The city’s narcotics cops are being told to stop arresting suspects over the age of 40 — a major strategy shift designed to target younger dealers, who are more likely to carry guns and use them, The Post has learned.
Top brass issued a directive that makes it all but impossible for cops to bust older drug suspects, in order to combat a spike in shootings — which are up 7 percent in 2015 compared with the same period last year and 12 percent over the last four weeks, police sources said.
A police source said, “This came from above him. It’s amazing, but if you’re over 40, go out and start selling drugs because you get a freebie.”
There’s that cute little giggle at the end, the same one she was recorded uttering when she recounted getting that rapist off by going after the minor victim.
Contrast the Clintonian giggle with a substantially more sober assessment of Libya fallout by Barack Obama’s
Gates: The irony is some of those who are the most critical of President Bush not having a plan in Iraq after Saddam Hussein was ousted didn’t have a plan for what to do in Libya after Gaddafi was ousted. I believe if you look at Libya today, that my opposition to our intervening there was the right thing to have done. I think particularly once we prevented the humanitarian slaughter that we all worried about in Benghazi. But once we prevented that and we could for a much smaller cost have sustained that protection of the eastern part of the country, I think going in, throwing out Gaddafi was a mistake.
Small wonder she’s so carefully controlling press access.
better political theoryspews:
So, the democratic party. Socialist Kshama Sawant has folks blocking endorsements for her D party member opponents. And council president Burgess can’t get an endorsement from his own, ostensibly his own, party. Octogenarian-and-it-shows Godden not getting endorsed either. Who told her to run, some consultant making money off her?
and will we get a renter on the council?
will we see a left wave, Sawant-Grant-Bradburd-Herbold-Maddux-someone from District 5?
if we elect those 6 they can raise the min wage to $15 NOW. Then Murray could veto, then they could override the veto.
wouldn’t that be awesome? not to mention increasing fines on certain violators of permit laws up to say, $50 million dollars a day, depending on you know, the total assets of the violator? or $500 million a day? prospectively, not retroactively of course, oil corporations are persons in that they get due process, right?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Maybe I missed it, but no one has commented about the revised state revenue forecast announced yesterday afternoon:
OLYMPIA, May 18, 2015 –The GF-S revenue forecast has been increased by $106 million for
the 2013-15 biennium and by $309 million for the 2015-17 biennium.
Inslee said since December the state’s financial picture has gotten rosier. And that if he’d known then what he knows now, “We would not have required to propose so much revenue because we would have been able to satisfy the needs of our citizens.”
Uncertainty in the face of an (unexpectedly, perhaps?) good revenue forecast is preferable to a blind intend to tax and spend. Good on Governor Inslee.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Half a dozen megabanks admit they rigged markets, cheating the public of billions (if not trillions), and have agreed to pay fines totaling $5 billion; but, once again, no one will go to jail. Which means they’re right back at it, as I type; because, under this system, crime not only pays but pays extremely well.
If you really want to criticize the Obama administration for something, then criticize it for its policy of letting banksters buy their way out of prison. But, strangely, not a peep from our trolls about this bona fide corruption (hint: who paid for Obama’s campaigns?).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 New York’s cops are too busy assaulting 14-year-old girls who haven’t done anything to bother with drug dealers.
@3 Gates was Bush’s man, and is a Republican, so of course he liked Colonel Gaddafi better than democracy. Democracy is messy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 That’s the thing, Bickle. Sales taxes are so unpredictable you can’t plan to run a government with them. This new revenue projections could be just as wrong as the old ones. That’s one more reason why we need to replace the state sales tax with a state income tax. That has all kinds of benefits: The rich would begin paying their fair share of state taxes, the local-option sales tax could be left intact to help support local governments, and imagine what dropping the sales tax from nearly 9.6% to 3.6% would do in terms of stimulating retail sales. This ought to be a no-brainer. Its what 46 other states do. The only thing standing in its way is Republicans.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 8
Nice try. Obama could have nominated a fresh, new SOD. He didn’t He announced Gates as his SOD. Here’s the title in the link:
“Key members of Obama-Biden national security team announced”
Obama is quoted in the transcript as describing the group as “my team”. As in Obama’s team, not Bush’s.
If you’re unhappy with Gates calling Libya into question, here’s noted MSNBC Republican Chris Hayes doing the same thing:
CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC: How about this? How about the Libya intervention? Which we know Secretary of State Clinton pushed for, is on the record for, which is very difficult to view as a success in any way, shape or form.
ISIS takes a stranglehold there as Libya is essentially in ruins. No one seems to want to litigate that. They talk about Benghazi, they talk about Iraq. Here is a very real thing that actually happened. The woman who is running actually participated in, and as far as I can tell, is not getting litigated anywhere…
You know what is more stupid than relying on sales taxes? Relying on raiding the rainy day fund for new revenues during a period of economic expansion, which was part of Inslee’s original revenue package. Recall that?
Spending the rainy day fund when it’s sunny means there’s no money when it’s raining, RR. And that shit-filled burrow of yours probably gets pretty sloppy during inclement weather.
Inslee also relied on a capital gains tax to fund his recurring revenue needs, RR. What happens to capital gains tax collections when the economy tanks, RR? That’s been discussed here already – check out Goldy’s thread about the burden being on the Republicans if they don’t go along with Inslee’s tax package. Danny Westneat’s also written about it. Not smart.
Good that Inslee’s rethinking.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 What do you expect from a rightwing politician like Obama who’s bought and paid for by the eastern money establishment?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 The rainy day fund is designed to buffer the unpredictability of the sales tax, not the variability of the economy, idiot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
One thing that isn’t being commented on much is the wild success of the $15 wage movement, and the stunning rejection of Reaganomics it implies. It’s one thing when you expect people to live on $7.25 an hour and food stamps; it’s another thing when you expect them to live on $7.25 an hour and no food stamps. This is a full-blown peasant revolt — the peasants aren’t willing to be starved. Some small business owners — who can’t make it without government subsidizing their labor costs — are complaining; but, hey, this is what happens when you refuse to pay for the subsidies, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yes, we may lose a few comic book shops in San Francisco, but that’s a small price to pay for a living wage for all.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
It’s not often that Science retracts a paper.
A study claiming that gay people advocating same-sex marriage can change voters’ minds has been retracted due to fraud.
What’s more, the funding agencies credited with supporting the study deny having any involvement.
The study was published last December in Science, and received lots of media attention. It found that a 20-minute, one-on-one conversation with a gay political canvasser could steer voters in favor of same-sex marriage. Not only that, but these changed opinions lasted for at least a year and influenced other people in the voter’s household, the study found.
Donald Green, the senior author on the study, retracted it on Tuesday shortly after learning that his co-author, UCLA graduate student Michael LaCour, had faked the results.
As for the canvassers at the Leadership LAB at the Los Angeles LGBT Center, they say they were blindsided by the news of Green’s retraction. “This is a complete and utter shock to us and we’re still trying to figure out which way is up,” said Steve Deline, one of the organizers of the canvassing.
GOP Rep.: If Bush Knew Obama Would Be Prez, He Would Have Re-Thought Iraq War
By CAITLIN MACNEAL Published MAY 20, 2015, 2:23 PM EDT
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) on Tuesday said that former President George W. Bush (R) may have gone about the Iraq invasion differently if he had known he would be succeeded in the White House by President Obama.
America’s dumbest Congressman, and by extension the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids’, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad comes up with ‘logic’ that only makes sense to the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids’, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 14
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yes, we may lose a few comic book shops in San Francisco, but that’s a small price to pay for a living wage for all.
RR, I wish to thank you for the link. Notable in that link is this paragraph:
An economic study published last year by the city pointed out that median rents in San Francisco have increased at twice the rate of the minimum wage since 2005. The analysis of a $15 wage found that while low-wage workers would see their pay increase by 20 percent, about 15,000 private-sector jobs, or 2 percent of the city’s workforce, would be lost.
So, more than just a few comic-book stores would go tits up.
I haven’t seen data like this for Seattle. What if Seattle lost 2% of its workforce to job cuts related to the minimum wage increase? Where would those job losses occur, I wonder? Probably not at Capitol Hill watering holes, nor down in the South Lake Union area.
Would those job losses occur in SoDo, Central District, and in lower-income Seattle communities elsewhere, I wonder?
There are downsides to the increase. It’s nice to see some numbers being attached to them. It would be nicer if people employed by billionaires would address them with some respect, on occasion. I encourage Senator Patty Murray to ask the CBO to score a $12 federal minimum wage and not merely play to the cameras about it, although I won’t hold my breath.
Again, RR, I thank you. Goldy won’t, but I do.
2%. Not insignificant at all.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 14
Hey, RR, here’s another aspect of your small price to pay:
Marcus Books got into financial trouble last year, and the owners couldn’t afford to keep the store open. They tried a crowdfunding campaign to help raise money to buy back the property, and their supporters rallied on the steps of City Hall. But Reverend Amos Brown says the store’s problems started long before this. Business took a hit as San Francisco’s black residents moved out.
“We’ve lost over 50,000 since 1970, and that’s tragic,” Brown said recently when I talked to him in his office at San Francisco’s Third Baptist Church, where he arrived as pastor in 1976.
SF becomes more white and less black. Minimum wage increases will only accelerate that transition. Still a small price to pay, RR?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
In Memory of Michael O.D. Brown
May 20, 1996 – August 9, 2014
I would like the memory of Michael Brown to be a happy one. He left an afterglow of smiles when life was done. He leaves an echo whispering softly down the ways, of happy and loving times times and bright and sunny days. He’d like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun of happy memories that he left behind when life was done.
“Hands Up Don’t Shoot” nowhere to be found. No mention of ‘fleeing felon doctrine’, either.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Half a dozen megabanks admit they rigged markets, cheating the public of billions (if not trillions), and have agreed to pay fines totaling $5 billion; but, once again, no one will go to jail.
Yep… Just like these scandals… CAPITALIZATION IS BEST HERE!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Oh my, Puddyidiot’s head exploded again. What a mess.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Don’t worry, Bickle, that 2% would have been pushed out of Seattle by skyrocketing rents anyway, so it doesn’t matter whether higher wages or higher rents destroy those jobs — they’re gone either way. Between you and me, though, I won’t weep over the loss of slave-labor jobs in our local economy. What replaces them will be better for everyone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This couldn’t have been timed better if it had been scripted by the envionmentalists. While kayakers protest Big Oil’s invasion Elliott Bay here in Seattle, Big Oil stages Santa Barbara Oil Spill Disaster II.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 03:00 AM PDT White America’s Waco insanity: The shocking realities it ignores about racism & violence The response to the Twin Peaks shootout says everything you need to know about how white privilege really works
Frequently in conversations that I have observed or participated in with white people about race, the claim is levied that it is Black people “who make everything about race.” But this incident in Waco gives lie to that claim. It turns out that when white privilege is in clear operation, white people are invested in making sure that we don’t see race in operation. Charles Mills, a philosopher of race, has a term which I think applies here: epistemology of white ignorance. By this means, he means that white people have created a whole way of knowing the world that both demands and allows that they remain oblivious to the operations of white supremacy, that white people remain “intent on denying what is before them.” Thus even though three gangs have now attacked each other in broad daylight and killed or injured 27 people, there is no nagging, gnawing sense of fear, no social anxiety about what the world is coming to, no anger at the thugs who made it unsafe for American families to go about their regular daily activities without fear of being clipped by a stray bullet, no posturing from law enforcement about the necessity of using military weapons to put down the lawless band of criminals that turned a parking lot into a war zone in broad daylight. More than that, there is no sense of white shame, no hanging of the head over the members of their race that have been out in the world representing everything that is wrong with America.
No weeks worth of outrage? No endless comment threads about corrupt youth and lack of values and disrespect for society? No calls for the banning of metal or ‘death metal’ music because of the corrosive influence on the moral values of the nation’s youth?
Where the fuck are the champions of white privilege, the intrepid shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…and his faithful sidekick (currently matriculating at the David Brooks School for Hypocritical Scolds) ‘Boob’ the sloppiest of sloppy solipsists?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Bin Laden read Noam Chomsky. Just like HA DUMMOCRETINS do!
Roger Rabbitspews:
As you’d expect, there’s corporate pushback against the wave of minimum-wage increases sweeping the country:
“As some cities and states vote to raise their minimum wage to double-digit territory, one giant franchisee CEO is already changing his growth strategy as a result. ‘We are altering our expansion strategy, for sure. We are focusing our growth entirely on states that aren’t as aggressive as the blue states, typically, that are increasing their minimum wage,’ said Greg Flynn, founder and CEO of Flynn Restaurant Group.”
(Flynn Restaurant Group operates the Applebee’s and Taco Bell restaurant chains.)
“This does not mean the company is closing locations. Instead, it has raised prices to counteract the added labor costs. ‘We’re also trying to become more efficient in every way we can, which unfortunately translates into trying to automate some processes and just be efficient with labor (and) runs contrary to what ought to be the national priority of creating jobs,’ Flynn said. ‘The higher the cost of (employment) gets, the more attractive technology gets,’ he added. ‘It’s that simple.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Fuck him, he doesn’t have to live on $7.25 an hour. If he wants to replace $7.25-an-hour donkeys with $120-an-hour IT consultants to keep his automated systems running, he can go right ahead. The economy can use more $120-an-hour jobs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Greg Palast was on his reading list, too. Like any good strategist, he wanted to know what his enemies were thinking. He didn’t need to read up on Republicans. He already was a fascist just like them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 More likely he tired of his own links biting him in the ass.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Republicans acquired absolute power in America, protecting perverts who bugger little boys would be a major priority for them, because so many Republicans want to do it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What post-regulation “free enterprise” looks like.
@17 I agree, Bickle. The legislature should NOT use the rainy day fund to comply with McCleary. They should make the rich and corporations start paying state taxes instead, so they don’t have to dip into reserve funds to pay for basic education.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember the guy whose crowdfunding for his medical expenses became a media sensation? He just quit the GOP.
” … Lang joked that he might be the most hated Republican in the country right now. But he also said that, thanks in part to a flood of media attention that led him to learn more about health care policy, he doesn’t identify with the GOP anymore. ‘Now that I’m looking at what each party represents, my wife and I are both saying — hey, we’re not Republicans!’ Lang said. … He said he’s always tried to take responsibility for his own bills, but he also believes that the United States should move toward a universal health care system that makes coverage available to everyone regardless of their income level. He said he ‘one hundred percent agrees’ with the people who commented on his crowdfunding page to argue that health care is a human right.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Amazing what happens when dittoheads actually stop and think about what they’re supporting.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Of course the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit has no problem with teachers who prey on students. In fact Puddy bets the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit cheers it on!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Does anyone reach the stooooooooooopid looooooonacy scale like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? U R the dumbest mofo ever on a blog and Puddy reads a lot of DUmmies entries and those are DAYUM funny!
BTW rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, you won’t find this list on any blog… Direct from PuddyMemory!
1) Why were Baltimore police in riot gear again rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Does Mondawmin Mall ring a bell rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
2) Why didn’t Obummer call the Waco bikers thugs rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Maybe you should use that special reservation conduit you possess and call!
3) The Baltimore mayor told the police to stand down! The
“niggers”, whom are “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”, were left along to throw rocks and other items at police, to loot and plunder and cause havoc and mayhem. Some police had broken bones and one was knocked unconscious. That’s A-OK for a moron like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
4) The Baltimore mayor said ‘Let Them Loot, It’s Only Property’, so that’s what they did
5) There were no deaths during the Baltimore and Ferguson protests
6) The Baltimore mayor called them thugs rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears: “Too many people have spent generations building up this city for it to be destroyed by thugs, who in a very senseless way, are trying to tear down what so many have fought for, tearing down businesses, tearing down and destroying property, things that we know will impact our community for years.”
7) The Baltimore mayor gave them space to destroy: ” I’ve made it very clear that I, um, work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their, uh, right to free speech. It’s a very delicate balancing act because while we, uh, try to make that they were protected from the cars and the other, y’know, things that were going on. We also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well.”
9) Pastor upset only one chain store available to burn and loot!
10) What arrests were made and what weapons were confiscated rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
11) Looters were attacking firemen trying to douse out the fires
1) Police were already staking out the restaurant
2) When the bikers attacked police police shot and wounded or killed them.
3) Most all bikers gave up peaceably.
4) Most all bikers were arrested peaceably!
5) Their bond is set at $1 million for each suspect.
6) The police weren’t given stand down orders.
7) The police weren’t given ‘Let Them Loot, It’s Only Property’ orders
8) The restaurant owner lost his franchise rights license forever and liquor license for at least one week.
9) 1,000 weapons were recovered from the bikers, including an AK-47 assault rifle, lots of handguns, knives, brass knuckles, clubs and chains.
10) Nine biker dudes died in Waco rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
11) What was looted or burned down again in Waco rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
There isn’t any cogent thought in the useless femtometer sized single cell called the brain of rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! U really R dumber than cinderblock! Dumber than a pile of rocks!
@39 “Of course the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit has no problem with teachers who prey on students.”
Why guess? Try it yourself, with me standing there, and find out if I have a problem with it. Bring your Purple Cross card.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
It was only last year that HA higher-ups were all ‘Good on Governor Kitzhaber’ for green stuff while simultaneously pooh-poohing the Cover Oregon debacle as ‘too bad’.
Same list on that Open Thread contained both news items. Really.
Now we’re learning that it was ‘too bad’ about Cover Oregon because Kitzhaber ordered the program killed to preserve his re-election chances:
Kitzhaber scrapped workable Oregon health exchange for political benefit
Evidence from official documents gathered by congressional investigators or obtained under open records laws suggests Mr. Kitzhaber’s aides applied pressure to kill the project even though the governor had been told the exchange could be fixed and made operational.
Emails recovered from computer servers show Mr. Kitzhaber was directly told in February 2014 by Cover Oregon’s director that the state exchange’s problems could be fixed with additional testing and training.
Now, Cover Oregon was a clusterfuck the way one would imagine that any Democrat-designed program would be a clusterfuck. Way too costly, turnover at the top, didn’t work long after it was supposed to work….
But it was recovering and almost ready to go online for testing.
Team Kitzhaber pulled the plug on it instead. Election to win. And testing, if it didn’t go well, would be not going well just before the election, had Kitz kept going with it.
While not telling, this isn’t particularly helpful to Kitzhaber’s legacy:
Janet Hoffman, criminal defense attorney for the former Oregon governor, declined to comment Monday evening.
@43 We didn’t realize you were such a big Obamacare fan, although I could’ve guessed, because there’s a shitload of money to be made by doctors like yourself from serving millions of new patients.
Roger Rabbitspews:
By the way, Bickle, how’d you do in the stock market today? I made 200 bucks. Don’t take that as bragging; I consider it pretty punk; it’s only 3.44 times what a $7.25-an-hour worker makes. I assume a multimillionaire like you does a lot better.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
See how easy it is for Puddy to destroy rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Reduced to babbling @41!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
When President Obama effectively granted amnesty to nearly 5 million illegal aliens in December, I reported that the funding to pay for new programs would come directly from fees paid by legal immigrants through the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. This fact still remains true.
And it’s worse for certain peeps…
Americans with spouses who aren’t citizens are supposed to be given priority for expedited visas, but they too have been bumped down the list to accommodate illegal immigrants and their children.
Rujax! Proudly Calling Bullshit and Snarking the puddyfuckwad Since 2007spews:
Awwww…the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids,`’ ulitmate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…is soooo cuuuuute!!!!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Why guess? Try it yourself, with me standing there, and find out if I have a problem with it. Bring your Purple Cross card.
Not PuddyStyle senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Teachers are DUMMOCRETIN friends! NEA and AFT give big time to DUMMOCRETINS!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Well rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears @49,
Let’s view some pithy retorts to #40. Step out of your normal cutting and pasting of left wrong libtard nonsensical sites!
Rujax! Proudly Calling Bullshit and Snarking the puddyfuckwad Since 2007spews:
Add Re: @40…
This is really pretty rich;
…the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…is sticking up for a bunch of racist thugs who would cheerfully put a cap in his ass for mouthing off to one of their women in a mall, as he says he likes to do.
Just asking…how many sides does his mouth have?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Sooooooooooooooooo Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) is on Media Morons payroll? So George Soros helps pay Sidney Blumenthal’s (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) salary there. Wow… And he’s giving Clinton Libyan advice while she was at State. Wow… And Obummer told Clinton not to deal with Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) while at State…
So why doesn’t left wrong morons like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears upset Hillary was disrespecting Obummer, the first black president!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Sticking up for whom again rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
Rujax! Proudly Calling Bullshit and Snarking the puddyfuckwad Since 2007spews:
Oh, so sorry…
…the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…clearly didn’t read the post he wrote @40 defending the actions of the vicious biker thugs who actually put the lives of innocent people at risk.
Again…how many sides does this mendacious fuck’s mouth have, anyway?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Where did Puddy defend any biker actions rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
Wow mendacious! rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears word of the day?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Right now rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is scratching what’s left of his koro diseased balls trying to figger out where did Puddy defend the bikers!
Keep looking moron!
On the bright side, Piddles usually trickles each right wing paranoid scandal-du-jour complaint in a separate post. Here he spoofed them all at once. Unattributed of course.
But he gets upset if anyone else fails to leeenk.
At least he saved bandwidth. Ah crap, then he posted nine more times. Can’t the resident moron Piddles do ANYTHING helpful?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
I’d be worried if you accused them of giving to Republicans.
Rujax! Proudly Calling Bullshit and Snarking the puddyfuckwad Since 2007spews:
Here’s a real-time condensation of the blatherings of…
…the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
Rujax! Proudly Calling Bullshit and Snarking the puddyfuckwad Since 2007spews:
A note about @62…
Provided to HA by the good folks at Rujax! as part of our value added service!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 It upsets you that someone besides the rightwingers at Faux Noise get paid for their work?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 Maybe in your lunatic mind …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 “Can’t the resident moron Piddles do ANYTHING helpful?”
No. Why did you need to ask?
Rujax! Proudly Calling Bullshit and Snarking the puddyfuckwad Since 2007spews:
Waco Police On Alert After Thug Bikers’ Orders To ‘Shoot Anyone In Uniform’
By Karoli 5/18/15 12:00am
WACO: Police have issued an Officer Safety Alert warning that the biker gangs involved in today’s deadly shootout have been ordered to ‘kill anyone in uniform’.
That didn’t happen in Baltimore.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
That’s why you don’t rail on NEA and AFT teachers molesting chilluns senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, butt you will big time rail on a church!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
And your point is rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
Simpleton with no original thought unless it’s from left wrong libtard sites!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
From checkmate, who lately checkmates himself with train wreck after train wreck!
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 68
Perhaps that is because when Ministers, Deacons, Preachers and Priests rape babies, they get promotions and total legal protection from the Corporation, whereas schools are required to fire and prosecute such people.
But, there really is no point in illustrating anything to you. You don’t know enough about the English language to write a coherent sentence.
I’m sure the Schitzo will find a way to rationalize this one too.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Just like what happened @59 with that Virginia legislator?
Virginia Democrat Joe Morrissey admitted on Wednesday morning that he is the father of a child with a teenage girl who was his former secretary, though he denied that he had a sexual relationship with the girl while fighting the charges in court.
Morrissey faced multiple felony charges that could have put him behind bars for up to 41 years, but reached a plea agreement that reduced his time in jail to less than a year and allowed him to maintain his seat in the Virginia House of Delegates.
Pled out of it. Butt then again, the vomit maker wouldn’t comprehend a white DUMMOCRETIN man being brought up on felony charges for having sex with a teenager and lying about it!
DUMMOCRETIN justice lie about it, is plead it down, run your legislative office from jail, then scream what difference does it make!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Hey rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears,
Before the funeral six police officers were injured.
After the funeral fifteen officers were injured, some with broken bones and one hit in the head and found unconscious.
That didn’t happen in Waco!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Of course checkmate, rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, vomit producer or senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit won’t have anything to say about this… No black died and the white officer was praised!
A) It’s Virginia. Old farts fucking teenagers is a longstanding and well established tradition there. Probably half the population alive in that State was born to a teenager.
B) Notice he is in fact, being prosecuted. If he was a Republican, she’d be getting a fat payoff along with a new house by some corporation with interests that need to be protected.
And nothing about it would be mentioned in the press.
C) It’s Virginia. Their overall grade from the State Integrity Project is a solid F. It ranks 47 on the public integrity scale for overall corruption and accountability. It is, along with Texas, Maine, Georgia and so may other Republican-led States, so entirely corrupt that it is practically ungoverned by anyone except corporations and rich businessmen. Grease the right palms in those States, you can do practically anything.
Their former Governor, a Republican, is now serving out a two year sentence on multiple felony corruption charges. His wife, is serving a year and a half on parallel charges for helping him hide the money. They are considered the tip of the iceberg. The whole legislature could probably be successfully prosecuted if anyone cared to make the effort.
Incidentally, Washington State gets a B-, with a ranking at #3 on the public integrity scale.
Not too bad, considering all the car salesmen and land speculators we have on the Eastside.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 74
If it was Texas or Louisiana, that kid would have just gotten his head blown off and the Cop a couple days vacation.
Three a day, Schizo, three a day.
Willy Vomitspews:
Arthur Hoppe
The San Francisco Chronicle
March 5, 1971
The radio this morning said the Allied invasion of Laos had bogged down. Without thinking, I nodded and said, “Good.”
And having said it, I realized the bitter truth: Now I root against my own country.
This is how far we have come in this hated and endless war. This is the nadir I have reached in this winter of my discontent. This is how close I border on treason:
Now I root against my own country.
How frighteningly sad this is. My generation was raised to love our country and we loved it unthinkingly. We licked Hitler and Tojo and Mussolini. Those were our shining hours. Those were our days of faith.
They were evil; we were good. They told lies; we spoke the truth. Our cause was just, our purposes noble, and in victory we were magnanimous. What a wonderful country we are! I loved it so.
But now, having descended down the torturous, brutalizing years of this bloody war, I have come to the dank and lightless bottom of the well: I have come to root against the country that once I blindly loved.
I can rationalize it. I can say that if the invasion of Laos succeeds, the chimera of victory will dance once again before our eyes — leading us once again into more years of mindless slaughter. Thus, I can say, I hope the invasion fails.
But it is more than that. It is that I have come to hate my country’s role in Vietnam.
I hate the massacres, the body counts, the free fire zones, the napalming of civilians, the poisoning of rice crops. I hate being part of My Lai. I hate the fact that we have now dropped more explosives on these scrawny Asian peasants than we did on all our enemies in World War II.
And I hate my leaders, who, over the years, have conscripted our young men and sent them there to kill or be killed in a senseless cause simply because they can find no honorable way out — no honorable way out for them.
I don’t root for the enemy. I doubt they are any better than we. I don’t give a damn anymore who wins the day. But because I hate what my country is doing in Vietnam, I emotionally and often irrationally hope that it fails.
It is a terrible thing to root against your own country. If I were alone, it wouldn’t matter. But I don’t think I am alone. I think many Americans must feel these same sickening emotions I feel. I think they share my guilt. I think they share my rage.
If this is true, we must end this war now — in defeat, if necessary. We must end it because all of Southeast Asia is not worth the hatred, shame, guilt and rage that is tearing Americans apart. We must end it not for those among our young who have come to hate America, but for those who somehow manage to love it still.
I doubt that I can ever again love my country in that unthinking way that I did when I was young. Perhaps this is a good thing.
But I would hope the day will come when I can once again believe what my country says and once again approve of what it does. I want to have faith once more in the justness of my country’s causes and the nobleness of its ideals.
What I want so very much is to be able once again to root for my own, my native land.
With the GOP again pounding the drums of war vis-a-vis Iran, I wonder how long it’ll be before someone realizes that, with all our defensive assets being used in profit-seeking ventures on the other side of the world, that the United States is, for all intents and purposes, itself left undefended?
Or perhaps, that is the real purpose of these endless adventures.
Maybe we should take a real, hard look at who is really running the show and what their motives are.
Willy Vomitspews:
The Texas Biker shootout is really the fault of all those Negroes and them gettin’ all uppity, givin’ honest innocent white folks idearz.
Funny, how every unarmed person shot by the police, every football game riot, every mass fraud committed by a Bank, every biker shootout is an “isolated incident”, but every riot in a region predominantly populated by black-skinned folks reacting to centuries of being shot, robbed and lied to is symptomatic of a wider pathology amongst the descendants of African kidnap victims.
“They’re just naturally less intelligent and more inclined to violence than ‘normal’ people.”
@78. It’s a blatant double standard. I have never understood why black conservatives do not object to this. I know liberal blacks do.
“CNN law enforcement analyst Harry Houck asserted this week that the black community was to blame after pundits had referred to black rioters as “thugs” but had usually refused to use the same terminology for white criminals.”
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
It is, along with Texas, Maine, Georgia and so may other Republican-led States, so entirely corrupt that it is practically ungoverned by anyone except corporations and rich businessmen. Grease the right palms in those States, you can do practically anything. So how do you think McAuliffe became Governor? Greasing palms, dealing with the rich businessmen and making deals with corporations! HAHAHAHAHAHA! What an IDIOT U R!
Terry McAuliffe (D) Governor – Clinton Acolyte is a Republican vomit producer.
Ralph Northam (D) Lieutenant Governor
Mark Herring (D) Attorney General
Man U R an MORON!
Regarding the white DUMMOCRETIN and the black teenager… this scumbag tried to implicate her father in his nefarious schemes! That’s A-OK per the vomit producer!
More EPIC FAYLE BULLSHITTIUM vomit from the vomit producer!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Puddy has no idea what shows you libtards listen or watch. The ones Puddy listens to called the white bikers thugs! Many times!
Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS are like most national DUMMOCRETINS and have no idea the etymology for the word thug!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Yeah, about that state integrity report… Useful state information…
New Jersey, Chris Christie’s state is #1. Funny how the vomit producer skipped right over that! Everyone knows why vomit producer! And look at Wisconsin! And look at Kansas! And then look at all those flyover states with a good ranking! Oh then look at Maryland – land of DONK!
Teabagger in Declinespews:
We should be doing the same, aside from killing them.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Golly vomit producer when you Google “hip hop thugs” Puddy found your picture too!
When you Google “thuggish behavior” you see a whole bunch of white guys!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
“reacting to centuries of being shot, robbed and lied to”
Brought to you by the DUMMOCRETIN Party vomit producer! Owner of the inner city since 1965. The party of Jim Crow from waaaaaaaaaaaay back yesteryear!
Thanks for playing vomit producer!
Remember they are just “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 82
As I recall, the State mentioned was Virginia, not New Jersey, a State that you’ve repeatedly denounced as being a “demmocretin stronghold” in this very forum.
Ya stupid, ignorant, mindless reactionary fuck.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
As I recall, the State mentioned was Virginia,
Which Puddy delivered as Post #80
Terry McAuliffe (D) Governor – Clinton Acolyte is a Republican vomit producer.
Ralph Northam (D) Lieutenant Governor
Mark Herring (D) Attorney General
Man U R a MORON!
So who is the “stupid, ignorant, mindless reactionary fuck.” again vomit producer?
Where is the outrage? Racism & Sexism in Omaha…racism & Sexism on the surface as Black male suspect murders White Female Cop. Isn’t this the game we are in?
stop your f***ing whiningspews:
Oh and the White Female Cop was also pregnant and about to go on maternity leave. So obviously, had the races been reversed, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would have added Infanticide to the racism and sexism allegation. Right?
“stop your f***ing whining”
Huh! Odd screen name for someone who posts nothing but whines.
I see Puddy is still crazed with hate for everything good and decent in this world.
Rujax! Proudly Calling Bullshit and Snarking the puddyfuckwad Since 2007spews:
The squid ink just isn’t working anymore.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Notice the ridicule of your name, not the heinous act of a cockroach thug! It’s a Psych 101 Thang!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Your femtometer single celled mind never worked. The mitochondria went on strike and it never ended!
Nebraska’s single-house legislature voted 32-15 yesterday to abolish the death penalty. This is a large enough majority to override an expected veto from GOP Gov. Pete Ricketts. Those voting to abolish included 18 Republicans, 13 Democrats, and 1 independent.
The vote came the same day a popular Omaha police officer, who recently gave birth and was to start maternity leave today, was killed in the line of duty. The felony suspect also died in the shootout.
The abolition bill isn’t retroactive per se, but would leave the state with no method for executing the 11 men currently on Nebraska’s death row.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Nebraska legislators have voted to scrap their state’s policy of discriminating against children of illegal immigrants by denying them driver’s licenses.
Defying their Republican governor, Nebraska’s Republican-majority legislature has passed by 34-9 a bill “ending Nebraska’s status as the only state to deny driver’s licenses to the children of illegal immigrants.” GOP Gov. Pete Ricketts opposes the bill but hasn’t said whether he would veto it. The 34 votes in favor are enough to override a veto if he does.
“Advocates for the bill, which included state business groups and Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert, argued that it didn’t make sense to deny driver’s licenses to young immigrants who grew up here, graduated from high school here and are likely to settle and work in Nebraska. Such immigrants were brought to the U.S. illegally as children, advocates for the bill said, and if denied driver’s licenses, they would be likely to move to another state.”
It appears Nebraska’s Republican-dominated legislature isn’t as crazy as some of the others. Their Republican governor, a former CEO of TD Ameritrade who was elected last year after a failed run for U.S. Senate in 2006, appears to have brought to the office the usual lack of political and social acumen characteristic of business executives who for some unfathomable reason believe their private sector experience qualifies them for politics.
I like a blog that doesn’t go on and on about celebrities, pseudo celebrities, celebrity wanna-bes, celebrity dogs, celebrity asses, celebrity fights, celebrity mansions, celebrity food cravings, celebrity tributes, etc., etc., ad infinitum.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Soooooooooooooooooo… all those HA DUMMOCRETIN morons screaming how Benghazi is much ado about nuthin…? Well the FACTS prove otherwise and Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) is in the middle of it! This is too rich!
This email shows that Hillary Clinton was made aware by her close friend that the YouTube/spontaneous demonstration narrative was nonsense two days after the attack. She even forwarded that knowledge to other administration officials, underscoring its importance. Yet four days later, Susan Rice repeated the nonsensical talking points on five Sunday talk shows, and Hillary herself told families of the victims the same false narrative later. Why? Because, as Schmidt writes, “she was concerned about how Republicans could use the incidents to undermine President Obama.”
Now, one could say that Hillary didn’t consider Blumenthal a reliable source. If so, though, why tell Sullivan to “get this around asap”? Why continue to tell the “spontaneous demonstration” story even while the DIA had circulated a memo on September 16th that corroborated what Blumenthal had told her personally?
IT’s more important to lie to the families than to show Obummer being the feckeless foreign policy fool he is! They knew about the attacks 10 days before and did nothing. NOTHING!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@103 That’s nothing compared to this:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
She wasn’t pregnant. She gave birth months ago according to the story in your link.
You could also take a moment to reflect on if required paid family leave would have had her home.
It was only in the second paragraph of @88.
The Omaha gang unit police officer who had given birth to her first child only months earlier was killed Wednesday in a shootout while attempting to bring in a wanted felon.
There’s nothing new there. Especially since the CIA has said over, and over, and over, and over and under oath before various congressional investigations that they wrote the talking points. How’s your good buddy Mike Rogers these days?
There’s your big GOTCHA! The CIA didn’t disclose a secret outpost right away. Still the same GOTCHA you’ve had for over a year. GOTCHA!
“Why if only they know what we know about Benghazi they wouldn’t vote for Hillary and call for Obama’s impeachment. Did you hear about Benghazi? It’s amazing what happened in Benghazi? Can you believe we haven’t impeached Obama because of Benghazi? BENGHAZI!”
Wonder how many minds HotAir is changing? Choir…I need you here on the right, got some preaching to do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans love to decry debt. But look at this chart and then ask yourself who was in office when debt grew the fastest.
Oh, and one more thing: Corporations are borrowing like crazy. But Republicans have a problem with that only when students do it to get an education so they can get decent-paying jobs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Where the pressure on Seattle housing is coming from.
1. Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash.: Committee not trying to find truth – You can’t handle the truth Smith!
2. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.: Indefinite scope, don’t know what we’re looking for – These aren’t the droids you’re looking for… when you don’t even deliver the correct droids!
3. Rep. Linda Sánchez, D-Calif.: Americans deserve better – Yes they do and Hillary ain’t it. She and her State Department are just a bunch of lying liars!
4. Schiff: Gun running? – A DUMMOCRETIN asked this… Maybe Schiff was thinking he was in the Fast and Furious hearings?
Teabagger in Declinespews:
Boy Republicans have better figure this one out….the are going to be looking like real fucking idiots when it all the ice is melted and the climate is unihabitable.
Regardless if humans are causing or not – what the fuck are you doing about it aside from burying your heads in the sand.
100 years from now or less people are going to be looking at them and saying what fucking idiots, aside from everyone saying it already.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
100 years from now – Jesus would have come way before that teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 107
If she had given birth to her first child months earlier, doesn’t that imply that there’s a second one on the way, CZ?
OTOH it’s nice to see you reading some links with a critical eye. Pity they aren’t the one you post yourself.
Ima Duncespews:
I choose not to read some of you because the vitriol is too poisonous. But pretty much anything is better than the insipid, vacuous celebrity culture in this country that is driven by greed and stupidity.
Teabagget in Declinespews:
Baltimore officers indicted.
Teabagget in Declinespews:
@117 and you’ll be dead!
Teabagget in Declinespews:
@118 according to puffy, no problem, Jesus is coming.
Teabagget in Declinespews:
I’d like to think if Jesus is coming, he’ll be here sooner than you think, he might already be here, his name may be Ted Cruz.
Teabagget in Declinespews:
@118 is that how you base your facts, on what you think might be implied?
“If only they knew what we know….” Note that you are trying to claim that we had forwarning of the attack by ten days.
They knew about the forthcoming attack 10 days before 9/11/2012
But sadly, no.
A Defense Department document from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack, details that the attack on the compound had been carefully planned by the BOCAR terrorist group “to kill as many Americans as possible.”
quoted from the very press release Judicial Watch put out that you linked, probably after you fapped over it a few times.
And you still have the same GOTCHA. A day after the attack and after a day of investigation the DOD concluded that the attack was planned. The CIA then provided talking points that failed to mention that.
GOTCHA! The CIA didn’t IMMEDIATELY come clean about their operation in Benghazi GOTCHA! Can’t imagine any possible reason to keep it secret until they know what damage has been done to assets including potential foreign agents in Libya. GOTCHA! The CIA, who has never EVER in the history of the United States kept anything quiet should have RIGHT Away come forward. GOTCHA. The CIA has admitted, under oath, repeatedly that they did it. GOTCHA!
But we’ll just start from your “fact” that they had ten days advance notice. A typical Piddles made up “Fact.” Truthiness. Yep, now it’s “If only they knew that the White house knew that I Piddles imagine that they ignored a ten day head start why then I wouldn’t be seeing Hillary sworn in as president. DAMNIT, why won’t the LISTEN TO ME! I know this is true that they had knowledge even though Judicial Watch (eds. note hee-hee, Judicial Watch) says this is not true, IT IS TRUE!”
I’d be pretty impressed with a woman who gave birth months earlier and is ready to go on Maternity leave again. I mean unless she had doctors orders to be bedridden because of a rough pregnancy way early in the first tri-mester, so why is she working, then she’d have to be 7-8 months pregnant to be ready for maternity leave. Funny how that biology would work to give birth months earlier and still be pregnant at the same time. Does it work that way? Can you be pregnant for a while and get pregnant with a second child some several months along into the first pregnancy? I’m not really a doctor but I don’t think that’s how it works. It is possible to get pregnant while nursing but very very rare. (hmmm 9 months minus….six/seven months plus immaculate conception, IT COULD HAPPEN!)
You kind of look like an idiot for trying to point it out. Sloppy looking like an idiot or as the rest of us call it, Thursday.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
What about the boys in this case. Shouldn’t they be held accountable. Maybe it should be against the law for someone under age to willing have sex with an adult – I’m sure something in the bible could be the precedence.
You could have googled for ten seconds and found out that she wasn’t pregnant. But no. You and Piddles are made for each other. You can’t wait long enough for a GOTCHA to find out if it really is true.
“I’ll take jumping to unfounded conclusions for $1000, Alex.”
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Gotcha checkmate… Page 396 which was right below the post you laid out above sez this checkmate…
The attack was planned ten or more days prior on approximately 01 September 2012. The intention was to attack the consulate and to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for U.S. killing of Aboyahiye ((ALALIBY)) in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 atacks on the World Trade Center buildings.
if a moron like you took time to read. You see checkmate you checkmate yourself, and you do it sooooooooooooooooo easily!
Then you scream…
And you still have the same GOTCHA. A day after the attack and after a day of investigation the DOD concluded that the attack was planned. The CIA then provided talking points that failed to mention that.
Only thing checkmate is you are still drinking that left wrong chronology which this .pdf document delivers a
Hence this BULLSHITTIUM paragraph is really BULLSHITTIUM
But we’ll just start from your “fact” that they had ten days advance notice. A typical Piddles made up “Fact.” Truthiness. Yep, now it’s “If only they knew that the White house knew that I Piddles imagine that they ignored a ten day head start why then I wouldn’t be seeing Hillary sworn in as president. DAMNIT, why won’t the LISTEN TO ME! I know this is true that they had knowledge even though Judicial Watch (eds. note hee-hee, Judicial Watch) says this is not true, IT IS TRUE!”
So Puddy will correct that so wrong paragraph for you…
Seems you are correct with that Pentagon “fact” that they had ten days advance notice. A direct and corroborated typical Puddy delivered “FACT.” Wow, I just can’t disagree with that Truthfulness. And since it was passed around by the principles…Yep, now we know the White house knew that FACT. I agree Puddy that they ignored a ten day head start because Obummer didn’t want to look feckless before the debates. Obummer claimed Al Qaeda was on the run. I now know this is true that they had knowledge because Judicial Watch sued and the Federal Court agreed with JW, and now they have the documentation which says IT IS TRUE!”
The next day, Mr. Blumenthal sent Mrs. Clinton a more thorough account of what had occurred. Citing “sensitive sources” in Libya, the memo provided extensive detail about the episode, saying that the siege had been set off by members of Ansar al-Shariah, the Libyan terrorist group. Those militants had ties to Al Qaeda, had planned the attacks for a month and had used a nearby protest as cover for the siege, the memo said. “We should get this around asap” Mrs. Clinton said in an email to Mr. Sullivan. “Will do,” he responded. That information contradicted the Obama administration’s narrative at the time about what had spawned the attacks. Republicans have said the administration misled the country about the attacks because it did not want to undermine the notion that President Obama, who was up for re-election, was winning the war on terrorism. (Pages 200-203)
Seems the NY Slimes can’t sleep with the cockroaches call the DUMMOCRETIN Hillary Camp anymore!
Did you catch that checkmate
Those militants had ties to Al Qaeda, had planned the attacks for a month and had used a nearby protest as cover for the siege, the memo said.
Direct from Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit). You can read the daily multi-retreaded Blumenthal entry from the IDIOT Wabbit above!
DAYUM U R Stoooooooooooooopid!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Seems checkmate and teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla are two close PEAS in a POD!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Remember that weapons question checkmate? No well you possess 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady… All you need to do is Google “libyan weapons syria”. Since you choose to read left wrong libtard BULLSHITTIUM, this was pooh poohed by the standard left wrong sites.
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars eh?
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
So checkmate, why do you continually trust their BULLSHITTIUM? Apparently Fox News has inside information your BULLSHITTIUM sites just don’t possess! Butt, you keep screaming it because Puddy loves it when you checkmate yourself checkmate.
The DOD documents also contain the first official documentation that the Obama administration knew that weapons were being shipped from the Port of Benghazi to rebel troops in Syria. An October 2012 report confirms:
Weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the Port of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria. The weapons shipped during late-August 2012 were Sniper rifles, RPG’s, and 125 mm and 155mm howitzers missiles.
During the immediate aftermath of, and following the uncertainty caused by, the downfall of the ((Qaddafi)) regime in October 2011 and up until early September of 2012, weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles located in Benghazi, Libya were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the ports of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria. The Syrian ports were chosen due to the small amount of cargo traffic transiting these two ports. The ships used to transport the weapons were medium-sized and able to hold 10 or less shipping containers of cargo.
Sooooooooooo wait for the next episode of checkmate checkmates checkmate! It will be a dooooosy!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
“at least she’s not Scott Walker” was a real winner of a retort!
That’s what happens when you are a LIV and you are goose-stepping jackboot frogmarched to the DUMMOCRETIN pied piper theme!
It’s gonna be exciting to be voting for Hillary next year right HA DUMMOCRETINS?
That you think it’s a corroborated fact is most excellent.
You need to read. You are quoting from A DOD memo that was written the day AFTER the attack. One more time. After a day of investigating the DOD wrote that memo about what they know NOW not what they knew 10 days ago. It doesn’t say that the DOD, or CIA, or State or POTUS or Army, or Cub Scouts or anyone knew 10 days prior.
It says that the day after the attack and after a day of investigating the DOD believed the attack was planned ten days prior. That’s it. That’s your GOTCHA! The DOD came to a different conclusionthe day after than the CIA publicly aired four days after. GOTCHA!
The other GOTCHA is that you can’t read and understand.
I’m glad you now read the Judicial Watch press release at least twice and still didn’t comprehend it. I even pointed it out for you and you still insist that it says someone in the U.S. Government knew about the attack 10 days before it happen. Read it a third time. Slowly this time. Without your hand in your pants getting you all excited. (pant, pant, pant, Blumenthal also came to a different conclusion than the CIA admited publicly, oh my god, I’m going to need a tisue!)
Awesome! (Pats head, hands participant ribbon)
Everyone is a winner!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Didn’t Puddy call it above… checkmate checkmates checkmate…
You need to read. You are quoting from A DOD memo that was written the day AFTER the attack. One more time. After a day of investigating the DOD wrote that memo about what they know NOW not what they knew 10 days ago. It doesn’t say that the DOD, or CIA, or State or POTUS or Army, or Cub Scouts or anyone knew 10 days prior.
This is what they write when they are looking at what happened. You see checkmate… that’s why Puddy included the NY Slimes email trail between Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) and Hillary Clinton as the second link. Puddy already guessed you’d run back to the same tired meme of it was written on September 12th. Puddy has been around checkmate so long that the next move from checkmate is sooooooooooooo predictable. And the NY Slimes emails corroborate the Judicial Watch documents even better. And you fell right into the trap.
Once again checkmate checkmates himself…
The other GOTCHA is that you can’t read and understand.
Seems reading isn’t fundamental to you. checkmate gets sooooooo focused on one thing that all the other evidence is always ignored by checkmate.
Puddy doesn’t need to read the JW post again. Butt you do with the NY Slimes email trail. In fact this email trail was posted BEFORE the JW post in another NY Slimes posting. Puddy already delivered that one too!
After action reports are written all the time in business. They are called trip reports. Puddy has written many of them over the years!.
You Really
Awesome! (Scratches koro diseased balls, hands participant ribbon to himself)
Everyone is a winner!
It must suck to be in your skin. You can’t put FACTS together whatsoever!
Sure Piddles. AFTERAction reports. You seem to be confusing the word after with before.
Attack – Sept. 11
Blumethal email suggesting it was a spontaneous Mob – Sept 11
DOD report that you think says they knew in advance Sept. 12
Blumenthall E-mail quoting sources that it was planned – Sept 12.
But September 12th is before the attack, in the world according to Piddles. Good to see you doubling down on being the dumbest sack on these pages. I have several free calendars kicking around. Can I send you one? You seem to have trouble with how Tuesday is before Wednesday.
Come on. Say the 12th is before the 11th again. I double dare you.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
The DOD came to a different conclusion the day after than the CIA publicly aired four days after. Really?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Now the checkmate train wreck occurs. Why? Because it’s confusion and obfuscation time…
“The next day, Mr. Blumenthal sent Mrs. Clinton a more thorough account of what had occurred. Citing “sensitive sources” in Libya, the memo provided extensive detail about the episode, saying that the siege had been set off by members of Ansar al-Shariah, the Libyan terrorist group.” – You can read the rest above… Planned in advance! Doesn’t matter to checkmate. The meme has to stay alive!
And the DoD after action report happened Sept 12. In it the DoD admits the attack was planned 10 days prior. Page 396…
Good to see you doubling down on being the dumbest sack on these pages. I have several free calendars kicking around. Can I send you one? You seem to have trouble with how Tuesday is before Wednesday.
There is no doubling down checkmate. The chronology doesn’t fit your narrative so as Mrs Clinton screamed “what difference does it make” right checkmate? That’s why it doesn’t matter to checkmate because checkmate has checkmated checkmate above so move the train to another set of tracks to cover up the silliness from above. Everyone can see there is no military history in checkmate’s past! Even when the DoD admits the attack was prearranged and planned and Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) corroborates this FACT, checkmate must be checkmate!
Seems you are as dumb as rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!!!! Congratulations on that achievement!
After action reports are written all the time in business. They are called trip reports. Puddy has written many of them over the years!.
Day 1, September 9th – Arrived in Oklahoma city went to job site, meal expense $25
Day 2, September 8th, knowing that I enjoyed the meal I had on the 9th, I also had it today before I left, $25
Day 3, September 10th, All quiet here. Meal expense $29
Day 4, September 11th, the shit hit the fan. Barely had time to eat. Meal expense $10
Day 5, September 1 – Now that I know what happened on the 11th I didn’t make the trip to Oklahoma City.
Please re-imburse for travel expenses.
That’s pretty much how I imagine you write an AFTER action report, Piddles.
Yes, I’m mocking you.
Piddles, still trying to prove the 12th is before the 11th.
You even took the time to HTML bold “The next day” But somehow you don’t see that the next day is the day after not ten days prior.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Now the train has really derailed and the train wreck is readily apparent.
Puddy doesn’t need to mock you checkmate. You do it to yourself so easily
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Sept 12 emails and after action reports evaluate all the facts and conclude it was pre-planned. For checkmate it was a stooooooooooopid video. That’s the meme and theme checkmate will go to the grave with!
Hey look, you got it right. On Sept 12th the DOD, and presumably Blumenthal through whatever contacts he has examined all the facts about what happened on the 11th.
Now is September 12th is ACTUALLY September 1st as you keep insisting becuase, they knew ten days in advance?
Or do we still know today what we knew over a year ago? Many departments within the Government knew that the attack was NOT due to a video within days, some have suggested hours and I think within 12 hours is quite likely. The CIA prepared talking points that blamed it on a spontaneous protest rather than all known evidence and stuck with that story for several days. The CIA admitted as such in sworn testimony. The CIA admitted in sworn testimony that they briefed Susan Rice on what to say. GOTCHA! The CIA didn’t tell the truth. GOTCHA! we knew that well over a year ago.
You can jump to your own conclusions that the sole reason the CIA didn’t tell the truth was to help President Obama win the election. But good luck with that.
“The CIA is a lefty-commie organization that loves Obamunism and hated a real patriot like Romney!” Piddles “And I have the ‘FACTS'” to prove the CIA is a lefty-commie organization.” Everyone NOT glued to Fox News (aka, 96% of the American public) start laughing at Piddles.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Now is September 12th is ACTUALLY September 1st as you keep insisting becuase, they knew ten days in advance
Where did Puddy make that assumption? Poor checkmate doesn’t pay attention to anything in a thread…. Puddy already guessed you’d go there
Or do we still know today what we knew over a year ago? Many departments within the Government knew that the attack was NOT due to a video within days, some have suggested hours and I think within 12 hours is quite likely. The CIA prepared talking points that blamed it on a spontaneous protest rather than all known evidence and stuck with that story for several days. The CIA admitted as such in sworn testimony. The CIA admitted in sworn testimony that they briefed Susan Rice on what to say. GOTCHA! The CIA didn’t tell the truth. GOTCHA! we knew that well over a year ago.
They knew about the forthcoming attack 10 days before 9/11/2012
OMG, the ex-head of the CIA said “I believe.” Clearly that means Obama believes and it means the DOD believes and it means Hillary believes…..I have the smoking gun right here. Someone said I, singular, believe!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
checkmate is an interminable moron @147! That was from that paragraph you skipped checkmate. The document on page 396 is the same thing Puddy discussed later against your vile bile!
Then Puddy included the Mike Morrell Oopsie.
Then Puddy included the Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) emails!
checkmate scorched again! Keep trying checkmate. Need another train or train tracks?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Apparently the Baltimore police officers are no longer charged with false imprisonment and assault. Apparently the knife was illegal in Baltimore!
While Freddy’s injuries which eventually he died from happened in the van, the prosecutor just opened herself up for further ridicule in this case!
Wait for it…
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Now that Baltimore police are under siege, shooting by gun death are up 120% from last year! West Baltimore is now the wild wild west!
ah yes Tony Perkins has friends and family in all the wrong places.
Oh Tony – I’m sure you are sympathetic to him and want to see him get better out of your concern for one of your family members.
Puffy – what say you. Not one of yours? Before the bad news, I’m sure he was on your mantel. Don’t be a cricket (nah I expect you to say something stupid and crazy and not denounce it, but you will speak, bark like a dog.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@150 What’s your recommendation? That they go back to breaking necks?
Ah yes, Republicans like to forgive and forget, except for the womenzzzzzz,.
Conservative pushing fear with calls that the “end of times is near”. Be afraid, very afraid. These people would make very good life coaches.
151. Is the dugger family getting special treatment because they are religious? If that had been a regular family, would the parents be in jail and the kids in foster care, for covering up the molestation?
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@158 probably. And just imagine what the AFA would be saying if it were some well known hippie gay family.
Given their votes on fasr track. i called and informed cantwell and murruy that i will be voting for someone else in their primaries.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
I don’t expect that to happen, but in politics nothing is a slam-dunk, and it could happen. What if the Republicans manage to gain control of the White House, Congress, and Supreme Court appointments, and implement their pro-rich and anti-worker extreme agenda? Which might include eliminating minimum wages altogether by enacting preemptive federal legislation, virtually outlawing unions and collective bargaining, and shifting the country’s entire tax burden onto wage earners, with the wealthy and corporations paying nothing?
I wouldn’t bet on that election outcome, and based on today’s electoral map, I’d rather be a Democrat than a Republican campaign strategists in 2016. But an election disaster can’t be ruled out.
In that nightmarish scenario, obviously it’s much better to be a capitalist than a worker. We already have a system that coddles the people who own the means of production, and disrespects and exploits those whose labor produces all of the economy’s wealth and without whose labor all capital would be unproductive and worthless. (Makes no sense, but that’s how things are.)
Every day, I read more articles and news stories about how indebted Americans are, about soaring rents, stagnant wages, and vanishing jobs. What dominated the lives of people living in the 1940s was the titanic military struggle of World War 2; what dominates the lives of most Americans living today is pervasive financial insecurity.
There’s no perfect solution to this situation. As a progressive, I work with others toward a political solution that includes breaking the power of oligarchs and returning political power to ordinary people, implementing a fair tax system, maintaining an adequate social safety net, providing educational and economic opportunities to all, and so on.
But I also have my own personal agenda. It consists of saving and investing instead of consuming, and being a capitalist so I don’t have to be an employee. I worked — hard — for most of my life starting at age 13. I put myself through college and law school, and lifted myself from a family of very modest means into the professional class. (But even as a lawyer, I didn’t make a lot of money, because I chose to go into do-gooder public service instead of the selfish pursuit private profit.) And above all, I paid off all my debts and avoiding taking on new ones, so that I’m not beholden to any creditor, and I stashed my spare change in stocks and multiplied my capital by beating Wall Street at its own games (which isn’t that hard to do; the Masters of the Universe aren’t actually smarter than the geniuses who concoct our military failures).
It drives them wild. They can’t make me work for them at wages they dictate. They can’t take my rabbit hole from me, not that anyone else wants it, and if they did I could easily dig another one. I’ve gotta watch out for cars and peregrine falcons, but as long as I don’t get run over or converted into raptor lunch, there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do to me. I’m what you might call “independent.”
So even if Scott Walker somehow becomes president and his party gets supermajorities in both houses of Congress, and he stacks the Supreme Court with legal whores who will declare the 13th Amendment unconstitutional, they can’t enslave me — because I don’t need to work for them or borrow from them, and the stupid bastards refuse on principle to confiscate my guns.
If the fascists do succeed in taking over our country and reimposing slavery on our people, they’ll wish they had.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@161 Sure she’s a slimesucker, along with her philandering husband, but she’s going to be elected president anyway, because that’s how our system works. You see, Puddy, the problem is that greasing the rails for corrupt Republicans also greases the rails for corrupt Democrats, too. In other words, two can play the greasy little game your guys created. Your problem is you can’t purge our political system of the Clintons without also getting rid of the Bushes, Walkers, and any other Republican you could name. The most you can hope for is that the Koches, not Soros, will buy our next president. If you can live with that, so can I (see #162). In fact, I would do quite well under a Republican regime that sucked up to corporations and fucked over the working class, because I’m a capitalist myself, and don’t have to work for anyone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
White Cop Shoots 2 Black Men In Olympia
A white cop shot 2 black shoplifting suspects in Olympia early this morning after they allegedly attacked the cop with a skateboard. The suspects, ages 24 and 21, are stepbrothers. They were hospitalized with gunshot wounds but both are expected to survive.
Now the checkmate train wreck occurs. Why? Because it’s confusion and obfuscation time…
“The next day, Mr. Blumenthal sent Mrs. Clinton a more thorough account of what had occurred. Citing “sensitive sources” in Libya, the memo provided extensive detail about the episode, saying that the siege had been set off by members of Ansar al-Shariah, the Libyan terrorist group.” – You can read the rest above… Planned in advance! Doesn’t matter to checkmate. The meme has to stay alive!
And the DoD after action report happened Sept 12. In it the DoD admits the attack was planned 10 days prior. Page 396…
I’m still trying to figure this out.
The attack happened on September 11th.
September 12th is the day after the attack.
The. Day. After.
Think about what that word “after” means for a minute. I even include a link to to the word on Dictionary dot com for you to peruse at your leisure. I suggest you read #13 in the definitions provided, under “adverbs”.
That first bolded sentence fragment there, that you yourself bolded as an emphasis on whatever point you think you were making, makes no sense whatsoever in the context of your apparent narrative about who knew what, and when.
No sense at all.
So the attack was planned 10 days prior to the date of the actual attack. So what? Thats how wars are fought. Thats how battles work. People plan to do things, to sneak into an area, break and burn shit and kill people and run away.
Thats what battles are. People using tools like guns and knives and explosives and incendiaries to fuck shit up. To be successful in such an endeavor, one must make sure those tools are available beforehand to the people who are going to actually be using them, and the people actually using them have some method of concert to their purpose and goal.
So, because plans for a military attack were made in advance of such an attack a US Consulate in an active conflict zone, how does that change anything? How does that reinforce whatever point you think you’re making?
Or are you just in here raving like a lunatic on bath salts because your boss isn’t keeping you busy enough?
Google Is Putting Its New Self-Driving Cars On The Road
I”m surprised Google doesn’t market them in places like the retirement Villages in Florida to the old people who don’t drive. The speed limit is only 40 mpg there already.
It’s coming, I read that Uber wants to invest in the cars.
Rujax! Proudly Calling Bullshit and Snarking the puddyfuckwad Since 2007spews:
Hi Willy-
‘Discover the Networks dot com’ (I’m not linking to the piece of shit site), is the handy one-stop-shop resource (brought to the world by the evil loonytoones asshole David Horowitz) for all the creepy oooky spoooky goooky conspiracy theories and leftie hate that the puddy jackass wants to believe.
I really cannot believe how gullible that ‘right-wing-nut-job-crack’ head is. A Democrat…an out of office Democrat..had something to do with the 911 attack? This is some typically insane push back from the ‘ultimate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad over the reiteration of FACTS…again put forward by the CIA guy who gave the daily briefings to Georgie Junior (while he was playing donkey-kong?)…in particular the August 8th 2001 memo that SCREAMED, “OBL IS PLANNING AN ATTACK ON THE US WITH PASSENGER AIRPLANES.”
Cheney/Bush and the fellow war criminals blew this. The world knows it. Thy will always and forever look like shit over it.
the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad can whine and pass on this absolute bullshit all he wants, but his LIES ARE STILL GOING TO BE LIES!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
First the moron AKA rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears:
The 9/11 Terrorists were allowed in and overstayed their visas during the Clinton sadministration… This was well DOCUMENTED in the 9/11 Report. Why do you think (wait a minute… thinking is not your forte either) the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit continues to use Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) as a broken record? Because even the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit read the 9/11 report and has to deflect from the Clintons.
Too bad reading comprehension did not transfer during your fertilization. It’s now a given you are dumber than a pile of rocks!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Next the vomit producer… It seems you are as dumb as checkmate… It seems your lack of military experience is demonstrated above. After action reports like the 9/11 Commission Report looks at all angles and avenues and potentially missed information. Then to top it off Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) says the same thing to Hillary separately in the other Clinton Email System and this pre-planned attack information is also in the separate DoD Report. It was a planned attack and not spontaneously from some dumb video. Even Leon Panetta is on record on this. So because you too demonstrate 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady… Panetta on CNN (Clinton News Network)
“They were either incredibly naïve or willfully deceiving the American people. I don’t know which,” Republican Sen. John McCain told CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” on Thursday.
No we know from the DoD documents it was willful deception from the Obummer sadministration which you continue to drink as warm kook-aid! Regarding that 24 hour period you and checkmate are still puzzled over here is the statement Puddy remembered and why Puddy is using this link…
A senior U.S. official told CNN that there was evidence within 24 hours of the attack that suggested it was the work of extremists either affiliated with al Qaeda groups or inspired by them.
And now we know from the FOIA document dump from JW that this was a very true statement!
Well we also know this about checkmate and the vomit producer… you two are puzzled over many simple things in life! You see vomit producer… if you expanded your reading horizons from left wrong libtard puke sites such as:
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars eh?
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
and worked on those reading comprehension and memory issues; it would be more of a challenge debating you. Instead it’s so easy to the point of boredom because the vomit producer who looks down at Puddy thinking that Puddy is just a conservative “nigger”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated” to the progressive FASCISTS. Well, the vomit producer is very wrong on all accounts. And the vomit spewed stinks as bad as the IDIOT Wabbit thread pellets!
Too bad reading comprehension did not transfer during your fertilization either. It’s now a given you are dumber than a pile of rocks like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Prove Puddy is lying. Provide rebuttal links not found in:
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars eh?
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
“A senior U.S. official told CNN that there was evidence within 24 hours of the attack that suggested it was the work of extremists either affiliated with al Qaeda groups or inspired by them.”
yes, we knew that. It was covered on the news, you know Cable NEWS Network within a day of the attack.
As I said, we’re still investigating exactly what happened. I don’t want to jump the gun on this. But you’re right that this is not a situation that was exactly the same as what happened in Egypt. And my suspicion is, is that there are folks involved in this, who were looking to target Americans from the start. President Obama to Steve Kroft Sepot. 12, 2012
Egypt, where a street protest over the video in question was actually taking place. That is a fact. and POTUS says, “This is not….exactly…Egypt”
“But he was hiding it all…but…but…but it was all blamed on a video, yaaaaaarg!” Piddles
The best way to hide something is to suggest what current intelligence thinks while not coming right out and saying what is likely still classified and sensitive, smoking compound and still getting personnel and assets out and all.
Frankly, we are not in a position to speak any further to the perpetrators of this attack. It was clearly a complex attack. We’re going to have to do a full investigation. -Unnamed Sr. White House staff, press briefing, Sept 12, 2012
Fox News et al reported on this official briefing for the press on Benghazzi on Sept. 12th, 2012
Jay Carney, Sept. 14 2012
I have seen that report, and the story is absolutely wrong.”
Piddles and the right seize on this quote as “PROOOOOOOOOOOOF” that the White House was lying. But really,
Here’s the full exchange which as you note, well Puddy won’t because he’s so enamored with his, “they knew in advance” theory that Carney doesn’t say it wasn’t pre-planned, he says they had no intelligence that an attack was imminent.
On the Libya attacks, was there any intelligence in advance that some kind of attack could take place, especially because so many embassies were taking precautions because of 9/11? Was there any advance warning at all?
MR. CARNEY: I have seen that report, and the story is absolutely wrong. We were not aware of any actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent. That report is false.
Yep, they lied the whole time. I mean within the 24-hour window that Piddles has seized on as “they knew in advance” various members of the Government, and even the president himself made statements that it looks like it might not have been spontaneous.
And Finally…Sept 14, 2012
Jay, one last question — while we were sitting here — [Defense] Secretary [Leon] Panetta and the Vice Chair of the Joint Chiefs briefed the Senate Armed Services Committee. And the senators came out and said their indication was that this, or the attack on Benghazi was a terrorist attack organized and carried out by terrorists, that it was premeditated, a calculated act of terror. Levin said — Senator Levin — I think it was a planned, premeditated attack. The kind of equipment that they had used was evidence it was a planned, premeditated attack. Is there anything more you can — now that the administration is briefing senators on this, is there anything more you can tell us?
Carney: Well, I think we wait to hear from administration officials. Again, it’s actively under investigation, both the Benghazi attack and incidents elsewhere. And my point was that we don’t have and did not have concrete evidence to suggest that this was not in reaction to the film. But we’re obviously investigating the matter, and I’ll certainly — I’m sure both the Department of Defense and the White House and other places will have more to say about that as more information becomes available.
Funny, Panetta and the joing chiefs within 48 hours were, in public, saying it was a planned pre-meditated attack. But in Piddle World the Administration was still lying and calling it a response to the video. How can this be? How can the Secretary of Defense be saying something that the Administration is desperately trying to keep under wraps until after the election. Oh, I get it, PUDDY-Space-Time-Continuum again. Statements by Jay Carney, the President and briefings to Congress and the press didn’t actually happen BEFORE the election. They happened on that Magical September day the comes AFTER the November election.
What we now know with the release of this “blockbuster” Sydney Blumenthal email and the HUGE Judicial Watch find is that within 24 hours some were saying this was a coordinated attack. CNN and Reuters reported the DAY AFTER the attack (24 hours for the thick) on Sept. 12, 2012 that some were saying it was a coordinated attack.
There’s your GOTCHA Piddles. What the President alluded to and the press briefings admitted on Sept. 12, 2012 is in fact what some were saying. Some were saying on Sept. 12, 2012, publicly what we now know because of this “blockbuster” revelation. In short, we now know exactly what we knew well over a year ago. But it was all being kept secret. Except for the President telling Steve Kroft and Senior White House staff briefing the press and saying that the secret was sssssshhhhhhh secret so that’s why I’m telling you.
The city’s narcotics cops are being told to stop arresting suspects over the age of 40 — a major strategy shift designed to target younger dealers, who are more likely to carry guns and use them, The Post has learned.
Top brass issued a directive that makes it all but impossible for cops to bust older drug suspects, in order to combat a spike in shootings — which are up 7 percent in 2015 compared with the same period last year and 12 percent over the last four weeks, police sources said.
A police source said, “This came from above him. It’s amazing, but if you’re over 40, go out and start selling drugs because you get a freebie.”
Canes make useful stash sites, too.
White guy with a gun, No big deal.
Black guy with the same gun, BIG deal.
Memory check:
Clinton on Qaddafi: “We came, we saw, he died”
There’s that cute little giggle at the end, the same one she was recorded uttering when she recounted getting that rapist off by going after the minor victim.
Contrast the Clintonian giggle with a substantially more sober assessment of Libya fallout by Barack Obama’s
Secretary of Defense:
Gates: The irony is some of those who are the most critical of President Bush not having a plan in Iraq after Saddam Hussein was ousted didn’t have a plan for what to do in Libya after Gaddafi was ousted. I believe if you look at Libya today, that my opposition to our intervening there was the right thing to have done. I think particularly once we prevented the humanitarian slaughter that we all worried about in Benghazi. But once we prevented that and we could for a much smaller cost have sustained that protection of the eastern part of the country, I think going in, throwing out Gaddafi was a mistake.
Small wonder she’s so carefully controlling press access.
So, the democratic party. Socialist Kshama Sawant has folks blocking endorsements for her D party member opponents. And council president Burgess can’t get an endorsement from his own, ostensibly his own, party. Octogenarian-and-it-shows Godden not getting endorsed either. Who told her to run, some consultant making money off her?
and will we get a renter on the council?
will we see a left wave, Sawant-Grant-Bradburd-Herbold-Maddux-someone from District 5?
if we elect those 6 they can raise the min wage to $15 NOW. Then Murray could veto, then they could override the veto.
wouldn’t that be awesome? not to mention increasing fines on certain violators of permit laws up to say, $50 million dollars a day, depending on you know, the total assets of the violator? or $500 million a day? prospectively, not retroactively of course, oil corporations are persons in that they get due process, right?
Maybe I missed it, but no one has commented about the revised state revenue forecast announced yesterday afternoon:
OLYMPIA, May 18, 2015 –The GF-S revenue forecast has been increased by $106 million for
the 2013-15 biennium and by $309 million for the 2015-17 biennium.
Only five months ago Inslee wanted new taxes to fund his proposed 15% budget increase:
Inslee Proposes Robust Tax Package For Washington State Budget
Robust new taxes.
That was then.
This is now:
Inslee said since December the state’s financial picture has gotten rosier. And that if he’d known then what he knows now, “We would not have required to propose so much revenue because we would have been able to satisfy the needs of our citizens.”
So how big a tax package is Inslee proposing now?
“I don’t have a clear number for you,” he said.
Uncertainty in the face of an (unexpectedly, perhaps?) good revenue forecast is preferable to a blind intend to tax and spend. Good on Governor Inslee.
Half a dozen megabanks admit they rigged markets, cheating the public of billions (if not trillions), and have agreed to pay fines totaling $5 billion; but, once again, no one will go to jail. Which means they’re right back at it, as I type; because, under this system, crime not only pays but pays extremely well.
If you really want to criticize the Obama administration for something, then criticize it for its policy of letting banksters buy their way out of prison. But, strangely, not a peep from our trolls about this bona fide corruption (hint: who paid for Obama’s campaigns?).
@1 New York’s cops are too busy assaulting 14-year-old girls who haven’t done anything to bother with drug dealers.
@3 Gates was Bush’s man, and is a Republican, so of course he liked Colonel Gaddafi better than democracy. Democracy is messy.
@5 That’s the thing, Bickle. Sales taxes are so unpredictable you can’t plan to run a government with them. This new revenue projections could be just as wrong as the old ones. That’s one more reason why we need to replace the state sales tax with a state income tax. That has all kinds of benefits: The rich would begin paying their fair share of state taxes, the local-option sales tax could be left intact to help support local governments, and imagine what dropping the sales tax from nearly 9.6% to 3.6% would do in terms of stimulating retail sales. This ought to be a no-brainer. Its what 46 other states do. The only thing standing in its way is Republicans.
@ 8
Nice try. Obama could have nominated a fresh, new SOD. He didn’t He announced Gates as his SOD. Here’s the title in the link:
“Key members of Obama-Biden national security team announced”
Obama is quoted in the transcript as describing the group as “my team”. As in Obama’s team, not Bush’s.
If you’re unhappy with Gates calling Libya into question, here’s noted MSNBC Republican Chris Hayes doing the same thing:
CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC: How about this? How about the Libya intervention? Which we know Secretary of State Clinton pushed for, is on the record for, which is very difficult to view as a success in any way, shape or form.
ISIS takes a stranglehold there as Libya is essentially in ruins. No one seems to want to litigate that. They talk about Benghazi, they talk about Iraq. Here is a very real thing that actually happened. The woman who is running actually participated in, and as far as I can tell, is not getting litigated anywhere…
Oh, wait. My bad. I don’t think Chris Hayes is a Republican at all.
@ 9
WA’s tax revenue variability is the lowest in the western half of the US, RR:
You know what is more stupid than relying on sales taxes? Relying on raiding the rainy day fund for new revenues during a period of economic expansion, which was part of Inslee’s original revenue package. Recall that?
Spending the rainy day fund when it’s sunny means there’s no money when it’s raining, RR. And that shit-filled burrow of yours probably gets pretty sloppy during inclement weather.
Inslee also relied on a capital gains tax to fund his recurring revenue needs, RR. What happens to capital gains tax collections when the economy tanks, RR? That’s been discussed here already – check out Goldy’s thread about the burden being on the Republicans if they don’t go along with Inslee’s tax package. Danny Westneat’s also written about it. Not smart.
Good that Inslee’s rethinking.
@10 What do you expect from a rightwing politician like Obama who’s bought and paid for by the eastern money establishment?
@11 The rainy day fund is designed to buffer the unpredictability of the sales tax, not the variability of the economy, idiot.
One thing that isn’t being commented on much is the wild success of the $15 wage movement, and the stunning rejection of Reaganomics it implies. It’s one thing when you expect people to live on $7.25 an hour and food stamps; it’s another thing when you expect them to live on $7.25 an hour and no food stamps. This is a full-blown peasant revolt — the peasants aren’t willing to be starved. Some small business owners — who can’t make it without government subsidizing their labor costs — are complaining; but, hey, this is what happens when you refuse to pay for the subsidies, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yes, we may lose a few comic book shops in San Francisco, but that’s a small price to pay for a living wage for all.
It’s not often that Science retracts a paper.
A study claiming that gay people advocating same-sex marriage can change voters’ minds has been retracted due to fraud.
What’s more, the funding agencies credited with supporting the study deny having any involvement.
The study was published last December in Science, and received lots of media attention. It found that a 20-minute, one-on-one conversation with a gay political canvasser could steer voters in favor of same-sex marriage. Not only that, but these changed opinions lasted for at least a year and influenced other people in the voter’s household, the study found.
Donald Green, the senior author on the study, retracted it on Tuesday shortly after learning that his co-author, UCLA graduate student Michael LaCour, had faked the results.
As for the canvassers at the Leadership LAB at the Los Angeles LGBT Center, they say they were blindsided by the news of Green’s retraction. “This is a complete and utter shock to us and we’re still trying to figure out which way is up,” said Steve Deline, one of the organizers of the canvassing.
Teabagger’s never had any clue, so their confusion is understandable.
How many of Puffy’s freinds are gay?
@ 13
Where’s the buffer for bad times if it’s intentionally depleted during good times, RR?
America’s dumbest Congressman, and by extension the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids’, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad comes up with ‘logic’ that only makes sense to the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids’, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad.
@ 14
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yes, we may lose a few comic book shops in San Francisco, but that’s a small price to pay for a living wage for all.
RR, I wish to thank you for the link. Notable in that link is this paragraph:
An economic study published last year by the city pointed out that median rents in San Francisco have increased at twice the rate of the minimum wage since 2005. The analysis of a $15 wage found that while low-wage workers would see their pay increase by 20 percent, about 15,000 private-sector jobs, or 2 percent of the city’s workforce, would be lost.
So, more than just a few comic-book stores would go tits up.
I haven’t seen data like this for Seattle. What if Seattle lost 2% of its workforce to job cuts related to the minimum wage increase? Where would those job losses occur, I wonder? Probably not at Capitol Hill watering holes, nor down in the South Lake Union area.
Would those job losses occur in SoDo, Central District, and in lower-income Seattle communities elsewhere, I wonder?
There are downsides to the increase. It’s nice to see some numbers being attached to them. It would be nicer if people employed by billionaires would address them with some respect, on occasion. I encourage Senator Patty Murray to ask the CBO to score a $12 federal minimum wage and not merely play to the cameras about it, although I won’t hold my breath.
Again, RR, I thank you. Goldy won’t, but I do.
2%. Not insignificant at all.
@ 14
Hey, RR, here’s another aspect of your small price to pay:
Marcus Books got into financial trouble last year, and the owners couldn’t afford to keep the store open. They tried a crowdfunding campaign to help raise money to buy back the property, and their supporters rallied on the steps of City Hall. But Reverend Amos Brown says the store’s problems started long before this. Business took a hit as San Francisco’s black residents moved out.
“We’ve lost over 50,000 since 1970, and that’s tragic,” Brown said recently when I talked to him in his office at San Francisco’s Third Baptist Church, where he arrived as pastor in 1976.
SF becomes more white and less black. Minimum wage increases will only accelerate that transition. Still a small price to pay, RR?
In Memory of Michael O.D. Brown
May 20, 1996 – August 9, 2014
I would like the memory of Michael Brown to be a happy one. He left an afterglow of smiles when life was done. He leaves an echo whispering softly down the ways, of happy and loving times times and bright and sunny days. He’d like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun of happy memories that he left behind when life was done.
“Hands Up Don’t Shoot” nowhere to be found. No mention of ‘fleeing felon doctrine’, either.
Half a dozen megabanks admit they rigged markets, cheating the public of billions (if not trillions), and have agreed to pay fines totaling $5 billion; but, once again, no one will go to jail.
Yep… Just like these scandals… CAPITALIZATION IS BEST HERE!
@22 Oh my, Puddyidiot’s head exploded again. What a mess.
@19 Don’t worry, Bickle, that 2% would have been pushed out of Seattle by skyrocketing rents anyway, so it doesn’t matter whether higher wages or higher rents destroy those jobs — they’re gone either way. Between you and me, though, I won’t weep over the loss of slave-labor jobs in our local economy. What replaces them will be better for everyone.
This couldn’t have been timed better if it had been scripted by the envionmentalists. While kayakers protest Big Oil’s invasion Elliott Bay here in Seattle, Big Oil stages Santa Barbara Oil Spill Disaster II.
the shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad right-wing nut job news headlines brought to you by Rep. Louie Ghomert and Gov. Piyush Jindal.
Add @26…
President Barack Hussein Obama used hid full given name.
Jindal is a real coward.
Re: @22…
the ultimate affirmative action baby puddyfuckwad is too lazy to include links now?
Bin Laden read Noam Chomsky. Just like HA DUMMOCRETINS do!
As you’d expect, there’s corporate pushback against the wave of minimum-wage increases sweeping the country:
“As some cities and states vote to raise their minimum wage to double-digit territory, one giant franchisee CEO is already changing his growth strategy as a result. ‘We are altering our expansion strategy, for sure. We are focusing our growth entirely on states that aren’t as aggressive as the blue states, typically, that are increasing their minimum wage,’ said Greg Flynn, founder and CEO of Flynn Restaurant Group.”
(Flynn Restaurant Group operates the Applebee’s and Taco Bell restaurant chains.)
“This does not mean the company is closing locations. Instead, it has raised prices to counteract the added labor costs. ‘We’re also trying to become more efficient in every way we can, which unfortunately translates into trying to automate some processes and just be efficient with labor (and) runs contrary to what ought to be the national priority of creating jobs,’ Flynn said. ‘The higher the cost of (employment) gets, the more attractive technology gets,’ he added. ‘It’s that simple.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Fuck him, he doesn’t have to live on $7.25 an hour. If he wants to replace $7.25-an-hour donkeys with $120-an-hour IT consultants to keep his automated systems running, he can go right ahead. The economy can use more $120-an-hour jobs.
@30 Greg Palast was on his reading list, too. Like any good strategist, he wanted to know what his enemies were thinking. He didn’t need to read up on Republicans. He already was a fascist just like them.
@28 More likely he tired of his own links biting him in the ass.
What a Christianist theocracy will look like.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Republicans acquired absolute power in America, protecting perverts who bugger little boys would be a major priority for them, because so many Republicans want to do it.
What post-regulation “free enterprise” looks like.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Operated with impunity under Bush; caught and sued under Obama.
Would you buy a used car from these people?
@17 I agree, Bickle. The legislature should NOT use the rainy day fund to comply with McCleary. They should make the rich and corporations start paying state taxes instead, so they don’t have to dip into reserve funds to pay for basic education.
Remember the guy whose crowdfunding for his medical expenses became a media sensation? He just quit the GOP.
” … Lang joked that he might be the most hated Republican in the country right now. But he also said that, thanks in part to a flood of media attention that led him to learn more about health care policy, he doesn’t identify with the GOP anymore. ‘Now that I’m looking at what each party represents, my wife and I are both saying — hey, we’re not Republicans!’ Lang said. … He said he’s always tried to take responsibility for his own bills, but he also believes that the United States should move toward a universal health care system that makes coverage available to everyone regardless of their income level. He said he ‘one hundred percent agrees’ with the people who commented on his crowdfunding page to argue that health care is a human right.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Amazing what happens when dittoheads actually stop and think about what they’re supporting.
Of course the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit has no problem with teachers who prey on students. In fact Puddy bets the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit cheers it on!
Does anyone reach the stooooooooooopid looooooonacy scale like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? U R the dumbest mofo ever on a blog and Puddy reads a lot of DUmmies entries and those are DAYUM funny!
BTW rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, you won’t find this list on any blog… Direct from PuddyMemory!
1) Why were Baltimore police in riot gear again rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Does Mondawmin Mall ring a bell rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
2) Why didn’t Obummer call the Waco bikers thugs rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Maybe you should use that special reservation conduit you possess and call!
3) The Baltimore mayor told the police to stand down! The
“niggers”, whom are “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”, were left along to throw rocks and other items at police, to loot and plunder and cause havoc and mayhem. Some police had broken bones and one was knocked unconscious. That’s A-OK for a moron like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
4) The Baltimore mayor said ‘Let Them Loot, It’s Only Property’, so that’s what they did
5) There were no deaths during the Baltimore and Ferguson protests
6) The Baltimore mayor called them thugs rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears: “Too many people have spent generations building up this city for it to be destroyed by thugs, who in a very senseless way, are trying to tear down what so many have fought for, tearing down businesses, tearing down and destroying property, things that we know will impact our community for years.”
7) The Baltimore mayor gave them space to destroy: ” I’ve made it very clear that I, um, work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their, uh, right to free speech. It’s a very delicate balancing act because while we, uh, try to make that they were protected from the cars and the other, y’know, things that were going on. We also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well.”
8) Did the protesters leave peaceably? Did the peeps stop killing each other?
9) Pastor upset only one chain store available to burn and loot!
10) What arrests were made and what weapons were confiscated rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
11) Looters were attacking firemen trying to douse out the fires
1) Police were already staking out the restaurant
2) When the bikers attacked police police shot and wounded or killed them.
3) Most all bikers gave up peaceably.
4) Most all bikers were arrested peaceably!
5) Their bond is set at $1 million for each suspect.
6) The police weren’t given stand down orders.
7) The police weren’t given ‘Let Them Loot, It’s Only Property’ orders
8) The restaurant owner lost his franchise rights license forever and liquor license for at least one week.
9) 1,000 weapons were recovered from the bikers, including an AK-47 assault rifle, lots of handguns, knives, brass knuckles, clubs and chains.
10) Nine biker dudes died in Waco rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
11) What was looted or burned down again in Waco rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
There isn’t any cogent thought in the useless femtometer sized single cell called the brain of rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! U really R dumber than cinderblock! Dumber than a pile of rocks!
Wait for it…
Shorter puddypussy:
@39 “Of course the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit has no problem with teachers who prey on students.”
Why guess? Try it yourself, with me standing there, and find out if I have a problem with it. Bring your Purple Cross card.
It was only last year that HA higher-ups were all ‘Good on Governor Kitzhaber’ for green stuff while simultaneously pooh-poohing the Cover Oregon debacle as ‘too bad’.
Same list on that Open Thread contained both news items. Really.
Now we’re learning that it was ‘too bad’ about Cover Oregon because Kitzhaber ordered the program killed to preserve his re-election chances:
Kitzhaber scrapped workable Oregon health exchange for political benefit
Evidence from official documents gathered by congressional investigators or obtained under open records laws suggests Mr. Kitzhaber’s aides applied pressure to kill the project even though the governor had been told the exchange could be fixed and made operational.
Emails recovered from computer servers show Mr. Kitzhaber was directly told in February 2014 by Cover Oregon’s director that the state exchange’s problems could be fixed with additional testing and training.
Now, Cover Oregon was a clusterfuck the way one would imagine that any Democrat-designed program would be a clusterfuck. Way too costly, turnover at the top, didn’t work long after it was supposed to work….
But it was recovering and almost ready to go online for testing.
Team Kitzhaber pulled the plug on it instead. Election to win. And testing, if it didn’t go well, would be not going well just before the election, had Kitz kept going with it.
While not telling, this isn’t particularly helpful to Kitzhaber’s legacy:
Janet Hoffman, criminal defense attorney for the former Oregon governor, declined to comment Monday evening.
Read more:
This is what a Republican-inspired economy looks like.
@43 We didn’t realize you were such a big Obamacare fan, although I could’ve guessed, because there’s a shitload of money to be made by doctors like yourself from serving millions of new patients.
By the way, Bickle, how’d you do in the stock market today? I made 200 bucks. Don’t take that as bragging; I consider it pretty punk; it’s only 3.44 times what a $7.25-an-hour worker makes. I assume a multimillionaire like you does a lot better.
See how easy it is for Puddy to destroy rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Reduced to babbling @41!
Obummer B’Effin legal immigrants for the illigal aliens
And it’s worse for certain peeps…
Awwww…the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids,`’ ulitmate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…is soooo cuuuuute!!!!
Why guess? Try it yourself, with me standing there, and find out if I have a problem with it. Bring your Purple Cross card.
Not PuddyStyle senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Teachers are DUMMOCRETIN friends! NEA and AFT give big time to DUMMOCRETINS!
Well rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears @49,
Let’s view some pithy retorts to #40. Step out of your normal cutting and pasting of left wrong libtard nonsensical sites!
Add Re: @40…
This is really pretty rich;
…the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…is sticking up for a bunch of racist thugs who would cheerfully put a cap in his ass for mouthing off to one of their women in a mall, as he says he likes to do.
Just asking…how many sides does his mouth have?
Sooooooooooooooooo Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) is on Media Morons payroll? So George Soros helps pay Sidney Blumenthal’s (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) salary there. Wow… And he’s giving Clinton Libyan advice while she was at State. Wow… And Obummer told Clinton not to deal with Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) while at State…
So why doesn’t left wrong morons like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears upset Hillary was disrespecting Obummer, the first black president!
Sticking up for whom again rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
FACTS always destroys rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears BULLSHITTIUM!!!!!
Oh, so sorry…
…the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…clearly didn’t read the post he wrote @40 defending the actions of the vicious biker thugs who actually put the lives of innocent people at risk.
Again…how many sides does this mendacious fuck’s mouth have, anyway?
Where did Puddy defend any biker actions rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
Wow mendacious! rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears word of the day?
harpy harpie harpy!
The looooooooonacy of this idiot!
FACTS always destroys rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears BULLSHITTIUM!!!!!
Right now rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is scratching what’s left of his koro diseased balls trying to figger out where did Puddy defend the bikers!
Keep looking moron!
On the bright side, Piddles usually trickles each right wing paranoid scandal-du-jour complaint in a separate post. Here he spoofed them all at once. Unattributed of course.
But he gets upset if anyone else fails to leeenk.
At least he saved bandwidth. Ah crap, then he posted nine more times. Can’t the resident moron Piddles do ANYTHING helpful?
Wow… Another white DUMMOCRETIN taking advantage of a black woman!
That’s the best you can do checkmate?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
No FACTS as always!
@50 “NEA and AFT give big time to DUMMOCRETINS!”
I’d be worried if you accused them of giving to Republicans.
Here’s a real-time condensation of the blatherings of…
…the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
A note about @62…
Provided to HA by the good folks at Rujax! as part of our value added service!
@53 It upsets you that someone besides the rightwingers at Faux Noise get paid for their work?
@47 Maybe in your lunatic mind …
@58 “Can’t the resident moron Piddles do ANYTHING helpful?”
No. Why did you need to ask?
That didn’t happen in Baltimore.
That’s why you don’t rail on NEA and AFT teachers molesting chilluns senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, butt you will big time rail on a church!
And your point is rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
Simpleton with no original thought unless it’s from left wrong libtard sites!
From checkmate, who lately checkmates himself with train wreck after train wreck!
@ 68
Perhaps that is because when Ministers, Deacons, Preachers and Priests rape babies, they get promotions and total legal protection from the Corporation, whereas schools are required to fire and prosecute such people.
But, there really is no point in illustrating anything to you. You don’t know enough about the English language to write a coherent sentence.
In other news, Skittles are apparently dangerous weapons in the hands of black skinned children.
I’m sure the Schitzo will find a way to rationalize this one too.
Just like what happened @59 with that Virginia legislator?
Pled out of it. Butt then again, the vomit maker wouldn’t comprehend a white DUMMOCRETIN man being brought up on felony charges for having sex with a teenager and lying about it!
Butt there is more… Getting the 17 year old girl’s father illegally involved!
DUMMOCRETIN justice lie about it, is plead it down, run your legislative office from jail, then scream what difference does it make!
Hey rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears,
Before the funeral six police officers were injured.
After the funeral fifteen officers were injured, some with broken bones and one hit in the head and found unconscious.
That didn’t happen in Waco!
Of course checkmate, rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, vomit producer or senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit won’t have anything to say about this… No black died and the white officer was praised!
@ 72
Squid ink.
A) It’s Virginia. Old farts fucking teenagers is a longstanding and well established tradition there. Probably half the population alive in that State was born to a teenager.
B) Notice he is in fact, being prosecuted. If he was a Republican, she’d be getting a fat payoff along with a new house by some corporation with interests that need to be protected.
And nothing about it would be mentioned in the press.
C) It’s Virginia. Their overall grade from the State Integrity Project is a solid F. It ranks 47 on the public integrity scale for overall corruption and accountability. It is, along with Texas, Maine, Georgia and so may other Republican-led States, so entirely corrupt that it is practically ungoverned by anyone except corporations and rich businessmen. Grease the right palms in those States, you can do practically anything.
Their former Governor, a Republican, is now serving out a two year sentence on multiple felony corruption charges. His wife, is serving a year and a half on parallel charges for helping him hide the money. They are considered the tip of the iceberg. The whole legislature could probably be successfully prosecuted if anyone cared to make the effort.
Incidentally, Washington State gets a B-, with a ranking at #3 on the public integrity scale.
Not too bad, considering all the car salesmen and land speculators we have on the Eastside.
@ 74
If it was Texas or Louisiana, that kid would have just gotten his head blown off and the Cop a couple days vacation.
Three a day, Schizo, three a day.
Arthur Hoppe
The San Francisco Chronicle
March 5, 1971
The radio this morning said the Allied invasion of Laos had bogged down. Without thinking, I nodded and said, “Good.”
And having said it, I realized the bitter truth: Now I root against my own country.
This is how far we have come in this hated and endless war. This is the nadir I have reached in this winter of my discontent. This is how close I border on treason:
Now I root against my own country.
How frighteningly sad this is. My generation was raised to love our country and we loved it unthinkingly. We licked Hitler and Tojo and Mussolini. Those were our shining hours. Those were our days of faith.
They were evil; we were good. They told lies; we spoke the truth. Our cause was just, our purposes noble, and in victory we were magnanimous. What a wonderful country we are! I loved it so.
But now, having descended down the torturous, brutalizing years of this bloody war, I have come to the dank and lightless bottom of the well: I have come to root against the country that once I blindly loved.
I can rationalize it. I can say that if the invasion of Laos succeeds, the chimera of victory will dance once again before our eyes — leading us once again into more years of mindless slaughter. Thus, I can say, I hope the invasion fails.
But it is more than that. It is that I have come to hate my country’s role in Vietnam.
I hate the massacres, the body counts, the free fire zones, the napalming of civilians, the poisoning of rice crops. I hate being part of My Lai. I hate the fact that we have now dropped more explosives on these scrawny Asian peasants than we did on all our enemies in World War II.
And I hate my leaders, who, over the years, have conscripted our young men and sent them there to kill or be killed in a senseless cause simply because they can find no honorable way out — no honorable way out for them.
I don’t root for the enemy. I doubt they are any better than we. I don’t give a damn anymore who wins the day. But because I hate what my country is doing in Vietnam, I emotionally and often irrationally hope that it fails.
It is a terrible thing to root against your own country. If I were alone, it wouldn’t matter. But I don’t think I am alone. I think many Americans must feel these same sickening emotions I feel. I think they share my guilt. I think they share my rage.
If this is true, we must end this war now — in defeat, if necessary. We must end it because all of Southeast Asia is not worth the hatred, shame, guilt and rage that is tearing Americans apart. We must end it not for those among our young who have come to hate America, but for those who somehow manage to love it still.
I doubt that I can ever again love my country in that unthinking way that I did when I was young. Perhaps this is a good thing.
But I would hope the day will come when I can once again believe what my country says and once again approve of what it does. I want to have faith once more in the justness of my country’s causes and the nobleness of its ideals.
What I want so very much is to be able once again to root for my own, my native land.
With the GOP again pounding the drums of war vis-a-vis Iran, I wonder how long it’ll be before someone realizes that, with all our defensive assets being used in profit-seeking ventures on the other side of the world, that the United States is, for all intents and purposes, itself left undefended?
Or perhaps, that is the real purpose of these endless adventures.
Maybe we should take a real, hard look at who is really running the show and what their motives are.
The Texas Biker shootout is really the fault of all those Negroes and them gettin’ all uppity, givin’ honest innocent white folks idearz.
Funny, how every unarmed person shot by the police, every football game riot, every mass fraud committed by a Bank, every biker shootout is an “isolated incident”, but every riot in a region predominantly populated by black-skinned folks reacting to centuries of being shot, robbed and lied to is symptomatic of a wider pathology amongst the descendants of African kidnap victims.
“They’re just naturally less intelligent and more inclined to violence than ‘normal’ people.”
@78. It’s a blatant double standard. I have never understood why black conservatives do not object to this. I know liberal blacks do.
“CNN law enforcement analyst Harry Houck asserted this week that the black community was to blame after pundits had referred to black rioters as “thugs” but had usually refused to use the same terminology for white criminals.”
It is, along with Texas, Maine, Georgia and so may other Republican-led States, so entirely corrupt that it is practically ungoverned by anyone except corporations and rich businessmen. Grease the right palms in those States, you can do practically anything. So how do you think McAuliffe became Governor? Greasing palms, dealing with the rich businessmen and making deals with corporations! HAHAHAHAHAHA! What an IDIOT U R!
Terry McAuliffe (D) Governor – Clinton Acolyte is a Republican vomit producer.
Ralph Northam (D) Lieutenant Governor
Mark Herring (D) Attorney General
Man U R an MORON!
Regarding the white DUMMOCRETIN and the black teenager… this scumbag tried to implicate her father in his nefarious schemes! That’s A-OK per the vomit producer!
More EPIC FAYLE BULLSHITTIUM vomit from the vomit producer!
Puddy has no idea what shows you libtards listen or watch. The ones Puddy listens to called the white bikers thugs! Many times!
Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS are like most national DUMMOCRETINS and have no idea the etymology for the word thug!
Yeah, about that state integrity report… Useful state information…
New Jersey, Chris Christie’s state is #1. Funny how the vomit producer skipped right over that! Everyone knows why vomit producer! And look at Wisconsin! And look at Kansas! And then look at all those flyover states with a good ranking! Oh then look at Maryland – land of DONK!
We should be doing the same, aside from killing them.
Golly vomit producer when you Google “hip hop thugs” Puddy found your picture too!
When you Google “thuggish behavior” you see a whole bunch of white guys!
“reacting to centuries of being shot, robbed and lied to”
Brought to you by the DUMMOCRETIN Party vomit producer! Owner of the inner city since 1965. The party of Jim Crow from waaaaaaaaaaaay back yesteryear!
Thanks for playing vomit producer!
Remember they are just “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
@ 82
As I recall, the State mentioned was Virginia, not New Jersey, a State that you’ve repeatedly denounced as being a “demmocretin stronghold” in this very forum.
Ya stupid, ignorant, mindless reactionary fuck.
As I recall, the State mentioned was Virginia,
Which Puddy delivered as Post #80
Terry McAuliffe (D) Governor – Clinton Acolyte is a Republican vomit producer.
Ralph Northam (D) Lieutenant Governor
Mark Herring (D) Attorney General
Man U R a MORON!
So who is the “stupid, ignorant, mindless reactionary fuck.” again vomit producer?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Where is the outrage? Racism & Sexism in Omaha…racism & Sexism on the surface as Black male suspect murders White Female Cop. Isn’t this the game we are in?
Oh and the White Female Cop was also pregnant and about to go on maternity leave. So obviously, had the races been reversed, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would have added Infanticide to the racism and sexism allegation. Right?
“stop your f***ing whining”
Huh! Odd screen name for someone who posts nothing but whines.
I see Puddy is still crazed with hate for everything good and decent in this world.
The squid ink just isn’t working anymore.
Notice the ridicule of your name, not the heinous act of a
cockroachthug! It’s a Psych 101 Thang!@92,
Your femtometer single celled mind never worked. The mitochondria went on strike and it never ended!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Nebraska Poised To Abolish Death Penalty
Nebraska’s single-house legislature voted 32-15 yesterday to abolish the death penalty. This is a large enough majority to override an expected veto from GOP Gov. Pete Ricketts. Those voting to abolish included 18 Republicans, 13 Democrats, and 1 independent.
The vote came the same day a popular Omaha police officer, who recently gave birth and was to start maternity leave today, was killed in the line of duty. The felony suspect also died in the shootout.
The abolition bill isn’t retroactive per se, but would leave the state with no method for executing the 11 men currently on Nebraska’s death row.
Nebraska legislators have voted to scrap their state’s policy of discriminating against children of illegal immigrants by denying them driver’s licenses.
Defying their Republican governor, Nebraska’s Republican-majority legislature has passed by 34-9 a bill “ending Nebraska’s status as the only state to deny driver’s licenses to the children of illegal immigrants.” GOP Gov. Pete Ricketts opposes the bill but hasn’t said whether he would veto it. The 34 votes in favor are enough to override a veto if he does.
“Advocates for the bill, which included state business groups and Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert, argued that it didn’t make sense to deny driver’s licenses to young immigrants who grew up here, graduated from high school here and are likely to settle and work in Nebraska. Such immigrants were brought to the U.S. illegally as children, advocates for the bill said, and if denied driver’s licenses, they would be likely to move to another state.”
It appears Nebraska’s Republican-dominated legislature isn’t as crazy as some of the others. Their Republican governor, a former CEO of TD Ameritrade who was elected last year after a failed run for U.S. Senate in 2006, appears to have brought to the office the usual lack of political and social acumen characteristic of business executives who for some unfathomable reason believe their private sector experience qualifies them for politics.
Another gay-bashing hypocrite bites the dust.
Classic pathological narcissist.
Daron Dylon Wint is the primary suspect… Google him!
Apparently rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears doesn’t like himself. It’s self-evident @99.
It’s so sad to inhabit the body of rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I like a blog that doesn’t go on and on about celebrities, pseudo celebrities, celebrity wanna-bes, celebrity dogs, celebrity asses, celebrity fights, celebrity mansions, celebrity food cravings, celebrity tributes, etc., etc., ad infinitum.
Soooooooooooooooooo… all those HA DUMMOCRETIN morons screaming how Benghazi is much ado about nuthin…? Well the FACTS prove otherwise and Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) is in the middle of it! This is too rich!
IT’s more important to lie to the families than to show Obummer being the feckeless foreign policy fool he is! They knew about the attacks 10 days before and did nothing. NOTHING!
@103 That’s nothing compared to this:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
@102 Is Puddydope’s on-and-on better?
Where ISIS came from and why it exists.
She wasn’t pregnant. She gave birth months ago according to the story in your link.
You could also take a moment to reflect on if required paid family leave would have had her home.
It was only in the second paragraph of @88.
There’s nothing new there. Especially since the CIA has said over, and over, and over, and over and under oath before various congressional investigations that they wrote the talking points. How’s your good buddy Mike Rogers these days?
There’s your big GOTCHA! The CIA didn’t disclose a secret outpost right away. Still the same GOTCHA you’ve had for over a year. GOTCHA!
“Why if only they know what we know about Benghazi they wouldn’t vote for Hillary and call for Obama’s impeachment. Did you hear about Benghazi? It’s amazing what happened in Benghazi? Can you believe we haven’t impeached Obama because of Benghazi? BENGHAZI!”
Wonder how many minds HotAir is changing? Choir…I need you here on the right, got some preaching to do.
Republicans love to decry debt. But look at this chart and then ask yourself who was in office when debt grew the fastest.
Oh, and one more thing: Corporations are borrowing like crazy. But Republicans have a problem with that only when students do it to get an education so they can get decent-paying jobs.
Where the pressure on Seattle housing is coming from.
So what happened to that Wingnut Theory that a higher minimum wage would put Seattle restaurants out of business?
Were the wingnuts wrong again?
Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) was posted again.
Three Paragraphs must be the new norm now!
@102 Is the continual use Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) on-and-on better?
The video was a lie. They knew about the forthcoming attack 10 days before 9/11/2012 and that’s the best spin you can deliver checkmate?
Apparently your left wrong reading sources are failing you again…
You see checkmate… How do you know a DUMMOCRETIN is lying… His lips are moving at a Congressional Hearing…
Remember this BULLSHITTIUM checkmate?
1. Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash.: Committee not trying to find truth – You can’t handle the truth Smith!
2. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.: Indefinite scope, don’t know what we’re looking for – These aren’t the droids you’re looking for… when you don’t even deliver the correct droids!
3. Rep. Linda Sánchez, D-Calif.: Americans deserve better – Yes they do and Hillary ain’t it. She and her State Department are just a bunch of lying liars!
4. Schiff: Gun running? – A DUMMOCRETIN asked this… Maybe Schiff was thinking he was in the Fast and Furious hearings?
Boy Republicans have better figure this one out….the are going to be looking like real fucking idiots when it all the ice is melted and the climate is unihabitable.
Regardless if humans are causing or not – what the fuck are you doing about it aside from burying your heads in the sand.
100 years from now or less people are going to be looking at them and saying what fucking idiots, aside from everyone saying it already.
100 years from now – Jesus would have come way before that teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
@ 107
If she had given birth to her first child months earlier, doesn’t that imply that there’s a second one on the way, CZ?
OTOH it’s nice to see you reading some links with a critical eye. Pity they aren’t the one you post yourself.
I choose not to read some of you because the vitriol is too poisonous. But pretty much anything is better than the insipid, vacuous celebrity culture in this country that is driven by greed and stupidity.
Baltimore officers indicted.
@117 and you’ll be dead!
@118 according to puffy, no problem, Jesus is coming.
I’d like to think if Jesus is coming, he’ll be here sooner than you think, he might already be here, his name may be Ted Cruz.
@118 is that how you base your facts, on what you think might be implied?
“If only they knew what we know….” Note that you are trying to claim that we had forwarning of the attack by ten days.
But sadly, no.
quoted from the very press release Judicial Watch put out that you linked, probably after you fapped over it a few times.
And you still have the same GOTCHA. A day after the attack and after a day of investigation the DOD concluded that the attack was planned. The CIA then provided talking points that failed to mention that.
GOTCHA! The CIA didn’t IMMEDIATELY come clean about their operation in Benghazi GOTCHA! Can’t imagine any possible reason to keep it secret until they know what damage has been done to assets including potential foreign agents in Libya. GOTCHA! The CIA, who has never EVER in the history of the United States kept anything quiet should have RIGHT Away come forward. GOTCHA. The CIA has admitted, under oath, repeatedly that they did it. GOTCHA!
But we’ll just start from your “fact” that they had ten days advance notice. A typical Piddles made up “Fact.” Truthiness. Yep, now it’s “If only they knew that the White house knew that I Piddles imagine that they ignored a ten day head start why then I wouldn’t be seeing Hillary sworn in as president. DAMNIT, why won’t the LISTEN TO ME! I know this is true that they had knowledge even though Judicial Watch (eds. note hee-hee, Judicial Watch) says this is not true, IT IS TRUE!”
I’d be pretty impressed with a woman who gave birth months earlier and is ready to go on Maternity leave again. I mean unless she had doctors orders to be bedridden because of a rough pregnancy way early in the first tri-mester, so why is she working, then she’d have to be 7-8 months pregnant to be ready for maternity leave. Funny how that biology would work to give birth months earlier and still be pregnant at the same time. Does it work that way? Can you be pregnant for a while and get pregnant with a second child some several months along into the first pregnancy? I’m not really a doctor but I don’t think that’s how it works. It is possible to get pregnant while nursing but very very rare. (hmmm 9 months minus….six/seven months plus immaculate conception, IT COULD HAPPEN!)
You kind of look like an idiot for trying to point it out. Sloppy looking like an idiot or as the rest of us call it, Thursday.
What about the boys in this case. Shouldn’t they be held accountable. Maybe it should be against the law for someone under age to willing have sex with an adult – I’m sure something in the bible could be the precedence.
Woman gets 10 years in prison for having sex with 3 boys
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
If a minor is in possession of alchahol doesn’t he go to jail? So what if a minor is in possession of an older whore?
I’m sur this woman wishes she that she aborted the kid.
Pa. teen says he blackmailed his mom into having sex: report
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
Further @118
You could have googled for ten seconds and found out that she wasn’t pregnant. But no. You and Piddles are made for each other. You can’t wait long enough for a GOTCHA to find out if it really is true.
“I’ll take jumping to unfounded conclusions for $1000, Alex.”
Gotcha checkmate… Page 396 which was right below the post you laid out above sez this checkmate…
Easily found on
if a moron like you took time to read. You see checkmate you checkmate yourself, and you do it sooooooooooooooooo easily!
Then you scream…
Only thing checkmate is you are still drinking that left wrong chronology which this .pdf document delivers a
Hence this BULLSHITTIUM paragraph is really BULLSHITTIUM
So Puddy will correct that so wrong paragraph for you…
Seems you are correct with that Pentagon “fact” that they had ten days advance notice. A direct and corroborated typical Puddy delivered “FACT.” Wow, I just can’t disagree with that Truthfulness. And since it was passed around by the principles…Yep, now we know the White house knew that FACT. I agree Puddy that they ignored a ten day head start because Obummer didn’t want to look feckless before the debates. Obummer claimed Al Qaeda was on the run. I now know this is true that they had knowledge because Judicial Watch sued and the Federal Court agreed with JW, and now they have the documentation which says IT IS TRUE!”
Butt there is more now from the NY Times… Seems they have found their truth decoder rings!
Seems the NY Slimes can’t sleep with the cockroaches call the DUMMOCRETIN Hillary Camp anymore!
Did you catch that checkmate
Direct from Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit). You can read the daily multi-retreaded Blumenthal entry from the IDIOT Wabbit above!
DAYUM U R Stoooooooooooooopid!
Seems checkmate and teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla are two close PEAS in a POD!
Remember that weapons question checkmate? No well you possess 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady… All you need to do is Google “libyan weapons syria”. Since you choose to read left wrong libtard BULLSHITTIUM, this was pooh poohed by the standard left wrong sites.
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars eh?
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
So checkmate, why do you continually trust their BULLSHITTIUM? Apparently Fox News has inside information your BULLSHITTIUM sites just don’t possess! Butt, you keep screaming it because Puddy loves it when you checkmate yourself checkmate.
Sooooooooooo wait for the next episode of checkmate checkmates checkmate! It will be a dooooosy!
This is a powerful video if you plan to vote for Hillary.
“You want to give me a minute?” – Powerful
“Give me two minutes” – DAYUM
“at least she’s not Scott Walker” was a real winner of a retort!
That’s what happens when you are a LIV and you are goose-stepping jackboot frogmarched to the DUMMOCRETIN pied piper theme!
It’s gonna be exciting to be voting for Hillary next year right HA DUMMOCRETINS?
That you think it’s a corroborated fact is most excellent.
You need to read. You are quoting from A DOD memo that was written the day AFTER the attack. One more time. After a day of investigating the DOD wrote that memo about what they know NOW not what they knew 10 days ago. It doesn’t say that the DOD, or CIA, or State or POTUS or Army, or Cub Scouts or anyone knew 10 days prior.
It says that the day after the attack and after a day of investigating the DOD believed the attack was planned ten days prior. That’s it. That’s your GOTCHA! The DOD came to a different conclusionthe day after than the CIA publicly aired four days after. GOTCHA!
The other GOTCHA is that you can’t read and understand.
I’m glad you now read the Judicial Watch press release at least twice and still didn’t comprehend it. I even pointed it out for you and you still insist that it says someone in the U.S. Government knew about the attack 10 days before it happen. Read it a third time. Slowly this time. Without your hand in your pants getting you all excited. (pant, pant, pant, Blumenthal also came to a different conclusion than the CIA admited publicly, oh my god, I’m going to need a tisue!)
Awesome! (Pats head, hands participant ribbon)
Everyone is a winner!
Judicial Watch…
The Raid Bug Spray to Obummer sadministration cockroach hotels!
Didn’t Puddy call it above… checkmate checkmates checkmate…
Oh gosh checkmate… Ever heard of after action reports?
This is what they write when they are looking at what happened. You see checkmate… that’s why Puddy included the NY Slimes email trail between Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) and Hillary Clinton as the second link. Puddy already guessed you’d run back to the same tired meme of it was written on September 12th. Puddy has been around checkmate so long that the next move from checkmate is sooooooooooooo predictable. And the NY Slimes emails corroborate the Judicial Watch documents even better. And you fell right into the trap.
Once again checkmate checkmates himself…
Seems reading isn’t fundamental to you. checkmate gets sooooooo focused on one thing that all the other evidence is always ignored by checkmate.
Puddy doesn’t need to read the JW post again. Butt you do with the NY Slimes email trail. In fact this email trail was posted BEFORE the JW post in another NY Slimes posting. Puddy already delivered that one too!
After action reports are written all the time in business. They are called trip reports. Puddy has written many of them over the years!.
You Really
Awesome! (Scratches koro diseased balls, hands participant ribbon to himself)
Everyone is a winner!
It must suck to be in your skin. You can’t put FACTS together whatsoever!
Sure Piddles. AFTERAction reports. You seem to be confusing the word after with before.
Attack – Sept. 11
Blumethal email suggesting it was a spontaneous Mob – Sept 11
DOD report that you think says they knew in advance Sept. 12
Blumenthall E-mail quoting sources that it was planned – Sept 12.
But September 12th is before the attack, in the world according to Piddles. Good to see you doubling down on being the dumbest sack on these pages. I have several free calendars kicking around. Can I send you one? You seem to have trouble with how Tuesday is before Wednesday.
Come on. Say the 12th is before the 11th again. I double dare you.
The DOD came to a different conclusion the day after than the CIA publicly aired four days after. Really?
Now the checkmate train wreck occurs. Why? Because it’s confusion and obfuscation time…
“The next day, Mr. Blumenthal sent Mrs. Clinton a more thorough account of what had occurred. Citing “sensitive sources” in Libya, the memo provided extensive detail about the episode, saying that the siege had been set off by members of Ansar al-Shariah, the Libyan terrorist group.” – You can read the rest above… Planned in advance! Doesn’t matter to checkmate. The meme has to stay alive!
And the DoD after action report happened Sept 12. In it the DoD admits the attack was planned 10 days prior. Page 396…
There is no doubling down checkmate. The chronology doesn’t fit your narrative so as Mrs Clinton screamed “what difference does it make” right checkmate? That’s why it doesn’t matter to checkmate because checkmate has checkmated checkmate above so move the train to another set of tracks to cover up the silliness from above. Everyone can see there is no military history in checkmate’s past! Even when the DoD admits the attack was prearranged and planned and Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) corroborates this FACT, checkmate must be checkmate!
Seems you are as dumb as rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!!!! Congratulations on that achievement!
Day 1, September 9th – Arrived in Oklahoma city went to job site, meal expense $25
Day 2, September 8th, knowing that I enjoyed the meal I had on the 9th, I also had it today before I left, $25
Day 3, September 10th, All quiet here. Meal expense $29
Day 4, September 11th, the shit hit the fan. Barely had time to eat. Meal expense $10
Day 5, September 1 – Now that I know what happened on the 11th I didn’t make the trip to Oklahoma City.
Please re-imburse for travel expenses.
That’s pretty much how I imagine you write an AFTER action report, Piddles.
Yes, I’m mocking you.
Piddles, still trying to prove the 12th is before the 11th.
You even took the time to HTML bold “The next day” But somehow you don’t see that the next day is the day after not ten days prior.
Now the train has really derailed and the train wreck is readily apparent.
Puddy doesn’t need to mock you checkmate. You do it to yourself so easily
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Sept 12 emails and after action reports evaluate all the facts and conclude it was pre-planned. For checkmate it was a stooooooooooopid video. That’s the meme and theme checkmate will go to the grave with!
Hey look, you got it right. On Sept 12th the DOD, and presumably Blumenthal through whatever contacts he has examined all the facts about what happened on the 11th.
Now is September 12th is ACTUALLY September 1st as you keep insisting becuase, they knew ten days in advance?
Or do we still know today what we knew over a year ago? Many departments within the Government knew that the attack was NOT due to a video within days, some have suggested hours and I think within 12 hours is quite likely. The CIA prepared talking points that blamed it on a spontaneous protest rather than all known evidence and stuck with that story for several days. The CIA admitted as such in sworn testimony. The CIA admitted in sworn testimony that they briefed Susan Rice on what to say. GOTCHA! The CIA didn’t tell the truth. GOTCHA! we knew that well over a year ago.
You can jump to your own conclusions that the sole reason the CIA didn’t tell the truth was to help President Obama win the election. But good luck with that.
“The CIA is a lefty-commie organization that loves Obamunism and hated a real patriot like Romney!” Piddles “And I have the ‘FACTS'” to prove the CIA is a lefty-commie organization.” Everyone NOT glued to Fox News (aka, 96% of the American public) start laughing at Piddles.
Where did Puddy make that assumption? Poor checkmate doesn’t pay attention to anything in a thread…. Puddy already guessed you’d go there
Puddy already guessed you’d go there Post #114 has this link checkmate…
You see checkmate Puddy knows how you think!
Where did Puddy make that assumption?
OMG, the ex-head of the CIA said “I believe.” Clearly that means Obama believes and it means the DOD believes and it means Hillary believes…..I have the smoking gun right here. Someone said I, singular, believe!
checkmate is an interminable moron @147! That was from that paragraph you skipped checkmate. The document on page 396 is the same thing Puddy discussed later against your vile bile!
Then Puddy included the Mike Morrell Oopsie.
Then Puddy included the Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) emails!
checkmate scorched again! Keep trying checkmate. Need another train or train tracks?
Apparently the Baltimore police officers are no longer charged with false imprisonment and assault. Apparently the knife was illegal in Baltimore!
While Freddy’s injuries which eventually he died from happened in the van, the prosecutor just opened herself up for further ridicule in this case!
Wait for it…
Now that Baltimore police are under siege, shooting by gun death are up 120% from last year! West Baltimore is now the wild wild west!
ah yes Tony Perkins has friends and family in all the wrong places.
Oh Tony – I’m sure you are sympathetic to him and want to see him get better out of your concern for one of your family members.
Puffy – what say you. Not one of yours? Before the bad news, I’m sure he was on your mantel. Don’t be a cricket (nah I expect you to say something stupid and crazy and not denounce it, but you will speak, bark like a dog.)
@150 What’s your recommendation? That they go back to breaking necks?
Ah yes, Republicans like to forgive and forget, except for the womenzzzzzz,.
Womenzz have no place in the Republican Party, Carly!
@143 Yes, life is so much simpler when you don’t have to contend with reality.
Hey Piddles, found the WMDs yet?
Watch out Carly, you better come down hard on her, or else!
Conservative pushing fear with calls that the “end of times is near”. Be afraid, very afraid. These people would make very good life coaches.
151. Is the dugger family getting special treatment because they are religious? If that had been a regular family, would the parents be in jail and the kids in foster care, for covering up the molestation?
@158 probably. And just imagine what the AFA would be saying if it were some well known hippie gay family.
Given their votes on fasr track. i called and informed cantwell and murruy that i will be voting for someone else in their primaries.
The hits keep on coming…
What if Hillary loses?
I don’t expect that to happen, but in politics nothing is a slam-dunk, and it could happen. What if the Republicans manage to gain control of the White House, Congress, and Supreme Court appointments, and implement their pro-rich and anti-worker extreme agenda? Which might include eliminating minimum wages altogether by enacting preemptive federal legislation, virtually outlawing unions and collective bargaining, and shifting the country’s entire tax burden onto wage earners, with the wealthy and corporations paying nothing?
I wouldn’t bet on that election outcome, and based on today’s electoral map, I’d rather be a Democrat than a Republican campaign strategists in 2016. But an election disaster can’t be ruled out.
In that nightmarish scenario, obviously it’s much better to be a capitalist than a worker. We already have a system that coddles the people who own the means of production, and disrespects and exploits those whose labor produces all of the economy’s wealth and without whose labor all capital would be unproductive and worthless. (Makes no sense, but that’s how things are.)
Every day, I read more articles and news stories about how indebted Americans are, about soaring rents, stagnant wages, and vanishing jobs. What dominated the lives of people living in the 1940s was the titanic military struggle of World War 2; what dominates the lives of most Americans living today is pervasive financial insecurity.
There’s no perfect solution to this situation. As a progressive, I work with others toward a political solution that includes breaking the power of oligarchs and returning political power to ordinary people, implementing a fair tax system, maintaining an adequate social safety net, providing educational and economic opportunities to all, and so on.
But I also have my own personal agenda. It consists of saving and investing instead of consuming, and being a capitalist so I don’t have to be an employee. I worked — hard — for most of my life starting at age 13. I put myself through college and law school, and lifted myself from a family of very modest means into the professional class. (But even as a lawyer, I didn’t make a lot of money, because I chose to go into do-gooder public service instead of the selfish pursuit private profit.) And above all, I paid off all my debts and avoiding taking on new ones, so that I’m not beholden to any creditor, and I stashed my spare change in stocks and multiplied my capital by beating Wall Street at its own games (which isn’t that hard to do; the Masters of the Universe aren’t actually smarter than the geniuses who concoct our military failures).
It drives them wild. They can’t make me work for them at wages they dictate. They can’t take my rabbit hole from me, not that anyone else wants it, and if they did I could easily dig another one. I’ve gotta watch out for cars and peregrine falcons, but as long as I don’t get run over or converted into raptor lunch, there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do to me. I’m what you might call “independent.”
So even if Scott Walker somehow becomes president and his party gets supermajorities in both houses of Congress, and he stacks the Supreme Court with legal whores who will declare the 13th Amendment unconstitutional, they can’t enslave me — because I don’t need to work for them or borrow from them, and the stupid bastards refuse on principle to confiscate my guns.
If the fascists do succeed in taking over our country and reimposing slavery on our people, they’ll wish they had.
@161 Sure she’s a slimesucker, along with her philandering husband, but she’s going to be elected president anyway, because that’s how our system works. You see, Puddy, the problem is that greasing the rails for corrupt Republicans also greases the rails for corrupt Democrats, too. In other words, two can play the greasy little game your guys created. Your problem is you can’t purge our political system of the Clintons without also getting rid of the Bushes, Walkers, and any other Republican you could name. The most you can hope for is that the Koches, not Soros, will buy our next president. If you can live with that, so can I (see #162). In fact, I would do quite well under a Republican regime that sucked up to corporations and fucked over the working class, because I’m a capitalist myself, and don’t have to work for anyone.
White Cop Shoots 2 Black Men In Olympia
A white cop shot 2 black shoplifting suspects in Olympia early this morning after they allegedly attacked the cop with a skateboard. The suspects, ages 24 and 21, are stepbrothers. They were hospitalized with gunshot wounds but both are expected to survive.
Does this make you a little jealous Rog?
Ducks In England Get Their Own Walking Lanes So Humans Don’t Ruffle Their Feathers
@ The Schizo
I’m still trying to figure this out.
The attack happened on September 11th.
September 12th is the day after the attack.
The. Day. After.
Think about what that word “after” means for a minute. I even include a link to to the word on Dictionary dot com for you to peruse at your leisure. I suggest you read #13 in the definitions provided, under “adverbs”.
That first bolded sentence fragment there, that you yourself bolded as an emphasis on whatever point you think you were making, makes no sense whatsoever in the context of your apparent narrative about who knew what, and when.
No sense at all.
So the attack was planned 10 days prior to the date of the actual attack. So what? Thats how wars are fought. Thats how battles work. People plan to do things, to sneak into an area, break and burn shit and kill people and run away.
Thats what battles are. People using tools like guns and knives and explosives and incendiaries to fuck shit up. To be successful in such an endeavor, one must make sure those tools are available beforehand to the people who are going to actually be using them, and the people actually using them have some method of concert to their purpose and goal.
So, because plans for a military attack were made in advance of such an attack a US Consulate in an active conflict zone, how does that change anything? How does that reinforce whatever point you think you’re making?
Or are you just in here raving like a lunatic on bath salts because your boss isn’t keeping you busy enough?
Google Is Putting Its New Self-Driving Cars On The Road
I”m surprised Google doesn’t market them in places like the retirement Villages in Florida to the old people who don’t drive. The speed limit is only 40 mpg there already.
It’s coming, I read that Uber wants to invest in the cars.
Hi Willy-
‘Discover the Networks dot com’ (I’m not linking to the piece of shit site), is the handy one-stop-shop resource (brought to the world by the evil loonytoones asshole David Horowitz) for all the creepy oooky spoooky goooky conspiracy theories and leftie hate that the puddy jackass wants to believe.
I really cannot believe how gullible that ‘right-wing-nut-job-crack’ head is. A Democrat…an out of office Democrat..had something to do with the 911 attack? This is some typically insane push back from the ‘ultimate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad over the reiteration of FACTS…again put forward by the CIA guy who gave the daily briefings to Georgie Junior (while he was playing donkey-kong?)…in particular the August 8th 2001 memo that SCREAMED, “OBL IS PLANNING AN ATTACK ON THE US WITH PASSENGER AIRPLANES.”
Cheney/Bush and the fellow war criminals blew this. The world knows it. Thy will always and forever look like shit over it.
the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad can whine and pass on this absolute bullshit all he wants, but his LIES ARE STILL GOING TO BE LIES!
First the moron AKA rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears:
The 9/11 Terrorists were allowed in and overstayed their visas during the Clinton sadministration… This was well DOCUMENTED in the 9/11 Report. Why do you think (wait a minute… thinking is not your forte either) the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit continues to use Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) as a broken record? Because even the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit read the 9/11 report and has to deflect from the Clintons.
Too bad reading comprehension did not transfer during your fertilization. It’s now a given you are dumber than a pile of rocks!
Next the vomit producer… It seems you are as dumb as checkmate… It seems your lack of military experience is demonstrated above. After action reports like the 9/11 Commission Report looks at all angles and avenues and potentially missed information. Then to top it off Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) says the same thing to Hillary separately in the other Clinton Email System and this pre-planned attack information is also in the separate DoD Report. It was a planned attack and not spontaneously from some dumb video. Even Leon Panetta is on record on this. So because you too demonstrate 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady… Panetta on CNN (Clinton News Network)
No we know from the DoD documents it was willful deception from the Obummer sadministration which you continue to drink as warm kook-aid! Regarding that 24 hour period you and checkmate are still puzzled over here is the statement Puddy remembered and why Puddy is using this link…
And now we know from the FOIA document dump from JW that this was a very true statement!
Well we also know this about checkmate and the vomit producer… you two are puzzled over many simple things in life! You see vomit producer… if you expanded your reading horizons from left wrong libtard puke sites such as:
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars eh?
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
and worked on those reading comprehension and memory issues; it would be more of a challenge debating you. Instead it’s so easy to the point of boredom because the vomit producer who looks down at Puddy thinking that Puddy is just a conservative “nigger”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated” to the progressive FASCISTS. Well, the vomit producer is very wrong on all accounts. And the vomit spewed stinks as bad as the IDIOT Wabbit thread pellets!
Too bad reading comprehension did not transfer during your fertilization either. It’s now a given you are dumber than a pile of rocks like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Prove Puddy is lying. Provide rebuttal links not found in:
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars eh?
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
Puddy dares ya!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Piddles evidence!
yes, we knew that. It was covered on the news, you know Cable NEWS Network within a day of the attack.
Egypt, where a street protest over the video in question was actually taking place. That is a fact. and POTUS says, “This is not….exactly…Egypt”
“But he was hiding it all…but…but…but it was all blamed on a video, yaaaaaarg!” Piddles
The best way to hide something is to suggest what current intelligence thinks while not coming right out and saying what is likely still classified and sensitive, smoking compound and still getting personnel and assets out and all.
Fox News et al reported on this official briefing for the press on Benghazzi on Sept. 12th, 2012
Jay Carney, Sept. 14 2012
Piddles and the right seize on this quote as “PROOOOOOOOOOOOF” that the White House was lying. But really,
Here’s the full exchange which as you note, well Puddy won’t because he’s so enamored with his, “they knew in advance” theory that Carney doesn’t say it wasn’t pre-planned, he says they had no intelligence that an attack was imminent.
Yep, they lied the whole time. I mean within the 24-hour window that Piddles has seized on as “they knew in advance” various members of the Government, and even the president himself made statements that it looks like it might not have been spontaneous.
And Finally…Sept 14, 2012
Jay, one last question — while we were sitting here — [Defense] Secretary [Leon] Panetta and the Vice Chair of the Joint Chiefs briefed the Senate Armed Services Committee. And the senators came out and said their indication was that this, or the attack on Benghazi was a terrorist attack organized and carried out by terrorists, that it was premeditated, a calculated act of terror. Levin said — Senator Levin — I think it was a planned, premeditated attack. The kind of equipment that they had used was evidence it was a planned, premeditated attack. Is there anything more you can — now that the administration is briefing senators on this, is there anything more you can tell us?
Carney: Well, I think we wait to hear from administration officials. Again, it’s actively under investigation, both the Benghazi attack and incidents elsewhere. And my point was that we don’t have and did not have concrete evidence to suggest that this was not in reaction to the film. But we’re obviously investigating the matter, and I’ll certainly — I’m sure both the Department of Defense and the White House and other places will have more to say about that as more information becomes available.
Funny, Panetta and the joing chiefs within 48 hours were, in public, saying it was a planned pre-meditated attack. But in Piddle World the Administration was still lying and calling it a response to the video. How can this be? How can the Secretary of Defense be saying something that the Administration is desperately trying to keep under wraps until after the election. Oh, I get it, PUDDY-Space-Time-Continuum again. Statements by Jay Carney, the President and briefings to Congress and the press didn’t actually happen BEFORE the election. They happened on that Magical September day the comes AFTER the November election.
What we now know with the release of this “blockbuster” Sydney Blumenthal email and the HUGE Judicial Watch find is that within 24 hours some were saying this was a coordinated attack. CNN and Reuters reported the DAY AFTER the attack (24 hours for the thick) on Sept. 12, 2012 that some were saying it was a coordinated attack.
There’s your GOTCHA Piddles. What the President alluded to and the press briefings admitted on Sept. 12, 2012 is in fact what some were saying. Some were saying on Sept. 12, 2012, publicly what we now know because of this “blockbuster” revelation. In short, we now know exactly what we knew well over a year ago. But it was all being kept secret. Except for the President telling Steve Kroft and Senior White House staff briefing the press and saying that the secret was sssssshhhhhhh secret so that’s why I’m telling you.