“I’m not a fan of Megyn Kelly, although I often turn on Fox just to look at her. Sometimes when I’m loading my [gun ammunition] magazines, I like to just look at her. And I usually sit naked on the couch dropping hot brass on my stuff.”
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Here’s a PuddyQuestion that will stump the HA DUMMOCRETIN horde.
Remember when the great General David Petraeus (Hillary called him Be-tray-us) was charged, prosecuted of convicted of improperly storing classified information in his home? No? http://horsesass.org/has-the-s.....trayed-us/ Later, we found out the chargable information Petraeus had was categorized at the lowest level of the classified tier. It was his Outlook schedule. The information found on Clinton’s server by the Inspector General is classified as top secret, the second to highest level. So why is this double-standard being played out? How cum Hillary is above the law?
There is a statue called Lady Justice. Even the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit knows this. Puddy’s son was standing near Lady Justice when he was admitted into the bar! Lady Justice is blind, wearing a blindfold and holds a set of scales. Yet, this action is not being applied to Hillary! Apparently Lady Justice sees Hillary and put away the scales!
This is why the vitriolic attacks against Puddy are so vicious! FACTS scare HA DUMMOCRETINS! The coronation may be delayed or canceled.
Harry Poonspews:
Peanut Head
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
@1 I guess that proves Iran is gonna attack Israel, huh, just as our military training proves we’re gonna attack Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and just about everyone else. (Hint #1: Preparing for war, which is something everbody does, isn’t the same thing as going to war, dummy. Hint #2: How many wars has Iran started against Israel since the Ayatollahs took over in 1979?)
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
@3 ““I’m not a fan of Megyn Kelly, although I often turn on Fox just to look at her.”
Ha ha ha! Ted Nugent ogled Megyn Kelly on teevee! Too fucking funny! Did he jerk off while watching her interrogate Trump?
Roger Rabbitspews:
That gives me an idea. Fox should include waterboarding in their next GOP debate format. They can hire a hotel laundry to supply towels to clean up afterwards.
“Did he jerk off while watching her interrogate Trump?”
Yeah, that’s what he said. Stranger yet, I heard somewhere that the batshit crazy loon jerks off while watching Nugent.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “Yeah, Jimmie Carter has cancer!”
Are you celebrating?
Nothing Jeb! says or does surpasses what he says and does about Iraq, the greatest unforced error and global debacle in this country’s history foisted upon us by his half-wit brother and crime family.
@14, the trolling loon is losing his touch. He blamed neither Obama nor Clinton.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hillary Clinton vs. the GOP field (in other words, why Republicans will lose again in 2016):
“They brag about slashing women’s health care funding. They say they would force women who have been raped to carry their rapist’s child, and we don’t hear any of them supporting raising the minimum wage, paid leave for new parents, access to quality child care, equal pay for women or anything else that will help to give women a chance to get ahead.”
“Recently, Rand Paul called me and asked me to play golf. I easily beat him on the golf course and will even more easily beat him now, in the world in the politics.
Senator Paul does not mention that after trouncing him in golf I made a significant donation to the eye center with which he is affiliated.”
Ouch! I’ve watched Trump on the Golf Channel and he’s a good golfer. No doubt here whatsoever that he put a whuppin on Rand.
“I feel sorry for the great people of Kentucky who are being used as a back up to Senator Paul’s hopeless attempt to become President of the United States— weak on the military, Israel, the Vets and many other issues. Senator Paul has no chance of wining the nomination and the people of Kentucky should not allow him the privilege of remaining their Senator. Rand should save his lobbyist’s and special interest money and just go quietly home.”
Ouch! Go home, Rand!
“Rand’s campaign is a total mess, and as a matter of fact, I didn’t know he had anybody left in his campaign to make commercials who are not currently under indictment!”
Ouch! Feel the wrath, Rand.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Celebrating what again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
You can’t even follow a thread. The racist one in #6 said Peanut Head. Puddy responded with the next entry on the peanut farmer.
You early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit and the FlubScout are two lunatic MoFos! Ever seen someone die of cancer you two jackASSes?
You two are viscerally stoooooooooopid all the time! There was no intelligence ever noted in you two!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
You idiots forgot ObummerCare was to provide all the mammograms and abortions etc. as needed, so why does anyone need Planned Parenthood? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzjP59ZXt4E
If you noticed the Palmieri BULLSHITTIUM starts… “Many Republican candidates for president have done the same things for which they’re now criticizing Hillary.”
This is ABSOLUTE BULLSHITTIUM. While it’s true that the predecessors had their own private e-mail servers, they also weren’t responsible for compliance with the Federal Records Act (FRA)! https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/44/3101 This act covers all federal officials and requires archiving of all communications.
Improved records management thus builds on Executive Order 13589 of November 9, 2011 (Promoting Efficient Spending), which directed agencies to reduce spending and focus on mission-critical functions.
They also had no requirement to comply with Barack Obama’s executive order that largely barred the use of private e-mail for public duties by federal employees. They left before Obummer’s edict! And Palmieri to wipe up your additional BULLSHITTIUM, governors do not have access to, view, retain, or communicate classified material, especially not Top Secret/Special Compartmented Intelligence (SCI) data.
So, the rightful and truthful criticism of Hillary from the GOP’s presidential candidates references those points, along with the use of a private e-mail system to purposely bypass the FRA and Congressional oversight.
After months of denials and delaying actions, Hillary Clinton has decided to turn over her private email server to the Department of Justice. As this controversy has grown since the spring, Clinton and her campaign operatives have repeatedly denied that she had placed classified information in her personal email while serving as Secretary of State during President Obama’s first term. (“I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received,” she said last month.) Her team also denied that she would ever hand over her server to investigators. Now both those assertions have been overturned.
Hillary Clinton has little choice but to hand over her server to authorities since it now appears increasingly likely that someone on her staff violated federal laws regarding the handling of classified materials. On August 11, after extensive investigation, the Intelligence Community’s Inspector General reported to Congress that it had found several violations of security policy in Clinton’s personal emails.
Oh boy… Martha, get out the popcorn… This is gonna get really fun! Another case of rule breaking by Obummer DUMMOCRETINS!
Maybe she should have placed those emails in her pant suit like Sandy Berger!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
This was bullshit four times over: first, because in every other conflict in human history, the release of prisoners had been something settled at the close of a war; second, because these prisoners only existed because of America’s antecedent violations of the Geneva Conventions in bombing civilians in an undeclared war; third, because, as bad as their torture of prisoners was, rather than representing some species of Oriental despotism, the Vietnam Communists were only borrowing techniques practiced on them by their French colonists (and incidentally paid forward by us in places like Abu Ghraib): see this as-told-to memoir by POW and future senator Jeremiah Denton. And finally, our South Vietnamese allies’ treatment of their prisoners, who lived manacled to the floors in crippling underground bamboo “tiger cages” in prison camps built by us, was far worse than the torture our personnel suffered.
Didn’t all that supposed “illegal civilian” bombing happen during DUMMOCRETIN sadministrations? Yes Bush’s military learned it from Johnson’s military. Thanks for the clarification!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Not covered much by the libtard media. It makes Obummer look bad!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Meanwhile, let’s check on how the Oxycontin Addict’s rehab is coming along. Oops, not so well.
Hey early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, Boston has already been replaced. And Rush has over 600 stations still.
Sux to be you!
Teabagger in Declinespews:
It is unfortunate that the plane didn’t crash.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 28
Yeah, it’s amazing how much money can be brought in by vitriol and hyperbole.
I think an ideal way for Megan Kelly to shut down The Donald would be for her to challenge the field with the popular slur “cuckservative”. Watching the NY Times struggle to explain the perceived humiliation of a powerful black Commander in Chief having free reign over their wives is pretty amusing. But watching that Country Club Membership committee grapple with it would be pure gold.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Charles Krauthammer told viewers Tuesday on “Special Report with Bret Baier” that revelations classified emails were found on Hillary Clinton’s private server that she used to conduct business showed that “it’s not only her trustworthiness, it’s the fact that nothing she says ever is true three weeks later.”
Interesting headlines…
“Ben Carson: Planned Parenthood Trying To Control Populations In Black Neighborhoods”
“Ben Carson Used Fetal Tissue In His Own Medical Research”
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Remember the Bush White House “email controversy” involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys and how libtards went nutzo? Well were there any top secret documents involved? NOPE! Any SCI documents involved? NOPE!
Now that Hillary has done something way worse and now those same libtards claim “nothing here”!
DUMMOCRETINS… Always living the double standard thug life!
Gee Funkspews:
I think you are missing a gene.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
US Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) has surged to a lead over Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire, according to a new Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald poll out late Tuesday night.
That’s why Sawant supporters were there in force last weekend! Socialism abounds in the DUMMOCRETIN party because there is no real difference! http://freebeacon.com/politics.....dnc-chair/
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
I find it disconcerting when I find myself agreeing with Trump. But the nasty things he says about Republicans is usually spot on. That really must have them shitting their pants about now. And what he said about Paul was truly epic. It’s a bit like watching a bunch of cannibals at a picnic.
Roger Rabbitspews:
BLM Activists Disrupt Bush Event
This group appears to be targeting political events of both parties for disruption. They also take issue with the idea that “white lives [also] matter.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I disagree with them on both counts. Hijacking candidate platforms to force-feed their message to us is rude, antidemocratic, and unwelcome. We liberals recognize that police racism is a serious problem that must be addressed. But don’t ask us to turn a blind eye to police mistreatment of white people, when it occurs, just because police mistreatment of minorities is far worse. Both are a problem. Criticizing candidates for saying “all lives matter” — what’s wrong with that? — is PC run amok. No thanks, that doesn’t work. But I want to caution about one thing: Even though the tactics of these BLM activists may be off-putting, we mustn’t let that divert us from, or weaken our commitment to, dealing with the very real problem of police abuse in society. The candidates, though, need to find a way of dealing with these disruptions, and if that requires barring these activists from entry to campaign events, then so be it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Keep milking that cow for all she’s worth, old chap.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 I tend to think it’s his capacity for critical reasoning that went missing. I’m curious how that occurred — did his mother drop him on his head when he was an infant? Another Republican is born with every incident of child abuse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 You’re late. I posted that yesterday. So does this mean you’ll jump up and down with joy if Bernie instead of Hillary is our nominee? A Sanders-Trump matchup would be quite a race. Given a choice between an unabashed capitalist and an unapologetic socialist, I wonder who the voters would choose?
Hmmm … that could get quite interesting. Useless freeloading stock flippers like me who don’t work, produce anything, or add beans to the economy might have to start paying some taxes on the cream we skim off the top of other people’s labors.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Millennials not only must grapple with soaring student debt, soaring housing costs, and stagnant wages, but also soaring child care costs.
However, I don’t see that as a real problem, because I don’t know any millennials who have kids. We’ll have to import labor in a few years. Republicans blabber about building walls along our borders, but we should be figuring out strategies to get people to come here to work, because there won’t be any Americans to fill job openings.
Footnote: Historically, the GOP’s answer to high daycare costs is to staff daycare centers with sub-living-wage slave labor. In-home nannies, of course, work for room & board like the other servants.
“Socialism abounds…”
Geez, just a few weeks ago we were all supposed to be fascists.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
“Socialism abounds in the DUMMOCRETIN party because there is no real difference!”
You got it. Just like Nazi’s and Conservative Republicans – no real difference. 1 + 1 = 2!
Teabagger in Declinespews:
“…but also soaring child care costs.”
that’s the Republicans way to end abortions.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@37 and 43 – he’s not missing any genes, he actually has extra – two x’s forevery y.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
As stated yesterday… Post #5 can’t be answered by any HA DUMMOCRETIN. Yet all Puddy sees in this thread are the standard vitriolic ad hominem attacks. No FACTS, just attacks!
Ben Carson defended the use of fetal tissue for medical research Thursday, after a blog published excerpts of a 1992 paper describing work the neurosurgeon-turned-presidential candidate carried out using aborted fetuses.
Hope he didn’t work on the stuff past sunset on Friday!!!!
Carson is only concerned about the slut shaming.
He wants to keep fetal tissue available. And he doesn’t care that the tissue comes from “fetal Americans”. The Killing of fetuses is not the issue. Nor is disposition of dead fetal tissue. His only concern seems to be that promiscuous sluts must be forced to suffer consequences and publicly display evidence of their immorality through full term pregnancy, loss of jobs, loss of education, and condemnation into poverty.
But there’s no war on women. Only a war on sluts.
My coworker said day care for their kids under 3 was costing him $1800 a month. He was considering a second job to make ends meet
Teabagger in Declinespews:
Maybe the Donald will build a fence around the university to protect the rest of the American cities from Raping American College kids.
Conservative want to politicize a killing in a “sanctuary” city, but they have no words for the American crazies killing in movie theaters. – maybe because they give sanctuary to the NRA.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Ben Carson adequately and eloquently explained the differences! This is DUMMOCRETIN propoganda! Ben Carson slammed this big time!
DUMMOCRETINS can’t fathom the difference!
Witness the screams of the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Conservative want to politicize a killing in a “sanctuary” city, but they have no words for the American crazies killing in movie theaters. –
DAYUM U B really dumb teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Butt you forget once again your friends in the American Criminal Liars Union whom are dead set against any background check for mental issues! Puddy already posted the ACLU stance on this issue! Did you miss this FACT?
Conservatives want this. DUMMOCRETINS do not!
See ya sucka!
Never mind
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
But there’s no war on women.
Thanks for the clarification.
Thanks for playing!
“Ben Carson adequately and eloquently explained the differences!”
The babble of the batshit insane.
“We have banked material in the pathology lab from people from every age — from day 1 of concept to 120 years told. Those specimens are available for people who want to do comparisons,” Carson said, “To not use the tissue that is in a tissue bank, regardless of where it comes from, would be foolish. Why would anybody not do that?”
Ben Carson doesn’t give a shit where the fetuses come from, just so long as they end up in his pathology lab.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Ben Carson doesn’t give a shit where the fetuses come from, just so long as they end up in his pathology lab.
Ben Carson is not a pathologist Stupid Solution Steve!
DUMB and staying that way is Stupid Solution Steve! Puddy always identifying the psychobabble of the barking at the moon moonbatshit insane types.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
David Simon on Black Lives Matter and Why Bill Clinton Is To Blame For Mass Incarceration
Of course this will not make the Friday Night Comix… Truth is never found on HA DUMMOCRETINS at Friday Night at Midnight!
“Ben Carson’s tortured defense of his fetal tissue research”
He told Fox News’s Megyn Kelly that fetal tissue research was basically useless and the same things could be accomplished without it.
“And if you go back over the years, and look at the research that has been done and all the things that it was supposed to deliver, very little of that has been done, and there’s nothing that can’t be done without fetal tissue,” Carson said.
On Thursday, though, Carson told Weigel that the use of fetal tissue shouldn’t be banned. He declined to say whether Planned Parenthood should stop providing fetal tissue for medical research. So one one hand, Carson said the use of fetal tissue doesn’t produce results and is interchangeable with less morally fraught materials, and on the other he used it himself and now says it shouldn’t be banned.”
The State Department has pointed out that Cuba is one of the worst violators of human rights in its recent report, operating with extreme restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly, as well as mass surveillance, a president who rules by decree, zero free or fair elections, and a vicious style of mob rule against dissenters.
The Cuban opposition has occupied the center of U.S. policy toward the island since the nations cut diplomatic relations in 1961. The Cuban government labels its domestic opponents as traitorous U.S. mercenaries. As the two countries have moved to restore relations, Cuba has almost entirely stopped meeting with American politicians who visit dissidents during trips to Havana.
That presented a quandary for U.S. officials organizing the ceremony to mark the reopening of the embassy on Havana’s historic waterfront. Inviting dissidents would risk a boycott by Cuban officials including those who negotiated with the U.S. after Presidents Barack Obama and Raul Castro declared detente on Dec. 17. Excluding dissidents would certainly provoke fierce criticism from opponents of Obama’s new policy, including Cuban-American Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio.
Wait… Obummer giving a boost to the Castro Brothers Fascists and Communists like HA’s
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
“Ben Carson is not a pathologist”
Only someone like you who is batshit insane would come up with that.
Carson, “We have banked material in the pathology lab from people from every age — from day 1 of concept to 120 years told”
“JHML offers phlebotomy, specimen processing and diagnostic testing for research studies and outside clients.”
I wonder how much money Ben Carson’s hospital makes from selling the fetal tissue they process for research studies, especially the fetal tissue processed and sold to those mysterious “outside clients”? And what are those? Extremist right-wing Christian cults like Seventh Day Adventists?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Ben Carson is not a pathologist Stupid Solution Steve!
“This has everything to do with how it’s acquired. If you’re killing babies and taking the tissue, that’s a very different thing than taking a dead specimen and keeping a record of it.”
EPIC FAYLE! Stupid Solution Steve is an EPIC FAYLE every attosecond!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
“Ben Carson’s hospital”
Stupid Solution Steve doesn’t even know where Ben retired from!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Take, for example, Chapter Six: “The Email That Can Land You In Jail.” The chapter includes a section entitled “How to Delete Something So It Stays Deleted.”
… [Cuz Puddy being a conservative is only allowed 2 paragraphs]…
On page 215, the authors list “Stupid (and Real) Email Phrases That Wound Up in Court.” Number one on the list? “DELETE THIS EMAIL!’ Later, on page 226, the writers warn, “If you’re issued a subpoena, your deletion binge will only make you look guilty.”
Of course this will not make the Friday Night Comix… Truth is never found on HA DUMMOCRETINS at Friday Night at Midnight!
“Ben Carson is not a pathologist”
Of course, he isn’t. But being batshit insane, you have to keep repeating it.
“Steve doesn’t even know where Ben retired from!”
Who the fuck cares? What’s relevant is where Carson did his research using processed fetal tissue, you stupid batshit crazy loon. Johns Hopkins, where Carson was just down the hall from the pathology lab where they processed fetal tissue for him and also to sell to outside clients. They probably made a bundle and they probably obtained the non-processed fetal tissue free from Planned Parenthood, who only had their shipping charges reimbursed.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Who the fuck cares? What’s relevant is where Carson did his research using processed fetal tissue, you stupid batshit crazy loon. Johns Hopkins, where Carson was just down the hall from the pathology lab where they processed fetal tissue for him and also to sell to outside clients. They probably made a bundle and they probably obtained the non-processed fetal tissue free from Planned Parenthood, who only had their shipping charges reimbursed.
Stupid Solution Steve Speculation from reading into left wrong sites.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Google search of “johns hopkins sells fetal tissue” – Nuthin found Stupid Solution Steve…
“You’ll always have people who don’t understand [Stupid Solution Steve is one of them]– that’s why the media does that, because they’re trying to sway certain people. I understand that,” Carson said. “I have no doubt that with me continuing to rise in the polls, they will try to find somebody I had a fight with in the third grade.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
I ran across this too-true-to-be-funny piece by a Fortune writer while perusing old magazines today. As he astutely observes, America’s labor policies are rushing headlong back to into the 19th century, courtesy of the GOP and their greedy CEO friends. With a system like this, why should anyone work?
Why shouldn’t Carson wage war on sluts?
They’ve transgressed his invisible sky buddy by wickedly indulging their dirty pulsating wantoness. These women are flagrant and Dr. Carson will stop them if he can. Dirty, bad, wicked girls need to face consequences for sluttiness.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 77 DR
Why shouldn’t Carson wage war on sluts?
They’ve transgressed his invisible sky buddy by wickedly indulging their dirty pulsating wantonness.
In other words, they always turned him down because he was such a pretentious and narcissistic dickhead.
“his invisible sky buddy”
Carson belongs to the same Seventh Day Adventist cult as our batshit crazy loon. Enough said.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Interesting stooooooooopiity from closetforeplay. So those women has spontaneous generation or the guys didn’t wear rubbers? Puddy sees closetforeplay excusing the guys! Look at all those stoooooooopid Ben Carson attacks above. rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears would call these attacks racist if this was Obummer!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Stupid Solution Steve demonstrates its hatred 24×7!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
I treated over 15,000 patients in some 57 countries. We lived in Australia for a while as well. One of the most gratifying moments of each day is when I run into a former patient like I did tonight. My patients were all quite ill. I love seeing them with their families living normal lives. I think it is more gratifying than serving in Congress.
Speaking of serving in Congress. I constantly get asked how could I possibly become President when I have no political experience. Here is what I say. The current Members of Congress have a combined 8,788 years of political experience. How is that working out? People forget that of our 56 founding fathers who risked it all to sign the Declaration of Independence, Five were Doctors.
Good night,
Of course the smears will continue from DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
U.S. officials first found classified information among Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails last May, far earlier than known publicly, and it’s not clear what she and her lawyer did over the following weeks to fully secure the sensitive data, people familiar with federal inquiries into the matter said Thursday.
Gen Ray Odierno sets yet another dynastic empty suit straight:
U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno said on Wednesday that Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush was wrong to blame the Obama administration for the current instability in Iraq.
Ahead of his official retirement on Friday, Odierno, the former highest-ranking officer in Iraq and one of the architects of the 2007 troop surge there, sought to set the record straight.
“I remind everybody that us leaving at the end of 2011 was negotiated in 2008 by the Bush administration. That was always the plan, we had promised them that we would respect their sovereignty,” Odierno said during his final press conference at the Pentagon.
Wow. Not only does the General correct yet another Bush empty suit, he corrects an empty skull in these comment threads..
The babbling jackass troll.
Maybe I missed it, but I don’t recall anyone questioning Carson’s citizenship, mocking his appearance or that of his family members, or comparing him to any animals.
If he’s being singled out here, for my part it’s only because The Man From Atlantis has an obvious man-crush on him.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Maybe I missed it, but I don’t recall anyone questioning Carson’s citizenship, mocking his appearance or that of his family members, or comparing him to any animals.
Oh my closetforeplay is reaching for straws again. A Psych 101 thang again!
Where has Puddy used birtherism against Obummer? It’s you libtards who called Bush a chimp, made Condi Rice to be a devil, and other things!
Another EPIC FAYLE again!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Odierno corrects an empty skull in these comment threads.. clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch…
In 2009, while still the top commander in Iraq, Odierno recommended keeping 30,000-35,000 U.S. troops after the end of 2011, when the U.S. was scheduled to pull out. The recommendation was not followed.
Further, when ISIS took over large portions of Iraq last year including its second-largest city, Mosul, the White House apparently didn’t reach out to the Army officer who had spent more time commanding U.S. forces than anyone else.
You see clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, this is why Puddy PWNS you. No mind and certainly your EPIC FAYLE of the crazed databaze!
Then why am I — someone almost certain to vote for a Democrat, and hoping to vote for a woman, in 2016 — so pleased by Sanders’ ascent? Because it helps to puncture the aura of inevitability around Hillary Clinton. Yes, she continues to lead in every national poll by a large margin, which is why few formidable opponents have shown an interest in challenging her for the Democratic nomination. That has always been foolish, given the mountain of baggage she and her husband carry around with them everywhere they go. But now it’s become downright irresponsible.
The Democrats desperately need more serious, viable candidates in the race, or at least poised to jump in at a moment’s notice. (And it sure would be great if they were more appealing than Al Gore.) The point wouldn’t be to catch up to her in a mad dash. The point would be to serve as a strong back-up for when the nearly inevitable happens.
Teabag her in Declinespews:
@59 “see ya soon”
Not really. Don’t think You’ll be seeing me.
Teabag her in Declinespews:
Ahhh, yes. The rich and famous get the most respect in this world, even if you have to pretend you have money. The poor are doing it all wrong. The need to take a lesson from these two – you’ll have all the love and admiration from your friends, families and neighbors. Just don’t let them eventually find out.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Seems teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla @93 can’t follow a thread conversation either. Where did Puddy make that asserting idiotic teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Sheeeeeeeeesh, more stooooooooooopid from the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorillaon a Friday morning!
@95 there was nothing worth following in the thread you reference. Actually, any thread started or including you isn’t worth reading. I quickly scan thru and skip it, as quick as I can. I just saw that you said “rubbers”. You, being against rubbers, shouldn’t even speak the word. Because as you speak it you give attention to the people who have an agenda to push rubbers. Better for you to stay silent and not say the words rubber or condoms. Just pretend they don’t exist, that would be best.
Rubbers are evil instruments designed to cheat The Lord of his righteous judgment. Fornicators must face disease and death. And sluts must pay.
I am The Man From Atlantis.
I have spoken.
An interesting conundrum.
For reasons of political cover, I’m sure the RNC and FOX would like to keep Carson in the hunt at least until Iowa. And nobody in Congress wants to squander an issue like Planned Parenthood by parsing it in terms of (gasp!) medical science.
But if Carson continues to gain support, it seems a near certainty that before too long at least one of the trailers will challenge Carson over his use of aborted fetal tissue in his research. And that puts him on the spot to respond to their demagoguery with some kind of reasonable exploration of the issue in scientific terms. And even the extremist media will have to respect that to some extent.
And that kills the issue for the GOP. This whole strategy depends upon demagoguery. Opponents of reproductive health care and family planning rely upon carefully inaccurate language combined with public discomfort over medicine in general, and anything to do with a vagina in particular. Carson turning the discussion toward the benefits of medical research to human life span, and parsing the details of tissue sample procedures completely kills that. And most of the Teapublican elite will be reluctant to punch back, to avoid looking like the paternalistic assholes they are. I mean it’s really hard to imagine the optics of Ted Cruz lecturing Ben Carson on science and medicine. I’m definitely looking forward to it.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
You, being against rubbers, shouldn’t even speak the word.
Where has Puddy claimed to be against rubbers? One should have been used when your products of conception were created though!
And Puddy PWNS closetforeplay again!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
But if Carson continues to gain support, it seems a near certainty that before too long at least one of the trailers will challenge Carson over his use of aborted fetal tissue in his research.
Keep that thought closetforeplay! It’s the only play you DUMMOCRETINS think you have against Ben!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Google “ben carson fetal tissue” and watch the left wrong libtard sites get all frenzied up over the same one article from the hateful abortion blogging doctor!
DAYUM you DUMMOCRETINS are really funny!
Ben blew them out of the water!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
you aren’t paying attention. Calm down. It isn’t “our” play.
Someone like Chris Christie or Ted Cruz is who you need to be concerned about (I’d say Rand Paul, but I’m fairly confident he’d be afraid to match wits with someone who graduated from a real medical school). It’s their play. We liberals are just slowing down to gawk at the Clown Car Wreck.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Listen to Howard. The hip under 35 crowd is his crowd!
I thought Carson’s responses to the Washington Post were thoughtful and intelligent. He seems to capably defend his role in medical research involving tissue taken from aborted fetuses, while reiterating his opposition to abortion. I don’t think the two are incompatible. I think he’s wrong. But the two aren’t incompatible.
But unless I missed some secret transcript from a hippie conclave of Carson haters, every single part of his response was predicated on the medical science and the value of the research. He said in rather blunt if rambling terms that most of us owe a good portion of our longevity to this kind of medical research. When asked if he thought that medical research using tissue from aborted fetuses was immoral or should be banned he answered no.
If that response blows anyone out of the water, it would probably be the so called “Center for Medical Progress”.
It’d be a pretty huge waste of resources to pour tens of millions of dollars and several years of work and planning into an effort that merely restates existing federal laws, and finds no legal impropriety. I’m pretty sure the so called “Center for Medical Progress” started out with loftier goals than that.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@100 so Puffy isn’t against rubbers and condoms? Tell us when do you approve of the use of condoms? Tells us how that applies to what the Bible teaches.
We know your daddy was completely disappointed and shocked when he found out your mother was pregnant with you. I guess condom technology wasn’t that good back then and broke more often.
And we all know about Puffy being in the closet.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
Ben should be a little more careful. The KKK and some of the racist evangelicals may actually favor abortion now.
72 million American Catholics will eventually get the message that Ben Carson, our batshiit crazy loon and the rest of the Seventh Day Adventist cult all believe the Catholic church to be the Whore of Babylon, that the Pope is the Antichrist, and that Catholics are all going to Hell.
I’m sure that’ll go over well.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Ben Carson: Abortions Are Main Cause Of Death For Black People
This is what the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla voted for! Gotta slip out the side door because the optics look bad!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
I thought Carson’s responses to the Washington Post were thoughtful and intelligent. He seems to capably defend his role in medical research involving tissue taken from aborted fetuses, while reiterating his opposition to abortion. I don’t think the two are incompatible. I think he’s wrong. But the two aren’t incompatible.
Well closetforeplay… Stupid Solution Steve vehemently disagrees with you. Go back and read the moronic twit’s commentary above!
So between you two, who is the very stupid one? You or Stupid Solution Steve?
In 2009, while still the top commander in Iraq, Odierno recommended keeping 30,000-35,000 U.S. troops after the end of 2011, when the U.S. was scheduled to pull out.
The babbling jackass is a little child.. Don’t matter what Odierno may or may not have recommended..
Iraqis wanted us OUT! That little “sovereignty” word.. Made evident in the 2008 agreement between your beloved empty suit you voted for twice and the Iraqis.
American people wanted OUT!
FACTS JACKASS! ISIS is a whacko cult like your cult. They’ll burn out eventually just like you’re an eventual burn out.
I remember when the babbling jackass farted that SDA is not a cult because of their hospitals..
Catholic Church has hospitals too jackass and it’s pretty obvious the babbling jackass believes the Catholic Church is a cult. The jackass ranted and raved about the hat the Pope wears.
Too daaaaamn funny! Funniest thing is I AGREE. I totally distrust the cult of personality around the pontiff.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
I thought Carson’s responses to the Washington Post were thoughtful and intelligent. He seems to capably defend his role in medical research involving tissue taken from aborted fetuses, while reiterating his opposition to abortion. I don’t think the two are incompatible. I think he’s wrong. But the two aren’t incompatible.
Seems the
clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is stooooooooopid too closetforeplay!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
The rants of a clueless moron
clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
I obviously disagree with Steve in this regard. But that doesn’t mean I think he’s stupid. Any more than I think Ben Carson is stupid, even though I disagree with him.
I do think you are stupid. And very, very gullible.
nope. Not at all.
But you are most definitely stupid. And also very, very gullible.
Have you noticed that Doctor Carson does not refer to the tissue products that he used in his research as “harvested murdered baby parts”?
In a simply shocking indication of his ghastly irreverence for the sanctity of human life he repeatedly refers to it as “fetal tissue samples”.
These must be trying times for Doctor Carson’s supporters.
“We have banked material in the pathology lab from people from every age — from day 1 of concept to 120 years old. Those specimens are available for people who want to do comparisons,” Dr. Carson said. “To not use the tissue that is in a tissue bank, regardless of where it comes from, would be foolish. Why would anybody not do that?”
“We have banked skins and teeth in the crematoria from people from every age — from birth to 120 years old. Those specimens are available for people who want to make lamp shades, wallets, or whatever,” Dr. Mengele said. “To not use the tissue that is in a crematoria, regardless of where it comes from, would be foolish. Why would anybody not do that?”
I obviously disagree with Steve in this regard.”
I suspect any disagreement would be with his misrepresentation @116 of my previous comments. I’ve only made available the sources and commented on quotes from Carson and the Johns Hopkins pathology lab which was his probable source of fetal tissue samples. It is also true that Carson is SDA. Of course, SDA beliefs about Catholicism – the Whore of Babylon, the Antichrist and all that – hasn’t escaped the notice of Catholics.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Got link or more DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM as always from your smelly hind parts?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
I suspect any disagreement would be with his misrepresentation @116 of my previous comments.
There is no misrepresentation Stupid Solution Steve! You wrote BULLSHITTIUM and closetforeplay [whom Puddy still thinks is lib unscientist like you do] disagreed and called you and the misrepresentation on it!
Sux to be so wrong for so long Stupid Solution Steve!
It seems disingenuous to claim it’s ok if the dead baby fetus parts came from a tissue bank. It’s like people who buy meats from the store who would not want kill and dress a cow, as if the steak jist magically appears in shrink wrap.
Willy Vomitspews:
Spittles: When asked if he thought that medical research using tissue from aborted fetuses was immoral or should be banned he answered no.
YLB: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Why no babbling jackass (not addressing the author of the above)? Could the tissue come from any source like Planned Parenthood?
Carson used this research to advance his career. Career advancement meant more money. More money meant more money for the SDA cult!
Carson will fizzle out like R-Money did. No one trusts an adherent to a cult.
You wanna know what I find the most amusing part of all that bullshit? He thinks Ben Carson is an honest man, and believes what the man says.
There are reasons why Carson is considered almost as credible as Pat Robertson or Bryan Fischer.
It really is a sick, sad world.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
His/Her mother and sister are gay? And he/she isn’t? I thought gay people couldn’t have kids? And she/he didn’t go gay because mom didn’t get her/him to change from being straight? Maybe I should read beyond the first paragraph, maybe she/he is gay too.
At first I thought Taylor was a woman, but I now think Taylor is a man.
The district has been gerrymandered in the shape of a Unicorn. Now, I’m sure Democrats gerrymander too, I would think. But there is got to be some way to divide a state into district that aren’t the shape of a Unicorn – there’s got to be a scientific way some computer can draw the lines. We’ve sent people to the moon – didn’t we?
@115 not a registered NY voter. Never voted there. So once again, wrong again!
But if I did vote in that election that the current mayor of NYC elected him mayor, what would have been my other choice? Some nut bag religious radical freak that walks sideways and calls themselves a conservative? Now maybe you and the rest of your nut bags could learn something if you comprehended what I am saying there. But nahhhhhhhh, you guys are a bunch of fuckwads.
But for the record, I don’t necessarily think that DeBlasio is a good mayor, probably for reasons that you wouldn’t have issue with.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@117 and the empty suit is the one that signed the exit agreement. And people elected, in popularity, the guy that said he would get us out if elected.
Hey if we weren’t smart enough to figure out the consequences of going to war, why should one expect us the consequence of pulling out, even though what you got when you pulled out wouldn’t have ever happened if you didn’t do a needless fucking war. Maybe we should have just spent trillions to stay there forever, because you know, that one day when you decide to leave, you find out what you fucking broke was worse than what existed in the first place.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@123 they are your friends…..conservatives just like you with the same values – religious nuts, and bigots with barbaric individuals.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
You think all pro lifers would be organ donors. Is there some religious reason why one shouldn’t be an organ donor? Is it because they believe in conspiracies and that they’d be in the surgery room, at deaths door, and the full effort to save them wouldn’t be made purposely so that the organs could be harvested and donated?
I’m an organ donor – I sure wish my heart doesn’t go to a person like Puffy.
Are you now going to dispute that these are Carson’s words?
You really do become quite delusional when put under pressure. Carson has now reiterated these positions in several media interviews that are widely reported. Perhaps Carson can be forgiven his loose grasp of major events over the last few decades. He might have been just a bit preoccupied with saving lives and pioneering surgical techniques. But what’s your excuse other than being an unbearably smug asshole?
Fight your own battles, pussy. The only person I’m “calling” on bullshit here is you.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
I haven’t been around consistently lately. Who is closetforeplay? Should I know? Is it me? Steve is it you? Or is it you, DistantReplay. Is it Closet Fore Play or Closet For Replay? Is Puffy suggesting Foreplay or do you Replay in Closets?
I know – all stupid questions – I should have been paying or replaying better attention.
He’s also always talking about smelly hind parts. All I can think is that he can’t take a bath and has a smelly ass himself, and although he knows how bad he smells he doesn’t take a bath and is reminded about smelly hind parts all day, while he does no work.
Well done. But a tip: make some specific advanced arrangements with a major institution or medical school if you can. Just filling out a form at the DMV may not be enough. Most of us will probably die in a hospital. So having specific adv directives and all the forms on file with the receiving institution is advisable. In a few cases you may have to arrange to pay for transportation of your remains.
There are times when I suspect that piddles is a sock puppet created by Flula.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@142 ok – I’ll look into it. And I wouldn’t mind having to pay if there is cost.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@143 Flula? Flual Borg? I googled Flula and all that came up was Flula Borg.
Watch one of Flula’s YouTube videos like “Jennifer is a Party Pooper”. Then read one of Piddy’s more florid posts but imagine it in Flula’s “confused foreigner” voice.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@146 I like the Butt Hurt video
I wonder if Puffy likes brownies too?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
“We have banked skins and teeth in the crematoria from people from every age — from birth to 120 years old. Those specimens are available for people who want to make lamp shades, wallets, or whatever,” Dr. Mengele said. “To not use the tissue that is in a crematoria, regardless of where it comes from, would be foolish. Why would anybody not do that?”
Are you now going to dispute that these are Carson’s words?
When did Ben Carson claim that closetforeplay?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Who is pussy?
Does closetforeplay play with his pussy? Pet his pussy? Groom his pussy?
Posting the last comment on a long dead thread in a pitiful gambit to convince myself of my worth and virtuespews:
Oh look here… http://townhall.com/tipsheet/a.....l-n2038050
Naaaaah, this can’t be true… Obummer would have told us!
The same old same old in news from the Gooper world today – more racism and child sexual abuse.
“GOP lawmaker who ‘rehomed’ adopted daughters with rapist to get ‘courage’ award at Ted Cruz dinner”
“‘Stump For Trump Girls’ are transphobic, Cosby-loving, Confederate flag-hating Trump lovers”
“Ohio woman’s truck torched after threatening letter: ‘We don’t want you here, black b*itch’”
“British reporter in Ferguson finds whites openly carrying rifles and peaceful blacks being arrested”
“GOP council candidate in New Jersey town accused of child sex assault”
“Pastor charged with sexually abusing another boy after church members rallied to his defense”
Ted Nugent is back and crazier than ever,
“I’m not a fan of Megyn Kelly, although I often turn on Fox just to look at her. Sometimes when I’m loading my [gun ammunition] magazines, I like to just look at her. And I usually sit naked on the couch dropping hot brass on my stuff.”
This one caused the batshit crazy loon’s head to explode.
“CNN Poll Shows Trump Way Up In Iowa As Walker Falls”
Here’s a PuddyQuestion that will stump the HA DUMMOCRETIN horde.
Remember when the great General David Petraeus (Hillary called him Be-tray-us) was charged, prosecuted of convicted of improperly storing classified information in his home? No? http://horsesass.org/has-the-s.....trayed-us/ Later, we found out the chargable information Petraeus had was categorized at the lowest level of the classified tier. It was his Outlook schedule. The information found on Clinton’s server by the Inspector General is classified as top secret, the second to highest level. So why is this double-standard being played out? How cum Hillary is above the law?
There is a statue called Lady Justice. Even the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit knows this. Puddy’s son was standing near Lady Justice when he was admitted into the bar! Lady Justice is blind, wearing a blindfold and holds a set of scales. Yet, this action is not being applied to Hillary! Apparently Lady Justice sees Hillary and put away the scales!
This is why the vitriolic attacks against Puddy are so vicious! FACTS scare HA DUMMOCRETINS! The coronation may be delayed or canceled.
Peanut Head
Yeah, Jimmie Carter has cancer!
Thanks headless racist lucy @6!
Here is some Ben Carson for you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNpsTsv5UyE
This is an example of what the War On Drugs is doing to our civil liberties.
@1 I guess that proves Iran is gonna attack Israel, huh, just as our military training proves we’re gonna attack Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and just about everyone else. (Hint #1: Preparing for war, which is something everbody does, isn’t the same thing as going to war, dummy. Hint #2: How many wars has Iran started against Israel since the Ayatollahs took over in 1979?)
A great video destroying a libtard! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6eVuABnsdA
@3 ““I’m not a fan of Megyn Kelly, although I often turn on Fox just to look at her.”
Ha ha ha! Ted Nugent ogled Megyn Kelly on teevee! Too fucking funny! Did he jerk off while watching her interrogate Trump?
That gives me an idea. Fox should include waterboarding in their next GOP debate format. They can hire a hotel laundry to supply towels to clean up afterwards.
“Did he jerk off while watching her interrogate Trump?”
Yeah, that’s what he said. Stranger yet, I heard somewhere that the batshit crazy loon jerks off while watching Nugent.
@7 “Yeah, Jimmie Carter has cancer!”
Are you celebrating?
Nothing Jeb! says or does surpasses what he says and does about Iraq, the greatest unforced error and global debacle in this country’s history foisted upon us by his half-wit brother and crime family.
@14, the trolling loon is losing his touch. He blamed neither Obama nor Clinton.
Hillary Clinton vs. the GOP field (in other words, why Republicans will lose again in 2016):
“They brag about slashing women’s health care funding. They say they would force women who have been raped to carry their rapist’s child, and we don’t hear any of them supporting raising the minimum wage, paid leave for new parents, access to quality child care, equal pay for women or anything else that will help to give women a chance to get ahead.”
News coverage like this explains why Americans are so fucking ignorant about things that actually matter.
Meanwhile, let’s check on how the Oxycontin Addict’s rehab is coming along. Oops, not so well.
Fking hilarious
Donald Trump mocks Rand Paul, calls on him to quit presidential race
Peanut Headed 10%er
“Donald Trump mocks Rand Paul…”
Damn! Ripped him a new orifice.
A few zingers…
“Recently, Rand Paul called me and asked me to play golf. I easily beat him on the golf course and will even more easily beat him now, in the world in the politics.
Senator Paul does not mention that after trouncing him in golf I made a significant donation to the eye center with which he is affiliated.”
Ouch! I’ve watched Trump on the Golf Channel and he’s a good golfer. No doubt here whatsoever that he put a whuppin on Rand.
“I feel sorry for the great people of Kentucky who are being used as a back up to Senator Paul’s hopeless attempt to become President of the United States— weak on the military, Israel, the Vets and many other issues. Senator Paul has no chance of wining the nomination and the people of Kentucky should not allow him the privilege of remaining their Senator. Rand should save his lobbyist’s and special interest money and just go quietly home.”
Ouch! Go home, Rand!
“Rand’s campaign is a total mess, and as a matter of fact, I didn’t know he had anybody left in his campaign to make commercials who are not currently under indictment!”
Ouch! Feel the wrath, Rand.
Celebrating what again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
You can’t even follow a thread. The racist one in #6 said Peanut Head. Puddy responded with the next entry on the peanut farmer.
You early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit and the FlubScout are two lunatic MoFos! Ever seen someone die of cancer you two jackASSes?
You two are viscerally stoooooooooopid all the time! There was no intelligence ever noted in you two!
You idiots forgot ObummerCare was to provide all the mammograms and abortions etc. as needed, so why does anyone need Planned Parenthood? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzjP59ZXt4E
Remember all those lawsuits, etc.
Oopsie… https://twitter.com/gdebenedetti/status/631512391554043904/photo/1
If you noticed the Palmieri BULLSHITTIUM starts… “Many Republican candidates for president have done the same things for which they’re now criticizing Hillary.”
This is ABSOLUTE BULLSHITTIUM. While it’s true that the predecessors had their own private e-mail servers, they also weren’t responsible for compliance with the Federal Records Act (FRA)! https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/44/3101 This act covers all federal officials and requires archiving of all communications.
They also had no requirement to comply with Barack Obama’s executive order that largely barred the use of private e-mail for public duties by federal employees. They left before Obummer’s edict! And Palmieri to wipe up your additional BULLSHITTIUM, governors do not have access to, view, retain, or communicate classified material, especially not Top Secret/Special Compartmented Intelligence (SCI) data.
So, the rightful and truthful criticism of Hillary from the GOP’s presidential candidates references those points, along with the use of a private e-mail system to purposely bypass the FRA and Congressional oversight.
Meanwhile the Daily Beast has it best… http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....mails.html
Oh boy… Martha, get out the popcorn… This is gonna get really fun! Another case of rule breaking by Obummer DUMMOCRETINS!
Maybe she should have placed those emails in her pant suit like Sandy Berger!
Ahhh yes… progressive DUMMOCRETINS in action… http://www.nationalreview.com/.....vid-french
Didn’t all that supposed “illegal civilian” bombing happen during DUMMOCRETIN sadministrations? Yes Bush’s military learned it from Johnson’s military. Thanks for the clarification!
Obummer’s EPA wants to stifle coal powered plants while allowing this fiasco… http://theweek.com/speedreads/.....ater-spill
Not covered much by the libtard media. It makes Obummer look bad!
Meanwhile, let’s check on how the Oxycontin Addict’s rehab is coming along. Oops, not so well.
Hey early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, Boston has already been replaced. And Rush has over 600 stations still.
Sux to be you!
It is unfortunate that the plane didn’t crash.
@ 28
Yeah, it’s amazing how much money can be brought in by vitriol and hyperbole.
I think an ideal way for Megan Kelly to shut down The Donald would be for her to challenge the field with the popular slur “cuckservative”. Watching the NY Times struggle to explain the perceived humiliation of a powerful black Commander in Chief having free reign over their wives is pretty amusing. But watching that Country Club Membership committee grapple with it would be pure gold.
Hmmm…? So now we learned Hillary broke another law… http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....k-n2038307
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla
Who’s plane?
Krauthammer nails it again! http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....p=obinsite
Interesting headlines…
“Ben Carson: Planned Parenthood Trying To Control Populations In Black Neighborhoods”
“Ben Carson Used Fetal Tissue In His Own Medical Research”
Remember the Bush White House “email controversy” involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys and how libtards went nutzo? Well were there any top secret documents involved? NOPE! Any SCI documents involved? NOPE!
Now that Hillary has done something way worse and now those same libtards claim “nothing here”!
DUMMOCRETINS… Always living the double standard thug life!
I think you are missing a gene.
US Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) has surged to a lead over Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire, according to a new Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald poll out late Tuesday night.
That’s why Sawant supporters were there in force last weekend! Socialism abounds in the DUMMOCRETIN party because there is no real difference! http://freebeacon.com/politics.....dnc-chair/
Getting deeper… http://www.mcclatchydc.com/new.....64044.html
I find it disconcerting when I find myself agreeing with Trump. But the nasty things he says about Republicans is usually spot on. That really must have them shitting their pants about now. And what he said about Paul was truly epic. It’s a bit like watching a bunch of cannibals at a picnic.
BLM Activists Disrupt Bush Event
This group appears to be targeting political events of both parties for disruption. They also take issue with the idea that “white lives [also] matter.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I disagree with them on both counts. Hijacking candidate platforms to force-feed their message to us is rude, antidemocratic, and unwelcome. We liberals recognize that police racism is a serious problem that must be addressed. But don’t ask us to turn a blind eye to police mistreatment of white people, when it occurs, just because police mistreatment of minorities is far worse. Both are a problem. Criticizing candidates for saying “all lives matter” — what’s wrong with that? — is PC run amok. No thanks, that doesn’t work. But I want to caution about one thing: Even though the tactics of these BLM activists may be off-putting, we mustn’t let that divert us from, or weaken our commitment to, dealing with the very real problem of police abuse in society. The candidates, though, need to find a way of dealing with these disruptions, and if that requires barring these activists from entry to campaign events, then so be it.
@39 Keep milking that cow for all she’s worth, old chap.
@37 I tend to think it’s his capacity for critical reasoning that went missing. I’m curious how that occurred — did his mother drop him on his head when he was an infant? Another Republican is born with every incident of child abuse.
@38 You’re late. I posted that yesterday. So does this mean you’ll jump up and down with joy if Bernie instead of Hillary is our nominee? A Sanders-Trump matchup would be quite a race. Given a choice between an unabashed capitalist and an unapologetic socialist, I wonder who the voters would choose?
Hmmm … that could get quite interesting. Useless freeloading stock flippers like me who don’t work, produce anything, or add beans to the economy might have to start paying some taxes on the cream we skim off the top of other people’s labors.
Millennials not only must grapple with soaring student debt, soaring housing costs, and stagnant wages, but also soaring child care costs.
However, I don’t see that as a real problem, because I don’t know any millennials who have kids. We’ll have to import labor in a few years. Republicans blabber about building walls along our borders, but we should be figuring out strategies to get people to come here to work, because there won’t be any Americans to fill job openings.
Footnote: Historically, the GOP’s answer to high daycare costs is to staff daycare centers with sub-living-wage slave labor. In-home nannies, of course, work for room & board like the other servants.
“Socialism abounds…”
Geez, just a few weeks ago we were all supposed to be fascists.
“Socialism abounds in the DUMMOCRETIN party because there is no real difference!”
You got it. Just like Nazi’s and Conservative Republicans – no real difference. 1 + 1 = 2!
“…but also soaring child care costs.”
that’s the Republicans way to end abortions.
@37 and 43 – he’s not missing any genes, he actually has extra – two x’s forevery y.
As stated yesterday… Post #5 can’t be answered by any HA DUMMOCRETIN. Yet all Puddy sees in this thread are the standard vitriolic ad hominem attacks. No FACTS, just attacks!
Your candidate is lawyering up along with her #1. Some speculation will be Mrs Weiner will be the fall gal! http://hotair.com/archives/201.....awyers-up/
Remember 18 USC 1924!
A Hillary Bundler in financial trouble? http://www.hollywoodreporter.c.....its-814485
Hope he didn’t work on the stuff past sunset on Friday!!!!
Carson is only concerned about the slut shaming.
He wants to keep fetal tissue available. And he doesn’t care that the tissue comes from “fetal Americans”. The Killing of fetuses is not the issue. Nor is disposition of dead fetal tissue. His only concern seems to be that promiscuous sluts must be forced to suffer consequences and publicly display evidence of their immorality through full term pregnancy, loss of jobs, loss of education, and condemnation into poverty.
But there’s no war on women. Only a war on sluts.
My coworker said day care for their kids under 3 was costing him $1800 a month. He was considering a second job to make ends meet
Maybe the Donald will build a fence around the university to protect the rest of the American cities from Raping American College kids.
University Of Kansas Under More Scrutiny On Sexual Assault Cases http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....84342.html
Conservative want to politicize a killing in a “sanctuary” city, but they have no words for the American crazies killing in movie theaters. – maybe because they give sanctuary to the NRA.
Ben Carson adequately and eloquently explained the differences! This is DUMMOCRETIN propoganda! Ben Carson slammed this big time!
DUMMOCRETINS can’t fathom the difference!
Witness the screams of the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Conservative want to politicize a killing in a “sanctuary” city, but they have no words for the American crazies killing in movie theaters. –
DAYUM U B really dumb teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Butt you forget once again your friends in the American Criminal Liars Union whom are dead set against any background check for mental issues! Puddy already posted the ACLU stance on this issue! Did you miss this FACT?
Conservatives want this. DUMMOCRETINS do not!
See ya sucka!
Never mind
But there’s no war on women.
Thanks for the clarification.
Thanks for playing!
“Ben Carson adequately and eloquently explained the differences!”
The babble of the batshit insane.
“We have banked material in the pathology lab from people from every age — from day 1 of concept to 120 years told. Those specimens are available for people who want to do comparisons,” Carson said, “To not use the tissue that is in a tissue bank, regardless of where it comes from, would be foolish. Why would anybody not do that?”
Ben Carson doesn’t give a shit where the fetuses come from, just so long as they end up in his pathology lab.
Ben Carson doesn’t give a shit where the fetuses come from, just so long as they end up in his pathology lab.
Ben Carson is not a pathologist Stupid Solution Steve!
DUMB and staying that way is Stupid Solution Steve! Puddy always identifying the psychobabble of the barking at the moon moonbatshit insane types.
Wow… what will the HA DUMMOCRETIN horde claim now? http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....ation.html
David Simon on Black Lives Matter and Why Bill Clinton Is To Blame For Mass Incarceration
Of course this will not make the Friday Night Comix… Truth is never found on HA DUMMOCRETINS at Friday Night at Midnight!
“Ben Carson’s tortured defense of his fetal tissue research”
He told Fox News’s Megyn Kelly that fetal tissue research was basically useless and the same things could be accomplished without it.
“And if you go back over the years, and look at the research that has been done and all the things that it was supposed to deliver, very little of that has been done, and there’s nothing that can’t be done without fetal tissue,” Carson said.
On Thursday, though, Carson told Weigel that the use of fetal tissue shouldn’t be banned. He declined to say whether Planned Parenthood should stop providing fetal tissue for medical research. So one one hand, Carson said the use of fetal tissue doesn’t produce results and is interchangeable with less morally fraught materials, and on the other he used it himself and now says it shouldn’t be banned.”
Only the batshit insane would equate such a tortured defence with eloquence.
So it seems Lois Lerner is in it deeper than she was trying to claim… http://newsbusters.org/blogs/n.....-will-nets
– Two best comments:
It is sad, but there are lots of demorat voters who will accept her BS answer as the truth. As Ron White once said, ‘ you can’t fix stupid’.
The saying lies, damn lies and statistics was replaced by lies, damn lies and Stephanie Cutter. Poor Stephanie, she has been usurped by Lois Lerner.
Meanwhile in Cuba… http://babalublog.com/2015/07/.....ooks-like/
Oh butt wait… http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfro.....id/669696/
Wait… Obummer giving a boost to the Castro Brothers Fascists and Communists like HA’s
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
“Ben Carson is not a pathologist”
Only someone like you who is batshit insane would come up with that.
Carson, “We have banked material in the pathology lab from people from every age — from day 1 of concept to 120 years told”
“JHML offers phlebotomy, specimen processing and diagnostic testing for research studies and outside clients.”
I wonder how much money Ben Carson’s hospital makes from selling the fetal tissue they process for research studies, especially the fetal tissue processed and sold to those mysterious “outside clients”? And what are those? Extremist right-wing Christian cults like Seventh Day Adventists?
Ben Carson is not a pathologist Stupid Solution Steve!
EPIC FAYLE! Stupid Solution Steve is an EPIC FAYLE every attosecond!
“Ben Carson’s hospital”
Stupid Solution Steve doesn’t even know where Ben retired from!
Very interesting… Will this make the Friday Night Comix? http://abcnews.go.com/Politics.....d=33046042
Of course this will not make the Friday Night Comix… Truth is never found on HA DUMMOCRETINS at Friday Night at Midnight!
“Ben Carson is not a pathologist”
Of course, he isn’t. But being batshit insane, you have to keep repeating it.
“Steve doesn’t even know where Ben retired from!”
Who the fuck cares? What’s relevant is where Carson did his research using processed fetal tissue, you stupid batshit crazy loon. Johns Hopkins, where Carson was just down the hall from the pathology lab where they processed fetal tissue for him and also to sell to outside clients. They probably made a bundle and they probably obtained the non-processed fetal tissue free from Planned Parenthood, who only had their shipping charges reimbursed.
Butt will Kerry do it?
Who the fuck cares? What’s relevant is where Carson did his research using processed fetal tissue, you stupid batshit crazy loon. Johns Hopkins, where Carson was just down the hall from the pathology lab where they processed fetal tissue for him and also to sell to outside clients. They probably made a bundle and they probably obtained the non-processed fetal tissue free from Planned Parenthood, who only had their shipping charges reimbursed.
Stupid Solution Steve Speculation from reading into left wrong sites.
Google search of “johns hopkins sells fetal tissue” – Nuthin found Stupid Solution Steve…
I ran across this too-true-to-be-funny piece by a Fortune writer while perusing old magazines today. As he astutely observes, America’s labor policies are rushing headlong back to into the 19th century, courtesy of the GOP and their greedy CEO friends. With a system like this, why should anyone work?
Why shouldn’t Carson wage war on sluts?
They’ve transgressed his invisible sky buddy by wickedly indulging their dirty pulsating wantoness. These women are flagrant and Dr. Carson will stop them if he can. Dirty, bad, wicked girls need to face consequences for sluttiness.
@ 77 DR
Why shouldn’t Carson wage war on sluts?
They’ve transgressed his invisible sky buddy by wickedly indulging their dirty pulsating wantonness.
In other words, they always turned him down because he was such a pretentious and narcissistic dickhead.
“his invisible sky buddy”
Carson belongs to the same Seventh Day Adventist cult as our batshit crazy loon. Enough said.
Interesting stooooooooopiity from closetforeplay. So those women has spontaneous generation or the guys didn’t wear rubbers? Puddy sees closetforeplay excusing the guys! Look at all those stoooooooopid Ben Carson attacks above. rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears would call these attacks racist if this was Obummer!
Stupid Solution Steve demonstrates its hatred 24×7!
Of course the smears will continue from DUMMOCRETINS!
Looks like this left wrong site has it right about Franken… http://www.marketwatch.com/sto.....2015-08-13
U.S. officials first found classified information among Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails last May, far earlier than known publicly, and it’s not clear what she and her lawyer did over the following weeks to fully secure the sensitive data, people familiar with federal inquiries into the matter said Thursday.
Gen Ray Odierno sets yet another dynastic empty suit straight:
Wow. Not only does the General correct yet another Bush empty suit, he corrects an empty skull in these comment threads..
The babbling jackass troll.
Maybe I missed it, but I don’t recall anyone questioning Carson’s citizenship, mocking his appearance or that of his family members, or comparing him to any animals.
If he’s being singled out here, for my part it’s only because The Man From Atlantis has an obvious man-crush on him.
Maybe I missed it, but I don’t recall anyone questioning Carson’s citizenship, mocking his appearance or that of his family members, or comparing him to any animals.
Oh my closetforeplay is reaching for straws again. A Psych 101 thang again!
Where has Puddy used birtherism against Obummer? It’s you libtards who called Bush a chimp, made Condi Rice to be a devil, and other things!
Another EPIC FAYLE again!
Odierno corrects an empty skull in these comment threads.. clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch…
You see clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, this is why Puddy PWNS you. No mind and certainly your EPIC FAYLE of the crazed databaze!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Hmmm…? AP EXCLUSIVE: Top secret Clinton emails include drone talk
Wow…remember this Clinton BULLSHITTIUM on the emails at the UN? http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....ails-iran/
A DUMMOCRETIN’s view oh the Hillary coronation… http://theweek.com/articles/57.....-time-bomb
@59 “see ya soon”
Not really. Don’t think You’ll be seeing me.
Ahhh, yes. The rich and famous get the most respect in this world, even if you have to pretend you have money. The poor are doing it all wrong. The need to take a lesson from these two – you’ll have all the love and admiration from your friends, families and neighbors. Just don’t let them eventually find out.
Missing Connecticut couple owes $2.2 million in debt http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2324206
@80 aren’t rubbers against your religion? You shouldn’t be uttering the word rubbers or condoms – God is watching you.
Why are DUMMOCRETINS against debates? http://www.bloomberg.com/polit.....n-debates-
Seems teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla @93 can’t follow a thread conversation either. Where did Puddy make that asserting idiotic teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Sheeeeeeeeesh, more stooooooooooopid from the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorillaon a Friday morning!
He’s a RHINO!!!
Ex-N.J. mayor pleades guilty to raping child of relative http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2324659
@95 there was nothing worth following in the thread you reference. Actually, any thread started or including you isn’t worth reading. I quickly scan thru and skip it, as quick as I can. I just saw that you said “rubbers”. You, being against rubbers, shouldn’t even speak the word. Because as you speak it you give attention to the people who have an agenda to push rubbers. Better for you to stay silent and not say the words rubber or condoms. Just pretend they don’t exist, that would be best.
Rubbers are evil instruments designed to cheat The Lord of his righteous judgment. Fornicators must face disease and death. And sluts must pay.
I am The Man From Atlantis.
I have spoken.
An interesting conundrum.
For reasons of political cover, I’m sure the RNC and FOX would like to keep Carson in the hunt at least until Iowa. And nobody in Congress wants to squander an issue like Planned Parenthood by parsing it in terms of (gasp!) medical science.
But if Carson continues to gain support, it seems a near certainty that before too long at least one of the trailers will challenge Carson over his use of aborted fetal tissue in his research. And that puts him on the spot to respond to their demagoguery with some kind of reasonable exploration of the issue in scientific terms. And even the extremist media will have to respect that to some extent.
And that kills the issue for the GOP. This whole strategy depends upon demagoguery. Opponents of reproductive health care and family planning rely upon carefully inaccurate language combined with public discomfort over medicine in general, and anything to do with a vagina in particular. Carson turning the discussion toward the benefits of medical research to human life span, and parsing the details of tissue sample procedures completely kills that. And most of the Teapublican elite will be reluctant to punch back, to avoid looking like the paternalistic assholes they are. I mean it’s really hard to imagine the optics of Ted Cruz lecturing Ben Carson on science and medicine. I’m definitely looking forward to it.
You, being against rubbers, shouldn’t even speak the word.
Where has Puddy claimed to be against rubbers? One should have been used when your products of conception were created though!
And Puddy PWNS closetforeplay again!
But if Carson continues to gain support, it seems a near certainty that before too long at least one of the trailers will challenge Carson over his use of aborted fetal tissue in his research.
Keep that thought closetforeplay! It’s the only play you DUMMOCRETINS think you have against Ben!
Run Joe Run! The DUMMOCRETINS need another old person in the race! http://thehill.com/homenews/ca.....-joe-biden
More DUMMOCRETIN Fascism teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Google “ben carson fetal tissue” and watch the left wrong libtard sites get all frenzied up over the same one article from the hateful abortion blogging doctor!
DAYUM you DUMMOCRETINS are really funny!
Ben blew them out of the water!
Run Al Gorebasm Run! http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....gore-2016/
you aren’t paying attention. Calm down. It isn’t “our” play.
Someone like Chris Christie or Ted Cruz is who you need to be concerned about (I’d say Rand Paul, but I’m fairly confident he’d be afraid to match wits with someone who graduated from a real medical school). It’s their play. We liberals are just slowing down to gawk at the Clown Car Wreck.
Howard Dean knows all! http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....ers-73-do/
Listen to Howard. The hip under 35 crowd is his crowd!
I thought Carson’s responses to the Washington Post were thoughtful and intelligent. He seems to capably defend his role in medical research involving tissue taken from aborted fetuses, while reiterating his opposition to abortion. I don’t think the two are incompatible. I think he’s wrong. But the two aren’t incompatible.
But unless I missed some secret transcript from a hippie conclave of Carson haters, every single part of his response was predicated on the medical science and the value of the research. He said in rather blunt if rambling terms that most of us owe a good portion of our longevity to this kind of medical research. When asked if he thought that medical research using tissue from aborted fetuses was immoral or should be banned he answered no.
If that response blows anyone out of the water, it would probably be the so called “Center for Medical Progress”.
It’d be a pretty huge waste of resources to pour tens of millions of dollars and several years of work and planning into an effort that merely restates existing federal laws, and finds no legal impropriety. I’m pretty sure the so called “Center for Medical Progress” started out with loftier goals than that.
@100 so Puffy isn’t against rubbers and condoms? Tell us when do you approve of the use of condoms? Tells us how that applies to what the Bible teaches.
We know your daddy was completely disappointed and shocked when he found out your mother was pregnant with you. I guess condom technology wasn’t that good back then and broke more often.
And we all know about Puffy being in the closet.
Ben should be a little more careful. The KKK and some of the racist evangelicals may actually favor abortion now.
Ben Carson: Abortions Are Main Cause Of Death For Black People http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....88698.html
72 million American Catholics will eventually get the message that Ben Carson, our batshiit crazy loon and the rest of the Seventh Day Adventist cult all believe the Catholic church to be the Whore of Babylon, that the Pope is the Antichrist, and that Catholics are all going to Hell.
I’m sure that’ll go over well.
Ben Carson: Abortions Are Main Cause Of Death For Black People
– 17,450,496 black babies aborted so far… http://www.numberofabortions.com/
Just another fact in the full litany of FACTS missed by the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla each and every day!
Oh lookie here the NY Mayor in action during a tense standoff… http://www.dnainfo.com/new-yor.....-with-nypd
This is what the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla voted for! Gotta slip out the side door because the optics look bad!
I thought Carson’s responses to the Washington Post were thoughtful and intelligent. He seems to capably defend his role in medical research involving tissue taken from aborted fetuses, while reiterating his opposition to abortion. I don’t think the two are incompatible. I think he’s wrong. But the two aren’t incompatible.
Well closetforeplay… Stupid Solution Steve vehemently disagrees with you. Go back and read the moronic twit’s commentary above!
So between you two, who is the very stupid one? You or Stupid Solution Steve?
The babbling jackass is a little child.. Don’t matter what Odierno may or may not have recommended..
Iraqis wanted us OUT! That little “sovereignty” word.. Made evident in the 2008 agreement between your beloved empty suit you voted for twice and the Iraqis.
American people wanted OUT!
FACTS JACKASS! ISIS is a whacko cult like your cult. They’ll burn out eventually just like you’re an eventual burn out.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Why no babbling jackass (not addressing the author of the above)? Could the tissue come from any source like Planned Parenthood?
Carson used this research to advance his career. Career advancement meant more money. More money meant more money for the SDA cult!
Carson will fizzle out like R-Money did. No one trusts an adherent to a cult.
Of course in
clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch never listen to the military.
clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Sux to be you! Obummer leaves and ISIS moves in!
I remember when the babbling jackass farted that SDA is not a cult because of their hospitals..
Catholic Church has hospitals too jackass and it’s pretty obvious the babbling jackass believes the Catholic Church is a cult. The jackass ranted and raved about the hat the Pope wears.
Too daaaaamn funny! Funniest thing is I AGREE. I totally distrust the cult of personality around the pontiff.
I thought Carson’s responses to the Washington Post were thoughtful and intelligent. He seems to capably defend his role in medical research involving tissue taken from aborted fetuses, while reiterating his opposition to abortion. I don’t think the two are incompatible. I think he’s wrong. But the two aren’t incompatible.
Seems the
clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is stooooooooopid too closetforeplay!
The rants of a clueless moron
clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch
So the scumbag raped the female American hostage… http://www.theguardian.com/wor.....uries-iraq
These are the friends of HA DUMMOCRETINS!
“Catholic Church has hospitals”
Mother Joseph and the Sisters of Providence alone could have kicked SDA’s butt.
I obviously disagree with Steve in this regard. But that doesn’t mean I think he’s stupid. Any more than I think Ben Carson is stupid, even though I disagree with him.
I do think you are stupid. And very, very gullible.
nope. Not at all.
But you are most definitely stupid. And also very, very gullible.
Have you noticed that Doctor Carson does not refer to the tissue products that he used in his research as “harvested murdered baby parts”?
In a simply shocking indication of his ghastly irreverence for the sanctity of human life he repeatedly refers to it as “fetal tissue samples”.
These must be trying times for Doctor Carson’s supporters.
“We have banked material in the pathology lab from people from every age — from day 1 of concept to 120 years old. Those specimens are available for people who want to do comparisons,” Dr. Carson said. “To not use the tissue that is in a tissue bank, regardless of where it comes from, would be foolish. Why would anybody not do that?”
“We have banked skins and teeth in the crematoria from people from every age — from birth to 120 years old. Those specimens are available for people who want to make lamp shades, wallets, or whatever,” Dr. Mengele said. “To not use the tissue that is in a crematoria, regardless of where it comes from, would be foolish. Why would anybody not do that?”
I obviously disagree with Steve in this regard.”
I suspect any disagreement would be with his misrepresentation @116 of my previous comments. I’ve only made available the sources and commented on quotes from Carson and the Johns Hopkins pathology lab which was his probable source of fetal tissue samples. It is also true that Carson is SDA. Of course, SDA beliefs about Catholicism – the Whore of Babylon, the Antichrist and all that – hasn’t escaped the notice of Catholics.
Got link or more DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM as always from your smelly hind parts?
I suspect any disagreement would be with his misrepresentation @116 of my previous comments.
There is no misrepresentation Stupid Solution Steve! You wrote BULLSHITTIUM and closetforeplay [whom Puddy still thinks is lib unscientist like you do] disagreed and called you and the misrepresentation on it!
Sux to be so wrong for so long Stupid Solution Steve!
It seems disingenuous to claim it’s ok if the dead baby fetus parts came from a tissue bank. It’s like people who buy meats from the store who would not want kill and dress a cow, as if the steak jist magically appears in shrink wrap.
Spittles: When asked if he thought that medical research using tissue from aborted fetuses was immoral or should be banned he answered no.
YLB: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Why no babbling jackass (not addressing the author of the above)? Could the tissue come from any source like Planned Parenthood?
Carson used this research to advance his career. Career advancement meant more money. More money meant more money for the SDA cult!
Carson will fizzle out like R-Money did. No one trusts an adherent to a cult.
You wanna know what I find the most amusing part of all that bullshit? He thinks Ben Carson is an honest man, and believes what the man says.
There are reasons why Carson is considered almost as credible as Pat Robertson or Bryan Fischer.
It really is a sick, sad world.
His/Her mother and sister are gay? And he/she isn’t? I thought gay people couldn’t have kids? And she/he didn’t go gay because mom didn’t get her/him to change from being straight? Maybe I should read beyond the first paragraph, maybe she/he is gay too.
At first I thought Taylor was a woman, but I now think Taylor is a man.
The district has been gerrymandered in the shape of a Unicorn. Now, I’m sure Democrats gerrymander too, I would think. But there is got to be some way to divide a state into district that aren’t the shape of a Unicorn – there’s got to be a scientific way some computer can draw the lines. We’ve sent people to the moon – didn’t we?
@115 not a registered NY voter. Never voted there. So once again, wrong again!
But if I did vote in that election that the current mayor of NYC elected him mayor, what would have been my other choice? Some nut bag religious radical freak that walks sideways and calls themselves a conservative? Now maybe you and the rest of your nut bags could learn something if you comprehended what I am saying there. But nahhhhhhhh, you guys are a bunch of fuckwads.
But for the record, I don’t necessarily think that DeBlasio is a good mayor, probably for reasons that you wouldn’t have issue with.
@117 and the empty suit is the one that signed the exit agreement. And people elected, in popularity, the guy that said he would get us out if elected.
Hey if we weren’t smart enough to figure out the consequences of going to war, why should one expect us the consequence of pulling out, even though what you got when you pulled out wouldn’t have ever happened if you didn’t do a needless fucking war. Maybe we should have just spent trillions to stay there forever, because you know, that one day when you decide to leave, you find out what you fucking broke was worse than what existed in the first place.
@123 they are your friends…..conservatives just like you with the same values – religious nuts, and bigots with barbaric individuals.
You think all pro lifers would be organ donors. Is there some religious reason why one shouldn’t be an organ donor? Is it because they believe in conspiracies and that they’d be in the surgery room, at deaths door, and the full effort to save them wouldn’t be made purposely so that the organs could be harvested and donated?
I’m an organ donor – I sure wish my heart doesn’t go to a person like Puffy.
Are you now going to dispute that these are Carson’s words?
You really do become quite delusional when put under pressure. Carson has now reiterated these positions in several media interviews that are widely reported. Perhaps Carson can be forgiven his loose grasp of major events over the last few decades. He might have been just a bit preoccupied with saving lives and pioneering surgical techniques. But what’s your excuse other than being an unbearably smug asshole?
Fight your own battles, pussy. The only person I’m “calling” on bullshit here is you.
I haven’t been around consistently lately. Who is closetforeplay? Should I know? Is it me? Steve is it you? Or is it you, DistantReplay. Is it Closet Fore Play or Closet For Replay? Is Puffy suggesting Foreplay or do you Replay in Closets?
I know – all stupid questions – I should have been paying or replaying better attention.
He’s also always talking about smelly hind parts. All I can think is that he can’t take a bath and has a smelly ass himself, and although he knows how bad he smells he doesn’t take a bath and is reminded about smelly hind parts all day, while he does no work.
Well done. But a tip: make some specific advanced arrangements with a major institution or medical school if you can. Just filling out a form at the DMV may not be enough. Most of us will probably die in a hospital. So having specific adv directives and all the forms on file with the receiving institution is advisable. In a few cases you may have to arrange to pay for transportation of your remains.
There are times when I suspect that piddles is a sock puppet created by Flula.
@142 ok – I’ll look into it. And I wouldn’t mind having to pay if there is cost.
@143 Flula? Flual Borg? I googled Flula and all that came up was Flula Borg.
Watch one of Flula’s YouTube videos like “Jennifer is a Party Pooper”. Then read one of Piddy’s more florid posts but imagine it in Flula’s “confused foreigner” voice.
@146 I like the Butt Hurt video
I wonder if Puffy likes brownies too?
“We have banked skins and teeth in the crematoria from people from every age — from birth to 120 years old. Those specimens are available for people who want to make lamp shades, wallets, or whatever,” Dr. Mengele said. “To not use the tissue that is in a crematoria, regardless of where it comes from, would be foolish. Why would anybody not do that?”
Are you now going to dispute that these are Carson’s words?
When did Ben Carson claim that closetforeplay?
Who is pussy?
Does closetforeplay play with his pussy? Pet his pussy? Groom his pussy?