Despite the latest setbacks (and the fact that I was originally anti-tunnel) I still think we have an obligation to press on with the bad idea. There was a vote and that still matters.
That said, the safety doesn’t seem all that assured. Maybe we should close the Viaduct before the tunnel gets to under it. That sounds bad for already bad traffic, but then again so does pretty much everything about this project from jump.
The Viaduct is always a downer to write about so feel under no obligation in an open thread. Talk about whatever!
It is now day 298 since foreign-born Rafael Cruz launched his campaign of lies and deceptions and still he refuses to release documents establishing his citizenship status.
And the 2016 legal battle over foreign-born Rafael Cruz is joined!
“This 229-year question has never been pled, presented to or finally decided by or resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court,” Houston attorney Newton B. Schwartz Sr. said in his 28-page complaint. “Only the U.S. Supreme Court can finally decide, determine judicially and settle this issue now.”
This is the first of what will prove to be a series of legal challenges facing the widely despised, foreign-born Cruz. We eagerly await a separate series of civil complaints to be filed in response to Cruz concealing over a million dollars he secretly received from Wall Street banksters.
In case anyone is interested, there is a pretty well researched and thoroughly documented brief on the Cruz eligibility question appearing today on The Atlantic website:
The author, who is Editor in Chief at Black’s Law Review, is a Texas Republican who teaches law at SMU and coauthored two books with Scalia. So, probably not a Clinton plant.
What I say a day earlier becomes or is said a day later.
Yesterday I told Crid to back to Csnada or Cuba.
New York Daily News Has A Pointed Message For Ted Cruz
We didn’t want the baseball stadium. We got stuck with it anyway. We didn’t want this tunnel. We’re stuck with it anyway. We didn’t want to spend $4.5 billion on a new SR-520 pontoon bridge (the huge Tacoma Narrows 2nd suspension bridge cost only $880 million), but we’re going to anyway. Ninety percent of us voted against spending public funds on a basketball palace, but we’re apparently going to get stuck with the bill for that one, too. Obviously, something is terribly wrong here. Decisions to tax us for gigantic goldplated projects are being made by a handful of people in locked smoke-filled rooms — people with names like Wright, Runstad, Selig, etc. — and we have absolutely no say about it. Seattle is as corrupt as any on the Mafia East Coast. This town makes Tsarist Russia look like direct democracy by comparison. In a reasonable world, the tunnel fiasco would end the political careers of everyone involved in it.
Whenever Trump says anything, and especially when he accuses the New York Times of misquoting him, you really don’t need to bother fact checking to find out who’s fibbing and who’s telling the truth.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What’s inexplicable to me is why the debate moderators don’t challenge these candidates about their relentless fibbing. Are they all working for the GOP?
With huge TV audiences watching, the GOP candidates not only tell outrageous lies but also call the (accurate) media reporting dishonest, and nobody challenges them so what happens? Millions of people believe all the political lies and think all journalists are liars. This can’t possibly be healthy for our country, society, or democracy.
Last night’s best dig:
“Kasich, meanwhile, got the most engagement of the night from 89-year-old former Democratic Rep. John Dingell, who tweeted: John Kasich tells more ‘back in my day’ rocking chair stories than me or anyone I know, and I was born during the Coolidge administration.”
Crud is finished.
The problem with America is that there are too many radiologists.
@8 “The problem with America is that there are too many overpaid radiologists.”
How ignorant of history are Republicans?
“We’ve never in the history of this country passed any laws or done anything based on race or religion. Let’s not start that now.” — SC Gov. Nikki Haley
@3 “Editor in Chief at Black’s Law Review”
This is nitpicky, but that’s “Black’s Law Dictionary,” a legal dictionary that has been published since the time of Moses or at least the Magna Carta. (I have one in my bookcase.) There are many law reviews, most of them published by law schools, for example Washington Law Review published by the University of Washington Law School, but there’s no Black’s Law Review. A law review is a periodical containing scholarly articles on legal subjects; and law reviews are never edited by professors, the editors are law students of top academic standing. So, no, Prof. Garner is not the editor-in-chief of Black’s Law Review. What I’m trying to do here is elucidate the distinction between dictionaries (Black’s Law Dictionary) and scholarly journals (law reviews).*
* Goddamn lawyers; always badgering you with technicalities
Puddy sees the Oregon moron got another one wrong per R senile!
When R senile has to correct a DUMMOCRETIN you really stepped in it!
The Dow has lost over 1,400 points so far in the first 10 trading days of 2016, marking the worst two-week start to a year evah. Did R senile see this coming? NOPE!
Below 16,000
So how did that R senile stock information work out for you HA DUMMOCRETINS so far this year? Puddy still has his $$$ in da bank!
I guess Boob believes this is because of those greedy minimum wage workers:
Yawwwwnnn.. 115 stores overseas? Sure sucks for 10,000 US workers whose local economies were hollowed out by the greed of the Walton family and the cheap, cheap, cheap mentality.
I stand corrected and bow to your professional expertise. However in my defense that’s how The Atlantic described it and that remains so at the time of this posting. So my bad is theirs too I guess.
I e been seeing headlines on news websites about “Making a Murderer”. I seen it in Huffington Post, and maybe CNN or maybe it was Liberaland or TPM, I can’t remember which. I never took the time to read the articles”. Not sure why? My first impression, because they had the face of what looked like a killer that went along with the headline, was that it was about some guy that actually killed someone, and I didn’t want to read about more gruesome killings, so I just moved along.
But tonight I was visiting my Sister and she was actually watching the movie episodes of the documentary of “Making a Murderer” on Netflix – I didn’t even know that there was even a documentary. I only saw two episodes of the multi part documentary. Two of the episodes in the middle. I missed the first ones and because it was getting we didn’t finish watching them all, and I left her house right afterwards. When I first started watching, my feeling that the two accused were guilty, but then that immediately changed as the story went on.
Has anyone else seen this? Roger have you seen it?
I’m astonished. I know this is an isolated case or an enomoly, but I think it is indicative that justice in this Country is far from just.
I am truly astonished, I say this not knowing the ending, but from what I’ve seen, I think that I know how it might end.
I can’t believe we have the gall to complain about corruption in politics when there is plenty of corruption elsewhere and maybe even more importantly of where it matters in our lives. And we have fucking idiots that think they are being treated unjustly because they are taxed to death. Those kinds of people who complain about taxes should go fuck themselves, those selfish little bastards.
Wow. I just read the Huffington post article. I guess I am wrong. Maybe the guy is a killer. I guess I need to read more or watch the ending of the documentary.
Crazy fucking world!
Most of the wal marts being closed are in the south. I guess the low wages states couldnot support that many stores.
Junior Militiaman Anti-Government Playset!
I know what I want for my birthday now. Although having it come with a commie-built rifle does cause me to have some doubts as to its authenticity.
@12 “When R senile has to correct a DUMMOCRETIN you really stepped in it!”
What do you call having to correct a shit-for-brains parrot a dozen times every day? (See #54 of preceding thread.)
@13 I’m still collecting the same dividend income I did last year. Actually more, because (a) some of my companies have raised their dividends and (b) I’ve bought more stock. How much is “da bank” paying you on your $$$? Sure sucks to be you.
The shit-for-brains parrot believes the 8.5% stock market decline of the last two weeks is a bad thing. That’s the most ridiculous horseshit I’ve ever heard. Without market corrections, we wouldn’t have buying opportunities. I get rich off morons like him who attempt market timing. Anyone with a grain of intelligence realizes that investors who are building up their portfolios want stocks to be cheap, not expensive. I get rich off morons who attempt market timing. The geniuses who program the robot computers that sell stocks automatically on certain signals treat me pretty well, too. That’s what’s happening now; all the automated trading programs are tripping simultaneously, and guess what, the smartest guys in the world are throwing away billions of dollars — and some of it is coming to me. When this is over, I may have increased my dividend income by a couple hundred bucks a month.
@16 “Has anyone else seen this? Roger have you seen it?”
No, my burrow is filled with books, and there’s no room for a TV down here.
“How much is “da bank” paying you on your $$$? Sure sucks to be you.”
Ohhh, im sure the Bank of Russia and the Bank of Baby Jesus are paying great interest rates. Puffy must be making out like a bandit.
Iran releases American Prisoner.
That feckless fucking Obama. See GWB did get “Mission Accomplished”.
@23 have you tead about it?
Based on the two episodes that I watched so far it is crazy how the young kid in this case was treated by police, the judge, and his own lawyer. You should see if you can find some online stuff to watch. The people or family had IQ’s in the 70’s, but they were smart enough to realize they were being fucked with.
Ultimately I think they ended up being found quilt (sorry to ruin it for anyone who didn’t already know) but based on what I saw I’m not sure on what evidence that was based on. From the beginning I didn’t trust the elder accused but it sure looked like he was being framed by vindictive cops.
As a past lawyer, I thought maybe this would be entertaining for you.
The moronic twit R senile has proven it isn’t the great stock prognosticator it claims to be. R senile can call Puddy all the names it wants butt this doesn’t change the fact that 8.5% of your holdings went POOF marking this the worst two-week start to a year ever under two term preznit Obummer.
– The shit-for-brains parrot believes the 8.5% stock market decline of the last two weeks is a bad thing.
Last week Puddy told you about those December warnings and concerns about global growth. Being Teabagged Again from NY made fun of Puddy’s eight indices. Well the markets fell another 400 points after that moron made those comments.
Now what does this portend? Well R senile is in CYA mode. R senile loves to brag about his stock holdings and how well he does. Well 8.5% just went poof. Puddy decided to liquefy the Puddy positions last December because Puddy heard from The Lord get out. Puddy will continue to pray and The Lord will say when to get back in if ever. Until then you keep listening to R senile HA DUMMOCRETINS! You atheists hate God and it shows! God knows the past from the future while the being y’all worship Satan only knows that he has a short time left!
Sure you can buy stocks at cheaper prices. Butt after you buy those cheaper stocks like many did last Thursday and the price continues to tumble on Friday, was that a good purchase?
Puddy is staying on the sidelines for now. This Obummer war on success is finally catching up to the stock market.;btkr=1 Read this book! Obummer claimed America was too arrogant so Obummer changed things these last seven years. Now the chickens have come home to roost. So let’s remember what Puddy said recently
-Hard core manufacturing has not recoved even after Joe BiteME claimed Obummer and gang would create 500,000 jobs a month! The manufacturing job market is still not at the January 2009 level Butt blame Boooosh!
-All those supposedly “created jobs” have lower wages than before January 2009
-The highest level of labor non-participation since Jimmae Carhhhter was in the whitey house. How man millions have left the workforce since Obummer became preznbit again HA DUMMOCRETINS?
-Those home prices are not all the way back since January 2009 for everyone in America. Still some depressed areas, butt Obummer promised to fix this. Home ownership is waaaaay down
-With all the latest executive fiats Obummer has implemented new small business startups are at record lows.=
-Most of America is still not recovering after 7 years of Obummer economics
-China’s economy is tanking
-Oil prices have been in decline for at least 5 quarters and this affects other markets
-Under Obummer the Federal Debt has skyrocketed 10.468 Trillion of so when Obummer took office and it’s now what again HA DUMMOCRETINS?
-Remember when R senile discussed Quantitative Easing and how it was affected the US economy in 2014/2015? Well Puddy remembered. The the European Central Bank started quantitative easing last May which send the Euro/Dollar ratio to record lows. Google “euro quantitative easing” and how it affected our markets.
Now you know why Puddy went bearish. Plain and simple. As Daymond John on Shark Tank says “I’m Out!”
Remember Obummer’s first term economic team bailed and went back to academia. Apparently their libtard theories failed! We are seeing this in the start 2016. Don’t get Puddy wrong here as R senile is claiming above. Puddy wants to see everyone be millionaires; well except the certain few who hate wall street here. Y’all know who you are!
See ya!
The moronic twit R senile has proven it isn’t the great stock prognosticator it claims to be. R senile can call Puddy all the names it wants butt this doesn’t change the fact that 8.5% of your holdings went POOF marking this the worst two-week start to a year ever under two term preznit Obummer.
– The shit-for-brains parrot believes the 8.5% stock market decline of the last two weeks is a bad thing.
Last week Puddy told you about those December warnings and concerns about global growth. Being Teabagged Again from NY made fun of Puddy’s eight indices. Well the markets fell another 400 points after that moron made those comments.
Now what does this portend? Well R senile is in CYA mode. R senile loves to brag about his stock holdings and how well he does. Well 8.5% just went poof. Puddy decided to liquefy the Puddy positions last December because Puddy heard from The Lord get out. Puddy will continue to pray and The Lord will say when to get back in if ever. Until then you keep listening to R senile HA DUMMOCRETINS! You atheists hate God and it shows! God knows the past from the future while the being y’all worship Satan only knows that he has a short time left!
Sure you can buy stocks at cheaper prices. Butt after you buy those cheaper stocks like many did last Thursday and the price continues to tumble on Friday, was that a good purchase?
Puddy is staying on the sidelines for now. This Obummer war on success is finally catching up to the stock market.;btkr=1 Read this book! Obummer claimed America was too arrogant so Obummer changed things these last seven years. Now the chickens have come home to roost. So let’s remember what Puddy said recently
-Hard core manufacturing has not recoved even after Joe BiteME claimed Obummer and gang would create 500,000 jobs a month! The manufacturing job market is still not at the January 2009 level Butt blame Boooosh!
-All those supposedly “created jobs” have lower wages than before January 2009
-The highest level of labor non-participation since Jimmae Carhhhter was in the whitey house. How many millions have left the workforce since Obummer became preznit again HA DUMMOCRETINS?
-Those home prices are not all the way back since January 2009 for everyone in America. Still some depressed areas, butt Obummer promised to fix this. Home ownership is waaaaay down
-With all the latest executive fiats Obummer has implemented new small business startups are at record lows.
-Most of America is still not recovering after 7 years of Obummer economics
-China’s economy is tanking
-Oil prices have been in decline for at least 5 quarters and this affects other markets
-Under Obummer the Federal Debt has skyrocketed from $10.468 Trillion or so when Obummer took office and it’s now what again HA DUMMOCRETINS?
-Remember when R senile discussed Quantitative Easing and how it was affected the US economy in 2014/2015? Well Puddy remembered. The the European Central Bank started quantitative easing last May which send the Euro/Dollar ratio to record lows. Google “euro quantitative easing” and view how it affected our markets. Where was R senile on this?
Now you know why Puddy went bearish. Plain and simple. As Daymond John on Shark Tank says “I’m Out!”
Remember Obummer’s first term economic team bailed and went back to academia. Apparently their libtard theories failed! We are seeing this in the start 2016. Don’t get Puddy wrong here as R senile is claiming above. Puddy wants to see everyone be millionaires; well except the certain few who hate wall street here. Y’all know who you are!
See ya!
Where was R senile on this? Didn’t R senile know?
Selling Apple stock since last June. Wow! Puddy had no Apple position because Puddy didn’t agree with the overseas working conditions Apple iJunk manufacturers put their employees under. You can ask the cretinous crazed databaze deala about those posts! Butt as we all know none of you have the balls to ask the cretinous crazed databaze deala!
Did R senile discuss IBM’s 14th straight quarter of falling revenue?
Down it went!
Where was R senile on this? Didn’t R senile know?
Selling Apple stock since last June. Wow! Puddy had no Apple position because Puddy didn’t agree with the overseas working conditions Apple iJunk manufacturers put their employees under. You can ask the cretinous crazed databaze deala about those posts! Butt as we all know none of you have the balls to ask the cretinous crazed databaze deala!
Did R senile discuss IBM’s 14th straight quarter of falling revenue?
Down it went!
Kool… double posts! And the edit timer didn’t appear either!
Carl are you anti viaduct now? Or have you always been anti viaduct?
Sounds like Seattle needs sandhogs. New York has them and they have done a lot of work there. The geology is different, but they have experience going back more than a century. Time to call in the sandhogs Seattle. Then you can start on the subway system or monorail system the city needed to enter the 21s century.
@2 Well the whole mess would have to start in the district courts. Rarely does the court reach down and take on an issue like this. The court will likely avoid making a ruling. No need unless Cruz becomes the Republican candidate as the court can say cooler Republican heads prevailed. Brining such an issue to the court of course could mean that the court could rule any citizen could run for President. Though at the time it was written it seemed pretty clear Alexander Hamilton could not become President.
@5 mmm I’m pretty that pontoon bridge is a Washington state project that is for all Washingtonians. I think you all in Seattle will like our bridge and happily use it. Certainly there were some smoke filled rooms, but when it comes to state highways the state needs trump Seattle. You all are supposed to be using personal jet packs or flying cars after all decreasing congestion. Ok so that future hasn’t happened. Bikes! Bikes! and more Bikes that is all you folks who live in Settle need. The mayor especially should only be allowed to ride a bike unless he’s going out of town to a conference. He or she should have huge biking thighs to show off to the other mayors at those conferences!
@5 Hey the original Tacoma Narrows bridge gave us a really cool artificial reef. The state lost money in collecting and selling the scrap. Still the original buttresses and other original hardware were used to construct the 2nd bridge that has served Washington well.
@9 The problem in America is that aren’t enough overpaid radiologists. (Fixed again)
@10 Ummm your talking South Carolina. Whether Nikki believes it or not she has people there that believe the south did not loose the civil war.
Since Charleston was the first US city I arrived in from overseas I guess I’m one of them southerners. Unless I ask one of them and then I’m a northerner. Can I please have a mint julip and a rocking chair out here on the porch as the palm trees sway. When your the one on the big porch hard to believe we ever passed any law about race or religion.
@11 Oh my, a rabbit badgering.
@22 So we can plan on calling you Rabbit Warbucks soon?
I’ll try out for that Annie part. I’m looking up the that “Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow” just in case the ongoing deflation in oil causes depression. I doubt that will happen, but I just want a few options, just in case this is one of the 4 times out of 9 that the market calls a recession.
@27 Puddy don’t start crowing until the market hits 11% as 10% corrections are normal, and typically healthy for the market. For the rest of your statements depends on how much one believes the market and main street actually correlate. Frankly they do not correlate all that well. Just because a company’s stock value goes up a dollar or down a dollar doesn’t reflect the real value of the company. Coca Cola actual value didn’t change even if it’s stock price jumped up or down a lot. Coke has been around a long time and it’s likely to be along a long time from now, Holding some Coke stock is good, but generally going to be unexciting. A gentleman in Omaha would not think long given an opportunity to buy the Coka Cola company.
@29 Well it does appear that many international corporations are taking it on the chin in the stock market. Such as apple and I’m sure many have workers working under similar conditions. Seems they are getting their just desserts then, but if so your argument would be the correction is a good thing, your point seems to be greed is good though which makes international corporations willing to not enforce their own rules about employee conditions winners. Hurray for the American consumer!!!
R Rodent @5,
good post, from time to time you wake up, the demorats are bought and paid for even more than repubs, follow the money.
what do you expect from a dingbat rino, you have Patty Murray the ding of “bin Laden is popular because he builds hospitals and day care centers” fame, remember? Dingbats will be dingbats.
It seems to me the FOMC is raising rates. So…..