Please, don’t blame either Jesus or the poor baby dinosaur.
Mind you, I might be skeptical of the claim that humans and dinosaurs could be contemporaries if it weren’t for Fred Thompson.
This is too fucking funny. I love the idea that the Publicans have any sort of values other than greed, larceny and lust.
Oops it’s started – Publican Bloomberg – Mayor of New York has bailed on the Publican party and is calling himself unaffiliated. This could be the first step in a third party run that would probably assure a Dem victory in 08 along the lines of 12 points. Run Michael RUN!
In order to be a right-wing, conservative Christian means you are a member of the “Modern Stone Age Family.”
What kind of idiot, besides Fred Flintstone, believes that humans lived during the age of the dinosaurs?
And, these back-assward, lying neo-cons actually get retards to vote for them?? I think I’ll make a career switch and start selling “Used Hay” to these fuck wads, too.
@ 4:
You mean the same way Ross Perot siphoned votes from Bush Sr. in ’92? Or the same way Nader did to Gore in 2000?
Yeah, having a 3rd party candidate always fucks it up for the national party with similar agendas.
If Bloomberg does announce a 3rd party candidacy, you can BET I’ll be giving contributions to his organization. After all, I want them to foster the illusion they’d actually have a shot at winning. Haaaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaaa
5 “What kind of idiot, besides Fred Flintstone, believes that humans lived during the age of the dinosaurs?”
Someone who’s given up on real life, and decided to play pretend for the rest of his or her days.
It always amazes me…. The Republicans jumped all over Clinton for keeping the lid on N. Koreas nukes with money. And now BUSHY gives NK money, and not a peep anywhere…
What the heck is IOKIYAR?
Puddybud Who Left the Reservationspews:
Michael look up Internet abbreviations in Google. Internalize them. Cluelessman has only one in his puny repertoire. LMAO. Since he’s all ass it’s an all body laugh!
Puddybud Who Left the Reservationspews:
Bloomberg will siphon off Moonbat! votes in NYC and it’s environment. He was and still is a RICH Moonbat!
Puddybud Who Left the Reservationspews:
Seems to me that’s a picture of Jesus showing pity and holding Voice of Asses Wiping, the thread writer.
jsa on commercial drivespews:
pud @ 12:
There are real live moonbats in the world. Not as many as you might think, but I will concede that there are a few people in public life on the left side of the aisle whose political views touch reality on few if any points.
(this is an easy concession, because there are a LOT more of this species on the right-hand side of the aisle. It’s a target-rich environment).
Bloomberg is not one of these people. When you call a pragmatic, centrist technocrat a moonbat it says little about him and mostly indicates your own politics are so far off the deep end that we should throw out a life ring and a rope.
Another TJspews:
What the heck is IOKIYAR?
It’s O.K. If You’re ARepublican.
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
Let’s see the Michael Bloomberg mantra:
Vehemently Anti Gun – “On Friday March 23, 2007 Virginia Governor Tim Kaine signed HB 2653 which prohibits gun dealer entrapment schemes, such as those orchestrated by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg”
Pro-Pot Smoking
Bought the NYC Mayor race with $76 Million first time and another wad the second time.
BTW check out most of his commissioners, deputies and officials political persuasion. They are Moonbat!
Hence JSA – MB is still a Moonbat!
Puddybud Who Left The Reservationspews:
You know JSA – Usually you are pretty level headed. But this time you didn’t perform due diligence!
Mick Sheldonspews:
This is pretty cool , I think it promotes Goldsteins view of the smarter liberal thought process and the conservatives need to ridicule instead of using substance .
Please, don’t blame either Jesus or the poor baby dinosaur.
Mind you, I might be skeptical of the claim that humans and dinosaurs could be contemporaries if it weren’t for Fred Thompson.
This is too fucking funny. I love the idea that the Publicans have any sort of values other than greed, larceny and lust.
Oops it’s started – Publican Bloomberg – Mayor of New York has bailed on the Publican party and is calling himself unaffiliated. This could be the first step in a third party run that would probably assure a Dem victory in 08 along the lines of 12 points. Run Michael RUN!
In order to be a right-wing, conservative Christian means you are a member of the “Modern Stone Age Family.”
What kind of idiot, besides Fred Flintstone, believes that humans lived during the age of the dinosaurs?
And, these back-assward, lying neo-cons actually get retards to vote for them?? I think I’ll make a career switch and start selling “Used Hay” to these fuck wads, too.
@ 4:
You mean the same way Ross Perot siphoned votes from Bush Sr. in ’92? Or the same way Nader did to Gore in 2000?
Yeah, having a 3rd party candidate always fucks it up for the national party with similar agendas.
If Bloomberg does announce a 3rd party candidacy, you can BET I’ll be giving contributions to his organization. After all, I want them to foster the illusion they’d actually have a shot at winning. Haaaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaaa
5 “What kind of idiot, besides Fred Flintstone, believes that humans lived during the age of the dinosaurs?”
Someone who’s given up on real life, and decided to play pretend for the rest of his or her days.
It always amazes me…. The Republicans jumped all over Clinton for keeping the lid on N. Koreas nukes with money. And now BUSHY gives NK money, and not a peep anywhere…
What the heck is IOKIYAR?
Michael look up Internet abbreviations in Google. Internalize them. Cluelessman has only one in his puny repertoire. LMAO. Since he’s all ass it’s an all body laugh!
Bloomberg will siphon off Moonbat! votes in NYC and it’s environment. He was and still is a RICH Moonbat!
Seems to me that’s a picture of Jesus showing pity and holding Voice of Asses Wiping, the thread writer.
pud @ 12:
There are real live moonbats in the world. Not as many as you might think, but I will concede that there are a few people in public life on the left side of the aisle whose political views touch reality on few if any points.
(this is an easy concession, because there are a LOT more of this species on the right-hand side of the aisle. It’s a target-rich environment).
Bloomberg is not one of these people. When you call a pragmatic, centrist technocrat a moonbat it says little about him and mostly indicates your own politics are so far off the deep end that we should throw out a life ring and a rope.
What the heck is IOKIYAR?
It’s O.K. If You’re A Republican.
Let’s see the Michael Bloomberg mantra:
Vehemently Anti Gun – “On Friday March 23, 2007 Virginia Governor Tim Kaine signed HB 2653 which prohibits gun dealer entrapment schemes, such as those orchestrated by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg”
Pro-Pot Smoking
Bought the NYC Mayor race with $76 Million first time and another wad the second time.
BTW check out most of his commissioners, deputies and officials political persuasion. They are Moonbat!
Hence JSA – MB is still a Moonbat!
You know JSA – Usually you are pretty level headed. But this time you didn’t perform due diligence!
This is pretty cool , I think it promotes Goldsteins view of the smarter liberal thought process and the conservatives need to ridicule instead of using substance .