– I haven’t turned in my ballot in yet, so I sort of feel like Seattlish is yelling at me. I was going to vote Goodspaceguy to protest how Gregoire has been bad in the position. But now that the Seattle GOP endorsed him (and also he has terrible positions as opposed to blah blah space), I don’t want to send the wrong message. Should I leave it blank? Also, I usually just blindly support the tax advisory votes, because it’s dumb that they’re there, but I’m opposed to the marijuana one because it seems like it took a mess and made it messier in an attempt to clean it up. Also, Port of Seattle and Seattle School Board always feel like they’re close to turning a corner, but it never seems to actually get there. Also, why do we vote on judges? That’s kind of dumb.
– It’s really pretty striking how much the ACA has helped states that are willing to accept that help.
Here’s an interesting, if chilling, perspective on the TNC piece about Comey’s claims.
While attending my state’s GOP platform convention I happened to have a pretty good listen to a couple of LE officer’s serious talk about The Ferguson Effect. One of their conclusions was, in all seriousness, that it would serve public safety for a few more white people to be killed or seriously injured in police custody. Presumably as a way to take the heat off.
Fun stuff. Such great people.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention keeps data on fatal injuries from 1999 to 2011 and one category is homicides by legal intervention. The term “legal intervention” covers any situation when a person dies at the hands of anyone authorized to use deadly force in the line of duty.
Over the span of more than a decade, 2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks. When you factor in the population of whites and blacks, the felony rates stand at 330 per 100,000 for whites and 1,178 per 100,000 for blacks. That’s more than a three-fold difference. So more whitey died eh libtard the racist unscientist?
FACTS from Politifact! FACTS
One of the two was a delegate to the State Central Committee. And yes, he was arguing that spilling a bit more blood would be good for public safety. He wore a stars and stripes neck tie and a yellow ribbon. Made me tear up just a bit.
@2 the parody from bizzaro land is great stuff! It’s funny when liberals are cast as villains when they are the only ones doing anything about it! Maybe puddy will claim Hillary built a time machine to personally skewed those statistics and the only one she did wrong was Vince foster
Ben Carson, snake-oil salesman.
“Top Staffer Acknowledges Carson Had ‘Contract’ With Supplement Maker”
“Armstrong Williams told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he negotiated the retired neurosurgeon’s contract himself.”
It’s all about the grift.
Wow, did you do that all by youself? “I looked at two unrelated data points and said, YES! My people should be shot by police more often!”
Here’s a third data point you didn’t examine.
198million White people in America, 2151 killed by police = .00108% of white people were killed by police in the decade
42 million black people in America, 1130 killed by police – .00269% of balck people were killed by police.
(Rounded again) in piddle world 3/100th < 1/100th
GOP solution?
Triple the 1/100th (or at least increase it enough to let the media do the rest).
Note: that bit about the media was right from the GOP horse’s mouth. The state delegate suggested that it wouldn’t really be necessary to kill too many white suspects. He postulated that even a small increase in the number of white suspects killed in police custody, under the right circumstances, would trigger a media frenzy to dwarf Ferguson.
Hudson Freeze, PhD, leading glycobiologist at the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute said this about glyconutrients: “There are authentic, scientific studies that have looked at people drinking these kinds of materials, and it doesn’t really do anything except increase flatulence.”
I wonder who has the sad duty of fitting Dr. Carson with his cork before televised debates?
Fuckwad? (you should be so lucky, eh?)
@2 Inasmuch as reporting of police shootings is voluntary, only a fraction of police shootings are reported, and there is no national database of police shootings, neither the CDC nor DOJ nor you nor me nor anyone else knows how many police shootings there are.
Your figures add up to about 330 per year. Many experts believe the actual number is at least 3 to 4 times that much. An interesting question is whether police shootings of black people are under reported; it makes sense that police who are more likely to kill black people are less likely to report it.
Meanwhile, police deaths are at an all-time low. The best available data suggest that roughly 10 civilians are killed by police for every cop killed by a civilian. So cops are definitely winning the body count contest, if you want to call it that.
Of course blacks have a higher felony rate. Everyone has to eat somehow, and if you can’t get a legitimate job because of racial discrimination, another way is by dealing drugs. Also, whites don’t go to prison (or get gunned down) for shoplifting $5 of cigars, selling loose cigarets on street corners, or Walking Whlle Black.
So, Puddy, take your bogus statistics and stuff them up your ass, you racist pig.
@3 Personally, I’ve never met a Republican who didn’t want to kill somebody. They’re all sociopaths.
@5 “It’s all about the grift.”
And lying. Don’t leave out the lying part! This makes at least two of the leading GOP candidates who’ve been caught in major lies about their personal background since the last debate.
There’s a possible silver lining to pathological liars like Carson and Rubio; namely, there’s a chance their campaign promises are lies, too. For example, Carson might not actually turn the U.S. Department of Education into a Gestapo for rooting liberal professors out of our public universities if he somehow wins the presidency (for details see http://handbill.us/?p=61492).
@6 2.5:1, without counting the unreported ones.
wait now. You can’t call The Fuckwad racist because he’s pretend black. That’s a rule. For sure.
lying is what a good Teapublican candidate does in order to sound “Conservative”.
@7 Actually, Republicans could achieve their objectives without more police-inflicted bloodshed if they could persuade the liberal media to cooperate by not reporting police killings of blacks. If nobody knows about it, there’s no Ferguson Effect, right? So if it becomes necessary to kill more whites in order to purge the racial discrimination element from the police occupation of our communities, it will be the liberal media’s fault.
@8 Reminds me of a hoary old joke I heard while in college involving an elephant, a trained monkey, and a cork.
@14 I can call him anything I want to. Especially when it’s true.
@2 what’s the republican policy for dealing with the disparity of death rate? How do they propose to bring it down?
“Of course blacks have a higher felony rate.”
What are you saying Roger senile? The Great DUMMOCRETIN Society programs copied and pasted without attribution by the very moronic twit in the Debate thread aren’t working so you condone blacks committing the crimes? You claim since they eat they have to steal, commit robberies, shoot others to live cities led by DUMMOCRETINS? Well well well thanks for proving DUMMOCRETIN led programs are worthless.
Thanks for making the white DUMMOCRETIN point from Politifact using CDC data Roger senile! Politifact is DUMMOCRETIN and run by white peeps!
Police killings are under reported with the social media and camera phones and “Call Jesse Jones” types out there? Really Roger senile? With Al NotSoSharpton or Jesse HiJackson just waiting to go to the next Ferguson?
Walked right into that trap!
“Reince Preibus Has Hissy Fit Over ‘Mean CNBC’, Cancels Upcoming NBC Debate”
Wingnuts love to talk tough, yet we’re presently seeing them flee for their lives from the NAZI COMMIE FASCIST SOCIALIST DUMMOCRETIN scum debate moderators at NBC.
It’s not like nobody noticed.
“Twitter hilariously mocks RNC ‘babies’ for talking tough about Putin — but fleeing NBC debates”
(Rounded again) in piddle world 3/100th < 1/100th
Wow crackerjax box dr checkmate… ..00108% is 1/100th! Must be that common core math! Amazing how the rest of the HA DUMMOCRETIN hoard just let it go by or it could be no one reads your horsesASS manure BULLSHITTIUM crackerjax box dr checkmate!
Well since most of the idiotic ones responded to crackerjax box dr checkmate; it means they are common core math proponents too!
“Obviously when the Washington Speakers Bureau books you to go and give a speech,” he said, “sometimes you may not always know all the details because there are some things that are negotiated that you’re unaware of. Like the script.”
As Puddy wrote yesterday about this is what the libtards are screaming about the “contract”. More much ado about nothing!
That’s the libtard’s smoking gun. Yesirree, they got Dr Ben! A libtard rag ignored by conservatives. Jim Geraghty is the new material source for TPM. Who knew?
“So, Puddy, take your bogus statistics and stuff them up your ass, you racist pig.”
Yet another head explosion. Thank you, Roger!
Isis shuts down women’s clinics in Raqqa
How is this different than the southern states?
If the republicans are terrified of a less than favorable debate moderator, how the hell can they handle ISIS or China or Russia?
“After the election is over, we’re all on the same team. We’re on the American team. It’s time to come together, roll up our sleeves, start solving our problems!” – Heilary Clinton…
Butt butt butt if Republicans are the enemy how can she square that lie? Well Joe BiteME did blow her ugly comment out of the water!
Remember this is the same guy lying DUMMOCRETINS claimed would throw granny over the cliff… http://opportunitylives.com/sp.....l-journey/
“You meet a lot of people who play the part. [Read here libtard DUMMOCRETINS] Like, ah, okay, photo-op, let’s go get this picture. He was, no. Paul was just genuine, man. You could feel his compassion for people. You could see he really genuinely cares about people. It’s not just a job for him. It’s a passion for him.” – “Outcry in the Barrio” Program Director and Pastor Jubal Garcia. This groups works on people with additions.
“Butt butt butt if Republicans are the enemy”
Meanwhile in Benghazi, Heilary didn’t think they were needed… http://www.mcesg.marines.mil/
@20 “so you condone blacks committing the crimes?”
No, and I don’t condone your bullshit just because you’re black, either — same principle. What I’m saying is blacks get arrested for things whites don’t get arrested for, and blacks go to prison for offenses that whites get probation or diversion for, and blacks get gunned down by cops who don’t shoot whites for doing the same thing, and this racism in our criminal justice system skews the statistics that you seem to think “prove” blacks commit more and worse crimes.
Would you like me to spell it out for you, so that you — with your 3rd grade IQ — can clearly understand it? If, other things being equal, cops shoot blacks more frequently than whites, that’s due to racism, not blacks being more criminal by nature. Comprende? Nah, you understand nothing.
Comment @23 is without a doubt, one of the best examples to demonstrate the Teapublican reality delusion. Not only do Teapublicans have their own Unicornstitution, we now see they have their own Mythamatics.
Fuckwad cherry picks data, gets the math completely wrong, and still insists on it.
Oh no boots on the ground… http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/30/.....index.html
Seems Obummer didn’t listen to reason a few years ago so now its gone nukular! ISIS must have moved to the varsity squad!
Maybe we’re sending our best special forces to arm wrestle the Russian spetsnaz special forces.
It takes a special person to get up and lie in front of the media like Josh NotSoEarnest does every day!
“If the republicans are terrified of a less than favorable debate moderator, how the hell can they handle ISIS or China or Russia?”
Actually, as Carson flames out for lying his ass off about being a snake-oil salesman, Putin will likely be the next to move up in the polls for the GOP nomination.
What I’m saying is blacks get arrested for things whites don’t get arrested for, and blacks go to prison for offenses that a white would get probation or diversion for, and this racism in our criminal justice system skews the statistics.
You only say it when your real BULLSHITTIUM is called on display for what it is every day by Puddy! Its correction after correction!
What I’m saying is blacks get arrested for things whites don’t get arrested for, and blacks go to prison for offenses that a white would get probation or diversion for, and this racism in our criminal justice system skews the statistics.
You only say it when your real racist BULLSHITTIUM is called on display for what it is every day by Puddy! Its correction after correction!
you forgot this one:
African Americans are investigated for crimes disproportionately when compared to whites – not just as a proportion of population, but tellingly as a proportion of criminal activity as it relates to race. For example, vehicles driven by whites are statistically more likely to contain things like illegal drugs, open containers of alcohol, illegal weapons, illegal prescription drugs, illegal explosives, stolen belongings, etc. But when police make a traffic stop, they search vehicles driven by African Americans more often. Way more often.
@33 There would be no ISIS if your stupid organ grinder monkey hadn’t invaded Iraq and created a power vacuum.
asked and answered @7.
Cops shoot blacks much more frequently than they shoot whites for doing the same thing.
And why is this Roger senile? Why do we see cops in DUMMOCRETIN cities running wild west style? Why do we see SPD issues from rogue cops like that recently fired police woman?
@33 (continued) “It takes a special person to get up and lie in front of the media like Josh NotSoEarnest does every day!”
Or maybe the situation is fluid and new decisions have to be made when the circumstances have changed, moron. Ya think? Nah, you don’t know how to think. Cripes, you’re dumber than a cinder block.
Would Ben Carson extend the Earned Income Tax Credit to qualifying individual taxpayers without dependents?
Math got your pink panties all in a wad libtard the racist unscientist? Hey you immediately copied the crackerjack box dr checkmate value!
@34 Good point. Putin has all the qualities they’re looking for in a leader.
The new “likely nominee” claims he will extend the EITC.
@35 You’ve corrected no one, and so far you’ve gotten nothing correct, but you’re too ignorant to realize it.
pretty poor example. That bitch is a total Tea-banger. On record, etc.
Or maybe the situation is fluid and new decisions have to be made when the circumstances have changed, moron. Ya think? Nah, you don’t know how to think. Cripes, you’re dumber than a cinder block.
Go back and read how you DUMMOCRETINS treated GW Bush when things changed in the middle east you dense as spent uranium senile moron! Attack attack attack!
Your words… Cripes, you’re dumber than a cinder block. Naaaaah you are stuck on stooooooooopid!
You forgot the attack from certain DUMMOCRETINS on the surge Bush implemented. General Be-tray-us!
Sux to be you Roger senile!
Where’s the proof?
@37 “African Americans are investigated for crimes disproportionately”
I would modify that somewhat. African Americans also are disproportionately investigated for non-crimes, like walking on the sidewalk with your hands in your pockets in freezing weather, which is suspicious behavior only when black people does it.
That’s two examples, if you want more, I probably could find dozens without much effort.
Meanwhile four Americans continue to rot in Iran jails. Nuthin is being done for them butt let’s make sure that nuke deal happens!
Not too long ago conservative pundits also said these kinds of things about Junior. And look where it got us.
@40 “And why is this Roger senile? Why do we see cops in DUMMOCRETIN cities running wild west style? Why do we see SPD issues from rogue cops like that recently fired police woman?”
Oh, and this doesn’t happen in small towns? Or Republican states? It’s only a problem in big cities on the west coast? WTF are you smoking?
@48 War is the Republicans’ solution to everything, and guess what, it never works, and they never learn.
@49 Well, for one thing, she was fired partly for making racist tweets, in case you haven’t been following the news. You can draw inferences about her motives for picking on an elderly black man and lying about him in her police reports, from that or not, depending on your predilections. Why do you hate your own race? Do you spend your evenings trying to bleach your skin white?
“Meanwhile four Americans continue to rot in Iran jails.”
As though the batshit crazy loon and his ilk give a fuck about Americans rotting in jails.
“GOP official admits to faking threats — and an innocent man may have spent 18 years in prison for it”
@56 They certainly don’t give a fuck about a million low-level drug offenders rotting in American prisons. These people would lock up kids for life for smoking a joint in a school parking lot.
The only value those four Americans in Iranian jails have to Republicans is it’s an excuse to start a war with Iran. They couldn’t care less if they get killed by American bombs falling on the jails.
“I would modify that somewhat. African Americans also are disproportionately investigated for non-crimes, like walking on the sidewalk”
Investigated? He was lucky he wasn’t shot dead for ‘walking on the sidewalk while black’.
An interesting question to consider at this stage:
If Rubio becomes the next “likely nominee” as appears to be the case, would hard right Teabaggers fall in line behind him? Enough to make a GOTV difference twelve months from now?
He is younger than them. He is darker than them (The Fuckwad not withstanding). He fluently converses in a language other than English. His brother-in-law is a convicted drug trafficker. His flip-flopping on immigration reform leaves him in open warfare with the largest Latino media company in America. He is on record defying the extreme right on any number of issues. Will they fall in line behind him?
prepare for the Kryptonite attack!
Republicans not only hate America, they hate each other.
“I believe @Reince just doubled his approval rating with the grassroots from 1% to 2%.”
ISIS and Republicans. Each want to kill Americans.
“Republicans to rally for ‘liberty’ with pastor who defends death penalty for gays”
Another summit speaker, Joel McDurmon, said Uganda didn’t go far enough, claiming that while “homosexuality should receive the death penalty,” he wished Uganda would “also make the death penalty for adultery and for other things.”
Apparently the “liberty” Republicans seek is the freedom to kill Americans.
These people would lock up kids for life for smoking a joint in a school parking lot.
Oh so those draconian drug laws in DUMMOCRETINS states were conceived by Republicans? So all of those Clinton laws he signed with a DUMMOCRETIN led Congress were from Republicans? Hmmm… Wee Willy The Female Flavored Cigar Man said:
Those DAYUM pesky FACTS! Keep slapping HA DUMMOCRETINS silly!
Oh Triple Pressure Packed Steve… You got it wrong… Republicans want to destroy this group. Obummer still thinks they are JV… http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/09/.....=obnetwork
You and your ilk jock strap these monsters.
But what do Republican candidates in the various states have to say about the War On Drugs today? What does the “likely nominee” have to say?
Rubio has said that G-men should carry out marijuana possession enforcement in states like Washington that have legalized weed. Sounds like an efficient use of taxpayer resources to me. Yup.
In fact, pretty much all the GOP “front runners” are pushing for increased federal enforcement of pot laws in Washington State, California, Oregon, Colorado, etc.
State’s rights: Teabagger style!
Meanwhile Obummer’s TSA strikes again… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....gerie.html
Rubio has tried to leave the door open for medical weed… sort of.
Florida (which lets face it, is his poker chip in the big game) is gearing up for another vote in 2016. He says he has sympathy for sick people who say they have benefited from weed. So maybe he would tell G-men to lay off the state medical card holders? Seems kinda weird to have them enforcing state laws. And, I dunno, maybe create some equal protection issues?
Oh, right. Unicornstitution.
In fact, is there any evidence to suggest that the political party that once proudly proclaimed that “waterboarding is just how we evangelists baptize terrorists” is likely to be the “kinder, gentler option”? And would unaffiliated swing voters buy any of it?
Admittedly, the scam worked for Junior in 2000. A huge percentage of unaligned, low-information voters bought into his “compassionate conservative” bullshit back then. But really. After all the mass torturing, warrant-less arrests and imprisonment, federal crack downs on, well pretty much everything, couple of wars (still ongoing), spying on the allies, etc, I think that card’s been burned to cinders. And it doesn’t play to their strengths anyway. Hard for men to out-mother a mother. They’ve come on like WWF wrestlers not only because that’s what appeals to their base of glue-sniffers, but because it’s what they think is best to counter punch against a female Democratic nominee.
Pretending that the GOP is some sort of answer to inequality, and excessive policing is just not credible.
Would GOP “the likely nominee” or any of the GOP “front runners” support this kind of police work?
I have no doubt that the typical Teabagger would be absolutely appalled at the idea of American law enforcement ever being this concerned for protecting human life. But what impresses me most is that these British police are quite proud of being able to gain control over this individual without even injuring him.
@ The Schizo @ 63
It was Richard Nixon that started the War on Drugs. It was Ronald Reagan that ramrodded a bill in California to prohibit the open carrying of firearms when the Black panthers started doing so to counter the rampant murder of black citizens in Oakland and Los Angeles, both of which became for all practical purposes, a free-fire zones for the Police.
The CIA and the French imported Vietnamese, Thai and Laotian heroin into the country by the ton, often packed into body bags coming back from Vietnam. Remember the French Connection?
Then they sold it through their connections in the New York, Chicago and Los Angeles mafia, who then distributed it around quite freely. Back then heroin was about $10-20 a deck (thats 1/10th of a gram). When Nixon announced the War on Drugs, nobody told the FBI and their busts were so successful that it caused a near total dryup of heroin in 1973-74, which resulted in a huge crime spike, thereby justifying the War on Drugs to the warriors. It was used as an campaign donkey for decades.
Heroin today is now literally cheaper than pot. It sells for anywhere from $5-$7 a deck. A die-hard junkie can easily go through 5 or 6 decks a day.
Here’s a cool story for you.
In Los Angeles in May or June of 1976, an entire family, that is three kids and their mother, were massacred on one of their children’s birthdays, by a team of Police Officers who had gotten the wrong address of the house they were going to raid without a warrant. Those Police officers were dressed in plain clothing, never once identified themselves as Police, and had no direct authorization from any superior although it came out later that the team pretty much had total autonomy.
After they had kicked the front door in and machine-gunned the mother and her kids, they spent two hours beating and torturing the father for the location of the drugs they were looking for. When they finished tossing the house, finding nothing, they left without ever identifying themselves as Police Officers, leaving the Father to call the Police thinking he’d just been robbed. The massacre hit the papers the next day, and everyone freaked out thinking there was another Manson Family thing happening in Los Angeles. The Police started hitting the black populations pretty hard, arresting people at random and torturing suspects in their “investigation” of the crime.
When the Cops went back to their precinct, they told their superiors what had happened, and filed actual, written reports on the raid signed off by none-other than their immediate supervisor, and Chief Edward M Davis.
Their immediate supervisor? The individual who set up and ran interference for the murder investigation? Mr. Daryl F. Gates.
It took TWO FUCKING YEARS for the Los Angeles Police to admit that it was a “misdirected” and failed raid on a “suspected” marijuana dealer, by a team of drug Warriors that were not accountable in their investigations to anybody. They then spent the next three years covering up, and justifying the raid to the Press, outright slandering the parents of the three murdered kids in the process. Mr. Gates was the person in charge of the whole thing. As Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, he was the go-to man for information to the Press, and the man with the most responsibility to investigate the crime.
When it all shook out in the early 1980s, three Police Officers who had participated in the raid were convicted of involuntary manslaughter, served no jail time and were allowed to retire from their jobs with full pensions. The leader of the team, a lieutenant, had already retired and was never charged with a crime at all.
Thats your War on Drugs.
Thank you, Richard Nixon.
@59 “Will they fall in line behind him?”
That will depend on whether he thumps the Bible hard enough.
@62 “Apparently the “liberty” Republicans seek is the freedom to kill Americans.”
We know that’s what they want to do, because they’ve been talking about it for years. That’s why I’ve been posting for years that LIBERALS MUST ARM. Right now, there’s still a thin veneer of civilized law in this country protecting us from these homicidal freaks, but it won’t take much to rip it away.
@65 Yep, get a Republican good and drunk, and he’ll carry on for hours about how bad marijuana is.
@67 You need to talk to their supervisor about that. The POTUS doesn’t manage down to that level. That’s not his job function. The federal government employs first-line supervisors, middle managers, and agency heads so he doesn’t have to.
Golly vomitman… When Puddy went back to WikiPedia to refresh the PuddyMemory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Connection it seems much of the original French Connection configuration happened during DUMMOCRETIN sadministrations. And the destruction of the ring happened during the Nixon years.
So once again a HA DUMMOCRETIN has delivered revisionist history from some left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN retch site!
Republicans never miss an opportunity to express their contempt for voters who don’t see things their way — and prevent them from voting, if at all possible.
You wanna know how Rubio will fix the TSA?
By dooooooing it!
The POTUS doesn’t manage down to that level.
Obummer surely does when he wants to. Remember his first foray with Henry Louis Gates’ arrest? From WikiPedia
Obummer makes law enforcement commentary when Obummer thinks it will score Obummer political points. This is why Obummer has been very mum on Kate Steinle’s death!
No? Well you really are senile!
@ RR @ 74
And then go on about how how great it’s been because he’s only had to punch his wife out only twice so far this year.
Machine-shop joke:
What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
Nothing. You’ve already told her twice.
Conservative blue-collar workers are such great hearted people. It would make a man all warm and fuzzy inside, except that would be queer, wouldn’t it.
Interesting footnote. I’m seeing quite a few Bernie stickers in the local Machinist’s Union parking lot lately. The punchline? They’re pasted OVER Romney/Ryan stickers. Next year is gonna be fun as hell to watch.
This guy brandished an AK-47 in public. He isn’t dead. He’s white.
But a black guy whose car broke down on a freeway exit ramp at 3 AM who may have pulled a gun to defend himself (no one knows for sure) against a stranger in plain clothes approaching him from an unmarked car who didn’t identify himself as a police officer IS dead.
How fair is that?
As noted in a comment above, the preferred Republican solution to the disparate treatment of these individuals is to kill the white guy, too. That’s the conservative approach. But how about killing neither of them? That’s the liberal approach.
Yes, Republicans and Democrats are different; and yes, it makes a difference who you vote for (and whether you vote).
@79 Republicans say people are responsible for the choices they make. Let’s test whether they are.
(1) President Obama, a Democrat, criticizes the cops who arrested a professor locked out of his own home for burglary because, you know, the guy is black and that makes him a burglar. (Note, Obama was polite and called them “stupid” instead of “racist.”)
(2) Puddy, HA’s resident black Republican troll, sides with the [ ] stupid [ ] racist (pick one, or both if you like) cops.
Yeah, Puddy, we hold you responsible for your choices. That’s why virtually every reader of this blog, other than your friend Doctor Boob, regards you with utter contempt.
@64 that would make the suicidal…..Republicans are fucking ISIS.
@80 Very interesting. What do you suppose is going on? Are these guys finally waking up to what 30 years of rightwing economic policies did to their job security, paychecks, health benefits, and pensions?
I agree. People just aren’t like they used to be. And that’s good. While it may pose risks for any Democrat, I’d say Republicans are most vulnerable. They’ve been basically playing the same fucking game plan since the days Richard Viguerie’s mailing lists. Problem is that conventional demographics just fall apart these days. Trying to track an increasingly protean electorate by fucking magazine subscriptions or club memberships is, please forgive the term, retarded. In the real world as it exists today there are communist NRA members and lesbian, evangelical libertarians. And they vote. Quite unlike the 1950s, nobody today wants to conform to any norm or stereotype. But the GOP just keeps chugging along pouring huge sums of money (some of it The Fuckwad’s) into media consultants and big media buys aimed at “key demographics”. Amazing. And now the only GOP primary campaign that had any kind of ground game plan in the swing states has abandoned it to play catch up in Iowa and NH. Pathetic.
When you look at the entirety of the situation on their side, it really is a complete shit show. They’ve got this boundless universe of unregulated PACs raising vast sums of dark money and producing less than 15 cents on the dollar in actual campaign spending. It a giant fucking grift machine. And with each newly fabricated hippie fright-mask the crank is turned. Surround it all with a media circus of dissembling televangelists and tin siding salesmen. And sprinkle liberally with xenophobia and fear of death (and impotence). It’s really just one helluva spectacle. Almost guaranteed to be renewed every four years.
Holy cow. A Texas judge orders defendants to write Bible verses and get married as conditions of staying out of jail.
“Republicans never miss an opportunity to express their contempt for voters who don’t see things their way — and prevent them from voting, if at all possible.”
The irony. Brownback, De Rocha and all those who voted Republicans back into office are the slowest learners in Kansas.
Hawaii bully cop punches out lesbian tourists for kissing and holding hands.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The women have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit and I hope the jury gives them a million dollars. Taxpayers will get stuck for the bill, but that’s what they get for electing a mayor who employs a police chief who gives a badge and gun to someone like him.
The GOP. The party of the KKK ‘Christian Heritage’ social club.
“Virginia Repubs’ unconstitutional campaign ad: We are the party of ‘Christian heritage’”
@89 There’s nothing unconstitutional about it. Calling themselves a “Christian” party is squarely within the rights of free speech, free exercise of religion, and freedom of association. Saying they want a government based on Christian values and only Christians should hold public office is also within their free speech rights — they can advocate anything they like. They can flout separation of church and state to their hearts’ content in their campaign speeches, campaign literature, and campaign promises. If this gets them get elected, they can’t do it in office, that’s all; see, e.g., Kim Davis.
Two Nobel Prize-winning economists have concluded that free markets are a license to steal — and you’re the mark.
“It’s not that bad actors are gaming the free market, it’s that hucksters and dishonest marketing are part of the free-market game.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Think of me as a wise old rabbit who gives out free sage advice: Save and invest, don’t spend and consume; get and stay out of debt; be an owner, not an ower, and a capitalist, not a wage slave. I read unit labels, don’t buy lottery tickets, don’t need status symbols, and hoard stocks instead of “stuff.” What you do is up to you; I can’t force anybody to do anything, nor do I want to.