Currently, there are approximately 500,000 children in foster care in the United States. It’s estimated that 120,000 are eligible for adoption. With over 400,000 churches in the United States, if one person in every 3rd church would say “I’ll take one” all of the children would have a home.
Instead social conservatives are up at arms over the Starbucks red cup!
University Study: Kids From Religious Households Are Bigger Assholes Than Free Thinking Peers
Summery, the more fundamentalist you are, the more unpleasant the kids, but if it makes christians feel better, muslims tended to be worse
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Soooooo no wonder it took over 24 hours to identify crackerjack box dr checkmate’s friend Faisal Mohammed at UC Merced. He was on a terror watch list and the school dithered?
So the local law enforcement community is calling it as they see it while the Obummer sadministration loves to deny moooslim terrorist attacks. Butt they’ll go to court to ensure moooslim drivers get their $240 LARGE for their own career choices!
And of course real news is always missing from the Friday Night Comix!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
So in Seattle, it’s basically official… the socialist beat a black woman… Sees socialism trumps voting for the black candidate. Who knew white DUMMOCRETINS loved socialism more than black peeps?
Who knew?
@3 Not this country or this culture! How about paying attention to Americans, instead of going to the other side of the world for your outrage points? Like how racist American conservatives can be.
We liked the content of her character, not the color of her skin.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King
We liked the content of her character, not the color of her skin.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King
Ima Duncespews:
It’s good thing I don’t have a Twitter account. Because if I did I would get a Starbuck’s cup and write “Shove Christmas Up Your Fucking Ass” on it and post it.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@1 no, life is to precious, only if you are fetus….maybe we need have a bill called fetus adoption instead of personhood.
I’m sure Puffy is right in line to adopt a few of the oreo ones.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Starbucks came out with plain, unadorned, coffee cops for this holiday season. So guess what that means? They’re “waging war on Christmas.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some people have too much time on their hands.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
The other day on the Bill Maher show on HBO….Republican guest(s), one of which was David Frum, were discussing the new statistic that white men between 40-50 having a high death rate…the republicans said it was because those people were single and of non religion…some of which were suicides.
Well, a friend of mine, who lives a nice affluent town, that is 50/50 dem/repub but more so republican, told me a while ago, that two of his neighbors, both married, in the 40-50 range, committed suicide…..
So not sure Frum knows what he’s talking about.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Anyone still want to argue that these self-proclaimed Christians aren’t trying to shove their religion down everyone else’s throats? That’s what it’s really all about. They’re the same kind of religious dictators our ancestors emigrated to the New World to escape from. Put ’em on a ship and send ’em back to Europe and let ’em fight with each other there. Just leave us alone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Off the top of my head, I can think of half a dozen people I used to know who committed suicide, including a family member, one of my Vietnam buddies, two of my law school classmates, and two neighbors. I wonder if it’s contagious? Or maybe it’s my personality?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 “if it makes christians feel better, muslims tended to be worse”
I suspect it’s just a matter of time before some r/w fundies, infuriated by Starbucks’ plain red coffee cups, begin cutting people’s heads off with kitchen knives.
Well, they can hate on Starbucks all they want, while I skip and laugh and sing on my way to the bank. My Starbucks stock is worth 50 times what I paid for it. There are a lot of Starbucks millionaires in Seattle … and I’d bet Pudpacker ain’t one of ’em. That poor slob still has to work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 So are you calling Sawant white, or are you hating on brown people? Just curious.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Funny how freedom of speech is so defended, where anyone can say anything regardless of how un PC or offensive…..but god for sake leaving the snowflakes off the coffee cup, that is a federal offense and not freedom of expression or speech.
So “God hates fags” is religious like and acceptable but a red cup without snowflakes is unacceptable. No wonder these loons love ISIS.
Wow Piddles. Funny how you LOVE official Law Enforcement sources….sometimes.
No, A conspiracy web-site says he is on the watchlist. No official from U.C. or Merced Police have confirmed in fact, they have expressed much doubt about what you are insinuating.
But the fact from why I brought it up remains. He didn’t have a gun. None of his victims dies. But then these kinds of incidents are never, never, never, EVER about the ability of the criminal to get a gun.
the socialist beat a black woman… Sees socialism trumps voting for the black candidate.
That the winner is also an ethnic minority is totally lost on Piddles. Wasn’t it just a couple days ago he was touting Dr. Ben as more authentically Black?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Speaking of Dr. Ben (and the other GOP clowns), Bernie Sanders helps put things in perspective for us:
“On her worst day, Hillary Clinton will be an infinitely better candidate and President than the Republican candidate on his best day.”
” … it’s going to be hard for a lot of voters to relate to a guy who was charging personal expenses on a Republican Party credit card while paying his wife out of his PAC funds while earning $300,000 a year as a lawyer in addition to his salary as a member of the Florida state House … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The difficulty I see ahead for Republicans is finding a candidate who isn’t corrupt.
Roger Rabbitspews:
When public opinion throws you under the bus, your last line of defense is to claim the people are lying to the pollsters about what they really think.
Carson launched a counteroffensive Sunday on his Facebook page, where he posted a link to a syllabus for a psychology course called “Perception” that Yale offered in 2002 as evidence that the class he referred to did exist when he attended in the early 1970s. He also posted a contemporaneous article from the Yale Daily News that he said proves his version of the story. The article, dated January 14, 1970, explained that Yale’s humor magazine, The Yale Record, had printed a parody issue of the News the day before that included a notice about the makeup psychology exams.
“SEE, SEE, SEE this ad from WAY after when I said it happened calls it a scholarship. Ergo, I got a scholarship to which I never applied.”
The excuses are starting to sound familiar.
“I did not fall for a Hoax Story about Hoax destroyed exams a couple years before I had the actual thing happen to me and got me named “Most Honest.” I swear this thing wasn’t apocraphal. IT WAS REAL. Beleive me, I have the fake article to show you to PROVE it happened for reals.”
“The story as he presented it is true. A couple of the details are fuzzy,” campaign manager Barry Bennett told the WSJ in a Sunday interview.
I haven’t seen anything unravel like this since my reel spooled out all 7,000 feet of 10lb test that time I hooked the 495 lb marlin in the Arctic Ocean. I had him on the boat but none of us had a camera and I only catch and release. But I swear to you it was the biggest fish you ever saw.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@21 I’d start asking for the Birth Certificate.
He is another of those Kenyan impostors!!!!
I’ve seen his Kenyan birth certificate.
It’s posted on the Internet so it’s got to be true!!!
Brian Williams was there for the birth so it’s all good.
Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS aren’t covering this, because hey, Ana works on CNN!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 “Also, SurveyUSA poll has Carson beating Clinton by 9 POINTS in Minnesota.”
At this point, I’m not ruling out the possibility that people who don’t give a damn about truth, reality, or facts might elect our next national leader. The Bible warned us such a day would come. The Book of Revelations doesn’t quite say “Republican voters” but you can read it between the lines.
Oh, and while you’re at it, you might want to take a look at this, especially the interesting chart.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Puddy didn’t visit mediaite that day, butt there was something specifically for crackerjack box dr checkmate last week…
If You Really Think Four Republican Senators Are in the KKK, You’re a Fool – Well… crackerjack box dr checkmate is more than a fool! He’s a DAYUM FOOL!
The biggest story of the day on progressive and alternative websites is a shocking one: Anonymous has released the names of four Republican Senators and five Republican mayors who are members of the Ku Klux Klan. Sites giving exposure to this news include Daily Kos, PoliticsUSA, USA Today (?!), The Root, and The Huffington Post. The more careful outlets merely passed along the accusation without naming names, the less savory ones seemed honestly sold on the notion that four Republican senators are members of the KKK.
And if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Now President Obama mocks us – CONSERVATIVES – for standing up to CNBC? Give me a break! He doesn’t have the guts to appear with Sean Hannity or Mark Levin, let alone take on radical world leaders!
When Santorum is right you have to say he’s right!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Yes crackerjack box dr checkmate, Puddy enjoys smacking your silly ASS every day with FACTUAL material!
AEI boi!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Michael the Mooron defending Quentin Tarantino… “Has any white person in this town, in the industry, stood up for Quentin Tarantino? The white guy stuck his neck out there and they’re trying to chop it off.” http://www.hollywoodreporter.c.....ity-838095
The real hilarity is Michael Mooron calling hisself a “celebrity”, let alone the white privilege argument! Of course we can’t forget the divorce coverup to shut up his ex over his extravagances…
How come there are no black thread creators on HA DUMMOCRETINS? All this white privilege being demonstrated every day! Why not have rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears attempt a thread? At least for comic relief?
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Puddy remembered that DAYUM white privilege when invoked on the DUKE lacrosse team. Yeah butt that wasn’t real white privilege after all!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Among Washington correspondents, the ones who dominate national political coverage, it’s even more skewed, said Tim Groseclose, author of “Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind.” More than 90 percent of D.C. journalists vote Democratic, with an even higher number giving to Democrats or liberal-leaning political action committees, the author said.
@37 No crazier than calling the Southern Poverty Law Center a “hate group.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 So what’s Santorum’s concept of “taking on radical world leaders”? Bombing Russian insurgents in Ukraine and shooting down Russsian jets in Syria? Invading Subi and Mischief Reefs in the South China Sea? You know, stupid, some of us want the occupant of the White House to be someone who isn’t drunk, crazy, suicidal, or all three. Why do Republicans hate diplomacy? Why do Republicans hate peace? Why do Republicans want us all dead (themselves included)? Does this all flow back to that Rapture fantasy?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 “More than 90 percent of D.C. journalists vote Democratic”
Is that all? Journalists are trained to think objectively and report accurately. Finding a journalist who votes Republican is like finding a scientist who doesn’t believe global warming is real. I suppose there are a few out there, but it’s not a natural fit.
Distant Replayspews:
While I have no doubt that editors and publishers at Politico are happy to see Carson gone, to suggest that these guys are hippies is laugh-out-loud ridiculous. They’re Bush and Reagan people through and through. Family members, club members, ex-employees, and business partners. Carson’s demise, if it is the result of some “dark conspiracy”, is a right wing project. Blaming it on the hippies is just another false flag op created to stir the bible thumpers up, and hopefully motivate them to turn out for one of the “approved” Republicans.
Distant Replayspews:
“More than 90 percent of D.C. journalists vote Democratic”
I’ve known three traditional, J-school graduate, major daily print journalists in my life. And not one of them voted. Ever. Not until after they had retired or moved out of straight journalism and into column work, essay work, or opinion. As long as they were paid to report straight news, they did not participate in politics in any way. That was their ethic. Admittedly old fashioned. But the professional cannons of their time dictated it. I’m surprised the newspaper of record for the Unification Church found it so easy to discover the political habits of DC journalists.
Of course, the survey methodology of the underlying research might be suspect. Participants volunteered themselves to take part in the lengthy survey. The overall response rate was below one third. So some fairly aggressive selection bias at work, regardless of whatever the authors suggest. Further complicating matters is the ambition of the authors to extend the work of other researchers dating back to the early 70s, Thus, the chosen definition for “journalist” is exceptionally narrow and dated by modern standards.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s what we know so far about the two cops who fatally shot an autistic 6-year-old boy:
“According to The Town Talk newspaper in Alexandria, Louisiana, Stafford was indicted in 2011 on two counts of aggravated rape. The Town Talk reported that both cases were dismissed without prejudice in 2012. One of the incidents dated back to 2004. The other occurred while Stafford was employed by the Marksville Police Department, where he has worked for eight years. … Stafford has been named as a defendant in five civil lawsuits, including at least one related to the use of excessive force. That particular case is still pending. Greenhouse Jr. has also been named in a civil lawsuit related to the use of excessive force. That case is still pending.”
The guy’s been dead for 70 years and people still want to kill him. You gotta work at it to be hated so much. Killing millions of people will do it — something our wingnut friends should think about before starting a war with Russia.*
* The right has been itching to fight a war with Russia since the 1950s or earlier, blithely assuming they would win, and apparently not considering they might get annihilated with the rest of us.
Mark Adamsspews:
So anyone care to have a get together outside of a particular church with our recently Starbuck cups firmly on display. If you don’t drink coffee you can enjoy tea or even decaf, You can come join us Puddy though it’s likely your church ranks high in the ranking of potential locations for this HA crowd event.
And yes I’m being a horses ass. Still fun for all if folks are interested.
Mark Adamsspews:
@14 Not contagious but all too common. Suicide is one place where religion can help some individuals if they seek out help, Suicide is after all a taboo subject in our society. It’s something we are all uncomfortable talking about. Even when the signs are caught a determined person can succeed in killing themselves or worst turning themselves into a vegetable. It’s something that human beings do, and in some societies are expected to do under certain circumstances. It would seem to be something an all knowing loving god would quickly eliminate, yet God in this case seems to match up with the God of Job.
Mark Adamsspews:
Perhaps we should demand to see Mr. Carson’s college records to see if he ever took the course Hoaxing for Fun and Profit a Yale Guide to future Presidential Candidates. I’ve heard both Bush’s took the course while out celebrating with Geronimo.
Mark Adamsspews:
Not too good on math are you. One is a magic number and therefore you can never have more that 100% of one. I know sports stars like to exaggerate in giving 110%, but most folks give athletes at bit of a pass, and most people aren’t too good at math themselves. So please a little less exaggeration.
Mark Adamsspews:
@40 That’s right watching Donald Trump at question period every Wednesday would be entertaining enough to vote for him. Too bad we don’t have question period. A parliamentary system would simply kick Trump up to the upper house. An hour that would not silence Trump, but fewer would listen.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Hey Puffy – here is one of your right wing coocoo’s. – one of your friends.
@50 Pop Rabbit was a reporter for a big-city daily for nearly 40 years, and as far as I know, he voted. I’m pretty sure he did. He also engaged in advocacy — not for any party or candidate; he was a “good government” guy who went on TV talk shows to argue for government reforms, some of which were adopted because of his advocacy. By the time of his death, at age 99, he was a legendary figure among the newsies of that town. Of course, he never had much time to be a father to his 133,247 young bunnies …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 When my next door neighbor was old, blind, ill, and in great pain, he found a hunting rifle useful when God didn’t come calling for him in a timely fashion. By the way, if you ever find me unconscious inside a burning car, don’t resuscitate me, just push the car off a cliff.
“Anyone still want to argue that these self-proclaimed Christians aren’t trying to shove their religion down everyone else’s throats?”
The “War on Christmas” is about extremist Christians whining their way to an American theocracy. Heh. As though their whining has gotten them anything yet.
Happy holidays, ya batshit crazy wingnuts!
Could someone translate Pud’s rants for me? I mean, someone out there must speak crazy, right?
Anyone seen Bob lately? It’d be too funny to see that troll opine on the “fiscal responsibility” of Marco Rubio who, to a klownservatic, obviously “understands capitalism”..
LMAO!!! Too funny this klown kar shit!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Seems Dr Carson’s telling of the prank was true at Yale after all crackerjack box dr checkmate! This is why Puddy loves SMACKING your silly ASS around!
In an interview with BuzzFeed News on Monday, Curtis Bakal, an editorial assistant at the satirical Yale Record who says he helped write the fake test, said he was “99% certain the way Carson remembers it is correct.”
Sux to be you crackerjack box dr checkmate!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Remember that composite white girlfriend of Obummer was only learned after Obummer became president.
There was no real scrutiny. Another rake face!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Journalists are trained to think objectively and report accurately.
Apparently they forgot that training when they were hired by DUMMOCRETIN firms Roger senile!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
How do you know lib the racist unscientist is a historical moron @50?
You’ve been here for years lib the racist unscientist. The more you post the more you prove to all you are as much of an idiot as crackerjack box dr checkmate!
Sux to be you too!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Appelate Federal Court smacked Obummer’s illegal illegal immigration plan just like the Federal court did!
Congress makes laws not Obummer!
Roger Rabbitspews:
A new Federal Reserve study finds that rent rises faster at the lowest end of the rental market. The reason is obvious: Developers build for affluent, not poor, renters; so most of the apartment supply increase is at the high end of the market.
Putting specific numbers on it, from 1989 to 2013, new construction supplied 10.8 million units targeted for the high-end rental market, and only 3.1 million units targeted to low-income renters. And from 2011 to 2013, average rents increased 16% in the lowest rent quintile and -0.4% in the top quintile.
In 2015, annual rent increases have averaged above 5% all year, and property managers expect rent increases to average 8% in 2016. CNBC calls it “just another brick in the wall for U.S. renters.”
I’ve read a lot of articles about housing recently, and it’s clear to me that rental housing is a death trap for your finances. Rents are soaring, and they’re going to keep soaring — that’s what everyone in the industry says.
I’m well aware that many renters don’t have a choice. Millennials are burdened by student debt and having trouble finding steady well paid work. Loans are cheap, but lending standards are tougher, and cheap mortgages don’t do you any good if you can’t qualify for them. But there’s also some lifestyle stuff going on; many younger people are choosing to rent for various reasons. That’s fine, but they need to be aware that large annual rent increases are almost certain for years to come — and not just in Seattle, which has a severe housing shortage, but everywhere. This is a national phenomenon.
It has always been more expensive to rent than own, and always will be, because as a renter you have all the costs of ownership — the landlord has to pass these on to you, in order to stay in business — PLUS you have to pay the landlord his profit.
It doesn’t always make sense to own your home. If your job situation is unstable, or you have to relocate frequently, or you expect your household size to change, or you need flexibility for any other reason, it’s generally much easier and cheaper to move from one rental to another than it is to sell a house and buy another house. That’s not saying it’s either easy or cheap for renters to move, but there are high transaction costs associated with buying and selling homes, not to mention it’s stressful and consumes a great deal of your time, so it’s best to take the plunge on ownership only when you’re fairly certain of staying put for many years to come.
But when you’ve reached that point in life, the advantages of ownership are overwhelming. With a fixed-rate mortgage, your monthly payment will never go up; and if you resist the temptation to tap your equity, someday there’ll be no mortgage payment. This often coincides with retirement, and thus comes at a very opportune time, when you’re adjusting to living on a smaller income. You’ll still have other housing expenses that are subject to inflation, but nothing like rent inflation. The cost of living in owner-occupied housing goes up much more slowly than rental housing.
You’ll have much space than any rental offers — more rooms, bigger rooms, more storage, yard space, parking space. And no landlord on your back. You can paint, remodel, knock out walls and reconfigure spaces, at will — and not everything in a house has to cost a ton of money. You can repaint old kitchen cabinets and put new handles on them for about $300 – $400. A few years ago, I completely remodeled two bathrooms for around $6,500. I put new cabinets in one, and recycled the cabinets in the other one — they’re a different color now (white instead of natural oak), they have new handles, and they’re augmented by new light fixtures, mirrors, and towel racks.
Like most people and rabbits, I was a renter when I was young, and I don’t know about you but I hated it. I’ll never go back to renting. Why should I? I own my burrow outright, have no bank or landlord to keep happy, it costs me only a few hundred $$$ a month to live here — and I’m almost totally insulated from the housing storms going on around me.
Everyone once in a while, one of my neighbors dies or moves, and his burrow goes on the market and gets sold the same day for way above the asking price, and I’m vicariously reminded of just how bad things are for people who are at mercy of the vicious housing market we now have in this country.
Why did this happen? Very simple. When housing crashed, new construction ground to a halt, but population growth didn’t, so we’re now stuck with a housing shortage of epic proportions that will take years to fix. Meantime, there’s no relief in sight for homeseekers.
@69 What laws has Congress made lately? This Congress doesn’t do a damn thing. I can’t think of a single piece of legislation they’ve passed that the president would sign. If you look closely at photos of the Oval Office you’ll see cobwebs on his pen set.
“Could someone translate Pud’s rants for me? I mean, someone out there must speak crazy, right?”
No such luck. It turned out that nobody’s decoder ring works with babbling jackasses. Everything he writes comes out as, “Batshit crazy Loon!”, “Batshit crazy Loon!”, “Batshit crazy Loon!”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 “You’ve been here for years lib the racist unscientist.”
And you haven’t? The only living organism in the Milky Way who wastes more time in this blog than you is me, as measured by number of posts. When it comes to squatting over a keyboard pounding out useless HA diatribes, your only real competitor is one old, fat, and lazy rabbit. Be sure to put that on your resume the next time you’re looking for a job. It can’t fail to impress.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 Frankly, I don’t think there’s anybody there, only a computer programmed to cut and paste the same canned comment over and over.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Man the crackerjack box dr checkmate smackdowns continue… crackerjack box dr checkmate loves reading his crackerjack box left wrong sites… Puddy provides the proof!
Puddy could have used Buzzfeed butt the Washington Times is way better!
Can you say smackdown?
S M A C K D O W N!
The prosecution rests your honor. crackerjack box dr checkmate is still a moron!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
A black candidate for president learns the hard way that the media culture expects him to know a black man’s place, and stay there. That place has to be in the Democratic Party.
The moving finger writes, and having stuck that finger sharply in the eye of the black candidate, moves on, and neither the ample piety nor the stunted wit on the other end of that finger can retrieve a single line.
The libtard left wrong DUMMOCRETIN media tries to pull an Aqib Talib eye poke of a black conservative, especially if he’s a Christian! So far the left wrong media has many EPIC FAYLES!
This is fascinating. The reason carson so desperately wants to prove he almost stabbed someone is to keep his meme to conservative white voters that he used to be an angry violent black man, but he has reformed.
“Carson’s up-from-nothing, saved-by-Jesus-and-personal-effort-only story works, primarily with white Republican voters. It works because for some it affirms the conscious or unconscious connections (stereotypes) they draw between blackness, poverty and violence. For others, it demonstrates that Jesus saves. And for others still, it is a narrative that says other, potentially costly social solutions to poverty and violence are not necessary. It says that small government can work.”
If carson’s narrative is not true, then all those assumptions are called into question.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
your only real competitor is one old, fat, and lazy rabbit.
You forgot senile!
See ya!
Willy Vomitspews:
# 77
You notice? Ben Carson’s “campaign” is all about himself, and his alleged personal history. Not one mention of policy, not a single clue as to what his economic ideas could be, not a mention at all of how he will address the real-world issues of crumbling bridges, collapsing education institutions, misguided military spending, and housing shortages caused directly, and deliberately by the banks.
Not one mention at all of what he would actually DO as President. It’s all about himself.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
This is fascinating. The reason carson so desperately wants to prove he almost stabbed someone is to keep his meme to conservative white voters that he used to be an angry violent black man, but he has reformed.
Janell Ross, who is identified by her employer, The Washington Post, as a straight news reporter, went on MSNBC to slime Jeb Bush with unsubstantiated innuendo. Ross’s objectively appalling and wildly inappropriate smear-by-rumor campaign was even too much for Alex Wagner, the openly left-wing MSNBC anchor hosting the hour:
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Policies vomit man? Apparently you aren’t looking in the right spot. Dr Ben has policy positions. Get off the left wrong sites and you’ll find them. Dr Ben was on O’Reilly last night. Of course vomit man will run to media morons or the putrid morons for their take instead of reading Dr Ben’s own words.
That’s why the vomit man produces EPIC FAYLES on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 80-82
If anything, All Mental Ben is demonstrating to the universe, is that he’s even crazier than you.
And you’re nuttier than a squirrel turd.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
When all else fails for the vomit man… ad hominem attack Puddy.
More Saul Alinsky traits in another HA DUMMOCRETIN!
Thanks for playing!
@80 don’t like the message, attack the messenger.
I won’t vote for him, because of his positions on issues are too conservative.
Climate change: The climate change debate is “irrelevant.” Carson is not convinced that global warming is a threat or a proven trend.
Education: We need more school choice.
Guns: Few limits on ownership except for the mentally ill or those convicted of violent crime.
Health care: Replace the Affordable Care Act with health savings accounts. He would eliminate Medicare and Medicaid.
Immigration: Allow undocumented residents access to a national guest worker program if they leave the country first.
Social issues: The Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage is the law of the land. Yet Mr. Carson opposes same-sex marriage. He caused a stir in 2013 when he said in an interview that marriage was “a well-established, fundamental pillar of society, and no group, be they gays, be they Nambla, be they people who believe in bestiality — it doesn’t matter what they are, they don’t get to change the definition.”
Taxes: Establish a flat tax. Eliminate the IRS.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
@80 don’t like the message, attack the messenger.
Wrong again moron twit @85. Unlike vomit man’s Puddy attack above @83, Puddy delivered Janell’s take down by another black libtard DUMMOCRETIN on PMSNBC.
Too bad the truth blinds you to the FACTS! It’s you who can’t expand your libtard horizons and stay off left tard sites at your posting peril!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
I won’t vote for him, because of his positions on issues are too conservative. – moronic twit above!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! You won’t vote for him because he’s a black Bible believing conservative!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Seems the moronic twit @86 is way smarter than the vomit man @79.
Seems the vomit man couldn’t find Dr Ben’s wonderful positions while the moronic twit knew right where to look. Proves once again what we already knew about vomit man. He’s an IDIOT!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@79 Carson’s breathtaking self-worship is almost amusing.
“Choosing the single nuttiest part of Ben Carson’s Republican presidential platform is incredibly challenging – there are just so many options to choose from. … But if we’re ranking the most ridiculous recommendations, Carson’s plans to ‘monitor’ political speech on college campuses has to be near the top. To briefly recap, … he doesn’t want to shut down the federal Department of Education; he’d prefer to turn it into an investigatory body in which it would ‘monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias.’ If a Carson administration decided it disapproved of the ‘extreme’ political speech on a university campus, the school would lose its federal funding.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sure sounds like he’s channeling Joe McCarthy from beyond the grave. What’s next? A brand-new “Star Wars” program to develop weapons for shooting down UFOs and black helicopters?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 “When all else fails … ad hominem attack Puddy.”
You make it so easy …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@88 “You won’t vote for him because he’s a black Bible believing conservative!”
What are you talking about? I’ll bet he voted for Obama, who’s a black Bible believing conservative.
Wherein Piddles thinks falling Hook, Line and Sinker for an Onion-like story, weaving it into one’s personal narrative as if it actually happened two years after one read about it is laudable.
Too Damn Funny.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@94 Why should we expect a credulous tool to be anything but a credulous tool?
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Did crackerjack box dr checkmate write anything useful @94? What crackerjack box dr checkmate wrote way above was Dr Ben lied about the event. Now crackerjack box dr checkmate train wrecks again! When caught try and move those goalposts!
Sad and so typical!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
And what do we see from Roger senile @95?
Doesn’t remember what the crackerjack box dr checkmate first wrote in the thread. Look at the last statements and run with it no matter if the left wrong libtard just contradicted themselves! Of course not… Roger senile forgets the last 15 minutes ever 15 minutes.
Sad and so typical of of middle stage 1 of Alzheimer’s!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Roger senile @92,
Because you can’t refute the presented FACTS!
The prosecution rests your honor!
Distant Replayspews:
Anyway, this isn’t about the campaign for the nomination and never has been. If that were true, Carson would be responding to these challenges very differently. Carson’s appeal is a specific and narrow one. His personal narrative is key to it. At this point I have no doubt that this personal narrative is the product of careful planning in consultation with experts like Williams and others. And while this personal narrative is a powerful element in his rise in the polls and his appeal to small contributors, it would never have been enough to get him through Super Tuesday – remember it is blue state Republicans who select the nominee. Carson has done almost nothing to expand his appeal beyond the likes of The Fuckwad. A smart candidate strategy would have been too admit to a small bit of embellishment and imprecision and move on. The story would have died on Friday.
So why lash out at the media? Because this isn’t about the nomination. It is about solidifying and ultimately monetizing the narrow appeal crafted into his personal narrative. His myth of the exceptional person who rises above his circumstances through faith, grit, and McCarthy era values is key to that narrow appeal. I’m far more impressed with Carson than I am with his followers. They remind me of the pro wrestling fans who bought Andy Kaufman.
88. Puddy doesn’t agree with the message, so he claims the message really was something else that supports his feelings of victimhood and persecution!
93 Why do you think puddy has such a hard time with the concept of people choosing a candidate on the content of their character (and policy positions), and not the color of their skin?
HooBoy. Piddles is on fire!
So according to one person who wasn’t there and doesn’t know if Dr. Ben was there it may be sort of true. But hang on. The article says the prank happened in 1970. Dr. Ben would have been a Sophomore in college but he clains it was 1972 when he was a Jr. The class he claims this happened was 300 level psych. Really? A Sophomore is taking 300 level courses outside his chosen major? How much of this can be allowble “getting wrong.”
“So I may have gotten the number or the class wrong.” or words to that effect, Dr. Carson.
Here’s the funny thing about memory. People tend to remember the very very unusual. I can tell you the exact class I was taking, the professor’s name, what building the test was in and what time of day it started the day in my Freshman year I showed up for a final only to find that someone had screwed up the scheduling and had my class in the same 300 person hall as another class of 200 or so students who showed up to take a Women’s Studies final. (See I even remember what the OTHER clas was.) Ask me to remember any of my other Freshman sruvey professors and I can’t do it. But I remember everything about this one becuase, well, trying to take a final on the floor becuase there are 450-500 people in a room with 300 seats is something you don’t forget. Yet Dr. Ben would have you believe that what he claimed happened his memory is fuzzy. No chance he remembers vivid details about the one time in college his test burned up and he had to do it again. Nope, some of the memories are a tad innacurate.
Well that inspires confidence, doesn’t it.
Here’s the other thing. No one pulls a prank and then fails to take credit. So you have two choices. Dr. Ben is either lying about the whole thing or long after the hoax has been revealed is still telling the story to friends and colleagues as if it was a real thing that he should be proud of.
Falling for a hoax and decades later pointing to it as a proud moment of one’s life….instills confidence.
“President Carson, You’re shoe is untied. Ha, Made you look!” Xi Jinping.
“Presdient Carson, because you are so great, here is a cetemonial vase for you to display in the Oval Office. Why that thing that looks like a lens and transmitter, it is no matter. It is an honesty meter and we expect it to off the charts for you. It blinks when you speak directly the truth into it.” Vladimir Putin.
Currently, there are approximately 500,000 children in foster care in the United States. It’s estimated that 120,000 are eligible for adoption. With over 400,000 churches in the United States, if one person in every 3rd church would say “I’ll take one” all of the children would have a home.
Instead social conservatives are up at arms over the Starbucks red cup!
University Study: Kids From Religious Households Are Bigger Assholes Than Free Thinking Peers
Summery, the more fundamentalist you are, the more unpleasant the kids, but if it makes christians feel better, muslims tended to be worse
Meanwhile friends of Triple Pressure Packed Steve and vomit man are at it again…
Wow moronic twit @2… That’s powerful reading material you possess
Seems the Gas, Bloating, Constipation or an Upset Stomach has gone to your head so “Please Watch This” video…
Soooooo no wonder it took over 24 hours to identify crackerjack box dr checkmate’s friend Faisal Mohammed at UC Merced. He was on a terror watch list and the school dithered?
So the local law enforcement community is calling it as they see it while the Obummer sadministration loves to deny moooslim terrorist attacks. Butt they’ll go to court to ensure moooslim drivers get their $240 LARGE for their own career choices!
And of course real news is always missing from the Friday Night Comix!
So in Seattle, it’s basically official… the socialist beat a black woman… Sees socialism trumps voting for the black candidate. Who knew white DUMMOCRETINS loved socialism more than black peeps?
Who knew?
@3 Not this country or this culture! How about paying attention to Americans, instead of going to the other side of the world for your outrage points? Like how racist American conservatives can be.
We liked the content of her character, not the color of her skin.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King
We liked the content of her character, not the color of her skin.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King
It’s good thing I don’t have a Twitter account. Because if I did I would get a Starbuck’s cup and write “Shove Christmas Up Your Fucking Ass” on it and post it.
@1 no, life is to precious, only if you are fetus….maybe we need have a bill called fetus adoption instead of personhood.
I’m sure Puffy is right in line to adopt a few of the oreo ones.
Starbucks came out with plain, unadorned, coffee cops for this holiday season. So guess what that means? They’re “waging war on Christmas.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some people have too much time on their hands.
The other day on the Bill Maher show on HBO….Republican guest(s), one of which was David Frum, were discussing the new statistic that white men between 40-50 having a high death rate…the republicans said it was because those people were single and of non religion…some of which were suicides.
Well, a friend of mine, who lives a nice affluent town, that is 50/50 dem/repub but more so republican, told me a while ago, that two of his neighbors, both married, in the 40-50 range, committed suicide…..
So not sure Frum knows what he’s talking about.
Anyone still want to argue that these self-proclaimed Christians aren’t trying to shove their religion down everyone else’s throats? That’s what it’s really all about. They’re the same kind of religious dictators our ancestors emigrated to the New World to escape from. Put ’em on a ship and send ’em back to Europe and let ’em fight with each other there. Just leave us alone.
@12 Off the top of my head, I can think of half a dozen people I used to know who committed suicide, including a family member, one of my Vietnam buddies, two of my law school classmates, and two neighbors. I wonder if it’s contagious? Or maybe it’s my personality?
@2 “if it makes christians feel better, muslims tended to be worse”
I suspect it’s just a matter of time before some r/w fundies, infuriated by Starbucks’ plain red coffee cups, begin cutting people’s heads off with kitchen knives.
Well, they can hate on Starbucks all they want, while I skip and laugh and sing on my way to the bank. My Starbucks stock is worth 50 times what I paid for it. There are a lot of Starbucks millionaires in Seattle … and I’d bet Pudpacker ain’t one of ’em. That poor slob still has to work.
@6 So are you calling Sawant white, or are you hating on brown people? Just curious.
Funny how freedom of speech is so defended, where anyone can say anything regardless of how un PC or offensive…..but god for sake leaving the snowflakes off the coffee cup, that is a federal offense and not freedom of expression or speech.
So “God hates fags” is religious like and acceptable but a red cup without snowflakes is unacceptable. No wonder these loons love ISIS.
Wow Piddles. Funny how you LOVE official Law Enforcement sources….sometimes.
No, A conspiracy web-site says he is on the watchlist. No official from U.C. or Merced Police have confirmed in fact, they have expressed much doubt about what you are insinuating.
But the fact from why I brought it up remains. He didn’t have a gun. None of his victims dies. But then these kinds of incidents are never, never, never, EVER about the ability of the criminal to get a gun.
That the winner is also an ethnic minority is totally lost on Piddles. Wasn’t it just a couple days ago he was touting Dr. Ben as more authentically Black?
@19 Speaking of Dr. Ben (and the other GOP clowns), Bernie Sanders helps put things in perspective for us:
“On her worst day, Hillary Clinton will be an infinitely better candidate and President than the Republican candidate on his best day.”
I wonder if Ben Carson is his real name? I wonder if he’s Frank Abignale in black makeup?
And then there’s Marco …
” … it’s going to be hard for a lot of voters to relate to a guy who was charging personal expenses on a Republican Party credit card while paying his wife out of his PAC funds while earning $300,000 a year as a lawyer in addition to his salary as a member of the Florida state House … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The difficulty I see ahead for Republicans is finding a candidate who isn’t corrupt.
When public opinion throws you under the bus, your last line of defense is to claim the people are lying to the pollsters about what they really think.
Serial fabircator wants to be president.
“SEE, SEE, SEE this ad from WAY after when I said it happened calls it a scholarship. Ergo, I got a scholarship to which I never applied.”
The excuses are starting to sound familiar.
“I did not fall for a Hoax Story about Hoax destroyed exams a couple years before I had the actual thing happen to me and got me named “Most Honest.” I swear this thing wasn’t apocraphal. IT WAS REAL. Beleive me, I have the fake article to show you to PROVE it happened for reals.”
I haven’t seen anything unravel like this since my reel spooled out all 7,000 feet of 10lb test that time I hooked the 495 lb marlin in the Arctic Ocean. I had him on the boat but none of us had a camera and I only catch and release. But I swear to you it was the biggest fish you ever saw.
@21 I’d start asking for the Birth Certificate.
He is another of those Kenyan impostors!!!!
I’ve seen his Kenyan birth certificate.
It’s posted on the Internet so it’s got to be true!!!
Brian Williams was there for the birth so it’s all good.
I’m sure Puffy thinks this is bad and Obama’s fault, the Russian Putin Lover that he is.
So much for that Carson hit eh libtards?
Also, SurveyUSA poll has Carson beating Clinton by 9 POINTS in Minnesota.
So much for the DUMMOCRETIN take out attempt eh libtard morons?
P O L I T I C O EPIC FAYLE. So crackerjack box dr checkmate, keep screaming:
It’s Working!
It’s Working! – Anakim Skywalker!
That the winner is also an ethnic minority is totally lost on Puddy.
Wrong crackerjack box dr checkmate. If Goldy was the candidate socialism would win! Socialism trumps the black candidate!
So wrong for so long! Did you read that on AEI crackerjack box dr checkmate?
Seems gorilla turds @29 doesn’t care 225 people are now gone because of the JV planting a bomb on an airliner!
Such progressive compassion eh gorilla turds?
Once again, Glenn Beck is 10000000000000000000000% correct.
Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS aren’t covering this, because hey, Ana works on CNN!
@30 “Also, SurveyUSA poll has Carson beating Clinton by 9 POINTS in Minnesota.”
At this point, I’m not ruling out the possibility that people who don’t give a damn about truth, reality, or facts might elect our next national leader. The Bible warned us such a day would come. The Book of Revelations doesn’t quite say “Republican voters” but you can read it between the lines.
Oh, and while you’re at it, you might want to take a look at this, especially the interesting chart.
Now this video segment between the master interrupter and Rachel MadCow is precious!!!
Puddy didn’t visit mediaite that day, butt there was something specifically for crackerjack box dr checkmate last week…
If You Really Think Four Republican Senators Are in the KKK, You’re a Fool – Well… crackerjack box dr checkmate is more than a fool! He’s a DAYUM FOOL!
Here’s how Nate Silver currently sees the odds:
Rubio — 45 percent
Cruz — 10 percent
Bush — 9 percent
Kasich — 8 percent
Carson — 6 percent
Trump — 6 percent
Christie — 5 percent
Fiorina — 3 percent
Graham — <1 percent
Pataki — <1 percent
Huckabee — 1 percent
Jindal — 1 percent
Paul — 1 percent
Santorum — 1 percent
Other — 4 percent
And yet here you are seven days later still talking about it.
“True or not…”
Remember this lead from the HA DUMMOCRETIN head buffoons last week about Obummer and Republican Candidates and Putin… Well Rick Santorum puts it into a correct perspective…
When Santorum is right you have to say he’s right!
Yes crackerjack box dr checkmate, Puddy enjoys smacking your silly ASS every day with FACTUAL material!
AEI boi!
Michael the Mooron defending Quentin Tarantino… “Has any white person in this town, in the industry, stood up for Quentin Tarantino? The white guy stuck his neck out there and they’re trying to chop it off.” http://www.hollywoodreporter.c.....ity-838095
The real hilarity is Michael Mooron calling hisself a “celebrity”, let alone the white privilege argument! Of course we can’t forget the divorce coverup to shut up his ex over his extravagances…
And of course… because hey, when you are rich you got yours so ensure they can’t get yours or theirs in the future!
Now which thread diarrhea HA DUMMOCRETIN claimed to go to University of Missouri again?
That DAYUM’d white privilege keeps popping again!
How come there are no black thread creators on HA DUMMOCRETINS? All this white privilege being demonstrated every day! Why not have rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears attempt a thread? At least for comic relief?
Libtard universities are reaping what they’ve sown all these years…
That DAYUM white privilege!
Puddy remembered that DAYUM white privilege when invoked on the DUKE lacrosse team. Yeah butt that wasn’t real white privilege after all!
And 85% of the general reporters/correspondents vote and give to DUMMOCRETINS!
@37 No crazier than calling the Southern Poverty Law Center a “hate group.”
@40 So what’s Santorum’s concept of “taking on radical world leaders”? Bombing Russian insurgents in Ukraine and shooting down Russsian jets in Syria? Invading Subi and Mischief Reefs in the South China Sea? You know, stupid, some of us want the occupant of the White House to be someone who isn’t drunk, crazy, suicidal, or all three. Why do Republicans hate diplomacy? Why do Republicans hate peace? Why do Republicans want us all dead (themselves included)? Does this all flow back to that Rapture fantasy?
@45 “More than 90 percent of D.C. journalists vote Democratic”
Is that all? Journalists are trained to think objectively and report accurately. Finding a journalist who votes Republican is like finding a scientist who doesn’t believe global warming is real. I suppose there are a few out there, but it’s not a natural fit.
While I have no doubt that editors and publishers at Politico are happy to see Carson gone, to suggest that these guys are hippies is laugh-out-loud ridiculous. They’re Bush and Reagan people through and through. Family members, club members, ex-employees, and business partners. Carson’s demise, if it is the result of some “dark conspiracy”, is a right wing project. Blaming it on the hippies is just another false flag op created to stir the bible thumpers up, and hopefully motivate them to turn out for one of the “approved” Republicans.
“More than 90 percent of D.C. journalists vote Democratic”
I’ve known three traditional, J-school graduate, major daily print journalists in my life. And not one of them voted. Ever. Not until after they had retired or moved out of straight journalism and into column work, essay work, or opinion. As long as they were paid to report straight news, they did not participate in politics in any way. That was their ethic. Admittedly old fashioned. But the professional cannons of their time dictated it. I’m surprised the newspaper of record for the Unification Church found it so easy to discover the political habits of DC journalists.
Of course, the survey methodology of the underlying research might be suspect. Participants volunteered themselves to take part in the lengthy survey. The overall response rate was below one third. So some fairly aggressive selection bias at work, regardless of whatever the authors suggest. Further complicating matters is the ambition of the authors to extend the work of other researchers dating back to the early 70s, Thus, the chosen definition for “journalist” is exceptionally narrow and dated by modern standards.
Here’s what we know so far about the two cops who fatally shot an autistic 6-year-old boy:
“According to The Town Talk newspaper in Alexandria, Louisiana, Stafford was indicted in 2011 on two counts of aggravated rape. The Town Talk reported that both cases were dismissed without prejudice in 2012. One of the incidents dated back to 2004. The other occurred while Stafford was employed by the Marksville Police Department, where he has worked for eight years. … Stafford has been named as a defendant in five civil lawsuits, including at least one related to the use of excessive force. That particular case is still pending. Greenhouse Jr. has also been named in a civil lawsuit related to the use of excessive force. That case is still pending.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How do people like this manage to get hired as police officers? Something’s wrong with police recruiting.
Jeb! Bush comes out in favor of abortion, and even infanticide, in certain circumstances.
The guy’s been dead for 70 years and people still want to kill him. You gotta work at it to be hated so much. Killing millions of people will do it — something our wingnut friends should think about before starting a war with Russia.*
* The right has been itching to fight a war with Russia since the 1950s or earlier, blithely assuming they would win, and apparently not considering they might get annihilated with the rest of us.
So anyone care to have a get together outside of a particular church with our recently Starbuck cups firmly on display. If you don’t drink coffee you can enjoy tea or even decaf, You can come join us Puddy though it’s likely your church ranks high in the ranking of potential locations for this HA crowd event.
And yes I’m being a horses ass. Still fun for all if folks are interested.
@14 Not contagious but all too common. Suicide is one place where religion can help some individuals if they seek out help, Suicide is after all a taboo subject in our society. It’s something we are all uncomfortable talking about. Even when the signs are caught a determined person can succeed in killing themselves or worst turning themselves into a vegetable. It’s something that human beings do, and in some societies are expected to do under certain circumstances. It would seem to be something an all knowing loving god would quickly eliminate, yet God in this case seems to match up with the God of Job.
Perhaps we should demand to see Mr. Carson’s college records to see if he ever took the course Hoaxing for Fun and Profit a Yale Guide to future Presidential Candidates. I’ve heard both Bush’s took the course while out celebrating with Geronimo.
Not too good on math are you. One is a magic number and therefore you can never have more that 100% of one. I know sports stars like to exaggerate in giving 110%, but most folks give athletes at bit of a pass, and most people aren’t too good at math themselves. So please a little less exaggeration.
@40 That’s right watching Donald Trump at question period every Wednesday would be entertaining enough to vote for him. Too bad we don’t have question period. A parliamentary system would simply kick Trump up to the upper house. An hour that would not silence Trump, but fewer would listen.
Hey Puffy – here is one of your right wing coocoo’s. – one of your friends.
@50 Pop Rabbit was a reporter for a big-city daily for nearly 40 years, and as far as I know, he voted. I’m pretty sure he did. He also engaged in advocacy — not for any party or candidate; he was a “good government” guy who went on TV talk shows to argue for government reforms, some of which were adopted because of his advocacy. By the time of his death, at age 99, he was a legendary figure among the newsies of that town. Of course, he never had much time to be a father to his 133,247 young bunnies …
@55 When my next door neighbor was old, blind, ill, and in great pain, he found a hunting rifle useful when God didn’t come calling for him in a timely fashion. By the way, if you ever find me unconscious inside a burning car, don’t resuscitate me, just push the car off a cliff.
“Anyone still want to argue that these self-proclaimed Christians aren’t trying to shove their religion down everyone else’s throats?”
The “War on Christmas” is about extremist Christians whining their way to an American theocracy. Heh. As though their whining has gotten them anything yet.
Happy holidays, ya batshit crazy wingnuts!
Could someone translate Pud’s rants for me? I mean, someone out there must speak crazy, right?
Anyone seen Bob lately? It’d be too funny to see that troll opine on the “fiscal responsibility” of Marco Rubio who, to a klownservatic, obviously “understands capitalism”..
LMAO!!! Too funny this klown kar shit!
Seems Dr Carson’s telling of the prank was true at Yale after all crackerjack box dr checkmate! This is why Puddy loves SMACKING your silly ASS around!
Sux to be you crackerjack box dr checkmate!
Remember that composite white girlfriend of Obummer was only learned after Obummer became president.
There was no real scrutiny. Another rake face!
Journalists are trained to think objectively and report accurately.
Apparently they forgot that training when they were hired by DUMMOCRETIN firms Roger senile!
How do you know lib the racist unscientist is a historical moron @50?
He writes gibberish with no basis in FACT. You can ask the crazed clueless databaze cretin for this previously
You’ve been here for years lib the racist unscientist. The more you post the more you prove to all you are as much of an idiot as crackerjack box dr checkmate!
Sux to be you too!
Appelate Federal Court smacked Obummer’s illegal illegal immigration plan just like the Federal court did!
Congress makes laws not Obummer!
A new Federal Reserve study finds that rent rises faster at the lowest end of the rental market. The reason is obvious: Developers build for affluent, not poor, renters; so most of the apartment supply increase is at the high end of the market.
Putting specific numbers on it, from 1989 to 2013, new construction supplied 10.8 million units targeted for the high-end rental market, and only 3.1 million units targeted to low-income renters. And from 2011 to 2013, average rents increased 16% in the lowest rent quintile and -0.4% in the top quintile.
In 2015, annual rent increases have averaged above 5% all year, and property managers expect rent increases to average 8% in 2016. CNBC calls it “just another brick in the wall for U.S. renters.”
I’ve read a lot of articles about housing recently, and it’s clear to me that rental housing is a death trap for your finances. Rents are soaring, and they’re going to keep soaring — that’s what everyone in the industry says.
I’m well aware that many renters don’t have a choice. Millennials are burdened by student debt and having trouble finding steady well paid work. Loans are cheap, but lending standards are tougher, and cheap mortgages don’t do you any good if you can’t qualify for them. But there’s also some lifestyle stuff going on; many younger people are choosing to rent for various reasons. That’s fine, but they need to be aware that large annual rent increases are almost certain for years to come — and not just in Seattle, which has a severe housing shortage, but everywhere. This is a national phenomenon.
It has always been more expensive to rent than own, and always will be, because as a renter you have all the costs of ownership — the landlord has to pass these on to you, in order to stay in business — PLUS you have to pay the landlord his profit.
It doesn’t always make sense to own your home. If your job situation is unstable, or you have to relocate frequently, or you expect your household size to change, or you need flexibility for any other reason, it’s generally much easier and cheaper to move from one rental to another than it is to sell a house and buy another house. That’s not saying it’s either easy or cheap for renters to move, but there are high transaction costs associated with buying and selling homes, not to mention it’s stressful and consumes a great deal of your time, so it’s best to take the plunge on ownership only when you’re fairly certain of staying put for many years to come.
But when you’ve reached that point in life, the advantages of ownership are overwhelming. With a fixed-rate mortgage, your monthly payment will never go up; and if you resist the temptation to tap your equity, someday there’ll be no mortgage payment. This often coincides with retirement, and thus comes at a very opportune time, when you’re adjusting to living on a smaller income. You’ll still have other housing expenses that are subject to inflation, but nothing like rent inflation. The cost of living in owner-occupied housing goes up much more slowly than rental housing.
You’ll have much space than any rental offers — more rooms, bigger rooms, more storage, yard space, parking space. And no landlord on your back. You can paint, remodel, knock out walls and reconfigure spaces, at will — and not everything in a house has to cost a ton of money. You can repaint old kitchen cabinets and put new handles on them for about $300 – $400. A few years ago, I completely remodeled two bathrooms for around $6,500. I put new cabinets in one, and recycled the cabinets in the other one — they’re a different color now (white instead of natural oak), they have new handles, and they’re augmented by new light fixtures, mirrors, and towel racks.
Like most people and rabbits, I was a renter when I was young, and I don’t know about you but I hated it. I’ll never go back to renting. Why should I? I own my burrow outright, have no bank or landlord to keep happy, it costs me only a few hundred $$$ a month to live here — and I’m almost totally insulated from the housing storms going on around me.
Everyone once in a while, one of my neighbors dies or moves, and his burrow goes on the market and gets sold the same day for way above the asking price, and I’m vicariously reminded of just how bad things are for people who are at mercy of the vicious housing market we now have in this country.
Why did this happen? Very simple. When housing crashed, new construction ground to a halt, but population growth didn’t, so we’re now stuck with a housing shortage of epic proportions that will take years to fix. Meantime, there’s no relief in sight for homeseekers.
@69 What laws has Congress made lately? This Congress doesn’t do a damn thing. I can’t think of a single piece of legislation they’ve passed that the president would sign. If you look closely at photos of the Oval Office you’ll see cobwebs on his pen set.
“Could someone translate Pud’s rants for me? I mean, someone out there must speak crazy, right?”
No such luck. It turned out that nobody’s decoder ring works with babbling jackasses. Everything he writes comes out as, “Batshit crazy Loon!”, “Batshit crazy Loon!”, “Batshit crazy Loon!”.
@68 “You’ve been here for years lib the racist unscientist.”
And you haven’t? The only living organism in the Milky Way who wastes more time in this blog than you is me, as measured by number of posts. When it comes to squatting over a keyboard pounding out useless HA diatribes, your only real competitor is one old, fat, and lazy rabbit. Be sure to put that on your resume the next time you’re looking for a job. It can’t fail to impress.
@72 Frankly, I don’t think there’s anybody there, only a computer programmed to cut and paste the same canned comment over and over.
Man the crackerjack box dr checkmate smackdowns continue… crackerjack box dr checkmate loves reading his crackerjack box left wrong sites… Puddy provides the proof!
Puddy could have used Buzzfeed butt the Washington Times is way better!
Can you say smackdown?
S M A C K D O W N!
The prosecution rests your honor. crackerjack box dr checkmate is still a moron!
Meanwhile this is so true about the DUMMOCRETIN led media…
The libtard left wrong DUMMOCRETIN media tries to pull an Aqib Talib eye poke of a black conservative, especially if he’s a Christian! So far the left wrong media has many EPIC FAYLES!
This is fascinating. The reason carson so desperately wants to prove he almost stabbed someone is to keep his meme to conservative white voters that he used to be an angry violent black man, but he has reformed.
“Carson’s up-from-nothing, saved-by-Jesus-and-personal-effort-only story works, primarily with white Republican voters. It works because for some it affirms the conscious or unconscious connections (stereotypes) they draw between blackness, poverty and violence. For others, it demonstrates that Jesus saves. And for others still, it is a narrative that says other, potentially costly social solutions to poverty and violence are not necessary. It says that small government can work.”
If carson’s narrative is not true, then all those assumptions are called into question.
your only real competitor is one old, fat, and lazy rabbit.
You forgot senile!
See ya!
# 77
You notice? Ben Carson’s “campaign” is all about himself, and his alleged personal history. Not one mention of policy, not a single clue as to what his economic ideas could be, not a mention at all of how he will address the real-world issues of crumbling bridges, collapsing education institutions, misguided military spending, and housing shortages caused directly, and deliberately by the banks.
Not one mention at all of what he would actually DO as President. It’s all about himself.
This is fascinating. The reason carson so desperately wants to prove he almost stabbed someone is to keep his meme to conservative white voters that he used to be an angry violent black man, but he has reformed.
Puddy has learned over the years here at HA DUMMOCRETINS… save your ammunition for the moronic twits who post horsesASS manure! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Janell Ross – Twitter feed is “a swamp of extreme-leftism” sez it all about her!
Ummm no it’s not moronic twit @77. Dr Ben is appealing because he’s everything Obummer is not.
Someone attacks Obummer… Obummer becomes vindictive
Someone attacks Carson… Carson proves them wrong by being nice
Someone shines light on Obummer’s past… Libtard press enters cover-up mode
Someone shines light on Carson’s past… Libtard press piles on
You see moronic twit… Janell Ross is a DUMMOCRETIN libtard and she is sooooooooooo far out there even PMSNBC has to reign her in!
See ya! Thanks for playing!
Policies vomit producer… Still pining for the same old policies offered by three old white people in the DUMMOCRETIN party?
Policies vomit man? Apparently you aren’t looking in the right spot. Dr Ben has policy positions. Get off the left wrong sites and you’ll find them. Dr Ben was on O’Reilly last night. Of course vomit man will run to media morons or the putrid morons for their take instead of reading Dr Ben’s own words.
That’s why the vomit man produces EPIC FAYLES on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
@ 80-82
If anything, All Mental Ben is demonstrating to the universe, is that he’s even crazier than you.
And you’re nuttier than a squirrel turd.
When all else fails for the vomit man… ad hominem attack Puddy.
More Saul Alinsky traits in another HA DUMMOCRETIN!
Thanks for playing!
@80 don’t like the message, attack the messenger.
I won’t vote for him, because of his positions on issues are too conservative.
Climate change: The climate change debate is “irrelevant.” Carson is not convinced that global warming is a threat or a proven trend.
Education: We need more school choice.
Guns: Few limits on ownership except for the mentally ill or those convicted of violent crime.
Health care: Replace the Affordable Care Act with health savings accounts. He would eliminate Medicare and Medicaid.
Immigration: Allow undocumented residents access to a national guest worker program if they leave the country first.
Social issues: The Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage is the law of the land. Yet Mr. Carson opposes same-sex marriage. He caused a stir in 2013 when he said in an interview that marriage was “a well-established, fundamental pillar of society, and no group, be they gays, be they Nambla, be they people who believe in bestiality — it doesn’t matter what they are, they don’t get to change the definition.”
Taxes: Establish a flat tax. Eliminate the IRS.
@80 don’t like the message, attack the messenger.
Wrong again moron twit @85. Unlike vomit man’s Puddy attack above @83, Puddy delivered Janell’s take down by another black libtard DUMMOCRETIN on PMSNBC.
Too bad the truth blinds you to the FACTS! It’s you who can’t expand your libtard horizons and stay off left tard sites at your posting peril!
I won’t vote for him, because of his positions on issues are too conservative. – moronic twit above!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! You won’t vote for him because he’s a black Bible believing conservative!
Seems the moronic twit @86 is way smarter than the vomit man @79.
Seems the vomit man couldn’t find Dr Ben’s wonderful positions while the moronic twit knew right where to look. Proves once again what we already knew about vomit man. He’s an IDIOT!
@79 Carson’s breathtaking self-worship is almost amusing.
I especially dig the portrait he had made of himself and Jesus. Can you think of anyone else who has a picture like that in his house?
@82 “Dr Ben has policy positions.”
He sure does. Here’s one:
“Choosing the single nuttiest part of Ben Carson’s Republican presidential platform is incredibly challenging – there are just so many options to choose from. … But if we’re ranking the most ridiculous recommendations, Carson’s plans to ‘monitor’ political speech on college campuses has to be near the top. To briefly recap, … he doesn’t want to shut down the federal Department of Education; he’d prefer to turn it into an investigatory body in which it would ‘monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias.’ If a Carson administration decided it disapproved of the ‘extreme’ political speech on a university campus, the school would lose its federal funding.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sure sounds like he’s channeling Joe McCarthy from beyond the grave. What’s next? A brand-new “Star Wars” program to develop weapons for shooting down UFOs and black helicopters?
@84 “When all else fails … ad hominem attack Puddy.”
You make it so easy …
@88 “You won’t vote for him because he’s a black Bible believing conservative!”
What are you talking about? I’ll bet he voted for Obama, who’s a black Bible believing conservative.
Wherein Piddles thinks falling Hook, Line and Sinker for an Onion-like story, weaving it into one’s personal narrative as if it actually happened two years after one read about it is laudable.
Too Damn Funny.
@94 Why should we expect a credulous tool to be anything but a credulous tool?
Did crackerjack box dr checkmate write anything useful @94? What crackerjack box dr checkmate wrote way above was Dr Ben lied about the event. Now crackerjack box dr checkmate train wrecks again! When caught try and move those goalposts!
Sad and so typical!
And what do we see from Roger senile @95?
Doesn’t remember what the crackerjack box dr checkmate first wrote in the thread. Look at the last statements and run with it no matter if the left wrong libtard just contradicted themselves! Of course not… Roger senile forgets the last 15 minutes ever 15 minutes.
Sad and so typical of of middle stage 1 of Alzheimer’s!
Roger senile @92,
Because you can’t refute the presented FACTS!
The prosecution rests your honor!
Anyway, this isn’t about the campaign for the nomination and never has been. If that were true, Carson would be responding to these challenges very differently. Carson’s appeal is a specific and narrow one. His personal narrative is key to it. At this point I have no doubt that this personal narrative is the product of careful planning in consultation with experts like Williams and others. And while this personal narrative is a powerful element in his rise in the polls and his appeal to small contributors, it would never have been enough to get him through Super Tuesday – remember it is blue state Republicans who select the nominee. Carson has done almost nothing to expand his appeal beyond the likes of The Fuckwad. A smart candidate strategy would have been too admit to a small bit of embellishment and imprecision and move on. The story would have died on Friday.
So why lash out at the media? Because this isn’t about the nomination. It is about solidifying and ultimately monetizing the narrow appeal crafted into his personal narrative. His myth of the exceptional person who rises above his circumstances through faith, grit, and McCarthy era values is key to that narrow appeal. I’m far more impressed with Carson than I am with his followers. They remind me of the pro wrestling fans who bought Andy Kaufman.
88. Puddy doesn’t agree with the message, so he claims the message really was something else that supports his feelings of victimhood and persecution!
93 Why do you think puddy has such a hard time with the concept of people choosing a candidate on the content of their character (and policy positions), and not the color of their skin?
HooBoy. Piddles is on fire!
So according to one person who wasn’t there and doesn’t know if Dr. Ben was there it may be sort of true. But hang on. The article says the prank happened in 1970. Dr. Ben would have been a Sophomore in college but he clains it was 1972 when he was a Jr. The class he claims this happened was 300 level psych. Really? A Sophomore is taking 300 level courses outside his chosen major? How much of this can be allowble “getting wrong.”
“So I may have gotten the number or the class wrong.” or words to that effect, Dr. Carson.
Here’s the funny thing about memory. People tend to remember the very very unusual. I can tell you the exact class I was taking, the professor’s name, what building the test was in and what time of day it started the day in my Freshman year I showed up for a final only to find that someone had screwed up the scheduling and had my class in the same 300 person hall as another class of 200 or so students who showed up to take a Women’s Studies final. (See I even remember what the OTHER clas was.) Ask me to remember any of my other Freshman sruvey professors and I can’t do it. But I remember everything about this one becuase, well, trying to take a final on the floor becuase there are 450-500 people in a room with 300 seats is something you don’t forget. Yet Dr. Ben would have you believe that what he claimed happened his memory is fuzzy. No chance he remembers vivid details about the one time in college his test burned up and he had to do it again. Nope, some of the memories are a tad innacurate.
Well that inspires confidence, doesn’t it.
Here’s the other thing. No one pulls a prank and then fails to take credit. So you have two choices. Dr. Ben is either lying about the whole thing or long after the hoax has been revealed is still telling the story to friends and colleagues as if it was a real thing that he should be proud of.
Falling for a hoax and decades later pointing to it as a proud moment of one’s life….instills confidence.
“President Carson, You’re shoe is untied. Ha, Made you look!” Xi Jinping.
“Presdient Carson, because you are so great, here is a cetemonial vase for you to display in the Oval Office. Why that thing that looks like a lens and transmitter, it is no matter. It is an honesty meter and we expect it to off the charts for you. It blinks when you speak directly the truth into it.” Vladimir Putin.