– To sum up: a taxpayer-subsidized international conglomerate, which is operating on public property, is suing the public so it can avoid paying the area’s standard wages and undercut its competitors that do. (h/t)
– I keep hearing how McDermott and McGinn never get anything done.
– Obama is responsible for the negative job growth at the end of the Bush administration.
– RIP Brian Fairbrother
– Just one.
– My Kiva team is pretty amazing.
Wow, that is a seriously crappy bike lane design. So, cyclists are supposed to ride on the street against traffic? WTF??? And like one of the comments on the other blogs said, it sure looks like you could miss that there’s stairs there while riding at night.
The “well we didn’t have any complaints” comment is just crap. It’s OK to build shitty stuff as long as you don’t have any complaints?
From what I can see of the stairs they look rideable. But, most cyclists don’t ride down stairs and I’ve had a couple of crashes while doing it. So, that’s not really a viable option.
Way back in the day, I worked at The Evergreen State College for a brief (thankfully) period of time. I constantly heard the “well no one complained” excuse for doing crappy work. No, they didn’t complain, but students did drop/transfer out of the school at a significantly higher rate than any other 4 year college in the state.
Since Les Purce took over as president at Evergreen in 2000 there’s been quite a few reforms put in place and quite a few of the crappy folks reached retirement age and left. Evergreen’s quite a nice place these days and I’d highly recommend it.
I am impressed! McD (I guess) gets credit for Seattle getting $3,000,000 of bacon to renovate a building in the iD. Oh and McG gets credit for the city’s $7,000,000 contibution.
Gee, golly wiz.
Gosh, I will bet you there is more such good news., I understand that McD gets credit for the FAA contributions to SEATAC! And McGinn is responsible for the nive police officer who only gave me a warning when he thought he saw me TWD (texting while driving).
Thank you, thank you to McD and McG.
Oh, while we are at it ..
do ya think the two of them might get together and find some dollars t pay for the surface transit we now need to replace the viaduct? I wonder whether this just might have anything to do with the President’s proposal to spend $$ on infrastructure?
or maybe McD might spend a minute or two thinking abut the NIH .. yu know the fed agency that funds the UW? I am certain that the SIX empty director chairs there are a huge concern to Jim, maybe as big a concern as why we need to fund a three year med school in Rick Perryland?
Gad, am I glad you pointed out the good work these guys do!
I watched KIRO last night, and they had a bit on the longshoremen’s labor dispute. The guy from KIRO tried to talk to one of the local union guys and was told to thet the “fuck off” of the property “you cocksucker.” Seems to me that a little civility upon the part of this union dolt would have been more helpful that verbally abusing the media guy from KIRO. Maybe the longshoremen’s union has outlived its usefullness.
And now, some cartoons
@4. Maybe the longshoremen’s union has outlived its usefullness, over swearing?
Really. That’s your criteria?
Now about puddy? has he outlived his usefulness?
Oh please, oh please, get evidence that Rick Perry swore once and Politically Incorrect will do his best to say he has outlived his usefulness.
Obviously you’re a union guy.
The longshoreman was just being another spoiled baby and acting out. Is short, he was an asshole and hurt his own cause with his behavior. You union guys keep that kind of behavior up and you’ll all be done.
emperor max-minidick is obsolete…can he go too?
re 4: A truly civil press would have reported the incident as a mere difference of opinion over property access — Remember: There are two sides (and only two) to every story and we must be evenhanded and non judgmental about both parties.Even if they are what the union representative said they are.
As Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters reminds us: Calling Republicans sons of bitches and shooting Gabrielle Giffords in the head are both examples of the same thing — a lack of civility in political discourse.
The guy from KIRO would have smeared the union REGARDLESS of what they said. Maybe the guy from the union got sick of 20 years of getting smeared regardless of what was said or the facts of the situation?
Sometimes you really do need to do a little pushing and yelling.
Maybe they were just following the lead of GOP gubernatorial candidates and Rand Paul supporters!
Look, you and I both want to see some fundamental changes in the system. There’s no way those changes will happen without some shouting and some shoving. It’s never happened that way in the past. It wont happen that way now. Maybe what they did was OK, maybe it wasn’t. Fuck if I know. But, telling the media to F off is a change from playing nice with KIRO while they drive a knife into your back. Maybe KIRO now knows that if they want to talk to the union they’re going to have to treat them fairly.
From the “negative job growth” link:
“Except Romney counts negative job growth while Bush was president 2007- Jan 2009 as part of the ‘Obama Recovery.’ Talk about creating your own reality that has no resemblance to the truth.”
Mitts not only is counting two years of the Bush administration as part of Obama’s jobs record, he’s also labeling the ENTIRE Great Recession as “the Obama Recovery.” Creating your own reality, indeed. As the old saw goes, you’re entitled to your opinions, but you’re not entitled to make up your own facts.
What’s behind the increasingly shrill Romney we’re seeing now? Rick Perry breathing down his neck, and his plunge from top spot in the polls (e.g., Perry 24%, Romney 18%), that’s what.
I’ve been around enough rabbits to know a scared rabbit when I see one, and that’s exactly what Romney is. So he’s running away from his Massachusetts healthcare reform, he’s running away from his Massachusets jobs record (which sucked), he’s rnnning away from his past support of Medicare and even Social Security.
Romney thinks he’s running for president, but actually he’s just running. To where, not even he knows.
@4 Last I checked, the longshore guys run cranes, forklifts, etc., for a living — they’re not trained in the art of giving media interviews. Maybe they should be, but they’re not, and it’s not in their job description either.
As for whether the union has outlived its usefulness, if you believe good wages, benefits, and working conditions are outmoded, and low-wage sweatshops are the labor wave of the future, then yeah I can see why you talk like a CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE.
The thing is, though, when businesses pull down wages, they also pull down their own markets, because those working folks are not only their employees but also their customers.
Obama really wowwed Wall Street with his speech.
Dow down 303 points.
Now there is a vote of confidence for the annointed one-termer.
Eric Holder has American blood on his hands.
This “Fast & Furious” will be a huge campaign issue showing how lax the administration is.
@7 “You union guys keep that kind of behavior up and you’ll all be done.”
I doubt it. The GOP fought a war based on lies that cost a trillion dollars and over 4,000 American lives; kidnapped, tortured, and killed innocent people, illegally and extrajudicially; and pushed the economy into the worst depression since 1932 — but the Republican Party is still here.
If the Republican Party can survive Cokehead Bush, Duck Cheney, and Adolf Rove, then the ILWU probably can survive a foul-mouthed longshoreman.
P.S. – Where was your sanctimonious moralizing when all that GOP-instigated shit was going on?
P.P.S. – Why do you think you deserve a shred of credibility here?
The emperor max-minidick says there’s nothing to see here folks…move along, move along.
@14 That probably has more to do with signals from Republican leaders that the GOP is still the “Party of No” and they’re going to vote “No” on ANYTHING the president proposes simply because they don’t want him to be president.
Today’s 303-Dow-point drop also has a lot to do with what’s going on in Europe, whose politicians are even more disingenuous than ours.
Republicans say they’re against taxes. They’re about to make liars of themselves (again) by insisting that workers pay higher FICA taxes.
@15 Yawn.
Earlier this week, the Justice Department filed a massive fraud suit against Bank of America. Today, BoA announced it’s considering laying off up to 40,000 workers. I suppose the next step in this drama is that BoA will offer to bring a 150-worker call center back to the U.S. if DOJ drops 10 million felony counts of grand larceny against the bank and its executives.
I say let the executives go free but throw the bank in jail so it can’t hurt anyone else.
I thought that the piece on why the ILWU is upset was pretty clear . Apparently for weeks these guys were trying to get coverage for their issues with EGT and got no media attention until they went old school on EGT. Then the media was interested. But as an example, the first thing in the Seattle Times were the pictures of the violence and NO STORY. It was a few hours before the story appeared and so by the time readers saw the story opinions were formed. EGT got public money to build at Longview and part of the agreement was to work with the company that had folks represented by ILWU and then tried to switch it up with cheap, temporary labor from a different union. They got pissed. The violence and behavior do startle, but I can see why they are upset. Like it or not, there are fair labor practice laws and EGT violated a bunch of them. The ILWU could have finessed it more but trying that move first didn’t interest anyone. Cutting brake lines and dumping grain did. Anyway, we now know who to call when it is time for the torches and pitchforks segment in citizen response to the state of the economy, I suppose.
An E-3 in Afghanistan or Iraq with over two years service makes $20,976 per year…fighting for our “peance and freeance”…
That’s some fucked up shit right there.
@24 Yeah, it looks bad, but the Army isn’t a job you go home from at 5 p.m. I’ll probably catch some flak for equating military hospitals with golf courses, but it’s part of the whole support complex that keeps the Army from being too much like prison, keeps morale from collapsing, and keeps soldiers from going stir crazy. I imagine it’s also a relatively cheap way to retain officers who are key to the functioning of the organization.
So Rog…
Combat pay=$20,976/yr
Golf course pay=$38,000/yr
That’s not fucked up?
Why Republicans Are Wrong About The Economy
Republicans think eliminating government and taxes on the rich cures all economic ills. This is patent nonsense. I say that because the GOP has owned the patent on this nonsense since 1929.
Corporations are already sitting on more cash than they know what to do with. Cutting corporate taxes won’t create jobs.
“While tax cuts may make for better politics, the economics aren’t as compelling, according to Cornell economist Robert Frank. ‘There is pretty broad agreement that the best, most effective use of money to stimulate the economy is through grants to the states that help prevent teacher and police layoffs, spending on infrastructure projects,’ he said. ‘Those kinds of things get you a big multiplier. If you give tax cuts, those dollars get hoarded for the most part.'”
So, when you look at Obama’s proposals, you see that he’s listening to the economists, not the rightwing voodoo practitioners. But there’s much less there than appears.
First of all, about half of the $450 billion he wants to spend merely continues existing unemployment benefits and payroll tax cuts. There’s only a little over $100 billion for infrastructure spending and a mere $35 billion of aid to states to prevent police and firefighter and teacher layoffs. Overall, this package is a drop in the bucket, far below the level needed to constitute real stimulus.
But the bigger problem is that it took 25 years of borrowing by consumers to get into this malaise, and there’s no way to deleverage overnight. Healing the economy will take time, no matter who is running things in Washington D.C. Good policies can speed up the process and make things a little better, bad policies can push us back into recession, and Republicans clearly are being stupid so the question there is whether impatient voters will cut their own balls off by voting Republican. We’ll find out next year.
“Republicans argue that the quickest way to create jobs is to ease regulations on businesses and cut corporate taxes.”
They’re wrong. The problem isn’t lack of capital. The economy is awash with idle capital and unused capacity. It’s demand that’s lacking. The economy needs more worker income, not more corporate profits.
Hamstrung by Congress’s Hooverites, Obama was timid last night. There’s only about $150 billion of actual stimulus in his $450 billion proposal. That’s far short of what’s needed to jump-start the economy. He knows that, but his hands are tied by know-nothings who think they have all the answers.
@26 Soldiers get more than cash pay. They also get room, board, clothing, medical care, and recreation provided free of charge. They also get educational and other benefits worth tens of thousands of dollars after leaving service.
That’s not saying soldiers aren’t underpaid. The free market tells us their job is worth about $150,000 a year if you have to hire contractors to do it in a competitive civilian marketplace. But those $20,000-a-year soldiers probably get more total compensation than a $38,000-a-year civilian golf course employee.
All I’m saying is military spending on recreation is part of the Pentagon’s cost of doing business. The Blue Angels are expensive, but are a great recruiting tool. If golf courses help keep captains, majors, and colonels in the Army, they’re cheaping than having to recruit and train replacements for those guys. I’m looking at it from a practical point of view.
Having been in the Army myself, I can tell you that anything which provides R&R for the troops is some of the best money the Pentagon spends. What we should spend less money on is arms. If politicians who pander to red-meat crowds don’t have guns, they can’t give in to the temptation to use ’em, can they? I’m reminded of the old adage that nobody ever invented a weapon that somebody didn’t want to use.
Btw, golf course workers aren’t “golfers.” Working in a pro shop is retail work, just like any other retail work. Maintaining the golf course is grunt work, just like any other groundskeeping or maintenance job. Working at a recreational facility isn’t recreation, it’s hard work. I did that kind of work myself when I was young.
Yeah union guys, quit acting like Republicans!
It’s really too bad that working class people have to go that far to get coverage in the media and that working class people have to use the fear of bloodied noses and broken TV vans to insure fair coverage, but it seems they do. Getting us to this point in time/history wasn’t the work of the working class.
I’m not impressed by today’s stock market selloff. Most of the 50 or so stocks I track closely are still quite a bit above their August lows. Today’s closing DJIA of 10,922 is far above recent market lows (7063 in Feb. 2009 and 9774 in May 2010).
Most stocks aren’t bargains. They may look cheap if you only look only at current earnings, but given that corporate profits probably will be weaker going forward, the stock market looks fully valued to me.
I think stocks will drift lower from here. Europe is going to blow up. I’ve been saying all along that politicians have tried to paper over Europe’s fiscal problems without doing anything to solve those problems. They’re playing a Pollyanna game with the public. Most investors, if they don’t see this, at least sense it by now. Hence the flight out of stocks into “safe” assets like bonds and Treasuries (which are anything but safe).
Europe will drag us all down. American banks and insurance companies hold European debt paper that’s at risk of going bad. American corporations, overall, get about a quarter of their revenues from European markets. Whether we like it or not, the U.S. economy is exposed to Europe’s travails. Stock investors know this, and the stock market today reacted to news from Europe, not Obama’s speech last night. Europe will continue to drive U.S. stocks for the rest of this year.
Not that Obama’s speech gave the stock market anything to be happy about. He proposed a timid $450 billion plan that does little more than tread water. That’s better than the nothing that Republicans routinely vote for, but it’s not enough to pull up the economy or give investors a reason to pay more for U.S. corporations’ future earnings.
Any press releases from the 40K workers threatening smash the banks windows and burn the CEO’s homes to the ground? Nope.
The wealthy and powerful can retaliate against the DOJ who’s investigating their wrong doing by hurting the working class. The working class, who’s under threat from the wealthy and powerful can do nothing to protect themselves. The government, who’s job it is to protect the powerless from the powerful will probably do nothing.
If the government does nothing and this situation repeats its self often enough the government will lose illegitimacy and bricks and petrol bombs will start flying. This is why we need a government that protects the powerless from the powerful. Either the government does it or its bricks and petrol bombs.
The very real threat of violence probably played a role in this:
It shouldn’t have to come to threats to get the government to do its fucking job.
Here’s what’s happening in Europe:
“Time seems to be running out for the Greek economy. A year and a half after European officials began scrambling to avert a default by Greece on its unsustainable pile of debt, their efforts appear to be falling short. The growing worries over Greece and Europe in general contributed to a stock market sell-off Friday, with the Dow Jones industrial average shedding more than 300 points.
Europe’s stronger economic powers — mainly Germany and France — have insisted that Greece get its budget under control as a condition of providing financial assistance. But Greece has been unable … to meet the ‘austerity’ targets it agreed to. Last week, officials from the International Monetary Fund … broke off talks, saying the government had failed to abide by its budget-cutting promises. On Friday … Germany and Holland … threatened to block rescue payments …. European central bankers are increasingly divided ….
“As the Greek financial crisis intensifies, there are potentially bigger problems looming for eurozone officials. Investors have begun to shun debt from countries with larger economies …. Though a Greek default would send shock waves through the global financial markets, European officials have assembled a … bailout fund that could be used to calm investors. But it’s nowhere near large enough to backstop a default by Italy.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Things are falling apart in Europe. German taxpayers, especially, are growing restless. At some point, Germany’s leaders will be forced to follow the crowd. We are getting very close to the point where crowds, not politicians, will be making policy. The U.K.-based magazine The Economist has been saying for over a year now that defaults are inevitable, banks and investors will take losses, and the euro currency won’t survive. I’ve believed all along they’re right. I’m not sure what the timeline is, but this may play out before the end of this year.
Things are falling apart in Europe.
Question: Why is Obama so determined to implement “European-type” policies when we see the end result of deficit spending, excessive borrowing, overpromising unsustainable benefits etc. etc.?
How dumb is Obama anyway?
I remember in the past the Utopian Leftist so-called Progressive Crowd touting Europe as a model for lots of things. Obama did it throughout his campaign. Now look.
Europe has quite a few economic models going on. I’ve long pushed for the USA to be more like Germany and the nordic countries, which are all doing OK right now.
poor rujaxoff is pissed….$38k is more than he makes in year, so once again he gets jealous.
luvn it.
why dont you man up and make me. you are too much of a pussy to say anything to anybody accept when you hide behind a computer.
limp wristed pussy. punk-ass bitches like you always get pimp slapped eventually.
pay that rent yet?
way to throw the excuses out there..nice.
maybe they arent trained to be decent human beings either….
thuggish union showing its true colors.
I just read on the net that while Rick Perry was in the air force he killed 16 communist-terrorist with nothing but his teeth and that he had lasers implanted in his eyeballs.
Of course Carl… Didn’t you get the Debbie Wasserman Schultz memo? I personally sent it to you. This is Obummer’s economy!
Man, that is so yesterday!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
Sucks to be a hershey highwayman eh blew john?
Wow Michael, looks like Les got rid of the useless Donk! Well Donk are always useless!
Well Bertrille, the same thing about both of those examples were leftist acts.
Roger Dopey Rabbit all over this thread
Roger, BoA been tanking ever since it bought Countrywide from that Angelo Mozilo DUMMOCRAPT lover. From WikiPedia
Now we see what happens when BoA bails out Angelo and his friends Roger! They couldn’t be a distraction for Obummer!
I met Les once, he didn’t strike me as very conservative.
Yesterday, nah I just read it tonight.
Hey Roger DOPEY Rabbit…
17 times Obummer claimed Congress had to pass his bill.
Now that’s funny from a leftist libtardo MSM paper!
Smart people!
I love it when I find out about local-ish news from friends that live way the heck away from me. Earthquake? What Earthquake ?
Nancy Pelosi told him so!
Hey, Factcheck time.
Notice dumb cinder block misogynist rujax… no right wing sites!
Bill Maher on ABC’s Politically Incorrect, September 17, 2001 said “We have been the cowards. Lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away, that’s cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, not cowardly.” Yes he was an ASS back then!
Playwright and novelist Susan Sontag wrote in the “Talk of the Town” section of the Sept. 24, 2001 New Yorker, “Where is the acknowledgment that this was not a ‘cowardly’ attack on ‘civilization’ or ‘liberty’ or ‘humanity’ or ‘the free world’ but an attack on the world’s self-proclaimed superpower, undertaken as a consequence of specific American alliances and actions? How many citizens are aware of the ongoing American bombing of Iraq? And if the word ‘cowardly’ is to be used, it might be more aptly applied to those who kill from beyond the range of retaliation, high in the sky, than to those willing to die themselves in order to kill others. In the matter of courage (a morally neutral virtue): whatever may be said of the perpetrators of Tuesday’s slaughter, they were not cowards.”
Yeah another leftist idiot!
Woody Harrelson in his op-ed headlined “I’m an American tired of American lies” wrote in London’s The Guardian newspaper Oct. 17, 2002,
“This is a racist and imperialist war. The warmongers who stole the White House (you call them ‘hawks’, but I would never disparage such a fine bird) have hijacked a nation’s grief and turned it into a perpetual war on any non-white country they choose to describe as terrorist.”
Yes the Hollyweird know all!
Meryl Streep said at a July 8, 2004 Kerry-Edwards fundraiser held at Radio City Music Hall, “I wondered to myself during ‘Shock and Awe,’ I wondered which of the megaton bombs Jesus, our President’s personal savior, would have personally dropped on the sleeping families of Baghdad?”
Harry Belafonte said to Venezuela’s left-wing President Hugo Chavez during a televised rally on January 8, 2006, “No matter what the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world, George W. Bush says, we’re here to tell you: Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of the American people, millions support your revolution, support your ideas and we are expressing our solidarity with you.”
He was speaking of the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats!
Gov. Perry Asks Pres. Obama For Federal Aid
This just in from the state whose governor is running from president on a shrink-government platform:
“Some 21,000 fires have flared up in Texas since last December. In the last week, 176 more were reported, including one in Bastrop County that has devoured 1,300 homes so far. The fires have stretched the firefighting capabilities of Texas, and the nation, to the limit.
“Incident commanders have said some calls for equipment have gone unheeded as planners try to scramble manpower and equipment across this massive state. ‘Because so many fires are burning across the state, our resources are spread pretty thin,’ Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst said in a statement. ‘That’s why we need the federal government to step up to the plate immediately.’”
Step up to the plate. That’s codespeak for “help! send money!” To wit:
“Gov. Rick Perry … has been forced to press President Obama for more than $50 million in federal aid. At the same time, he defends the state’s decision to slash by 74 percent the funding for the volunteer fire departments who do most of the work, and to cut the Texas Forest Service’s budget by 34 percent, down to its 2008 level.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What a fucking hypocrite. He slashes three-fourths of the state funding that supports unpaid volunteer firefighters, then calls up President Socialist to ask for federal money to make up the shortfall.
Should the rest of us let Texas burn? Nah. We should give them the $50 million. And then never let the good citizens of Texas — and Gov. Perry — forget whoooooo bailed them out: The Federal Government.
I call upon any voter with half a brain to figure out right now how Perry’s blueprint for “government reform” would work on a national scale.
After he eliminates three-fourths of the federal government, who’s he going to call in a national emergency? God?
Yeah, I think that’s it, his federal emergency response plan is replacing FEMA with getting down on your knees and praying.
@58 I wondered that myself.
@59 So? That’s Belafonte’s style. He’s notorious for immoderate remarks. The guy wears his passions on his sleeve:
“When he was asked about his expectation of criticism … Belafonte responded: ‘Bring it on. Dissent is central to any democracy.'” (Wikipedia)
While he was doing that, Busheviks were arresting people for exercising their constitutional right of free speech. For example, the teacher who was arrested for wearing a Kerry button to a Bush town hall:
“Christine Nelson showed up at the Cedar Rapids rally with a Kerry-Edwards button pinned on her T-shirt; Alice McCabe clutched a small, paper sign stating ‘No More War.’ … Their reward: a pair of handcuffs and a strip search at the county jail.”
Given a choice, I’ll take lefty loudmouths over rightwing thugs any day, puddy.
I really have no respect for you, puddy. Honestly, I don’t. You’re an apologist for killers and torturers. Shame on you.
You’re no better than people who support the likes of Gadhafi or Chavez, puddy.
Just kidding, puddy! That joke was inspired by the well-known standup comedian, Ann Coulter.
Sontag’s more of a harpy than an idiot. And she someone that only 10% of the country probably knows exists. Or did exist anyway. She’s dead.
Which means I’m no better than you Roger DOPEY Rabbit? Wrong! Ummm… Liberalism is a mental disorder! You demonstrate your mental disease everyday in every thread.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. This one pollutes ever blog post!
No clothes, dude.
The emperor max-minidick is SUCH A MANLY MAN, man.
Nothing like xmocking our servicemen and women to make an immoral clown like this feel really really good about himself.
Good going you prick.
@67 “Ummm… Liberalism is a mental disorder!”
You may be right. Jesus arguably was nuts to try saving a world run by people like Bush and populated by people like you.
@68 not @67
Why do you think you’re worthy of anything? You’re just a far left progressive political hack and have admitted it many times on this blog. Plus you’re an arrogant fucking asshole on top of all that. You think you’re the smartest guy in the room, but you’re not. you’re just a guy who has spent his entire life in some government job or other and have no other way to survive without government’s sugar-teat.
I’m not a “cheap labor conservative” because I’m not a conservative at all. When are you going to get that point, you dolt?
As far as the longshoremen go, they’re not too wise when it comes to media relations. I pointed that out to you idiots but you can’t seem to grasp that I really could care less what happens to the longshoremen or the organizations they work for. I have no dog in the fight between labor and management.
blue john,
I could care less about Rick Perry. I’m not going to vote for him and don’t care if you and your ilk like hime or don’t like him. your opinions are meaningless.
I really have no respect for you, puddy. Honestly, I don’t. You’re an apologist for killers and torturers. Shame on you.
Sez Rabbit. This from the bunny who loves to highlight his time in Vietnam as an ode to duty. That war, of course, makes Iraq look absolutely punk for the loss of life on both sides and sheer waste.
Too bad you couldn’t discover some moral outrage then, our little hypocritical bunny . . . thank god for those who did.
the only one I am mocking is you, loser.
hows that music career going?
I see you are still talking tough while behind the computer.
@75 Is it possible for a troll to be more idiotic? This one almost makes puddy look good.
Admiring fan @73: “You’re just a far left progressive political hack and have admitted it many times on this blog. Plus you’re an arrogant fucking asshole on top of all that.”
You’re just jealous of my popularity.
He can’t stand it that I’ve gotten more hugs from Darcy Burner than he has.
Also, it sounds like he’s got something of an inferiority complex going on.
@77 > @75 Is it possible for a troll to be more idiotic? This one almost makes puddy look good
In fact, he’s spot on about your hypocrisy. If HA had been around, it would have raged against Vietnam. All except you, dutiful little rabbit.
The immoral cocksucker emperor max-minidick seems to be getting a complex.
He could sut some more benefits and screw a couple thousand more woking people. THAT would make him feel better.
emperor max-minidick is such a hoot.
He starts this insult parade and now that it’s out of hand and he’s getting shown up for the greedy fucking asshole he really is (not that there was ever any doubt)…
…I am the one at fault.
emperor max-minidick plays the victim really well, just like the rest of these “conservative” motherfuckers.
the emperor max-minidick is a real peice of work huh?
PS, asshole…you were wrong about the Stand reporting non-union workers. There’s nothing right about you is there?
Screw some more worker…emperor max-minidick’s kind of place.
How was I wrong, oh mr. 40-something loser? the Stand reported that non-union people workers were taking over longshoremen jobs(would you like me to repost what YOU posted?), when I proved to you that it was really a different union.
fuck you are stupid. no wonder you can barely make ends meet.
LMFAO…I am the last thing from a victim. We are making great money and things are going well, even in a crap economy.
I know you wish my businesses would close up(and put a few more people out of work – nice way to show everyone what a prick asshole pussy you are). But here is the thing, if our businesses closed up tomorrow, both the wife and I are each making 6 figures at our normal “9-5” jobs. so go suck on it. The fact is that no matter what happens, we are too smart, and plan too well for people like you to even comprehend.
good thing for you that we are responsible and our tax dollars keep you from going hungry, isnt that right Lee R.?
ya, thats what I thought.
PS rujaxoff, or Lee, or whatever loser name you go by, anytime you wanna step up to the plate and take a shot at the title, all you gotta do is say so.
I doubt you will though, pussy’s like you only talk smack from behind a keyboard.
PPS- nobody,and I mean NOBODY, listens to shitty jazz music. keep dreaming asshole.
The dumbass motherfucker is still wrong and does not even know why.
Really really good. Bet he’s a riot in a negotiation.
So I guess the emperor max=minidick went to church this morning.
Nice. Does his lord know what a hypocritical prick the emperor max-minidick is? The lord is ‘sposed to…poor emperor max-minidick maybe emperor max-minidick and puddypussy can be cell mates.
you sounds more stupid with every post,Lee.
@ 89
“I guess…..”
I bet you have spent you life guessing – wrongly.
I’ll be happy to be the lawyer on the otherside of the case with the emperor max-minidick.
It’ll be fun to take his money away. Since money’s all that’s important to the emperor max-minidick…he’ll be a cooked goose.
And what case would that be? You nutty ass loser….you make less sense with every passing day.
Get bck to your broom lee.