– Goldy lays out the costs of an arena to SoDo.
– Europe is working how Europe was designed to work.
– Why was the reaction among liberals to Wisconsin so different from the reaction to North Carolina?
– Charges dropped against 16 occupiers of abandoned Capitol Hill building
– I think there is something to mourn as newspapers switch from paper to online only.
– I would totally like to read baby names for bad parents.
Obama/DNC raised $60M last month. Better than April.
Romney/RNC: $76.8M
And look at all that cash on hand. Romney’s not having to advertise. Oh, and right now he’s resting for a few days while WI plays out.
FAST FACTS About Romney For President, Romney Victory, and RNC Fundraising:
Over $76.8 Million Raised In May
93% Of All Donations Received In May Were $250 Or Less
$12 Million Raised By Donations Under $250 In May
297,442 Donations Received Under $250 In May
$107 Million Cash On Hand
Contributions Received From All 50 States And Washington, D.C.
@ 2
Ordinary people in the private sector who pay more for their health care and their retirement contributions hate seeing public sector workers not making the same contributions of their own. I believe in WI, a poll showed that 75% of respondents believed that public sector workers should be contributing more.
Soon, they will be.
When liberals refer to Tea Party as domestic terrorists:
maybe this is what they really mean:
@2. Weird I was thinking the same thing. Look at the vote in San Diego. The electorate voted to break a contract so everyone has to suffer like they do.
@ 3
Wouldn’t it be ironic if the US had to increase the Social Security retirement age so it has the money to bail out countries who behave like this?:
REVIEW & OUTLOOK Updated June 7, 2012, 6:10 a.m. ET
Hollande’s First Step Backward
Lowering the retirement age puts France closer to another downgrade.
If that doesn’t seem fair to you, either, how about an analogy in which average workers have to pay higher taxes to support public sector union contracts which enable union members to retire far earlier than the average taxpayer?
And all ordinary people should organize more for better wages and benefits.. Oh like they kind of did in the 50 and 60’s which were such baaaaaaaaaadd years for ordinary people unlike today.
@ 2, @ 6
Read the sentence AFTER the one bolded in @2. That is the more important point of the passage YLB highlighted, and until your side begins to understand that, you will continue to slide backwards in election results.
Unfortunately, you’re screwed. You have hitched your wagon to the wrong horse. Maddow tells you why:
The model of huge public union donations to Democrats, who continue to reward public unions for their donations, is failing. Dems had the support of business in 2008 but not now. Only by regaining the trust of business will Dems receive support from them, and behavior has to change, and change measurably, for that to happen.
Your call.
Blowhard Bob @4 “Ordinary people in the private sector who pay more for their health care and their retirement contributions hate seeing public sector workers not making the same contributions of their own.”
Public employers have long used better benefits to make up for lower public sector salaries. If you want to equalize public sector benefits with the private sector, then you’ll have to equalize cash pay, too, otherwise public employers won’t be able to compete for talent. Of course, that would be fine with people who want to eviscerate public services.
Yawwwn… Another day of Bob shilling for an oligarchic order..
@ 8
Wishing it were the 50s and 60s again is not realistic. There was not the globalization and the technology that there is now. We will NEVER be in those expansive times again. You need to change with changing times or watch the world pass you by.
At one time unions were granted an awful lot, because companies had it to give. Not so much anymore.
@ 10
That argument really doesn’t fly anymore, when you factor in things like unemployment rates. Now the average federal worker takes in significantly more in salary and benefits than the average private sector worker (This USA Today report says DOUBLE):
and has far less worry about job loss.
You need to update your arguments. Yes, they have long used that argument, to paraphrase you, RR. They can’t, and you can’t, at least not honestly, anymore.
A union movement should be “centered” around ALL workers yes..
That would be the ultimate nightmare for the current oligarchic order.
How The Rich Siphon Public Money To Fund Private Schools
The rich aren’t unpopular because they have a lot of money. They’re unpopular because they’re greedy, dishonest, and game the system for their own benefit at our expense. A case in point:
Some states have created scholarship programs intended to enable economically disadvantaged students to attend private schools. Here’s how it works. The state sets up a scholarship fund and donors get a dollar-for-dollar tax credit. Now here’s how it really works: The private schools who receive these funds from the state give the scholarships to the donor families. What this does is, in effect, is divert state tax revenues away from public schools by using it to subsidize private school tuition for wealthy families.
In the wake of the Bush depression?? Anything was possible I guess.
@ 10
Marquette University poll showing 75 percent of Wisconsin voters favoring increases in public employees’ contributions for health care and pensions.
That’s 75% of the public, RR – it’s not like it’s a close call here. Few are buying your bygone-days argument @ 10. You need to update it to reflect reality @ 13.
Take bob and puddy for example. They are giddy with joy that the workers had their contract broken and their benefits cut. They don’t rail that when Fierce Individualism(tm) fails and individual workers have so little, they are joyous that the government reneged on an agreement, stripping the benefits so the unionized worker have a little as everyone else.
They are like crabs in a a pot, pulling the others down.
@ 18
Still waiting for proof that an illegal breach of contract occurred. Did I miss a post from you or are you still making that claim without basis?
An interesting take of the union situation: “A left wing message which comes down to “help a few people do better than you” is not going to win. When the left decides to be left that helps everyone, it can win. When it wants preferment for a few groups, it will lose.”
I agree.
Our recent research suggests that, far from being surprised that many working-class individuals would oppose redistribution, we might actually expect their opposition to rise during times of turmoil – despite the fact that redistribution appears to be in their economic interest. Our work suggests that people exhibit a fundamental loathing for being near or in last place – what we call “last place aversion.” This fear can lead people near the bottom of the income distribution to oppose redistribution because it might allow people at the very bottom to catch up with them or even leapfrog past them.
In keeping with the notion of “last-place aversion”, the people who were a spot away from the bottom were the most likely to give the money to the person above them: rewarding the “rich” but ensuring that someone remained poorer than themselves. Those not at risk of becoming the poorest did not seem to mind falling a notch in the distribution of income nearly as much. This idea is backed up by survey data from America collected by Pew, a polling company: those who earned just a bit more than the minimum wage were the most resistant to increasing it.
Poverty may be miserable. But being able to feel a bit better-off than someone else makes it a bit more bearable.
@18 and 19. The workers had an agreement and the government broke it. You can argue technicalities and lawyer weasel words all you want. It was wrong and you know it.
I’m just bothered by your mean spirited joy that workers had their benefits cut.
Do Republicans Have A Death Wish For Bikers?
Remember mandatory helmet laws? They’re being repealed. Michigan’s GOP-controlled legislature just became the latest to join that crowd. And this stupidity is killing bikers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wish I could say these laws were enacted to save lives, but it really was about money. The combination of no-helmet/no-brains/no-insurance could easily cost taxpayers tens of millions for every motorcyclist who ended up in the vegetable ward of a nursing home for the next 40 to 60 years. But apparently the Republican notion of fiscal economy is to let these fools break their necks and only require them to get a few thousand dollars more of insurance. I guess, to a Republican mind, that works if they also get rid of Medicaid and let a new generation of quadriplegics disappear to … wherever. Out of sight, out of mind.
It’s hard to believe there’s actually a lobby that’s working to get rid of helmet laws; but there is. They should call their website “Wind in the hair, trach tube in the throat.org”.
Oh my! Never is a long time Bob.. but if only you would wish it could be so and all that..
@24 It’s time to be republican ruthless. If they don’t have the personal wealth to cover their medical bills, it’s not up the tax payers to cover the bills. That’s the world the republicans want. Get used to it.
@27 One benefit, I suppose, will be smaller motorcycle gangs. Of course, they can pay their members’ medical bills by robbing banks.
@ 24
It’s a libertarian argument against helmets. Your links say nothing about Republicans.
I have a motorcycle, and a full-face helmet, and all of the armor. I think brain buckets are idiotic even if legal and I would not be opposed to a full-face helmet requirement, for economic reasons.
But I respect the libertarian argument. Let them pay more for motorcycle insurance and for health insurance, the same way smokers should pay more for their smokes to offset the damage they do to the economy.
It’s not a Republican thing. You misread.
Blowhard Bob @7 sez: “which enable union members to retire far earlier than the average taxpayer”
Yeah, we should make cops, firefighters, and soldiers work until age 75 like everyone else has to!
@ 23
An ‘agreement’? How about an ‘assumption’ on the part of public sector unions that the status quo would always continue?
Meanwhile, significant demographic and economic shifts forced reality upon the taxpayers.
Failure to plan on your part does not constitute breach of contract on my part. Sorry.
What is this thread, a group whine because we’re not in the 60’s anymore?
@ 30
You’re flailing. You’ve lost the argument. Go look up full Social Security retirement age again.
Blowhard Bob @31 sez: “An ‘agreement’? How about an ‘assumption’ on the part of public sector unions that the status quo would always continue?”
If the new system is that contracts can be unilaterally broken at will, fine, but then let’s also apply that to apartment leases, mortgages, loan agreements, and everything else in fine print! After all, if I promise in writing to pay you X in return for Y, you have no business relying on getting paid because that was just an “assumption” on your part, right?
I think we should live in a lawless society where anything goes, people have no duties or obligations, and nothing is enforced … so there’ll be fewer humans and more room for rabbits. It wouldn’t take long for such a society to implode and depopulate itself. Probably in one generation.
@ 33
You’re becoming incoherent.
The unions are filing lawsuits trying to stop it, in SJ, I think. The city council used outside legal counsel to advise them, and determined that it’s within the law. If the city charter permits changes to be made, that’s it. End of story, whining notwithstanding.
Wishing that it’s a contractual breach doesn’t make it so. Suggesting that all contract law be invalidated because of it is just silly.
A couple of nights ago you said you were/are a lawyer. Not a very smart one, apparently.
Have a good day, idiot.
@32 Lame. Lots of people are working past the Social Security retirement age even today, because nobody can afford to retire on just Social Security, if that’s all they have. Even the Social Security Administration says SS was never intended to be a retiree’s sole source of income. But if you take away the pensions they’ve earned over a lifetime of hard work simply because you don’t feel like paying what was promised to these workers, that’s what they’ve got left. And then there’s the little matter that you guys want to do away with Social Security, too, which would make the Social Security retirement age irrelevant …
Romney tied with Obama in union-packed Michigan:
Detroit’s a disaster. Benton Harbor is under receivership.
Are you HA types beginning to understand just how steep your climb is going to be?
Blowhard Bob, I think you have an inflated notion of the persuasiveness of your arguments … you’re just another brain-dead troll spewing vapid talking points lifted from some rightwing blog or other.
Calm Bob… No one around here is frightened of challenges..
Not like right wing trolls are frightened of returning to Clinton era taxes on the top earners.. Perish the thought!
@ 36
Pensions are not being ‘taken away’. They’re being modified. Defined benefit is becoming defined contribution. Contributions by public sector workers are becoming standard, just like most private sector pension plans.
Cut the hyperbole. Yes, people in their 50s will have to save more, unless they plan to work longer instead.
It’s choice, brought on by belt-tightening.
Your argument is false. 75% of the WI electorate is telling you they do not believe you anymore.
See @ 37. You need to look around, reassess, and revise your positions to reflect reality.
You might be a Mad Man, but this isn’t the 60s anymore.
Blowhard Bob @37 sez: “Detroit’s a disaster. Benton Harbor is under receivership.”
This one’s precious! Republicans vote in Cognress to let Detroit go under, and seize Michigan cities to strip their public assets for cronies, then claim the distress of places like Detroit and Benton Harbor is a reason to vote for them!
@ 39
How about returning to Clinton era taxes on ALL earners?
Make that argument, YLB, and you and I have very little to argue about.
Shared sacrifice. Everyone has some skin in the game. Then let’s talk spending vs. cutbacks.
Different conversation, then. Go figure.
@ 41
Spin it any way you want. Michigan’s in play. Yet one more place Obama will have to spend major dollars to defend, and spend time he really wants to spend in NV, CO.
At least it’s close to WI, also in play.
Not so close to CA, though, where his real money will have to come from.
Obama well under 50% approval in a union state.
Good luck with that.
@40 You can prospectively change pension laws so that future hires are under a different system. It’s not even useful for you to shill for that, Bob, because it’s already being done everywhere. But if you’re talking about unilaterally reneging on vested pension rights, and it sounds like you are, then you’re throwing contract law out the window.
Here’s how these things work, Bob. Those vested public pensions are deferred compensation. They’re pay that has already been earned. Taking that away is the same thing as rifling a stranger’s house or hacking his bank account. It’s called stealing, because you’re helping yourself to someone else’s private property. If that’s the kind of society you want, and you succeed in getting such a society, it’s going to work both ways because you won’t be able to enforce contracts or keep your private property either. The law of the jungle will prevail, and property of all kinds will belong to whoever is best able to grab it and fight to hang onto it. Is that what you want?
More good news for The One:
New Poll: The Supreme Court and the Health Care Law
More than two-thirds of Americans hope the Supreme Court will overturn some or all of the 2010 health care law, according to a new poll conducted by The New York Times and CBS News. Just 24 percent said they hoped the court “would keep the entire health care law in place.”
Meanwhile, Romney is hitting Obama for ignoring the economy so he could pass Obamacare.
Seems like a pretty good strategy to me.
@ 44
Law of the jungle?
Try city charter, organized under California law.
You’re truly a clown.
Done here.
@46 Prospective pensions can be “modified” (as you put it), but vested pension rights can’t be. That’s all I’m saying, Bob. And you call me a “clown” for saying that? I think you’d better leave legal arguments to people who know something about law, because you’ve demonstrated that you have no knowledge or comprehension in that area.
No f’ing way.. Only the top earners have prospered in the years since then..
Shattered all the records.. Way over the top.
When ALL earners are prospering or say just doing better year on year – fine..
Of course, Republicans have figured out how to “game” the legal system to break contracts. First they changed the bankruptcy laws so giant corporations can go “bankrupt” to shed their union contracts and pension obligations. Then one big corporation after another lined up at the courthouse to file Chapter 11 and break the promises they made to their workers. So far, there are at least two visible results to this New Republican Way of doing things. First, private pension obligations have been dumped on taxpayers at all of our expense. Second, workers have learned the hard way to never, ever, trust anything an employer says; to strictly look out for themselves (they have to, because no one else is going to); and to demand cash upfront instead of accepting benefit promises as part of their pay, because the upfront cash is all they’re ever going to get.
To people with more common sense than Bob, it’s obvious that employers have always called the tune, and so it was employers who created our intricate system of health and pension benefits — because that system benefitted employers. The utility of this system to employers didn’t suddenly evaporate overnight. Instead, what happened is that a new generation of corporate chiefs got greedy and stupid at the same time, and decided to impose stealth pay cuts on their workers by making promises they intended to break. Over the long run, that’s going to kill their businesses, but by then the CEO will be comfortably retired on his golden parachute.
Those vested public pensions are deferred compensation. They’re pay that has already been earned. Taking that away is the same thing as rifling a stranger’s house or hacking his bank account. It’s called stealing.
Thanks Roger, that’s a much clearer explanation than I had come up with.
My example was getting a meal, (getting the work from the worker) and then when it came time to pay (deferred compensation), deciding to modify the payment, to cover a small fraction of the bill (what bill is happy about).
I suppose business-killing management tactics don’t really matter in this day and age, when the majority of shareholders are computers that own the company’s stock for an average of .00000000000000000000000017 seconds, and the average company is in business for only two or three years before it’s acquired by a private equity fund, stripped of its assets, then discarded as a hollow shell.
And Bob it’s not like the not-so-rich haven’t “sacrificed”..
It’s not the top earner’s kids who are fighting the wars of choice and coming home shattered or in body bags..
It’s not the top earner’s kids who owe a house after they graduate college.
It’s not the top earner’s whose houses are underwater or have the wherewithal to do a “strategic default” on their mortgages.
It’s not the top earners who can’t get ahead because of falling wages or mounting debt.
It’s not the top earners like Anne Romney whose insurance is rejected because they didn’t report a case of acne.
Bullshit on that sacrifice meme.
Republicans like to complain that if we don’t have there way, we will become “like Greece”.
But it looks like Greece is already in the hands of the Greek version of the Tea Party, and they aren’t reacting well to opposition. A right-wing lawmaker there appeared on a discussion panel on a TV show and reacted to one opponant by throwing water in her face, and then repeatedly hitting another in the face – a woman who appeared to be some twenty years older than him.
An arrest warrent has been issued for him, but his political party is claiming that he had been “provoked”.
Greek right-wing lawmaker attackes rivals on TV.
The thing is, that this really doesn’t seem that much different from here – except that the corporatists are still winning. Expect that once they start really losing, things will really get ugly.
Hey bob, why are you not trying to get everyone’s benefits improved so the public employees have the worst benefits package, not the better one.
Why do you want to tear down, not build up?
Instead of rising tide that lifts all boats, you are drilling holes in the remaining boats.
@ 48
It’s so easy to demand something of someone else without putting out yourself, isn’t it?
@ 49
Absolute dumbfuck now conflating corporate law with municipal charter, and ignoring the fat that both SJ and SD are blue. Oh, and that it was voter-approved in those blue areas.
All of life is the fault of the rich and the GOP if you are an ill-informed liberal wishing for the days when everything was different.
Here’s something to keep in mind if you’re an investor. When a private equity outfit like Bain Capital comes in and “unlocks value” by breaking up a company or selling its assets, and makes millions of dollars in the process, what they’re really doing is stripping out the retained equity that belongs to shareholders and keeping it for themselves. The financial manipulations of people like Mitt Romney don’t increase a company’s assets for the benefit of shareholders; they merely grab whatever profits were left in the company till after payment of dividends.
So, today’s investors have to think in terms of dividends, because when you buy a stock the money in hand you receive from actual payments of dividends is probably all you’re going to get. Back in the 80s and 90s, I made a lot of money by buying stocks that didn’t pay dividends and then selling them after a few years (in some cases, a few months) because someone else was willing to pay more for my shares than I did because of the increased valuation that came from retained earnings (and, often, perceived valuation that came from expectations of future earnings). But that was before an industry sprung up dedicated to stripping assets from companies.
Under this new system, retained earnings and tangible assets have no value to ordinary shareholders at all, because as an ordinary shareholder you’re not going to get anything from them. That share of the company’s earnings will be stripped by someone else — either as executive compensation or by a buy-and-strip operator like Bain. Nowadays, when I buy stock shares, I’m buying a dividend income stream — period, that’s all.
That’s how other savvy investors, including Wall Street professionals, think too. This may have something to do with why average P/E multiples are much lower now than a couple decades ago.
CEOs and corporate boards have gotten the message; they’re using their cash hoards to raise dividends, because the market is telling them that dividends is the only thing investors value anymore, and unless they raise the dividend their stock is going nowhere. Even Apple caved in and started paying a dividend because their shareholders demanded it.
My stock portfolio used to hold about 10% – 15% dividend stocks. Now, the ratio of dividend stocks to non-dividend stocks in my portfolio is nearly 10-to-1.
We are indeed moving to a WYSIWYG, cash-upfront, economy. You can’t trust pension promises and have to pay your own health insurance now. You can’t trust CEOs or corporate boards and have to figure your investment returns in terms of dividends-received-and-banked now. What’s the next step in our social regression — reversion to barter? That’s coming when nobody will have any money anymore.
@52 YLB, you’re wasting your time arguing fairness to these assholes. Unfairness is what they’re all about. I say forget about trying to talk them into being fair, which is a waste of time, and just rob them back.
That’s what I did when I bought Walgreen’s stock on Monday for $30.52, and now I’ll wait a while and then sell it back to them for somewhere between $40 and $50. Then, when it goes back down to $30.52 again, I’ll buy it back, then sell it back to them for $40 to $50 again. Then rinse and repeat.
And if Walgreen’s stock doesn’t go back up, I’ll sit back and collect my 3% dividends. Three percent isn’t great, in and of itself, but it’s 30 times what my bank pass on passbook savings accounts.
@55 “without putting out yourself”
Wtf did that come from? Since when aren’t workers putting out?
Which doesn’t make it wise, or even legal. (See, e.g., the long laundry list of voter-approved Tim Eyman initiatives that have been struck down by our courts as unconstitutional.)
Here’s the thing you have to watch with Blowhard Bob. He makes arguments that superficially sound logical but they’re based on false premises. It’s like a math problem; if you set it up wrong, the answer will be wrong no matter how accurate your calculations are. That’s what Bob does: He starts out with a bullshit assumption, then tries to argue logically from there. It’s not really a sneaky form of intellectual dishonesty, because it’s much more obvious than you realize, Bob.
@58 “pays” not “pass”
@54 Because he’s a Cheap Labor Conservative who thinks the rest of us should work for free so guys like him can enjoy lives of idle luxury.
What these people really want is reinstatement of slavery, but repealing the 13th Amendment is just too much trouble, so they’re trying to get the same result by breaking unions, repealing the minimum wage, and tanking the economy to force wage-earners to work on any terms.
I’m sure glad I’m not in the workforce anymore. More work for less pay, no benefits, and no job security. My answer to that is they can take their job and shove it! I don’t work or produce anything now. I live off the fat of the land like they do. Why should Republicans be the only ones to live like Republicans? I live like a Republican, too.
The answer for workers, of course, is that because employers consider wages obsolete, workers should consider wage employment obsolete. Instead of working for wages on the employer’s terms, they should set up their own independent consultancies and hire themselves out on a business-to-business basis.
Let me give you an example. Have you ever noticed how hard waitresses work? And how little respect they get in society because they’re poorly paid? (In our society, as you know, money equals status, which is why you stupid humans fawn over crooked CEOs and diss on hard-working waitresses.) Well, instead of working for $5 an hour plus tips (and if you have an especially greedy employer, he keeps the tips), you should quit and set up your own hospitality consulting business, then hire yourself out to restaurants as a Hospitality Consultant and charge them a flat $150 an hour for your services. Why shouldn’t you? After all, you’re responsible for getting your training, buying your health benefits, paying for your retirement, etc., so you should consider your labor a business and charge what all other business charge for their business services. $150/hour is in line with market rates for computer services, bookkeeping services, hell even the garage charges a $150 labor rate to replace the brake pads on the restaurant’s delivery truck. So why shouldn’t you charge what everyone else charges, if you have the same overhead as a business? You’ll also get business tax breaks and tax credits that wage earners don’t get.
See what I mean?
I know. You have to see it as entertainment if you want to avoid despair.
If the state outsourced my old job, for which I was paid about $35 an hour if you count the benefit costs and payroll taxes, they would have to pay a private contract lawyer $200 to $300 an hour for the same work. The state would save on office and support staff expenses, but I still don’t see how the taxpayers would come out ahead on a deal like that. Yet privatization of government work is what wingers like Blowhard Bob are demanding. Apparently they think competition would reduce private lawyers’ rates to $25 or maybe $10 an hour. Not a fucking chance. If that’s all the legal work I did for the state paid, nobody would spend $150,000 to get a legal ticket, and they’d become $150-an-hour truck drivers instead. Then we’d have too many truck drivers and not enough lawyers, instead of the other way around.
Have you noticed those “Now Hiring Drivers?” signs on trailers? Virtually all semis have them. Know why? Because many trucking firms offer a flat fee of a few cents per mile that doesn’t even pay for the diesel, and who wants to pay for the privilege of working? I’ll drive a truck for them when they pay me enough to make it worth my while. I’m not going to pay them to drive their damned truck.
@65 “You have to see it as entertainment”
Of course that’s what it is. I do this for fun (and to avoid boredom). It’s easy when trolls like Blowhard Bob are so stupid they don’t even know they’re getting their asses kicked in an argument.
@65 “You have to see it as entertainment”
Of course that’s what it is. I do this for fun (and to avoid boredom). It’s easy because trolls like Blowhard Bob are so stupid they think they’re “winning” an argument when in reality they’re getting their asses kicked.
Sorry about the duplicate post. I can’t see my comments after posting them. Don’t know if it’s my internet connection or computer. I suspect some wallpaper Mrs. Rabbit started using a few days ago is slowing my computer to a crawl. I just removed the wallpaper, and it seems to run faster without that wallpaper. Anyway, I’m getting off HA now, because I have other things to do (and Blowhard Bob appears to have fled from the scene of his rhetorical crimes).
Another 1-percenter who thinks she’s too rich to pay taxes.
What a moron. In states that have no mandatory helmet laws Puddy still uses a helmet. If you choose to not protect the brain bucket then that’s up to you and you alone. Natural selection process at work!
Hey Roger@71,
Lauryn Hill jockstrapped Obummer now she’s emulating people who work in his cabinet. Nothing new here move along. How come so many 1%ers jockstrap Obummer?
Michigan teahaddists, continuing their experiment in right-wing totalitarian rule, fast track their war on women.
Oh, wait, Bob says there is no War on Women being waged by right-wing extremists. My bad.
@ 60
Yes, you need to be careful. Because if you approach a problem like a normal person, the answer might be pretty straightforward: Spending more money than you’re earning? Spend less.
It’s only when you take the time to think like a liberal that you see the real truth: Spending more money than you’re earning? Go take money from somebody else so you don’t run out.
See? You can’t be too rational in your thought processes, or you’ll start to question what your Democrat overlords have been telling you.
Best view the world through RR’s glasses. Don’t spend too much time on the three R’s when there’s social engineering to occupy your time!!!!
@72 It seems lost on you that the reason these laws were enacted in the first place was because taxpayers got stuck with huge Medicaid bills if these dolts were unlucky enough to survive their head-first encounters with hard objects.
@73 I don’t care who she is, tax dodgers belong in jail.
@75 Your leaps of logic make Evel Knievel look like a wimp:
Liberal > spend beyond means > take money from somebody else > social engineering
Of course, the GOP wasn’t spending beyond our means when they slashed taxes and embarked on two expensive wars at the same time … at least not in Blowhard Bob’s fantasy world.
@ 58
More bravado about the stock trading wizardry of our resident legal expert.
What would a weekday be without some mention of the trading prowess of RR.
And what do you know? Each and every time he’s making a profit off of some Republican.
Not from a pension fund adjusting its portfolio. Not from some guy who just lost his job and is trying not to lose his house and is selling into a market downturn. It’s always from a bad guy.
Amazing how that works. He’s never wrong, and he’s always screwing the bad guy.
And we get to hear about it. How lucky are we?!
Blowhard Bob is good at stereotyping, too. If you’re a liberal, you’re a big spender (implication: a bigger spender than Republicans).
This is a crock. Look at the budgets for the last 30 years and you don’t see much difference in spending between when GOPers or Democrats are in power.
The takeaway: Conservatives spend as much as liberals do, but on different stuff. They prefer giving welfare to rich corporations instead of battered single mothers; they prefer buying billion-dollar military airplanes to providing food stamps and health care to poor children.
And I doubt that liberals (whatever that is) borrow more, proportionately to their income, than conservatives do — or go bankrupt more frequently. In fact, if you really dug into it, I suspect you’d find lose more money lending to rich people, simply because the rich borrow more to finance their businesses, their bigger homes, and their bigger consumption appetites.
As for me, no lender ever lost a penny on me; my student loans were paid back, my mortgage was paid off, my car loans were repaid, my credit card balance is paid in full every month, and I consider myself a “liberal” (and proud of it). I never tore up a union contract or welshed on billions of dollars of pension obligations, like some very conservative folks do as if it were just taking a walk in the park. Get off your fucking high horse, Bob. We liberals aren’t the bad guys.
@ 81
Yawn. I haven’t screwed anyone, either. Consumption using after-tax dollars is pretty much none of your business. Money borrowed is tax-deductible, sure, but it’s spent on things that employ people and raise revenue for the government in other ways. The second car, new deck, and landscaping all provide local employment. Plenty of ‘liberals’ spend freely, and there probably isn’t as much difference between the spending habits of a rich liberal and those of a rich conservative. What likely IS different in how they distribute their money is charitable contributions, though.
Try another line. That dog don’t hunt.
Republicans complaining about public debt is like Gary Ridgway complaining about girls disappearing in his neighborhood.
Sean Trende smacks down Kos:
This shouldn’t have been necessary. Liberals should be able to figure out the disconnect between exit poll results and election results on their own.
Should, anyway.
@82 “Money borrowed is tax-deductible, sure …”
You need to bone up on tax laws, because it isn’t.
“but it’s spent on things that employ people and raise revenue for the government in other ways. The second car, new deck, and landscaping all provide local employment.”
The new highway, the new bridge, provide local employment, too. And money spent on unemployment benefits and food stamps goes straight into the local economy, providing businesses with revenues, and putting a floor under how far consumer spending and therefore the economy can fall.
“Plenty of ‘liberals’ spend freely”
I don’t know any who spend as freely as the bankers who live in mansions and drive Porsches, because none of my liberal acquaintances live in mansions or drive Porsches.
“and there probably isn’t as much difference between the spending habits of a rich liberal and those of a rich conservative.”
Apart from the fact you’re guessing wildly, there are a hell of a lot more rich conservatives than rich liberals, and maybe the reason for that is liberals tend to have higher priorities in life than merely amassing as much money as they possibly can.
“What likely IS different in how they distribute their money is charitable contributions, though.”
Yeah, the Koch brothers give their money to ALEC and Bob Barker gives his to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
“That dog don’t hunt.”
It hunts fine, you’re full of shit.
Bob, you didn’t address rogers comment about two unfunded wars under bush. How is that not bad fiscal policy?
Blowhard Bob is one of the biggest liberals around here. Lest there be confusion over that, I’ll repost this classic:
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
There are days when I feel reeeeeeel tempted to give guys like Bob Blowhard exactly the kind of society they say they want to live in.
And we get to hear about it. How lucky are we?!
I love it when Roger gets under your skin.
Two wars not paid for, tax cuts that benefit primarily the rich not paid for, a new entitlement benefit for seniors not paid for..
Whose accomplishment was this again??
@ 86
Remember when the first war was the ‘good war’? When we went in under NATO auspices? Back when, briefly, we were less antagonistic with each other due to the common commitment to avenge 9/11?
Except for those of you who feel we deserved 9/11, that is.
So, now that’s a black mark against Bush. Got it.
Second war, I’m in partial agreement. Would have been far cheaper to keep Saddam in his box, we probably can now agree, since there were no WMD found, which was the main case for war. That’s what we know know. Come 2016, when Hillary still doesn’t change her mind about what we knew and her vote at the time, you’ll forgive what you used against her in 2008 and you’ll full-throat support her candidacy against Romney.
And at the time the Iraq war expense was relatively much more easily managed since our other debt was not so onerous. Federal revenues grew shortly after two events in 2003: The onset of the Iraq war (March, I recall) and the tax cuts (July, I recall). Why did Federal revenues grow? Because of the tax cuts? Iraq war spending buoyed the economy? Or was it independent of anything Bush did because he’ll never get credit for anything?
Which would include zero of the regulars on HA (trolls Inc.).
@ 91
Let’s hope. I’m sure that support for Maher and the flotillas McKinney participates in has nothing to do with their statements regarding 9/11.
Even Piers Morgan smacked down Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz… Well at least she was right about DUMMOCRAPTS owning the economy!
She’s more of a nutcase than ylb!
@92 “Let’s hope.”
Insouciant rascal, aren’t you?
@79 Reading my comments is a voluntary activity. You seem to feel it’s worth your time. Your friends might question your judgment.
Jon Stewart destroyed Dead Schultz and Larry O’Donnell…
JON STEWART: If Fox was high, MSNBC must be MSNB-Sad.
ED SCHULTZ: To say that I’m shocked and stunned is pretty much an understatement.
STEWART: “Shocked and stunned is an understatement. No, it feels tonight more like my heart was f—ked by the devil.
No, wait, that’s an overstatement. Tonight I feel somewhere between shocked, stunned and devil heart f–ked. This is Ed Schultz.”
Indeed, MSNBC passed through all the stages of grief last night. Stage one, denial.
SCHULTZ: You know, NBC is calling it for Walker. Okay, I think it’s awful close and there’s a lot of absentee ballots yet that are still out.
STEWART: Yeah, no. Stage two, denial.
JOHN NICHOLS, NATION MAGAZINE: This will not be a massive win for Scott Walker.
STEWART: Yeah. Finally, stage three, just really massive amounts of industrial-grade denial.
O’DONNELL: Tonight, the really big winner of the Wisconsin recall election is President Obama.
STEWART: Yep, just like Obama drew it up on the chalk board. “Hey, guys, I got an idea. What if we could figure out a way to have the core of what we believe soundly rejected by voters in a swing state just five months before the national election? It might just be the boost we need.”
Not bad Jon Stewart!
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
In another of those extremely rare incidents that happen daily in the gun-happy U.S. of A., two people were killed and two or three others wounded when someone opened fire at a funeral in Georgia today.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s obvious guns are too readily accessible to the wrong people, but Republicans want guns to be even more accessible. Why would anyone except death-lovers vote Republican?
A U.S. student studying international law in Costa Rica has been de-planed for trying to fly while Muslim (FWM).
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This probably wouldn’t have happened if he had a white-sounding name and was studying at Oral Roberts Yoo.
LMFAO….that was pretty funny stuff…
that fat fuck eddie schultz looks like the biggest dope on earth after the WI election.
More stuff for the fall media blitz…
The commercials will be priceless when they show Brian Terry and then the Terry Family all pointing to Obummer!
nah, I doubt that. Rather, bob is commenting on what most people here think: RR is fucking idiot, and his laughable stock advice got old a long time ago.
RR is just an angry old man who, with all his years on this planet, is reduced to a posting on HA and looking like exactly what he is: a lonely, angry old man.
@101 I never got a response from Carl. I imagine it was the same for you.
Hey puddles!!
Check out LAEJ095950.99+021219.1
The most distant galaxy yet discovered! 13 billion years that light traveled to get here! Almost back to the Big Bang, within 800 million years of it! Like looking back on the beginnings of Creation!
How could the universe possibly be 6016 years old?
What an unmitigated asshole you are.
Where did I say that Lib da schmuck? Go back and search. Even your scribe a few ingredients short of a brain ylb got it write what I ACTUALLY SAID!
Way to use the passive voice to avoid acknowledging that your side was entirely guilty of massive organized dishonesty, manipulation and treason-baiting in order to march us into Iraq, driven by a toxic amalgam of little Bush’s adolescent conflicted desire to both avenge and upstage his father, the wet dreams of a bunch of Republican chickenhawks to have the ultimate game of Halo, and the malignant calculations of KKKarl Rove to marginalize his political enemies by calling into question either their ‘manliness’ or their patriotism.
Nice work, bub.
Oh, puddles, you’re just too precious.
Isn’t denying the literal truth of Genesis a sin or something?
Forgive me if I got my numerology, er, Young Earth Creationism date wrong…how old is the universe? Didn’t Ussher say 4004 BC? Wouldn’t that be 6016 years? What is the lastest creation ‘science’ date for the beginning then?
@ 108
If it was so obvious, why wouldn’t Hillary say that when she was running for president in 2008? She was a Senator, she probably had closer links to Intel than just about anyone due to her husband’s connections and history, and she could have said what John Edwards said when he was running and it would have been over.
If it is so obvious, why does our well-regarded SoS to this day not say so?
You know the answer, don’t you? Sometimes Intel is wrong. Just like the 2007 NIE estimate had Iran pegged so incorrectly, Intel was wrong about Iraq.
Makes it tougher to BlameBush, though, to admit that, doesn’t it?
So it’s Hillary’s fault that we invaded Iraq? You’re just priceless, bub.
Not in the least, asshole.
So let’s hear it from you, bub, “Bush was right!”
Go on, you know you want to…
VERY interesting Pew study – check it out.
Upshot? There are fewer and fewer Republicans, but the dead-enders who are left are growing nastier, greedier, more hostile to the environment and immigrants and non-whites and anybody unfortunate enough to have to work for a living.
I really love the graphics that underscore how the Republicans are falling off the deep end.
LAB Tech is having a bad day.
For a ‘scientist’ you sound awfully uncouth. The others who deride you as a lab tech…… Are they correct?
I didn’t it was Hillary’s fault. I also didn’t say Bush was right. Try not to be the asshole in this exchange.
I’m saying there was error because of bad intel. It’s how Hillary defended her vote and, rightly in my estimation, why she did not do the pussy Edwards thing and apologize. To this day she will say the same thing.
If the intel the administration had, and the intel the Senate had, was honest but incorrect, and if decisions were made on incorrect intel, then the decisions turn out to be bad.
That is far different from saying they were made dishonestly.
And aren’t you the guy who accused me of being a one tune anti-union shill? Seems that this has nothing to do with unions. Oh, and I’m defending a Dem who currently is the top official in Obama’s cabinet.
its obvious that during your biology classes, you must have skipped out on history class, because there is one thing history has shown, is that (US) politics is giant pendulum. so go ahead, think what you want(both the left and right are guilty of thinking like you do), that once thier side is “ahead”, it will always remain that way.
too bad history proves, and will prove, you wrong.
so much for empirical thinking from our “scientist”(insert laughter here)
@ 115
Wasn’t this the one that interviewed adults? Not voters, but adults?
Someone else brought it up yesterday. Or the day before. In the morning. YLB or NTfF.
It’s not a voter poll, if it’s the same one. It’s an adult poll. Who the fuck cares about how many adults are Republicans if they don’t show up and vote? Why was the R/D percent in 2010 35/35 if the number of Republicans is decreasing?
Oh, so now I’m uncouth and having a bad day…you trolls are just too funny.
if thats not a confirming response, I dont know what is….thanks for the verification.
Yes it is far different. It’s you who is saying that and it is you who is wrong.
“Honest but incorrect” There’s that passive voice again. And the trolls around here call Roger Rabbit “Goebels” You take the cake.
Stovepipe, anyone?
Confirming of what?
I think Max overuses the tactic of derision in place of informed argument. It has grown quite transparent.
Poor Maxie. Poor goat.
smells like projection to me.
Notice how bub avoids the glaring issue, highlighted by the highly reputable Pew study, of the shrinking Republican population, and its growing antipathy towards the environment, and working people, and immigrants, and people of color.
His team is growing older and whiter and meaner and greedier.
wow – that’s the best you got? really?
Poor, poor goat.
lol…and “your team” seems to want to work less and less and expect more and more “free stuff”.
hows that working?
I still remember all those obama voters commenting on how the great O was going to erase their mortgages, give them free HD TVs, erase their student loans, etc…
there are plent of clips on youtube,
nice segment of the population to have on “your team”…LMFAO
See? Just cannot write a thing without denigrating people who work. Where does this resentment of labor come from?
And you were attacking my empirical abilities? Really?
Should we call PAWS about that goat?
So what do you non-union thugs think about Mittster’s habits in college of wearing a Michigan state trooper’s uniform and impersonating a cop, here and here, even pulling people over in his Rambler with a red light on top?
What a fucked-up asshole. Deeply, deeply creepy.
Will he confront this and explain to the American people? Is this acceptable behavior, even accounting for his post-adolescent state as a college freshman?
What have the Republicans foisted on America this time?
Should we call PAWS about your old lady?
Would you feel better if he was a coke-head like obama?
We should take up a collection and send Max’s goat a gigantic bottle of Astroglide. It’s only humane.
@ 126
I guess all those non-voting adults don’t like to say that they are Republican.
Meanwhile, the ones who vote still go out and put Republicans in office.
Yeah, you’re right. You guys sure have Republicans on the run. Why, any day now there will be so few Republicans left that the White House and BOTH chambers will be GOP-controlled!!!
You must share a logic chip with RR.
Mitt’s version: Obama, “If we talk about the economy, we lose.”
Real version: Obama, “McCain’s campaign said, and I quote, “If we talk about the economy, we lose.””
I think I know why the Republicans love them some Mitt – he is utterly willing to lie and lie without shame or apology. He’s their kind of guy, utterly without ethics or morals.
Any trolls here want to defend Mitt’s lies?
@ 131
Do you ever go back and re-read your posts?
You’re reduced to criticizing prank behavior by a teenager and claiming that Republicans are a shrinking minority, all evidence since 2008 to the contrary.
What you are NOT doing is defending your candidate and pointing out his accomplishments while in office. Do you realize that?
Romney is running on his record and your candidate is running FROM his. Meanwhile, you are anxiously awaiting that grainy video of Romney doing a piss-poor job of The Gator on prom night. News at 11!
Pathetic. But it’s what you have to work with, so go for it, sister.
Only if I can use it on your wifes back door…..yes, I do charity work.
I’d venture that GWB did a whole lot more blow than BHO. Your point?
Your choice seems to be serial liar, serial bully, deeply creepy Mitt, and occasional collegiate coke and pot user Obama.
I know which experience is more like mine. Hmmm…lair and bully throughout life, or guy who partied in college?
You make this too easy Maxie.
You’re reduced to defending manifest, deep, and disturbing character flaws.
And if you’re whining about what I’m writing, I’m winning.
Thanks, bub!
Haven’t heard a word about Mittster’s tenure as one-term Massachusetts governor.
Oh! That’s what you call organizing a posse and attacking/ganging up on/gay bashing a kid whose appearance he didn’t approve of and whose (presumed) sexuality made him uncomfortable.
Not merely creepy. Monstrous.
You must have been one of those guys who got beat up a lot in school…otherwise you would realize that school pranks are jus that:pranks.
Oh well, I guess you think toilet papering someones house is “mean” too…
I guess if the Republicans are a shrinking minority, it must be all those racist Democrats abandoning The One:
Care to explain, Lib Sci? You tout a Pew report claiming Republicans are becoming less common and yet this election season so far is not looking like it’s going to be a Democrat walkover, is it?
Could the Pew report be……….WRONG?
Is it possible that people who claim to be other than Republican but then don’t vote are irrelevant to politics when it’s what happens at the ballot box that counts?
Of course,if he just crashed his car, let some chick drown, then not report it for a day, that would have been okeedokee with you….lol
@ 143
Naw, you’ve got it wrong. Playing piccolo in the marching band was COOOOLLLLL!!!!!!!
Launched Lib Sci’s career doing, er, whatever science he might say he does.
Plus, the girls in the stamp-collecting club giggled when he put the flute down the front of his pants after halftime, so it got him some serious attention.
Careful bob, your messin with a “scientist”(insert laughter here)..lol….of course, my 3rd grader thinks she is a scientist too..
Behold, the source of Rujax’s next orgasm:
Yeah, that’s what I’d do if my campaign were in free-fall. I’d cement my rock-star cred while Mitt Romney is asking why I ignored the economy to focus on Obamacare.
That’s what I’d do, yup.
But aren’t those hollywood stars members of the evil 1% club?
A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v....._embedded#!
Q: Why does no one want to have sex with liberal women?
Having you posse hold down a kid and physically assaulting him is the same as TP’ing a house?
I learn SOOOOO much about Republican morality on this blog.
Man I love all the attention I get from Blowhard Bob and Kim Shillin … I must be very high on the target list of whoever is paying these little trolls! But I’m a little envious of Lib Sci … because
he gets under their skin even more than I do. What a bunch of deadenders who migrate to this blog from the rightwing sewers …
Someone should tell these guys that these sorts of posts make them look very insecure in their manliness.
Isn’t it fun to show how fast you can drive them into calling you a ‘pussy’?!
These are some VERY insecure guys. I’m sure they’ve got LOTS of guns, too.
It’s SOOOO funny how fast you can make ‘bub’ drop the veneer of civility, of interest in actual debate, and show his true colors.
That’s a swing state, right?
This is from Ed Rendell. He’s been a legislator. He’s been things other than a legislator.
Apparently being something else is sorta important:
Rendell Says Clinton Would Have Been Better
Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell (D) took another swipe at President Obama telling CBS News he thought Hillary Clinton might be a more capable president.
Said Rendell: “I think the president was hurt by being a legislator only,” further adding that the president’s health care law and the economic stimulus package “was left up to the Congress” rather than the White House.
He added: “I think Hillary Clinton would’ve sent them a bill and said, ‘Here’s what I want.'”
And these are Obama’s colleagues.
Sucks to be you guys this week. It’s all stacking up, all in a big rush. Maybe that’s why some are sounding taps:
And what’s the response from the left?
Yeah, that’ll work.
Blowhard Bob @137: “What you are NOT doing is defending your candidate and pointing out his accomplishments while in office.”
“Romney is running on his record”
Kinda hard to do when nobody can figure out what his record is because he changes his narrative every time he talks about it.
You are too kind, my lagomorphic friend.
@153 Actually, those sorts of posts make it look like you’re arguing with the junior high school Republican club.
I thought I was arguing with the junior high Republican Club. Who knew?
@158 You can be in my foxhole anytime.
@ 155
How about that?
When I read things like:
@ 131 What a fucked-up asshole. Deeply, deeply creepy.
@ 113 Not in the least, asshole.
I feel no need to be civil in return.
Hypocritical of you.
Of course, you’re big on acting like a hypocrite tonite:
@ 124 I think Max overuses the tactic of derision in place of informed argument.
Pot, kettle.
I think I bagged myself a twofer.
I actually thought I was arguing with these guys.
(And ‘argue’ does them too much credit, when talking bub and maxie and puddles)
@162 “I think I bagged myself a twofer.”
One thing Bullshit Bob is always consistent about — he’s his own most ardent admirer. In the same mold as the guy who used to call himself “Troll” …
You also seem to think that your commentary is provocative and original. That does not make it so.
@163 Those fellas who spend all their time in the chicken barn? After a while they even start to cluck like their chickens. cluck-cluck-cluck
“If we talk about the economy, we lose”
Who said that bob?
Regarding the trooper uniform ‘bombshell’:
I googled ‘romney uniform trooper’.
Aside from the numerous hits on typical left-wing sites, which only lefties who won’t vote for Romney read, the only mentions of it on the first three Google pages are:
The Atlantic. And they spun it in Romney’s favor.
Political Wire. They gave it two short paragraphs and didn’t go into the ‘creepy’ thing. Nothing there to make anyone want to look further and no link to click if they did.
No one cares. There’s no there there.
@165 No one has a higher opinion of him than himself …
Nothing much happened in the stock market today. All I did was watch my stocks go up again for the second day in a row. The only reason I’m posting this is because it annoys them so much …
@ 167
No idea.
But Obama won’t be doing much talking about the economy in the next 2-3 months, unless the word ‘inherited’ is part of what he has to say.
Your side is in freefall. Good luck with that teenage prank thing. Any thing that makes Romney look like something other than a stuffed shirt is only going to benefit him. While Clinton and Rendell slam Obama, you guys are helping Romney.
Amazing to watch.
Ok, sure.
Well, it was a McCain aid back in 2008. And Obama quoted him in a speech criticizing that.
Then Romney comes along and uses the audio of Obama saying that sentence, though they left out the “…and I quote…” immediately prior, making it sound like it was Obama’s own opinion.
Don’t you find that deeply dishonest? Aren’t you bothered by Romney’s absolute comfort with deceit?
@168 Your boy would be a bit more impressive if he had worn a real military uniform instead of a fake cop uniform. It’s not like he didn’t have an opportunity when he was young …
Reader Warning: The photo is not staged! The guys in the picture are wearing real uniforms! (There are thousands of such photos floating around on the internet, and the GOP’s idea of a future president isn’t in any of them.)
In your dreams, which is why you are here, and why you’re so deeply annoying.
So, will you call out Mitt on his dishonesty?
Just like Barrett, Obama this fall could find that even a strong performance with upscale whites and minorities probably won’t save him if those blue-collar voters move against him decisively enough in states where they represent about half or more of the electorate, including not only Wisconsin, but also Ohio, Iowa and Michigan
You know what’s really galling about Mitt? He protested in favor of the VietNam war while doing his best to have others go instead of him.
Will the Republicans ever be able to nominate someone who isn’t a deeply dishonest sociopath?
Now that you know, will you call out Romney for the deep dishonesty in his ad?
@ 172
You got a link to whatever you’re spewing? I assume it’s an ad but I suppose it might have been in a speech.
@ 173
Correct me if I am wrong but did not Obama have that same opportunity?
Should he not be similarly called out for choosing not to serve?
Or is the hypocrisy part of that ‘liberal propaganda’ you so proudly mentioned the other day?
Feigning stupidity.
Here you go.
In a nutshell:
Why can’t Romney not lie?
More total dishonesty.
Romney was in favor of a war with a draft, and did his best to avoid serving.
No such conditions existed for Obama, who is significantly younger.
It’s not a matter of serving or not, which I do not think is a precondition for being President. It’s taking a vocal position in favor of a war that was getting lots of your peers killed, while doing your best as a child of privilege not to have to go yourself.
It’s a character issue, and Mitt fails.
@ 180
OK, got it. Last year.
Yup, deceitful.
And clearly that sole act should disqualify Romney from candidacy. Because Chicago Politics Obama would never do something similarly dishonest. Right?
You guys are flailing. High school pranks (OK, college freshman). An ad more than six months old, which got national coverage and yet Romney’s still here. Go figure.
Keep at it. Something might stick.
If I brought up evidence that Obama was, in the mid-90s, a member of the New Party, would it matter to you?
Or would you dismiss it as somehting irrelevant because he’s demonstrated himself to be different since then?
Likely the latter.
And yet something 40 years ago that you think you have scored on Romney is what you are going with to hang him?
Go for it.
Well, we’ve established that ‘bub’ is perfectly comfortable with his candidate being an unapologetic gay-basher, a creepy cop-impersonator, an utterly remorseless liar.
And we haven’t even gotten to his record as governor!
I don’t have any more time to spare schooling bub – got to run down to I Love Sushi to pick up dinner – 16 year old’s birthday today!
Happy Birthday to the future LIberal!
I started looking at the BoLS job numbers
Bush takes office – round up to Feb 1, 2001 131,097,000 jobs
Bush first budget with Republicans – October 1, 2001 132,072,000 jobs
Bush loses Congress to DUMMOCRAPTS – October 1, 2007 138,786,000 jobs
Bush leaves after DUMMOCRAT Congress explodes the jobs market – 131,555,000 jobs
DUMMOCRAPT Congress causes 7,231,000 job losses
@187 It’s Bush’s fault for not vetoing the job-killing bills passed by the Democratic Congress.
@185 “And we haven’t even gotten to his record as governor!”
And we never will because the cop-impersonating gay-basher doesn’t want to talk about his record as governor.
And the very last thing Flip-Flopper wants to talk about is Romneycare, which bears an extraordinary resemblance to Obamacare …
According to an article in the Seattle Times today, exit polls show that 18% of the voters who voted for Scott Walker — nearly a fifth of his total support — said they plan to vote for Obama. Given that Walker got about 54% of the vote, this doesn’t look good for Rmoney … right now he’s got only 43% of Wisconsinites who actually vote in elections backing him.
The Wisconsin vote probably does reflect pension envy, as do those California votes. Maybe we should phase out public pensions. But why stop there? How about phasing out employer-paid benefits altogether, for everyone, public and private. That’s where we’re heading anyway. It’ll certainly make things simpler for workers, who will no longer have to calculate the value of non-cash benefits when weighing competing job offers. In this age of virtual companies and transitory employment, workers want to get cash upfront anyway, because the employer may be in Chapter 11 by next week. If not, surely a private equity firm will come along within a year or two, strip the assets, fire the workers, and leave the company’s smoking shell behind as it marches off into the sunset with the shareholder equity. In short, we’re becoming a cash-and-carry society again, just like we were 150 years ago. The conservative dream of living in the 19th century is coming dream!
What I don’t understand, though, is that if I manage my finances well enough to retire at say age 56, why conservatives have a problem with me retiring at age 56? Isn’t that my choice? I mean, it’s my finances and my money, and just because I saved all my money and never contributed to the economy by consuming anything during my working years, shouldn’t mean that I have to work as long as they do. If they want to retire like me, they should save like me, don’t you think? So I don’t get where they have any beef about me retiring at age 56 just because they have to work until age 67 because they didn’t manage their finances or invest as well as I did. It’s none of their business when I retire or how much of my income I save or how well
I do with my investments.
last sentence @191 – “coming true” not “coming dream”
OMFG!!! Obammy’s making people go gay!
Okay, so what else is in the news? The Seattle Times also says, “Seattle property owners would pay an additional $2 to $3 a year in property taxes for the new sports arena … because as a publicly owned facility the site would be removed from the property-tax rolls.”
I think that’s bullshit. We’re told no tax money will be used to pay for it. It will be a public facility in name only; the BB team will get all the revenue. And if you think you can stroll into the place like it was a public park, think again, it’ll cost you $100 just to get through the turnstile. It is, for all intents and purposes, a privately owned facility.
So why not tax it like one? Because recording the deed in the city’s name is a scam, that’s why. It’s a sneaky way of rich guys not having to pay the taxes that everyone else has to pay.
Hey, I have an idea, how about if I register the deed to my burrow in the city’s name, that way I don’t have to pay property taxes either! Everything else will stay the same, it’ll still be my private digs, and if you try to enter without my permission, the law says I can plug you with my .45 — that’s called the “Castle Doctrine” in case you missed it. (Washington hasn’t formally enacted the “Castle Doctrine” but Washington prosecutors have de facto enacted it, because they won’t prosecute if you shoot someone inside your burrow.)
As I always say, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, and if the BB team owners don’t have to pay taxes on their facility then I shouldn’t have to pay taxes on mine. Their facility is no more public than mine is. If you don’t believe me, just try entering it without paying their permission fee and see what happens to you.
Hmmm, where did Bullshit Bob and Puddy Buttsy go? Must be shift change at Wingnut Central.
Here’s one to put in your Memory File. An editorial in today’s Seattle Times compares the demographic, historical, and political similarities between Washington and Wisconsin, then says:
“One difference: Wisconsin has a Republican governor. He’s … been in office a year and a half. He is anti-public-employee union in a way the leading Repoublican candidate for governor here, Attorney General Rob McKenna, 49, is not.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Personally, I think both the Seattle Times editorial page and Rob McKenna are lying about this; but if that’s what they want to say, then let’s hold them to it. If the Seattle Times endorses McKenna, and he gets elected, then turns out to be as anti-public-union as Walker — that should destroy the Times’ editorial credibility (do they still have any?) and we should never let the people of this state forget what the lying newspaper said.
I just googled “Obama New Party”, something bub referenced above as some sort of counter to the ever expanding documentation of Romneylies.
I had never heard of the ‘new party’ – but that google above led to a noxious list of sites, including brietbart, freerebpublic, NRO, limbaugh, etc – latest fever swamp offering.
Breathlessly, Stanley Kurtz of NRO:
From examiner.com:
Of course, no link to these ‘documents’, though the latter quote is accompanied by Obama with some…BLACK PEOPLE!!!!
If you read closely, he may have sought that party’s endorsement, but no documentation is provided that he ‘joined’ this party.
And what if he did? From wikipedia:
Sounds like my kind of politics. And their strategy of ‘fusion’ would make it possible for a Democrat in good standing to seek their support and have his/her name on their line on the ballot, as well as the Democratic one.
In short, more fluff from bub.
This is what he counters ever-expanding chronicles of Mittster’s gay-bashing, cop-impersonating, dog-torturing, serial-liar, draft-avoiding-while-cheering-for-his-peers-to-get-killed hypocrisy?
Weak tea, indeed.
(I think I might join the New Party!)
awwwww, how touching…Lab Tech has his Charlie Sheen moment….
Cop-impersonating? I must have missed that one.
puddles ran away when I asked him to explain how old he thought the universe was, and how that reconciled with some new cosmic observations of a galaxy 13 billion light years away (=13 billion years ago)
Max ran away when I used ‘Astroglide’ and ‘goat’ in the same sentence – that maxie has no self control.
Bub slithered away when I wouldn’t play his game, and instead just kept up a steady stream of questions – valid ones, I think – about Rmoney’s truthfulness, character, and past gay-bashing.
As I’ve said before, should we take up a collection to buy ourselves some quality trolls? (Or maybe some rum instead – it’s almost mohito season!)
Thats funny, where is Obama’s uniform? how come he didnt sign up?
Oh wait – you cant answer that..never mind.
See HuffPo here, kos here, democraticunderground here.
Mittens apparently, um, ‘obtained’ a Michigan state trooper uniform, perhaps from his pops, the governor. He showed it to some dorm-mates at Stanford, who found it creepy that he liked to run around in cop-drag.
There’s a story about him arranging ahead of time to ‘apprehend’ two friends with their dates, search the car, find booze in the trunk, and ‘arrest’ and take away the two guys, leaving the stunned women behind.
Fun, huh? (bet none of them got laid that night!)
This guy writes about the economy with a lot of common sense.
And he’s right about what should be done now:
“If I were President Barack Obama, I’d focus my entire campaign now on an effort to reforge a ‘grand bargain’ with Republicans based on a near-term infrastructure stimulus tied with a Simpson-Bowles long-term fiscal rebalancing. At a minimum, it would show that Obama has a sensible plan to fix the economy — which is what people want most from the president — and many in business would surely support it. We cannot wait until January to do serious policymaking again. We, and the world, need America to be a rock of stability — now.”
Of course, the Party of No will say “no” to anything that helps America pull itself up out of this hole that Republican laissez-faire economic policies pushed us into, because their overriding objective is to defeat Obama and anything that helps ordinary Americans works against that; but Obama needs to try anyway, so that at least it will be clear to voters who the Negative Nellies are.
Ok, the dressing up like a cop and pulling over your teenage buddies while they’re out on a date gag is funny. But this:
He’s an adult and he’s pulling over “drivers?” It’s not I used it to scare the crap out of a buddy of mine, It’s “drivers.” That’s creepy.
Scratch that first bit. Now that I’ve read a more detailed account of the high school thing:
That sounds really fucking lame as well.
@202 “Oh wait – you cant answer that..never mind.”
I cetainly can answer that.
Neither Romney nor Obama served in the military; but that doesn’t mean they’re qualitatively the same.
Obama was only 4 years old when the U.S. involvement in Vietnam began in 1965, and was only 11 years old when it ended in 1972; Romney, on the other hand, turned 18 years old — and became draft-age — in 1965. And if you try to say Romney didn’t evade the draft, as so many upper-crust children of privilege did, you’ll be fooling no one.
On the other hand, does anyone care that Obama didn’t enlist in 1979, when he turned 18? There was no draft, and we weren’t at war, then.
Obama didn’t hide from the Vietnam draft in France under a missionary deferment for 2.5 years; Romney did.
Let’s be clear about this: Republicans are laughable when they try to pass themselves off as more patriotic than other folks. The opposite is true. Vietnam was a working-class war fought by the kids of blue-collar families. Guys like Romney were nowhere to be seen in the jungles and rice paddies of Southeast Asia.
Not in Lib da Schmuck’s evolved DNA. HE’s 100% ASShole.
While Romney isn’t the GOP’s deferment king, he’s right up there with the most deferred of ’em:
Military Record Of Prominent Republicans
George W. Bush – went AWOL from National Guard
John Ashcroft – 7 deferments, never served
Dick Cheney – 5 deferments, never served
Mitt Romney, – 4 deferments, never served
Phil Gramm – 4 deferments, never served
Jeb Bush – never served
Karl Rove – never served
Dennis Hastert – never served
Bill Frist – never served
Dick Armey – never served
Tom DeLay – never served
Newt Gingrich – never served
Trent Lott – never served
Saxby Chambliss – claimed “bad knee,” never served
Mitch McConnell – never served
Rick Santorum – never served
Roy Blunt – never served
Richard Shelby – never served
Dana Rohrabacher – never served
John M. McHugh – never served
JC Watts – never served
Jack Kemp – never served becaue of “knee problem” that didn’t keep him from playing in NFL for 8 years
Arnold Schwarzenegger – went AWOL from Austrian army
George Pataki – never served
Spencer Abraham – never served
John Engler – never served
Elliott Abrams – never served
Paul Wolfowitz – never served
Vin Weber – never served
Richard Perle – never served
Douglas Feith – never served
Rudy Guiliani – never served
Kenneth Starr – never served
Antonin Scalia – never served
Clarence Thomas – never served
Ralph Reed – never served
Michael Medved – never served
Charlie Daniels – never served
Ted Nugent – never served
Jon Kyl – never served
Tim Hutchison – never served
Christopher Cox – never served
George Will – never served
Chris Matthews – never served
Bill O’Reilly – never served
Sean Hannity – never served
Rush Limbaugh – never served
Michael Savage – never served
Paul Gigot – never served
Bill Bennett – never served
Pat Buchanan – never served
Pat Robertson – never served
Bill Kristol – never served
Ann Coulter – never served
I wouldn’t have cared if he did, except he was pro-war and even counter protested against anti-war protestors. You love it that much, buddy you go and fight.
Romney isn’t an out-and-out deserter like George W. Bush, and didn’t lie about his military service like Dan Quayle, but he comes across as another spoiled rich kid who thought he was too good to get his ass shot off in Vietnam. That shouldn’t sit well with the guys who did go, whether they had a choice or not. And for the record, a hell of a lot of guys who fought in Vietnam did volunteer for it. And I’m sure they strongly preferred to be in foxholes with guys just like themselves. They wouldn’t have had much use for a guy like Romney.
AND Rmoney protested in favor of a war that drafted hundreds of thousands of his lesser-connected peers, and killed more than 50000 of them, while he was getting deferment after deferment, part of it to go door-to-door selling Mormonism to the French, while living in a palace.
Schmuck (both mitt and max)
Oh, hey! puddles is here!
I ask again, now that you’re back:
Maybe if we can get out of Afghanistan and the rest of the Middle East, we can get out of all these damn conflicts that are getting us nowhere. Why can’t we just stay the fuck out of a conflict for a change?
@211 Yes, it’s the hypocrisy that rankles. And makes his posing as a cop all the more obnoxious. Here is definitely a guy who doesn’t want to wear a real uniform, only a costume, which doesn’t require any commitment or sacrifice on his part. I wonder how America’s cops will feel on Election Day about Romney pretending to be one of them as a joke? I don’t think they’ll take that as much of a joke. Can you spell —
P – H – O – N – Y
@216 You won’t get there by voting for Republican warmongers.
But but but he said Selma got him born”… Oops Selma was also in 1965.
@216 You won’t get there by voting for Republican warmongers.
That’s why I’m not going to vote for them.
Obama was born in Hawaii so he’s legit, and he’s not a Muslim. Personally, I could care less what religion any politician is. It simply does not matter. The Golden Rule is about all one has to know about religion.
how come brave barry didnt enlist during peacetime? how come he didnt enlist during gulf war 1?
i know, you will make more excuses….
@220 “how come brave barry didnt enlist during peacetime? how come he didnt enlist during gulf war 1?”
Did you?
Look, I’m not an admirer of Obama’s military service. He doesn’t have any. I only said he didn’t avoid a wartime draft as Romney did. I judge the character of these guys by what they did in the circumstances they were in. By that measure, Romney is the
lesser one.
Im not running for president.
nice try at deflection…fail.
yes, he was too busy snorting cocaine
You better Google it because you still don’t have it correct. Look at Job! Oh wait… reading the Bible would cause you blindness!
Not the point… He claimed Selma caused him to be born, like his father was a goat herder! Another lie!!!
Visited FDL after the Walker WIN!
Shorter version – Labor could not continue to steal union dues to jockstrap activities many who left the union didn’t support with Act10. Since labor unions DEMAND fealty, this is also lost on FDL. Somehow lelftist pinheads can’t understand that. So sad and so typical. How can labor demand their health care premiums and pensions are fully paid by taxpayers? The request was public labor unions increase their payments and your leftist buds went apoplectic. Didn’t the voters speak in 2010 at the ballot box? Why do libtards reject voter sentiment when it SMACKS them in the face?
Let’s review the facts since FDL can’t seem to find them…
Don’t they remember or maybe they chose to forget liberalism – mental disease) candidate Scott Walker in the GOP primary late spring 2010, said if he became governor,he would close a huge projected budget shortfall and propose major wage and benefit cuts from state employees. He won by what percentage in November 2010 FDL?
You all don’t remember March 3, 2011 freakshow of some 7,000 unionists organized by National Nurses United, holding a “no concessions, no cuts” rally in Madison? Well neither did FDL apparently! And the rally was officially backed by several major public sector unions in Wisconsin. Wasn’t it covered on HA? Hmmm…? “State workers and other public workers aren’t about to sacrifice their benefits for some political future of a tyrant”
And did you read Wasserman Schultz claim the Obummer reerection campaign had their ground game running in Wisconsin? Butt butt butt where was Obummer in Wisconsin. Paul Begala of CNN said…
Now we’ll see these next 5 months!
@227 Are you proud to be a shill for concentrated corporate power? At least unions represent, and work for the welfare of, many people. You’re a fucking fascist-hugger, pudnutz. You’ve chosen to align yourself with a few bullies who want to tell everyone else how they must live — for their own profit. Why? Is it because being a rightwing hack pays better than having a social conscience? In which case you are a whore. Or are you so stupid that you actually believe a few hundred people (out of hundreds of millions) ending up with all the money and power somehow betters mankind? I have no respect for you. You deserve none. I reserve my respect for those who earn it, such as those who spend countless unpaid hours organizing unions, walking picket lines, and fighting for worker rights — not only for their own benefit, but for the benefit of others around them. I just can’t relate to your every-man-for-himself world. What a sad, pathetic, life that must be. I almost feel sorry for you, pudnutz. Almost, but not quite.
Free Tibet!
After half a century of brutal military occupation China still can’t control Tibet, despite systematic efforts to repress Tibetan culture, forced relocations of Tibetan people, mass murder, etc.
Tibet is not, and never will be, a province of Tibet. It is a conquered nation occupied by a foreign aggressor. And until China leaves Tibet, we should treat China like any other aggressor.
What is fucking wrong with you? I’m not even addressing the ‘content’ of that inane rant, but rather your apparent compulsion to substitute the word ‘jockstrap’ any place you would use ‘support’.
You are a weird, weird little man.
No, that would be churches and feudal lords. Labor unions are self-organizing collections of people motivated by the fact that a single person negotiating with a rich corporation or a government has no power, and can only bend the relationship away from complete exploitation though the power of collective action.
The virulence with which you and your thug brethren spit anger and hate at unions is testament to their effectiveness at beginning to level the playing field.
You are nothing if not transparent, puddles.
It’s been over a decade now since the U.S. was successfully attacked by what amounted to a criminal gang because our last Republican administration was so negligent some people wondered if they themselves were behind the attacks. (I don’t believe that; the Busheviks were too stupid to be capable of treason.)
In the 8 years of inept Republican administration that followed, the Busheviki were almost totally ineffective in combating Al Qaeda — while squandering a trillion dollars and thousands of American lives on a recreational war against a tinpot dictator who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.
Our newest troll, Bombastic Bob, is fond of rhetorically asking what President Obama’s has accomplished. Well, here’s an accomplishment he can shove up his ass:
“With the death in Pakistan of al-Qaida No. 2 Abu Yahya al-Libi in a Predator attack early Monday, the terrorist group’s highest councils once again face the daunting task of filling both a leadership void and selecting a next-generation jihadist capable of succeeding current leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.
” … Michael Leiter, former director of the National Counter Terrorism Center and an NBC News analyst, said the candidates to move up into al-Qaida’s senior ranks in the wake of al-Libi’s death all lack his seasoning. ‘The real answer is NONE of them are serious by comparison …,’ he said.
” … [T]he U.S. has killed four of the five al-Qaida operatives identified as possible successors to Osama bin Laden at the time of his death on May 1, 2011. The only one who remains alive is Zawahiri, al-Qaida’s longtime No. 2 who assumed command shortly after bin Laden was killed …
“‘Ever since the death of bin Laden, the al-Qaida core we’ve known since 9/11 is the closest it has ever been to a tipping point,’ said the U.S. official familiar with counter terrorism strategy. ‘ … [The] core al-Qaida in Pakistan is on life support, and its chances of recovery are more daunting when they lose a guy like Abu Yahya.’ …
“Indeed in the past year, mainly through Predator and other drone attacks, the U.S. has been able to ‘remove from the battlefield’ in the words of one senior Pentagon official, one al-Qaida leader after another.”
The Obama administration’s inroads against the gang of criminals who call themselves Al Qaeda are substantive and substantial. They’re coming close to decapitating the entire organization.
But you won’t see Bullshitter Bob or Pandering Puddy tender a single word of credit to Obama, because they’re so blinded by selfish partisan ambition that the only thing they care about is defeating Obama, even though he’s a far better president than Bush ever was or Romney is likely to be.
Bob and Puddy, we treat you guys like traitors to your fellow Americans because that’s damn near what you asswipes are. The only reason we grant you any leniency is because, in the immortal words of a federal judge sentencing a Republican congressman to prison, “Personally, I think you’re too stupid to form a criminal intent.”
Well, that takes care of this morning’s news snippets, and now I’m going to watch the stock market for a while.
@23 “Im not running for president.”
I wasn’t running for president when I enlisted for Vietnam. I was just doing my duty as a citizen of this country. I’m not saying you should have served in the military. Just don’t call yourself a patriot, or try to sell Romney as one, because you’re not and he isn’t.
I was watching Spike Lee’s “Malcolm X” last night, with Denzel Washington. There’s a scene where Malcolm is debating on TV an older black man, a minister of some sort, I think, and Malcolm said this (which is apparently verbatim from what the real Malcolm said). It made me think of puddles then, and is appropriate now:
This applies to anyone, regardless of color, who works for a living and sides with Republicans, but is particularly poignant in puddle’s case given the antipathy toward anyone of color by today’s reich-wingers.
There is nothing more to right-wing ideology than the relentless desire to create a neo-feudal, a neo-antebellum society, if you will, composed of a very few gentry, or slave-holders, and the rest of us – as voiceless, powerless, money-less commodity workers supporting the razor-thin stratum at the top.
We’re all destined to be field negros if we let Republicans win. More Malcolm:
Like I said, these words have meaning for anyone struggling against concentrated power. The money party doesn’t give a shit about color or religion or any other distinction other than whether you possess power – and that means lots and lots of money – and they are perfectly happy to have lots of house niggers working for them, motivated by shiny-object-as-religion (abortion, gay marriage), hate for brown/gay/uppity women, intra-class resentment for workers who still have pensions, for example – it’s in fact the only way they hold power, while we still have a vote.
No puddles – I want to hear it from you!
How old is the earth? How does that comport with observations of stellar objects that are 13 billion years old?
Seems the liberal line about Romney is that he was ineffective as governor because he was 46th out of 50 in job creation during his term.
True, averaged over for years.
(That’s from the Boston Globe, wholly owned subsidiary of NYT, which definitely is NOT a Romney supporter)
When Romney came into office his state was 51st if you include D.C.
Doesn’t Obama get a mulligan on jobs during his first year because of what he ‘inherited’? Shouldn’t Romney, also, by the same logic?
In 2003, Romney’s first year in office, the number of jobs in Massachusetts declined by 1.39 percent, ranking it “51 out of 51,’’ as Fehrnstrom said. In 2006, Romney’s last full year in office, Massachusetts jobs grew by 1.06 percent, 32d in the nation. Over the course of Romney’s tenure as governor, Massachusetts’ annual job growth ranking improved by 19 spots.
Romney’s state went from 51st in job creation to 32nd, in four years.
If Obama wants to take credit for job creation since 2010, Romney should get credit for how well his state performed after he had a chance to do some work.
Just wait until Romney and Rove start spending money to make this point in the Fall. Just wait until Romney gets to make the point in the debates.
@235. Great post.
I find it similar to the the “last place aversion” theory.
puddy and bob may be house negros, but at least they are not field negros.
It’s the end of the world as we know it, but I feel fine.
‘The private sector’s doing fine.’ Obama himself said so. Just this morning.
Are you feeling it?
How long until Crossroads turns this little line into a $25M ad buy to play in Michigan (in play) and in Pennsylvania (in play) and Ohion (in play)?
I’m thinking we see an ad within 48 hours.
The trend of Democrat own-goals continues apace.
Thank you, Mr. President.
‘The private sector’s doing fine.’ Obama himself said so. Just this morning.
Good. Why do the republicans want the economy to tank? Why do republicans hate America?
You send mixed messages. You don’t want Obama to implement anything that would stimulate the economy, then you complain that the economy is not doing great.
Doctor, I don’t want you to give my family any medicine or treatment of any kind, and you are a lousy doctor because they are still sick!
Well then I guess obama isn’t a patriot either, by your definition.
Thanks for clearing that up, limp dick.
@ 240
I didn’t complain. I just pointed out that Obama left himself wide open by making a statement that will make people forget all about Romney’s ‘I’m not concerned about the poor’ line.
Romney’s already hammering on him:
and because of this Obama will be hammered on not one topic (WI) but two this coming Sunday on the talk shows.
I never said I don’t want Obama to implement anything that will stimulate the economy. Au contraire, I want him to implement something that actually will stimulate the economy, rather than all the gimmicks he’s tried that haven’t worked.
And thank you for that hanging curve, NTfF.
Since Darryl’s all about new threads, maybe he can start an ‘own-goal’ thread. The Dems have been piling them up this week. Clinton may get a hat trick.
Barfer Bob @237: So what’s your prescription for job creation? A return to the policies that destroyed millions of jobs? Maybe it’s time to post the bikini graph again (you’ll be seeing a lot more of it between now and November, I promise):
(scroll down a little to see graph)
Me: No thanks. Been enough there, done enough of that.
I don’t trust banks. Do you?
Banks blew trillions on foolish loans. There’s only one place they can go to get it back: Their own customers. Believe me, they’re going to try. Caveat emptor.
Jay “knockem’ dead” Inslee’s transportation plan is out. Haven’t read it yet and wont have time to read it for a couple of days, but here’s the link.
In other news, Derek Kilmer got a nice little write up.
I’m out of here. Busy day today.
I want him to implement something that actually will stimulate the economy, rather than all the gimmicks he’s tried that haven’t worked.
Funny you should mention this topic today:
So the republicans are not acting in good faith, they are willing to strangle the economy for years, just to get back in power.
The Dixie Chicks were called traitors just for questioning the prez’s war policy. What do that make you, for support republicans who are willfully destroying the economy for political gain.
@ 248
So? Democrats voted unanimously NO to his budget in the Senate just a few weeks back.
Look at the overwhelming Democrat ‘NO’ votes on, say, 2003 tax cuts and Bush’s proposals to alter Social Security.
When a party believes the president is doing something dumb, it votes ‘NO’. Happens all the time.
What doesn’t happen so often is when a president’s OWN party votes unanimously ‘NO’ to his proposal.
@ 248
Dixie Chicks? Really?
Man, you’re really flailing. Go back to Romney raiding pajama parties in the 60s.
@250 “Romney raiding pajama parties in the 60s”
He did? Was he wearing his fake-cop uniform? Did he “arrest” the girls and take them away? Did the real cops ever find the bodies? This is the first I’m hearing he raided pajama parties. Sounds like something Ted Bundy would do. I wonder if Mitt and Ted knew each other?
What a waste of a perfectly good Porsche.
She should’ve given it to me for safekeeping. I would have appreciated it more and taken better care of it.
Why It’s Ridiculous To Blame Obama For The Economy
“Economies are weakening across the globe.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Obama obviously isn’t responsible for what’s happening in China, India, Europe, Brazil, or other places where economies are slowing or in a funk. The U.S. is being pulled into the whirlpool; for example, our exports to Europe are being hurt by the recession there. Obama can’t get broke Europeans to buy more American stuff; and neither can Romney. But what Romney could do is make bad policy choices that would worsen the domestic situation. The U.S. is on a growth path, and is adding jobs, albeit slowly. Beware of the dealer peddling methamphetamines! “Speed” doesn’t really goose your mental functioning; it only makes you sick. Let’s hope American voters are smart enough to figure that out.
@3 I don’t think the worst-case scenario Ian envisions will happen. The comments under his article about why oil prices are weakening are somewhat off base. There was an approximately $25/bbl “Iran risk” premium built into the price of oil which is coming off now that Iran is negotiating with the West. Absent that premium, supply-demand fundamentals supported an oil price of about $80/bbl. But weaker supply-demand fundamentals due to the slowing U.S., European, and Chinese economies may be bringing that down a bit — say, to $70 – $75. Oil prices are cyclical, and I don’t think we get to $50/bbl in this cycle, even if the world economy double-dips. The reason for that is some of the marginal supply becomes uneconomic to produce below $60 so you’ll see supply tightening from production shutdowns before we get to $50. That puts a floor under how far oil prices can fall. I don’t think this is the right time to buy oil stocks, as I think oil prices — and therefore oil stocks — will weaken further from this point. I believe oil prices will level off somewhat above $70 and I plan to start buying oil stocks again when WTI crude reaches the $75 – $80 range. High gas prices on the West Coast — we are well above the rest of the nation — are due to local refinery disruptions, and are unrelated to the global crude supply/pricing situation.