I think Gonzo may be the octopus that appears to be swallowing up the White House. Even more symbolic.
Condi’s got a nice rack…
Roger Rabbitspews:
Funny how the folks who called liberals “subversives” turned out to be … subversives.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The “pirates” meme seems very appropriate …
GOP = pirates
Roger Rabbitspews:
19th cenutry “pirate capitalism” is baaaaack.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Screw the workers and shareholders, rob the consumers, establish monopolies, beat down wages …
Roger Rabbitspews:
… it’s all there. Just like in 1890. Brought to you by the troglodytes of the far right.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The systematic looting of the American economy is underway.
Mr. Rabbit,
Yep! We’re, pretty much, back to working for script at the company store just like my great-granddad did in the coal mines of West Virginia.
Right Stuffspews:
Roger rant 8-11 According to RR the sky is falling and we are all going to hell and a handbasket…Thanks to Republicans of course….
Guess What?
Life is great. Economy is strong. Near 100% full employment. No terrorist attacks on US soil. Opportunities for anyone who puts forth the initiative to succeed. I mean, after all, that is why there are millions scrambling to get here illegally right?
Rog you are a typical extremist lib. All about the doom and gloom and how the gov’t can improve your life.
No thanks. Carpe Diem!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Brits Feared Bush Would Use Nukes, Ambassador Says
“LONDON (AFP) – Britain joined the United States’ invasion to oust the Taliban in 2001 because it feared America would ‘nuke’ Afghanistan, the former British ambassador to Washington reportedly told a television documentary to be screened Saturday.”
“FDA Scrutiny Scant In India, China as Drugs Pour Into U.S.
“By Marc Kaufman
“Washington Post Staff Writer
“Sunday, June 17, 2007; Page A01
“India and China, countries where the Food and Drug Administration rarely conducts quality-control inspections, have become major suppliers of low-cost drugs and drug ingredients to American consumers. Analysts say their products are becoming pervasive in the generic and over-the-counter marketplace.”
In Idaho, the editor of a tiny newspaper that blew the lid off a coverup of a Boy Scout pedophile scandal says his paper is under vicious attack by “three of our community’s big forces… the community’s majority religion [Mormons], the richest guys in town, and the conservative machine that controls Idaho,” because the paper chose “to tell the story of powerless people who’d been hurt by powerful people who counted on the public never learning what they’d done.”
Life is great? Tell that to American workers whose jobs were sent to Indian; the still-employed whose real wages are falling; the minimum wage workers who waited 12 years for a raise from the GOP (and finally got it from the Democrats) …
No terrorist attacks on US soil? Only if you consider the people who blow up abortion clinics to be boy scouts instead of terrorists …
I say again … BULLLLLSHITTTTTT!!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The only people doing great are CEOs, high-income taxpayers, and stock market speculators like Roger Rabbit!
Opportunities for anyone who puts forth the initiative to succeed. I mean, after all, that is why there are millions scrambling to get here illegally right?
No, it isn’t why millions are scrambling to get here illegally. People are scrambling to get here illegally because they have no opportunity at all in their home countries – because the U.S. has been waging war in those countries for 3 decades to stop the drug trade. The end result is a path of devastation from Colombia to the Rio Grande and all the affected people coming here to work.
The Umpspews:
Richard Pope says: Where is Gonzo? Shouldn’t he be in the poster?
He should, but they had to kick Oh Boy Alberto off the set. He couldn’t quite recall his lines.
Right Stuffspews:
Another Liberal montra “Blame America”
“People are scrambling to get here illegally because they have no opportunity at all in their home countries – because the U.S. has been waging war in those countries for 3 decades to stop the drug trade”
Well one thing I agree on, they are coming to America because there are opportunities here…..Because our economy is working,…..No matter how Roger et al libs try to spin it, near 100% employment is outstanding…..
Nice article Rog. Especially this part. “It’s important to emphasize the tenuousness of this calculation. In particular, it required BusinessWeek to make assumptions about the size of the cost savings from offshoring, information the government doesn’t even collect. “
translated as ” we don’t know what the F*** these numbers could or could not be…..
No matter how Roger et al libs try to spin it, near 100% employment is outstanding…..
You mean, like during slavery?
Yer Killin Mespews:
Well done, sir!
Yer Killin Mespews:
It’s nice to see MAD Magazine is still there tweaking the establishment. I haven’t read it in many, many years but I may have to start again.
Yer Killin Mespews:
Haven’t you heard? America is blameless! America can do no wrong! Everything America does is just peachy!
Chesterton once noted that saying “My country, right or wrong” is like saying “My wife, drunk or sober.” Even so, now more than ever we need the words of that fine Republican senator from Missouri, Carl Schurz: “My country, right or wrong: when right, to be kept right, and when wrong, to be put right.”
See, that’s why Republicans are howling about “blame America first.” We see that sometimes America needs to be put right; they are benefitting — or should I say profiting — from the fact that the country is out of whack, and don’t like us upsetting their apple cart.
Puddybud Who Left the Reservationspews:
Three Duke Lacrosse Players reach settlement. Goes to show what a libtard DA like Mike Nifong can do to you when a Moonbat! gets unequivocal, unquestionable power!
Scary isn’t it?
Puddybud Who Left the Reservationspews:
Here’s a funny:
MSNBC HOST JOE SCARBOROUGH: Bob Barker [said] Rosie O’Donnell would be a great replacement for him on “The Price is Right.”
MSNBC’S MIKA BRZEZINSKI: The problem is she’s going to look like the people who run down the aisle all excited.
Don Joespews:
@ 23,
It’s amazing how many of these right-wing apologists don’t seem to understand that the employment rate is, well, a ratio, and that merely noting the ratio itself is meaningless unless you look at what actually caused the change in the ratio.
Or, mayhaps, they just don’t understand the concept of a fraction?
Where is Gonzo? Shouldn’t he be in the poster?
That movie’s gonna suck.
Richard @1,
I think Gonzo is the floating skull. It’s symbolic.
Rove is the octopus.
I think Gonzo may be the octopus that appears to be swallowing up the White House. Even more symbolic.
Condi’s got a nice rack…
Funny how the folks who called liberals “subversives” turned out to be … subversives.
The “pirates” meme seems very appropriate …
GOP = pirates
19th cenutry “pirate capitalism” is baaaaack.
Screw the workers and shareholders, rob the consumers, establish monopolies, beat down wages …
… it’s all there. Just like in 1890. Brought to you by the troglodytes of the far right.
The systematic looting of the American economy is underway.
Mr. Rabbit,
Yep! We’re, pretty much, back to working for script at the company store just like my great-granddad did in the coal mines of West Virginia.
Roger rant 8-11 According to RR the sky is falling and we are all going to hell and a handbasket…Thanks to Republicans of course….
Guess What?
Life is great. Economy is strong. Near 100% full employment. No terrorist attacks on US soil. Opportunities for anyone who puts forth the initiative to succeed. I mean, after all, that is why there are millions scrambling to get here illegally right?
Rog you are a typical extremist lib. All about the doom and gloom and how the gov’t can improve your life.
No thanks. Carpe Diem!
Brits Feared Bush Would Use Nukes, Ambassador Says
“LONDON (AFP) – Britain joined the United States’ invasion to oust the Taliban in 2001 because it feared America would ‘nuke’ Afghanistan, the former British ambassador to Washington reportedly told a television documentary to be screened Saturday.”
For complete story see http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20.....0618072937
“FDA Scrutiny Scant In India, China as Drugs Pour Into U.S.
“By Marc Kaufman
“Washington Post Staff Writer
“Sunday, June 17, 2007; Page A01
“India and China, countries where the Food and Drug Administration rarely conducts quality-control inspections, have become major suppliers of low-cost drugs and drug ingredients to American consumers. Analysts say their products are becoming pervasive in the generic and over-the-counter marketplace.”
For complete story see http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....id=topnews
In Idaho, the editor of a tiny newspaper that blew the lid off a coverup of a Boy Scout pedophile scandal says his paper is under vicious attack by “three of our community’s big forces… the community’s majority religion [Mormons], the richest guys in town, and the conservative machine that controls Idaho,” because the paper chose “to tell the story of powerless people who’d been hurt by powerful people who counted on the public never learning what they’d done.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More “family-values” bullshit from the bullshit wing of the bullshit party.
@13 What can I say besides … BUUUULLLLLSHIIIITTTTT!!!
@13 (continued) For starters, the economy isn’t as good as official stats say it is. http://www.businessweek.com/ma.....039001.htm
Life is great? Tell that to American workers whose jobs were sent to Indian; the still-employed whose real wages are falling; the minimum wage workers who waited 12 years for a raise from the GOP (and finally got it from the Democrats) …
No terrorist attacks on US soil? Only if you consider the people who blow up abortion clinics to be boy scouts instead of terrorists …
I say again … BULLLLLSHITTTTTT!!!!
The only people doing great are CEOs, high-income taxpayers, and stock market speculators like Roger Rabbit!
Opportunities for anyone who puts forth the initiative to succeed. I mean, after all, that is why there are millions scrambling to get here illegally right?
No, it isn’t why millions are scrambling to get here illegally. People are scrambling to get here illegally because they have no opportunity at all in their home countries – because the U.S. has been waging war in those countries for 3 decades to stop the drug trade. The end result is a path of devastation from Colombia to the Rio Grande and all the affected people coming here to work.
Richard Pope says: Where is Gonzo? Shouldn’t he be in the poster?
He should, but they had to kick Oh Boy Alberto off the set. He couldn’t quite recall his lines.
Another Liberal montra “Blame America”
“People are scrambling to get here illegally because they have no opportunity at all in their home countries – because the U.S. has been waging war in those countries for 3 decades to stop the drug trade”
Well one thing I agree on, they are coming to America because there are opportunities here…..Because our economy is working,…..No matter how Roger et al libs try to spin it, near 100% employment is outstanding…..
Nice article Rog. Especially this part.
“It’s important to emphasize the tenuousness of this calculation. In particular, it required BusinessWeek to make assumptions about the size of the cost savings from offshoring, information the government doesn’t even collect. “
translated as ” we don’t know what the F*** these numbers could or could not be…..
Another Liberal montra “Blame America”
It’s not just a mantra when it’s true.
No matter how Roger et al libs try to spin it, near 100% employment is outstanding…..
You mean, like during slavery?
Well done, sir!
It’s nice to see MAD Magazine is still there tweaking the establishment. I haven’t read it in many, many years but I may have to start again.
Haven’t you heard? America is blameless! America can do no wrong! Everything America does is just peachy!
Chesterton once noted that saying “My country, right or wrong” is like saying “My wife, drunk or sober.” Even so, now more than ever we need the words of that fine Republican senator from Missouri, Carl Schurz: “My country, right or wrong: when right, to be kept right, and when wrong, to be put right.”
See, that’s why Republicans are howling about “blame America first.” We see that sometimes America needs to be put right; they are benefitting — or should I say profiting — from the fact that the country is out of whack, and don’t like us upsetting their apple cart.
Three Duke Lacrosse Players reach settlement. Goes to show what a libtard DA like Mike Nifong can do to you when a Moonbat! gets unequivocal, unquestionable power!
Scary isn’t it?
Here’s a funny:
MSNBC HOST JOE SCARBOROUGH: Bob Barker [said] Rosie O’Donnell would be a great replacement for him on “The Price is Right.”
MSNBC’S MIKA BRZEZINSKI: The problem is she’s going to look like the people who run down the aisle all excited.
Waaaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Woman Killed by Her Own Pet Dog
Monday, June 18, 2007 (06-18) 05:55 PDT Connersville, Ind. (AP) —
Stupidman – want a dog?
Police Smash Global Pedophile Ring
By D’ARCY DORAN, Associated Press Writer Monday, June 18, 2007
Looks like Stupidman’s relatives WERE busy!
Those articles are in the SF Chronicle. Now that’s a funny newspaper!
We all know how terribly proud it makes you every time you finish reading another article. But, nobody else really gives a fuck…
…even the few who pay enough attention to your ramblings to decipher your private language and obscure nicknames for people.
Considered getting a pet. You could always force them to listen by withholding food.
Breaking! HA Columnist Endorses Pet Abuse! Next on
It’s amazing how many of these right-wing apologists don’t seem to understand that the employment rate is, well, a ratio, and that merely noting the ratio itself is meaningless unless you look at what actually caused the change in the ratio.
Or, mayhaps, they just don’t understand the concept of a fraction?
Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! mhcgmisyyjjof