– Republicans sure are Assholes.
– Who think they’re funny when they’re being assholes.
– Reuven Carlyle passes this on about 619 Western.
– So, when’s the rally to protest this outrageous waste and misuse of taxpayer’s money?
– Flying While Black & Reading Antique Aviation Books (h/t)
– An amazing looking moth.
Re: Flying While Black
Flight crews are hypervigilant (understandable) and TSA agents are idiots (common knowledge) — this is news?
Don’t hold your breath waiting for Teahadists to protest the theft of $60 billion from taxpayers by Republicans to stuff the pockets of their cronies. After all, isn’t that what cronyism is all about?
Singer/songwriter Vance Gilbert, writer of “Flying While Black”, is one of the most talented individuals I’ve ever met, a consummate performer. One and all should listen to (and buy!) his music. Vance is also one of the gentlest, funniest, most pleasant, and least dangerous people I’ve met.
Bad enough that he was subjected to this ridiculous insult (really, looking at pre-WWII airplane photos implies “terrorist”??). Bad enough that he and his fellow passengers were delayed for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Bad enough that the United employee raised an alarm instead of simply asking Vance about his book. Worse is that that United employee probably won’t face even the slightest of consequences of such arrant stupidity and racism.
OTOH, it could have been much worse for Vance. He looks like this these days, but not too long ago he looked like this.
Finally, when Vance talks about his deep interest in aviation in its many forms, he isn’t kidding. Search for “vance” or “gilbert” in this British model airplane enthusiast’s report from the 2010 Flying Aces Nationals in Geneseo NY. Lots of references to Vance Gilbert and several of his flying models, along with at least one photo (about 2/3 of the way down the page) and a couple of videos (the first and 3rd YouTubes after the big picture of Vance). Other reports by the same fellow refer to Vance with regularity.
Q – What is the favorite time of day for a Chinese dentist?
A- Tooth-hurty.
Sister Bitch and Batty:
What is the favorite time of day for racist right wing bigots?
All the time.
#3 Sorry to hear about the hassle that Vance (gentle soul) Gilbert went through on his airline flight.
Racial profiling by idiotic and abusive TSA employees.
Hopefully, Vance will hire a not so gentle lawyer.
Remember Standard & Poor’s, the outfit that downgrade U.S. Treasury debt last month? They just gave AAA ratings to another batch of subprime loans.
“S&P … hasn’t stopped handing out AAAs. It’s giving its top rating to … bonds tied to $497 million lent to homeowners with below-average credit scores and almost no equity in their properties.”
Unintended Consequences Dep’t
“Bonds beat stocks and commodities in August after Standard & Poor’s decision to strip the U.S. government of its AAA credit rating … made Treasuries the world’s best-performing assets. … Instead of eroding the value of U.S. government debt, the rating cut … made Treasuries … favorites among investors …. Crude oil fell 6.4 percent on the rating cut.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If I worked for Standard & Poor’s, I’d have to shoot myself.*
* Just kidding! Troll joke. See #28 in “WA Supreme Court” thread above.
Here’s a lesson in basic economics for Republicans, who need all the basic economics they can get, because Republicans don’t know a damn thing about economics.
Here’s a lesson being delivered by Apple Computer (read friends of Obummer) suppliers in China. As I said before, there is no iPod, iPad, iPhone, or Mac computer in the Puddy household.
Hence I am not contributing to the pollution in China. Butt, the big liberal car pool partner in our car pool said “Well with them outsourcing in China, our environment stays pristine.” Yep, that’s from a libtardo! It’s okay if this libtardo leaning company pollutes someone else’s environment!
@10 “Hence I am not contributing to the pollution in China.”
You’re contributing to pollution in China every time you walk into Wal-Mart.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own any Wal-Mart stock.)
Robo-Signing Scandal Spreads
We’re now learning the mortgage industry falsified more than loan applications and foreclosure documents.
County officials in numerous states are finding fraudulent mortgage documents in their files that taint the validity of deeds.
The industry’s fraudulent “robo-signing” practices apparently date back to 1998.
“The suspect documents could create legal trouble for homeowners for years,” MSNBC reports.
Only if I buy something made overseas Roger Dopey Bunny. If it’s American made another EPIC FAIL Roger Dopey Bunny!
So Apple products must be in the Dopey Bunny household.
From the AP
Thank you Obummer.
Well the arschloch is fully ensconced on his couch! What will it write next?
Republican caused this, then won’t take credit for it. Typical.
It’s not regulations or taxes, Companies are not hiring, because there is not a demand for their product. If people are not paid enough, or have jobs at all, to have disposable cash to BUY things, there is no reason to hire. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
@13 What does Wal-Mart sell that isn’t made overseas, moron?
@14 “Thank you Obummer.”
How do you figure that? Now you’re blaming the Tea Party Congress on him, too?
Listen up, everyone. If we allow the Hooverites in the GOP to dictate economic policy in this country there WILL be a double-dip recession and higher unemployment! See #15.
@15 I’ve been saying this for a long time now: If businesses keep outsourcing jobs, laying off workers, and slashing wages, who are they going to sell their stuff to? When businesses kill off their own customer base, they kill their businesses. How hard is that to figure out? It’s not an accident that American prosperity peaked when union membership peaked after World War 2. The economy has been sliding downhill for most Americans ever since Republican morons began killing off the unions starting in 1970.
The stock market is off about 200 Dow points right now, which is fine with me, because I’m sitting on cash and (heart) cheap stocks! Especially when I’m take them from desperate Republicans forced to sell! It’s been my experience that Republican money spends just as good as money that comes from honest labor. I’m not too proud to take Republican money when they give it to me. I’ve done it before and I’m gonna keep doing it.