Chris Christie cut his tax bill for his casino in NJ by tens of millions. And this is the guy who complains about a “rigged” system!?!
Teabagged Againspews:
@1 all the Republicans are are a bunch of fucking hypocrites…..biggest fucking hypocrites in the fucking world.
Hey, at least if I’m a crook, I’m not going to call others a crook….if I do, it’s to get the sheep to follow me….It’s the Republican playbook.
Distant Replayspews:
There will be a pivot.
But it won’t be the pivot establishment Republicans are looking for.
As Cheeto Jesus continues to fall further behind, and his racial grievance politics has reached it’s natural limits, it’s time to add an additional strategy. Look for the new Brietbart campaign team to kick it up a notch, leading the way with attacks on “bitches”, “cunts”, and “tramps” taken directly from the troops attending el Douche’s rallies.
Yes. They really are that dumb.
“But it won’t be the pivot establishment Republicans are looking for.”
Looks we’ve got ourselves a Trump-Putin-Ailes-Breitbart fusion. Should be interesting.
“going to tell Trump to be more militant, to double down”
Republicans are now so desperate they’re stooping to disseminating Clinton’s medical records to prove she’s unfit to serve. Problem is, the records are forgeries.
@5 But he trusts Clinton’s faked medical records, eh?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Carl, you need to post your address, so burglars will know which apartment to avoid. =;-D<
Ima Duncespews:
He outlined his outreach to African-Americans to an all white audience (he doesn’t attend black audience events) by saying he will put more of black people in prison. I bet he would, too. A lot more.
Willy Vomitspews:
Bah, you ain’t got shit anyway. Hell, your damn turntable is 40 years old.
You can damn well bet that after being smoked in the election like a cheap Chinese cigar, The Trump is going to be on television calling the system such things as “rigged” and “hopelessly broken”, and extolling these people to go out and fix it.
I wonder how many of these guys have stocked up on such accoutrement as they think they would need to do so?
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 9
I suppose it would be the Conservative version of a national Works Progress Administration type operation that would build special places for such people to live, where they can be protected by layers of electrified barbed wire and plenty of heavily armed men guarding them from harm.
For their own protection, of course.
We could call them “Family Camps” or something similar. Such a pleasant, Christian designation would certainly bear a greater appeal to the polity as a whole. The residents would get free Bibles and plenty of properly American Christian education. They’d have to work for it of course. There will be no free riders in Trump’s America.
Ima Duncespews:
@11 People never change. Only place and time change.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The unarmed black teenager killed by a Chicago cop after fleeing from a stolen car was shot in the back and had no drugs in his system.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Where’s Puffy decrying violence against blacks in Chicago? Guess he stays quiet when cops do the killing. But we still have doc to remind us there’s no “fleeing felon” rule to protect this cop from prosecution. But white privilege might.
Teabaggers Againspews:
Not sure what part of uninhabitable that Republicans don’t get.
Crazy fires in California, crazy rain causing flooding in Jindhal Country.
I guess habitable is too expensive and we are too poor of a Country. Smoke’m if you got them. Kiss your asses goodbye. Drink till your hearts content.
Teabaggers Againspews:
Manafort, viewed from the side, looks like he would make a good drag queen.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump’s lawyer, viewed from any angle, is an idiot living in a bubble.
A pretty fascinating article on Louisiana losing 1900 sq/mi since 1936, and will easily equal that in the next 50 years.
Mark Adamsspews:
There some news about some Bertha taking a shine at a particular apartment building in Seattle. The Dot has kept the story quiet for now.
Mark Adamsspews:
Won’t you all be surprised if in November Trump wins. Seeing your faces would be priceless. Maybe Fox news can make a Trump won announcement pause just kidding.
Can you guys try to keep the celebratory champagne in the bottle at least until the debates are done.
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 A level of skepticism when it come to US Intelligence may not be a bad thing. Is our intelligence getting what is happening in Turkey right? Did it foresee Russian bombers taking off from bases in Iran.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@21. I’m not celebrating anything. Until Hillary wins in November I’m still worried as hell.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@22 a sliver lining in a cloud is one thing but that is more of a lightning bolt in a puffy cloud.
And yeah, times are so fucked up, don’t you think Drumpf blaming everything wrong on Obama and Hillary is wrong?
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 Both parties go to some lengths to hide their candidates health condition. Prior to Clinton stepping down from Secretary of State she had some health issues that contributed to the decision (or were used to mask the real political reasons stepping down from the post to distance herself from the President). So reasonable voters have some basis to consider the issue. Didn’t stop Americans from giving Reagan a second term.
Mark Adamsspews:
@24 He is the Republican candidate they are the party out of power so of course during the campaign his refrain should be everything is Obama and Clinton’s fault. After the election they can do wedding invitations to each other, and they will happily socialize. And we little people will go what the fuck. It will be a grand wedding or christening and the cheese cake will be devine if only we could be there.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@25 and Tim Kaine as President would still be 100% better than Drumpf or Pence. What’s the fuckinggucking point if she had blocked arteries?
Mark Adamsspews:
@8 Give them Bruce Wayne’s address won’t they be surprised.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@26 Republicans running on fear and a negative campaign is the greatest thing it keeps thier constituents stupid and angry.
Bravo! Bravo! Even s little libel wouldn’t be that bad as fear mongering.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@26 and @29
Angry enough to get his constituents to use their 1st ammendment rights to call for hanging the niggers by thier dicks. What a great nation. Please save me the lecture, as if I’m advocating against the 1st ammendment….just calling for some decency is not advocating against the 1st ammendment.
Mark Adamsspews:
@13 Stupid kid. If he knew he’d hurt two cops in Chicago he should have become 100 percent cooperative. Running just stoked the stupid cops because we don’t want to spend enough for proper training and our warrior cops depend on the gun
Teabaggers Againspews:
@31 or just like your comment, the cops might just be fucking crazy.
Mark Adamsspews:
@30 You clearly don’t like what they are saying. You don’t have to find it decent or nice or that you like it. The fact you dislike it means it is likely protected by the first amendment. I’m glad to see your using your first amendment rights to speak as well. I knew there was some reason I took an oath to protect the Constitution even if it means people can call me a baby killer. It’s not an entirely untrue statement, still I don’t like it, but I defend their right to say it.
Now that new President in the Philippines seems to be delivering on his rhetoric, what do you think about those pineapples?
Teabaggers Againspews:
@33 pineapples – what a great fruit.
Teabaggers Againspews:
Hitler speech was awesome too.
Mark Adamsspews:
@32 Nope just human and let the situation, feelings, ect overrule training, and found themselves unable to function in a way that was counter intuitive to what happened. This clearly started with a car chase, and in those situations adrenalin easily takes over and rules the situation. And warrior cops make it worse.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@33 I’d call your service to this country as a waste of your time if this is the Country that it is becoming.
A friend of mine told me that he was tired oh hearing about slavery, when talking about black lives matter, as if it was an excuse. I told him that I was tired of hearing about the Vietnam war, as sarcastic remark of course.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@33 and you can look at it that I do like it, because shit said like that goes to show everyone how fucking crazy they are. Paints them with thier true colors.
Mark Adamsspews:
@27 Only Jill Stein could beat Tim Kaine as she is known to more Americans than Mr. Kaine. Personally I rather like the original process where the 2nd highest number of votes in the electoral college becomes vice president. Of course the last time the VP became President no one voted for him at all, and two previous VPs were selected more by the party than the President and neither of them were half bad, and one of them really was picked because of the poor health of the President. Well Kaine ain’t no Harry Truman. Does Kaine have the gumption to give em hell?
Mark Adamsspews:
@34 And Dole grows Pineapples in the Philippines. Should an American company be operating in a country where the President acting like that new President chap there in the Philippines. Or is it all just the same since Mr. Twain wrote his piece on the American war in the Philippines and other places with brown people?
Mark Adamsspews:
@37 More along the lines of it being the family business. Not a waste of time, though at times folks like you may cause some doubt in my mind. It’s the same country it’s been. Easier to see when you have been outside for a time or two and been places and see the US from the outside. We are often fucking stupid Americans and I wouldn’t have it any other way. As no other way is any damn better.
HItlers speeches don’t do much as they are all in German. That iron cross winner didn’t do it all on his own. Guess the Communists would have been better if they had taken over as they were the most likely alternative to the NAZI’s as the middle was not holding out very well in the Weimer Republic. Though the Deviant art was very good and Berlin was a cosmopolitan city.
LOt of poor African American men served in Vietnam because of slavery. Ali commented on the absurdity of American Black men killing brown skinned Vietnamese, because of America’s past of slavery. He found it ironic.
Mark Adamsspews:
@38 Which is why I support the KKK marching through Skokie or the skinheads marching through Seattle as I want to know if any of my neighbors are these crazy loons.
Mark Adamsspews:
@29 Plenty of fear in the Democrats campaign. They are the party in the Presidency so they a bit more limited in what they can say. They kinda gotta stay on the sunny side of the street as they are in the white house, and have to put a spin on things. Like Brexit is just wonderful those democratic Brits can just go out and do that, and those Brits are of course just great NATO allies. See all that Democracy in Turkey! Ummm no we can’t just return him to Turkey Mr. Turkish President until you like show us some proof. Hey Russian bombers in Iran supporting Assad in Syria….and the Syrians dropped a chlorine bomb so what happened with that red line of President Obama. Gotta hand it to the Ruskies as they are keeping their interests in Syria pretty well, but was that whole chemical deal just a ruse? Are Arabs going stupid Americans? Yep we are looking good in Syria.
Teabaggers Againspews:
Sideways talk again by Abigail. Saying it’s the Country that’s always been. If that is true Abigail, why have you kind of stood up to the angry ones like the Drump supporters, by kind of standing by their side and saying that they have something to be upset about. What about let’s “Make America Great Again”. What’s to make Great again, if it’s never changed. Sounds like you should be speaking to them and not me. But your sideways talk is nothing more then staying silent to them and or saying it’s their 1st Ammrndment right. Yes, entirely do, but you don’t seem to use your 1st ammendment rights by denouncing them. That is irony.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@42 and you got plenty of neighbors that are those crazy ones, the are called Drumpf supporters. Or most of them. Maybe you start exercising your 1st ammendment rights with them not me. Just more sideways talk from you… You say you are not but maybe you are one of those crazies, but if not at a minimum you come across as a sympathizer of the crazy.
Teabaggers Againspews:
…..d taken over as they were the most likely alternative to the NAZI’s as the middle was not holding out very well in the Weimer Republic.
You better home the Middle in this country can do better, and Drumpf doesn’t win, because then you serving this Country will or would be a waste of time. Something tells me Drumpf is more like Hitler.
But I’m sure you’ll school me on something without addressing or agreeing but with the footnote attached.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@43 you can’t always get what you want but if you try sometime you get what you need.
I’m sure thier is no compromise or politicking going on in your life. Maybe you are so resolute with everything your life, but only when you like to school others you get so sideways.
And no example of fear mongering? Yes hypocritical but not much fear in those examples. You say because they have to stay sunny side up, but give an example of fear mongering they do that isn’t real factually and warranted.
Distant Replayspews:
His history suggests Bannon won’t work out for the Trumpster Fire.
Took the blood money from the Navy to pay his way through business school. Did his SWO tour then promptly bailed to Goldman. Used his Goldman training to steal a client list then snuck out the back door in the dark of night with a trailing team of traders to start his own fund. Used his clients money to establish himself in Hollywood and media before shuttering the fund. That hooked him into Breitbart and Robert Mercer (a long time billionaire Cruz funder) whose money he put to work accusing Rafael Cruz of assassinating Kennedy.
He’s going to hold Cheeto Jesus firmly by the ankles and shake him till the money stops falling out. Along the way he’ll add married women to the list of constituencies driven out of the GOP.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Bickle —> Taxi Driver —>
spongeworthy @spongeworthy2 16h16 hours ago
#TrumpExplainsMoviePlots The lesbian that the guy shot Reagan for gets raped on a pinball machine. Losers shoot presidents for lesbians. Sad
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Well, this seems a little premature.
Central High School creating scholarship in Philando Castile’s honor
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
digby @digby56
Drowning in Louisiana and burning up in California. Trump is nominee, hiring Breitbart guy. #endtimes
MSNBC should send Brian Williams on special assignment to Louisiana. Maybe this time if he claims to see a floating body it will be the truth.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 53
John Goodman with a bouffant.
Teabaggers Againspews:
Something robots can’t do. And some would think that only heterosexuals are capable of doing.
But what better way to create an Army of Terrorists, by kidnapping the Womsn, enslaving them, and then making them have your future little terrorist monster. Only something one or is and one vagina can do.
@53 I don’t know about Boob but I broke out laughing, especially when I read the comment about his pubes.
Teabaggers Againspews:
I haven’t really followed along with Boobs posting of Goldy’s tweets. But I just noticed the ((( ))) – I always wondered what those were for but didn’t make the connection but about a month ago I learned that the purpose of those ((( ))) is to identify Jewish people or to call them out. Is Boob just quoting something or is he being purposely offensive? What’s his point doing that?
Teabaggers Againspews:
@56. In case you couldn’t figure it out….it meant only one penis and one vagina can do…..and that is create monsters.
Heterosexuality can also be the downfall of civilization. Smoke ’email if you got em
Distant Replayspews:
looks like they got the hands wrong.
Distant Replayspews:
Originally the echo ((())) was used by neo-Nazi assholes to target people on social media. They used a search extension for chrome to identify accounts being marked with the echo for attack and harassment. Once people caught on they started using the echo themselves to destroy the effectiveness of the search extension. So either Boob is just copying and pasting or he’s painfully out of step. If he thinks he’s marking Goldy for skinhead harassment by using the echo maybe I can sell him my Palm Pilot.
Ima Duncespews:
@43 Only a fool wants the U.S. sending troops into another quagmire. I suppose we should destroy another government and unleash worse chaos?
Teabagged Againspews:
@43 ….”See all that Democracy in Turkey!”….
Although I have a Turkish friend, I never trusted the Turkish Government to be a friend of the USA.
I could be wrong, but I think Republicans would think of Turkey as a friend of the United States too…..I guess that’s what you have to believe when you need to station or use their Country in the fight against Terrorists.
You use and you get used. Isolationism isn’t the answer either, it can only last so long… about trying to make friends, something our Drumpf knows all about (sarcasm for the dumbshits that don’t know me that well).
If this Country could start to work together, and that means Republicans giving up on the notion of low taxes, or paying for the things we need to pay for, nothing good will come out of where we are headed.
Enjoy the Zika Virus.
Teabagged Againspews:
Campaign Managers/Staff that are Pro-Russia for greed of money, or ones that don’t pay their taxes….that’s what this Country really needs (again Sarcasm).
Heh. If a “mainstream” Republican was running instead of the current fatuous klown, he or she (think Jeb or Carly) would be campaigning on endless war and drill baby drill.
Thank the stars for two term Democratic Presidents.
@53/55/57 Some sort of counterpoint to the “Adam” sculpture Martin Selig put at the corner of the old Federal Reserve building.
Roger Rabbitspews:
No Puffy for several days. Did the Second Amendment get him? Just asking out of curiosity.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 53/55/57/71
So, we’ll all be OK when someone does the same thing with a Crooked Hillary Clinton nude statue as well, right?
Hey, Goldy, remember when you warned Seattle Dems that you know where the bodies are buried?
Fair warning, WA Dems: I know where the bodies are buried. Vote to split Seattle Schools in 2 and I’ll do to you what I did to David Irons.
6:45 PM – 19 Feb 2015
Well, Gawker disclosed where some bodies were buried.
Keep that in mind, pumpkin.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Paul Constant @paulconstant Aug 17
Paul Constant Retweeted Charley Grant
Speaking as someone who had Aetna once, Aetna is everything that is wrong with American health insurance.
Beginning with it likely was some entity other than yourself that had to foot the bill for you to have it.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Tim O’Reilly ✔ @timoreilly
I’m with @HillaryClinton for all the same reasons that @wired articulates in their endorsement
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Amanda Marcotte @AmandaMarcotte … Great, thoughtful, nuanced but ultimately fair and upbeat endorsement of Clinton by @WIRED.
So stand so that Hillary Clinton’s head is between you and the sun and wait for the sun to nearly set. Good. Now squint, close your left eye, and tilt your head. Do you see it now?
That’s right. Crooked Hillary Clinton is graced with a halo.
Teabaggers Againspews:
Poetic justice – the Drumpf statue.
Obama disrespected in so many ways for 8 years, and now Repukes want some civility. Fuck Off!
Repukes start conspiracy about Hillary’s health, but ohhhhh don’t mock Drunpf with a small penis.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 79
No, absolutely, mock his lack of sexual stature. His undesirability as a physical specimen. This
But do exactly the same to Crooked Hillary Clinton. Leave no doubt why Bill strayed.
Teabaggers Againspews:
Here is a tip for you, Drumpf and Fat Crisco Boy of New Jersey – lose some weight and you can be or a have a bigger prick.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@79 also pretty hypocritical to be talking about Bill Clinton’s infidelity or saying that Hillary has a flaw for standing by her man, when Drumpf has had three wives now, has strayed himself, and has been accused to have raped/molested in the past – the good old frat boy mentality.
And you fucks want to talk civility and fairness? Look in the fucking mirror and begin with yourselves, that would be a good starting point.
Teabaggers Againspews:
Colin Powel used a personal email account for state department business too?
NYT: Clinton Told FBI That Colin Powell Advised Her To Use Private Email
“Even for a Republican White House that was badly stumbling through George W. Bush’s sixth year in office, the revelation on April 12, 2007, was shocking. Responding to congressional demands for emails in connection with its investigation into the partisan firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the White House announced that as many as five million emails, covering a two-year span, had been lost.”
“The emails had been run through private accounts controlled by the Republican National Committee and were only supposed to be used for dealing with non-administration political campaign work to avoid violating ethics laws.”
Chris Christie cut his tax bill for his casino in NJ by tens of millions. And this is the guy who complains about a “rigged” system!?!
@1 all the Republicans are are a bunch of fucking hypocrites…..biggest fucking hypocrites in the fucking world.
Hey, at least if I’m a crook, I’m not going to call others a crook….if I do, it’s to get the sheep to follow me….It’s the Republican playbook.
There will be a pivot.
But it won’t be the pivot establishment Republicans are looking for.
As Cheeto Jesus continues to fall further behind, and his racial grievance politics has reached it’s natural limits, it’s time to add an additional strategy. Look for the new Brietbart campaign team to kick it up a notch, leading the way with attacks on “bitches”, “cunts”, and “tramps” taken directly from the troops attending el Douche’s rallies.
Yes. They really are that dumb.
“But it won’t be the pivot establishment Republicans are looking for.”
Looks we’ve got ourselves a Trump-Putin-Ailes-Breitbart fusion. Should be interesting.
“going to tell Trump to be more militant, to double down”
From the presidential candidate about to receive his first intelligence briefing…
“Trump Says He Doesn’t Trust And Won’t Use, US Intelligence”
Republicans are now so desperate they’re stooping to disseminating Clinton’s medical records to prove she’s unfit to serve. Problem is, the records are forgeries.
@5 But he trusts Clinton’s faked medical records, eh?
Carl, you need to post your address, so burglars will know which apartment to avoid. =;-D<
He outlined his outreach to African-Americans to an all white audience (he doesn’t attend black audience events) by saying he will put more of black people in prison. I bet he would, too. A lot more.
Bah, you ain’t got shit anyway. Hell, your damn turntable is 40 years old.
Anyway. Trump’s baseline voting archetype has a mouthful of mush and a houseful of ammunition.
You can damn well bet that after being smoked in the election like a cheap Chinese cigar, The Trump is going to be on television calling the system such things as “rigged” and “hopelessly broken”, and extolling these people to go out and fix it.
I wonder how many of these guys have stocked up on such accoutrement as they think they would need to do so?
@ 9
I suppose it would be the Conservative version of a national Works Progress Administration type operation that would build special places for such people to live, where they can be protected by layers of electrified barbed wire and plenty of heavily armed men guarding them from harm.
For their own protection, of course.
We could call them “Family Camps” or something similar. Such a pleasant, Christian designation would certainly bear a greater appeal to the polity as a whole. The residents would get free Bibles and plenty of properly American Christian education. They’d have to work for it of course. There will be no free riders in Trump’s America.
@11 People never change. Only place and time change.
The unarmed black teenager killed by a Chicago cop after fleeing from a stolen car was shot in the back and had no drugs in his system.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Where’s Puffy decrying violence against blacks in Chicago? Guess he stays quiet when cops do the killing. But we still have doc to remind us there’s no “fleeing felon” rule to protect this cop from prosecution. But white privilege might.
Not sure what part of uninhabitable that Republicans don’t get.
Crazy fires in California, crazy rain causing flooding in Jindhal Country.
I guess habitable is too expensive and we are too poor of a Country. Smoke’m if you got them. Kiss your asses goodbye. Drink till your hearts content.
Manafort, viewed from the side, looks like he would make a good drag queen.
Trump’s lawyer, viewed from any angle, is an idiot living in a bubble.
Says who?
(tee shirts now avails @ Cafe Press!)
Taxes too damn high. We can’t afford to combat Global Warming!
Facing Rising Seas, Remote Alaskan Village Votes To Move (Again)
A pretty fascinating article on Louisiana losing 1900 sq/mi since 1936, and will easily equal that in the next 50 years.
There some news about some Bertha taking a shine at a particular apartment building in Seattle. The Dot has kept the story quiet for now.
Won’t you all be surprised if in November Trump wins. Seeing your faces would be priceless. Maybe Fox news can make a Trump won announcement pause just kidding.
Can you guys try to keep the celebratory champagne in the bottle at least until the debates are done.
@5 A level of skepticism when it come to US Intelligence may not be a bad thing. Is our intelligence getting what is happening in Turkey right? Did it foresee Russian bombers taking off from bases in Iran.
@21. I’m not celebrating anything. Until Hillary wins in November I’m still worried as hell.
@22 a sliver lining in a cloud is one thing but that is more of a lightning bolt in a puffy cloud.
And yeah, times are so fucked up, don’t you think Drumpf blaming everything wrong on Obama and Hillary is wrong?
@6 Both parties go to some lengths to hide their candidates health condition. Prior to Clinton stepping down from Secretary of State she had some health issues that contributed to the decision (or were used to mask the real political reasons stepping down from the post to distance herself from the President). So reasonable voters have some basis to consider the issue. Didn’t stop Americans from giving Reagan a second term.
@24 He is the Republican candidate they are the party out of power so of course during the campaign his refrain should be everything is Obama and Clinton’s fault. After the election they can do wedding invitations to each other, and they will happily socialize. And we little people will go what the fuck. It will be a grand wedding or christening and the cheese cake will be devine if only we could be there.
@25 and Tim Kaine as President would still be 100% better than Drumpf or Pence. What’s the fuckinggucking point if she had blocked arteries?
@8 Give them Bruce Wayne’s address won’t they be surprised.
@26 Republicans running on fear and a negative campaign is the greatest thing it keeps thier constituents stupid and angry.
Bravo! Bravo! Even s little libel wouldn’t be that bad as fear mongering.
@26 and @29
Angry enough to get his constituents to use their 1st ammendment rights to call for hanging the niggers by thier dicks. What a great nation. Please save me the lecture, as if I’m advocating against the 1st ammendment….just calling for some decency is not advocating against the 1st ammendment.
@13 Stupid kid. If he knew he’d hurt two cops in Chicago he should have become 100 percent cooperative. Running just stoked the stupid cops because we don’t want to spend enough for proper training and our warrior cops depend on the gun
@31 or just like your comment, the cops might just be fucking crazy.
@30 You clearly don’t like what they are saying. You don’t have to find it decent or nice or that you like it. The fact you dislike it means it is likely protected by the first amendment. I’m glad to see your using your first amendment rights to speak as well. I knew there was some reason I took an oath to protect the Constitution even if it means people can call me a baby killer. It’s not an entirely untrue statement, still I don’t like it, but I defend their right to say it.
Now that new President in the Philippines seems to be delivering on his rhetoric, what do you think about those pineapples?
@33 pineapples – what a great fruit.
Hitler speech was awesome too.
@32 Nope just human and let the situation, feelings, ect overrule training, and found themselves unable to function in a way that was counter intuitive to what happened. This clearly started with a car chase, and in those situations adrenalin easily takes over and rules the situation. And warrior cops make it worse.
@33 I’d call your service to this country as a waste of your time if this is the Country that it is becoming.
A friend of mine told me that he was tired oh hearing about slavery, when talking about black lives matter, as if it was an excuse. I told him that I was tired of hearing about the Vietnam war, as sarcastic remark of course.
@33 and you can look at it that I do like it, because shit said like that goes to show everyone how fucking crazy they are. Paints them with thier true colors.
@27 Only Jill Stein could beat Tim Kaine as she is known to more Americans than Mr. Kaine. Personally I rather like the original process where the 2nd highest number of votes in the electoral college becomes vice president. Of course the last time the VP became President no one voted for him at all, and two previous VPs were selected more by the party than the President and neither of them were half bad, and one of them really was picked because of the poor health of the President. Well Kaine ain’t no Harry Truman. Does Kaine have the gumption to give em hell?
@34 And Dole grows Pineapples in the Philippines. Should an American company be operating in a country where the President acting like that new President chap there in the Philippines. Or is it all just the same since Mr. Twain wrote his piece on the American war in the Philippines and other places with brown people?
@37 More along the lines of it being the family business. Not a waste of time, though at times folks like you may cause some doubt in my mind. It’s the same country it’s been. Easier to see when you have been outside for a time or two and been places and see the US from the outside. We are often fucking stupid Americans and I wouldn’t have it any other way. As no other way is any damn better.
HItlers speeches don’t do much as they are all in German. That iron cross winner didn’t do it all on his own. Guess the Communists would have been better if they had taken over as they were the most likely alternative to the NAZI’s as the middle was not holding out very well in the Weimer Republic. Though the Deviant art was very good and Berlin was a cosmopolitan city.
LOt of poor African American men served in Vietnam because of slavery. Ali commented on the absurdity of American Black men killing brown skinned Vietnamese, because of America’s past of slavery. He found it ironic.
@38 Which is why I support the KKK marching through Skokie or the skinheads marching through Seattle as I want to know if any of my neighbors are these crazy loons.
@29 Plenty of fear in the Democrats campaign. They are the party in the Presidency so they a bit more limited in what they can say. They kinda gotta stay on the sunny side of the street as they are in the white house, and have to put a spin on things. Like Brexit is just wonderful those democratic Brits can just go out and do that, and those Brits are of course just great NATO allies. See all that Democracy in Turkey! Ummm no we can’t just return him to Turkey Mr. Turkish President until you like show us some proof. Hey Russian bombers in Iran supporting Assad in Syria….and the Syrians dropped a chlorine bomb so what happened with that red line of President Obama. Gotta hand it to the Ruskies as they are keeping their interests in Syria pretty well, but was that whole chemical deal just a ruse? Are Arabs going stupid Americans? Yep we are looking good in Syria.
Sideways talk again by Abigail. Saying it’s the Country that’s always been. If that is true Abigail, why have you kind of stood up to the angry ones like the Drump supporters, by kind of standing by their side and saying that they have something to be upset about. What about let’s “Make America Great Again”. What’s to make Great again, if it’s never changed. Sounds like you should be speaking to them and not me. But your sideways talk is nothing more then staying silent to them and or saying it’s their 1st Ammrndment right. Yes, entirely do, but you don’t seem to use your 1st ammendment rights by denouncing them. That is irony.
@42 and you got plenty of neighbors that are those crazy ones, the are called Drumpf supporters. Or most of them. Maybe you start exercising your 1st ammendment rights with them not me. Just more sideways talk from you… You say you are not but maybe you are one of those crazies, but if not at a minimum you come across as a sympathizer of the crazy.
…..d taken over as they were the most likely alternative to the NAZI’s as the middle was not holding out very well in the Weimer Republic.
You better home the Middle in this country can do better, and Drumpf doesn’t win, because then you serving this Country will or would be a waste of time. Something tells me Drumpf is more like Hitler.
But I’m sure you’ll school me on something without addressing or agreeing but with the footnote attached.
@43 you can’t always get what you want but if you try sometime you get what you need.
I’m sure thier is no compromise or politicking going on in your life. Maybe you are so resolute with everything your life, but only when you like to school others you get so sideways.
And no example of fear mongering? Yes hypocritical but not much fear in those examples. You say because they have to stay sunny side up, but give an example of fear mongering they do that isn’t real factually and warranted.
His history suggests Bannon won’t work out for the Trumpster Fire.
Took the blood money from the Navy to pay his way through business school. Did his SWO tour then promptly bailed to Goldman. Used his Goldman training to steal a client list then snuck out the back door in the dark of night with a trailing team of traders to start his own fund. Used his clients money to establish himself in Hollywood and media before shuttering the fund. That hooked him into Breitbart and Robert Mercer (a long time billionaire Cruz funder) whose money he put to work accusing Rafael Cruz of assassinating Kennedy.
He’s going to hold Cheeto Jesus firmly by the ankles and shake him till the money stops falling out. Along the way he’ll add married women to the list of constituencies driven out of the GOP.
Bickle —> Taxi Driver —>
spongeworthy @spongeworthy2 16h16 hours ago
#TrumpExplainsMoviePlots The lesbian that the guy shot Reagan for gets raped on a pinball machine. Losers shoot presidents for lesbians. Sad
Well, this seems a little premature.
Central High School creating scholarship in Philando Castile’s honor
“Bickle —> Taxi Driver —>”
You’re only a couple of degrees of separation from being in a Trump movie plot. That’s funny.
Gotta find humor where I can, Steve. Helps suppress the nausea.
@52 Than you’ll get a good laugh at this;
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
digby @digby56
Drowning in Louisiana and burning up in California. Trump is nominee, hiring Breitbart guy. #endtimes
MSNBC should send Brian Williams on special assignment to Louisiana. Maybe this time if he claims to see a floating body it will be the truth.
@ 53
John Goodman with a bouffant.
Something robots can’t do. And some would think that only heterosexuals are capable of doing.
But what better way to create an Army of Terrorists, by kidnapping the Womsn, enslaving them, and then making them have your future little terrorist monster. Only something one or is and one vagina can do.
ISIS Is Kidnapping Refugee Women And Enslaving Them In Libya
@55 No, it’s “Mr. Brexit”.
@52 use a gun… It’s pretty much painless.
@53 I don’t know about Boob but I broke out laughing, especially when I read the comment about his pubes.
I haven’t really followed along with Boobs posting of Goldy’s tweets. But I just noticed the ((( ))) – I always wondered what those were for but didn’t make the connection but about a month ago I learned that the purpose of those ((( ))) is to identify Jewish people or to call them out. Is Boob just quoting something or is he being purposely offensive? What’s his point doing that?
@56. In case you couldn’t figure it out….it meant only one penis and one vagina can do…..and that is create monsters.
Heterosexuality can also be the downfall of civilization. Smoke ’email if you got em
looks like they got the hands wrong.
Originally the echo ((())) was used by neo-Nazi assholes to target people on social media. They used a search extension for chrome to identify accounts being marked with the echo for attack and harassment. Once people caught on they started using the echo themselves to destroy the effectiveness of the search extension. So either Boob is just copying and pasting or he’s painfully out of step. If he thinks he’s marking Goldy for skinhead harassment by using the echo maybe I can sell him my Palm Pilot.
@43 Only a fool wants the U.S. sending troops into another quagmire. I suppose we should destroy another government and unleash worse chaos?
@43 ….”See all that Democracy in Turkey!”….
Although I have a Turkish friend, I never trusted the Turkish Government to be a friend of the USA.
I could be wrong, but I think Republicans would think of Turkey as a friend of the United States too…..I guess that’s what you have to believe when you need to station or use their Country in the fight against Terrorists.
You use and you get used. Isolationism isn’t the answer either, it can only last so long… about trying to make friends, something our Drumpf knows all about (sarcasm for the dumbshits that don’t know me that well).
If this Country could start to work together, and that means Republicans giving up on the notion of low taxes, or paying for the things we need to pay for, nothing good will come out of where we are headed.
Enjoy the Zika Virus.
Campaign Managers/Staff that are Pro-Russia for greed of money, or ones that don’t pay their taxes….that’s what this Country really needs (again Sarcasm).
Abigail – how about you voice your 1st amendment right and speak out too or you could remain silent.
Looks like HA’s about to experience a surge in visitor traffic.
slackbot @pareene
enjoy reading all the many other good and funny and smart websites out there
11:21 AM – 18 Aug 2016
Heh. And Williams can swap war stories with drunken Bill O’Falafel the hapless harraser (who learned at Jabba the Hutt’s aka Roger Ailes’ knee).
HAHAHA! Now there’s a knee slapper for ya!
One of boob’s dem latino obsessions speaks truth and facts:
No not Richardson.
The number of people living at $1.25 per day or less declined by roughly 1.1 billion people between 1990 and 2015. The number of war deaths per 100,000 people worldwide has increased in the past three years, owing largely to the war in Syria, but is still far lower than it was even 20 years ago. Average global life expectancy worldwide was 48 in 1950; it was 71.4 in 2015.
Heh. If a “mainstream” Republican was running instead of the current fatuous klown, he or she (think Jeb or Carly) would be campaigning on endless war and drill baby drill.
Thank the stars for two term Democratic Presidents.
@53/55/57 Some sort of counterpoint to the “Adam” sculpture Martin Selig put at the corner of the old Federal Reserve building.
No Puffy for several days. Did the Second Amendment get him? Just asking out of curiosity.
@ 53/55/57/71
So, we’ll all be OK when someone does the same thing with a Crooked Hillary Clinton nude statue as well, right?
I’m envisioning a working money clip between the labia majora.
Finally, a gaggle of lying cops get what they deserve.
@73 So, Boob has morphed into a dirty old man in his twilight years? I wonder how many women he felt up during his medical career.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
First they came for Gawker and I did not speak out… …
Hey, Goldy, remember when you warned Seattle Dems that you know where the bodies are buried?
Fair warning, WA Dems: I know where the bodies are buried. Vote to split Seattle Schools in 2 and I’ll do to you what I did to David Irons.
6:45 PM – 19 Feb 2015
Well, Gawker disclosed where some bodies were buried.
Keep that in mind, pumpkin.
Paul Constant @paulconstant Aug 17
Paul Constant Retweeted Charley Grant
Speaking as someone who had Aetna once, Aetna is everything that is wrong with American health insurance.
Beginning with it likely was some entity other than yourself that had to foot the bill for you to have it.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Tim O’Reilly ✔ @timoreilly
I’m with @HillaryClinton for all the same reasons that @wired articulates in their endorsement
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Amanda Marcotte @AmandaMarcotte … Great, thoughtful, nuanced but ultimately fair and upbeat endorsement of Clinton by @WIRED.
So stand so that Hillary Clinton’s head is between you and the sun and wait for the sun to nearly set. Good. Now squint, close your left eye, and tilt your head. Do you see it now?
That’s right. Crooked Hillary Clinton is graced with a halo.
Poetic justice – the Drumpf statue.
Obama disrespected in so many ways for 8 years, and now Repukes want some civility. Fuck Off!
Repukes start conspiracy about Hillary’s health, but ohhhhh don’t mock Drunpf with a small penis.
@ 79
No, absolutely, mock his lack of sexual stature. His undesirability as a physical specimen. This
was a fantastic piece.
But do exactly the same to Crooked Hillary Clinton. Leave no doubt why Bill strayed.
Here is a tip for you, Drumpf and Fat Crisco Boy of New Jersey – lose some weight and you can be or a have a bigger prick.
@79 also pretty hypocritical to be talking about Bill Clinton’s infidelity or saying that Hillary has a flaw for standing by her man, when Drumpf has had three wives now, has strayed himself, and has been accused to have raped/molested in the past – the good old frat boy mentality.
And you fucks want to talk civility and fairness? Look in the fucking mirror and begin with yourselves, that would be a good starting point.
Colin Powel used a personal email account for state department business too?
NYT: Clinton Told FBI That Colin Powell Advised Her To Use Private Email
“Even for a Republican White House that was badly stumbling through George W. Bush’s sixth year in office, the revelation on April 12, 2007, was shocking. Responding to congressional demands for emails in connection with its investigation into the partisan firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the White House announced that as many as five million emails, covering a two-year span, had been lost.”
“The emails had been run through private accounts controlled by the Republican National Committee and were only supposed to be used for dealing with non-administration political campaign work to avoid violating ethics laws.”