– Oh good, I can add sewage overflow to my list of worries.
– Even the sportswriters are acting like Politico.
– I like the idea of the price per parking spot of the Northgate parking garage. [h/t]
– Why do 13% of NRO readers hate America?
– I keep forgetting to post this, but I didn’t realize that dragon flies had a migration.
Desperation shows its ugly face in many ways:
Next up:
Do you have Prince Albert in a can?
After all, bob said the purpose of politics is “to prevail”, apparently by any means available. you must be proud of your team.
Wisconsin has already been hit with the Republican Election Fraud Team (“REFT”), which threw the switch to emplement their tactics yesterday evening. They have been assisted by access to the recall petitions to idenitify likely Democratic voters.
1. Signers of the recall petitions were called and told in recorded messages that if they signed the petition, their vote had already been counted and they didn’t need to go to the polls. Tracing the calls was impossible for the average person, a call back went to a shell corporation where no one answere the phone.
2. Likely Democratic voters received calls telling them to be sure to go to the polls on Wednesday. Of course, the election is Tuesday. A call back on the same number went to the Wisconsin Republican Party.
Of course, ultimately a fair investigation would reveal those behind the tactics and fines will the issued. But that would be two years down the road, and the Republican party donars would pay the fines and write it off as the cost of doing business.
Vicious words from a noted vulture capitalist:
‘Quite a day! … You have made a huge difference, for me and for hundreds of thousands of people who will have healthier and happier lives… Best, Mitt’
Mitt Romney email to Thomas Trimarco, his administration and finance secretary, on the evening of signing the Massachusetts health-care law April 12, 2006
Yes, Libs, you’re right. He must be stopped. In the words of Bill Clinton, a Romney presidency would be ‘calamitous’.
@ 3
Yes, a liberal would never stoop to underhanded methods to gain advantage during a campaign:
Even Barrett’s campaign isn’t convinced it happened:
Barrett spokesperson Phil Walzak said, “If true, this shows the desperation of Walker and his right wing allies in the final hours of the campaign, and the depths to which they will sink to maintain their grip on power at the expense of the people and values of the great state of Wisconsin.”
Claiming everything from disenfranchisement to irregularities at the ballot box is a longstanding tradition used by both sides. In WI, the fact that it’s being used by the Democrats is a telling indicator of how this election will play out.
It’s amusing that people on HA still bring up ’04 OH. They have no problem winning a Senate squeaker in MN and a WA gubernatorial election by a couple of hundred votes after less-than-convincing recounts, but a margin of several tens of thousands of votes in a swing state? Nah, couldn’t happen. After all, it was in Rolling Stone.
@ 3
Journal Sentinel reporters have been asking voters since Tuesday for a recording of the robocall, either from voicemail or from a person who has recorded the call. No one has been able to provide a copy. The Democratic Party of Milwaukee County was not able to provide a recording Tuesday
Jus’ sayin’.
What a bunch of assholes.
bob. Your link about a story of a mentally disturbed woman is your justification for massive voter fraud by republicans? Really? That’s what passes for a false equivalency for you?
Coming soon to an America near you…
Lie, lie, lie, lie,lie.
@ 8
Well, I could use the Dem campaign worker in Denver who put a bullet through his campaign’s office (going by memory) as a more direct example (I googled and the PA was the first thing that came up).
There’s no evidence of ‘massive voter fraud’ here, NTfF. There’s an unproven allegation. At @6 I quoted the paper’s request for a recording of the call, which no one has come up with. C’mon…. All those people geared up to identify anything they can use to protest an election that isn’t going to go their way, and no one is recording their phone contacts?
Here’s a report of 440 lawyers on the ground in WI:
“We’re very much anticipating that there’s a chance that we could be in a recount scenario,” said Mike Tate, chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. He said the party will have more than 440 lawyers in the field on Tuesday “doing election protection activities but also tasked with recount preparation, making sure that we know where absentee ballots are at, making sure that we have a strong handle on what’s happening out there.”
All those lawyers and no one thought to tap a phone line to record this ‘massive voter fraud’?
Stop the hysterics. You have an unproven allegation. On Sunday there was an allegation that Scott Walker has a love child.
Your side started this. Your side will receive a beating at the ballot box. Take it standing up, and silently.
@ 11
Correction: No bullets. Multiple widows, not one.
The Big Dog is back on the trail…nobody does it better.
@ 8
You want fraud on election day?
A son of a Democrat Congressman and another son of a Democrat mayor slashing tires of vans used by the GOP to transport voters to the polls on election day in 2004.
In Wisconsin.
Time to come up with a recording of the alleged robocall that no one has evidence of, or prove to me you didn’t beat your wife last night.
@ 13
You’re right, Rujax:
Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney’s business record ‘sterling’
Nobody does it better.
Thank you, Mr. President.
booby shouldn’t get paid for his comments here…he’s getting his ass kicked.
So where did I hear that booby was fucking goats with the puddypussy???
Jesus H. Christ! That’s a couple of really sick bastards.
@ 16
Hey Rujax:
Explain to us again how General Motors paid off that loan early? You have that interesting way of perceiving events that none of the rest of us can figure out after we look at the facts.
The unicorn carrying the money comes down from heaven and what happens next?
Just ’cause the booby is too stupid to understand reserves and equity positions doesn’t mean the material needs to be explained again.
The class has moved on. booby should get a tutor.
Enterprise Institute.
Well known nest of hippies…NOT!!!
Watching rujaxoff get pwn3d day after day is almost, no it is, getting comical.
Rujaxoff is the only person here who makes ylbigot look good.
Lmfao…ys rujaxoff, tell us all about reserves and equity positions, I’m sure you are an expert. Hahahaahhaahahahaahaaahahh
Omfg….that’s some funny shit
@ 21, 22
Some of the time I actually feel a little sad for him because he’s so honestly unaware of the extent to which he misunderstands the basics.
He’s the guy that the Dems play to, because’s he’s not intelligent enough to understand that he’s being taken for a ride by them.
The bottom line is that a vital American Industry that employs millions of American Workers either directly or on the periphery…TAXPAYERS…
…is still operating, Still in bsiness. Still employing. Still paying taxes.
These two “bidnessmans” think that’s a bad thing somehow…so does the stupid fucking puddypussy.
So does Mitt fucking Raw-Money.
How fucking Un-American can you fucking get.
It’s treason…it’s inhumane…and no big shock…
…It’s Just Fucking Stupid.
Let’s see now…
I think ‘Ol Rujax is gonna start a
never endingcontinuing series on how the Refucklicants “play” to idiots like the stupid fucking puddypussy, “the booby” (the world’s worst paid troll) and emperor max-minidick (aka kaiser bun the first, owner of the big swingin’ 10cm dick).Stay tuned.
Hilarity will ensue.
Once upon a time Dems got upset if they felt their patriotism was questioned because of their beliefs.
Now we have some ‘dork’ calling people traitors without explanation and we have the guy with the lowest IQ on HA referring to ‘treasonous’ @ 24 positions by people he does not like, nor understand.
I suppose they have ‘evolved’ to their current use of language. Otherwise it might seem hypocritical.
Re: Shiny Objects
“Mitt Romney’s senior campaign adviser, Eric Fehrnstrom, on Sunday said that social issues important to women, like contraception coverage and abortion rights, were “shiny objects” that were being used to distract voters.”
Are these people (a) clueless, (b) politically stupid, or (c) deliberately offensive?
I suspect it’s all three of the above.
@ 27
Other than re-posting what I posted @4, what is your point?
Did you read it?
Did you understand it?
I’m assuming no on the first question, and I’m virtually certain the answer to the second question is no as well.
Gee, Bob thinks that since nobody thought to “tap” every potential recipient of a phone call to record the GOP election fraud calls, that they didn’t happen.
Of course, the system is set up so that the call doesn’t leave a voice mail (basic telemarketing technology). The recording only plays if the phone is picked up by a human. And the call is sufficiently short so that once the once the caller realizes what the call is about, it is alredy over – long before he could get out and turn on any recording device. As I mentioned earlier, the origin of the calls is also concealed. And the duration of the calling campaign would only be for a few hours, so that by the time the word got out to record the calls, the calls were over.
Obviously, it was well set up in advance to make it difficult to point a finger at the culprit. But it has all the earmarks of a Karl Rove operation, or one of his students.
And I doubt that Walker will ever be accountable for this strategy. He’s allowed his billionaire supporters a free hand in his campaign, which allows him to have plausible deniability as they publicize lies and engage in voter supression tactics. But that doesn’t mean we have to reward such behavior by allowing him to remain in office.
@26 “Now we have some ‘dork’ calling people traitors …”
How’s that feel, Bob? My criticism of Democrats is they waited 60 years too long to call Republicans “traitors” back. Should’ve done it in the ’40s when your guys started doing it to us. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
It’s hard to believe that not 1 single person has a copy of the alleged robo-call. In fact, it defies all logic. It appears some sore losers are making this up in a last ditch bid of desperation to try and salvage a lost cause.
rhp, please post a copy of the robo-call you allege!!! What, can’t do it?
Nuf said.
Special note to the booby…
By all the comments you’ve posted I can only conclude that you are un-American.
You repudiate every day the struggles and lives of millions upon millions of good, working, tax-paying Americans in favor of the obscenely wealthy who suck all they can out of the Nation that has provided the opportunity for great riches…giving nothing back…and spending enormous amounts of money to buy state legislatures and US Congressmen and Senators.
You are a coward and a traitor, sir…I have no problem calling you what you are.
@ 28
It’s the economy. Romney’s gaining with women in terms of his favorability, despite the Dems’ ‘War on Women’ accusations.
It’s the economy. Anything else is a distant second or even less.
Keep pushing that Fluke chick, the Payroll Fairness Act idiocy. It does not substitute for a concise message on the economy. It will not in the Fall, either.
Check out Gallup, today:
Look at the table. THAT’s your election, right there. It’s a class warfare election in a down economy. Obama’s hitched his horse to the lowest-earning class and is doing his best to make them afraid of the people paying the bills.
Unfortunately for Obama, those people paying the bills are siding with Romney.
Good luck with that abortion/birth control thing. You will need it.
What’s interesting is how fast “Bob” and the Walker machine have come up with their denials on this operation. Not a moment’s hesitation. No “we didn’t authorize any such conduct, but we are looking into it anyway” statements. Instead, they are trying to blame the Democrats for bringing it up. It’s clearly thought out well in advance, with talking points distributed so that folks like “Bob” will be ready with them first thing in the morning.
I guess “Bob” is considered to be a useful tool by some.
15 convicted of voter fraud in 2010 in Milwaukee.
All part of Obama’s MoveOn.org criminal organization.
You don’t think the out of state Union Thugs are at it again with 10’s of millions invested in Wisconsin? What should be the penalty for voter fraud? How about Life? That would likely stop it…if you were really interested in stopping the pollution of the core of what makes our Country great.
Even Eric Holder knows Milwaukee is a haven for criminal Union activity and illegal voting. That’s why Holder has Justice Dept folks monitoring MILWAUKEE!!
Who’s THIS asshole?
Zimmerman Rots In Jail As Lawyer Postpones Bail Hearing
George Zimmerman is cooling his heels in jail today, after his lawyer postponed a new bail hearing for at least two weeks.
A judge revoked Zimmerman’s $15,000 bail last week after he and his wife were caught lying to the court about their finances. They claimed to be penniless, but in fact were sitting on over $100,000 of cash Zimmerman raised for his defense from public donations to a PayPal account he maintained without his lawyer’s knowledge.
And, perhaps more telling, Zimmerman also was sitting on an extra passport the court and his lawyer didn’t know he had — after the court had required him to turn in his passport.
Don’t forget that Zimmerman’s first two lawyers quit before Mark O’Mara took over.
So why would O’Mara let his client sit in jail for at least two weeks while mulling over what to do next about Zimmerman’s bail?
Do you get a feeling here that Zimmerman and his lawyer aren’t in sync? Again? That Zimmerman isn’t being honest with his own lawyer?
Maybe O’Mara found out something else about his client that Zimmerman wasn’t forthcoming about. One can only speculate, but maybe O’Mara found out that Zimmerman is planning to jump bail and flee to another country? That’s just a guess, but what does seem to be a reasonable inference is that O’Mara is concerned about something he’s learned about his client, and his client isn’t cooperating with him.
It wouldn’t be a shocker if O’Mara soon asks the court’s permission to withdraw from representing this guy. He appears to have an incorrigible client on his hands.
This kid should be the NRA’s new poster girl.
@39 Either a recycled troll or a new one.
@ 35
The only ‘talking points’ I ‘distributed’ were:
1. Quote from Barrett’s campaign.
2. Quote from a newspaper article that said there was no provide evidence despite requests for the past week that some be provided.
And as far as prompt denials by Walker, what would you expect an innocent party to do?
It’s put up or shut up time.
I suspect that tomorrow, no one will be talking about alleged robocalls in WI. Don’t you?
@39 (continued) I’m sure the irony of the screen handle isn’t lost on you, either.
# 32: You can’t believe what I clearly explained to you is unlikely to be able to be sucessfully recorded? You respond by saying I have to post a copy of what can’t be recorded very well. That’s pretty idiotic of you!
I still hope that a recording exists, but I doubt one will appear – unless someone working for the campaign which made the robo-calls has a conscious and gives up a copy to the authorties.
I’d also expect that the Wisconsin authorities would try to supress such a recording of the robo-call on the grounds that the person making the recording didn’t have permission of the robo-caller in advance to record the “private conversation”.
But the damage has already been done – which they knew in advance. It doesn’t matter if they get caught after polls close today with their hands in the cookie jar.
To date the Raw-Money campaign has refused to distance itself and it’s candidate from this loon.
Only in a Federal lawsuit you fat fuck.
Turnout is huge in WI.
Problem is, turnout is huge in an awful lot of Walker towns:
What this means is that Walker’s supporters will mount an adequate defense. This likely will ensure that the heavy urban turnout also occurring today:
won’t be enough for Barrett.
Yesterday I said double-digit margin. Today I guess 7-8 points, Walker’s favor.
Funny, we get trolls today claiming to be a “Wisonsin housewife and mother” who will vote for Obama, as well as “Bob”, who just showed up this past year, and “Getthefacts” showing up for the first time today as well. Expect more such troll activity over the next year as “independent” donars spend their money by hiring out-of-work wingnuts to spend their day posting the talking-points-of-the-day on this, and other websites. They will mysteriously dissapear after the election, regardless of the result as so many have done here once the money well dries up.
@ 45
It must be nice, going through life without worrying about accountability. What’s it like?
Personally, I think Wisconsin today will be a toss-up, with the Democratic challenger having a difficult time catching up to an already-established incumbent with seven times the money to spend. The +/- may well be within 2%. Expect a re-count and challenge no matter which side wins. I expect this to be another of those urban/rural fights.
But I’ll have a big smile on my face if the Democratic challenger wins this one, after all the proclomations by “Bob” and other trolls about how polls show he’s going to lose.
@ 52
If Walker is leading after the initial tally, I would not expect a recount if it is not paid for by the state. A statewide recount was forced last year by Dems after Kloppenburg lost to Prosser, and essentially verified the accuracy of the initial tally. The 7,000 vote discrepancy was easily explained if embarrassing, and continuing to harp on that episode does not help the liberal cause. If nothing else, Barrett behind by several thousand votes is unlikely to be remedied by a recount, based on the one just completed in that state.
Unions already spent $4M supporting a candidate who did not make it to the general. If they pony up for a state-wide recount and come up short, their membership will go nuclear.
@4 If he was so proud of it then, why is he pissing all over it now?
The ad will air for two weeks on network television in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
Romney eyes Pennsylvania despite big Obama ’08 win
Time to bring out the artillery. Tomorrow, Walker hands Romney the keys to dozens of campaign locations in WI.
Meanwhile, Dems continue to fight the War On Women that doesn’t exist.
@ 54
What work(s)(ed) for Massachusettes is a one-state program. The mandate might be unconstitutional – I know nothing about the MA state constitution.
To turn a one-state model into a national boondoggle, running roughshod over the US Constitution in the process is really not comparable to what Romney did.
If you read the WSJ piece you’ll find mention of how Romney worked with Democrats to get this passed. It’s why conservatives aren’t all that thrilled with Romney – they think he might go centrist on them and do it again.
That’s what the left is rallying against – a guy with executive experience who has a history of working with the other side to pass something rather remarkable. My perspective, of course, but…….
Read the WSJ piece. That guy is who you are rallying against – an executive who worked with a legislature controlled by the opposite party, successfully at least in this regard.
@5 “WA gubernatorial election by a couple of hundred votes after less-than-convincing recounts”
And before you go off with a half-cocked response, Bob, let me explain a couple things to you.
First of all, Washington law spells out the recount procedure in exact detail. If the election is close, within a certain percentage amount, there’s an automatic recount whether the candidates want it or not. That was in the case in the ’04 governor’s race.
Then, either candidate can request a hand recount, but has to put up money for the costs, which is refunded if the hand recount reverses the result in the candidate’s favor. That was also the case in ’04; the Democrats paid the Washington Secretary of State something like $750,000 for the hand recount they were entitled to by law and won that recount.
Hand recounts are more accurate than machine recounts, for a variety of reasons. That’s why we have them.
I don’t want to go into painstaking detail about the recount procedures — something I’ve done many times before on this blog, before you showed up here — so I’ll summarize it this way: I saw the whole thing, because I was on the Democratic observer team, and I was there for every day of both recounts, watching everything that was going on.
Here are a few things I’ll tell you about the 2004 recount:
Most of the Republican observers were low-wage employees of businesses sent by their employers to do observer duty for the GOP on their employer’s time, and they spent their time reading, knitting, chatting, and mostly not watching because there wasn’t much of anything to watch.
Chris Vance, the GOP party chair at the time, held almost daily press conferences in the parking lot of the King County Elections building where the recount was taking place, but never once set foot inside the building. I know that because I was in that building, watching who came and went, and copying all the names on the sign-in register, and I also went out into the parking lot and watched many of Vance’s press conferences.
Everything the Republicans said in their press releases and press conferences was pre-scripted and bore little or no relation to what was actually happening in the recount building.
What was actually happening in the recount building was like watching grass grow, because there was nothing to watch except elections workers feeding paper ballots into counting machines.
Both parties had representatives on the scene who could challenge ballots, which took them out of the regular recounting procedure and sent them to the county canvassing board.
Dean Logan, whom I saw working every day, and the other county elections managers ran a well-organized recount operation that conformed to the law. For example, observers had to stay behind rope lines, no one except election workers were allowed to touch ballots, and no conversation between observers and election workers was permitted — all these rules were strictly enforced. It was not a loosey-goosey operation; it was run by the book.
The Republicans came into the recounts with a script: They had won the Election Night count, so they had nothing to gain and everything to lose from a recount, therefore they tried to sell a meme that the recounts were illegimitate. That was pure bullshit; the recount laws had been on the books for 100 years, and had been amended over the years with Republican votes and sometimes at GOP instigation — these were, in a considerable extent, their own recount laws they were complaining about.
After they lost the second (and legitimate, lawful, properly carried out, and more accurate) recount the GOP demanded a new election — a revote. They didn’t get it, because there’s absolutely no provision or authorization in our laws to hold an election over again just because it’s close and the loser is dissatisfied with the recount result.
Following the election, the Republicans and thier rightwing allies put out a lot of propaganda designed to create a public impression that the electionw as stolen. That was shown up for the pack of lies it actually was when the GOP spent millions of dollars on a court challenge that resulted in 4 votes for their candidate being tossed out as fraudulent.
In the aftermath of the ’04 election, the GOP made much of ineligible felon voters. They tried to portray this as cheating, but in fact, it was a result of laws so confusing that even the Secretary of State’s office couldn’t determine whether these people were eligible to vote or not. And while Republicans tried to claim that Gregoire won because of illegal felony votes, the truth is we not only don’t know how many of the so-called “felon votes” were legitimate, but we also don’t know who they voted for. The only empirical evidence available on this issue was a survey of 10 ex-felon voters conducted by a newspaper; of those 10 ex-felons, 9 of them told the newspaper they voted for the Republican candidate. While this is not an adequate statistical sampling, if you were to extrapolate those results, then 90% of the illegimate felon votes went to the Republican candidate, in which case he lost the election by a considerably larger margin than the official result.
The truth about the ’04 election, Bob, is that it had some errors of the kind that occur in all elections — lost and misplaced ballots, difficult-to-read ballots, a small number of ineligible people voting, etc. — but no evidence of fraud was found.
The controversy inevitably generated by a hotly contested and very close election also revealed that Washington’s voter rolls were a mess and needed cleaning up; but that’s not fraud, that’s a matter of election administration, and more specifically a matter of voter rolls being fragmented among counties instead of centralized in a state voter registration roll, and of county election departments not having the money and resources to maintain those voter registration rolls. At some point, the legislature had to come up with money to improve the management of voter registration rolls in our state, and they did.
I not only was an observer in the 2004 election, but I also served as a pollworker for several years, so I’ve seen how elections are run — and what can go wrong — from the inside. Election procedures are pretty standard across the United States and they work surprisingly well when you consider the huge number of ballots that have to handled and counted, but there’s no such thing as a perfect election. And that creates opportunity for shrill partisans with a propaganda objective to conflact the ordinary inadvertent errors that occur in all elections into “fraud.” There was no fraud in the 2004 governor’s election — except in the vivid imaginations of the GOP’s propagandists, who had an agenda to undermine Gregoire by painting her as an illegitimate governor. That was one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated against our state.
Ya think?
@56 Let the apologias for Romney’s intiation of Obamacare in Massachusetts during his term as that state’s governor begin.
“after all the proclomations by “Bob””
The one good thing about Bob, no matter who wins in Wisconsin, he’s going to be a human trainwreck about it. Hell, I almost hope Walker wins. By the time the polls closed Bob would be calling for Walker to unleash right-wing militias to roam the streets of Milwaukee. So no matter how it goes, enjoy the show.
And let’s remember this, too, as we enter the 2012 campaign: Republicans are fighting for the health care status quo. So, if you think the system we have is just peachy keen, vote for Romney. If you’re worried about our health care system bankrupting your family and wiping out a lifetime of hard work, then don’t. People used to complain about tweedle-dee/tweedle-dum elections in which both parties and their candidates were the same. Well, this time, voters have a clear choice between different philsophies for the future direction of our country: Let out-of-control unregulated markets continue to run amok and ruin our lives, or use our government which we own and freely choose work for our benefit.
Where the hell did this crazy idea that our own government is “the enemy” come from? And that things like public schools, public roads, public universities, and state-run liquor stores are the moral equivalent of Stalin’s gulags? From crazy people that’s where. Why would rational voters vote for people who are nuts?
@ 57
Thank you for making my point. A razor-thin election result that changed between the second and third counts, just barely enough to throw the election to the other side, and ballots that magically appeared some days afterward, is less-than-convincing.
I didn’t dispute the result.
And as to your point about the absence of fraud, the four disregarded ballots were disregarded because they were fraudulent. Other fraudulent ballots were discovered after some sort of cut-off date, and as I recall the Elections Division of King County withheld something long enough to pretty much ensure that would happen.
Plenty of blame to go around but it wasn’t a bunch of honest and well-meaning people trying to right a wrong, RR. It was hardened partisans on each side doing their best to advance their agenda. One side lost.
To the extent that you might be stating that we are promised free and fair elections, but not perfect ones, I am in full agreement.
@63 “less-than-convincing”
Only to gullible partisans like you who swallowed the GOP lies hook, line, and sinker.
@63 “And as to your point about the absence of fraud, the four disregarded ballots were disregarded because they were fraudulent.”
That’s correct, out of 2.8 million ballots, 4 ballots were determined by a judge to be fraudulent and all 4 of them were Republican votes.
“Other fraudulent ballots were discovered after some sort of cut-off date”
There are people who would keep disputes going for 10,000 years but the world can’t function that way. There’s a cut-off for absolutely everything in this world. I had professors in college who would refuse to grade a term paper (and would give you a failing grade) if you turned it in 1 minute after the deadline. I’ve also heard rumors that employers fire people for not completing work assignments on time. (sarcasm)
“and as I recall the Elections Division of King County withheld something long enough”
@ 65
Thank you for at least acknowledging that your statement about the absence of fraud was incorrect.
Regarding your refusal to expand beyond cherry-picking, gee, what a surprise.
@53 “continuing to harp on that episode”
Why not? You’re doing it. In fact, you started it in this thread. See @5. Why should I behave better than you?
@66 I said no such thing. The Republicans accused the Democrats and the King County Elections Department of election fraud. That was a lie. There was no fraud by the Democrats or King County Elections. The only verified fraud in that election was by
4 individual voters, all of them Republicans. Far from being an acknowledgement of what you’re arguing, my statement is an utter repudiation of your assertions.
Bob …
WTF .. why are you so impressed with “executive experience” as a criterion for being President?
How would you feel about Donald Trump or Steve Balmer?
Romney’s success was at a Venture Capital firm .. we certainly need such firms but optimizing the return on capital is a lot different then running a manufacturing firm or managing a restaurant.
His other creds are
Community Organizer for Olympics.
Governor/negotiator from Mass.
The former job was mainly about fund raising … is that an important skill for a President?
The Governor job is impressive, but Romney has disparaged that work. This leaves me with a candidate who is not proud of his own achievements.
I look at MR and see a smarter version of GW Bush. As far as I can see Romney is a CV builder. He wants the cred that comes with being a President but has no clear idea … and no proposals .. for what he would do FOR the country.
Here is a list of big issues, Mitt is awfully quiet about or just plain wrong:
@ 68
You said:
but no evidence of fraud was found. in @ 57.
I pointed out your false statement and you agreed @ 65.
Now you say you didn’t.
Roger wins, Liberal-style!!!!!!!!!
Outta here. Looking forward to Rachel tonite. So’s everyone else, right?
On the robo calls
It could be only a few went out before they were turned off and nobody has a copy.
It could be an internet rumor that got picked up as truth.
It could be a fake story by the Barrett team to generate last minute support and money
It could be a fake story by the walker team to make the barret team look bad and desperate and deflect any of the real voter suppression as just another “cry wolf” story
Given how dirty the republican are willing play, it could very well be the last version, cause you know, people are say’in
@ 69
If you want to be taken seriously, spend some time looking at what it takes to organize an Olympic Games. Then look at what it might take if the guy running it before you had so badly fucked it up it was an incredible financial mess, and you were running out of time and people were predicting that the Games would be a disaster.
In LA ’84 it was a guy who had run an airline and would subsequently run Major League Baseball.
Conflating that type of job with what Obama did in the 90’s is too idiotic to warrant a response, sorry.
I suppose Romney running the games was a ‘fundraiser’ the same way Boeing’s CFO is a ‘fundraiser’, but that’s a digression.
I’m done for now, anyway.
@ 71
I can hear the black helicopters now.
What would Occam’s razor tell you?
It is interesting how bob brought the robo call first, then spent endless posts denying they happened.
Plant by the republicans? you decide.
Obama just killed another top Al Qaeda leader.
None of these guys Obama has killed were caught by the Republicans.
@ 74
I did it to watch you guys take it and run with it. Your paranoia @71 was SO worth the price of admission.
Not quite up there with Bush43 cancelling the 2008 election so he can stay president, but still…….
@ 75
None of those civilians Obama’s killed with drone strikes were killed by Republicans, either.
I think that drone warfare is great and I credit him for expanding the program in place when Bush’s presidency ended.
You should look at moveon.org’s perspective of what Obama is doing, recall the objections when Bush was using drones with civilian casualties, and ask yourself if you are applying the same standard to Obama as you did to Bush. I don’t think you are.
@76 No, you did it because you’re just another rightwing bullshitter.
@ 75
The Nation, today.
Seems that, to some people, targeted killing is problematic no matter who is doing the ordering.
Not to the cheer squad of HA, apparently.
@77 What civilians? All 15 of the guys killed by the drone strike in question were targets.
@77 “program in place”
Who do you think you’re fooling, Bob? The GOPers wouldn’t go into Pakistan. In the 2008 campaign, Obama said he would, with or without the Pakis’ permission. Another promise kept.
@77, @79 — Your concern for innocents is touching, Bob. Problem is, your uplifted voice in defense of noncombatants was absent when Republicans were killing innocents. Apparently, for you,
it all depends on who’s doing it.
War is a messy business, Bob. But then, having never been in one,
you don’t know anything about that.
@ 80
You missed the apostrophe and the “s” after Obama. Obama has been responsible for innocent civilians being killed. And don’t neglect to note that to the CIA, if it’s a male of young adult age or even someone big enough to hold a firearm, it’s a target. Rules of engagement have been expanded. They don’t have to be holding a weapon to be considered targets. They just need to be in the vicinity of the bad guys.
@70 restates previous comment; no further reply necessary
@83 “Obama has been responsible for innocent civilians being killed.”
Obama didn’t order innocent civilians killed. He ordered attacks against an armed enemy that, in some cases, through poor execution by our military personnel or just plain bad luck, happened to kill innocent civilians.
Bush, on the other hand, knowingly authorized torture of people not established to be enemy combatants — and then lied about it. And then there was also what appeared to be the deliberate targeting of journalists in Iraq …
How does it feel to be an apologist for fascist killers, Bob?
I think the point should be that some things a president does are necessary, and no matter who is in office we should just sit back and let it happen. It means that some shit we don’t like will go down.
Comes with the territory. If you are going to give Obama overt credit for it, than Bush deserved the same thing for what he did. SWIFT. FISA.
I credit organizations like moveon.org and The Nation, and even Code Pink (although that one hurt), for not abandoning their principles to cheer on The One.
@ 81
There was a different leadership in Pakistan when Bush was in office. We generally had better relations with Pervez M. and he was kept in check by Bhutto. Things went downhill following her death. Eventually, a change in policy became necessary. I will credit Obama for saying, during the campaign, that if Pakistan doesn’t straighten up, we’ll go in. But Bush didn’t, because circumstances were different.
@ 85
Got it. You could not have stated it more clearly, RR.
It’s heads you win, tails I lose.
If Obama orders something and it goes well, then Obama claims credit and HA cheers in unison. Roger leads the cheer and Rujax is first on his knees in front of The One.
If Obama orders something and it goes bad, then Obama blames the military, with full cover from RR.
You know who else gets that?
The military.
71 journalists were killed in Vietnam (33), Cambodia (34), and Laos (4) from 1965 to 1975.
139 journalists were killed in Iraq from March 2003 to October 2009, including 16 by U.S. forces.
@87 “It’s heads you win, tails I lose.”
Got an inferiority complex?
@87 Military personnel will be the first to tell you that if they screw up, they’re expected to take responsibilty. It’s called being grown up. The U.S. military has always been a great growing-up machine for American youth. No fuck-ups, no excuses, just get the job done. Not everyone can hack that regimen. Those who can’t are weeded out.
Been there, done that. I’m a Vietnam Veteran. How about you, Bob? What was your military service? Or are you still too young to enlist?
@72. Bob spews:
@ 69 Bob
I still do not see your point. Romney has had a successful life and being the money guy for the Olympics is a big achievement.
So, unlike the last Republican candidate to win, Romney is not a failed business man. You can say the same about Donald Trump or Herman Cain.
I suggest you look up “conflation.” I am not trying to compare the two men. just to ask why you see the jib of CFO of the Olympics as a qualification for the job Romney wants next.
Of course there are businessmen whose achievements would impress me. I would be far more impressed with a Boeing CFO than with Romney. In that spirit, there are many executives who would impress me. For example, Alan Mulally and Jeff Bezos have shown they are imaginative problem solvers.
For that matter, John McCain was a far better candidate then Romney, Sadly the same crew that convinced McCain to bet on Sarah Palin has convinced Romney to take stands that on their face disqualify Romney from being President.
@87 (continued) This is a liberal blog. We do liberal propaganda here. If you don’t like it, go find yourself a nice comfy wingnut blog. You won’t have to put up with any liberal propagandists there, because unlike this liberal blog, rightwingers throw people who disagree with them off their blogs.
@ 90
The military isn’t there to take the blame any more than your dog is there to get smacked when you come home from a bad day. What a fucking asshole thing to say, RR.
@ 92
So have me banned, and you can go back to your little propaganda party. Or you can put up with it, I can put up with you, and maybe we’ll each believe less of our own bullshit if it’s cross-checked by an antagonist. That’s the point of communication.
Still cannot believe you in @90. Hard to believe. Wow.
Bob …
OK, tell me about how the Republican party took responsibility for the multiple disasters of the Bush presidency?
As for Mitt, tell me when he comes out and shows pride in his 5 grandmothers, his past stand on gays and women, or his efforts to support Mass healthcare.
Man rhp6033 is a noob and a blooming idiot. And he was hired at Boeing?
Does he check anything before posting…? Oh yeah he takes other people’s work and rewrites it.
As I wrote earlier… I OWN rujax and ylb. Just look at how rujax praises me. Each time he posts he makes an off-handed remark about Puddy. I OWN him.
Hey Carl,
How come the most moronic leftists like rujax post more than 2 paragraphs from an article all the time and you turn a blind eye to it? Even Roger DUMB Wabbit follows the rules more than rujax, and rujax is a leftist bottom dweller.
Are you feeling sorry for him, so he gets a pass?
@ 94
OK, tell me about how the Republican party took responsibility for the multiple disasters of the Bush presidency?
Er, those would be the spankings we got in 2006 and in 2008.
“It was a thumpin’.”
Puddy @ 95: No matter how many times I repeat it, it doesn’t seem to get through your thick skull. I don’t work FOR Boeing. I work WITH Boeing.
Can you keep that straight this time?????
As for the rest of Puddy’s comments, I’m still waiting for him to repudiate his comrade, Glenn Beck, who called the tennage vicims of the Swedish masacre by the neo-nazi creep as “Hitler Youth”.
He was silent for weeks, and then he claimed he had already answered, but wouldn’t say where he responded or how he had answered.
I’ve got better things to do than try to search for Puddy’s non-denial denials. He’s not worth any moment more of consideration since his moral compass is so badly skewed.
So rhp6033 works with Boeing… their loss. And how is that “search” going for ya? Be sure to getfactsfirst.
Typical misdirection of bob
rabbit talks about this is a liberal site that doesn’t ban some one the instant they disagree with the host or the ideology,
and bob says “so have me banned,” implying that rabbit wants to ban him, the opposite of what rabbit said.
please try to keep up.
It’s your side who scream ban this one or that one Fascist!
If banner were done, why are you still here? it’s not your sparkling repartee that keeps you around.
@103 “ban this one or that one Fascist”
No, only you, because you’re a serial thread spammer.
@94 Getting a righteous ass-kicking from voters isn’t the same thing as taking responsibility. A kid getting caught and getting a paddling doesn’t make him a grownup.
@93 Congratulations, you just misrepresented two things I said. Was that intentional or are you illiterate? If the latter, get a tutor and learn some reading comprehension, dolt.
“The military isn’t there to take the blame any more than your dog is there to get smacked when you come home from a bad day. What a fucking asshole thing to say, RR.”
If Roger had said anything of the sort. The only one talking about blaming the military is you. Once again you have to resort to making shit up.
“So have me banned, and you can go back to your little propaganda party. Or you can put up with it, I can put up with you, and maybe we’ll each believe less of our own bullshit if it’s cross-checked by an antagonist. That’s the point of communication.”
Again you’re making shit up. Roger never suggested banning you. Quite the opposite.
“Still cannot believe you in @90. Hard to believe. Wow.”
You’re not having trouble believing what Roger actually wrote. Rather, you’re birthing a goat over the shit you made up about what Roger wrote. Big difference, asshole.
I haven’t read all of the coverage but a lot of it seems to read like this Reuters article and says things like:
Which is true to and extent but deceptive because it doesn’t say anything about how “conservative opponents” have poured many times the money that unions have into the race and the majority of that money came from out of state.
From a prior thread:
Trust me you stupid moron, you’ll never hershey highway me!