I know the post-debate analysis has been done already. But I just want to highlight this that Trump said.
And when it comes to stop-and-frisk, you know, you’re talking about takes guns away. Well, I’m talking about taking guns away from gangs and people that use them. And I don’t think — I really don’t think you disagree with me on this, if you want to know the truth.
There were some people who called out in real time how shitty it was that he was telling a woman how she really feels. And yeah.
But the other part of the dynamic is white people talking to other white people. One says something racist and the other person rejects it. It can be a joke, or some “observation” or a policy proposal. And the other person doesn’t agree. But the first person insists that the other person approves of their joke or observation or policy proposal. No matter how much they say they don’t.
This is the same dynamic of people yelling about PC culture.
We wake up this morning to another police killing of an unarmed mentally ill black man. Blacks are being lynched in America again, and cops are the new KKK.
Not much had been made here or really in the traditional press about Trump’s notion of making other countries pay more for defense. It might actually be the stupidest thing he said all night.
Long-standing defense treaties aren’t up for renegotiation and unlike a bakruptcy Trump can’t just stiff South Korea or Japan and go home.
Has Trump ever contemplated if his tough talk on China leads to war where the U.S. Bases are located from which said war will be waged? If attacking North Korea becomes necessary, where will the planes take off and land?
And how, pray tell, will his shitty line of ties get shipped to whatever store is selling them without naval bases dotted around the Pacific rim keeping cargo ships safe?
Why do we defend Saudi Arabia? Hmmmm a presence in the Middle East is kind of important donchathink?
“But the first person insists that the other person approves of their joke or observation or policy proposal.”
This is how Republicans talked themselves into believing Romney would win by a landslide. You say, “I’m voting for Obama,” they filter it, then think they talked to a Romney voter.
@2 Republicans would happily buy oil from an ISIS-run Saudi Arabia to gas up their pickups and RVs.
See, and I would have thought Trump was merely stating to #CrookedHillary how he assumed she felt.
Thank you ever so much for setting me straight.
@5 “I would have thought”
This is a physical impossibility. Thinking requires a brain. You don’t have one.
No really. You’d be surprised at how many racist assholes think everyone secretly agrees with them, but they just aren’t brave enough to say so.
Oh wait. You wouldn’t be surprised at all.
2 – Just get out of the Middle East.
@8 My Native American friends think you should get out of North America. They don’t care where you go. Europe, Middle East, Antarctica, wherever.
@ 3
This is how Republicans talked themselves into believing Romney would win by a landslide.
I guess Gallup had nothing to do with it. ’cause the most prolific moron on HA says otherwise.
9 – OK, stay in the Middle East and continue this insanity.
Ah the Libertarian fairy tale view of the World.
That would be great. Get out of the Middle East and then…
Downsize the unneeded military? Find civilian employment for them?
Go all renewables?
Let Iran go Nuclear?
Let Israel fend for themselves?
97-1. Ouch.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Jon Talton @jontalton
Authoritative study says immigration doesn’t hurt most US-born workers. Will it change minds? http://www.seattletimes.com/bu.....y-says-no/ … Mine @seattletimes
I know one US-born worker who’s gonna get hurt.
Follow the link and click on another link and you find:
Labor force. The portion of the labor force that is foreign-born has risen from about 11 percent to just over 16 percent in the last 20 years. Immigrants and their children will account for the vast majority of current and future workforce growth – which, at less than 1 percent annually, is slow by historical standards.
Sorry, ‘froggy. No soup – or job – for you.
maybe Mexico will follow the Libertarian lead and adopt an open borders policy. Then all the unemployed Navy SEALs can go to work there protecting the heroin, cocaine, meth, and MDMA shipments flooding into the U.S. under the new Libertarian “do whatever” drug policies. Sounds perfect. #WhatIsAleppo
@9 Elon Musk might be surprised at how many people want to sign up to to to Mars.
@ 15
Then all the unemployed Navy SEALs…
Aren’t Navy SEALs, by definition, employed, DR?
I don’t think an invasion of Mexico, even under the radar, is Libertarian.
Something everyone here knows, maybe even the trolls (save for one babbling idiot):
Oh who wrote this “leftist” endorsement?
The editorial board of the Arizona Republic, a newspaper that has NEVER endorsed a Democrat in its 127 year history.
If there is a true God, let Tim Tebow homer in his first professional at-bat.
Oh noes. Faux News Channel is moving inexorably leftward:
Sean’s Insanity (and our trolls) must be grumpily pining for a return to the days of the sadistic pervert Roger Ailes.
By all means Donald. Keep telling everyone that a vote for Hillary is a vote four another four years of Obama.
President Obama Job Approval Gallup Approve 50, Disapprove 45 Approve +5
President Obama Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 50, Disapprove 48 Approve +2
President Obama Job Approval Monmouth Approve 53, Disapprove 43 Approve +10
President Obama Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 46, Disapprove 47 Disapprove +1
More meaningless national poll bad news for Donald. Reuters/Ipsos swung 6 points in a four way race from Trump +2 to Clinton +4 in a poll that ended the survey on the day of the debate in just a week. The same six point swing in a two way too from tie to +6 Clinton.
Again, there is no debate reaction in this poll…yet.
What gets me laughing is how, after the candidates spent 90 minutes on stage together, the bullshit our resident doctor was pushing for weeks about Clinton’s health got totally flipped on him.
>>Downsize the unneeded military?
Fuck Yes!
>>Find civilian employment for them?
Yes. Rebuild the infrastrucutre of the country and create an emergency response system to deal with disasters.
>>Go all renewables?
Fuck Yes!
>>Let Iran go Nuclear?
I don’t see how it’s our business if they use nuclear power or not, but if you are referring to nuclear weapons, then we should be dealing with that diplomatically.
>>Let Israel fend for themselves?
Yes! They are capable, they have nuclear weapons (unlike Iran), and let’s face it they are just as much a problem in the region as any one else.
then that simply means it’s time to move onto some other bullshit. Given the fucktard “conservative” debate humiliation at the hands of an elderly, feminist, liberal, woman, I suppose they will now turn their attention back onto the black fella in the White House. But I really don’t think they possess anything approaching the self awareness to recognize that the “Clinton is using a body double” bullshit was a bridge too far. Boob is inside the event horizon now. The only light he sees is the light shining out of the 4chan/βmale/Trumptse hole.
@20 LOL. Just reading “editorial standards” coming out of Fox. As if. Somehow I have a feeling the they know the game is up.
It’s very interesting:
the humiliated, cuckservative, Republican nominee for President is right now addressing a Trumpster rally in Iowa. And rather novel is his consistent use of the term “we” when referring to his campaign. He’s used it sparingly before. But today it is all 100% “we”. Perhaps he’ll spend some time with Senator Grassley later and rub some “we” all over him.
“Sniffle-Britches Donald Trump Obviously Dying Of Something, But What Could It Be?”
“Another possibility WebMD suggests is West Nile Virus. DOES DONALD TRUMP DO COCAINE WITH INFECTED MOSQUITOES? Sorry, don’t mind us, just trying to do some journalism here.”
Another interesting trend in the humiliated, cuckservative, Republican nominee’s stump: he is spending the entirety of this address so far referencing Clinton. So far every aspect of this off-the-cuff presentation having to do with policy he (they?) references to Clinton. So he seems very determined to try to claw his way back by attacking his opponent directly rather than through surrogates. But I honestly wonder if this is a wise strategy. Time will tell. But I don’t think a candidate benefits himself by focusing all their public commentary on their opponent.
8, 12
Islamic terrorism exists because of Western fucking-around in the Middle East.
I’m not sure fighter jets can run on solar or wind but maybe someday. And then we’ll have no trouble creating a whole new Federal bureaucracy to retrain combat and support troops into construction crews. The U.S. spent 25 years after the cold war keeping a postage stamp of an island under embargo to placate a tiny voting block in a single state. How’s AIPAC going to react to telling Israel they’re on their own.
Diplomacy can work but it is extremely complicated. Just like all our reasons for defending other countries to protect our interests.
just curious: what kind of “fucking-around” triggers this kind of terrorism?
Yep. But we’ve also seen the chaos flare up when we leave so unless you want a completely destabilized majority of the petroleum energy producing part of the world fighting among the various factions and interrupting the world supply we don’t have much of a choice.
It gets back to the first question, kind of. Let’s get out of the middle east, how, without doing serious damage to our own security and economy? Way smarter people than anyone here have been working on that since at least Gulf War I and they haven’t come up with anything good.
how nice it might have been not to have gone in to begin with. And how ironic it is that the very folks who have gleefully dived into the Trumptse Hole in the past twelve months, spent the better part of the 2000s passing along Feith memos. One begins to suspect that their hearts just aren’t in it at all. Eh?
The “fucking around” in the case you cited was caused by government acting within the borders of the US. Only one government was involved – ours.
On the other hand, the “fucking around” in the Middle East was caused by numerous western governments interfering in the area. For example, the creation of Iraq after WWI by the West totally ignored ethnic and tribal regions of the area and their animosities that go back centuries. Thus, it’s still a disaster, with Turks, Kurds, Sunni, Shia and the rest killing each other.
Then there’s the creation of Israel in 1948. That little ditty plainly ignored the Palestinians, and that has come back to haunt the world.
(Personally, I don’t care who holds the land the Israel/Palestine, be it the Israelis or the Palestinians or the residents of Narnia.)
So you favor some “fucking-around”?
YaaaaaAAAAAARGH. Hillary was signaling to Lester Holt by scratching her nose. He was in on it. Hillary MADE Dinald say ignorant things so she could signal to the moderator that she had a zinger ready.
Just google it.
already Republican campaign adviser Alex Jones has picked up on this latest Klownspiracy theory!
Give it another 24hrs and it will gain mention on Breitbart and then FOX. At this point, however, that’s probably about as far as it will go. More than a few in the established independent media are still trying to cleanse the shit stain of having climbed aboard the Parkinson’s/aneurysm/HIV crazy train. The system has been broken. And it may take more than six weeks to fully repair.
@19 And if he doesn’t, what does that mean?
@24 “if you are referring to nuclear weapons, then we should be dealing with that diplomatically”
We just did.
@30 Or maybe it exists because we didn’t fuck around enough in the Middle East.
When she wasn’t taking instructions from her earpiece. #infowars #gatewaymoron
That long? #24hournewscycle
Oh almost forgot about that glorified pimp and perverted sadist being gone..
I watched a NBC New report this evening that Air Rage is on the rise lately, and becoming an alarming problem. Not sure what Obama and Hillary are doing about it. I think this is one Drumpf should run with – they are to blame.
We need a Great America again!
So much for a rural paradise in a klownservatic state.. #guuuunnns #lifeintehburbs #littlemaxwipe
Gary Johnson is such an idiot! He keeps beating himself up over his ignorance of Aleppo. There’s a video going around with him saying “I have to get smarter”… heh.
All he had to say was, “What American knows or cares about Aleppo? We should be keeping our nose out of such places. Jobs, taxes, government surveillance, yadda,, yadda..”
The fool couldn’t have been a very good governor and he’s a disaster as a presidential candidate. Bill Weld is much smarter and more qualified.
@ 44
The shit I’ve been reading along that line is mostly about people just going batshit in the middle of a flight. Maybe they’re a little fearful of flying, maybe they’re claustrophobic, but in any case, it seems like people are just totally losing their marbles once they’re in the air.
Maybe the FAA should mandate airlines start carrying ball gags with a padlock in the back. Don’t want to sit down and shut up? You will BE sat down, and a rubber ball stuffed in your mouth.
He just can’t stop.
“Trump Goes After Machado Again”
90% of that shit can be fixed with a portable blood alcohol content tester at the gate.
Meanwhile in Christian America.
Yeop. The Christian method, like Islam and so many other faith-based belief systems, is all about the killing. Killing people is really the only way it can spread. It’s easier to kill a million people than convince them of anything they don’t want to believe.
There is good, sound political philosophy behind the exemptions for mass murder in every religious book there is when it’s being done by soldiers following orders. The Kings and Emperors who controlled what was written in those old scholarly tomes needed the butchery of humans to be legal and sanctioned. They’ve always had such indemnifications written into their Religion. Henry the 8th and Leopold II of Belgium is proof of that.
Otherwise, they’re just like everybody else.
@50 People live in their own little worlds and don’t think about history or what it proves and the patterns it shows. Germans were raised in “good” Christian homes where they were taught hate as children. Little wonder, then, that they could be manipulated into a nation of murderous thugs and savages. And it’s apparent now that that mindset continues here, today, and for the same reasons.
Time for another unionized transit employee to claim short-term memory loss following a traumatic event.
This time in Hoboken, NJ.
Maybe Springsteen can write a song about it.
More cushion for the pushin’.
NEW YORK (CNN) — When Alicia Machado of Venezuela was named Miss Universe nine months ago, no one could accuse her of being the size of the universe. But as her universe expanded, so did she, putting on nearly 60 pounds.
I don’t know what Trump had to complain about, really. On a per-pound basis he got more than 50% more than he paid for.
“Time for another unionized transit employee…”
Hmm, 69% of radiologists sued for malpractice. You might want to get off your high-horse, Doctor, and work on that…
….before Springsteen writes a song about it.
“Then I got YLB pregnant, and man that was all she wrote.”
@ 54
Oh, Steve.
Had you read just a couple more sentences you would have reached this one:
Most physicians will face a lawsuit during their career, but radiologists are less frequently sued than are physicians on average.
Steve, is our medical training system so bad that a majority of physicians deserve to be sued?
Or are a majority of physicians, eventually, named in lawsuits by trial lawyers suing anyone and everyone in hopes of a successful shakedown?
I’ve read that as much as 7% of medical costs are due to defensive test-ordering by physicians wary of a lawsuit, Steve. Do you think that money could be better spent elsewhere?
Steve, if a majority of physicians are so bad that they deserve to be sued, why would you want to go to any of them?
You used to bring game, Steve. Now there’s just an odor.
What? He didn’t also rob a convenience store?
Trump’s reboot team has been given much credit for his poll rebound in the first half of September. And I’m sure they deserve it. We certainly saw throughout that period a much more disciplined candidate making more effective use of his time and resources. But their reaction to this deplorable debate performance has been rather less than stellar so far. They’ve taken the candidate off script, they’ve put him on the road where his presence is not needed, they’ve shifted the focus away from the candidate himself and onto his opponent, and message discipline among surrogates has all but disappeared. Conway continues to make multiple media appearances daily, but she now comes across as brittle, tired, defensive, and at times angry and frustrated. They still have not addressed the field office failure to launch. And the click rate for donations has plummeted since Monday night. The next thing I expect to read about is yet another shake up. Given the media space reserved and money in the bank, Clinton can press them onto their heels from now until November unless they snap out of this. But if their rebound strategy involves beating up women, they will cost Republicans the Senate. Let’s hope so.
@53 & 58
The beauty (pageant) of it is the debate was Monday. It’s Thursday now and Trump is still talking about fat chicks Well when he’s not making jokes about non-Christians not being allowed near him.
Yesterday I mentioned in passing how the US pandered to Florida Cubans for 25 years after the Cold War.
Now the voting bloc Trump has to win in Florida is doing their best Desi Arnez, “Donald you got some splainin”
And it appears Trump thought he wa running a Hooters.
It’s going to be another couple days of talking about fatties and uggos.
It’s good to know Johnson hasn’t lost his magic.
@52 fixed
Time for another asshole hetero claim short-term memory loss following a traumatic event.
This time in Hoboken, NJ.
Maybe Springsteen can write a song about it.
@59, 61
Meanwhile, WaPo has a nice piece out on Bill Clinton. You should check it out, CZ.
Between his wife and Gershon, I wouldn’t pick the fat plain unlikable one, either.
Bill Clinton isn’t running for president. Good to know that physical appearance is what you value most in a woman.
It’s working! It’s working!
Don’t quit now, Boob. You know you’re gaining some traction when “political aficionado and curator of current events” Amanda Shea is on board with you (that one’s a keeper). Well done!
You’ve really got ’em on the run. Now’s the time to hit ’em with Magic Hippie Conspiracy Flashlights!
Hey Darryl!
For Friday Night, a playlist request.
Pretty please?
Here’s a news flash for those that can’t seem to grow up. Adults have affairs. I know that’s shocking for you. But it’s true. And adults know that and that’s why it doesn’t matter, except to make those that squawk about it sound like hypocrites. Here’s another. Rich people can be stupid. I know that’s a difficult one for you, but grow up. And finally, nobody’s perfect. Not presidents or kings or emperors. Not priests, mullahs, preachers or shamans. I know that makes you confused. After all, who will do your thinking for you? Not Gary Johnson, that’s for sure.
Ah yess.. A whole career’s worth of sales reps giving boob free lunches and whatever else under the table.
Roger Ailes politics was tailored for the boobs of the world. Deplorable!
And SAD!
“Steve, is our medical training system so bad that a majority of physicians deserve to be sued?”
“Steve, if a majority of physicians are so bad that they deserve to be sued, why would you want to go to any of them?”
Today’s news…
“Chicago doctor caught making ‘vaccines’ from cat saliva and vodka”
We architects and engineers might have have a building fall down now and then, maybe a bridge will collapse, but you don’t see strange shit like that. Just sayin’, Doctor.
But I’ll say that you guys are more clever than us in that you make your patients pay cash up front. But we’re catching on.
“Here’s What Architect Andrew Tesoro Really Thinks of Donald Trump”
“Ah yess.. A whole career’s worth of sales reps giving boob free lunches and whatever else under the table.“
Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink.
Very well played, sir.
Distant Replay,
Excellent! Added and embedded.
@ 69
Hey, look everyone!
YLB finally has an example of “free” he’s willing to criticize rather than take two of.
Criticize??? The entertainment has been priceless.. We can only expect it to continue well past the pull date. You’ve only had a lifetime to work on it.
Well it didn’t take long. My conservative contacts on FB are passing around a you Tube video of an African American talking about signaling Lester Holt under the headline “Clinton Camp is Freaking Out Over Rigged Debate Tell.”
Wherein “Freaking Out” is code for “Not addressing it at all because it is too stupid for words.”
That’s pretty brisk stroll their doing there. And she cracked it. The Flashlights. Hillary is actually half cat and you can keep her moving by chasing a light she can pounce on but never quite catch.
The real shocker is what was in Bill’s cup. I have it on good authority that it was a mixture of the blood of a virgin and the urine of a Unicorn.
I’m not making this stuff up folks. What are we doing, what are we doing? Believe me!
Hey sloppy, apologized yet for Castile?
@ 77
Hey, Fucking Moron, nothing yet to apologize for, although I do note that the investigation
is complete and that it’s now in the hands of the prosecutor.
These Bozos thought they would make Obama look bad and themselves look like heroes. Ha! Just the opposite!
@ 79
Explain, please, how the White House declining to negotiate in advance of a certain veto-override makes Obama look like a hero in this scenario.
Although to hero-worshipers like you and others around here, I realize that if Obama’s socks match in the morning that’s heroism.
@80 Eight years of a president who has successfully run America despite pitiful racists standing in his way at every turn is enough for me. He didn’t write the legislation. They did. He didn’t pass the legislation. They did. He did say it was a mistake. So that makes two chances they had to see the error of their ways. Why in hell should he help them? This is so typical. Republicans passing stupid legislation that backfires. All because they thought they could score political points.
@ 81
So, by “the error of their ways”, you are referring to the difference of opinion between Obama and Congress, from the perspective of Obama, then.
As in, Obama can’t possibly be wrong so the other side must be.
It isn’t easy to override a veto. That’s by design. When there’s overwhelming bipartisan participation in a veto override, the default assumption of correctness should not lie with the president. He’s the one whose perspective is being overwhelmingly overriden in true bipartisan manner.
Eight years of Obama is plenty for me, too. So we do have that in common.
@ 81
As long as we’re talking about passed laws that backfired, particularly those relevant in this election year:
1994’s Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
2010’s Affordable Care Act
would each seem to be good candidates for inclusion.
Neither were GOP-led laws, Duncy. And each have had negative consequences far, far greater than the one you’re lauding Obama for having tried to prevent.
Oh. Maybe check into what happened in the mid-term election shortly following passage of each of them, too.
I think you left out the Alien and Sedition acts.
Cool! Thanks, Darryl!
Let us not forget that the Republican nominee for President also deserves a lot of credit for not kicking Clinton in the vagina while her daughter was watching. He also really showed tremendous restraint for not dropping trou, making fart noises with his armpits, or biting the head off a live chicken. Very incredibly, tremendously Presidential and stuff.
@ 86
She was at The Triple Door last week. Meh.
@ 86
He also really showed tremendous restraint for not dropping trou…
Just think……Had Bill showed similar restraint with Paula Jones Hillary might be up 15 about now.
Kiss it.
Hmmm. Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Roger Ailes and Donald J. Drumpf couldn’t have said it better. Should we add boob to that list?
And Hillary’s obviously not up 15 because of the latest Dinesh D’Souza movie. Devastating expose, that…
@78. Sloppy, you can’t keep your character assassinations straight I guess. You should be apologizing for implying that Castile robbed a convenience store because you apparently HAVE to have a black “thug” with gun. That has nothing to do with court case against the cop so you can apologize now if you have the capacity.
@52. Sloppy drips venom about working people and especially unionized workers every chance he gets.
How come he shrieks “the facts are not in”, when it involves say… a cop shooting a unarmed black man or climate change, but let a worker do something, and he is the first person to convict them. Hypocrite.
Hey sloppy
Great news! You don’t have to retire, they have made algorithms that will help you do your job right.
“Machine Learning Algorithms Outperform Inexperienced Radiologists”
Apparently the GOP always has reservation about there actions because they are so often wrong and always do things for the wrong reasons.
Reservation about the bill the overrode veto on.
I wish I could sue Boob just because he’s a dick. Maybe I can add if the turtle will go along with it.
Boob sounds bitter. Boob go get a Kleenex. 0r maybe you need a tampon. Stick the Tampon in your mouth.
@94. You want cancer with that Lump?
The brain trust realized after the fact that suing government go terror attacks could be problematic.
Hmmm. Your hatred for this particular president kept you from examining facts? Do tell.
Now about that handover of the Internet to the UN and Net Neutrality and ….
You realize that the vote was 99 to 1 right? The Democrats voted right alongside the Republicans