Did anyone else go to the Angle Lake Station? I skipped the opening ceremony, but did check it out later in the day. It’s a lot more isolated than any of the other stations. Just walking around it looked like it was mostly hotels and a federal detention center that I didn’t know existed. I guess that’s probably good for future growth. Maybe.
I’d prefer a Graham Street Station (or other places where it’s a long distance between stations) to that. But I guess the goal is to get further and further South. I’m always happy with more light rail, so it was pretty neat.
Also, a lot of parking.
May the best congenital liar lose.
Nate Silver @NateSilver538 2h2 hours ago
State polls this weekend:
CO: Trump +1, Trump +4, Clinton +1
PA: Clinton +1, Clinton +2
OH: Trump +1
VA: Clinton +6, Clinton +8
Dead heat.
Lessee, apparently Nate Silver or Twitter might be harmed by a simple re-post of something originally posted there, unless I stretch this out by one or more sentences at least as long as the material I cut-and-pasted.
It’s really a beautiful day on Whidbey Island today. I walked my dog, watched her dump on the pasture, and that visual experience got me thinking about #CrookedHillary, for some odd reason.
Maybe because they’re both bitches with a mean streak they can’t quite hide. Or maybe it was because they both make messes with no intention of cleaning up after themselves, and little if any consequence for their behaviors.
Anyway, I hope everyone pairs their meal and wine correctly this evening. Stay upright. You too, #CrookedHillary.
Where did all my Teabager friends go? Did Sam kill all of them?
“Sam Brownback kills report that would show how his Tea Party policies destroyed the Kansas economy”
Cheers to the future of America. Started with the Teabaggers. Bringing America to the toilets!
Awesome little mini road trip this weekend. Early fall in the Lake Chelan/Leavenworth/Winthrop areas is absolutely beautiful. Spectacular views and some outstanding wineries…..and perfect weather for some wind through the hair driving………..hell, I think I even found a piece of property I am going to make an offer on.
Do yourselves a favor and take some time to explore that area.
I’m sure Drumpf will bring up the latest FBI statistics on crime and not this.
“Millions in US climb out of poverty, at long last”
Hey look Drumpf is starting to bloom!
Since Boob has all the insider information – maybe he can tell us if Gwinever Rose will be showing up tonight to the debate?
It is so confusing – these difficult times we live in today. Not even an x-ray can help today.
Drumpf and his douche bags bashing reporters even before the debates, this is like some college frat that steals the opposing teams mascot before the big game.
When half or more of the shit that comes out of your mouth are lies and bullshit, you have to some how make a move for some type of an advantage.
Loser lawyer upset at the world…..is he Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian or Heterosexual?
Does it matter?
There are actually people voting for this moron. Supposedly, it’s to prove some kind of point. The only point I think they are making is “we have the intellect of a flea”:
Talk about a low bar. If Trump doesn’t talk about his dick, he’ll exceed expectations.
@10 not sure…..do any of the other characterizations matter?
Two things I hope Clinton does in the debates. First, I hope she repeatedly mocks him for speaking gibberish. Second, she should ask him why he’s hiding his tax returns.
No need for yours truly to watch tonight’s media circus.
Mind was made up long ago. Whatever way the circus plays out, it will have no effect on what will be done when the ballot arrives in the mail.
“First, I hope she repeatedly mocks him for speaking gibberish. Second, she should ask him why he’s hiding his tax returns.”
Third, remark on Trump’s hand size compared to Bill’s.
that is precisely the way to go with Cheeto Jesus.
No matter what he does, or says, however measured, moderated, or truthful, she should respond by calling it the ignorant lunacy of a poorly educated inexperienced dumbshit. That will unhinge him and release the beast.
I don’t care if he eloquently proves the Riemann Hypothesis in layman’s terms. She should respond by mocking his ignorance, his poor grasp of the issues, and his lack of intelligence.
He’ll lose it.
@ 17
No matter what he does, or says, however measured, moderated, or truthful, she should respond by calling it the ignorant lunacy of a poorly educated inexperienced dumbshit.
Or maybe he’ll just do what Bill did after years of being on the receiving end, and cheat.
Damn. Guess she’ll just have to manage without the cuck vote. At least you’ll always have What is Aleppo to fall back on.
@9 One of Boob’s pals.
I’m sure the tax return thing will come up. The real question is why we don’t insist our federal and state legislatures pass legislature requiring elected officials to release their tax returns.
Tricky Dick did a pretty good trick with that one, and it caught on. Still it’s never caught on with members of Congress or Governors, or state legislators. I would be good transparency though and it should not be limited to just someone running for President. If the other politicians aren’t doing then why are we upset when a Presidential politician doesn’t show his. e’s not legally required to, and it Legislators don’t have to then what is the big deal?
Why should people like you Hillary?
Why do people perceive you being above the law?
There are so many people that not only like but admire Hillary and she should say she’s worked very hard to do the right things in life to make their lives better. Unlike her selfish, arrogant crook of an opponent who uses his “charities” to rob people blind.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Bryant said Rob McKenna had a plan to fund McCleary, but McKenna’s plan was smoke & mirrors levy swap that produced no additional revenue.
Well, Goldy, let’s suppose your assessment of McKenna’s plan is accurate.
My question would be:
Even it McKenna’s plan wouldn’t have produced additional revenue, would it have funded McCleary?
Looking forward to your reply.