– It’s been discussed in the last thread, but crowds at GOP debates sure do like the idea of people dying.
– Poor Donald Rumsfield.
– Tacoma teachers vote to strike.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– It’s been discussed in the last thread, but crowds at GOP debates sure do like the idea of people dying.
– Poor Donald Rumsfield.
– Tacoma teachers vote to strike.
Shorter Herman Cain: free breadsticks with any order of $9.99 above!
Shorter Rick Perry: Don’t stop believing….
Somebody need to do a throw back to candidate Clinton’s appearance on MTV and ask Huntsman and Mittens “boxers, briefs, or sacred?”
Shorter Obama 14 Trillion 717 Billion and counting
And the best you can come up with to get him out of there is the pizza man and a couple of rich guys who wear sacred undies?
Been trying to tell y’all
The sacred undies. Should the Mittster become their candidate (I don’t think Huntsman, though their best candidate, is going anywhere), sacred undies will become a topic of national debate. About time, given how Mormons are procreating.
State Auditor Sonntag To Retire
Brian Sonntag, 59, announced he will not seek re-election as state auditor.
“The beast that kills jobs” should be required reading for teabaggers.
re 2: “Shorter Obama 14 Trillion 717 Billion and counting”
Cant and rhetoric. What does it matter if you are lieing if you can get the sheeple to believe it and vote the way you want them to — against yours and theirs only self interest.
The whole “let him die” thing was pretty creepy. Almost as creepy as the fact that it seems to have gotten zero coverage in the MSM. Dog bites man, no story…
Interesting take by a somewhat level headed DUMMOCRAPT libtardo over Anthony Weiner’s old congressional district.
Anything out of a DUMMOCRAPT’s mouth is forty flavors of stupid! We on the right are greeted by a cacophony of forty flavors of stupid every HA hour!
Minnesota’s largest school district, which lies mostly within Michelle Bachmann’s congressional district, unsurprisingly is a hotbed of anti-gay bullying which is spurred on by school administrators’ “don’t ask, don’t tell” type of policy. The district is being sued by the Southern Poverty Law Center and investigated by the Justice Department for civil rights violations.
@11 Ignore list. Yawn.
What the fuck is the moron puddypussy trying to say here?
If he’s pointing out a difference between the great Rachel Maddow and ABL…he fucking totally missed the point.
As usual.
puddypussy needs a heaping helping of shut the fuck up.
“The great rachell madcow”? Lmfao…..
Once again HA’s dumbest cinder block misogynist rujax missed the whole post. In fact we see HA’s dumbest cinder block misogynist rujax doesn’t even know what today is!
He doesn’t read, can’t think, and surely can’t process facts! Go back to the Friday Night Funnies where this lunatic couldn’t process Apple, Berkshire Hathaway, Google or GE Tax facts. Yet he’ll post the shit of the day from Daily Kooks. Well… he does have shit for brains!
All the tools of course (like Puddyidiot) will call for more tax cuts for the rich:
Puddymoron must feel safer now:
Oh I forget that’s impossible unless an idiot like scary Rick Perry is pretending-in-chief at the White House.
Things just keep getting worse for President Obama. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/.....3.html?x=0
I have no idea how he will successfully answer these statistics. I guess he can try to blame it on Bush, hurricanes, the tsunami in Japan etc.
It’s hard to believe a guy as smart as Obama is supposed to be has gotten himself and the country into such a pickle. All his passed promises like 8% Unemployment and others have not come to fruition. He keeps adding to the regulatory burden screwing American business so they keep moving money & jobs overseas.
I guess America now sees pretty clearly where “progressive leadership” leads…to the shithole.
It is interesting being poor means today. A recent study shows what Household Amenities and %’s of those classified currently have.
It’s amazing.
Listening to the pimps of poverty, you’d think every one of these poor people were starving and living out of a shopping cart. Hardly.
54.5% have cellphones?
I wonder how many have I-Phones?
How many of these items listed are “essential” and how many are discretionary?
Pretty hard to get a job without a phone and these days cell phones are cheaper than land lines.
I understand your point there. Would be interesting to know more detail about what kind of phones and plans the poor have. I can understand the need for a minimal plan for job-hunting purposes. Anything over that is a want. My kids have some “poor” friends with I-Phones. That’s a bit much.
‘Oh fuck, poor people have coffee makers! Outrageous!
Did you see Diane Feinstein’s campaign fund was wiped out be her crooked DEMOCRAT Treasurer, along with several other Democrats funds?
Show’s Democrats do not pay attention to details and why our country is in such a terrible mess. Wasn’t there any audit done? What type of internal controls could she possibly have had to allow all these funds to be comingled with others?
Embarrassing and enlightening. Morons.
You righties are just obsessed with poor people! It’s no more of your fucking business what kinds of phones people have than it is what kinds of phones rich people have.
We spend more on corporate welfare than we do on personal welfare type programs and all that corporate welfare goes into the pockets of the wealthy. Wealthy people get just as much “welfare” as poor people.
We have a couple cell phones in our household. One of them costs $40 / year.
Oh and there’s this:
Jack Abramoff ring a bell?
Nope. Right wingers HATE poor people. To them they’re only good for cheap labor.
And the less they get away with paying the more they HATE them.
And of course the solution towards increasing poverty is of course:
More tax cuts for the rich.
That’s all you’ll hear from any of those tea bag panderers who call themselves Republican candidates for President.
According to his link poor people even have coffee makers!
And I guess it never occurred to any of them that maybe some of these folks had some of these thing before they became poor or that homes and apartments come with refrigerators and A/C already in them. Many apartments also come with basic cable and internet access built into the rent.
The whole things just a load of crap.
Obsessed in a very hateful, stalker crazy, kinda way.
LMAO! Just like these Republicans right?
Finally! A teabagger job plan! heh. Hiring investigators to expose the bloated living standards of America’s poor. Cell phones. How dare they! Next thing, you’ll be telling me that they have $300 TV’s. Now that’d be a fucking outrage for the ages. As for the middle class or anybody else living beyond their means? There will be no moral outrage expressed here, for they earned that right. The poor have earned nothing, and should have nothing.
Let’s get down to it. The teabagger plan. Death for the uninsured. Death for the unemployed. Death for the poor. And the teabaggers will cheer them all.
Uhhh. Right wing talking points tool? The “shithole” was where Bush led this country. The great “recession” started on his watch.
Obama’s stimulus kept this country from falling into the abyss. And like right wingers you refuse to acknowledge that it consisted of almost 1/3 TAX CUTS which according to right wing ideology is supposed to raise economies from the dead – just like the Bush tax cuts did right?
By any measure it created jobs:
Just not nearly enough.
If GWB was the big dog then scary Rick Perry is the shrublet he “watered”.
Let’s see how shrublet is doing:
LMAO! Fantastic!
It just occurred to me that the people who were screaming about Obama Care “death panels” were screaming “let him die in last nights Republican debate. Republican’s really need to make up their minds.
Let’s talk about a black hole. The one between Michelle Bachmann’s ears:
LMAO!!! Put a fork in it. I guess she’s just shoring up her district support to keep her House seat. That must be one “interesting” neck of the woods out there!
The serial arschloch plagiarizer keeps referring to this tired year old factcheck document. It’s telling there was no followup.
I posted another link which cleared this up. Your crazed HA databaze fool has it. Butt, I am going on another tack… I see the Facebook PaulTards are at it again, so I’ll use this link from the Head of the PaulTards. Using liberals to destroy liberals is so much fun!!!
And I don’t like the man whatsoever, but lots of PaulTard DUMMOCRAPTS do!
38 – LMAO!! Fool last I checked Ron Paul has had an “R” next to his name for many, many years!
How STOOOOPID are you?
Facts are facts stupid. Obama’s program created jobs.
More are needed. So the logical course is to spend more on what this country needs.
Last I looked we need bridges that don’t fail:
Let me guess what your solution is: tax cuts for the rich! Yeah that worked great under big Shrub.
Rumsfeld is a coward. He couldn’t even face a war widow. Rumsfeld’s model for re-deploying vets over and again is directly responsible for increased suicides among vets and soldiers. Apparently Rumsfeld so much a little weenie that he can’t handle the truth. These fake patriotic glory grabbers want everyone to continuously look at 9/11 in the same wallowing, reverential way it has since the beginning without any direct effect on how our government chose to completely squander reputation, people and resources.
We sure don’t like to think about the collateral damage wrought because we got our panties in a twist. The US government has historically ALWAYS overreached in its quest for revenge. Always.
> We have a couple cell phones in our household. One of them costs $40 / year.
Right, and since my insignificant other is glued to HA all day and night, we know who doesn’t pay for them!
Arrested For Sitting Next To An Indian Dep’t
On Monday, September 11, three strangers who didn’t know each other were sitting next to each other (presumably via random seat assignment) on a Frontier Airlines flight from Denver to Detroit.
The two men were Eastern Indians. The woman was an Ohio housewife.
One of the men, feeling sick, went to the lavatory. The flight crew freaked out and called homeland security. A pair of F-16 fighter jets escorted the plane until it landed, where it was stormed by a SWAT team.
After the “suspicious”-looking men were hustled off the plane, the woman was yanked out of her seat, handcuffed, thrown into a cop car, and strip searched — for sitting next to a dark-skinned guy who had to use the lavatory.
Frontier Airlines told MSNBC the airline isn’t responsible for the authorities’ overreaction. Personally, I think the woman should get a lawyer and let a jury decide that question.
Funny how WordPress won’t let me post certain topics, even though there’s no links or vulgar language in them.
My comment wouldn’t post after half a dozen attempts, so all I could do was post the link to the news article.
It’s about TSA agents and cops involved in a drug smuggling ring getting busted.
My comment was, I wonder if they’re the same guys who strong armed that Ohio housewife?
In other transportation news, Amtrak reports record ridership.
Michelle Bachmann, as always, is full of shit.
She must have gotten one of hose “stupid shots” herself when she was young.
@39 Now puddydope says Ron Paul is a liberal? He must have got one of those shots, too.
42 – Well… I guess I won’t be doing what I had planned later this afternoon then.
Since I’ll be “glued” to HA.
What say you now?
@54 42 – Well… I guess I won’t be doing what I had planned later this afternoon then.
Look for a job, volunteer your time . . . DO SOMETHING USEFUL?
55 – LMAO!!! Another right wing liar exposed!
Thanks for playing..
I’ll carry on with my plans thank you.
You haven’t been paying attention have you? Well you are an idiot and you play your part well. Look up the PaulTards DUMMOCRAPTS on FB moron! They love him, immensely.
And everyone knows you are a moron!
Well it won’t be something useful to society!
There’s only two Republicans with a shot at grabbing the brass ring and both of them are too liberal for the Republicans.
I get the impression that Huntsman would rather be smoking dope and driving around in a Camaro than sitting in the oval office.
@56 I’ll carry on with my plans thank you.
The rest of the day and night on HA – now that’s a change!
What for? Lots of people don’t do anything useful — bankers, GOP congressmen, and Roger Rabbit, to name a few.
Being useless has always paid better than being useful. I made $1,000 in the stock market today by sleeping until noon and not turning on my computer until after the market closed.
@58 “Corrected!”
“The truth is that the stimulus increased employment by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million people, compared with what employment would have been otherwise. That’s according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.”
Corrected back again, kool-aide drinking wingnut liar.
Heh. Another bunch of wingnutty trolls with funny small names in lower case passed gas and left..
Hang out little trolls till next November.
We’ll have fun.
63 – Must have shown that right wing liar those stats a half dozen times – he keeps changing 1.4 million to 3.3. million to between 1 and 3..
Yawwwwwwn.. So typical for a mind-controlled stooge.
Daddy, my friends at school ask me what you do for a living, and I always tell them like you tell me to that you’re a full-time blogger for HA, and get paid to make the world better. But Momma says that isn’t true and you can’t put bread on the table by hanging out on HA all day and night.
Daddy, what do you do for a living? Daddy . . . . I’m hungry.
65 – I do a lot of things. Defeating right wing lies and holding right wing liars to account is a noble cause..
Hmmmm.. Standing for truth and a fair shake in our society. Right wingers hate that.
Kids – don’t grow up to be right wing.
Daddy, I can’t eat noble causes . . . I’m hungry, Daddy.
67 – You seemed to have had enough helpings of the dinner I prepared last night and you’re eating up all the breakfast cereal.. Lunch is primarily a social time for you as you seem to neglect to consume the lunch your mom prepares for you.
But all that’s understandable. You’re a growing a kid.. Now pay attention to your teacher. No electronic devices are allowed in school and if you’re caught texting to this blog, the device will be confiscated.
> Lunch is primarily a social time for you as you seem to neglect to consume the lunch your mom prepares for you
Daddy, why can’t you make my lunch of boiled potatoes? Momma works all day and comes home really tired. You can do that much, can’t you Daddy . . . or does Momma have to to that too?
Ooops! What about the dinner? You had three helpings last night.
and the lunch? Hardly! Consider yourself exposed as…
yet another right wing liar…
Why don’t you stick to discredited right wing talking points instead of making ad hominem attacks?
Geez…he’s got that “six figure income” and the asshole emperor max-minidick can’t buy any decent material.