– I can’t even imagine what you’d do for an oil train explosion in the Downtown train tunnel.
– I don’t know Oregon enough to know about if running a primary against Schrader would be worth while, but in general I’m pro-primary elections.
– Liberals Aren’t Hypocrites for Opposing Indiana’s Religious Freedom Law
– It’ll be tough to lose Jeanne Kohl-Welles from the legislature if she runs for Phillips’ seat, but I can’t blame her for not wanting to deal with that garbage when King County can actually get shit done.
While waiting for someone Puddy went online and found this… http://israelmatzav.blogspot.c.....en-he.html
Meanwhile Netanyahu said…
PuddyCommentary: Benjamin Netanyahu was 10000% correct back in March 2015. HA DUMMOCRETINS were wrong again! Still clinging to their hopey and changey thoughts!
Butt butt butt Obummer said this at the Brandenburg gate <At the same time, we’ll work with our NATO allies to seek bold reductions in U.S. and Russian tactical weapons in Europe. And we can forge a new international framework for peaceful nuclear power, and reject the nuclear weaponization that North Korea and Iran may be seeking. Apparently they were just empty words from an empty sadministration managed by an empty suit.
Even Marie Harf had to clarify it although using words to disparage The One…
This deal ensures Israel will have to leave them alone. THat’s why Obummer is going to the UN for ratification because Obummer knows no one in their right mind would approve this! http://www.nationalreview.com/.....rio-loyola
No one will fire Marie Harf. She’s gladly carrying Obummer sewer water each day to the State Department presser. This was approved commentary from Obummer’s whitey house after Obummer let the real cat out of the bag!
As a liberal person myself, I am curious if they are any other Democrats out there embarrassed by the whiny Democrats 8th the state house that are complaining about the State having the most regressive tax structure?
I get that we do have the most regressive tax structure, but the Democrats have been in charge for 30 years straight, it’s your fucking fault.
Now this was an execution… http://www.postandcourier.com/...../150409468
Wait for it… someone will use a left wrong site!
They won’t care if the shrieking harpie wagmongering prick HR nightmare pudyfuckwad is a hyper right-wing asshole like them…
…they’ll just shoot because he’s the wrong color.
@2 “the Democrats have been in charge for 30 years straight, it’s your fucking fault”
You’re a fucking liar. Republicans control the state senate, and Republicans are blocking tax reform in this state.
@3 Yeah, but it took a white southern cop blatantly shooting a frightened black man in the back in broad daylight, and then planting evidence on his body, to get you to admit that we have a problem with racist killer cops in this country.
In connection with the North Charleston shooting, many cops become extremely belligerent and even threatening when ordinary citizens use their cellphones to video record police activity. This is why: A citizen’s cellphone video is going to send this cop to prison and possibly death row. Criminals never like being caught, or the people who catch them. A cop threatening a citizen with a video camera is no different from a burglar threatening a homeowner catching him in the act.
I wonder if puddyfuckwad would be defending this cop if Mr. Scott had turned and faced Officer Slager and tried to defend himself instead of running for his life?
Breaking News — Guilty Verdicts In Boston Marathon Bombing Trial
A jury has found the Boston Marathon bomber guilty on all counts and will now weigh the death penalty. Anyone want to bet on the outcome of the penalty phase? I’d pull the switch on that guy myself if they’d let me.
Calling all xenophobes! Here’s a good reason to vote for Hillary:
China doesn’t like her.
@6 I normally agree with you, but unfortunately the Republicans have only controlled the State Senate for 3 years now. It’s not like the tax system all of the sudden got regressive. Not to mention us Democrats still control the house and the governors mansion.
I get being pro-democrat, but we can’t always yell for Republicans to face facts then turn around and pretend like we haven’t had almost unilateral control of the State Government.
It’s like when a candidate who has been in office for multiple terms talks about all the things that are still wrong, and voters are thinking, you’ve been there for 8 years why haven’t you done anything about it.
Democrats have had control for 30 years, apart from three years in which the Senate has been Republican controlled, and Dems still control the house and the Governors mansion. But in those 30 years the taxes got more regressive and more regressive. Unfortunately I believe the Republicans will point out that we have had control for 30 years and never did anything about it. In fact who was in office when education wasn’t getting funded and forcing the McCleary decision? Now Democrats want more spending for education when we were the party that caused the mess in the first place when we had the power of the purse for multiple decades.
just cross your fingers the Republicans don’t play this right or we could lose both houses, I d don’t know about governor, but it’ll be close. Luckily within four years the Republicans will try and restrict a woman’s right to choose, make gay marriage illegal and make cannabis illegal and have to go back in hiding for 30 more years, but if they don’t they could have a long run in power.
The North Charleston cop, when inevitably convicted, will probably be sent to the Wateree Correctional Facility. It’s in a lovely, mosquito-infested part of SC, just a little bit east of the Wateree River. No doubt he’ll “love” it, and he will be very popular with the other inmates, particularly when the sun goes down. His “dance card” will be filled!
The tunnel could have doors that could be shut to suffocate the fire. They could have high power sprinklers, too. But an explosion in the tunnel would not be as disastrous as an explosion next to a stadium full of people.
“Yeah, but it took a white southern cop blatantly shooting a frightened black man in the back in broad daylight, and then planting evidence on his body, to get you to admit…”
Yeah, but it took a citizen’s video for that to happen. Of course, Texas Republicans have a solution for the problems presented to police by citizen-made videos.
“New Texas Bill Would Prevent Bystanders From Recording Cops”
It’s dayum amazing how the senile scumbag is so schismatic in its commentary on what Puddy thinks. This officer was dead wrong. Puddy was first to call it. So what do the moronic class do? Attack Puddy.
That’s all they have left! Specious windbag commentary!
@16 how about you talk about your Frieds at Faux News and what they are saying? What about commenting how the police want people to stop video tapping them?
Stop playing your silly games with democrat tins. Does that really help you be in denial about the racists in the party you support? If you claim you are a republican you should be more concerned about how republicans feel not democrats. You fucking stinking fucking lying asswipe.
@ 16
YOU are the one who has openly and repeatedly made the claim that:
Unions are a Democrat bastion of support.
Police Officers are Union members, and therefore must be Democrats.
Thus, the claim can be made, using your own “logic” is:
All black men are robbers and rapists.
All black women are prostitutes.
See how that works?
YOU are the individual in here who has repeatedly defended George Zimmerman and several other cops and vigilantes who have murdered black people, and then gone on to make the claim that the fact of their murderous actions towards black men means they must be liberals when you get called out on your lies about the relevant situation.
Every statement you have ever made in this forum is a lie. That’s all you ever do in here. Why would anyone take anything you say with anything but a grain of bullshit?
Fuckin’ lunatic.
Meanwhile HA DUMMOCRETIN moonbats are screaming about state minutia while Obummer is lying to the world… http://apps.washingtonpost.com.....gram/1507/
Sooooooooooooooooooooooo, it seems the original translation from the Iranian negotiator was spot on! http://english.farsnews.com/ne.....0119001411
So Netanyahu was right again… Iran will not have to renounce it wants to annihilate Israel and there will be no inspections.
No wonder Marie Harf had to come out and claim “his words were a little mixed up there”. Yeah Obummer told the truth and now we know DUMMOCRETINS are 100% for nuclear proliferation after all. All these years of removing nuclear weapons down the drain! It seems Iran has enough for seven nuclear bombs right now; right under Obummer’s nose!
Such feckless foreign policy. Dick Cheney was right…http://www.truthrevolt.org/new.....ign-policy
Iran continues to operate their new centrifuges without sanctions. Way to go Obummer.
Unions are a Democrat bastion of support. Just look at OpenSecrets vomit producer! How do you know this policeman was a conservative or a DUMMOCRETIN? You have his voting record?
No Puddy doesn’t see how that works! Sux doesn’t it vomit producer?
Puddy been using the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit method of arguing for years. Guilt by association has been the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit screech since 2005. If you are conservative you suck. Therefore is you are a union you jock strap DUMMOCRETINS! So now you don’t like it vomit producer? Go suck wabbit weenie!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah cry Puddy a river. The rest of your worthless rant isn’t even worth discussing!
Amazingly when the vomit producer looks in the mirror it views a lunatic. Place your adjectives there!
To start with your last falsehood, Iran continues to operate their new centrifuges WITH sanctions.
Way to go Rand… http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/08/.....democrats/
Oh K2… The sanctions were relieved… http://www.bloomberg.com/news/.....ons-relief
And how many months is that K2? How do you think the afforded the money to pay for those new centrifuges K2? They magically appeared?
You see when you live on left wrong site.. you are left, wrong!
Why are American Jews still white America’s most liberal voting bloc, well over a century since most of their immigrant ancestors set shore on Ellis Island? – Josh Zeitz
Why is Apple against ex-criminals working on their buildings in construction? Aren’t libtards screaming they did their time give them a chance? http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....26173.html
Soooooooooo will libtards blame this fire on conservatives? http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2177479
Pot plants have a life? Wow!
Very interesting…
We’re Right, They’re Wrong
“Desai moved to Kirkland in 2007 to join her husband, a network engineer, who is here on a highly skilled-worker visa, the type companies such as Microsoft and Amazon have used to recruit high-tech workers from around the world. And until recently, spouses such as Desai, admitted to the U.S. on their own H-4 visas, were prohibited from getting jobs. Now, beginning in late May, a change in federal rules adopted under President Obama’s executive order on immigration will allow Desai and hundreds of other spouses in the region, most of them women, to apply for work permits — and reclaim their professional lives.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No comment necessary; this article speaks for itself. Just note the phrase, “President Obama’s executive order on immigration,” and then ask yourself who’s going apeshit about it and whether you want to vote for people like that.
@26 News flash! Stunning scientific breakthrough! Puddy announces pot is a mineral, not plant life! This is right up there with his evolution and global warming discoveries.
Early onset senility is bad for the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Seems pot is more valuable than gold right now senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@ 24
“Why are American Jews still white America’s most liberal voting bloc, well over a century since most of their immigrant ancestors set shore on Ellis Island? – Josh Zeitz”
Because Jews, especially the ones I know and hang out with, know very well what Fascism sounds like, and what the ultimate result of allowing it to succeed means to them.
Jewish people tend to have a high regard for education. The GOP absolutely relies on the least educated demographic to vote for them. This is why the Conservatives oppose education for practically everyone except the very wealthiest. The GOP actively chooses complete morons like Louie Gohmert, Tom Cotton, Rick Perry and Rand Paul to support for office because those people just do not have the intellectual wherewithal to question anything their financial supporters tell them, or to say no to the people who paid them to run for office. They have no real intelligence of their own. They are they are utter, total fucking tools.
FASCISM… The progressive left!
Very visible lately!
Plain and simple!
Hey libtards… Where is this on the the standard left wrong puke sites… http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/08/.....um=twitter
These are Boston DUMMOCRETINS from one of the bluest cities in a deep blue state!
This is:
Not on Daily Kooks
Not on Politicususa
Not on Tinking Pukeheads
Not on Media Morons
If you decide to watch the video watch Lynch’s silence when we now know Hillary’s email server was hacked!
DAYUM Funny!
Let’s just have a comments thread of nothing but the shrieking harpie wagmongering prick HR nightmare pudyfuckwad.
@30 “The GOP actively chooses complete morons like Louie Gohmert, Tom Cotton, Rick Perry and Rand Paul to support for office because those people just do not have the intellectual wherewithal to question anything their financial supporters tell them, or to say no to the people who paid them to run for office.”
You’re giving them too much credit. None of these people can plead stupidity, although Gohmert comes close.
Obama Moves Against Homophobe Bigots
The White House today, responding to a petition with 120,000 signatures sparked by a transgender teen’s suicide, proposed banning the use of so-called “conversion therapy” on minors which a spokeswoman said “is neither medically nor ethically appropriate and can cause substantial harm,” noting that the “American Psychiatric Association has found no evidence that conversion therapies are effective, and advocates against their use because of the psychological risks they pose, including depression and anxiety.” It’s time to protect our vulnerable kids from Republican ignorance and bigotry.
Rand Paul is doing his best to make himself unelectable.
The GOP absolutely relies on the least educated demographic to vote for them.
Oh really vomit producer? You forgot this of course…
Where do you think LIV comes from vomit producer? Jimmy Kimmel and Jesse Watters interviewing the dumbest of America who admit Obummer was and is still their man!
DAYUM you are really dumb dude!
If only rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears had a brain!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! harpy… Seems that’s the only word in rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears’ vocab!
Ahhh yes the hypocrisy of DUMMOCRETIN judges…
The time of the end is close upon us. As it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah…
Hmm… New details… Did rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears see this on any of the “vaulted” rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears left wrong sites…? Or as always rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears was left, wrong again?
This is:
Not on Daily Kooks
Not on Politicususa
Not on Tinking Pukeheads
Not on Media Morons
Sad and typical. No news updates. Just old news for fools!
@39. The duplicity of conservative “christian” bigots
Puddy quotes …”Denver baker was not guilty of discrimination when she refused to bake a cake with Christian messages on it. ”
Was there more to that story?
“…requested two cakes in the shape of an open Bible. As reported by Breitbart, on the first cake, he wanted “God hates sin — Psalm 45:7,” and on the facing page, “Homosexuality is a detestable sin — Leviticus 18:22.”
On the second cake, he wanted, “God loves sinners,” and on the facing page, “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us – Romans 5:8.” He also requested a decoration of two groomsmen holding hands with a cross in the background with a “ghostbusters symbol over it to illustrate that such a union is unacceptable biblically,” Jack said.”
“Marjorie Silva, the owner of the bakery, told Jack she would be happy to make the two cakes in the shape of a Bible; but she would not be willing to put the Bible verses or image he requested on them because she found them “hateful and offensive.”
The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Regulatory Agencies ruled in Silva’s favor, finding that she did not discriminate against Jack because he is a Christian, but because of the “derogatory language and imagery. The agency noted that Silva is a Catholic and has baked goods with religious messages displayed on her website.”
Only “christian” bigots wouldn’t see why that was offensive.
But what offensive message did the the gay couple ask the “christian” bigot baker to make? That the cake symbolized two men in love and getting married. That’s it. Love and commitment.
Makes you wonder what “christian” bigots value?
The shrieking harpie warmongering prick HR nightmare puddyfuckwad doesn’t know (becaused he’s trying to appear smarter than he really is)…although he should…that the word is:
…not “vaulted.”
@39 In Colorado, discriminating against gay people is against the law, and refusing to discriminate against them is not. What’s so hard about that?
@40 What’s your point? Do you have one?
@42 Probably a typo when his dick got stuck in his keyboard.
Like Darryl told yours truly so long ago at a DL..
Nothing to see there folks, just a barking mad loon driven batshit by the ground shifting under feet of clay.
@10 While unlikely I hope the jury decides life in prison This is a dumb kid who followed his older brother. We don’t need to make him a martyr. This trial is totally unnecessary given the chance he’d have pleaded. This is a tragedy all the way around. If we could have we should have made the kid our guy in ISIS. Not a dirty dozen but a dirty one. If he didn’t play ball and we couldn’t kill with a sniper the Russians would happily do so. There is little justice here just revenge. Execute him just gives ISIS and anyone else who is upset with American treatment of Moslems in the United States and in the world just another arrow in their quiver
He’s well enough to rot in prison
Hmmm it’s the army So what happened to that deserter who went over to North Korea and finally came home? Not much.
I hope this is not the army just trying to screw him out of his back pay I don’t know at the moment if the army can really prove he deserted or left his post. At least he kept at least 3-5 of is captors off the battlefield while he was being held Maybe he thought he could be Idaho’s next heroin king, and was about to score his supplies. Or someone was going to teach him to yodel in Afghani. Maybe he left under duress.
I wonder what the Republican politicians will say when the army realized the statute has tolled After all they are complaining that the swap was with terrorists. If so I don’t understand the charge of misbehaving in front of the enemy. If these guys are terrorists who kept him and we can’t negotiate and should not give back their people how can we consider them the enemy. How can one misbehave in front of terrorists? then And one Senator who is a West Point Graduate seems more concerned with Berghdahl’s not perhaps being up to the Army’s high standards rather then being concerned whether the man should be charged under the UCMJ Last time I checked meeting the army’s high or low standards or not meeting them isn’t an offense against the UCMJ. This is most likely to become more absurd, well it’s the army.
Point senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Reading left wrong e-rags leaves you left, wrong! Twice now PuddyPosted the latest information and no where is it found in any of the well used left wrong libtard web sites!
Sad the information sources used by HA DUMMOCRETINS leaves y’all as LIVs!
The three verses were from the Bible. Apparently she doesn’t read her Bible.
Leviticus 18:22 – “‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.”
Psalms 45:8 – “You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.”
Romans 5:8 – “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
So it’s detestable for her to add Bible sayings t the cakes and that’s A-OK, but for the man to not bake the cake that’s court detestable?
Yeah, mixed up thinking there worser!
Well Puddy did tell the monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch he was well hung! How many times has the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch replayed that PuddyPost? Must be jealousy! Apparently your imagination is still working while that early onset senility is affecting other parts of the Wabbit single cell brain!
Wait for it…
Refusing to discriminate senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Those were Biblical texts as Puddy placed above. Soooooooooooooo in Colorado the Bible is now banned on cakes!
Colorado judges are strange people!
“Huckabee has made headlines this year with various remarks that conveyed his socially conservative views. He chastised the president and first lady for allowing their daughters to listen to racy Beyonce songs, while he also bemoaned the fact that women in the workplace now feel free to use curse words.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A Republican buttinsky telling other people how to raise their children and imposing a double standard on women. This stuff is straight out of the Taliban playbook.
@47 I have to respectfully disagree with you on this one, Mark. If shredding a little kid with shrapnel and blowing strangers’ legs off isn’t enough to execute someone then what is? The law does take into account mental capacity, but doesn’t give heinous killers a pass just because they ran with a bad herd.
On the other hand, if we were truly fair about punishing people for this sort of thing, Cheney would be in there with him.
@53 Nothing’s wrong with the judge. You’re the “strange people.”
The South Carolina shooting is again focusing attention on America’s policing issue. It’s absolutely clear we have a police violence problem in this country. We don’t even know how many civilians the cops kill every year, because no one collects these statistics. From voluntary reporting by police agencies to the FBI, we know for sure it exceeds 400 per year, which means cops are killing Americans at a rate over 1 per day, but the actual number is probably 2 to 3 times that.
Meanwhile, with the advent of DNA testing and efforts by groups like Innocence Project, hundreds of innocent people are being released from our prisons including dozens from death rows, many of them black. Nearly all these wrongful convictions occurred because of police misconduct — framing innocent suspects, planting evidence, lying on police reports, hiding and destroying exculpatory evidence, coercing confessions, etc.
The stories of corrupt police behavior are legion — small-town speed traps, exploitive Ferguson-style ticketing, etc. And police abuse of ordinary citizens is running amok — people arrested for non-crimes like walking on the sidewalk, random stops, illegal searches, bullying citizens who video record cops, unnecessarily violent arrests, harassment of minorities, etc.
My sense is the wrong people are being hired to be cops, and the accountability system has totally broken down. Probably half the country’s cops should be fired and replace by people who are more honest and less violent. Maybe a third of our police agencies should be disbanded.
I don’t know what it will take to reform our police. The cops seem to have put themselves beyond the control of voters, citizens, and courts; and even their own superiors. They’re a law unto themselves, like marauding gangs no one can control. That has to change or our police will lose all legitimacy in the eyes of the public and we will be at increasing risk of rule of law breaking down in our country. When ordinary law-abiding citizens are more afraid of the police than criminals, you’ve got a major problem. That’s where we are today in many of our communities.
I agree with Jon Stewart that the editors and reporter responsible for Rolling Stone’s “f****d up” rape story should be fired. Criticizing them isn’t enough; Rolling Stone won’t be a credible news source if they’re still there.
Hmm, so many wingnut atrocities today. Where to begin?
“IL Republican Gov Cuts Autism Funding — On World Autism Day”
“State funding cuts are threatening services for people living with autism, as families who receive help through a program called the Autism Project say they will be devastated by its elimination.”
“The Autism Project says Gov. Bruce Rauner confirmed the decision to cut funding for the remainder of the 2015 fiscal year Thursday – on World Autism Day.”
Nothing cruel or heartless about that slap in the face.
What else have we got today?
“Conservative White House Reporter Refuses To Call Obama ‘President’ At Briefing”
Of course! Because he’s not our president. He’s the Marxist Kenyan usurper.
Speaking of wingnut atrocities…
“Cheney: Obama ‘Wants To Take America Down'”
“I think his actions constitute in my mind those of the worst president we’ve ever had.”
What’d the uppity Marxist Kenyan Muslim usurper do this time? Invade the wrong fucking country and start a torture program even as he profited from his needless war through his holdings in Halliburton?
“Wisconsin bans state officials from discussing climate change”
“As Bloomberg points out, the Wisconsin ban leaves the staff of the public land trust unable to speak about how climate change may impact the land it is charged with overseeing.”
Because freedum!
You big Ape,
Most Americans Side With The LGBT Community When It Comes To Business Owners’ Religious Freedom Disputes – http://huff.to/1NfQBzi
Puffy you have been using the wrong argument to mount your case, you need to change your rhetoric, you need to just come out and say it that “God gives you the right to Discriminate” or be a bigot, god gave you that right!
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Thursday, April 9, 2015
Right-Wing Pundit: ‘Discrimination Is Given To Us By God’
Posted by Alan | April 7, 2015 02:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories
Total: 10
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Muslims demand Shariah Law, according to Jesse Lee Peterson, and gays demand “sodomy law.”
In a column titled “What’s Wrong With Discrimination?,” Peterson claims that “gays never wanted equality,” warning that LGBT people are instead acting “like fascists” and using the schools and the media to “brainwash” children…
LGBT groups have been effective in linking their immoral cause to the noble civil rights movement. In reality, gays never wanted equality. They wanted society to accept their sinful lifestyle, or else. LGBT groups – to be blunt – act like fascists. Just like militant Islam demands Shariah law, homosexual pressure groups demand “sodomy law.”
So what’s so bad about discrimination anyway? Discrimination has always been a hallmark of freedom. The ability to discriminate is given to us by God so that we can make right choices. People discriminate all the time. We discriminate when we date, marry, pick our friends and in countless other ways, just like homosexuals do. And LGBT groups and liberals discriminate against people of faith all day long!
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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
Now read this:
•Obama To Seek State Bans On Gay Conversion Therapy (Apr 9, 2015)
•Tom DeLay: ‘Gay Sinners…Take Away My Religious Liberty’ (Apr 8, 2015)
•Jesse Lee Peterson: God Didn’t Make Gays, Because ‘God Doesn’t Make Mistakes’ (Apr 7, 2015)
•Rick Santorum: Should Gay Print Shop Owners Be Forced To Print ‘God Hates Fags’ Signs? (Apr 6, 2015)
•Video: Bakery Refuses To Make Anti-Gay Cake (Apr 5, 2015)
•Huckabee Blames ‘Militant Gay Community’ For Indiana Backlash (Apr 5, 2015)
By: Alan
Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.
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Well, by that calculus, Genghis Khan was a good guy, because Hitler.
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Foundryman Foundryman
Welcome To The New Liberaland
hmmmmm…My screen is full…boarder to boarder
StoneyCurtisll StoneyCurtisll
Bombers’ Mom: ‘America Is The Real Terrorist’
I agree..
StoneyCurtisll StoneyCurtisll
Bombers’ Mom: ‘America Is The Real Terrorist’
She doesn’t live here any more.
AmusedAmused AmusedAmused
Bombers’ Mom: ‘America Is The Real Terrorist’
Not only that, but it’s not even an eye for an eye. What was the reason for the Charlie Hebdo massacre? France hasn’t bombed anyone. And what about…
StoneyCurtisll StoneyCurtisll
Bombers’ Mom: ‘America Is The Real Terrorist’
She has left to country..(now living in Dagestan) And faces felony shop lifting charges if she ever comes back to the states.
Except one problem – NASCAR, MLB, NBA, Charles Barkley, Salesforce, Angie’s List, yeah Angie’s List, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Apple, yeah that bad Apple, and others don’t think so.
Sorry guys…….alan combes is an idiot. Paste a link from his site and that’s what you get.
I tried deleting post but editor not allowing me to.,
Anyone see the video of SC cop stopping the guy he shot. The video of him being pulled over. In the background he’s listening to Everlast’s Whitey Ford Song. The song “What its Liike”
I find that extremely Ironic and Hypocritical of the asshole.
Kissinger and Schultz have it right…
This is the progressive impulse from Marie Empty Head Harf…
Please do not fire this woman. She’s so funny and awful and stoooooooooooopid at the same time…! There have been alternatives offered all the time Marie. Obummer offered alternatives back in 2013. Did Obummer forget what Obummer said before?
In a column titled “What’s Wrong With Discrimination?,” Peterson claims that “gays never wanted equality,” warning that LGBT people are instead acting “like fascists” and using the schools and the media to “brainwash” children…
From Alan piece!
Jesse Peterson is 100% correct! They are acting like FASCISTS… That’s their political atmosphere MO!
What’s your problem teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
You are calling the wrong people fascists, you bug ape.
We all know that’s the republican way to try to win an argument, lie, being the pot that calls the kettle black, and to demonize the enemy.
Rand Paul, the racist stumps in South Carolina today but makes absolutely no mention of the police killing.
Hahahahahahaga lol
The ape is a bigot!
Hahahahahaha lol lol.
But he’s still an ape!
Jesse Peterson is a black man teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
How racist of you teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Another fine example of the members of the American Family Association. Tony Perkins must be proud!!!
Officer Michael Slager’s Mother: ‘My Life Will Never Be The Same Again’ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....36896.html
Just one big happy family for Tony!!
‘I Stabbed My Father To Death Because He Destroyed My Husband With Drugs’ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....34688.html
Yes indeed it did..
And here’s the proof..
Meanwhile Puddy expects this BULLSHITTIUM to be part of the Friday night comix… http://www.motherjones.com/pol.....g-linglong
Butt will the same MotherJones look at this again? http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....-says.html
Of course not!
Why does Hillary have a raped woman problem?
EPIC FAYLE #253 from the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
Puddy PWNS this moron! Lock Stock and Barrel!
Another fine example of the members of the American Family Association. – Got proof teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Whoa… http://www.ibtimes.com/colombi.....or-1874464
Wow! No wonder this wasn’t on the evening news!
If Apple CEO Tim Cook thinks Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act is troubling, perhaps he should consider a few of the foreign locales where his own company does business. The letter calls on Apple to shut down its stores in Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Iran “until they stop their official government policies of jailing and murdering gays and lesbians.”
The Portland long shoremens’ union just killed the Port of Portland!
Waytogo libtards!
I won’t be surprised if the jury gives him the death sentence. Still there are only 61 people on the federal death row Some of them are pretty rotten folks, yet there have only been three executions of federal prisoners since the federal death sentence was renewed All three under Bush Sure Tim McVeigh is the poster child for the three and his buddy Mr Nichols is in prison for life I don’t think this kid is anywhere near as culpable as McVeigh was Murder is ugly This jury is going to see yet more of what they have seen from the Prosecution. So does the Defense team get to show the bodies of Moslems who just happened to be in the wrong place or were around a despicable terrorist Just as a graphic and ugly and it’s our government who did the murdering That is what is going to play out in the world if the kid gets the death penalty and if finally the Federal government figures out how to do another execution even though like the states don’t have the sodium pen Athol ect So why not have let the kid plead guilty and get life and the judge would sentence him and he would go to prison and there would be at least one appeal, now there will years of appeals and the folks injured won’t have closure for years if not decades and they may never get to see him put to sleep, shot, ect,
PS Also if our government had acted on the information it had from Russia on the brother the brother would have been arrested or stopped and perhaps this young man would be in college still Also the much vaunted patriot act and NSA didn’t protect anyone.
What the Tea Party Imbecile looks like, right in your face.
The guy was a jerk, but to call him a Tea party person when the vote in Butte County was 50/50 Pffffffffffft!