Things just got much worse for those trying to defend the violent rightwing jihad against legal abortion clinics and the constitutional right of women to control their bodies:
“An ex-wife of the man charged with killing three people at a Colorado Planned Parenthood said on Tuesday that he has targeted the reproductive health organization before. In an interview with NBC News from South Carolina, Barbara Mescher Michaux said Robert Dear put glue in the locks of another Planned Parenthood clinic when they were married more than 20 years ago. …
“Some have speculated that the gunbattle began in the parking lot outside the clinic and Dear was not motivated by opposition to abortion rights. But Michaux said it seemed clear what drove Dear there. ‘For him to plan this and go there, he meant to go there,’ she said. ‘There is no doubt in my mind.'”
But wait, it gets even worse for the jihadis and their apologists trying to innoculate themselves from responsibility for these murders:
“She added that he appeared devoutly religious. ‘He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but he does not follow the Bible in his actions,’ Michaux wrote. ‘He says as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Man, this guy has “Republican terrorist” written all over him! I don’t see how Cruz will explain this away. And he’s the complete package: Bible thumper, wife beater, peeping tom, rapist, cop killer, would-be bomber, and racist Obama-hater — if he’s a “transgendered leftist activist” he’s a damned shitty one, if you ask me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Uh-oh, Piddlywinks won’t like this! The SDA candidate is fading:
“Donald Trump is now the undisputed leader of the Republican presidential pack, a new Quinnipiac University poll shows. … Trump has 27% support from likely GOP primary voters nationwide in a survey released Wednesday. He’s followed by a second tier that’s bunched closely together: Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is at 17%, while Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and neurosurgeon Ben Carson are at 16% each.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While it’s obvious the shine is wearing off Carson, it’s not clear why. Sure, he’s a pathological liar; but if Republican voters have a problem with that, then the whole GOP field is in trouble. It’s gotta be something else. Did he get caught shoplifting a Bible from a Christian store?
I see Nut-o-sphere has glommed on to a 2001 CBS-NY report. An anecdotal account of anywhere from 4 to 8 people celebrating the tower’s fall in Jersey city, a celebration of which there is no footage. PROVES Trump is right about everything.
Yep, he saw the footage of thousands of people celebrating. NEENER NEENER!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 I think Rubio will be the GOP nominee. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut and he’ll get it by default after the rest eliminate themselves.
Distant Replayspews:
Yes, he’s a liar. But about what does he lie?
Therein “lies” the answer to the riddle. Trump, Cruz, and Fiorina mostly tell lies to gladden the blackened hearts of angry conservative Teahadists Republican voters. But Carson’s worst lies have focused on himself and his accomplishments. Worse still for Carson, he has on more than one occasion insisted on correcting some of the bigoted lies of his opponents. Whereupon he is swiftly labeled a “sellout”, “cuckservative” who caters to the filthy hippie media narratives.
It’s the bullshit that counts in this Republican contest. And while Carson may be a masterful self-promoter, he is not a good bullshitter.
Distant Replayspews:
interesting how Trumps defenders work so tirelessly to shift the ground under his lies. Nobody denies that some people celebrated as the towers fell, overseas, but here at home as well. And this was reported at the time. But Trump’s claims were far more specific than that. He singles out Jersey City. He claims thousands. And he insists that he watched footage of this precise celebration that he describes. What Breitbart offers is to vindicate a completely different claim. Yay! Something, something, hippie media liars! We win!
Again, to be clear, Trump insists that he watched video footage showing thousands of “Arab” people cheering on rooftops in Jersey City as the towers fell.
Ima Duncespews:
I’m reminded how the fear mongers always hold us so tight in their grip by the success of legalized weed. For fifty years we actually paid enormous sums of treasure to police and imprison mass numbers of citizens out of fear. A ridiculous law that prevented adults from consuming something they have been consuming for untold millennia was a sham. Enormous economic benefits and a reduction in crime has come about in states that made it legal. We learned absolutely nothing from prohibition. The notion that fear itself is our greatest enemy should not be underestimated.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Breaking News — A mass shooting is underway in San Bernandino, California. Police say there are 1 to 3 shooters and multiple victims. No other details at this time.
Update: KTLA-TV reports at least 20 victims.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Update on San Bernardino shooting:
The shooting occurred inside a regional medical center with about 670 employees. A Planned Parenthood abortion center is nearby, but PP told media their facility is not involved. A shooter is reported to be equipped with body armor and tactical gear. Some victims were evacuated by medical helicopter. Witnesses indicate at least 3 victims appear to have not survived.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Police indicate there were 3 heavily armed shooters who escaped and are on the loose. No one is calling it a terrorist attack yet, but federal agencies are responding, and I think we should brace ourselves for the possibility this may be ISIS terrorism or something like that. It doesn’t seem to be a lone-wolf shooting like the Colorado Springs incident.
Ima Duncespews:
I could be wrong, but it sounds to me like murderous idiots got the wrong building. But if there are more than one shooter, the truth will come out if they don’t die in a shoot-out or by suicide.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 I’m thinking possible ISIS terrorist attack if, as early reports indicate, there were 3 heavily armed shooters. But that’s just me speculating. Information very sketchy at this point.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Update: The shooting occurred in an auditorium in a conference center adjacent to the medical center that is available for rent to outside groups for events. There were at least 100 people in the auditorium attending a banquet for county employees. Reports at this time indicate three shooters in military gear who targeted the auditorium and escaped in a black SUV.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Lead with the narrative.
Sam Stein ✔ @samsteinhp
Planned Parenthood is about 1.3 miles from site of shooting. CNN, however, is reporting that the shooting didn’t take place there
11:42 AM – 2 Dec 2015
Roger Rabbitspews:
Officials are now using the word “terrorism” to describe what appears to be a pre-planned attack against a government target.
Possibly ISIS but more likely 3 stupid Family Values Pro-Murder thugs who were relying on a navigation ap to navigate to the PP center.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Totally off-point, but
Stephen Miller @redsteeze 26m26 minutes ago .@RBPundit @JillFilipovic
Number of mass shootings by NRA members this year – 0
Number of mass shooting by media members – 1
Time to shun
ISIS or Pro-Life? Does it matter?
They are Terrorists and Pro-Murder.
BTW, what is the difference between ISIS and Pro-Life?
The flavor of religion they claim to follow.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 18
BTW, what is the difference between ISIS and Pro-Life?
Um, how about:
The media aren’t trying @14
their hardest
Bloomberg Business ✔ @business
San Bernadino shooting happened less than two miles from a Planned Parenthood health clinic
to blame ISIS for what just happened?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Police press conference underway. 14 dead, 14 injured, up to 3 suspects who have fled scene.
Distant Replayspews:
@19 WTF?
People bomb PP clinics and shoot PP doctors. This happens in America. Still. Even after most PP clinics become air raid shelters with armed guards. Still happens.
All your bullshit disinformation will not change that fact until and unless you assholes stop calling for people to bomb PP clinics and shoot PP doctors. Mmmkay?
So quit playing make believe. This thing in San Bernie sounds like it has nothing to do with PP. But maybe a few media outlets speculate that it might. Can’t really blame ’em. Since that sort of thing is now routine in Amerrryka.
You fuckheads are just using this stuff as cover. Anti-abortion activists bomb PP clinics and shoot PP doctors. That happens. It’s a real thing. It wasn’t “made up” by the media hippies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 I’ve been watching this on CNN Live, nobody’s saying ISIS yet, but they’re speculating this might be a domestic anti-government militia group, you know, people who get inflamed by rightwing rhetoric, similar to the lone-wolf crazies who get inflamed by rightwing rhetoric and then shoot up abortion clinics.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Bickle is hoping for three more transgendered leftist activists and another bank heist gone bad, he’ll probably be disappointed again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gunmen ID’d as 3 white males. These attackers hit quickly and made a quick escape, which suggests a domestic anti-government group, as foreign terrorists usually try to maximize casualties and plan to die at the scene.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@5 of all of the extremists, after Trump I’d probably want Rubio. I’d prefer Kasich, but I don’t think he stands a chance although I think I heard that there is some positive movement in his polling.
All the rest, aside from the above and excluding Kasich, will be nightmares. I don’t trust Rubio one bit, he’s a snake and conservative pig head to the core, but I think he’d be the lesser of the evil with regard to social issues. Trump is just a complete nut, but I think he’s just talking a good game on the social issues, you know he really cares less about the social issues.
Prayers for the victims and their families.
Special note to Bickle:
“Rot in hell, asshole.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Huckabee Blames “Gun-Free Zone”
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee also offered his prayers on Twitter for those ‘impacted by the shooting in California.’ And during a campaign stop in Onawa, Iowa, Huckabee added that there were always two ‘common denominators’ for mass murders in the country: ‘One: A mentally unstable person. Two: A gun-free zone. And those seem to be the common denominators.'”
Since Sandyhook:1,029 mass shootings, killing at least 1,300 people, wounding 3,699 more
by digby
Let’s protect my freedom to get shot anywhere, shall we?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Sure, he’s a pathological liar… But Carson’s worst lies have focused on himself and his accomplishments.
And of course Roger senile knows this from all those libtard attacks that have been smacked away!
Nothing has been proven wrong butt libtards will keep trying!
Teabaggers to Deathspews:
@17 if that is the case you have to wonder why the NRA wants guns in every American’s hands. Seems like it is against their values. Why would you want bad people giving your members a bad image. Pretty stupid. If I were the NRA I’d want to make sure idiots don’t get guns because it would tarnish them.
Aside from holding to the constitution it’s pretty stupid of them. But do they really care about the constitution – I’m sure there are a lot of NRA members that don’t think their is any constitutional reason to let to gay people marry.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A gunfight is now underway between the suspects and police. Update: At least two gunfight scenes; two suspects in the SUV apparently are dead.
@27 Didn’t take long for Dumbfuckabee to put his foot in his mouth.
24)I wonder how many in the media jumped to conclusions the other way?
Distant Replayspews:
Breitbart son. Whyntchoo go troll their asses for a while?
Ima Duncespews:
The Romans had their blood soaked coliseums, we have our blood soaked televisions.
Distant Replayspews:
This wasn’t even the first mass shooting today.
Savannah GA 1:30 am EST 1 dead, 4 injured. Guns are cool.
Appears to be 1 dead suspect, 1 wounded suspect in custody, and police are searching a neighborhood for 3rd suspect. 1 cop injured in shootout. 14 dead and 17 wounded in mass shooting attack.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In other news, oil dropped below $40/bbl today.
I want the TRUMP ASSHAT to win!!!
If he wins someone gets the contract to build the GREAT WALL OF TRUMP for billions and billions of dollars and I want to invest in the company that gets the contract!!!
Hey Roger, who do you think will get the contract?
I want to buy stock before the price spikes.
And is there room for another rabbit hole next to yours?
I’m rabbit friendly and want to have a good neighbor next door.
Cowed by extremists in the gun lobby controlled GOP, the FBI apologized to that asshole for assisting local LE efforts to prevent him from igniting a violent incident. He’s still out there. Still armed. Still intending to do harm to his fellow citizens.
He’s another enemy combatant. He should be removed to Gitmo without trial, held there indefinitely and tortured.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Meanwhile libtard theories from San Bernadino EXPLODED!
Perps – one a man, one a woman both are dead! One woman being sought!
The real issue here is that firearms in general are a shitty way to settle disagreements.
“An armed society is a polite society”? So tell me please, What the fucketty fucking fuck-de-fuck is “polite” about this?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 48
You must be wrong. I read @ 24 that it was three white males.
Hey, RR: This event could be described as fleeing felons. While in their vehicle they were heading AWAY from LE.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Just watched the police and FBI conference.
Two perps dead – one a man the other a woman. FBI is NOT ruling out terrorism!
Roger Rabbitspews:
FBI isn’t ruling in terrorism, either. Local police seem to think this was a workplace dispute.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 Sure looks like the cops shot a pair of fleeing felons.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
I really think we should use caution to point to mental issues for the reason for theses mass shootings. Sure some are done by people with “mental” issues, and of course you have to be mental to want to kill someone, but not all these people are “mental”. Some are just angry people, Neanderthals, that have emotional issues, and everyone has emotional issues, but not everyone responds with letting their emotions kill someone.
If we want to blame this on mental issues, I think we need to start labeling every criminal act, like rape, domestic violence, stabbing, and even robbery because the person is mental.
And there are plenty of people with a lot of “mental” issues that are more harmless that a frat member.
How much of this violence is just us evolving to be lawless and ruthless and polarized people. I really think that some of this can be blamed on The fact that we now have Facebook.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In other news, Parliament has voted in favor of British airstrikes against ISIS in Syria. Germany is expected to follow suit.
Isis does a mass killing and we call them mastermind terrorists, but when something like today happens we want to call it a person with mental issues. What are we hiding?
Imagine, calling a guy mental for killing someone, then criticizing that individual when he pleads insanity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Law enforcement sources confirm to NPR’s Dina Temple-Raston that one of the suspected gunmen is identified as Syed Farook. Farook was employed by the San Bernardino County health department as an environmental health specialist. His name has also been reported as Sayed Rizwan Farooq. A source tells Dina that witnesses appeared to recognize his voice and build even though he was wearing a ski mask. His brother, a source told Dina, is also a subject of the investigation.”
If his name is Syed doesn’t that mean that he is not “mental”?
I’m just trying to keep track of these new rules.
I thought the deal was he was “mental” if he had a name like Richard, or Christopher, or Adam. That is the deal, right?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Workplace violence where they went home and geared up Roger senile @51?
Gunmen ID’d as 3 white males eh Roger senile? Got that from the big time fool worshiped by a whole bunch of fools here at HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Markos Moulitsas, founder of the left-wing Daily Kos, said Wednesday afternoon on Twitter that, “Yo GOP, kinda hard to talk about ‘keeping people safe’ when your peeps are shooting up America.”
CAIR is right out there in a news conference because we don’t want to offend ISIS or terrorists butt there are 14 dead people due to these two. CAIR is spinning and damage control because they had to know something was up!
More than 179,000 illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes, including violent ones, continue to roam free across the United States, with reports indicating that these illegal immigrants commit new crimes “every day,” according to lawmakers and the director of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, also known as ICE.
Sarah Saldana, ICE’s director, disclosed to Congress on Wednesday that the agency is apprehending and removing fewer illegal immigrants than in past years.
PuddyCommentariat: Downright amazing how fewer criminals are being deported. And DUMMOCRETINS are fiercely against Kate’s Law. They need every one of these illegal alien criminals to vote DUMMOCRETIN on election day!
@66 That’s what the police seem to be suggesting, but it’s a developing story, idiot. You know what a developing story is, right? No, you don’t. You don’t know anything else, so why would you know that? I can’t explain it to an idiot.
The LOON has got a BONER!
The LOON has got a BONER!
Lookout GOATS!!!
The LOON has got a BONER!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 Yeah, it means investigators are looking at all possible angles, which is their job, idiot.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Goldy @GoldyHA
My thoughts and prayers are with the @NRA’s social media department during this very difficult time.
Something tells me the NRA is going to come out of this more or less unscathed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 You’d like that, wouldn’t you?
@75 of course, because they weren’t mental.
Are humans the final form of evolution?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
@66 That’s what the police seem to be suggesting, but it’s a developing story
That’s the problem with you HA DUMMOCRETINS… always ready to assign blame before the investigation is complete. Hence y’all always look like jackASSes especially when you rely of the BULLSHITTIUM of Daily Kooks!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Looks like ekim goatse is delusional again. Did you lose your oversized boots in the goat barn again?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Travis @75,
Yeah another lover of the Daily Kooks Markos Kook himself! FACTS are inconvenient things to DUMMOCRETINS. When you hang with the cow pie on his site you wear his cow pies!
Progressive libtard DUMMOCRETINS always invoke INTELLECTUAL FASCISM when they want to attack conservatives! It’s their way or no way!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Lets see…
More than 179,000 illegal aliens convicted of crimes, including violent ones, continue to roam free across the United States because Obummer let them go free so they can work to become voting DUMMOCRETINS and that’s A-OK with the libtard horde here!
DHS allowed illegal alien children to be acquired by predators and that’s A-OK with the libtard horde here!
Dwell on that fake conservative attack in San Bernadino!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
More Roger senile tomfoolery… @19 I’ve been watching this on CNN Live, nobody’s saying ISIS yet, but they’re speculating this might be a domestic anti-government militia group, you know, people who get inflamed by rightwing rhetoric, similar to the lone-wolf crazies who get inflamed by rightwing rhetoric and then shoot up abortion clinics.
Yes Roger senile, you jumped right on that too. It’s so easy to make you look like a fool 24×7 because you are a senile fool!
A man who has been working in the area said he noticed a half-dozen Middle Eastern men in the area in recent weeks, but decided not to report anything since he did not wish to racially profile those people.
PuddyCommentariat: Of course progressive DUMMOCRETINS use the race card every chance they get. So people are cowed into silence because of litard progressive DUMMOCRETINS!
DETROIT (CBS Detroit) More guns, fewer problems. That, at least, is Detroit Police Chief’s James Craig’s view of Detroit and fears about a possible terrorist attack.
PuddyCommentariat:Interesting take by a libtard DUMMOCRETIN. This isn’t progressive speak so he will be taken to the woodshed and reeducated.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
When a devout Muslim is identified that’s A-OK, don’t racially profile; butt when a devout Christian is identified DUMMOCRETINS go nutzo here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Distant Replayspews:
The individuals and dealers who supplied them, and anyone else who lent them support and encouragement must be detained immediately and removed to Cuba without trial for indefinite confinement and torture.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Meanwhile a real take on Mark Zuckerberg that Roger senile was so fast to post earlier…
A former cop who claimed that someone left a racist memo on department letterhead in his mailbox at a Connecticut police department earlier this year has admitted to penning the letter himself, authorities say.
Maybe the clueless crazed cretin can check the crazed databaze!
Dr. Steve Parson, a minister in Richmond, Virginia, joined eight others at a Manassas rally to show their support for the Republican front runner. “People ask my ‘why are you endorsing Donald Trump?’ Well, in my opinion, he’s the best and the only one that can beat Hillary Clinton,” Parson said.
“We’ve got to win and one thing about Donald Trump is that he’s a winner. He knows how to create wealth. As a black minister, we’re right in the inner city and I’ll tell you, we need jobs, we need employment, we need businesses, and who better can help us help ourselves than Donald Trump?” Parson asked.
PuddyCommentariat: rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears head exploded.
On the libtard cable channels they are only discussing gun control and NOT mentioning these were two Muslims who shot and killed 14 and wounded 17. Gotta keep those libtard memes alive!
Puddy calls this keeping your audience as LIVs!
Distant Replayspews:
Muslim. Therefor not mentally unstable, but instead diabolical, ruthless, and cunning. Only mentally unstable if named Jeff or Allen. Right?
Distant Replayspews:
An interesting corollary is that if your name is Cedric or Jaquann then you are neither mentally unstable nor ruthlessly cunning but instead you are an unstoppable super predator. And you must be executed at the earliest opportunity before you have a chance to arm yourself.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
I am reading about some pretty diabolical aspects to this attack, yes.
So far it seems to be CAIR scrambling, not the NRA.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 96
No, I believe that man’s name was Mike.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Multiple news sources – saw CNN and Fox – reporting explosives strapped to remote control cars.
Whaddya think? Is that indicative more of mental instability or of diabolical and cunning intent?
Stand Your Ground!spews:
These poor people were exercising their NRA given right to defend themselves. Obviously they feared for their lives.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Seems Obummer may not be protecting us from ISIS style attacks. First the Tsarnaev bros and now this husband and wife team! Of course this sadministration will disclaim it. They have to!
She was driving he was shooting. As Puddy wrote above this changes everything! He went in then left and came out and put on his armor then THEY went in and shot them up!
Distant Replayspews:
Adam Lanza not cunning but mentally unstable. Correct?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Dude you need professional help. The white guy was called mentally unstable by his ex-wives and his “friends”. Co-worker Patrick Baccari, who shared a cubicle with Farook said the guy was friendly and nice living the American dream!
CBS reporting:
At least 1 AK-47 and multiple pipe bombs recovered from SUV.
Pipe bombs were thrown at police during chase.
Search of their house turned up IED bomb factory.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 102
Fort Hood shooter is Muslim, but pretty clearly unstable.
McVey pretty clearly diabolical.
My point would be that just as white people can scheme to do evil things, so can Muslims, and attempting to deflect yesterday’s events with false comparisons is a weak and flailing response to something that will play far better to the GOP than it will to Dems.
As more is known, this will get worse for you.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Meanwhile a terrorist act happens and Obummer calls for gun control. Yet everyone knows criminals don’t purchase their guns legally! Remember earlier this week in Paris Obummer whipped out that stock DUMMOCRETIN meme claiming gun violence doesn’t happen in other countries?
‘I mean – I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings: This just doesn’t happen in other countries.’
No? It wasn’t on those left wrong puke sites?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 106
No worse than when John Kerry whipped out James Taylor.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Yeah Adam Lanza was identified as unstable by professionals. That’s why you need help lib the racist schmuck! You are demonstrably more unstable lately! Must be reading all that Daily Kooks garbage!
Distant Replayspews:
Michael Brown?
Not mentally unstable nor ruthlessly cunning. Super Predator. Right?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
As more is known, this will get worse for you.
It already made Roger senile more of a moron! Puddy wonders how one can be more of a moron than already a senile moron! Well wonders never cease!
Distant Replayspews:
But not ruthless, cunning, mastermind, brilliant, unstoppable, or Super Predator. Right?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Michael Brown… Just a thug! Well he robbed the convenience store then attacked the cop. Documented evidence!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Reread the last part of #108 again! Call in for the meds!
Wait. I thought Hassan shouted Allahu Akhtar during the attack?
I thought Lieberman called it terrorism? I thought Boehner called it terrorism. I thought the families were suing Obama? Still “mental”?
So confusing.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
So did cow pie Markos Moulitsas racant that tweet Roger senile so proudly used in different terms of course!
Distant Replayspews:
So unstoppable Super Predator. Right?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Now the cow pie has doubled down…
Markos Moulitsas @markos 18h18 hours ago
At least 14 dead and 14 injured. But lucky for them, the GOP is offering up loads of thoughts and prayers!
Markos Moulitsas @markos 18h18 hours ago
Markos Moulitsas Retweeted Reince Priebus
How many dead people did those thoughts and prayers bring back to the life?
Markos Moulitsas @markos 19h19 hours ago
If the shooters aren’t brown or black, “thoughts and prayers” will do the trick.
Markos Moulitsas @markos 19h19 hours ago
If only someone would offer up some thoughts and prayers, it would make everything okay!
Markos Moulitsas @markos 19h19 hours ago
You know what won’t do shit to stop mass shooting? “Praying”.
This moron is serious. No wonder HA DUMMOCRETINS flock to his web site every day reposting his garbage. Y’all are as sick and demented as he is.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
So confusing. Then seek professional help!
Distant Replayspews:
Here’s a hypothetical question.
What’s the encapsulated motivating narrative for the people who go shooting spree on co-workers?
Are they also “mentally unstable”? What if they happen to be African American or Muslim? Or both? What if they plant a bomb or write a “manifesto”?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Hassan was suspected of mental illness, for quite some time prior to the killings. Newsweek:
Maj. Nidal Hasan. In early 2009, the mental health officials who worked alongside Hasan held a series of meetings where they discussed his bizarre and paranoid behavior. Some openly wondered whether Hasan was psychotic. On November 5, 2009, Hasan opened fire at an army base near Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13 people and wounding 30 others.
Read up on why Hasan was promoted, rather than diverted into treatment. While you are at it read up on just why Team Obama was sued subsequent to the killings.
First rule of holes. You are not helping yourself.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Puddy wonders will the left wrong Heilary libtard super pac media ask Heilary to donounce Markos? Prolly not! We all know whenever there is anyone who thinks right or some Republican who makes a statement libtards go apoplectic over, every single GOP candidate when they are interviewed by the libtard Heilary super pac media; are asked if they will denounce that outrageous statement and or denounce the person who made the comment.
Of course not! So will HA DUMMOCRETINS call out Markos for his outrageous statements above? Of course not. They all worship Markos here! Markos is one of their demi-gods!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Notice the purposeful deflection by lib the racist schmuck in these latest mentally unbalanced rants above?
Well schmucko, we know they also planted bombs! Big difference between Holmes, Lanza, Hasan and the gentle giant Mike Brown!
Oh oh!
The LOON and BOOB have BONERS!
The LOON and BOOB have BONERS!
Lookout goats!!!
The LOON and BOOB have BONERS!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Ahhh another dick sick DUMMOCRETIN appeared @124.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@79 “That’s the problem with you HA DUMMOCRETINS… always ready to assign blame before the investigation is complete.”
This is posted by the leader of the Puddy Vigilante Lynch Mob! Can you believe that???!!! It must be Saturday morning and time for Looney Tunes!!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Obummer blocks 20 IG internal investigations on the most transparent sadministration evah and HA DUMMOCRETINS don’t bat an eye to that!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 And ISIS isn’t conservative? Really? They’re even more conservative than Republicans, who want to relive the 19th century. ISIS wants to relive the 8th century, so they’re 1,000 years more conservative than the GOP. At least two things ISIS and the GOP have in common is they’re religious fanatics and they love guns. I suspect the GOP and ISIS would get along just fine if they got together and smoothed out a few minor ecumenical differences.
@88 Nah, these guns were legally obtained, just like abortions are legally obtained. Conservatives are people who want to outlaw abortions but not guns, even though both kill people.
Btw, these would NOT have been legally purchased guns, or readily available in gun stores, if Clinton’s assault weapons ban hadn’t been reversed by Republicans!
Here is a thought.
Why don’t we pass responsible gun laws that would at least make it more difficult for events like this to happen in the first place? Kind of like replacing the Jersey barriers along the freeway with the more substantial concrete ones. Not a perfect answer but improves your odds of survival.
Responsible gun laws like those the NRA proposed years ago but is adamantly against now. Responsible gun laws that 3/4 of the NRA membership supports.
So why are Wayne LaPierre, the gun manufactures and and RETHUG Politicians against it?
@89 I thought conservatives were against taxes. They certainly dodge enough taxes themselves. Have you changed your mind about taxes? What about “drowning government in the bathtub”? What’s the status of that?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@92 We’ve assumed all along that Trump would get a few dozen black votes, including yours. You’re not the only stupid Uncle Tom in this country, you know. Unfortunately, there are a few more like you out there.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Why don’t we pass responsible gun laws that would at least make it more difficult for events like this to happen in the first place?
Because most criminals don’t purchase their guns by normal means!
Enforce existing laws. Butt wait… DUMMOCRETINS always call for more laws while not enforcing existing laws… Hence all the illegals in America!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@99 They didn’t work, so it’s hard to tell. Stuffing pipes with black powder and strapping them to RC cars is something any kid could do. It doesn’t involve very much ingenuity or planning. The “diabolical” aspect of all this has more to do with intent.
RR @128 I suspect the GOP and ISIS would get along just fine if they got together and smoothed out a few minor ecumenical differences.
The MITTENS presidential run comes to mind.
First the Evangelical LOONS loathed the GODLESS LDS then they embraced the LDS.
So yer sayin Lieberman and Boehner and all the others were wrong to call the Hassan attack a case of terrorism. Or were they just wrong to call it “Islamic” terrorism?
New category “Mental” terrorism?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@105 “My point would be that just as white people can scheme to do evil things, so can Muslims”
That makes you somewhat smarter than Puddy, although this should be viewed as a strictly relative comparison.
“As more is known, this will get worse for you.”
How so? DR wasn’t involved. He didn’t encourage them to do it. This isn’t on him in any way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@106 “Yet everyone knows criminals don’t purchase their guns legally!”
Just an FYI, this guy had no criminal record, and these guns were purchased legally. I thought you might like to know, inasmuch as you’re batting 0-2 in this comment.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@108 If he’s unstable, you’re a Defcon One threat level. Your head explodes multiple times every day!
As expected, the LOON is incapable of rational thought and lacks comprehensive reading skills.
All I suggested is passing the laws proposed by the NRA some years back and supported by 3/4 of the NRA membership.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@110 Even though I’m only a 30-inch tall rabbit, I understand why it’s hard for you to see the top of my head from your level.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@118 “Y’all are as sick and demented as he is.”
Not remotely as sick and demented as the Republicans who put guns in the hands of these deranged killers.
Distant Replayspews:
I’m pretty sure the Fuckwad blames me. But then again he also blames me for Carson’s decline in polls of Republican voters so…
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Wow look at that “word salad” post! Amazing!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@121 What lawsuit against “Team Obama”? The only lawsuit I’m aware of is a civil claim for negligence against the U.S. government.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@124 No shit. Run, goats, run!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
0 for 2? Wow Puddy is doing much better than your 0 for the thread!
Where did Puddy call these two criminals?
EPIC FAYLE once again!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Not remotely as sick and demented as the Republicans who put guns in the hands of these deranged killers.
And this happened how Roger senile?
Do tell from your senile point of view!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@135 “Because most criminals don’t purchase their guns by normal means!”
Actually, nowadays a lot of them do, because they can, thanks to your party.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@150 There he goes again! A cloud of squid ink, a hearty “Hi-yo EPIC FAYLE,” and he disappears into the crevices of the coral reef!
The GOP’s solution to gun violence isn’t working. Maybe it’s time to try something else?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Of course, wingnuts are reveling in this latest incident of gun violence, because it gives them 14 more excuses to profile Muslims and peddle their anti-Muslim bigotry. Last week it was a white male Christian fanatic, but you’ll never see them profile angry white males or peddle anti-Christian bigotry — this is strictly a one-way street.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sure enough, the squid is gone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, the right will kick into overdrive decrying Saudi Muslims and Wahhabism-inspired terrorism, if it turns out that’s what this was. To which I will respond, who opposed mileage standards, and who bought gas guzzlers, and who imported the Saudi oil that pays for Saudi terrorism? Uh-huh, you got that right.
I really like the LOON’s link @138
AR-15s are not assault riffles because they are only semi-automatic and can only shoot at a maximum rate of 60 rounds a minute. That means you only have to duck bullets for half a minute while the perp empties his/her 30 round clip. Then you are safe. Wait … multiple clips? Oh well, with real assault riffles it would have been a blood bath.
Trump wants to close mosques on the grounds they spew hate speech. Trouble is, this would create a precedent for shutting down rightwing websites and Republican campaign rallies, too.
Distant Replayspews:
Golly. What a conundrum! Sore is confusin. Who really knows how these terrible things happen? Maybe it’s crazy loners. Maybe it’s bad psychiatrists. Maybe it’s scary Meskins. Maybe it’s scary Islamofascist Jihadis. Maybe it’s the limp wristed pussy judges handing down short sentences. Maybe we’ll never agree. And we’ll probably never know. I guess these terrible things just happen.
One thing I’m quite sure we can all agree on though, is that calculated armed attacks on PP clinics and PP doctors is a myth created by the dirty hippies. This latest incident proved it once and for all! That’s such a relief.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Hey, at least now it’s slightly clearer why CAIR was so quick with a response yesterday.
San Bernardino, California (CNN)Syed Rizwan Farook — one-half of the couple behind the San Bernardino shooting massacre — was apparently radicalized and in touch with people being investigated by the FBI for international terrorism, law enforcement officials said Thursday.
“DUMMOCRETINS are scum!”
“Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!”
The loon considers us to be no more than bacteriological scum and he sees himself as the disinfectant which will soon kill us all or, better for him, as he reeks of cowardice, that his repeatedly posting this shit throughout HA threads will inspire some other loon to do the killing for him.
This is eliminationist rhetoric, and I’m sick and tired of seeing it posted here. The moderators of this blog should step up and put an end to it by warning him to stop, and if he doesn’t, then ban the SOB.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Jay Asher @jayasherguy
When Presidential wannabes (all GOP) tweet prayers for highly publicized mass shootings, but not if it occurs at Planned Parenthood, notice.
Retweeted by Goldy
Should we also notice when presumptive Democrat 2016 presidential nominee
Woman, under fire, pleading for prayers for herself and others.
Well, that certainly seems worthy of mockery.
So BOOB, if you’re not busy doing the goat maybe you can respond to my question @131 intelligently since the LOON has been unable to.
What do you think about passing responsible gun laws like those the NRA proposed years ago and that 3/4 of the NRA membership favor?
BOOB @168
‘Pray for us’: Calls, texts relay horror of California mass shooting
Well, that certainly seems worthy of mockery.
Really BOOB? You think it worthy of mockery?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 169
I think California has a lot of gun laws that, say, WA doesn’t. Didn’t deter this.
Chicago and DC gun laws are doing, um, how much?, to reduce murders and other gun-related deaths in those cities?
How many of those responsible gun laws you wish for already exist in California, Ekim? Instead of referring to your desired laws as “those” and expecting me to reply, howz about a link or three so I know what you are talking about?
You’ll find me more willing to support those laws than you think, I suspect. But that’s not what you want. You want me to agree to delete the Second Amendment, somehow, without going through the constitutional requirements to do so.
We have more guns per capita than any other developed nation and by far the most gun related deaths per capita. Could there be a relationship? Nah…
Could either BOOB or the LOON explain how even more guns will make us even safer? Inquiring minds want to know.
BTW, Yemen (in the not so developed world) has around the same number of guns that we do. Look how that has turned out for them.
Thanks BOOB, tongue-in-cheek is sooo much better than mockery. Gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling I’m sure.
I wonder how respectful should anyone be of a politician who prays for the victims of violence while at the same time blocks any attempt to stop the violence?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 173
If you were to forcibly remove guns from the US population, how would you start? You would go into inner-city Chicago and Baltimore and…
Do what, exactly?
Or rather than cities with 500 murders per year, would you first go into Idaho and forcibly remove guns from residents there?
How many fewer gun deaths in Chicago would you expect with strengthened background checks, or requirements for passage of a gun-safety course prior to issuance of a firearm?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Invictus @TBPInvictus 22h22 hours ago
What have we become that we put our very lives at risk every time we leave our home or office? Something is very, very wrong.
For BOOB to read:
The NRA once supported gun control
It may seem hard to believe, but for decades the organization helped write federal laws restricting gun use
Bone up on some history BOOB and you might learn something.
Distant Replayspews:
I just checked my Emily Post. Turns out “tongue in cheek” is much better than mockery.
So, learned that today.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 177
In @ 169 you asked what I thought.
I think things like background checks, waiting periods, closing gun show loopholes, registrations/licensing are all just fine.
If you can get them passed, get them passed. No objection from me.
I don’t own a gun. I think I shot a BB gun four years ago. Last time I remember shooting a firearm I might have been 18.
I think passing all of those laws is fine. I also think it won’t do shit to stop murders in places like Chicago and Baltimore.
BOOB @171 You’ll find me more willing to support those laws than you think, I suspect. But that’s not what you want. You want me to agree to delete the Second Amendment, somehow, without going through the constitutional requirements to do so.
Not gonna fly.
Are you as INSANE as the LOON? You think the NRA proposed legislation would delete the Second Amendment?
Distant Replayspews:
It’s actually a very small percentage of gun owners, and a very, very, incredibly small percentage of Americans who own these huge arsenals of tactical weapons. And an incredibly large percentage (relatively) of those arsenal owners turn out to be the ones who go on sprees like this one. So I’d argue that the place to start would be with the folks who are amassing very large arsenals of tactical weapons and ammunition. Outsized threat for no earthly reason.
Also background checks. Nationwide, universal, background checks. Not state by state and jurisdiction by jurisdiction. Patchwork regulation pretty much vacates the arguments at 171.
Distant Replayspews:
“No objection from me.”
But you’ll go right on voting for the charlatans who prevent those regulations from being passed. And then dutifully return here to scold anyone who so much as implies that the ocean of guns and ammo in this country might just have something to do with the high incidence of random gun violence.
You really are a piece of shit. And all the insincere posturing in the world won’t change that.
BOOB @179 I think things like background checks, waiting periods, closing gun show loopholes, registrations/licensing are all just fine.
Trying to pass any of those things will bring out the current NRA leadership and RETHUG politicians who will start screaming Second Amendment and OBUMMER wants to take our guns away.
You know as well as I do that no rational dialog can take place.
BOOB @171 How many of those responsible gun laws you wish for already exist in California, Ekim?
Local laws have limited impact when a person can with little effort go outside the local jurisdiction to buy their weapons of choice. But I am sure you know this.
Distant Replayspews:
a prerequisite for a rational dialog would be information. Too bad Republican leadership in Congress, including some of Bob’s most favoritest candidates for President, continue to block debate on bills to restart CDC research into gun violence and continue to block debate on a bill to stop suspected terrorists from buying firearms.
Delete the Second Ammendment. Uh huh. What a fucking pig.
Of course, Australia doesn’t have a Second Amendment like we do. And so there’s really absolutely nothing we can do but buy more caskets. Price of freedom, reasonable something, something.
Distant Replayspews:
@164, 166, 167,
So, how’s that workin’ out for ya so far?
God fixed any of this shit yet? Has she made a weapon jam or magically stopped any bullets from blowing the brains out of six year olds? If the only thing half the system is willing to do about this is pray, it’ll never get fixed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@162 My sources link you to terrorism, too.* Sure, my sources are tenuous. But then, so are yours.**
* You’re a white guy. A white guy shot up an abortion clinic last week. That makes you a terrorist.
** CAIR are Muslims. Farood is a Muslim terrorist. That makes CAIR terrorists, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@163 I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Puddy carries a “cleansing agent.” After all, he rolls in the mud with pigs.
@164 Clicking on your link, that doesn’t look like “quiet” to me.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 186
You shared a link from Australia’s The Onion.
Please. Stop. Because I still respect you a bit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Bickle is on a tear today. Maybe he doesn’t have any x-rays to interpret because all his patients died after the last round of radiologist diagnoses. Medicare pays him anyway.
Ima Duncespews:
We’re in too deep. It’s a habit this country has, of thinking we can put off doom by ignoring it. That way, we can ignore the mounting costs of doing what’s needed until it reaches critical mass. Than we have the excuse of saying we missed our chance anyway. And besides, it’s not the gun profiteers being shot at, they’re safe in their mansions.. Because there’s always a trade off in lives and what’s acceptable loses to maximize profit and pay politicians. It’s the cost of doing business as they say. The one bright spot, if there is one, we are showing the rest of world what not to do if you value your citizens lives over the almighty dollar.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@171 Boob, can you tell us how many mass shootings didn’t happen because of California’s gun laws? Do you have a way to track that?
Distant Replayspews:
Oh thank you so much for that warning.
‘Cause, really Bob, I absolutely yearn for the respect of a posturing disingenuous narcissistic greed head. I’m so fucking glad you stopped me before I went too far.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@172 Uh-huh. After years of GOP obstruction of even the mildest forms of gun control, such as gun show background checks (never mind that gun shows are an open barn door for criminals and crazies who can’t buy guns from gun stores), here’s your WaPostie’s take on the fact that 336 days into 2015, the USA has experienced 350 mass shootings, i.e., we’re averaging more than 1 per day:
“Whatever one thinks about God or prayer or, for that matter, gun control, this is a bad development for a society already fractured in too many ways. … Ironically, enough, the ‘Don’t Just Pray There, Do Something’ meme will actually keep things from happening.”
Exactly what does it keep from happening? The whole point of the NY Daily News cover is that NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Don’t you think it’s time people went further than just expressing empathy, and started doing something to solve this problem? Other countries don’t have this problem. It’s unique to America. That should tell you we’re doing something wrong that can, and must, change.
Distant Replayspews:
Bob, did you somehow miss the part at 185 where I called you a fucking pig? Please take note of it now. It’s what you are.
People are being slaughtered and you keep score of who’s praying? Sandy Hook parents are disemboweled with grief, but you and your fellow travelers leave them to do the heavy lifting while you concern troll us about the dirty hippies trying to delete the Second Amendment.
That pretty much makes you a fucking pig.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@173 I read something yesterday — I won’t bother looking for the link, and probably couldn’t find it anyway — that said the USA has more guns than people, but they’re concentrated in a few hands. Only about 8% of households own multiple guns, but some of those 8-percenters have 200 guns each. Why does any civilian need 200 guns?
Here’s another point: If we assume used rifles and shotguns sell for, on average, around $250 to $500 each, then an owner of 200 guns has spent somewhere between $50,000 and $100,000 on his guns. Maybe more. This is probably a guy who’s living paycheck to paycheck, and has little or nothing put away for retirement or unexpected medical bills. He may have another $50,000 tied up in a pickup truck, but can’t pay his electric bill. Child support? Forget it, he has no money for his children. How could he have?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@175 Who’s suggesting forcibly confiscating guns? Nobody. Total red herring, Boob. Worthy of your intellect, I’m sure. Here’s a suggestion: How about if we just tighten the access rules to reduce gun sales to people who shouldn’t have them? That might help a little, and sure can’t hurt. Are you on board for that, Boob? Well?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@179 “I think things like background checks, waiting periods, closing gun show loopholes, registrations/licensing are all just fine. If you can get them passed, get them passed. No objection from me.”
That’s very nice of you, Boob. But if you vote for Republican politicians who obstruct passage of “things like background checks, waiting periods, closing gun show loopholes, registrations/licensing,” then these are just weasel words that don’t mean a fucking thing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@180 re @171: Don’t have to delete the Second Amendment, only need a Supreme Court that will restore its original meaning. People wanting to play with military weapons on weekends should join the National Guard.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You know, hovering over all the manure being emitted by wingers like Puffy and Boob over this, is a very simple solution: Biometric triggers that can be activated only by the gun owner’s fingerprint or sweat or whatever. Not a perfect solution, but it would absolutely put an end to toddlers shooting each other, and criminals robbing convenience stores with stolen guns. The technology exists right now. Gun manufacturers could implement it tomorrow. But the NRA is against it, so the GOP is against it, so it ain’t gonna happen; the carnage is just going to go on and on and on, until voters get fed up enough to vote the GOP out of office.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In other news, America’s most odious CEO was convicted of killing coal miners by ignoring safety regulations, but that’s only a misdemeanor for which he can get at most 1 year in jail. He escaped 30 years in prison by being acquitted of the really serious charges, i.e., lying in his SEC filings about ignoring safety regulations.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know how much coal miners’ lives are worth in relation to what Wall Street’s dollars are worth in the eyes of laws written by Wall Street.
Distant Replayspews:
Most of the time, someone with 200 guns is a dealer. Not always. But most of the time. Are they a licensed dealer? Of course not. But for the most part you only need a license if you intend to advertise. These folks buy and sell large numbers of guns every year, essentially looking to buy low and sell high. Some make a decent living at it. They attend auctions, gun shows, estate sales, etc. looking for deals. Are these sales recorded? Again, of course not.
It’s the guys with twenty guns I’m concerned about. They aren’t dealers. They’re just a little bit too fascinated. You’ll find ’em all over YouTube showing off their tactical gear. For a special thrill, look up “bump stock” or “bump fire” on youtube. Enjoy your freedom! Guns are cool!
So, according to the far(nutty) left media, such as The Stranger, we have the following:
– Crazy nuttball white guy shoots up PP = TERRORISM!!!!1111
– 2 devout muslims, with recent travels to the middle east armed to the teeth with assault-style weapons, thousands of rounds of ammo, and scores of homemade bombs = workplace violence
HAHAHAHHAHAAH, The Stranger calls this “advocacy journalism”. Most sane people call it propaganda, dishonesty, and a total lack of journalistic ethics(but we shouldnt be surprised at that now should we).
far left progressive journalism at its finest.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 200
But if you vote for Republican politicians who obstruct passage of “things like background checks, waiting periods, closing gun show loopholes, registrations/licensing,” then these are just weasel words that don’t mean a fucking thing.
Or perhaps it means I’m not a one-issue voter.
Distant Replayspews:
Hey look everyone!
Fuckwad built a sock puppet!
The only sock puppet around here is the one your mom keeps in her dresser
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 203
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know how much coal miners’ lives are worth in relation to what Wall Street’s dollars are worth in the eyes of laws written by Wall Street.
Actually, those who work in the mining industry have figured that out in the past few years, at least in West Virginia, RR.
“West Virginia is under attack from Barack Obama and a Democratic Party that our parents and grandparents would not recognize,” Jenkins said in a news release. “I am proud to join the Republican Party in fighting Washington’s assault on our state, our freedoms, and our jobs.”
TRAINWRECK @205 …armed to the teeth with assault-style weapons…
You missed the LOON’s post. Those weren’t assault-style weapons because, you know, they were not full auto. Keep up with the LOON if you want to keep your stupidity straight
Ima Duncespews:
And I never hear activists calling for institutions to divest the money from gun makers. Why? Too profitable?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@205 I just scrolled through The Stranger’s website and didn’t find anything about the San Bernardino shooting. Care to provide us with a link to what you’re braying about?
This is a developing story, jackass. Yesterday, the media reported the suspected shooter left a holiday party “angry” and came back and shot up his co-workers. That sure looks like workplace violence.
Today, we’re told this guy was “radicalized” and “in contact” with people on the FBI’s terrorism watch list. In addition, police found a house full of pipe bombs and ammunition. This new information raises a strong possibility of a terrorism motivation — although that’s not definitively established yet.
Intelligent people change their conclusions when they get new information. Morons bray like jackasses.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@206 Nobody ever accused you of being a one-issue voter, but I’m willing to accuse you of being a one-ideology voter right now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@208 Hallelujah! We have a new troll to beat up! It’s been a long time since we’ve had any warm blood to spill around here. Bickle and Fuckward are walking corpses that turned cold a long time ago. In other words, they’re zombie trolls.
Since you’re new here (or purport to be), as the HA ex officio greeter, it’s my solemn duty to brief you on the HA Ad Hoc Posting Rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here, except JCH.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of the America-hating wingnuts traitors who troll here.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our non-negotiable terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Make no mistake, we abuse wingnut trolls, and delight in it! The average troll longevity on this blog is two weeks. That’s because most wingnut trolls, when you get right down to it, are cut-and-run cowards. They can’t take it. Of all the trolls that have stumbled upon this blog over the last 10 years, Bickle and Fuckward are the only survivors. So far you’ve lasted 55 minutes and 2 posts. We’re going to find out what sort of stuff you’re made of.
…armed to the teeth with assault-style weapons…
You missed the LOON’s post. Those weren’t assault-style weapons because, you know, they were not full auto. Keep up with the LOON if you want to keep your stupidity straight
That is exactly why I said “assault-style weapons” and not “assault weapons”. One has the looks, but not the performance, of the other….I wonder if you can figure out which is which?
Perhaps if you took the time to read more carefully and demonstrate some comprehension, you would have noticed that.
But hey, thanks for the opportunity to witness you doing some good ole fashioned self ownage.
Quote “@205 I just scrolled through The Stranger’s website and didn’t find anything about the San Bernardino shooting. Care to provide us with a link to what you’re braying about?”
Of coursed you missed it – I would expect nothing less from you. Try again pops, this time open your eyes and use that scroll-down thingy….
For christs sake, you were subbing in traffic court? good god, please tell me you do not drive any longer – you could miss that STOP sign too!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@209 I had no idea Obama and the Democrats were out to get West Virginia, a long-time blue state. I was under the impression they were only try to clean up the air so I wouldn’t choke on coal soot. When did they attack West Virginia? Is that the same invading army he sent to Texas? I thought the mushroom cloud was over Charleston Harbor?
@214 We have a new troll to beat up!
LMFAO, the only thing you have ever beat up was that $3 whore you hooked up with in Saigon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@215 If looks could kill, they’d be assault weapons. But they’re only .223 plinking rifles dressed up to look like badass military shit to get the rubes to part with bigger bucks. The average rube would hand over the keys to his F-150 for a single-shot 7.62mm x 51mm rifle if it looked like an M-60 machinegun.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 217
I had no idea Obama and the Democrats were out to get West Virginia, a long-time blue state.
Romney 62.3, Obama 35.5.
All three US Representatives are Republicans.
One US Senator is Republican and the other might as well be on a lot of issues.
WVa hasn’t been blue recently, RR. Of course, you might have been around when Byrd was in the KKK, so you may have a different perspective than most.
Distant Replayspews:
God I miss JCH.
Those were salad days. Toolin’ around the island in Robin’s Ferrari 308, groomin’ the ol’ lip sweater, ironing his Lee mom jeans, shootin’ hoops with TC and Rick.
Oh, wait…
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
CBS News @CBSNews 21m21 minutes ago
NEW: Shooting suspect Tashfeen Malik passed DHS counterterrorism screening as part of her vetting for K-1 visa, @margbrennan reports.
Of course she did. They didn’t know she was secretly a Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@216 No, you provide the link. That’s the longstanding conventional practice on this blog, on both sides of no man’s land. I’m not your fucking research assistant. If you don’t provide sources, it will be assumed by all that you don’t have any.
And I am not your senior care nurse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@218 How did you know about my Saigon whore? A new troll wouldn’t know about that. That suggests you’ve been here before. Or maybe you’ve been here all along and you’re sockpuppeting.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@220 Maybe you have a shorter perspective than I do. I’ve lived through 17 presidential elections. (And Pop Rabbit, at the time of his expiration date, had lived through 25.)
Best thing your side can say about WV is you’re damned glad the state only has five electoral votes these days.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@221 He’s probably dead by now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@222 That would make her one of yours, wouldn’t it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@224 I don’t think we need to say any more about your Stranger non-link. That issue is settled. You had your chance.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
You know Roger senile, Puddy has a job and Puddy has to work. Unlike you who sits on their ASS bragging how you make money through stocks when the market tanks…
You through your senility call FACTS you can’t refute squid ink. So be it. Just another nail in the senility coffin. Years ago you were a worthy opponent.
Now you are another DUMMOCRETIN has been!
See ya!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@227 Aren’t you overlooking a couple facts? You only need 270.
Fact #1: In 2008, Two-Term President Obama won with 115 electoral votes to spare.
Fact #2: In 2012, Two-Term President Obama won with 62 electoral votes to spare.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but who the fuck needs West Virginia? (Answer: You do, plus a lot more. I’m curious where you plan to get them.)
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
AR-15s are not assault riffles
Correct goatse boy ekim. You get 1 point for a correct answer!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Of course, wingnuts are reveling in this latest incident of gun violence
Wrong again senile fool! We are sad. Really sad! It’s DUMMOCRETINS that revel because they whip out their memes
Gun laws Gun laws!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 232
Obama isn’t on the ballot next year. You’ve got Likeable Hillary.
Twenty bucks says her husband hits on Rubio’s wife during one of the debates.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@231 “You know Roger senile, Puddy has a job and Puddy has to work.”
I’m so sorry. Really, I am. I don’t have to work. (snicker)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@231 You calling me decrepit is the FUNNIEST comment that’s been posted here all day. Downright fucking hilarious!
Unlike you, Bickle doesn’t have to work, either. At least he hasn’t done any work today. You should’ve been a doctor like him. Then you’d get to post on HA all day long while sucking on the Medicare tit like him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@235 “Twenty bucks says her husband hits on Rubio’s wife during one of the debates.”
So? Wouldn’t you, if you had the chance?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Goatse abusing ekim can’t accept his peeps are cruel SCUM and ASSholes!
I wonder how respectful should anyone be of a politician who prays for the victims of violence while at the same time blocks any attempt to stop the violence?
Oh goatse boy ekim, it’s DUMMOCRETINS who are against any attempt to stop the violence! DUMMOCRETINS are against crazy people background checks, profiling bad people because that’s racist. Well now we know what was in their garage!
Sux to be the goatse boy ekim!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@240 You’re confusing senility with the attention span your comments deserve. They have different causes and effects.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Why isn’t a picture of Syed’s wife available? She came into America from Saudi Arabia!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@242 If you insist on profiling crazy people, I’ll report you to the FBI this afternoon.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Your senility is the admission you can’t remember what you wrote earlier in a thread. Wanna see that big explanation over not comprehending your commentary again?
PLEASE SAY YES so everyone can laugh at your silly ASS again. It was:
Nothing from DUMMOCRETINS on this DUMMOCRETIN led city!
TRAINWRECK @215 That is exactly why I said “assault-style weapons” and not “assault weapons”. One has the looks, but not the performance, of the other….I wonder if you can figure out which is which?
I stand corrected. You should also explain the distinction to ATF Agent Meredith Davis who also is obviously in error.
After they were killed in a shootout, two suspects in Wednesday’s mass shooting in San Bernardino were found to have been carrying AR-15 assault rifles, pistols and many magazines of ammunition, ATF Agent Meredith Davis said. Rick Chambers reports from San Bernardino for the KTLA 5 News at 6 on Dec. 2, 2015.
“Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would kill the families of terrorists in order to win the fight against ISIS. … ‘The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself. When they say they don’t care about their lives, you have to take out their families,’ Trump said.”
At least one top Israeli terrorism expert isn’t impressed.
“A leading Israeli counter-terrorism expert says Donald Trump’s call to ‘take out’ the families of terrorists would run afoul of international law and degrade the moral standing of the U.S. ‘Any deliberate attacks aimed against civilians is a war crime, regardless if they are family members of terrorists or presidents or presidential candidates,’ said Boaz Ganor, a former consultant to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ‘Adopting this policy is immoral and against the common liberal democratic values,’ added Ganor, the founder and executive director of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism in Israel.”
Apparently you don’t understand how God works! No need to explain it anymore!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Police think it was a terrorist act. Obummer’s sadministration need to control the memes and themes!
Distant Replayspews:
Fuckwad, Fuckwad. You’ve got to improve your focus. You’ll never out-demagogue Trump. It’s Cruz you have to worry about. He’s the one taking the thumpers away from Dr. Ben. You’re wasting your time going after Trump’s people. They aren’t “receptive” to Carson’s “message”.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
goatse boy ekim uses Salon as their “resource”?
The LOON has a BONER! The LOON has a BONER!
Look out goats!!! The LOON has a BONER!
No LOON, I use ATF Agent Meredith Davis as my source.
Quick!! Build a fence!!
Canada is importing 25,000 Syrian refugees in the next 2 months.
Next thing you know they will be crossing our border.
Buying guns at gun shows.
And shooting REAL AMERICANS (AKA white people.)
Be afraid!!! Very Afraid!!!
LOON @252 Apparently you don’t understand how God works! No need to explain it anymore!
The LOON is under the delusion that God is a wholly owned subsidiary of the SDA and works under the rules and regulations set down by the SDA. If you want to understand more you have to drink the SDA cool-aid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@253 “Obummer’s sadministration need to control the memes and themes!”
Yep, sure looks like Obama is trying to sweep terrorism under the rug:
“It is possible that this is terrorist-related, but we don’t know. It’s also possible this was workplace-related,” he said. “There may be mixed motives in all this, which makes the investigation more complicated. But rest assured, we will get to the bottom of this.”
The SDA claims a membership of 8,479,257 world wide as of 2014.
In contrast the Catholic church somewhere around 1.2 billion and Islam somewhere around 1.8 billion.
So is the SDA a fringe religion?
Roger Rabbitspews:
British pop group Coldplay (never heard of ’em) will headline the Superbowl halftime show.
RR @261 I thought the GOP owned that franchise.
Hard to keep all this straight.
The GOP is really the POG which is the “Party of God” or in Arabic, “Hezbollah” but the GOP does not acknowledge that translation. So at least one could argue the GOP has a better claim to owning God.
On the other hand, I’m pretty sure God doesn’t belong to any religion.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Goatse boy ekim, the continual goat-sex trainwreck… Another trainwreck @250! California residents may own certain AR-15 type rifles, but they are required to have a fixed magazine not exceeding 10 rounds.
In a strict definition, a firearm must have at least the following characteristics to be considered an assault rifle:[2][3][4]
It must be an individual weapon
It must be capable of selective fire [- these rifles do not have selective fire]
It must have an intermediate-power cartridge: more power than a pistol but less than a standard rifle or battle rifle
Its ammunition must be supplied from a detachable box magazine[5]
And it should have an effective range of at least 300 metres (330 yards)
Just because someone calls it that doesn’t mean it is that goatse boy ekim!
FACTS are FACTS goatse boy!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
goatse boy ekim @259,
The Bible explains God and His Son Jesus Christ.
It must really suck to be sooooooooooooooo stoooooooooooooooopid!
Senator Ted Cruz (R., Texas) and Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) want President Obama to release the immigration records of the San Bernardino shooters, arguing they should play a key role in the coming debate over funding the Syrian refugee resettlement& program.
Their request comes as CBS reports that one of the shooting suspects passed the Department of Homeland Security’s “counterterrorism screening as part of her vetting” for a visa. Federal officials maintain that they have a rigorous and effective screening process in place for people from countries such as Syria that have significant jihadist movements, making the immigration records of the San Bernardino shooters a potentially significant piece of the debate over refugee policy.
PuddyCommentariat: This is only going to get more interesting!
Obummer is claiming not to know if this is terrorism Roger senile? Reports are the Obummer sadministration is suppressing the evidence!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Benghazi karma thought du jour:
If one of those head-mounted GoPro videos from yesterday make it into general circulation, Hillary will honestly be able to blame her landslide election loss on a disgusting video.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Obummer claimed ISIL not going to affect the US!
EPIC FAYLE for Obummer’s standard underestimation!
So much for containment lib the racist schmuck, Roger senile and goatse boy ekim!
The JV team is not the V team!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Salon – So someone is masquerading as goatse boy ekim @177?
Oh no ewww… There are two of them!
Distant Replayspews:
this is news! You found documentation of these shooters being directed from foreign sources. Well done. Do share.
235 never bet with bob, he won’t pay up. He skips out on bets.
LOON @233
That was sarcasm but you crazy LOON.
ATF Agent Meredith Davis says the AR-15s involved in the shooting were assault riffles. You say they aren’t. Who should we believe?
Regardless, I am pretty sure that the 14 dead and 17 wounded weren’t interested in the nuances of gun classifications at the time. Probably more focused on the boom boom boom coming from the 30 round clips to care.
This is how the Senate reTHUGS move to stop terrorism
Senate Republicans on Thursday rejected an amendment to the ObamaCare repeal bill that would have tied it to a separate fight on blocking suspected or known terrorists from being able to buy guns.
Senators voted 45-54 on procedural hurdle for the measure from Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
The California Democrat’s proposal, which she has also introduced as a separate piece of legislation, would allow the attorney general to block the sale or transfer of a gun or explosive to a suspected or known terrorist if the individual is believed to use the weapons in an act of terrorism.
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) broke rank and voted against moving forward with Feinstein’s amendment, while Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) voted with Democrats.
Speaking to reporters earlier Thursday, Feinstein called her amendment “the definition of a no-brainer.”
Maybe the LOON or BOOB can explain what other anti-terrorism measures the reTHUGS can take credit for?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@262 One look at Puffy and the word “cult” pops into your head.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
You say they aren’t. Who should we believe? Certainly not goatse boy ekim the goat driller!
Puddy didn’t say it… The leftists at Wikipedia did you IDIOT! Reading comprehension is not your forte! Are you giving blowjobs to goats again goatse boy ekim?
The ATF on Thursday night said both rifles had been illegally modified, according to Desert Sun reporter Brett Kellman, One had been rigged to hold a 30-round magazine; an attempt was made to convert the other to full automatic fire.
FACTS Sux eh?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@262 One look at Puffy and the word “cult” pops into your head.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@262 One look at Puffy and “cult” pops into your head.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
You found documentation of these shooters being directed from foreign sources.
Where did Puddy claim that loose screw lib the racist schmuck?
Lib the racist dumb schmuck as dumb as a side dumper full of rocks!
LOON @266 The Bible explains God and His Son Jesus Christ.
OK LOON, I got my popcorn…
Which version of the Bible? And in which language?
When nuances are important even the placement of a comma in a sentence is important. You find in English language versions of the Bible conflicting passages from one Bible to the next. And if you go back to the Bible origins you find the texts in Hebrew and Aramaic as well as (I believe) other languages, certainly not in any dialect of English.
There is even strong evidence that the early portions) of the Old Testament (Noah and the begets), which were borrowed from the Torah, were in turn borrowed from the Babylonians.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
View Roger on HA DUMMOCRETINS and “senile” is your next immediate thought!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@271 Wrong terrorists. But then, when did you ever get anything right?
“Law enforcement sources tell CBS News … the suspects’ explosive devices are nearly a carbon copy of bomb constructing instructions provided for in one of the very first issues of al Qaeda’s online magazine, INSPIRE, entitled ‘How To Build A Bomb In the Kitchen of Your Mom.'”
“Law enforcement sources tell CBS News … the suspects’ explosive devices are nearly a carbon copy of bomb constructing instructions provided for in one of the very first issues of al Qaeda’s online magazine, INSPIRE, entitled ‘How To Build A Bomb In the Kitchen of Your Mom.'”
Once again a DUMMOCRETIN hijacks five paragraphs from an article @276. If Travis or Puddy copies like that and the excessive copying deleted magically appears while the material disappears.
Now why is that?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“But when a reporter asked David Bowdich, who heads the Los Angeles field office of the FBI, whether the attack was terrorism, he was careful not to make a ruling. ‘It would be irresponsible and premature for me to call this terrorism,’ Bowdich said. …
“The specificity of the legal definition may also explain explain Obama’s reticence during a statement Thursday morning, when he said: ‘It is possible that this was terrorist-related, but we don’t know.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Unlike Puffybutt, those in positions of actual responsibility aren’t throwing words around loosely.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Isn’t it sad goatse boy ekim can’t figger out tying the gun bill to ObummerCare was a death knell!
Butt goatse boy ekim is a moron!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Al-Qaeda and ISIS have encouraged attacks on Christmas Day and at Christmas-themed events to take advantage of vulnerable crowds and to strike at the heart of a Christian holiday.
Where did Syed and Malik attack? A Christmas party! Fourteen people were killed and 21 were injured, some critically!
BTW Roger senile, the police found one explosive device at the auditorium, which were three pipe bombs strapped together! So there goes that fake bomb meme you posted above! And guess what? Another 12 more pipe bombs at the Farook home, as well as “hundreds” of tools for making bombs and other unspecified explosive agents or bomb components per BATF and the FBI. So where did they learn to make that stuff Roger senile?
Anarchist cookbook? The progressive bible for the DUMMOCRETIN in every anarchist!
Roger Rabbitspews:
And then there’s this:
“’We are deeply concerned that this is yet another manifestation of terrorism—radical Islamic terrorism here at home,’ Senator Ted Cruz told the Republican Jewish Coalition Thursday morning, where the GOP presidential candidates were speaking. ‘Coming on the wake of the terror attack in Paris, this horrific murder underscores that we are at a time of war, whether or not the current administration realizes it or is willing to acknowledge it.’”
No mention of Colorado Springs in this silly rhetoric (San Bernardino was an act of war? Really?) because that, of course, isn’t terrorism; it’s God-fearing folk saving the lives of children.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
If this was “workplace violence” why was it at a Christmas Party and not at the “workplace”?
Weren’t there previous Christmas time attempts by left wrong thinking ISIS loons trying to destroy the Christmas spirit like progressive DUMMOCRETINS want to do too?
LOON @279
OK, I get it. You think it really really important to classify the AR-15s that murdered 14 people as assault weapons. I get it. Let’s be sure we get those details correct. Fine. You win. I’m sure the Families will find comfort in your attention to detail.
(BTW you do know pretty much anyone can and do edit the Wiki, don’t you? Even LOONS like you?)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@289 “So where did they learn to make that stuff Roger senile?”
See #285.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Roger senile can’t figger it out. The FBI is under Obummer sadministration pressure not to call this terrorism even though CBS News has reported what they found in the Farook house! See the link Puddy offered to the lunatic from Oregon!
Sad so sad the lost mind of Roger senile.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
@271 Wrong terrorists.
Wrong again Roger senile. They were the correct terrorists. They weren’t conservative Republicans as you and your Daily Kooks ilk first postulated!
So wrong for so long and so senile now!
LOON @286
That is an easy one. You are a crazy goat fucking LOON and all of us LEFTIES are out to get you.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
(BTW you do know pretty much anyone can and do edit the Wiki, don’t you? Even LOONS like you?)
How stooooooooooooopid is goatse boy ekim? It doesn’t know the new edit rules of WikiPedia…
When a page under pending changes protection is edited by an unregistered (also called IP) editor or a new user, the edit is not directly visible to the majority of Wikipedia readers, until it is reviewed and accepted by an editor with the reviewer right.
Now wait for it from goatse boy ekim! He will post something truly stooooopid and chronologically wrong!
The LOON has finally done it.
The LOON has his Christmas BONER!
Everyone is out to destroy Christmas!!!
It is a religious holiday, ya know.
It says so in his SDA Bible right on page 1, ya betcha…
And it is celebrated by buying adult toys from online retail merchants.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@291 “If this was ‘workplace violence’ why was it at a Christmas Party and not at the ‘workplace’?”
If it had been a work meeting instead of a Christmas party, would the conference center be a workplace?
If the Christmas party had held at their regular offices, would the shooting not have been in a workplace?
It was a workplace because employees gathered at the employer’s invitation or request at a location arranged by the employer for an employer-sponsored function on paid time, moron.
Of course, when you get involved in legal proceedings, definitions can change for different purposes. One of the legal issues certain to come up in this case is whether the county employees who were killed or injured have to prove the county was negligent or are automatically entitled compensation under the worker’s comp system, and whether their compensation will be tort damages, or time-loss and medical care under the worker’s comp system, or a combination of both. Some of the survivors may be so injured and/or traumatized that they’ll never work again, so disability insurance (private and government) may kick in, too. You would never make it as a lawyer, because you’re too much of a simpleton to think your way through issues like these.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@295 Here’s a question for you, idiot. I’ll try to keep it as simple as possible in an effort to stay within your limited intellectual capacities.
Al Qaeda and ISIS are:
[ ] 1. One and the same.
[ ] 2. Allies.
[ ] 3. Rivals.
[ ] 4. Enemies.
Take your time. Don’t fuck this up. There’s only one correct answer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@296 We’re not actually out to get him. It’s more like when you see a soccer ball you kick it just because it’s there. Something like that.
HA without Puddy would be like a soccer field without a ball. We’re only trying to get him into the net, and after we score, we try to get him into the net again. That’s all we do here.
Think of Puddy as a soccer ball, because his function on HA is to be kicked through the goalposts.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
[ ] 5. People with similar thoughts to HA DUMMOCRETINS everywhere!
How could Puddy screw that up Roger senile!
Oh and your workplace violence commentary, while interesting is DUMMOCRETIN speak for “we can’t call this terrorism” even though Syed erased his digital footprint the day before this happened to hide his associations just as ISIS magazines said to do!
LOON @297
You made my point. Pretty much everyone did edit the SHRUB’s Wiki page. I can’t help it if your particular edits were eventually rejected. Most likely because of your illiterate writing style.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@302 “How could Puddy screw that up Roger senile!”
I’m curious whether you have a degree, and if so, which mail-order degree mill you got it from. I’ve never heard of a legitimate school that allows write-ins on multiple-choice questions, so you can’t have attended a legitimate school.
“Oh and your workplace violence commentary, while interesting is DUMMOCRETIN speak for “we can’t call this terrorism””
Complain to the FBI and ATF about that. They’re the ones balking at calling it “terrorism” — and also not ruling out workplace violence. It may be both — some questions have more than one correct answer — but I don’t expect a simpleton like you to comprehend that. You’re probably scribbling another ridiculous write-in answer as I type.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
goatse boy ekim @296,
NOPE… Rules are only for conservatives. DUMMOCRETINS never follow rules!
The wounded count is now 21.
Meanwhile the reTHUG politicians do nothing to stop the violence.
But they are willing to pray on TV and show off their flag pins.
I guess they are too busy…
repealing Obamacare
repealing Medicare
repealing Social Security
looking for Obama’s birth certificate
Did I forget anything LOON?
I’m sure I must have missed some important item…
Oh, I know, more days off and higher pay for themselves.
The truth truly scares you! You think just like ISIS
liberals must arm
conservatives must die
our non-negotiable terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials
Just like ISIS!
“goatse boy”
It really got to the loon’s head when I outed him and Klynical as being nothing but a couple of dumbass goatfuckers. The loon’s been reduced to projecting goatfucking on everybody else ever since. How fucking lame is that? Damned lame, that’s what it is.
LOON @305
Haven’t you noticed? This is a liberal blog.
Post at (U)SP if you don’t like it here.
Or start your own blog. I’m sure you will get lots of traffic.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
goatse boy ekim @303,
Puddy proved your point? You had no point. You didn’t know the rules or why they came about!
DUMB as EVAH! Still giving goats blowjobs!
WikiPedia came up with the edit rules because nasty DUMMOCRETINS defaced the GW Bush entry. The outcry over silly DUMMOCRETIN edits was new rules.
You see goatse boy ekim, DUMMOCRETINS are their own worst enemy. Now everything on WikiPedia is fact check reviewed.
Sux to be you!
LOON @310
Persecution complex, fixated on goats, rigid adherence to imaginary rules, avoidance of reality. And all in one post. Amazing.
See your doctor and take your meds. It will help.
Oh, and leave the goats alone. They are traumatized enough.
Wow a TPPS sighting. Did you stop drinking your stupid solution to make a late night appearance Steve?
I wonder if the Bible the LOON uses is also abused.
As in pages stuck together.
On second thought, I don’t want to know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@307 “conservatives must die”
Where did I ever say that? Anyone who reads this blog knows I’m merely waiting for you stupid humans to kill yourselves off so we rabbits can take over this planet. The other items are self-defense precautions while we wait. With people on your side like Anne Coulter running around saying things like liberals should be “executed” or put in “concentration camps,” it’s natural and necessary for liberals to arm themselves, just in case it’s more than talk. The right has already proven its terrorism chops against Planned Parenthood, so why wouldn’t I think rabbits are next?
Notice how the LOON is focused on the guns?
I’m more concerned with the dead, the wounded, and their families.
I’m concerned about the next mass murder as well.
And the mass murders that will follow.
The LOON? He will focus on the guns again. And stroke his BONER.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@312 You mean this?
“The details emerged as investigators tried to determine whether the rampage that left 14 people dead was terrorism, a workplace grudge or some combination.”
This is one of those questions that might have more than one correct answer, Pudnutz.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@316 I’m thinking about reporting him to the FBI while there’s still time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@310 “nasty DUMMOCRETINS defaced the GW Bush entry”
What did they do? Call him a “miserable failure”?
“conservatives must die”
Laughable, coming from a batshit insane loon whose very screen name is eliminationist – the pathetic loon fancies himself to be the “disinfectant” who eliminates “DUMMOCRETIN scum”.
The psycho-laugh. Not a good sign, coming as it is from a batshit insane loon who wants everybody here dead. I agree with Roger. It’s time to report the loon to the FBI.
Well, either the FBI or the ASPCA. Maybe both. Any decent American would appreciate the former, America’s goats the latter.
“Post at (U)SP if you don’t like it here.”
After an affliction of Jim Miller posts which could kill any blog, Zombie (u)SP now walks with the dead.
Perhaps the babbling jackass fiend can educate the Trump-hole about that which is “not known”.
Distant Replayspews:
Sorry boy. There will be no trials. Once we determine you are an “enemy combatant” no trial is needed. Moreover, a trial risks exposing vital national security information. We remove your chalky ass to Cuba immediately without trial for indefinite detention and torture.
Someone’s at the door, Fuckwad.
Distant Replayspews:
Haven’t his comment threads been overrun by Sovereign Citizen nuts? Probably best that it dies quietly.
@286 Darryl can do what he wants, it’s in the Bible.
You are lucky you guys haven’t been banned yet.
@301 don’t forget to point to the sky and do a little dance, after kicking the ball, doesn’t have to necessairly go into the net, all you have to do is kick it.
Oh I’m sure the GOP will tell you that it was because he wasn’t allowed to have his gun that day and that’s why he couldn’t shoot back. I’m sure the GOOPERS will even untroduce a bill in his name to honor him, so predictable, you heard it here first.
Well we know what the goatse boy ekim is thinking about! The goats better run and hide!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Rigid thinking by DUMMOCRETINS is on full display in this thread. All this hand wringing over is this terrorism or is this workplace violence.
Richard Dear enters a PP location and doesn’t kill any PP employees or patients and HA DUMMOCRETINS go nutzo… That’s terrorism!
Syed Farook and wife enter a Christmas Party and it’s workplace violence!
You HA DUMMOCRETINS, getting your jack boot goose stepping marching orders from the left wrong e-rags and the DNC play your part real well.
Sad and so typical!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Sorry boy. There will be no trials. Once we determine you are an “enemy combatant” no trial is needed.
There goes those racist thoughts again. A black man being called boy is DUMMOCRETIN racist speak, just like your forebear southern DUMMOCRETINS back in the day! You demonstrate how you are lib the racist schmuck every day dude! Just like vomit man changed his name multiple times and Puddy identified it, you too are busted!
Thanks for proving you think just like ISIS. Is beheading your next suggestion?
Thanks for playing lib the racist schmuck!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
TPPS @320,
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
I’m more concerned with the dead, the wounded, and their families.
That’s a first goatse boy ekim. Your preznit was more focused on guns vs. the dead, the wounded, and their families.
Your left wrong blogs were more focused on the perps being conservative white guys. Roger senile proved that earlier and so did the lead kook at Daily Kooks! A real vile jackASS Markos is and y’all are his slavish worshippers!
The most powerful evidence against this backlash toward prayer comes not from the Twitterverse, but from San Bernardino. “Pray for us,” a woman texted her father from inside the Inland Regional Center, while she and her colleagues hid from the gunfire. Outside the building, evacuated workers bowed their heads and held hands. They prayed.
PuddyCommentariat: Did you pray for them or ridicule those who prayed for them goatse boy ekim? Puddy suggests you ridiculed them just like national DUMMOCRETINS. Even when one texted out to her father to pray for them, national DUMMOCRETINS doubled down, just like you here.
FACTS are such inconvenient things to DUMMOCRETINS! Hence:
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Think of Roger as very senile and only getting worse. Roger used to be a worthy foe. Now all that’s left of Roger is being a corn husk doll!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Syed Farook had a dispute with a Christian co-worker over how Islam was a violent faith. Syed kills that co-worker, proving Islam is a violent faith.
Violence… those things written and said by Roger senile captured by Puddy in #307, doubled down by the Oregon moron in #324. In fact the Oregon moron went further proving DUMMOCRETINS think just like ISIS in many ways!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
To the clueless crazed databaze cretin @323,
Donald Trump asked why Obummer will not use the term “radical islamic terrorism” when we witnessed the outcome of “radical islamic terrorism” against one Christian who challenged Syed Farook on his religion. We witnessed the outcome!
Sux to be the clueless deranged crazed databaze cretin of #323!
And the loon fancies himself as the “disinfectant” who will kill us all. In a terrorist attack, naturally.
What a batshit crazy fucking loon. It’s time to report him to the FBI.
LOON @305 Rules are only for conservatives.
Those voices again? Take your meds. They will help.
LOON @332 southern DUMMOCRETINS back in the day!
Oh yes. The KKKlan. They belong to your party now.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
No TPPS @338… Puddy is the natural decontaminant to your disease.
Liberalism is a mental disease and Puddy is the natural disinfectant! Too bad English is not your natural language!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
goatse boy ekim @339,
Post #276 is still intact with 5 hijacked paragraphs. Apparently what Puddy wrote is still true. Rules don’t mean jack to a DUMMOCRETIN and rules are not enforced against DUMMOCRETINS!
It is painfully clear that, like her predecessor Eric Holder, Lynch is far more concerned with promoting the social justice agenda than protecting the Constitutional rights of American citizens. What exactly is speech that “edges toward violence”? What exactly are “actions predicated on violent talk”? In the end, it is whatever she decides it to mean.
PuddyCommenatiat: Of course, this is another example of libtards telling all Americans that progressive DUMMOCRETIN libtards will be the arbiters of free speech! The terrorist attack in San Bernadino is a “a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change.”
Yes, if you are a black kid in libtard Chicago town… your just ‘a “stupid kid” with nothing else to do, adding that it was “just fun and games.”’ No problem. Revenge is best served on 16 white peeps. A-OK for HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Farook and wife were looking at ISIS propaganda online per CBS. Naaaaaah not terrorism
JUST IN: #SanBernardino suspects were looking at ISIS propaganda online, source tells CBS News 10:00 AM – 3 Dec 2015
“I don’t think they just ran home, put on these types of tactical clothes, grabbed guns and came back on a spur of the moment.” – San Bernardino police chief Jarrod Burguan. Mrs Puddy said he was well spoken! Yeah, unlike the fools on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Having failed to inspire others to do his killing for him, the batshit crazy loon is becoming increasingly radicalized, enraged and full of hate. It’s past time we report him to the proper authorities. Innocent lives are at stake.
“Post #276 is still intact with 5 hijacked paragraphs.”
The dumbfuck batshit crazy loon somehow got it in his vacuous skull that US copyright law limits the number of paragraphs one can quote from an article with twenty-one paragraphs to fewer than five. Yet another reason why he is known as a batshit crazy fucking loon.
LOON @342 Post #276 is still intact with 5 hijacked paragraphs. Apparently what Puddy wrote is still true. Rules don’t mean jack to a DUMMOCRETIN and rules are not enforced against DUMMOCRETINS!
1) The 5 quoted paragraphs actually had a point. Makes it interesting to the reader.
2) In spite of point 1 you are still allowed to post your pointless drivel here as long as it is short enough to skip past.
3) You don’t like it here, go away. Start your own blog or post at (U)SP.
Distant Replayspews:
“Richard Dear enters a PP location and doesn’t kill any PP employees or patients… “
On these threads the Fuckwad pretends puzzlement over why Dear’s attack failed. But on his favorite gun humper militia blogs he and his buddies are busy mocking Dear for failing to prepare for PP’s defenses.
LOON @344
See my previous post @348 Your ramblings are neither interesting or intelligible. Please try harder. And the meds will help.
Distant Replayspews:
@332,glad to know I got to you, boy.
Nugent on America’s DUMMOCRETIN SCUM problem, “When Old Yeller brings us slippers, give him a biscuit; when he foams at the mouth, you shoot him between the eyes. Any questions? You got to do it. America, you got to cleanse this country.”
Uh, oh! Nugent is calling for the batshit crazy loon to “cleanse” America of DUMMOCRETIN SCUM. Could this be the final straw that will send our batshit crazy loon completely over the edge and into a murderous rage?
Distant Replayspews:
Fear not. The Fuckwad’s information has been logged and a team is heading out to sticker his mailbox.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
TPPS @345,
You MORON, HA set the hijack to two paragraphs!
Still an IDIOT!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
On these threads the Fuckwad pretends puzzlement over why Dear’s attack failed.
Man this Oregon moron lives up to his moniker. You DUMMOCRETINS called this a terroristic attack on PP. Yet not one PP person or patient died.
Once again your failed descriptions are hilarious!
Mark Adamsspews:
@201 The Supreme Court could, but never has. Since ownership of firearms was common under the Articles of Confederation the practices of the time do carry weight. There would appear to be a right of an individual to own a firearm. Kentucky rifles were serious weapons, and were advanced and idea military weapons. Like the right of privacy some things are nuanced in the constitution so if you are now a strict constitutionalist your arguments in other areas such as abortion suffer a mortal blow. Guns have been, are part of our America, and will continue to be so. I doubt that you or I want to elevate some white supremacist group to militia even though essentially that is what they do when they get together. Go up the wrong country road in Idaho, Montana or even eastern Washington you never know what you will find.
Mark Adamsspews:
@353 Well he seems to be forgetting that he’s not talking about his old coon hound. He’s talking about people some of whom are going to shoot back. Best not to be in the cross fire or anywhere nearby. Of course things are always more complicated in these kind of things just look at the Hatfields and McCoy’s as some of that whole dispute was about property, business, and money.
Things just got much worse for those trying to defend the violent rightwing jihad against legal abortion clinics and the constitutional right of women to control their bodies:
“An ex-wife of the man charged with killing three people at a Colorado Planned Parenthood said on Tuesday that he has targeted the reproductive health organization before. In an interview with NBC News from South Carolina, Barbara Mescher Michaux said Robert Dear put glue in the locks of another Planned Parenthood clinic when they were married more than 20 years ago. …
“Some have speculated that the gunbattle began in the parking lot outside the clinic and Dear was not motivated by opposition to abortion rights. But Michaux said it seemed clear what drove Dear there. ‘For him to plan this and go there, he meant to go there,’ she said. ‘There is no doubt in my mind.'”
But wait, it gets even worse for the jihadis and their apologists trying to innoculate themselves from responsibility for these murders:
“She added that he appeared devoutly religious. ‘He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but he does not follow the Bible in his actions,’ Michaux wrote. ‘He says as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Man, this guy has “Republican terrorist” written all over him! I don’t see how Cruz will explain this away. And he’s the complete package: Bible thumper, wife beater, peeping tom, rapist, cop killer, would-be bomber, and racist Obama-hater — if he’s a “transgendered leftist activist” he’s a damned shitty one, if you ask me.
Uh-oh, Piddlywinks won’t like this! The SDA candidate is fading:
“Donald Trump is now the undisputed leader of the Republican presidential pack, a new Quinnipiac University poll shows. … Trump has 27% support from likely GOP primary voters nationwide in a survey released Wednesday. He’s followed by a second tier that’s bunched closely together: Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is at 17%, while Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and neurosurgeon Ben Carson are at 16% each.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While it’s obvious the shine is wearing off Carson, it’s not clear why. Sure, he’s a pathological liar; but if Republican voters have a problem with that, then the whole GOP field is in trouble. It’s gotta be something else. Did he get caught shoplifting a Bible from a Christian store?
I see Nut-o-sphere has glommed on to a 2001 CBS-NY report. An anecdotal account of anywhere from 4 to 8 people celebrating the tower’s fall in Jersey city, a celebration of which there is no footage. PROVES Trump is right about everything.
Yep, he saw the footage of thousands of people celebrating. NEENER NEENER!
@4 I think Rubio will be the GOP nominee. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut and he’ll get it by default after the rest eliminate themselves.
Yes, he’s a liar. But about what does he lie?
Therein “lies” the answer to the riddle. Trump, Cruz, and Fiorina mostly tell lies to gladden the blackened hearts of angry conservative Teahadists Republican voters. But Carson’s worst lies have focused on himself and his accomplishments. Worse still for Carson, he has on more than one occasion insisted on correcting some of the bigoted lies of his opponents. Whereupon he is swiftly labeled a “sellout”, “cuckservative” who caters to the filthy hippie media narratives.
It’s the bullshit that counts in this Republican contest. And while Carson may be a masterful self-promoter, he is not a good bullshitter.
interesting how Trumps defenders work so tirelessly to shift the ground under his lies. Nobody denies that some people celebrated as the towers fell, overseas, but here at home as well. And this was reported at the time. But Trump’s claims were far more specific than that. He singles out Jersey City. He claims thousands. And he insists that he watched footage of this precise celebration that he describes. What Breitbart offers is to vindicate a completely different claim. Yay! Something, something, hippie media liars! We win!
Again, to be clear, Trump insists that he watched video footage showing thousands of “Arab” people cheering on rooftops in Jersey City as the towers fell.
I’m reminded how the fear mongers always hold us so tight in their grip by the success of legalized weed. For fifty years we actually paid enormous sums of treasure to police and imprison mass numbers of citizens out of fear. A ridiculous law that prevented adults from consuming something they have been consuming for untold millennia was a sham. Enormous economic benefits and a reduction in crime has come about in states that made it legal. We learned absolutely nothing from prohibition. The notion that fear itself is our greatest enemy should not be underestimated.
Breaking News — A mass shooting is underway in San Bernandino, California. Police say there are 1 to 3 shooters and multiple victims. No other details at this time.
Update: KTLA-TV reports at least 20 victims.
Update on San Bernardino shooting:
The shooting occurred inside a regional medical center with about 670 employees. A Planned Parenthood abortion center is nearby, but PP told media their facility is not involved. A shooter is reported to be equipped with body armor and tactical gear. Some victims were evacuated by medical helicopter. Witnesses indicate at least 3 victims appear to have not survived.
Police indicate there were 3 heavily armed shooters who escaped and are on the loose. No one is calling it a terrorist attack yet, but federal agencies are responding, and I think we should brace ourselves for the possibility this may be ISIS terrorism or something like that. It doesn’t seem to be a lone-wolf shooting like the Colorado Springs incident.
I could be wrong, but it sounds to me like murderous idiots got the wrong building. But if there are more than one shooter, the truth will come out if they don’t die in a shoot-out or by suicide.
@11 I’m thinking possible ISIS terrorist attack if, as early reports indicate, there were 3 heavily armed shooters. But that’s just me speculating. Information very sketchy at this point.
Update: The shooting occurred in an auditorium in a conference center adjacent to the medical center that is available for rent to outside groups for events. There were at least 100 people in the auditorium attending a banquet for county employees. Reports at this time indicate three shooters in military gear who targeted the auditorium and escaped in a black SUV.
Lead with the narrative.
Sam Stein ✔ @samsteinhp
Planned Parenthood is about 1.3 miles from site of shooting. CNN, however, is reporting that the shooting didn’t take place there
11:42 AM – 2 Dec 2015
Officials are now using the word “terrorism” to describe what appears to be a pre-planned attack against a government target.
Possibly ISIS but more likely 3 stupid Family Values Pro-Murder thugs who were relying on a navigation ap to navigate to the PP center.
Totally off-point, but
Stephen Miller @redsteeze 26m26 minutes ago
.@RBPundit @JillFilipovic
Number of mass shootings by NRA members this year – 0
Number of mass shooting by media members – 1
Time to shun
ISIS or Pro-Life? Does it matter?
They are Terrorists and Pro-Murder.
BTW, what is the difference between ISIS and Pro-Life?
The flavor of religion they claim to follow.
@ 18
BTW, what is the difference between ISIS and Pro-Life?
Um, how about:
The media aren’t trying @14
their hardest
Bloomberg Business ✔ @business
San Bernadino shooting happened less than two miles from a Planned Parenthood health clinic
to blame ISIS for what just happened?
Police press conference underway. 14 dead, 14 injured, up to 3 suspects who have fled scene.
@19 WTF?
People bomb PP clinics and shoot PP doctors. This happens in America. Still. Even after most PP clinics become air raid shelters with armed guards. Still happens.
All your bullshit disinformation will not change that fact until and unless you assholes stop calling for people to bomb PP clinics and shoot PP doctors. Mmmkay?
So quit playing make believe. This thing in San Bernie sounds like it has nothing to do with PP. But maybe a few media outlets speculate that it might. Can’t really blame ’em. Since that sort of thing is now routine in Amerrryka.
You fuckheads are just using this stuff as cover. Anti-abortion activists bomb PP clinics and shoot PP doctors. That happens. It’s a real thing. It wasn’t “made up” by the media hippies.
@19 I’ve been watching this on CNN Live, nobody’s saying ISIS yet, but they’re speculating this might be a domestic anti-government militia group, you know, people who get inflamed by rightwing rhetoric, similar to the lone-wolf crazies who get inflamed by rightwing rhetoric and then shoot up abortion clinics.
If Bickle is hoping for three more transgendered leftist activists and another bank heist gone bad, he’ll probably be disappointed again.
Gunmen ID’d as 3 white males. These attackers hit quickly and made a quick escape, which suggests a domestic anti-government group, as foreign terrorists usually try to maximize casualties and plan to die at the scene.
@5 of all of the extremists, after Trump I’d probably want Rubio. I’d prefer Kasich, but I don’t think he stands a chance although I think I heard that there is some positive movement in his polling.
All the rest, aside from the above and excluding Kasich, will be nightmares. I don’t trust Rubio one bit, he’s a snake and conservative pig head to the core, but I think he’d be the lesser of the evil with regard to social issues. Trump is just a complete nut, but I think he’s just talking a good game on the social issues, you know he really cares less about the social issues.
Prayers for the victims and their families.
Special note to Bickle:
“Rot in hell, asshole.”
Huckabee Blames “Gun-Free Zone”
“Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee also offered his prayers on Twitter for those ‘impacted by the shooting in California.’ And during a campaign stop in Onawa, Iowa, Huckabee added that there were always two ‘common denominators’ for mass murders in the country: ‘One: A mentally unstable person. Two: A gun-free zone. And those seem to be the common denominators.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Fuck him, but he isn’t going to be president, so who cares what he thinks.
Let’s protect my freedom to get shot anywhere, shall we?
Sure, he’s a pathological liar… But Carson’s worst lies have focused on himself and his accomplishments.
And of course Roger senile knows this from all those libtard attacks that have been smacked away!
Nothing has been proven wrong butt libtards will keep trying!
@17 if that is the case you have to wonder why the NRA wants guns in every American’s hands. Seems like it is against their values. Why would you want bad people giving your members a bad image. Pretty stupid. If I were the NRA I’d want to make sure idiots don’t get guns because it would tarnish them.
Aside from holding to the constitution it’s pretty stupid of them. But do they really care about the constitution – I’m sure there are a lot of NRA members that don’t think their is any constitutional reason to let to gay people marry.
A gunfight is now underway between the suspects and police. Update: At least two gunfight scenes; two suspects in the SUV apparently are dead.
@27 Didn’t take long for Dumbfuckabee to put his foot in his mouth.
24)I wonder how many in the media jumped to conclusions the other way?
Breitbart son. Whyntchoo go troll their asses for a while?
The Romans had their blood soaked coliseums, we have our blood soaked televisions.
This wasn’t even the first mass shooting today.
Savannah GA 1:30 am EST 1 dead, 4 injured. Guns are cool.
The real problem with restrictions on abortion.
Appears to be 1 dead suspect, 1 wounded suspect in custody, and police are searching a neighborhood for 3rd suspect. 1 cop injured in shootout. 14 dead and 17 wounded in mass shooting attack.
In other news, oil dropped below $40/bbl today.
I want the TRUMP ASSHAT to win!!!
If he wins someone gets the contract to build the GREAT WALL OF TRUMP for billions and billions of dollars and I want to invest in the company that gets the contract!!!
Hey Roger, who do you think will get the contract?
I want to buy stock before the price spikes.
And is there room for another rabbit hole next to yours?
I’m rabbit friendly and want to have a good neighbor next door.
Whenever it’s convenient, be assured that the nearest brain fucked conservative will assure you that conservatives are not opposed to reasonable background checks.
Got that?
You Are More Than 7 Times As Likely To Be Killed By A Right-Wing Extremist Than By Muslim Terrorists
Now that was funny in a sick sort of way.
It had me going until I looked at the publisher.
Note to the LOON and other morally challenged right wingers:
The Onion is a satirical web site. It is not to be taken seriously.
This guy still has his guns and he’s still out there. Guns are cool.
nearest brain fucked conservative
Around here the would be the LOON.
Jon Ritzheimer update:
Arizona vet, who held anti-Islam rallies, back in Valley after FBI alert
Cowed by extremists in the gun lobby controlled GOP, the FBI apologized to that asshole for assisting local LE efforts to prevent him from igniting a violent incident. He’s still out there. Still armed. Still intending to do harm to his fellow citizens.
He’s another enemy combatant. He should be removed to Gitmo without trial, held there indefinitely and tortured.
Meanwhile libtard theories from San Bernadino EXPLODED!
Perps – one a man, one a woman both are dead! One woman being sought!
The real issue here is that firearms in general are a shitty way to settle disagreements.
“An armed society is a polite society”? So tell me please, What the fucketty fucking fuck-de-fuck is “polite” about this?
@ 48
You must be wrong. I read @ 24 that it was three white males.
Hey, RR: This event could be described as fleeing felons. While in their vehicle they were heading AWAY from LE.
Just watched the police and FBI conference.
Two perps dead – one a man the other a woman. FBI is NOT ruling out terrorism!
FBI isn’t ruling in terrorism, either. Local police seem to think this was a workplace dispute.
@50 Sure looks like the cops shot a pair of fleeing felons.
I really think we should use caution to point to mental issues for the reason for theses mass shootings. Sure some are done by people with “mental” issues, and of course you have to be mental to want to kill someone, but not all these people are “mental”. Some are just angry people, Neanderthals, that have emotional issues, and everyone has emotional issues, but not everyone responds with letting their emotions kill someone.
If we want to blame this on mental issues, I think we need to start labeling every criminal act, like rape, domestic violence, stabbing, and even robbery because the person is mental.
And there are plenty of people with a lot of “mental” issues that are more harmless that a frat member.
How much of this violence is just us evolving to be lawless and ruthless and polarized people. I really think that some of this can be blamed on The fact that we now have Facebook.
In other news, Parliament has voted in favor of British airstrikes against ISIS in Syria. Germany is expected to follow suit.
Isis does a mass killing and we call them mastermind terrorists, but when something like today happens we want to call it a person with mental issues. What are we hiding?
Now this guy isn’t mental.
Missing Ohio teen found in Mo. home held captive, raped
Nahhhh, not mental.
Florida man helped plan doctor wife’s murder: documents
Ok, finally, I found the sane one.
Secret Service officer indicted on underage sexting charge
Poor woman.;sns=em
Oh well, he must be busy. Take a number.
Point to the sky.
New York Daily News: ‘God Isn’t Fixing This’
You know American Exceptionalism. Or is our Exceptionalism that that is proudly displayed by our fraternities.
Italy’s Innovative New Plan To Cut CO2 Emissions
Imagine, calling a guy mental for killing someone, then criticizing that individual when he pleads insanity.
“Law enforcement sources confirm to NPR’s Dina Temple-Raston that one of the suspected gunmen is identified as Syed Farook. Farook was employed by the San Bernardino County health department as an environmental health specialist. His name has also been reported as Sayed Rizwan Farooq. A source tells Dina that witnesses appeared to recognize his voice and build even though he was wearing a ski mask. His brother, a source told Dina, is also a subject of the investigation.”
If his name is Syed doesn’t that mean that he is not “mental”?
I’m just trying to keep track of these new rules.
I thought the deal was he was “mental” if he had a name like Richard, or Christopher, or Adam. That is the deal, right?
Workplace violence where they went home and geared up Roger senile @51?
Gunmen ID’d as 3 white males eh Roger senile? Got that from the big time fool worshiped by a whole bunch of fools here at HA DUMMOCRETINS!
CAIR is right out there in a news conference because we don’t want to offend ISIS or terrorists butt there are 14 dead people due to these two. CAIR is spinning and damage control because they had to know something was up!
Female Jihadis? Well?
Breaking news: Markos is still a human turd.
Seriously man, @markos That’s something only a complete asshole would say. wtf is the matter with you?
And Roger senile along with others eat Daily Kooks up with daily posts from this FOOL! Pin the tail on the DONKey!
So who was driving the SUV? The man or the woman? If the woman then this is a significant development! – Report warns of ‘unprecedented’ support in U.S. for Islamic State
Enjoy the read! Way to go Obummer! Wait for the deflections to call Puddy a hater!
PuddyCommentariat: Downright amazing how fewer criminals are being deported. And DUMMOCRETINS are fiercely against Kate’s Law. They need every one of these illegal alien criminals to vote DUMMOCRETIN on election day! Puddy already posted this earlier this year. Ax the clueless crazed databaze cretin!
The Joint Terrorism Task Force is now involved in the San Bernadino HA DUMMOCRETINS! Must mean something eh Roger senile?
Meanwhile Obummer’s sadministration is in cover-up mode!
The most transparent sadministration is a joke!
@66 That’s what the police seem to be suggesting, but it’s a developing story, idiot. You know what a developing story is, right? No, you don’t. You don’t know anything else, so why would you know that? I can’t explain it to an idiot.
The LOON has got a BONER!
The LOON has got a BONER!
Lookout GOATS!!!
The LOON has got a BONER!
@70 Yeah, it means investigators are looking at all possible angles, which is their job, idiot.
Goldy @GoldyHA
My thoughts and prayers are with the @NRA’s social media department during this very difficult time.
Something tells me the NRA is going to come out of this more or less unscathed.
@75 You’d like that, wouldn’t you?
@75 of course, because they weren’t mental.
Are humans the final form of evolution?
@66 That’s what the police seem to be suggesting, but it’s a developing story
The senile head went
in #73J!
That’s the problem with you HA DUMMOCRETINS… always ready to assign blame before the investigation is complete. Hence y’all always look like jackASSes especially when you rely of the BULLSHITTIUM of Daily Kooks!
Looks like ekim goatse is delusional again. Did you lose your oversized boots in the goat barn again?
Travis @75,
Yeah another lover of the Daily Kooks Markos Kook himself! FACTS are inconvenient things to DUMMOCRETINS. When you hang with the cow pie on his site you wear his cow pies!
Merry Fitzmas!
Here is another leftist who was in attack conservatives mode earlier in the day!
Progressive libtard DUMMOCRETINS always invoke INTELLECTUAL FASCISM when they want to attack conservatives! It’s their way or no way!
Lets see…
More than 179,000 illegal aliens convicted of crimes, including violent ones, continue to roam free across the United States because Obummer let them go free so they can work to become voting DUMMOCRETINS and that’s A-OK with the libtard horde here!
DHS allowed illegal alien children to be acquired by predators and that’s A-OK with the libtard horde here!
Dwell on that fake conservative attack in San Bernadino!
More Roger senile tomfoolery… @19 I’ve been watching this on CNN Live, nobody’s saying ISIS yet, but they’re speculating this might be a domestic anti-government militia group, you know, people who get inflamed by rightwing rhetoric, similar to the lone-wolf crazies who get inflamed by rightwing rhetoric and then shoot up abortion clinics.
Yes Roger senile, you jumped right on that too. It’s so easy to make you look like a fool 24×7 because you are a senile fool!
PuddyCommentariat: Of course progressive DUMMOCRETINS use the race card every chance they get. So people are cowed into silence because of litard progressive DUMMOCRETINS!
PuddyCommentariat:Interesting take by a libtard DUMMOCRETIN. This isn’t progressive speak so he will be taken to the woodshed and reeducated.
When a devout Muslim is identified that’s A-OK, don’t racially profile; butt when a devout Christian is identified DUMMOCRETINS go nutzo here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
The individuals and dealers who supplied them, and anyone else who lent them support and encouragement must be detained immediately and removed to Cuba without trial for indefinite confinement and torture.
Meanwhile a real take on Mark Zuckerberg that Roger senile was so fast to post earlier…
Ahhh yes, it seems the NEA is doing its job well teaching the next set of future DUMMOCRETIN anarchists…
Didn’t the teabagged moron bring this story to HA DUMMOCRETINS earlier this year?
Maybe the clueless crazed cretin can check the crazed databaze!
Oh my what will Jesse HiJackson and Al NotSoSharpton do now? http://www.theamericanmirror.c.....nia-rally/
PuddyCommentariat: rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears head exploded.
Great comment: Jimmy Carter is quite happy to move up 1 spot on the all time worst president in history list!
Where’s Heilary and Bernie on San Bernadino?
On the libtard cable channels they are only discussing gun control and NOT mentioning these were two Muslims who shot and killed 14 and wounded 17. Gotta keep those libtard memes alive!
Puddy calls this keeping your audience as LIVs!
Muslim. Therefor not mentally unstable, but instead diabolical, ruthless, and cunning. Only mentally unstable if named Jeff or Allen. Right?
An interesting corollary is that if your name is Cedric or Jaquann then you are neither mentally unstable nor ruthlessly cunning but instead you are an unstoppable super predator. And you must be executed at the earliest opportunity before you have a chance to arm yourself.
I am reading about some pretty diabolical aspects to this attack, yes.
So far it seems to be CAIR scrambling, not the NRA.
@ 96
No, I believe that man’s name was Mike.
Multiple news sources – saw CNN and Fox – reporting explosives strapped to remote control cars.
Whaddya think? Is that indicative more of mental instability or of diabolical and cunning intent?
These poor people were exercising their NRA given right to defend themselves. Obviously they feared for their lives.
Seems Obummer may not be protecting us from ISIS style attacks. First the Tsarnaev bros and now this husband and wife team! Of course this sadministration will disclaim it. They have to!
She was driving he was shooting. As Puddy wrote above this changes everything! He went in then left and came out and put on his armor then THEY went in and shot them up!
Adam Lanza not cunning but mentally unstable. Correct?
Dude you need professional help. The white guy was called mentally unstable by his ex-wives and his “friends”. Co-worker Patrick Baccari, who shared a cubicle with Farook said the guy was friendly and nice living the American dream!
CBS reporting:
At least 1 AK-47 and multiple pipe bombs recovered from SUV.
Pipe bombs were thrown at police during chase.
Search of their house turned up IED bomb factory.
@ 102
Fort Hood shooter is Muslim, but pretty clearly unstable.
McVey pretty clearly diabolical.
My point would be that just as white people can scheme to do evil things, so can Muslims, and attempting to deflect yesterday’s events with false comparisons is a weak and flailing response to something that will play far better to the GOP than it will to Dems.
As more is known, this will get worse for you.
Meanwhile a terrorist act happens and Obummer calls for gun control. Yet everyone knows criminals don’t purchase their guns legally! Remember earlier this week in Paris Obummer whipped out that stock DUMMOCRETIN meme claiming gun violence doesn’t happen in other countries?
No? It wasn’t on those left wrong puke sites?
@ 106
No worse than when John Kerry whipped out James Taylor.
Yeah Adam Lanza was identified as unstable by professionals. That’s why you need help lib the racist schmuck! You are demonstrably more unstable lately! Must be reading all that Daily Kooks garbage!
Michael Brown?
Not mentally unstable nor ruthlessly cunning. Super Predator. Right?
As more is known, this will get worse for you.
It already made Roger senile more of a moron! Puddy wonders how one can be more of a moron than already a senile moron! Well wonders never cease!
But not ruthless, cunning, mastermind, brilliant, unstoppable, or Super Predator. Right?
Michael Brown… Just a thug! Well he robbed the convenience store then attacked the cop. Documented evidence!
Reread the last part of #108 again! Call in for the meds!
Now here’s a whacko…
Wait. I thought Hassan shouted Allahu Akhtar during the attack?
I thought Lieberman called it terrorism? I thought Boehner called it terrorism. I thought the families were suing Obama? Still “mental”?
So confusing.
So did cow pie Markos Moulitsas racant that tweet Roger senile so proudly used in different terms of course!
So unstoppable Super Predator. Right?
Now the cow pie has doubled down…
Markos Moulitsas @markos 18h18 hours ago
At least 14 dead and 14 injured. But lucky for them, the GOP is offering up loads of thoughts and prayers!
Markos Moulitsas @markos 18h18 hours ago
Markos Moulitsas Retweeted Reince Priebus
How many dead people did those thoughts and prayers bring back to the life?
Markos Moulitsas @markos 19h19 hours ago
If the shooters aren’t brown or black, “thoughts and prayers” will do the trick.
Markos Moulitsas @markos 19h19 hours ago
If only someone would offer up some thoughts and prayers, it would make everything okay!
Markos Moulitsas @markos 19h19 hours ago
You know what won’t do shit to stop mass shooting? “Praying”.
This moron is serious. No wonder HA DUMMOCRETINS flock to his web site every day reposting his garbage. Y’all are as sick and demented as he is.
So confusing. Then seek professional help!
Here’s a hypothetical question.
What’s the encapsulated motivating narrative for the people who go shooting spree on co-workers?
Are they also “mentally unstable”? What if they happen to be African American or Muslim? Or both? What if they plant a bomb or write a “manifesto”?
Hassan was suspected of mental illness, for quite some time prior to the killings. Newsweek:
Maj. Nidal Hasan. In early 2009, the mental health officials who worked alongside Hasan held a series of meetings where they discussed his bizarre and paranoid behavior. Some openly wondered whether Hasan was psychotic. On November 5, 2009, Hasan opened fire at an army base near Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13 people and wounding 30 others.
Read up on why Hasan was promoted, rather than diverted into treatment. While you are at it read up on just why Team Obama was sued subsequent to the killings.
First rule of holes. You are not helping yourself.
Puddy wonders will the left wrong Heilary libtard super pac media ask Heilary to donounce Markos? Prolly not! We all know whenever there is anyone who thinks right or some Republican who makes a statement libtards go apoplectic over, every single GOP candidate when they are interviewed by the libtard Heilary super pac media; are asked if they will denounce that outrageous statement and or denounce the person who made the comment.
Of course not! So will HA DUMMOCRETINS call out Markos for his outrageous statements above? Of course not. They all worship Markos here! Markos is one of their demi-gods!
Notice the purposeful deflection by lib the racist schmuck in these latest mentally unbalanced rants above?
Well schmucko, we know they also planted bombs! Big difference between Holmes, Lanza, Hasan and the gentle giant Mike Brown!
Oh oh!
The LOON and BOOB have BONERS!
The LOON and BOOB have BONERS!
Lookout goats!!!
The LOON and BOOB have BONERS!
Ahhh another dick sick DUMMOCRETIN appeared @124.
@79 “That’s the problem with you HA DUMMOCRETINS… always ready to assign blame before the investigation is complete.”
This is posted by the leader of the Puddy Vigilante Lynch Mob! Can you believe that???!!! It must be Saturday morning and time for Looney Tunes!!
Obummer blocks 20 IG internal investigations on the most transparent sadministration evah and HA DUMMOCRETINS don’t bat an eye to that!
@82 And ISIS isn’t conservative? Really? They’re even more conservative than Republicans, who want to relive the 19th century. ISIS wants to relive the 8th century, so they’re 1,000 years more conservative than the GOP. At least two things ISIS and the GOP have in common is they’re religious fanatics and they love guns. I suspect the GOP and ISIS would get along just fine if they got together and smoothed out a few minor ecumenical differences.
Meanwhile another crazed DUMMOCRETIN media morons loon falls for it…
@88 Nah, these guns were legally obtained, just like abortions are legally obtained. Conservatives are people who want to outlaw abortions but not guns, even though both kill people.
Btw, these would NOT have been legally purchased guns, or readily available in gun stores, if Clinton’s assault weapons ban hadn’t been reversed by Republicans!
Here is a thought.
Why don’t we pass responsible gun laws that would at least make it more difficult for events like this to happen in the first place? Kind of like replacing the Jersey barriers along the freeway with the more substantial concrete ones. Not a perfect answer but improves your odds of survival.
Responsible gun laws like those the NRA proposed years ago but is adamantly against now. Responsible gun laws that 3/4 of the NRA membership supports.
So why are Wayne LaPierre, the gun manufactures and and RETHUG Politicians against it?
More truth to DUMMOCRETINS wanting power…
@89 I thought conservatives were against taxes. They certainly dodge enough taxes themselves. Have you changed your mind about taxes? What about “drowning government in the bathtub”? What’s the status of that?
@92 We’ve assumed all along that Trump would get a few dozen black votes, including yours. You’re not the only stupid Uncle Tom in this country, you know. Unfortunately, there are a few more like you out there.
Why don’t we pass responsible gun laws that would at least make it more difficult for events like this to happen in the first place?
Because most criminals don’t purchase their guns by normal means!
Enforce existing laws. Butt wait… DUMMOCRETINS always call for more laws while not enforcing existing laws… Hence all the illegals in America!
@99 They didn’t work, so it’s hard to tell. Stuffing pipes with black powder and strapping them to RC cars is something any kid could do. It doesn’t involve very much ingenuity or planning. The “diabolical” aspect of all this has more to do with intent.
RR @128 I suspect the GOP and ISIS would get along just fine if they got together and smoothed out a few minor ecumenical differences.
The MITTENS presidential run comes to mind.
First the Evangelical LOONS loathed the GODLESS LDS then they embraced the LDS.
Yeah about that assault weapon ban…
FACTS… inconvenient to DUMMOCRETINS!
So yer sayin Lieberman and Boehner and all the others were wrong to call the Hassan attack a case of terrorism. Or were they just wrong to call it “Islamic” terrorism?
New category “Mental” terrorism?
@105 “My point would be that just as white people can scheme to do evil things, so can Muslims”
That makes you somewhat smarter than Puddy, although this should be viewed as a strictly relative comparison.
“As more is known, this will get worse for you.”
How so? DR wasn’t involved. He didn’t encourage them to do it. This isn’t on him in any way.
@106 “Yet everyone knows criminals don’t purchase their guns legally!”
Just an FYI, this guy had no criminal record, and these guns were purchased legally. I thought you might like to know, inasmuch as you’re batting 0-2 in this comment.
@108 If he’s unstable, you’re a Defcon One threat level. Your head explodes multiple times every day!
As expected, the LOON is incapable of rational thought and lacks comprehensive reading skills.
All I suggested is passing the laws proposed by the NRA some years back and supported by 3/4 of the NRA membership.
@110 Even though I’m only a 30-inch tall rabbit, I understand why it’s hard for you to see the top of my head from your level.
@118 “Y’all are as sick and demented as he is.”
Not remotely as sick and demented as the Republicans who put guns in the hands of these deranged killers.
I’m pretty sure the Fuckwad blames me. But then again he also blames me for Carson’s decline in polls of Republican voters so…
Wow look at that “word salad” post! Amazing!
@121 What lawsuit against “Team Obama”? The only lawsuit I’m aware of is a civil claim for negligence against the U.S. government.
@124 No shit. Run, goats, run!
0 for 2? Wow Puddy is doing much better than your 0 for the thread!
Where did Puddy call these two criminals?
EPIC FAYLE once again!
Not remotely as sick and demented as the Republicans who put guns in the hands of these deranged killers.
And this happened how Roger senile?
Do tell from your senile point of view!
@135 “Because most criminals don’t purchase their guns by normal means!”
Actually, nowadays a lot of them do, because they can, thanks to your party.
@150 There he goes again! A cloud of squid ink, a hearty “Hi-yo EPIC FAYLE,” and he disappears into the crevices of the coral reef!
@151 See #152.
The GOP’s solution to gun violence isn’t working. Maybe it’s time to try something else?
Of course, wingnuts are reveling in this latest incident of gun violence, because it gives them 14 more excuses to profile Muslims and peddle their anti-Muslim bigotry. Last week it was a white male Christian fanatic, but you’ll never see them profile angry white males or peddle anti-Christian bigotry — this is strictly a one-way street.
Sure enough, the squid is gone.
Meanwhile, the right will kick into overdrive decrying Saudi Muslims and Wahhabism-inspired terrorism, if it turns out that’s what this was. To which I will respond, who opposed mileage standards, and who bought gas guzzlers, and who imported the Saudi oil that pays for Saudi terrorism? Uh-huh, you got that right.
I really like the LOON’s link @138
AR-15s are not assault riffles because they are only semi-automatic and can only shoot at a maximum rate of 60 rounds a minute. That means you only have to duck bullets for half a minute while the perp empties his/her 30 round clip. Then you are safe. Wait … multiple clips? Oh well, with real assault riffles it would have been a blood bath.
Get your own 30 round clips here. Rock bottom prices, too.
Trump wants to close mosques on the grounds they spew hate speech. Trouble is, this would create a precedent for shutting down rightwing websites and Republican campaign rallies, too.
Golly. What a conundrum! Sore is confusin. Who really knows how these terrible things happen? Maybe it’s crazy loners. Maybe it’s bad psychiatrists. Maybe it’s scary Meskins. Maybe it’s scary Islamofascist Jihadis. Maybe it’s the limp wristed pussy judges handing down short sentences. Maybe we’ll never agree. And we’ll probably never know. I guess these terrible things just happen.
One thing I’m quite sure we can all agree on though, is that calculated armed attacks on PP clinics and PP doctors is a myth created by the dirty hippies. This latest incident proved it once and for all! That’s such a relief.
Hey, at least now it’s slightly clearer why CAIR was so quick with a response yesterday.
San Bernardino, California (CNN)Syed Rizwan Farook — one-half of the couple behind the San Bernardino shooting massacre — was apparently radicalized and in touch with people being investigated by the FBI for international terrorism, law enforcement officials said Thursday.
“DUMMOCRETINS are scum!”
“Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!”
The loon considers us to be no more than bacteriological scum and he sees himself as the disinfectant which will soon kill us all or, better for him, as he reeks of cowardice, that his repeatedly posting this shit throughout HA threads will inspire some other loon to do the killing for him.
This is eliminationist rhetoric, and I’m sick and tired of seeing it posted here. The moderators of this blog should step up and put an end to it by warning him to stop, and if he doesn’t, then ban the SOB.
Jay Asher @jayasherguy
When Presidential wannabes (all GOP) tweet prayers for highly publicized mass shootings, but not if it occurs at Planned Parenthood, notice.
Retweeted by Goldy
Should we also notice when presumptive Democrat 2016 presidential nominee
suddenly goes quiet?
CNN breaking news banner:
Police found 12 pipe bombs, 2,000 9mm rounds, 2,500 .223 rifle rounds and hundreds of tools in the San Bernardino shooters’ home.
Hey, wait a minute. I have tools.
Also suddenly seized with laryngitis of the pollices:
For the last 21 hours.
Brave Martin O’Malley
at least saw fit to retweet a change of subject.
Direct tweets from Martin O:
Zero in the last 23 hours.
‘Pray for us’: Calls, texts relay horror of California mass shooting
Woman, under fire, pleading for prayers for herself and others.
Well, that certainly seems worthy of mockery.
So BOOB, if you’re not busy doing the goat maybe you can respond to my question @131 intelligently since the LOON has been unable to.
What do you think about passing responsible gun laws like those the NRA proposed years ago and that 3/4 of the NRA membership favor?
BOOB @168
Really BOOB? You think it worthy of mockery?
@ 169
I think California has a lot of gun laws that, say, WA doesn’t. Didn’t deter this.
Chicago and DC gun laws are doing, um, how much?, to reduce murders and other gun-related deaths in those cities?
How many of those responsible gun laws you wish for already exist in California, Ekim? Instead of referring to your desired laws as “those” and expecting me to reply, howz about a link or three so I know what you are talking about?
You’ll find me more willing to support those laws than you think, I suspect. But that’s not what you want. You want me to agree to delete the Second Amendment, somehow, without going through the constitutional requirements to do so.
Not gonna fly.
@ 170
It was tongue-in-cheek.
Here you go:
We have more guns per capita than any other developed nation and by far the most gun related deaths per capita. Could there be a relationship? Nah…
Could either BOOB or the LOON explain how even more guns will make us even safer? Inquiring minds want to know.
BTW, Yemen (in the not so developed world) has around the same number of guns that we do. Look how that has turned out for them.
Thanks BOOB, tongue-in-cheek is sooo much better than mockery. Gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling I’m sure.
I wonder how respectful should anyone be of a politician who prays for the victims of violence while at the same time blocks any attempt to stop the violence?
@ 173
If you were to forcibly remove guns from the US population, how would you start? You would go into inner-city Chicago and Baltimore and…
Do what, exactly?
Or rather than cities with 500 murders per year, would you first go into Idaho and forcibly remove guns from residents there?
How many fewer gun deaths in Chicago would you expect with strengthened background checks, or requirements for passage of a gun-safety course prior to issuance of a firearm?
Invictus @TBPInvictus 22h22 hours ago
What have we become that we put our very lives at risk every time we leave our home or office? Something is very, very wrong.
For BOOB to read:
The NRA once supported gun control
It may seem hard to believe, but for decades the organization helped write federal laws restricting gun use
Bone up on some history BOOB and you might learn something.
I just checked my Emily Post. Turns out “tongue in cheek” is much better than mockery.
So, learned that today.
@ 177
In @ 169 you asked what I thought.
I think things like background checks, waiting periods, closing gun show loopholes, registrations/licensing are all just fine.
If you can get them passed, get them passed. No objection from me.
I don’t own a gun. I think I shot a BB gun four years ago. Last time I remember shooting a firearm I might have been 18.
I think passing all of those laws is fine. I also think it won’t do shit to stop murders in places like Chicago and Baltimore.
BOOB @171 You’ll find me more willing to support those laws than you think, I suspect. But that’s not what you want. You want me to agree to delete the Second Amendment, somehow, without going through the constitutional requirements to do so.
Not gonna fly.
Are you as INSANE as the LOON? You think the NRA proposed legislation would delete the Second Amendment?
It’s actually a very small percentage of gun owners, and a very, very, incredibly small percentage of Americans who own these huge arsenals of tactical weapons. And an incredibly large percentage (relatively) of those arsenal owners turn out to be the ones who go on sprees like this one. So I’d argue that the place to start would be with the folks who are amassing very large arsenals of tactical weapons and ammunition. Outsized threat for no earthly reason.
Also background checks. Nationwide, universal, background checks. Not state by state and jurisdiction by jurisdiction. Patchwork regulation pretty much vacates the arguments at 171.
“No objection from me.”
But you’ll go right on voting for the charlatans who prevent those regulations from being passed. And then dutifully return here to scold anyone who so much as implies that the ocean of guns and ammo in this country might just have something to do with the high incidence of random gun violence.
You really are a piece of shit. And all the insincere posturing in the world won’t change that.
BOOB @179
I think things like background checks, waiting periods, closing gun show loopholes, registrations/licensing are all just fine.
Trying to pass any of those things will bring out the current NRA leadership and RETHUG politicians who will start screaming Second Amendment and OBUMMER wants to take our guns away.
You know as well as I do that no rational dialog can take place.
BOOB @171
How many of those responsible gun laws you wish for already exist in California, Ekim?
Local laws have limited impact when a person can with little effort go outside the local jurisdiction to buy their weapons of choice. But I am sure you know this.
a prerequisite for a rational dialog would be information. Too bad Republican leadership in Congress, including some of Bob’s most favoritest candidates for President, continue to block debate on bills to restart CDC research into gun violence and continue to block debate on a bill to stop suspected terrorists from buying firearms.
Delete the Second Ammendment. Uh huh. What a fucking pig.
As a result of the nation’s controversial and oppressive gun restrictions, no one has died as a result of a mass-shooting on Australian soil today, for the 7158th day in a row.
Of course, Australia doesn’t have a Second Amendment like we do. And so there’s really absolutely nothing we can do but buy more caskets. Price of freedom, reasonable something, something.
@164, 166, 167,
So, how’s that workin’ out for ya so far?
God fixed any of this shit yet? Has she made a weapon jam or magically stopped any bullets from blowing the brains out of six year olds? If the only thing half the system is willing to do about this is pray, it’ll never get fixed.
@162 My sources link you to terrorism, too.* Sure, my sources are tenuous. But then, so are yours.**
* You’re a white guy. A white guy shot up an abortion clinic last week. That makes you a terrorist.
** CAIR are Muslims. Farood is a Muslim terrorist. That makes CAIR terrorists, too.
@163 I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Puddy carries a “cleansing agent.” After all, he rolls in the mud with pigs.
@164 Clicking on your link, that doesn’t look like “quiet” to me.
@ 186
You shared a link from Australia’s The Onion.
Please. Stop. Because I still respect you a bit.
Bickle is on a tear today. Maybe he doesn’t have any x-rays to interpret because all his patients died after the last round of radiologist diagnoses. Medicare pays him anyway.
We’re in too deep. It’s a habit this country has, of thinking we can put off doom by ignoring it. That way, we can ignore the mounting costs of doing what’s needed until it reaches critical mass. Than we have the excuse of saying we missed our chance anyway. And besides, it’s not the gun profiteers being shot at, they’re safe in their mansions.. Because there’s always a trade off in lives and what’s acceptable loses to maximize profit and pay politicians. It’s the cost of doing business as they say. The one bright spot, if there is one, we are showing the rest of world what not to do if you value your citizens lives over the almighty dollar.
@171 Boob, can you tell us how many mass shootings didn’t happen because of California’s gun laws? Do you have a way to track that?
Oh thank you so much for that warning.
‘Cause, really Bob, I absolutely yearn for the respect of a posturing disingenuous narcissistic greed head. I’m so fucking glad you stopped me before I went too far.
@172 Uh-huh. After years of GOP obstruction of even the mildest forms of gun control, such as gun show background checks (never mind that gun shows are an open barn door for criminals and crazies who can’t buy guns from gun stores), here’s your WaPostie’s take on the fact that 336 days into 2015, the USA has experienced 350 mass shootings, i.e., we’re averaging more than 1 per day:
“Whatever one thinks about God or prayer or, for that matter, gun control, this is a bad development for a society already fractured in too many ways. … Ironically, enough, the ‘Don’t Just Pray There, Do Something’ meme will actually keep things from happening.”
Exactly what does it keep from happening? The whole point of the NY Daily News cover is that NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Don’t you think it’s time people went further than just expressing empathy, and started doing something to solve this problem? Other countries don’t have this problem. It’s unique to America. That should tell you we’re doing something wrong that can, and must, change.
Bob, did you somehow miss the part at 185 where I called you a fucking pig? Please take note of it now. It’s what you are.
People are being slaughtered and you keep score of who’s praying? Sandy Hook parents are disemboweled with grief, but you and your fellow travelers leave them to do the heavy lifting while you concern troll us about the dirty hippies trying to delete the Second Amendment.
That pretty much makes you a fucking pig.
@173 I read something yesterday — I won’t bother looking for the link, and probably couldn’t find it anyway — that said the USA has more guns than people, but they’re concentrated in a few hands. Only about 8% of households own multiple guns, but some of those 8-percenters have 200 guns each. Why does any civilian need 200 guns?
Here’s another point: If we assume used rifles and shotguns sell for, on average, around $250 to $500 each, then an owner of 200 guns has spent somewhere between $50,000 and $100,000 on his guns. Maybe more. This is probably a guy who’s living paycheck to paycheck, and has little or nothing put away for retirement or unexpected medical bills. He may have another $50,000 tied up in a pickup truck, but can’t pay his electric bill. Child support? Forget it, he has no money for his children. How could he have?
@175 Who’s suggesting forcibly confiscating guns? Nobody. Total red herring, Boob. Worthy of your intellect, I’m sure. Here’s a suggestion: How about if we just tighten the access rules to reduce gun sales to people who shouldn’t have them? That might help a little, and sure can’t hurt. Are you on board for that, Boob? Well?
@179 “I think things like background checks, waiting periods, closing gun show loopholes, registrations/licensing are all just fine. If you can get them passed, get them passed. No objection from me.”
That’s very nice of you, Boob. But if you vote for Republican politicians who obstruct passage of “things like background checks, waiting periods, closing gun show loopholes, registrations/licensing,” then these are just weasel words that don’t mean a fucking thing.
@180 re @171: Don’t have to delete the Second Amendment, only need a Supreme Court that will restore its original meaning. People wanting to play with military weapons on weekends should join the National Guard.
You know, hovering over all the manure being emitted by wingers like Puffy and Boob over this, is a very simple solution: Biometric triggers that can be activated only by the gun owner’s fingerprint or sweat or whatever. Not a perfect solution, but it would absolutely put an end to toddlers shooting each other, and criminals robbing convenience stores with stolen guns. The technology exists right now. Gun manufacturers could implement it tomorrow. But the NRA is against it, so the GOP is against it, so it ain’t gonna happen; the carnage is just going to go on and on and on, until voters get fed up enough to vote the GOP out of office.
In other news, America’s most odious CEO was convicted of killing coal miners by ignoring safety regulations, but that’s only a misdemeanor for which he can get at most 1 year in jail. He escaped 30 years in prison by being acquitted of the really serious charges, i.e., lying in his SEC filings about ignoring safety regulations.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know how much coal miners’ lives are worth in relation to what Wall Street’s dollars are worth in the eyes of laws written by Wall Street.
Most of the time, someone with 200 guns is a dealer. Not always. But most of the time. Are they a licensed dealer? Of course not. But for the most part you only need a license if you intend to advertise. These folks buy and sell large numbers of guns every year, essentially looking to buy low and sell high. Some make a decent living at it. They attend auctions, gun shows, estate sales, etc. looking for deals. Are these sales recorded? Again, of course not.
It’s the guys with twenty guns I’m concerned about. They aren’t dealers. They’re just a little bit too fascinated. You’ll find ’em all over YouTube showing off their tactical gear. For a special thrill, look up “bump stock” or “bump fire” on youtube. Enjoy your freedom! Guns are cool!
So, according to the far(nutty) left media, such as The Stranger, we have the following:
– Crazy nuttball white guy shoots up PP = TERRORISM!!!!1111
– 2 devout muslims, with recent travels to the middle east armed to the teeth with assault-style weapons, thousands of rounds of ammo, and scores of homemade bombs = workplace violence
HAHAHAHHAHAAH, The Stranger calls this “advocacy journalism”. Most sane people call it propaganda, dishonesty, and a total lack of journalistic ethics(but we shouldnt be surprised at that now should we).
far left progressive journalism at its finest.
@ 200
But if you vote for Republican politicians who obstruct passage of “things like background checks, waiting periods, closing gun show loopholes, registrations/licensing,” then these are just weasel words that don’t mean a fucking thing.
Or perhaps it means I’m not a one-issue voter.
Hey look everyone!
Fuckwad built a sock puppet!
The only sock puppet around here is the one your mom keeps in her dresser
@ 203
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know how much coal miners’ lives are worth in relation to what Wall Street’s dollars are worth in the eyes of laws written by Wall Street.
Actually, those who work in the mining industry have figured that out in the past few years, at least in West Virginia, RR.
“West Virginia is under attack from Barack Obama and a Democratic Party that our parents and grandparents would not recognize,” Jenkins said in a news release. “I am proud to join the Republican Party in fighting Washington’s assault on our state, our freedoms, and our jobs.”
…armed to the teeth with assault-style weapons…
You missed the LOON’s post. Those weren’t assault-style weapons because, you know, they were not full auto. Keep up with the LOON if you want to keep your stupidity straight
And I never hear activists calling for institutions to divest the money from gun makers. Why? Too profitable?
@205 I just scrolled through The Stranger’s website and didn’t find anything about the San Bernardino shooting. Care to provide us with a link to what you’re braying about?
This is a developing story, jackass. Yesterday, the media reported the suspected shooter left a holiday party “angry” and came back and shot up his co-workers. That sure looks like workplace violence.
Today, we’re told this guy was “radicalized” and “in contact” with people on the FBI’s terrorism watch list. In addition, police found a house full of pipe bombs and ammunition. This new information raises a strong possibility of a terrorism motivation — although that’s not definitively established yet.
Intelligent people change their conclusions when they get new information. Morons bray like jackasses.
@206 Nobody ever accused you of being a one-issue voter, but I’m willing to accuse you of being a one-ideology voter right now.
@208 Hallelujah! We have a new troll to beat up! It’s been a long time since we’ve had any warm blood to spill around here. Bickle and Fuckward are walking corpses that turned cold a long time ago. In other words, they’re zombie trolls.
Since you’re new here (or purport to be), as the HA ex officio greeter, it’s my solemn duty to brief you on the HA Ad Hoc Posting Rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here, except JCH.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of the America-hating wingnuts traitors who troll here.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our non-negotiable terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Make no mistake, we abuse wingnut trolls, and delight in it! The average troll longevity on this blog is two weeks. That’s because most wingnut trolls, when you get right down to it, are cut-and-run cowards. They can’t take it. Of all the trolls that have stumbled upon this blog over the last 10 years, Bickle and Fuckward are the only survivors. So far you’ve lasted 55 minutes and 2 posts. We’re going to find out what sort of stuff you’re made of.
…armed to the teeth with assault-style weapons…
You missed the LOON’s post. Those weren’t assault-style weapons because, you know, they were not full auto. Keep up with the LOON if you want to keep your stupidity straight
That is exactly why I said “assault-style weapons” and not “assault weapons”. One has the looks, but not the performance, of the other….I wonder if you can figure out which is which?
Perhaps if you took the time to read more carefully and demonstrate some comprehension, you would have noticed that.
But hey, thanks for the opportunity to witness you doing some good ole fashioned self ownage.
Quote “@205 I just scrolled through The Stranger’s website and didn’t find anything about the San Bernardino shooting. Care to provide us with a link to what you’re braying about?”
Of coursed you missed it – I would expect nothing less from you. Try again pops, this time open your eyes and use that scroll-down thingy….
For christs sake, you were subbing in traffic court? good god, please tell me you do not drive any longer – you could miss that STOP sign too!
@209 I had no idea Obama and the Democrats were out to get West Virginia, a long-time blue state. I was under the impression they were only try to clean up the air so I wouldn’t choke on coal soot. When did they attack West Virginia? Is that the same invading army he sent to Texas? I thought the mushroom cloud was over Charleston Harbor?
@214 We have a new troll to beat up!
LMFAO, the only thing you have ever beat up was that $3 whore you hooked up with in Saigon.
@215 If looks could kill, they’d be assault weapons. But they’re only .223 plinking rifles dressed up to look like badass military shit to get the rubes to part with bigger bucks. The average rube would hand over the keys to his F-150 for a single-shot 7.62mm x 51mm rifle if it looked like an M-60 machinegun.
@ 217
I had no idea Obama and the Democrats were out to get West Virginia, a long-time blue state.
Romney 62.3, Obama 35.5.
All three US Representatives are Republicans.
One US Senator is Republican and the other might as well be on a lot of issues.
WVa hasn’t been blue recently, RR. Of course, you might have been around when Byrd was in the KKK, so you may have a different perspective than most.
God I miss JCH.
Those were salad days. Toolin’ around the island in Robin’s Ferrari 308, groomin’ the ol’ lip sweater, ironing his Lee mom jeans, shootin’ hoops with TC and Rick.
Oh, wait…
CBS News @CBSNews 21m21 minutes ago
NEW: Shooting suspect Tashfeen Malik passed DHS counterterrorism screening as part of her vetting for K-1 visa, @margbrennan reports.
Of course she did. They didn’t know she was secretly a Republican.
@216 No, you provide the link. That’s the longstanding conventional practice on this blog, on both sides of no man’s land. I’m not your fucking research assistant. If you don’t provide sources, it will be assumed by all that you don’t have any.
And I am not your senior care nurse.
@218 How did you know about my Saigon whore? A new troll wouldn’t know about that. That suggests you’ve been here before. Or maybe you’ve been here all along and you’re sockpuppeting.
@220 Maybe you have a shorter perspective than I do. I’ve lived through 17 presidential elections. (And Pop Rabbit, at the time of his expiration date, had lived through 25.)
@ 226
Best thing your side can say about WV is you’re damned glad the state only has five electoral votes these days.
@221 He’s probably dead by now.
@222 That would make her one of yours, wouldn’t it?
@224 I don’t think we need to say any more about your Stranger non-link. That issue is settled. You had your chance.
You know Roger senile, Puddy has a job and Puddy has to work. Unlike you who sits on their ASS bragging how you make money through stocks when the market tanks…
You through your senility call FACTS you can’t refute squid ink. So be it. Just another nail in the senility coffin. Years ago you were a worthy opponent.
Now you are another DUMMOCRETIN has been!
See ya!
@227 Aren’t you overlooking a couple facts? You only need 270.
Fact #1: In 2008, Two-Term President Obama won with 115 electoral votes to spare.
Fact #2: In 2012, Two-Term President Obama won with 62 electoral votes to spare.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but who the fuck needs West Virginia? (Answer: You do, plus a lot more. I’m curious where you plan to get them.)
AR-15s are not assault riffles
Correct goatse boy ekim. You get 1 point for a correct answer!
Of course, wingnuts are reveling in this latest incident of gun violence
Wrong again senile fool! We are sad. Really sad! It’s DUMMOCRETINS that revel because they whip out their memes
Gun laws Gun laws!
@ 232
Obama isn’t on the ballot next year. You’ve got Likeable Hillary.
Twenty bucks says her husband hits on Rubio’s wife during one of the debates.
@231 “You know Roger senile, Puddy has a job and Puddy has to work.”
I’m so sorry. Really, I am. I don’t have to work. (snicker)
@231 You calling me decrepit is the FUNNIEST comment that’s been posted here all day. Downright fucking hilarious!
Unlike you, Bickle doesn’t have to work, either. At least he hasn’t done any work today. You should’ve been a doctor like him. Then you’d get to post on HA all day long while sucking on the Medicare tit like him.
@235 “Twenty bucks says her husband hits on Rubio’s wife during one of the debates.”
So? Wouldn’t you, if you had the chance?
Goatse abusing ekim can’t accept his peeps are cruel SCUM and ASSholes!
You see, DUMMOCRETINS are for the state. There is no appeal to a higher power. DUMMOCRETINS push atheism.
Puddy called you senile not decrepit. Big difference.
Now if you admit you are senile and decrepit… so be it!
Remember the earth would heal and the seas would calm. Well why has this happened?
I wonder how respectful should anyone be of a politician who prays for the victims of violence while at the same time blocks any attempt to stop the violence?
Oh goatse boy ekim, it’s DUMMOCRETINS who are against any attempt to stop the violence! DUMMOCRETINS are against crazy people background checks, profiling bad people because that’s racist. Well now we know what was in their garage!
Sux to be the goatse boy ekim!
@240 You’re confusing senility with the attention span your comments deserve. They have different causes and effects.
Why isn’t a picture of Syed’s wife available? She came into America from Saudi Arabia!
@242 If you insist on profiling crazy people, I’ll report you to the FBI this afternoon.
Your senility is the admission you can’t remember what you wrote earlier in a thread. Wanna see that big explanation over not comprehending your commentary again?
PLEASE SAY YES so everyone can laugh at your silly ASS again. It was:
K-1 visa. Huh. Is that refugee status?
Oh, wait…
Where’s the new troll? Gone already? That didn’t take long.
Oh wait…
Nothing from DUMMOCRETINS on this DUMMOCRETIN led city!
That is exactly why I said “assault-style weapons” and not “assault weapons”. One has the looks, but not the performance, of the other….I wonder if you can figure out which is which?
I stand corrected. You should also explain the distinction to ATF Agent Meredith Davis who also is obviously in error.
Is Trump running for president of North Korea?
“Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would kill the families of terrorists in order to win the fight against ISIS. … ‘The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself. When they say they don’t care about their lives, you have to take out their families,’ Trump said.”
At least one top Israeli terrorism expert isn’t impressed.
“A leading Israeli counter-terrorism expert says Donald Trump’s call to ‘take out’ the families of terrorists would run afoul of international law and degrade the moral standing of the U.S. ‘Any deliberate attacks aimed against civilians is a war crime, regardless if they are family members of terrorists or presidents or presidential candidates,’ said Boaz Ganor, a former consultant to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ‘Adopting this policy is immoral and against the common liberal democratic values,’ added Ganor, the founder and executive director of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism in Israel.”
God fixed any of this shit yet?
Apparently you don’t understand how God works! No need to explain it anymore!
Police think it was a terrorist act. Obummer’s sadministration need to control the memes and themes!
Fuckwad, Fuckwad. You’ve got to improve your focus. You’ll never out-demagogue Trump. It’s Cruz you have to worry about. He’s the one taking the thumpers away from Dr. Ben. You’re wasting your time going after Trump’s people. They aren’t “receptive” to Carson’s “message”.
goatse boy ekim uses Salon as their “resource”?
The LOON has a BONER! The LOON has a BONER!
Look out goats!!! The LOON has a BONER!
No LOON, I use ATF Agent Meredith Davis as my source.
Quick!! Build a fence!!
Canada is importing 25,000 Syrian refugees in the next 2 months.
Next thing you know they will be crossing our border.
Buying guns at gun shows.
And shooting REAL AMERICANS (AKA white people.)
Be afraid!!! Very Afraid!!!
LOON @252
Apparently you don’t understand how God works! No need to explain it anymore!
The LOON is under the delusion that God is a wholly owned subsidiary of the SDA and works under the rules and regulations set down by the SDA. If you want to understand more you have to drink the SDA cool-aid.
@253 “Obummer’s sadministration need to control the memes and themes!”
Yep, sure looks like Obama is trying to sweep terrorism under the rug:
“It is possible that this is terrorist-related, but we don’t know. It’s also possible this was workplace-related,” he said. “There may be mixed motives in all this, which makes the investigation more complicated. But rest assured, we will get to the bottom of this.”
@259 I thought the GOP owned that franchise.
The SDA claims a membership of 8,479,257 world wide as of 2014.
In contrast the Catholic church somewhere around 1.2 billion and Islam somewhere around 1.8 billion.
So is the SDA a fringe religion?
British pop group Coldplay (never heard of ’em) will headline the Superbowl halftime show.
RR @261
I thought the GOP owned that franchise.
Hard to keep all this straight.
The GOP is really the POG which is the “Party of God” or in Arabic, “Hezbollah” but the GOP does not acknowledge that translation. So at least one could argue the GOP has a better claim to owning God.
On the other hand, I’m pretty sure God doesn’t belong to any religion.
Goatse boy ekim, the continual goat-sex trainwreck… Another trainwreck @250! California residents may own certain AR-15 type rifles, but they are required to have a fixed magazine not exceeding 10 rounds.
In a strict definition, a firearm must have at least the following characteristics to be considered an assault rifle:[2][3][4]
It must be an individual weapon
It must be capable of selective fire [- these rifles do not have selective fire]
It must have an intermediate-power cartridge: more power than a pistol but less than a standard rifle or battle rifle
Its ammunition must be supplied from a detachable box magazine[5]
And it should have an effective range of at least 300 metres (330 yards)
Just because someone calls it that doesn’t mean it is that goatse boy ekim!
FACTS are FACTS goatse boy!
goatse boy ekim @259,
The Bible explains God and His Son Jesus Christ.
It must really suck to be sooooooooooooooo stoooooooooooooooopid!
PuddyCommentariat: This is only going to get more interesting!
To DUMMOCRETINS prayer is the new Mike Rowe Agreshun.
Obummer is claiming not to know if this is terrorism Roger senile? Reports are the Obummer sadministration is suppressing the evidence!
Benghazi karma thought du jour:
If one of those head-mounted GoPro videos from yesterday make it into general circulation, Hillary will honestly be able to blame her landslide election loss on a disgusting video.
Obummer claimed ISIL not going to affect the US!
EPIC FAYLE for Obummer’s standard underestimation!
So much for containment lib the racist schmuck, Roger senile and goatse boy ekim!
The JV team is not the V team!
Salon – So someone is masquerading as goatse boy ekim @177?
Oh no ewww… There are two of them!
this is news! You found documentation of these shooters being directed from foreign sources. Well done. Do share.
235 never bet with bob, he won’t pay up. He skips out on bets.
LOON @233
That was sarcasm but you crazy LOON.
ATF Agent Meredith Davis says the AR-15s involved in the shooting were assault riffles. You say they aren’t. Who should we believe?
Regardless, I am pretty sure that the 14 dead and 17 wounded weren’t interested in the nuances of gun classifications at the time. Probably more focused on the boom boom boom coming from the 30 round clips to care.
This is how the Senate reTHUGS move to stop terrorism
Maybe the LOON or BOOB can explain what other anti-terrorism measures the reTHUGS can take credit for?
@262 One look at Puffy and the word “cult” pops into your head.
You say they aren’t. Who should we believe? Certainly not goatse boy ekim the goat driller!
Puddy didn’t say it… The leftists at Wikipedia did you IDIOT! Reading comprehension is not your forte! Are you giving blowjobs to goats again goatse boy ekim?
The ATF on Thursday night said both rifles had been illegally modified, according to Desert Sun reporter Brett Kellman, One had been rigged to hold a 30-round magazine; an attempt was made to convert the other to full automatic fire.
FACTS Sux eh?
@262 One look at Puffy and the word “cult” pops into your head.
@262 One look at Puffy and “cult” pops into your head.
You found documentation of these shooters being directed from foreign sources.
Where did Puddy claim that loose screw lib the racist schmuck?
Why aren’t you watching CBS News…
Lib the racist dumb schmuck as dumb as a side dumper full of rocks!
LOON @266
The Bible explains God and His Son Jesus Christ.
OK LOON, I got my popcorn…
Which version of the Bible? And in which language?
When nuances are important even the placement of a comma in a sentence is important. You find in English language versions of the Bible conflicting passages from one Bible to the next. And if you go back to the Bible origins you find the texts in Hebrew and Aramaic as well as (I believe) other languages, certainly not in any dialect of English.
There is even strong evidence that the early portions) of the Old Testament (Noah and the begets), which were borrowed from the Torah, were in turn borrowed from the Babylonians.
View Roger on HA DUMMOCRETINS and “senile” is your next immediate thought!
@271 Wrong terrorists. But then, when did you ever get anything right?
“Law enforcement sources tell CBS News … the suspects’ explosive devices are nearly a carbon copy of bomb constructing instructions provided for in one of the very first issues of al Qaeda’s online magazine, INSPIRE, entitled ‘How To Build A Bomb In the Kitchen of Your Mom.'”
@282 Not ISIS’s blueprints.
“Law enforcement sources tell CBS News … the suspects’ explosive devices are nearly a carbon copy of bomb constructing instructions provided for in one of the very first issues of al Qaeda’s online magazine, INSPIRE, entitled ‘How To Build A Bomb In the Kitchen of Your Mom.'”
So Dr Darryl,
Once again a DUMMOCRETIN hijacks five paragraphs from an article @276. If Travis or Puddy copies like that and the excessive copying deleted magically appears while the material disappears.
Now why is that?
“But when a reporter asked David Bowdich, who heads the Los Angeles field office of the FBI, whether the attack was terrorism, he was careful not to make a ruling. ‘It would be irresponsible and premature for me to call this terrorism,’ Bowdich said. …
“The specificity of the legal definition may also explain explain Obama’s reticence during a statement Thursday morning, when he said: ‘It is possible that this was terrorist-related, but we don’t know.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Unlike Puffybutt, those in positions of actual responsibility aren’t throwing words around loosely.
Isn’t it sad goatse boy ekim can’t figger out tying the gun bill to ObummerCare was a death knell!
Butt goatse boy ekim is a moron!
Al-Qaeda and ISIS have encouraged attacks on Christmas Day and at Christmas-themed events to take advantage of vulnerable crowds and to strike at the heart of a Christian holiday.
Where did Syed and Malik attack? A Christmas party! Fourteen people were killed and 21 were injured, some critically!
BTW Roger senile, the police found one explosive device at the auditorium, which were three pipe bombs strapped together! So there goes that fake bomb meme you posted above! And guess what? Another 12 more pipe bombs at the Farook home, as well as “hundreds” of tools for making bombs and other unspecified explosive agents or bomb components per BATF and the FBI. So where did they learn to make that stuff Roger senile?
Anarchist cookbook? The progressive bible for the DUMMOCRETIN in every anarchist!
And then there’s this:
“’We are deeply concerned that this is yet another manifestation of terrorism—radical Islamic terrorism here at home,’ Senator Ted Cruz told the Republican Jewish Coalition Thursday morning, where the GOP presidential candidates were speaking. ‘Coming on the wake of the terror attack in Paris, this horrific murder underscores that we are at a time of war, whether or not the current administration realizes it or is willing to acknowledge it.’”
No mention of Colorado Springs in this silly rhetoric (San Bernardino was an act of war? Really?) because that, of course, isn’t terrorism; it’s God-fearing folk saving the lives of children.
If this was “workplace violence” why was it at a Christmas Party and not at the “workplace”?
Weren’t there previous Christmas time attempts by left wrong thinking ISIS loons trying to destroy the Christmas spirit like progressive DUMMOCRETINS want to do too?
LOON @279
OK, I get it. You think it really really important to classify the AR-15s that murdered 14 people as assault weapons. I get it. Let’s be sure we get those details correct. Fine. You win. I’m sure the Families will find comfort in your attention to detail.
(BTW you do know pretty much anyone can and do edit the Wiki, don’t you? Even LOONS like you?)
@289 “So where did they learn to make that stuff Roger senile?”
See #285.
Roger senile can’t figger it out. The FBI is under Obummer sadministration pressure not to call this terrorism even though CBS News has reported what they found in the Farook house! See the link Puddy offered to the lunatic from Oregon!
Sad so sad the lost mind of Roger senile.
@271 Wrong terrorists.
Wrong again Roger senile. They were the correct terrorists. They weren’t conservative Republicans as you and your Daily Kooks ilk first postulated!
So wrong for so long and so senile now!
LOON @286
That is an easy one. You are a crazy goat fucking LOON and all of us LEFTIES are out to get you.
(BTW you do know pretty much anyone can and do edit the Wiki, don’t you? Even LOONS like you?)
How stooooooooooooopid is goatse boy ekim? It doesn’t know the new edit rules of WikiPedia…
Now why was this implemented goatse boy ekim?
That’s why!
Now wait for it from goatse boy ekim! He will post something truly stooooopid and chronologically wrong!
The LOON has finally done it.
The LOON has his Christmas BONER!
Everyone is out to destroy Christmas!!!
It is a religious holiday, ya know.
It says so in his SDA Bible right on page 1, ya betcha…
And it is celebrated by buying adult toys from online retail merchants.
@291 “If this was ‘workplace violence’ why was it at a Christmas Party and not at the ‘workplace’?”
If it had been a work meeting instead of a Christmas party, would the conference center be a workplace?
If the Christmas party had held at their regular offices, would the shooting not have been in a workplace?
It was a workplace because employees gathered at the employer’s invitation or request at a location arranged by the employer for an employer-sponsored function on paid time, moron.
Of course, when you get involved in legal proceedings, definitions can change for different purposes. One of the legal issues certain to come up in this case is whether the county employees who were killed or injured have to prove the county was negligent or are automatically entitled compensation under the worker’s comp system, and whether their compensation will be tort damages, or time-loss and medical care under the worker’s comp system, or a combination of both. Some of the survivors may be so injured and/or traumatized that they’ll never work again, so disability insurance (private and government) may kick in, too. You would never make it as a lawyer, because you’re too much of a simpleton to think your way through issues like these.
@295 Here’s a question for you, idiot. I’ll try to keep it as simple as possible in an effort to stay within your limited intellectual capacities.
Al Qaeda and ISIS are:
[ ] 1. One and the same.
[ ] 2. Allies.
[ ] 3. Rivals.
[ ] 4. Enemies.
Take your time. Don’t fuck this up. There’s only one correct answer.
@296 We’re not actually out to get him. It’s more like when you see a soccer ball you kick it just because it’s there. Something like that.
HA without Puddy would be like a soccer field without a ball. We’re only trying to get him into the net, and after we score, we try to get him into the net again. That’s all we do here.
Think of Puddy as a soccer ball, because his function on HA is to be kicked through the goalposts.
[ ] 5. People with similar thoughts to HA DUMMOCRETINS everywhere!
How could Puddy screw that up Roger senile!
Oh and your workplace violence commentary, while interesting is DUMMOCRETIN speak for “we can’t call this terrorism” even though Syed erased his digital footprint the day before this happened to hide his associations just as ISIS magazines said to do!
LOON @297
You made my point. Pretty much everyone did edit the SHRUB’s Wiki page. I can’t help it if your particular edits were eventually rejected. Most likely because of your illiterate writing style.
@302 “How could Puddy screw that up Roger senile!”
I’m curious whether you have a degree, and if so, which mail-order degree mill you got it from. I’ve never heard of a legitimate school that allows write-ins on multiple-choice questions, so you can’t have attended a legitimate school.
“Oh and your workplace violence commentary, while interesting is DUMMOCRETIN speak for “we can’t call this terrorism””
Complain to the FBI and ATF about that. They’re the ones balking at calling it “terrorism” — and also not ruling out workplace violence. It may be both — some questions have more than one correct answer — but I don’t expect a simpleton like you to comprehend that. You’re probably scribbling another ridiculous write-in answer as I type.
goatse boy ekim @296,
NOPE… Rules are only for conservatives. DUMMOCRETINS never follow rules!
The wounded count is now 21.
Meanwhile the reTHUG politicians do nothing to stop the violence.
But they are willing to pray on TV and show off their flag pins.
I guess they are too busy…
repealing Obamacare
repealing Medicare
repealing Social Security
looking for Obama’s birth certificate
Did I forget anything LOON?
I’m sure I must have missed some important item…
Oh, I know, more days off and higher pay for themselves.
Roger senile@304,
The truth truly scares you! You think just like ISIS
liberals must arm
conservatives must die
our non-negotiable terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials
Just like ISIS!
“goatse boy”
It really got to the loon’s head when I outed him and Klynical as being nothing but a couple of dumbass goatfuckers. The loon’s been reduced to projecting goatfucking on everybody else ever since. How fucking lame is that? Damned lame, that’s what it is.
LOON @305
Haven’t you noticed? This is a liberal blog.
Post at (U)SP if you don’t like it here.
Or start your own blog. I’m sure you will get lots of traffic.
goatse boy ekim @303,
Puddy proved your point? You had no point. You didn’t know the rules or why they came about!
DUMB as EVAH! Still giving goats blowjobs!
WikiPedia came up with the edit rules because nasty DUMMOCRETINS defaced the GW Bush entry. The outcry over silly DUMMOCRETIN edits was new rules.
You see goatse boy ekim, DUMMOCRETINS are their own worst enemy. Now everything on WikiPedia is fact check reviewed.
Sux to be you!
LOON @310
Persecution complex, fixated on goats, rigid adherence to imaginary rules, avoidance of reality. And all in one post. Amazing.
See your doctor and take your meds. It will help.
Oh, and leave the goats alone. They are traumatized enough.
Complain to the FBI and ATF about that.
NOPE! The police on the ground are told this because of Obummer! Apparently you missed this.
Well you only read left wrong media sources!
Wow a TPPS sighting. Did you stop drinking your stupid solution to make a late night appearance Steve?
I wonder if the Bible the LOON uses is also abused.
As in pages stuck together.
On second thought, I don’t want to know.
@307 “conservatives must die”
Where did I ever say that? Anyone who reads this blog knows I’m merely waiting for you stupid humans to kill yourselves off so we rabbits can take over this planet. The other items are self-defense precautions while we wait. With people on your side like Anne Coulter running around saying things like liberals should be “executed” or put in “concentration camps,” it’s natural and necessary for liberals to arm themselves, just in case it’s more than talk. The right has already proven its terrorism chops against Planned Parenthood, so why wouldn’t I think rabbits are next?
Notice how the LOON is focused on the guns?
I’m more concerned with the dead, the wounded, and their families.
I’m concerned about the next mass murder as well.
And the mass murders that will follow.
The LOON? He will focus on the guns again. And stroke his BONER.
@312 You mean this?
“The details emerged as investigators tried to determine whether the rampage that left 14 people dead was terrorism, a workplace grudge or some combination.”
This is one of those questions that might have more than one correct answer, Pudnutz.
@316 I’m thinking about reporting him to the FBI while there’s still time.
@310 “nasty DUMMOCRETINS defaced the GW Bush entry”
What did they do? Call him a “miserable failure”?
“conservatives must die”
Laughable, coming from a batshit insane loon whose very screen name is eliminationist – the pathetic loon fancies himself to be the “disinfectant” who eliminates “DUMMOCRETIN scum”.
The psycho-laugh. Not a good sign, coming as it is from a batshit insane loon who wants everybody here dead. I agree with Roger. It’s time to report the loon to the FBI.
Well, either the FBI or the ASPCA. Maybe both. Any decent American would appreciate the former, America’s goats the latter.
“Post at (U)SP if you don’t like it here.”
After an affliction of Jim Miller posts which could kill any blog, Zombie (u)SP now walks with the dead.
The Trump-hole claims that there are things that are “not known” about the current TWO TERM President.
The babbling jackass troll is a bullshitting asshole of a know-it-all.
Perhaps the babbling jackass fiend can educate the Trump-hole about that which is “not known”.
Sorry boy. There will be no trials. Once we determine you are an “enemy combatant” no trial is needed. Moreover, a trial risks exposing vital national security information. We remove your chalky ass to Cuba immediately without trial for indefinite detention and torture.
Someone’s at the door, Fuckwad.
Haven’t his comment threads been overrun by Sovereign Citizen nuts? Probably best that it dies quietly.
@286 Darryl can do what he wants, it’s in the Bible.
You are lucky you guys haven’t been banned yet.
@301 don’t forget to point to the sky and do a little dance, after kicking the ball, doesn’t have to necessairly go into the net, all you have to do is kick it.
Crud is beyond Asshole. He is a terrorist.
Trevor Noah Takes Down ‘A**hole’ Ted Cruz
Oh I’m sure the GOP will tell you that it was because he wasn’t allowed to have his gun that day and that’s why he couldn’t shoot back. I’m sure the GOOPERS will even untroduce a bill in his name to honor him, so predictable, you heard it here first.
Calif. mass shooting victim was loyal NRA supporter
Well we know what the goatse boy ekim is thinking about! The goats better run and hide!
Rigid thinking by DUMMOCRETINS is on full display in this thread. All this hand wringing over is this terrorism or is this workplace violence.
Richard Dear enters a PP location and doesn’t kill any PP employees or patients and HA DUMMOCRETINS go nutzo… That’s terrorism!
Syed Farook and wife enter a Christmas Party and it’s workplace violence!
You HA DUMMOCRETINS, getting your jack boot goose stepping marching orders from the left wrong e-rags and the DNC play your part real well.
Sad and so typical!
Sorry boy. There will be no trials. Once we determine you are an “enemy combatant” no trial is needed.
There goes those racist thoughts again. A black man being called boy is DUMMOCRETIN racist speak, just like your forebear southern DUMMOCRETINS back in the day! You demonstrate how you are lib the racist schmuck every day dude! Just like vomit man changed his name multiple times and Puddy identified it, you too are busted!
Thanks for proving you think just like ISIS. Is beheading your next suggestion?
Thanks for playing lib the racist schmuck!
TPPS @320,
I’m more concerned with the dead, the wounded, and their families.
That’s a first goatse boy ekim. Your preznit was more focused on guns vs. the dead, the wounded, and their families.
Your left wrong blogs were more focused on the perps being conservative white guys. Roger senile proved that earlier and so did the lead kook at Daily Kooks! A real vile jackASS Markos is and y’all are his slavish worshippers!
PuddyCommentariat: Did you pray for them or ridicule those who prayed for them goatse boy ekim? Puddy suggests you ridiculed them just like national DUMMOCRETINS. Even when one texted out to her father to pray for them, national DUMMOCRETINS doubled down, just like you here.
FACTS are such inconvenient things to DUMMOCRETINS! Hence:
Think of Roger as very senile and only getting worse. Roger used to be a worthy foe. Now all that’s left of Roger is being a corn husk doll!
Syed Farook had a dispute with a Christian co-worker over how Islam was a violent faith. Syed kills that co-worker, proving Islam is a violent faith.
Violence… those things written and said by Roger senile captured by Puddy in #307, doubled down by the Oregon moron in #324. In fact the Oregon moron went further proving DUMMOCRETINS think just like ISIS in many ways!
To the clueless crazed databaze cretin @323,
Donald Trump asked why Obummer will not use the term “radical islamic terrorism” when we witnessed the outcome of “radical islamic terrorism” against one Christian who challenged Syed Farook on his religion. We witnessed the outcome!
Sux to be the clueless deranged crazed databaze cretin of #323!
And the loon fancies himself as the “disinfectant” who will kill us all. In a terrorist attack, naturally.
What a batshit crazy fucking loon. It’s time to report him to the FBI.
LOON @305
Rules are only for conservatives.
Those voices again? Take your meds. They will help.
LOON @332
southern DUMMOCRETINS back in the day!
Oh yes. The KKKlan. They belong to your party now.
No TPPS @338… Puddy is the natural decontaminant to your disease.
Liberalism is a mental disease and Puddy is the natural disinfectant! Too bad English is not your natural language!
goatse boy ekim @339,
Post #276 is still intact with 5 hijacked paragraphs. Apparently what Puddy wrote is still true. Rules don’t mean jack to a DUMMOCRETIN and rules are not enforced against DUMMOCRETINS!
Sux getting brained deranged on those goats!
We just had a muslim terrorist attack and this is what comes out from the Obummer sadministration…
PuddyCommenatiat: Of course, this is another example of libtards telling all Americans that progressive DUMMOCRETIN libtards will be the arbiters of free speech! The terrorist attack in San Bernadino is a “a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change.”
Yes, if you are a black kid in libtard Chicago town… your just ‘a “stupid kid” with nothing else to do, adding that it was “just fun and games.”’ No problem. Revenge is best served on 16 white peeps. A-OK for HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Farook and wife were looking at ISIS propaganda online per CBS. Naaaaaah not terrorism
JUST IN: #SanBernardino suspects were looking at ISIS propaganda online, source tells CBS News 10:00 AM – 3 Dec 2015
“I don’t think they just ran home, put on these types of tactical clothes, grabbed guns and came back on a spur of the moment.” – San Bernardino police chief Jarrod Burguan. Mrs Puddy said he was well spoken! Yeah, unlike the fools on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Having failed to inspire others to do his killing for him, the batshit crazy loon is becoming increasingly radicalized, enraged and full of hate. It’s past time we report him to the proper authorities. Innocent lives are at stake.
“Post #276 is still intact with 5 hijacked paragraphs.”
The dumbfuck batshit crazy loon somehow got it in his vacuous skull that US copyright law limits the number of paragraphs one can quote from an article with twenty-one paragraphs to fewer than five. Yet another reason why he is known as a batshit crazy fucking loon.
LOON @342
Post #276 is still intact with 5 hijacked paragraphs. Apparently what Puddy wrote is still true. Rules don’t mean jack to a DUMMOCRETIN and rules are not enforced against DUMMOCRETINS!
1) The 5 quoted paragraphs actually had a point. Makes it interesting to the reader.
2) In spite of point 1 you are still allowed to post your pointless drivel here as long as it is short enough to skip past.
3) You don’t like it here, go away. Start your own blog or post at (U)SP.
“Richard Dear enters a PP location and doesn’t kill any PP employees or patients… “
On these threads the Fuckwad pretends puzzlement over why Dear’s attack failed. But on his favorite gun humper militia blogs he and his buddies are busy mocking Dear for failing to prepare for PP’s defenses.
LOON @344
See my previous post @348 Your ramblings are neither interesting or intelligible. Please try harder. And the meds will help.
@332,glad to know I got to you, boy.
Nugent on America’s DUMMOCRETIN SCUM problem, “When Old Yeller brings us slippers, give him a biscuit; when he foams at the mouth, you shoot him between the eyes. Any questions? You got to do it. America, you got to cleanse this country.”
Uh, oh! Nugent is calling for the batshit crazy loon to “cleanse” America of DUMMOCRETIN SCUM. Could this be the final straw that will send our batshit crazy loon completely over the edge and into a murderous rage?
Fear not. The Fuckwad’s information has been logged and a team is heading out to sticker his mailbox.
TPPS @345,
You MORON, HA set the hijack to two paragraphs!
Still an IDIOT!
On these threads the Fuckwad pretends puzzlement over why Dear’s attack failed.
Man this Oregon moron lives up to his moniker. You DUMMOCRETINS called this a terroristic attack on PP. Yet not one PP person or patient died.
Once again your failed descriptions are hilarious!
@201 The Supreme Court could, but never has. Since ownership of firearms was common under the Articles of Confederation the practices of the time do carry weight. There would appear to be a right of an individual to own a firearm. Kentucky rifles were serious weapons, and were advanced and idea military weapons. Like the right of privacy some things are nuanced in the constitution so if you are now a strict constitutionalist your arguments in other areas such as abortion suffer a mortal blow. Guns have been, are part of our America, and will continue to be so. I doubt that you or I want to elevate some white supremacist group to militia even though essentially that is what they do when they get together. Go up the wrong country road in Idaho, Montana or even eastern Washington you never know what you will find.
@353 Well he seems to be forgetting that he’s not talking about his old coon hound. He’s talking about people some of whom are going to shoot back. Best not to be in the cross fire or anywhere nearby. Of course things are always more complicated in these kind of things just look at the Hatfields and McCoy’s as some of that whole dispute was about property, business, and money.