Iowa is a farm state, right? Wrong! Less than 4% of Iowa’s population is employed in agriculture. Over 40% work in white collar occupations. An Iowan is more likely to work in finance, real estate, insurance, marketing, health care, or a profession like law or accounting than on a farm. So why are we still subsidizing ethanol?
No…this doesn’t follow. Several hours of meetings with billionaires does not prevent Obama from listening to Generals, his wife, advisers, etc. Your logic doesn’t rise to that of a 5 year old.
“In: Listen to the billionaires.”
Righhhhhhttttttttt…so should we will put you down as officially opposing “listening to billionaires”, Sloppy?
Bob by your logic , if trump is elected, he should not listen to himself since he’s a billionaire?
Oh, i forgot, for you, it’s only wrong if a democrat does it!
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
I’d like to share a tweet with you all: TWEET!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Update @9: Martin Shkreli is charged with running a Ponzi scheme involving companies and investors prior to the controversy over an AIDs drug; the formal charges are securities fraud and conspiracy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In other crime news, the “affluenza” kid who got probation for killing 4 people while driving drunk has disappeared along with his mother, and is being sought by authorities after failing to report to his probation officer. My guess is they’ve fled the country. Now that he’s a fugitive, can Interpol shoot him on sight? He’s guilty of more than shoplifting $5 of cigars and jaywalking. Otoh he’s white and therefore bulletproof.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In today’s congressional news, the Anti-Deficit Party has voted to increase borrowing from their Chinese friends to cut business taxes.
“The tax package was a major victory for corporate lobbyists and Republicans. It makes permanent dozens of costly corporate tax breaks ….” Read details here:
Clinton’s next task: How to separate the whites from the yoke.
Distant Replayspews:
he never made any furtive movements. It’s all ’bout furtive.
You can move. But you can’t move furtive.
As a lawyer you can easily understand all this. The application of case law varies according to the unique nature of the suspect as that nature is perceived by the LEO.
In the case of some suspects, a furtive movement or two will result in a warrant-less search of the suspects car. In the case of another suspect, it results in their car being blasted into scrap with them in it. In still other cases, it results in the suspect being forced to perform oral sex on the LEO. Just depend on the furtive.
Well, and it also depends on the car. And how the suspect looks in the car. And how the car looks in the particular neighborhood. See? Case law is really all about the professional judgement of community college graduates, not judges.
I wonder if he raised the price of the drug just as a cover to say that he didn’t go the illegal stuff and that the government is targeting him just because he raised the price of the drug.
Or was he just a greedy filthy fucker or just an asshole.
Karma sucks for people like him. They eventually get what they deserve, sometimes it just takes a while.
“Out: Listen to the generals.
In: Listen to the billionaires.”
Your leading presidential candidates are either owned by billionaires or they are a billionaire.
Heh. Lincoln should have listened to his generals.
Nice, not having to scroll past miles of posts by a CAPS-locked obsessed batshit crazy loon spewing eliminationist hate-speech.
I don’t blame the hate-filled loon so much as I do the proprietors of this blog. They could have ended it long ago. They seem to think to think they can distinguish performance art as hate speech from someone who is simply crazed by hate and who constantly posts eliminationist rhetoric, as though somehow that actually fucking matters.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Carly Fiorina is a flat-ass liar. Her most infamous lie is about a fetus that was stillborn, not aborted. But she has been caught in many other lies, including this one:
FIORINA: “One of the things I would immediately do … is bring back the warrior class — Petraeus, McChrystal, Mattis, Keane, Flynn. … Every one was retired early because they told President Obama things that he didn’t want to hear.”
Here’s Media Matter’s response:
STUART VARNEY (HOST): “You heard it. Carly Fiorina, last night, mentioned General Jack Keane by name and guess who is here: Gen. Jack Keane. Alive and alert, and with us this morning. Did you in fact, general, give advice to President Obama, which he didn’t want to hear and didn’t take?”
JACK KEANE: “No, I have never spoken to the president.That’s not accurate, and I never served this administration. I served the previous administration.”
See it yourself on video — and this video is real — right here:
Keane, by the way, retired from the Army in 2003. Obama wasn’t elected to the Senate until 2004, so Keane almost certainly had never heard of Obama until after his retirement. Obama couldn’t possibly have been the reason he retired. But even in the face of these facts, Fiorina is still standing by her assertion today. That’s not surprising; seasoned serial liars generally don’t admit their lies or acknowledge when they’ve been caught lying.
“We are calling on average Americans and everyday citizens to help us finance a hard-hitting television and radio campaign exposing the real Marco Rubio, and his secret deal with would-be vice-president John Kasich.”
It’s not fair. Roger Stone already has plenty of money. How come he gets to be the one to fleece the angry, credulous douche bags out of all their retirement-machine-gun-cialis-Jet-Ski money? Not fair.
Bob gets his ass handed to him again (shake head side to side then up and down, more slowly up and down).
Maybe Boob can tell us if Nazism or Freedom is in or out. Three presidential candidates pal around with evangelical pastor calling for killing of the gays. Are they in or out?
@20. She’s cunty
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “Lincoln should have listened to his generals.”
If you know anything about Lincoln’s generals, about the only one worth listening to was Grant, and Lincoln did listen to Grant, which is why he won.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Carson thinks he’ll be a one-term president. I think no terms are more likely.
It’s unfortunate that Americans don’t get the opportunity to vote for a President like The respectable man named Putin.
Glenn Beck not happy with the unhappy Teabaggers that he created. Oh well.
He should ask Boob for some advice on how to fix what he fucked up.
Puffy must have a spoon up his ass.
I guess the lesson for Glenn Beck is that it’s not easy trying or wanting to be a Nazi. Better luck next time though. I’m sure Crud or Fuckabe and Pube Boy could make better attempts than Beck but they have to get by the Clown Nazi first.
I wonder if the Teabaggers are going to hang hammers and sickles from the brim of thier hats instead of tea bags now.
Now that the batshit insanity has arrived with all it’s hate, I’ll have no more to do with this thread.
Not only can the loon go fuck himself, so can Goldy, Darryl and Carl for allowing the hate to flourish here.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
See ya TPPS @39. Seems the only “hate” TPPS approves is libtard hate!
@43 voting for Bernie in the primary, and will vote for the democrat in the general election since any democrat is less destructive to the country than all of the republicans. No republican supports what i value and many actively plan to destroy what I value
@52 Maybe she’s worried her little girl will turn into an ISIS terrorist like that Malik woman if she’s exposed to Muslim culture. After all, she knows her kids better than anyone else.
Distant Replayspews:
Dozens of people die daily from gun violence in America. While our media elites pander to fear and the clamor for yet another war (good for ratings and viewership) Americans continue to loose their lives in large numbers, not to ISIS, not to Jihad, not to terrorism, but to other Americans wielding firearms. And we have no idea why or what if anything can be done about it. Because for two decades, while the death toll has mounted daily, we’ve been forbidden to try to learn. We’ve been forbidden to even take measurements. The overwhelming majority of us want to know. We want to learn more so we can start to figure out how to make ourselves safer. But small numbers of powerful elites have ordered us to stop. And we let them.
Right now Speaker Ryan is keeping in place an amendment in the Omnibus that maintains this prohibition. The amendment is there at the behest of the gun industry. And Ryan has casually directing all inquiries to his rules committee. And they have refused to respond.
Democrats, supported by the overwhelming majority of Americans opposed to the prohibition, have nonetheless been forced to vote on the Omnibus as presented by Ryan and his committee. The amendment prohibiting us from trying to learn more about gun violence was put in place by the gun industry. And Ryan kept it there in return for their flow of money into his campaigns.
And these con artists pretend they work to keep us safe. They don’t know the meaning of the word. Or care.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s another example of why the lying liars on the right have no credibility and no one should pay any attention to them. A couple weeks ago, hundreds of American-Muslims staged an anti-ISIS rally in Dearborn, Michigan.
While we have to be careful about transferences and extrapolations, I can’t help wondering if Trump’s “thousands of people cheering” the collapse of the Twin Towers may have been similarly derived? I’m not saying that, of course. The only thing we can be sure of is, you can’t trust a damn thing that conservatives say.
Distant Replayspews:
Since 9/11, more Americans have been killed by lightning strikes than by terror attacks.
That FACT is the result of CDC data gathering. Knowing what kinds of things kill or injure us is part of their job. That way we can have informed debate about what kinds of policy might prevent deaths and injuries. The CDC tracks all kinds of data about what kills and injures us, from cigarettes to swimming pools.
But not firearms. Because unlike the manufacturers of every single other consumer product, the firearms manufacturers have bought and own a handful of key Republican lawmakers.
That’s another FACT.
I don’t really have time to get into the weeds of this DNC data story but does it seem weird that the DNC would keep voter information that isn’t available to all Ds? Aren’t they in theory neutral? Why would a campaign give anything they think are “trade secrets” to the National Party database?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“According to Public Policy Polling, a recent poll of 532 Republican primary voters found that 30 percent supported bombing Agrabah. The only problem is that Agrabah is the fictional country from the Disney movie Aladdin.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And that, my friends, is all you need to know about the stupidity of Republican voters.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 I only glanced at the news story, but apparently the problem is the DNC released proprietary data belonging to the Clinton campaign to Sanders’ campaign staff, or something like that.
Ima Duncespews:
I like Bernie. I like his positions. I think he’s an honorable man and his experience in government makes him qualified to be president. But he’s not my choice. I want Hillary. And she has my data. I don’t want emails from Bernie. And as much as I like him, I don’t consider him a Democrat.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 59
As long as you’re wondering about info not available to Dems who could make good use of it, you might as well recall that Obama
still controls the OFA database. My guess is he won’t share it with the Clintons.
Although he probably would share it with Biden.
Powder, dry.
Distant Replayspews:
the campaigns do some pretty in depth surveying of voters in key areas. For example, a campaign might survey voters in a particular state or district to identify which likely voters fitting a particular profile are pretty much guaranteed to vote for their candidate. Knowing who those voters are is of great value to any campaign. They are deemed resistant to persuasion and would not be a good investment for opposing candidates. Campaign resources are too scarce to engage in outreach to the wrong type of voters. A republican opponent might even try to prevent such voters from voting with fraudulent robo-calls on election night misinforming them of fake changes in polling places, etc. While the campaign the voter supports wants to narrowly target them for GOTV and fund raising communications. This is where the DNC comes in. The campaigns routinely share this information with the DNC to help with targeted general election GOTV and party fund raising activities. This is just one of a number of similar examples.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Nice, longish piece about Hagel reflecting on his time as SecDef.
Proof, for those who weren’t convinced after his nomination hearing performance, that Hagel was too stupid to be Secretary: He didn’t understand that Team Obama would trash him when it wasn’t necessary.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Bernie 2016 INC. Plaintiff
Distant Replayspews:
seems highly academic since Republicans so far appear determined to give the Democratic nominee a walk off homer by nominating a disastrously ill-prepared crazy person with evident delusions of grandeur. I don’t yet see any convincing evidence that the majority of non-aligned general election voters are so shit-their-pants terrified of sneaky, inscrutable, invisible “others” that they want to give the car keys to the biggest drunk just to get it over with quickly.
So, in other words…
Powder dry.
I’m still not seeing why the DNC was in possession of that data if it was generated by the Clinton Campaign exclusively. The DNC, at least in theory is there to facilitate all candidates and supply maximum support to the eventual nominee.
Or was the DNC in fact doing data analysis only for the Clinton campaign and witholding similar support to Sanders, in a sense pre-selecting the nominee?
If it’s the former, the DNC has no leg to stand on as the data was provided to them and as an organization their resources should be available to all Democratic candidates. If it’s the latter then the DNC has a lot to answer about why they are only supporting one candidate during the primaries.
Let’s put this into a simpler, less electronic era. The DNC accidentally left an envelop belonging to candidate A in the offices of candidate B. “Did you read it?” “Yes” “We are going to kill your campaign until you prove to us you don’t remember any of it because you should not gain an advantage by our mistake.”
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 67
I’m sorry, did I miss a GOP primary or two? A caucus in some flyover state after Thanksgiving, perhaps?
It’s December, a year before the election and several months before convention season.
Anywayz, Hillary can hardly claim to have clubbed a walk-off homer if Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Sanders aide slams Saturday debate: ‘I guess Christmas Eve was booked’
De Luce is probably right.
Sure it might have sucked in the long run. But Obama really should have gone ahead and handed Damascus to Daesh in order to preserve his “credibility” with Eruope. That would have been the conservative statesmanlike thing to do.
It really shouldn’t matter how many people die, or how much needless suffering is imposed. The only thing that should matter to a Real American President® is looking bad-assed to the French and Germans. Well, that and making Chuck Hagel look bad-assed to Europe. Fuck the dead people. They smell bad anyway.
We just should have blown the shit out of the Alawites and let the chips fall wherever the fuck middle eastern chips fall. Who cares? Amirite? Fuckin’ losers. Winners don’t lose. They win. By winning.
Bush was a winner. He didn’t give a fuck about people dying or getting burned to death, or being gang-raped by drugged out zombies. All he cared about was winning! Yeah! Pop a cork! W wins again. Fly a fucking banner on an aircraft carrier and tell the pussies to go fuck themselves! Sure, that was more than a decade ago. And you’ll never measure the ocean of perfectly innocent blood and suffering spilled in those twelve years. So what? Fuck it! We got to enjoy our brief moment of light-beer fueled victory. Isn’t that what we pay taxes for?
I want Bernie, I think he’s better for the poor and middle class but I will vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination. However…
“People aren’t blaming Clinton for Bernie’s staffers accessing her information. They are blaming Clinton for the DNC’s dramatic overreaction of barring Bernie from his own information as a result of it. I agree that the act was egrigious, but Sanders already fired the person responsible and is not using the information obtained inappropriately. Firing someone is pretty much the harshest action you can take against them if what they did wasn’t technically illegal, and that is what happened. Now, after what is a non-issue because it is already being corrected, Schultz, an outspoken Hillary supporter who is unethically serving as DNC chair despite her conflict of interest during this primary cycle, has decided to bar the Sanders campaign from accessing their own proprietary information on the eve of the early primaries. It stinks of collaberation and sabotage. People already don’t trust Hillary, and these sort of obvious advantage-grabbing posturing moves are making it worse.”
Comment by Brandyn Nutter on at
The DNC is giving the appearance of dirty tricks. That will hurt the election for democrats.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Bernie SandersVerified account
Sign our petition telling the DNC that you expect a level playing field in this primary campaign. This is important. …
Um, I expect one in the general, too.
Distant Replayspews:
@69, “…several months before convention season.”
Wish in one hand and shit in the other.
See which one fills up first.
Distant Replayspews:
@68, “I’m still not seeing why the DNC was in possession of that data if it was generated by the Clinton Campaign exclusively.”
Sorry, I may not have been clear. The campaigns will routinely share data with the DNC that helps with general and down ballot fund raising and GOTV. They do so with the understanding that this data will not be shared with the opposing primary campaigns. Some of that shared voter data costs quite a lot of money to gather. And some of it could be of enormous benefit to opposing primary campaigns.
I’m not taking sides. I expect the DNC will relent. They probably should. But that depends a lot on what exactly happened and we don’t know that yet (and may never).
czechsaaz @68. Liked your analogy from an analog age.
Yes, you can see Boob is going to milk this one forever and shine 1000w light bulbs in it. Anything, regardless how damning it be, to take away from the stench that is the Repukilans on the right.
Sure, involuntary kill a white, beautiful, boy next door saintly being and you can’t escape jail, the angry mob will see to it.
But deliberately kill or kill while deliberately profiling a black guy and be backed by the public and your Union and invoke your support for your fellow police officer and then label the protesters as thugs.
I see there aren’t many Republicans upset at the governor of mitsganistan (modern day Michigan) for poisoning the living, breathing, erect human life or beings of Flint.
Fetuses! Fetuses! Fetuses!
Continuing the previous theme of core fears:
The great American middle class has become an anxious class – and it’s in revolt.
“Their conclusion: “The preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”
It was only a matter of time before the anxious class would revolt.”
“But their world has been slowly coming apart. And they’re scared and fed up. Now someone comes along who’s even more of a bully than those who for years have bullied them economically, politically, and even violently.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@69 Yeah, the fact Trump’s had a fat lead since the campaign started and his polls just keep soaring higher and higher among the GOP base doesn’t mean a damn thing because it’s a leadpipe cinch that GOP primary voters and caucus goers will come to their senses before it’s too late. Because Bickle says so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 What, you want a fair election? After the RNC has spent millions of dollars and countless manhours to prevent minorities, poor and elderly people, students, and other undesirables from voting?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 I like the part where, after 17 DUIs and 15 convictions for driving on a suspended license, her father says she’s a good person. There’s no love like parental love!
Iowa is a farm state, right? Wrong! Less than 4% of Iowa’s population is employed in agriculture. Over 40% work in white collar occupations. An Iowan is more likely to work in finance, real estate, insurance, marketing, health care, or a profession like law or accounting than on a farm. So why are we still subsidizing ethanol?
Meanwhile in real news…
I’m sur every murderer is treated like this one……just not the more dangerous black ones.
Texas sheriff appeal to public for missing ‘affluenza’ teen
It’s pretty clear by now Trump has his eye on Cruz for V.P.
Hey, that pharma grifter has been arrested by the FBI for securities fraud. Who wudda thunk?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wish his lawyers luck in trying to seat an impartial jury.
@4 I doubt the attraction is mutual. I can’t visualize either of these guys playing second fiddle to the other.
Obama meets Bloomberg as he prepares order on guns
Warren Buffett Endorses Hillary Clinton and Calls for Higher Taxes on Wealthy
Out: Listen to the generals.
In: Listen to the billionaires.
Sloppy Travis Bickle @7,
“Out: Listen to the generals.”
No…this doesn’t follow. Several hours of meetings with billionaires does not prevent Obama from listening to Generals, his wife, advisers, etc. Your logic doesn’t rise to that of a 5 year old.
“In: Listen to the billionaires.”
Righhhhhhttttttttt…so should we will put you down as officially opposing “listening to billionaires”, Sloppy?
A financial terrorist is busted by the FBI.
Bob by your logic , if trump is elected, he should not listen to himself since he’s a billionaire?
Oh, i forgot, for you, it’s only wrong if a democrat does it!
I’d like to share a tweet with you all: TWEET!
Update @9: Martin Shkreli is charged with running a Ponzi scheme involving companies and investors prior to the controversy over an AIDs drug; the formal charges are securities fraud and conspiracy.
In other crime news, the “affluenza” kid who got probation for killing 4 people while driving drunk has disappeared along with his mother, and is being sought by authorities after failing to report to his probation officer. My guess is they’ve fled the country. Now that he’s a fugitive, can Interpol shoot him on sight? He’s guilty of more than shoplifting $5 of cigars and jaywalking. Otoh he’s white and therefore bulletproof.
In today’s congressional news, the Anti-Deficit Party has voted to increase borrowing from their Chinese friends to cut business taxes.
“The tax package was a major victory for corporate lobbyists and Republicans. It makes permanent dozens of costly corporate tax breaks ….” Read details here:
Clinton’s next task: How to separate the whites from the yoke.
he never made any furtive movements. It’s all ’bout furtive.
You can move. But you can’t move furtive.
As a lawyer you can easily understand all this. The application of case law varies according to the unique nature of the suspect as that nature is perceived by the LEO.
In the case of some suspects, a furtive movement or two will result in a warrant-less search of the suspects car. In the case of another suspect, it results in their car being blasted into scrap with them in it. In still other cases, it results in the suspect being forced to perform oral sex on the LEO. Just depend on the furtive.
Well, and it also depends on the car. And how the suspect looks in the car. And how the car looks in the particular neighborhood. See? Case law is really all about the professional judgement of community college graduates, not judges.
I wonder if he raised the price of the drug just as a cover to say that he didn’t go the illegal stuff and that the government is targeting him just because he raised the price of the drug.
Or was he just a greedy filthy fucker or just an asshole.
Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli Indicted For Securities Fraud
Karma sucks for people like him. They eventually get what they deserve, sometimes it just takes a while.
“Out: Listen to the generals.
In: Listen to the billionaires.”
Your leading presidential candidates are either owned by billionaires or they are a billionaire.
Heh. Lincoln should have listened to his generals.
Nice, not having to scroll past miles of posts by a CAPS-locked obsessed batshit crazy loon spewing eliminationist hate-speech.
I don’t blame the hate-filled loon so much as I do the proprietors of this blog. They could have ended it long ago. They seem to think to think they can distinguish performance art as hate speech from someone who is simply crazed by hate and who constantly posts eliminationist rhetoric, as though somehow that actually fucking matters.
Carly Fiorina is a flat-ass liar. Her most infamous lie is about a fetus that was stillborn, not aborted. But she has been caught in many other lies, including this one:
FIORINA: “One of the things I would immediately do … is bring back the warrior class — Petraeus, McChrystal, Mattis, Keane, Flynn. … Every one was retired early because they told President Obama things that he didn’t want to hear.”
Here’s Media Matter’s response:
STUART VARNEY (HOST): “You heard it. Carly Fiorina, last night, mentioned General Jack Keane by name and guess who is here: Gen. Jack Keane. Alive and alert, and with us this morning. Did you in fact, general, give advice to President Obama, which he didn’t want to hear and didn’t take?”
JACK KEANE: “No, I have never spoken to the president.That’s not accurate, and I never served this administration. I served the previous administration.”
See it yourself on video — and this video is real — right here:
Keane, by the way, retired from the Army in 2003. Obama wasn’t elected to the Senate until 2004, so Keane almost certainly had never heard of Obama until after his retirement. Obama couldn’t possibly have been the reason he retired. But even in the face of these facts, Fiorina is still standing by her assertion today. That’s not surprising; seasoned serial liars generally don’t admit their lies or acknowledge when they’ve been caught lying.
Dang it!
Now why didn’t I think of that?
“We are calling on average Americans and everyday citizens to help us finance a hard-hitting television and radio campaign exposing the real Marco Rubio, and his secret deal with would-be vice-president John Kasich.”
It’s not fair. Roger Stone already has plenty of money. How come he gets to be the one to fleece the angry, credulous douche bags out of all their retirement-machine-gun-cialis-Jet-Ski money? Not fair.
Bob gets his ass handed to him again (shake head side to side then up and down, more slowly up and down).
Maybe Boob can tell us if Nazism or Freedom is in or out. Three presidential candidates pal around with evangelical pastor calling for killing of the gays. Are they in or out?
@20. She’s cunty
@18 “Lincoln should have listened to his generals.”
If you know anything about Lincoln’s generals, about the only one worth listening to was Grant, and Lincoln did listen to Grant, which is why he won.
Carson thinks he’ll be a one-term president. I think no terms are more likely.
“If you know anything about Lincoln’s generals, about the only one worth listening to was Grant”
Yes, I do know about Lincoln’s generals. It appears to me that Bob doesn’t.
Um, ‘fraid not.
That word doesn’t start with a “b”.
@27 Bob has proved time and again that he doesn’t know anything about anything.
I wonder if Repukes really care about a turtle.
Sea Turtle With A Lodged Fork Is Exactly Why We Need To Recycle
Jason Chaffetz handed the sadministration their ASS over their handling of illegal aliens, visa overstayers, and illegal alien criminals!
P R I C E L E S S !
More proof libtards really have diseased minds!
PuddyCommentariat: Yes libtards are totally stupid!
So libtards are now against
-The Establishment Clause
-Free Exercise Clause
-Free Speech
-Free Press
-Peaceful Assembly
-Redress of Grievances
DAYUM! Did someone take hostage of their diseased libtard climate change infused minds?
Teaspoon to the ocean anyone?
A terrible and sickening setback!
It’s unfortunate that Americans don’t get the opportunity to vote for a President like The respectable man named Putin.
Glenn Beck not happy with the unhappy Teabaggers that he created. Oh well.
He should ask Boob for some advice on how to fix what he fucked up.
Puffy must have a spoon up his ass.
I guess the lesson for Glenn Beck is that it’s not easy trying or wanting to be a Nazi. Better luck next time though. I’m sure Crud or Fuckabe and Pube Boy could make better attempts than Beck but they have to get by the Clown Nazi first.
I wonder if the Teabaggers are going to hang hammers and sickles from the brim of thier hats instead of tea bags now.
Now that the batshit insanity has arrived with all it’s hate, I’ll have no more to do with this thread.
Not only can the loon go fuck himself, so can Goldy, Darryl and Carl for allowing the hate to flourish here.
See ya TPPS @39. Seems the only “hate” TPPS approves is libtard hate!
Oh well… One less libtard to smack around!
Looks like Chris Matthews lost that thrill up his leg…
PuddyCommentariat: Libtards don’t like their divisive history thrown back at them! Attack the messenger!
@41 So that’s how conservatives get their cheap thrills, huh? And Puddy, true to form, is slobbering over it. Hahahahaha
McCaskill on Low Female Millennial Support For Hillary: “There May Not Be A Natural Enthusiasm” For Her
Butt there is here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Awww Poor poor Roger senile. Can’t deal with how libtards react!
Of course Roger senile has no comment on #32. Their minds are as diseased as the senile one!
Wow look at all that DUMMOCRETIN finger pointing…
Oh wait, per TPPS, FACTS are all hate!
Excellent article on the truth. Something that pains TPPS…
@43 The Republican nominee will generate all the enthusiasm for Hillary she’ll ever need.
@44 React to what? A junior high stunt? If that video is an example of conservatism’s best and brightest in action. you guys are in serious trouble.
@32 @45 You stupid humans will sign anything. Same thing happens with Eyman’s petitions. That’s why rabbits should run this place.
Translation – Heil Hitler. Follow me you minions and sheep.
SLAPPY HOLIDAYS! Texas GOPer Makes Strange Threat
Must be a Log Cabin Repuke, talking about slapping ant killing someone or something.
Proof of the infiltration of Jihadists.
Virginia Schools Close After Uproar Over Arabic Calligraphy Lesson
@43 voting for Bernie in the primary, and will vote for the democrat in the general election since any democrat is less destructive to the country than all of the republicans. No republican supports what i value and many actively plan to destroy what I value
@51 Maybe he needs some of this:
@52 Maybe she’s worried her little girl will turn into an ISIS terrorist like that Malik woman if she’s exposed to Muslim culture. After all, she knows her kids better than anyone else.
Dozens of people die daily from gun violence in America. While our media elites pander to fear and the clamor for yet another war (good for ratings and viewership) Americans continue to loose their lives in large numbers, not to ISIS, not to Jihad, not to terrorism, but to other Americans wielding firearms. And we have no idea why or what if anything can be done about it. Because for two decades, while the death toll has mounted daily, we’ve been forbidden to try to learn. We’ve been forbidden to even take measurements. The overwhelming majority of us want to know. We want to learn more so we can start to figure out how to make ourselves safer. But small numbers of powerful elites have ordered us to stop. And we let them.
Right now Speaker Ryan is keeping in place an amendment in the Omnibus that maintains this prohibition. The amendment is there at the behest of the gun industry. And Ryan has casually directing all inquiries to his rules committee. And they have refused to respond.
Democrats, supported by the overwhelming majority of Americans opposed to the prohibition, have nonetheless been forced to vote on the Omnibus as presented by Ryan and his committee. The amendment prohibiting us from trying to learn more about gun violence was put in place by the gun industry. And Ryan kept it there in return for their flow of money into his campaigns.
And these con artists pretend they work to keep us safe. They don’t know the meaning of the word. Or care.
Here’s another example of why the lying liars on the right have no credibility and no one should pay any attention to them. A couple weeks ago, hundreds of American-Muslims staged an anti-ISIS rally in Dearborn, Michigan.
Then rightwing spinmeisters misused photos of that rally to claim Muslims were demonstrating in support of ISIS and the media refused to report it.
While we have to be careful about transferences and extrapolations, I can’t help wondering if Trump’s “thousands of people cheering” the collapse of the Twin Towers may have been similarly derived? I’m not saying that, of course. The only thing we can be sure of is, you can’t trust a damn thing that conservatives say.
Since 9/11, more Americans have been killed by lightning strikes than by terror attacks.
That FACT is the result of CDC data gathering. Knowing what kinds of things kill or injure us is part of their job. That way we can have informed debate about what kinds of policy might prevent deaths and injuries. The CDC tracks all kinds of data about what kills and injures us, from cigarettes to swimming pools.
But not firearms. Because unlike the manufacturers of every single other consumer product, the firearms manufacturers have bought and own a handful of key Republican lawmakers.
That’s another FACT.
I don’t really have time to get into the weeds of this DNC data story but does it seem weird that the DNC would keep voter information that isn’t available to all Ds? Aren’t they in theory neutral? Why would a campaign give anything they think are “trade secrets” to the National Party database?
“According to Public Policy Polling, a recent poll of 532 Republican primary voters found that 30 percent supported bombing Agrabah. The only problem is that Agrabah is the fictional country from the Disney movie Aladdin.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And that, my friends, is all you need to know about the stupidity of Republican voters.
@59 I only glanced at the news story, but apparently the problem is the DNC released proprietary data belonging to the Clinton campaign to Sanders’ campaign staff, or something like that.
I like Bernie. I like his positions. I think he’s an honorable man and his experience in government makes him qualified to be president. But he’s not my choice. I want Hillary. And she has my data. I don’t want emails from Bernie. And as much as I like him, I don’t consider him a Democrat.
@ 59
As long as you’re wondering about info not available to Dems who could make good use of it, you might as well recall that Obama
still controls the OFA database. My guess is he won’t share it with the Clintons.
Although he probably would share it with Biden.
Powder, dry.
the campaigns do some pretty in depth surveying of voters in key areas. For example, a campaign might survey voters in a particular state or district to identify which likely voters fitting a particular profile are pretty much guaranteed to vote for their candidate. Knowing who those voters are is of great value to any campaign. They are deemed resistant to persuasion and would not be a good investment for opposing candidates. Campaign resources are too scarce to engage in outreach to the wrong type of voters. A republican opponent might even try to prevent such voters from voting with fraudulent robo-calls on election night misinforming them of fake changes in polling places, etc. While the campaign the voter supports wants to narrowly target them for GOTV and fund raising communications. This is where the DNC comes in. The campaigns routinely share this information with the DNC to help with targeted general election GOTV and party fund raising activities. This is just one of a number of similar examples.
Nice, longish piece about Hagel reflecting on his time as SecDef.
Proof, for those who weren’t convinced after his nomination hearing performance, that Hagel was too stupid to be Secretary: He didn’t understand that Team Obama would trash him when it wasn’t necessary.
Bernie 2016 INC. Plaintiff
seems highly academic since Republicans so far appear determined to give the Democratic nominee a walk off homer by nominating a disastrously ill-prepared crazy person with evident delusions of grandeur. I don’t yet see any convincing evidence that the majority of non-aligned general election voters are so shit-their-pants terrified of sneaky, inscrutable, invisible “others” that they want to give the car keys to the biggest drunk just to get it over with quickly.
So, in other words…
Powder dry.
I’m still not seeing why the DNC was in possession of that data if it was generated by the Clinton Campaign exclusively. The DNC, at least in theory is there to facilitate all candidates and supply maximum support to the eventual nominee.
Or was the DNC in fact doing data analysis only for the Clinton campaign and witholding similar support to Sanders, in a sense pre-selecting the nominee?
If it’s the former, the DNC has no leg to stand on as the data was provided to them and as an organization their resources should be available to all Democratic candidates. If it’s the latter then the DNC has a lot to answer about why they are only supporting one candidate during the primaries.
Let’s put this into a simpler, less electronic era. The DNC accidentally left an envelop belonging to candidate A in the offices of candidate B. “Did you read it?” “Yes” “We are going to kill your campaign until you prove to us you don’t remember any of it because you should not gain an advantage by our mistake.”
@ 67
I’m sorry, did I miss a GOP primary or two? A caucus in some flyover state after Thanksgiving, perhaps?
It’s December, a year before the election and several months before convention season.
Anywayz, Hillary can hardly claim to have clubbed a walk-off homer if Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Sanders aide slams Saturday debate: ‘I guess Christmas Eve was booked’
is putting her on first with an intentional walk.
De Luce is probably right.
Sure it might have sucked in the long run. But Obama really should have gone ahead and handed Damascus to Daesh in order to preserve his “credibility” with Eruope. That would have been the conservative statesmanlike thing to do.
It really shouldn’t matter how many people die, or how much needless suffering is imposed. The only thing that should matter to a Real American President® is looking bad-assed to the French and Germans. Well, that and making Chuck Hagel look bad-assed to Europe. Fuck the dead people. They smell bad anyway.
We just should have blown the shit out of the Alawites and let the chips fall wherever the fuck middle eastern chips fall. Who cares? Amirite? Fuckin’ losers. Winners don’t lose. They win. By winning.
Bush was a winner. He didn’t give a fuck about people dying or getting burned to death, or being gang-raped by drugged out zombies. All he cared about was winning! Yeah! Pop a cork! W wins again. Fly a fucking banner on an aircraft carrier and tell the pussies to go fuck themselves! Sure, that was more than a decade ago. And you’ll never measure the ocean of perfectly innocent blood and suffering spilled in those twelve years. So what? Fuck it! We got to enjoy our brief moment of light-beer fueled victory. Isn’t that what we pay taxes for?
I want Bernie, I think he’s better for the poor and middle class but I will vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination. However…
“People aren’t blaming Clinton for Bernie’s staffers accessing her information. They are blaming Clinton for the DNC’s dramatic overreaction of barring Bernie from his own information as a result of it. I agree that the act was egrigious, but Sanders already fired the person responsible and is not using the information obtained inappropriately. Firing someone is pretty much the harshest action you can take against them if what they did wasn’t technically illegal, and that is what happened. Now, after what is a non-issue because it is already being corrected, Schultz, an outspoken Hillary supporter who is unethically serving as DNC chair despite her conflict of interest during this primary cycle, has decided to bar the Sanders campaign from accessing their own proprietary information on the eve of the early primaries. It stinks of collaberation and sabotage. People already don’t trust Hillary, and these sort of obvious advantage-grabbing posturing moves are making it worse.”
Comment by Brandyn Nutter on at
The DNC is giving the appearance of dirty tricks. That will hurt the election for democrats.
Bernie SandersVerified account
Sign our petition telling the DNC that you expect a level playing field in this primary campaign. This is important. …
Um, I expect one in the general, too.
“…several months before convention season.”
Wish in one hand and shit in the other.
See which one fills up first.
“I’m still not seeing why the DNC was in possession of that data if it was generated by the Clinton Campaign exclusively.”
Sorry, I may not have been clear. The campaigns will routinely share data with the DNC that helps with general and down ballot fund raising and GOTV. They do so with the understanding that this data will not be shared with the opposing primary campaigns. Some of that shared voter data costs quite a lot of money to gather. And some of it could be of enormous benefit to opposing primary campaigns.
I’m not taking sides. I expect the DNC will relent. They probably should. But that depends a lot on what exactly happened and we don’t know that yet (and may never).
czechsaaz @68. Liked your analogy from an analog age.
Yes, you can see Boob is going to milk this one forever and shine 1000w light bulbs in it. Anything, regardless how damning it be, to take away from the stench that is the Repukilans on the right.
Sure, involuntary kill a white, beautiful, boy next door saintly being and you can’t escape jail, the angry mob will see to it.
But deliberately kill or kill while deliberately profiling a black guy and be backed by the public and your Union and invoke your support for your fellow police officer and then label the protesters as thugs.
No global warming doesn’t exist! God Damn it!!
Missouri cop charged with manslaughter after man drowns
Alcohol and Bear – good drugs. Crack cocaine – bad, bad , bad!!
The judges must have been all drunks themselves.
Tennessee woman faces 17th DUI charge after head-on accident
Bad Cocaine, bad cocaine!!!
Dumb cunt. One day hopefully some stray bullet finds her.
Police chief’s daughter convicted in attack on gay couple
I see there aren’t many Republicans upset at the governor of mitsganistan (modern day Michigan) for poisoning the living, breathing, erect human life or beings of Flint.
Fetuses! Fetuses! Fetuses!
Continuing the previous theme of core fears:
The great American middle class has become an anxious class – and it’s in revolt.
“Their conclusion: “The preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”
It was only a matter of time before the anxious class would revolt.”
“But their world has been slowly coming apart. And they’re scared and fed up. Now someone comes along who’s even more of a bully than those who for years have bullied them economically, politically, and even violently.
@69 Yeah, the fact Trump’s had a fat lead since the campaign started and his polls just keep soaring higher and higher among the GOP base doesn’t mean a damn thing because it’s a leadpipe cinch that GOP primary voters and caucus goers will come to their senses before it’s too late. Because Bickle says so.
@72 What, you want a fair election? After the RNC has spent millions of dollars and countless manhours to prevent minorities, poor and elderly people, students, and other undesirables from voting?
@78 I like the part where, after 17 DUIs and 15 convictions for driving on a suspended license, her father says she’s a good person. There’s no love like parental love!