Did you get your democracy voucher? I did! I’m super excited to use them. Like, should I just find one candidate I like and give them all of the money? I can’t just use them to reject Tim Burgess due to the fact that he’s retiring. But surely there will be someone.
This woman is pure evil. God strike her dead.
I’m sure this is happening (roll eyes). The real subliminal message here is that she would like to defund any aid to any country that is pro gay rather than the other way and how it really should be. This is why they can easily love Russia and do.
Bunch of Freedomless mother fucking traitors.
And her faggy husband is a closeted homo. God strike her dead.
Making America great again, one tweet at a time.
“Donald Trump Responds To ‘Over-Rated’ Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes Speech”
Are we great yet?
Let’s be honest, here.
Well educated, intelligent, healthy, progressive, urban coastal America was pretty fucking great long before Trailer Trump America started freaking out at airport rallies.
And it’ll still be great long after Comrade-President Elect Derp and his team of Globalist crooks have looted the Social Security trust fund and flooded Crazy Uncle Conservative’s filthy mid-western trailer park with toxic sludge.
Elections have consequences.
The road to greatness.
“GOP plan to replace Obamacare gives big tax break to the rich while sticking it to low earners”
You’re fired!
“For the past 60 years, 89-year-old Charlie Brotman has been the official announcer for every single president’s inauguration parade — until this year.”
“Local news station WJLA reported over the weekend that Brotman was ousted from his role as parade MC in favor of Steve Ray, a freelance announcer who volunteered for Trump’s campaign in 2016.”
“It was really terrible… I’ve been doing it for 60 years, and no one has asked me if I was a Democrat, Republican, or Independent.”
Trump’s campaign was an appeal to our better Angels!
“Kellyanne Conway Accuses Meryl Streep Of Inciting People’s Worst Instincts”
Shorter Trump/Conway
“NuhUh did not”
We have it on tape
“I know you are but what am I?”
It seems all the rain California didn’t get for 5 years is about to fall within the next 24 hours.
“Atmospheric river, baby, 100 miles wide. Gigatons of water scooped out of the tropics by a monster low pressure system, now barreling straight for central California.”
But, of course, human disruption of the atmosphere has nothing to do with this. And sadly, 12 inches of rain in 24 hours won’t recharge aquifers; it’ll just cause massive flooding and wash valuable topsoil into rivers that will carry it downstream and bury estuaries under silt.
@1 She’s too stupid to be evil, which requires a mental ability to form a conscious intent.
Speaking of…..
I’ve been through this a bunch of times. Now it’s gone.
Totally unrelated I learned over the weekend that the flame in Flaming Gyser State park apparently went out sometime in 2016.
@3 ” … after [they] have looted the Social Security trust fund … ”
I remember when they were telling us there’s no money in the Social Security trust fund.
Social security was looted long ago….
@5 He may feel slighted now, but he’ll eventually realize the organizers did him a favor by sparing him from the responsibility of introducing the Trailer Park Presidency to the world.
@12 Sez the troll who calls me a “clown.” Borrowing and looting aren’t the same thing, unless you intend to renege your debts. The Social Security Trust Fund owns trillions of dollars of Treasuries, which for generations have been considered as safe as cash, although that could change if Republicans decide to default on the national debt. Thus, if the SSTF is looted, it will be they who looted it.
Speaking of feeling slighted, after reading about all the Russian trolls commenting on America’s blogs, it had me feeling bad that HA didn’t have a couple of them here. But they probably saw how well Doctor Dumbfuck and his loon were carrying water for Putin and said, “Good enough!”
@15 Turns out they didn’t need their huge military forces to defeat us; all they needed was Republicans.
@16 And a lot of nasty, hateful people.
Trump Admirer Wants Us To Be Like Singapore or Hungary
First of all, you gotta admit this Trump supporter is better educated, more knowledgeable, more thoughtful, and more articulate than the average Trump voter. Formerly a libertarian, he has evolved into a Trumpista. What seems to underpin his worldview is the following:
“In my view, Liberal Democracy has failed and no longer carries any credibility for solving our country’s increasing number of problems. Trump is a messenger, however imperfect, of an alternative that offers real, serious solutions. As Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, and perhaps the leader I admire most stated, ‘liberal democratic states can’t remain globally competitive.’ He instead pointed out, correctly, that the most successful nations since the end of the Crisis have been states which aren’t liberal, and often not even democracies. Models like China, Singapore, Turkey, or even Russia to an extent, have delivered far greater gains in living standards to their population since 2000.”
So who is Viktor Orban? According to Wikipedia, he has been “accused of centralizing legislative and executive power, curbing civil liberties, restricting freedom of speech, and weakening the Constitutional Court and judiciary. For these reasons, some critics have described him as ‘irredentist’, ‘populist’, ‘authoritarian’, ‘Putinist’, as a ‘strongman’,and as a ‘dictator’.”
If this is who the Trump intelligentsia admires, and what they want to change our government to, all I can say is liberals had better arm while they still can.
More news in Trailer Trump America running out of burn ointment:
The the lying Trailer Trump fucks are reneging on their blood oath to repeal Obamacare in the first 100.
The promises are going down like one of Trump’s daughters at a Goldman Sachs New Years Eve party.
Trailer Trump America traded Social Security and 200 years of democracy to semi-nude Russian dictator in exchange for…
red hats and racist jokes.
not for nuthin, but Orban has also proposed at one time or another a registry for Jews.
Freidersdorf’s “correspondent” is merely another meme-trolling Richard Spencer clone, and Salon should be ashamed.
Consider this closing nugget:
“Instead, my concerns will be very basic. Does he improve economic growth? Does he reduce crime? Reduce unemployment rates? Increase average incomes?
If he can do that, I’m happy.”
He only left out the one most crucial question: “Is he white?”
Since obviously President Obama did all those things in eight years (except for the whiteness) and yet this “better educated, more knowledgeable, more thoughtful, and more articulate” Trailer Trump American remained furiously opposed.
Don’t be fooled. These people are not complicated. Basically they are ignorant racist hillbillies.
@18 Nah. Just fasten your seat belts, keep a “Mormon kitchen”, lay low and let the fools run the wheels off their own wagon. We’ve been through this once already since the turn of the millenium, but it took eight years for the excesses of Bush and the PNAC jerkoffs to blow it. It’s more than likely that Trumpty-Dumpty and his pals will take even less time to run the ship into an iceberg.
I learned a new word today.
Shit, oh dear…
Ooh, nice touch.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
@22, @23 Old news, sorry to say.
Holy tapdancing Jesus on a hay wagon.
We’ve handed the entire government over to the fucking Mob.
You want to know why Yertle the Senator Turtle wants to allow the Don’s cabinet nominees to bypass the ethics reviews?
Because his wife is slated to become the Secretary of Transportation, and cannot pass such muster. Her family are the owners of an old shipping company, and have been caught or suspected in several smuggling schemes, including large multi-ton shipments of cocaine into the United States and Canada and illegal weapons to third-world countries.
@24 Mobsters suing each other. Lovely.
@25 The news that Trump surrounded himself with mobsters never grows old. Voting for Trump is like appointing Meyer Lansky to the Federal Reserve Board. Hey Republicans, you built this!
@26 What do you mean, “we”? I had nothing to do with this.
Drumpf is lashing out at Meryl Streep as a “Hillary lover” like that’s bad or something.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If someone called her a “Trump voter,” she’d be concerned.
@1 Why should our foreign policy be pro or anti gay (LGBQT)? Frankly it should not be. Not that it’s made any difference in our relations with Saudi Arabia where being gay can get you a trip to chop chop square. And they have no problem telling the US where to stick it when our ambassador brings that up or other things up like slavery. Nations are not moral. They have this thing called sovereignty, so it may not be particularly effective in telling some nations how they should treat their gay citizens. First some will deny having any such citizens, and then just to show their superiority if they find one they will do something very public, to that person. Sucks to be that human being.
The fact that Americans have broad opinions on homosexuality seems to suggest maybe we should not dictate policy on the subject to other nations when we are still struggling with it here in these United States.
PS There are no LGBT folks in North Korea. That is what they officially say, but in any case this is not the biggest issue between the United States and North Korea. Or between North and South Korea or North Korea and Japan. So while most western democracies have become much more LGBT friendly no western democracy should base it’s foreign policy on LGBT, though some spy agencies still love the old honey pot trap.
@2 Hard to know if we are great or great again., but clearly the east and west coast elites are upset. While Trump is an ass the face the east and west coast elites panties are all twisted up is a good thing.
@ 25
I understand that. But I also see it as being indicative of a constant and long-term pattern of pathologically criminal behavior by The Don. He really is a total Mafia stooge. He’s working for anyone who helps him maintain the illusion of massive, personal wealth.
And it is most definitely entirely illusory.
He owns Rudy Guliani and Christie outright, as the former States Attorney Generals of New York and New Jersey respectively, they were in a position to make sure nothing ever stuck to Donald Trump. That’s why they kiss his little brown pucker every chance they get.
I wonder what he’s got on them. Maybe some detailed information on their dalliances with certain under-aged Romanian prostitutes.
@8 Actually human activity has nothing to do with the basics of essentially 10 Amazon rivers hitting California at once. In 1860 (?) this happened for about 40 days in a row flooding most of the central valley (over 10 feet in some areas) and it took months for it to drain. This is just a normal weather pattern with some extra oomph this year. The fact that such weather conditions can become much more common that is climate change.
And if the Atlantic conveyor shuts down, now that will be climate change.
The current sun spot maximum is being a total wimp so it could be the sun is putting out less energy, which could mean a mini ice age is starting, This would be climate change, not human caused climate change, but perhaps our bad habits could balance things out and just perhaps get a soft landing. Meanwhile Russia and Canada are set to be big winners in the climate change lottery.
@10 The State of Washington keeping this quiet. Should we rename the park? Bobs Burgers maybe?
@11 @12 There is no looting going on. Money goes into the fund and it’s loaned out to Uncle Sam. Some goes to current recipients. Unlike wall street should the government totally fail social security might not make it to the top ten lists of concerns of people. Even less so if it’s the rapture. Social Security is easily fixed, and there is time.
@15 Maybe Goldie successfully eliminated any Russian trolls when they showed up. Using his Goldie powers and perhaps GRUTROLL@GRU.RA was obvious. Good job Goldie.
Is it possible that Doctor Dumbfuck has reevaluated his life choices and has realized that working and studying hard all his life to become wealthy only to spend his retirement years leaving pro-Putin hashtags in the comment threads of insignificant blogs wasn’t exactly the brightest idea?
@16 So you are not disappointed HA didn’t get picked up by any of the Russian troll army? Just a little s you could convert them with rabbit sense? Or could it be that the fake news, troll army are exaggerations? Of course President Obama framed the question for the intelligence agencies rather than the correct question of did any nations intelligence agencies and leaders try to influence the Presidential election. Would President Obama by framing the question be playing politics? Does that make him more a politician or a great President. Hint it makes him a Chicago politician.
He really is a mad man
In 2015…
“Trump was asked to name actresses he liked. He could only name two, and Meryl Streep was one of them.”
“Julia Roberts is terrific, and many others. Meryl Streep is excellent; she’s a fine person, too.”
More infantile behavior.
“She wouldn’t date me so I told all my friends we did it and she was a lousy lay!”
@34 and that’s precisely why Wall Street wants Social Security sliced, diced, burned, buried and forgotten.
@29 This troll was born too late to say, “Why should we care what the Nazis do to Jews,” so throwing LGBTs under the bus is the next best thing.
@32 Here’s your “mini-ice age.”
quoting Daily Kos?
while you are at it, why dont you quote something from Breitbart, Pravda(1970’s version), or whatever rag they are pumping out of Pyongyang….they are all dumpster fire publications not even worth lining a bird cage with.
you been played…
@34 If the Social Security Trust Fund isn’t being looted, then it isn’t broke as some wingnuts claim, is it? After all, it owns over $2.8 trillion of Treasuries. The argument of the wingnuts who claim SSTF is broke is that the government borrowed and spent all of its money, but their argument holds water only if those Treasury notes are worthless, which would be true only if Republicans default on the national debt.
@36 Frankly, I don’t think his central processor has enough computing power to figure out something as complicated as that.
Say what you will, but as far as I am concerned Meryl Streep lost all credibility when she gave a standing O to Roman Polanski.
Polanski is another person who deserves a .45 to the back of the head, that raping pedophile MOFO.
Besides, who really gives a fuck what the Hollywood types say anyway? They have nothing in common with the real world or real people. They live in the ultimate bubble.
@37 Obama can’t control the conclusions of our intelligence agencies, who are unanimously on record that Russia interfered with our election. Not some other country, but Russia. Do you think our intelligence agencies can’t tell the difference between hacking by Russia versus hacking by China, Brazil, Israel, Nigeria, or whomever?
@39 Amazing what power does to a person.
Multiple liberal sources are reporting that James O’Keefe has been caught trying to stage riots and disruptions at Trump’s inauguration to make liberals look bad. As I recall, Hitler did this sort of thing to discredit his political opponents, too.
“A left-wing political group released a new video Monday of a counter-sting that has uncovered evidence of right-wing activists trying to sow chaos at Donald Trump’s inaugural ceremony, an effort to portray critics of Trump who march against him as violent fringe figures.
“The counter-sting, carried out by The Undercurrent and Americans Take Action, a project of a previous target of provocateur James O’Keefe, managed to surreptitiously record elements of O’Keefe’s network offering huge sums of money to progressive activists if they would disrupt the ceremony and ‘put a stop to the inauguration’ and the related proceedings to such a degree that donors to the clandestine effort would ‘turn on a TV and maybe not even see Trump.’ To have riots blot out coverage of Trump, the donor offered ‘unlimited resources,’ including to shut down bridges into D.C.”
The Social Secuity Trust Fund will pay out because the government will simply print cash to make good on the Treasury IOU’s. Of course, this will be done through the Federal Reserve System, so it won’t necessarily be tons of hundred-dollar bills being printed but through the fiat currency system.
At 2% inflation, a dollar today will only purchase 50 cents-worth of goods and services in 35 to 36 years.
Th Federal Reserve’s target inflation goal is 0 to 2%.
“Did you get your democracy voucher? I did! I’m super excited to use them.”
Fucking Hippies…Always ready to had someone else’s money to politicians.
You have to do some pretty retarded mental yoga in order to twist this fucked up “democracy voucher” into a good idea.
Jeezus Roger, just look at your sources…lol.
Bullshit. You didn’t know anything about that until it showed up on RW blogs today. “Hey look, here’s footage of a confused looking Merryl Streep trying to see something somewhere off to the side and politely clapping. Why she’s going out of her mind in admiration of Roman Polanski!!! Hanoi Jane!”
@50 Who says it’s gonna go down in DC? There’s a demonstration scheduled (and permitted) for Inauguration Day for the plaza in front of the Jackson Federal Building here in Seattle (where I happen to work at the moment). At least one crowd prediction is something like 5,000 people.
Bob, if you’d like to get together at the Met Grill bar and watch the fun, I’m definitely down…
Ummm no….its old news, and I avoid right wing and left wing media.
@29 what are you asking me for, ask the kook Bachman what she is complaining about.
Defund planned parenthood. Defund this, defund that. My only point is that’s what the cunt is up to. She wants to threaten withholding funds from countries that aren’t anti gay. If she can get you to believe that Obama is extorting from other countries unless the push a pro LGBT agenda, her next step is to convince you to stop funding pro gay countries.
What is their love for Russia? Simple, Russia hates gay people.
You guys always bring up Saudia Arabia and other Muslim countries. You never talk about Haiti, African Countries, or Russia. Why? Do you have something against Muslims and prefer big black cock instead?
Republicans want to rush Trump’s cabinet appointments through the Senate, but Sen. Schumer has sent a letter to Sen. McConnell explaining how the confirmation process works.
@54 Yep, not a single rightwing fake news site in there.
Without Googling
What won best picture in 2011?
Who was best Director in 2015?
What year did Elia Kazan win a lifetime achievement Oscar?
Since you don’t know without looking it up you knew jack shit about a moment during the live Oscar broadcast 13 years ago until someone tried to make it an issue today.
O’Keefe needs to be more careful about open mics.
“On March 16, 2016, O’Keefe attempted to call Open Society Foundations under the assumed name of ‘Victor Kesh’, describing himself as attached to ‘a, uh, foundation’ [sic] seeking to ‘get involved with you and aid what you do in fighting for, um, European values.’ [sic] O’Keefe forgot to hang up after recording the voicemail, and several more minutes of audio were recorded, revealing that he was attached to Discover the Networks and planning a series of attempts to create embarrassing videos or other recordings of targeted groups.[134][135]”
Does it matter? Does it really matter what some hollywood elite thinks? You think any them can relate or gives a shit about any of us not in their society?
These are the same people who rant on about global warming, then fly around in their private jets. Hypocrites all of them.
The only real idiots are the people who actually care or put any credence in what the hollywood elites say.
Fuck them.
Goebbels Rabbit hath spoken….
@51, 52,
Wait stupid hillbilly!
You left out the crucial stuff about the Bilderbergers, The Trilateral Commission, The Masonic Lodge and The Hegelian Dialectic.
Someone hasn’t been huffing his daily dose of starter fluid!
On a side note, im gonna brag for a second. One of my kids just got accepted to a very prestigous university today.
Im so proud, it puts many tears in ole Max’s eyes.
Fuck politics….im happy.
…and way to go Clemson! Love it when the underdogs win.
Funny how they are only hypocritical “Hollywood elites” when they make watchable movies and disagree with the racist hillbillies.
Clint Eastwood? Down to earth regular guy!
Steve Mnuchin? Man of the people!
Steve Bannon? Salt of the earth!
As easy as it obviously is to con the deplorables, Clinton should really be ashamed of herself for not even trying.
Nice try, but fayle.
Let me guess:
Paradise Valley Pole Dancing Academy?
Do I win a lap dance?
“Im so proud, it puts many tears in ole Max’s eyes.”
Congrats to you and your kid. I don’t have kids, but I can imagine your pride is off the charts.
I absolutely love that Clemson won, especially the way they did it.
Thanks Steve!….yes it is.
And yes, what an awesome finish to the game!
@64 I take it, then, you have no rebuttal.
@66 Good for your kid. Sometimes children succeed despite their parents. God bless America.
@69 I think he pretty effectively pointed out that hypocrisy swings both ways, Maxie. In fact, as we liberals well know, hypocrisy is the right’s trademark.
There was nothing to rebutt…..issue closed.
@50 O’Keefe ought to have Scott St. Clair show up with his bagpipes. Now THAT would create some chaos.
@76 Would you consider the issue “closed” if I say that your comparing me to Goebbels is a total crock of shit, or do you wish to debate that issue on its merits?
I don’t even think this enters the realm of hypocrisy.
Only the Trailer Trump American Party of television addicted toothless sister fuckers has routinely elevated entertainment celebrities to their highest ranks and then elected them to the highest offices. Sure, there’s Al Franken. And plenty of post career Democrats have gone on to entertainment careers. But only Trailer Trump America is so brain poisoned from all the cheap beer and toxic sewage running through their trailer parks that they can’t distinguish reality from fictional entertainment personae. So they’ve simply elected dozens of entertainers to be their idiot Governors, their idiot Senators, and now even a couple of idiot Presidents. And this administration promises to be the most Hollywood connected ever.
Which only makes sense if you think about it. Television and dumbed down mass entertainment media is all these house bound alcoholics know anymore.
I have called you Goebbels Rabbit for years…..its a title you have earned….and one you have embraced more than once.
You are what you are….own it.