democratic votes to become Secretary of Education. Maybe some Democrats really believe that department should be closed or is not really important and anyone running it is just a 2nd rate Cabinet member. Did Obama do much to improve the visibility and importance of the Secretary of Education? Maybe he should have let the Secretary sit in on a Security Council or two.
@28 Are you suggesting that RR comments that Democrats should arm and that the Protestors should be armed? Do guns make for more peaceful protest? I think Lazarus Long would support that view.
@29 I believe a jury should decide whether the guy deserved it or not. I know the county Prosecutor would be thrilled with case and will fight tooth and nail on any possibility of jury nullification of what should be an easy win.
The Hillbillies of Appalacia Part 2.
Yep, those abandoned coal mines are up and running again. Why no one’s seen a resurrection like that since, well, there was some guy in the middle east a couple mellenia back…it’s been so great it’s impossible to believe. Must be true then.
And when the GOP Congress cuts those benefits and the coal mines stay shut the 96% white community of Beattyville will probably blame the illegals. They’ll never realize they got played as their government food stamps turn to mayonnaise sandwiches on the rare weeks they can afford bread.
@34 Well there is the fact that the Simpsons and other programs the following week were able to tweek and redo parts of their scripts written with the expectation that Clinton would win. “The Daily Show” was a bit of kilter the night of the election and were clearly stunned by things. The risks of going live. Only this time it was more than the mishaps of Johnny Carson being on screen with cute animals who don’t always cooperate, and if the tiger is looking at you hungrily is it still cute?
@35 Perhaps you should check out Canada’s actual policies and you will find they are more draconian the United States, as are Mexico’s policies in this area. Though if you are wealthy and don’t have to be employed Canada will just love it if you move there. Could the policies of Canada be the reason there has not been an exodus of Americans to Canada? I think it’s very racist that Americans did not consider Mexico as a viable place to flee the Trump Presidency. Of course all that crap was just hype (especially after they checked out Canada on the internet). Not many mentioned the “Americans are not welcome to move to Canada” welcome matt that Canada has. Mexico has the same kind of welcome matt only it says: “We remember the Gringos stealing The Alamo and Texas.”
@39 I want all NATO counties to take in their share of people from Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan ect where NATO and the US have been bombing. Hell I want Russia to take in an appropriate share of refugees. I want them to hang out the welcome sign, and not depend on the good old USA to take in all these people. Of course I guess these immigrants and such just are not feeling the love we mean when we bomb them. They should be feeling our love that is what is in a cluster bomb.
The problem is the Super Bowl isn’t watched in a lot of countries though you may be able to find it on.
It’s estimated a billion people watched 2014s World Cup Final. Less than 200m watched the Super Bowl in 2014 and 160m of them were in the U.S.
That Coke ad got one in my party to complain about them “being all political when I just want to watch football.” I pointed out that the ad was nearly identical in context and visuals as one of the most iconic ads of all time
@40 It’s not the courts job to figure out the implementation or try to figure it out. Wasn’t the courts job under the previous administrations who have used such orders, and it’s not now just because it’s a President named Trump whether you like him or not. The courts are making a bigger mess out of this cluster fuck. At some point they will have to say oh the President can do this. Or maybe Trump will take a page out of Andrew Jackson playbook and tell the court to go and do what they are telling the administration to do. All the administration has to do is refuse to give any further Visa’s in those 7 nations and the courts cannot issue Visas. Meanwhile the on again and off again and on again makes us look pretty damn foolish and inept. Something bad people and ban countries like oh China and Russia just love. Those countries can honestly look at all this and wonder if the Unites States is capable of making war against them, or at least won’t be able to do squat until they have met their objectives. Sorry US Navy you can’t fly any sorties today in the China sea because the Attorney General and Governor of Washington State got a restraining order on President Trump or the next President. Ohh Boeing and Micosoft might be negatively impacted if we go to war in the south China sea, yep they just might. Maybe then Micorsoft won’t be able to help China keep up their bamboo wall insteadof being an American corporation.
@46 Well there is a saying among political scientists. That was then and this is now. So apply that and sing “Been good to know you Merrick Garland.” He’s still a judge in an appellate court for life. We still gotta call him judge. He is an appellate so maybe he is already a justice. Have to look that one up in the Federal protocol book.
But you know what they call someone who has passed the bar: attorney. Kinda like what you call the bottom person in a class of medical students who passes. You call him Doctor.
@49 Well there the Chinese politburo supports shooting protestors. They think we are weak because we don’t shoot them. After all what are tanks for if you can’t use them on peaceful protestors.
@51 Well presumable a jury or judge will determine whether you can shoot someone subjectively threatening you. Then again perhaps leaving your gun at home might be a better policy.
@80 ” … all of the people here who have no fucking clue how to drive in this stuff ‘
I’ve lived in Seattle 50 years, and people here don’t know how to drive in rain, either. And now we have all those Californians here to boot.
Based on the facts available at this time, a reasonable jury could conclude that a Milo fan who went to an anti-Milo protest with a gun, mingled with the protesters, and shot a protester wasn’t defending himself but was looking for trouble. Kinda like George Zimmerman was, when he appointed himself neighborhood vigilante, and we know how that turned out. So you never know about juries. But Seattle isn’t Florida and this victim isn’t black.
When is the babbling buttheaded jackass going to babble about “the bowling green massacre”?
Can get enough yucks around here at the fake “facts” crowd.
@99 The Golden Rule of Politics is do unto to them what they did to you. All I’m sayin’ is keep that SCOTUS seat empty until the next election and let the voters decide. By that I mean confirm a nominee when a president is elected who won the popular vote.
@98 The court’s job is to figure out whether Trump’s order violates the Constitution, one or more statutes, or someone’s rights.
@100 Are you endorsing shooting protesters? Do you think we should emulate China?
@89 I don’t think a full life requires drinking a Coke in Egypt from a bottle labeled in Arabic.
@35 why aren’t Mexicans going to Canada?
You are kidding right? Maybe because Canada doesn’t have as many low wage farm jobs up in the Cold Tundra. But give it time, they’ll be growing oranges at the North Pole.
Man, I guess you don’t need a brain to be politically incorrect.
@42 did you give two shits about the fat guy closing down the GWB and some lady died then too, sitting in traffic.
Nope – you didn’t. Go fuck the fat ass from New Jersey.
And then the Reductio Ad Absurdum falls apart
The President has the enumerated power as Commander-in-Chief. There is a long running debate if Congressional Declaration of War is required. Precedent since WW2 is no, the President can do military actions without one but it really has never been litigated.
However, Article 1 section 8 gives immigration power directly to Congress. In Zadvydas, Breyer acknowledged this saying Congress could pass new law but in the absence of it the Attorney General and thereby the Administration could not unilaterally enact new powers.
A conservative court chipped away at those powers in Zadvydasand the dissent author Scalia is now dead and a replacement….well maybe.
Immigration and Naturalization law of 1952 cited by the President
There is an argument to be made that the act gave power to State/Commerce/AG but not to the president. At present two of those positions are unfilled. There is a better argument to be made that an Executive Order made regarding immigration cannot be enforced immediately.
The current SCOTUS WAS 4-4 leaving lower court ruling in place on Obama’s 2016 immigration law. The four conservatives on the court are on record saying the President’s immigration powers are not nearly as absolute as Trump and Fox News would have you believe. Just because conservative legal commentators say so and non-legal OpEd writers say so it doesn’t mean this isn’t a winnable lawsuit by Washington.
@51 hmmmmm, I sometimes feel threatened just being a gay person amongst hetero homophobes……..what to do?
2nd Amendment or https://usatmmajunkie.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/conor-mcgregor-facebook-20160108-pic.jpg
More fun to beat the shit out of the enemy.
@86 “And before you say it RR I will remind you the proletariat outnumbers you, and we are upset.”
As long as we live under a capitalist system, we capitalist elites will exercise our prerogative to live well on your labor. By the way, I agree with you that having a job, a boss, a commute, and work to do sucks. You have my sympathy, and thank you for making capital gains and dividends possible.
@57 you beat me to it….once again, great minds think alike.
A stupid mother fuckers remain trolls.
@102 Rain is a more forgiving than snow and especially ice. Also with traffic as it’s is in Seattle you can’t get up to speed in rain that these folks are dangerous. in snow it doesn’t take much speed to be dangerous. It’s also the ability to bend traffic laws in order to drive in snow means knowing when some speed is required to get up hill or through the slushy intersection. It’s an odd combination of stuff to explain and actually involves driving in it, better yet doing some figure eights in an empty parking lot filled with snow and ice isn’t a bad idea. It will give you a better idea how your vehicle handles in this stuff. Finding an appropriately empty parking lot in Seattle may not be easy, and I’m sure school administrators would not approve of folks borrowing school parking lots for this activity, though they are idea. Just don’t do it there, and don’t mention my name if you get caught, now get out there in your 1968 chevy and see what that beast can do.
@88 For the first time in his life, Donald J. Trump has a job he can be fired from. Let’s hope this turns into a learning opportunity for him.
@16 “GOP donors tend to be relieved by nominees like those two.”
You mean the billionaires who want to use public schools to shove their religion down our kids’ throats?
@74 the funniest thing would be if Drumpf was hung by his balls by his own supporters – you never know, could happen.
Pence and others would have to jump in to help him to save their own face.
@113 Just remember we proletariats do keep score, and know who you elite Capitalists are. So unless you got the sweet and special place of Ann Rand to run too, perhaps sharing some more of the wealth might be a good idea. President Roosevelt had this strange idea that past a certain point additional income was not needed, and you Capitalist elite went along because you were scared of proletariats. Seems the proletariat in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are upset. And they are upset with liberal effete elitists as well as you Captains of Industry.
@82 I already said why – because he’s a Pussy Grabber and might grab the guys wife’s Pussy.
@91 I did not say protesters should be armed. That’s a lousy idea.
@84 Good question…..why don’t we ask GW
@105 Too bad the Democrats don’t have the votes to do that. They do not and you got at least 8 Democrats running in red states that might like to remain in the Senate. And you try to hold the man out the Republicans just complete the process the Democrats started in 2008 and it will take just a majority to confirm. though if it goes to the floor my guess is he will get more than 70 votes. He won’t get the 99 he got last time the Senate confirmed him to his current seat.
This is called reality and please come back to it. The Democrats need to come back to reality otherwise the house seats they will gain in the next congressional election will be to naught as it’s going to be very tough for the Democrats to get any more Senate seats and will likely lose some next seats as the cards are stacked against the Democrats in the Senate.
The current resistance isn’t doing much politically and cannot be kept up for two or four years at this level. If it’s kept up at the current level or intensified things will just get very uncivil. whether or not a full civil war breaks out. And other things are happening in the world that would happen even if Clinton had gotten elected as in China is possible willing to have a fight over the sough China sea, and the North Korean’s are ready to be stupid no matter which administration was in. There is no good answer on North Korea. just the reality if they test an ICBM successfully or not it just underlines they are one country who would put a warhead on a missile and us it against the United States. It’s the only reason for them to pursue the technology. What the North Koreans are doing is actually rational, if they have the political will to act on it. Though at this time short a nuclear warhead or warheads they cannot prevail in a military conflict with just South Korea.
@97 yeah political ads should be no-no’s, we need to stick to commercials that emasculate men and call them fags – much, much, much better for the straights.
Much more entertaining to see the geek guy being called or mocked for looking gay, make sure you throw one of those in the manly commercials.
@92 “Deserved” has nothing to do with it. The issues are (a) who instigated the incident, and (b) whether a reasonable person would believe he was in imminent danger of death or grievous bodily harm.
@121 Well you have said that liberals or Democrats should arm themselves with firearms. I read what you said to mean you thing protestors should arm themselves against stupid people with guns. So what did you mean?
@95 “Though if you are wealthy and don’t have to be employed Canada will just love it if you move there.”
Wealthy = $2 million
@107 nooooo, not China….but Russia – Yeessssss!
@122 Well go ahead and ask him. I’m sure he’s got a web page. Would you like the address of his library. That is on line. Why don’t you write it up and put the letter up for comment, or not. Cost you a stamp. You want to reimbursed if you use snail mail?
I can mail you a stamp if you show me the letter.
@129 it was your question….or was that just more sideways talk?
What kind of books in that library? My little Pony?
No previous cab nom has ever required a tie breaker until this.
Yeah, two RINOS are so in the pocket of the NEA that they went DUMMOCRETIN!
No previous cab nom has ever required a tie breaker until this.
Yeah, two RINOS are so in the pocket of the NEA that they went DUMMOCRETIN!
Phew –got to the end of the comments, now I can go to bed.
That’s assuming that those “Red State” Democrats don’t read the tea leaves and decide backing a deeply unpopular president with historically high negatives isn’t helpful to them. Not sure you want to bank on those Red States staying that way as the current administration lurches from disaster to disaster as they’ve done so far.
@115 “Rain is a more forgiving than snow and especially ice.”
I disagree. When it snows, the stupid fuckers can’t rear end you because they’re stuck.
“Also with traffic as it’s is in Seattle you can’t get up to speed in rain that these folks are dangerous.”
Did you arrive here yesterday?
” … now get out there in your 1968 chevy and see what that beast can do …”
Why do you assume I drive a Chevy? I and the missus own Fords. Not because we love them, but because they’re cheap. You know that FORD stands for, “Fucker Only Runs Downhill,” right? But that works okay around here, because Seattle has a lot of hills.
Finally, about Seattle drivers and snow …
@127 I thought you actually took the time to look this up, but no it’s only $800,000 or is my information old and you used a different web site.
Yep folks to immigrant to Canada you need to be wealthy, have a high skill, otherwise you really aren’t welcome unless you fall into other categories. RR is probably wealthy enough he and Mrs Rabbit could immigrate, but he would probably loose his pension which probably puts moving to Canada into the hell no category for him. Not that I think he had any plans of joining the great American exodus to Canada. Though frankly there are a to of retirees who move to Mexico. Though they generally have to intention of getting citizenship, which is difficult to get.
So racist of liberals to say they will run away to Canada and not even consider Mexico. Or Cuba. Though there is the whole no Gringos doormat at the border. Or please no Americans planning to stay in Canada. You are not welcome at Horton’s doughnuts after two weeks. Two weeks your a tourist and after that your a fucking American trying to overstay and will be visited by the Mounties or more likely local police and asked to return to the US.
@26 Betsy DeVos
Will break the libtard hold on middle and high school DUMMOCRETIN indoctrination sites.
@135 It’s the people from BC who don’t know how to drive. With or without the rain.
Also any truck driver would agree with my statement about rain being more forgiving than rain or ice.
One last comment. What great revenge Drumpf would have by anialating liberals, for the mockery, even if it meant great collateral damage. So unhinged that he wouldn’t care.
Makes you feel safe in this new world.
And just like Hillary is to blame – it’s all SNL’s fault!
Report: White House ‘Rattled’ By SNL Spicer Sketch — Because A Woman Played Him!
You mean the billionaires who want to use public schools to shove their religion down our kids’ throats?
Yeah about those leftist billionaires and their globull warming religion early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit?
Yeah about those leftist billionaires and their humanistic gaia religion early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit?
Yeah about those leftist billionaires and their atheist religion early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit?
DO tell!
@137 Maybe in a few states, but now she is going to have to support her ideas much more publicly. States still control the major part of paying for education and each state has to have the discussion about whether parents opting for these private school options should pay for the privilege out of their pockets or public coffers. I think parents can send their kids to private school and pay for the cost out of their pockets with no assistant from the state. And the state should tax them at the same rate as if they were sending their children to public school.
Not like there is no indoctrination at Catholic elementary, middle and high schools.
@136 I used this website.
One of the questions asks if you’re willing to invest at least $2 million in the Canadian economy, although a “yes” answer doesn’t necessarily get you in.
@135 Well good you drive Fords. Chevy is just my normal guess about what car someone may drive. If I really had wanted to goad you I would have gone with Mercedes or Bentley.
And yes Seattle has hills and not enough snow ploughs. Most western Washington cities and counties have a lack of snow removal equipment when it comes in like this. Still it’s a once every oh 6 to 10 year event. If modern life allowed us to put everything on hold for a few days an not go to school or work and not have to drive in the muck would be a nice couple of days off to hang with friends, and neighbors enjoying the snow. Would be fun unfortunately modernity does not allow that simple and elegant solution to the current snow.
This is what a combination of ice and hills can do.
@130 That is straight up write the letter. So he likes reading books to school children it’s one of those things politicians end up doing. He does have a Presidential library, a web site, a home address ect. Write him. Or don’t. If you want to ask the man ask him. I think you should, or you are just jerking my chain, don’t mind the oil on the chain. Well it feels really keep it up, and I will feel even better. Or shut the fuck up.
@119 “Seems the proletariat in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are upset.”
Yep, they’re so upset at the capitalist elite they voted for a billionaire hoping he and his cabinet of billionaires will save them.
@123 “Too bad the Democrats don’t have the votes to do that.”
They will, my boy, they will. In politics no majority is ever permanent.
@126 What I mean is when conservatives rant about exterminating liberals, we should take them seriously and prepare for such an eventuality, so we’re not caught defenseless like the Jews were, because I believe they’re capable of it.
They already do you total piece of shit.
Now go clean your guns.
@131 Or maybe they think a crusade to turn public education into Christian indoctrination is incompatible with the Constitution.
@137 Yeah, everything will be peachy keen when all our kids graduate from high school believing Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs and women are made from male ribs.
@138 “It’s the people from BC who don’t know how to drive. With or without the rain.”
I haven’t been there recently, so I wouldn’t know.
“Also any truck driver would agree with my statement about rain being more forgiving than rain or ice.”
I see you haven’t been in Montana recently. The last time I found myself in a Montana snowstorm the trucks were moving at 90 mph.
Perfect time for you and some other hillbillies to form up a posse, put on the white hoods, and go after ’em!
Your impotent perverted Hillbilly Jesus may never manage to consolidate his authority and promote his racist agenda if ignorant clay eaters like you just lay around all day pissing in the Doughboy pool. You need to stamp out this disloyalty before it gets out of control. The Orange Weakling cant do it alone.
@140 “globull warming religion”
Leave it to the loon to call climate science a “religion.”
I read a comment the other day on another blog that went like this: Carbon dioxide isn’t a greenhouse gas because it’s heavier than air and sinks to the earth’s surface. The proof of this is tree lines, which occur because vegetation feeds on CO2 and above the tree line there isn’t enough CO2 to sustain vegetative life. Therefore CO2 can’t cause global warming.
A little scientific knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
I was curious and pursued these arguments. Answer: The composition of air is the same from sea level to high altitude because liquids have surface tension and gases don’t, so atmospheric gases don’t separate and stratify as liquids do (think oil and water). In addition, atmospheric mixing occurs because of winds and air circulation. Tree lines are caused by cold and snow cover, not what’s in the air, except if pollution gets bad enough it can kill all the trees.
@146 And the teamsters have had some guys who were mobbed up in its leadership. They may still have a few, or not. Seems American labor and American workers are willing to try different things. Trump has spoken up for workers. To bad Obama didn’t speak up for workers. Hilliary didn’t speak up for workers. Democratic leadership didn’t show up in Wisconsin during those protests. So is some of this new energy going to be there for Democrats to support workers? Is the Democratic party going to be there for workers? Is it going to support the $15 wage at the Federal level? Is it going to insist agricultural wages need to at least come up even with todays minimum wage.
@141 This article will give you a rundown on DeVos’s views on education.
Charter schools want to be given public money with no accountability for how they spend it, what is taught, or whether the children learn. Any school receiving taxpayer money should answer to an elected school board, and the separation of church and state should be maintained as required by the Constitution.
There is enough oxygen that grass, lichens and a few other plants can live far up the slopes of any mountain. Lichens have been found all the way up to the summit therefore there is CO2 and oxygen even where the air is so thin.
Enjoying some Pike Soundkeeper Octopus Ink Black IPA from the Pike Brewery. Raising my bottle to you Puddy. It’s pretty good stuff you all on here should try it.
@143 “If I really had wanted to goad you I would have gone with Mercedes or Bentley.”
First, why would you want to goad me? Second, what makes you think you can? Third, smart money doesn’t drive Mercedes or Bentleys, because nobody ever got rich by spending.
A few years ago, a pair of academics researched America’s millionaires, and discovered over half of them lived in houses worth less than $200,000 and drove old cars. These “blue collar millionaires” often own small businesses; think of the guy who owns the gas station down the street and spends his days working on cars in the garage bay. What sets these people apart is they save instead of spend. The researchers also found that many people who live in big houses and drive fancy cars have little in the way of net worth; what they have is incomes that can support a lot of debt.
Most people can’t know the difference between “need” and “want.” There’s an old saying that the average American works at a job he hates to earn money he doesn’t need to buy things he doesn’t want to impress people he doesn’t like. That’s a stupid way to live. You can break free of that by learning to ignore the cultural propaganda that chains poeople to the rat race.
“And yes Seattle has hills and not enough snow ploughs. Most western Washington cities and counties have a lack of snow removal equipment when it comes in like this.”
Because it’s not cost-effective for a city that gets one or two snowfalls every other year, and the stuff melts in a day or two anyway. Besides, if you absolutely must get to work, studded snow tires and 4wd handles most of it.
@155 If you think Democrats aren’t there for workers, feel free to find out how Republicans will treat you.
So it seems the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit only has issues with globul warming and the others are FACTS and TRUTH!
Thanks for playing early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit.
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit @161,
210 counties agreed with Mark Adams. Apparently Mark is smarter than the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit; butt we all knew that!