– It looks like the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program in Seattle has been pretty successful and could use some expansion.
– Just because you can still check Facebook while driving, doesn’t mean you should. In fact, please don’t.
– More and more abortion restrictions are coming from the states. This time Kansas.
– I don’t have a TV, so my TV news comes via the Internet, so grain of salt. Still, I haven’t noticed KING 5 being worse than other local media outlets on being super car-centric, but Erica C. Barnett makes the case that they’re pretty bad while noting their latest problematic piece.
King 5’s local newscast has been terrible and generally right-wing forever. Last week they were still running scare pieces in the morning newscast about how the $15 minimum wage was closing down businesses, a full 2 weeks after than narrative had been debunked.
They’re our own local version of Fox News, but it’s what I’ve come to expect from every Belo news outlet in our god-forsaken media landscape.
I’m not sure what Puffy doesn’t get….he is just another “Race Agitator”
Fox News doesn’t like these “Race Agitators” either.
All these screams by HA DUMMOCRETINS over police shooting and killings led Puddy to investigate… http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/J.....lice-video Well what did we learn here? The FBI tries to get the police violence against citizens from various law enforcement agencies butt, say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
PuddyCommentary: DUMMOCRETIN, DUMMOCRETIN, DUMMOCRETIN… All DUMMOCRETIN! So how many bad cops doing bad things are in these cities… Golly we’ll never know will we vomit producer, rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, Stupid Solution Steve, worser, yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, or senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Race agitator Al NoSoSharpton is a correct phrase! When it’s black on white crime that’s justified eh teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
To Puddy crime is colorless. You do the crime you do the time!
It’s okay to do this right…? Discrimination against any black conservative is A-OK with progressive DUMMOCRETIN libtards… Why this uppity black left the reservation. rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears has special names for him… harpy… solipsist…
Oh noes… They reopened… http://time.com/3816667/indian.....izza-shop/
PuddyCommentary:And there is the FASCIST rub. Progressive FASCIST libtard DUMMOCRETINS can’t compromise. Our way or we’ll curse, threathen bodily harm or death, and try to close you down. BTW using Time Magazine to advertize Rachel MadCow’s show is hilarious!
This too is DAYUM hilarious… feminists screaming over calling Hillary – Hillary http://www.washingtontimes.com.....ry-over-c/
Ahhh yes, what Mitt Romney did and Jeb Bush did when they were young does NOT compare to what this libtard DUMMOCRETIN did. Yet, he gets a pass! Being a DUMMOCRETIN means you never have to apologize! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....itals.html
Jim Harbaugh does have some redeeming qualities after all http://www.washingtontimes.com.....l-team-if/
Yesterday Puddy placed proof Obummer is lying over Iran… Nuthin from the HA DUMMOCRETINS.
FACTS explodes all progressive BULLSHITTIUM!
Puddy was researching Post #4 and Puddy came across this… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K22KpJVLKdo
In this video we learned Cook County libtard his panic DUMMOCRETIN state attorney Anita Alvarez wanted Chicago police to be able to operate without having to prove they operated above the law. No video taping. SCOTUS slapped that back! http://articles.chicagotribune.....nforcement
So what did the police state loving Illinois Senate and Illinois House do? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I.....l_Assembly
Reinstate the law again with “minor” changes… https://www.illinoispolicy.org/illinois-general-assembly-revives-recording-ban/
DUMMOCRETINS… Don’t like your SCOTUS, just stick up the middle finger at them! Oh my! Of course since Chicago is led by Obummer’s old right hand man Deadfish Emanuel, giving police their freedom to act indiscriminately that’s A-OK right vomit producer, rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, Stupid Solution Steve, worser, yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, or senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
@1 KING 5 News was a halfway decent news provider when the Bullitt family owned and managed the station. After Dorothy Bullitt died and her daughters sold the business to Belo, the news department quickly degenerated into a sensationalist crime blotter. Why Jean Enerson stayed is a mystery. Must’ve been for the money, because she couldn’t do quality journalism anymore. Then Gannett acquired Belo, and is now selling KING 5’s north-downtown property and moving the studio to the Sodo District, to milk the real estate assets. It’s probably just a matter of time before the brand name gets sold to some Chinese outfit selling tainted baby formula.
Speaking of brand names, the notorious mercenary outfit formerly known as “Blackwater” has gone through multiple rebrandings in an effort to paper over its nasty history, and is currently known as “Academi,” a language perversion if there ever was one.
And just down the street from you, Comcast, one of America’s most hated companies — see, e.g., http://handbill.us/?p=49304 — is running around in trucks marked “Xfinity.”
And for all you know, the “John Smith” living next door to you is in the Witness Protection Program.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owned Gannett stock from February 2012 to March 2015, and made a 142% profit on it. As an unapologetic capitalist, I’d milk a goat if it has dollars in its tits.)
@4 You’re late to the party. I’ve been posting here for weeks that there’s no centralized mandatory reporting of police shootings, and the FBI’s statistics are woefully incomplete.
Even so, based on the very incomplete voluntary reporting to the FBI by only some of America’s nearly 18,000 police agencies, we know that Americans are being killed by cops at a rate greater than 1 every day on average.
The reported data indicates 400+ cop killings a year, but most experts think it’s over 1,000 per year. About 100 cops a year are killed in the line of duty, which makes the kill ratio something like 10-to-1 in favor of the cops. In World War 1, the German army achieved a kill ratio of 1.3-to-1 against the British, French, and Russians, which fell just short of being good enough to win the war. In Vietnam, the U.S. achieved a much higher kill ratio, which came nowhere close to winning that war.
Meanwhile, this morning, we have yet another incident of police brutality. Cops don’t seem to learn anything. http://handbill.us/?p=49293 Now wait for Puddylickspittle to defend these cops.
And just down the street from you, Comcast, one of America’s most hated companies – and they own NBC and PMSNBC, two of the most laughable DUMMOCRETIN progressive FASCIST loving…
Wait a minute King 5 TV offer NBC programming with PMSNBC twists… no wonder why it’s laughable DUMMOCRETIN progressive FASCIST loving…
@5 “To Puddy crime is colorless. You do the crime you do the time!”
And never mind that lots of people who didn’t do the crime are doing the time because of their color. See e.g. http://handbill.us/?p=49155
Puddy may be late to the party true, but you never covered the DUMMOCRETIN led cities that don’t report Wabbit!
New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia, do not participate AT ALL Roger! So why the bias in your “writings”? This is why Puddy looks at your commentary and laughs all the time. Sure you claim to be a libtard bigot. Puddy got that. Butt maybe you could be more forthcoming in this type of reportage instead of always slanting everything?
Naaaaaaaaaaaah, then you’d be an honest broker and we all know honesty isn’t one of your priorities is it Mr Stafford County? Of is that Cuyahoga County? Hmmm…?
And never mind that lots of people who didn’t do the crime are doing the time because of their color. – senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Because libtard city prosecutors want to show the mASSes of DUMMOCRETIN ASSes that they are tough on crime when they indiscriminately put away minorities because they can’t afford powerful lawyers! Puddy gave multiple examples of this on this blog. Just ax the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for a crazed databaze replay!
@6 So if someone challenges the appointment of a rightwing asshole to the Civil Rights Commission it’s automatically racism?
@7 He can use some of his $1 million of Crowdfunding donations to pay the fines, because that’s illegal in Indiana now.
@12 You accuse President Obama of “lying” and then have the gall to call your activities “research” in your very next comment?
@15 Glad to see you share the rest of America’s contempt for Comcast. Your love affair with Fox, Washington Times, Breitbart, and other wingnut “sources” destroys whatever credibility you might have gained from this, though.
@6 So if someone challenges the appointment of a rightwing asshole to the Civil Rights Commission it’s automatically racism?
Just like anyone challenges the coronation of a left wrong DUMMOCRETIN ASSwipe as racism?
Just like anyone challenges the coronation of a left wrong DUMMOCRETIN ASSwipe as sexism?
The more you know the more you’ll realize senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is a twit!
@12 You accuse President Obama of “lying” and then have the gall to call your activities “research” in your very next comment?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The research was part of #4 which you claimed Puddy was late to the table!
@15 Glad to see you share the rest of America’s contempt for Comcast.
Puddy’s Comcast contempt started when they would not fire certain DUMMOCRETINS for their on-air lies! http://minx.cc:1080/?post=346321
Butt this ASShole went too far even for them… http://deadline.com/2011/01/nb.....ght-99177/
Hands Up Don’t Shoot a lie… http://www.msnbc.com/jose-diaz.....4859843518 And the black man was attacked badly!
As for the other locations… FACTS deeeeestroy that silly ASSed argument!
Were he running for office I’d take it into consideration but he’s an actor on a show I don’t watch though I have thought he was funny on SNL and some Funny or Die videos that have passed my eyeballs.
Politics aside if you want to have a conversation about whether Fraternities have moved beyond any redeeming aspect of college life I’d suggest this. It’s about how fraternities over the last several decades for the National Leadership have been all about avoiding liability for death and injury.
It also has the greatest opening sentence of any essay I’ve read in years.
60% pollution by the shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick puddyfuckwad.
harpie now instead of harpy…
DAYUM rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, you are a moron!
@23 Is your “Enter” key stuck?
@26 “Were he running for office I’d take it into consideration but he’s an actor on a show”
Asking Puddinghead to make such fine distinctions is asking too much.
@23 Is your “Enter” key stuck?
Stuck on providing FACTS!
@13 Speaking of goats, we haven’t heard from Mr. Cynical in quite a while. Is he still alive? Is he molesting goats on his Montana spread? Just curious, that’s all.
@31 You wouldn’t know what a fact is if one bit your nuts.
The latest Republican jackassery.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Scott Walker got it exactly backwards. (I’m sorry, but Holocaust deniers, climate change deniers, evolution deniers, birthers, truthers, conspiracy theorists, and other liars AREN’T entitled to equal time or attention.)
Republicans would love to impose this gag order on professors employed by public universities and colleges, too. In fact, that’s probably their ultimate goal. Mark my words, it’s just a matter of time before they test those waters to find out what they can get away with.
No Puddy making reference to comparisons. What Romney did in his high school and JEB Bush did in their college years no where compares to what this actor did. The WA Post was scrambling for anything in Romney’s early years. EPIC FAYLE! There were no lawsuits, no fraternity closings, no recriminations. Yet all the LIV progressive FASCISTS do is attack them on irrelevant activities.
Sux to be a FASCIST libtard progressive DUMMOCRETIN!
@36 “What Romney did in his high school and JEB Bush did in their college years no where compares to what this actor did.”
You’re right, it doesn’t. Our worst swine are angels compared to your best swine.
Golly senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, Puddy remembers the libtard msm is banned from using these special code words on the Sunday coronation of Hillary otherwise they are sexist.
“polarizing,” “calculating,” “disingenuous,” “insincere,” “ambitious,” “inevitable,” “entitled,” “over-confident,” “secretive,” “will do anything to win,” “represents the past,” and “out of touch.”
Breaking News From CNN: Hillary Clinton will announce on Sunday that she’s running for President of the United States. None of the GOP spaghetti seems to be sticking, because all recent polls show her leading every potential GOP candidate by double digits. Sucks to be Repugnican.
The self inflicted email server wound seems to be sticking, because all recent polls show her leads cratering. Sucks to be DUMMOCRETIN. Unbiased polling http://www.quinnipiac.edu/news.....aseID=2184
COLORADO: Paul 44 – Clinton 41
IOWA: Paul 43 – Clinton 42
VIRGINIA: Clinton 47 – Paul 43 – Terry McAuliffe land only 4 points!
FACTS senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
How come Obummer and Effin Kerry are leaving this fine US Citizen to rot in an Iranian prison?
The family asks for help http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/.....pt-do-more
Even Montel Williams is upset on this… http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/.....g-enlist-w
Where is Jesse Jackson on this? http://thegrio.com/2014/01/07/.....ars-later/ Oh wait he ain’t black so nevermind!
Notice how the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit skipped over DUMMOCRETINS wanting to protect scummy Chicago and Illinois police officers @12 from being held responsible for their ASSinine activities.
We all know why… The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit excuses DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance any time and any place every day!
I knew it would take only about a minute for you to quote that poll. Here’s the problem. She can lose all three of those states and still win and Stand With Rand hasn’t had his past blown up in the primaries yet. How many upfront racists have worked for Rand?Caol mining is GOOD for the environment, that’s Rand and he’s sticking to it. The government should not make business serve other races, piddles loves the guy! He’d keep him away from the lunch counter if that’s how the owners of said counter want it. How many womenis Rand going to Shush before November 2016?
Not a single person here is nervous about Rand should he get out of the primaries.
“I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.”
No butt fools like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears call you racist! It’s unAmerican to disagree with Obummer!
We whom think right also disagree with you Hillary!
Some of us have been around long enough to know about your “FACTS!(trademark?)”
We remember your polling links about how McCain/Palin were absolutely going to be the next president. Then Herman Cain was absolutely going to be the next President. Then Michelle Backman was totally in it to win it and the guaranteed winner in 2012. Then you came around and even though every poll (skewed) told you otherwise, Mitt/Paul was going to pull it out.
Now it’s Rand Paul.
We don’t admire you’re capacity for hope and change. We feel bad about your dulsional nature. But if you pray on it long and hard…Rand could win.
(I see my link above…f’d it up http://theweek.com/articles/46.....es-racists )
Is there a doctor in the house? Where is Boob? Drinking urine? Puffy needs some help. The poor guy is wayyyyyyyy out there!
Puffy – Stay away from high bridges.
Re: @46…
The fucking whack job has been more agitated than usual lately.
Let’s see how riled up we can get him…maybe he’ll pop!
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, Puddy well grounded! Not going to pop!
Only believe what Obummer sez. Yeah right!
Puddy was told by Obummer that his friendship with Islam would mitigate these actions. EPIC FAYLE… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....ort-riley/
Yes, keep practicing donkoinfanticide… The less DONK around the better the world will be… http://www.progressivestoday.c.....ion-video/
Bellevue’s Chick-fil-A opened yesterday.
Tacoma’s Chick-fil-A opens April 16th.
Chick-fil-A in Lynnwood opens May 7th.
Just in case Goldy wants to go ordering himself up another metaphor.
KING-5 is dreadful, it’s true. But putting the phrases “Erica C. Barnett” – by far this city’s most ethically challenged purveyor of self-described reporting – and “latest problematic story” in the same sentence is just too rich.
Shocking! Seattle Times publishes guest opinion by advocating state income tax! http://www.seattletimes.com/op.....ncome-tax/
@44 Can’t swallow your own medicine?